Worse for Rare

by SunTwi06

First published

The Dazzlings deal with a sister's chance encounter with a certain someone. Shenanigans ensue.

Adagio merely wanted a peaceful day to sleep in; Sonata merely wants some advice. When two girls are put in the same room, a seemingly normal talk between two girls takes a strange form involving a mysterious stranger. What could possibly go wrong?

Edited by Dramamaster829

*Part of the Siren AU Continuity*

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Context is Magic

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It was early in the morning, as another blissful day in Canterlot City began. As the sun peaked over the backdrop, the sun’s rays expanding to the neighborhood area beyond the city limits, all life was awake and abound. The birds sang to the clear blue skies, chirping over the bustling streets as the cars passed by while friends and neighbors greeted with a friendly ‘Hello’ or ‘Good morning’. Some were just waking up, while others chose to sleep in. But for one particular neighbor, she would not get her chance to sleep.


The alarm clock had been buzzing for a minute or so, as a figure bundled in the sheets tried to block it off with her head under the pillow. But there’s be no stopping the alarm once it goes off. So she brushes her pale apple green hand along the bedside counter, blindly feeling away for the alarm clock. Her fingers contact the rectangular shaped clock, then she taps it with her palm…


Grabbing the alarm clock, the woman slams the clock against the counter shattering it to pieces before the alarm finally died down. A sigh escapes from under the pillow, as her hand blindly shoves the alarm clock off the desk into a conveniently placed trash bin… Where all the other broken alarm clocks sat, some in worse shape than others. With her other hand, the figure eventually lifts the pillow off her face and takes a deep breath.

Her eyes were covered with her insanely big luminous vivid orange hair, which she brushed aside with a hand. Her tired eyes look toward the ceiling before she closes her eyes again. If there was one thing this siren-turned-human, that being Adagio Dazzle, hated more than hearing the familiar bicker of her sisters it’s being disturbed.

I told her not to set the alarm for today,” Adagio thought to herself. “Especially on a Saturday.

As Adagio laid back on the pillow, trying to keep her eyes shut even against the bit of light through the window, an arctic bluish white hand reaches out and taps her cheek. Tiredly, Adagio smiles and grabs the hand with two of her own. With one hand she has the figure’s in her clutches, while she brushes the forehand with the other.

“Hmm… Boy when you want attention,” Adagio said tiredly. “I like that.”

So tired, Adagio actually plants a kiss at the top of the hand of the quiet figure. It felt so smooth, not even a tiny bit of hair could be felt. She even nuzzles the forehand with her cheek.

“How’s about we just skip breakfast and skip straight to dessert? Mama does need her sugar.”

“Gee Adagio, that’s the nicest thing you ever said,” A feminine voice replied.

Adagio’s eyes suddenly widen with shock, finally noticing the hand before slowly turning her eyes to the side. There beside her, standing near the bedside, was none other than her sister, Sonata Dusk. She had an awkward expression on her face, though a slight smile formed.

“Morning Adagio,” Sonata said happily. “Sleep well?”

“SONATA?!?!?!... WAH!!!!”

Adagio screamed so loud and backed away, only to fall off the bed with the sheets wrapped around her. A moan is heard as Sonata peeked down for a better look. Adagio lifts herself to her feet, rubbing her forehead with one hand and holding the bed sheets up to her neck. She glares toward her sister, as Sonata smiles and waves. If there’s another thing Adagio didn’t like, it’s when Sonata would always appear in front of her just to wake her up and it drove her crazy.

“Damn it Sonata, what are you doing in my room?!” Adagio yelled. “I’m barely dressed right now!”

“That does explain why you never have the biggest loads on laundry day,” Sonata giggled.

“Oh, for God’s sake… Hmm… Would you turn the other way, please?”

“But we’re practically family!” Sonata argued, innocently. “I don’t mind how you look.”

“… TURN…” Adagio growled.

“… Neh!”

