The Queen's Lover

by Azvameth Rose

First published

In a shocking turn of events, we have the honor to house the Queen of the Changelings within our territory.

The headlines from all the newspapers in Canterlot screamed to the heaves about the new arrival. The newest resident of the royal castle is being kept under strict surveillance by the royal guard. It was none other than the Queen of Changelings.

Although she goes by just Chrysalis these days.

Prologue: The Ex

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"Please forgive me. But, could you repeat what you just said?" Celestia asked while trying to make sense of the alien situation before her.

Letting out a sigh, Queen Chrysalis crossed her arms and frowned at Princess Celestia. "It is exactly as I said. I abdicated the throne. Another changeling is ruling the hive. I came here to try and find myself a lover, husband, breeder, whatever it is that you ponies call it. I wish to settle here and live a life that doesn't include waging war against an empire for the sake of not starving," Chrysalis replied with a snarky tone as she tapped her fingers rhythmically.

Dumbfounded, perplexed, awe, staggered. Many words could describe Princess Celestia's reaction at that moment. The Queen who viciously fought her nation in the past stood before her. She, who had fought them with machinations that so effortlessly mocked ponies due to their unique abilities, stood before Celestia without a weapon, an escort, a DISGUISE. It is no surprise that her reaction to the scene was of utter and complete shock.

This sort of development is ridiculous! She is right here. She bowed AND asked for citizenship! And technically speaking, I can't arrest her because her crimes are already prescribed. She entered our borders regularly, went through all inspection checks, and we had her monitored all the way. She is completely clean.

"I hope that you are aware that your actions in the past are the cause of our measures to monitor your movements until you reached our capital. I think you are also aware that it is for that same reason I find it so odd that you would ask such a thing from me," Celestia answered while trying to keep her composure. Meanwhile, Cadance seemed to be in a state of utter shock.

I can't blame her for that reaction. The picture I painted for her about Queen Chrysalis was much different from what is here now.

"I am well aware of my crimes in the past. I can only say that I did what I did out of necessity, not animosity," Chrysalis replied while huffing at them. "Without the raids, we would have starved and would be extinct by now. And if you pay attention, all of our attacks left minimum damage after the first siege nearly caused a city to be lost on your side. Not to mention we retreated after each raid. Moreover, if you look carefully, you'll notice that the reason we haven't been seen after all these years is the fact that we sneak in gather energy, and then sneak out," She added with a hint of venom. A much more controlled and respectful act than when Celestia faced her in battle in the past.

Celestia had to admit that idea sent a shiver down her spine. The mere thought of it never once occurred to her. It embarrassed Celestia to admit it, but she believed them to be extinct after so many years of silence. Changelings living among her ponies and leaving at their leisure was a disturbing thought. It didn't matter how you put it.

It seems the many years of peace might have blinded me in some aspects.

"And how can any of us be certain that you will not spell yourself a husband?" Cadance intervened, snapping Celestia out of her thoughts. "A changeling leeches the love for someone else and reduces the victim to a husk. How could we know that the feeling is legitimate? If you ask for citizenship, you cannot use your disguises to lure other ponies. You would need to earn their love to live," She added while staring at Chrysalis attentively.

A childish smile appeared on the Chrysalis's face as she analyzed Cadance from top to bottom. "Princess of love, correct? Then, can I assume that you had plenty of experience with love? How to allure the desired partner? How to trap them with just a few gestures? How to show how interested you are?"

Every single word that left Chrysalis's mouth felt like a spell. The words rolled out of her tongue as she moved around. Celestia could not deny that she did find her attractive during the little display. The way she walked back and forward, the sway of her hips, the way her mane moved, the emerald eyes peeking through a curtain of green silk, and a smile that was a taunt and an invitation. In any case, Cadance's jaw dropped and her cheeks flushed while Celestia hid a pinch with a crossing arm.

If anything, she just showed how dangerous she can be in her regular form. But, she might find some problems with non-military ponies. The civilians of our kingdom tend to be skittish about outsiders. No doubt about it, they will keep their guard up whenever she is around.

"So, will I be granted citizenship? Or not?" Chrysalis inquired while breaking the charming facade.

Coughing, Celestia tried her best to regain her composure."Like any other being that seeks the citizenship of our nation, you will need to pass a test regarding our culture, laws, and history. We will give you time to prepare, like any other immigrant. However, given the past incidents, we shall also apply a few extra measures for your and our safety. These measures include: you shall live and sleep within my castle, there will be guards watching your every move from afar, you are not permitted to use your disguises in ANY situation, and if you do pick a pony and win them over, Cadance will verify if the feelings are genuine. All of these measures, aside from the one regarding your partner, will last for two years. Call it a probation period. Do you agree to these conditions, Queen Chrysalis?"

"I don't believe there is much choice here," Chrysalis replied while shrugging. "But, I am no longer a queen. Just refer to me as Chrysalis, from now on. I am a commoner after all," She added with a faint change in her tone.

"Very well," Celestia replied while getting up. "Guards! Escort her to one of our guest's rooms! We shall see that you receive clothing and other necessities as soon as possible," She ordered as the guards at the bottom of the stairs saluted before escorting Chrysalis away.

There were a few seconds of silence until the door finally closed behind her.

"Aunt, what just happened?" Cadance asked while staring at the closed doors.

"I think I just invited a viper into our home," Celestia replied while biting her lip.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Cadance inquired with her gaze still fixed on the door.

"Watch over her during her time on the Academy grounds. And when she is inside the castle. The guards shall report weekly, you can report monthly. Unless something alarming happens," Celestia replied while sitting back on her throne.

The Ex-Queen of Changelings. What is she planning?

Chapter 1: Isolated

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Well, this is better than just relying on memory. Usually, I would relay this sort of information to the hive. However, the lack of such a feature among ponies prevents such a convenient way of storing information. Therefore, I shall write down my experiences within this diary. It gives me a sense of control in all of these situations I am currently forced to cope with.

Ok, my arrival at the capital of Canterlot was a success. Securing an attempt to gain citizenship also went without any obstructions. As expected, my past acts as a queen caused minor obstacles to emerge. The lack of food for one will be an issue. Although, using the princess of love might work. Staying close to her might allow me to passively absorb love from my surroundings. The lack of a disguise also puts me at a disadvantage. But the worst part will be acquiring citizenship.

However, it would seem that I may have found help amongst these ponies. The following entry describes the events that led me to find a possible ally in my struggles.

Walking through the castle caused me nothing but trouble. As one would expect, the ponies that weren't related to the military outfit jumped away at the mere sight of me. Such a pathetic and cowardly reaction was to be expected from them, however, it affected me. After severing my link to the hive, the constant companionship shared between the linked members disappeared. A sense of isolation settled in after a couple of days. I would never show this side to a pony. But on the inside, I felt truly alone for the first time since my birth.

Although this was entertaining at first, this is now a hindrance. I want to ask for directions but the ponies keep running away. I groaned mentally while attempting to communicate with the servants.

"Scouting the area for possible escape routes?" Celestia inquired from a corridor I had just entered.

"As entertaining as it would be to try and cause trouble. It would be counterproductive for me, given my situation," I replied while trying to keep my hostility at a minimum. "I'm trying to get directions to the library. I want to start studying for the citizenship test. However, that is quite a problem with your servants running away at the very sight of me," I added with an annoyed tone.

Celestia looked around and seemed to notice the servants hiding behind the corner. Letting out a sigh, she turned to me with a defeated expression. "As cunning and hostile as you were before, you're behaving. Therefore, as part of my duty to ensure that you aren't held back by discrimination from my subjects, I will help you," Celestia said in most cordial tone possible.

"Finally, something goes as planned," I said in a low voice. Celestia's ears twitched and she frowned at me. "What?"

"Nevermind. Simply follow," She replied while shaking her head in disapproval.

Walking through the castle, I couldn't help but wonder why ponies worried about the appearance of their buildings. The Hive was a spire of ever-shifting tunnels and dead-ends. It was a fortress that allowed only those that could feel the changes a safe passage. These castles and houses had little tactical value. Once the interior was memorized, one could easily maneuver their way wherever they wanted, whenever they wanted. Silk curtains, decorated windows, grand arches, silver candelabras, ornated jars and vases, blooming flowers and gardens, and carpets soft enough to hide the sound of hooves.

A burglar could easily steal the portraits and the decorations if they so desired. An army of flying soldiers would have an easy time to spot and eliminate the guards within the castle. So many security breaches could happen at once that I couldn't help but wonder something.

How did we never defeat the sisters? That reminds me, where is the blue one? Oh, right. Nightmare Moon. I concluded as Celestia finally stopped before a door. Unlike her throne room, this one had huge wooden doors.

"This is the library. It is open to the public, to the students, and travelers. There is a public entrance through the gardens. This is the castle's entrance. Unlike the rest of the public, you have access to it beyond its working hours. Make good use of the time you have to prepare," Celestia said before leaving.

"Will do," I muttered while opening the door.

