The Grand Part

by Shakespearicles

First published

Flurry Heart gives her grandfather a grand Father's Day.

Father's Day 2020

Whenever Velvet goes on one of her solo adventure vacations, Night Light always gets left behind at home. Whenever Cadance and Shining have to go to a royal summit, Flurry Heart gets left behind too.
When they ask Night Light to watch Flurry for them, the two of them are stuck together while everypony else does something fun or important. (Not that the grown mare needs watching) Always the odd ones out. Night Light doesn't mind spoiling Flurry. After all, that was the grand part of being a grandfather.
This Father's Day, Flurry decides to give him a grand Father's Day.
Proofread by Sollace

Odd Ones Out

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It was Friday afternoon. Twilight Velvet trotted frantically through her Canterlot home. "There are some prepared meals in the fridge," she said as she gathered up the last of her travel things. "I'll be back Sunday afternoon. You always did say you wanted a day off for Father's Day."

"We're retired, Vel. Days off are meaningless," Night Light said. "I'll be fine. Really." He followed after her, holding her bag. "I'll manage without you for the weekend somehow."

There was a knock at the front door. Velvet stopped what she was doing and walked over to open it. Outside on the front steps was their son, Shining Armor, his wife, Cadance, and their daughter, Flurry Heart.

"Oh, hey guys!" Velvet greeted.

Shining returned the salutation. "Hey Mom. Sorry to drop in on you like this, but we got an urgent royal summons to Canterlot Castle. Apparently things have been getting uppity between the Abyssinian and the Diamond Dog nations again. Could you guys keep an eye on Flurry while we're in town?"

"I told you, Dad, I don't need a foalsitter! I'm not a little filly anymore!" Flurry Heart huffed and rolled her eyes just as far as they could go without dislodging themselves. "I have a whole palace full of guard stallions."

"Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of..." Shining muttered. He looked at the bag in his mother's hoof. "Oh, are we interrupting something?"

"Not at all, Shining," Velvet said, waving them inside. "I was just packing to go visit your grandfather for the weekend." Velvet smiled at Cadance and then looked at Flurry. "Come give your grandmare a hug!"

Flurry Heart had been a precocious foal growing up, and an even-more angsty filly. Her family, and extended family tried their best to give her a normal life. But even the best efforts could not prevent a pony from being a bit maladjusted from being a royal celebrity her whole life. Still, she wasn't too cool to give her grandmare a hug.

"Goodness! You're almost as tall as I am now," Velvet said. "I remember when I could still cradle you in my hooves."

"They do grow up fast, don't they?" Night said to Shining. His son let out an exasperated sigh. Night looked at Flurry. "C'mere kiddo!" He gave her a hug as well.

"Who wants cookies?" Velvet asked.

Flurry heart rolled her eyes. "I'm not a little filly."

"So you're saying you don't want cookies?" Velvet asked.

"... No. I'm not saying that."

"Don't spoil my daughter!" Cadance said.

"Cadie, I'm done being a parent," Velvet said. "I'm a grandparent. This is the grand part."

"Flurry, don't ruin your dinner!" Cadance said.

"She's a big girl. She will still have an appetite," Velvet said.

"At what age does calling her a 'big girl' go from being a complement to an insult?" Shining asked.

Cadance answered with her hoof jabbing him in the ribs, leaving him wheezing in the foyer while she followed after Velvet and Flurry to make sure she didn't eat too many sweets.

Night Light just looked at him. "Real smooth, Son."

Shining rubbed his side with his hoof and looked back at him nervously. "Hey Dad, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Of course."

Shining glanced towards the kitchen and then walked in the opposite direction to the living room. Night Light followed him away from the muffled chatter of the mares.

"It's about Flurry," Shining explained. "She's getting to be that age where... you know, she's not a filly anymore."

"As she has repeatedly pointed out," Night said.

"I don't just mean her behavior... actually, yeah, that too. She's been acting, you know, weird."

"Snarky? Shining, she's a teenager. It's par for the course."

"It's not just that. It's... she's acting..." Shining trailed off, twiddling his hooves in an implying motion. "You know!"

Night Light arched an eyebrow. He knew perfectly well what his son was trying to get at. But his struggle to parse the words was very amusing. But even Night was losing patience with the bit, so he asked him point blank in a perfectly neutral tone, "She's acting sexually?"

Shining Armor could not have turned any whiter.

"Don't even say it out loud!" Shining shrieked in a hushed tone. It was Night Light's turn to roll his eyes.

"But that is what you're talking about, right?" he asked.

"Yes," Shining replied, turning red instead.

"So what's the problem?" Night asked.

"I don't know what to do with her!" he said. "Half the time she acts like I'm her arch enemy and the other half of the time... she just gives me these looks like... like these weird vibes like... like I said, I don't even know what to do with her."

"I don't imagine you would be 'doing' anything with her," he said. "Leave that to her coltfriend."

"She doesn't have a coltfriend!" Shining spat. "You really think I'd let a dick anywhere near her? I know what colts are like."

"Her fillyfriend then. Whatever."

"No, she doesn't have anypony like that."

"So let me get this straight. You have a young mare, at the height of her libido, with no outlet for her pent up frustration. And her behavior around you, the only stallion in her world, is a mystery to you?"

"Yes! Exactly!"

Night Light shook his head. "Shining, you're my son. And I am obligated to love you. But sometimes you are a goddamn moron."

"Why does everypony keep saying that!?"

"Have you talked with Cadance about it?" Night asked.

"She was the first pony I talked to about it. But she said that I'm Flurry's father. So it's my job to deal with it."

Night snorted. "Then deal with it."

"I just told you, I don't know how!" Shining said, exasperated. "Dad, you raised Twilight. How did you deal with it?"

"Your sister found an outlet for her sexual needs," Night said simply, giving him a pointed look. Shining gulped. "So either let Flurry do the same, or deal with it yourself."

"But- but she's my daughter!" he said.

Night Light sighed. "Shining, you are the last pony I would have expected to have a problem with that."

"I- I d-don't know what you mean!" Shining stuttered.

"Fine. Whatever. You asked for my advice. I've given it to you. You can either accept it or reject it. But I will tell you this: Until you can see Flurry as the mare that she is, instead of the filly that she was, forever as your precious little foal that needs your protecting, then you will always be a child, Shining Armor."


"Shining?" Cadance said from the hallway. "It's time to get going." Everypony gathered in the foyer again. Velvet grabbed her bag and prepared to depart.

