
by LewdChapter

First published

Twilight sticks her nose in Starlight's business for the last time

Twilight means well, but can sometimes be a bit overbearing. Always with a lesson on how you could do better, Starlight normally appreciates this insight from the wiser, more experienced mare.

Sometimes, though, Starlight isn't interested in being lectured.

WARNING: this story contains mind control, futa, non-con, bondage/BDSM, analingus, and Starlight being incredibly irresponsible with magic

Commissioned by Superfun

Cover is 2471710 on derpibooru

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"I cannot believe you, Starlight!"

Starlight rolled her eyes, looking up in her "seat" to get a good look at her irate mentor across the table. Of course, Starlight had an immense amount of respect for the Friendship Princess, but that didn't stop her from finding the constant lecturing to be a bit annoying. Starlight knew that Twilight was arguably wiser and more responsible, and while she oftentimes was incredibly grateful to receive Twilight's advice, there were also times when she didn't particularly want to hear the princess' opinion on matters.

"I'm gonna regret asking," sighed Starlight. "But what am I in trouble for this time?" Twilight cocked her brow, tilting her head curiously at her apprentice.

"You're joking," said the princess dryly. Starlight said nothing, which only served to further irritate Twilight. "You are literally sitting on Trixie's face right now!"

"Oh. Right. I should probably let her breathe…" Starlight stood up, sliding out of her seat and allowing her cushion to breathe in something other than mare musk and ball sweat for the first time in several minutes. "She's so quiet for once, I forgot she was even here."

"The Obedient and Subservient Trixie is—" Trixie would have said more if not for Starlight spitting harshly in her face.

"Chairs don't talk, idiot."

"Yeah, this is what I was referring to," groaned Twilight, letting her head drop against the smooth crystal table. "We've talked about this, Starlight. Magic is not supposed to be used for personal gain!"

"Says the mare using three different alteration charms to hide the grey in her mane," snorted Starlight. Twilight let out a gasp of horror, earning another eyeroll from her student. "Not sure you should be getting on me about magic, which I'm definitely not using."

"A magic dye-job to avoid being dragged by the tabloids isn't even in the same solar system as what you're—" Twilight stopped herself, her brain finally catching up to the conversation. She looked at Starlight, waiting for her to do something to make up for the bold-faced lie she had just told. "Wait, did you say that you're not using magic?"

"That is correct, yes."

"So you expect me to believe that you and Trixie suddenly started a consensual, intimate, 24/7 BDSM relationship in which you have managed to completely erase every annoying facet of Trixie's personality for the duration of your time together?" asked Twilight dryly.

"See? You get it!" Starlight tapped Trixie on the head, catching her seat's attention. "Trixie, tell Twilight that I didn't use magic on you."

"Mistress Starlight did not use magic on the Slutty and Apologetic Trixie." The magician winced, the sound of her own name once again resulting in the sensation of a firm strike between the legs. "Grr… Arf! Mistress Starlight, can you please stop saying Trixie's name for a bit? Arf! Arf! Trixie's pussy hurts…"

"Well, Trixie, I could stop saying Trixie, but what you need to understand, Trixie, is that I don't care if Trixie wants me to stop saying Trixie." Starlight cackled to herself, each utterance of her slave's name causing Trixie to jerk away from the invisible spank and bark even louder. "Oh, and in case that's too subtle… Trixie, Trixie, Trixie!"

"Woof! Thank you… Arf… Mistress…"

"If I had three weeks and all of the parchment in Equestria, I couldn't write down everything wrong with what I just witnessed.” Twilight frowned at her protegee, her irritation mounting as Starlight seemed to pay even less attention to her. “Whatever it is you have going on, I don’t like it. No offense, Starlight, but whenever you get involved with mind magic, I get a bit uneasy.

“Why’s that? Is it because I’m a former tyrannical cult leader?” asked Starlight flatly. “Or is it because I once made a panic and anxiety-fueled bad judgment call that resulted in me accidentally temporarily brainwashing all of my friends?”

“It’s both of those things!”

“Look, Twilight, you really should lighten up,” sighed Starlight. “This really isn’t that big of a deal. You don’t even like Trixie!”