I will admit, the volume of books stored within those walls is impressive. However, libraries are unnecessary in our kingdom since all of our data is stored in the Hive Link. After the initial shock, I made my way towards the area where a mare was talking to a strangely-dressed pony. Wearing a short cape covered in stars, along with a beige tunic with blue lines at its edges, a pair of black pants, and a pair of round glasses that lacked support for the ears, but seemed to be held in place by a thin chain.

Their coloration was also odd. Their coat was a pale, almost gray, pink. Their mane and tail were composed of three different colors. A trail of more vivid pink, a beige trail, and a mint trail. And lastly, they had cyan eyes. They seemed to carry themselves with a bit of respect. I assume that they are noble. However, this is just conjecture, I wasn't aware of their gender until the mare spoke.

"Very well, sir Crystal Dawn," The mare said while stamping the book he handed to her. "The book has been marked as returned. I'll update your library card," She added while running a crystal over the card the colt left on the counter.

"Thank you, I'll come back later if I find a book to take home," He replied with a courteous voice.

That was when the mare let out an EEP, and the colt stopped to stare at me.

"H-How may I-I help you?" The librarian stuttered while backing away.

Letting out a sigh and dropping my shoulders, I raised my hand to my forehead before answering. "I need books on the history of Equestria for a citizenship test," I replied with an annoyed tone.

"T-T-Then-!" That was when I was first hit by a surprise.

"In that case, your best bet is to look over the Equestrian unveiled section. If you're looking for the specific parts usually covered by the test, you should check Modern History of Equestria by Arch Rune. The test usually has one surprise question. But that tends to be related to the classes given by the teacher Clock Quill. He makes the history segments for the test. If I'm not mistaken, his main focus this semester has been the fall of the Everfree Castle. This topic is mostly explored in the Prophecies for Modern Ages by Starswirl the Bearded," The colt said without stuttering.

That is an information dump if I ever have seen one. I thought while staring at Crystal Dawn.

"And the section you're looking for is that one," He said while taking a step to the side and pointing in a straight line. "Good luck with your studies," He added before setting off on his own.

That has to be the longest conversation I held with a civilian pony so far. And by far the most productive one I ever had since leaving the hive. I mused while heading towards the area discriminated by the colt. After taking the two books he recommended, I went on to try and find a place to sit.

Little did I know that in the entirety of that crowded library, I would find seats as easily as I could breathe. Whenever I approached a table, the ponies would instantly run away and clear it. Therefore, I ended up sitting alone. I don't know what I expected. My main focus, for now, is the test, however, I need to secure a source of food as well. My only bet so far is Cadance, whenever that filly goes, love follows. However, based on my first impression with her, it would seem that Celestia made her wary of me. I deduced while staring at the cover of the book.

Books are such frail things. If soaked, the ink is lost, if burned, the entire record is destroyed, time itself degrades these feeble pieces of paper as if they had no meaning. Yet, with the corner of my eyes, I could see plenty of ponies handling them with care, others not so much. But they still came to read the words written in them. In a way, this could be compared to the Hive Link. Grand storage for knowledge and guidance, but built with the limitations of a species that lacked a shared mind.

And that was when my second surprise occurred. There was a sudden sound of a chair being moved in front of me. Lifting my head, I saw the same colt from before. He sat in front of me with a book and started reading. It felt, somewhat comforting to not be isolated from the rest of the library. I will need to interact with others to live in this society. And to find a husband. He didn't say a word, neither did I. We both stood there, reading our respective books for about an hour.

"You took my recommendation," Crystal said without removing his eyes from the book. With a glance, I noticed his eyes were moving unusually fast. "You never met before. And you took my advice. Isn't that naive? I could be trying to trick you."

"You did not stutter. Nor did your voice change. You stared me in the eye and spoke clearly and concisely. There were no twitches, pupil dilation, change in heart rate, forced smiles, or signs of ill intent. There was no reason to doubt the information you provided," I replied while reading a chapter about the post Discord Era. There were plenty of opportunities to take the kingdom during this period.

"I could be a good liar," He replied bluntly while turning a page. "What then?"

"Your emotions were clear. A cyan blue aura emanated from your words. Your intent to aid me was clear," I answered finally gaining his full attention. "Besides, it will be a long while before a colt like you can even dream to trick me," I added while looking in his eyes.

"I'll have you know that I turn eighteen in three months. I am an adult," He replied with a frown on his face.

"Compared to me, who lived more than a thousand years, you're still a colt," I replied with a smirk.

"You say that, but that just means your an old hag," He replied with a cocky smile.

"So, I take it you have an interest in older mares?" I replied with a wink. "The mare at the reception desk is quite the looker. She should be in her late twenties," I added with a wide smile as his ears folded back and his eyes widened. His cheeks flushed before he pouted at me.

"I never said that. And you have no proof," He replied with his voice stable, but with his face red as a tomato. After that, there was just silence. Honestly, teasing him was the best fun I had since I left the hive. I wasn't about to let it end like that.

"You said that your birthday will happen in three months, correct? You'll be an adult by then," I said with a disinterested tone.

"I am an adult. And yes, I will have my birthday in three months," He replied with his eyes focused on the book.

"Well, my citizenship test will happen in two months," I said with the same tone as before. "If I pass because of your advice, I'll treat you to a very special birthday present. Something only a mare with my level of experience can give," I added while stretching my leg to caress his with my hoof.

His reaction was instantaneous, he immediately closed his legs while pushing his chair away. His ears folded back while his eyes almost jumped out of their sockets. Instead of just his cheeks turning red, his entire face turned red as he placed both his hands in front of his crotch. The fur around his neck stood up as his lips trembled. It had to be by far the best reaction I ever had from a pony in all of my life. There was a hint of lust combined with shame and fear emanating from him. A most delectable display that amused me to no end.

"Y-You shouldn't o-offer yourself like that to others," He said while doing his best to look brave and unfazed. "I-I am an educated stallion. A-and as such, I would never trade h-help I offered wholeheartedly, f-for such a c-carnal desire," He added while trembling on his seat. "H-however, there a-are those t-that would take advantage of y-you. S-should you say such t-things to them," He continued while his eyes couldn't focus on one spot of my face.

"You're too easy to play with," I replied while chuckling. "But, don't worry. I only tease cute colts," I added with a smile.

I swear that I saw steam come out of his ears as he turned his gaze to the floor, and then placed his hands on his knees. "Y-you're the c-changeling that s-started living in the c-castle, right?" He asked with his facade completely shattered.

"That I am, did you see me on the news? Such a naughty colt, scoping me from a distance. Of course, you want to get on with the popularity that I have and turn into a celebrity. Such a cunning plan to get famous and climb the social ladder with ease. Be careful, I also punish bad colts like that," I said while licking my lips and showing my fangs.

However, that was when his response changed. His ears perked and his breathing got normal. His heart rate diminished and his gaze became focused on mine. The emotions I had evoked from him dispersed as he began to emanate animosity. "I am not like that. I will not use others to achieve my goals. I will attain all of my desires through my efforts alone. I will not abuse the fame of others. And I did not plan to use you. There were no pictures of you in any of the newspapers. I didn't know what you look like. It was pure coincidence that I met you here. Therefore, do not assume that I would stoop soo low as to leech off someone else. Do not lump me with those ponies."

It seems I touched a nerve. This is my first acquaintance in my new life. And the only one that spoke with me without trembling in fear. I better remedy this. I concluded while staring at him.

"I apologize. I went too far in my prank," I said while lowering my head.

"No, I should be the one apologizing. It is far from polite to snap at a lady," He replied with his head low. His animosity disappeared and was replaced with melancholy and shame. "What is a changeling?"

His attempt to change the subject was subtle as an elephant walking in a glass store. I couldn't help but snort and chuckle at the now timid stallion that seemed to be trying to ruminate over something. It was endearing in a way to play with someone like this. "You are not a conversationalist, are you? There are subtler ways to change the subject. But, answering your question: I don't believe you're entitled to that information, yet. You might have helped me with acquiring information. That earns you the title of a small benefactor, not of a confidant," I replied with a smirk.

Crystal stared at me for several seconds with his left ear twitching up and down. He leaned forward and began to scratch his chin while staring at the table. He seemed to be plotting something. I was sure that he would try to bargain for information or something of the sort. However, what came next surprised me. "What she's saying is: I need to earn the right for the information I seek. And I can do that by doing favors to earn her trust, as to become her confidant," He muttered while tapping his index finger on his cheek. "The question here is what kind of favors would win me the credentials required. All the information I have is that she is attempting to pass an exam. The information is insufficient to determine a decent approach or fast method of earning her trust. However, with my current credentials, I might be able to ask as to what she would consider helpful in her situation. Or that might be entirely impossible. And the best I can do is that. But first I should weight the options as to not overstep my bounds and degrade my credentials."

He is mumbling. About me. In front of me. This pony probably isn't the type to socialize. I concluded while closing the book and getting up.

"Would it be too much of a bother if you were to appear in the public entrance tomorrow, around seven o'clock?" The stallion asked while scratching his chin. "I believe I might know of a way to aid in your studies," The same aura from when he gave me directions on the books emanated from him as he said those words.

Raising an eyebrow at him, I gathered the books before leaving. "I'll consider. I have a tight schedule," I replied before leaving to return the books.

