Fetura 2: Sisters Plight

by Davis Collus

First published

Star Swirl continues his experimentations with the Fetura tentacle monster. With the young princess Celestia avoiding him, perhaps it's time to turn his attentions towards her younger sister.

Ever since the night Celestia summoned the Fetura monster, unaware of what it was, she has been having nightmares about it and other feelings that she should be too young to be aware of. However her troubles only escalate as the Fetura finds her once again, only this time she might have a little more difficulty getting rid of it. As it won't leave her.

Her younger sister, meanwhile, is scared of what'll happen to her sister while she's gone, as Luna has to leave for her new school in the morning. However, Star Swirl, eager to continue his work, takes advantage of Luna's fears and promises that if she helps him with his work, he'll make sure that Celestia will be well looked after. However, his agenda may not be what Luna had in mind.

Warning: Foalcon, Tentacle Rape, Bondage, masturbation, Incest, pseudo futa rape, f/f, Tentacle Rape

"You said Tentacle Rape twice"

There's a lot of Tentacle rape.

Chapter One

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Celestia screamed for help as she struggled to get free, but all her hooves were being held by the Fetura. A monster made up of a limitless number of tentacles for limbs. She was suspended in midair as the creature thrust in and out of her sore little kitty, and butthole penetrating and stretching her painfully. Her hindlegs were spread as wide as they could go and her agony was intense as it continued to push inside of her again and again. Her pleas for it to stop went unheard, as did her cries for help. The pressure of the monster’s tentacles grew as it expanded inside of her. The creature’s slimy texture allowed it to slide in and out of her tiny pussy with ease deeper and deeper, despite how young she was and the one in her butt continued to push further and further until she was about to throw up; and when she did, it wasn’t vomit that came up, it was the tentacle passing all the way through her body!

Just when Celestia thought she was going to die from the pain as her body expanded with how much of it had snaked inside her, she saw with a frightened glance an egg as large as her father’s hoof was coming through the tentacle, towards her over stretched little snatch. There was no way she’d survive that! It would rip her apart! It quickly grew closer and closer to her.

She struggled and fought with renewed energy to try and escape, but it held her tight. It was pulling her limbs apart, so much so she felt it was going to tear her legs off. The egg then reached her. It’s far too large size pushing into her electected a scream so loud that it shattered the void she was in into small broken shards just like her pelvis was.


Celestia awoke with a start and sat upright in her bed instantly, with sweat dripping from her body. She pushed her pink mane out from her eyes to look about her bedroom. She was completely alone. This was the fourth time she’d had that same nightmare since coming home from the hospital. Her room was as pristine and clean as it always was, except for one of her pillows that had fallen to the floor. The sheets under her blanket were a mess too, screwed up from her wiggling about with a damp patch where she had been lying. The filly stared horrified at the dampness as she held up the blanket. Had she wet the bed?! She hadn’t done that since she was Luna’s age. Celestia could now feel the wetness on herself, but it didn’t feel like pee. Reaching down, she touched herself carefully and noticed it was slick. This wasn’t pee, it was that stuff from when she had been raped by the Fetura. The same sticky slickness and smell from that time. The alicorn filly had learned from reading books that were for older fillies that she’d read after the incident that this stuff was called ejaculate, or the cruder term, ‘cum’ and that it came out when you felt good down there. But how was that possible?

Celestia rubbed her cunny a little, any and all damage caused by the tentacle monster was healed thanks to the doctors, though she heard the doctors mention to her mom that her hymen couldn’t be repaired. But was that why this wetness was leaking out of her? Celestia tried rubbing herself with a hoof, sliding it across her cunny in ways that made her tummy flutter. It tickled in pleasurable ways, yet she felt dirty. This was the feeling the small green Fetura gave her while it molested her. She shouldn’t enjoy this! She shouldn’t want to feel it again, and yet despite the horrible dream still fresh in her mind, she wanted that feeling to continue. The aching did hurt, yes, but the more she remembered it, the more she rubbed herself.


The door clicked open and immediately Celestia removed her hoof from under the blanket and placed it onto her lap above the covers, covering up herself innocently.

“L-Luna!” Celestia squeaked, looking to her little sister who just walked into her room. “Wha… What have I told you about knocking before coming in! It’s super late, why are you awake still?”

“I was playing outside in the garden and I saw a cute greeny hoppy! I wanted you to see it!” Luna held in her hooves a grasshopper that was calmly sitting still, looking up as Celestia.

“You can’t be bringing insects into the castle, Luna! Take it back outside before it gets away and you lose it.”

“Nuh uh, see, he likes me,” the grasshopper responded by hopping from her hoof to the top of her head. Luna giggled and smiled innocently before she jumped up to sit on Celestia’s bed. “Do you wanna come out and play?”

“No, Luna! I was trying to… sleep. It’s way past bedtime for both of us.” Celestia said with a hint of frustration. Her sister always was such a night owl. She’d sleep all day if her mom didn’t drag her out of bed for breakfast. “Why are you even in here?”

“Well... “ Luna rubbed a hoof against the bed nervously, thinking how to best respond.

Celestia’s eyes darted between the wet patch her sister hadn’t yet noticed and to her hooves, noticing they were still a little slick.

