Fall Filly Fun

by Deus Foalt

First published

Zippi, Zew, Zeta, Cold Brew, and Paperclip engage in various fall activities. Lewd scenarios ensue.

It's fall-time in Equestria, and everypony is doing their best to enjoy what the new season brings. Nightmare Night is coming up, costume ideas are being thrown around, fillies are playing in the leaves, and the air is getting colder. These are the stories of how some fillies have "fun" during the cooler months.

GENERAL TAGS: Foalcon, sex scenes too short to satisfy but too long to write off as a side-show.

CHAPTER TAGS: see each chapter's fore-note.

Part of Smoltober 2020! Chapters are titled after the respective prompts, with the exception of 'Candy', which was a wildcard. This is an anthology with no real overarching plot, other than it progressing later into October chapter by chapter. Each story had a 48-hour time limit for writing, so some (okay, all) might be rougher than my usual fare.


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Zew blinked as she watched a cloud of orange, red, and brown leaves shoot up into the air. Amid much rustling, each leaf slowly came to rest upon one of two things: the soft, tender, dark green grass...or the mess of gray, purple, and green that was her twin sister.

Just as quickly as she’d belly-flopped into the pile, Zippi rolled onto her back and spread her legs wide. She waved them back and forth across the ground and giggled as she lifted her head to meet Zew’s gaze. “Hey, look! I’m makin’ a leaf angel!”

Zew managed a weak smile. “That’s nice,” she mumbled, her voice not carrying too far from their cozy little porch. She was content to watch from where she was, snuggled against the comfy deck chair. Those faded green cushions were old, but still soft...and definitely not as scratchy or dirty as a pile of leaves. She’d leave the dirty business to Zippi.

Somehow, Zippi seemed to hear her across the stretch of lawn. She did seem to have a knack for picking Zew’s whisper-soft voice out of a crowd. “It looks nice?” she asked, rolling back onto all fours and shaking some leaves out of her mane. “Then how ‘bout ya’ join me?”

“No thanks,” Zew replied, managing a small little smile that just barely moved the corners of her mouth.

“C’mon, you butt!” Zippi stuck her tongue out and blew a long, wet raspberry. “It’s fall! When else can you jump into a big pile of leaves without getting in trouble?”

Zew didn’t bother mentioning that jumping into a big pile of leaves could get you in trouble at any time of the year. “Well, I just...combed my mane a half hour ago.” And she had. She didn’t really want to spend even more time fussing over it, much less picking leaves out of it.

“Well…” Zippi hummed a bit to herself, before smirking and giving Zew an all-too-familiar look; a look that sent an instinctual shiver down her spine. “I’ll kiss ya’ if you join me~”

Zew felt a fire well up from inside, lighting up her cheeks. Zippi was her sister, and knew a lot more than she let on...and that included her weaknesses. Nothing was more persuasive than the promise of such surprisingly soft lips, attached to such an excitable, but still tender little filly. Maybe...maybe she could make an exception in this case.


Zew slid off the chair and landed with a thunk on the deck. Every step towards Zippi felt like it took longer and longer, the gentle clips of her hooves on the cobblestone soon turning to muffled thuds as she approached the pile. Eventually, she was there, up to the middle of her forelegs in leaves.

Zippi smiled up at her, still reclined in the middle of a vaguely angel-shaped absence of leaves. “How ‘bout you make a leaf angel of your own?”

In a more stable frame of mind, Zew might have argued. But something about Zippi’s promise and the fact that she’d already capitulated made Zew lie down without complaint next to Zippi, even as lots of brown-green plant life found its way into her mane. She did her best to copy Zippi’s earlier motions, stretching her legs out wide before waving them up and down. It felt kind of silly to be doing this, especially considering how scratchy the leaves felt on her fur, but...she supposed there were worse things to be doing. Heck, the view she had of the half-overcast sky was worth it in itself. The clouds were so white and fluffy, the sky was just beginning to yellow as the sun prepared to dip below the horizon, and Zippi’s face loomed large in it, looking down at her with lidded eyes and—

Wait...oh. That was just Zippi leaning over her.

She didn’t have much more time to stare, because in seconds, Zippi’s lips were already pressed against hers. Zew shuddered and squeezed her eyes shut as she felt Zippi pin her outstretched forelegs down, leaving Zew with only one thing to do: enjoy the kiss.

