A Rosy Dream

by StormLuna

First published

After a long day of work, I headed home and watch an episode of MLP before going to bed. I watched one that involved my favorite background pony, I then proceed to dream about meeting her.

My name is Storm Lewis and after a long day of work, I headed home and watched an episode of My Little Pony before going to bed. I watched one that involved my favorite background pony, I then proceeded to dream about meeting her. This meeting however, went in a direction that I never expected.

A special thanks to LILDASHIEGRINGO for writing the clop scene in the "A Rosy Passion" chapter.

Prelude: Another Saturday Evening

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Hi, my name is Storm Lewis and I am a construction worker in Omaha. During construction season it was always hot and humid, it was the type of weather that required all of us to keep cold water with us if we did not wish to get dehydrated or even worse, suffer heat stroke. Today was particularly bad as temperatures were warmer than normal and the humidity was high, very high. After the day was over though, I headed home to the comforts of air conditioning, more than a simple bottle of water and food to refuel after working such a long day.

It was Saturday evening and I absolutely loved those. I loved those because the following day, Sunday, was the one day that all of us construction workers got off. There were multiple things I did on Saturday evenings when I got home. The first thing I always did was take a cold shower to not only wash all the sweat out but to also just to cool off. I then usually cooked myself a rather large supper and then I always dug through my My Little Pony DVDs and watched a few episodes. This Saturday was no different.

There were multiple episodes that I decided to choose, all of them were ones where Roseluck, my favorite background pony, had at least a speaking role and gave her famous yell, "The horror, oh the horror!" I have always found that cute and while I would never admit this to anyone, rather appealing. I don't know exactly why I like her so much, it might just be her cute yell but I do like her overall design, her mane and tail designs and those green eyes are always so captivating. They are always what draws me in, it is like they were designed to pull people in.

That night when I finally headed to bed, things were somewhat different. Normally I had an easy time clearing my mind but this time around, Roseluck was stuck in my mind. That may be because every single episode I watched had her in it but still, it wasn't the norm. When I closed my eyes, all I saw was her gazing at me with those green eyes, drawing me in. I tried my hardest to simply clear my mind entirely but it wasn't happening.

Thoughts I had never had before began to creep in, I began to actually wish I could go to Equestria and meet Roseluck, and maybe be in a relationship with her. I had always heard other fans talk about how they wish they could go to Equestria and be with their favorite, some called them their waifu, and I always thought they were very immature. Now here I was wishing I could go and at least meet Roseluck. I felt kind of silly having those thoughts but as long as nopony, I mean no one ever learned of them, I'd be fine.

Finally after an hour of laying there, attempting to get to sleep, I was finally able to do so. My last thoughts before falling asleep were that hopefully I could get a full night's sleep and not have any weird, freaky dreams that no one should ever be having.

Arrival in Equestria

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After finally going to sleep, the next thing I realized is that I was in what appeared to be a room with some books and two stained glass windows. One had a depiction of the sun on it and the other depicted the moon. That place looked so familiar to me and then suddenly I realized I had seen that place before, it was the room where Twilight and her friends had discovered Celestia and Luna's old castle.

I then noticed that their old journal was up on a pedestal so I got up to go take a look at it and read about how things were for Celestia and Luna when they lived there. When I went to grab the book I noticed something didn't look right with my hands. They were a light gray, something that was certainly not natural. I also noticed that my footsteps seemed to be louder than normal. I looked down and noticed that no longer did I have feet, I actually had hooves. I was really beginning to wonder what was going on at that point.

I then also felt something weird on my head, I thought maybe the heat I worked in did something to me. Given everything that was already happening I had my suspicions as to what it was but when I reached up with my hands and felt a horn, I was shocked. I now had a unicorn horn. I looked down and saw that I was in my work clothes but then one final thing crossed my mind to see if I my suspicions were truly correct. I decided to pull my pants down to expose my flanks and I discovered that I had a jackhammer cutie mark. I was shocked when I saw this.

I wasn't quite sure if this was a freaky dream or if someone hopes and wishes hard enough that it will come true but suddenly I was an anthro unicorn. When I realized that, I thought that maybe where I was was similar to the Equestria in the show and that I was not that far away from Ponyville. The first thing that began to run through my mind was one particular mare, one that has always captivated me and now that I'm an anthro unicorn, I'll admit it, she is my waifu.

