Double Dragon Riding

by SonicBlitz18

First published

An accidental chemical spill leads to a pair of very horny dragons with Twilight. Snu Snu Ensues.

Twilight and Sunset have a school field trip to go to, but the problem is that her dog Spike can’t go since the area that they were going to doesn’t allow dogs. Twilight also couldn’t contact her parents as they were away on a business trip so she was out of luck. Luckily Sunset tells her about the alternate version of herself to look after her and ask Twilight if they can look after her Spike for a while. However, when she tries to convince the other Twilight to look after her Spike, they end up causing an accident in one of Twilight’s experiments, and before she realizes it, the two Dragons end up with some serious side effects.

Featured: 7/29/2020

Every Dragon Has Their Day

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“Wait, I can’t bring Spike with me?” That was Sci-Twilight’s shock when she was talking with the school Principal Celestia as she was with her, and Vice Principal Luna in the room. She was holding Spike in her arms who was now pretty scared.

“I’m afraid that’s what the commissioner said,” Principal Celestia said as she sighed, crossing her arms under her rather large and ample bosom. “The owner of the lab who is making vaccines is highly allergic to dogs.”

“Oh man,” Twilight sighed as Spike whimpered in her arms.

“Do you have any other relatives that can look after your puppy for the time being?” Vice Principal Luna asked.

“My parents are away for the week on a business trip, plus with how my old school Crystal Prep Academy was, I doubt they would let Spike on Campus again,” Twilight added with a somber look on her face.

“I wish we could help you, but I’m not sure how our school would be able to look after your dog,” Celestia added.

“Oh, that’s fine, I guess I can… see if someone else can look after him,” Twilight said, walking out of the office.

“Hey, I’m sorry for this,” Spike said, poking his head out of the bag.

“It’s not your fault, Spike, just some bad coincidences. Since we’re all going on the trip, I can’t ask Fluttershy or AJ to look after you. Shining's away on work, Cadance is busy with the CISD Gala… I just, I don’t want to leave you home alone.”

Twilight walked to her locker, switching out her books from the bag to her locker before Sunset came up behind her.

“Hey Twilight, excited for the field trip to the labs?” Sunset asked.

“Oh, hey Sunset. Actually, I think I won’t be able to go since I can’t find anyone who can look after Spike.”

“Oh, right, the doctor mentioned no pets are allowed. Wait, you mean you don’t have anyone that can look after him?”

“Yeah, everyone’s busy, my parents are away on a business trip, and since we’re all going on the field trip I can’t ask one of you girls to stay behind, you’ll fall back on your assignments.”

“So everyone’s busy… on this side,” Sunset said with a smirk, leaning on the lockers. “But I think I know a solution.”

“What do you mean on thi- oh!” Twilight said, turning around. “You mean the mirror portal?”

“Yep,” Sunset said pointing towards the statue outside. “If everyone’s too busy on this side, maybe the others on the other side can look after Spike.”

“Okay, Spike what do you think?”

“I guess it wouldn’t be too much of a problem,” Spike said as he scratched his ear. “I’ve never really been to that other world before.”

“Not sure how you’d react to us after we changed into ponies,” Twilight added with a sigh. “There was also the fact that the other world counterparts had to help us sneak back to our world since something called ‘changelings’ attacked them. Twilight mentioned that if anypony there saw us, they would’ve gotten the wrong idea back then.”

“Sounds like a mess,” Spike added. “So how’re you gonna get me to stay there then?”

“Twilight closed the excess portal and all we had to do was go through the portal at the school gate,” Sunset added. “Plus, the only portal to her world is in her castle now.”

“I guess that’s a good thing,” Spiked added. “Considering a lot of the crazy stuff you guys had to deal with on this side, I can just imagine how bad things would be if portals started opening up out of nowhere.”

“I heard that after that incident during our spring break, Twilight, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Cadance wanted to check the aftermath the Storm King left behind after he tried to invade Equestria,” Sunset added. “She said she was gonna fill me in if there were any more portals that lead to the human world other than the one we have at the gate.”

“So no luck on that so far?” Spike asked.

“Nope, but now we need to go see her so we can explain Twilight’s situation and ask if you can stay with her for awhile till we get back,” Sunset added with a smile as she stood up and offered a hand to Twilight.

“Okay,” Sci-Twilight said with a smile as she took Sunset’s hand and they both walked towards the front gate of the school and were in front of the Wondercolt Statue.

“Okay, I just need to send a message to Twilight letting her know we’re on our way,” Sunset added with a smile as she pulled out her journal and wrote down what she was going to say into it. She then closed the book and turned to Sci-Twilight.

“Off we go,” Sunset said as she took Twilight’s hand, and she, her and Spike all went through the portal.

-Castle Of Friendship-

Meanwhile on the other side, a unicorn by the name of Starlight Glimmer was filing through papers from the school of Friendship as the students all left for their dorms leaving her in her counselors office. She was currently wearing a light pink blouse with a short black skirt. Both items did well to cover her curvy figure, but it still outlined her rather large bosom and rear properly.

“Looks like Gallus is improving in his classwork at least,” She said to herself as she looked through some more of the paper and was about to move some more items when she saw something glowing behind her.

“Hm?” She said as she turned around and looked to see the book that Twilight had earlier. Seh then remembered that she left that in Starlight’s room in case she wasn’t at the castle. Twilight and Spike were currently in Canterlot to help Princess Celestia work out a new deal with the kirin and the seaponies as far as fashion goes. Shaking herself from that, she opens the book and reads the message.

“Dear Princess Twilight,
Sorry to drop this on you at the absolute last second, but the Twilight here can’t take her Spike with her on the school trip, and has no one to watch him. Would it be at all possible for you to watch him until we get back?

“Sunset,’s coming over?” Starlight asked herself as she got up from her seat. “It had been awhile since I met the little puppy Spike.” Double checking herself in the mirror, she wanted to make sure she didn’t look like her usual complete mess. Being Twilight’s student had many perks, but a few minor concerns; namely the fact they would spend so many long hours studying that all too often the two would still be in the shirts they slept in by the afternoon. But today was fine, a simple purple shirt and tight denim pants, though the clothes were getting a little tight, she paid no mind to it. “Alright, this should be fine, I mean, it’s just friends visiting, I could go casual. No, no, these are friends I don’t see often, so I should dress more formally.” She rubbed her temples in frustration. “Urgh! What was it, with friends you can be relaxed, but if you don’t see them often, be presentable? Agh! This is gonna bug me all day!”