“Tia... you never have time to play anymore because of your school work, and I’m leaving for my new school tomorrow. I don’t wanna go, and I don’t wanna leave you either. You’re not well.”

“Not well?” Celestia raised an eyebrow at that. “But... I’m fine!”

Luna shook her head.

“Nuh uh! You’ve been hurt by the scary worm monster and you never talk anymore! You’re quiet when eating and you always stay in your room,” Luna started to sniffle, looking downwards.

It was true. Celestia had been keeping to herself and avoiding contact with other ponies, even her own mom. And especially Star Swirl, she couldn’t even bear to look at him anymore. The white filly looked at her sister and pulled her into a hug.

“I’m sorry, Luna. I’ve just… With everything that’s happened… I need time to recover. I promise, I’ll be okay when you come back.” Luna hugged Celestia back but didn’t say a word, the pink maned alicorn then pulled back to look at her sister. “Hey, you’re not leaving until the afternoon, right? Well, if you go to bed right now, I promise, I’ll make time to play games with you before you leave, deal?”

Luna smiled brightly at that, she loved playing games with her sister and such a promise gave her hope that she really would get better.

“Okay! I’ll go put Mr. Hoppy back outside first, then head to bed! Come on, Mr Hoppy!”

Celestia was confused at first when Luna extended her hoof towards her face and then noticed Luna’s eyes were looking at her horn. The grasshopper had leaped onto her head during the hug and bounced off Celestia, making her squeak in fright as it landed on the blue filly’s hoof. Her little sister then left the room and closed the door behind her. Celestia listened as she headed down the hall and then breathed a sigh of relief. Peeking under the sheets, the filly saw that she was no longer wet and was now just sticky instead. She thought about taking a bath and then returning to bed, but it was far too late for that. Instead she just rolled over and tried to ignore it.

Before long though, the itch was starting to grow again.

Chapter Two

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The basement was dimly lit as the unicorn stroked his long white beard to think, all while pouring over scrolls and textbooks, looking for the information that eluded him.

“No. No. Argh, I was so close!”

The old stallion rubbed his eyes before heading over to another table in the middle of the room that was littered with all kinds of remains lay on trays, he used his magic to lift the latest tray up and held it in his silver aura. On the tray lay a limp black vine that was thin, frail and barely showing any signs of life. Star Swirl the Bearded tried to infuse magic into it, attempting to strengthen it. Slowly it started to grow but the moment he stopped, it withered again and turned a sickly grey then finally died.

“These offspring are just too weak.“

He looked across the room to where a glass tank held a mass of slithering tentacles, pilled and squirming atop of each other. The dark purple tentacles looked like they could have been multiple creatures, but no; this was the one and only of it’s kind and it was seemingly invincible, staying strong and healthy without being constantly fed, though it did have needs. Star Swirl had long ago seen the potential for the creature to be used to protect equestria. The Fetura would obey his every command, understanding and following his wishes. But no matter what he tried, he couldn’t summon a second one. This creature was a one of a kind, there was no other like it, and no other wizard had been powerful enough to summon it after being shown the spell. Over time he learned the creature could lay eggs, spitting them out from the tips of its tentacles, however any attempts to hatch these eggs resulted in failure, and only after many experiments, Star Swirl learned that the eggs needed a host to incubate them in.

One day he managed to convince an earth pony mare to subject herself to his experiments. In exchange, he’d give her more bits then she’d ever seen in her lifetime, and once it was over, she’d have that wealth doubled. When she heard that it involved impregnation, she had a belief that she’d carry the baby of the great Star Swirl the Bearded, however she was horrified when he had forced the Fetura onto her to violate the mare in such a cruel manner. She screamed and struggled against it, refusing to be violated by the monster; but it held her tightly as it laid its eggs in her womb, as Star Swirl expected. The unicorn had to only wait a week before the eggs started to split and crack inside her, however something was wrong and he had to remove them from her body. The egg itself seemed to be eating itself from the inside, seemingly starved of what it needed to grow. While this experiment was deemed a failure, he did feel he was on the right track. It needed a host, just this one didn’t work. Of course he couldn’t have her telling any pony about this and he wasn’t evil, he couldn’t just kill a mare in cold blood. Instead he changed her memories, making her think she’d been away on vacation and the bits he originally gave her came from a lucky lottery ticket. He had no intention of paying her the rest he promised though since she didn’t even remember the deal anymore and she already had enough now to never work another day in her life. Star Swirl continued this with different ponies for years with each experiment showing the result that unicorns bred stronger Fetura spawn than the others, but again, they wouldn’t last longer than two weeks. He had long believed that the eggs fed on the host's magic, feeding on it and growing, but it needed a lot! Alas he’d never find a female with as much power as himself, it didn’t seem interested in a male host.

Then as fate would have it, the answer presented itself to him. Celestia and Luna, two alicorn fillies who would possibly become the most powerful ponies Equestria. They would be perfect hosts! But he’d need to get close to them. That’s when he came up with a plan. He would become their personal advanced magic teacher, teach them the ways of the most powerful of mages, and as they grew up he’d gain their trust; and then do what needed to be done.