And that was the last I heard from the stallion during that day. The attempts to communicate with other ponies were a fiasco. All that I gained from interacting with that pony was a reminder of my current isolation. As much as these ponies claim to be warm and welcoming, if they are faced with creatures that they have little knowledge of, they will turn tail and steer clear of it. Regardless of them having good intentions or not. This is one of the many reasons major peace was never an option that I would consider during my reign as queen.

And exactly because MAJOR peace isn't an option, I decided to seek something minor. However, the level of solitude I am currently forced to endure is much larger than I had originally anticipated. I believed that attaining housing within the castle walls of one of the most beloved ponies in Equestria would aid in breaking the obstacles imposed by my appearance. However, they seem to have worsened it. I can only hope that the situation changes as time moves on, otherwise, I shall be meeting with a cold embrace within months.

It is with great pleasure that I announce my first well-succeeded interaction with the opposite sex in a long term conversation that did not involve regular proceedings such as protocols for returning a book. Moreover, the female in question did consider me a small benefactor. This gives me a chance to gather special information, not only regarding an unexplored species, but also the intricacies of regular interactions and social skills. The facade, although broken by said female, was extremely effective in starting a conversation. Forcing social anxiety to subside and attempting contact while keeping a somewhat composed manner that I usually maintain for most short-term exchanges was effective.

I eagerly await the chance to further explore how to develop such skills. Although, I could live without the certain sexual comments the mare in question brought up during our exchange.

Chapter 2: Love and passion

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It is with deep regret that I inform my complete and utter defeat by the hands of the mare I neglected to ask for identification. As proposed by yours truly, I appeared at the appointed time at the discriminated locale. However, the dark mare was nowhere to be seen. Believing to be the case of some "deciding the appropriate attire" situation seen a lot in romance novels and other types of media, I took a seat at the bottom of the stairs to the library. However, as time went on, it became clearer that she had no intention of appearing.

Much to my dismay, I came to realize her complete disregard for our rendezvous when I caught a glimpse of the mare in question taking a stroll towards the outer area of the castle. Accompanied by Cadance, I watched as the mare left the castle grounds from a distance. And as to rub salt on the wound, I was met with the most unpleasant of meetings. Not by appearance, but by such stubbornness and an utter ability to anger me that one could consider it a calling.

This annoyance goes by the name of Twilight Sparkle.

"Oh. You're here," She greeted with such an expression that I couldn't help but feel offended. "You are aware that the books are inside, right? You won't absorb the knowledge from sitting there."

"I am very aware, Mrs. Sparkle. I did not come here for books. But to meet someone I wished to converse with. However, it would seem that the pony in question had other plans," I replied with disdain. "She did warn me of the tight schedule though," I added while pulling the small case from my pant's pocket.

"SHE?" Twilight exclaimed before correcting herself. "She? Are you sure it's a she?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. My first well-held conversation. One that doesn't evolve into a squabble between two ponies that are always headbutting each other over the top score. Something that I am yet to achieve, sadly" I replied with little to no concern.

"You got conned again for one of your fast reading glasses, didn't you?" She replied with a smirk while crossing her arms.

"I will have you know that I was not conned! I merely wished to exchange information regarding her inner works and rather developed social skills. Something I lack horrendously," I replied before facepalming at how ridiculous my response sounded. And this response seemed to draw the same reaction I had during the conversation with the mare in the previous day. Meaning, my response was as bad as I thought it sounded. "Take this, and forget I ever said this," I said while shoving the case into her and leaving.

I need to blow some steam. I'll need to bring them out tonight. I concluded while taking leave homebound.

Today, a series of events led to multiple changes in schedule. My original intent to verify if the stallion from yesterday was indeed waiting for me outside of the library, and then appear with a few minutes of tardiness was ultimately foiled by the arrival of Princess Cadance. Who, for some reason, was adamant about speaking to me. The events that took place are described as follows.

Walking out my gifted room, I met a surprising visitor that did little to hide their discomfort in their current placement in time. Shifting in place with a frown on her face, the princess of love emanated shame, curiosity, hate, and regret. It could be embarrassment from our first impressions or something else entirely, however, I had plans. And such plans had to be executed with haste and precision as to evaluate my progress.

"Delightful to meet you this morning, princess," I said ironically while skimming past her. "I have a meeting of utmost urgency. So, if you don't mind, I need to leave the child to her fantasies, while the mare handles the realities," I said with a mischievous smile while walking away.

However, my progress was held back by the princess repositioning herself in front of me. Wearing such a childish dress and a stylized mane that one would assume her to be an oversized child just by looking at her. "How do you do it?" She asked with her cheeks turning red.

"Beg your pardon?" I replied with a tilt of my head.

"How do you wear yourself with confidence like that?" She asked bluntly while pointing at my dress.

The garments I had at the time were far from the most glamorous, or scandalous, things I have ever worn. A pair of fingerless gloves that stretched up to my arms while leaving my shoulders exposed. My dress lacked straps that held it in place, being held in place only by my bust (very modest when compared to their full development). The front part of it had a metallic green color to it while being emerald green on the back. As for the skirt, it was divided into two parts: an upper layer that covered the crotch area and the back of my flank and a small portion of its sides, forming two triangles, one on the front and one on the back, and it possessed the same metallic green color; and a lower layer, much larger and covering all sides of my waist and flank. This dress made it so whenever I walked, my legs would be exposed to those around me.

That dress was the only one I had at the time. Celestia was yet to send me new clothes as she promised. Probably due to work, or for lacking my measurements. In any case, that dress was a reminder of home. A little piece of home away from home.

"So, the little princess is curious as to how to be a mare?" I inquired with glee. "Oh, my, oh, my. Has the princess of love fallen in said love? A mare changes due to two things in my opinion: one, she is pursuing a dream; or two, she's met a partner she wants to please. On most occasions, it's both at the same time," I added while pulling my mane back.

"I never said that," She replied without stuttering. But with her face still red as a tomato. "I want to know how to act with confidence, regardless of how I look," She added with conviction.

"What do I gain from this little exchange?" I asked with a smirk. "I hardly see how this benefits me. Especially with how much you and your aunt seem to judge me. Not saying that it isn't granted given my past endeavors. But a bit of leniency for a mare willing to make peace would be nice."

Cadance stood before me with a frown on her face. She seemed to ponder her options before speaking her mind. "We can go together to get clothes. It will be faster than waiting for Tia to find you a tailor," She said while offering her hand.

"Clothing is barely a concern in my world, dear. No, I will starve without a source of food. Find me a place where I can feed off love passively and you'll have a deal," I replied while crossing my arms. Cadance opened her mouth to reply to me with a frown, however, I interrupted her with a gesture. "By absorbing passively, I can get the saturated energy from the air without harming the ponies around me. It barely feeds me. Meaning, it has to be a place of passion and love for something or someone. A place where I can stay for a few hours to feed."

The princess seemed taken back by my request. One would assume that a princess attuned to such a power source as Love she would be able to sense it. However, with her reaction, I assumed two possible scenarios: one, she was never attuned to love and the title came because she discovered a love spell (which sounds terrifying and useful for me); two, the ascension to alicorn does not happen all at once, meaning, powers need to be discovered and/or developed by the one in question.

Both interesting theories I'll need to verify at a later date. I concluded while rubbing my chin.

"I'll do it," She said before pulling me by the wrist. I tried to resist, however, Cadance's strength was greater than mine.

"I didn't mean now! I have an appointment and I need to study!" I shouted while she dragged me across the castle and into the gardens.

"We are in the middle of a weekend with a holiday on Monday! I won't be available for much time when this is over," She explained while slowing down her pace. This time, we walked side by side.

It seems I'll need to make the most of this situation. A chance to look into the layout of the town and scout for possible candidates to be my partner. Canterlot is THE capital after all. Only the best of the best. I mused while walking with my arm linked with Cadance's.

"Princess," I said while we exited the gardens and gained the streets. "Are you able to sense the love between two ponies?"

Cadance didn't look at me, neither did she respond to my inquiry. Lowering her gaze, she bit her lip while her ears folded back. "I recently reached ascension. For now, the best I can do is sense strained relationships and push the ponies towards mending them," She explained while we walked through the town.

"So, the princess of love, cannot sense love," I said with a smirk. That remark earned me a glare for the pink pony. "Calm down, princess. I simply find it amusing that the title works that way," I added while we entered a strange building filled with paintings and sculptures. "What is this place?"

"An art museum," Cadance replied with a pout. "Art is related to passion. And the ponies that come here love the art."

I couldn't help but look at Cadance with a hint of pity. The ideals she held in her head were childish and naive. To a pony, the ones within those walls were intellectuals. Ponies that adored the art and knew its meaning. Sadly, I'm not a pony. I can tell the difference between honest emotions and make-belief. I could count the number of ponies that indeed loved art in one hand. Letting out a sigh, I glanced at Cadance.

"What?" She asked while tilting her head.