"Can't be late for that train," she said. "Are you sure you'll be okay watching after Flurry on your own?"

"She doesn't need watching after," Night said indignantly. "I'm sure she's potty-trained by now."

Flurry snickered.

Velvet gave everypony another quick hug and kissed Night farewell before leaving.

Shining and Cadance prepared to depart as well. Cadance gave her daughter a hug and a kiss goodbye. Flurry looked at Shining. He froze up. She rolled her eyes and huffed, walking back into the kitchen.

Night just shook his head. "We'll be fine," he assured them.

"Thank you," Cadance said, turning to leave, dragging her husband with her and closing the door after them.

Night Light walked down the hallway to the kitchen. He found Flurry was silently looking through the various cabinets. He leaned against the kitchen doorway. "Liquor cabinet is bottom right."

"Nothing!" Flurry blurted. "I- I mean, uh, what!? That's not what I was looking for."

"Uh huh." Night said, walking over to the kitchen table to take a seat. "So what was the plan? Find the booze and sneak down here later tonight while I'm sleeping?"


"Yeah, when I was your age I used to think I was so clever too, so I already know all your tricks."

"Please don't tell Mom!"

"Relax. I ain't no snitch." Night Light waved an outdated gang sign with his hooves that Flurry clearly didn't recognize. "Just don't refill the liquor bottles with water. That's alcohol abuse." He looked at her. She still looked unsure of how to react. "Actually, I have a better idea." His horn glowed and the bottom right cabinet opened. He levitated out a bottle of Applejack Daniels and two glasses, setting one at the seat beside him, pulling it out for her. "Cider?" She hesitated before she sat down beside him and he poured her a small glass and set it in front of her.

"Really?" she asked.

"It's not a trick or a trap," he assured her. She picked it up to drink it like juice. She immediately coughed and sputtered. "Whoa, easy there."

"It burns!"

"Yeah, it does. It... wait, is this your first time?" Night asked. She hesitated to respond, ashamed of the truth, but eventually nodded. "Wow. I had already snuck a bunch from my parents by the time I was your age."

"Mom keeps a dry palace," she said.

"Really? Poor Shining," Night muttered.

"Oh don't worry. Dad has 'stallions night' at the guard barracks and I can smell it on him when he comes back." Flurry's wings ruffled a bit against her back as she spoke.

"Well, like I said, I'd already had a bunch by the time I was your age," he said. "But we were reckless colts growing up. The first time I drank, I got so sick I threw up all over my parents' couch. I tried to tell them I was just sick to my stomach. But they could tell it was booze because the room smelled like hoof-polish remover."

"Ew." Flurry cringed. Night picked up his glass and drank some in a couple long sips. Flurry imitated him, drinking hers again, slowly this time.

"So what do you think?" he asked.

"It tastes like how burnt wood smells."

"Yeah. That's the flavor it picks up from the barrel. But can you taste the apple flavor under that?" he asked. Flurry tried again.

"Not really."

"It's okay. It's an acquired taste. Your pallet will get more refined with time."

"Well I don't really like it."

"That's good, I suppose. I figured you were going to try it at some point anyway. Better to have it in a safe environment so you don't get hurt or sick."

Flurry sniffed her drink again and winced, pushing the glass away. "Thanks anyway, Grampa." Night took the glass from her and finished her drink.

"No problem."

"Hey Grampa?"


"Thanks for being cool."

"I'm cool huh?" he asked. "I think I still have one of your dad's skateboards around here. Do you think I can do a sick kick-flip now?"

Flurry chuckled. "More like a break-your-hip-flip."

"Hey, I'm not that old. I'm only fifty four," he said. "But yeah, if I tried skateboarding now, I probably wouldn't see fifty five."

"I don't think you'd die."

"No but if I did get hurt while I was supposed to be watching after you, your gram would kill me," he said. He finished his own drink. "Speaking of, don't tell her about me letting you have a drink. She'd have my balls in a jar." Flurry snorted and pursed her lips. "What?"

"Nothing," she said. "It's just that I've heard Mom say something similar to Dad." Her expression soured.

"What's wrong?" Night asked.

"Nothing," she said, practically automatically. Now it was Night's turn to snort.

"Flurry, I've been married thirty five years and I already raised a daughter. When a mare says 'nothing', I know damn well that it's not nothing."


"Look, you don't have to tell me what it is, but don't tell me it's nothing. If you don't want to talk about it just say so."

"Fine. Yes. I don't want to talk about it."

"Alright. Do you want something else to drink? Apple juice or something?" he asked. She nodded. He got up and poured her a glass of juice. "I just always hoped that I could be someone you could talk to about anything. Everybody needs someone like that."

"Yeah, I've heard Mom and Dad say that, too."

"And I'm sure they mean it," he said. Flurry rolled her eyes. "Your parents just want what's best for you. That's why Cadance keeps a dry castle. Because drinking too young could really hurt you and-"

"Yeah I know! I've heard it a hundred times!"

"And they're doing the best they can," he continued. Flurry huffed. "Flurry, you need to remember that your parents are just ponies. It doesn't matter that they are your parents, or royalty or whatever. They're just ponies. They're not perfect and they make mistakes. And this is the first time they've raised a foal." Flurry seemed unphased. "I'm gonna let you in on a big-time grown-up secret." That got her attention. "Life doesn't come with an instruction manual. Everypony is making it up as they go along. And one day, when you have foals of your own, you'll realize that raising foals is just about the hardest thing anypony can do."

"What about ruling an empire?" she asked.

"Not even close!" he said.

"Well now I'm dreading both."

"Nah. Don't worry about it."

"But you just said it's the hardest thing to do! Harder than running an empire!"


"So why shouldn't I be worried?"

"Because you won't have to do it alone. You'll have help. With both. You'll have royal staff and your friends and family. And your future spouse, I presume," he said. Flurry seemed unconvinced. "You don't think so?"

"No, I get it. It's just..." Her wings ruffled again. "It's nothing."


"I mean... I don't want to talk about it."

Night looked at the clock.

"Are you hungry?" he asked.


Night checked the fridge.

"Your Grandmare left me a nice healthy dinner. Brussels Sprouts legumes and celery." Flurry made no attempt to conceal her disappointed sigh. "What do you want for dinner?" he asked.

"Are you really asking?" He nodded. "Junk food. Something fried."

"How about were order a pizza?" he asked. Her face lit up.

"Can we get hay fries too?" she asked.

