Anon a Mystery : Flash

by ALoneWolf

First published

How will our blue haired rocker boy react after finding out the truth? Lets find out...................................

Taking place a few days after the Camp Everfee trip, Flash Sentry gets suspicious after he notices that Sunset's been unusually happy and not as cold or distant as she was these past few months. With no mention of her forgiving those who hurt her last christmas, he goes to the one person who can answer his all important question............ "What happened to Sunset?"

The first part of my Anon a Mystery side series showing how Sunset and flash started dating again.

The Honest Truth

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There up in the lush green horizon stood Sweet Apple Acre's. Home of the Apple family, the landscape of the lifelong family business, and is well known across the city for having the best farm grown apples in the state.

Outside the entrance a young man park's his sports car just two feet from the pathway to the farm. As he shut's down the ignition he then steps out of his car, keys in hand and gazes at his targeted destination. With his folks being longtime customers, finding the Acres was as Pinkie would say " Easy as Applepies:pinkiehappy:"

This was Flash Sentry

Sunsets Former boyfriend turned friend, Canterlot Highs most popular student/musician, and a longtime friend of the Rainboom's . As he continued to gaze at the Apples estate, he look's back at the reason for him being here in the first place.

Sunset shimmer

Ever since they got back from the week long Camp Everfree trip a few days ago, Sunset's been unusually happy and cheerful with everybody in school no longer the cold, distant, and unapologetic girl she's been these past 4 1/2 months. One things for sure this didn't seem right to him As there was no way she would go from cold to happy in just a few days despite the fact that 4 1/2 months seem's like the appropriate time to forgive someone but this, this just didn't seem right to him in any way. One things for sure he was gonna get his answer, and he was gonna get it from the one person who known throughout the school for never telling a lie .

Applejack AKA The element of honesty

" I really hope she's home" He questions as he lock's his car door and proceeds to his destination.

As he walks through the stone and gravel pathway, Flash gets a chance to gaze at all the large and healthy apple tree's that loomed throughout the large green acre's . No doubt the Apple's business has has been going on for many years.

After a 3 minute walk through the path Flash finally arrives at the Apples residence. Over the main outside gate he spot's Applebloom playing fetch with the family dog Winona. As she threw the ball for the fifth time she look's back and notices the visitor standing near the gate.

" Howdy Flash!" Bloom greeted. " How ya doin?"

"Hi applebloom" He greeted back. " Im doing well thanks for asking"

" Hows the leg doing?" He asked.

"Ehh it's getting there" Bloom replies as she looks down at her leg cast. " But I'm getting better and better each day. the good news is I should have my cast off in a couple more week's.

"That's great glad your doing better" He says. " Anyways Is your sister home? Cause I need to talk to her about something important".

" Yeah she's upstairs in her room, hang on let me get the gate opened for ya" Bloom replied as she limped over to the center of the gate. After gently placing one of her crutches on the edge she undid the hooked lock and opened the gate for her classmate.

" Thanks Bloom" Flash said as he walked inside.

"No problamo" Bloom replied as she retrieved her right crutch.

Suddenly an loud happy bark can be heard and Flash look's down and finds himself face to face with Winona who stood on his left leg giving him the happiest smile while wagging her tail with joy.

" Hehe sorry bout that partner, Winona always gets excited when she meet's new people" Bloom giggled.

" Hehe It's fine my dog's the same way" Flash replies as he gently scratches the top of her head"

" Come on girl let's leave Flash alone" Bloom call's out and Winona soon follows suit. But before the two of em walk away Bloom turn's back to Flash " The doorbell's broken so you'll have to knock"

"Ok thanks Bloom" Flash replies as he makes his way towards the front door.


Inside the house we find the families Matriarch Granny Smith and her Grandson Big Macintosh ( big mac for short) prepping for dinner. But as Mac's about halfway finished setting the table, he hears a knock at the door and goes to see who it is.

The tall teenager unlocks and open's the door and find's his buddy Flash Sentry on the other side.

"Hey there big guy" Flash greeted

" Howdy Flash" Mac greeted back as they gave each other friendly fistbumps.

Granny Smith then looked over to see who stopped by.

" Well if it isn't Flash Sentry! How ya doin boy what brings you her this late in the afternoon?' She asked.

"Hi Miss Smith" Flash greeted and waved. " I'm doing fine thanks for asking"

"Actually I came here on a serious note, mind If I go up and talk to Applejack it's important?" He asked.

"Sure thing go on ahead" She answered." Oh and while your up there would you mind letting her know that dinner will be ready in about an hour?"

" Yup" Big Mac replied.

''Sure thing i'll let her know and thanks" Flash replied and began to walk upstairs, but he was soon stopped by Big Mac.

