The Devil-Devil Club

by Leonnidus454

First published

When Devil Fruits began appearing on Earth, a world war broke out for the fruits. The Devil-Devil Club's last member and founder, Jake Law, eater of the Op-Op Fruit ends up in Equestria after fleeing from the armies after the few fruits he had taken.

When Devil Fruits began appearing on Earth, the world's government's cut all ties with each other and a world war broke out for the fruits. No one was safe, women, children, and even the elderly were shot down all for simply holding a Devil Fruit. Orphans had nowhere to turn until they found or were found by The Devil-Devil Club, a resistance group of kids and teens orphaned by the war, trained to fight with either Devil Fruits or weapons.

But when Devil Fruits began to not appear after the eater's death and they begin to become as rare to find as they were in One Piece, a raid on The Devil-Devil Club's home base is caused after the club steals 3 high ranked Devil Fruits, The Gum-Gum Fruit, The Tremor-Tremor Fruit, and The Flame-Flame Fruit. The Devil-Devil Club's only survivor and founder, Jake Law, eater of the Op-Op Fruit, ends up in Equestria after fleeing from the armies after the 3 fruits he had taken.

Thanks to Pseudo Brony for letting me use some of his Devil Fruit Ideas from this link here and editing the chapters!

Chapter 1: Into Another World.

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It was pouring down rain on the ruins of a city. In the distance a large building was on fire, flames poured from the windows, and armed soldiers were trudging through the streets while tanks patrolled the streets. A man under an umbrella and in a commander’s uniform spoke through a megaphone, ensuring each soldier heard him.

“Stay vigilant men, we’re in one of The Devil-Devil Club’s Playgrounds! These places are littered with traps! And I’m not talking about some trap you’d put up to catch a squirrel! I’m talking bamboo sticks or 40 lbs balls covered with spears made of pipes and rebar, traps that shoot your feet off, and pits filled with crazed and rabid animals! This place is full of guerilla warfare booby traps!”

Then one of the young soldiers on the side of the Tank the commander was in, looked at his higher up, and said, “Sir, might I ask why we’re searching for...”

“Jake Law, but to understand that private, you’ll need to know about The Day Of Devils.” the troop’s leader put down the megaphone and put a cigarette in his mouth before lighting it, staring off into the distance as the end lit up.

“About 3 or 4 years ago, Devil Fruits, mystical and mysterious fruits found throughout the world that, when consumed, grant the eater a special super-human power, at the cost of the eater's ability to swim, and supposedly fictional creations of Eiichiro Oda, began to appear all over the world. What was thought to be just some otaku’s prank became the spark for World War 3, as each fruit granted powers to people across the globe... Because of this, each and every country declared war against each other. It didn’t matter who it was - if they had a Devil Fruit, they were killed. The Devil-Devil Club, a resistance group made from orphaned children both with and without Devil Fruit abilities, was born from the ashes of this war. This whole area used to be their base, and we’re only able to get in because we found the safe way in. That burning building used to be their headquarters, but by now they are all dead… except one.” The commander took one final puff of his cigarette before flicking it away, “And that is Jake Law, eater of the Op-Op Fruit and the Leader of The Devil-Devil Club.”

“Okay, so why did we attack The Devil-Devil Club and not someplace that we know has Devil Fruits?” the private asked, nervously glancing about as they passed several more bombed-out buildings.

“Because Devil Fruits have started to become a rarity now. Previously the body of the eater, when buried, would act as a seed and grow a tree, called a Devil Tree, that would later give a Devil Fruit. But as of late, the-”

He was cut off as several bloodcurdling screams rang out.

The private and commander alike looked to see several of the front line soldiers, their stumps gushing blood as their arms now lay on the ground in front of them.

“What happened?!” The commander yelled.

One of the now soldiers lucky enough to have avoided the attack shouted, “Jake Law! He appeared out of nowhere, cut their arms, off then vanished before most of us could even react!”

“What?!” The commander yelled before mumbling to himself, “That means… We’re in a ROOM, the Op-Op Fruit’s necessary technique! But I’ve never heard of the user appearing and vanishing without anyone noticing, or without the use of Shambles, and I haven’t heard of the Amputate technique actually harming the victim!”

Amputate; Bonesaw and Emergency ROOM.” the voice of a young man echoed throughout the ruins. The Soldiers who were still able to fight glanced about in terror until they all looked up, spotting a young man with an athletic build, short black hair, tan-ish skin, and green eyes, wearing a black jacket, a white baseball cap with a few scorch marks that seemed to be in a spotted pattern, a black handkerchief scarf with the words [Surgeon of Death] on it, blue jeans, and black sneakers, sitting on the edge of a building. He was holding a katana in a wooden scabbard and was wearing a hiking backpack with a wooden box, marked by a slightly tattered flag with a demonic skull and crossbones and the words [Devil-Devil].

“Jake Law… How… HOW?!?!” The commander yelled, scrambling to pull a rifle from inside the tank.

‘These jarheads just copy the character’s from One Piece, The Devil-... I worked on adding custom Techniques to my arsenal. Amputate; Bonesaw is a lethal variation of Amputate that cuts like the original technique but harms the target and also drains me as much as making a bunch of ROOMs. That’s where Emergency ROOM comes in, a second ROOM I form with the original ROOM that’s about half the size of the first, but all it does is extremely enhances my speed and recovery rate. So I recover faster than I can drain myself even if I’m moving faster than the trained eye can see, it takes a while to set up though,’ Jake thought.

“FIRE!!!” The commander yelled and the tanks took aim and fired.

“Takt,” Jake said, swiping his hand to the side before the tank rounds abruptly turned 90 degrees and continued, this time flying away from Jake. “I’m sorry, were you doing something?”

“Y-You’re in trouble when the Elite Units get here!” the private yelled nervously, his knees knocking together in terror.

“Huh? You mean them?” Jake asked, pointing toward the end of the path, where the many deceased bodies of soldiers and the chunks of sliced apart tanks and planes laid. The soldiers stared in fear and shock before Jake spoke up again, returning their attention to him. “While you're at it, look what’s beyond those jarheads,” Jake said, and as soon as they did, they spotted 2 transparent domes that spanned the entire city. “For 2 years, since I formed The Devil-Devil Club, I’ve been slowly increasing the size of my ROOM until it covered every part of this city!.” Jake said before suddenly vanishing and reappearing in front of the soldiers. “There is one move of mine that spans as far as my ROOM could span, but I couldn’t control who it hurts so I never used it…” Jake clenched his fists, “But they’re all gone now… I’m the only one left… So there is no reason for me to not do it.”

Suddenly the 2nd inner dome vanished and Jake then put his hands together, intertwining his fingers together before saying, “Radiotherapy!”. Then then the air itself turned green, soldiers began falling over before vomiting blood and their bodies beginning to dissolve, ‘Radiotherapy, causes the current ROOM to release lethal amounts of radiation, to where an organic body’s internal organs will melt into goop just before the rest of the body disintegrates at the Cellular Level, although I can’t use it as a normal ROOM. I can’t use an Emergency ROOM either, which sucks given that it's extremely draining on me. But given how it spans the whole city… Hmm, I wonder how many jarheads I’ve killed in such a short time,’ Jake thought.

“Approximately 435 soldiers and counting.” said a monotone male voice, Jake turned to see an enormous man, standing around 689 cm tall, his hair was a black and tan skin, he wore a black jacket with grey paw-like prints and a white crosshair, a grey hat with black paw-like prints and bear ears, brown gloves, grey with brown spots, and black boots.

