Lily Lake

by dirty little secret

First published

Shining Armor and Rarity are a thing now, apparently, but nobody knows yet, especially not Cadance. Which makes it all the more difficult when Rarity shows up in an amazing swimsuit and sets out to drive him crazy with lust.

The day after Shining Armor and Rarity first illicitly hooked up in the cabin his family is letting them borrow, he and all seven of the girls head down to the lakeside for a little fun on the beach while it's still just barely warm enough. Rarity, though, has more than just a little fun in mind. That's why she wore one of her most scandalous swimsuits even though she hasn't the slightest intention of getting in that cold lake water. No. She has something much warmer in mind, and she intends to tease him mercilessly ... until he finally snaps and just takes her.

An unofficial, non-canonical sequel to White on White, written as part of the prize for winning Dirty Little Secret's Dirty Little Contest.
Contains: infidelity, teasing, swimsuits, public groping, semi-public sex, almost getting caught, getting caught, rough-ish sex, a little dirty talk, cold water
Cover image by uotapo

Lily White

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The next day, Shining Armor had forgone breakfast with the others. He hadn’t actually been as sleepy as he pretended to be, and even if he had been, he was no stranger to needing to get up and face the day anyway. But when Twilight had barged into his room and told him to get up before all the pancakes were gone, he’d just rolled over and grunted irritably ... and she’d left him alone.

And the worst part about it was that he actually did feel pretty hungry. But he wasn’t sure he could face all seven of those girls at once again just now. Especially not Rarity. After what they’d done together last night, how could he sit across the table and eat pancakes with her? How could he sit across from any of them with that big of a secret looming over his head?

He’d never been the type to do this kind of thing before. And even though he’d been pretty resolute in that text he’d sent to Cadance, he hadn’t mentioned anything about Rarity. Even though he liked Rarity – he really liked her, and not just as a momentary sexual fling – the sheer enormity of the choice he was making right now twisted his stomach into knots. It was just as well that he hadn’t gone to breakfast. He wasn’t entirely certain he’d be able to keep it down.

Would he tell Twilight and the others? He’d have to sooner or later, right? But what would he say to her? ‘Oh, yeah. And by the way, I broke up with Cadance and I’m sleeping with one of your best friends instead’? You can’t just say things like that to people ... especially not people as high-strung as Twilight can be sometimes.

But even if it had only been Rarity down there. What could he say to her? What were you supposed to say to someone the morning after you illicitly fucked her brains out in the shower? ‘Good morning’ seemed woefully inadequate, even though that’s the only thing that kept running through his head. Damn. He’d scarcely met her before last night. Which left him with ... what? Would she even acknowledge what had happened, or would she take the easy way out and pretend that it never had? It would be so easy to go back to the way things were, to pretend that none of this had ever happened. Well, except for that text he’d sent to Cadance. He was kind of glad that there was no way to un-send a text message. Because if there had been a way, he definitely would have lost his nerve at some point in the night and taken it back. And then where would he be?

He’d managed to avoid everyone until nearly noon, but this couldn't go on. Everybody was getting ready to go down to the lake now, and it would raise eyebrows if he didn’t come.

Sure, he could pretend to be sick or something, but he was supposed to be up here at the family cabin with Twilight and all her friends for a week. And it wasn’t as if he’d never see them again after this week. He couldn’t avoid this forever.

And he wouldn’t. As tempting as it was, he’d learned long ago that avoiding his problems rarely solved anything. He’d avoided it for too long already. It was time to accept what he had done and move on with the consequences of it ... even if those consequences meant that almost everything about his life was about to change.

Funny how giving in to your desires for just one night can change so much. Seemed like this kind of change should take years ... not just happen literally overnight.

So he shimmied out of his pajamas, did his very best to ignore the stubborn erection he’d had ever since he woke up in the morning, and worked his way into his swimming trunks instead. It wasn’t easy. It had been quite a while since he’d been up to the cabin with his family, and that had been the last time he wore a bathing suit. Apparently, he’d filled out quite a bit since then, and since the fabric absolutely refused to stretch, it was a bit of a struggle to squeeze himself into the shorts and their mesh inner lining. And, of course, the still-persistent jutting of his cock didn’t help matters.

He did eventually get everything tucked into place, though, and once the drawstring around his waist was tied, he shrugged on an old T-shirt as well. He usually didn’t bother with that as long as the day was warm, but today, he felt like he’d be better off if he could be a bit more comfortable ... a bit less exposed.

When he finally came out of his room into the cozy living room of the cabin, he found that just about everybody had already gone down to the lake without him. The place was almost empty, instead of being packed full as it usually was with eight people staying there. Some of the mess from breakfast still remained in the attached kitchen nook. Only two had stayed behind, waiting for him: Twilight, which was predictable; and Rarity, which would have been a surprise ... if it hadn’t been for what happened last night. Twilight had worn her usual blue one-piece, but Rarity had gone all-out. She looked at him expectantly, blushing slightly. Last night, she’d worn a fairly ordinary white bikini, but today ... today she wore something much more special – a scandalous black lace bikini top with a lower half that was half black lace skirt and half bikini bottom. The top was scarcely big enough to cover her white breasts, leaving even a bit of their lower curves exposed, and the lace was thin enough to almost see her pink nipples through. And that skirt-like bottom ... it was the smallest skirt he’d ever seen, anywhere, and even at that, half of it was see-through lace. Why had she even packed an outfit like that?

“Oh there you are,” Twilight said. “Finally. Everybody else is already down having fun at the lake. Come on!”

“Yes do come on.” The look in Rarity’s eyes told an entirely different story than her tone of voice. “Don’t you know how terrible it is to keep a lady waiting?”

“You could have gone down with the others,” Twilight reminded her.

Rarity held her hand to her chest ... which just happened to caress her fingertips through her cleavage. “Why, it would be unbearably rude of me to ... go down”— she winked at him —“before everyone is ready.”

“Well, I’m ready now,” Shining said. Only too late did he realize the inadvertent innuendo.

Rarity gave a meaningful glance down at his crotch, where there was still a bit of a stubborn bulge in this swim trunks. “I bet you are...” she said quietly.

Already, Shining was feeling pretty hot under the collar. The insinuation couldn’t be clearer. If it weren’t for Twilight standing between the two of them, Rarity might be going down on him right this very moment. He ... he wasn’t sure how he felt about that. Part of him wanted it more than anything, of course. But despite the texts from last night, a part of him just couldn’t believe that it was okay to look at Rarity like this, to think of doing that with her.

“Wow, Shining.” Twilight poked him in the arm. “You’re still sleepy? Something keep you up last night? Different bed, huh?”

He did his best to ignore Rarity’s little giggle, and he struggled to prevent himself from blushing. Looks like Twilight had noticed him zonking out for a moment there. He’d have to be careful around her. She was pretty quick on the uptake, after all, and he was not ready to have his relationship with Rarity made public just yet. “Yeah, um...” He gave a fake yawn for effect. “Maybe it’ll wake me up more if we get out into the sun?” Maybe Rarity would cool it with the hints and innuendo if there were other people around.