“Be that as it may, it’s my responsibility to ensure the proper, rightful, respectful use of my student’s magic, and since you have clearly enchanted Trixie, I have no choice but to—”

Starlight groaned, charging up her horn and letting loose a powerful wave of arcane energy, the cyan light shaking throughout the room as it took hold of the Friendship Princess. Twilight froze, her eyes losing focus as her mouth gaped open when Starlight's magic took hold of her. Starlight sighed as she stood up, crossing the room to meet with her mentor.

"Alright, well, I didn't really plan on this, but I guess my hooves are tied," sighed Starlight. She leered at her original slave and jerked her head towards the stairs. "Go get the box from under my bed and set things up in my room."

"Yes, Mistress Starlight," said Trixie with an obedient nod. She scurried away, unable to disobey even if she wanted to. Once she was gone, Starlight scratched her chin in thought.

"I'm going to have to be more careful with you…" Starlight shook her head, considering her situation carefully. "Okay, how's this… Twilight, you will obey my every order, even when not entranced like this. When not entranced, you will carry on as though you were not placed under my spell. Understood?"

"Yes, Starlight," droned Twilight.

"That's Mistress Starlight, to you."

"Yes, Mistress Starlight."

"Much better. Now, when you hear me, and only me, say the word 'marmalade', you will snap to a compliant, obedient state," continued Starlight. "When you hear me say the word 'marmite', you will return to normal, forgetting all of my orders, and that you were enchanted at all, until I switch you again. Got all that?"

"Yes, Mistress Starlight. Marmalade, obey. Marmite, forget."

"Good. Now march your uptight ass to my room." Starlight grinned sinisterly. "I'm going to make this whole debacle worth my while."

With another flat, spiritless agreement, Twilight obeyed her commands and made her way away from the table. Starlight followed her through the hall and up the stairs to her room, where Trixie was waiting eagerly among the veritable toybox of various bits of bondage gear that Starlight had collected. Flails, paddles, leg-spreaders, cuffs, and more lay spread across Starlight's bed. Among the toys was Trixie, bouncing anxiously and occasionally letting out a small yap or bark.

"The Loyal and Dutiful Trixie has set out your things for you," said Trixie. "What should—"

"Shut up and get me hard, idiot," said Starlight. She crossed the room and yanked Trixie by the mane, tossing her down onto the ground as she took her place. Trixie obediently dove between Starlight's legs, obediently licking her mistress' package to attention. "Marmite!"

"Put you on a provisional study program where…" Twilight blinked firmly as she realized where she was, a frown spreading across her features. "Well. This is unsettling."

"Marmalade." Starlight grinned as Twilight's entire demeanor shifted, her concerned frown changing into a wide, almost manic smile.

"Ready to serve you, Mistress Starlight!" she reported.

"Good. Let's get you comfortable…"

Starlight flared her magic outward, throwing around ropes and leather straps in order to restrain the princess. She bound Twilight's wings at an awkward angle with belts, connected by a thin strip of leather to which Twilight's mane was tied; This kept her head up at an awkward angle, and any movement would pull on her hair painfully. A magic suppression ring, much like the one Trixie wore, slipped onto Twilight's horn, the deceptively simple band restraining the alicorn's magic with an unnatural, uncomfortable pressure in her head. Finally, a collar strapped itself around Twilight's neck, serving little more purpose than to humiliate her and display her as Starlight's possession.

“Perfect. Now that I have you where I want you…” Starlight shoved Trixie away, her marecock stiff and slick with the magician’s spit, and approached Twilight. “What do you want to do now, Twilight?”

“Whatever it is that Mistress Starlight desires of me!” said Twilight. Starlight smirked, slinking up behind Twilight and pushing her tail out of the way. “I exist only to serve—AH!”

Starlight, having decided that she had heard enough of Twilight, saw fit to distract the princess by forcing a thick, hard pole into her tightest hole. It was a tight, uncomfortable entry for Twilight, as Starlight had only Trixie’s saliva for lube, but neither party seemed concerned about that. Twilight, in her enchanted state, only cared about obeying her orders and Starlight, being Starlight, only cared about getting off.