"If the love for art was your plan, it would have been best if you took me to an atelier or an art class," I replied while placing my hands in her shoulder. "Passion is something that emerges from an artist's love for their craft. And it is displayed on their final product. An artist will ooze passion and love while creating. A musician will do the same while performing. A clown when he brings smiles on the faces of his audience. What you see around you is nothing more than vanity and shallow creatures that seek admiration from those around them, my naive princess. They seek to paint an image of themselves to be adored. In my opinion, they are worse than us. Because they do this for self-satisfaction. We do this for survival," I explained while making my way towards the exit. "And emotions like this, reek like a festering corpse."

I waited outside for a couple of seconds before Cadance caught up to me. Her expression was different and her emotions too. The curiosity boomed after my statement, sprinkled in the heavy mist there was a hint of admiration. A small spark of admiration, it was a positive development on my part. However, that wasn't my main concern at the time.

"How about a pastry shop?" Cadance inquired while we walked towards a building with a plaque of bakery. "Ponies love sweets," Cadance said while pointing to it.

Once inside, I realized that place was filled with actual love followed by huge waves of regret that drowned the love away. I turned around and left Cadance in front of the counter. And took a seat outside. She came to me with some baked sweets. I think they were donuts. She placed the donuts on the table and took a seat while looking at me eagerly.

"So? How is this place?" Cadance inquired while leaned on my arm and earned a few curious looks from the ponies around us. Strangely enough, there were hints of lust amongst the fear and curiosity.

"As much as they might love sweets, it doesn't compensate the amount of regret lingering around this place," I answered while picking one of the donuts and chomping away at it. It was sweet and had some sort of beige cream inside it. Sadly, I wasn't prepared for it, so my cheeks were covered in it and the filling splurted from the back of the donut. Meaning, my hands were covered in whatever sweet that was, plus Cadance got covered in it as well. That was when I had a rather devilish idea, which included me using my tongue to clean myself and her, the most sensual way possible. That earned me plenty of lust, but no love, unfortunately.

This led to a series of trials and error events, and a very flustered Cadance accompanying me for the rest of the day. Cadance got us into a fashion show, she ended up playing dress-up while I sat on the audience. Once more, there was a greater amount of lust than love itself. Lust is something easy to attain, and even easier to consume. Then it was a visit to a toymaker's atelier, it seems the princess is keen on taking advice from others. As long as they sound like they know what they are talking about that is.

We even paid a visit to a popular valentine's spot. This resulted in a series of small displays of Cadance's abilities as she mended at least four relationships that were damaged by a blushed Cadance that was by my side. And after that, we began to walk towards the castle again. The sun had begun to set and Cadance looked defeated. That was when I felt something. A familiar scent and allure.


The trail led to a weirdly colored building. Soothing music boomed from inside along with a calming light. As we approached the building, the style of the music changed, muffled words tried to escape the walls and failed. The building's door was wide open and ponies left and entered it without much care. Smiles on their faces as they leave and enter. Their bodies enveloped by love.

"What is this place?" I asked while pulling Cadance inside with me.

"I believe it is a club of sorts?" She replied while we made our way to an empty table. There were plenty of ponies walking around, sitting on tables or by the bar, eating, drinking, and some playing cards and other games. I let out a satisfied sigh before opening my mouth ever so slightly, to a regular customer it would look as if I were just breathing through my mouth. For a changeling, however, they would see a constant influx of energy being directed towards my mouth.

"This is the place," I muttered while taking in the love in the air. Love for conversations, love for peace, love for the ambiance, love for the games, love for liquor, and the grand majority shared a love for music. Their love for music was so grand that whenever the employees of the place adjusted the equipment on stage, their love would spike along with a huge boom in excitement. There were even hints of lust hidden amongst the emotions spiking. "This place is saturated with love. I can use this as my feeding grounds. Two or three hours should keep me satisfied for quite some time," I explained while keeping my feast on schedule.

"Huh? What is happening to the lights? Oh! Chrysalis, you're changing," Cadance whispered while leaning closer to me. "Like, your body is swelling up a bit."

Impossible, that sort of change would take longer than, WHAT?! I screamed in my head as the amount of love in the air spiked. Even higher than it was before. My absorption had increased to keep up with the new influx. In that state, I should be able to fight on equal footing with a well-trained soldier. Not a high ranking one, the guards patrolling around town would be on the right level.

"Well, my dear costumers," A rather tall earth pony greeted while climbing up the stairs to the stage. "It is a rather last-minute change. But, a welcoming change none-the-less. You know this lighting very well, so, let us welcome to the stage of Midnight Melodies: Night Hymns!"

Waves of applause muffled the entrance of a strangely dark unicorn stallion. Their coat was deep purple, their eyes were magenta and his mane was black. They wore a dark gray jacket over a half-open white shirt and a pair of dark blue pants. He had a ring around his horn, an old symbol of marriage as far as I know. The cheers and emotions directed at this stallion began to partially cloud my vision, however, when he picked up the microphone in front of him, the club went quiet.

"Good evening," He greeted with a smooth voice. "I apologize for the sudden change in schedule. The other band seemed to have issues with their drummer. I needed to vent off a bit, so, I came looking for a place in the schedule where I could fit. I hope all of you understand," He explained with a tamed tone and a calm expression. "Now, for the cover. Once more, like any other performance I make. The credit for these songs goes to the original writers and performers. Thank you for creating these, let us begin."

His horn suddenly flared up with a magenta color, there was an odd amount of negativity pouring out of him like a bunch of instruments began to blare across the room. However, when he began to sing, the negativity began to dissolve. Especially when his voice twisted into a scream that made me believe he was planning on ruining his throat. The longer he sang, the greater the number of negative emotions he dissolved. That pony was angry, and it wanted to make it obvious how angry they were. If it were a changeling, they would have lashed out at the nearest drone. This pony, however, seemed to be attacking the words he screamed. His attacks weren't directed at anyone but the lyrics. And his assault was relentless enough to make me wonder how could the crowd cheer him on and love him so adamantly.

And when he stopped his singing, I could see him panting and breathing heavily through his shoulders. The negativity was gone and now a pinkish aura emanated from him as well. That pony loves to sing. And it helps him. I mused while watching him scan the room. Wandering lazily across the building, his eyes didn't show any interest in any of the ponies there.

I had to cease my feeding because collecting any more than what I had gained would have resulted in regurgitation of storing gel. Just like a pony, we changelings have a limit to how much nourishment we can process into proper nutrients. But unlike ponies that store the excess in the form of fat in their bodies, we changelings store it in a gel that we regurgitate. This process isn't unpleasant physiologically, but it is unpleasant to the sight. Especially since the gel quickly hardens into a purplish crystal that can be chewed on. Any of those sights (vomiting or the vomit hardening) would draw negative attention to me. That place was a gold mine for me, and I had to preserve my rights to enter such a place.

"Chrysalis," Cadance said with a bit more confidence, but still red as a tomato. "I need to say two things. First, I want to know why you licked my bust, face, and horn clean in public while smiling at me like you were about to pounce me," She said with her face getting redder with every word. I stopped listening after that first part.

Honestly, I don't know what was so bad about it. We, changelings, have greater control over our bodily functions than ponies do. And with such control, we can limit how much saliva we secrete. I secreted the bare minimum so that my tongue would easily slip over her coat, almost like playful lovers teasing each other. Then I gingerly ran it through the affected areas to remove the donut's filling. Of course, I made it so I was flushing, and with a smile that made it clear, I enjoyed the play. I also made sure to tickle Cadance as I cleaned her making her chuckle and making her demand that I stopped my crude behavior. And of course, I also caressed Cadance's jaw and cheek with my fingers while making sure she was looking into my eyes as I made her squeaky clean. The intent was to draw some love for eroticism towards us from the ponies around us. But it only brought lust.

And it wasn't such a big deal, to me at least. Later on, I came to realize it might be harmful to her image to display such behavior in public. Therefore, I will refrain from doing that on public, but teasing her every once in a while might be an enjoyable hobby.

"Excuse me," A familiarly smooth voice greeted causing me to almost fall of my seat. "Yeah, you match the description," The pony said while placing a black case on the table. "Listen, a friend of mine gave me these to shut me up about a failed meeting he would have today with a mare that matches your description. I have about twenty of these, so just take these and go speak with him when you can. The guy is lonely enough as it is. You can probably find him at the library. That place is a second home for him," He explained before taking his leave.

I picked the small casing and opened it. Within it, there were a pair of emerald green-framed glasses along with a note. These are a little invention of mine. They allow the user to read way faster than a regular pony. To you, it would be as if you're reading at a normal pace. However, you will notice that your progress is much faster. I can't do much for the comprehension part or memorization. However, reading the contents enough times for memorization shouldn't be a problem for you now. I hope it helps with your endeavors. I looked up to the stallion, only to find that he had already left.

I felt, concerned, to say the least. The device seemed to be perfectly measured to fit my face. There was certain attention to detail as there was some sort of mixture of green and gold on the glasses frame to create the design of flowers on the sides of the accessory. There was too much thought put into the frame. There were remnants of emotions embedded within the object. Hints of love and passion mixed with anxiety and fear. I have no intention of deepening my relationship with that stallion. However, it would seem that he misunderstood my proposal for information exchange. I mused while returning the accessory to the case.

"Chrysalis, what was he talking about?" Cadance asked while eyeing the case I had just closed.