Their tongues danced for a while, as they usually did. Warm breaths floated between their muzzles, and little trails of saliva appeared each time they briefly broke for breath. Alternating waves of relaxation and indescribable passion swept over Zew’s entire body. In no time at all, she was left breathless for many reasons…but in only one way, and that was the good way. She could even feel one of Zippi’s forelegs lift up, before trailing down to her hip, wandering around her midsection, tickling and teasing her as it did. Zippi eventually reached all the way down to her cutie mark area, and gave a firm squeeze, causing Zew to moan and lean even further into her twin sister’s velvety, warm lips. This all was more than worth the time she’d have to spend picking leaves out of her mane later.

“Zippi…” she finally managed to groan in one of the brief moments when they pulled apart. Her eyes flicked open, and she found Zippi’s piercing pink eyes looking down at her, accompanied by a smirk. “We’re...should we be...in the yard?”

“Oh hush.” Zippi giggled, before giving Zew’s flank another squeeze and earning another gentle whine for her efforts. “It’s not like anypony will see us…”

This much was true—the surrounding pile of leaves was tall enough to obscure the twins from any wandering eyes. But leaves very much weren’t soundproof: “But...what if they hear us?”

Zippi chose to first respond with another peck to the lips, and a quick jab of her tongue, before rising back up and grinning. “Let ‘em hear the show, then. Mom said dinner would be done soon, but I’m feeling like I wanna eat me some you right now~”

Zew thought her cheeks couldn’t possibly get any hotter...until Zippi’s wandering hoof brushed up against her inner thighs, and her entire face seemed to catch fire. “Ah...b-but—“

“Girls! Dinner time!”

Zippi’s gaze shot back off towards the house, and Zew sighed. Somehow, she felt both relieved and slightly disappointed as Zippi gave Zew a knowing look and winked, before unpinning her other foreleg. “Well, guess it’s dinner for real. But this isn’t over. I’ll get ya’ for dessert, Zewsie~”

And just like that, Zippi bounded off, crashing through the barrier of autumn leaves that surrounded the two. Zew groaned as she clambered onto all fours, her back ever so slightly sore from being on the uneven ground. Her fur and mane were now both covered in leaves, though thankfully most of them came free when she shook herself around for a few seconds.

“Are you coming, Zew?”

Zew glanced towards the door. Zeta stood there, her dull orange hoof resting on and rubbing the top of Zippi’s head. The little filly smirked so widely that it was easy to see even as far away as Zew was from the porch. Zeta’s long yellow mane blew majestically around in what little breeze there was, as did the ever-present red ribbon tied loosely around her neck.

Mom really did know how to look like she was on top of things no matter the situation.

“Yes, Mom!”

Zew already knew what was for dinner: hayburgers and salad. But as she trotted up the steps and slipped back inside, only one thing was on her mind: dessert.

Maybe if she asked nicely, Zippi would let her have some dessert too.


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“Alright girls, just remember; you only have one hour. Then it’s time to wash up and get ready for bed, okay?”

“Yeah, yeah.” Zippi stuck her tongue out, peeking out from under the canopy of rustly rubber that rested atop her head. “You’re not gonna count off the time we spend goin’ over rules, are ya’?”

Zeta chuckled and shook her head. Her eyes flicked briefly to the clock mounted on the basement wall, before returning to the pair of fillies. “I wouldn’t, but I trust you know enough that I can spare you the lecture for another time, right?”


Zeta’s warm motherly smile slowly morphed into a smirk. Even though this situation was something Zippi had explicitly asked to be put in, she still couldn’t help but to feel a slight chill run down her spine as Mom winked at her. “Well, then I certainly won’t keep you. Just remember to have fun, okay?”

“We will,” Zew finally put in. It was a little hard to ascertain her expression—after all, Zippi currently had her head lying on the lower part of her sister’s stomach, ever so close to the dessert she’d claimed just an hour earlier, before those delectable hayburgers. But of course, it wasn’t fair for only her to get dessert...so she’d given Zew the pleasure of a perfect view of her rear, just hovering inches away. It’d be even closer than that once Mom zipped them up and turned on the vacuum, sucking the air out of the enclosure and sandwiching them between the inky-black latex layers of Mom’s trusty old, aptly-named vacbed. Heck, that part was always her favorite, even without the reciprocal dessert involved; this was just the metaphorical cherry on top.


