
by B_25

First published

Spike can't help it. All that staring at Twilight Sparkle. The admiration of her beauty carrying him through bouts of agony. But another fascination has taken him into a craze. Parts of her body putting him into amazement.

Looking at her like that isn't right. Yet he's unable to stop himself. How those glances spark those craved thrills inside his head. Soon their romance builds into something more. And he worries about pushing everything a step too far.

[Cover by iloota]

Nobody Loves Me (Like You)

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It was a haze without end to the overproduction of sweat and the shivering on nothing. Hours dazed from entering and leaving consciousness as life was but a frantic dream. One quality always played on his mind beyond the desire to get high. Something far greater than any thrill.

Twilight Sparkle.

His head rolled limply to the side of the pillow as his mouth parted and kept open. Thirst was the demand of his maw as every swallow teased at how dry he was on the inside. Colours and hues collected into the shapes of objects.

Yet only she appeared to him in clarity.

“You okay?”

Spike's face was dazed in a way that said I'm not okay. “I... think so....” He blinked, rather slowly, discovering the existence of words seconds before he used them. “I had this... dream. You and I had kissed.” His head shook but his eyes kept on her. “I'm sorry I made dream-you do that.”

His cheek sunk further into the pillow as his eye rolled up, across the plane of black fabric, reaching the swells in the tank top. Twilight's head cocked to the side at hearing his story. Then, with a smile and a huff, she leaned down—teasing her lips on his. “You don't have to be sorry about that.”

Twilight pushed into his lips, a touch of pressure to make their existence aware, not expecting anything in response. Seconds passed before she pulled away but, into an inch at their parting, pushed back in again. Her eyes closed and she indulged in the kiss.

Then she willed herself to break away and did so with a smirk. “I'm sure she enjoyed it very much. Especially what it meant.”

Spike blinked as his train of thought started to loop like a roller coaster. “Has anyone told you... you're too good for me?”

“Only you.” Twilight's head hovered above the side of the bed, the rest of her body leaned, her chest hanging below. Creamy velvet across two delicate mounds. They meshed together from the pressure as both considered gravity a light-suggestion. “And I told you it's not true.”

“You're a princess.”

“And you're a dragon.”

“You're knock-out gorgeous.”

“And you're... wait.” The fluttering of her eyes threatened to blow him away in gales of wind unable to be comprehended. His stomach swirled in wanting to hurl as his vision somehow pulsated. “You think I'm pretty?”

“Pretty doesn't even do you justice.” Spike drove his muzzle into the pillow as an eye set on her. More importantly her chest. While the world around spun clockwise, she was still, the dusky tease of her cleavage beckoning him. “Y-You may want to go. I might throw up on your chest.”

Twilight's hands pressed into the bed as she arched up, looking down to spot her girls, blinking at having offered him a show. Not a fuss rose from her as her response was to cough. That and stand, turning around, the corner of her face exposing the coming blush. “I, uh, thanks for the advice.”

Spike turned onto his stomach and stuffed his face into the pillow, a closing of the eyes as the world closed in, all inside of him, concentrating, into a horrible composition. All would go away if only for a taste. A thrill, even tiny, to rid his mind of his pain.

But there wasn't Refrain left. Or maybe that wasn't true. But he wouldn't do it. Not at all. Becoming close with Twilight hadn't been a dream after all. Those fears and despair had been replaced with hope and improvement from the promise of being by her side. He wouldn't have to kill himself to keep close to her.

Now he wanted to kill himself to make the haze go away.


The pillow muffled his voice.


She'd glance at him from over her shoulder.

“If I keep sayings stupid things,” he went on, “please feel free to banish me to the moon.”

Twilight shook her head smiling while her hands found her hips. “I couldn't have you close to me if I did that.”

“You'd be better off.”

Twilight went to speak another jest to find she couldn't. Her mouth opened though the words didn't come out. It's not she didn't have the wit; a way to playfully turn it around. Some part of him believed that. He'd pushed himself to become so much to nab an excuse to keep close to her.

But he'd lost that in quitting the drug. Reduced he would be.

“Spike... if I may?” Twilight inhaled deeply and her chest pushed out, the action, a second of mediation putting her in the right state to be. It was how one transitioned from states, the difference between them, that decided a positive from a negative. “I love you. And I... and I have... for longer... then both of us realize.”

Her head tilted back as every genuine word carried a fraction of her tension out. “And I love you for you. Just Spike. I love the jokes and the wisecracks and seeing you at work. But when it comes down to it. It's you I love.”

There was a shuffling from the sheets as he turned to face her; already his emerald gems cast a glow to the room. Bold and dense and penetrating. Even half-dazed they appeared determined and able to look through anything. But there was a kindness to them. Overall lightness. The gentleness of a beast.

“It's you I want to be with Spike.” Twilight's head fell forward in determination, and yet, it would falter in looking at him. “There is no prince or hero out there for me. I don't care what I become. I just know we spent most of our lives together, and I want to spend more of it like that... only closer.”

Her shoulders dropped and she hadn't known they were even tense. “Being able to walk into the kitchen and steal a kiss before breakfast. To go on errands but be able to hold each other's hands during it. Late nights by the fire, underneath the same blanket, being able to read without doing so alone.”

Finally, she turned and smiled down at him, nothing faltering, her sincerity self-assured. “And I want to do all that with Spike. Nothing more is required of you. Only that... you be there.” She exhaled. “And that you want to be there with me.”

Spike's eye fell to the sheet, lost to it for a long while, knowing he was to say something. Drugs would allow him to think of the perfect words to the greatest tone allowing him to set the scene right. But poetry wasn't his specialty; sometimes cliches would have to suffice.

“There's nothing more.... in all the world.... that I want more.”

Twilight's smile beamed from those words. Until it transitioned into a smirk. Teases were necessary. “Even more... than Refrain?”

“It's my number two,” he replied. “And you're my number one.”

Her smile returned. “I'll have to keep that in mind Spike.” Then she nodded. “I know it's hard, but please, try to get some sleep? I'll be in later to wash you.” She started walking away, retreating into the vacuum of the world—a figure travelling deeper into a painting. “Or maybe we can try for a shower if you're able.”

But her words had faded from his frills. Rather as his mind fired alive for that high—his eyes had settled on her backside. Tight and taut were the outlines in the track pants. Delicious mounds rolling like hills. Their swells, the thickest portions, weighing the heaviest into the fabric.

The pain faded as the dragon could lift from the bed. One of his arms propped him on the mattress, the other scratching at that arm, digging at the patch of scales barely regrown. The inch and itch where melting euphoria was siphoned throughout him.

The cravings had slowed his body and fogged his mind, but on the first injection, his body gained elevation and his mind cleared into the fullness of mental acuity. It was like waking up a second time with his mental resting in nirvana. The initial thrill whirled across his body as the jolts were bolts that shocked him into that high.

But as the dragon pushed half of his lean frame into a tilt from the bed, that other claw dropped to the mattress, collecting a clump of sheets and bedding into its palm, kneading and squeezing, while looking at that distant rump.

Twilight had turned at hearing the noise and, seeing him slowly rise, immediately smiled. She nodded to him in thinking he'd be ready for a shower. Then she left, an unintentional swing to her hips, a twisting and shifting to the swells down below.

Spike could see the other side of the room with clarity. That ass didn't require him to squint. For a moment he'd been caught in the show of seeing them twist and shift into the other. It tickled the back of his mind, the starting of a high, a cause to feel alright.

Once the girl had left the room, he was all alone, falling to his side, rolling onto his back, feeling a sense of clearness. It lasted for a few seconds. Reduced fog inside his head and the twitches of addiction smitten from his body. Cravings had disappeared as that spot no longer itched.

Until he was reminded of all of it.

Of the tearing headaches.

The loose scales.

And the need to be elevated again.

That iota of light was still at the back of his mind, the place that was tickled during his highs, it brought on during his thrills. He was always seeking the next one. Every dose had shot him up. Everything could be ignored on the top of the world.

He desired to feel another thrill that made him crave the drug again.

Just like how that desire for thrill had caused him to stare at Twilight's ass.