First thing was first though, I was a unicorn and I did want to know at least enough magic that I wouldn't look completely useless to the other unicorns. I began to look in that secret chamber and I was able to find a book on basic magic which surprised me because I wouldn't think such a book would be hidden away the way it was. I looked through and discovered material involving basic levitation and trying to understand it was horribly difficult.

After discovering that I have to actually picture the object being lifted in my head, I flared up my horn and actually lifted the book. Ok, I know that to lift heavier objects I need to practice but knowing that I was likely close to Ponyville and perhaps Roseluck was too much for me to be able to resist so I left the ruins and then headed off in the direction that I thought Ponyville would be.

As I was walking, I could hear the growls of the timberwolves and realized that things would not bode well for me if I ran across one because I had only studied a bit of levitation magic, not any self-defense or combat magic. After what was likely an hour, the forest thinned and I saw a place that I never once imagined that I would actually be able to visit in real life, Ponyville.

Now I was hungry but I had one problem, how the hell would I be able to afford anything given I didn't have any bits? I then noticed something in one of my pockets. I reached in and pulled out what wound up being some bits, coins in various denominations, ones that matched the bills in my wallet. Well at least now I will be able to get something to eat so the first place I headed was the local cafe.

I knew how much the ponies in Equestria liked their flowers and I hoped that I could get something more than a nasty flower sandwich. When I arrived at the cafe, the place was packed. There was only one empty table and I hoped to secure it before someone, I mean somepony else did. The moment I got sat down, another customer got sat down at the same
time, right across from me.

When I looked up I could hardly believe my eyes, it was Roseluck. Now I didn't want to be rude or anything so I told her that I would leave so she could have the table but told me not to worry and that we could share it. The smile she gave me was so captivating and I immediately was lost in those green eyes. I got lost in them enough with her being on the other side of a TV screen but to see them in person, wow, just wow!

I wasn't sure exactly how I was going to go about doing this but I did know one thing, I did want to get to know Roseluck. Even if I only got to spend a brief amount of time talking to her at the cafe, I would be happy. Of course though, I was hoping to maybe become friends with her.

Getting Close With Roseluck

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I had just grabbed a table at the same time as Roseluck, the one mare who had captivated me almost ever since I began watching the show. At first there was an awkward silence until she finally spoke up, "Hi, I don't think I've ever seen you before."

"Well I'm not even sure how I got to this area." I knew that I had to come up with something believable because I couldn't just tell her that this was some sort of weird dream that I think I have gone into, "The last thing I remember I was trying to go to sleep in Omareha and then I woke up in the Castle of the Two Sisters."

"That's odd," she replied, "well anyway, maybe you were meant to wind up here." She gave me a slight blush and added, "Maybe it is fate."

I wasn't sure exactly how to react to this but I would be saved from having to give a response right away when the waiter arrived and asked, "So what can I get for you?"

Rose replied, "I would like a daffodil and daisy sandwich and a medium cider."

I replied, "I'd like a hayburger and a large cider."

The waiter asked, "So will this be on separate tickets or just one?"

Given that I knew I had enough bits I was not about to allow Roseluck to have to pay for her meal. Before she could reply I said, "It is on a single ticket."

The waiter nodded and took our order to the kitchen. Roseluck gave me a smile, "You know, you didn't have to do that but I do think it is awfully sweet of you!"

"Well I just don't think that such a lovely mare should have to pay for her meal."

She gave me a deep blush and such a beautiful smile, along with a lovely look from those eyes, those eyes that have always captivated me, only so much more so now.

She then said, "Now where were we? Oh, I am wondering what your name is?"

"Storm Lewis." Now I already knew her name but I certainly couldn't let her know that. I asked, "And what is your name?"

"My name is Roseluck. So what do you do for a living?"

"Well back in Omareha I am a construction worker. I work primarily on the streets but there are times when I have to help work on water mains. The pay is decent but sometimes it gets hot working though. What about you?"

"I own a floral business with my friends. I do make a fair amount of money from it. Yeah, it doesn't make me rich but I don't have to worry about going without."

"Well that's good that you aren't hurting." I then decided to engage in the typical small talk, "So what sorts of things do you like to do for fun? What do you enjoy in life?"