"A whole mountain. With a cheese sauce swimming pool!"

"Thanks Grampa!" It was the first genuine smile he had seen from her in a long time. She rushed over and hugged him. "Mom never lets me eat what I want. She always says that nopony likes a fat princess."

"Yeah well, real princesses have curves," he said. "Have you seen how many pancakes Celestia eats for breakfast?" Flurry giggled. "I trust you'll be fine here while I go pick up our food?" he asked. She nodded. "Don't play with the pointy knives or the stove and burn the house down, okay?"


"Alright. I'll be back soon." Night Light grabbed his bag and headed into town to get their comfort food.

Flurry watched from the front window until he turned the corner at the end of the street. As soon as he was out of sight, she turned and trotted into the kitchen and pulled open the freezer, hoping that her grandmare wasn't too old to not have what she was looking for anymore. Digging and searching through the old frost and ice in the bottom she was about to give up hope when she finally spotted it. A simple blue cylinder with a faded CoolCo® logo on the side.

"Thank the stars!"

Flurry Heart had been doing her best to keep her composure ever since she had arrived. But now her tail was flagging high in the midst of her worst estrus cycle yet. Her tail swished and fanned instinctively, but it did precious little to cool the ache in her loins.

"Ugh!" she growled in frustration. She levitated the CoolCo® coolerator behind her and pressed it against her marehood. The cold was a shock at first that quickly gave way to relief. She pressed the length of it sideways against her hot vulva for a minute before finally pushing the rounded tip into her vagina and slipping the full length of it inside, sending the patented long-last CoolCo® coolerator coolant container to her core.

It was an older model. Clearly designed by a stallion. It wasn't as long or as thick as she would have liked, and it didn't have any of the stimulating bumps or ridges that the newer models had. But it served its purpose. On the plus side, not being as long meant that she could fit it completely inside her, letting her pussy close behind it, keeping it invisibly concealed while it delivered its much-needed relief to the poor mare.

Flurry sat at the kitchen table and closed her eyes, taking deep breaths, and cleared her mind, meditating the way her aunt had taught her. She had gotten through estrus before. She could do it again. The front door opened before she realized how much time had passed.

"Pizza time!" Night said as he walked into the house. Flurry froze in her seat. Night didn't notice as he set the pizza box on the table, grabbed a couple plates and refreshed their drinks. He sat down at the table with her. "Let's eat!" He looked at her. She looked back at him with an intentionally blank expression. It was obviously intentional and couldn't hide the nervousness beneath the facade. She had a terrible poker face. "Is everything okay?" he asked.

"Yup!" Flurry quickly grabbed a slice of pizza and a big helping of fries onto her plate with cheese sauce and she started eating. She had spent her whole life practicing eating properly she was genuinely thrilled when she could just dig in and indulge herself.

"Easy there, don't forget to breathe. Geez, doesn't Shining ever feed you?" he asked. She didn't reply after her second slice of pizza.

"The most I get to eat is at the castle banquets," she said. "And even then, I have to eat 'like a proper princess' and Mom makes sure I don't get too many helpings. 'We wouldn't want the common ponies to gossip about the little princess eating for two'," Flurry mocked her mother's voice. "HA! As if that was even possible!"

"What do you mean?" he asked. She gave him a sideways look.

"Oh please! Do you really think Mom or Dad would ever let another pair of balls near me!?" she said indignantly. "All the guards are either geldings or mares. And not even cute mares! Butch hags!"

"Do they not trust their own guards?" he asked.

"They don't trust me!" she growled before chowing down another slice of pizza.

"I'm sorry Flurry. I can't imagine how frustrating that must be. We always wanted you to be able to have a normal life. But I guess no matter what we do, that will never be completely possible."

"Yeah, well..." she trailed off as she chewed some more fries. "This is nice. It's the closest thing I'll ever have to a date. At least until Mom marries me off to some foreign prince in a political power move."

"Wow. And I though I was a jaded teenager," he said. "But don't get too excited about this little 'date'. I'm a married stallion after all."

"And my grampa!" she laughed. "I always wondered how Auntie Twilie did it, you know? Being a princess and single this whole time without ever having a coltfriend," she said. Night Light snorted. "What?" she asked.


"Grampa, you can't say that right after giving me crap about it!" she said.

"Fine, I don't-" He started over. "It's not your business to know what your aunt does behind closed doors." Flurry rolled her eyes. Night took a sip of his drink. "If I took a drink every time you rolled your eyes, I'd be dead by the end of the night." Flurry rolled her eyes again. "Easy there, give your Gramps a break."

"I can just see her biography now: The Four Hundred Year Old Virgin," Flurry said.

Night snorted again. "Okay. That was pretty funny. But inaccurate."

"Well I know she's not four hundred yet."

"I meant all of it." Flurry gave him a funny look. "Yeah that's right."

"Auntie had a coltfriend?"

"Yeah... a couple."


"So... what do you want to do after dinner?" he asked. She shrugged. "I've got a few board games. Or we could do a puzzle or something."

"I guess."

"I could read to you. You used to love that!"

"Yeah, when I was like, three. I'm not a little filly anymore."

"I know, Flurry," Night sighed. "I know. But it wasn't that long ago for me. The years fly by so much faster when you get older. And in the blink of an eye your little grandfilly..." She looked back at him with sympathetic eyes. He leaned over and brushed her mane with his hoof. "I used to love reading to you, too. So maybe we can just pretend you haven't grown up so fast on me for a little while? It would beat moping at the table all evening."

"... Okay."

"Alright. We can go read on the couch as soon as we get the table cleared." Night smiled and stood up, grabbing the leftovers and then pulling out Flurry's chair for her. She tried to follow it but ended up on her hooves.

A 'thud' drew Night's attention to the floor. The glistening wet blue cylinder lay on the floor between her legs.

"Haven't seen one of those in a while," he said. He looked at her. "Sorry. I, uh... did you need to...?" She stood frozen in place. Her eyes clenched and her mortified face was beet red. "Let me just..." He picked it up off the floor. It was quite warm. He rinsed it and opened the freezer. "I think we have another in here if you need... oh, this is it." He put it back in the freezer. "It should be ready in a few minutes."

"YEAH GRAMPA I KNOW HOW THEY WORK!" she yelled without even opening her eyes.

"Right. I'll just uh..." he backed out of the kitchen. "I'll just be in the living room. You go ahead and... do...that." he trailed off.


"I'll see you in the living room."