“Yeah!” Twilight said, as if she’d momentarily forgotten the beach entirely. “Let’s go!”

Shining tried not to look as he put on his flip-flops by the cabin’s front door. Twilight was watching him! But even under his sister’s watchful eyes, he couldn’t help it. Rarity also needed to put her shoes on: a pair of heeled sandals that apparently needed quite a bit of fastidious lacing in order to be put on. She was right in front of him, bending over at the hips, and that short lace skirt hanging loosely around her upper thighs concealed nothing.

There was a bikini bottom down there, its straps integral to the waistband of the skirt. But calling it a thong would be generous. It hardly covered anything at all. Rarity’s carefully toned white ass cheeks were on full display, and the thin black strap between them was scarcely wide enough to cover her inner pussy lips ... and never mind the outer ones, which bulged slightly to either side of it, entirely visible.

He’d never taken so long just to put on a pair of flip-flops in his whole life.

Since Twilight already had her shoes on, she’d gotten out of the cabin ahead of them, but she was polite enough to wait at the beginning of the trail leading down to the lake. Shining hurried to catch up, his flip-flops flapping ... and to his surprise, Rarity actually passed him. He hadn’t thought of her as being that athletic, but of course, those long shapely legs of hers were good for more than just filling out a skirt.

So by the time they began their way down the trail, Rarity was actually slightly ahead of him and Twilight, just barely far enough ahead that she might not hear a quiet conversation.

Twilight nudged him. “So... Enjoying the scenery?”

They happened to be on a slight uphill portion of the gravel path at the moment, under the shade of some tall trees, and ahead of them, Rarity was making the best of it, swinging her hips from side to side as her lace skirt ruffled in the breeze. Shining hoped that Twilight wouldn’t notice the blush blooming on his face when she asked him that. “Um ... yeah,” he told her, struggling – and failing – to take his eyes off of Rarity. “It’s always beautiful up here in this time of year. Reminds me of when we were little and Mom and Dad would bring us up on vacation.”

“Right. Beautiful...” Twilight laughed a little. “Of course, I guess I can’t blame you for looking. Up here, surrounded by pretty girls in bathing suits, and hundreds of miles away from your fiancé. I guess I wouldn’t be doing much better if I was in a situation like that.”

Crap! Was he being that obvious about it? “Uhh, uh, I wasn’t— I mean, definitely not with—”

“Relax!” Twilight laughed again, a little louder this time. It made Rarity turn back and see what they were talking about. Twilight waved for her to keep going. “Like I said, I understand. And honestly, even if Cadance was here, I don’t think she’d mind a little look here and there. Besides, have you seen what Rarity is wearing? I mean, yeah – duh – of course you have. What was she thinking, bringing something like that out here?”

“Yeah, um... Pretty crazy, huh? She, uh, probably made it herself, right?”

Twilight shook her head ruefully for a moment. “Never misses a chance to show off her handiwork, does she? But you’d never catch me in something like that. Yikes! Can you even imagine it?”

Shining sternly prohibited himself from imagining that. He was already dealing with quite enough confusing and conflicting feelings today.

The path was heading steeply downhill now ... almost there. He remembered it fondly from all those childhood trips in the past. Back then, this little trail had seemed like a long and arduous trek. Maybe it had been for a small child. But it wasn’t actually that far. If it weren’t for the slight hill in between, he’d still be able to see bits of the cabin back through the trees from here.

It opened up wider as it approached the little bit of flat, gravelly sand that passed for a beach, offering him his first glimpse of the water ... and of everyone else there.

Pinkie was the center of attention, of course, splashing recklessly in her frilly pink swimsuit. She seemed somehow impervious to the cold water and loving every minute of it, even though she looked strange with her hair hanging down wet and straight. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were just barely in the water – basically only ankle-deep – as they hammered a volleyball back and forth in what seemed to be a deadly-serious competition. Fluttershy and Sunset were on a couple of the lounge chairs by the beach, and while Sunset was soaking up all of the thin mountain sunshine she could, scarcely covered by a bikini not much bigger than Rarity’s, Fluttershy in her very conservative one-piece was sitting straight up, holding binoculars up to her eyes, and absolutely riveted to something on the far shore. Some kind of birdwatching or maybe just looking at squirrels or something.

Rarity was the first to arrive, bending down over Fluttershy’s shoulder to ask her what she was looking at over there. Something Fluttershy said made her laugh a little. And this time, Shining actually managed to avoid looking under Rarity’s skirt ... mostly.

And once Shining had made his way across the coarse, pebbly sand, he quickly took a spot on one of the lounge chairs – the one on the end closest to the dock, on the other side of Fluttershy, so that there’d be no space to sit next to him. The last thing he needed right now was even more teasing. The walk down to the beach had finally gotten his erection to subside, and maybe now he’d actually be able to think clearly enough to figure out where his life was going from here.

At first, it seemed that was going to work out just fine. Despite the cajoling to join them from Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and especially Pinkie Pie, Twilight settled down on the farther lounge chair, next to Sunset ... and she immediately pulled out the book she’d been reading on the way up here.

Shining couldn’t blame her for not going into the water. Of course, he hadn’t either. Up here in the mountains, the days were warm enough when it was sunny, but the nights were cold, and the deep water of Lily Lake was frigid. He’d definitely need to bake in the sun for a while before he even thought about going in the lake.

Apparently, though, Rarity wasn’t about to let up on the teasing. Instead of heading for the one remaining lounge chair – next to Twilight – she grabbed a beach towel from next to the cooler and laid it out just above the waterline and right in front of him. There wasn’t much room there – the beach was pretty small – she’d risk getting splashed if any boat went by and made a big wake. The water was quiet so far today, though, and at least for now, Rarity didn’t suffer any such incident. Shining shuddered to think what it would feel like to unexpectedly get splashed with a wave of cold water while sunbathing ... it didn’t bear thinking about.

Of course, Rarity didn’t just sunbathe. She luxuriated. The sprawling pose she contorted herself into on that towel by all rights should have looked awkward and ungainly. But it wasn’t, not for her. It somehow managed to span between a beautiful teenage girl in the throes of an overwhelming orgasm and a sophisticated lady indulging in the most decadent of relaxation. Her slim, flat belly stretched out, gleaming white in the sun, framed by all the long, lithe curves of her barely-covered body.

And Shining wasn’t the only one who’d noticed. “Woah,” Rainbow said, during a brief pause in her volleyball battle. “I think Rarity could teach me a thing or two about chillaxing!”

Rarity glowed under the compliment. “I don’t suppose anybody minds if I go topless?” The quick glance she shot his way would have overheated him even if he’d been up to his neck in the cold lake water.

Twilight stared Rarity down over the rim of her glasses. “Rarity! My brother is right there. I know – he’s taken, and the rest of us are just us girls, but come on. What’s gotten into you lately?”

Shrugging eloquently, Rarity settled back down onto her towel. “Oh, if you insist. But if I come home with lace-embroidered tan lines, I want it known that I am holding you personally responsible.”

For a little while after that, things were peaceful. Shining tried to pay attention to Rainbow and Applejack’s odd, netless volleyball game. There didn’t seem to be very many rules, and there was quite a lot of diving for the ball at the last minute and splashing down into the water. As entertaining as that was to watch, though, he couldn’t quite prevent his eyes from straying.