"Which part did you not understand?" I inquired while searching for anything different in the case itself. Which was just plain plastic, surprisingly enough. "The part in which I had a meeting with a pony and you kept me from it? Or the part in which you were completely ignored by a male that focused solely on me?" I replied with a grin.

Cadance opened her mouth to respond, however, she recoiled as it finally seemed to dawn on her that both events had occurred. She then frowned looked towards the stage exit, back at the floor, and then at me. Suddenly covering her mouth with a gasp, Cadance spoke. "I am so sorry! You told me you had an appointment and I assumed you just wanted to avoid me," She said with a worried expression on her face. Then she turned red and began to fidget in place while pouting. "And, you're right. He completely ignored me. That was a first. No one has ignored me since I became a princess," She muttered while making a small disk that was on the table move with her fingers.

"Feeling down because one stallion didn't pay attention to you?" I inquired while glancing around the place. Ponies started to take notice of me, but unlike the rest of the places we visited, they weren't avoiding eye contact. Strangely enough, some attempted to wave a greeting. "It won't be the last time someone ends up ignoring you. It means that they either did intentionally to bother you, or you didn't appeal to their interests. If you let that bother you, you probably have a hard time as time goes on," I explained. I felt somewhat more talkative now that I had some food in me.

"Huh, so, the ex-queen of changelings can say nice things," Cadance commented with a pleasantly surprised tone. "Say, would you mind if I went with you tomorrow to apologize to the pony you were supposed to meet?" Cadance asked while getting up. "It's the least I can do."

"You can do whatever you want, princess," I replied while taking my leave as well.

As one might expect, the night was pretty quiet after that. Walking back to the castle, I could witness the bright and colorful streets of the city. Certainly, it is a much welcoming atmosphere than what the hive had to offer. It might be the amount of love I absorbed or me going soft, but the town looked much more welcoming after that stop in the club. The colors looked more vivid, the sounds on the street felt soothing, the muffled melodies coming from the buildings made me feel at ease.

Maybe this was a good choice after all. I pondered while walking towards the castle with Cadance by my side.

Dear Diary, I had one of the most unfortunate meetings today. I wanted to study for the upcoming test two months from now, time is of the essence. However, I was met with an unpleasant sight as I stumbled upon the ban of my existence in Celestia's School. This malevolent creature is known as Crystal Dawn, also known as Pain in the Flank. You might recognize the second name since I mentioned it in other entries on these pages. This annoying blockhead has been on my heels since he entered the school. Scoring second only by a few points in every test we make. Although, he compensates a bit by doing better than me in sports, even if only by a small margin. However, I got him beat in other aspects.

His social circle is non-existent, aside from his family as far as I know. While I possess friends in the school (even if they don't weight too much on my mind since I prefer to focus on academics). However, today, I received information directly from Pain in the Flank as he said he was supposed to meet a mare. A MARE of all things. I would be willing to bet with you that he was lying. Especially for the motives that he claimed to have for said meeting.

No mare in their right mind would bother with such an annoying and persistent stallion. Since day one he has been trying to beat me in academics and I responded by beating him in every test we had. The margin is close, but I ALWAYS come out on top. Perhaps if he wasn't fooling around with mares he would not be falling behind me at every test. Not that I believe he has ever spoken to mare beside me. Or that he can get close enough to one besides me.

Why am I so bothered by that lie?

I believe it's time to get some sleep.


Crystal Dawn was telling me the truth when he said he had a meeting with a mare yesterday! I saw it! He was in the library helping out a dark-coated mare with a green mane! She had a pair of black jeans with a bright green shirt that looked a bit too good on her! They were walking through the library and worst of all? Cadance was with them! Even if only for a moment, Cadance greeted him and then said something before leaving. I knew that Crystal Dawn, I mean, Pain in the Flank had been conned a few times for his glasses. Therefore, I knew he had to be a victim of that mare. However, throwing accusations without evidence would only pose a detriment to my cause. Which was only to prevent that idiot from making himself into a bigger idiot! There was no other motive!

Anyway, I tailed them the entire time they spent in the library, and then I tailed them when they got out. All for the sake of preventing my rival from being turned into a fool. Yeah! Because if he was a fool and was my rival, it would make me an even bigger fool! What follows is what I managed to learn and hear while using my spells to set up surveillance around them.

Walking into the library to get the required books for my studies, I caught sight of something that made me feel angry for no reason. I don't know why. I don't understand it. It is illogical anger that is simply directed at Crystal Dawn because he was talking to a stranger mare. They weren't talking, Crystal stood there while the black mare approached and pointed at Cadance that came by with a worried look on her face. Using a far sense spell, I managed to take a closer look and hear their conversation.

"You're Crystal Dawn, right?" Cadance asked while holding her hands. "We study in the same class. I'm sorry for preventing Chrysalis from meeting with you yesterday. I didn't believe her when she said she had a meeting with a pony," She said with an apologetic tone.

"I-I don't think y-you need to apologize. I-I wouldn't b-believe if s-someone told me that a p-pony like me was about to go m-meet a mare," Crystal replied while clenching his fists and trying his best to not have a breakdown in front of Cadance.

Why isn't he nervous like that when I'm around? He has the nerve to reply without hesitation and rebuke me without fear. So, why is he so shy near her?! I mused while looking at the nervous wreck that kept using all his might to hold out.

"Does that mean you forgive me?" Cadance asked pulling some puppy dog eyes. I expected Crystal to cave-in and just turn friendly towards her after that. However, what happened, was the complete opposite. His expression changed, the flustered face disappeared as a frown formed on his face. I had seen that expression a few times, but it usually occurred when he returned home and saw a carriage there.

"There is nothing to apologize for. Now, if both of you will excuse me, I have something else to do," Crystal replied with a cold voice that made Cadance recoil a bit and let out an embarrassed chuckle while the black mare widened her eyes at him. "Good day," He added while taking his leave, however, the black mare held his arm.

"I still have some things to speak to you about," The one Cadance referred to as Chrysalis said while pulling him closer. "It regards the materials for the citizenship test. And that pair of glasses your friend handed to me last night," She added finally making him stop struggling.

Friend? Crystal doesn't have any friends. At least, none that I know of. Maybe he hired someone to deliver the glasses to her? Yeah, that's got to be it. I concluded while picking a book and then taking a seat. I used the book to try and make myself less obvious to them.

"See you around, princess," Chrysalis said waving goodbye at Cadance that seemed to react to it, nod, and then walk away. "So, books?"

"Ok," He replied while freeing himself from her grip. "Take the same books from last time. You can read them and I help out if anything comes up. I'll fetch us a table," He added before walking off to the tables. The mare disappeared in between the bookshelves while he took a seat and pulled a few notebooks off his cape.

How did he pull those from there? It's just a plain cape! I inquired while gripping the book tighter.

"So," Chrysalis said while placing a couple of books on the table. "Before we start, I need to make something clear. This is a trade. You help me, I tell you about my species and how we function. I will omit information that can be used against us. So, do not expect anything else from this trade," She said with a serious voice. "The things I said before, they were just to tease you. They didn't mean anything. I want a quiet and comfortable life. Therefore, I will run for a noble or someone well established."

Crystal didn't respond, he kept reading his notebooks before taking a pen from his cape, and then started scribbling on the notebooks. "I understand what you mean. It is a sound plan. And like I said to the princess, I doubt anyone would be interested in me. However, what I don't understand is why you brought it up," Crystal replied while scribbling intensively on the notebooks.

Chrysalis then pulled out a case from her pocket and placed it on the table. "Don't you lie to me. I can see the love embedded in these glasses. Whenever someone pours their all into making something or is attached to an object emotionally, the object becomes marked with love."

WHAT?! LOVE?! WHAT IS SHE TALKING ABOUT! I screamed while nearly tearing a page from the book.

"I give my all whenever I make those accessories. Regardless of who is receiving them. It wasn't something directed to you," He replied without taking his eyes out of the notebook.

"So, how do you explain this thing being custom fit for me with especial decorations?" Chrysalis said while crossing her arms.

Crystal pulled a case like hers and placed it on the table. He then flipped the case, revealing a small symbol I couldn't make out because of the distance. "All the cases I make have these marks. And the glasses inside are the same in design and size. The insignia on the back of the case is what makes the glasses change. Once it comes in contact with the pony's, in this case, the changeling's skin, the glasses take the shape of my impressions of them. Plus, it makes a reading of your measurements and adjusts to fit the user."

Hearing that, I immediately pulled out the case he handed to me the previous day. When I opened it, I saw a frame the same color as my mane. There was some kind of faint sparkles on the surface as the light from the windows hit it. And on the sides, there were tons of books, my mark, and Celestia's emblem. I tried them on, and just Chrysalis said the glasses fit me perfectly.

"So, it wasn't custom made," Crystal said while flipping the page on the notebook. "There is no need to worry," He added with a disinterested tone. "My intentions with you are pure. All I want is information on your species and the ability to converse with others as naturally as you do."