Jake gasped, taking several steps back and gripping his sword more tightly, his shock deactivating both Radiotherapy and ROOM. “Bartholomew Kuma?! B-but you’re-”

“Fake? Imaginary? I assure you I am real.” Kuma’s mouth dropped open as a glinting light appeared before a laser burst forth from his mouth that just barely missed Jake - but instead hit a soldier that wasn’t as dead as Jake thought, scattering pieces across the road. “That alone should be proof. As for why I’m here, well.... to put it simply you’re no longer needed in this world. Thus, I am here to send you somewhere else.”

“I’d like to see you try! ROOM!” Jake yelled, the faint bluish color of his ROOM forming a bubble around both him and Kuma, the latter of who took off his gloves to reveal he paws on his hands. Wary of the Tyrant’s hands, Jake kicked a rock at Kuma’s face, which he easily dodged, though it gave time for Jake to announce “Shambles!”

Kuma started moving as Jake’s body began to vanish into his own technique.

‘This might be dishonorable, but you’ll have to forgive me. When you use Shambles, there is a brief moment just after you vanish and begin to swap places with your target, that Space-Time and reality shatters and a rift between worlds opens for but a moment and you enter that point,’ Kuma thought as he brought up his palms, readying his pads. Jake vanished as Kuma swiped at the air and hit something… incorporeal, that momentarily broke reality and revealed Jake in a space between dimensions, seemingly frozen. “But if I were to use the Paw-Paw Fruit’s powers, you won’t end up where that rock is... You’ll enter a world where you’re needed, the world where the Devil Fruits had gone to… I was built to be an instrument of this war but then I found who I always was, through the acts of The Devil-Devil Club… I am Bartholomew Kuma…” Kuma smiles “A revolutionary like you! Goodbye and good luck!” Kuma said before his paws readied effect went off. There was a loud POP as reality fixed itself - and Jake was nowhere to be found.

It was a normal day in Ponyville. The Mane 6 was sitting at a cafe, enjoying the weather and the calm before the storm scheduled for later that day.

Twilight had a slim hourglass body and stood at 6'9, wearing a baby blue button-up shirt just barely concealing her C-cup bust. Her cutie mark was on her shoulders, a short skirt the same color as her eyes that does little to hide her plump bubble butt, black stockings, and black high heels.

Applejack, the tallest of the group standing at 7'1", had a very muscular body, her mane, and tail with both being tied off by red bands. Her attire is an open red plaid shirt showing off her EEE-cup bust, blue jean overalls hugging her body showing her toned curves and big thick flank, an old brown stetson hat resting atop her head, and light brown Cowgirl Boots.

Rainbow Dash, the second tallest standing at 6'11", had a slim athlete's body and was wearing a blue hoodie with yellow sleeves, zipped up to hide her DD-cup breasts, dark blue biker shorts showing off her toned legs and flank, and blue and black running shoes.

Pinkie, the second shortest standing at 6'6" with a slightly chubby yet curvy pear-shaped body. Her attire is a long-sleeved bright purple shirt with white rings on the sleeves and a cut in the middle showing the cleavage of her EEE-cup boobs, a pale violet skirt, knee-high blue and yellow ringed socks with pink strapped shoes.

Rarity, standing at 6'10" with a smooth curvy apple-shaped figure. Her attire was a ruffled light blue blouse barely concealing her FF-cup bust, a shin-length black skirt with a split showing off her legs and thick flank, thigh-high black lace stockings with black high heels, and some blue eye makeup on her already beautiful face.

Fluttershy was the shortest of the group, standing at 6'4" with a butter yellow coat, teal colored eyes, her normal long pink mane and tail, and her pegasus wings on her back. Her attire is a large green sweater covering her EE-Cup bust, blue jean pants that hug her wide shapely hips with a picture of her cutie mark on said hips, and a pair of brown sandals on her feet.

Twilight stretched in her seat before speaking, “I’m so happy for Shining and Cadence, their wedding was crazy but everything turned out alright… But right now, I think it’s time for some R&R.”

Rarity spoke as Twilight leaned back into her chair, “I agree, although I wish we could’ve stayed in Canterlot - I hear the hotels there are just divine!”

“You’d believe anything those magazines tell you,” Rainbow said while picking her nose.

“I believe it because it's true! And stop picking your nose, it’s unsanitary!” Rarity yelled before RD flicked a booger at her, causing her to scream and fall out of her chair just to dodge it.

Pinkie pouted and said, “I ain’t that happy about the wedding, that wedding was missing a cake, YOU CAN’T HAVE A PARTY WITHOUT CAKE!!!” Pinkie then spotted a crack in the air above the clouds.

“I was honestly hoping for some more changelings to show up, get a real exercise going!” Rainbow said while punching the air.

Fluttershy hid behind her mane when Rainbow’s punches started getting close to her before saying, “I’d rather we’d not solve things with violence…“

“Hey... Twilight…?” Pinkie said, only to be ignored as the crack in the sky grew and her friends’ conversation continued.

“I still can’t believe I didn’t see past Chrysalis’ illusion before I got captured, I didn’t even consider the possibility of Changelings!” Twilight said as she buried her face in her hands, ashamed.

“Twilight.” Pinkie said, reaching out to poke her friend’s shoulder, only to be ignored again as the crack in the sky grew even more.

“Don’t be hard on yourself, darling, Chrysalis even had Princess Celestia fooled.” Rarity said.

“Yeah, besides you found Princess Cadance after getting caught… Hold on, wouldn’t she be Queen Cadence now that she’s married?” Rainbow Dash said.

Pinkie suddenly grabbed Twilight’s ear and yelled into it, “TWILIGHT!!!”

“Gah! What is it Pinkie?!” Twilight yelled back, flinching as she rubbed her ear. Pinkie pointed upwards, finally drawing their attention to the crack in the sky as it then blew open and a fireball came hurtling through.

“A meteor?!” Rarity gasped though Fluttershy was quick to point out the odd shape - the fireball resembled a paw print. The paw-shaped projectile continued until it landed in the deeper parts of the Everfree Forest.

Rainbow Dash then huffed and said, “Let me guess Twi. You want us to wait until Celestia sends us a letter to go and check it out after her guards already search the place.”

“No, actually, I want to go and check it out,” Twilight said as she stood up, shocking her friends.

“Wait, really? You want to do something dangerous?” Applejack asked.

“Chrysalis was never caught and could still be out there, biding her time. If this meteor could hold something dangerous, we shouldn’t give Chrysalis any chances!” Twilight said.

“Alright, let’s go!” Rainbow yelled before getting pulled back into her seat by a hand gripping her hoodie.

“We still need to pay for our meal, Rainbow, and to do that we need to wait for the waiter to give us the bill,” Applejack said with a stern tone as she let go., Rainbow huffed and sunk in her chair, sinking further down when she noticed how busy the cafe was.

Deep in a clearing in Everfree Forest, the paw-shaped projectile touched a single blade of grass and popped open, revealing Jake and leaving a paw print shaped crater. A moment later, Jake’s eyes snapped open before he began glancing around, trying to take stock of where he landed.

“Where… Wait!” He took the hiking bag off his back and took off the box, “ROOM!” Jake swiftly made a small ROOM around him before picking up a stick - “Shambles!” - and suddenly the keyless wooden lock had swapped places with the stick in Jake’s hand. Jake yanked the stick out and opened the box, to which the contents made him sigh in relief, “Good, they’re all still here.” Jake said.

Inside the box were 3 odd fruits;

And beside them, all was a book that was the size of an Oxford Dictionary with the words, [Big Book Of Devil Fruits] on the cover. Jake then heard a twig snap behind him, he closed the box and put the stick back, “Shambles.” the wooden lock and stick swapped places again, Jake put the box and backpack back on his back, “ROOM - Scan.” Jake greatly increased the size of the ROOM as he unsheathed his sword, the blade colored black with a distinct reddish-purple reverse wave Hamon (hardening line) down the entire length of the blade. Imbuing it with energy, he did a full 360 turn before sheathing his sword, though he didn’t let go just yet.