At first it was just when Rarity made a slight adjustment to her bikini top, absently tugging on the straps. Some automatic part of his mind zeroed in on that, on the off chance that something would slip and he’d get a peek at her nipple or something. As time went on, though, and Rarity’s swimsuit seemed to require an inordinate amount of adjustment, Shining began to realize that she was specifically doing it for his benefit, even though she wasn’t even looking at him.

That didn’t make it any less eye-catching, though. In fact, it made the slowly growing erection he’d been trying to avoid quickly surge back to full strength. The thought that such a gorgeous young lady would want him enough to tease him like this...

And yes, she knew exactly what she was doing. The next time she made a little ‘adjustment’, she ran her finger along the top of one bikini cup, as if trying to smooth it out ... and she pulled it just far enough away from her pristine white skin to show him a hint of pink nipple from over her shoulder.

His heart skipped a beat, and he forced himself to look away. He’d already been caught staring once today. If somebody noticed again, someone smart – Twilight for instance – would start to put two and two together ... and his secret would be out in no time, especially if anybody noticed that bulge in his swim trunks. He pulled the front of his shirt down low, hoping to hide it better.

He tried to close his eyes and relax in the sunshine ... but it just wasn’t working. His eyes kept cracking open in order to peek at Rarity again. He wished he’d worn his sunglasses. Then maybe he’d be able to look without anybody noticing.

Thankfully for him, Pinkie Pie chose that moment to make a huge distraction of herself ... even big enough to keep him from thinking about and looking at Rarity for a few moments. Pinkie lunged out of the water in great heaving steps, going as fast as she possibly could and splashing cold lake water everywhere. “Whoo!” she cried out loud. “That water is amazing! I can’t believe nobody else wants to go in there with me!”

Sunset finally opened her eyes. “That water’s freezing. Are you crazy?”

“Why does everybody keep asking me that?” Pinkie tilted her head to the side.

“Yeah,” Applejack said, holding the volleyball against one hip. “It ain’t that bad ... once you get used to it.” Even though she was wearing a very concealing tube-top kind of swimsuit, the cold must have been getting to her, because her nipples were quite clearly poking through it. Shining avoided looking too much. The last thing he needed was to start thinking about another of his sister’s friends that way.

Pinkie, though, seemed completely unaffected by the water. “Now crack open that cooler and get me a popsicle!” she shouted joyfully.

“Seriously?” Twilight looked at Pinkie over the rims of her glasses. “After all that cold water, you want more cold?”

“Cold and sugar!” Pinkie said, beaming.

Sunset Shimmer, the closest one to the cooler, was already swinging her legs over the side of the lounge chair and sitting up. “Anybody else want one?”

Rainbow came running up out of the water. “Ooh! Hit me up with one! A red one – I haven’t tried one of those yet!”

As Sunset dispensed popsicles like some precious commodity – and took one for herself – Rarity got up as well, stooping low over the cooler. And that, of course, just happened to give Shining Armor a perfect opportunity to look under that lace skirt of hers again. This time, he didn’t even bother trying to pretend he wasn’t looking. Thankfully, everybody else was too preoccupied with popsicles to pay much mind about where he was looking.

When Rarity reached into the cooler and selected a light pink one, though, Sunset looked up at her sharply. “Hey,” she said, “weren’t you just the one who’d been lecturing me about empty calories blocking the way to a boyfriend?”

Rarity shrugged smugly and unwrapped her popsicle. “We’re on vacation, darling. It doesn’t count.”

Popping her own popsicle out of her mouth just long enough to do so, Rainbow snickered a little. “And from what I hear, Sunset’s doing just fine in the ‘getting a boyfriend’ department ... aren’t ya, Sunny?”

“Ooh! Ooh!” Pinkie bounced up and down, making all sorts of things bounce along with her. It was a miracle that her frilly bikini stayed in place. More to avoid looking at. “Is it Flash Sentry? Did you finally get him back?”

Blushing, Sunset shut the lid of the cooler and hurried back into her seat like nothing was happening. “It was just, you know, one time. I don’t really think you can call us together again...”

“But how was he?” Rainbow wagged her eyebrows. “Nice and big? I imagine him as a ‘not very long, but nice and thick, with a bit of a curve to it’ kind of guy.”

Fluttershy gasped. “Rainbow!

“What? Don’t play all innocent. I know you’ve been staring at those frat guys across the lake all day. Yeah, some of us have good enough eyesight to see who’s over there without binoculars.”

Fluttershy’s intense blush and the way she shrank away from Rainbow confirmed it. Wow, so that was what she’d been staring at the whole time? Huh.

Sunset, though, was a bit more forward with shutting Rainbow down. “It’s none of your business what he’s like,” she said matter-of-factly.

Rainbow wasn't deterred, though. She turned straight toward Twilight instead. “What about you? You know what he’s like, right? Am I right about him?”

Hiding behind her book, Twilight hunched up her body on her lounge chair. “I... I’ve never hooked up with him!” She gulped when Rainbow looked at her more closely. “I swear! He ... he mostly liked the pony version of me. It’s always been awkward with him and the, uh, me me. The pony princess Twilight is the one you should be asking.”

“Oh come on!” Rainbow shook her head. “What am I supposed to jill myself to at night if nobody’s got any juicy gossip about hot guys?”

“Don’t be gross,” Applejack rebuked.

Rainbow planted her hands on her hips. “Well what else am I supposed to do on this trip? I told you we should have invited some guys to come along and mess around with.”

“It’s crowded enough in the cabin just with the eight of us,” Twilight reminded her.

“They can sleep in my room,” Rainbow said proudly. “Hm... What about Shining?”

Shining shrank down when he suddenly felt all seven girls staring at him.

“My brother is off-limits,” Twilight said sternly. “He’s engaged to Dean Cadance, from Crystal Prep.”

Rarity made a little choked coughing noise ... very unladylike. Maybe she’d taken that popsicle a bit too deep?

Rainbow groaned. “Oh come on... Somebody’s got to have something good to share, right? Pinkie – you’ve done like half the school, right? You’ve got to be on my side when it comes to bringing some guys along on this trip. How can we stand being stuck with seven girls and only one guy ... who’s not even available!”

“Actually...” Pinkie giggled. “The pony version of you is like super gay. She’d probably love being stuck with seven girls and only one guy.”

Rainbow’s eyes went wide ... she looked slightly horrified for a moment. “Wait ... how do you know that? Which Pinkie are you, anyway? Our Pinkie or the pony Pinkie?”

Pinkie shrugged. “Eh, who can even keep track anymore?”

Running both hands through her hair in frustration, Rainbow walked in a tight circle. “Oh come on... Um, um... Rarity! You’ve got something to tell, right? I mean, you’ve got to be swimming in dick with that stripper outfit and everything...”

This,” Rarity said with obvious offense in her tone, “is a bespoke Eres Séduire, tailored especially for my figure during our foreign exchange week at the Fashion Academy. I will not have you saying such reprehensible things about it!” Once she’d gotten that out, she settled back onto her beach towel and took a lick of her popsicle, savoring it with a gentle smile. “Though, in matter of fact, I have found someone...”