Just like that, it was starting. Zeta disappeared from view, as did the entire basement. There was a moment or two where it seemed like time stopped, and she was waiting basically forever...but then she heard a click, and the distinct high-pitched whine of the vacuum, the next-most important part of what made it a vacuum bed.

Granted, it wasn’t much of a bed. She couldn’t really imagine herself sleeping in one, especially with a vacuum squealing away in the background. But it certainly was comfy...especially when every inch of the ‘sheets’ was pulled down tightly over her frame.

It took a second or two for enough air to evacuate their shared bed for the rubber to grace her fur, but when it did, it was everything she’d been anticipating and more. Bit by bit, she felt it flatten around her extremities, following her every curve; starting as high as the horn, and slowly traveling down in an uneven, seemingly uneven wave all the way down to her hind legs. Zippi only barely remembered in time to push her head down far enough between Zew’s legs to be able to enjoy her dessert—in a few moments, she wouldn’t be able to manage it.

Just as quickly as the scent of bitter chocolate filled her nose, it was quickly replaced with that of thick, factory-fresh latex pressing down across her face; first her eyes, then her muzzle, and finally her entire head was being gently squeezed from all sides by the stretchy material. Thankfully, the rubber was enchanted to allow breathing by one of Mom’s unicorn friends, so she wouldn’t suffocate no matter how tight it clung to any part of her face.

Behind her, she could also feel the same gentle force squeezing her flanks from the side, pinning her tail to her back, before finally all averaging out, beginning to pull her ever-so-slightly down from all angles, even closer to Zew. Even though she could still wiggle around just a bit as everything finally flattened out, she knew she definitely wasn’t going anywhere for the next hour. But that was exactly how she wanted it. More to the point...that was exactly how she wanted Zew.

The next few minutes—at least, she assumed they were minutes—passed in a blur. Though Zippi couldn’t move at all, she soon found her tongue was definitely long enough to lap at Zew, and be rewarded with a trickle of her vaguely-creamy cookie dough juices. Zew began returning the favor, and before long, Zippi was struggling even more. Not just to feel the immensely strong rubber pinning her limbs to the floor, and just how helpless she was, able to be poked and prodded by anyone outside—though that was part of it. She was more so struggling because her sister was hopelessly wriggling too, moaning and sighing as she gave little licks that caused Zippi to whine, lick, and wiggle as well—the little jolts of pleasure shooting around her latex-wrapped limbs, head, and entire body were too much to sit still and take.

In no time at all...things got sweaty, very much so.

Zippi first felt sweat beginning to form on her forehead, and then the rest of her body—while this rubber was enchanted to allow her to breathe through it, her skin had no such ability to breathe...and when her skin couldn’t breathe, things tended to get wet. Drops were forming all over, the heat was building, things were just a little bit slippery as a slight hint of cinnamon wafted into her nose—the telltale aroma of her sweat. The latex was just as unrelenting, but it seemed to be growing hotter, gripping tighter, stretching somehow even less as the distant whine of the vacuum still carried on in the background. She could barely hear it over the squishes and wet licking sounds between her and Zew, though...and the creaking, stretching, squeaking rubber was a factor, too.

If she could have wiped her forehead, she might have, but the vacbed was unrelenting. Zippi could only shrug, and bury herself even deeper into her twin sister’s pussy, while pushing her rump back as best as she could into Zew’s muzzle.

They were going to be here for a while enjoying their sweaty dessert...so she figured they might as well make the most of it.

Getting Cold Out

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“Here’s your mocha-chino-supreme or whatever...that’ll be 5 bits.”

Cold Brew sighed as she watched the tan stallion rustle around in his saddlebags. In front of her on the clear countertop sat a piping hot mug of coffee, trails of steam still peeling off from its contents. Her eyes drifted towards the front window of her parents’ café, and the gray, gloomy skies that lay beyond. It was getting cold outside, as the increasingly-brown leaves and the odd passerby wearing a scarf or sweater evidenced. That was why Cold Brew counted herself lucky to be able to stay inside and serve coffee. But at the same time...she had to deal with guys like this who didn’t know where they put anything besides their own heads, and sometimes their booties.

Ugh. At least business was slow. One slow stallion was better than ten. Especially considering that as self-sufficient as she thought she was...she was still a filly. A filly with aspirations, but a filly nonetheless.

“Oh, shoot, so uh…”

Cold Brew blinked as the stallion tossed 5 bits onto the counter. She glanced down, and then back up as he kept making noises like he wanted to speak but kept briefly forgetting how to make his mouth move correctly.