Starlight then leaves the room and locks the door and walks through the halls of the castle. Navigating the castle had become far easier than the first time she came. She didn’t want to admit it, but when she first snuck in to use the harmony map, she got lost several times. She did get used to it, eventually, though on occasion she would get lost. Her mind shot back to the last time she walked into a room without knocking, that was an extremely awkward conversation with Spike afterwards, and it was days before she could look him in the eye again. Shaking her head, Starlight wanted to focus on what was happening. Her friends were coming, and thankfully, she was able to make it to Twilight’s room with minutes to spare.

Twilight’s room was as she expected it; Some bookshelves with rows of books, some empty books that she has open that she hasn't finished reading, her bed being neat and tidy, as well as the mirror portal in the back room. It was slowly improved upon over the years. From the fancy looking mirror in Canterlot, to Twilight crude and rudimentary design, to a new and improved look. It was a single piece of solid glass, polished to a point where even the dust in the air avoided it. At its base were shimmering crystals carved from the surrounding caves and set in place; it was a masterpiece of craftsmanship.

“So they should be arriving soon,” Starlight said as she waited for a bit. She didn’t have to wait long as a swirl began to form onto the portal. Slowly getting bigger and bigger covering the glass of the mirror “Hey gir-?! Ahh what?!”

Starlight was caught off guard by what she saw. Was it due to the magic of the portal, some modification that Twilight did in her experiments, or possibly both. Sci-Twilight and Sunset came out no issue, but there was a major difference. The girls’ bodies were far more endowed than normal. Not that this was too big a deal for Starlight. If anything, when she went to their world, she was curious and a little worried how her tits and ass got so much smaller, but was happy to be her “normal” size again when she returned. Stumbling through the portal fully the mare got a good look at her friends.

Sci-Twilight’s clothes were stretched to near ripping. Her typically modest C cup was now reaching EE, though that was still smaller than the Equestrian Twilight. As well as her ass was much rounder looking, generally a very attractive look to her to any stallion that saw her. Sunset was much different. As she was originally from Equestria and thus had an impressive rack size of GG, but in the other world, she was a somewhat smaller E cup. She was also a little more prepared, her clothes not being as stretched but it was obvious it was hugging her a little too tightly.

“Ouch, that hurts,” Twilight groaned, but felt her chest was much heavier. “Aw, not again.”

“Relax, Twilight, you get used to it,” Sunset said, offering an orange hand to Twilight. Twilight took her hand and was pulled up.

“You girls okay?” Starlight asked in surprise as she looked at them with worry.

“Yeah, we’re fine, just groaning from the landing,” Twilight added. “I do hope our clothes get fixed when we go back soon.”

“Hey Starlight,” Sunset said with a smile. “How’re things?”

“Doing okay,” Starlight added. “I was just grading papers when I got your message.”

“Wait, Princess Twilight isn’t here?”

“No, she and Spike went to Canterlot a few days ago to help Princess Celestia with some diplomatic arrangements,” Starlight said.

“Any idea when they’ll be back?” Sci-Twi asked her.

“Not sure, but you can tell me what you wanted to do about leaving Spike here,” She added.

“Oh right we were going to-wait, where is Spike?” Twilight asked in a frantic tone as she realized that he wasn’t in her arms anymore. “I was holding him in my arms earlier.”

“You didn’t let go of him did you?” Sunset asked in a worried tone. Sci-Twi was now having a panic attack and didn’t know what to do.

“Oh God, what if I lost him mid-transition!? He could be stuck somewhere between our realities! He could end up in an infinite abyss while losing his mind! Or stuck in some kind of limbo where time never passes so he just stops thinking forever! He could have been ripped apart halfway over and now he’s in septillions of pieces across time and space while-”

She impacted something hard and scaly, derailing her train of thought. Adjusting her glasses, Twilight looked up to see a massive purple beast smiling down at her.

“I’m really glad you’re concerned, but maybe look a bit before jumping to conclusions,” he said.

“S-Spike!?” Twilight shrieked, backing away.

“Wow, you uh… you got…” Sunset trailed off, her mouth flapping as she drank in the sight of the dragonified pupper.

“I know, right?” he said, curling his arms to flex his new muscles. “I’m freaking huge! No wonder Shining always spent that time in front of a mirror, I could get used to this.”

Spike had made it through the portal, but he was different. His dog form had not followed through, but rather he was given a dragonic form to match the Spike of Equestria. But even this was a major change. He was standing a head taller than the girls, but still held his shy look. But it was when the three instinctively looked down that they saw something very different. Being his owner, Sci-Twilight had seen Spike’s doggie dick several times by accident. This was different, far, far different. It was hanging between his legs like a third, smaller arm. Thick and twitching in the warmth of the room’s temperature. For a few long, awkward seconds, the three stared at the pussy destroyer that was Spike’s dick.

“Oh my Celestia, and I thought he was muscular when he boned us as an anthro dog before,” Sunset said to herself as she looked at his new form.

Twilight was red faced as she sat there frozen. She didn't know what to say as her eyes were more focused on the massive length between his legs.

“Twilight, Sunset, are you girls okay?” He asked in confusion.

“You might wanna look down,” Sunset managed to say. Spike did what he was told and he looked down to see his new ‘equipment’ and how he was stark naked in front of the girls.

“Holy crap, so this is what it looked like back then? How does my counterpart walk around with- wait!” he said, poking it with a finger. “This looks like one of those things you watched late at night, Twilight.” He said, and that was enough to get a reaction from Twilight who was now red all over.

“SPIKE!!” She yelled, covering her face in embarrassment.

“Um, sorry you had to see that Starlight-? Starlight?” Sunset turned around to see if Stalright was behind her, but she saw that the door was open and the sounds of hurried hoofsteps running away from the room. “I get the feeling this happened before.”


“Sorry about that,” Sunset replied with a sigh. She was sipping some tea that Starlight fixed and was next to Twilight, Starlight, and a now clothed Spike who was wearing some spare clothes that Starlight managed to get for his new frame. A tight, form-fitting light yellow shirt with a black collar and a pair of white cargo shorts.

