Princess Appreciation Time

by KingdaKa

First published

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle want to give Twilight one last gift before saying goodbye. It's just a matter of what that they're hung up on.

This is a sister story to In Her Sights: Rainbow Dash Ruins A Wedding

Everything comes to an end at some point. As the ways of the world call them their separate ways, the Crusaders now find themselves heading from home and out towards their next step in destiny. Scootaloo, the first to begin a new path in life, has already departed- it's only a matter of time when Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom find theirs as well.

They've a lot to be thankful for, especially in regards to the aid of others. Princess Twilight has been there since they first began, the ever-encouraging voice. When Sweetie Belle suggests that she deserves a special gesture of their appreciation, the question becomes just what they should do. After all, she's a Princess. What can you give someone who's kind, and encouraging, and helpful and pretty and attractive-

So they have some sort of idea.

All characters are 18+

Somehow featured, 12/15/2020. Dankeschön, my fellow pervs.

Princess Appreciation Time

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Every movement she made from this moment forth would have to be as measured and precise as the concoction she was creating. The mixture currently sitting in the beaker before her wasn’t at its most volatile yet, but too much friction, or too much of the wrong dosage, would send it into the air and directly into her face- safety goggles could only do so much against a point-blank explosion.

“You’re doing fine, Apple Bloom. Take your time, let each addition to the mixture be as careful as possible,” came Twilight’s calming words of guidance. Well, perhaps not totally calming considering the circumstances and who was saying it, but that probably wasn’t the thing to think of right now.

Apple Bloom tried not to tremble as she took the vial in hand and move it slowly over to her nigh-complete mixture, placing it just to the edge of sideways to let the violet liquid sit at the precipice of outflow; one drop, and then another- one more after that as well, she decided. Now it was time for further dilution, she taking a stirrer stick in her fingers and slowly but deliberately mixing the numerous elements together until the once-clear liquid turned a dark, shining yellow that they so desired. “I think it’s ready,” she said.

“OK. Now all that’s left…”

“Is to soak the bar with it,” Apple Bloom finished, carefully removing the beaker of syrupy fluid and bringing it over to a tray that held a solitary bar of lead within its center. She took her glistening liquid and let it flow slowly over the heavy bar, moving it about so as to completely cover its surface until the entire brick had been coated in its new sheen. “That’s all of it. The bar should be soaked.”

“Alright, now what’s your next step?” Twilight asked of her.

Apple Bloom considered the experiment before her and wondered what actually would be the next piece of the puzzle. This had been her idea to attempt, after all- Twilight had only provided the materials and the location with which to work. “I want to superheat it,” she said at last. “But all at once. An oven won’t do it since it’ll take too long.”

Twilight nodded. “Make sure to have it covered before you do so,” she cautioned. “I know it’ll make things more difficult, but it’ll be the safer option. Can you handle that, Sweetie Belle?”

The third member of their party had yet to speak, simply sitting by idly while Apple Bloom’s experiment was put through its paces. At the sound of her name the young songstress took to her feet and came over, thoroughly examining the tray so as to conjure a perfect picture within her mind. “I’ve got it,” she said calmly. “You can cover it now.”

Twilight smiled and grabbed the tray cover, the soaked bar of lead disappearing beneath its hood as the last step of their work together came to lie before them. “It’s all on you, now,” she said, taking a few steps back for added safety.

Apple Bloom did likewise as she watched her friend’s face become scrunched in concentration, all of Sweetie Belle’s mental capacities focused on the solitary item beneath the covering that held it closed. She would have to see every inch of the tray in her mind as well as its contents, to see the action performed before ever bringing the moment to pass; to watch the powerful burst of flame lick away at golden liquid and burn it into the blackened lead beneath, fusing both together until it was no longer simply lead but instead-

A sharp intake of breath and then a snap of her fingers. Beneath the tray came a sudden sound of a muffled explosion and flames, the burst of fire so potent that the cover itself was turned from silver to black by the heat it only barely contained. As suddenly as it had been turned to violent life and wrath, the contents of the tray became tranquil and calm once more, all sounds and sights of activity beneath dissipating like the morning fog.

“That should be it,” Sweetie Belle said, hand falling back down to her sides. “I know it was hot enough, I promise.”

“I most certainly believe you,” Twilight assured her, donning an oven mitt and removing the scorched tray cover from its place to reveal a shining bar the color of gold, that dark yellow hue unmistakable to the eye. “Well it certainly looks like gold.”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle shared a single glance, beginning to feel the onsets of excitement as their work together came to a close. Was it possible they’d actually achieved their goal after all?

Twilight, their judge and counselor on the matter, unsheathed a small hammer and chisel and set to work against the thick metal, lightly tapping away until a miniscule shard came away for her to examine. “Let’s see,” she whispered, letting her much more potent magic seep through the small shard and break down its contents for her to assess, the bright colors of her aura gleaming from her palm. “According to my analysis, the bar you have is… lead, still just lead.” Her hand quieted and she set the shard aside, a small frown of disappointment on her face as the effort was proved for naught. “It was an interesting idea, at least.”

Apple Bloom felt her heart become dulled as their failure was pronounced, she and Sweetie Belle giving a sigh that spoke to their substantial displeasure. They’d conceived of the project weeks ago, and it had taken just as much time for all their work to finally reach this moment at all. To come so close to actually achieving their goal, to actually turn lead to gold, and only to fail right at the end was disheartening.

