Prince Abedi serving a Goddess

by Sub0-82

First published

Abedi Djimon the Prince of Farasi of the Zecoric lands meets with Equestria’s newest Princess for a night of passion with a surprise Apple joining in the mix

Prince Abedi from the Farasi kingdom, main homeland of the Zebras’. Visit’s his old childhood friend and shame Zecora in Equestria. Learning of her story of the land she now calls home, hears about the newest princess of the land. After asking his friend for introduction with the princess, learning her name as Twilight Sparkle. The two rulers have a small cutler exchange over their respective homelands. Learning more about the mare and her heroic deeds to the world. Offers to repay the princess anyway he can back, even to an unexpected guest walking in during the process.

Worshiping A Goddess: worshiping, oral sex, and normal sex

The Farm Mare Taking Charge: threesome, anul, oral, light spanking with riding crop and, Dom.cuddles

Small challenge I felt like trying from a request of a set up. No I don’t plan to do any more. Only did since I thought I try a different story instead of my previous submitted. Plan doing my others again soon though after a rest.

Worshipping A Goddess

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Princess Twilight Sparkle was busy showing her guest around her new castle after Triek destroyed her previous home. It’s been almost 2 month since that needless destruction the rampaging Centaur caused. But that’s besides the point currently, Twilight was having a lovely cultural exchange with her well mannered guest, Prince Abedi of the Farasi lands main homeland of the zebras. Prince Abedi was normal zebra with bit more muscular built frame, his mane cut short in a standing position along his neck colored black with the top part white being the only uncut part that ran down his neck tied at the end with a gold bead on it. Around his neck he wore a golden necklace collar with 7 little chains dangling around the band holding several jewels. His tail solid black going down only to about his knew joints of his rear hoofs and a gold bead as well near the base of his tail making it raise slightly off his flanks as it flows down.

Said Prince came to visit his childhood friend and Shaman Zecora who left several years’ ago to expanded her wisdom. After chatting over with his friend and learning of the trouble she had first arrived and the help she received from Twilight and her friends, he asked to the newest Princess to express his thanks. After having been guided to the Newly sprouted crystal castle and introduced from his friend, before she left for home back in the Everfree. Princess Twilight and Prince Abedi spent several hours after lunch time to almost sun set. Princess Twilight enjoying her time with him offered to make have dinner made and for him to rest in her home instead traveling out into the dark woods back to Zecora’s for the night. Spike being Twilight’s 1# assistant already made dinner to be ready for them before getting ready for a slumber party over at Applejack’s with the CMC. After the 3 had dinner Spike made and dismissing him to his slumber party. Twilight and Abedi were back in the hallway leading towards the guest room’s near Twilight’s personal bed chambers. As they walked Abedi been flirting with her soon after Spike had left giving praise to her as they finished up personal talk with each other.

“Goddess Sparkle I must say hearing of your tales from such a devotional child and assistant is most impressive of your life story. There is much I must thank you for on the behalf of my people, and not just for the help you did for The Wise Shaman Zecora.” Abedi complimented the blushing Alicorn. “Please is if anything I wish to help serve such a. Beautiful goddess such as your self the best that I can offer.” The prince stated by walking closer beside Twilight as her wings twitch slightly, causing them to lightly brushing up against him.

Twilight has been with a few stallions’ and few mare’s knowing what he was hinting at still blushed in embarrassment at being referred to as a goddess. “Really Prince Abedi theirs now need to keep up with the ‘goddess’. I’m still a mare, from a simple life that just happened to become a Alicorn princess in life.” Trying to fight back the blush on her face looking away from him feeling her checks warm faintly.