“I know you're there and what you're pretending to be. You can either come out now or die where you hide, your choice.” Jake said, his eyes narrowing as he gripped the hilt of his blade tighter. A second after he spoke, several plants, bugs, and even trees glowed green before changing into insectoid anthro ponies with horns and limbs with holes in them, cobweb hair, and transparent wings.

“Well… Aren’t you ugly as fuck” Jake said with a grossed out look on his face.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 2: Chaos In Everfree

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Jake watched as the insectoid ponies walked out of the shadows after having changed forms, shifting his grip so the box was slightly behind him, partially hiding it from view. “So, might I ask who and what the hell you ugly fucks are?”

“We are changelings, you hairless monkey!” One of the insectoid ponies yelled, snorting angrily.

It paused, however, when one of the other changelings walked forward; this one seemed different, his eyes and hair were blue, and if Jake had to guess, this one had seniority over the others. The changeling did a quick bow as if in respect and spoke up.

“I am Spinner. Unlike normal changelings, I was given a name. I am one of the 3 Changeling Commanders, eater of a Mystic Fruit, of which our queen has ordered us to find more of - or at the very least info on the fruits.”

‘Mystic Fruit? He probably means a Devil Fruit, must be a cultural difference, although I’d better check just to be sure,’ Jake thought before saying, “Hey, Spinner, was this ‘Mystic Fruit’ similar in shape to a normal fruit, the skin of the fruit covered in spirals, and have an oddly shaped stem?”

“Yes, quite like the fruits inside that box.” Spinner said, grinning as he glanced at the box in question. Jake shifted it again to hide it further behind him.

“Yeah, well, they’re called Devil Fruits for a very particular reason - the stories say a demon resides inside the fruits, and are the source of their unnatural abilities. The demons do NOT like each other or water, so don’t eat a 2nd one or try and don’t get submerged in water,” Jake said, glancing to the side.

“I-I see,” Spinner said nervously as he thought, ‘Demons are living inside those fruits!? Makes sense when you think about it, what else could allow these “Devil Fruits” to even exist?’

“So let me guess, you want the fruits in this box?” Jake asked.

Spinner flinched and thought while searching through Jake’s memories, ‘He’s either perceptive or we’re too obvious; Devil Fruits or not, we need to be careful around this thing, his memories show that he’s an expert on Devil Fruits and fighting, while I’ve only trained with mine for only a couple of days. It would be best if we just take the box and run… Maybe if we try to pose as one of those humans in his memories-’

Spinner then came across an early memory.

There was fire and the bodies of young children everywhere, the sound of Jake crying echoed throughout the ruins of the building.

‘On second thought we should probably not do that because he might kill us all in a blind rage.’ Outwardly, Spinner replied, “Yes, and we’re ready to fight if we need to.”

Rainbow Tackle!!” Suddenly RD came blasting through the bushes with her arms crossed.

Shambles!” Jake suddenly swapped places with one of the Changelings that was trying to sneak up on him, letting the insectoid pony take RD’s tackle for him.

Then the others soon came running through the same bushes, “Rainbow! I said to not go running off - or flying off for that matter! Changelings can see into your memories, and disguise themselves as anyone!”

Pinkie gasped as she spotted Jake, pointing at him. “New pony! Wait, that’s not a pony, what is it? I wonder if it likes cake. If not, maybe cupcakes?” Pinkie continued rambling about what Jake would probably eat, to the point where everyone else ignored her.

“But what about this thing? It’s working with them! And teleported!” Rainbow yelled as she stood back up, pointing at Jake with a scowl before he smacked her hand away with a roll of his eyes.

“That’s not an excuse, I can teleport too!” Twilight yelled.

“And what proof do you have that I’m not just talking to them?” Jake asked, poking RD’s snoot before his hand was smacked away with a growl.

“Get the box! No matter the cost!” Spinner commanded, causing the other changelings to charge forward.

“Changelings can’t be trusted! If you talk to them, you must be working for them!” Rainbow Dash yelled before dodging a punch from a changeling and roundhouse kicking it away.

Jake drew his katana and cut down two changelings before answering. “Are you stupid or racist? Maybe both - because you act like a racist idiot.”

Rainbow Dash got into Jake’s face to try and retort, but Applejack kicked her aside. “Focus on you two, we don’t need to be this right now!” AJ said before a rock came rocketing past the farmer’s face, causing her to abruptly flinch. Spinner was the apparent source of the attack, several more stones in his hands seemingly spinning by themselves.

‘So he ate the Spin-Spin Fruit, anything he gets his hands on will spin at high speeds - not to mention, they can be launched just as fast.’ Jake thought as he dodged a stone s at him.

“Attack! Stone Gatling!” Spinner yelled as he began launching several stones at the Mane 6 and Jake, forcing them to scatter and try to find cover.

Applejack ran by some trees, only to find a bunch of Changelings charging toward her. Applejack swiftly jumped into the air and landed on the head of one of the Changelings standing in the middle of the group. She then spun around rapidly to deliver a savage kick to the faces of the Changelings.

Apple Pie Kick Course!”

Applejack paused before dropping her knee on the Changeling’s head that she was handstanding on, the Changeling's skull letting out a heavy crunching noise as it was forced down into the ground.

Trunk Splitter!

Several Changelings charged at Rarity, apparently thinking the seamstress wouldn’t be much of a threat, but suddenly stopped as if frozen. The sunlight shone down and glinted, revealing the hundreds of tiny strings crisscrossed across the field, all leading to Rarity’s horn.

Lace Lock!”

Rarity then raised her hand and the strings then flung the changelings into the air as they struggled against their bonds.

Sewing Spatula! Twilight, darling, it’s your turn!” Rarity said.

Twilight’s horn glowed before a musket rifle with a crystal barrel appeared out of thin air; grabbing it, she announced the title “Summon Weapon!” before aiming. “Piercing Thunder!” A beam of electricity erupted from the barrel of the crystal gun, splitting apart mid-air into smaller beams that struck and electrocuted the trapped Changelings.

Fluttershy hid behind Pinkie (who was still talking to herself) as she was chased by Changelings, but before they could even react a blue, yellow, and pink mallet smashed them into the ground, the wielder none other than Pinkie. With an uncharacteristic scowl, she raised the mallet over her head and snarled.“Don’t interrupt me when I’m planning a party! Pinkie Hammer: Whack-A-Pony!” Pinkierapidly slammed her mallet down on the Changelings, even as they tried to flee from the mad-mare, each hit sinking them into the ground until eventually only their hair was visible.

Rainbow and Jake were both dodging stones as they ran toward Spinner, the pegasus using her wings to get ahead before crossing her arms to brace herself. “Once again, Rainbow Tackle!”

‘Why does she bother naming that? It’s just a normal tackle.’ Jack thought before Rainbow was stopped by Spinner’s hand, his Devil Fruit power causing her to spin uncontrollably within his grasp.

“AAAAH!! MAKE IT STOP!! PLEASE, SOMEPONY, MAKE IT STOP!!” Rainbow Dash yelled as her face slowly turned green from the spinning.

Jake smiled then said, “Well, since you asked so nicely. ROOM; Shambles.” Rainbow Dash vanished from sight and Jake took her place, managing to avoid Spinner’s grasping hands before placing his sheathed sword upright in reverse grip and closing his eyes. “One Sword Style: Lion's Amputation Strike.” Jake rapidly unsheathed his blade, twirling around in a circle before resheathing the sword, upon which Spinner’s body fell apart into several separate pieces.

‘I knew I should have retreated…’ Spinner thought before both his pieces hit the ground, the other Changelings beginning to freak out and scatter.

Dash picked up Spinner’s head and said, “Geez, when I asked for help I didn’t ask you to make mincemeat out of the guy,” Suddenly Spinner opened his eyes and blinked, causing Rainbow Dash to uncharacteristically girlish scream before dropping the head.

