Pinkie Pie Walks Her Bitch

by Jest

First published

A proud Pinkie Pie takes her pet out for a walk in broad daylight. Rainbow Dash is slightly less enthused by this.

A proud Pinkie Pie takes her pet out for a walk in broad daylight. Rainbow Dash is slightly less enthused by this.

kinks humans, pet play, obviously. A well-hung Pinkie pie, a female rainbow dash, stomach bulges, cum inflation, publicfuckery, and indecent exposure.

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Walkies and Showoffies

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“Pinkie, do I really have to go out like this?” Rainbow Dash whined, tugging at the color bound around her neck.

The slim piece of leather and metal was embroidered with Rainbow Dash’s name as well as a small tag that told anyone who read it to return her to Pinkie Pie if found. It was also covered in short plastic spikes, which was at least one cool part about the entire embarrassing ordeal. Other than that Rainbow Dash was nude save for her running shoes, leaving the young girl standing awkwardly in front of the door to her house.

Though slim, Rainbow Dash had a surprisingly large bust, easily filling out a thirty-two double D bra with little room to spare. She also had an ass to match, though she usually hid both of these features beneath a pair of sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. Pinkie Pie saw everything though, with the bouncy girl smiling as she looked Rainbow Dash’s mostly nude body up and down.

The excitable girl had made sure her girlfriend's hair had been done up into a pair of adorable pigtails. Add to that a small application of some eyeliner as well as some red lipstick and Rainbow Dash’s look was complete. Pinkie Pie on the other hand was dressed normally, at least normally as far as Pinkie Pie is concerned anyway. She wore a short pink dress covered in plastic candy and a crop top containing her own generous bust that showed off the slight pudge around her midsection.

A long pair of white socks went up to her knees, and on her feet were a pair of pink bedazzled army boots. Though the look was normal for Pinkie Pie, there was one large throbbing thing that stuck out, namely the horse cock barely contained by the girl’s pink polka dot panties. A feature that was only partially hidden by the girl’s undergarment, and if one looked closely they would see the massive appendage straining against the fabric.

“Of course you do! Your a puppy and puppies don't have a say in when they get taken for walkies,” Pinkie Pie gleefully explained, clipping a long leash to Rainbow Dash’s collar.

Rainbow Dash frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. “When I said I was into this I thought we would just do it behind closed doors. It was one of the big reasons I was in such a hurry to move out.”

“Oh Dashie, dogs need their walkies. How else are you going to keep up that slim figure, hmm?” Pinkie Pie remarked, giggling while she prodded Rainbow Dash’s toned stomach and six-pack abs.

“I am pretty awesome,” Rainbow Dash shook her head vigorously. “But that still doesn't change the fact that this is super embarrassing.”

“Don't tell me your backing out on me after everything I did to get you ready...” Pinkie Pie half stated half asked eyebrow raised.

Rainbow Dash frowned, opened her mouth, closed it, and then sighed. “No, I’m not mistress Pinkie Pie.”

“That's my Dashie,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, petting the other girl’s head and causing her to blush.

“Fine, so-” Rainbow Dash began, only to be interrupted by Pinkie’s wagging finger.

“Ah ah ah. Doggies don't talk,” Pinkie Pie reprimanded.

Rainbow Dash grumbled while blushing furiously.

“Atta girl,” Pinkie Pie remarked, patting Rainbow Dash on the head before opening the door. “Now off we go to the park.”

Rainbow Dash reluctantly stepped out the door, instantly realizing just how incredibly exposed she now was. Anyone driving by would be able to see her nude body, and anybody who walked past them would be able to smell the lingering scent of arousal that wafted from her. Worse yet, she was completely clean-shaven which for whatever reason made the girl feel extra nude somehow.

“Come on girl, you know where the park is,” Pinkie Pie encouraged.

Blushing even hotter, Rainbow Dash took the first step away from her home, emerging fully into the world. The door slamming behind her sounded like the drop of the headsman’s ax, and made Rainbow Dash jump. Stilling her beating heart quickly, Rainbow Dash awkwardly began to walk down towards the sidewalk while continuing to keep her arms crossed over her chest.