"I obviously enjoy gardening and I really enjoy eating here, normally with my friends. I do enjoy cooking for my family, my friends and others that mean a lot to me. What about you?"

"I work six days a week so I don't get much time to do anything." I knew that I couldn't just go describing human sports to her so I had to come up with the closest Equestrian equivalent, "I enjoy watching horse hockey, buckball, hoofball and I do enjoy just going out for walks alone when it isn't construction season and it is too hot."

She gave me a smile and asked, "Do you ever wish you had somepony to go on walks with?" She reached out, grabbed my hands and asked, "Someone such as a mare you like?"

I was shocked when she asked me this and blushed deeply when she grabbed my hands, "Uh-maybe!"

She gave me a giggle, "Oh I'm sure that is a yes!" She then batted her eyes at me and then whispered, "A walk with somepony such as me!"

My face turned deep red and I replied, "Yeah!"

Rose could tell by the way that I was behaving that I was likely a more shy type, the type that was kind of scared to pursue relationships. She asked, "You're really shy aren't you?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty shy."

"And single?"

Now I was really beginning to wonder where Roseluck was going with this. Here we are, just having barely met and is she going to ask me to be her coltfriend? Now I will admit, that would be a dream come true, even though all this was most likely just a dream. I blushed, "Yeah, I'm single."

She gave me a smile and moved her chair over to where it was right next to mine. She wrapped her arms around me and leaned right up to my ear and whispered, "What would you think about changing that? What would you think about being mine?"

All I could think was wow! Here I have, just barely met Roseluck and she is already wanting me to be her coltfriend? As she was waiting for my response, she was giving me a very seductive look, something that I simply couldn't say no to, "Yes, I'd love for you to change that! I'd love to be your coltfriend!"

She then pulled me into a kiss right there in front of everypony at the cafe. Sparks began to fly out of my horn as while this may be hard for some to believe, but it was my very first kiss. It was a passionate, open mouth kiss and soon I felt her saliva pouring into my mouth, saliva that I happily swallowed. Our kiss continued until we heard a voice, "Your meals are here."

We parted our faces and began to eat our meal. I will admit that I was a bit embarrassed that the waiter arrived while we were sucking face but during that kiss, I felt a sense of pure bliss. This was already turning into something that went well beyond any kind of thought I had about Roseluck, ever. I will admit, it seemed extremely odd that a mare I had just barely met wanted us to be an item but I'm certainly not going to complain about it!

We hurried and ate our meals because both of us wanted to get going and then hopefully go on our walk together. Once I paid for our meals and we headed out, I finally noticed something, what she was wearing. I noticed she was wearing a cute white dress with red accents that went down not quite halfway to her knees, and showed off her tits quite well. I looked over to her and gave her a smile, "That is a nice dress, you look really beautiful in it."

She must have noticed the bulge in my pants because she blushed and nudged me, "You don't have to hide it Storm! You can just come out and admit you think I'm the sexiest thing you've ever seen!"

I gave her a deep blush, "Actually Roseluck, you are the sexiest mare I've ever seen!"

She nudged me and giggled, "Just Rose, please." She then grabbed me before forcing her arm under mine and grabbing my hand, "How about we go to my place and we can express how truly sexy we think we are!"

Now I knew that this was obviously a dream because I know that the Roseluck in the show would never be the type to take me to her place so quickly. I knew she was wanting sex and the longer we were together, the more I was wanting it, the more I was ready to give myself to her. I squeezed her hand and replied, "I would love that Rose, I would love for us to do that!"

She yanked on me and began to pull me towards her place, "Alright Storm, I can't keep waiting. If we don't hurry, I'll strip you naked and take you right here in the middle of town!"

She began to pull me towards her place and I was full of excitement. My dirtiest desires that I never dared share with anyone looked like they were going to come true. Now I am going to admit, I kind of hope, no I really hope, that Rose is the dominant type. I am hoping that she dominates me and while it may sound crazy, I'd kind of like for her to treat me like she owns me.

Rosy Passion

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Probably around ten minutes after we had left the cafe, we arrived at Roseluck's place. When we got there, she opened the door and pulled me inside. She pointed towards the couch and ordered, "Take a seat please."