Spinner’s eyes looked around in a panic from his position on the forest floor. “Wh-What’s going on!?”

Jake picked up the Changeling’s head with a smirk.

“That’s my Devil Fruit’s power, the Op-Op Fruit - short for Operation. I can choose whether to swap places, cut to pacify, cut to kill, and a bunch of other things. In short, as long as you're within my ROOM ability, consider yourself a patient on the operating table.” Jake said before letting go of Spinner’s hair, drop-kicking the still-alive head before it touched the ground.

Turning, Jake found Twilight standing very close to him with a wide smile, curiosity in her eye. “You said a Devil Fruit was the cause of that? What’s a Devil Fruit? Some kinda magical fruit? What more do you know? Do you have more!? Tell me!”

“Ugh, this is going to take a while…” Jake mumbled, facepalming a bit.

It was now getting dark in the forest, Jake was sitting rubbing his forehead after having answered all of Mane 6’s questions about Devil Fruits and himself, Spinner’s separated body parts were tied to a tree, Applejack even had the time to go and get some apples to eat.

Twilight was writing in a notebook, finishing up what her notes on her interrogation of Jake.

“Okay, so you're from another world, and Devil Fruit are magical fruit with demons inside them that don’t like water or each other. Through eating the fruit, you gain the powers of that demon, and they come in three types. Paramecia, the most common of the three types, gives super-pony powers such as shock wave generation and locking onto targets. This type can also alter features of the user's body, allow the user to modify the ponies, objects, and environment around them that can generate and manipulate substances.” Twilight turned a page of her notebook.

“Zoan users gain the ability to transform into an animal, or even into a ‘hybrid form’ of their sorts. In addition, there are also subtypes, such as Ancient Zoan Fruits that allow the user to transform into an extinct species, such as dinosaurs. Mythical Zoan Fruits, on the other hoof, allow the user to transform into mythological creatures, such as a chimera or a phoenix.” Twilight turned a page of her notebook again.

“And finally, the last of the main types, Logia. The rarest of the three Devil Fruit types, Logia-type Devil Fruits allow their users to create, control, and transform themselves into a natural element, whether it be a solid element, like ice or sand; a liquid element, like mud or syrup; a gaseous element, like smoke and poison gas; energy, like fire or lightning; or into a materialization of an abstract concept, such as darkness. The Changelings said they had three Devil Fruit users, and you have 3 fruits in that wooden box on your back.”

“Yes, that’s correct, thank you for re-explaining everything I spent the last three hours summing up so I didn’t have to say all of that, you colossal, monumental, gargantuan nerd,” Jake said, pinching the bridge of his nose as Twilight blushed in embarrassment.

“So let me get this, you eat a fruit and you gain superpowers but lose the ability to swim? Sign me up!” Dash announced with a smile, already imagining what sorts of powers she could gain.

“Me too, me too!” Pinkie yelled, hopping in place before the two attempted to reach for the wooden box, only for Jake to draw his sword and aim it at the pair.

“I forgot to tell you, back on my world, power-hungry people started a full-on war. Millions died over these things, and my friends, all of us orphans by this war, worked to try and stop it. All of my friends died trying to get these fruits. So take one more step, and I’m leaving your chopped up remains here and killing anyone else who comes at me to seek revenge. Got it?” Jake said with a fierce glare, the grip on his sword growing tight enough that his knuckles turned white.

Rainbow gulped and she and Pinkie stepped back. “O-Okay...”

Pinkie nervously chuckled before thinking, ‘This guy lost all of his friends from a war over these fruits? That’s gotta stink.’

‘He’s probably really upset after losing his friends - I know I would. It would explain he’s hostility toward us, that or he’s still mad at Rainbow making him out to be a bad guy.’ Twilight thought.

Applejack took her hat off with a look of shock and disbelief on her face, while Rarity and Fluttershy had tears in their eyes.

“H-hey, what’s your name anyway?” Rainbow asked, hoping to change the subject to something less… emotional.

“Kinda rude to ask for someone’s name without giving yours, don’t you know? …But either way, my name is Jake Law. Captain of the Devil-Devil Club” Jake replied, slowly sheathing his sword again.

“Oh, well, I’m Twilight Sparkle, these are my friends, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and the rude one is Rainbow Dash.

Then the sound of a twig snapping came from behind a tree, causing the group to become alerted. Applejack looked at her finished apple core then at Jake, then tossed the apple core toward the Devil Fruit user, who spotted it and smiled.

ROOM, Shambles.”

Suddenly the apple core was swapped out with a female Changeling, from the size of her she was very young, no more than 6, with her dark green hair in pigtails. However, her face was what the Mane 6 were focused on, almost as if they recognized her.

“CHRYSALIS?!?!” The Mane 6 yelled in confusion.

“Um… Hello…” Chrysalis squeaked, glancing around nervously before she was bound by Rarity’s magic threads.

Lace Lock!”

Twilight took aim at Chrysalis’ face before saying, “I don’t know what you're doing but give it up, no one can break out Rarity’s Lace Lock.”

“I pride myself in this move.” Rarity said with a flip of her mane before glancing at Jake, who wasn’t even paying her any attention. Rarity huffed and thought, ‘He is rude but I suppose it’s because he’s lost everyone he’s ever cared for. He’s like a black knight made by the loss of everyone he loved, so the arms of a maiden should cleanse that blackened heart.’ Rarity’s mind then painted an image.

Jake was wearing a suit of black armor before it broke away into a suit of gold armor.

A smack to the back of the head by AJ brought her back to reality. “So who is this creepy lost child?” Jake asked.

“This is Chrysalis, queen of the changelings,” Twilight said.

“Ex-queen. I was expelled from the hive by myself,” Chrysalis said, confusing the Mane 6 greatly, Jake then heard an odd popping noise and noticed a walnut fall from a tree and hit Chrysalis’ hand. Then at that moment, the parts of the nut instantly separated into pieces, strangely only the meat of the walnut was still touching her hand, but the action reminded him of something.

“She’s eaten a Devil Fruit,” Jake said mistakenly out loud, causing the Mane 6 to jump and each of them got ready to take her head off.

“Why don’t you paint a target on me? Maybe they’ll be less hostile.” Chrysalis said with the utmost sarcasm, before sighing, “But yes, the Changelings have 4 Devil Fruit users, not 3.”

Shambles.” Jake tossed a rock into the air and the book from the box took its place.

Twilight’s pupils abruptly dilated as she recognized the object in his hands. “Boooooook…” she said like a zombie, automatically reaching out to take it before Jake smacked her with said book.

“This is a book made by someone who ate the Wisdom-Wisdom Fruit, allowing them to know everything about one particular thing, so she wrote a book on all Devil Fruits. Chrysalis’ power separated the edible parts of walnut from its non-edible parts if I’m right, she’s got… This fruit.” Jake said before showing a page of the book, which read;

Name: The Sift Sift Fruit

Type: Paramecia

Power: The user of this fruit has the ability to ‘sift’ out the impurities of an object or person, such as the inedible parts of a nut, things that would harm a person’s body, and sometimes someone’s bad parts.

“That’s my power, it’s not very dangerous,” Chrysalis said, “And that last bit happened to me, I don’t want to go into a lot of detail but I touched my face after I ate the fruit, and I split myself into two ponies. The other is completely different from me; while I only did what I did to keep my hive from starving, never putting my Changelings’ lives in danger, that other me doesn’t care she’ll do anything to get what she wants, and she wants the power of the Devil Fruits.”

“Ok, so why do you look like a foal?” Pinkie asked.

“Because the Royal Jelly that made me look like an adult was removed when I touched my face, I’m actually only about five and a half years old,” Chrysalis stated.