He turned and left the kitchen, walking to the living room. He looked over the books on his bookshelf and grabbed one to read and waited on the couch. After a few minutes he heard the freezer drawer open and then close. Another minute later, Flurry poked her head around the corner of the living room doorway.

"You uh... okay?" he asked. She nodded her head sheepishly. "Did you want to...?" he patted the couch beside him.

Flurry hesitated for a moment and then walked very carefully across the room with her tail tucked firmly between her legs. She settled onto the couch next to him. It was awkward for him to know that she had that coolerator inside her vagina. It was more awkward that she knew he knew.

"I'm sorry, Flurry," he said. "I should have known. It's mid June after all and... It just- it explains a lot."

"Whatever," she muttered.

"Flurry, there's no need to feel ashamed. It's a perfectly natural-"

"Can we NOT!?"

"Alright, alright." He leaned over and opened the coffee table drawer and took out a couple small wrapped sweets. "Do you want some chocolate?" he asked.

"That's a stereotype."

"And that's not a 'no'."

"... Fine. Yes," she admitted. He waved for her to move over closer. She begrudgingly shifted closer and he unwrapped them.

"Say 'ah'."

She opened her mouth reflexively. "Ah." He levitated the chocolate into her mouth and she chewed it before laying back down, resting her cheek against the side of his thigh like she used to when he read to her when she was younger. "So what are we reading?" she asked. He showed her the book. "Fairy tales? Really?" He smiled.

"These aren't the ones you know," he said. "These are the grim, original ones! These aren't about princesses and happily ever afters. These are mostly about foals getting into trouble and getting eaten by witches and wolves."


"Damn right they're cool! And I haven't read these in a long time so this will be fun for me too." He opened up to the table of contents. "Recognize any of these titles?"

"Red Trotting Hood! I remember that one!"

"Do you remember how it ends?"

"Yeah, the wolf was gonna eat her but the lumberjack scares him away with his ax!"

"Heh, yeah. This version is a little different." He flipped to the page of the story within the massive tome and began reading it to her. It started off similarly enough until Little Red met the wolf. "Why Grandma, what wrinkly skin you have!" Night read aloud. "Well I'm no young filly, the wolf said, wearing her grandmother's fur."

"Wait, what?" Flurry asked.

"The wolf ate her grandmother and was wearing her fur like a coat."

"Oh my gosh!"

"Yeah, I told you."


"Yeah. Uh let's see... oh okay. Why Grandma, what a long tongue you have! All the better to eat you with, my dear! And then the wolf..." Night Light read ahead.

"So is this when the lumberjack shows up?"

"Uh, no."

"So the wolf eats her?"

"Uh... more or less," he said. "Let me skip ahead a little here..."

"I'm fine, come on!" Flurry grabbed the book. "All the better to eat you with!" she read. "The wolf licked his lips and grabbed Little Red Trotting Hood, throwing her on the bed and spreading her legs, before he- oh."


"Oh wow."

"Yeah, sorry, I forgot about that part-"

"Why Grandma what a big DICK you have?"

"Flurry, come on!"

"The wolf fucks her?"

"Language! But yeah, in the old version that was what happened. And then he eats her for real." He grabbed the book away from her. "Let's read something else. How about Ivory Ice and the seven miniature horses?"

"The mare living in a house with seven dudes?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Does this version have like a gang-bang scene?" she asked.


"Or do they wait in line and take turns with her?"

"Flurry that's enough!" he scolded. "Look I know you're at that age and right now that's all that's on your mind. I know. I used to be your age too at one point."

"Hmff. Yeah. Before the planet cooled."

"Hardy har." Night put the book on the coffee table and huffed. "I can't believe your parents left you with me like this."

"What?" Flurry looked hurt.

"What- no, I'm happy you're here. I just meant, with you like... this." He motioned at her with his hoof. "Why didn't you bring your own cooler, or take some Beat The Heat?"

"I would have if I had any!" she said. "You might want to pretend that I'm still a filly, but at least you know better. Mom on the other hoof really thinks I'm still a little filly! To her it's inconceivable that I could be feeling this way!"

"Well usually the father deals with-"

"HA!" Flurry laughed so hard she almost choked. "Dad's a moron!"

"Don't call your father names."

"He looks at me like I'm a damn puzzle cube that he can't figure out. When it's so obvious what I need!"

"Oh yeah? And what's that?"

"DICK! I need a stallion!"



"Okay, I know that's the truth, but I just wasn't prepared to actually hear you say that out loud."

"Yeah, well... you asked!" she huffed.

"Have you told him that?"

"I think I've given him plenty of subtle hints."

"Sweetie, Shining doesn't get subtle hints. He doesn't get obvious hints. Like you said, he's a moron."


"But- just because it's true, doesn't mean you should say that about him, okay?"

"Okay... It just blows my mind that he married somepony like Mom. How in Equestria did he manage that?"

"It's... a long story."

"Well I'm sure it's better than..." she opened the book to a random page. "Hansel and Gretel."

Night snorted. "Actually it's similar to that version of the story."

"Because it has a candy house and Dad calls Mom 'Candy'?" she asked.

"No. Because Hansel and Gretel are siblings and they weren't going into the woods to find a candy house."

She flipped to the story. "Hansel and his sister Gretel trotted into the woods together to find some privacy, as their family would not approve of them... oh wow. Really?"

"It was a more common theme back then than you would think. Nowadays... well, ponies are a bit more discreet."

"So what does that have to do with Mom and Dad?" she asked.

"Are you really sure you want to know?" he asked. "Because once I tell you the truth, you can't un-know it."

"What? Did Mom come over one time to visit Grammy, but it turns out Grammy was a wolf all along and I'm actually his half-wolf daughter?"

"Alright. I guess you could handle it. I think you would have figured it out eventually." Night finished the rest of his drink. "For starters, You Gram and I never planned on having foals. Your father was an unplanned pregnancy."


"Yeah yeah. But we love him all the same. But I didn't intend on having any more. So after that happened, I went to the clinic and got a vasectomy."


"It's birth control, like... getting your tubes tied, but for stallions."

"Oh. But what about Auntie Twilie?"

"What indeed?" he asked rhetorically, setting his jaw. "Well you see, I never told Velvet that I had gotten snipped. And then some years later, she was pregnant with Twilight. She claimed it was mine, But I knew it wasn't."

"Grammy cheated on you?"


"Do you know who it was?" she asked.

