To Date a Hero

by mrmidnight

First published

Spike was just your average Joe. Just wanting to enjoy his day off after a long work week. Suddenly a Hero slams into his apartment.

Spike was just your average Joe. Just wanting to enjoy his day off after a long work week. Suddenly a Hero slams into his apartment- destroying the whole place. This heroine is The legendary hero Danger Delta. Spike not ready to deal with this Demands that she pay for the damages. They agree to meet up for dinner that night.
Warning contains Superhero sex, large tits, Public sex (Semi) also some lewd handholding

Art by skecchiart

Featured 10/21/20

chapter 1

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It was a calming October evening. The leaves were turning brown, as they were extra-crisp as Delta City citizens would stomp on them. The City was a wonder- the way it stood tall shining towards the world. It was a City any person would be safe to reside in. For it had a guardian. A Guardian who had protected them from time- and the world itself. None other than Danger Delta

Danger Delta, a mysterious woman who arrived clearing the City from Crime and its protector of those that wished to harm them. The symbol of hope and power for all.

Though For Spike Stone, he lived in a small apartment in Delta City. The Home was small and comfortable. It was early in the morning as he stood there wearing his pajamas as he would enjoy the one day off he’s had for over a month. A soft groan as he grabbed the bowl of cereal. He was planning to do absolutely nothing today. Watch some tv, maybe a little Netflix and this and that.

Nothing to worry about. With a long sigh, Spike moved over, flopping on the couch. His hand was fumbling through, grabbing the remote as his shaggy hair got in the way of his vision as he pushed it away. It was a restless evening as he popped his neck. He began turning the television on. Spike was ready to watch one of his favorite shows…

That was until suddenly, without warning, there was a banging against his wall. Spike nearly dropped his bowl when he was shocked. Looking over closer. He couldn’t help muttering,

“What the?” he muttered; that was when it happened. Without warning, there was another bang—a much harder thump. Under normal circumstances, Spike might’ve suspected that. It was his neighbors being way too noisy. But the fact that this particular wall was on the other side of the apartment wall. It was clear that wasn’t it.

There without warning, the wall suddenly broke apart, leaving a large hole. Spike barely had enough time to get out of the way as he dropped down to the ground in the nick of time. He looked over, seeing what went through his wall. But instead of a what, it was who.

This- who was a feminine figure tall, almost amazon like a woman. She was sitting on his couch, rubbing her head as she gritted her teeth. She was wearing a skin-tight outfit red with D.D emblazed on her chest. Separated with a triangle showing off her cleavage. She pulled herself up, brushing the degree off her as she looked over,

“Sorry about that, Citizen.” As she pulled herself up in a fighting position. Her blonde locks were covering her eyes as she blew it up.

Spike was shocked as he muttered

“What the Fuck? Danger Delta, why are you here?”

Before Danger Delta could respond, though, there was a burst of cackling laughter as appearing before the wall was a green-skinned woman with a black brimmed hat with cogs running over her black outfit, Rocket heels emanating flames.

“She is here to face her doom from me! For I am the bringer of her death for I am Dr. Flordel!” She cackled, reaching towards as she brought out a pair of power gauntlets. She began jetting herself right through Spike's newly acquired hole and slammed into Danger Delta. Danger took the force of the black as they slid back Spike's couch, ripping in half. The man watched as the two supers began fighting. Dr. Florde was pulling out a set of Lazors trying to strike at Danger Delta. But all she managed to do was jump out of the way. As she motioned over, grabbing his refrigerator.

“No! Not my fridge!” Spike screamed, but Danger didn’t hear him as she slammed it right into the villain who was slung back. However, it seemed to barely phase her as she began using various tech to fight against the Hero. Using an excerating freeze ray, she shot at her again, trying to maintain a distance, but all it leads was for Spikes Fishbowl to turn into an ice bowl.

“Hmm, missed Me, Doctor.” Danger said with a smug smirk, but the villainous Doctor laughed,

“Oh, I might have missed you there, but my aim’s getting better.” As she suddenly released a blast from her belt, getting Danger in the Leg. Spike eyes widened as he muttered,

“Will you take this outside!” He muttered while watching as Danger used her heat, Ray vision on the ice, burning his floors up. There was no way he was going to get his deposit back on this place as he winced at the thought.

“Well, not today. That’s for sure.” She stomped down, breaking the ice, causing shards to fly, missing Spike's head by about a few inches.