“YOU’RE FIVE AND A HALF YEARS OLD!??!” The Mane 6 yelled.

“So, why’d you come here?” Jake asked.

“Because of an order that the other me sent out to all Changelings through the hive mind near Ponyville and Everfree. I may not be able to hear it since I was cast out but I know it’s something bad. Spinner, you heard it right? Mind telling us?” Chrysalis said, looking at the Changeling Commander.

Spinner remained quiet for a solid minute before speaking, “The Queen stated that all Changelings are to capture all the residents of Ponyville, and even attack them if needed. I am to tell you to bring both the Devil Fruit and me to exchange for the safety of the Ponyville citizens. Actually, one dragon, one large Earth Pony, and three fillies attempted to fight back but were defeated.”

Rarity’s threads then grabbed Spinner’s head, and AJ, Rainbow, and Rarity glared down Spinner as Rarity spoke, “If I find one hair on any of those foal’s heads sullied by your comrade's hand, I’ll have your tongues!”

“Y-Yes, ma’am! P-please - I’ll guide us,” Spinner said fearfully, as Rarity’s threads grabbed Spinner’s pieces and Chrysalis, and carried them both.

As the Mane 6 followed Spinner’s directions, Applejack noticed her hat was gone. She noticed Jake had it, at first she was confused about how he got it but then remembered his ROOM was still up. When she walked up to get it back, Jake tossed it to her and said, “Let's have a chat.”

The Mane 6, minus AJ and Jake, and the two Changelings walked up to a large barrier covering the entrance to a wide-open mining area, but before they could do anything, they recognized the sound of flapping wings. They looked to see several chariots being pulled by armored pegasus stallions approaching. ‘No way, that can’t be…’ Twilight thought as the chariots landed then four more ponies stepped out of the chariots, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Shining Armor.

Celestia was definitely the tallest mare, standing at an impressive 9’7”. Her body was incredibly curvy with a slight hint of pudge on her belly, with extremely wide baby-making hips along with a massive plump flank to go with it. On top of all this, she also had a massive HHH-cup bust. Her attire was a sun-yellow and white dress and around her neck was a golden necklace with a purple diamond-like gem in the center with a matching tiara, bracelets, and shoes. To complete her outfit she had a blue ribbon sash handing off her right shoulder which has a medal that looks like a sun pinned on it. She gave a very warm aura like a mother but held a mischievous side.

Luna was shorter but still very tall, standing at 8’11”. She wasn’t as curvy as her older sister but was a very close second, looking more fit with a more modest but still huge H-cup bust. Her outfit was a navy blue gown and a small black crown on her head, a matching necklace with a white crescent moon on it, silver greaves on her forearms, matching boots, and a single armor piece on her right shoulder. She had a colder air about her, seeming to be a little foreign to the world like she was trying to catch up with it.

Cadence was much shorter than the others, standing at 6’11”. Her body was incredibly curvy and was even more fit than Luna; she had a large GGG cup and had incredible hips and flanks to match her breasts. Her outfit was a pink and white gown, along with a small pink crown on her head. She also wore a matching necklace with a pink crystal heart on it, pink greaves on her forearms, and matching boots. She gave off a very warm aura like Celestia, but without the mischievousness.

Shining Armor stood tall at 7’, his body strongly built and very fit. He was wearing armor with a star-like shield and sword design, with a spear and shield in his hands. He also had cold air about him but also a thick air of honor.

Twilight then yelled, “Cady, Shiny!”

The three siblings smiled widely and the small family group hugged each other, then Cadence said, “I’d love to do our ladybug greeting dance, but I believe we have more pressing matters.”

“Namely the Changelings inside this cave, and these fruits they want - Is that Chrysalis?” Shining said, spotting Chrysalis behind Fluttershy.

“Yes, I’ll explain everything, let’s just say that Chrysalis was dethroned and her body was turned back to her real age, which turns out she’s 5 and a half- Wait, fruits?” Twilight said.

‘She’s so... Tiny… And Cute…’ The quartet of nobles thought before yelling, “WAIT, SHE’S FIVE AND A HALF YEARS OLD!??!”

Shaking off their shock, Celestia and Shining pulled out two Devil Fruits. Shining had a large, round, light purple fruit made up of many small teardrop-shaped components with swirl patterns, and green leaves sprouting from the top. Celestia had red fruit that was similar to a cyan pineapple, the scales of the pineapple-esque fruit each had a small black swirl, and a blue stem that made three swirls.

“We got a message from the Changelings to bring these here if we want the safety of our ponies to be assured.” Celestia said, “However, we don’t exactly know what they are.”

Twilight sighed and said, “They’re called Devil Fruits. In short, each fruit has a powerful demon inside, and if you eat them, you gain the powers of that demon, but you lose the ability to swim.”

Celestia and Shining immediately dropped the fruits upon hearing that, but Jake, appearing out of nowhere along with Applejack, caught them, startling everyone.

“Uh, everypony this is Jake, he was in that fireball that fell from that hole in the sky, he’s eaten a Devil Fruit and he’s probably the only one who knows enough about devil fruits to actually be able to fight against them.” Twilight explained hurriedly, seeing how her brother was reaching for the sword hanging by his side.,

Jake put the Devil Fruits in the box with the other three but remained silent, he glared at the four nobles before walking away. ‘What the fuck do these mares eat to get that fucking big?’ Jake thought.

“What’s his deal?” Rainbow asked.

“Well, we spotted the chariots while rushing to get here from the forests, when I mentioned Nobles he started going a lot slower. When I asked what was up, he said he hated nobility, and now that the princesses are here, he’s not gonna do anything to help.” Applejack explained.

“Great, now our resident Devil Fruit expert refuses to do anything, that’s exactly what we need right now!” Twilight threw her hands into the air in exasperation, sarcasm filling her voice.

“I’ve rarely heard of somepony hating royalty, but I hope this won’t affect the task at hand,” Luna stated.

“Oh, Twi, you’re probably never going to get that book on Devil Fruits from him because I might have let it slip that you're a noble too.” Applejack said.

Twilight fell to her hands and knees and began crying. “Great… More bad news…”

“Don’t worry Twily, I’ll talk to him after this and see if I can’t get that book for you.” Shining said before walking up to the barrier, “Right now, our biggest issue is this, if I’m not mistaken this is the same barrier spell I used on Canterlot. City Dome, unlike normal barriers this one is barely affected by the user’s current state and the barrier is tougher than diamonds.”

“Yes, I hypnotized you to slowly weaken it so we wouldn’t have to completely tire ourselves out breaking it, it was pretty easy to do that too,” Chrysalis stated with a grin on her face. Shining Armor clenches his fist before walking over to a tree before grabbing a stick and taking off the excess bits. He then walked over to Chrysalis and bent her over his knee, “W-Wait are you doing?!” Chrysalis said before Shining began to repeatedly smack Chrysalis’ backside with the stick. Causing both pain and humiliation as she screamed her head off, Rainbow, AJ, and Cadence smiled as Chrysalis was taken down several pegs.

“As much as I enjoy watching Chrysalis getting her flank whipped - and believe me, I really enjoy it - but how are we going to get past this barrier?” Twilight asked.

Applejack then walked up to the barrier and said, “That’s the reason why Jake and I were a little late, he thought this might happen, so he told me about a human world technique that could help.”

Applejack then began spinning in place at high speeds, “Spinning isn’t a technique, AJ, Jake is trolling you!” Rainbow said.

Applejack ignored her friends and continued spinning.

Flashback; 10 minutes ago.

“So what do you want to chat about?” Applejack asked.

“Your legs - or more specifically, the muscles inside. You restrain them too much, which causes them to put tremendous amounts of pressure on your bones, not to mention the strain it puts on you to do this. I may not look like it, but I’m a doctor.” Jake said.

“I know I do this, it's just that my kicks can seriously hurt someone!” Applejack yelled.