"Yup..." Night tried to keep the anger out of his voice. "I figured it out. It happened over a Mother's Day weekend while I was out of town. I left her at home with your Dad."

"But if Dad was there, how did she get away with having a stallion over?"

"She didn't need to. Your dad was about your age at the time..."



"Oh my gosh! You mean Dad fucked Grammy?"


"How did you- how are you sure?" she asked.

"Because they didn't just do it once," he said. "Sometimes in the middle of the night Velvet would sneak out of the bedroom 'to go feed Twilight in the nursery', and then make a little stop at your dad's bedroom when she thought I was asleep. It was pretty obvious what they were doing."

"Yeah. There's no mistaking that sound," Flurry said, recalling hearing late night noises herself. "So if she was cheating on you, why didn't you dump her?"

"What? Get a divorce? No," Night said. "No, I wasn't ready to do that. I still loved her. And she still loved me. We had already built a whole life together. And we had two foals to raise. I wanted to stay together for their sake. And besides, I was playing the long game."

"What do you mean?"

"Everyone assumed that Twilight was my daughter. And Velvet never told anyone any different. Not even your father. But soon, Twilight grew up, herself. When she had her first heat, she came to me for help."


"And she made it pretty clear what she wanted. She didn't give me subtle hints. She didn't give me obvious hints. She told me what she wanted. And I obliged her."

"You had sex with Auntie Twilie?"

"For a while."

"But she was your daughter."

"Well, half-daughter/half-granddaughter, but she doesn't know that. Anyways, it was what Twilight wanted. For my part, I certainly enjoyed it. And as a bonus I was quietly getting even with your Gram."

"Do you still do that with Auntie?" she asked.

"No. Well, we never officially stopped, but it's been years. She traded me for a younger model. But that's okay, because your father did the same thing to Velvet."

"By marrying Mom."

"Not quite. Before your father met your mom, he started having a relationship with somepony else."


"... Your aunt."

"Twilight? His sister!?"

"Well technically, his half-sister/half-daughter," Night said. "But like I said, he doesn't know that."

"Wait, are you about to tell me Auntie Twilie is my mom?"

"No. Thank goodness. Twilight was always much better about using birth control than her mother. But Shining and Twilight were the worst-kept secret in our family. Once Velvet found out, she pushed Cadance to date and marry him. Which of course she did. And you know the rest."

"Does Mom know about any of this?" she asked.

"Mhmm. She discovered Shining cheating on her with Twilight. She told Velvet. Velvet never told her that Shining and Twilight were actually 'continuing' their relationship and that Cadance is actually 'the other mare' in all of it. And from what I figured, Cadance decided to get even by having an affair with Velvet."

"How do you know?"

"You know I used to be a Royal Guard, right?"


"Do you know what part?" he asked. She shook her head. "Intelligence. Espionage. Spying. Suffice to say your grampa still knows a few tricks. I intercepted messages between them. And according to your mother..." He cleared his throat. "She doesn't care if Shining is fucking Twilight on the side, or whoever else he may have been seeing. Hell, he could go out even more, and she'd like it. All it meant for her was more time with his mother, her soft lips, tongue, and nimble hooves." he recited. "In fact I'm certain that's what she's doing right now."

"So Mom and Gram?"


"While Dad and Auntie Twilight..?"


"Wow. Wow... But you know what? Weirdly, a lot of stuff that's been going on is making a lot of sense right now. But what about you?"

"Me? I get to be the odd one out. Stuck at home foalsitting, no offense, while they go out and have fun. This is what they mean when they say 'knowing too much for your own good."


"But I just figured you deserved to know. And if you tell your Dad you want his help with your cycle, I'm sure he will eventually. He seemed to have no problem doing his mother and sister."

"What? No, when I said I wanted dick, I didn't mean I wanted his!" she said.

Night Light gave her a dubious look. "Oh? Did you have some other stallion in mind?" Flurry winced. She knew he was right. As much as she didn't want to admit it, least of all to herself, her father was the one she had been lusting after all along. "Don't feel too badly, Flurry. I think all fillies go through that phase. Though probably not to the extent that your aunt did."

"Do you think it might be hereditary?" she asked.

"If it is, you're doomed," he laughed. She didn't. "I think it's more the case that you've been dealt a tough hoof of cards. Especially if your parents won't let you date on your own. Your father should realize what that's doing to you. But as we've established-"

"He's a moron."

"Heh, yeah." Night Light gently stroked her mane while she laid her head on his thigh.

"I don't want it to be with Dad," she said. "I mean, I don't anymore. Now that I know all that. Besides, it sounds like he has his hooves full anyway. I guess I'm the odd one out, too."


She softly nuzzled her cheek against him.

"I don't want to be the odd one out anymore, Grampa."

The Grand Part

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"I don't want to be the odd one out anymore, Grampa," Flurry Heart said.

"I know sweetie," Night Light said, gently stroking her mane as she laid with her cheek on his thigh. "I feel the same way."

"You do?" she asked.


Flurry rolled over to face toward him. With her head in his lap, her nose was precariously close to his sheath and balls. It was heavy with the musk of a stallion. She had only ever known a whiff of it from her father. But so close here, it was a heady aroma.

"Flurry," he chided. She ignored him and took in more of his scent. Her tongue poked out of her mouth. She felt his hoof on her shoulder. "Flurry, you're not thinking clearly right now." He looked at the blue cylinder hanging out of her most of the way onto the couch behind her. "Your coolerator is slipping out."

"Then push it back in."

"You can do that yourself," he said.

"But I want you to do it," she said.


"Grampa, I'm telling you. No hints. I'm telling you. I want this," she said.

"You don't know what you want right now," he said.

"Don't do that! Do treat me like a foal! I'm a mare, dammit! And I want to feel like one just once for fuck's sake!"



"You better not tell your Mom or Gram about this or I'm a dead pony," Night said. He reached over with his hoof and pressed on the blunt base of the coolerator, sliding it back inside her.

"If Mom found out about this, I'd be in more trouble than you," she said.

"I highly doubt that." He slid it most of the way back inside her before he stopped.

"Mmm, all the way, come on," she whined. Night's horn glowed and his magic pushed it the rest of the way in. "Aww that's cheating!"

"Flurry I wasn't expecting this evening to go this way, okay? Give me a break. I used to help change your diapers."

"So you used to wipe me too, then. Just put your hoof there again. What's the difference?"

"It's the difference between shooting a cannonball, and throwing it!" he said. She squirmed closer into his lap.