“Sorry,” Sweetie Belle muttered, looking particularly glum. “I guess I didn’t make it hot enough.”

“What? No, don’t be!” Twilight replied, appearing more distressed at Sweetie Belle’s unhappiness than their resulting failure. “If it makes you feel better, the contents of the mixture are fused to that of the lead bar, they just didn’t override the bar’s innate properties.”

“I guess it wasn’t a very good idea on my end, then,” Apple Bloom remarked.

Twilight considered that thought for a time. “Again, I’d say no,” she assessed. “Alchemists and scientists have been trying to turn lead into gold for centuries, girls. You’re hardly the first to fail at it, and you won’t be the last. It might just not be possible in the end.”

That remark made the young woman pause. “Hold on,” she said, her voice perhaps a bit more sharp now. “You mean that you knew we weren’t gonna make it, Twilight?”

The young princess allowed herself a teasing smirk and bit her lip to hold back further laughter. “I was, perhaps, conducting an experiment of my own. Only just a little one!”

Twilight!” Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were left scandalized, stunned that their longtime mentor and now-friend had led them on for so long, their indignation bringing a sound of laughter from the older woman’s lips.

“If it makes you feel any better, it was a better idea than ones I’ve studied before,” Twilight said. “And I did want you to succeed. In fact, you did succeed, in a different way.”

“But our hypothesis failed,” Sweetie Belle said, eyeing the princess suspiciously. “How’d we succeed at all?”

“Well, first off, you discovered a new way it doesn’t work,” Twilight said brightly, the scientific side of her mind the first to speak its assessment. “And you’ve also proven that there’s not really much of anything that I could hope to teach you.”

“Beg pardon?”

Twilight smiled all the more warmly, clear affection shining in every ounce of her gaze. “I’m proud of both of you, you know,” she said, “you’ve both grown so much- and accomplished so much! I hope you’re proud of yourselves as well.”

“But- but what did we do?”

“Well,” Twilight said, “since I think you’ve both progressed as far as you can under someone’s tutelage… that maybe you’d like to advance your work on your own. As leaders instead of students. I have ties to the Royal Sciences Society in Canterlot, as you can probably guess. I could recommend you for entry into their membership, and you’d be able to work there professionally.”

Apple Bloom was left rather shocked by the offer. She’d come under Twilight’s guidance years ago as a young girl with only the hopes of advancing her own schooling. Never would she have expected an opportunity to work in the field, much less at the most prestigious scientific academy in the kingdom!

“Twilight! Are- you’re sure, you’re not just trying to make us feel better or nothing?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Of course I’m sure! Look how far you’ve come,” the brilliant Princess answered. “You two tried to overcome the oldest scientific puzzle in alchemy history and you ended up with the most successful failure I can think of. Apple Bloom, your chemistry skills don’t require any more guidance- nor does your magic, Sweetie Belle. What more can you hope to learn from me? I want to see you flourish, and eventually teach others. I certainly know you can.”

Apple Bloom was still rather shocked by the offer and remained silent. She was little more than a typical farmgirl who’d simply been blessed by wonderful opportunities and the kindness of others, given chances she might not have had anywhere else. She hadn’t thought it could actually ever lead anywhere, especially not to something as momentous as this. A life in Canterlot among the scientific elite, working to create and study the natural world at its most basic components, and even getting paid to do so! It was a tremendous thing to be given- but she’d be leaving her family behind, something difficult for any Apple to do. And, if she was willing to admit it to herself, there was a small little something else that she definitely couldn’t admit to about one person in particular she didn’t want to leave behind either.

“Can… can we think it over, please?” Sweetie Belle asked, echoing the thoughts of her lifelong friend as though they were her own. “It’s- it’s a lot of take in at once.”

“Of course, take as much time as you need. I won’t even bring it up again,” Twilight said to them. “If I’m honest with myself, I’ll truly miss you both if you leave.”

“You will?” Apple Bloom’s heart soared at the remark, her emotion-riddled sensibilities now wondering if she should let the potent matter slip out for further discussion-

“Of course! Look at you, both of you,” Twilight said, “you’ve both… truly grown up. I’m glad I could see both of you come such a long way. And… that you’re my friends, too.”

“We’re your friends?” Sweetie Belle asked softly. Was there a tinge of disappointment within her words that Apple Bloom could detect?

Twilight smiled all the warmly, taking the two women in her embrace. “Of course you are,” she replied, “and I’m very glad of it.”

Scootaloo’s departure from home was the first sign their childhood was coming to an end, if not the indication that it had actually come to a close entirely. Her proficiency as a mechanic was pronounced, remarkable even; being signed on as part of a pit crew for a traveling racing team came as little surprise to anyone who knew her, the still-teenage girl leaving for her newfound life and not looking back. From their correspondence over the years since, it seemed to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle that her life was one she thoroughly enjoyed. They couldn’t have been happier for her.

Now, with a similar offer of adventure theirs for the taking, they had to consider their own path. They just hadn’t expected the moment to come so soon.

“I mean, it’s a great opportunity, right?” Sweetie Belle said aloud. “Twilight’s offering us a chance to work in Canterlot with some of the best scientists and magicians in the world. That- how likely is it that we’d ever get another chance like this? And she’s offering to give it to us for free.”