That was when she suddenly looked overseeing Spikes fifty-inch plasma screen T.V. There was a sparkle in her eyes Spike did not like.

“No! No, no, no!” As she reached over, grabbing it, pulling the thing off the wall with relative ease. But before Spike could do anything, she slammed it down on the Bad Doctor's head. The Tv went down on her with relative ease as it wrapped around her like a makeshift chain as she couldn’t move her arms.

“Curse you, Danger Delta!” The villainess screamed as Danger slammed her down into his table, breaking it in two and knocking the mad scientist out like a light.

Spike’s mouth was down to the floor, looking at the pure unadulterated destruction that just happened to his apartment. He was trying to remember if he even had gotten superhero insurance. It wasn’t like he expected two superpower-being flyings through his walls.

Delta looked around seeing Spike with a smile on her face as she exclaimed,

“No need to thank me Citizen For I Danger Delta was here to save the day. She will cause no harm to you.” It was clear she was hamming it up the white smile on her face. She hadn’t even realized in all the commotion her outfit had ripped apart, exposing one of her breasts. Spike looked at it for a second, noticing she had a large areola.

“I’ll make my due and head out plenty of Danger out here in the City of Delta!” She was picking up The Doctor, ready to head out, but Spike called,

“Hey, wait a goddamn minute!” He looked quite pissed. Danger looked back at him for a second as she seemed confused.

“Is there something wrong, Good sir?” her confident voice raising?

“Yeah, there's something wrong. Look at this place. You two destroyed my whole apartment! Who the hells going to pay for this!”

“It’ll be fine, Citizen. I’m sure your insurance will pay for this.” She tried to leave quickly, but Spike wasn’t having any of this as he shook his head,

“Oh fuck that, you’re staying here till we get them on the line so you can explain what the Hell happen. They are not going to believe me. Fuck, this is going to cost me a damn fortune.” Spike bitched, but it seemed Danger Delta huffed loosing in annoyance,

“Listen, I don’t have all day; the City needs me, and I have to get this villain locked up. I’ll come back later.”

“You are not.” He stood tall; he was not in the mood for this a rough week at the factory, pulling double shifts and the one day off he gets, and this happens. He didn’t care if this heroine could bench press the planet. Danger rolled her eyes as she looked around. The Doctor was groaning and wiggling as she gave them a flick in the head, knocking them back out. It would be clear the Doctor would need a Doctor of her own as she looked back towards the young man.

“Fine- well, how about this. We’ll meet for dinner tonight; I’ll give you my number and talk about how we’ll fix all of this. I promise.”

Spike thought about it though, looking at the seriousness in her eyes sighed,

“Fine, but you better not screw me over.” He exclaimed through Danger Delta smirked some,

“No problems- After all, that would be something only a villain would do. Now hand me a piece of paper before this mad scientist wakes up.” Spike reached over and, moving past some of the debree, grabbed a pen and paper. Which she proceeded to write down a set of numbers as she handed it over.

“Now that this is settled, I’ll be on my way. I’ve got a lot of work to do. Let me know where we’ll meet.”

She had taken ahold of the villainess and began flying off, the woosh of wind pushed off as it caused more damage. Spike just sighed and grabbed his phone. He had to call his landlord and his insurance. He prayed to God that he had superhero insurance.

“I swear I need to get out of this city.” He mumbled under his breath. His hand was reaching over and putting the number in his phone. Just in case he lost the paper, Marking it under Double D.

Spike would head over and begin calling his insurance company after that. A light groan as he was in for a long annoying day.


Danger Delta arrived to the café with a heavy breath her super suit changed to civilian clothes as she returned to her secret identity, Applejack Lane. Her eyes covered in bags, as she could finally relax as she ordered a cup of coffee. She looked around and saw her friend Fluttershy storm, sitting down wearing a fine bussiniess suit drinking an ice coffee. Applejack walked over for a minute as she took a seat right across from Fluttershy storm

“So how was your day? I heard you had a scuffle with Doctor Florde.” She was calm through out it while Applejack groaned,

“Such a pain Fluttershy, I’ll have to get my suit tailored again cause that crazy bitch ripped it apart, and Now this one guy is pissed at me cause I ended the fight in his apartment.” Her head moped down as her chin hit the table.

“Boy does that suck; I hope he has insurance.”

“Hard to tell, but the guy wouldn’t let me leave the apartment until I agreed to pay for the damages. What the Hell? I saved his life.” She muttered in annoyance.