Everyone’s attention was suddenly on her. “Who? Who?” Pinkie blurted out, sounding almost like an owl.

“A lady mustn’t be indiscreet.” Rarity sealed her lips with the popsicle.

Rainbow collapsed down to her knees in the sand and yelled at the sky, “Oh come on!

After letting the pause hang in the air for just a bit more of a dramatic moment, Rarity quietly said, “But I suppose I could tell you a few things...”

At this point, Rainbow was hardly the only one interested in what Rarity had to say. She had all of them wrapped up in the suspense now, and they were all staring at her ... which made it all the more nerve-wracking when she shot a smug little glance his way.

“He’s a somewhat older gentleman.” She shook her head at the face Rainbow made. “No, not old. Just, you know, full-grown. A man, instead of the boys we’ve all been fooling around with in the past.”

“Actually,” Fluttershy said quietly, “I’ve, um, never actually fooled around with—”

Rarity continued right over Fluttershy’s voice, apparently not even noticing her, “And it developed by surprise quite recently, even though I must say I’ve always had eyes for him. But that’s just how it is sometimes – things just take you by storm. And oh did he ever take me like a storm. It’s just so wonderful to be wrapped up in his big, powerful arms, letting him use your helpless body like some common slut—”

“Language!” Applejack shouted.

“—and yet also cherished, like there’s nothing in the world he values more than you and your pleasure. I tell you, I let him do things with me I would never have considered with any other man. He just makes me want to give him everything.”

Most of the girls were staring open-mouthed at Rarity, but Rainbow still wasn’t satisfied. “But the dick!” she said. “How’s the dick?”

Sunset shot Rainbow a withering look. “Seriously?

But Rarity stretched her body, running her tongue up the side of her popsicle as if replaying the memory of fellatio. “Mmm... Exquisite. A hard, throbbing, powerful shaft that’s nearly – just nearly – too big for comfort. I can still feel the warmth of it inside me as if it never left. Let me tell you, darling, experiencing something that magnificent changes a girl.” She dipped the tip of the popsicle inside her mouth, licking it messily. “I’ll never be able to go back, not after him. To be filled with it, to have it reaching and stretching every last part of you ... it’s just... Mmhm... I wish I could have him inside me right now.”

Shining squirmed in his lounge chair, the pressure inside his too-tight swim trunks unbearable. He had to do something – anything – before Rarity drove him into some kind of crazed lust and made him pounce on her right here in front of everybody! The strain was just too much! When had it gotten so unbearably hot out here?

He needed to cool himself down, and in a hurry. He needed ... cold water! The lake!

Instantly, he shot up and ran for the water, not even bothering to take his T-shirt off. A couple of the girls shouted in surprise; Rarity squealed a little as he ran past her, kicking up little pebbles of sand. But he didn’t slow down in the slightest ... not until he splashed into the water and got more than shin-deep after a couple long steps. At that point, the water started dragging on him, slowing him down. And it was so bone-chillingly cold! His feet already ached from the sudden change in temperature. But he continued on doggedly, up to his thighs, up to— He suppressed a squeak and a shudder as his balls and then the rest of his overheated crotch were suddenly doused with the chilly water. It did have the intended effect, though, withering him almost instantly. Hip-deep now, he dived and plunged headlong into the water, submerging himself completely for a moment before popping back up – about chest-deep now – his breath coming in shudders from the sudden shock. His shirt clung to him tightly, holding the cold water against his shoulders.

At least it did a pretty good job of taking his mind off ... other things, though.

“Yeah! Now that’s the spirit!” Pinkie Pie’s voice rang out gleefully. “Come on!” The splashing sounds that followed made it clear that she was running back into the water just as quickly as Shining just had.

And, somehow, the others seemed to be getting caught up in her enthusiasm. More splashes followed, and when Shining turned around to look, he found that everyone was wading out into the water ... even Sunset and Fluttershy. And, of course, Rarity.

Rarity was actually at the back of the pack. She wasn’t running or jumping into the water – she slowly walked down the beach, stepping with swinging hips like a runway model. Her delicate white feet cut smoothly into the water with barely more than a ripple. And she was staring right into his eyes the whole time. Unlike the others, who squealed and shouted and laughed when they hit the cold water, Rarity didn’t so much as flinch as it smoothly flowed up along her perfect young body.

Soon enough, everybody was in the water. Fluttershy hung close to the dock, her eyes avidly darting around to follow the little fishes living under there ... when Pinkie’s splashing didn’t scare them away. Twilight and Sunset were teamed up in a squealing splashing match between the two of them and Rainbow with Applejack. Twilight's team wasn’t doing too well – she was pretty quickly disabled by her glasses getting covered with water, which left her splashing the wrong direction and leaving everything up to Sunset Shimmer.

And Rarity... she just kind of floated along in the water, doing a slow, luxuriant backstroke. Her hair trailed in the water alongside her, and her breasts were like two white and black islands poking up through the water behind her head. The cold was definitely getting to her – the jutting shapes of her nipples were clearly visible through the lacy fabric. The rest of her body was a shapely white shadow just beneath the surface, save for little flashes of her legs as she slowly kicked herself backward through the water.

Despite the cold, his erection was coming back. Damn.

Glancing sideways, just barely over the ripples she was making in the water, Rarity looked at him. And she knew. It was so obvious she knew what she was doing to him. Just the look in her eyes.

When he’d snuck from the hot tub to the shower with her last night, Shining had never imagined just how problematic being ... involved with Rarity might be. She seemed to revel in the possibility of their little secret being revealed. And oh how tempting it was to just lunge forward and grab her, and the hell with anybody who might see.

He really needed to think of some way he could get out of this situation and think things over calmly! Surely then he’d be able to realize what a bad idea it was to jump on Rarity right in front of everybody. Because right now ... it was starting to seem like a terrifyingly appealing idea.

Before he could figure out what to do about it, though, Pinkie Pie came splashing and thrashing between him and Rarity, soaking them both. “Picture time!” she yelled out. “Twilight! Get your droney thingy!”

“Well, technically, it’s called the SD2 – Selfie Drone Two,” Twilight said, a little off-puttingly. Shining couldn’t blame the other girls for not being terribly impressed ... even though he knew his sister put a lot of work into these kinds of things. But Twilight just shrugged it off and headed up the beach. She’d probably dealt with that kind of reaction before. “This one can be remotely activated from your smartphone!”

As Twilight reached the beach bag with all their stuff in it and used her phone to turn on the drone ... which was also in the bag, Applejack scratched her head. “Wouldn’t it be just as easy to just flip a switch on the drone itself?”

Twilight put her phone down and groaned. “That’s not the point!”

Soon, Pinkie was darting back and forth – impossibly fast – through the water, collecting girl after girl, shoving them all into a row by the dock. “Rainbow here. Fluttershy there. Rarity, right here. Shining Armor, you get in the back ‘cause you're the tallest! Yeah – right there, no a little to the left. There you go!”