“I know,” Apple Bloom said hesitantly, “it’s just… I don’t know, y’know?”

The two friends had departed from Twilight’s not long after, simply drifting through town and elsewhere until they’d ended up back on the rolling hills of Sweet Apple Acres where they’d hoped to find some solitude, and maybe a more mature opinion from family. But with Applejack spending her time with Celestia elsewhere, and Big Mac too busy working in the orchards, their hopes for a quiet word had led to failure. With little else to go on, they found themselves back at their childhood clubhouse and simply decided to bounce ideas off of one another.

“Why are we even thinking about this? It’s one of the best things that could have happened to us,” Sweetie Belle remarked. “Honestly, I can’t believe we said we needed to think it over. Think what over?”

“I know!” Apple Bloom snapped, frustrated that her oldest friend seemed to be talking down to her. “But- it’s just a big step to take, that’s all! And we’d be leaving family behind, all our friends. I just- just wanna be sure, y’know?”

“I guess so,” Sweetie assented, suddenly losing her steam. “Yeah, it’d… it’d be a lot to leave behind, wouldn’t it? I mean, Scoots sees Rainbow Dash cause of the Wonderbolts and whatnot, but… we’d be really busy. A lot, wouldn’t we?”

Apple Bloom nodded, wondering just how it would feel to actually leave the family homestead behind. Could she even do it without getting homesick and wanting to return? Not to mention she had attachments of other sorts she wanted to address. “We… we at least need to do something for Twilight,” she murmured. “Even if we end up saying no, I mean. She’s been helping us for ages now.”

The idea seemed to dispel the two young women’s discomfort, Sweetie Belle’s clouded expression turning to that of an eager smile. “Yeah, that’d be a great idea,” she agreed. “It’s not like she even had to do it in the first place, too. She’s helped us out for… how many years?”

“A lot, I know that,” Apple Bloom said. “But it can’t just be anything stupid or boring, or anything dumb like that. We need to make it really special.”

“Like what? She’s a Princess, does she really need anything?”

It was a fair question to ask, unfortunately. “Well,” Apple Bloom began, “maybe we can do something for her. Y’know, something that’ll be a good memory. Maybe we make something for her, or… well, that sounds a little too silly, anyway.”

Sweetie Belle sat there and pondered the problem for a moment or two, mulling over any ideas that came to mind, as well as their potential consequences. Then suddenly her features changed from wondering that of a strange hesitancy. “Well,” she said. “Maybe.”

Apple Bloom had only been half-way paying attention and figured she’d missed an entire statement. “Maybe what?”

Sweetie Belle gave a start as though she hadn’t meant to speak aloud. “I dunno,” she said. “I shouldn’t say.”

“It’s not like I’ve got any good ideas here,” Apple Bloom encouraged, “spit it out.”

Sweetie looked this way and that as a slow tinge of pink began to fill her cheeks. “Well, umm. I- she’s really pretty.”

It was all that needed to be said. Apple Bloom stared at her friend who was starting to quail beneath the weight of her own embarrassment, the pretty young farmgirl still not completely certain she’d actually heard her friend say such a thing. But she had and she knew it, and to admit it would mean to let her own feelings on the matter start to seep in as she recalled just how pretty she’d thought Twilight was on the day they’d first met, how she’d continued to think Twilight was pretty even as she grew up, how her ascension to Princessdom had somehow taken that prettiness and turned it into a thing of beauty that Apple Bloom wasn’t able to ignore.

She’d just thought her attraction to her former mentor was a solitary thing.

“Sweetie Belle?”

“Please don’t,” the songstress pleaded, still mortified she’d let the secret slip.

Apple Bloom, however, was unwilling to let it simply waltz on by. “Sweetie, do- do you have a crush on Twilight?” she asked.

She tried to feign denial at first. “What? Why would say such a- it was just a remark, Apple Bloom, I was only- I thought you did!”

Now it was an immediate shift to the defensive. “Hey, I asked you first! Besides, it’s not a- well, I’d say I… Umm.”

The two young women stared at each other, dwelling in a silence that was sure to shatter.

“It’s kinda the nerdiness she’s got, isn’t it?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Oh my gosh, yes,” Apple Bloom groaned, feeling her heart pound at the memory of the brilliant Princess she’d unintentionally come to adore. “I mean, she’s a little weird and she’s scary smart. But she’s always so super nice and patient, I just- I didn’t mean to do it.”

“I know! But- she’s really well-dressed a lot of the time,” Sweetie Belle added. “It’s not like Rarity who’s all flashy and everything- and not all elegant and fancy like Princess Celestia! It’s just that kinda… sweet, I guess. I like looking at her.”

“And she’s…” Apple Bloom could feel her face flushing even as she thought of it. “She’s got nice legs… and since she became a Princess…”

Sweetie Belle’s restraint had clearly been set aside as the two women discussed their singular romantic affections, declaring, “I wanna suck on her tits. Like, really bad.”

It was looking like the two women’s inhibitions would be completely thrown out the window and their more intense passions given room to play- but Apple Bloom found herself struck by a sudden rush of fear. “Wait a minute!” she cried. “We’re being ridiculous, come on! Just cause we’re not kids anymore doesn’t mean she’ll just let us… y’know. What if she gets freaked out like she did with Trixie? She might not want us to even try at all!” It was a crushing thing to think about, but Apple Bloom knew it had to be said before they made any sort of final decision. “Do… do we really wanna do this?”