“You said you ended the fight in his apartment; you are responsible for the damage a little, though why take that I’ve seen you benchpress our planet.”

“Cause I’m the good guy, I can’t be using my powers for my own gain. I managed to get out of there cause I agreed to give him my number so we can discuss what I can do to make it up for him.”

Fluttershy clicked her cup and took a long drink as she looked back. Her broad-brimmed glasses staring back,

“So, you bribed him with a date as your herosona.”

“I did not; I just agreed to see him tonight for dinner, a business dinner,” Applejack said, flustered, her cheeks getting red.

“So, A date?” Fluttershy said with a stone-cold look for a second while Applejack groaned in annoyance.

“It is not a date Iron Maiden!” Though suddenly the businesswoman reached over cupping her mouth,

“Exney on the hero name, eh.” She muttered while looking around at the others looking towards her.

“Nothing to see here- Just my weird friend was talking crazy!” she smiled some though those that had watched her just shrugged it off, going back to their coffee. Fluttershy soon let her go as she took another drink.

“So let's say this is not a date. Is he cute?” Fluttershy tipped her glasses; Applejack looked annoyed,

“I don’t know I didn’t get a good look at him; I was too busy being the Heroine of Hope!”

“This is why you never get laid; come on, tell me, what do you remember.”

Applejack groaned hard as she wanted to smack her friend, but she was worried she might accidentally slam her through the wall as she began remembering

“Nothing too wild, he was around 5’7, maybe 180 lbs with scruffy hair and a beard. A bit of a dad's bod. He’s got some Green hair it’s kind of cute…” She grunted as she looked towards her friend,

“Hmm, it seems you know more than you lead on and sounds like your type. Come on, and you could give it a chance. Hell, you’ll get that itch scratched.”

“Hey, cause you’re the horny tech hero doesn’t mean we all are. Besides, I have to be an example of good moral standards.”

“Honey, all I hear from you is I need to get laid. Come on, when was the last time you had a good fuck. If I remember, it was during the Christmas party with Hydraman.”

“Hey, you know I was drunk at the time. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have gone down on his weird snake dicks. I swear I regret ever telling you.” Applejack groaned as she took a drink of her hot cup of Joe.

“Bitch please, you know it was funny as Hell, but you know what? Come over to my place. I’ll help you get ready for your date tonight.” She giggled and patted her friend on the back,

“It’s not a date; besides we’re just discussing how I will get his place fixed… By the way, could I ask you a favor?”

“Go ahead, My poor reporter.” She smirked as she took a drink the smug look on her face.

“Is there a way I could borrow some money to give him just in case you know how heroism doesn’t pay as well as it uses to?”

“No problem but come over so I can get that date of your ready, and you can get your payment for the boy toy.” Fluttershy teased as she gave a wink. Applejack only groaned in annoyance as she wanted to scream. Sometimes she wondered what she did to deserve a friend like Iron Maiden.


Spike cursed under his breath. While he was covered, they were going to only pay for about half of it, claiming it was an act of God, Fucking hell these cheap-ass bastards. He kicked in annoyance. The only good thing they did was pay for his hotel room until the apartment was repaired. However, they weren’t going to replace the stuff that Danger Delta had broken.

It was all tempting to call his lawyer and sue her, but he could see the headlines in some ways. Man sues the City’s legendary Hero! He Spat that out, knowing it would cause him more trouble than needed as he sighed.

“Well, there goes my day off. Though I guess I’ll have quite the story for my co-workers.” His phone rang as he looked over; for half a second, he figured it would be Delta Danger. As he looked towards the number, but no, it was Discord. He quickly answered,

“What's up to Discord,”

“Nothing much, just seeing how you were enjoying your day off, man.” The cocky, confident voice answered back.

“Oh, it’s fine, though. Danger Delta crashed into my apartment and destroyed all my shit!” He exclaimed in frustration, still unable to believe his luck. It was maddening though Discord response was quick

“Holy shit, dude, you alright?”

“Yeah, but my place’s destroyed, and the insurance is only replaced so much.”

“Damn, that sucks. Though hey, at least you got to see Danger Delta. Was she hot?”

“Dude, the fuck keep it in your pants for five minutes. My place got smashed by a super catfight! I’m living in a hotel, and you were asking me how hot Danger Delta is?”

“Yeah, man, I mean Silver lining.” Spike wanted to roll his eyes as he wished to just to smack his friend but sighed.