He had fully intended to wait until they were a little older so they would be able to withstand the Fetura’s advances, able to use their bodies as hosts for the eggs inside their wombs without any damage, but when his young pupil had taken his private spell book before he intended and incredibly learned to summon the Fetura by herself, he knew he’d never get a better chance than this moment. He had placed the summoning spell inside his spellbook under the guise that it was a “Heat Relief Creature” summoning spell, hoping to one day pass the book of advanced spells to the alicorn in her teen years and she would, in her time of private need, see it during her first heat and cast it on herself. He never imagined she’d cast it so early in her youth though.

As soon as he felt the spell being cast, he quickly tapped into the filly’s portal opening the way through from his basement. He couldn’t see beyond the portal but he saw the fetura instantly raising up, wanting to go through. It knew. And recognizing the tell tale movements of the Fetura’s mating process, he allowed it to continue, but held the beast back from fully going through and losing it. Despite knowing where he’d find it in the end, he couldn’t risk it not returning to the basement. Risking anypony knowing where it came from.

Though Celestia’s parents were away on a diplomatic mission that night, he still had to find a way to stop the guards from helping her, should any hear Celestia’s cries for help. Using a complex spell, he made all the guards in the castle freeze in place and made each of them invisible. So should Celestia somehow escape the room, she wouldn’t see the guards frozen and suspect foul play with her rescue. What he didn’t count on was Luna. He’d completely forgotten about the younger foal and he had no idea she knew about his secret chambers in the basement of the castle. The moment he saw her there, he had to abandon his plans and go with her to save Celestia so as not to rouse any pony’s suspicion that he was responsible. Star Swirl went as slow as he dared with Luna, not teleporting and moving at a fast trot. Once in the room, he blasted the Fetura, purposefully back into the portal and then lifted every spell he had cast that night.

Guards had come of course the moment the foal’s screaming and crying could be heard and he had to call for doctors to help. Once at the hospital, he’d learned the Fetura had indeed successfully laid its eggs inside her womb, but the doctors were desperate to remove them. Star Swirl tried to dissuade them from doing that, trying to warn them it might cause more damage, but they were so sure they could do it without further damage to her body that the grey unicorn had to agree to help. He’s waited so long for this, he couldn’t let them ruin this now. After the surgery, he took the eggs the moment he could and returned to his lab. The results were far better than he could have imagined. Not only had they grown strong in the few short hours they were in her, but they had produced a different creature entirely, and they didn’t hatch from the eggs, these grew from the eggs! This proved that these were not eggs at all, but rather like seeds. However, it too died just a few days later. If only he could have more time to let it grow. If only there was no pony to get in his way.

The new mutated Fetura was almost black and had strong nubs on its length, if it had matured, there’s a chance they could grow into sharp thorns like on a rose stem. If a creature like that could follow orders like the Fetura did, it could be used to house dangerous enemies, or even surround territories to protect from outside invaders in times of war. The creature was resistant to most magic after all. Not even he himself had been able to damage the monster when force was needed, only contain it. No pony in Equestria was stronger in magic than he was, except perhaps the two sisters. If they ever tapped into their true power, they could easily stop it. That’s why he had to act now, before they’d deny him the chance. If only other ponies saw what these creatures could do, they’d understand that the ends surely justify the means.

Star Swirl then walked over to the Fetura and looked down at it.

“Don’t worry my pet, I’ll get you what you need soon. Then together, we’ll protect all of Equestria. Celestia may be avoiding me, but there’s still one more option. It’s now or never.”

Starswirl placed a blanket over the top of the Fetura’s tank and then walked out of the room, shutting the door behind himself. After he was gone, a small green tentacle, no bigger than a foot long, appeared from the bottom of the glass tank. It climbed slowly all the way up the side of the tank and fell over the side of it to the floor. Its tip raised up and turned left and right, checking the room. Spotting something, it crawled towards a corner of the room where there was a crack in the wall. The separate green tendril then inspected it and a moment later, stretched itself thin and then escaped through the crack and into the castle.


The moon shined bright in the night’s sky. The Canterlot garden was always a beautiful sight at this late hour on a clear night. The white glow of the flowers illuminated themselves above the grass, looking like a shade of dark blue, the sounds of the nocturnal wildlife echoed softly and yet not one of them could be seen. Everything was so different and seemed so much more beautiful to Luna. The filly walked around the large garden with all the other animals that were hidden and sleeping in the trees, ducks by the pond, tucking their heads under their wings. It was so magical. The blue alicorn passed by a small section of tall grass near the bushes and placed the grasshopper down among them. The insect then turned to face the princess, giving a grateful chipping noise.

“You’re welcome, Mr. Hoppy! Will I see you again when I get home from my new school?” Luna asked, smiling down at the grasshopper.

It chirped twice, and seemingly nodded before it turned and hopped away. Luna giggled and then decided she should do as her sister instructed and head for bed now. It was a shame though because it was such a beautiful night. No pony was around, the wind was still, the temperature was still nice and warm after such a hot day. A little play time couldn’t hurt, right? And so she stayed in the garden, chasing fireflies, hooting back at owls, rolling in the grass that was wet with dew, but she didn’t mind a few wet flicks of water on her coat, this was her happy place after all.