Sweetie Belle didn’t even take time to think over the matter, nodding vigorously in reply. “Don’t you lie and say that you won’t do it, too.”

It would be a lie, after all. “I really wanna sleep with Twilight,” she confessed. “So we’re… actually gonna try this.”

“Yeah. But- wait, hold on,” Sweetie Belle said. “Do- how do you- what’s it even feel like to be with a woman?” The two friends stared at one another and blushed, both knowing full well what answer each would receive. “Ohmygosh, you’ve gotta be kidding me.”

“We’re crazy,” Apple Bloom said. “We’re wanting to have sex with a Princess and we’ve never even kissed a girl before!”

The creeping red on Sweetie’s face spread and turned an even deeper shade, the young woman’s gaze flickering back and forth between her friend and the floor. “Well, maybe not,” she said. “We could always, you know… practice. With each other.”

Neither of them could bear to face each other for a moment, nor were they certain of how they felt regarding that suggestion. Apple Bloom looked about as though for a way out while Sweetie was shrinking into herself as though ashamed she’d even suggested it.

“I mean,” Sweetie added after a few moments, “it’s not like I think you’re gross or anything. It’s- well…”

“You’re- can I kiss you, then?” Apple Bloom asked, surprising her friend by being the first to be rid of her uncertainty. “I wouldn’t- mind. I guess.”

“Oh. Umm, sure,” Sweetie Belle answered, surprised she even was willing to go along with her suggestion. “Come here.”

The two women fell to their knees and took a seat on the rug below, scooting closer to one another until they were only a few inches apart, their hands moving about as though unsure of where they needed to be placed. The two women were blushing furiously and their smiles were rather bashful, but neither of them seemed eager to back out from their decision.

“You- you’re real pretty, Sweetie,” Apple Bloom whispered.

“Thanks. You are, too,” Sweetie replied, deciding that there was no better time than now as she leaned in and closed the gap between them.

The initial kiss was inexperienced, a mishmash of hesitancy and willingness as lips pressed against lips; Sweetie almost promptly lost her nerves as she felt her longtime friend against her and she lessened her intent, only to find it met by a forcefulness from Apple Bloom, she keeping herself attached to Sweetie’s mouth and seemingly unwilling to part from her. The sudden will behind Apple Bloom’s kiss was gentle, but firm- delightfully so, as far as Sweetie was concerned. If she were honest with herself, she rather liked kissing Apple Bloom. And when Apple Bloom deepened the gesture, pushing her body against Sweetie’s so as to heighten the embrace, she happily met it with a charm of her own, her arms wrapping about Apple Bloom’s neck as the two women continued their kiss, letting themselves enjoy the taste and feel of one another’s lips so deeply that their minds drifted from all thought else.

Sweetie found herself delighting in Apple Bloom’s firm lips, only the smallest tinge of a fruity sweetness as an added taste that made her continue to desire more. Apple Bloom, in contrasts, relished the softness of Sweetie Belle’s caress, and the smoothness with which she kissed. It was a moment they’d almost wished they’d had sooner, just so they could have known the feel and taste of each other before now.

When they at last broke apart, the two women were left gasping, eyes fixed upon one another as their united desire for Twilight had suddenly given them an interest in one another as well. “Do we…” Sweetie Belle said, “do we wanna keep practicing?”

“Definitely,” Apple Bloom said, pressing fiercely against her friend as they toppled onto the floor in a much more intense, more passionate embrace.

The delectable Princess Twilight was still their goal- but that would be a tomorrow goal.

“This is crazy.”

Their time together the day prior hadn’t been enough to soothe their nerves, the anxiety and fear of likely rejection returning the moment they were no longer distracted. A little more experience didn’t help enough to push such things aside, not when the one you longed for was a Princess- even if said Princess was a total nerd.

“What are we gonna do if she says no?” Apple Bloom asked as they walked to Twilight’s library. “Actually, let’s be honest: what will we do when she says no?”


“That seems sorta immature.”

“We’ll say we’re only a couple of horny women who were desperate, then,” Sweetie Belle suggested.

“Maybe a little too honest?” Apple Bloom replied.

“OK! We’ll figure it out,” Sweetie Belle said hotly. “Jeez, AB… we’ll just deal with it when it comes, if that’s what ends up happening. Alright?”

“I guess.” The young farmgirl’s heart was absolutely pounding now, the ancient tree that held the girl of their dreams directly in sight. “We are so stupid.”

“Yeah, we really are,” Sweetie Belle agreed. “Are you ready?”


“Feeling OK?” She knew she certainly wasn’t.

“Feeling turned on,” Apple Bloom confessed.

“That, too.”

All too soon they found themselves at the door of Twilight’s library, knowing their doom was held just behind it. It was a sickly sort of anxiety at this point, so close to the endgame. There were so many things that could go wrong.

“Here we go,” Sweetie Belle murmured, and without waiting she knocked on the door to signal their arrival.

A few moments passed, then the shining, smiling face of Twilight Sparkle appeared at the door to greet her old students. “Hi, girls!” she said warmly, opening the door and ushering them inside. “It’s good to see you, I was just thinking about you!”