I did so and watched in anticipation as she was going through something up by her TV. I saw her pull out what appeared to be a DVD and realized that she was going to have us be watching a movie of some sort. I really hoped that it would be something good and not some romantic movie because those are the one type of movie that annoys the living daylights out of me but knowing Rose, that is likely what it would be.

Once she got her TV turned on and all, the movie started. By the very beginning I could tell that it was likely going to be something I wouldn't be fond of, it was titled "An Unlikely Destiny: From Passion to Love." Once she returned to the couch, she ordered me to sit to where I was leaning across the couch and then she got sat down between my legs. Now naturally I put my arms around her.

This caused her to push herself further back and then she said, "You know what to do next."
I honestly had no clue what it was she wanted so she then pulled my legs up over hers and rather quickly I began to get hard. She obviously felt the bulge in my pants as she continued, "I take it you like it?"

All I could do was reply, "Mhmm!"

She gave me a giggle and then we began to watch the movie. I simply couldn't get into it. Now I had never been big into romance movies but this time it was even more difficult to get into it given all I could focus on was the mare I was holding. As the romance between the two main characters became more obvious, I found my hands moving further up, towards her breasts. As they continued to move up, I heard her moan, "It's ok, move them all the way up."

I moved them all the way up and cupped those lovely tits of hers, those big sexy tits of hers. I then began to massage them and she moaned, "Mmmm....you know exactly what I wanted, didn't you?"

I replied, "Mhmm!"

She again giggled and when the movie reached what I figured was obviously the part that she had been waiting for, she began to rub herself up against me, causing me to start getting to where I wanted it so bad. Once the bedroom scene began, all I could focus on was not only what Rose was thinking, but how badly I wanted her. I too started rubbing myself against her and our bodies got to where they were moving in a perfect rhythm.

Once the two main characters were doing the deed under the covers, Rose finally got up and screamed, "I can't take it anymore." She grabbed me by the hand, pulled me up and begged, "Take me Storm, take me!"

I got up quickly and entwined my hand with hers. She led me to her room quickly and with confidence, something that made me long for her more than I already am. The closer we’d get to actually doing this was where my heart skipped it’s beat, like irregular palpitations. While I was excited about the whole ordeal, I felt nervous because… well, this was my favorite pony we’re talking about.

She walked me through the open door and we got busy as she introduced me to her beautiful bedroom. Beige all around as the base of the room, in the middle stood a queen sized bed with a white comforter laced with gold strips that line itself outside of it like a second sheet. Above it sat five pillows in a pattern; two white, two gold satin, and one white with a small brown teddy bear in front of it. Next to it sat a small desk to the left with a square hooded lamp and a timeclock sitting on a yellow book.

A drawer was displayed close to her bed where she threw her dress for me to look at her enticing figure. Plump breasts, thick rounded thighs with fat in the right places, slim legs. She could’ve been a model if she wanted to be, and here I was basking in the raw product exclusively, just a couple more pieces and I’d get to see my goal. I threw my clothes to the dresser as well, stripping myself down to her liking.

I was all the more excited and she could definitely feel my presence. My blush wasn’t hiding anything.
She jumped backwards on the bed to make it catch her in its comfort. She lifted her legs in front of me and pulled off her underwear, her rose cutie mark displayed on her flanks. That was where I could see it, a small slit drenching in anticipation. I was ramped up for the real thing with no more waiting and from her attitude, I could feel the same thing. But, what was a stallion to do here first?

She spread her legs and showed me the delicate flower waiting for me, throwing her wet underwear at my face. It caught me off guard and I got a whiff of her lavender perfume mixed with musk.

“Get over here, Storm. Make me scream.”

By her hearty command, there was no way to deny her of her wants. I watched for her tail before getting on the bed, making it creek with my extra weight. I pushed my knees up against her hamstrings, leaning over her body and lining myself up to enter. Hearing her steady breathing, I glanced to Rose’s face and she was flushed with her ears drooped, looking down at my phallus close to her body.

“... Are you okay?” Roseluck reverted her attention to me again.

“Yeah...” She grabbed her teddy bear and held it close. “... just be gentle, Storm.”

“... Okay.”

I pushed my member against her hot lips to kiss me before slowly pushing into her tight hole. Her hums were evident as I slowly pumped in and out uncomfortably inside her warm body, still not feeling my whole phallus inside… until I reached some sort of barrier that gave away quickly. Next thing I knew, I was fully inside and touching her pelvis. But her unnerving screech made my ears fold. She howled in pain and I immediately stopped moving, dumbfounded and strickin with worry.