“Yeah, she was good looking; a bit of her costume was ripped.” Spike gave a small laugh as Discord had a way of giving him a slight chuckle. He began thinking some about it. Delta was beautiful, very sexy. Though he shook his head, he had to focus. She had screwed him and destroyed his place. He needed to be compensated.

“Still- we’re going to talk about the repairs. I’ll be telling her about what damages she did and owe me.”

Discord wanted more, but eventually, Spike hanged up, a groan while he needed to get ready for tonight. He decided He needed a fresh shave. Also, A good shower as he headed to the Restroom.


The night couldn’t come fast enough as Spike sat at the restaurant, his fingers tapping on the table as he waited. He sent Danger Delta the restaurant’s name, where they would meet. Nothing too wild, Just a local steakhouse. The long motion as he waited by a table. He had ordered some bread rolls to snack on while waiting. He wore a pair of blue jeans and a flannel shirt.

He took a long drink as he was waiting for almost a half-hour. He was close to calling it a night when suddenly he heard a voice,

“I’m sorry, but is this seat taken.” Spike looked up towards who was saying it. And stood there, he saw Danger Delta; she was wearing particularly nice clothes, casual and form-fitting. With a white smile. She wore a thick set of brim glasses, as she looked to him with those calming eyes,

“Um, no, here have a seat.” He watched her take a seat. She rested back some as the waiter finally arrived over,

“Are you two ready to order?” His eyes were peeking over towards her as it was clear he was catching a glimpse at her breast. He was ogling her slightly while doing his best to keep a professional look.

“Um, Could you give us a minute to decide? I just got here.” Delta smiled for a second. The waiter looked over towards Spike, who nodded in agreement as he turned away, heading off, helping over customers.

“So, you look… Different.” Spike responded, quite shocked as he looked towards the Superheroine, who giggled,

“Well yeah, I mean, I have to. Do you think I just go around wearing the same suit every day? It can get a little hot wearing skin-tight costumes.” Danger Delta said as she suddenly snorted between her fits of giggling.

“Well, I mean you kind of Look like Applejack Lane, the reporter that does stories on you all the time,” Spike said as Delta’s eyes widened some, and shook her head,

“On no, I mean, I’ve heard people save Applejack looks more like me. But that’s not the case at all.” Her eyes were darting around as if she was hiding something though Spike just snorted some.

“Hmm, is that so. I mean, We’ve heard rumors about you and Applejack is that the two of you are dating.”

Delta snorted hard as she shook her head,

“Oh, no-no, We are so not dating, Hell we’re just friends talking over and giving her stories and random interviews.” She was trying to throw the conversation out.

“Hmm, well, I guess your right. Though more fun with some of your guy’s fan art.” Spike teased while Delta snorted hard, as she was about to take a drink from what the waiter had brought them.

“Oh God no- Yesh, I wish I could get rid of that. But even with Superpowers, the internet is truly my greatest enemy.”

Spike laughed some as groaned hard. Messing with the City's greatest Hero like this, though- He suddenly remembered why he was doing here—taking a serious look on his face as he looked back to here.

“Well, I managed to call my insurance agent,” The calmness in his voice as Danger Delta looked back, quickly as she gulped some,

“Oh, you did, well how did it go?” There was a concern in her voice as she leaned in, making sure she could hear Spike.

“Well, they’ll be repairing the hole in my wall and the floors, but everything else is on me cause your fight, and crashing around was called an act of God.”

“Oh, dear, that just sucks.” Delta bit her lip some as she knew it was her fault. She should’ve tried slamming that bitch off into the abandoned warehouse district though she didn’t have time. All that over a bag of lousy diamonds.

“Well, it might not be much, but…” Delta reached over towards her purse as she pulled out a blank check and handed it over. Spike looked towards it, examining the check for a second, and said,

“What's this?” Spike asked, looking over it. The check was blanket with not much to it but a signature on the bottom. Delta blushed some as she answered,

“Well, I figured in case your insurance wasn’t going to cover you, I would help some. I asked my friend Iron Maiden if she would loan me some money. She’s pretty well off and didn’t mind giving me a check to help pay it off.”

“Iron maiden, huh?” Spike said with a light laugh as he looked towards her. He held the check in his hand,

“Yeah, why you a fan of her?” Delta asked, a pulse in her head as she felt a hint of jealousy; she shook it off as she composed herself. She was a professional.