“I was expecting a small dog, not a hulking behemoth of a dragon showing up the last time I saw him,” Starlight said, still blushing from earlier not to mention the fact that this was now twice that she saw Spike naked. “Anyways, you mentioned something about Spike not being able to stick around for a while in your world?”

“Yeah,” Twilight said with a sigh. “My parents are busy and I can;t take Spike with me on the field trip since they don’t allow pets.”

“Plus all the girls are busy with other stuff so they can’t look after him,” Sunset added.

“That sounds like a problem,” Starlight added before looking at wingless Spike who was still admiring his new physique. “And can you please stop doing that?”

“Sorry, still trying to get used to this,” HE added with a blushing smile. “Anyways, you don’t mind if I stay here until the girls get back from their trip next week right?”

“Fine, just so long as I don’t walk in on you again,” She said with a sigh. “I still need to let Twilight and this world's Spike know you’ll be staying here.”

“Thanks,” He said with a smile. “Also I’ve been meaning to ask, why do I have holes in the back of the shirt?”

“This world’s spike has wings while you don’t,” Starlight added.

“Aw, what?” Spike whined. “Why don’t I have wings?”

“You didn’t go through the dragon molt thing, and trust me, it’s gross,”

“What’s so gross about it? Like… do I shed my scales like a snake or a lizard?”

“Oh Celestia, do I wish it were that simple. The scent he made was awful, but for some reason, it drove Smolder wild and… there’s a reason why the store has a hard limit on floor cleaners they can sell at a time now.”

“That must’ve been bad,” the alternate Spike said with a nervous glance.

“Yeah. Took weeks, and the smell was awful. They did it on one of the shelves in the library! Just threw all the books on the ground and did it on the shelf! We had to clean most of the pages and replace the wood for- okay, no. I’m not getting into details, let’s just… move on.”

“Jeez, and I thought Spike was horny as a Wulfen,” Sunset whispered to Twilight.

“Please don’t bring that up, I still feel sore from last time,” She whispered back.

“Okay I guess,” EqG Spike said with a sigh. “So where do I sleep?”

Starlight waved her hands around.

“Pick a room, we’ve got like, thirty guest bedrooms. Seriously, this place is a lot bigger than most Ponies bother to care for. Having to clean this place kinda sucks.”

“Okay, you wouldn't mind being my tour guide of the castle would you?” He asked.

“Sure,” Starlight said before standing up before turning to Sci-Twi and Sunset. “So, are you both good with everything?”

“I do have a list with how I take care of Spike,” Twilight said as she pulled out a list, at least what she praised to be a list. It unraveled on the floor until it reached the door, spanning nearly twenty feet. “Item number 37b: make sure that before serving his food, you check the neutrino balance for…”

“Seriously?” Starlight said as she looked at Twilight with a dull glare, and Twilight just simply blushed.

“Yeah, you try waiting for food when she’s the one serving,” Spike said. “It’s why I always beg her mother instead.”

“You realize that he turned into a dragon right?” Sunset said dully, pointing back at Spike. “It means that his diet is different now as well.”

“Wait, I didn’t anticipate that, I’ll have to look at a book about dragon anatomy and we can-MMph!” Twilight tried to say something but was cut off when Sunset placed a hand over her mouth.

“We’re leaving, and you both have fun,” Sunset said as she lifted the struggling Sci-twi back into the portal and jumped through, leaving EqG Spike and Starlight alone.

“Okay, let’s get started with the tour,” Starlight said as she walked towards the front door of the room they were in and opened it.

“Okay,” Eqg Spike said as he followed Starlight out and focused on the tour of the castle. Now Starlight was showing him around the Castle, showing off the rows of rooms for guests, ballrooms and a few of the library entries. She stopped at Spike’s room to show off some of the stuff his counterpart possessed, his eyes fixating on a picture of an orange dragon in a seductive pose by the bed.

“Um, who is this?”

“That’s Smolder,” Starlight said with a sigh as well as a bit of a blush. “She's been Spike's girlfriend since his molting.”

“My counterpart has a girlfriend?”

“Yep, and she can be quite the handful if you piss her off,” Starlight added as she opened another door. “Anyways, your room is right next to our Spike’s room.”

Inside was an equally large room, with a collection of Power Ponies comics on a shelf in chronological order. The bed was a light pink, and he had his own bathroom and balcony.

“Okay the comics are cool, but why the pink?” He asked.

“Hey, I didn’t build this place okay, it popped out of the ground when the girls had it,” Starlight said in annoyance. “Okay, I have one more room to show you before the tour ends and when Twilight gets back, you’ll be fine.”

“Okay,” He said as he followed Starlight towards the door. As he followed her, his thoughts turned back to that dragoness Smolder he saw in the picture frame. ‘The spike in this world must be one lust bastard if he’s got her as a mate.’

“Okay, we’re here,” Starlight said, getting EqG Spike’s attention. Starlight then opened the door to show off Twilight's lab. The entire lab was at least three stories, the upper two floors circling around a massive crystal that hovered in the center, wired to different devices across the walls. Half a dozen tables and hundreds of vials and test tubes were spread across the bottom floor. There were at least seven computers hooked up to large vats and glass containers filled with plants in the back, with a large orange plant thrashing against one of the glass containers.

“And I thought my Twilight’s lab was big, but this is ridiculous,” He said as he looked around.

“You get used to it,” Starlight said with a sigh. “Alright let’s head back to the Map Room. I gotta do some cleaning for a bit before Twilight gets back.”

“Okay,” He told her as he followed Starlight towards the Map Room. Before they could open the door to the maprorn though, the front door behind them opened up. In walked Twilight Sparkle, similar to how the alternate looked, although she was more shapely, with HHH-cup breasts and an ass nearly twice the size. But she had a pair of wings and let her mane loose. She wore a shirt that more closely resembled a curtain that was hooked in the crook of her arms, barely covering her giant tits only managing to conceal her nipples, and a small skirt that hugged her ass like a boa constrictor hanging on for dear life. This world’s Spike was the same size as the alternate, though the alt noticed that his counterpart had a large pair of wings as well.

“Celestia, what a day,” She said with a sigh.