“None of that now girl. Don't hide those pretty little tits of yours. I want the whole world to see my favorite pet.” Pinkie Pie exclaimed harshly.

Rainbow Dash blushed harder, uncrossing her arms while looking around and breathing a sigh of relief. Her house was at the end of a cul de sac, which meant there were little traffic and even fewer people walking around. Though it also meant that a lot of her neighbors could potentially have a good view of her at that very moment.

A tug on Rainbow Dash’s leash was all it took to make the girl return to a steady, even pace, and together the two women began to walk towards a distant intersection. Pinkie Pie grinned from ear to ear, nearly skipping as she held the leash while at the same time giving her pet the odd glance. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash’s eyes were flicking left and right at a rapid pace, embarrassment building with each passing second.

The one thing Rainbow Dash took solace in was Pinkie Pie’s almost overwhelming aura of dominance. Which was strangely soothing and was something that Rainbow Dash had become well acquainted with since the two had begun dating. It was not something one might have expected from the bouncy pink-haired girl but it was something Rainbow Dash found unbelievably attractive. That and the enormous horse cock which hung between the strange girl’s legs, though Rainbow Dash had only found that out later.

A sudden movement caught Rainbow Dash’s eye and she looked up to find Pinkie Pie waving excitedly to an older man standing on the other side of the street. The man wore a simple bathrobe and a pair of slippers, a newspaper gripped in one hand while he stared directly at Rainbow Dash. The look prompted a wave of arousal from the athletic girl as well as a flood of embarrassment that coursed through Rainbow Dash’s body.

“Walk proudly my pet,” Pinkie Pie whispered.

Rainbow Dash gulped, and straightened her back, pushing her chest out and more prominently displaying her perky young breasts. As if on cue, the man’s bathrobe fell open to reveal a throbbing erection, though he quickly noticed this change and scurried back inside. Pinkie Pie snickered at the sight while Rainbow Dash couldn't help but feel weirdly proud for some reason.

“Come on, let's get moving to the park. I don't want to make you wait too long before we get to the fun part,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed happily.

Nodding to herself, Rainbow Dash eagerly followed behind the other girl, easily keeping pace with Pinkie Pie.

Over the next few minutes the pair passed by several cars, a smattering of passersby, and a healthy amount of people staring at them from the windows. Throughout it, all Pinkie Pie remained happy, with the girl waving to everyone who stared at her collared pet. While this was happening Rainbow Dash was slowly growing more and more confident while at the same time remaining completely embarrassed.

Then, right when Rainbow Dash felt as though she may be able to handle being paraded around in such a debauched way, she saw them. A whole pack of people walking directly towards them on the same sidewalk, making a meeting all but inevitable. That wasn't what made Rainbow Dash’s stomach fall, but rather it was the fact that she recognized each and everyone one of them.

Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, and Fluttershy were all walking towards them while chatting to one another.

Every single one of Rainbow Dash’s friends was currently walking directly towards her, though none seemed to have noticed her yet. Rainbow Dash looked around, silently gauging whether she would be able to leap the nearby fence before her friends saw her. It would be difficult given how far away the nearest yard was, but Rainbow Dash was nothing if not fast, and maybe if she...

“Hey girls fancy meeting you here!” Pinkie Pie shouted, causing Rainbow Dash’s plan to fail before she could even put it into motion.

“Pinkie I-” Rainbow Dash began only to be quickly shushed.

“Dogs don't talk,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, eyes narrowing.

Rainbow Dash nodded, blushing profusely.

“Hey Pinkie not much how…” Sunset shouted, only for her eyes to fall on the nude Rainbow Dash being led around by a leash who had been half hiding behind Pinkie Pie.

The two groups fell silent, stopping a few feet from one another, and for a single terrible moment, Rainbow Dash considered the possibility that they may shun her. Maybe they would even refuse to be her friend anymore or worse, report her to the police due to her indecency. That all changed when she heard Rarity gasp, and Rainbow Dash looked up to see that all of her friends were staring at her with wide eyes.

“My goodness, you are absolutely ravishing darling!” Rarity exclaimed.