“I mean she’s great, though my pal Discord, He is obsessed with her- I mean not in a creepy way- Though mainly just a wanting to fuc-“ He stopped covering his mouth as Spike realized what he was saying and looked away before he made an ass out of himself.

Delta laughed some as she snorted harder,

“Oh, god! Maybe I should introduce him to her; I swear Iron Maiden is a guy crazy Hero.”

“Really?” Spike laughed as he listened in more; soon, their waiter returned, and they each made their order. Spike a steak well done, with a potato on the side, Delta the same though hers was medium-rare.

They simply began talking throughout the night, enjoying their meal and laughing some. Somehow something clicked between them as they laughed hard, telling jokes about what they did on their time off. No one suspected that their greatest Hero was off on the side. But Spike chuckled.

“So you telling me that the great Hero Detective Matterhorn lost his keys for over three hours running through the Halls of Hero’s only to discover that they were just in his back pocket and he never noticed them.” Spike snorted out, laughing hard as He took the last bite of his steak.

“I know, right, and If he just asked me, I would’ve pointed it out, but no, he was all I am the world's greatest detective and investigator I can find my keys! The look on his face, oh god.” She snorted more as she did her best to be quiet. Though soon the bill came over, and Spike looked at it some and pulled his wallet.

“Dinner on me.” He muttered as he pulled out a hundred dollar bill leaving the change for the waiter.

“Sounds good; I mean, I guess we could call it a night.” She turned around, looking over some though Spike looked back.

“Well, I mean we could though the night is young Delta, we could go and get a drink or take a walk.”

Delta paused for a second as she thought about it and nodded with a slight smile,

“Sure, I’d love to.” As she got up with a light Smile, Spike looked over, following her out of the restaurant. Such an idea as they headed off. When they soon walked out with Delta by him. She bumped him with her thigh, causing Spike to stumble to the side, nearly falling with her super-strength. Delta blushed in embarrassment as she didn’t think that through.

Chapter 2

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The two couldn’t help but find themselves hanging out again the week later and the week after that whenever they weren’t busy with work. They didn’t do too much. Maybe grab some food, head on a walk. Hell, Spike chuckled when they went to watch a film. It was a horror film, and Spike was quite surprised when Delta had practically jumped on him, shaking as the killer got one of their victims.

Spike felt her breast pushing against his chest. They were soft as he gulped some. He felt an erection growing. He hoped that Delta didn’t feel it as she watched the movie. His thoughts were running over the place, especially when he remembered seeing her bare tit before. She was something. He shook his thoughts off soon, knowing it would be a terrible idea. He continued watching the film.

Though Eventually, the movie ended. Spike and Danger would head off. Walking out of the theater as they walked off in the chilly night. The sky was clear, with stars glimmering. Delta shivered gently as she was cold. Spike handed his jacket over. Handing it over, Delta wrapped it over her while They continued walking onwards.

“Thanks,” Delta smiled as she leaned into Spike with a gentle smile.

“No problem. It’s my pleasure Delta.” He responded his heart was skipping a beat. He never felt this way before. When Delta reached over suddenly, grabbing his hand, her grip was firm while they headed off towards his car. Though he stopped there for a second as he looked towards Delta for a second,

“Is there something wrong, Spike?” She asked for a minute, curious as Spike looked back at her.

“It’s nothing, but I was just wondering. Could you tell me your name… Your real name? No- nevermind. It's probably too much.” Spike shook the thought off as he began imagining what her reaction was. Could he have crossed the line?

“I-It’s I mean, well let's get somewhere a little more private, your Hotel room. We should talk about it.” She adjusted her glasses for a second as Spike nodded. He was secretly kicking himself. He hoped that he hadn’t ruined what had been a fantastic night. Delta got in the passenger side. At the same time, he moved into the driver seat.

They drove off to his hotel room. The music playing off mainly country music, some rock. Whatever the station was mostly in the mood for.

“Heh, the music pretty nice, though Predictable,” Spike joked about knocking the silence between them away.

“Yeah, heh, Sometimes I enjoy listening to them when I'm off flying. When I’ve got a moment not worrying about stopping a giant monster or a crazed villain, I’ll stick an earbud in and listen to something fun. But oh god, I lose so many, I have to go through so many of them.”

“I feel bad for when they hit the ground, I mean, could you imagine. Some guy walking along and bang a little piece of plastic hitting his head. They’d be like, What the Hell!” Spike laughed hard, Delta, sharing it as they turned off and began moving past cars.