"Social skills and knowledge of my species. In exchange for help with my studies. That seems like a fair trade," Chrysalis said while opening her books. She started to read them while using the glasses. Her eyes moved extremely fast as she turned the pages repeatedly. And then, she suddenly closed the book before looking at Crystal with an expression of awe. "I considered myself a fast reader. But this is ridiculous! It took me, what? Twenty minutes to read this entire tome?!"

"Twenty-three," Crystal replied while reading from a smaller book he pulled out his cape after returning the notebooks to it. "Anything from the book you would like to ask?"

"Not really," Chrysalis said while placing the book to the side. "Why do you make these?" She asked while leaning forward. "They are especially handy. If you were to sell them, you could have a decent source of income," She added while analyzing the glasses.

"I am well aware of that," Crystal said while reading the little book. "But, my reasons have nothing to do with our trade. You can rest easy for I do have plans. And, as far as I'm concerned, they don't mean anything to anyone but me," He added without removing his eyes from the glasses.

Since when you make plans? You always acted on impulse before. I mused while remembering him trying random ideas to talk to others, which resulted in awkward situations and him running off with his face red as a tomato.

"Don't be like that!" Chrysalis said in a different tone. "How about a little trade?" She added while batting of her eyelashes.

Crystal lowered his book and looked at her. I couldn't see his expression from where I was. But based on Chrysalis's reaction, she got his attention. What is she going to do? I'll cast the invisible eye spell. That should allow me to see how he reacts.

"What do you propose?" He asked with a slightly more interested tone.

"Before we get to that, there is something I need to confirm," Chrysalis said with a growing smirk. Crystal seemed worried as he watched her giggle. "Am I correct to assume these "social skills" you refer to is just about confidence?" Crystal bit his lip while frowning before nodding at her. "And am I correct to assume you at least think of having a relationship with someone?" Another nod from Crystal. "Do you have a pony in mind?"

At this point, my ears perked up for no apparent reason, and I began to pay more attention than before.

"I haven't thought of anyone, yet. Mainly because my primary concern is being able to hold a normal conversation with others. Then, I would attempt to court a pony of my choice. However, due to multiple mistakes on my part, I began to believe I wouldn't be able to do so," Crystal replied with a sad smile. For some reason, I felt relief. "Now that I think about it, I would hit another wall once I started courting. As I have no idea about what to do beyond the things described in books," He added while leaning back on his chair with a concerned smile. He stared towards my invisible eye for a few seconds but looked back at Chrysalis after blinking a few times.

"Well, in that case, here is a proposition for you: a little game of make-believe," She said while leaning forward, Crystal frowned at her remark. "Hear me out. You want the confidence to speak to others. But you also want to have a relationship. What if you could work on both fronts at the same time? I pretend to be your mare. This will give you experience in dealing with others AND experience on how relationships can work. And in exchange, you let me in your little scheme for these accessories. Having extra income isn't a bad thing at all. Plus, I can be very persuasive," She said with her fangs showing. "Something invaluable for business."

Crystal looked at her with a neutral look on his face. Scratching his chin while tapping his hoof, Crystal seemed to ponder the possibility. And that aggravated me for some reason. I don't understand why in Tartarus I was angry at the thought of a fake relationship between them.

"A business partner and a fake mate. That is an unusual yet interesting idea," He said with a half-smile. "I'll take you up on your offer, Partner," He said while offering his hand to her. She took it and they shook hands. "I'll take this chance to take your name as well. Now, for a better introduction. My name is Crystal Dawn, what is yours, M'lady?" That line, that single line made me tear a few pages from the book. I grit my teeth while squirming on my seat.


"My name is Chrysalis. The ex-Queen of Changelings," She said while stretching her leg.

"Pleasure to meet you," He said while moving up and down. "Now, once you finish the rest of your books. We can discuss the details of how to make this work," He added with a smile.

"Agreed," She replied with a devious smile on her face.

And thus, proceeded a long and quiet wait for them to say something as Chrysalis proceeded to dart through the remaining books. I kept my spells going while paying close attention to other conversations. The best I could hear were a few questions about herding laws (which made me almost damage the book again) and something about nobility status.

"I think this is the best I can make from these books," Chrysalis said while making the books float back to their position. "It will be repetition from now on," She added while getting up.

Crystal accompanied her lead while returning his small book into his cape. "Well, I wish I could take us to an adequate place to discuss the details of this agreement. The best I can do right now is ice cream," Crystal said while taking the lead. "Do you eat that?"

"Yes, I can eat things that ponies eat. But, it doesn't provide anything close to sustenance," She replied earning a smile from Crystal that with a happy demeanor he took her hand and lead her out. I had to mend the book I had with me with magic before tailing them out of the library.

I hid behind trees, seats, bushes, other ponies, walls, and streetlights. I followed them until they arrived at my favorite ice cream store. Icy Color's cold treats. I've come here on my own whenever I beat him for the top score at the end of the semester. The closest thing I ever had from what they were about to do was my brother coming with me. I picked a booth on the inside of the store while they took a seat outside. I kept my spells going to keep tabs on what they were talking about. I also ordered a milkshake to try and calm my nerves.

"This thing is huge," Chrysalis said after their order arrived. It was the cheapest thing on the menu. Why? Because it was a challenge to see anyone finish the thing.

"Well, it is a challenge to eat this thing on its whole. I am a bit of a sweet tooth. Plus, with an order this big, we can take our time talking," Crystal said with a broad smile. I had never seen him smile like that. And it irked me to see that mare be the one to make him smile like that.

"Well, the first lesson for you: when you invite a pony of interest out, do not treat it like a business meeting," Chrysalis replied while taking a bite out of it. "This is sweet. Almost like that donut from yesterday," She added while leaning forwards with a strange look on her face. "Now, this trade you keep referring to. It won't work if you treat it like a contract. Relationships are weird and change based on how the participants are feeling. It's like tossing dice. Sometimes you get a good number, sometimes a bad one."

"But, what about the ponies that are always happy? Or the happily ever after in books?" Crystal asked, causing me to snort. I couldn't believe he thought that was real. And it's not like I ever thought of a thing like that. No, that is something for little fillies.

"They are probably faking it. There is no such thing as a relationship with only happy times," She said while taking another piece of the ice cream. A malicious smile appeared on her muzzle as she watched the stallion skulk for a bit and eat a spoon of the treat. "Unless they having fun twenty-four seven. Then, I would bet they would be happily ever after," She added while watching Crystal choke and wheeze while turning red. I, of course, kept my composure and dignity. I did not choke and have ice cream come out of my nose.

"D-do you always approach that subject without any kind of care?" Crystal asked in between coughs.

"Only when I want to tease someone," Chrysalis replied with a smirk and playing with the spoon in her mouth. "Changelings don't exactly have a way to mess with each other. Since our default emotion is grumpy."

"That sounds a bit problematic," Crystal replied with a frown. "Wouldn't it be a pain to have a simple talk to just about anyone since they would be aggressive all the time."

"That's because it is a hassle," Chrysalis said while taking another bite off the treat. "But, let's change the subject. It was a good move to bring your partner with a place with sweets. Most ponies tend to like sweets, therefore, it was a safe bet. Paying for food was also a good choice," She praised while making circles with her spoon.

"That's good to hear. At least, I'm not completely clueless," Crystal said while letting out a sigh.

"Be careful though. If you're too good at this, I might stick around," Chrysalis said with a purr as Crystal once more turned red and I ended up breaking my spoon. I expected him to come up with a retort or shoot her down. However, he didn't say a thing. He just stood there staring at Chrysalis. "So, little pony, who are you in this city?"

"Well, as I said before, I am Crystal Dawn. I am the son of a baronet. But, due to some circumstances, I also received the title of Baronet. However, it will only take effect once I'm eighteen years old," Crystal replied with a meek smile. I knew he was odd, but I wasn't aware he was a noble.

Chrysalis seemed to take that information with a tad more interest than the rest of their conversation up to that point. I assume that she is planning something, however, what it was is beyond me. Especially since things changed a bit after that.

"What about you? I know your name, but what about who you are? Is there anything you're willing to share?" Crystal asked while I gritted my teeth at the tone and interest he kept showing to her. I don't understand why he never asked any of that of me. All he ever asked was how much I scored on my tests.

"I am no one. I have a history with Equestria, but right now, I am no one," Chrysalis replied while reaching for something on top of her head. However, she had nothing on her head. "Without a title, you're not worth much," She said while her confident face melted for a few seconds. I won't deny that I felt something pleasant seeing that, but I feel bad.

"Well, you aren't no one. You have a name and a story. I can hardly call that nothing," Crystal said while eating another bite of the ice cream. "If you were a no one, you would walk around unnoticed. But, here you are. Grabbing everyone's attention by just being yourself. If that's not being someone, I don't know what is," He added while staring at the sky. Meanwhile, Chrysalis stared at him with a surprised look as I had my jaw on the floor. That was out of character for him.

"Are you sure you never had a relationship before? Because that's the sort of thing that might get you into one. Especially if you say it at the right moment," Chrysalis said as she looked at the ice cream and took the last bite. "Well, this has been amusing, but I believe I need to go."

"Understood, it was a very informative experience, thank you," Crystal replied with his usual behavior back.

Silence reigned for a few seconds, I assumed that they were not about to have a second fake date. Especially since Chrysalis kept staring at the ground while Crystal took out his notebook and started scribbling.