“Yeah Rainbow Dash. Since when have you been so curvy?” Asked Applejack while subtle shifting her legs and hiding the growing damp spot between them.

“She’s always been this way silly. If you had come to her soccer games you would have known that sooner,” Pinkie Pie declared with a hint of pride.

“And just like that I’m a soccer fan,” Muttered Sunset Shimmer, whose pants barely contained the growing bulge traveling down her leg.

“It is quite fun to watch her run and jump around,” Murmured Fluttershy who was using both hands to keep her growing erection from turning her skirt into a tent.

“Yupperoni and I’ve been to every single one. Isn't that right Dashie?” Pinkie Pie asked, giving Rainbow Dash’s ass a firm smack.

The girl nodded eagerly, so overwhelmed with embarrassment that she couldn't speak even if she wanted to.

“And so well trained too,” Rarity purred, biting her lip as she glanced at Fluttershy. “Someone could take a lesson from this well behaved little pet.”

Twilight snickered. “I thought you liked your wild stallion.”

Fluttershy blushed and hid behind her hair while Rarity merely scoffed. “Yes, well. Even the wildest stallion can be broken in overtime.”

“The only thing y'all are breaking is every noise restriction bylaw in town,” Applejack murmured.

“Anyway,” Pinkie Pie suddenly interrupted, shooting Fluttershy a glare. “Isn't she just the cutest?”

Sunset Shimmer nodded. “She sure is Pinkie Pie. You really have quite the catch on your hands.”

“Agreed,” Twilight added, hands pressed against her crotch. “I’m surprised Rainbow Dash has such generous proportions given how low her body fat is.”

Rainbow Dash looked down past her pert tits and to her flat stomach, running a hand over her abs.

“I’m kinda jealous, to be honest,” Sunset Shimmer remarked.

“Well maybe if you didn't eat so much dairy you wouldn't have to worry about that,” prodded Rarity.

Sunset Shimmer grumbled and crossed her arms over her chest. “Ponies are lactose intolerant. It's not my fault it all tastes so good.”

“Oh so that's why I saw you coming from the store with that big jug of chocolate milk and that giant roll of cheese,” Pinkie Pie murmured, tapping her chin.

Sunset Shimmer groaned. “Don't remind me. I don't think I shit for an entire week.”

“Well, I think you look positively ravishing Rainbow Dash,” whispered Fluttershy hungrily.

Rainbow Dash nodded slowly and took a small step back, more than a little disturbed by just how hungry her friend’s gaze was.

Pinkie Pie gently tugged at the girl’s leash, pulling her close and shooting Fluttershy a firm gaze. “Well I’d love to stay and chat, but my pet needs her walkies,” Pinkie Pie declared.

“Oh uh, see ya later Pinkie, Rainbow Dash,” Applejack announced, nodding to each girl in turn.

“I don't suppose they have room on the soccer team, do they?” Sunset Shimmer whispered, leaning towards Twilight.

“They don't,” declared Twilight, grabbing Sunset Shimmer by the ear. “Goodbye girls.”

“Speaking of which, Fluttershy and I must leave as well because of…” Rarity paused just after grabbing the shy girl’s hand. “Reasons.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Important reasons. Though I wish you could join us Rainbow Dash.”

“Wave goodbye Dashie!” Pinkie Pie encouraged while pulling the girl away from Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash blushed and did just that, waving as she was led away from the group by her mistress.

Her friends quickly faded into the background, falling away as Rainbow Dash was pulled along towards the park in the distance. After getting some space between them and the others Pinkie Pie began to slow down, her features slowly softening. Though her mood lightened somewhat, Pinkie Pie’s familiar smile never returned to her face, even after they had passed through the gates to the park.

After walking deeper into the wooded area and away from prying eyes, Rainbow Dash awkwardly stepped closer to the other girl, nuzzling her shoulder affectionately.

Pinkie Pie blinked and looked down at the nude girl in surprise. “Daw, did you notice your mistress being a grumpy pants?”

Rainbow Dash nodded, her blush increasing when she noticed a family staring at her from their picnic blanket a dozen meters away.