"Word of advice partner knock first, I learned my lesson 20 times throughout my life" Mac said slightly terrified.

"Thanks for the warning big guy" Flash giggled as he made his way upstairs.

Moments later our blue haired rocker found himself on the second floor of the estate surveying the many door's in his path. He soon came across a door with a symbol painted on that strongly resembled the element Twilight bestowed upon Applejack.

" Hope this is the right room" Flash said to himself and proceeded to knock as warned by Big Mac.

" Come in!" Came a voice from the other side.

Flash then opened the door and Found Applejack near her small wardrobe lightly grooming her hair. She then noticed his presence in her mirror and turned around.

"Flash! Well aint this a surprise, what brings ya here partner? She greeted.

" Hey AJ I just dropped by to chat with you about something" He said.

" Oh ok, whats on your mind partner?" She asked.

"Well before I start Granny smith wanted me to tell you that dinner will be ready in an hour" He replied.

"Really?" she asked. " Thank god I'm starving"

"So whats on your mind partner?" She continued as she walked over to her bed and sat on the edge.

Flash then took a deep breath before answering her question. After what seemed like hour's He finally spoke.

"It's about Sunset" he finally said.

The element of honesty raised an eyebrow as she wondered what He wanted to know about his ex. But her expression soon turned to inner shock as she realized what he might be talking about.

"Does he know about the stone?" She thought before continuing.

"Wwwwwwhat about Sunset Flash?" She asked nervously.

"Well" He continued. " You see after we got back from camp a few days ago Sunset's been unusually happy. She was no longer cold or angry like she's been these past 4 1/2 months. But whats more suspicious is that she's hanging out with you guy's again and I haven't heard anything of her forgiving you guy, your sisters, the entire student body, faculty, and me. Plus Sunset's never once mentioned Anon a Miss or anything related to it and I came here to know Applejack,"

As Flash finished his statement Applejack looked down at the floor with a hint of guilt in her eye's. She and the girls knew it was only a matter of time before someone caught on to their sinful act that they pulled at Camp Everfree. However she couldn't help but feel slightly impressed that out of all her friends he chose to speak to her knowing that she's never told a single lie her entire life as it would go against the element that Twilight Bestowed upon her.

"Well played Sentry" She thought.

Applejack then sighed a little before continuing.

" Ok partner wait here i'll be back, promise" Applejack said.

"Ok" He replied.

A few minutes later applejack came back into the room with two cups of hot cocoa. No doubt this was gonna be a long story if hot chocolate was involved. After he was given his cup Flash took a seat at the edge of the bed and Applejack soon followed.

"Ok Flash it's like this.................." Applejack said as she began her story.

5 minutes later

"So yeah partner that's what happened" Applejack said as she finished her story and then takes the last sip of her cocoa.

Flash remained silent as she finished her story. He didn't know how to process all of this, to think all it took was a magic stone to erase that horrible event from last christmas, his emotions were mixed at the matter. A part of him wanted to be angry at Applejack and the other's for taking n easy way out just to rid Sunset of that horrible memory instead of waiting patiently for forgiveness. But another part of him couldn't really blame them for stooping so low as he too was just as awful to Sunset when she was wrongfully accused by everyone. After finishing the last of his cocoa he finally spoke.

"Does anyone else know?" He asked.

" No" Applejack replied. " Just me, the girls, and our sisters...........well actually they overheard us privately discussing it during free period.

"What about you know who?" He asked again.

" No she doesn't know either" Applejack replied. " We were actually debating on whether or not to tell Twilight cause we knew how angry she would get if she ever found out. but even if we wanted to it'd be impossible as sunset's magic journal went missing a few days ago and we haven't been able to find it.

" I see, I see" Flash responded

After a moment of silence Applejack then spoke again.

"Your pissed at us aren't you?" She asked nervously.

" Well" He began. " I'd be lying if I said that was definitely a BS move you girl's pulled on her. Cause sunset would have been an emotional wreck if she lost all of her memories and not just the Anon a miss incident"

Applejack looked at her empty cup in shame knowing that he was right.

"But" He continued"

His response caused her to lift her head back up.

" I guess I cant really blame you guys for going that far especially with how Sunset always reacted whenever someone tried to apologize to her" He said.

" Hell she almost sent Pinkie and fluttershy to the hospital and all they wanted was to talk to her" He continued. " And honestly when she almost burned us alive during the visit to her apartment, I would have taken a fireball straight to the torso as it's what i deserved after the hurtful and unforgiving words me and my friends wrote in those hate mail letters.