Some of the pain flooded away. Spike's head lazily rose from the pillow to examine down his body. Lava searing through his veins mellowed into milky pleasure as it travelled to his crotch, some of the pressure taken with it, all pumping into the hardness of his shaft. His cock stood tall in its raising of the blanket.

His head fell back and an eye closed and his mouth stayed open at the side.

I must be the worst dragon to have lived. Spike closed his eyes and found that not to be a kindness. What formed in the canvas of blackness was her. Rather parts of her. That cleavage he wanted to dive into with teases of that ass causing his cock to never stop throbbing.

No sweeter words had ever been spoken to him. Much less from the one he needed to hear them from the most. She was his everything. That hope of something more, the feeling of being full, their romance, a testing and beginning of intimacy—it was the cause for him to fight on for.

But instead of saying kind words back. Instead of being able to kiss and hug and those kinds of things. He did nothing. Nothing but stare. Looking at the places he shouldn't. He didn't love her because of them. Sure they were a reason.

But they weren't the reason.

Yet the painful flicks of his erection demanded something different. Turned on not by words but the promise of a thrill in between sandwiched between those lilac hills. Fog receded from his mind at the fantasy. Him above and her below, his cock caught in her behind, thrusting forward and back, the thrill evoked by the sensation.

Take your mind off it.

But he couldn't. In losing the fantasies he entered the reality of haze and pain and feelings of regret. His mouth watered for Refrain. Arm burning for mellowing of that injection. Sweat coated a sheen onto him. There was nothing else to focus on but his discomfort.

Or the girl that was finally his.

Not even a day into romance... and you're already looking at her like that... you're pathetic... you don't deserve her...

Twilight stood on the balcony as the cool breeze settled on the night, the sky above dark but sprinkled with lights, twinkling stars beckoning for her attention. It was her escape. Maybe a drug of sorts. Air compounded inside of the room. Out here, though, where every breath was fresh—one look to the sky, and suddenly, the girl was attuned to herself once more.

Her forearms crossed on the railing and she sank onto it. The blush on her cheek warmed her skin on contact. She'd always known she was pretty. A passive kind of attractive never warranting a second look. Ascension had brought her attention. But the changes were never profound.

She could never be a Rarity.

But he chose me.

Twilight's heart clenched and then pumped a batch of numbing sweetness. Already she was smiling despite it hidden beneath and behind her arms. Being called pretty were just words spoken in a compliment. One offered by a friend or easily dropped by a stranger. Nod and smile and a compliment in return were the social decorum.

But Spike had said it so sincerely.

Even in the turmoil of that bed, lost to himself, barely able to see or think straight—he had spoken those words. The light burning in his eyes tore away everything that could get in the way of that truth. His pain and her insecurities be damned. It seemed like his duty for her to be fully aware of how pretty she was.

To make it known for how she appeared to him.

Not to play on his importance.

But for her to love herself a little bit more.

It was always the genuine things you did that got me you dork. You didn't have to be anything more. All you have to be is yourself. Why is that so hard for you? When did it become so hard for you? Could you tell me the moment you felt the pressure to be someone greater?

Twilight then shook her head.

I'm thinking like a weirdo again... aren't I?

Tingles and sparks emitted from the tip of her horn. In a flash of unconscious magic was how the scroll burst into existence. Already it was unrolled and floating before her. The royal seal already torn.

My Faithful Student

I suppose that is a title you have not read in such a long while. For this matter, however, I do think it's fitting. Rest assured Luna and I have received your documentation for the coming arrangements of merging the two civilizations. Luna especially is thankful for you already doing most of the work for us.

Both of us continue to wish Spike well in his sudden illness. Please do not hesitate to find aid for him in Canterlot should his condition allow it. With that said, I must apologize for pushing you both so far. Lessons are learned to avoid dreadful outcomes. But I fear I may have pushed the moral too far here.

It was my desire for you to not see everything as a test. Every princess feels the need to prove herself and I do not wish that same compulsion onto you. What I asked of you two was too great for any couple to accomplish. But as you two usually do—you both attempted to push through.

As always I am amazed at the feats pulled by you two alone. But I fear you two may stake your worth on your ability to perform such accomplishments. My wish for you two was to confess the duty was too large.

That you would need some help.

Life isn't always about proving or improving. Rather it's the friend that we have to be nothing at all whom he loved the most. Sometimes a conversation, the asking for help, can steer us from a stressful path. The kind going upward and never seeming to end.

Never fear to be open with me on anything. I will forever be there for you and can handle any revelation. I know you worry about the day when you will take the throne. But I would much rather pass to you with the certainty you are truly ready for it.

In being open and kind, it makes it easier for others to talk to us and, because of that, causes asking for help to be the easiest thing of all. But I've droned enough about this lesson. Forgive me as it's been far too long since the last time we've done this.

I'm always looking out for you Twilight.

~ Princess Celestia

Twilight knew to wipe an eye before its corner started to sting. In the last sizzling of her magic was how the scroll disappeared. Everything would be taken care of. The outside world, taken care of, with the help of others. Now she could focus on the one inside.

Of the dragon that needed her help.

The claw broke into the crystal, enough only to chip it, a piece flying on impact. The fist drew backward as another flew in its place, the shock of impact jolting across his joints, the soreness of his knuckles diverting some of the pain inside of his head.

His mind cried and whined and inflicted pain on itself in demands to have its next high. Flashes of the bathroom came to his eyes as they were closed. Shakes of those brought the next images in the reel. The supple mounds of round purple breasts. Each teased at the peak with a faint outline of something nice to see.

Spike stumbled before the wall of his bedroom, his head loosely leaned back as the muscles in his throat weren't strong enough to hold it. In seeing his cock buried in that cleavage, another tickle pleasured his mind, a twitch to something below that took the edge off things.

And then he bashed his head into the wall, not caring for the pain, like the bolt of electricity shooting across his forehead. The pain was different for this one was real. Bruised flesh beneath that swelled and pounded onto itself. His mind diverted from the desire for a high to fixate on that.

Maybe he should bash his head in again.

“Spike!” Slender and soft were the arms coming around his neck, the previous footsteps quiet until behind, the sense of rising onto her toes to reach him. She choked his throat to stop his head from flying forward. “What are you doing?!”

“Just a little room redecoration!” Spike gasped the words back, denied the means of subverting the pain—until a pair of softness meshed into his back. His neck shivered into itself and his eyes rolled in absurd agony. “Figured I'd expand the room a little bit.”

Twilight pulled tighter on him, the demand for him to back into her, a crime he could not commit. “And you were going to do that in breaking your claws and cracking your head?”

“I-Is that such a bad deal? My head was already cracked anyway!”

Twilight closed her eyes and struggled to hold him back from another strike, a grinding of their bodies throughout the fight. Unable to be strong enough to force him away from the wall, the girl sighed and clenched her eyes—throwing herself forward instead. “Please Spike. No more of this. Don't blow it off with a joke. Just this once, please, take yourself seriously.”

Spike's claws furled into tightness as his eyes clenched into darkness in the inability to repress his inhibitions. Burning sweat flushed beneath his scales as nausea swirled inside his head. But those sensations faded, the pain at the center of his core, regressing, as the tease of another thrill.

Twilight was against him and forced on her toes to reach him. It was the fullness of her chest currently backed into him, smothering and flattening, spreading across the range of scales, the blissful session an unintentional promise to his instincts. Worst had been the tease of her breasts through the fabric. The way they inched up and down, the rest of the flesh doing the same, all while Twilight struggled to keep still against him.

Turning such a moment into sexual tension... I'm the worst... I don't deserve her...

“I'm... I'm sorry.... I'm sorry I worried you Twilight.” Spike's eyes kept closed as his head then swayed. “I-I didn't mean to. It's just my brain isn't sitting as straight as it should. It keeps... it keeps calling out for something more.” He exhaled. “And the seconds tick painfully when it doesn't get it.”

Twilight's arms lowered from his throat, settling over his chest, the pair clasping above his heart. No longer did she restrain him. All she did now was cling. Though it was hard to reach, her face rose and rested on his shoulder, her sorrowful expression caught in the corner of his eye. “Thank you for being honest with me.”