“But I must insist! The Princess of Sun and Moon are alicorns as well have done great feats in there time. Even the Princess of Love has done recently. To say nothing of your Status’s among them even before being blessed would be an insult and a disgrace to your name of the world.” Keeping up his compliments as he walks slightly faster to see her face to stand in front of her bows his head and kneels slightly on one hoof towards her “I humbly wish to apologize to you as it would have been customary to bring a gifts of gratitude, but I have failed to take account the heroic deeds you have done. Bedside's helping my peoples' shaman you have saved so much more From the Eternal night to possible invasion losing our own culture magic that would have devastated the world.” Still slightly kneeling raises his head to look Twilight in the face keeping his head lower then her. “If you so wish it. I offer ‘anything’ you wish of me that is within my power to grant you. Just simple tell this servant how and I shall ‘provide’ his goddess to her desire as payment.” Making sure to heavily imply himself toward her as the reward for the great help she has done to the world.

Twilight fighting the blush was now trying to fight the heat rising under her tail, as she stared into the prince eye's as he went on about her accomplishment's in life. Feeling little bold as he kept low waiting on her to say or do anything she lightly raised her left forehoof let it hang in the air in offer "If you desire to please me... Then I would like you to join me in my champers tonight to help keep me 'warm' for the coming night."

Bringing his own hoof still bowing to her he lightly took hold and brought his lip's closer to give her hoof giving a small peck kissing it. "I would be honored to keep you warm this coming night my Goddess." Letting Twilight take the lead and walk towards her room he stayed still watching her as she passed by him. Twilight's tail lightly brushed across his face as she walks by before he felt her tail go between his legs tease him as she walked by. Once her touch left him he stood up and quickly followed after her watching her hips swaying. Her tail hiding the hidden treasure that's waiting underneath to be reviled in. Enjoying the show nonetheless as her lightly padded butt was still a sight to see as it jiggled slightly along the way, unfortunately short lived as only a few doors down was her room.

Arriving at her bedroom door she made her way inside towards her bed across the room. Her bed a simple color comforter of nightshade purple and simple white pillows was enormous. Being a princess sized bed able to fit 4 ponies comfortably with dark oak frame. Keeping her personal chambers design simple there wasn't much inside beside a Research Desk, few bookshelf's, a spot to apply any needed make-up with a personal mirror around the room. The only note worthy item's was the chest slightly off to the bed. Abedi stood in the door way looking around as Twilight made her way into to the bed.

Twilight laid down near the edge of the bed on her right side tail covering her marehood as she looked over to the Prince. Setting her let forehoof over flank to softly rub her cutiemark letting waiting on him to pay attention to her again. "Well Abedi are you going 'worship' your goddess or have you gone weak in faith?" Once he looked back at her she let her tail fall out of the way to reveal herself uncovered for him to see in all her glory.

"May faith is unwavering my goddess." Abedi stated before walking towards the gift presented to him. "If my faith is becoming into question then let me prove myself to you to restore my worth." Leaning towards her glistening swollen folds he starts Kissing around her lower lips. Listening as his goddess lightly gasp in pleasure being teased. Keeping his kissing up mixing a lick's into the mix every now and then getting a hint of her sweet flavor that’s has yet to come.

Twilight leans her upper body up as she watches Abedi head feeling her self getting wetter as he keep's up his kissing around her pussy “You are keeping your goddess waiting... She is waiting for your devotion to prove your faith towards her” wanting him to get the main event. Before gasping lightly as he starts getting to the true appetizer of the night, pressing his muzzle into her wet folds begins licking lightly into her honey.
Scraping his tongue inside tasting as much of her as she leaks out, drinking in and savoring her flavor. Bringing up his forelegs up, grabs her rear legs rolls her onto her back as he keeps his face lodge between her flanks. Watching Twilight as she looks down her belly belly to look into his eyes, he moves up as she starts winking before lightly grabbing her clint between his teeth sucking and flicking it. Hearing her gasp loudly he moves back down to drink the build up juice's he closes his eye humming into her stimulating her further. He slowly starts sliding his tongue back and forth tongue fucking her and inhaling her scent as she moans to his treatment.