“I bet it's nice though, flying?” Spike muttered some as Delta nodded,

“It can be, though other times it can be a pain when you accidentally fly into a bird or just hit a bad gust of wind,” Delta said while giving a small laugh. Spike chuckled,

“Well, I’ll take notes on that, though it looks like we’re here.” Spike turned over and parked off to the side.

As soon as they left the car, they began heading inside the hotel. Passing the lobby and heading towards his room, quickly deading in there to the single room, with a kingsize bed a tv on the other side and a single bathroom. They stood there for a second—a soft silence lingering in the air.

“Well, here’s where I’ve been staying. We should be alone.” Spike said

“Good, Good- I well, this is tough. But since you asked what my actual name is, I’m going, being honest. If I do this, we can’t go back. I’m showing absolute trust in you. You can not tell anyone about this.”

Spike stood there for a second, as he nodded. He was honestly never in a situation like this as he responded.

“I promise I won’t reveal your secret identity. Boy scouts honor.” He gave a small chuckle raising his hand. Delta giggled some as she nodded,

“Remember how you said I looked like Applejack Lane- Well, I am her.” Delta- No, Applejack rubbed the back of her head, a weight lifted from her shoulders. How long had it been that she told someone other than her parents and Fluttershy? She never really told anyone about her real side. Spike looked at her with a chuckle.

“So I guess those stories can go right out the window then, heh Discord owes me Fifty- Bucks… Well, if he knew anyway but not like I’ll be able to tell him.” Spike snickered while Applejack looked horrified for a second till she began realizing that he was joking. However, this leads to a question.

“So, where do we go from here? I mean between us.” Applejack muttered while Spike raised his shoulders.

“I guess we just take it as we do and go with the flow.” He sat down on the bed. But Applejack stood there for a second as a smile suddenly crept onto her face, an idea as she leaned in closer.

“Hmm, Spike, you know, We’ve been seeing each other for this month. We’re all alone. Maybe we should have some… Fun.” The Cheshire grin on her face grew as Spike felt more curious.

“How so?” He muttered, leaning back, having a pretty good idea of what she might’ve had in mind. She leaned in and suddenly kissed him on the lips. Her lips were soft against his as he soon returned the kiss as he reached over, caressing her shoulders. It may have lasted a second. But for Spike- and even Applejack, it was like fireworks. Between them. Applejack pulled back as she muttered,

“Would you care for a fly?” But before Spike could respond. A gush of wind hit his face, and Applejack was gone. For about five seconds as she suddenly came back. She was wearing her super suit. Though a little bit off as he saw her nipples pressing up against the fabric hard as a rock. Her face expressed a sultry look as she took him by the hand.

“Wait- what- “before he could finish speaking, he felt her grab him, practically raising him in the air as they were off. His body was not prepared as he suddenly found himself moving faster than he ever had before. Soon Spike saw himself flying.

Flying off in the air Spike was freaking out. He never was in a situation like this. Feeling himself wrapping his arms around Applejack. He practically began yelling out,

“Applejack! Don’t drop me!”

“I’m not, don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ve just given you a ride.” Applejack giggled. Somewhere she raised them higher, and soon Spike found himself looking down upon the city. His heart racing faster as he wasn’t sure how to react. His hands were getting sweaty as he held onto the buxom woman even more. His life depends on it.

“P-Promise!” He muttered, this Grown man freaking out as his eyes widened as Applejack smiled some.

“I promise, Girl Scouts honor.” She held a hand up and kissed his neck. Spike felt a turn in his stomach, yet it felt good as he tried his best not to look down. His focus on her. A light smirk as she leaned in, nibbling his neck as she whispered.

“It’s been a while, but I’ve always fantasized about trying this.”

“Try what?” Spike was unsure of this as he suddenly felt a hand at his zipper and feeling it come undone. Spike suddenly realized what she meant,

“Oh, that… Ok.” He just went with it, shocked and not expecting it, as he felt his pants suddenly being ripped off and thrown off. He honestly didn’t know where it was going to land. He honestly was thankful to be pulled his wallet out when he entered his hotel room.

Spike held onto her still as he realized there wasn’t anything between them. He wasn’t sure if he was erected from arousal or freaked out. But it was clear his lower head was standing up ready for anything.

“Hmm, so is that a weapon of mass destruction? Or are you happy to see me?”