Clenched claws were rarely of help. One of them unfurled, raising to her joined hands, resting his palm over them. His digits rested on their sides, a squeeze to let them know he was there, the act of another instinct in him. “T-Thank you...for being there for me.”

“Wish I had been more so before.”

“You couldn't have known.”

“And that's why I want to change how we go about things now.”

Spike chuckled within a huff.

Twilight's eyes shot down to the back of his neck. “So... the fight with the wall?”

She wants the truth... but... how much of that can I give her?

“What more do you want from me Twilight? I already told you I'm a lost cause in that regard.” His head leaned down, not to escape her, though her arms closing prevented the movement. “My head needs that thrill. Some high to redirect the pain away.”

Twilight blinked. “And punching that wall to the point of bleeding?”

“It's painful... but not as painful.” What had summoned him to speak the truth? It was his goal to comfort her. To ensure Twilight never had to worry for his sake. This went against that. Sharing his problems would add to her own. “There's no other way to describe it. Bashing my head in is better than this agony. Whatever it takes to take my mind off itself.”

Twilight's eyes looked aside as her cheek kept on him. “Were you... always this much of a thrill seeker?”

“I don't know.” He squeezed Twilight's hand. “Only that I felt more alive whenever I was high.”

Twilight rolled on his shoulder until her chin was on it, a glance down his body, the twitch in the legs, a jerk to the arms, an occasional twisting to those hips. The first set of weeks had been touted as the hardest. Already he was seeking pain to reduce his own.

Or a pleasure to take the edge off.

She couldn't see him like this. Yet she couldn't leave him like it. Leaving for a quick breath of air to find him like this in her absence. There was no blaming him. But what then could she do for him? Allow more self-inflicted pain to reduce his craving for another high? The scariest thought was how that was a path the dragon might actually follow.

What of providing him with those pleasures?

“Spike... be honest with me... is there... anything I could do to help you?”

His smirk curved to the side of his face on instinct. “You're already doing your best for me.”

“But I want to do more.”

Spike had said his mind craved something more to take the pain away.

But exactly was that more he was wanting?

Or was it needing?

The back of his head straightened before her as the dragon stiffened in place. Seconds of silence became appreciated as his quick wit was allowed to rest. Honesty wasn't a familiarity to him. The time proved he was telling the truth.

No longer having to prove himself through how he spoke, the succession of his jokes, fixating on how he appeared to her. Rather he was himself. The dragon underneath it all. Her desire was for his genuine expression.

Of which he then gave.

“Would it, y'know, b-be too much if I asked for a kiss?”

Twilight's heart thundered and clasped unto itself. Already heat developed across her coat at the ask. It still elevated her into a heightened feeling of life, going from dull to a feeling of something more. Those chance kisses still tickled on the inside. But being flatly asked caused her legs to wrap into the other.

“Of course you can have one.” Twilight smiled and breathed at sliding off him, feeling her chest pull from his back. Suddenly was how the pressure was missed at the broadness of the plane. But she looked up at his turning form anyway. “You're just a sweet boy underneath all of that, aren't you?”

Spike looked down at her as his smile reached further than usual. “Sweet boy? Since when have you ever said a phrase like that?”

“Oh shut up and kiss me.” Twilight threw her arms over his neck this time, pulling him down, their faces now closer. “Or else I'll document every little thing that happens during it.”

“Now that's more my girl.”

“I'm your girl now?” Twilight hung an inch before his face, expression smug but also loving, the surrounding air an exhaust of vulnerability. “Since when did you gain the ability to say something like that?”

“Is that taking it too far?”

“That's not taking it far enough.”

She was right there and ready to be kissed. The warmth of her face awash on his own. Those gems of violet casting their glow to all the furs that coated around the delicate space. And Twilight's lips. Supple and soft and a second away. It felt greedy to take from them.

“Take them.” Her voice floated through the parting pair, a whisper that was asking, the wish for him to do something. Her arms fell from his neck, reaching for his claws, grabbing them with ease. She placed one on her hip and the other around her back, enjoying the feeling of being held, the flinch he gave utterly adorable. “You have to be the one to do it. That's my permission to you. Now what will you do?”

Spike swallowed but did not back away. Even through his hesitation, he fought toward them. Wanting their shape onto his own. Slowly his lips came until settling on her perfection, an inch to sink into their softness, the soft melody of a giggle a gentle vibration behind them.

He stole her into the kiss as all the bad thoughts were washed away. Slowly his eyes closed as his mind forgot about itself. All that was there was the taste. Sweet and juicy and asking for further locks to taste more of it. Spike deepened the kiss without knowing how, the arm on her back pulling her close, the claw on her hip guiding it closer to him.

Twilight sunk into the front of his body and her arms wrapped around him instead, a hug to allow her to melt into him. The pressure in pressing herself into him cast exploding tingles across the back of her mind. The sensitivity of her chest, rolling around at his front, teasing her with a euphoric feeling not brought on by the pair before.

She desired to squeeze into him.

A sudden wish to become one.

Spike kissed her and he did so again, every crash and every attack, an effort of love, not to feel the goodness Twilight gifted him—but to ensure the same back. Every light and wet smack of their lips evoked a moan from her. Feminine and nearly silent. But it was proof he had something to offer her in return.

He wanted to hear more of them. Those little sounds the girl composed. To hear them louder, better, the affirmations of her mutual pleasure. He was sure of her love even though he was undeserving. But his goal in his building feelings was to hear fully of her delight.

His claw searched across her back, at the perfection of its curve, how subtle it was, the same applying to her sides. The fabric supplemented the touch of what was below. The coat and the skin, her body itself, its directions and shape, his claw wanting to explore it all.

Stopping, in the genuine kiss with the girl, to above her the back of her pants.

Spike's eyes slowly blinked open as hers did the same, both of their expressions melted and mellowed into a mixture of love and lust, a cloud of steam composed of their exhales. They inched away from the other, a bridge of spot the connection between their lips. It drove him wild at the suggestion.

That he had made out with a princess.

“Now that... was something.”

“Yeah.” Spike nodded and forgot to stop doing that. “Think I'm ready for the afterlife now.”

“But you won't get to enjoy me there.”

His head reeled down at her in amazement as he finally stopped nodding. “You mean we get to do this again?”

Twilight pulled a hand from his side and, in raising it between him, booped him on the snout. “It seems like my usual dragon has made his return.” Her fingers lowered to the bridge, wiping it away, doing the same around her mouth. “But I didn't hear you groaning during that. Did the kiss... really help you?”

“If you could even call that a kiss.” Spike huffed and chuckled and came to look away. “Not that I mean it like that. Only that it was meant to be a kiss. And I... did whatever the heck that was.”

Twilight giggled as her shoulders then squished into themselves. “I think most couples would call that making out. Never thought I'd get to experience something like that in life. Much so soon after getting with you.”

“Twi... I am so—“

“And we couldn't have made out, mister, if I wasn't doing anything on my behalf.” Twilight leaned up and to the side in a surprise kiss to his snout. “You don't have to blame yourself for anything. What started off as a kiss was something we both developed into making-out.” She then huffed. “And don't get it in that head that I'm forcing myself to do anything.”

He lightly laughed in bringing his muzzle back. “R-Right. Sorry. It's still hard to imagine you getting much out of this.”

“Trust me.” Twilight laid a hand on his chest, over the rolling curve of his pec, smooth to perfection of an arc. She blushed profusely on her nose from the boldness of her action—which she did not back away from. “There's a lot in this for me too. More than you can ever realize. But that headache of yours?”

Spike's face appeared as though he'd forgotten about his turmoil. His claw lifted from her hip—the contact missed—as it came to the side of his head. Easily it reached there and painfully it touched down. A sudden reminder to his repressions to trickle out. “Still kinda there.” His face winced at the jolt of a coming pain. “But... not as bad as before. That kiss was a nice reprieve Twilight. Uh, thanks for it.”

Twilight laughed to herself and pecked him on the lips. “You have so much learning to do.”

His arm dropped to his side as his head leaned then the same. “How is the bookworm acting like the expert on this?”