"Screw it, when can we meet again?" Chrysalis suddenly snapped with a snarl. "You're somewhat annoying and useful. So, I can tolerate this deal of ours for a while. I had the intention of ditching after this thing was over. But, I think I can benefit more if I keep this up," She added while scowling at Crystal. Meanwhile, I spilled part of my ice cream through my nose.

"I don't know? I believe the optimal options would be during weekends. I can manage my time for studying and going out, what do you think?" He proposed with his usual tone back.

"Next weekend? I'll see if I am available," Chrysalis said while getting up and leaving.

I need to figure out when they are going to meet. I won't let make him into an idiot. I concluded while rushing to the toilet.

And that concluded my observation of the subjects in question.

I had a date today, a fake one, but a date nonetheless. It would seem that pony behavior is infectious. Or it could be a side effect of having my link severed. But I allowed myself to look vulnerable without the intent to. I need to verify the reason for this and rectify this problem as soon as possible. I want a normal life, but I will not become weak to do so.

I will continue to record my experiences later. Someone is knocking at my door.

Chapter 3: Meddling Star

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I had the most unpleasant morning call this day. It's been a few weeks since I entered the kingdom and started this whole mess. Adding to that, I haven't' been able to rendezvous with Crystal Dawn since we went our separate ways on our second meeting. However, aside from the scared ponies, most of the situations I could tolerate. Celestia called me to a private tea room by the royal guard. I obeyed as it was a direct summon from the one that had my plans in her hands. Otherwise, I would have told the guards to scurry off before I decided to get angry.

Upon entering the room, Celestia greeted me with a hot cup of tea before I took a seat. As calm and collected as the princess of the sun is, she is also a devious creature with a lot of tricks up her sleeves. You don't create a thousand years of peace with just a smile and a wave. So, it is understandable that I would keep my guard up whenever I was around her.

"Good morning, Chrysalis," Celestia greeted before taking a sip of her tea.

"Princess," I replied while checking the tea for anything suspicious.

"You are a guest. And since you're looking for a chance to start a new, why don't we start anew as well? You may call me Celestia, no need for honorifics," She said with her signature smile. Most would feel calm and comfortable around that, I felt as if a net was being cast at me.

"I always thought your name was Princess and Celestia," I replied with a smirk. "It seems I was wrong," I added with a tilt of my head.

"And it seems you're already targeting one of my subjects before even securing your citizenship," Celestia said with a neutral tone. "And a student from my school nonetheless," She added with her gaze fixed on me.

"I said from the beginning what my goal was. I seek a mate, however, I know about your laws. Therefore, I will not do anything to said subject," I replied while running the tip of my finger at the cup's edge. "Am I correct to assume that this is from the reports from the guards?"

"Correct," Celestia said with a neutral expression.

"Then, did they tell you about the nature of my conversation with the student in question?" Celestia didn't respond. "I knew it. Very well, that student of yours wanted to emulate social interactions within a safe environment. It would seem as he has some issues talking to others outside of mandatory procedures. I guess you could say he has confidence issues," I explained while pushing the teacup away.

"Not possible. That student is the second-best student in my academy. His scores are decent and he has a decent score in physical classes. Better than a lot of unicorns," Celestia replied while pulling up a file with Crystal's picture on the cover.

"You know that you're being extremely creepy right now, right?" I remarked while leaning back. "That kid is stoic as one can be on most occasions when social interaction is required and is related to business. I had to say one thing out of topic for him to crumble and start blushing. Academic scores and physical exams don't represent a pony in their entirety," I added while rolling my eyes.

"I do believe that their behavior in academics and interactions within the school grounds is a valid form to know their behaviors," Celestia replied while placing the file on the table.

"Then, did you know that your precious star student tailed us the entire time I was conversing with Crystal? Using long-distance surveillance spells and illusions to conceal them nonetheless," I shot back causing Celestia's ears to perk. "I know about Twilight Sparkle through the scouts I had in your territory. And I know she is a powerful caster. However, I do believe it is illegal to put unauthorized surveillance spells on any creature, regardless of citizenship or not, am I correct?" I added while Celestia seemed to start to sweat. Smirking at the reaction, I took a deep breath before continuing. "But it's not like I can prove it. So, relax princess, I won't be making a complaint about it."

After taking a few seconds to recompose herself, Celestia adjusted her mane. "Very well. Then allow me to cut to the point. I'll make some questions, you answer them, and you're dismissed, sounds fair?" She said while trying to make her expression from before disappear.

"If it doesn't invade my privacy, I don't see the harm," I replied while screaming internally at her and calling her all the names I learned over the years.

"Why did you approach Crystal Dawn?" Celestia asked while leaning on the table. "If he is as you say, he would not approach you so recklessly. Meaning, you did the first move."

"Sorry to disappoint, but that kid has one thing that can push him to do something reckless, his curiosity. He approached me because he wanted to know what I was. Therefore, it wasn't much as I chose him, it's more like he chose me," I responded with a smirk as the princess scratched her chin in confusion.

"Fine, what about the nature of your relationship with him? You were seen in an ice cream store. And he gifted you a case if the report is correct that is," Celestia said while leaning back on her chair.

"That starts to intrude in my private life. Therefore, I'll leave it at it is purely professional," I replied while crossing my arms and letting out a sigh.

"Right, what do you plan to do with this pony?" Celestia inquired with a frown.

"I will do my part in the accord. And when it is over, I will go on my merry way. If he stops being useful I'll end the contract, simple as that," I replied while accidentally looking away from Celestia.

"You've been looking at me in the eye every time you answer. Rolling your eyes and looking away whenever you finished speaking, and only when you finished. So, why did you avert them when you answered that?" Celestia said with a strange tone and a smile that made me uncomfortable.

"I got distracted," I replied readily.

Is she trained in reading body language? If she is, she is reading too much into me. Perhaps a bad habit? I mused while frowning at her. She seemed to measure me from head to hoof.

"I see, very well then, you may go. Thank you for your time," Celestia said before I got up and left.

As I said, it was an annoying morning.

It would seem as Chrysalis is having conflicting thoughts about her deal with Crystal Dawn. Her reactions were neutral in most questions. However, when I inquired about her plans, she broke her facade for a moment. Considering her history, I expect her to try and do something to Crystal. Therefore, I decided to talk to him directly. Summoning him was easy enough, I stood in my office as the headmaster, waiting for him to come.

"Good afternoon," He greeted upon entering the room and closing the door behind him. "I was told you wanted to see me, did something happen?" He added in the tone I expected him to have.

"Good afternoon, Crystal Dawn. Nothing happened. I wish to speak to you about something that worries me. It has come to my attention you've been interacting with a visitor that is under probation. I merely wish to ask about what is your relationship with her. Her name is Chrysalis," I said while gesturing for him to sit.

His ears perked as he took a seat. "Oh, that! No problem. I lack both social skills and knowledge about her as an individual of a different species. You could compare her to a dragon on the second front. Seeing as such knowledge could be of great importance as well as something extremely intriguing I approached her upon meeting her," He replied readily as I expected he would, however, the answer wasn't something I predicted. I expected him to say Chrysalis approached him.

Chrysalis told the truth? That is unusual. Wait, he just said he lacks social skills. Just as Chrysalis said as well. What is happening here? I mused while scratching my chin. The situation was strange. Chrysalis was known for deceit and manipulation. However, she was honest about the events that transpired before our meeting. Better check it, just to be sure.

"I see. Sir Dawn, would you mind if I took a look at your eyes? I wish to verify something," I said while getting up and walking around my table.

"I don't see an issue with it," He replied while removing his glasses. Immediately after he started squinting them.

"I'll open them for a bit. Like this, can you look to the right? Now, to the left? Up? Down? Um, strange" I muttered while analyzing his sclera. Changeling mind spells cause the target's sclera to slowly turn green the longer they were under the spell. His eyes were clear. If he had been struck by a mind spell, he would have at least a smudge on them. Meaning, he was in complete control of his senses.

"Um, I, er, a-are you done?" Crystal stuttered while averting his eyes.

"Oh, yes. My apologies. It seems there are no irregularities with your eyes," I replied while taking a step back.

"T-thank you," Crystal replied while fidgeting on his seat. I expected his behavior to be calm and composed. However, as soon as I entered his private space, his attitude changed. The calm and collected pony was about to have a nervous breakdown. Accelerated breathing, sweating, dilated pupils, and other signs of being nervous were plastered across his face.

This is most unusual. If he was lacking in confidence as Chrysalis suggested, he could be easily manipulated. Maybe, it would be best for me to check with me regularly. I guess it would be easy enough to label this as therapy sessions for self-confidence. I mused while scratching my chin.

"Say, Mr. Dawn, I do believe that I might be able to help you as well," I said while returning to my seat. This seemed to help his condition as the distancing made his breathing return to normal.

"How so?" He inquired with his voice gradually returning to normal.

"Acquiring social skills is a fine goal to have. However, it will mean nothing if the subject lacks the confidence to use them. What do you say that we work in that area here? I am the principal. And I have to help my students. So, you could come here once every two weeks to work on that, how about it?" I explained while leaning back on my chair.