" I'm no saint myself Flash" Applejack replied. " Whenever she got jumped by Gilda and her gang all week a part of me wanted to jump in and save her, but I was to clouded in hatred at the thought of her only pretending to be our friend just to learn our deepest darkest secrets. But boy was I wrong, Sunset wasn't that girl anymore but I was too selfish to believe that her reformation and sincerity was genuine and not just an act"

"Your right she's not that evil queenbee anymore" He replied. " she's changed but I guess a part of us still haven't forgiven her for all the hurtful actions she's put us through these past few year's.

"I'd give anything to go back and fix what i've done. I shouldn't have let my anger and stubbornness get the better of me" Applejack said as tears slowly started to form.

"Amen" Flash replied.

The two friends remained silent for what felt hour's until Flash finally perked up a little and continued.

"Dont worry, your secret's safe with me" He said

Applejack wiped the tears away before continuing.

"Ya mean it Flash?" she sniffed.

" Yeah as Pinkie would say Cross my heart hope to die stick a cupcake right in my eye" He said earning a small chuckle from the element of honesty.

" Thanks partner" Applejack said and wrapped an arm around his neck.

" No prob AJ" Flash replied and returned he embrace.

After a few seconds they broke the embrace and looked at eachother.

" Ya know maybe that stone was a sign for us to start over and actually befriend sunset" Flash said.

" Your right" Applejack began. " It'd be nice to actually be friends with her instead of being told to....................................

"SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPPP'SSSSSSS ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Came a loud voice from downstairs.

" Sound's like dinners ready" Flash giggled.

"Yup" Applejack replied" I swear Granny may be old but she's got some lung's.

After another good chuckle form her and Flash Applejack spoke again.

" Would you like to stay for dinner?" She asked.

" I wouldn't want to intrude" Flash politely declined.

"NONSENSE!" Applejack protested." You drove all the way over here it's the least I can do for ya.

Flash then thought it out for a minute.

"Did I mention that we're having Salisbury steak?" Applejack said.

"Word?" He asked.

"Oh yeah partner" Applejack replied.

"What the heck, sure i'll stay." Flash said after making his decision.

"Wise choice partner your in for a real treat tonight" Applejack said happy with his answer.

" Just let me phone my parent's real quick to let them know where I'm at" He said

" Sure thing partner take your time" Applejack replied as she walked out of the room.

As AJ left the room Flash took out his phone and began swiping through his contact's until he reached his parents number's. However as he was about to tap on the selected number, he stopped himself when he noticed a familiar number that he hasn't called in a while. As he continued staring at the number memories soon began to cloud in his mind. after staring at it for a few more seconds, he finally mustered up the courage to tap on the number and began typing.

"Hey Sunset you there?"

After a few seconds a reply soon came in................

"Flash hi! This is a surprise, I thought you've deleted

my number by now after the......well you know.

"Well I actually planned on it but I guess it kinda slipped my mind😅"

" Well I dont mind actually, It kinda feel's like old times😊"

"Yeah It does doesn't it?"

"Yeah............So whats up with you Flash?"

" Well I wanted to ask you something"


"Do you have plans this weekend?"

"No i dont"

"Well me and the girls were gonna have one of our

famous slumber parties, but sadly Pinkie and Rarity

got the flu so we decided to postpone it to next week"


Flash stopped for a second before typing his response. After what felt like a minute he continued typing.

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to, I don't know see a
movie with me this weekend?"

He then waited patiently for her reply and after a few second's it soon came in.

"Sure what time?"

He was shocked after reading her answer.

"She said yes?" He thought to himself and continued typing.

"Would 11am be cool with you?"

"Sure sounds good"

"Well get the best seats if we go early"

"True that"
"So............I'll see ya this weekend?"

"Yeah I'll see you"

"OH before I go I gotta ask you something"

"What's up?"

" You wouldn't have happened to see my journal

have you? Cause it's been a few days and me

and the girls haven't been able to find it"

"No I haven't sorry"
"But i'll let you know if I do👍"


''ll see ya this weekend Flashy boy💗"

"See ya sunset😄"

Once the text conversation ended Flash took a moment to piece together what just happened. He asked his ex out on a date and she said yes and was all in for it, despite the two of them barely saying a word to each other after her reformation. Memories began to flow in his head, the introductions between the two, the breakup, the school nearly getting taken over, her reformation, and the Anon a miss incident from last year. He thought back on that day wishing that he hadn't been so stupid to quickly accuse her like he did. He wasn't sure how far this would go if they actually tried this again, but deep down he did enjoy the times they had together before the break up, and maybe this would be his second chance to make it right and if she ever got her memory back he'll be ready for her with hug's, kisses, and promises to make it up to her.

"I'm not gonna mess up this time Sunset, I promise" Flash said to himself, and then proceeded to contact his parents.