“I uh...f-forgot to bring enough for a tip, b-but I…”

The barista filly rolled her eyes. It wasn’t that she didn’t believe him, but more so that she wondered why she’d expected him to have his head on the right way round after he’d spent so long digging through his bags. Whatever. She hadn’t expected much anyway.

“Well...enjoy, anywa—“

“Can I uh...help out in any other way?”

Cold Brew frowned a little more than usual, though this time more out of thought than grumpiness. As otherwise dumb of a question that might have been...it was cold in more places than just outside. It was cold in here, and she’d forgotten her scarf in the break room. Her fur was slowly standing on end the longer she had to stand on the step-stool that allowed her to be at eye level with the adults that came in. And, most pressingly...she felt a deep, unscratchable itch growing deep within her loins that would otherwise have to wait until her shift ended to be ‘scratched’. But if this stallion was willing to assist…

“Alright. Tell ya’ what.” Without waiting for a response, Cold Brew quickly climbed on top of the counter, before carefully sitting down atop the glass. It was even colder than the surrounding air, and made her shiver briefly, but didn’t deter her from her goal. Steely-faced as ever, the filly spread her legs wide, before pushing her wandering purple-white tail to the side, and blowing a bang out of her face. She allowed the smallest of smiles to grace her lips as the cool air raked across her hot, already slightly-wet fillyhood, sending tingles up her spine. She needed this more than she’d realized.

“Fuck me,” she stated simply, purring slightly as she watched the stallion’s cock begin to emerge from its sheath, even as his face contorted into a mixture of shock and nervousness. “Then we’ll call it even.”

“B-but I...y-you...they...we...here?!” He finally managed to spit out. “A...and why?!”

“No, in magical cloud candy land.” Cold Brew rolled her eyes. “Yes, here. As for why…” One of her hooves drifted down to spread her folds. While she didn’t have the best view of her own bits, she could tell her customer had a better one, if his now fully-erect shaft was any good indication. “I have needs. While one of them is tips, you don’t have the bits...so you can help me with another one. Fair, right?”

“But what if somepony—“

“Shut up and stick your dick in me already,” Cold Brew interjected. This guy was being difficult...but at least they were discussing ‘what if something goes wrong’ as opposed to ‘why should we do it’. “If anyone asks, I had a cramp and you’re helping me stretch. Got it?”


“Good. Now c’mere, I don’t have all day.”

As it turned out, the counter was the perfect height for something like this. Cold Brew looked down over the tip of her muzzle as the stallion stepped forward, bringing his long, hard, thick cock forward. She felt the tip of his head press against her moist folds, which seemed to grow wetter still as she preemptively imagined him thrusting into her and bottoming out over and over, with her moans and cries filling the empty café, as that itch grew and grew until it was finally scratched once and for all.

“Be rough,” she added, glancing haughtily up towards the stallion. Confusion was writ clearly on his face. “It’s been way too long since I’ve had a good rutting. Don’t worry. I can take it.” Cold Brew smiled another barely-there smile as she reached down with a foreleg and spread her lips apart. “I’m stretchy.”

A few seconds of awkward silence filled the air as the stallion looked down to observe more closely. Not that that would have told him whether she was stretchy or not, so...why was he bothering?

“C’mon, you need a written invitation?” Cold Brew snorted. He was already close enough to be touching her pussy, so what further barrier could actually fucking her possibly be?

At long last, her demands were satisfied. The stallion stepped forward, and Cold Brew bit her lip. Waves of pure pleasure radiated out from her pussy and coursed throughout her body as his hot, stiff, throbbing cock began to worm its way inside. She grew both warmer and wetter as he sank in all the way to his medial ring before pausing. Yes, this was exactly the itch she’d wanted scratched. But now she wanted it scratched more.

“Don’t hold back.”

It might have been cold outside...but one thing was for sure.

The relentless dicking that Cold Brew was about to receive would leave her hot, sticky, and satisfied for the rest of the day.


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“I can’t believe you dressed up as a mailmare...”

Cold Brew rolled her eyes as she dumped her candy bucket out onto the carpet. She rolled them again as she had to briefly pause to blow an errant strand of hair of her eyes. Her glittery pink frilled dress sparkled as she smoothed it out, before she turned to the task of counting out how much of her favorite sweets she’d managed to haul this year.