Obediently, Sonata Dusk, the one girl who was dressed, turns around with her head facing the wall and her back turned from her sister. With the bedsheet still wrapped around her, Sonata makes her way toward her bedroom closet, where a line of her usual attire hung neatly on the hangers. So organized, Adagio even labels her outfits to indicate the day… In which she case, she grabs her Sunday garb complete with the shoes and other jewelry.

Sonata twiddles her fingers waiting for her sister to fully change. She could hear the bed sheets drop as Adagio got dressed but couldn’t see what was going on. Adagio was lucky she needed to change or else she’d give Sonata a piece of her mind right now.

“How the hell did you even get in my room?!” Adagio asked, pulling up her pants.

“Well, I did wait for you to wake up for the past forty minutes,” Sonata began. “And your door happened to be unlocked, so…”

As soon as Adagio had her shirt put on, she turned around to glare at Sonata. Poor Sonata simply had her usual clueless expression in return, almost that of a child. Adagio sighs and shook her head as she clasps a belt around her shirt.

“There are so many things wrong with that statement,” Adagio muttered, grabbing her jacket. “What the hell could you possibly want from me this early in the day?”

For a moment, Sonata didn’t know how to respond to the question. Especially since Adagio just woke up and while Sonata wasn’t the brightest of the girls she always knew her older sister gets cranky during the day. But nevertheless, Sonata did have something to ask Adagio and was determined enough to explain her reasoning.

“Well, you see… I merely want to ask you for some advice,” Sonata spoke innocently. “Seeing as you seem to know just about everything.”

“Of course I know about everything,” Adagio bragged, adjusting her jacket. “Whose the brains of the group?”

“Uh…” Sonata thought. “Sunset Shimmer?”


Adagio took a deep breath, brushing off her clothes before turning towards Sonata, with her arms folded.

“Okay, I bite. What do you want?”

The moment Adagio asked the question, she noticed Sonata’s blue cheeks turn red as she scratched the back of her neck.

“Do you… Remember Anon… From that one time?” Sonata asked, shrinking back.

“Yeah, of course I remember him,” Adagio answered. “The one with the weird hair, spot-eyed face, and looks like the blob… What about him?”

Sonata Dusk took a deep breath as Adagio looked on.

“Well last night, I was hanging out with the guy—”

“Sonata, is this going where I think it’s going?” Adagio interrupted.

“What do you mean?”

Adagio facepalms herself, shaking herself while groaning. She didn’t know what was worse: Sonata’s lack of understanding, or the fact she knew, but doesn’t realize what happened. Adagio released a heavy sigh before dropping her hand and turning her gaze back to Sonata.

“You really don’t know how to read in-between the lines, do you?” Adagio asked.

Dead silence filled the air; neither of them spoke. Adagio waited for several more seconds, only to realize this was Sonata she’s talking to.

“… Continue on.”

“So, as the night went on, he gives me this shoulder massage and—”

Only when Sonata mentioned the act did Adagio grab her sister by the shoulders.

“A shoulder massage?!” Adagio yelled. “How the hell—er… You know what? Never mind. What else did he do?”

“Well, it was nice for a while,” Sonata continued. “But then I realized I really had to pee, so I told Anon I had to use the restroom. As I go up the stairs, I stepped on something sharp… This piece of wood on my shoe! It really hurt… Like really, really hurt. See?”

Sonata removes one of her shoes and displays her foot to Adagio’s face, the right foot. The whiff from Sonata’s feet makes Adagio turn away, cringing her face not even bothering to look at the spot.

“Sonata! Put that down!” Adagio groaned, pushing Sonata’s foot aside. “You’ve been hit in the head with a bucket of cement; you get blasted by magic beams and barely get a scratch. Yet here you are crying over a tiny freakin’ piece of wood?! A splinter?! SERIOUSLY, SONATA?! Are you serious with me, right now?!

Sonata gasped, turning away as she seemingly shrunk herself.

“Well how am I supposed to answer you when you’re yelling at me…?!” Sonata cried.