After a final lap around the pond and sneaking past the ducks without disturbing them, she decided it was time to return inside. A flash of magic lit up the garden grounds and Luna then noticed that there was now a large shadow looming over her. Her stomach lurched, thinking her mom had caught her out of bed again. Jumping up to face the pony behind her, she was surprised to find instead it was Star Swirl, her heart was still pounding though. Why was he here?

“Luna, delightful to see you tonight. Still out at play, I see,” he said with a smile.

Luna however didn’t smile back. Her sister had told her to stay away from the grey unicorn, especially since that night with the monster. She didn’t know why though.

“So, are you excited for your new school to begin tomorrow. Learning about Equestrian history, its incredible species outside of just ponies, and of course, how to be a Princess?” Star Swirl asked, making polite conversation. But Luna looked away from him, simply murmuring a positive response.

Luna looked about, looking for an excuse to leave. She didn’t wanna be near him. She saw the ducks hadn’t responded to his presence either, which was pretty odd, also it had become very quiet. What happened to all the animals? Star Swirl meanwhile just looked confused at the filly’s hesitation towards him until a realisation came to mind.

“Tell me, young Luna, has your sister told you to avoid me? To not talk to me?” Luna looked to the ground and then nodded yes. He shook his head in disappointment and then audibly sighed. “That’s such a shame. I was just about to hit a breakthrough that would help her too.”

Star Swirl turned and walked away. Luna looked to the unicorn as left, only just releasing what he said. She then ran after him.

“Wait!” she said, running to stand before the stallion. “You can help Tia?!” Luna asked with hope in her eyes.

“Well certainly I can, but sadly I need the help of an Alicorn to do what must be done, and your sister won’t talk to me anymore so there’s nothing more I can do to help. Unless...”

“U-unless what?” The young princess spoke with desperation.

“Well, perhaps you’d be willing to help me, Luna? You’re still young, but you are an alicorn after all.”

Luna hesitated for all of a heartbeat. Her sister had warned her to avoid the stallion, but he said he wanted to help her, and she’d do anything for Tia.

“Okay! I’ll help you Mr. Star Swirl!”

The stallion breathed a sigh of relief.

“I’m so happy to hear that. I just know you’re going to grow up to do amazing things! Follow me, Princess Luna, we have little time to waste.”

Star Swirl turned towards a door into the castle where a guard stood motionless, as they always did. The unicorn opened the door and together the pair walked into the castle, with Star Swirl closing the door behind them both. Once it clicked shut there was a faint pop of magic over the garden, suddenly all sound returned and the guard himself turned his head and looked about.

“Was somebody just here?”

Chapter Three

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Several guards wandered the corridors, back and forth, following their assigned routes that they always took day after day. It became so routine that many a time, guards would become bored from the route and their minds would drift, thinking about their wives, foals, dreaming of adventure. This lack of concentration made it easy for small creatures to travel between pillars unnoticed, taking cover in cracks and corners, behind pillars and vases as one made its way to their destination. The green tendril made its way through the castle hallways, searching, following a strong scent that only it could sense. One guard came incredibly close to stepping on the tentacle but it managed to dodge out of the way at the last second into a crack on the floor. It’s ability to thin itself out allowed it to travel all the way unnoticed to its destination. A single guard walked with purpose up and down the corridor, making sure to watch for intruders or any other troubles. After the last events with Celestia being attacked by the Fetura, she’s had guards checking on her room every so often. The guard walked up to the door and stood stationary for just a moment, listening for any motion, when there was none he turned and continued his route.

Immediately the small tendril moved towards the door and slipped under in, easily gaining access to the small filly’s room. Once it was in the darkened room, it saw a desk, neat and tidy with books closed atop of it, a window with the curtains drawn shut, and on the other side of the room, a large bed that was big enough for two adult ponies. The small Fetura climbed up to the top of the bedpost with ease and looked down on the single filly, who laid sleeping in it. Celestia murmured in her sleep as the dream that she’d been having earlier that night continued, making her relive the nightmare that she’d endured. The filly’s pink mane was a little frazzled from tossing and turning, and she was currently on her side with a hoof by her head, holding her pillow tight.

The creature saw a gap in the blanket where she’d pulled it loose, after being tucked in for the night, and it headed towards the hole. It was completely dark under the sheets, but it made its way to her without issue, simply following her scent. There was a strong aroma coming from the middle of the bed, but the strongest scent was coming from the filly herself, lying more on the right side. The smell of her filly juices was fresh from between her legs. The Fetura could see her legs curled up and closed together, but her puffy white slit between them was wet with the forced arousal she was feeling in her dreams. Carefully the small Fetura went towards its goal and was gentle with it’s next movements. It didn’t want to startle her. Slowly it reached up its tip and touched carefully along her cunny lips. A moan escaped Celestia’s mouth as the creature continued its work, gently rubbing along her fillybits, getting her wetter and wetter, spreading her own excitement about, along with leaking it’s own lubrication against her slit. Her moans began to become a constant now. Tiny moans, increased breathing, all while she continued to dream. The tendril continued its work, until it saw her tiny clit appear poking out from its hiding spot. She then rolled over onto her back, legs only slightly apart, but for this creature, it was enough room and also a sign that she was ready. With her body seemingly granting it access to her, it began to push inside her.