“Yeah, I thought negotiations were never gonna get anywhere,” Spike said with a sigh. Both stop when they lay eyes on Starlight and the EqG Spike in front of them. “Um, who is that?”

“Oh good, you’re finally here,” Starlight said as she walked over and gave Twilight a hug. “Hope you’re not too surprised by our guest.”

“Care to explain?” Twilight asked.


“So he needs a place to stay till my counterpart and Sunset get back from their field trip?” She said with a sigh as she looked at EqG Spike and Starlight with a smile. She was now dressed in a rather flimsy robe that did little to conceal her curvy figure. Spike was walking around with his pants on and was with Starlight and Twilight while the other spike was still fully clothed.

“Yep, and you at least have an extra pair of scaly hands to help you for the week until they get back,” Starlight said with a smile.

“You walked in on him while he was naked didn’t you?” Twilight asked with a smug smile and Starlight blushed healing that.

“He teleported in the mirror portal! I didn’t walk in on him,” Starlight yelled as her face burned bright red.

“I’m just teasing,” She chuckled. “But it would be nice to have an extra pair of hands to help Spike out.”

“Anyways, he’ll be with us for a week?” Spike asked pointing towards his counterpart.

“Yes, that’s what Sunset and Twilight’s counterpart told me,” Starlight added. Befores she could say anything else, Starlight’s bracelet began glowing. It had a wand over a crescent moon, a trail of stars following the star-point on the wand. “Oh that’s Trixie.”

“This world even has its own Trixie?” EqG Spike asked.

“Yes, and we have dinner plans tonight,” Starlight said with a smile as she stood up. “I’m gonna head out.”

“What about helping me clean out my lab?” Twilight asked.

“I can help you,” EqG Spike said with a smile. “I don’t really have much to do anyway.”

“Okay, I’ll be spending the night at Trixie’s as well,” She added as she walked out of the room.

“Alright, I suppose we can get to work then. Spike?”


Both Spikes looked at each other, prompting Twilight to sigh as she shook her head.

“I guess we should address this first.” She said with a sigh as she pinched the bridge between her eyes.

“Well, maybe we can call him, ‘Wings’?” the alternate Spike asked, pointing at his winged counterpart.

“Wait, why should I have the nickname? I’m the original in this place,” Spike said, jabbing a finger to his chest.

“Yeah, but I’m your guest, aren’t you supposed to treat guests with respect?” He said smugly.

“Why don’t I call you mutt, since you’re a dog?”

“Knock it off you two,” Twilight said in a scolding manner. “Just try to clean out the lab and dispose of the chemicals inside, and make sure they don’t come in contact with each other or it’ll risk an explosion.”


Both guys then leave for Twilight’s lab and she sighs as she sits in her chair and lies down thinking about today.

-Double Dragon Stuffing-

Both Spikes enter Twilight’s lab and get to work cleaning up the piles of beakers and vials, dumping them into diluting stations separated by class of contents.

“Nice that Twilight’s labelling is constant, even in another world,” the alternate Spike said.

“Yeah, makes cleaning up a lot easier when you don’t have to second-guess what’s in every little vial,” the winged Spike said.

“Guess it’s a good thing I don’t have opposable thumbs in the Human world, otherwise I’d hate to imagine what Twilight would have me clean up back there.”

“What, can’t handle a little tidying up after a few day’s worth of research?”

“I’m not used to cleaning up, usually I make a mess that someone else cleans for me.”

“Right. Dog.” Spike said with a sigh. “Anyways, what’s your Twilight like?”

“Well given this science lab and everything around here, I’d say we’re pretty much even,” EqG Spike said with a smile as he was cleaning up some of the chemicals.

“Did your Twilight do anything crazy?” Spike asked his alternate self. He froze when Spike asked him that.

“Yeah, but it wasn’t her fault,” EqG Spike said with a sigh as he poured another vial of chemicals into one of the vats.

“What do you mean?”

“Her former Principal Abacus Cinch,” He growled at the mention of her name. “She blackmailed Twilight into participating in the Friendship games, and then made her use some magic against her will. She ended up turning into an evil witch… or something, I couldn’t tell.”

“Geez, how’d she change back?”

“That was thanks to Sunset and her friends saving her,” EqG Spike said with a smile. “If they weren’t there, I thought Twilight would’ve hurt somebody.”

“Geez,” Spike said in shock. “Whatever happened to that bitch Abacus Cinch?”

“You know, I… don’t, know. Twilight said that some black vans showed up one day and we never heard about her again after that.”

“I’m guessing she was fired,” Spike said. “If something shows up and takes someone like that away, you know you fucked up.”

“I guess that makes sense,” EqG Spike said as he poured what looked like a pink chemical in the vat, and Spike saw the label Twilight wrote, warning not to expose it to O2.

“Wait! Don’t pour that!” He tried to warn his counterpart, but it was too late. EqG Spike poured the vial into the vat and the chemical started to mix with the other exposed chemicals into the room.

“Wait, what did I do?” EqG Spike asked. Before his counterpart could say anything, the chemicals started bubbling in the vat and started to slowly rise. “Um, is it supposed to do that?”

“No,” Spike added. “No, they are not.”


Twilight hummed as she sorted through her wardrobe, tossing out a few garments into a pile while grumbling to herself.

“Another growth spurt, can’t believe it ripped right through my skirt,” Twilight said, searching for something new to wear.

Currently, she was dressed in a loosely fitting bathrobe that only reached halfway down her Cutie Mark. Her breasts were practically ripping the top half open as she swung them around, bent over a pile from her closet. Digging through them, she tried to find something suitable and large enough for her surges.

“Ugh, I wish Celestia would have warned me about these before handing off part of her power,” she said, sitting on the edge of her bed. “It’s just so jarring to have to do this every few days. Rarity’s going to strangle me with her measuring tape if I rip another dress in public.”

She ran a hand over her supple ass, squeezing it and felt her entire hand sink in.

“I swear, if I didn’t know any better, her secret in moving the Sun would be that she uses the gravity of her own fat butt to swing it around.”

She continued to find a new set of clothing to look presentable for her friends tomorrow when she heard an explosion, making her flinch and drop the clothes that she picked up.

“What in Celestia’s name?” Twilight said in shock as she heard the explosion from the fourth floor. “That was from the lab.”