“Rose, are you okay?!” I was about to pull away, but she quickly wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close to her chest. The move was so fast, her teddy bear flew out of her hand and hit the wall with a light thud.
“I-I’m fine! Just… just don’t move!

I stayed in that position for the longest I can think of, hearing her soft pants as she clawed into my back. It really hurt, but what Rose was going through was worse. It made me think to myself if this was something we went too fast on, or if this was a good idea to start with. Would’ve it been more beneficial for her to marinate for a few weeks before doing this?

We’re pretty young adults with keen minds and high off passion. Everything was blocked out except for our connection and chemistry, built on a chemical reaction we held dearly. Wasn’t expecting this though. What a dream.

She gave me the good-to-go and I pulled my hips slowly before pushing back inside again, her lips kissing the base of my pelvis. In all my life, I could’ve never imagined the warmth of another being. With every thrust I was met with a reaction from her. The touch I gave was intoxicating without doing much work. At least that’s how it looked to me.

She told me to go faster and I did. My breathing was getting harder to control, but I wanted to make sure she was getting the best out of me in any way possible. A noble servant upon her dinesty, relishing in the fruits of a high honor.

She gripped my palm, moaned my name. All the same, we came together and was mixed into one unit. As we were laying there she asked, "You know what it means when a couple climaxes simultaneously don't you?"

I replied, "Honestly, I don't. I've never heard anything about it."

She gave me a deep kiss and replied, "It means that we are soulmates, it means that we are meant to be together." She again gave me another kiss before continuing, "I never once imagined my soulmate would be a unicorn but I am happy that it is."

Now I had heard some of my co-workers talking about how they thought their girlfriends were their soulmates and it was always something I would laugh about. I had never believed in such things. I believed it was one of those things that comes from fairy tales and simply overly sappy individuals in love but I felt something special between Roseluck and I develop as we climaxed together. Now this may sound incredibly weird but the first thing I thought of was the life bonding that G1 ponies would go through.

I couldn't just tell her my prior thoughts though, "I never imagined that my soulmate would be an incredibly beautiful, sweet and sexy earth pony....race doesn't matter to me but I never imagined it."

She replied, "I'll admit, I've always hoped he would be a unicorn because my friends, my friends who are more open with their bodies have always brought up how unicorns are better lovers."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes, really." she replied. "Now about that, tomorrow we need to go up to Canterlot so you can study on how to cast a spell to keep you erect for as long as you want! I want us to be able to lay in bed, have sex all day and for us to both climax many, many times." She then gave me a tender kiss and added, "And for us to sleep with you in me, I think that would be so romantic."

I too thought it would be romantic but given that I was certain this was the type of dream that no man should ever be having, I knew that it likely wouldn't happen. I didn't want this dream to end on a bad note so I agreed, "I think it would be too."

She then let out a yawn, "I don't know about you Storm but I'm so tired. Do you think we could fall asleep together?"
I gave her a blush, "I would love that Rose. I have never fallen asleep with anypony in my arms before."

"Alright," she replied "I love you Storm, you have sweet dreams."

"I love you too Rose, you have sweet dreams too." I replied,

It didn't take her long to fall asleep while I laid there, hoping to relish every moment I had with her. I knew that chances were I would likely wake up back in Omaha, having this dream stuck in my mind for a very long time and hoping that I could find a woman that matched Roseluck to a T.

An Unlikely Dream (Within a Dream)

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The last thing I remembered was falling asleep holding Roseluck close after us having sex. Then I suddenly found myself in the throne room up in Canterlot. Before me was Princess Luna. I wasn't sure how I got there or why I was there but I knew to be respectful. I bowed and asked, "Princess Luna, how did I get here and why am I here?"

Luna began, "Storm Lewis, while I normally never visit the dreams of humans, I decided to visit yours. I visited yours because you are dreaming about one of my subjects. The type of dream you are having is well, how do I put it, unacceptable and I am displeased with it."

I could tell that by how Luna was acting, that I might be in for a world of hurt but I couldn't help but wonder how she knew. I asked, "How did you know about my dream?"