Celestia’s dreams continued as they had done before. The tentacle monster raping her as she screamed for help before another tentacle jammed its way into her mouth, silencing her. She screamed from the sudden violation of her throat as it made its way deeper to her belly. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she hung there and flailed her legs weakly as she continued to gag and choke. Suddenly as she felt that inky well cloud her vision as it had done so many times before, she felt something stronger. She felt a really good sensation. Her sore abused cunny was now suddenly awash with pleasure. The tendril in her mouth and anus both completely disappearing as if they were never there, the void became a pink sky as she laid on a bed of clouds, she was moaning now in delight, as if this was how it should have always felt, the wonderful feeling of that gentle penetration filling her just right, the feeling was incredible, it felt so wonderful, so real!

Celestia felt the dream fade into reality. The clouds became her bed, the pink sky, her room, and she could still feel the pulsing of the monster sliding in and out of her pussy, the sensation was wonderful, the strong tingling as it slipped in and out of her tiny cunny made her smile. Then fright overthrew her when she realised she was awake! She lifted up the blanket and saw the green tendril of the Fetura thrusting gently in and out of her kitty. The alicorn filly shrieked in fright and scrambled away from it. At first it slid along with her, then slipped out as she was climbing up to the headboard, getting away from it with her eyes like pin pricks as she looked at the tiny invader

“W-w-w-what...?!” Was all she could manage to say before regaining sense of herself. It was the monster. The Heat Monster from the summoning book. It was back. It was here! She charged up her horn with magic ready to blast the thing as fear turned to anger, but the moment it saw her light up her horn, it fled quickly, slithering all the way to the end of Tia’s bed where it contemplated jumping off to the floor. It turned to face the filly who had a look of anger on her face now that seemed terrifying to the creature. She remembered what it had done to her, the pain, the violation, stealing her innocence, nearly killing her! It was a ruthless, unstoppable monster with no regard for any pony! Then why… why was this monster shaking?

The Fetura had curled up into a ball on itself and was shaking. Was it afraid of her? Celestia looked at the thing properly now and realised that this one was different. It was small, green. She kept her horn charged and got closer to it, she would be ready to blast it if it decided to jump at her, if this was a trick, she’d turn this thing to ash! Stepping closer she saw it was indeed shaking.

“What are you?” she asked. The tendril slowly raised a tip of itself towards her, as if looking to the filly. That tip… she remembered it from when she first opened the portal. It went straight for Luna it wanted to rape her sister!

“No! I was right! You are that same monster!” Her horn glowed brighter, as she readied her blast. The green creature began shaking again, tucking its head away to hide. Why was it acting this way? Was it really scared of her? How could a monster be afraid? No, it couldn’t! She knew what this thing could do, it had to be stopped! And yet… she couldn’t bring herself to do it. It seemed so small and defenceless. Yet if this was just a small one, maybe it was a baby? She couldn’t hurt a baby. Yet it didn’t mind hurting her! Celestia’s inner conflict battled her on all sides, till one voice in her head spoke out.

It made you feel good though, didn’t it?

Just now, in her dream. The horrible nightmares had faded away when this little one had come to her, had brought her pleasure. But yet, wasn’t it the cause of these terrible feelings? Her little slit, hot and pulsing for several nights, dripping wet. Celestia had rubbed herself with a hoof to try and make the burning go away, noticing the tingling got better when she did. And while she found that it was indeed pleasurable, it never quite put out that fire.

Wait. A heat monster. Burning. Was this what it was supposed to do? Then, why did it attack her and her sister? This wasn’t an issue before it was summoned. Or maybe this is all it knows how to do? The young princess looked at the small tendril before her, still shaking, still curled up. It was just doing what is natural for it. But that doesn’t explain the purple one. Why’d it hurt her so much? Was… was it because she attacked it?

Celestia powered down her horn and then sat on the bed, looking at the thing. Slowly it raised its head to look at her. She stared back at it with a blank expression, unsure what to do.

“Where did you come from?” Celestia asked aloud not expecting to actually get an answer, but she was surprised when the creature turned its head and looked directly at her desk. The desk the portal came from. “Wait, Ca- can you understand me?”

The green Fetura nodded, slowly it began to stop shaking, realising it wasn’t currently in danger, but still didn’t move or uncoil itself. Celestia couldn’t believe it, this creature was actually capable of communication! But then…

“Then… then why did you HURT ME!” she suddenly shouted, causing the thing to cower down again. “If you can understand me, why didn’t you stop when I was begging you!?”

A little tear came to her eyes. She had suffered so much because of this monster, and all the time it knew it was hurting her. The Fetura shook its head frantically, trying to get a message across. The white filly understood that the creature who hurt her wasn’t the same as this one before her, yet it still hurt more to know that this thing wasn’t a mindless beast, it knew what it was doing to her, and it did it anyway. She started to cry. So much hurt and pain came flooding out. She had been raped by this creature and she didn’t understand why. Why would any creature do such a thing? Suddenly she felt the Fetura touch her hoof. She gasped, froze up, and didn’t move a muscle. It stopped moving too when it saw her looking at it, scared and afraid. But then it rested on her front left hoof. Was it really trying to comfort her?

“You… you’re really not a bad thing, are you?” she asked.