And that’s how he found himself standing almost directly behind Rarity, just a little bit to her left. The water where they were standing was just above waist deep, and Twilight ended up between Rarity and Rainbow almost right in front of him ... which hopefully – hopefully – meant that the drone getting into position wouldn’t have a very good view of the way Rarity reached her left hand backward.

She deftly untied the strings on the front of his swim trunks and slipped her hand inside. Compared to the cold water, her hand was pleasantly, soothingly warm. He could see a little shudder run up her mostly-bare back as her hand met his cock. And even though she dared a smug little lip-biting glance over her shoulder at him as she began lightly stroking his still-hard shaft, he didn’t dare to so much as dart his eyes toward her. What if the selfie drone chose that moment to take a picture? What if everybody who looked at it could tell from the angle of Rarity’s arm and the lust-filled look on her face what she was doing? He couldn’t react. He couldn’t!

And yet... Oh, the way Rarity’s pale hips flared out just slightly before disappearing into the water, the sparkling white reflection from her skin on the ripples, the delicate inward curve of her almost completely exposed back... Maybe, just maybe, he could get away with a little indiscretion? Surely if he kept a good poker face and made sure not to show the camera any hint of what he was doing, he could take advantage of being so close to her and being hidden by the water, right?

As the drone hovered into position and everybody smiled, he kept his face frozen, reaching just a tad forward with his right hand. There! He felt the lace of Rarity’s swimsuit bottom floating in the water like some kind of exotic frilly water plant. And just a little bit further, a little bit lower...

The firm and smooth curve of Rarity’s ass cheek filled his cupped hand perfectly. His cock surged even harder against her teasing, stroking hand. He could feel everything. Underneath the frilly skirt, Rarity’s bikini bottom hardly covered anything at all. His hand was easily able to stretch as wide as it could without even touching a hint of fabric ... just smooth, soft, and supple skin.

Snap. The camera flashed.

All at once, their little lineup was breaking up again. Rainbow and Applejack jumped into some kind of swimming race, but most of the other girls crowded around behind Twilight to get a view of the drone’s screen. Rarity lingered with him just long enough to get in a couple more strokes before heading to join them ... with an over-the-shoulder wink only he would have been able to see.

Not wanting to be conspicuously left out, he came around behind the other girls – this time safely far away from Rarity – where he could hopefully retie the strings of his swimming trunks without anybody noticing.

Twilight squinted at the screen. “Sheesh, Shining. Would it kill you to smile a little?”

“Oh it can’t be that bad.” Sunset Shimmer leaned in for a closer look at the small screen. She blinked. “Woah. No, your sister’s got a point. You look like you’re at a funeral!”

It looked like his poker face hadn’t exactly been the best idea. “Um... The water’s pretty cold,” he said lamely, hoping that would suffice as an excuse.

“And Rarity,” Sunset said, “what’s with that look you’re giving the camera? Even on this little screen, I feel like you’re undressing me with your eyes.”

Crap! They were starting to notice things! If anybody happened to guess about the connection between those two things...

Rarity scoffed. “It’s called a seductive glare. Have you never heard of ‘love the camera’? Seriously, girls, I know you might not be quite as into fashion photography as I am, but don’t you understand anything about looking your best?”

Pinkie jabbed her finger at the far side of the screen. “Fluttershy sure knows how to look her best!” She giggled. “Just look at her! Wowza! How do you do that?”

Blushing, Fluttershy backed away a little. “I, um, guess I’m just naturally photogenic? I wasn’t trying to stand out...”

As the others began to debate whether Fluttershy could make it as a famous fashion model, Shining began to back away. He wasn’t alone, though. Twilight had left her precious drone in the hands of the other girls, and she came up next to him now, holding a hand against his upper arm. “You feeling alright?” she said. “Being drowsy all morning isn’t like you ... and in that picture, sheesh. You look like you’re straining just to get through it. You’re not coming down with a flu or something, are you? Maybe a headache? I’m pretty sure Applejack’s got some pain pills in that huge bag of ‘camping supplies’ she brought...”

“No, no, I just...” Suddenly, an idea came to him. He gave a melodramatic little sigh. “Yeah, maybe I should go and rest for a little bit.” If he could sneak off back to the cabin for a wile and rub one – or ten – out, maybe it would finally calm him down enough that he could be around Rarity without losing control of himself.

Twilight nodded. “Alright, you go ahead and—”

Almost nose-and-nose, Applejack and Rainbow Dash careened back toward the shore, both of them kicking and stroking the water furiously.

“Watch the drone!” Twilight yelled. “It’s not waterproofed yet!”

The two racers, of course, were far too preoccupied to pay any attention to her, but thankfully Sunset wasn’t. She used her body to shield it from most of the splashing. And despite Rainbow’s best efforts, it was Applejack who stumbled up onto the beach first.

“Ha!” Applejack said, huffing for breath. “You ain’t the fastest of the fastest when it comes to bein’ in the water, now are ya?”

Rainbow sat down in the sand, also gasping for breath. “Not fair,” she wheezed, her modest chest rising and falling with every breath. “You ponied up – I saw you!”

“Did not!” Applejack stomped her foot on the soft sand. It wasn’t as dramatic as she’d probably intended ... more of a wet slap. “And besides, it’s not against the rules anyway. There was only one rule: whoever gets to the end of the dock and back last has got to go up and fix hot apple fritters for everybody.”

Groaning, Rainbow shook her head. “But it wasn’t supposed to go like this. I’m the fast one, and you’re the one who’s good at cooking apple stuff. Seriously, nobody here wants to try my cooking!”

“Aw buck up. Everything’s already in the oven. All ya gotta do is go on up there, turn the oven on, and bring ‘em down here when the timer dings. Even you can’t screw that up.”

Begrudgingly, Rainbow stood back up and started trudging up the beach toward the trail.

Applejack crossed her arms over her chest and grinned. “Faster you get up there and back, the sooner you get yourself a rematch!”

That got Rainbow to look over her shoulder with a wicked grin. “Oh you wanna see fast do you?” In a flash, she was darting up the trail at a sprint ... even though by all rights she should have still been winded from that little swimming race.

Shining shook his head ruefully at the two of them and turned back to his sister. “Yeah, um, I’ll head up for a little while, too. I think a little break from the sun would do me good.” It wasn’t entirely a made-up excuse, either. On those family trips in the past, he’d almost always come home terribly sunburnt, just like Mom. Having stark white skin just wasn’t the greatest for sun resistance.

Twilight nodded understandingly, and he waded his way up out of the water. And somehow – thank his lucky stars – everybody else seemed to be too busy doing their own things to worry about where he was going and why. He was free to go!

Just as he began to head up the trail, though, slender hands grabbed him from the side, snatching him away behind a nearby rock. Before he could even think to scream, he had his back pinned against the chest-high boulder, with Rarity looming over him, her hands already beginning to caress his chest muscles through the thin covering of wet T-shirt. “Did you miss me last night?” she whispered.

For a few moments, he was too stunned to move ... except, of course, his cock springing back up to full readiness.

Rarity came closer, her hands sliding around the back of his neck, her still-damp body coming to rest against his. “Because I missed you.”