Luna replied, "I knew because Roseluck is having the same dream." She paused momentarily and continued, "As you know, Alicorn princesses have incredibly powerful magic and in the case of mine, especially in the dream realm."

I said, "Yes, I know that."

She then continued, "Now I think that the two of us need to have a talk with my sister present because not only is your dream going to impact you for a long time, maybe even the rest of your life, but it will do the same to Roseluck."

I asked, "Seriously?"

"Yes, seriously." Luna replied. Luna then yelled, "Sister, our guest is here!"

I knew what was going on. I knew that Princess Celestia was coming and I had my concerns that Celestia would not be thrilled. When she arrived she gave me an intense look and asked, "You are Storm Lewis I take it?"

I bowed and replied, "I am your Majesty."

Celestia began, "Like my sister said, both you and Roseluck are having the same dream. This is something that has only happened three other times when it comes to a human and one of our subjects." I tried to say something but Celestia continued, "This is particularly concerning because like Luna said, this will affect both of you."

Luna took over, "If we do nothing about this and both of you wake up normally, both of you will have the same dream every single night and it will negatively affect the lives of both of you. She will constantly long for you and never search for a special somepony and you will long for her. You will measure every single woman up to her and none will come close to being like her so you Storm, you will never find anyone to love and die alone."

I nodded slowly as Celestia again took over, "But, there are two options to fix that. One of those we do not like the idea of because of the negatives that come with it but the other, we would be more than glad to make happen."

I asked, "And what are those?"

Luna began, "The first is a memory eradication spell. What the two of us could do is cast a spell that would cause you and Roseluck to wake up and have completely forgotten this dream. This has happened before and the humans chose the memory eradication spell because they didn't want to leave their life in your world."

Celestia added, "This has happened with three other humans, two male and one female. Once we cast the memory eradication spell, it worked for five years on both the human and the pony. Eventually though they remembered the dream and the desire for the one they fell for consumed them and things didn't turn out so well."

Luna continued, "But there is a second option, an option that has consequences that you may find unpleasant."

I asked, "What is that option and what are those consequences?"

Celestia replied, "The second option is to make all this real. That option will cause not only all of the events of your dream be real, but that your new life will begin in Equestria dating back to your arrival at our old castle. You will have the same skill sets you had in the human world." She pointed towards my cutie mark and continued, "Now given what your talent is here in Equestria, you will either have to move to a city back east or up here to Canterlot to make a living and I don't know if Roseluck would be willing to move with you."

I asked, "I will be with Roseluck if I choose this option?"

"Yes." Luna replied, "The bond between you is very special, maybe special enough that she will want marriage and you two will be together for the rest of your lives, lives that are far longer than that of a human."

Celestia continued, "Now about the consequence. You will still remember your family and friends as they will remember you. They will all think that you simply went missing and the authorities of your world will search for you, with no success."

Luna added, "I don't know how close you and your family and friends are but a lot will be riding on your decision."

I will admit, I certainly didn't expect the events that would come along with either decision to be so life altering for so many individuals. Now I did like my friends quite a bit but I began to think that starting over here in Equestria wouldn't be so bad.

Now when I was growing up, my family and I were very close but we began to grow apart when I chose construction work in Omaha over going to college in Lincoln. I chose the construction work because the thoughts of college, the debt that came with it and the fact that some job that required a college degree just wasn't for me. By the time I fell asleep and wound up in Equestria, I only really got together with my family for the major holidays so still remembering them but being unable to see them wouldn't be the worst thing.

I then began to think about the one individual who suddenly means the world to me, Roseluck. I did not like the idea of our memories of one another being temporarily wiped out only to come back later. I also didn't like the idea of simply
waking back up at home and then both of us being consumed by thoughts and desires for the other.

The third option though, the one involving me staying here and being with Roseluck for the rest of my life seemed so desirable. In just one day, I had fallen madly in love with her and she had done the same with me. The thoughts of her and I spending a whole pony lifetime together and hopefully an eternal afterlife together brought so much warmth to my heart. I then decided that the third option was the only option. I love Roseluck so much and a life without her would be unbearable so I decided to give the princesses my decision.

I stepped forward and replied, "Your Majesties, I have made my decision."

Given that it had only been less than a minute they seemed kind of shocked. Celestia asked, "Are you sure? Your fellow humans took quite some time. In the case of one of them, it took her three hours before she chose the memory eradication spell."