Spike snorted and responded,

“You are such a dork.”

“Hmm, I may be a dork, but I’m a dork who’s got you ten-thousand feet in the air.” They floated there without warning. She wrapped her legs around him. A hard groan as She moved her hand down, adjusting her costume. Spike would feel her change herself a bit more. His cock pressing against her slit. She felt so wet as she soon slid him inside her.

“humph! Your so big!” She moaned in his ear as she licked it. Spike bit his lips. She was tight- very, very tight. As he felt his cock sink deep into her pussy. Applejack squeezed tighter as she began riding him. Spikes Hand grabbed her hips. Instinct running through him as he began lifting her. Pushing her up and down. A hard grunt as he thrust his hips into her.

Applejack moaned as she pushed back. When they soon began moving horizontally. Spike grunted as he felt her weight on top of him. He felt weightless as she started bouncing on him. Spike grunted, feeling himself falling.

Spike grunted as he felt his stomach turning more. He focused more on her. His nerves were turning to steel as he reached over, grabbing her breast. Applejack moaned as he gave them a firm squeeze. His fingers were fumbling around as he started rolling his thumb against her nipples. Applejack Super suit didn’t help much.

“Oh god, fuck yes, Spike!” She moaned, her voice getting louder as she screamed to the heavens. Spike felt her riding his cock. Fucking him without relent. His fingers were playing with her luscious tits.

Applejack moaned more as she pushed her body back and forth. As she arched her head. Her mind was racing as she tried remembering when it was the last time she had even done this. Six months? A year? It didn’t matter as she loved every second. The way Spikes cock spread her filled her to the brink was exhilarating. The city lights shining under them as she moved faster. Her moans were getting louder the moment his hands grabbed her tits. She let out a loud cry,

“Fuck, Spike Harder, Harder!” She screamed as she bounced on him faster. Spike tried thrusting into her more, but it was difficult in this position. Applejack pushed down more quickly, causing them to move up and down in the air. She clearly wouldn’t stop, as she suddenly felt a popping sound.

“Shit!” Spike muttered, suddenly feeling himself cumming way quicker than expected. His cock head hitting her square center in her uterus. The way he cummed was nearly endless as ropes of cum filled the Heroine. The shock hit Applejack like a train while Spike cummed into her. The way his spunk shot into him caused her eyes to roll. She honestly lost control as suddenly, when she looked into the air, her heat vision went off, firing off a large Lasor into the air.

“Holy fuck!” She screamed more while feeling her self suddenly falling. Spike felt them falling. They were going down to the grown.

“Applejack! Applejack!” He screamed as Finally decided to do the only thing he could think and slapped her ass as hard as he could. This brought Applejack back as she suddenly realized they were falling. She suddenly pulled up in the air quickly. But before Spike realized it. He suddenly found himself passing out.

Applejack smiled some with a small giggle as she grabbed the back of his head, rubbing it gently. His face pressed against her breasts—a simple smile as she flew him back towards his hotel room.


Spike groaned as he woke up. He looked around as he could barely remember what happened. At the same time, he pulled away from the pillow. It was morning.

“What happened?” He remembered being with Danger Delta- No Her names Applejack, he had to remember that. He couldn’t forget it. His body was moving when he remembers they were together. That was when everything came to him.

“Holy shit, we had sex.” He mumbled and turned his head. He saw Applejack laying there right by him, her back to him as she rested on the pillow. Her hair was a complete mess all over the place. Tangled all around while she slept away. Spike could barely find the words to say anything as he leaned in his arms, wrapping around her as he would go back to sleep. They would eventually wake up, but soon enough, they would have a bit to talk about last night. But for now, the moment was perfect.


Eventually, they would wake up again, though not of their own will, as they heard a loud knocking on the door. Spike was the first to get up, headed towards the door, his head fuzzy sleeping way too long as he grabbed a pair of pants and dragged them on while leading to the front door. He reached over and pulled the door opened shirtless when he did. Who would stand there but Discord, a cocky smile on his face? The short wild hair that stuck up all over the place. Wearing casual clothes, a shirt saying, The man, the legend the lover.

“Discord, what's going on? Why are you here so early? It's like-“ Spike looked over towards a clock and noticed it was a quarter after one.

“Woah, I overslept.”

“Yeah, man, I tried calling you a few times. Remember we were going to hang out some, Grab a few beers and some food. You ok?” the chill in his voice as he looked over. We were soon noticing Applejack in his bed.