Twilight enjoying his treatment smile's as her horn lights up and begins to grab his Balls and Shaft to lightly rub him down as he groans in pleasure at the sudden attention on himself. "My faithful servant, you have proven worthy on your first trial." Pulling away from his wet muzzle as she keeps her magic on him rubbing his dock as she move up."Come up here and join your 'Goddess' for the next trial, 'The Tribute' session" Moving toward the head of the bed resting on her back, her head supported by a pillow. Using her hoof to spread her self to her humble servant of the night as he climbs into bed to join her.

"Your praise is most welcoming my Goddess." standing above her as her magic cancels out, starts rubbing his erection along her soaked treasure. Smearing her all under his dick getting ready to please her for the night ahead. Twilight looking down at about a hoof long shaft she estimate's before looking into the zebra's face as he continues rubbing him self on her folds as some of his pre leaks on her. "I have my tribute ready for you to receive. By your commanded I am ready to commence the ancient ritual to prove myself faithful to you." Waiting on her command as she moans lightly in approval as he keeps up his teasing her swollen pussy as it grinds against her.

Twilight feeling his pulsing shaft rubbing her folds just enjoys the moment for a short time, before reaching her around his neck pulling his head slightly away just shy of a kiss. Her voice low as she breaths out to him in approval "Show your 'Goddess' that your tribute is worth hr time." Feeling him slide his dick back, lining himself up to her folds holds his tip at the entrance. Slowly pushing back into her as they both breath deeply in before sealing it with a kiss as he gets just the tip inside her. Twilight breathing in deeply as she feels more of him sliding into her, tasting his breath on her lips as he exhales out over her. Opening her mouth to dance tongue together as they meet mixing saliva as they taste each other. Twilight moaning louder as more of the prince pushes into her feeding half his dick into her before stopping. Abedi just feeling her pussy constricting around him wanting to be filled more with his pulsing shaft as they keep up the kiss feeling each other’s molars in the back of each other.

Abedi Starts pulling out slowly causing his goddess to whimper in need before pushing back in at a faster pace. He starts fucking her slowly as as a true prince to Twilight. Filling her more with each push back into her slowly but, keeping just a few inches out from fully bottoming out inside. Breaking away form the kiss panting for fresh air "Your hidden temple is fantastic, so warm and wet.... mmph... I shall hope my gift is worthy of being inside such a glorious sacred sight." Praising his goddess as he moans down into her neck. Feeling the tight tunnels that he continues to plunder, pounds away faster to bring her closer to release. Hearing her moaning at his touch signal him to keep up to keep fucking her needy pussy.

Twilight meanwhile feels her self being speared on his shaft as it continues pounding away warps him in a warm embrace with her wings over his back trying to force more of him into her. "Mmmph... Your gift is most welcoming.... Aah!.. Keep going!" Moaning and withering as he does as she commands him. Feeling his breath on her neck before she gasp loudly as he lightly bites her neck, heightening her pleasure she she tries to meet his eager thrust back into her.


Both lost into the feeling of each others warmth kept pounding away as the air starts taking on the scent of there rutting. Mixing up the pace with quick and hard strokes inside her before stopping his pounding to swap spit again just enjoying the feeling. Before she whines into his mouth to keep going. Her walls twitching to grip his dick begging more that still hasn't bottom out inside her yet. Close to release and wanting him to finish inside her burning wet pussy. Pawing at his back with a hoof to get him to start up again they release each others lips as saliva being the only thing connecting them up top. Bodies' themselves glistening from light build up of sweat from each other, with the aroma of musky sex filling the room as they get read to continue there fun.

Ready to finish where he started Abedi starts pumping his hips again this time going fully into her. His balls slapping against her as he truly gives her everything he has to offer her. His tip lightly touching the entrance to her womb as he slides in to tease the wall of flesh, before retreating away only to come back and repeat the process again. Slaps ringing out amongst the moaning pair as with each 'splat' his balls gets drench in the leaking fluids of the pair. Leading any to hear it a clear path where they are hidden away inside the castle. Abedi shaft starts expanding as he approach's the end of his tribute to the goddess as be prepares to gift her with his true offering inside her. Signaling his approach to the end "Im...ah close... to gift you my Ah....Goddess"

Twilight already feeling his thickening dick as he begins flaring inside moaning as tells her simple nods against his neck unable to speak from the lust filling her mind. Enjoying as his pumps slows down slightly but, pushes hard and fast into her. Feeling his balls slap her butt and flare kissing the entrance to her womb as it's swells open ready to receive all that he has to offer.