"Fine, I'll do it first," she said, reaching up to rub his sheath with her hoof.

"Flurry-" It was less a scolding tone and more a moan. She pressed her nose into the base of his sheath and reached down to cup his balls with her free hoof, kissing each of them. His raw stallion pheromones were making her feel lightheaded. Still laying on her side, she lifted her leg and let her tail flick and swish freely. Night was assaulted with pheromones of her own. Beneath her nose, she could feel a bulge forming inside his sheath. It was coming. His dick was going to come out. Her impatient tongue dipped into his sheath, unwilling to wait.

"Flurry, no!" He pushed her away off of him and off the couch. Before she could even look up at him with hurt eyes, his magic picked her up and slung her over his shoulder, holding her legs with his hoof. Her hooves draped over his flank while her tail swished against his cheek. "Not here. Not like this," he said, carrying her upstairs.

Flurry was normally a peerless magical prodigy. But the haze of lust she was in had her barely able to remember her own name. It was all she could do to squirm fruitlessly in resistance to being restrained as she was. All her flexing muscles managed to do was make her pussy wink in his peripheral vision. His eyes looked sideways as he reached the top of the stairs, seeing the blue cylinder re-emerge from her vagina. With one last defiant squeeze, it popped out of her and rolled off to the end of the hallway, leaving a wet trail. He made no effort to recover it.

"We're well past that point anyway," he said to himself. He carried her into the bedroom and tossed her from over his shoulder onto the bed.

"What are we gonna do on the bed, Grampa?" she asked with a coy smile, seeing the tip of his penis just starting to poke out of his sheath.

"What your father should have done a long time ago," Night said. He grabbed her by her hips and flipped her over. He grabbed her tail and pulled her rump up into the air. Flurry's heart raced with excitement for what was about to come.

He brought back his hoof and gave her a firm slap on the bottom.


"Ow!" Flurry yelped. She had never been spanked before in her life.

"That's for trying to sneak liquor!"


"That's for taking your gram's coolerator!"


"And that's for teasing your Grampa!"

Her wings sprang open and fresh string of sticky wetness hung between her inner thighs like a strand of spider web. Night Light broke it with his hoof.

"Did you actually get wetter from that?" he asked. Flurry blushed. "I never knew my grandfilly was such a perverted degenerate."

"It must run in the family," she said. He pressed her flank down with his hooves, laying her flat on her belly. He climbed over her and held her down with his body weight. Not enough to hurt her, but just enough to show dominance. He leaned his head down besides hers and whispered in her ear.

"Lucky for you, your Auntie Twilie taught me a new trick after her coronation." He shifted back and planted little kisses down along the mid-line of her back until he got to between her shoulder blades, at the base of her wings. His lips kissed and nibbled up along the leading edge of her wing, and then running back down giving each of her primary feathers a gentle tug as he preened her.

"Grampa, that's not helping," she whined as she squirmed under him.

"It's not supposed to," he said, moving over to her other wing to preen that one. "It's going to get worse before it gets better."

"I need to rut!" she moaned.

"Patience," he said, moving into the underside of her wing, nipping at each of her secondary feathers and coverts. "Young ponies these days always want instant gratification. You need to learn to savor the antici-" Flurry's hoof snaked under her body to reach back between her legs and play with herself. Before she had the chance to, he grabbed both of her hooves with his magic and pinned them to the bed in front of her. "... pation!"

She whimpered underneath him.

"If you keep whining like a naughty foal, I'm gonna treat you like one." He gave her butt another firm slap with a free hoof. "I only fuck mares. Naughty little fillies get a spanking, not a dicking." He leaned forward again and nibbled on her ear. "Do you want a dicking?" he asked.

"Mhmm," Flurry whimpered as she bit the duvet.

"What was that? That didn't sound like a word." He shifted over to nibble on her other ear. It was all she could do to muffle her squeal. "Well then I guess you don't want a dicking."

"Grampa! Yes! Gimmie!"

"Tsk tsk. No manners at all," he scolded. He reached under her chin and craned her head back enough for her to look up at him, albeit upside down. "I don't know who taught you such bad habits, but I'm going to just have to suck them right out of your brain."

He slipped his mouth over her horn and began to expertly felate it like it was his only source of oxygen. His tongue ran up and down along the length of her horn, running over every sensitive ridge while he sucked. Flurry didn't roll her eyes of her own accord this time. They rolled back into her head on their own as she felt the incredibly new sensation of getting her first horn job. Her inexperience with the sensation was apparent. Night felt his mane start to stand on end as her horngasm charged up in his mouth. He pulled off at the last moment.

"Whoa easy there. We don't want you going off early on your first time now," he said.

"Fa- fa- fuck..." she babbled, denied orgasm again.

"It's not a sprint, baby. It's a marathon." He looked at the mare under him, practically melting in her sweat. "In fact, stay put." He rolled her over onto her back and re-pinned her hooves on the bed with his magic. "No touchy while I'm gone."

"Grampa!" she yelled.

"Relax, sweetie. I'll be right back," he said. His turgid erection bobbed under him insistently. He trotted downstairs to the fridge. He opened the freezer and stuck his dick in to cool himself down. This was her first time and he was determined to make it last. After for an agonizingly long minute for Flurry on the bed, he came back upstairs with two bottles of water. He helped her to sit up and he fed her the first bottle like a baby. "Drink up. You're going to need it." He opened the other one and held it for her to drink too.

"What about you?" she asked.

"I drank mine downstairs. Now come on." He put the second bottle to her lips. She stopped halfway.

"N-no I'm full!"

"You need to balance all that salt from the pizza and fries earlier," he said. "If you finish this one, I'll give you a nice reward." Flurry still seemed unsure, but she took the second bottle to try drinking the rest. He gently rubbed her tummy as she did. "The lower that water goes, the lower my hoof goes," he said. True to his word his hoof drifted lower and lower as she took in the rest of the water. When she finally finished it, his hoof grazed the edge of her vulva. "Good girl."

"Are we- gonna- rut?" she wheezed.

"Oh goodness no. Not right now. You just drank all that water. If I started doing that you'd be sick."

"But you said-"

"I said I'd give you a nice reward. But you need to lay down and relax."

"But Grampa, it aches so much! It burns!" she cried.

"What does?" he asked. She pointed at her crotch. "Use your words."

"My- my pussy!"