“Ohh, I see, man, no worries, I get it… But dude, Is that Danger Delta? That’s awesome. You gotta tell me about this later.” The chuckle in his voice as he practically punched his friend in the arm though Spike shook his head,

“Maybe later, though, maybe you should head off. We’ll hang out … If you know what I mean.”

“No problem, man, Pretend I never came over. Have fun with the hero.” He smirked, clicking his fingers, and was practically out of there. Spike sighed as he wasn’t sure what to say. As he soon heard Applejack calling out.

“Spike, is everything alright?”

“Yeah, just my pal Discord coming over. Don’t worry, though. He just left.”

“Oh god, I hope he didn’t see me.” She was blushing as she covered herself with the blanket.

“I don’t think he saw anything. Heh, I need to get that guy a girlfriend.” Spike chuckled some while Applejack nodded,

“I mean, maybe I could introduce him to Fluttershy; she’s the same, though who knows she might take him as a friend with benefits.”

Spike simply nodded as he suddenly began remembering more about last night.

“So about last night,” Spike muttered, feeling more embarrassed than anything.

“Heh, yeah, Last night was amazing… Sorry about, you know, falling from about ten-thousand feet in the air. I don’t know what hit me… Ok, I do, heh.” She laughed some as she rubbed the back of her head.

“Heh, it’s alright, um sorry for cumming too quickly- I got overwhelmed.” Spike kicked himself as he realized how stupid he was and felt like a failure as a lover.

“It’s no problem, I kind of take it as a compliment. Next time, I’m sure it’ll be better.” She winked some as Spike chuckled. His head was racing some, though a thought came up.

“So, want to get some breakfast?”

“Sounds like a plan, Though it's on you tonight, sweet cheeks.” Applejack giggled as she tossed the blanket off, heading towards the shower.


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-Six months Later-

Discord grunted as he began making a phone call. He'd been trying to get ahold of Spike. It was Sunday night and they were planning a fun game of Oubliettes & Ogres. Eventually, a ringing would come by, when a voice responded.

"Hey man, something going on?"

"Yeah, where are you, We were gonna have are O&O tonight, I even called a couple of others to come to join us," he muttered some a cool expression on his face to mask the annoyance,

"Shit, I forgot, I've got a date tonight seeing a movie with Delta danger," he muttered with a chuckle.

"Well thing her along, heck she can wear the super suit." Discord joked with a smirk on his face, as he imagined them changing the game to more strip poker. Fuck it got his blood running some,

"Not going to happen. Oh, You actually reminded me of something. I kind of set you up for a date fuck. I wish I told you, she'll be coming over soon."

"What! I mean why did you tell me. I'm a complete mess."

"Sorry, it just kind of came up, but don't worry from what i heard she's a really great girl you might like her."

Discord sighed rubbing his pupils.

"Well I'll get dressed quickly but you owe me, man, you owe me." He was about to hang up the phone when he heard the ringing of a doorbell. Discord sighed putting his phone down nut hanging up but left it there on the table as he checked to see who it was.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" He called out, a cool relaxing voice as he opened the door. wearing a light t-shirt, with ACDC on the front, and sweat pants. his wild-looking eyes that were mismatched colors of gold and brown.

He began opening the door. When he did he was face to face with, a woman... Or at least he thought was a woman, she stood there with what looked like armor covering every inch of her body. she was slender with a large pair of knockers. He couldn't tell much but he knew who she was though.

It was the Iron Maiden. and her Helmet raised revealing a beautiful woman with light pink hair that popped out covering one eye with a luscious.

"Hmm well you will be cumming, but I've heard you've been quite the villain, from one of my friends and I'm here to stop your dastardly plans." Iron maiden said with a smirk on her face as she pushed in Discord looked surprised but quickly changed his expression.

"Oh is that so, cause you'll never stop those plans." He gave a fake villainous laugh when suddenly he was grabbed by the cuff of his shirt and came face to face with this heroine.

"Hmm, only one way to find out." Iron Maiden, Or Fluttershy as his friends called her pulled this dastardly villain known as Discord into his apartment, and planned to fuck him- She means to teach him a lesson he would never forget, hopefully, she wouldn't either.

It was said that throughout the night the neighbors for one Discord. It was nearly an endless night of banging screaming and howlering. Yet no matter who they had complained about the noise. Nothing seemed to stop it.