The creature didn’t move or respond, it merely stayed in place. A strong tingling sensation suddenly could be felt between her legs. Now that the adrenaline had passed, she realised that her cunny was still burning a lot, more so than before. The feeling of it was always maddening to her and she was just desperate for it to stop so she could sleep! She looked down at the small Fetura, still coiled beside her hoof. The thing, when it found her, had begun to sooth her in ways that never worked before, ways that her hoof couldn’t. She wasn’t sure what was going through her head at that moment, but an idea came to mind.

“Hey… do you... “ Celestia started to ask but couldn’t believe she was even considering it.

Wait, what am I doing? Am I seriously going to ask this thing to…

She wasn’t sure what to think at this point. It was what the creature was created to do, after all, right? But this question brought a blush on her white cheeks which became brighter as she gathered the courage to ask. “If you promise to be gentle, would you… could you continue doing… that thing you do? It felt really good.”

The Fetura understood her completely and raised itself up like a cobra to look at her and then nodded its head.

“O-okay. Just… don’t go too fast, and stop if I tell you to stop, okay?!” she said, still blushing as bright red as she’d ever had in her life, but she then crawled up the bed and rested her head on the pillow. The tendtril followed her slowly and then carefully lined itself up with her tiny slit between her legs.

“Be gentle, o-okay?!”

At that moment, it slowly pressed gently against her, parting her labia with its head and making itself small at the tip, it slipped into her wet cunny and made her moan out loud in satisfaction.


Luna walked with Star Swirl down the long stone corridor lit only by torches burning brightly along the walls. She’d been down here once before, back when her sister was being attacked by the tentacle monster. She thought about that night often, wondering why did Star Swirl would have that same creature in his room, but after her sister told her to stay away from him, she never had the chance to try and ask him. Maybe now would be a good time?

“S-Star Swirl?” Luna asked, timidly.

“Yes, Princess Luna?” he didn’t look back as they continued down the corridor.

“That night, when my sister was attacked by the monster. Did… do you know anything about it?”

Star Swirl didn’t respond, instead he continued in silence until they reached his private room in the depths of the castle. He opened the door and then turned to Luna and looked down at her.

“Yes,” he said with a sigh. “I’ve known about it for a long while. Please.” he motioned to Luna to step in his room. She did so, slowly, looking up at the unicorn as she walked past him. Once inside he shut the door and continued. “The spell your sister cast on that day was an ancient one, created to summon a creature to pleasure a mare and bring her great joy in times of stress or when the mare was in heat.”

“Joy?” Luna asked, stunned. “It hurt her!”

“Yes, it did, which was terribly unfortunate.” Star Swirl turned his back to the door and, using his magic, locked it and activated an illusion spell to make the door invisible from the outside. “When your sister activated the spell I was surprised, since she was so young and really shouldn’t have had a reason for it at the time. I was prepared to wait years for this moment, but when the opportunity occurred, I had to act quickly.”

Star Swirl walked over to a table where the remains of all the failed Fetura spawns laid in trays, all of which were brown or grey and crumbling.

“After I learned of the creature's resistance to magic, of its strength and intelligence, I started to try and help it procreate, to multiply. I wanted to bolster Equestria’s defences with the Fetura working at our side. Imagine it, Luna. Prison cells that can hold the mightiest of Equestria’s foes, a creature that’s ever expanding that could wipe out armies!”

Luna took several steps away from the stallion, eventually backing into a glass tank on the floor covered by a tablecloth.

“All it needs is a host to grow its young. I’ve tried with the average unicorn mare, but these weak results show no promise. However, I recently came to the conclusion that I’d need a more powerful host. A host with the potential to match my own power, or even surpass it, from which the Fetura can grow ever stronger from the unicorn’s own magic.”

Luna clasped the tablecloth covering the glass tank and slowly lifted it up.

“Or even, an alicorn’s.”

The young princess jumped backwards in horror. Inside the tank was the oozing purple tentacle monster that attacked her sister, the Fetura. It was slithering about inside the tank, seemingly endless yet with dozens of tips swaying loosely or coiling around itself. Luna backed up into Star Swirl unable to look away from it.

“Isn’t it fascinating? Just think what we could do with such a creature if we could breed it!”

“Y-y-you did this!” Luna stammered, shocked and afraid. ”You wanted this thing to attack us!”

“Attack?” Star Swirl said, offended. “No, I’m doing this because I want to help Equestria.”

“No! No, you said, you said…” Luna’s heart was pounding in her chest as she turned to face Star Swirl. “You said you needed me to help Celestia. Make her normal!”

“My dear Luna, she is normal. As normal as can be after such a tragic thing happened to her. And this is how we’ll be helping her. By protecting her and all of Equestria with my magnificent creature! And you, Luna... are going to make it all happen.”

The blue alicorn turned to the door and ran, hoping to open it and run, to get help from the guards, her parents, her sister or just any pony! However, the door wouldn’t budge. She fumbled with the handle, breathing hard and panicking as she pulled frantically, screaming for help and banging against the door for anypony to hear; but it was too late. Star Swirl reached out and grabbed her in his magic, levitating the filly into the air while she tried desperately to hold onto the door handle.