"That's one of a pounding yer' get'n Twi..." Neither noticing the show they are now providing from behind as an orange mare wearing a Stetson starts hoofing her self in front watching the show. Who walked in through the still open doorway

"Aaah... Mmph!" Both the zebra and princess moan out loud one final time as Abedi keep's pumping his dick into her Cumming inside her. Pulling back after each ejaculations' before shoving him self back in filling her womb with his sperm. Stuffing her with all he has to give his goddess. Twilight wrapping her rear hooves around his sweating flank trying to keep him inside as deep as possible as they both nuzzle each others along the neck moaning over each other's climax. After 6 pump filling loads he rest his still harden member inside the mare as they relax from the ordeal. Twilight looking slightly stuffed as her wombs is filled making a small baby lump on her lower belly, leaking slightly out from her vagina stuffed still with his dick inside.

Both of them holding on to each other in the afterglow of passion, smelling of sex and apples filling the air as they calmed down. After sitting for about 2 minutes another voice spoke up "Y'all up for a 2nd round partners? Feeling might lonesome over here." Twilight eye shooting up wraps her full body into a hug over the zebra still hard inside her looking over his back to see Applejack sitting there with a hoof still rubbing her self off. "Wish I had gotten here sooner if he's packing a good deal right there. Would been a nice show from the start to finish also." Applejack continues smirking to her blushing friend.

"A-APPLEJACK!? What are you doing here?" As Twilight and Abedi untangle from them self to look at the intruder that watched them just finish having sex. Twilight did 'roll in the hay' with AJ before as she would put it, but was still to have been watched without her knowledge that she walked in on her with somepony. Trying to look modest enough being in a sweat covered, messy mane, and the smell of sex still potent in the room held her wings in a ‘protective’ shield over her. While Abedi just sat back still hard and ready to go, even after finishing of with the mare beside him.

"Well I came and brought some of my Apple Family Cider over ya bought in advance for hoedowns' ye get around here. The barrel is n tha kitchen for yourself n any guest you may have over, but enough of business talk." Applejack stats while getting up and moving towards her friend side of the bed. "Ya still havn't answer ma question if y'all looking for nother round. Not going let one of yer' friends high n' dry girl? After all we been threw?" Grabbing Twilight head as she gets into bed with her and starts kissing her on the lips forcing her mouth open to taste her once again. Causing Twilight to give a muffled gasp before moaning into her friend, knowing she won't be persuaded to be left alone and liking to take charge when in bed.

Prince Abedi just sit's there watching as the mysterious orange mare takes charge in the make out with Twilight. Hearing the name Applejack earlier knows she is one of the close friends to the princess of the group of 6 "I must say if my goddess wishes it to be. I look forward to serving this mare as well with her as she see fit.” Feeling slightly left out as the 2 mare use tongue in-front of him moaning as they did so.

The Farm Mare Taking Charge

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After small introduction between Applejack and Prince Abedi with everyone agreeing to continue the fun for the night. Applejack takes charge of the roles and order the Prince onto his back if he wanted to serve one of his 'goddess' friends. While getting above him to looking down into face as get into position to give him a country mare ride of the lifetime onto his still hard and wet dick standing proud.

"Alright then partner... We are going to do this my way... Twilight get the lube!" Ordering her friend to get them ready for the next part of the night. "Going show this here 'prince' how we do it down at the farm!"