“Bookworm huh?” Twilight backed a step from him, a hand finding her hip, an adorable pose of the girl he loved the most. In seeing her standing alone, already he wanted to take her, to have all the perfection on and into him again. “What happened to the unattainable princess that was only deserving of male and mutual perfection?”

“You've never stopped being that.” Spike smiled as their flirting was a game of tug-rope that one never truly lost in. It added a thrill, a different and consistent kind of high, every situation and conversation now enlightening due to it. “But you'll regret me once you realize that.”

Twilight stepped forward and pushed up on a foot, recapturing his lips, whispering into them. “Then I'd rather keep your bookworm instead of a princess.”

The two kissed and his pain faded away.

And even as the two made-out in a fashion unexpected of the duo.

His claws fought from exploring places where they did not yet belong.


Twilight waited outside the door though her mind was not inside the hallway. Her fingers pressed on her lips, tracing over them, the objects never before an interest. Used to speak and eat and an occasional kiss on someone's cheek. Never had they been used for an intimate kind of love.

Nor had been loved in such a way.

The feeling of his lips drove her into that other world. One where the bigger shape of his sunk gently into her own. His were broad but not large, firm and flexing, evoking previously unfelt sensations. She'd never realize how sensitive her lips could be.

Or how much she craved that feeling on them.

The days had passed slowly and the feeling of seconds passing instead of ticking was nearly forgotten to her. While she couldn't help but giggle like a filly at the happenings of the previous days, she knew the feeling wasn't the same for her Spike.

Her Spike.

I-I guess... he's mine now, right? Twilight's head lifted from the wall and started to peer down. Not that I own him. But he's mine. Not my friend. Not my number-one assistant. Not any of those things. He is mine. He's my dragon. And I'm the same to him.

Euphoria infused her lips and their corners touched her ears.

And I'm the same to him!

There was flushing behind the door and, unable to contain herself or her joy, she flipped to before the handle. Glee and giddiness struck her rarely. It was in these moments she wanted to act almost like a school-girl in love. To catch up in the missed romance of teenage days.

Twilight turned the handle without looking, opening the door and stepping inside the bathroom, wanting to race to the dragon and claim him right there. To pull him down and kiss him all over. Covering his every scale in her lipstick—if she could go out and buy some.

“Spike! I'm so sorry for barging in... but I wanted to... to...”

Hope melted to despair and her squeeze of words became lost on themselves. In the opening of the bathroom was the dragon at the back, his frame hunched over the toilet, a vial in his claw. It was tilting and the substance within was alluring.

“Spike no!”

His head snapped from over the seat, barely inching over to see her, his face appearing over his shoulder. He gripped the toilet for support as he seemed seconds from falling over. At seeing her, though, he tittered. “T-Twilight?”

She raced toward him at once.

And, at once, he knew why.

“Wait wait! It's not what it looks like!”

Twilight didn't bother for words as his arm rested over the seat of the toilet, his body in a lean at its side. Reaching his claw caused her hands to grab it, clasp it, yanking back on the weakness of his wrist. Its top was open as the liquid sloshed within the glass.

“Ahhagha! T-Twilight! Will you give it a second!?” He pulled while she yanked, a game of tug-rope less enjoyable. Inside the vial splashed out its contents, spilling out in thick shots across her top. “T-Twilight! C'mon!”

Twilight groaned in finally ripping the glass from his claw, a yelp squealing from her mouth at the loss of opposition. She stumbled back with her footing then dancing into each other. The back of her foot slid forward on something wet and she fell back, crashing into the door, slumping into it.

Huffing was her state and her chest heaved on every breath; the back of her head bumped into the door, eyes coming to close, seconds now slowed to dispense with the panic inside. After a few controlled breaths, her eyes opened, seeing the dragon slumped over the seat.

“What... is wrong with you?” Twilight narrowed her eyes as her head slowly shook on its own. “What the heck is wrong with you! Back on Refrain? You had a spare vial all this time? What happened to telling me the truth? Of both of us being honest with each other!?”

His eyes narrowed and lowered as his face darkened into anger. “I was going to be honest with you.”

She thrust the container out. “Then how do you explain this?”

“And how do you explain the lack of a needle?” Spike turned his head to expose both sides of his throat, no marks across it, the rolling of his claws showing his recovery. “Look at the capsule itself! Hardly anything is in there.”

“Because you! You!”

“Because I what? Tell me all the ways I could have injected myself with that.” Spike barely pushed off from the seat as his back crashed into the wall behind him. Struggling to prop himself against it, he breathed through his mouth, a warm sheen of sweat covering his scales. “There's barely anything in there Twilight.”

“Because you spilled it all over my chest!” She wiped a hand onto her soft balls of fuzz, the texture like a tuft. The thicker strands absorbed the liquid as the swipes of her fingers barely collected it. Her boobs jiggled and sank lightly from the contact. “I swear! You could blame a quarter disappearing into my cleavage.”

Twilight went to fetch a hand into the crevice but stopped at catching his head move in her peripheral vision. He looked fully to the side, fuming and still angry, not daring to look at her. The flush of a blush spread over the sweat that gleamed there.

Her fingers pulled out from her cleavage as the twins shifted back into each other.

Anger retreated from the atmosphere, right in the middle of the argument, as the touch of sexual tension seeped into the air. Twilight blinked as her head turned to the side as well. Sexual tension? Could that be right? Why had her angry mind faded so easily into an idea like that?

Despite his rage flooding through him despite being caught at a crime, the dragon still decided to respect her, a favour not asked for, yet one given instinctively. Regardless of drowsy agony and the present anger, he still looked away, out of... something, for her.



Maybe something in between.

“I'm sorry.” Her eyes widened as she spoke the words despite intending to say nothing. More followed, and she went along, the feeling... feeling right. “I didn't mean to barge in on you like this. I just... just got swept away by some thoughts.”

Spike chuckled in annoyed amusement as he kept looking away. “Still can't trust me alone? Should have guessed.” He laughed, one painful, both to his throat and her ears. His eye glanced at her. “So what? That spiel about openness and trust? One bad thought and—“

“I-It wasn't a bad thought.” Twilight inhaled through her snout and out through her mouth, scared by the hostility, but understanding of it. The same dragon that carried her to bed and kindly joked about it was now the aggressor here—but it was in knowing this that made dealing with him easier. “It was just... I got to thinking... about how you're mine now.”

“Nice way to open up a—“

“And how I'm yours.”

His mouth kept open despite his speech being ceased. Slowly his head turned to her and she felt the need to retreat into herself. Shoulder closing together and legs pulled to her stomach. Her face inched behind her hair and a hand rose all so a finger could roll a curl around it. “Because we're a couple now. None of us really got to do that stuff. Y'know, that feeling of having someone and belonging to them.”

Twilight swallowed and smiled and couldn't stop blushing. “I'm your Twilight, right? And you're my Spike.” Her chin lowered to the tops of her knees as she rocked in place. “I don't know what it is that makes me so happy about that. Only that I feel really good. And that I... I hope that you do too.”

Despite the severity of the present situation.

The dragon did not hesitate for a second.

“Of course I do.” His head was higher despite both of them sitting, all due to her lowering like a girl. He curled into himself as well, unable to look masculine—instead appearing like a boy. And there was truth to that. The duo were kids in their romance. “You give my life purpose Twilight. I always want to be with you.”

He sighed and dipped his chin on his knees, a gaze set on the floor at the center of the bathroom. It was the exact spot Twilight was looking. Both struggled, in talking about the other, to then look at them. “I've kicked myself so many times for having those kinds of feelings. I thought they were wrong to have. Having you be my Twilight... nothing else could make me happier... and sometimes I still feel ashamed for it.”

Her eyes lifted to him at once. “But I am yours. I will never come to regret that.” She did her best to smile despite her anxiety. “I'm not your princess... but I am your Twilight. Please. No matter what. Always be certain of that.”

Spike swallowed as his eyes inched upward, struggling and falling after each one, breaking through himself to reach her gaze. His anger had been replaced with meekness and fear. The desperate eyes that glowed in vulnerability. “Just like... how I'm not your assistant... but rather... your Spike?”

“You are my Spike.” Twilight couldn't cease smiling and, even there, the flooding of pleasure dulled any pain. “There's something about the possessive that makes me so jittery on the inside. Like getting to call each other nicknames. M-Maybe babe or something like that.”