When her delicate lips met his was when the switch went off in his head. There was just no holding back, not anymore. His arms instantly wrapped around her, squeezing her tight enough to make her gasp. At first just around her shockingly narrow waist, but quickly wandering upward between her shoulder blades ... and much more interestingly, downward. This time, he didn’t bother going around her little lace skirt – he just slid his hand along the slight inward curve along the small of her back, and then right down under the waistband. For a moment, he groped her fabulous tight round ass cheek ... before venturing down even lower, reaching between her legs.

She gasped again when his fingers brushed the sheen of warm, syrupy wetness down there. “Shining,” she said, separating from the kiss for just a moment, “I need—” Another gasp cut her off – he’d slipped a finger right into her, unable to stand another moment without feeling her soft warmth wrapped around some part of him. And rather than trying to say anything more, she just kissed him again, this time venturing her lithe little tongue into his mouth.

Shining moaned slightly against Rarity’s mouth, returning her kisses sloppily ... hungrily. Damn! He’d been with her just last night – how could he be so desperate for her already? While he plunged that one finger even deeper inside her, as deep as he could reach, he slid his other hand around the side of her body. At first, he only squeezed the exposed side of her breast while his thumb dug into the lacy fabric just above her nipple, but he soon yanked the bikini top upward, freeing both of Rarity’s medium-sized but gloriously round and perfect tits to bounce for a moment before settling back into place. Her soft and scandalously bare skin squeezed so perfectly under his fingers, and her hard nipple dragged noticeably against the palm of his hand. Rarity’s tits were just so fresh and perky! Not as big as Cadance’s but—

No! He told himself. No. He was not going to make this about Cadance. Not even in the slightest little way. He dove headlong back into kissing Rarity to keep his mind away from ... away from anything else.

Rarity helped with that – she was very distracting. She slipped one hand into the tiny gap between their bodies, once again deftly untying his strings and slipping her hand into his trunks. And once she’d found his cock inside there, she wasted no time, instantly beginning to stroke him with her gentle, gliding touch.

He shuddered, pulling her even closer against himself. But that didn’t stop her hand from working its magic.

When she finally separated from the kiss again, she started sinking down against him, the breast he wasn't busy grabbing slid deliciously down his chest, and then her doting, kissing lips followed. He was reluctantly forced to let his finger slip out of her pussy. She tongued his nipple for a moment before venturing even lower; her hand was already beginning to pull the front of his swim trunks down.

Rarity,” he breathed. “The others are right over there.” Shooting a worried look over his shoulder, he winced. There were a few bushes and small trees between the beach and this rock, but he could still catch glimpses of them moving and splashing ... and he could definitely still hear their shouts and laughter. If they heard ... if they saw...

Rarity didn’t even respond. She was much too busy kissing her way down his abs, following the slanting line down from his hip that would have led down into his trunks ... if they had still been in place. Instead, they dropped, letting his cock spring free just in time to bop Rarity on the cheek. She let it rest there for a moment, grinning up at him mischievously.

Damn she looked so amazing down there, her wet hair still hanging tight around her shoulders and blushing as she smiled up at him, his cock already drooling pre-cum onto the side of her face. He resigned himself to it. This was going to happen. He just didn’t have the willpower to stop. Not now.

She had to lean back just a little bit in order to kiss his tip, letting it drag for a moment against her silky-soft lips. Her hand still stroked his shaft, but she stayed right where she was at his tip, just barely giving him what he so desperately wanted. Looking up at him with a teasing quirk of her eyebrows, she licked the head of his cock slightly ... but she didn’t do any more than that.

Shining groaned from the strain of repressed lust. Was she still trying to tease him? His mind flashed back to last night, and the amazing things she’d done with her mouth back then. She was capable of so much more! Was she holding back just for the sake of tormenting him?

He didn’t understand what she was waiting for ... until she grabbed his hand in her own, moving it up from where he was straining to still reach her breast, up along her neck, and then through her hair, to the back of her head.

His eyes went wide. “S-seriously?”

Gazing up at him with a sparkle in her blue eyes, and her bikini askew, she winked.

His mind now swimming in memories of last night – when she’d begged him to pull her hair, to fuck her like he meant it, to cum on her face – he paused for just a moment, savoring the anticipation, letting his fingers run through her hair ... so silky and smooth, even though it was still damp from the lake.

And then he did it. He pulled her head gently but firmly toward himself. Rarity moaned softly around his shaft as it slid between her lips, over her tongue, into her throat. It was the sexiest damn sound Shining had ever heard. He could feel it in her voice – she wanted this. She wanted him to take control and use her.

So ... he did. Gently at first, but when she seemed to be able to take it without complaint, he began pressing her head down hard. With both hands, he held the back of her head, fucking her face until he finally heard gurgling choking noises from deep in her throat. Her loose bikini top swung every time he slammed her lips back down against the base of his cock, and her breasts bounced. Tears welled up in her eyes, and her mascara began to run down her face. He gave no thought to how it had survived the lake water only to stream down her cheeks now – he was far beyond such petty concerns when he was enjoying everything Rarity’s tight, spasming throat had to offer.

Soon enough, it was too much for her. She pushed away from him, forcibly pulling herself back and gasping for air. His cock emerged from her mouth, dripping with thick, bubbly spit that plopped down onto her body and her bikini.

But even as she struggled to breathe and calm her spasming lungs, Rarity held his balls in one cherishing hand, smearing his messy cock over her face with the other.

He groaned ... not from the sheer physical sensation – that had been better when she’d been throating him – but from the sight of her down there, making an absolute wreck of her perfect face just for his benefit. Damn she was amazing! That didn’t mean he was going to take it easy on her, though. After all, that wasn’t what she wanted from him. Before she’d quite caught her breath, he grabbed her by the hair again and lined her up with the tip of his cock.

Rarity looked up at him, makeup-tinged tears still running from the corners of her eyes, and she opened her mouth, holding her tongue out slightly, ready for him.

Sliding into her mouth again was so easy, as if his cock was meant to be there. It matched her perfectly, both in the pure white color and in the way it seemed to fit, settling just perfectly in the back of her throat. She coughed again, sputtering up a little spit around his base as she did, but that cough came along with a moan ... and both her hands slipped down underneath her lace skirt.

Never in his life had Shining thought a girl might let him use her like this ... much less encourage him to do so. He’d thought that was something that only happened in porn. But here he was, with a gorgeous young girl practically begging him to fuck her mouth to any rhythm he saw fit. He ran one hand lovingly down over the side of her face, over her cheek while he pushed her down on his cock with the other. She looked up at him, her eyes sparkling even as they quivered from the strain.

He soon found his way into a wonderful rhythm – pounding in for a few deep thrusts without hardly pulling out at all, and then slipping all the way out of her, letting her lick his tip for a moment and gasp in a deep breath before he forced his way in all over again. Already, mascara was dripping all the way down onto her breasts, leaving little dark trails that curved down toward her cleavage.

“I’m ... I’m getting close!” he said in a strained whisper. “Do you want me to—”

Rarity yanked herself off of him again. “Fuck me hard!” She stood up next to him, bending over and bracing herself low against the rock with her back arched downward and her ass gleaming white in the sun under her skirt.