Just thinking about you. Enough to make one’s heart ache, enough to destabilize Apple Bloom even further than she’d already gone. They said nothing as they entered, simply tossing aside their shoes as they entered and followed Twilight further in. Adding to their difficulty was Twilight herself, the same lovely figure beneath that formal sort of prettiness she always seemed possess, little more than a conservative button-down and a skirt that fell to just above the knee…

“So how are you, ah?” Twilight asked. “I hope I didn’t fluster you too badly yesterday, I know it may have come as something of a shock. I just… wanted you to know! I’ve been thinking about it for a while and I couldn’t keep it a secret! So I sort of let it slip… hey, is everything alright?”

It was a guiding question, there no difficulty in seeing the internal distress the two young women were enduring. Apple Bloom’s normally flush, vibrant features were pale and she couldn’t hold Twilight’s gaze; Sweetie Belle was agitated and flustered, continuously moving even as she stood.

“Would you all like some tea?” Twilight offered gently, coming over and checking on them in her concern. “I was going to make some coffee so I could get to work, but I think you both could use something to help you calm down.”

Sweetie Belle glanced over at Apple Bloom, whose ability of speech seemed totally lost. So she would have to be the one to start this off. “N-no, thanks,” she said weakly. “We were… we’re wanting- we wanted to talk to you about something.”

“Of course! I didn’t actually expect an answer so soon, but I’m glad to hear it,” Twilight replied. Taking note of their obvious unease, she let her smile soften and added, “It’s OK to be nervous about it. And don’t feel like you need to give me any sort of answer you think I’d want to hear! I want what’s best for both of you, and I’ll take whatever answer you give me. You won’t hurt my feelings, I promise!”

“So we actually did. Come up with an answer, I mean,” Sweetie Belle stammered.

“Oh? Can I hear it?”

Sweetie Belle desperately wished Apple Bloom could get a grip on herself and help with this, but still found her friend too stars-truck to speak. “We were thinking… umm, we’d rather- rather stay here. With you,” she said. “We thought maybe we could help you start up a new science academy here in town instead.”

“That’s… actually a great idea!” Twilight said, smiling broadly at the words of her friends. “It’s a wonderful idea, really, I’m so glad you suggested it. I’d love to help with that and it’s a wonderful way to start your careers. I’m flattered you’d want to start such a thing with me, really.”

“We- well, it’s not just that, too,” Sweetie Belle said. She was starting to feel sick, she needed to actually admit it and get it all over with already.

Twilight hesitated. “Oh? What else is on your mind?”

Apple Bloom finally found her voice at last, saying, “Twilight, I- we- oh, I’m sorry!” she cried, so great was her anxiousness that she suddenly rushed forward and took Twilight in her arms for a fierce kiss-

Twilight’s eyes went wide at the initial fixation of Apple Bloom’s lips upon hers, the younger woman pressed deeply against her. Her shock held firm- and then faded as her once-taut limbs slowly wrapped around the lovely farmgirl who desired her, the two women holding one another gently until their meeting of lips came to an end. “Apple Bloom, what in the world..?”

“I’m sorry, Twilight,” Apple Bloom almost wailed, starting to caress her the face of her dearly desired Princess, the sound of tears audible in her voice. “I didn’t mean to, I promise, I just- I love you, I really do! I’m sorry- please don’t be mad…”

“Apple Bloom,” Twilight’s cheeks were still flushed, but she smiled as she held Apple Bloom still close against her, Princess and young, tender-hearted farmgirl knowing nothing but one another as their romantic union continued to unfold. “I’m- I’m touched, I never knew you felt this way! You’re so sweet, I never would have guessed…”

Apple Bloom seemed to be encased in a delight that came at her Princess’ words- Sweetie Belle, however, had a fairly strong sense of indignation. “Hey!” she cried, interrupting the tender moment before it could continue further. “Apple Bloom, that’s not fair! We said we’d tell her together and not-”

Twilight was pulled from her focus on Apple Bloom’s heartfelt confessions and back to the world around her, particularly that of an angered Sweetie Belle. “Together..?” she echoed dimly. “Wait, together- Sweetie Belle, what am I missing here-?”

What she was missing Twilight soon found out, Sweetie Belle coming into Twilight’s arms and taking the woman’s face in her hands for a kiss of her own, all hesitancy and embarrassment she had felt only a few moments prior now forgotten, the two women meshing together in a great undertaking of passion as they became glued to one another in physical, affectionate fierceness; Twilight swooned as Sweetie Belle’s lips came to find her own, she and the beautiful songstress becoming lost in a breathless, intense embrace as lips met again and again-

Twilight at last found her senses and she parted from Sweetie Belle’s hungering touch, pushing aside both of her young suitors and trying to catch her breath. “Sweetie- Apple Bloom!” she gasped, the resplendent Princess in an absolute shock from the sudden burst of affection. “What has gotten into you two- what is going on?”

“Twilight, I- we- I’m so sorry,” Sweetie Belle began to explain, “I really am, we didn’t mean for it. We both sort of… like you. A lot. And we came here to talk to you about it because we couldn’t really take it anymore. Please don’t be mad!”

“I- mad? I’m just… a little overwhelmed, not really that mad,” Twilight said, certainly appearing flummoxed in the face of such a bold confession. “Girls, I’m- why?”