“H-Heh.” Spike turned his head and scratched at his throat as the sweat across him seemed born from a different reason. “You always hear o-others doing that. N-Never thought it'd happen to me. Or us, rather.”

The bathroom was bathed in silence as the two sat on opposite ends, the distance between them no longer so far. One hand had been rolling in her hair as the other clutched something. Twilight's fingers unfurled as she looked at the item. “Spike?”


“What exactly were you doing in here?”

“Oh.” Spike nodded as his eyes set on the floor. “That.” He didn't struggle in looking up at her, the soft emerald glow now refined. Her being opened allowed him to be the same; their communication returned to as it had been throughout the years prior. “Got to thinking during, y'know, about what you said in the bedroom. I'd never... expected us to turn out this way.”

Twilight fully sat up to rest against the door, blushing already, nodding to him. “Certainly a surprise for us both.”

“And if that surprise didn't happen,” Spike went on as his eyelids lowered in shame, “then I was going to return to the thing that would let me keep close to you. You sending me away would have killed me; I wasn't lying in saying that.”

Twilight's eyes flicked down. “I'm not sure to feel honoured or horrified in hearing that.”

“You'll find yourself feeling a mixture of the two around me.” But then his brows narrowed as well in sudden discovery. “Though maybe that's not the case anymore. After what happened in the bedroom. How all that pain went away in that kiss. Our promise to be honest. It got me thinking of the little stash I had in here.”

Twilight looked to the vial to notice it was clear. She clutched it again. Squeezing the glass to exercise the less of the dread it'd inflected. “Just what is it that you did Spike? What was it I caught you doing?”

“Using every iota of my willpower to pour it into the toilet.”

Her gaze shot onto him. “You were doing that? On your own? Why not tell me? Wouldn't it have been easier if I did it for you?”

“Because I wanted to see if I was strong enough to do it.” Spike closed his eyes and breathed, fighting to calm himself down. She had done so easily. Yet he struggled with it. “If I could deeply believe you could get me through this. That drug had been my dependency for a reason. It never failed. Relationships and others will always be a gamble.”

Twilight leaned forward as shock flashed through her. “Is that why you got so angry? Because you made a choice like that before I—“

“Broke into the bathroom and fought with me?” He huffed and chuckled at the same time. “I was more irritated over that. But yeah. I guess you could say I was a little upset. “ He then giggled and shook his head. “And even then I couldn't be mad. Couldn't be angry with you. It just never feels right. You're just too perfect for that.”

“Oh hush.” Twilight's hair swayed as her head shook. “You still deserve an apology for that. I shouldn't have barged in like that.” She then came still. “Much less came a conclusion like that.”

“You can hardly be blamed for that Twilight.” Spike gestured a claw to the scene of the crime. “You saw what you saw after thinking about all that nice stuff about us. Most would have done the same in your place.”

“And you're not most—you're my one.” Twilight pushed against the wall as she came to stand, bowing while she did so. “I should have known and trusted you better than to do that. At the very least I could have heard you out.”

Spike pushed against the wall as well, his lethargic body struggling to rise, an arm wrapped around his front to his side. “I guess that I... forgive you then? It feels weird saying something like that to you.” He stumbled on his feet, wobbling in place, which went on no longer than a second—her body sinking into his side. “But, uh, I-I guess there's still one thing we can do together.”

Twilight placed more weight into her leg at supporting his side, the pressure lessening by the second, disappearing entirely once the dragon found himself. Now it was only his weight backed into her own. That contact instead was everything she craved.

She came to look up at him from under his chest, seeing his weak but determined face lower to her. No matter the state, the dragon could be dashing in his own way. His snout flicked to the toilet, the flush not done, a drug still there. “You may catch me like a dog at a bowl with that stuff in there. I don't think I have what it takes to make the final move.”

Twilight shuffled him closer to the object before they were a step before it. His arm was draped over her shoulders and down her side, keeping her close to him, a hug that wouldn't end for a while. Forced to keep like this due to the situation had tickled her everything. “Shall we?”

His claw settled on the handle, twitching upon the surface, no muscle in his arm able to push down. Another hand settled over him, soft and warm and fuzzy, slender and feminine, pushing down ever so gently. Hearing the flush and sensing the swirl, he couldn't bear to look, coming to glance at Twilight.

Finding his lips caught instead. Her eyes closed as she kissed him, and he did the same, regret unable to set in. It was slow and sweet and intimate as the flush died away. Once it was done, so were they, each breaking away. “Congratulations, Spike, on getting rid of it.”

Spike chuckled, his eye blinking, head inching back and then forward, a unique version only she knew about. “Thanks.”

“But now that leaves getting rid of the rest on me.” Twilight gazed all the way below and invited him to do the same, both looking down her top, at the fuzzy mounds darkened in spots. Her fingers rubbed at one of them, casting a series of jiggles across the surface, each one tantalizing to him—while, to her, she was working out the hardening agent. “Still got some on my boobs... and I don't think it's coming out.”

The fingers tried seconds longer before giving up. “Is it starting to become encrusted? Hey Spike?” She turned and lifted her head to look up at him. “Think you could use your claws to... why are you looking away?”

Spike blinked in surprise at being asked such a question. “W-What do you mean? That's your chest, Twilight.”

Twilight blinked the same. “I know it's my chest, Spike. It's nothing special. They're just my—“

“It's your chest.”

Twilight went to speak but found silence instead. Though his face was turned, the blush across his cheek was clear. His scales warmed and it wasn't from his withdrawal. Looking down at her mounds, she didn't think much of them all. She was praised for apparent beauty throughout her life.

Not much had been said about her sex appeal.

To the point she forgot it existed at all.

“Y-You mean they... they... they mean something to you?”

“Mean something to me? Of course they do!” The squinting of his eyes allowed them to be cast on her. He didn't get her—but still wanted to. “To what guy wouldn't they mean something to?”

Twilight was confused about herself and hadn't felt this way in a long time. The downward cast of her eyes came flicking at the sides as she processed everything coursing through her. “I-I mean I g-guess I kind of get it. M-Makes sense that guys would like boobs and stuff.”

Spike clenched his eyes and struggled to keep them that way. “You've gotta stop using that word.”

“What's wrong with boobs? That's what they are.” She cocked her head to the side and thought. “I guess breasts could work. Just never thought my pair would have any effect on anyone.” She chuckled. “You go through your whole life never being seen like that, and soon enough, you stop seeing yourself like that.”

She looked back up at him. “But do they really have that effect on you? Like you want to see them and stuff?”

“Twilight please.” Spike lightly shook his head. “You're killing me here.”

“My body has never meant much to me, Spike, as they're not much to—“

“What are you saying? Your body is amazing!” His eyes exploded open as he entered a strange passion caused by her. “You've got the figure of an angel working for you!”

“B-But that's not what guys are looking for in that regard, Spikey.” The nickname rolled off her tongue in a natural fashion that both nearly failed to notice. “They want someone like Rarity. Hourglass figure. Remember about that one time you were going on about how nice her chest was?”

“And I would have said a lot more about your own if I wasn't worried about humiliating myself!” Spike went on as pain and shame had left him. The passion on going about her allowed the dragon to forget himself. “Everything about you is perfect. That goes in regards to your body as well. Everything fits so nicely on you.”

Twilight pouted and did not realize her cheeks were blushing. “Hard for me to fit nicely into anything bigger than a C.”

“C is perfect! Not too big and not too small! It suits you perfectly!” Spike rattled his claw in the air, searching for words, nearly growling in failure at not finding the right ones. “There's enough there to supplement the rest of you. You don't want to be like the girls in those magazines where the focus is on a single place. No one spot detracts from another on you Twilight. That's where the magic of you resides within.”

Now the burn of the blush was apparent on her warming furs and searing skin. Some joke or tease was necessary. Whatever it took to reduce the pressure that built within. Yet something bore greater importance than all of that.

“Is... all of that true? You feel all that about me?”