“But I liked being a mailmare…” Paperclip mumbled as she also dumped her bucket out. She’d thought her uniform was pretty spiffy, and it matched up perfectly with who she wanted to be one day. Sure it was a little dull and very brown, but other than that, it was neat. So what had the icy earth filly so upset? Did she want to be a mailmare too, and Paperclip had taken her idea? She certainly didn’t hope so…

“Leave her alone, Coldie,” Zew whispered, her eyes just barely peeking out from behind her mane. Her strawberry-colored, sequined hair sparkled brilliantly as she shook her head lightly. For the umpteenth time that night, Paperclip had to remind herself that Zew was not an actual Ursa Minor...her costume was that good. “She can be whatever she wants. Nightmare Night only comes once a year.”

“Yeah!” shouted Zippi, dropping a hoof-ful of candy that she’d been holding for some time. “C’mon, don’t be such a butt!” It was a little odd hearing a witch tell someone how to behave, Paperclip thought, but that’s exactly what Zippi both was, and was doing.



As one, the group of fillies turned towards the sharp sound that had pierced their disagreement. Stood before them was the intimdating—even to Paperclip, despite the fact she’d done nothing wrong—figure of Zeta, Zippi and Zew’s mom. Though the orange mare had naught but some shiny socks around her legs, and a similarly shiny, pitch black corset around her waist, what really drew the fillies’ attention away from her eyes and flowing blond mane was...the whip in her mouth. It meant business. Zippi and Zew had always talked about getting whipped before, but...well, apparently it was more than a figure of speech.

“You all behave now, okay?” Zeta warned around the handle wedged between her teeth. “Let’s not have any fights. Sugar and sweets, not angry fillies.”

Much like Paperclip, the fillies generally wished not to be on the receiving end of such a lashing. Cold Brew sighed, but managed a “Yes, Ms. Z” before she turned back to counting out her Nickers and Hershay bars. Paperclip did likewise, and the Z twins were close behind.

Paperclip could feel Zeta watching her as she gazed down at her pile. She might have otherwise felt unsafe, but she knew Zeta well enough from her delivery route to know that she was just making sure nothing else like that happened. This in mind, she was more than happy to begin searching her candy pile for her favorite snacks.

Overall, it wasn’t a bad year in terms of her candy selection. She didn’t have too many of her favorite Griffon Gumdrops, but the abundance of Milky Moon bars and Fillsee’s cups more than made up for it. The mostly-silent crinkling as she dug around her pile with some of her best friends was oddly satisfying too. Even though Cold Brew was a bit of a butt sometimes, Paperclip knew that it was just how she was, and that it usually wasn’t personal. Or maybe she just wanted some of her Milky Moon bars and was too afraid to ask.

“Pst, Paperclip,” Zippi whispered.

Paperclip glanced up, and fluttered her wings in shock as she found the witch-filly only inches away from her face. “Oh, uh, hi!” Paperclip said, backing up just a little bit. “What’s up?”

“Wanna trade?”

“Oh, sure! I have Milky Moons, a couple Nickers, and—“ The pegasus filly stopped as a thought entered her head. “Wait, what do you want?”

Zippi smirked. “You can give me what you want. All I want—“ Zippi’s eyes darted down briefly towards Paperclip’s legs “—is some candy vag.”

“Candy...vaj?” Paperclip asked, glancing down at the side of her legs. What the heck was a 'candy vaj' anyway? Was it another name for candy bars, or something? She sure didn't know, but...apparently she had it, somehow?

Zippi nodded, her eyes gleaming. “I’m starving for some.”

“But, um…what do I get?” Maybe it'd be worth giving away if she got something good in return...whatever it was she was giving.

The witch-filly sat back, her smirk shifting from a Cheshire-like grin to a devious, knowing curve. “Any six candies you want from my pile.”

“Deal!” Paperclip declared, holding out her hoof. As far as she could tell, this was a great deal! Six pieces of candy for one? How much better could things get?

Zippi clasped it firmly. “Deal.”

Almost immediately, Zippi leaned forward, moving in to gently press her lips against the pegasus’ leg. Paperclip squirmed a little bit, but she didn’t pull back. Her small eyes kept watching Zippi as she softly rubbed her lips against the side of her leg. What...what was she doing? It didn't feel wrong, per se, but...it was weird. Nobody else seemed to think it was, though...they were all just counting out candy as usual. Were they used to this? Paperclip didn't know, but she also didn't care at the moment. Her ears flicked back and forth, listening intently and wondering what in the hay was happening.