“We just- you’re so kind and- and pretty and we just do, Twilight!” Apple Bloom said. “Please, I know it’s weird and sorta awkward and all that, but can we just- even if it’s only for tonight?”

Twilight was bouncing back and forth between the two, clearly trying to come to some kind of decision. “Girls… well, ladies, I guess. Look, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, I’m- I’m honestly flattered that you think so much of me, I really am…”

No. Sweetie Belle felt her heart sink.

“I know how you feel, I’ve felt it about other women- but I can’t do this to you, not lead you on or something awful!” Twilight protested. “I’m… I’m friends with your sisters, too, you know that! How could I say such a thing to them in the first place?”

Apple Bloom had figured she’d hear this sort of speech from Twilight, a justification against unreasonable behavior, the sort of response she’d dreaded. She continued to listen as best she could, trying not to let her unhappy emotions get the best of her, yet soon found herself distracted by something else entirely: the whole library was darker than when they had entered. She allowed herself a swift glance about the place and watched as a window blind went down seemingly by its own will. Wait a minute, I think I just heard the door lock.

“And… look, let’s be honest with ourselves, a relationship like this never works out. It’s just a fantasy!” Twilight continued. “Somebody always get jealous of someone else and then- well, there you are! It’s sure to be a mess, I’m sorry. You both are… lovely, wonderful young women. But I couldn’t do this to you.”

“We wouldn’t get jealous!” Apple Bloom chimed in, pulling Sweetie Belle close to her until their fairest flesh was just barely pressed against each other. “Twilight, we like each other- we just both want you, too!”

You both-”

“Yeah, we do!” Sweetie Belle said, cottoning on to Apple Bloom’s train of thought. “We were with each other yesterday, you know. We started talking about all the sort of things we’d thought you might like…”

“Did- did you, now..?”

“We thought about how you might like to be touched,” Sweetie Belle whispered, “how to be kissed…” She caressed Apple Bloom’s awaiting face and the two women came together for a kiss that was at first rough and passionate, a magnificent immersion of intermingled saliva and physical form that swiftly slowed, each press of lips becoming all the more tender and gentle- all with the intent of allowing their affection to be put on display for Twilight to see, the young royal seemingly struggling with a good number of emotions. When Sweetie and Apple Bloom slowly parted, the lovely farmgirl came upon a stroke of genius and returned for one last measure of affection, her tongue gently stroking along Sweetie Belle’s lips to grace them with a small layer of her saliva.

Twilight blanked. “Umm.”

“We love you, Twilight,” Sweetie Belle murmured. “Can you let us prove it?”

Twilight stood there a moment longer, every facet of her being darting about in a mad frenzy as she let eyes flicker from woman to woman, person to door and so many other things that it was impossible to keep up. Some great debate was being won within her and the two friends who adored her knew it was only a matter of time now-

“Oh, I can’t take it anymore,” Twilight said at last, ripping open her shirt to reveal breasts held back by a bra that seemed ready-made to be torn away in the coming frenzy. “Come and take me already.”

For the two hopeful women, it was all they could have dared to hope for. They didn’t wait a second longer and came upon Twilight in all their lustful fierceness, eager to bring about an outpouring of whatever affection and physical comfort they could hope to offer, a desirous action given confidence by longing at last allowed to flow forth. And Twilight, to the surprise of them both, seemed more than happy to enjoy the moment as much as they did. They came upon her and pressed their beautiful object of desire to the ground, allowing themselves to flourish.

Sweetie Belle’s long-hidden yearnings were finally given room for action, she sliding her arms around Twilight’s back to unhook her bra and reveal the sweet, succulent prizes she’d always wanted; marvelous breasts of royal flesh that seemed to be calling for her gentle caresses; taking one in her mouth and suckling away madly, the young woman wanted to release a squeal of delight as she felt the nipple harden at only her slightest touch. Twilight was becoming aroused because of her! The subconscious reception emboldened Sweetie and she let herself become greedy, tongue delicately stroking across the areola several times over as her free hand turned to the untouched breast and giving the nipple a small pinch.

She would have heard a moan had Twilight been able to release it, but the brilliant princess’s eloquent tongue found itself occupied with the hungering presence of another, Apple Bloom having taken her affectionate feelings and bringing them to Twilight’s lips yet again. Twilight seemed to be keeping their kisses slow, smooth and soft with only the gentlest touches between them but soon found herself being overwhelmed by both Apple Bloom’s cravings for her touch and the growing force of her own arousal; each union of lips was a little deeper, of a deeper thirst. It was the first coo that gave the young royal away, an unbidden sound of sapphic pleasure; not long after she opened her mouth and allowed Apple Bloom’s eager tongue to enter and frolic, at first massaging her lover’s own slickened muscle in a ballet of salivating caresses before turning to every corner of Twilight’s mouth she could reach, blessing it with the graces of her overpowering longing.

Aah…” Twilight’s breath came in weak, taut as Sweetie Belle’s delighted worship of her breasts made her body want to sing, a joyous sound that would have set the young woman to glowing if it had not been muffled by the eager presence of Apple Bloom’s kisses. She was in raptures as her body was tended to in ways she had never dared dream, the hope of romantic happiness left dormant and buried. But now, her fair flesh now being so perfectly, wondrously worshipped, all the long-unsated desires of her own body were resurrected within her heart and given a furious potency that demanded fulfillment.