"Oh, poor baby," he feigned. "Do you want Grampa to kiss the boo-boo?" She nodded emphatically. He took her legs with his hooves and pulled her butt to the edge of the bed and he knelt in front on her. She looked down along her belly at his face hovering between her thighs. For a moment he just stared at it, admiring the majesty of her pristine virgin pussy "Is this where it hurts?" he asked. Flurry was on the verge of tears, whimpering as her lower lip trembled. "Shh, shh," he hushed her cries. "There there. Grampa's kisses are gonna make it all better."

Night Light was hardly a player. He dated only a couple other mares before he married Velvet. But from what experience he had, he knew that no two marehoods were alike. Each one was as unique as a snowflake and beautiful in their own special way. Not just in appearance, but in scent and taste as well. And even that changed with time. And after Velvet had to change up her diet in recent years, her flavor became somewhat more bitter and watery. But unique nonetheless.

And Flurry was no exception. Her taut pursed lips of youth had none of the sag from foal bearing. Her scent was flowery and light, untainted by a stallion's touch. Night Light closed the distance, and gently ran his tongue up along the narrow part in her lip, catching a bit of the copious moisture dribbling from within.

Her taste! There was absolutely nothing else in the world like virgin pussy. He knew if he were to indulge in her again tomorrow after tonight, and he knew he surely would, it would not be the same. It would never be the same again. Just as had happened with Twilight before her. That was one thing his son could never take from him. They might be fucking each other on the regular now, but only Night knew what she tasted like before she was deflowered. And so too would he with Flurry. For now, in this moment, he savored every second of it, committing it to the deepest parts of his memory.

Flurry's hooves gripped at the bedding as she felt him licking up and down in her pussy, up one side and down the other. And then the reverse. Laying it flat against her, probing it firmly into her vagina, or taking her entire mound into his mouth with a sucking kiss. His pattern was seemingly random, but there was a method in his madness. He was hitting all her trigger points except for one. She writhed and squirmed on the bed as he edged her nearer to her climax and then backing off again. Flurry grimaced and struggled to reach for her orgasm that seemed perpetually out of her reach.

Her clitoris winked at him insistently, trying desperately to make itself know to an apparently oblivious stallion. Her vocalized agitation reached a fever pitch as she started desperately rocking her hips at him, making any attempt to just hit him in the nose with her clit. That last shred of pleasure she needed to finally get off. Just a couple good swipes. She managed to get one good contact and trembled. It wasn't an orgasm. It was like a mini one.

Night Light stood up and stretched his hooves, leaving her in the lurch yet again.

"Gah, my back," he complained. "I need to lay down for a bit."

"What WHAT!?" she shrieked. He walked around the bed to the other side behind her and laid down. She flipped over and crawled next to him with fire in her eyes.

"Relax, I saved you a reserved seat," he said, patting his lips with his hoof. He picked her up with his magic and hovered her over him to straddle him. Flurry looked behind her at his erection. She reached back and grabbed it. It throbbed in her hoof. She scooted herself back to stuff it inside her. He grabbed her with his magic again. "No no, leave that alone for now," he said. He set her back down with her knees on either side of his head. He reached up with his hooves and pulled her hips down for her to sit on his face.

While he licked, his horn glowed and a tendril of magic slipped into her vagina. He shaped it to have bumps and ridges as he moved it in and out of her. It was all Flurry could do to just grab the headboard behind him and hold the fuck on. She felt a pressure in her tummy building. She feared that all the water she had drank was going to go right through her.

"Grampa wait! I think I need to pee!"

"No you don't," he assured her.

The pressure inside her built up and got stronger and stronger, like a rope tying itself into a bigger and bigger knot.

Night shaped his magic to have a slight upward curve, pressing hard against the spongy wall inside of her vagina. He added vibration to it as well. Flurry didn't know if she was going to pee or throw up or just explode altogether. But her muscles were jelly and her grandfather would not let go of her hips.

The magic phallus moving in and out of her faster. Flurry careened towards the point of no return like a runaway train. Night had no intention of backing off this time. He was going to take her all the way. And she was going to cum. Hard. Flurry reached down and held her stomach with her hoof, unsure of what would happen, but she was scared of what could happen.

"Grampa, please! I'm gonna pee!"

"No you're not!" he tried to assure her. She didn't believe him. She was certain that she was about to wet herself and the bed. But there was nothing she could do to stop herself not. Her whole body trembled, shivered and shook.

Night Light could tell she was on the brink. He finally sucked on her clit, licking it rapidly as he did. His magic inside her pressed hard against her G-spot and with his free hoof he pushed against her lower abdomen just above her pussy.


Night Light knew what to expect. But nothing could have prepared him for the torrent of marecum gushing from her pussy. Thick jets of her nectar spurted into his mouth as he continued sucking, swallowing, and fucking her with his magic. It was both watery and syrupy. Salty, but sweet. Almost like movie theater popcorn butter. He let off the pressure with his hoof on her pubic mound, and the pressed again, starting her cumming over again with even more spurting out of her. He briefly feared that he might drown in his grandfilly's marecum. But what a way to go.

Flurry Heart's spine went limp and she fell backwards off of him onto the bedding. Her legs twitched involuntarily and her clit continued to wink in the aftershocks of her first real orgasm. Her eyes were half-lidded and focused on nothing as the room felt like it was spinning around her.

Night Light sat up and wiped the corners of his mouth with his hoof. He looked at the young mare on his bed, skirting the fringes of consciousness, the quivering mass of flesh that used to be his grand daughter. Her pussy was a dripping mess of lubrication. The shadow of his erection loomed over her.

"Okay," he said. "Now you're ready." She blinked up at him. "You want this?" he asked. She nodded. Expecting coherent speech from her would have probably been asking too much from the poor pony. "Show me." She propped herself up to bring her face to his crotch. She absentmindedly pressed her snout into his balls to give them a kiss, but ended up poking him in the belly with her horn. "Ow!"

He moved around behind her and straddled her head, draping his scrotum on her forehead, each of his balls hanging at either side of the base of her horn. His dick laid along the length of her horn, though it extended a good deal longer.

"Now look who's got the big unicorn horn," he said. Flurry looked up and her eyes crossed to look at her horn and his dick. She giggled and her horn glowed, making his shaft throb harder, gaining both length and girth. and it made balls feel warm and then they ached a bit more. "Whoa, what was that?" he asked.

"Just a vitality spell, I think. So at least part of you will feel like you're eighteen again."

"Oh ho, you're in trouble now, then," he said, moving back in front of her. She wasn't kidding. His dick felt like a steel beam bobbing under him. "If you don't make sure it's good and wet, you're gonna have a bad time."