She tightened the sash on her robe and decided to go see what was going on. She was soon downstairs and looked to see pink smoke coming from her lab. “Oh great, what did Spike do now?” She sighed to herself as she walked through the smoke, unaware of what was going to happen to her. She needed to do something about the gas that was released from the explosion, so she used her magic to open all of the windows in the lab. She turned on a series of fans and pumped her magic into their batteries, forcing them to max power. The wind blew the gas out of the room, so she could see what happened. Some of her equipment was damaged in the explosion and she pinched the bridge between her eyes in annoyance.

“Great, now I have to order a new computer,” She said to herself as she assessed the rest of the damage in her lab. There was glass and shredded metal littering the floor, two of the tables were broken and the rest were thrown across the room. A containment unit was cracked and now the orange plant she had stored was quivering and whimpering in its container. What or who she didn't see were the two Spike who were missing.

“Okay, this is just great,” She added. “Spike’s where are you two?”

The only response she got was a pair of growls coming from behind her. The growling sounding so close made her blood run cold as she shuddered and got a little nervous hearing that. She turned around to find the two Spike’s only they weren’t really the same.

They stood two feet taller than before, and their clothes were shredded. Their bodies were defined with massive, bulbous muscles that threatened to stretch and snap every scale that lined their bodies. With shoulders the size of truck tires and arms the size of trees, the two Spikes were mountains of pure strength and power, their eyes vacant and white. Beastly maws opened to let out twin growls as they sniffed around, mighty claws clenching as they stepped forward, each one swinging a massive erection, more than 20 inches long and 6 wide.

‘Mother of Celestia,’ Twilight thought to herself as she looked at the two dragons sniffing around the room. Judging by their stature they haven’t seemed to notice Twilight yet. Twilight dared not to make a sound as she slowly tried to get out of the room, only for her to trip over something on the floor that makes her yelp in response. She stumbled backwards making a lot of noise causing both dragons to look at her. Only they notice her rather large ass on display as she was sprawled on one of the broken tables. Both Spikes looked at Twilight’s bubbly rear and her tail fell to her side so they got a good view of her ass and marehood. Twilight made a big mistake not wearing panties, and now she was going to learn the hard way why it was a bad idea.

“Ouch,” She groaned as she tried to sit up, only to see a pair of large shadows behind her. Her face began to turn pale as she turned around and saw that she was now looking at the two horny dragons that now had their boners pointed at her.

“Um, nice dragons?” She whimpered. “I was just-”

Both Spikes roared as they charged her. Twilight scrambled to get on her hooves, her horn blazing as she cast a set of spells. The room flashed as she fired off a pair of stuns, though when they impacted their broad chests, the magic rolled off of their scales and burst apart in the air. Twilight ran for the door, casting a teleportation spell, but before she could cast it, her Spike smashed into the door, breaking it on impact and held his arms out to catch her.

Her hooves slid as she stopped, but before she could use her spell, she felt a hot wind trail down her neck, into her robe that tickled her wings. She shuddered, goosebumps chilling her as she heard the deep breaths of the alternate Spike behind her. His deep breathing aired down Twilight’s back, the sensation leaving an inappropriately pleasant tingle running along her body. From behind, the alternate Spike grasped her by the shoulders, pressing his snout into her mane and taking a deep breath. While he was pressed against her, Twilight felt his massive cock slipping up her bathrobe’s hem, sliding up the valley of her behind. The heat pouring off of his tool breached through her fur, and combined with the steaming breath down her back, the stimulation made her rub her thighs together, her nipples poking against the edges of the robe’s front.

“H-hey, what’re you doing?” she panted, her heart thundering as she felt the fabric scratch her areolas.

As she rubbed her thighs together, she felt his dick slide deeper between her cheeks, and a growl reverberated in his throat. His hips moved forward, digging his meat bone deeper into her fat butt. Twilight yelped. She tried to get away from the alternate Spike, but his grip made her trip, and he tumbled down with her. She nearly landed on her face, but Spike pulled her back by her shoulders. Now she was simply on her knees, with a dog-turned-dragon growling behind her as it pumped its meat into her supple ass.

“Hey, take it easy-!!” Twilight tried to protest what was going on, but now she was face to dick with her Spike as his raging hard on was now in front of her face. With her being on her knees like this, she couldn’t move or do anything at the moment. Spike’s penis was much bigger up close much to her surprise. She Could see each pulsing vein and the scales covering it, as well as its barbed tip, getting her rather flustered. Before she could say anything, Spike stuck his dick between her rather large breasts and moved forward. Twilight gasped in surprise as she felt his thick length sticking between her valley of cleavage. She felt her face flush even more as his thick musk was starting to get to her.

“S-Spike, sto-op!” she said, her voice hitching in her throat with every thrust. “This isn’t- what would Smolder think!? I, I can just let you go see her, and- Ah!” she yelped, the alternate Spike smacking her ass. “Really!? Sunset didn’t mention that! Oh, damn it! Why didn’t Celestia tell me any little thing could get my heat started early!”

Her knees drifted apart as her pussy dripped onto the floor, her entire body burning as her body was overwhelmed by desire. The scent of two massive, studly, horny dragons drove her over the edge, and she cried as she dove her fingers down South. With her Spike pounding at her tits, her bathrobe slipped open, letting her nipples free and exposing her tits in full.

Twilight moaned as she relented any resistance she could have mounted, letting the dragons pound her succulent curves like some horny colts with oversized pillows. Their draconic might held fast as they mercilessly fucked her tits and ass, growling and puffing plumes of smoke. Precum started to spurt from their tips, staining her fur and lubricating her body for their ease and pleasure. Musk permeated the air around the Princess, drowning her in a sea tasting of pure male virility. Her horn sparked and flared as she fired a teleportation spell, her robe disappearing in a flash as it was draped over one of the broken tables. Now naked and at the mercy of two beastly dragons, Twilight was driven off the edge as she came. She clenched her teeth as she felt her feminine juices make a puddle on the floor beneath her.

The Spikes growled as their tails flexed and curled, the spades at the tips smacking into the ground as they felt their limits approaching. The alternate Spike’s tail whipped around, the spade spanking Twilight’s Cutie Mark with the flat side, making her scream as she squirted at the contact. The winged Spike saw this and took it as a queue, his own tail trailing beneath the titfuck and edging itself towards Twilight’s marehood. The edge of the spade tickled and teased her folds, prompting Twilight to remove her fingers. In doing so, she granted her Spike access to her lower lips, letting him dig the tip in, his tail wriggling and pumping as he played with her.