“NO!” she screamed. “Please help! Mom! Tia! Help!” But no one could hear her. Star Swirl’s soundproof aura around the room made sure of that.

“Stop your fussing, child.” Star Swirl said calmly, as if addressing her like a child that didn’t want to take a bath. “An alicorn’s body is known to be stronger and more resilient than the average pony’s. Your sister proved that last time. I’m positive this won’t hurt you… well, permanently at least. We’re about to do great things, you and I.”

The eldar stallion grasped each of Luna’s limbs and held them apart as he lowered her onto a table, looking up at the ceiling. She screamed and begged, but it was no good against the stallion’s practised magical abilities. One by one, her limbs were secured to the table with leather cuffs and thick metal chains, preventing her from getting off the table or even rolling to her side. Then, to make things extra secure, the grey unicorn added a magic blocking ring to Luna’s horn, just in case in her panic and desperation she tapped into her latent magical abilities and somehow escaped. Now, there would be no escape. She was to remain here until the experiment was complete. No matter how long it took.

“Princess Luna. I want you to know that I don’t take any pleasure in this. I’m just doing what I have to do for the betterment of Equestria.”

Star Swirl went over to the glass tank and slowly he removed the sheet entirely. He reached into the tank with a hoof and lifted one of it’s tentacles up onto the table, pointing it towards Luna. Luna whose hind legs were spread wide and her small delicate flower was fully exposed and unprotected. She remembered what this thing had done to her sister, inserting itself into her, spreading her so painfully wide that she screamed in agony. Luna was much younger and smaller than her sister, how badly was this going to hurt her? She was already crying with fear and screaming to be let go as more and more tendrils raised themselves up along the table and were advancing on her. The filly struggled more and more as they slid towards her, touching her legs, running along her fur, slowly getting closer to their desired goal between her legs. Soon, many of them were sliding over her body, exploring, coiling around her legs, along her belly; and all she could do was watch in horror as they slowly got closer to her special area. The first one began parting her filly labia on the left side, then the second on the right. Then another tendril, dripping and wet made its way towards Luna, directly to her spread open cunny.

“No! Please make it stop! I don’t want this!” Luna begged as Star Swirl watched, motionless from the side. “Please! Mommy! Tia!! SOMEPONY HELP!”

The tentacle began rubbing at her genitals up and down, lubricating the filly in the slimy substance it was leaking, preparing to gain entrance to her tight hole. The alicorn squirmed and wiggled about at the alien touch that made her tingle, wishing for it to stop, for it to leave her alone. At that moment she felt the thing pull away from her and she looked at it confused and then relieved. Maybe it had decided she was too small after all? Then without warning, it plunged into her hard and fast.

Luna threw her head back, screaming and bucking against the chains that rattled and pulled tight as the filly tried to escape. The pain was blinding for her, like she’d just been torn in half at her groin. She begged and pleaded for Star Swirl to remove the invader, screaming that she couldn’t take the pain. However he merely stood from the corner and watched, watched as he had done so for years as the Fetura did its work, mentally checking off everything it needed to do.

First, after the initial penetration, it would leak out a thick goo inside of her vagina, making it more lubricated to get deeper inside her and expanding the vulvar. Then it would push deeper, entering through the cervix, lubricating it and then inflating once again, making her tunnel wider so that there would be nothing blocking the entrance to the womb where it would at last deposit its eggs. But that was for a grown mare. Luna was a filly. Celestia had luckily been just big enough to house the eggs in her womb without help. Luna, however, might be too small. Luckily Star Swirl knew a spell that could help her out. Lighting up his horn, he cast an elasticity spell on Luna’s genitals which would allow the Fetura to stretch her wider than it normally could and it wouldn’t tear her insides. However, it was still going to hurt.

The blue filly felt a strange tingling down below mixed with the pain and opened her eyes to look, she saw the magical aura of Star Swirl’s engulf her kitty and tingle deeper inside her to her belly. What was he doing to her? She tried to look at him in panic, but he stood outside her line of vision, staying in the dark corner. However, she didn’t have time to worry about that as the tentacle inside her had started to move again. It felt like it was getting even slimier as it wiggled inside her, rotating around and pushing out her vaginal walls as it expanded and filled her more.

Luna shrieked, screamed, begged and tossed about, pulling against the chains as she was stretched more painful than before, she even tried to thrust her hips against it to throw it out but all that did was make her tingles grow stronger, shooting through her belly and then it began thrusting in and out of her. Her gaping cunny was being pistoned into again and again as the Fetura spread its lubricant around her insides until it was leaking down between her legs, dripping against her ponut and soaking her tail beneath. After she was thoroughly lubricated inside her violated snatch, the creature was ready for the next step.

The other tendrils of the Fetura that were wrapped around Luna’s hindlegs pulled tight, squeezing painfully to hold her in place for what was to come. She didn’t really feel it through as it was nothing compared to the abuse her formally virgin slit was taking right now. Deep inside her, the Fetura was thinning out its tip and giving it a pointed tip, and then with an extra deep push, it plunged into Luna’s cervix. She didn’t scream this time though, instead her whole body locked up rigid and her screams of pain were lost in a gasp. She wanted to cry out in pain, but it was as if she’d forgotten how. Her eyes barely registered that she was in a room anymore. Just a ceiling... a dark, stone ceiling.