“Can Trixie, arf, please have a turn?” asked Trixie. Starlight laughed, bucking her hips forward and slamming her shaft into Twilight’s tight pucker.

“You know, just because I have Twilight under my spell doesn’t suddenly mean you’re allowed to cum,” snorted Starlight. “You’ll never get to cum again, so don’t even bother.”

“Trixie would just like to—”

“Will you just shut up! I’m so fucking tired of hearing your voice!” Starlight demonstrated her aggression and frustration by thrusting even harder into Twilight, tugging on her hair as she fucked the princess to pieces. “You wanna participate so damn bad, how about you make yourself useful and put that big mouth of yours to work eating my ass?”

“Y-Yes, Mistress…” With very little choice or conscious effort, Trixie dragged herself across the room, dropping to the ground behind Starlight. She watched for a moment, enjoying the view of her best friend’s balls swinging as she plowed her rival, before gently grabbing Starlight by the hips and parting her flanks with her muzzle. She tongued and licked at Starlight’s asshole, lapping at her flesh and obediently pleasuring her mistress in whatever way she was demanded to.

“You like that, Twilight?” grunted Starlight, slamming herself into Twilight with no disregard for the princess or her ability to walk in the coming days. “Tell me how much you love my fat cock ripping your ass apart!”

“I love it, Mistress! It hurts, but I love it!” moaned Twilight. “You’re so perfect, Mistress Starlight!”

Starlight let out a shivering chuckle, using her magic to pull Trixie in closer, taking more and more of the magician's tongue into her ass with a satisfied groan. She loved the power and control she exerted over her friends, complete dominion over the bodies. It was intoxicating, not dissimilar to the sensation she felt ruling over Our Town.

"Well, you can take the mare out of the cult…" snickered Starlight to herself. When she gave her next order, she spoke a bit louder. "Turn around, Twilight. I think I want to cum down your throat now."

"Yes, Mistress! I'd be honored!" Twilight let out a pained whinny as she pulled herself from Starlight's pole. She moved a bit slowly and clumsily on account of her bindings, but Twilight soon turned herself around, putting herself at eye-level with Starlight's hefty she-cock. She brought her tongue forward, licking the taste of her own asshole from Starlight's meat. "Thso tasthy…"

"Say ahh," ordered Starlight. Twilight did as she was told, letting her mouth hang open for Starlight to slide her flare in. "Marmite."

"Huh?" Twilight's eyes went wide as she recognized the position she was in, processed the bitter taste on her tongue. "What the—?!"

"Marmalade." Starlight laughed, beyond amused by the stark shift in Twilight's expression, from shocked and appalled to pleasant and compliant, all at the utterance of a single word. She roughly grabbed Twilight by the horn, slamming her hips forward and gagging the princess with her length. The sounds of choking and sputtering filled the room, so loud that Starlight had to raise her voice in order to be heard when she turned her head to address Trixie. "Eat it like you mean it, bitch! You'd better make me cum, if you know what's good for you."

Trixie was having difficulty breathing, as to be expected considering she had her face buried between Starlight's cheeks, but she still did her best to pleasure her mistress. Trixie could feel Starlight tense around her tongue, her pucker constricting and convulsing as Trixie wriggled deeper and deeper into Starlight. She licked more eagerly, kissing and slurping Starlight's hole in an almost desperate attempt to make her owner happy.

A satisfied groan from Starlight indicated that Trixie was successful in that venture; Her cock throbbed and pulsed as she came hard down Twilight's throat. The princess' eyes rolled back in her head as she attempted to gulp down the sizable load, but it was eventually too much for her. Cum spurted from the corners of her mouth, even spraying out of her nose. Starlight let out a sigh of content, pulling her fat, sticky dick from the princess' throat.

"That was excellent! I should've done this ages ago!" Starlight laughed to herself, wiping her cock clean with Twilight's mane. "Trixie, lick up this mess, I've got things to do."

"What sort of things, Mistress?" asked Trixie, finally taking in some fresh air. Starlight smirked sinisterly as she made her way for the door.

"I have the princess now. May as well see who else would make a good slave."