“Well don't worry about it. I know your loyal to the core and would never betray me,” Pinkie Pie declared, only for the statement to ring a little hollow to Rainbow Dash.

Looking around, Rainbow Dash quickly found a small slightly narrow path that led to an ill-used public bathroom. Though the place was an absolute dump that had long since been boarded up, the area around it was at least slightly private. Thus it would serve perfectly for Rainbow Dash’s purposes and the girl turned pet began to walk in that direction.

“Woah, where are you going?” Pinkie Pie asked.

Rainbow Dash ignored her and pulled along the other girl.

“You want to go somewhere more private?” Pinkie Pie asked, the well-endowed woman noticing what path they are on.

Rainbow Dash nodded as they trotted down the slight slope and into the small indentation which housed the decrepit bathroom.

“Well, I’m sorry to say that I’m not quite in the mood anymore,” Pinkie Pie remarked.

As soon as Rainbow Dash stood within the small privacy alcove next to the bathroom she immediately kneeled on the ground, ignoring the mud which immediately stuck to her knees.

“Daww that's sweet but I’m really not- hey what are you doing?” Pinkie Pie demanded as her pet flipped up the other girl’s skirt and began yanking down her panties.

Rainbow Dash ignored the other girl’s pleas and went straight for her prize, the semi flaccid but still enormous horse cock that had been barely hidden by Pinkie Pie’s undergarments. Once free from its cloth prison, Rainbow Dash draped the penis over her face, breathing deeply of its scent and shuddering in pleasure. Even now when it was only partially erect the other girl’s dick still covered from Rainbow Dash’s chin all the way to her forehead.

Pinkie Pie giggled. “Daw, did my little slut need a little reminder of her mistresses’ scent? Well, now that you got it we should head back.”

Again, Rainbow Dash ignored the other girl, and instead wrapped her hands around the pink mottled horse cock. While pumping at the base of Pinkie Pie’s shaft, Rainbow Dash trailed her tongue up the underside of her dick. When she reached the unflared and clearly equine tip Rainbow Dash planted a heavy, prolonged kiss, leaving behind the faint outline of her lips in the same color as her lipstick.

“That's adorable. Hmmm maybe we could stop here for a little bit,” Pinkie Pie admitted, her shaft throbbing as it slowly began to grow larger. “Just a blowjob though. I’m still not super in the mood right now.”

Rainbow Dash didn't hesitate to do just that, her hands gripping the girl’s horse cock tightly as she licked around the tip. Lathering the large, fragrant cock head in her slobber didn't take long but Rainbow Dash knew it was an important step. After all, once it was at full mast the thing would be nearly a foot long, and it would take a lot of spit to ensure penetration went smoothly.

She still wasn't quite sure why half of her friends had ended up with huge horse dongs and the other half had gotten an insatiable craving for said dongs. Twilight had tried to explain it a few times to her, with the studious girl having mentioned something about transdimensional bleed. After that Rainbow Dash’s eyes tended to glaze over and the girl stopped paying attention for the most part. Well, save for the part about being her privates now being stretchy enough to accommodate her friend’s huge pecker.

That was the only important part Rainbow Dash thought she needed to know.

With the tip of Pinkie’s cock now covered in lipstick and spit, Rainbow Dash opened her mouth wide, wrapping her lips around the other girl’s dick. Miraculously the entire head was able to fit inside the girl’s mouth and she began to push forward while continuing to stroke her partner with both hands. The scent of Pinkie Pie’s musky tool all but punched Rainbow Dash in the nose causing the athletic young woman to breathe deep of its potent scent.

The taste of the girl’s cock was the next thing to hit Rainbow Dash as it was so earthy, yet almost sweet in a strange way. It couldn't compare to the taste of Pinkie Pie’s pre though, which burbled heavily from her tip, nearly filling Rainbow Dash’s mouth and forcing her to swallow it all before continuing. Pinkie Pie was incredibly productive even before she came, and Rainbow Dash knew that she had to go deep quickly or else she would get stuck swallowing more and more sweet pre.