Twilight already knowing what to expect opens the chest next to her bed with magic, hearing a clicking sound out as the magical lock on it release's and opens up several dildo's, vibrators, and several other sex tools can be seen inside with a bottle of clear lub sitting inside that she levitates out the chest. Using the bottle she moves behind her friend and spreads some liquid on to AJ anus. Filling in her butt with little magic to get it inside for the ride its about to take, noticing that AJ already cleaned up down there before arriving. Afterwards she takes the lub and spreads a good amount on Abedi's Tip using her magic as a fleshlight to spread it halfway down pumping a few time. Listening to him grunt in pleasure at the slight attention he from the magic before impaling the mare above him.

Looking up towards the orange mare taking charge still wearing her hat comments. "I must say Miss Applejack, Never have I had the privilege of taken a mare in this position before." Noticing as she looks down giving a smirk at the zebra below her not caring about if he did this before, as if she had better things to do then riding him. Expecting to feel her vagina taking his dick as it’s engulfed from above him this time instead being on top.

Giving a snorted giggle and tsk at him, she feels her friend give her cutiemark a soft slap letting her know to procced. "Your mistaken my 'prince'..." She responds keeping her superior look on her face as she leans slightly down to look at his confused expression on his face. "YOU!" pointing a hoof at him "Aren't taken THIS mare" bring the same hoof toward her chest before setting in down on the bed lining up her anus to take him. Making his tip feel her lubbed up hole about to take him, getting him too noticed that the currently hole felt different from a pussy. "She is..." His tip rubs slowly around her asshole "taking..." His tip pops inside making a small grunt of pleasure as she slowly takes just the smallest amount in before stopping. Placing her hoofs on his chest YOU! slams her butt down hard taking his entire dick into her having causing the Prince eye to widen as the mare just impaled herself into her anus. He grunted in surprised pleasure feeling his first butthole for the first time noticing the tighter feel as it holds him securely inside.

Applejack not giving him a break starts riding him for all his worth. Her toned twin orange cheeks jiggling slightly as she slams down on his shaft keeping a quick pace filling the cool lub inside quickly warm up. "THIS! is how we country ponyfolks ride are studs!" AJ panting softly as her partner starts moaning at the new sensation. Abedi trying to raise his own hips to thrust to meet his partner up to meet her enthusiastic slams onto him. "now now partner....this is my ride to take...Twi?" Sound of magic fills the air before his hips and legs are held down by Twilight as she watches her friend riding the zebra.

Abedi not liking the restraints whimpers softly, but moaning as AJ contracts her muscles adding to the tightness of her ass as she rides him. Tensing up on the way down to keep a tight seal and releasing as she rises again to repeat the process. His mouth open wide moaning out loud with his eye closed just feeling the skilled country mare showing him how she takes her dick pounding. "Miss Applejack.....ah! pleeaAAse! I beg of yo-" Abedi groans out in pleasure trying to stat his desire to be released to help please the mare on him. Not noticing that she signaled to Twilight to keep him quite as she continues to bounce on his dick. She keeps slamming her ass down hard ignoring his pleas as she rode him.

"whoooowheee! If your going run your trap... Ah! Then you better make good use of it pleasing a mare instead!" She stops bouncing sitting impaled on his shaft, rolling her butt around to feel how far up her ass he is. Twilight taking her cue after silencing the prince with magic get up to stand with her still soaked vagina dripping the mix fluids of earlier passion over his head, Twilight facing toward her friend before she dropped down.

Twilight smirking softly as she looks down at the blushing silence prince below her "Here is the advance lesson when treating your 'goddess'. Cleaning up after yourself." Sitting down on his face as she release his mouth to start licking into her once more. AJ watching the lewd display from her friend starts picking up where she left off. Twilight moaning as she feels the Prince Abedi scoop her pussy for any fluids to drink up and moaning into her again.

As the 3 please each other AJ doesn't notice the riding crop being levitated behind her as Twilight knows she won't get off by the dick alone. A loud *Smack!* rings out with a very sexy country mare moaning as she quivers from the sudden crack on the cutiemark, stopping her ride from the sudden pleasure as she enjoys the stinging sensation. Giving a dirty look to Twilight as she smiles back towards her innocently as if she didn't just wack her reddening flank. *Smack* "Aj what's wrong? The prince is getting softer if you don't keep riding him, don’t want him getting bored now do we?”