Flurry didn't need to be told twice. She knelt in front of him on the bed and sucked his dick. Or some approximation of sucking.

"Ow. Ow! Sweetie you- agh! You need to keep your teeth out of the equation!" he said.

"It's hard when it's this big."

"Thank you for the complement, but why don't we table this for now until you work on your technique?" he said.

"I can do it!" she said, abandoning sucking for sloppy licking all over. Her 'technique' was non-existent, but he didn't hold it against her. He would, however, hold it against her.

"Alright, come here," he said, flopping onto his back again. He pulled her on top of him. She positioned herself to sit up like before, cowgirl style. "No no, come down here," he said. She laid down on top of him, face to face. He wrapped his hooves around her. His horn glowed and he used his magic to position his dick behind her. He put his hooves on her hips to shift her back just a little bit. His tip nestled into the lips of her vulva, pressed against the narrow entrance of her vagina. She was barely an inch away from being a made mare.

"Look, I know I've put you through the wringer today. But are you ready?" he asked her. She nodded. "Yes?" he asked.

"Yes," she said.

"Okay. I love you Flurry."

"I love you too, Grampa."

With a final push down on her hips, his tip popped inside her. It was barely a couple inches, but it still made her gasp. The corners of her eyes glistened.

"Are you okay?" he asked "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

She shook her head and smiled. "No I- I'm fine I just... I don't know why I'm..." She wiped her eyes in embarrassment. "You're inside me, like, really! I've wanted to know what this was like for so long and it just feels so good!" He smiled back at her and pulled her in for a hug. They each shimmied their hips into each other a bit and with a bit more pressure, a few more inches slid into her.

"Alright, you take it from here then," he said. She nodded and put her hooves on his chest and pushed herself back more with relative ease. She adjusted her knees with a bit more confidence and squatted down to take the rest. She felt it bump something inside her that make her stomach to a flip. She winced and clutched her belly. "Looks like that's the end of the line for you," he said. She looked down between them. There was less than an inch of space keeping him from hilting.

"I can make it," she said.

"Come on now, you're not a porn star. Don't hurt yourself," he said. But she would not be deterred. She leaned back as much as she could rubbing her belly as she did, willing her pelvic muscles to relax and stretch as she took deep breaths. "Look I'm sure it would be a perfect fit if you hadn't done that vitality spell, okay? Save it for next time." Flurry winced and chewed her lip, nodding in agreement at last as she leaned forward to lay on top of him again. "There now, it's alright," he said as he stroked her mane. "Just relax for now. You've had a busy day. Let Grampa take care of you." She nodded into his shoulder.

Night Light rolled his hips under her, working his shaft in and out of her by just a few inches. He didn't throw his weight behind it. It wasn't carnal, ball-slapping rutting. It was gentle, practically-silent lovemaking, save for her light panting. Laying there on top of his warm chest, she could have easily fallen asleep. After all that she had been through, she still could. But she was enjoying this too much to miss it.

The gentleness of her first time having intercourse was only half altruistic on Night Light's part. True, he wanted it to be a memorable, positive experience for her. He knew how other stallions were. He prayed that she would not end up with some dominating horse that would simply cover her and have his pleasure with her without regard for her own. But on the other hoof, Flurry's pussy was burning up and tight as a drum. Maybe it had to do with that spell she did, and the extra pressure in his balls. But if he went any more that a snail's pace, he'd go off like a hair trigger.

He pulled out a bit further, exposing his medial ring. He pushed back in, grazing it against her clit as he did. She shuddered and he felt the fur of his abdomen become damp and warm.

"Really?" he asked.

She looked up from burying her face in his mane and smiled. "Just a little one," she said. She laid her head back down on his shoulder, looking at him. It was hard to look at her so close in the peripheries of his vision, but he managed. She just had such a simple, content smile on her face. Not an angsty princess with the weight of the world on her shoulders. Just a mare. A mare without a care in the world as she slowly shifted back and forth from him moving in and out of her.

"This is really nice," she said.

Night smiled back. But it was bittersweet. "I wish this could last forever, Flurry, but-"

"I know."

"Seems rather anticlimactic, don't you think?" he asked. "I bet you were expecting to get rutted silly like in those trashy novels."

"Yeah, I was. But this is better," she said. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. He turned and looked at her. She kissed him again, on the lips this time. There was no sloppy battle of tongues or lewd noises. It was a rather chaste kiss that a grandfilly would normally give her grandfather. Though she did hold it quite a bit longer than any measure of what one might consider normal.

Night Light felt it coming, the tension building up as he neared to point of no return.

"Flurry, I-" he gasped. She planted her lips back on his. She knew what was coming next. She wasn't a little filly after all. She was a grown mare. "Mmm!" They each moaned into each other's mouth. Flurry could feel him swelling thicker inside her, his flare stretching the deepest parts of her. His hooves wrapped around her body tighter as he pushed into her one final time. Flurry grunted as his flare pressed against her cervix. She felt him pulsing and throbbing inside her, flooding her depths with his hot cum.

"Ngh, ngh!" Night Light grunted with each pump. The volume of his cum didn't taper off like it usually did. It felt like each one had just as much as the last. He felt the pressure inside her pushing him out. With one more defiant squeeze, he pushed back into her, forcing his seed deeper through the narrow entrance to her womb.

Finally he felt his dick stop twitching. He was exhausted and felt like a balloon that someone had let all the air out of. He had an appreciation for just how hard he had made her cum earlier. He hadn't the strength in his hooves to keep hugging her. But he didn't need to. She was hugging him just as hard.

"Thank you, Grampa. I feel so much better now."

"Better than a coolerator?" he asked.

"Way!" she looked over at the clock on the nightstand. It was 12:01. "Happy Father's Day." She kissed him again. "Or I guess, Happy Grand Father's Day!"

"Thank you, baby."

"How was it?" she asked.


"How was your Grand Father's Day?" she asked.

He chuckled. "It only just started."

"Well, how do you like it so far?" she asked.

He smiled. "It's pretty grand."

She smiled back and kissed him again before resting her cheek on his chest again. He was happy to just stroke her mane until she fell asleep on top of him, commingled as they still were. She didn't need a vitality spell to make him feel young again. She did that all by herself. Sometimes it was hard for him to believe he was a grandfather. But that was okay. He had been a father long enough. He didn't mind being a grandfather. After all,

This was the grand part.