Pinkie Pie shuddered in pleasure when she felt the thick head of her cock bang into the back of Rainbow Dash’s throat. The tight, velvety caress of her pet’s well-trained tongue was as perfect as ever, pressing tightly against the underside of Pinkie’s cock. The young girl didn't even mind the grungy atmosphere or rude graffiti which covered the walls of the small nook at the entrance to the grimy bathroom.

All that mattered was her pet’s action and the budding arousal which was building in her chest. Arousal that grew ever more potent the deeper Rainbow Dash went on Pinkie Pie’s cock. Until finally the girl felt her pet’s lip pass over her medial ring, and a bulge began to form in the other woman’s throat.

Though Pinkie Pie couldn't see such a bulge from the current angle, she knew from experience that it was there and she relished this knowledge. Knowing that her pet’s body was forced to deform in order to please her felt strangely good to the young woman. It also stirred within her the desire to dominate and control her pet which had been almost snuffed out by Fluttershy’s flirting.

That raw, almost animalistic side of her only grew stronger with each passing second and it wasn't long before Pinkie Pie couldn't help but grab the other girl’s head in her hands. Which was a moment Rainbow Dash had been looking forward to, and she adapted quickly, shifting her hands to the other girl’s pale legs. With a good majority of Pinkie Pie’s cock crammed down her throat, Rainbow Dash knew what was coming next.

Sure enough, Pinkie Pie thrust hard into the other girl’s face, burying her horsecock in Rainbow Dash’s throat. The sheer length of the appendage meant that Pinkie had damn near filled all available space inside of that particular hole. That thought only proved to turn her on even more, and Pinkie Pie snorted like a bull as she began to fuck the other girl’s face.

Despite the brutal, animalistic pace, Rainbow Dash was in heaven, and even the feeling of having her airways nearly shut off felt weirdly good to her. She was being made into little more than a fuck sleeve for the dominant futa girl, an action that made her already wet nethers grow wetter still. Rainbow Dash didn't even mind the feeling of mud clinging to her knees and lower legs, merely relishing every moment spent between her mistresses’ legs.

Only a few seconds into the rough face fuck and already Pinkie Pie was getting into it, no longer caring about the slurping and occasional choking noise coming from her partner. She knew Rainbow Dash could take it, and instead of backing off, only pushed herself to go faster still. Her grip tightened, her hips thrust forward at an increasing pace, all while Pinkie Pie grew more and more animated.

“You always know just how to cheer me up,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed between thrusts. “And as much as I want to fill that stomach of yours, I have a better idea of where to put my cum.”

Rainbow Dash hardly even heard her mistresses’ words, though the girl did notice it when Pinkie Pie suddenly pulled out of her throat. Then the girl’s world spun, and her eyes rolled around in their sockets while at the same time Rainbow Dash’s entire body yearned for her lover’s thick appendage. A sudden shove and Rainbow Dash felt her upper body land in the mud which now covered a good chunk of her.

“Whuh?” She muttered, glancing over her shoulder a second later.

Which was just in time to see Pinkie Pie pull apart Rainbow Dash’s legs, and begin to line up her cock with the athletic young woman’s pussy. A shudder ran down Rainbow Dash’s spine and she couldn't help but feel that same thrill she had the very first time her and Pinkie Pie had fucked. It had been sloppy, awkward, and spurred on by the two horny women having awkwardly flirted for almost a month at that point.

Even still, it was a memory Rainbow Dash cherished, and was about to revisit.

This time, however, there was no lube and no slow penetration as none of that was needed anymore. Pinkie Pie merely pressed the tip of her cock into Rainbow Dash’s sloppy wet hole before thrusting forward. Rainbow Dash’s tight folds parted easily for the titanic invader, her body stretching and bulging in order to accommodate its massive girth.

Now as thick as a can of pop, and only just barely under a foot in length, the humongous dick plowed deep into the girl’s body. Together they moaned loudly and lewdly, neither caring who may hear their throaty moans of passion. Their instincts had already taken over, and as one the two women began to eagerly throw themselves into the debauched act.