Well, he sure as heck wasn’t about to turn down an invitation that polite and ladylike, now was he? Damn, words like that still sounded so delicious from her normally well-cultured lips! That accent of hers! Wasting no time, he shuffled around behind her, cursing the way his swim trunks bound his ankles together but not wanting to waste the moment it would take to take them off entirely.

Once he was behind her, he looked down and subconsciously licked his lips. Rarity’s skirt rode high in this position, hiding basically nothing. And down between the impeccably toned curves of her ass cheeks, the bottom strap of the thong had already been pulled aside. It rested to one side of her pussy lips now, exposing her pristine white mound and the glistening pink slit right down the middle of it. Even as he stared, one clear drop fell free from the nub of her clit, glittering in the sun as it plummeted to the ground below.

He was drawn to her like a magnet, his hands brushing over her ass and flipping her skirt up around her waist as his cock nestled nicely down between her legs. There was no mistaking the slick heat he felt against his tip, and after a little nudge here and there to help it get perfectly in position, it slid inside her.

Shining bit back what would have been a dangerously loud moan as his shaft slid into her embracing secret warmth in one smooth motion. It was easy, given all the spit Rarity had been giving him a moment before, not to mention all the liquid arousal literally dripping from her.

Yes!” Rarity squeaked. “Oh fuck yes! Fuck me ‘til I scream! Fuck me ‘til you break my cunt!”

“Not so loud!” Shining hissed, but she ignored him, letting out a deep, throaty, needy moan.

Fearing what kinds of sounds it would lead to, but unable to help himself, Shining started moving inside her, his hands firmly gripping the perfectly trim curves of her waist. He fucked her with utter abandon, sliding his cock nearly all the way out of her before each next deep plunge to kiss his tip against her womb.

Rarity squeaked with every push, her forearm against the rock and her face tucked in against her elbow. It didn’t do all that much to muffle her moans and gasps as he took every last bit of her, completely filling her with exactly what she’d been wanting ever since last night.

Oh! Oh my goodness! It’s so hard inside me!” Rarity gasped out. “I’m already – I’m almost—”

He didn’t need her to tell him. He could already feel her entrance squeezing tight around the base of his shaft. Already? She really had been desperate for it if she was already about to get off!

Just as Rarity’s muffled moans reached a fever pitch, though, a volleyball bounced off a nearby tree, thudded against the other side of the rock, and then bounced down among the leaf litter on the ground near the trail. Shining froze, his cock still hilted inside Rarity’s spasming pussy. Oh crap! Oh crap!

And there came Pinkie, skipping her way up the trail, almost as bouncy as the volleyball had been.

Before he could duck behind the rock and hide himself, she looked right at him. “Oh hi, Shining! Whatcha doin’?”

Rarity shuddered around his cock ... but Pinkie must not have been able to see her from the other side of that boulder! Maybe, just maybe...

He tried to keep a straight face, and he hoped his cheeks weren’t too flushed. “I’m, uh...” Crap! What was he doing back here? For a moment, he managed to tear his eyes away from Rarity ... and they landed on the nearest thing to her. The rock. “Just, uh, studying geology.”

A wicked, wicked idea occurred to him – beginning to thrust again while being careful not to move his upper body too much, he carefully reached down around Rarity’s hip and slipped his hand down between her legs. Her trim little patch of purple fluff brushed against his palm. He let Rarity’s clit glide smoothly in the gap between two of his fingers. The very muffled gasp that came in response was proof that it was working wonders on her ... and that she still didn’t want Pinkie Pie or her other friends to know. Perfect. This might just pay her back for all that teasing.

“Neato!” Pinkie said. “Did you know my sister Maud is super into geology too? You should talk to her sometime, I bet you two would really hit it off! She could tell everybody what every rock around her was! She’d be all, ‘That rock’s a this,’ and ‘This rock’s a that,’ and did I mention she even writes poetry about rocks! She can even...”

As Pinkie Pie rattled on, Rarity’s inner walls tightened down even harder around him. Her body tensed, shuddering to the rhythm of his fingers sliding over her clit. He pushed his cock hard inside her, straining to fill every last bit and stretch her just a little more inside.

Finally, Rarity could take no more. Before Pinkie’s babble even began to wind down, Rarity’s body jerked, involuntary spasms running through it. Warm wetness leaked down over his hand, and he still didn’t stop massaging her clit. As her smooth lower belly tensed and heaved beneath his wrist, she couldn’t hold it back anymore. She let out a strained little squeak like a whistle being forced out of her clenching throat by the sheer force of her orgasm.

Pinkie’s blabber about her sister suddenly ceased. “Woah, what was that?” She looked around at the trees. “I’ve never heard a bird like that before! Do you think it’s a bird that only lives up in the mountains? Ooh! I bet Fluttershy would know! I should ask her to come up here and—”

Pinkie!” Applejack’s shout filtered up from the lake. “Ya found that ball yet or what?”

She grabbed the ball and ran back giggling toward the lake. “Gotta go! Enjoy your geology!”

Beneath him, Rarity panted for breath. “That ... that was dastardly.”

“You enjoyed it, though.” He ran his hand – still wet with her juices – up and down the curve of her back.

“Quite—” Rarity’s breath hitched as he began moving inside her over-sensitized pussy again. “Quite beside the point. You were the one who wanted this to be our special secret—” she gasped again “—were you not?”

She felt so good sliding against his shaft. No longer tight and squeezing, but now sumptuously soft and soupy-warm inside. That orgasm had utterly relaxed her from the inside out, but this new gooey sensation was just as nice, bathing his cock in a sea of her luxuriant warmth. Honestly, he was starting to come around to the idea that this might become a long-term thing, that he might want everyone to know that he was with Rarity now.

Obviously not by getting caught in the act, though. Twilight wasn’t going to take it well, he was sure of that. And who knew what her other friends might think? It was something he’d have to break to them gently. Not to mention, he should probably make his breakup with Cadance public before making ... this – he pushed his cock back inside Rarity’s steamy pussy again – public.

Getting back into it now, Rarity practically purred, pressing herself back against his opulently slow, sensual thrusts.

Despite the slow pace, though, he could feel himself beginning to get close. Maybe because of the slow pace. Going slow like this, he could feel every detail of her inner walls spreading around him, of her entrance hugging the base of his shaft, of her delicately perfect mound pressing wetly against his balls when he pressed himself as deep as he possibly could. Oh yes – the pressure was building up deep inside him. His cock swelled, filling her even more tightly. Any moment now and he’d ... he’d—

“Oh there you are!”

Twilight’s voice hit him like a splash of cold water. His eyes burst open from where they’d been drifting closed. There she was, hiking right up the path toward them!

“Pinkie said you were up here doing ... geology?” Twilight tilted her head to the side a little, scrunching her face up.

She’d stopped pretty much where Pinkie Pie had ... which meant that Rarity was still hidden. And Rarity used that fact. She slipped herself off of his cock and turned around in front of him, getting down on her knees. Oh crap – she was about to get revenge for having to stifle her orgasm, wasn’t she?