Luna continued, "And with the two men, it took both of them well over an hour before choosing the memory eradication spell."

I replied, "Well I am not choosing that. I wish to remain here with Roseluck because we have fallen in love with one another."

Both princesses gave me a smile, especially Luna. Luna replied, "Unlike it was with the other humans, you and Roseluck have developed a very deep, loving bond so I can understand why you would stay."

Celestia added, "She truly does mean the world to you, doesn't she?"

"She does," I replied "she really does."

Both Celestia and Luna lit up their horns and Celestia said, "Alright, we shall cast the proper spell. Upon waking, you will be an Equestrian citizen with a citizenship card and everything between you and Roseluck will be real, completely real."

I asked, "So is she going to know about all this or what?"

Luna replied, "She will and that is what will cause you to start making plans for your futures." She paused and then snickered, "After you two study those sex spells! After all, you'll make her all the happier if you know them!"

I replied, "Alright."

Luna and Celestia then approached me and lit up their horns, causing mine to light up as well. Soon we became encircled in a white ball of light. I knew what was going to happen and I was excited to begin my new life with Roseluck. I wasn't completely sure how it would turn out but I knew that with her by my side, it would be truly wonderful.

Starting a New Life

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I was woken up by the morning sun with Roseluck in my arms. She was still slumbering and I couldn't help but think how lucky I was that I was given the choice to stay here with her. All the thoughts I had regarding my past life was that while I did have some decent times, that what I will have now will be so much better. Yes I am going to miss things such as beef, pork and fried chicken but the hayburger I had the previous day was actually good. Yeah I don't know if I'll ever like flowers but the hay versions of things, those will make for good substitutes.

After ten minutes of watching my beautiful marefriend slumber, she finally woke up. She gave me a loving look with those beautiful eyes and said, "I know about your dream. I know you chose me over returning to your world." She pulled me close, gave me a deep kiss and continued, "Now I know you truly do love me."

I pulled her close, returned the kiss and held it for quite a while. She parted her lips to allow entry to my tongue and soon we were moaning gently, rubbing our tongues together and swapping spit. I was in a state of bliss as we did this and knowing that this was all real and that none of it was a dream, it made me all the happier. After ten minutes we broke the kiss and I asked, "So what all do you know about my discussion with the princesses."

"Everything," she replied "I know about how you may only be able to get a job in a big city or up in Canterlot and if that is the case, I'll go with you. I do have enough resources that I could start my own floral business up in Canterlot or wherever your talents take you." She gave me a kiss and added, "And I know about Celestia bringing up marriage. While that is still a ways off, I do hope it happens someday, I want to be yours forever."

"And I want to be yours forever too." I replied.

We then engaged in another loving kiss which very quickly turned into another lovemaking session. Like it was with the kissing, knowing that all of it was real made it all the more special. At first we took things slow so that my member would be in her for longer before the passion became too great for us to not start getting rougher with one another.

After our lovemaking session, she got up, pulled me out of the bed and said, "Well sweetie, I think we need to start discussing our futures because I'm sure we'll be together forever," she then gave me a deep blush before continuing, "but first, we're going to Canterlot so that you can study sexual magic to keep yourself erect for as long as you want. Like I said, I want us to be able to lay in bed and have sex all day long and I want us to sleep with your member up in me!"

I replied, "I know but I do think that we probably should eat something first." I still had a fair amount of bits so I offered, "I could take you out to the cafe to celebrate all of this being real."

Roseluck agreed and we enthusiastically left her house. Once we were out, I put my arm under hers and grabbed her hand. Apparently she knew about what somepony putting their arm under somepony else's. She gave me a smile and blushed, "You secretly want to be subservient to me, don't you?"

I turned beet red, "Yeah! The thoughts of it make me feel so happy."

She squeezed my hand and replied, "Well I think things should be 50/50 but if you want to appear subservient to me in public, I'm all for it!"

I gave her a huge smile and squeezed her hand in return. I wasn't sure how exactly things were going to turn out but I was very happy that she did say that she would go with me regardless of where my talents took me. As we walked towards the cafe with our heads held high, ponies couldn't help but stare. Chances are they were staring because they were wondering who I was but I didn't care. My new life with Roseluck had officially began and I saw nothing but a bright future for both of us.