“Of course I do! I'm a horrible dragon for it—but I do.” Finally his eyes clenched in realization at all that had been admitted. “Though I don't always look at you like that. Would beat myself up in even seeing you in that light. Plus we only just got together and a million wishes came true in being able to kiss you. And yet I'm already...”

His voice croaked.

“Already... what?”

He was silent for he was unable to lie.

“Already what Spike?”

His eye opened slowly, an expression of shame around it, his gaze flicking back to her. “That I was... already thinking sexual things.” He exhaled and it sounded heavy. “Might have stared at your butt a few times when my head was in the sky. I'm sorry about that. It gave me that jolt I was looking for.”

Twilight blinked and the dragon took that for offence. “You were looking back there before?”


“M-More than once?”


“No—don't.” Twilight shivered in place despite the flushing of warmth through her. “I-I'm actually flattered. Just never expected to be that kind of girl before. Y'know. The one where guys sneak peeks to get a look at her. Thing of beauty. Sure. I'm a princess and all that. But to actually have someone that invested in me.”

Spike blinked from his guilt and looked down at the woman in his arm. “Twilight?”

“It's different when you have the world and strangers all saying you're beautiful and pretty—they're nice compliments. But they don't really mean anything to me.” She shook her head while her eyes kept straight. “But all of that is different with you. It actually feels real. I've never been sure of myself in those regards.”


“But knowing that you genuinely feel that about me, I don't know, that I have that effect on you... it allows me to feel those things as well. You're so sincere about it. And I know it must be true for you.”


“Having you see me as all those things... allows me to feel sure in them as well... enough that I can use them to tease you.” She was smiling and nodding as her eyes were forward in more senses than one. “And I feel a lot better about myself. I feel more like a girl in being with you. Everything has a weight to it now because it's real. Now that I'm attractive too? I don't know.”

Spike chuckled. And then he laughed. A light shaking of the head. “Oh Twilight. You seriously have to be the only girl happy to have her ass checked out.”

“Correction.” Finally her eyes turned to him while still keeping that gloss of being forward. “I'm the girl happy to have her ass checked out by only you.”

He smiled enough to show a few fangs. “So we're both comfortable in using the word 'ass' now?”

Twilight laughed. “I guess we are!”

Both laughed to dispel any tension evoked from the conversation. Slowly the two settled into the other, saying nothing, another route now open for them both. What had been a sudden confession before had caused the couple to feel happier now. Importance and purpose and qualities of themselves now holding meaning due to the other feeling it in regards to them.

The duo leaned in for a kiss, that was until the dragon leaned away, gripping the side of his head.

Twilight's shoulders came to slump as her expression took to dejection. “Withdrawal again?”

“You can say that again.” Spike shut his eyes and lowered his head. “It's not too pleased to have its last high flushed down like that.”

Twilight reached a hand to his cheek, which he leaned into her palm, his expression softening at the brushing of her furs. Stroking his scales brought him peace, as did the kiss on the other one. But it didn't pull him from that craving for another thrill. That had been close to the heart for his addiction.

An idea struck as her lips pulled from his cheek, inching to his mouth instead, brushing across there, a tease not meant. He seemed to break from his cocoon in struggling to return the brushing he felt there. Which led Twilight to a thought.


What if I could.

Substitute for his addiction?

Twilight laid her lips on his, kissing him, over and over, each one a hungry devouring, a craving of her own to have more of him. Each wet smack and lock caused him to enter their world. He kissed back, ever faintly, returning a fraction of her work.

As fun as it was kissing his lips, doing as she liked, as she pleased with them.

The greatest of feelings and sensations came when they kissed back.

Twilight's feet turned on the ground till she could push into him, her front crashing into his, feeling her chest mesh onto the broadness of her pecs. He was always a head taller and above and the feeling of him towering tickled a pleasure below her core.

Spike tried to step away in feeling her breasts flattening onto him, each soft and rubbing and sinking into him, the blissful sensations he once tried to deny. Yet her feet chased him on that step as his back became forced into the wall. From there she had him. The two making out.

Though he fought to not enjoy it... the dragon succumbed... all because of her.

Yet it wasn't enough for her. The pleasantries on her lips hadn't been enough to express all that had been repressed. Her body had ceased to be sexuality. Yet in him she felt something more. Forget books and a crown. Improvement and ascension. This plot was of her own. Personal and for pleasure. It all meant something greatly to her.

Without knowing was Twilight's finding of her body rocking into him. Little flicking into his front, enjoying the bliss of her boobs going squish, a greater rolling and spreading over his chest. Her skin tightened in wanting to cover every inch of his delouse hardness with every fur of her softness. To cover him in her goodness—a goodness she hadn't realized about herself.

Spike tried to break the kiss twice, the first time he pulled away, which she chased, catching his bottom lip between her teeth. Making out to her flicking into him. Those wonderful mounds exploring his front. The feeling of her jeans, the tautness of the crotch, rubbing into his own, a place barren of anything.

The second time he tried to look away, huffing deliciously, causing her palm to collect his cheek, a push to have it back, Twilight claiming his lips again. She wanted something. Kissing to making-out. Still that wasn't enough.

The dragon worried for the more she craved for.

Twilight broke the kiss in a final suckle on his lip, a leave she was nearly unable to complete. She kept inches away as that was as far as she could take. In looking up at his cute and confused expression, she reached her hands to his claws, taking them, leading to where she desired to be touched.

Nothing greater had been guiding her. No books or lessons from a mentor. There wasn't an end-goal or a desire for improvement. What led Twilight was herself. The wanting to be appreciated for what she was now. Not needing the qualities of her friends.

The body of Rarity.

The physique of Rainbow.

The beauty of Fluttershy.

The comparisons showed what she'd lack, the more she could have been, the attraction in others even she could recognize. But now Twilight was herself. In lowering his claw over the swell of her rump and resting the other on her chest, both of them good enough, she herself now good enough.

So good, apparently, to be too good for him.

The silly boy.

Spike meanwhile couldn't handle the throbbing of his chest as his scales tingled in frigidity. That plush surface of fuzzy mounds sunk deliciously beneath his claw. Warm fur and warmer skin as the feeling of squish was melting into him. That, and her ass. Round and supple without being detracting from the rest of her.

And all the reasons to love her ignited. Still his claw pulled from both areas in shame of even being there—but the hands on him locked into such spots. Looking down revealed her hungry expression. One that was not before seen during their love.

The look of lust.

“Twilight... you're about to make a mistake here...” Spike shook his head but even the motion was in denial of itself. How badly he wanted her. Perhaps that was the source of his fears. “Why are you doing this?”

Twilight grinned in blowing warm air on his chin. “Didn't you say y-you mind was looking for another thrill? Some kind of h-high to steal your mind from the pain?” She then kissed the spot, inching across his jaw, every inch able to be kissed done so. “I can do that for you. I can give you that high. B-Both of us are looking for a thrill... right? To add some excitement to all the d-dullness we've shared.”

He looked down at her in hopelessness to a variety of things. “H-How... do you mean?”

Twilight grinned and swayed in place. Her hand guided his palm over the curve of her flanks, his fingers backed into his larger digits. He kneaded the tush to the outright firmness caked over the softness. Little amounts clumped between his digits as the feeling of heated denim teased his mind. That, and his other claw, curled up at once, squeezing the top of her breast.

To the low-moan of the girl.

“N-No! D-Don't do that to yourself for my sake!” Spike fought to free his claws from those places and the hand doubled their pressure. Twilight leaned up with closed eyes and kissed him again. Enough to ride out his aggression, to settle him into a peace of mellowness. They parted in panting. “P-Please Twi. I'm just a dragon looking for a high. You shouldn't have to help by putting your body on the line.”

“And you're still a helpless boy aren't you?” Twilight rolled her head back to even reach his snout, forced to strain for it, but pecking it with love all the same. She sunk a second later. “My body doesn't hold meaning for me. It's just a chest and an ass to me. Even my face is the same. But all of those now feel like something more because of the effect they have on you.”

Spike's eyes glimmered his intent to speak, but he kept silent, knowing his guilt nearly annoyed her.

“So I don't mind if looking at my boobs or grabbing my butt causes you to feel better. They don't matter all that much to me.” She smiled and shrugged and leaned her head to the side. “Sure it's not as romantic as building there after a few dates. But I don't care all that much. Because I'm doing this for us.”