Rainbow Dash’s fingers dug into the mud, trying to get enough of a grip to keep herself from getting plowed further into the ground. While this was happening she was also continuing to moan and arch her back, silently craving the feeling of completion which she knew was coming. Sure enough, after Pinkie Pie thrust forward a few more times, Rainbow Dash felt the tip of her cock slam into Rainbow Dash’s cervix.

That feeling had been painful the first few times Rainbow Dash had experienced it, yet now it felt amazing. This likely had to do with the magic Twilight had said was affecting them, but Rainbow Dash didn't care. All that mattered to the athletic woman was that now she could take every last throbbing inch of her lover with ease.

Pinkie Pie paused her mad thrusting the second she felt her hips became flush with her lover’s. The feeling of tightness was perfect, as it squeezed down on her length with an almost desperate insistence while at the same time not being overly tight. It felt as though the other girl’s body was made for Pinkie and Pinkie alone, a thought that prompted another spurt of pre to explode into the other girl’s packed love canal.

A second later and Pinkie Pie was moving once more, plowing the other girl into the ground with rapid, jack hammer-like thrusts that drove Rainbow Dash forward. Pinkie’s breathing came in short gulps between moans, her fingers digging into the flesh of her lover’s ass. Each thrust carried all of Pinkie Pie’s weight and then some, which slammed into Rainbow Dash’s backside, forcing the girl to struggle merely to stop from falling over.

Despite Pinkie Pie’s surprising strength, Rainbow Dash managed to hold out, staying up while she had her pussy brutally fucked by the well-hung girl. Each one of those thrusts ended with Pinkie Pie’s wide flat head banging against the door to Rainbow Dash’s baby maker. This only made Rainbow Dash’s moans grow louder and higher-pitched whenever it happened, alerting anyone in the area as to what they were doing.

Neither of them cared, nor gave so much as a second thought to whoever may find them in such a compromised position. Rainbow Dash didn't even mind that her legs and arms were completely covered in mud, while the rest of her body was coated in a thin layer of sweat. The only thing she thought about was how good it felt to be fucked like the animal she had so rightly become.

Pinkie Pie reached forward and suddenly grabbed Rainbow Dash by the pigtails, yanking her upward by the girl’s hair. The slight sting of having her hair pulled was nothing compared to the title wave of pleasure that came from being used so viscerally. Rainbow Dash merely placed one hand on the nearby wall and adjusted her footing slightly in order to give Pinkie Pie a better angle from which to fuck her.

“You like that don't you my pet?” Pinkie Pie snarled, her hips continuing to slam into Rainbow Dash with all the speed and force of a bucking bronco.

Rainbow Dash moaned a little louder and nodded as much as Pinkie Pie would allow her to.

“I thought you did. You always liked it when I treated you like the worthless animal you were always meant to be,” Pinkie Pie declared, smirking suddenly. “And I think you deserve a reward that suits you perfectly.”

Rainbow Dash would have cocked her head if she could, but due to the angle, she could hardly move her head. That and Rainbow Dash had just noticed the rather large bulge Pinkie Pie’s cock made in her midsection, drawing her attention downwards. The sight was strangely thrilling, as Rainbow Dash could see every bump and vein in her lover’s cock as it traveled up past her belly button.

“What is the perfect reward you may ask? Well, I think you deserve to carry my babies,” Pinkie Pie blushed slightly, her authoritarian tone wavering. “I know Twilight said it wasn't likely to happen but I don't care. You're going to carry my children and you're going to like it.”

And Rainbow Dash did want it, with the girl nodding as much as possible while at the same time a primal thrill ran down her spine.

“I knew you would. You better be ready, because it won't be much longer now. Oh, and you better not spill a single drop!” Pinkie Pie shouted.

Rainbow Dash moaned louder still, the girl panting like a dog in heat.

With a snort of primal dominance, Pinkie Pie gripped the other girl’s pigtails a little tighter, her hips becoming a blur of motion. To Rainbow Dash, it felt like her lover never even pulled out of her stretched hole, with the girl hardly able to tell the beginning of one and the start of another. Her hands slipped, falling to her sides limply while Pinkie Pie fucked her as hard and as fast as she could possibly manage given the angle.