A quiet noise from the unicorn filly brought Paperclip out of her train of thought. Looking down, she immediately saw the source: Zippi had moved to her...special place. Her tongue hung out of her mouth as she slid it up against the sensitive flesh of Paperclip’s crotch. The pegasus filly squirmed slightly, lightly kicking her hooves, but she didn’t pull away. It felt...good, if a little weird. Zippi’s tongue rubbed slightly against her, then pulled away, her eyelids slowly falling half-shut.

“Mmmmm,” Zippi purred, the sound traveling up the filly’s leg. “You've got a good candy vag...”

Paperclip blushed, but she felt a little less nervous now. She began thinking the trade was well worth it as the witch-filly leaned in to blow soft puffs of chilly air against her. Shivers went down her spine as this happened. Paperclip glanced down and saw that she was already wet down there...and it felt good. Almost as good as the wetting stick from that one time a few months ago...!

"Hey Zippi," Zew called from across the room, her eyes still cast down; "are you chewing on something?"

"Yeah!" Zippi called back, grinning and looking up at Paperclip. "Her candy vag!"

"No fair!" Zew complained, glancing up and pouting. "You're not supposed to eat any of your candy before you trade!"

"She's not complaining, is she?" Zippi asked.

Paperclip twirled one of her ears and shivered, but she stopped herself from doing it again. She didn't want to be too obvious about it. "N-no," she murmured, gritting her teeth a little bit.

Zippi appeared pleased, and went back to work, her tongue playing over Paperclip’s wet folds. The pegasus was at least right about one thing—it felt really, really good. The wetness was nice, and so was the soft feel of the Zippi's tongue, and even the soft little brushing of the unicorn's hat against her stomach. Paperclip huffed and leaned back, letting out a quiet groan. She was...okay with this. It didn’t feel gross, or even all that confusing anymore. There was just something about it that felt really, really good. She found herself pressing out against Zippi’s tongue as it flicked in and out of her sensitive folds. This was just what she was supposed to do, right?

Zippi was obviously enjoying herself as well. She was pressing impossibly hard against Paperclip’s sopping crotch, her tongue driving itself deep into the sensitive hood down there. Her tongue was a hot, wet point that swirled around the cadence of the pegasus filly’s breaths. She moaned softly, gasping for air and clutching at herself. Even Zippi was getting into it now, making the occasional slurping noise or giggle. Paperclip could see Cold Brew out of the corner of her eyes, squinting. Was she...nervous? Jealous? Something else...?

Paperclip didn't want to think about it too much, though. For now she just let herself be consumed by the moment, and by how well this whole thing was working out for her. Her ears were flicking rapidly, and she was beginning to feel a little bit sweaty. It felt good...hypnotic. It felt like...this was her now. She wanted to do this all the time now. Heck, why didn’t everypony do this? Granted, Zippi obviously did...did Cold Brew? Was that why she was staring? Did she want in?

Zippi noticed the princess-filly staring, and paused for a second. "You're so jealous," Zippi taunted Cold Brew, turning around and grinning at the bright blue filly. "You're just a stupid, jealous little—"

"No I'm not!" Cold Brew burst out, finally raising her head and glaring at the unicorn filly. "I'm just curious...why don't you ever share?" she asked.

Paperclip watched the exchange with mild concern. She didn't know what exactly was going on, but she didn't want to be in the middle of it. Her cheeks began to redden.

Thankfully, she was saved by the crack of a whip once more. All the fillies turned as one towards the sound.

“Girls, what did I say?” Zeta put in, her gaze now much colder. "No fights...and, one more rule," she added, winking towards Cold Brew. "Sharing is caring!"

“I wouldn’t mind some candy vag,” Zew whispered, eyeing the spot between Paperclip’s legs hungrily. “I’ll give you some of my candy too…”

“I guess you can count me in too,” Cold Brew muttered.

“That’s the spirit!” Zeta beamed, now winking towards Paperclip. “Glad you girls managed to work everything out. I’ll be nearby if you need me!”

Paperclip shivered as Zeta trotted away, and suddenly managed to feel even hotter and more exposed than she did already. Now everyone was eyeing either her, or her supposed ‘candy vag’. This...this was gonna be a long night, wasn’t it? There would be a lot of squirming, panting, wetness, and licking…

But hey, at least she’d get a bunch of candy out of it.