Finally his mouth broke open. “Us?”

“What? You seriously think your body isn't returning some of the favour? I'm not forcing myself to want to be with you—I naturally want to be with you.” She then giggled as her head rolled straight again. “I know that's hard for your self-deprecating mind to handle. But you're not forcing me into anything. You're the one I want Spike. And this is everything I crave.”

Her hands floated away from his claws, which she trusted for him to keep there, coming to touch down and feel across his chest. The subtle slope of muscle tickled her insides as the solidity evoked a sense of protection and comfortability. She was thankful he could get around with being mostly naked.

“I won't make you do anything you don't want to.” Her face snuggled into his chest, between the two rises of his pecs, the warmth, the slender hardness closing her eyes. “But I want you Spike. Having your claw on my ass causes it to feel like something more. It does something for us both. Isn't that magical?”

“That's a weird way of coming to that conclusion Twilight.” Spike chuckled at feeling the girl that wiggled into him, her warmth and physique now condensed, everything he desired to hold dearly. The claw on her rump kneaded through the heated fabric, the sensation divine, a moan from them both. “But I... I want you to. I want all of this.”

He could feel her smile. “That's exactly what I wanted to hear.”

Confusion became him in the girl stepping away. The wiggle of her hips freed his claw from her bottom. He arched an eyebrow and suppressed a growl—the hint of such drawing a flick to her ear. She grinned at him from over a shoulder. “I'm still dirty from that nasty drug of yours.”

Her hands crossed and reached for the bottom of her top, a slow reveal and upward pull on the fabric, exposing the back once hidden. Spike sizzled in place as heat developed in anxiety between his legs. All to what the cues before him meant.

“And you're covered in sweat caused by its withdrawal.”

Twilight pulled the tank top over the fatness of her chest, each orb rising from the pressure before dropping to their freedom. They wobbled, one into the other, their side all that was seen. Wrapping an arm underneath to support the rack, the girl turned around, blushing with ears limp over her forehead. “Um. Ta-da?”

Spike's mouth kept open and did not close for some time. Blinks were to remind the duo of him being alive. His eyes had stuck to her breasts. Each a perfect roundness to the trimness of lavender fur. It darkened near their front, the tits a dark shade of purple, each seeming to enlarge by the second.

Twilight giggled. Looking away. Not knowing what to say. “Y-You're staring.”

Only his jaw had yet to be frozen. “Who wouldn't?”

Twilight blushed and looked down and seemed to be caught by her next objective. Her arm fell away as her twins inched into the other. Each of her fingers slipped through the band of her pants, tugging on the article, downward, revealing the black underwear.

Spike shouldn't have looked, and yet he did, seeing all things not meant to be seen. Velvet and ebony were the texture and colour of her panties; it clung over to her crotch, exposing the joining set of thighs, barely retraining the supple hills of purple on the other side.

And without meaning to, the dragon squinted, catching a wet patch on the center of her underwear. That had been from him. Genuine and true and unable to be a lie. Him being him and wanting her, the squeezes at her ass, it all played with her in a way desired.

The pants dropped and collected into a heap at her feet. Twilight had bent forward to slide them down and, with a kick, pushed them to the side. Now stripped only to her undies, the girl rose to do those too—stopping at the view before her.

In the distance before her eyes was the pulsating member of pink. Large and growing and smooth despite its hard appearance. Frills marked its sides, appearing rubbery, the whole drawing a swallow from her. “I' I've uh, ah... heh.”

Twilight kept looking at his dick without being sure what to make of it. It caught her and held it and demanded something of her. All that wetness and temperature between her legs flicked her toward the idea of it. Finally she could finish her speech. “I've never seen a guy's... ya know. Thing before.”

Spike looked down at his cock out and fought the need to panic. Being naked before another felt wrong... yet that was their reason for being here. His claws were still covered in front of it. Twilight must have stopped thinking in general as she leaned to the side to see it better. That caused a sigh from him. And the cue to pull his claws away.

Showing all that he was to her.

Twilight blinked when it flicked. The thing seemed to be throbbing in the open. It appeared pained to be like this. A call within tickled to take it in. To hold it or touch it or do something with it. She knew what happened with such a thing. But now there had been a present desire, an instinct almost, to do something for the poor thing.

Big and hard and pained to be in the open without anything.

Twilight's fingers slipped beneath the waistband of her panties. Sliding them down her hips and thighs until her feet rose to step out from them. In something unbecoming of her, a naughty idea appeared. Pretending to throw the article away, her hand flicked it forward, tossing the scented fabric onto the dragon's snout.

Spike's eyes couldn't have widened brighter as the dense black velvet landed on his snout. Heated was the smoothness of the texture and that smell was a hundred percent her. Rich and strong and flooding his lungs in its darkness. His world smelled of Twilight's pussy.

And already he was addicted.

His snout dove forward in order to smell more, the article instead dropping to the floor, a call to pick it back up. The floating giggles and the pelting of water, however, drew his gaze to the side. Leaning forward allowed him to see the presented ass of Twilight's sparkle. One foot on the tub as one of her cheeks hiked. Exposed and coated in fur they were. Those sources of heat beckoning him forth.

“Come and join me, Spike, or else the water will get cold.”

Twilight stepped into the tub and her other leg followed. The blinds drew over her and exposed only the perfection of her silhouette. He stepped toward it, unsure of himself, knowing nothing greater of a game plan. This wasn't a matter of appearing as something better or different. Rather this was him as himself in following after his own plot.

Which so happened to be her plot as well.

And by the time he reached the curtains, a purple hand reached out from within, grabbing him, pulling him inside. Seconds of stepping around and adjusting saw to the setting changing. To the side and right behind were the walls. Above rained down hot water and steam fogged at their feet. Each nude and before the other.

Spike looked down at the Twilight as she stood before him, fully naked and everything showing, her aura expressing her vulnerability—his no doubt doing the same. As much as she feared to have her chest out before another, the dragon felt the same, feeling ashamed of having his dick out before her.

But he couldn't enter that shame. Not in being taken by the beauty here. Twilight tilted her head back as the water cascaded across her frame, hair drenched on her forehead, clinging down on her skin. Through the heft of her bangs was how she looked up at him. “I-I take it... y-you... l-l-like what you see?”

And he was the same to her as the water coursed down him as well. Sweat washed away as the definitions of his muscles were more expressed. Strong and lean was his physique. Not too big but big enough. Twilight was especially glad of that being the case with his cock.

She looked at it in his stunned silence, appreciative of it, but caught to her amusement. “Can I... may I... touch it?”

Spike's jaw moved forward and back, side to side, unable to keep the words that kept disintegrating. Rather he nodded. Watching expectantly. Unsure of the girl really about to do this. She looked down at the slack of meat before her belly. Slowly her hand dropped to it, a twitch at feeling it to the same—loving the power at its throb as the heated surface continued to be a turn-on.

She then yelped in pleasant surprise at feeling a subconscious thrust from his hips. Twilight looked at him with a playful glare, at which he turned his head, a quick turn around as her hand travelled across his member.


Twilight smiled up at him as she arched forward, feeling her breasts crash together, slumping, the hanging weights now a different pleasure. She inched her chin at them as the subtle fire in her eyes had become commanding. “W-What are you waiting for? I'm... I'm...” Twilight closed her eyes, inhaling and exhaling, needing the courage to press on. “I'm here to make you feel good. And you'll do the same for me. It's a high you don't need a drug for.”

Spike closed his eyes and whimpered through wobbly teeth at the jerking of his cock from another. It was different from the other sessions. The feeling of someone working into him allowing for a new sensation. He was thicker and larger and aching worse than ever at the new stimulus.

And he was unable to stop thrusting his hips. Each was slow as her jerks went in reverse. Her pumps down came as his crotch flew forward, the two meeting, a special feeling to both. His claws twitched up and fell on her breasts, cupping the mounds of roundness, the flattening of their fur, the melting of her softness, it all driving a squeeze from him.

Twilight gasped and moaned and rocked herself at wanting more of him. Feeling her boobs squeezed and kneaded creating a pressure that triggered a pleasure within. “More. Do that more. Please. Every little thing you can do to them.”