“Well, if you don’t stop, your leg bones will break to the point where you’ll never walk again,” Jake said.

“I’d rather never walk again than go all out on somepony! I nearly killed my own brother the last time I went all out! My brother may have forgiven me and forgot but I won’t!” Applejack yelled before releasing what she said.

“So that’s the cause of this, a past trauma… well good news, your doctor has just the idea to help. Some techniques from the human world that use the full power of the legs without harming another, allowing you to go all out and ease up the tension you’ve built, however, this first one is an attack but for what you're using it isn’t a living creature.” Jake said with a smile.

Flashback End.

‘Just as Jake thought, a barrier not meant to block us but to waste time and energy trying to break it down,’ Applejack thought, ‘And while we’re doing this, Jake went off the fight Changelings sent to ambush us.’

Around the corner of a cliff face, Jake was cleaning his sword of blood. Smeared across the landscape around him were the bodies of nearly 400 changelings, with more heading his way.

Applejack stopped spinning but something was different, Twilight looked at her friend and said, “Are you done? Come on we need to-” Twilight noticed something off about Applejack, more specifically off about her foot, when the others looked they saw it too.

Applejack raised her leg from the dust, assuming a Muay Thai stance, showing her foot and calf were glowing like molten metal.

“The foot of the devil, Diable Jambe.”

Applejack then did a small hop forward before planting a strong kick to the barrier, causing the entire barrier to crack before shattering like glass.

“Hey, Changelings! Gimme back, my family!” AJ yelled as the barrier’s ‘shards’ fell from the sky.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 3: Missions And New Members

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The Mane 6, Princesses, Shining Armor and Royal Guards walked through the mining area, keeping an eye out for anything. Applejack’s leg was still burning and glowing brightly, leaving footprints burned into the ground. “...And that’s about everything that’s happened so far.” Twilight said after explaining the situation to the four nobles.

“So that Jake guy can just… disassemble ponies like a doll, and swap places with anypony? Creepy...” Shining said.

‘I still don’t get it, how could she break the barrier? Even when I weakened it, it still took constant strikes from an army to break open a hole in it! And yet, she broke the entire thing with one kick!’ Chrysalis thought to herself as she was being carried in Cadence’s magical grasp, trying to ignore how the Princess of Love was putting her hair in pigtails. Of course, eventually, she couldn’t take it anymore.


Cadence hugged Chrysalis with a squee., “But you’re so tiny and cute!” Chrysalis made a futile attempt to escape the Princess’s grasp but to no avail.

Twilight walked up to AJ and said, “So, Applejack-”

“I’m not telling you anything, Twi,” Applejack interrupted.

“B-but but, why!?” Twilight whined.

“All I’m saying is that I made a promise to not say anything about the techniques,“ Applejack said, biting her lip as she thought back to the promise she made.


“Alright, so some human techniques to help with the pressure in my legs. So what’s the catch? There’s always a catch to something like this,” Applejack stated.

“You’re right there is a catch,” Jake said, planting the tip of his sheathed sword in the ground and leaning on it like it was a cane. “Before I teach you anything, you have to join The Devil-Devil Club.”

“Join your group huh? What are the rules?” Applejack asked, narrowing her eyes a bit.

Jake raised three fingers. “There are only three rules for everyone in The Devil-Devil Club. Rule 1, don’t give Devil Fruits, info, or items on or about anything important to anyone who isn’t a part of the group!”

“So everything you’ve told us isn’t super important?” Applejack asked.

“Not at all. Rule 2, help out fellow members of the team. If you can’t help, you’d better have a good excuse,” Jake said, lifting another finger for a total of two.

“Seems fair,” Applejack replied.

“Pretty much. Finally, Rule 3, do what you want within the rules.” Jake said, putting his hand back down as he leaned on his sword again.

Applejack raised an eyebrow and said, “So... what, I can just do what I feel like as long as I follow the first two rules?”

Jake said with a nod, “Yep, that’s all. Of course, even though I’m the captain, I still follow the rules too.”

“Well, guess I’ll join. I’ve got an apple orchard to keep running and I can’t be losing my legs,” Applejack responded with a sigh.

“Well, welcome aboard! Now then, let’s begin with the first technique,” Jake said as he began to explain the techniques.

Flashback End.

‘My friends might be super curious about the human techniques but I’d rather break my legs than break a promise… Come to think of it, I think Pinkie would break my legs herself if I broke another important promise…’ Applejack thought with a sweat drop rolling down her face.

Applejack then smelled something, when she looked to see that Pinkie was somehow cooking eggs sideways while using the heat of her leg, “Don’t worry, AJ, my eggs are almost done!” The party mare stated with a smile, flashing her a thumbs-up.

Applejack huffed before she kicked Pinkie away and yelled, “Don’t cook things on me!”

Pinkie did several flips through the air and opened her mouth when she landed perfectly and caught the fried eggs in her mouth. The Royal Guards clapped at Pinkie’s skills before Shining yelled at them to stop and focus.

Fluttershy looked at Rainbow Dash, who was looking at a group of armored pegasi flying above them. “What is it?” Fluttershy said.

“I feel like I’ve seen those pegasi before, but I can’t put my finger on it,” Rainbow Dash said, rubbing her chin as she continued staring upwards.

“Oh, those are the Wonderbolts, Ms. Dash. Auntie Celly wanted them to wear some armor in case something happens,” Cadence said without looking back.

“Those are the Wonderbolts?! Well, no wonder I couldn’t recognize them with that dumb Royal Guard armor on,” Rainbow said, crossing her arms as she looked back up at her idols.

“Hey! The Royal Guard armor isn’t dumb!” Shining yelled back at Dash, offended.

“Captain, mining platform, straight ahead!” One of the Royal Guards yelled, pointing at a series of platforms set along a cliff face. Sitting atop each platform was a bunch of cages, inside of which were ponies both young and old. On the top platform was a group of changelings, though from this angle it was difficult to see what they were doing.

Then the sound of a rockslide came from behind the group, causing them to whip around in time to see a huge rock slide blocking off the path for anyone that couldn’t fly. “What the hay was that?!” Shining yelled, grasping at his spear.

Suddenly one of the Royal Guards was hit by a wooden crossbow bolt that bounced off his armor, but when he was about to laugh at the ‘attack’, the wooden bolt exploded.

Cadence quickly pushed her way through the other Royal Guards. “Make room, he needs healing magic!”

As Cadence moved to heal the wounded soldier, Luna spotted a barrage of bolts flying toward both them and the Wonderbolts.

“Everypony, come close! Wonderbolts, you too! Even if the bolts don’t hit you, the blast will!”

“You heard the princess! Get a move on!” Spitfire yelled before the pegasi flew down, managing to dodge the blasts as the bolts exploded Unfortunately, not everyone could escape in time, and the concussive force was enough to knock some of the soldiers unconscious.

Moon Dome!” Luna yelled, her horn let out a flash of light before everyone was covered by a dome of energy.

“I wonder what Jake is up to during all of this,” Applejack wondered, tapping her foot on the ground as she eyed the platforms.

“Taking care of Changelings that were on the sides and behind you,” The ponies turned to the center to see Jake standing there. “Which is why they’re firing so many explosive bolts at us, I killed all of their back-ups.”

“WHEN DID YOU GET HERE!?!?” All of the ponies yelled at the top of their lungs.

“About 13 seconds after the first guy was blown up,” Jake said flippantly, showing no concern at all.

Shining growled. “Don’t speak about this ambush like that! Tell us what are we up against - this has to be a Devil Fruit because I’m not sensing any magic from these crossbow bolts!”

“You’re a sharp one, alright - this is the work of the Blast-Blast Fruit, not to be confused with its cousin the Bomb-Bomb Fruit. It allows the user to turn any inanimate object they touch into a powerful explosive,” Jake said, tapping his sword on his shoulder.