Her eyes rolled back and her tongue fell from her mouth, Twilight panting as the dragons forced her ever closer to another climax. Their thrusts and grunts became more fevered, rocking Twilight around as she felt their cocks twitch. The thrusting stopped as they shot gusts of smoke, spurts of hot seed following only a few seconds later. Cum poured and burst from Twilight’s asscheeks and breasts, the gaps in both soaked through as the Spikes came. Twilight felt as though her coat was on fire, and now the air was thoroughly fogged in the stench of rich, creamy dragon cum, clogging her head as she felt them empty onto her. Eventually, the Spikes withdrew and fell to the ground, panting as their still erect dicks twitched.

Twilight sat up and took a big whiff of the hot steam coming off of her body, groping her own chest as she lolled her tongue out. In full view of both Spikes, she brought her boobs to her face and started slurping up her Spike’s cum. She drank of the draconian essence, the spicey tang only outmatched by the current mood of the room in terms of how hot it was. Gulping down entire mouthfuls of the stuff, Twilight quickly found herself addicted to the taste, cleaning her tits off one lick at a time. Both Spikes watched in awe at the sight of the horny mare drinking jizz, their dragon dicks pulsating with renewed desire as they growled again.

Popping off of her nipples, Twilight fell onto her back as she hummed in delight. A shadow loomed over her, and now she was face-to-crotch with the wingless Spike’s cock. After getting a faceful of her Spike’s own cock, she thought she was prepared to face the beast, but instead she noticed some slight differences. For one, this Spike’s dick was longer, but only by about three inches, with a more narrow curve above the knot, which was easily about an inch wider. With a few extra ridges and barbs along its underside, she was drooling at the thought of having such an exquisite bulk of meat inside any part of her.

“ going… inside of me?” she said to herself as she admired the massive appendage attached to him.

Her legs were lifted into the air as the winged Spike picked her up by her knees, sliding his own barbed cock along her glistening folds. Twilight moaned as the ridged underside teased her minute button and spread her open. While that was happening, she felt a pair of clawed hands grabbing her face. She felt the alternate Spike move her to where she was facing his massive length in front of her. His dick booped her muzzle, and it became clear he was aiming for her mouth. The tip kissed her lip, and she looked to see that his balls were still pretty swollen, showing that he wasn’t done yet. Twilight had no doubt the Spike at her waist was as full as him as he started to push forward in her pussy.

Twilight’s flower was split in twain by the barbed head of the winged Spike, the heat and presence intruding in her most private sanctum causing her to writhe and moan. The barbs and bumps on his cock scraped and tickled her walls, and just as nearly half of his length was in, Spike became impatient and shot his hips forward, shoving most of his remainder inside.

“Ah- MMF!”

Just when Twilight screamed, the wingless Spike took the plunge and popped his meat stick into her mouth. The runoff of sperm from earlier dribbled onto the alicorn’s tongue, and she found there was a delightful tang in the jizz when it’s fresh from the source. Eager to taste more, she sucked on it, running her tongue on the head as it was retracting from her maw. She was licking it like a lollipop as it nearly popped out, barely aware of the tingling in her pussy as the other Spike withdrew as well. Both Spikes thrust into her, slamming themselves down to their knots’ tops into her quivering holes. Moaning into the dragon dick in her mouth, she shook as the combined force and heat overpowered any rational thought, her body driven on only by the desperate need to be filled with more.

The Winged spike was enjoying how tight Twilight’s pussy was. It was like he was being massaged by a velvet blanket, damp with ambrosia and tied tight by the hands of divine spirits. He continued his soft thrusts into her tight marehood as his claws held up her legs. Wingless Spike was enjoying her mouth as it felt like a vacuum was trying to milk him dry. Both dragons let out feral grunts as they rhythemed their movements, enamored as they watched Twilight’s tits bounced with each thrust. Twilight felt as if she was in heaven, filled with warmth and drinking from a fountain of a delectable spring of forbidden juices. Twilight could feel her Spike’s dick hitting against her womb with each thrust and the Spike she was sucking off would make her throat bulge as he went deeper. His balls would slap against her face but she didn’t care at the moment, relishing in the scent as it filled her.

The pounding soon came to a head when both Spikes buried themselves as deep within Twilight as they could, driving themselves to the edge of their knots. The next thing Twilight knew, she was flooded from both ends with generous portions of dragon cum. Her mouth bulged as she struggled to swallow load after load of the alternate Spike’s steaming jizz, the taste of fresh spicy juice overpowering any other function in her mind other than the need to gulp down everything on her tongue. Her cunt twitched and squeezed as her Spike came in her pussy, the sensation of molten male virility firing off inside her deepest crevices crashing through her like a dam overcome by a tidal wave. Her belly swelled as she was expanded by the force and volume of cum from both ends, the Spikes staying locked in place for nearly a minute as they emptied their nuts into the Princess of Friendship.

Eventually, the dragons slipped out of Twilight’s holes, falling onto their backs as they huffed and puffed from the intense railing they gave her. Oozing with liquid marble below the belt, Twilight cooed as she felt the contents of her vagina pour out of her, spilling down between her thighs and onto the floor. Her belly deflated after a few seconds, though she was still sore from the pounding, her muzzle coated in saliva and pre.

“ much more... do you both have?” She panted trying to recover from the filling she got from both male dragons. She looked up to see that they weren't done with her yet. The Wingless Spike picked her up first as he sat onto the floor and lifted her up onto his throbbing appendage. She felt herself getting wet again feeling his rod grinding against her pussy. The Wingless Spike then spreads her butt cheeks while looking behind Twilight. She was confused at first until she felt something poking at her backdoor. She looked behind her to see that the winged Spike was now focused on her ass as he pressed his cock against her puckering asshole. His cock was still lubed from her earlier run with her pussy, and it was just enough to start pushing forward.