Twilight looked up to find his face crashing down, the two forced to lean, each a step away. Water pelted the tub as their moans sounded louder than the shower. Still in jerking him, she devoured at his lips, a need for more of his sensation.

His palms had squeezed rhythmically at her chest, that was until a feeling of being stabbed arose; his digits shifted over the beautiful curves to their front. Her tits were hard and twitched ever so faintly. Catching them between his digits, their sides rolled over them, little jerks and squeezes—while the rest squished into the mountains of purple.

Twilight wiggled her head in the kiss and devoured him harder at the arousal building through her. Heat manifested as an itch deeply within. Already the wetness was lathered inside of her. Her folds burned hotter than the water as they gravitated toward the object in her hand.

Which she lowered without looking, aiming the cock at her slit, allowing the head to tease at the bottom of her cunt. Her actions followed in the directions provided by her body. Even without knowing what she was doing, the head parting her lips had felt right—and would feel more once inside.

Spike broke the kiss and pulled his head back, fighting the urge to stop the rubbing of his thighs, that last desire to flick inside. Rather his kind and determined face looked down at her as water raced down it. Health returned to him in the cleansing effect of the shower. That dragon she'd fallen in love coming back to her. “Twilight... are you sure about this?”


His claws floated from her chest and crossed around her back, his arms holding her close, hugging him into her. Already he rested his lips at her ear, as lost as her in wanting this, in all of the above. It pained him to have his dick an inch from the tight moistness that would cause him to feel free.

“Then okay.”

He pushed himself inside and couldn't prevent the rolling of his eyes. Bubbles of endorphins fizzled up at the feeling of silken walls before and around his cock. Heated and living flesh, wet and slimy, hugged him incessantly.

Inside of her was unlike anything else. Those walls spread as he pushed into her. Twilight's head rested on his shoulder and she trembled during it. Her mouth opened on the side of his neck, lightly biting, a test to endure through.

And her legs nearly faltered at the end. Her arms wrapped over his shoulders for support at the emptiness not before felt now filled by him. No inches to spare as all of her spread for him. She clenched without knowing how around him. That feeling of wanting to keep his cock deep inside, hugging deeper into him, all to milk the feeling the sensation provided.

“A-Are you ready?”

Twilight nodded into his scales as the hulking form of his body further wrapped around her. Everything between her legs was filled by him. Pain at feeling him entered faded at the pleasure at having him there. Slowly but surely, he pulled out, everything seizing inside—trying to stop him from leaving.

And convulsing at feeling him entering.

Spike thrust into her slowly, a joining of their hips on the contact, the contact lasting for seconds until retreating. He backed out of her before slamming in again. Already she was moaning and he was groaning. Her tightness tried to control him. The two were pleasured for it.

Slowly there was a building of his rhythm as the dragon continued into her. He was building a pace and she joined it. She pushed forward when he did so, only a little, to milk the impact of contact. Again and again was how their harmony grew as their hearts raced and minds elevated.

Both feeling taken to another place, a heightened state of existence, causing one to truly feel alive.

All the same qualities the dragon had sought.

Now received.

In the one he loved most of all.



“I think I'm... I'm close.”

“Then do it.”

“Won't you—“

“I'll be okay.”

Spike couldn't stop himself from reaching his claws to her bottom, a cupping of each cheek into a palm, the devouring of the sensations to it all. He squeezed and squeezed at feeling her pussy do the same to him.

He thrust and thrust until the speed could no longer be seen. She did the same with her slender bottom always flicking into him. Over and over was their joining. Twilight moaned at every little thing. And she was also moaning something else.

“Spike... Spike... oh... S-Spike!”

Suddenly she reached up to claim his lips in a final kiss as she flicked deeply into him, calming his full length inside, the dragon hilted, having buried himself deeply. The tightness of his grip on her flanks paralleled the walls of her cunt flexed intensely into him. His cock throbbed in the climax, the steamy chamber assaulted by the ropes of white, shot by him, the thickness rising to the thin pleasures welling within her.

Both of them moaned deeply into their kiss, which allowed them to endure their first climax, due to the love of the other. His hold on her bottom loosened before falling. She chuckled at the feeling of his hold leaving. If only because next she had faltered onto him.

“M-Mmhm?” Spike broke the kiss and held Twilight to him. “Twilight? Are you—“

“Please.” Twilight's face leaned onto his chest and nearly fell asleep there. “No more words. Let's just enjoy this.”

Spike's opened mouth closed into a smile at her request. Water pelted them as the heat in the droplets had cooled over time. Seconds passed until his cock slipped out from her. No longer did it ache. Neither of his heads did. The thrill fulfilled for the moment. Thanks to the woman he held.

“That was a lot of fun.” Twilight's giggles floated on the height of her high as their pitch had felt submerged in drunkness. Both of them enjoyed euphoria. A means of breaking the humdrum of life now and again. “But Spikey... we might have a problem.”

He rested his chin on the top of her head, mindful of the horn, scooting to the side of it. “And that is?”

“My legs are too weak to walk back... so you might have to... carry me again...”

Spike chuckled in amusement at the playing of his fate, the girl beyond his reach, only so, because she rested on his back. Like those many nights of ago where he carried her to her bed. He'd been weak and useless in the period since without the drug. Now he was back, in some capacity, as her assistant.

Or rather her lover.

Twilight delivered drunken kisses around his neck and across the back of his head, draped over him. She giggled without needing a reason as everything about the moment caused her to be happy. A delicious line traced her mind. “Mmhmm... doesn't this take you back... to when you carried me before... that slip you made about my chest?”

His eyes turned and lightly glared up at her. “You were awake enough to hear that?”

“Don't be mad.” Twilight laughed. “It's what helped start all of this. And you're still getting that benefit you talked about. How does it feel to carry a naked girl on your back?”

“Like she's rubbing her crotch on my spines?”

“Hey! That's my slender crotch—thank you very much!”

He smirked. “I'm going to need another shower.”

“I can provide you with one right now.” Shock broke through her drunken haze at the comment just made. Her mouth collapsed onto his scales again as her low scream was then muffled. “Omigosh! I said that! I just said that! Could you ever believe someone like me saying that?”

“I can because you just did.” Spike shook his head. “And once more. You're too good for me.”

“Oh hush... you're enough.”

Spike had reached her room and, with his claws holding her thighs, came to lean back, lifting his foot, an expert of balancing required to turn the knob and push the door in. Light from the hallway sliced the darkness of the room. He stumbled inside, the air warm and pleasant, the scent of her coating it all.

He came next to the bed. “Last station. Time to disembark.”

Twilight did so in the only way she could, that was falling back, crashing and sinking into the mattress. She rolled and nearly did so twice, rising onto her knees, crawling across the blanket. Her ass teased him as it shifted to the rest of her moments. From the pillow, she found her way underneath the covers. Hiding her everything until only her face was above the density.

Never before had she looked so cute.

“But I don't want this to be the last station.”

“Don't you worry.” He leaned down to her face, a kiss to her cheek, another blossoming of intimacy. Another high and thrill sustained. Those qualities came in many things. “I'm always on the clock and at the station by the morning. I love you Twilight. Sleep well.”

Her head chased after his retreating face, a final peck to his cheek before her head crashed into the pillow. “I love you too, Spike. I'm glad... and I'm glad we can say that without stuttering.”

He smiled. “Goodnight Twilight.”

She did the same. “Goodnight Spike.”

Spike rose to his height and turned in the room, a little stumble on the way back, a curse from either nervousness or denied nausea. He was stronger now. His mind no longer cried for a high. Being with Twilight gifted him with that in countless ways.

But as he reached the door, though, the handle glowed. He watched the frame push forward until there was a click. The magic then floated onto him, pulling his claw, pivoting him around, a smile also on him. The glow showed him where to go as its guidance led him back to her bed.

Twilight was already sitting up with the blanket forward, a space available next to her, uncaring of being naked. He came onto the bed, not needing the magic to know his arms were supposed to go over her, around her frame as to pull her close, the two settling underneath the covers.

The couple, now together, in stability.