Much to Apple Bloom’s displeasure, Twilight’s hand came upon her face so as to guide her away from the jeweled lips she’d desired for years, but not before allowing their last kiss to become wonderfully sloppy, a thick filament of spittle hanging between their lips as proof of their voracious lusts. “Wait, why’d you stop?” she demanded, feeling crushed-

“Go deeper,” Twilight told her, her normally sweet face agitated as unrepressed desire demanded fulfillment. “Down below-”

Apple Bloom gave a start- then grinned as she realized what a tempting offer had been placed before her. Sweetie Belle gave no sign of any jealousy, her dreaming of Twilight’s breasts keeping her more than satisfied with her current positions; eager to hear Twilight squeal, Apple Bloom quickly fell to her knees and pulled Twilight’s skirt down to reveal cream-colored panties that matched her now-strewn bra. Though craving the meal within, Apple Bloom first gave a few teasing strokes of her fingers with the comfortable cloth between her and Twilight’s union, small hints of what awaited the bookish princess. The farmgirl smirked as she heard exactly what she’d wanted to hear- Twilight groaning, eager for the real thing. “Don’t tease me like that,” Twilight pleaded.

She certainly wanted to, to hear those lustful sounds in her ears, but Apple Bloom couldn’t hold herself back for long and found herself pulling panties away so as to dive in and enjoy her meal. Her memories with Sweetie Belle the previous day returned, though with a hint of hesitancy; would Twilight have the same reactions, the same sensitive spots? With no reason to not find out, Apple Bloom allowed herself room to frolic and kissed along Twilight’s labia, only gentle presses of mouth against lower lips with the hopes of gauging a response. Her first efforts were given only small coos of pleasure, simple sounds of sexual contentment- eager to hear more, Apple Bloom gave a small tug, swiftly followed by another; Twilight’s cries became more intense in reaction. A fantastic sign of what her delectable Princess desired, an unusual roughness given approval by someone who seemed so naïve. Apple Bloom glowed and allowed herself to go absolutely wild, uninhibited voraciousness foraging deep into Twilight’s folds and eating away with abandon; she was in heaven, feeling the woman of her dreams squirm at her touch. Happy to continuing obliging, the young farmgirl took Twilight’s legs in a vicegrip and positively dove in, determined to not come up for air until she at last had what she wanted- and she’d do what it took to get it!

Twilight was in the perfect sort of agony, a horrendously splendid sensation of struggle as she tried and failed to hold back unbidden cries from escaping her lips. She was under attack in the most wonderful of ways, Sweetie Belle’s insatiable hunger for her breastflesh a perfect match for Apple Bloom’s unquenchable thirst below, and how awful it felt to hold back. In fact, she didn’t think she could for much longer. The first rocking wave of orgasm hit and she moaned, promptly stealing Sweetie away from her reverential service and bringing her in for a kiss, mouths glued together as Twilight muffled her moans with the presence of Sweetie Belle’s happy lips and tongue, the change in sensation allowing the coursing waves of pleasure to feel all the better until the crashing force became like that of a gentle tide. At last Twilight released the songstress from her clutches, both of them positively gasping for air.

“Oh my god,” Twilight whispered, her gaze drifting away from Sweetie Belle’s soft touch as Apple Bloom finally resurfaced, clearly pleased with her results. “Apple Bloom, that- holy- come here!” Apple Bloom was eager to comply and she crawled her way up Twilight’s ravished body to find those lips yet again, their kiss all the more viscous and eager because of her symphonies. It only lasted a few moments before Twilight pulled away again, saying, “That taste-! I, you- Sweetie Belle, taste her! For me, please?”

The two young women grinned at the urgency in Twilight’s command, the bookish woman’s sexual desires turning her into a truly commanding authority. Yet they were eager to please and enjoyed the feeling, Sweetie Belle’s arms wrapping about her friend as the two locked lips for a kiss. Their meeting of flesh didn’t remain subdued for long, Sweetie Belle’s familiarity with Apple Bloom’s lips enough to know that the sweetness upon her friend’s tongue wasn’t that of her own making. She was tasting Twilight, and the viscid juices aroused her hunger. She soon paid little attention to anything else as she lathered her affections on the farmgirl, kissing and licking away at every drop she could find until all of Apple Bloom’s soaked features were made ‘clean.’

“Wow,” she whispered dreamily. It was better than she had hoped for, the pleasant taste of two beautiful women at once…

“Isn’t she pretty, Sweetie Belle?” Twilight said, undressing Apple Bloom slowly to reveal each fragment of her bare body for the young woman to gaze upon. “She was so good to me… I think she deserves a reward. You want to give it to her, don’t you?”

Apple Bloom was caught up in Twilight’s words, that force of longing now turned to that of her oldest friend, taking in Sweetie Belle’s delicate frame and finding it desirable. Smaller breasts that deserved just as much praise as her own larger ones, silken skin needing to be caressed, those fantastically soft lips… she wanted Sweetie Belle to make love to her.

“Undress yourself, Sweetie,” Twilight suggested, and the eager songstress quickly tossed aside her clothing in favor of nakedness, a graceful figure that spoke of a richer, comfortable life. In response came the flight of Apple Bloom’s crop-top and shorts, a tanned form gained by years spent in work and under sunlight, brimming with well-crafted strength. “Why don’t you love on her for me..?”