Shining gulped. He could keep it together. He had to. Just keep it together, man! “Yeah, um...” He tried to swallow again, but couldn’t. Why was his throat so dry all the sudden? “I just found some really interesting, uh, crystal formations in this, uh...” He shuddered uncontrollably as Rarity effortlessly took him back into her throat, her hands caressing his balls at the same time. “This, uh, granite outcropping.”

Twilight raised one eyebrow up above the rim of her glasses. “That’s schist.”

“Right, right.” He gasped a little as Rarity really started going to town on his cock. “Fascinating.” She’d started audibly choking on him a little bit now; he pleaded with fate to spare him from the mortifyingly embarrassing situation that he was only one slight slip-up away from. “That’s, uh, why I’ve got to study geology more, huh?”

“I thought you weren’t feeling good ... and now you want to study geology?”

Oh please, oh please. Just go – go before I cum! Shining silently pleaded to his sister. Already he could scarcely hold himself back. “Just a little, you know, on the way up... Don’t want to waste—” his legs tensed unbearably “—the opportunity.”

“O...kay...” Twilight obviously thought something weird was going on, but luckily she seemed to be about to leave him to it. Thank goodness Twilight was willing to actually let something go without getting answers for once! She fidgeted a little as her skin began to dry. “Ugh, this old swimsuit is so tight and clingy! Squeezing me in all the wrong places... I should really get a new one.”

Shining’s jaw dropped as he saw his sister slip a finger up from the leg hole of her one piece and slide it down around her crotch, peeling the blue fabric away from her pussy lips. Of course, he didn’t actually see anything before she let it snap back into place – she wasn’t that undignified about it – but just the sight of her doing it after talking about how tight it was... It was... Oh. Oh fuck!

He groaned loudly and uncontrollably as his cock spasmed inside Rarity’s hidden mouth. She greedily gulped down every spurt and sputter of cum, and he fought just to remain upright, rather than hunching down over her head as his body betrayed him.

“Uh ... Shining?”

Rarity was still caressing his balls and pumping her head on his shaft as it pulsed cum into her throat. Was she trying to draw this out and get him caught? He struggled to maintain some degree of composure. “Yeah, Sis?”

“Are you sure you’re okay? Because your face is awfully red, and you, um...”

“Yeah...” His orgasm was finally beginning to dwindle, though little spasms still rocked through him, dripping out his last drops onto Rarity’s waiting tongue. “T-totally fine.”

“Alright...” Twilight shrugged and shook her head, turning back toward the lake. “But give me a shout if you need help or something, okay?”

“Sure!” He nodded, hoping to speed her on her way. “No problem.”

The moment Twilight disappeared around the slight bend in the path, Shining turned around and collapsed, flopping his back against the schist boulder behind him. He stared sidelong at Rarity. His chest heaved, and his whole body was sheened with sweat. He didn’t even care that he’d sat halfway on a pine cone. “Fuck! N-never do that again, okay?”

“I was only getting a little revenge for what you did to me. That’s fair enough, isn’t it?”

He blinked at her. “I... I can’t believe she bought it.”

Rarity winced. “I think Pinkie Pie knows.”

“You’re ... you’re sure? Oh fuck...” Suddenly, just as he’d managed to relax a little, Shining’s chest tightened all over again.

“Not at all certain. Maybe she really believed you, maybe she was just playing along because she thought it would be fun. Hard to tell with that one.”

“But if she tells Twi—”

“Don’t worry, darling.” Rarity laid a hand on his shoulder. “I’ll talk to Pinkie tonight, and I’ll wheedle one of her Pinkie Promises out of her. After that, I assure you she won’t speak a word of it to anyone. I’ll make sure Cadance doesn’t find out. Oh, and speaking of Twilight...”

“Hm?” he said, finally beginning to relax. He pulled his swim trunks up a little so his balls wouldn’t be resting on pokey pine needles.

“You like her, don’t you?”

“What! Are you crazy?” He panicked for a moment, his mind spinning. “No! No! I mean, yeah, as a sister and all but no, not like—”

“You sure came pretty quickly after she mentioned her swimsuit being so tight...”

“That was just a coincidence!” He forced himself to breathe, to think. “And, and... And it was your doing, anyway. I was trying not to!”

Rarity sniggered a little. “That does not make it better.”

“Yeah, I’m with Rarity on this one. You’ve definitely got a thing for your sister.”

Shining’s whole world imploded. Oh fuck! Oh fuck! That was Rainbow’s voice, coming from...

He spotted her a moment later. How had he not seen her vivid rainbow hair and bright neon swimsuit before? Had he been that distracted? She was sitting on a stump right next to the trail, just a little farther up, with a steaming picnic basket next to her ... and she had her hand squeezed down the front of her swimsuit bottom, her fingers still twiddling away amid a growing wet spot there.

“Rainbow!” Rarity shouted, her voice catching. “I... I... This isn’t what it looks like! I insist!”

Shining was the first to shoot up to his feet, struggling to fumble his swim trunks back into place. His still-wet cock flopped and bounced for Rainbow’s amusement as he struggled to yank the too-tight things back on.

Rarity managed things more easily and more gracefully ... though, of course, all she really had to do was nudge her bikini top back into place and wipe a little bit of white excess from her white chin. She didn’t even bother to pull the crotch of her bottoms back into place – instead, she just smoothed down the lace skirt, trusting to that thin protection for her modesty.

And all the while, Rainbow just sat there, grinning and fingering herself.

“H-how long have you been watching?” Shining managed to squeeze out of his clenching throat.

“I would say ‘long enough’, but...” Rainbow pulled her hand out of her swimsuit bottoms and squirmed frustratedly. She shook her head. “Almost long enough.”

“This is not what it looks like,” Rarity said again, her tone more firm and demanding now.

“Really?” Rainbow laughed a little. “Because I got a pretty good look from over here on my way back with the fritters, and it looks like you were letting Twilight’s brother fuck your face, then give you some top quality ‘D’ from behind, and then pump his load straight down your throat right in front of her. Am I wrong?”

Rarity withered a little, deflating. She obviously had no retort for that, save for a little whimper.

Even though he was hyperventilating a little bit, Shining forced himself to get the words out: “If there’s anything we can do to, you know... Anything! We’ll, we’ll—”

Relax, guys – chill!” Rainbow laughed again. “I’ll keep your little secret.”

Rarity and Shining let out a collective sigh of relief. Finally, Shining felt like his blood was able to flow through his body again!

“... On one condition.”

His eyes suddenly went wide again, whipping back toward Rainbow, staring at her fixatedly.

Rainbow paused, reveling in the suspense she’d created. She slowly licked her own juices off of one finger.

Well,” Rarity insisted, losing her patience, “what’s your condition?”

Grinning, Rainbow pointed at her with that same wet finger. “You have to stop hogging all the best dick around here.” She moved on to him instead. “And you have got to share some of that with me!”

Shining felt like he was going cross-eyed. “Seriously?”

Rainbow nodded, grinning hugely. “I’ll keep my mouth shut ... but I want in!”

He took a deep breath. It looked like things were going to get even more interesting from here on out...