“Wait...not at the same ti-OH FUCK!!” She couldn’t protest as she felt both males slam their hips into both of her holes and she tightened around both of her cocks because of it. She was riding out another orgasm from the double penetration of having both her pussy and ass filled with thick dragon meat. Both dragons groaned feeling her walls clamping down on them again as she shuddered, dripping down the wingless Spike’s length as her legs trembled. Though she had only just endured her Spike’s own appendage, she could feel the sheer difference between the two already. It was poking even deeper than the last one, and the shape stretched her in a way unlike before. Shuddering as the narrow part kissed her pussy, her eyes crossed as she garbled something incoherent while leaning forwards towards the alternate Spike.

Twilight couldn’t be allowed to rest thought as both Spike’s started to move in and out of her pussy and ass. The Winged Spike held both of her arms behind her while the wingless Spike had a tight grip on her ass as they started a steady rhythm, rocking her back and forth. When one went in, the other came out, ensuring that at any point she had a steady amount of cock in her. Twilight’s face contorted into a half-smile half-scream as she felt the building pressure in her chest finally burst, a squirt of white liquid shooting out both of her nipples. The alternate Spike noticed as soon as it splashed on his scales, and locked his eyes on the targets.

He lunged forward, his hands reaching for her breasts, giving each one a squeeze as he began to drink her milk. Twilight let out a carnal scream as she felt him rough groping and squeezing her tits to drink her milk. She tasted of sweet vanilla and lavender and it only made him suck on her tits more. Seeing his mirror-world counterpart enjoy the milk of his caretaker, Spike growled with jealousy. In response, he redoubled his assault on Twilight’s rear, intent on driving her wild. Twilight’s voice cracked as she came, the tsunami of senses reeling her mind apart as she was given a rough treatment from behind while having a more sensual embrace from the front, all while being milked like a wetnurse and sandwiched between two hulking walls of draconic power. She rode out orgasm after orgasm as she was relentlessly fucked from both sides, practically shutting down anything inside her that didn’t relate to the blissful experience.

Soon, both Spikes felt their imminent limits fast approaching. They doubled their thrusts, trading the long and total stimulation of their lengths for smacking their knots against Twilight’s entrances, trying their damndest to force themselves in. After a few tries, just as they were about to tip over the edge, they managed to squeeze their giant throbbing knots into her, and roared. Their cocks practically exploded like hoses, pouring nearly bucketloads of dragon sperm into Twilight’s tunnels, her ass clenching around the winged Spike’s shaft as her pussy milked the wingless Spike’s dick for every little drop it could give. Her stomach swelled as Twilight was pumped with jizz, looking as though she’d swallowed a yoga ball. When they finally finished, they slowly slipped their knots out of her and retracted their still erect cocks. Dragon seed poured out from Twilight, making her legs tremble even more before she realized what she was still seeing.

“You’re still not... done?” she panted as she looked at both males who were still hard. She was slowly deflating and both males stroke their lengths. Twilight was going to be in for a long night.


Morning finally came as the sounds of chirping got his attention. Only he felt strange as his limbs were sore.

“Argh, my head,” Spike groaned, rubbing his forehead, still trying to move around. His body felt sore for some reason, as he struggled to move around. Soon as he opened his eyes and they were adjusting to the room around him, he found himself in Twilight’s lab. Only it looked more of a mess that it was before.

“Wait, when did I fall asleep?” He asked himself as he tried to stand up. He then felt a breeze around his midsection.

Spike saw that he was naked, and as he felt his exposed lower half, he cringed as he pulled away wet hands.

“Oh, the heck happened- OH SHIT!”

When he turned to examine the mess, he found not only his naked doppleganger, but a naked Twilight, whose stomach was bloated to look like a beach ball, white ooze forming a pool between her legs.

“No, no no no no nooooo!” he screamed, claws gripping his head as he backpedalled.

His back hit a ruined table as his counterpart yawned, stretching as he stood up.

“Hey,” the wingless Spike said, smacking his lips. “So, what do you guys have to eat, since I’m hopefully not-”

He propped his hand on something to try and lift himself up, but when his clawed hand pushed downwards, he felt a soft mound. Looking down, the alternate Spike saw that he was leaning into Twilight’s giant tits. Spike yelped as he jumped back, crashing into another table, though when he hit it a white bathrobe fell on him.

“Dude!” the alternate said, ripping the bathrobe off, “what happened!?”

“I don’t know!” Spike said, hand clutching his chest as he heaved. “Oh Celestia, I think we… I-I think, we fucked her!”


“Look at her!” Spike said, pointing to her massive bulged stomach and stream of cum.

“How did that happen!?”

“Like I know! If I knew what happened, I wouldn’t have done it!”

“Twilight’s going to take me to the pound if she finds out!” the alternate said, shaking and crying.

“Stars above, Twilight’s going to kill me and Smolder’s going to burn whatever’s left!” Spike cried.

“So this is how I start my new morning.”

Both Spikes screamed as Twilight sat up.

Twilight’s stomach sloshed with seed as she stood, her assets and belly jiggling. More jizz poured out of her now that she was upright, and she sighed while floating her bathrobe over.

“So,” she said, tying the knot above her belly, “you want to take a guess as to how that happened?”

“Twilight, I-I’m so s-sorry, I can’t-” Spike was silenced by a magical muzzle wrapping his face.

“I don’t want sorries, I want answers.”

The magic was unclamped from his jaw, but the alternate took initiative.

“We were pouring out chemicals into the sinks and we weren’t paying attention to what we were dumping!”

“Show me.”

The wingless Spike scrambled up and ran for the sink, picking up the shattered remains of one of the vials and the tub he had poured out before the blast.

“See, it was this stuff!”

Twilight examined the labels, her eyes widening as she ran the calculations in her head.

“Oh, you ended up mixing an experimental aphrodisiac with a steroid-esque solution,” she said. “Of course the toxins in the Babel plant that you poured in earlier turned it volatile, and released whatever remnants were leftover into a neuro-toxin.”

Both Spikes exchanged a look, shaking their heads since neither of them could comprehend what it meant.

Twilight sighed, pinching the bridge of her snout.

“It means that everything you mixed in turned into a chemical that made you so horny your brains nearly shut down.”

“Oh,” wingless Spike said. “Well, for what it’s worth, I’m-”

“Stop, alright?” Twilight said, snapping at him. “Look, there’s a lot to unpack here, obviously, but, in your defense, I shouldn’t have been messing with aphrodisiacs and neurotoxins like these without warning you. And,” she said, blushing, “aside from that, I may have brought these in to test the… limits, of an enhanced Alicorn libido, since I may be going through, let’s call it a second puberty.”