Once inside her cervix, the creature started to slowly crawl into her deeper tunnel, swirling around inside her giving the filly the strange sensation of the wriggling tentacle lubricating her up as it prepared to go in deeper. Then slowly it returned the thrusting in and out of her cervix, growing wider, millimeter by millimeter on each thrust. The young princess felt like she was going to be sick. Her stomach lurching and legs shaking as they were held tightly in place. But she couldn’t move, her body was no longer reacting. She could only feel this thing snaking about inside her. Every thrust, every turn, every poke with it’s tip. She thought that she was going to die here.

Then as the tentacle finally reached her limit through her entirely moist tunnel and entered into the young filly’s womb, she heard a strange noise from beneath the table. It seemed to snap her out of her haze and slowly she tilted her head to look down between her legs. She feared she would see her fillyhood absolutely torn to shreds or worse. However it was all intact, but the tendril inside of her was terrifyingly huge! Definitely as large as one of her legs. Then renewed grasped her soul with fear as she saw the reason for the noise. There was an egg sliding up the very tentacle that was inside her over stretched pussy and the egg was so large it was making the tendril bulge out. It was like a snake that swallowed something bigger than itself, and the bulge was going to go inside her! Luna’s struggles renewed again as absolute desperation and fear kicked in. She was at her breaking point already, she wouldn’t survive that! And if that wasn’t bad enough, if she did survive it, she’d be carrying the monsters baby inside her! She begged Star Swirl to not let this happen, that she’d do anything he wanted as long as he’d stop this, she didn’t want to die! Tears were running down her face in torrents at this point.

The egg pushed against her vulva bringing a forewarning of how much this was going to hurt and how badly stretched she actually was, yet it couldn’t fit through. The Fetura used all the strength it had to push, to twist, to make it fit. Then in a brutal show of strength and brutality, it thrust harder into the filly, stretching her beyond even the stretching spells limits.

Luna screamed!


Celestia screamed!

Thankfully she was biting her pillow as she came hard from the delightful pounding the green Fetura was giving her. Swelling inside her tight tunnel as her vaginal muscles, all on their own, squeezed down on it as the Fetura adjusted its shape inside her, hitting all the right spots and filling her mind with orgasmic bliss. It wasn’t done yet though and continued to piston in and out of her young cunt, trying to milk the white alicorn of as much filly cum as it could. She continued to bite down on the pillow to stay quiet as wave after wave of passion leaked from her pink sensitive fillyhood.

Her hips thrust upwards into it all the while but then she fell limp and let the pillow fall from her mouth, panting exhaustedly from all the pleasure and pressure that she had experienced. Celestia had never cum that hard in her life before. It was like this thing was personally tailored to pleasure her, to make sure that she was completely satisfied when she was done. However, it wasn’t stopping. Celestia was tired, exhausted, and quite frankly starting to get a little sore, yet it was still thrusting into her.

“O-okay! Ahh, th-that’s enough.” she said to it while still trying to catch her breath, but the little creature was still going, wiggling around excitedly with its tail end waving from side to side, flicking the filly’s cum it was soaked in onto the bed and slapping lewdly against her inner thighs with wet splats. “I said no more!”

With that, Celestia reached down and grabbed it. The Fetura bucked inside her at her touch and hit deeper against the filly’s already tender cervix. It then seemed to panic and slim itself down, escaping Celestia’s hoof and begin to burrow deeper inside her.

“Nononononono!” she shouted repeatedly in panic, trying to grasp it again; but it was too slippery and even her magic couldn’t hold it!

Celestia saw helplessly in horror as it disappeared inside of her completely. She could feel it working her way deeper into her vagina, going up beyond her cervix, looking for a place to hide. It was an incredibly uncomfortable feeling for the filly, like her belly was expanding as it coiled itself up inside her womb, making the filly look like a month long pregnant mare! Celestia was starting to panic now and told the creature to get out of her as she pushed down on the bulge in her belly, trying to squeeze it out as she hyperventilated, but the filly stopped as she felt the thing inside her grow bigger each time she pushed, becoming painful and making her feel more bloated. She looked three months pregnant now.

Just then Celestia heard hoofsteps coming down the hall. A guard? She quickly turned her back to the door and threw the blanket over herself and pretended to be asleep. The door opened a tiny crack as the guard checked in on the princess after hearing voices, but seeing the filly sleeping quietly, he assumed she was just dreaming and left. After a moment of waiting, making sure the stallion was gone, Celestia sat up and looked down at the bulge in her belly. It was still moving slowly inside her, probably trying to get comfortable, while she herself felt sick. But why didn’t she ask the guard for help? Then again, what was she supposed to say?

Hello Mr. Guard, I’ve got a tentacle monster trapped in my belly, please excuse all the mess around my little flower, I was just asking it to make me feel good, and it did feel sooo good!

She’d just die of embarrassment! But what was she supposed to do now? How was she going to get it out of her? She’d have to tell her mom, then go to the hospital again and explain what happened. Every pony would learn that she had let this monster violate her. HER! A princess and possibly the future ruler of Equestria. Celestia held her hooves over her eyes as she silently cried.