*Smack* Losing her rhythm from the slaps on her butt, tries to get back riding him his again as her sensitive muscles twitch in randomly intervals adding to the strange pleasure Abedi feels as she gets back riding him. Random smacks heard causing her to slow down as she really starts leaking from her own pussy drips on him. Looking towards The moaning Twilight as the prince picks up licking her out she goes in for a surprise kiss taking her breath away as they start swapping spit, licking across each other’s teeth. The spend several moments tasting each one is eaten out while the other is filled.As they start wrapping their tongues around each other Twilight slaps once more across AJ abused cutie mark feeling as she moans into her. Rubbing the crop along the out edges of where smack causing the mare to give a shudder from the tease.

Abedi keeps sucking in Twilight juice drinking all he can from her. Moaning as AJ keeps riding him feeling her twitch repeatedly from the Smacks he hears rings out. He dick starting to flare again as he is brought closer to the edge, wanting to bring the mare above his face to splash her juice over his face before he lets go. Shoving his muzzle as far into her folds as he can licking and slurping as deep as he can feeling her wink grind him as she reaches closer towards her peak. Trying to fight off his own pleasure as his dick is still being slammed down causing the most rocking on the bed. Light smacks as the hips connect fully with him deep into rectum, being the smallest wet smacks ring out compared to the loud dry slaps on his partners butt.

Applejack brought closer with the teasing her friend did notice the extra thickness up her rear as she feels the prince about to finish inside her soon. Pulling away from the make out as both mare quiver from the sexual experience they are both feeling breathing heavily as they catch there breaths “He is almost ready Twi.... Ah... h-how ya do-Ahh doing?” Trying to speak to her friend, fighting the pleasure as her ass takes the prince dick and her sore butt from all abuse she took from the crop.

Twilight panting loudly trying to focus her words as she fight the lust filled cloud in her responding back. “I’m still Aahh... sensitive but.. mmph.. I’m sooo... Ah close” Twilight breaths out leaning over as she grinds on the face of the prince below her. Trying to reach her next orgasim from the tongue inside her. Before hearing a loud groan as the prince finally reaches his limit and shots his next load into the orange mare, slamming her rear a few more time before keeping still her butt stops moving as a final slap from the crop across the abused butt tips her over the edge as she squirts all over the zebra’s crotch. AJ moaning loudly as her ass is filled with shot after shot fills her up. Nothing leaking out from the tight seal of her ass as each drops stays inplace lodge deep into her quivering rectum. Twilight enjoying the show as her friend finish on the prince as his muffle groans into her she humps and grinds more into his face as Aj leans against her supporting each other before finally she sprays the prince.

Feeling the mare spray her fluids finally over his face face filling his mouth with her sweet honey mixed with the salty taste from his previous rump with the mare. Inhales the aroma of a musky passionate job well done. Legs being released as the magic fades away just lays there before both mares cuddle up beside the prince on each side. Holding onto each other for a rest being satisfied from rutting they had.

Exhaling into the prince neck Aj whispers loudly for the two to hear “How’s that for a rid partner?” Nuzzling into under his chin as Twilight rest her above the prince.

“It was most satisfying miss Applejack. I hope I have provided too both you mares to your desires?” Abedi ask wanting to make sure if they felt ready for a night of sleep in bed after the afternoon of rutting he provided.

Twilight giggling above him in a teasing manner “Oh sweet servent hehe...” hearing the anonymous response questionably looks up slight to Twilight “The night is still young, and Applejack is not....easily satisfied... I just saved you the trouble while she get ready for the next round..” Twilight smiling as she feels 1 of the 2 body’s tense up in bed at the implication of what she just said.

The Prince feeling scared for whats to come from having two lust filled mare wanting more after a breather period. Applejack taking the time responding “Darn tootin’ partner, you got lucky sinceTwilight knows my weak spot. But she won’t save you next time.” As she hugs the tense prince little tighter