“So how do we beat this fruit?!” Rainbow shouted.

Jake pulled a handgun out of his bag and shot the ground, to the confusion of the ponies. Their confusion only grew as the barrage of bolts stopped and blood-curdling screams could be heard from the top platform.

Jake smirked. “Unlike the Bomb-Bomb Fruit, the Blast-Blast Fruit doesn’t make the user immune to explosions, it makes them super sensitive to them. If you fire off a gun, he’ll collapse from the pain of his eardrums nearly bursting. Not to mention any bomb he makes is reverted to normal when his focus is broken. His power is effective on complete noobs and at a long-range, but useless at close range. So, yeah, we might want to get going now before he recovers from that.”

Luna lowered the barrier and the guards charged at the mining platform, Changelings began coming out of nearby mining tunnels and charging at the guards, as both the guards and changelings fought. The Wonderbolts got ready to take flight as other changelings also took flight, “Alright, Wonderbolts! Let’s give these guys some cover in the sky!” Spitfire yelled. But when the Wonderbolts took flight, magical circles appeared in the air and began charging electricity, “Anti-air magic! Get down, get back on the ground now!” Spitfire yelled as the magic circles then fired huge arcs of electricity, ‘We’re dead…’ Spitfire thought.

ROOM, Shambles!”

The Wonderbolts abruptly found themselves on the ground behind Jake and changelings that were originally going to attack Jake took their place as the arcs of electricity cooked them to a crisp. “Next time pay attention to the changelings on the cliff,” Jake said with a shake of his head before completely sheathing his sword. A second later, two rocks on both sides of the cliffs above spewed blood before revealing themselves to be changelings in disguise.

“Uh… Thanks…” Spitfire mumbled. Jake thought for a second she was blushing, but he put that thought in the back of his mind.

The human looked up at the top platform and sneered. “No, you don’t.” Jake fired his gun again, this time aimed at the top platform, managing to hit a crossbow bolt before it could be fired and causing a small explosion.

“AAAAAAHHHHH!!! YOU FUCKER!!!” A changeling yelled as he covered his ears and dropped his crossbow. Much like Spinner, he was different from the other changelings, with red eyes and hair in addition to a set of blast-protective gear.

“Hello, Beetal.”

“Spinner!? What the hell happened to you!?” Beetal yelled to his ally, his hands still clamped over his ears as he stared down in terror. Spinner managed to prop his detached arm on his detached torso and pointed at Jake.

“There’s the Devil Fruit user. Applejack, get ready to bring down that platform,” Jake ordered as he rummaged through his backpack once more.

“Got it…” AJ muttered as she got into a ready stance.

Twilight heard this as she blasted away a changeling, she then turned to her friend and yelled, “What?! Applejack, that platform isn’t just made of normal wood! It’s enchanted to be as tough as a mountain!”

“Then I guess I’m gonna have to destroy a mountain,” Applejack said as her legs tensed up. Jake, meanwhile, pulled out a bottle of caffeine pills and popped off the cap. AJ waited for when the cap hit the ground…


...and then rocketed forward, creating a sonic boom that nearly bowled over several of the guards. “S-she… broke the sound barrier…” Twilight and Rainbow Dash said in unison, completely baffled.

‘My power drains my stamina as I use it, so if I take something like caffeine pills to greatly boost myself, then I should be able to do a lot more than I normally would,’ Jake thought as he downed some pills, his pupils widening as the caffeine hit him like a truck.

SuperROOM!” The ROOM widened vastly, now covering the entire mining area. A moment later, Jake called out “Multi-Shambles!”

The ponies that were in the cages suddenly switched places with changelings that were fighting the guards.

Beetal yelled down at them, “Don’t just stand there, shoot her! We have no hostages to keep them at bay!”

As Applejack got closer, she spun on her flaming leg, increasing the intensity to the point the ground melted with every step she took.

Diablo Shot!” Applejack roared before kicking the primary support pillar of the mining platform, the pillar glowing as it began to heat up. The pillar did its best to keep itself together but soon cracked and the entire mining platform began crumbling down. Beetal fell to the ground and was immediately surrounded by Shining and the Royal Guards, tossing Spinner’s parts next to him.

While this happened, Jake was looking in a different direction, sensing something or someone in the Super ROOM, he thought, ‘Is that… A human… No, humans, there are two… Hold on, Scan!’ Jake's eyes glowed. He saw two humans that he recognized. A female ginger teen with pale skin and wearing a fur coat, sunglasses, trousers, and socks with sandals, and a bald shirtless male teen with fair skin and wearing sunglasses, cargo pants, and combat boots.

‘WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY HERE!?’ Jake thought with a face filled with nothing but rage as the two quickly disappeared.

Jake’s focus was broken when Beetal fired a flare gun into the air, screaming from the blast he made so close to himself, before a sudden sandstorm appeared, practically blinding them all. “Dammit! They’ve got a Logia!” Jake yelled, shielding his eyes with his arm.

The sandstorm ended quickly but when the sand cleared, all of the Changelings were gone. “Damnit, they got away!” Shining yelled, looking around to try and spot where they could have gone before sighing. “…Alright, let’s get everypony back to Ponyville, it’s been a long day for them and they’ll feel a lot better once they’re back in their homes.”

One of the ponies, who was a mare wearing a nurse's uniform stood and spoke. “I would recommend we take them all to the hospital, especially those two…”

The nurse then glanced at the CMC, Big Mac, and Spike.

Applebloom, the second tallest standing 4'8, had a growing muscular body but wasn't anywhere near her sister's level and a somewhat developed AA-cup bust. Her attire consisted of a bright golden blouse with blue overalls. a black barrette with a red ribbon, and a white and green shoes. She also had a black eye marring an otherwise pretty face.

Sweetie Belle, the second shortest standing 4'6, had a growing smooth curvy apple-shaped figure like her sister with a well developed B-cup bust. Her attire consisted of a lavender blouse with a matching skirt, knee socks, and shoes. She had a bruised cheek.

Scootaloo, the shortest standing 4'5, had a slim athlete's body like RD with an underdeveloped small A-Cup bust. Her attire consisted of blue jeans, blue running shoes, and a white sleeveless shirt with cloud patterns under a sleeveless jacket. She had several holes in her clothing.

Big Mac had a very muscular body and seemed as tall as Cadence, wearing a pair of tattered overalls, but he looked near the brink of death, covered in deep cuts and gashes.

Spike had a lean and athletic body, appearing about a foot shorter than Fluttershy. His clothes, besides his pants, were torn to ribbons. He wasn't as bad, but he wasn’t okay either, his nose was broken and patches of scales were cracked.

The CMC was crying over the two males as Cadence created two stretchers with her magic, lifting the two into the air. “Come on, everypony! I don’t think these two are going to be able to wait for you!” Luna yelled in a voice that shook the mountains.

“We’re all right here, you dumbass! You don’t need to shout! Stupid noble!” Jake yelled back, swinging at two guards attempting to help him as he began to stagger. “And I don’t need your help! I’m fine! It's just having a caffeine crash!”

The two guards shrugged and went to help some other ponies instead as everyone began to leave.

At Ponyville Hospital, the ponies were lined up, awaiting their turn for a medical exam. Meanwhile, Applejack sat down with her head in her knees beside the surgery room door, where Jake was operating on Big Mac, evidenced by the ROOM slightly sticking out of the door.

Then a couple of doctors came out of the room, Applejack’s ears flicked toward the two doctors as they spoke, “...That Devil Fruit of his is a miracle worker!”

“Yeah, I’m glad he’s a part-time surgeon and not full-time, he’d put every surgeon in Equestria out of a job. Not to mention Big Mac wouldn’t survive the night if that lad wasn’t here, it's too bad about his muscular system being damaged beyond repair, he’ll be lucky to walk again-” The other doctor stopped mid-sentence when he noticed Applejack listening to them.