“Wait, you were in heat again!?” Spike said. “If Smolder hears about-”

“Nothing!” Twilight said, pointing at her Spike. “She won’t know anything because this event is not leaving this room!”

Spike settled down, his wings drooping as he paced back and forth.

“Look, I’ll admit I shouldn’t have left you unattended to take care of these. Considering the contents of what you poured out, I should say you two were lucky the toxins didn’t melt your nervous system and liquify your brains and genitals.”

“WHAT!?” both Spikes screamed, clasping different parts of their anatomy.

“Well, look at the bright side!” Twilight said. “Learning experience for all of us! You learned that you should actually read the labels of chemicals you’re just dumping into a sink, and I learned exactly how much it takes to satisfy an in-season Alicorn.”

Both Spikes dropped their jaws as Twilight smiled at her own lesson.

“Now, we’re all going into the chemical shower before we clean up this mess, and we’ll never, ever, EVER speak of this again.”

“Yes Ma’am,” both dragons said as they got up and followed Twilight towards the chemical shower and tried to forget about what happened that night.

-Some Time Later-

“I’m heading out,” Spike said as he was dressed in formal wear.

“Okay Spike,” Twilight told him as he left the castle.

It was a few hours after getting cleaned up and taking care of the remains of the lab and his alternate self was staying behind with Twilight as she wanted to make sure that he didn’t have any negative effects from the chemicals that affected him. Spike still wanted to try and forget what happened, but it did happen and just hoped that he could move on from it. He was glad that Starlight spent the night at Trixie’s place, otherwise it would’ve turned into an even more awkward conversation for a later date. Twilight sent him out to get a few supplies for her classroom, and he was about to arrive at the store when he heard a familiar voice.

“Yo, whaddup Spike?”

“GAH!” Spike jumped as he tumbled over.

Looking up from his fallen position, he could see up two shining, orange scaled legs and up a short cyan skirt to find a pair of green panties.

“Smolder!” he cried, flipping back over to sit up.

“Nice to see you too,” Smolder said, her eyes half-lidded and a knowing smirk in her fangs.

“Uh, hey, hi what’s up?” he said, sweating.

“Oh, not much,” she said, swaying her hips as she checked her claws. “Just got out from cheer practice, thought I’d see if my BF was around. How you holding up?”

“Oh, uh, y-you know, just getting stuff for classes after doing- NOTHING! Nothing, with Twilight.”

“You mean like fucking her silly with your twin?” she said, her eyes narrowing.

“Ye-NO! WHAT! HOW!?” he screamed, pointing at her in a panic.

“I flew by to see if you were up for getting a pizza with the rest of the gang, but I guess you were too busy smashing the Headmistress’ ass.”

“Smolder, please!” he screamed, falling to the ground and gripping her ankles. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to cheat on you, I never wanted to do that! I swear! There was an accident, and I got my brain scrambled!”

“Spike, I’m not mad.”

“And I- wait, what? What!?”

“Well, that’s a lie,” she said, waving her hand. “I am mad you didn’t invite me, but I suppose I’ll just see if I can convince Twilight to give me a private lesson when I talk about-”

“NO! No, Smolder, please you can’t tell anyone that happened!”

“Hmmm… alright.”

“Oh, thank you!” he said repeatedly, kissing her feet. “I’ll do anything you want for this!”

Smolder smirked as she heard that, kneeling down to whisper to him.

“Then I want you to sneak in my closet at 7:30 tonight.”

Spike blinked as his face morphed into one of confusion.

“Uh… why?”

“You didn’t share your time with Twilight, so I’m not going to be sharing my night with Ocellus with you either,” she said dismissively.

“... what.”

“You didn’t know that Dragons take a free pass once in their relationships?”

“Wait, that’s a thing!?”

“Nope,” she said, booping his nose with a toe. “Gosh, you’re way too easy to tease. Just like Ocellus. But hey, if you behave, maybe I can convince her into a threeway one day.”

“... I love you.”

“I know.”

-1 hour later-

With Smolder’s help, Spike found the items that Twilight needed for her classroom, and with enough pestering, Spike gave in to let her see his ‘twin’. He had to explain that the twin was his alternate self from a different universe and even explained why he was here and he will be here for about a week along the way. They both arrived at the castle and Spike pulled out a key to open the gate.

“Gotta love spare keys,” he said to himself.

“Okay, that was the worst thing I’ve heard you say in a long time,” she said in a dull tone.

“Twilight, I’m back,” he said as he called for her name, but there was no response. “Twilight?”

“Is she not here?” Smolder asked.

“She might be in her room,” he added. “If not, I can just leave what I bought for her by the door.”

“Sure,” Smolder agreed and they both walked towards Twilight’s room.

As they approached, some sounds reached the two. Creaking, smacking and moaning echoed down the hall as they approached. Spike blushed and kept his head low, trying to rush by before Smolder grabbed him by the arm.

“Come on, you’re not curious about that?” she said, grinning.

“I’m not, no,” he said, trying to pull away from her.

“Mmm, nah, I think you are.”

“This is how you ended up seeing us… with Twilight, right?”

“Bingo-bango, now let’s check a look.”

Smolder led Spike to the door and slowly turned the knob, careful to not make any noise. The door opened just enough for them to look inside and gasp.

“Oh, harder! Harder!” Twilight screamed as she bit a pillow.

Behind her, the alternate Spike had a leg on the bed over Twilight, using it as leverage while hammering her ass, her tail in his mouth as he moved his neck to pull. He spanked her hard, leaving a large red mark on her flank while her eyes rolled back.

‘I’m starting to think Twilight needed an excuse to have fun with my alternate self,’ Spike thought to himself. He was about to walk away when he noticed his girlfriend drooling at the sight of how hard Alternate Spike was fucking Twilight.

“Smolder, are you okay?” he asked her.

Instead of answering, she took a big whiff of the scents the two were giving off, her body shuddering as she let out a breath, her tail flagging. Smolder closed the door and turned to Spike, her slit eyes narrowing as she pulled off her cheerleader top.

“Get in the closet. NOW,” she growled.

“Yes ma’am!”