Adagio raised a hand in protest but stopped herself before doing something she’d regret. Reluctantly, she lowers her hand with a sigh.

“Okay, Sonata…” Adagio spoke, calmly. “I just want to know ‘one’ thing: What… Happened?”

“Well, Anon did treat my injury,” Sonata spoke. “He was actually very sweet to do that for me. Next thing I know, we start talking about things such as our likes and our dislikes. Did you know Anon is a major movie geek? Soon as I start talking about the movies I enjoy, he seemed really interested. And then one thing lead to another and… Well…”

The grumpy expression on Adagio’s face softens, as a smirk forms on her face. Especially seeing the way Sonata’s blush seemed to grow, Adagio could see that Sonata had been busy.

“Really?” Adagio asked. “Well now, this is starting to get pretty good. Do tell.”

“And—And then, he whispered into my ear!” Sonata blurted excitedly.

“What did he want?!” Adagio asked, raising an eyebrow. “Don’t hold out on me! Spill!”

Sonata moves her hand forward, gesturing her sister to come closer. Adagio leans close to her sister, a huge grin on her face. Surely something good happened with Sonata and… What’s-his-name.

“He whispered… ‘Do you like tacos?’” Sonata giggled. “And I said, ‘Sure, what about you?’”

“… Are you kidding me?” Adagio asked, deadpanned.

“Um… No?” Sonata answered, uncertainly.

Adagio groans, as she drops her lap onto the bed.

“Sonata… When I woke up and saw you in here, I had half-a-mind to kick you out on the spot!” Adagio spoke, then paused. “When you said you needed helped, I assumed it be something to do with Aria. That wouldn’t surprise me. Then you brought up last night’s encounter with Anon, and just when things start getting interesting, I did not anticipate… ‘tacos’… to be the selling point of the story!”

“But wait, wait!” Sonata exclaimed, waving her arms. “I haven’t even finished yet.”

“Of course… Because I must sit through this oh-so-delicately detailed story?” Adagio asked, sarcastically.

“Uh huh!” Sonata nodded.

“… Okay. But before you go on, God forbid, what was the advice you wanted from me?”

“OH! That’s right! I’ve meaning to ask you if it would be okay if I… If I…”

“If you… What?”

“Maybe, I could… Try it ‘raw’?”

“Well, I suppose it wouldn’t—WH-WH-WH-WHAT?!” Adagio blurted, stumbling her words. “D-D-D-Did you say… Raw?”

Sonata nods her head, while Adagio was at a loss of words. She did her best to compose herself, before managing to come up with a more coherent sentence.

“I’m sorry… D-Did we just skip a major part of the story?” Adagio asked. “I thought you just said you wanted to try it ‘raw’. Just a moment ago, that Anon dude somehow asked you out for tacos! How the hell did we jump from tacos to… To… THAT?! Are you trying to be lewd with me?!”

“I’m only sharing how I’m telling you,” Sonata shrugged. “One thing led to another, that’s why I came to ask you.

“Oh… Kay…” Adagio raised an eyebrow. “Sonata don’t get me wrong. I’ve had my fill of boys as much as any girl; I’m familiar with the whole feeling. And it’s great… There’s nothing wrong with it… But there are SO many things to consider before doing things like that. You want advice? Consider things can get complicated very quickly, especially for you.

“Ignore it all you want, but it doesn’t do any good for you! Besides… Do you really WANT to be a mother? You?”

“I mean I do adore children, just the idea of playing with them and… Wait what?!” Sonata yelped. “What are you getting at?”

“Sonata, I’m going to put this as simply as possible,” Adagio began, making hand gestures. “When someone suggests to do something ‘raw’, like you said earlier, you end up pregnant.”

“What?!” Sonata frowned. “Doing that could get someone pregnant?! Oh no, that’s horrible!”

“Of course it’s horrible, you thick dummy!” Adagio scoffed. “Sex is going to do that to you, every time! Especially if you don’t wear a condom or a rubber or God knows what you want to call it!”