The cowgirl pony said nothing and got up to walk away, lowering her hat over her eyes so no one could see her crying. ‘I might be upset about this, but I doubt it's going to compare to how Big Mac is going to feel.’

As AJ walked off and the two doctors went about their business, two figures entered the surgery room, and Jake suddenly turned off his ROOM. Jake’s voice came from behind the closed doors, “So what do you two want?”

Applejack walked into the waiting room, where the other Mane 6 and the nobles were, Pinkie was standing by Jake’s bag. In front of her, or more specifically embedded in the ground, was Shining and Rainbow.

“Miss Pie, I think this is a bit much for a book,” Shining muttered before coughing up a mixture of blood and spit.

“Come on Pinkie, All I want is one stinkin’ Devil Fruit!” Rainbow yelled.

“I Pinkie Promised Jake that while he helps Big Mac get better I’d protect his bag! No pony touches the book or DFs, which is short for Devil Fruits!” Pinkie said raising her mallet above her head, then a plant left beside the bag was slightly moved to the left and Pinkie swung at the plant, hitting an invisible pony who turned out to be Twilight.

“Ow…” Twilight whimpered.

Before any more ponies could try and get into the bag, Jake came around the corner and picked it up. Pinkie gave a salute and announced, “I protected the bag as promised! No pony even got to touch it!”

Jake saluted back and said, “Good work! I’ll be taking my bag back now. As promised, here’s your payment.” Jake pulled out a bag of BBQ potato chips and handed them to Pinkie, who immediately began eating them.

“Hold on, you were bribed!?” Rainbow Dash yelled but got no answer to her question as Pinkie was busy eating.

As Jake left the room, Chrysalis spoke up. “So do any of you have a plan of attack? The bad me isn’t going to take this lying down, you're going to have to take the fight to her or she’ll burn down Ponyville for kicks.”

Twilight stood up and rubbed her back before speaking, “Yeah, but we’ll first have to know where the hive is because I have a gut feeling that it's not where it used to be.”

“You’re right, it’s been moved. Lucky I heard where before I was thrown out of the hive, the place...”

Chrysalis glanced around as everyone paid close attention, even spotting the tip of Jake’s sword around the corner.

“... Is Saddle Arabia, which is where the final and most dangerous Changeling Commander and the bad me operate. You’ve seen him too, he has a Logia Devil Fruit with the power to become and control sand.” Chrysalis explained.

‘Arlight, who the fuck named these places?’ Jake thought with a grumble, ‘And Celestia and Luna, if you think you're being sneaky by going into my mind, you most certainly are not.’

The two princesses flinched when they were caught by Jake before Celestia hurried to change the subject. “That explains why the rulers of Saddle Arabia haven’t been attending the meetings we’ve secluded. You’re going to have your hands full if you go because the Royal Guard can’t join you - Saddle Arabia is out of our jurisdiction.”

Twilight straightened her back and said, “Alright girls, let’s-”

Jake immediately interrupted her. “We’re going to Saddle Arabia, Applejack go home and bring water and Cider, the user of the Sand-Sand Fruit can dehydrate you by grabbing you. The rest of you, do what the fuck ever, I don’t care.”

“Why Cider?” Applejack asked while Twilight was crouched down and poking at the ground.

“Cause I’d like something to drink other than plain water,” Jake said before walking back to the surgery room, Applejack shrugged and walked out of the hospital.

“Well… We’ll speak after you get back from Saddle Arabia then, we need to return to Canterlot,” Luna said.

Chrysalis attempted to hide in a trash bin but was immediately pulled out by Cadence, who proceeded to carry her to the chariot. ‘I hate this mare so much,’ Chrysalis thought with a sigh as Cadence put her hair back in pigtails, also carrying Shining with her magic.

The others left the hospital as well… Except for one.

“Hey hold on! Somepony pull me out!” Rainbow yelled, struggling to get free before the lights went out. “H-hello?” Rainbow’s eyes widened when she heard scurrying across the floor.

At noon the next day, Applejack was carrying a barrel of water and five cases of bottled cider. The cowgirl pony walked by Rarity’s boutique, and almost hit the door, when the fashion mare kicked it open, she was struggling to make some form of clothing. “Having trouble there, Rarity?” AJ asked.

“I can make dresses and tuxedos that rival noble clothing. I can make hats that rival crowns! And yet, I can’t make one simple desert hat or coat!” Rarity yelled before making an incorrect stitch and tossing the cloth in a nearby trash bin.

Then Rainbow and Fluttershy flew down to their friends; the former was carrying a fridge filled with booze, while the latter was carrying another barrel of water with a bag of clothing. For some reason, Fluttershy seemed to be rubbing her arm in pain. “Hey, girls, thanks for pulling me out of the ground yesterday! I was sure glad to not spend a night in a creepy empty hospital all by myself!” Rainbow said with the utmost sarcasm and giving both of them a harsh punch to the arm.

“You know, I was going to give you a case of Cider as an apology, but now I think I’ll just give it all to Jake,” Applejack said.

“I would care if I wasn’t angry!” Rainbow yelled.

“Um, everypony, I’ve been to the desert of Saddle Arabia before to meet some of the desert animals, so I have some spare clothes from that venture beforehand,” Fluttershy muttered just loud enough to be heard.

“Oh that is wonderful, because

The four continued through Ponyville until they came across Twilight and Pinkie nearing the train station, the former was holding different maps that had a rough idea of Saddle Arabia and the latter was carrying a whole assortment of different party drinks and rolled up tents. “Morning girls-”

Rainbow punched the two in the arm, interrupting Twilight. “Will you dumbasses cut it the fuck out, we have better things to worry about,” Jake was sitting on the steps to the train station, behind him were two cloaked figures, one female and one.

“Woah, who are they?” Rainbow questioned.

“They’re some people I recruited for this trip since we won’t have an army to fight an army and we’ll be up against a Logia, we’ll need more fighters, so I brought all three new members of the Devil-Devil Club,” Jake answered. ‘Since The Celestial Dragons are here I definitely can’t go alone.’

Pinkie giggled before saying, “Silly Jakey, there’s only two. Oh, and can I join your club?!”

Jake tapped his sword on his shoulder and answered, “I’ll think about it and also, the third guy is- Now!”

Strong Hammer!”

“What the fuck-”

Suddenly an explosion came from a nearby building and the two humans Jake saw yesterday were blasted through a wall. They were followed by a much larger clocked male, his right hand made completely out of metal, holding fake skin covered by a glove in his other hand.

The two attempted to get up before Jake diced them into pieces; as the two cloaked figures pulled out two barrels of water from around the corner before dumping the two human’s parts besides the head into the barrels and the third put his skin back over his metal hand, Jake spoke. “Say hello to my third crew member and the two spies he just beat the crap out of. To make this quick, these two are from the Celestial Dragons, another group like mine made of orphans. The big difference is that they help start wars so they can profit off them. If I had to guess, they also gave the Devil Fruits to the Changelings.”

“That’s horrible!” Rarity exclaimed.

“Wait are you putting them in- Oh, right. The whole weak in water thing,” Rainbow said to herself.

“I’ll have Spike send a letter for Celestia to send some-”

Twilight was interrupted again by a guard putting a hand on her shoulder and saying, “We’re already here, Miss Sparkle.”

Twilight stuttered as several guards walked by her to grab the two humans, “How!?”

“Jake, over there, had Spike inform us about these two ahead of time,” the guard explained.

“If you're done being behind, Twilight, the train is here and we’re leaving,” Jake said before walking onto the train with the others.

“H-hey! Wait for me!” Twilight yelled after boarding the train and it took off.

To Be Continued...