Rainbow Dash’s entire body was now completely limp and only the other girl’s mammoth horse cock and tight grip kept Rainbow Dash from falling forward. Unable to say or do much of anything, Rainbow Dash simply hung there as her body was fucked, a near-constant stream of moans slipping from her lips. The raw pleasure was so great that she wasn't sure if it was even possible to feel anymore pleasure without passing out.

That was until she felt Pinkie Pie’s cock begin to flare deep inside of her, forcing open the entrance to Rainbow Dash’s womb. The head was massive and had single-handedly primed Rainbow Dash’s body for the flood of seed she knew was coming shortly. Which was something Pinkie Pie felt as well, as the girl had suddenly lurched to a stop, their bodies pressed tight against one another.

Their hips mashed together, both girls desperate to jam every last inch of cock into Rainbow Dash’s needy hole.

“I’m cumming!” Pinkie Pie shouted.

Rainbow Dash came before her partner did however as a strangely powerful image had suddenly popped into her head. It was of her much as she was now, only her stomach was massive and her already large breasts had grown to truly pornographic sizes. Somehow she knew that within her belly grew multiple children fathered by Pinkie Pie herself, children who would need the liters of milk that were inside of Rainbow Dash’s tits.

Then the image was gone, washed away by a sudden eruption of cum deep inside of her womb, delivered by a moaning Pinkie Pie. Whose cock was twitching and spurting wave after wave of potent cum directly into the deepest reaches of Rainbow Dash’s body. Each one of those waves bubbled up Pinkie Pie’s cock in such a massive quantity that Rainbow Dash could feel them travel from the entrance to her pussy into her womb.

Her entire body twitched as her pussy clamped down around Pinkie Pie’s throbbing tool as if it was trying to milk every last drop from the girl. Rainbow Dash wasn't even consciously aware of this, however, as her mind was so overwhelmed with pleasure that her eyes had rolled around into the back of her head. Only the feeling of her belly suddenly bloating and starting to grow was enough to grab Rainbow Dash’s attention and she looked down.

To where her flat, muscled stomach had been replaced by an almost comically round one that gurgled and sloshed with even the slightest movement. Pinkie Pie meanwhile, didn't notice this yet, as her eyes were squeezed shut, her entire body having become as tense as a coiled spring. That was until she felt Rainbow Dash’s hand on her hip, the touch being enough to startle Pinkie Pie out of the tense moment.

Releasing the other girl’s hair, Pinkie Pie leaned forwards, wrapping her arms around her lover and placing her hands on the other girl’s growing belly. Her chin rested on Rainbow Dash’s shoulder and a slow exhale spilled past her lips, only to turn into a low, content moan. Even Rainbow Dash seemed to have regained some of her bearings, though her orgasm continued on for several more seconds.

When it finally died, and her senses returned, Rainbow Dash placed her hands over top of her lover’s joining her in caressing the athlete's round belly. Which had at this point grown to the point that the girl looked pregnant and ready to burst, all while more cum continued to shoot inside of her. Together they watched it grow until finally when Pinkie Pie had given her lover all she could, Rainbow Dash looked about ready to go into labor with twins.

“Wow. I know I was the most productive of our friends but that's... That's a lot,” Pinkie Pie murmured, her voice returning to normal now that her orgasm was beginning to die down.

Rainbow Dash merely nodded, running her fingers across her taut belly with a soft smile on her face.

“Thank you by the way. I don't know why but when I think of losing you to anyone I just…” Pinkie Pie trailed off.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, grabbed one of her lover’s hands, and brought it to her lips, kissing the back of it.

“Hehe, I should have known you of all people would be the most loyal of us all,” Pinkie Pie whispered, placing her hand back on Rainbow Dash’s belly.

Sighing, Rainbow Dash did the same, caressing her stomach while silently wondering if she may already be pregnant.

“I love you by the way,” Pinkie Pie whispered, kissing the other girl on the neck. “Like a lot.”

“I love you too Pinkie Pie,” Rainbow Dash whispered back.

“Hey what did I say about talking!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in mock disapproval.

Rainbow Dash merely blushed and turned, planting a kiss on the other girl’s lips.