Sweetie Belle didn’t hesitate to obey, coming upon Apple Bloom and at first uniting with her lips before gracing a trail of kisses down the solid body to where a dribbling, eagerly awaiting pussy rested, craving the touches of that lilted voice. When Sweetie Belle’s journey came to an end, her venturing began in the realms of delicacy, a gentle tending of a more graceful approach in contrast to Apple Bloom’s voraciousness. Each stroke and kiss was slow, long, and lovingly smooth, a deeper and more lingering gift of physical touch. Enough to make any farmgirl cry.

“Keep going, Sweetie Belle,” Twilight said, coming behind the occupied young women and letting her hand stroke along the songtress’ backside. “And don’t stop. Please trust me, I want to do something for you.”

A kiss on one side, then another. Sweetie Belle felt a thrill run across her body as she took a guess at Twilight’s intent.

“You were so wonderful, all that loving of my breasts,” Twilight continued, hands now taking a firm grasp. “So let me know if this feels good.”

The first stroke went deep and Sweetie Belle had to take pause from the intensity of the sensation. Twilight had actually gone there, and it felt even better than she would have guessed! More than happy to deliver positive reception, she let her body shiver to match the groan that flowed from her lips-

“Don’t stop, Sweetie,” Twilight said. “Make Apple Bloom scream for me!”

Sweetie Belle took the guidance as a sacred command and didn’t dare hold back for another moment, the previous day’s recollection of Apple Bloom’s favored spots being put to proper use. It was truthfully a simple task, only made difficult by the heavenly feel that was Twilight’s tongue deep inside her. It was the most perfect race she could have hoped to undertake, trying to bring about Apple Bloom’s satisfaction before she would be overwhelmed by the weight of her own. She lapped away greedily, passionately, keeping Apple Bloom held down as she continued in her artful strokes, all the while made to strain against the rising shivers of her own form that wanted sweet release at the behest of Twilight’s presence. It wasn’t fair, and it was wonderful- how was she supposed to endure this when she could hardly find a breath to spare? They were all being stolen away.

She felt a great shudder and knew she wouldn’t be able to hold back any longer; Sweetie Belle drank deeply of Apple Bloom’s folds and ravished her with all the skills she possessed, at last hearing a piercing cry of euphoric joyance as Apple Bloom let herself be set free upon her friend’s eager face. The next shudder came and Sweetie Belle faltered, knowing she was beginning to orgasm-

Almost on cue, Twilight retreated from her place at Sweetie’s plush bottom and dove underneath, a single kiss gracing the engorged lips below and setting the songstress to sing her praises, the intense power of the sensation turning it from joyous to heavenly. The Princess didn’t cease her lapping until the last tremble faded from her body and was no more; unable to keep herself up any longer, Sweetie Belle collapsed on the floor with an exhausted, delighted huff.

“Oh gosh… Sweetie Belle? Are you alright?” Twilight’s voice was no longer the sensuous, authoritative tones but had returned to its normal sweetness, she lying beside the weary young woman and looking upon her with concern. “Hey, answer me.”

“Yeah,” Sweetie Belle moaned happily, wanting to lean over and give Twilight a kiss but finding herself still too tired to do so. “Thank you… so much.”

Twilight laughed, taking Sweetie Belle in her arms and bringing the songstress to a sitting position. “You’re a mess,” she remarked, though not unkindly. “Mind helping me clean her up, Apple Bloom?”

The thorough lavishing of affections was not unwelcome, the trio of women kissing and licking away at one another in the midst of their giggles, not one pausing until the three of them were satisfied and put at ease. The powerful exertions of the moment had passed and been left behind, their meetings of tongue and lips turned from passionate to loving in the tender display of the afterwards. When all three of them had at last found themselves utterly spent with no more need to give and receive another touch of love, they collapsed onto the floor in a heap, Twilight lying comfortable beneath their weight as Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom rested against her.

“Well,” Twilight said slowly, “that was… was- well…”

“Amazing?” Sweetie Belle offered.

“Perfect?” Apple Bloom added.

“A little weird?” Twilight countered.

As the young women stopped to consider it, the suggestion didn’t seem out of place. “Well, that, too.”

“Good, so I’m… not the only one,” the Princess said, though a smile remained on her face. “So that was a first.”

“It’s not gonna be the last, is it?” Apple Bloom asked. Surely not after all that, it would just be a one-time thing.

Twilight turned to face her and looked at the farmgirl as though she was insane. “No,” she said flatly. “Goodness, I… I would love to have you stay with me. In any way you wish, really, I’d love to be with both of you- and even see you all just the same. After all,” she added with a grin, “Sharing is caring.”

It was so perfectly terrible that her two companions gave a groan, eliciting a stream of laughter from the bookworm royal. “Twilight, that was awful!” Apple Bloom said, trying not to laugh at the horrible attempt at humor. “Oh my gosh, never say that again.”

“What? It was just a joke!”

“A terrible one!”

The three women’s laughter and good humor continued for a little while longer, alone and at peace within the darkened library where none could reach them. A shower called to them from their place there, and perhaps a comfortable meal together where they could talk a few things over. It was sure to be a lively conversation.