Sonata looked down on the floor, scratching her head as if the whole idea were so puzzling.

“But I don’t get how that even works. For any chance that would happen, I’d have to… Oh… Oh-oh, wait a sec!!!”

To Adagio’s confusion, Sonata started to giggle before breaking out in a laugh. As if there wasn’t enough loopholes in Sonata’s story, if there’s supposed to be a joke it flew way over Adagio’s head.

“What is so funny?!” Adagio asked, incredulously.

“Um… I’m sorry, Adagio,” Sonata chuckled. “You got it all wrong. I wasn’t asking about having ‘raw’ sex with Anon; he’s sweet, but he’s not my kind of guy. I was only going to ask if it would be okay if we could eat raw ‘beef’ with tacos. I may be a siren and he’s a dumb human but seeing how he eats I figured he’d have good taste.”

While poor Sonata tried to stifle her laugh, Adagio raised an accusing finger toward her younger sister. She tried to think of the best response she could muster, but no words came from her open mouth. She felt as her brain had stopped working, that the wheel was turning but the hamster died. It was hard enough trying to follow the conversation, but the sheer absurdity of the situation made her, for lack of a better word… Livid.

“Are… You… KIDDING ME?!” Adagio groaned. “That was your question? To eat beef… Without cooking it?!”

“No, I was going to ask you before I consider cooking it,” Sonata corrected, giggling. “It’s not like I haven’t eaten raw meat before; remember the times we had in Equestria? Anon actually suggested the idea to me first but being a good sister I thought I should ask you if it would be okay. I don’t know, I just thought we’d mix it up a bit. Try something different.”

As Sonata babbled on, Adagio massaged her forehead as if trying to tone down the growing aneurism pounding her skull. Her mind felt as if it were turning into cheese… Complete with all the holes.

“I wonder how raw meat would taste inside a taco,” Sonata thought, obliviously. “And would it just make the shells soggy? I don’t know, I just think it be cool if we tried it ourselves…”

As Sonata made her way toward the door, her eyes widen, and she swirls a finger in the air. As if she had an epiphany. She turns back toward Adagio, who at this point turned herself away from her sister.

“Hey, I got an idea!” Sonata suggested. “What if we all gave it a try? Aria won’t listen to me, but if she hears you agreed to go with it… Then she’ll have to join!”

“Sonata…” Adagio growled. “Get… Out… Of my… Room…”

“Hmm? I’m sorry,” Sonata spoke, confused. “Did I say something wrong?”

“GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM, RIGHT NOW!!!” Adagio screamed, pointing towards the door.

“Alright! Alright! Alright! Geez!” Sonata rolled her eyes, turning the doorknob. “Don’t get your panties in a bunch; not like you ever do.”

“GET OUT!!!!”

Sonata quickly made a break for it and shut the door behind herself, while she could hear Adagio fuming inside. Sonata was about to leave when the door opened again. Smiling, Sonata was about to say something when…


Sonata’s shoe she took off was flung straight at her forehead. The imprint of the shoe left a major mark on her face.

“Ow!” Sonata cried, rubbing her forehead.

Sonata leans down and picks up her shoe, as she turns down the hall and walks away.

“Sheesh! And I thought Aria’s reaction was rough,” Sonata said to herself.

Eventually Sonata made her way down to the kitchen and approached the fridge. Opening the door, she finds a white cardboard box and pulls it out. Opening the lid, she finds a slightly cold hard-shell taco with some sort of meat between the shell and nothing else. It indeed looked as if it hadn’t even been cooked, much less heated.

I wonder how this would taste…” Sonata thought. “Well, guess I’ll find out for myself.

Taking the shell in her hands, Sonata opens wide and takes a big bite out of the taco. Thankfully, the shell still had that bit of crunch and the juice from the meat dribbled down her mouth as she chewed the tender flesh. Sonata nods her head, enjoying the taste as she sits back on the kitchen chair and enjoys her meal.

“Hmm… I was right all along. Anon is very ‘sweet’.”