"Work on my confidence? Are you sure you have the time for that? Princess, with all due respect, I doubt you have enough time for yourself," He replied with a different tone from before. He sounded concerned. And I will admit, I was slightly taken back by this.

"What do you mean? I have time for all of my subjects," I replied with a soft smile.

"You may have time for everyone else. But, I hope you don't mind me saying it," He said while fidgeting again. "You look tired most of the time when you are walking the corridors alone. I pay attention whenever something moves outside the classroom's windows. So, I've seen you wandering about with a look similar to my father's. And I know he is tired. I know it might not be my place to say it. But please, try to take care of yourself before trying to take care of others. Otherwise, you will tire yourself out," He explained while looking at the floor.

Now, in all the time I've been ruling, very few were the ponies to tell me what I should do. And fewer were the ones to show concern for my well being. For the past twelve years, the only ones to care that much were Twilight, Sunset, and my niece. However, it would seem that there was one more.

This is a pleasant surprise. I mused while letting out a chuckle.

"Fine. I will consider taking some time for myself, if you consider my offer for help, do we have a deal?" I said in a soft voice while smiling.

"That I can work with," He replied with a bright smile.

After that, Sir Dawn left the room. It would seem as I added one more duty among my countless others. But unlike many of them, those one seems to be one bound to be entertaining, or at the very least surprising.

Report number 2159

Subject: Stranger.

As usual, I went to the princess to deliver my reports on my independent studies the princess. My next subject was to be the strange mirror she has hidden in her lab. However, I think I'll need to postpone that subject as it would consume too much of my time. And the reason for that is there is something that caught my attention.

When heading to Celestia's room in the academy, I saw an unfamiliar face. A grayish pink pony wearing glasses entered the room before me. At first, I thought of intruding, however, I contented myself with eavesdropping. And I must say, for a unicorn with glasses that looks like he spends more time with himself than others, he has a considerable amount of courage. Speaking up to Princess Celestia and telling her what to do? Not many ponies that can do that.

It may sound strange, but I believe I need to observe this pony for some time. Verifying how one such as him managed to get entangled with such unusual events sounds like an interesting research subject, for myself that is.

At any rate, the stranger's name is Crystal Dawn. And as far as I know, he is a student in Celestia's School.

I am unsure if there is a creature above Princess Celestia, or it was something so far beneath her that it is as powerful. Because if there is, they decided to target me as a test subject on how much they can mock a mortal. Several problems have prevented me from meeting with Chrysalis. Moreover, I have stalkers. Every single weekend, whenever I leave home, I noticed someone tailing me.

I am unable to discern their identity. This pony (assuming it is a pony, it is all conjecture at this point) wears a hood and tries a bit too hard to hide. So, more than once they were called out by guards and such. But, since I didn't make much of a fuss, they just tried again whenever I went out to deal with my issues.

Adding to the list of things getting in the way of my meetings, there is now Princess Celestia. While I do appreciate her concern for my self-confidence, I would prefer to be able to tackle one problem at a time. I may be able to optimize my time to make the most of my routine, but I'm starting to juggle too many things at the same time.

And today during class, not one, but two unexpected things occurred. We were past the second period and waiting for the teacher to come to our next class. However, instead of a teacher, I saw a familiar face. Chrysalis entered the room without much ceremony.

"Crystal Dawn! Are you here?" She asked loudly while I sunk in my chair. "I'll keep calling out from classroom to classroom until I find you!" She added with a devilish smile.

She is well aware that I am here. This is to mock me!

"Don't you dare!" I screamed while slamming my hands on the table. As one would expect, this made the entire classroom look at me.

After climbing the steps to where I was sitting, Chrysalis took a seat beside me. At a dangerously close distance might I add. There was no personal space for me. Anyone can guess what happened to me. I felt nervous and my cheeks got hot.

"Don't be so nervous. In a regular relationship, your partner will attempt to sit close to you in some situations," She whispered to me while everyone in class looked at us with looks of utter shock.

"What do you want? I thought we were supposed to meet during weekends. And I know that I haven't been able to meet up. I have some issues at home that needed handling," I whispered back while covering my face.

"I've been studying, however, I do believe I could benefit from simulating some of the old tests. I wanted your help with it," Chrysalis replied with a whisper directly into my ear. "I learned that classes are open to the public here, so I thought of meeting up with you to discuss this matter," She added while making her fingers walk on my arm.

"I don't mind helping, but please, stop drawing attention to me!" I whispered angrily while turning to face her before jumping on my seat as something slammed on my table hard.

"Are you Crystal Dawn?" A unicorn mare inquired while leaning forward with a frown on her face. She had a yellow coat with a red and yellow mane. She wore a long-sleeved cyan shirt with a pair of blue jeans. I had never seen her around the school before. I was about to open my mouth when Chrysalis pushed the unicorn back with her index finger. "What do you think you're doing?" She asked Chrysalis with a scowl.

"That's my line. I'm having a conversation here," Chrysalis intervened while I just stared at the scene with a considerable desire to turn into an ant and run away.

"Excuse me? Do you call that a conversation? Have the decency of not hitting on a minor!" The mare shot back with a scowl. "You old hag! Do you think I don't know what you are? You parasitic bug! Warmonger. Why don't you run back to your hole on the ground and leave the ponies alone? Oh right, you don't have a hive anymore. I know all about your situation," She added with venom.

And this is when I did something stupid. When I make a deal/partnership I defend my partner until they give me a reason to undo the contract. I was yet to meet a pony that I would maintain a deal to the end. But, based on Chrysalis's behavior thus far, I have no reason to distrust her. Therefore, I took action by getting up and slamming both my hands at the table while scowling deeply at the stranger.

"Now listen closely, who I am doesn't concern you. I have no business with a mare that is not only rude but dares to think she has the right to expose someone's past without thinking of the consequences. So, you either apologize and leave or shut the fuck up and leave. Did you understand me? Or do I need to draw it for you to understand it?" I shot back while leaning closer to her with my eyes locked on hers. She seemed taken back by my response before staring at me with interest.

"Hey!" A third voice intervened, it was Cadance. "I need to talk to you two, now!" She said while pushing the yellow unicorn out of the way and teleporting me and chrysalis away. "Ok! The scene is over," She said while sitting back on a chair.

I felt a bit of nausea crawling up its way to my mouth before covering it with my hand. The surge of courage gave way to nervousness and hyperventilation. I am not a hero. I am a freaking mad pony. I should go to the sanatorium. I mused while leaning on a nearby table.

"That was Sunset Shimmer. She studies under my aunt. I think having access to certain knowledge got to her head. Or so I'm told," Cadance said while awkwardly scratching the back of her neck. Meanwhile, I tried not to vomit. "Sorry about the sudden teleportation. But the scene was spiraling out of control there," She added while letting out a nervous chuckle.

"No, urgh, problem," I replied while fighting nausea. "Are you ok Chrysalis?"

There was no response. Chrysalis looked confused, worried even. She had a look of disbelief while looking into my eyes. She looked, vulnerable. Chrysalis stared at me for a couple of seconds before shaking her head sideways.

"Our deal was to emulate common scenarios in a relationship. Not to completely emulate one. You are pushing things too far," She said with a scowl on her face. "We are not together. We will not be together. So, keep the lovey-dovey act to a minimum while I tutor you. And you tell me more about your operation while helping me get my citizenship!" She ordered before taking Cadance's arm. "We need to talk more. I have a deal with you as well if I'm correct!" She exclaimed while hastily rushing out the door.

I am unsure as to why my attempt to stand up for Chrysalis backlashed in such a manner. But I will admit that I felt good for a couple of moments before the adrenaline died down and I broke into a panicked mess. Perhaps my attitude was too close to a real relationship? Well, Chrysalis is an interesting creature, in more than one way. And while that interest does make me want to know more about her, the feeling isn't the same as described in the novels I read.

Upon meeting, my heart didn't skip a beat. I felt no annoyance or animosity towards her. I didn't feel a need to be by her side. However, I did miss her company. Being as alone as I've been made me realize that once you have someone to talk to, being alone eats you away. I guess you can say I consider her a friend. I better figure out how to remedy this situation. I have no desire to lose something I worked so hard to attain. Especially now, that she is angry.

Strange, this is an unusual response to her absence. I should investigate this further. But, who can I speak with? Wait, there is one option. She has friends. But, I don't want to talk to her.

It's decided. I will speak with Twilight Sparkle about this unusual response to the absence of someone I believe I consider a friend. As much as it pains me to do so, I will need to do something about this predicament.

So, I have a bad habit. It's been a part of my personality before I became an alicorn. I tend to make pairings in my head. And since I became an alicorn of love (whatever that implies, I wish I had some help uncovering what exactly I can do) this habit of mine became worse. If I see a pairing, I need to put in a lot of effort to NOT intervene. But as of late, I have met two creatures that made me feel fully invested. And it is something odd. Especially since my initial attitude was hostile towards one of them. And I didn't register the presence of the other until I spoke with him to apologize (not to mention he was the first to scold me or get angry at me after I became an alicorn).

Chrysalis, the Queen of Changelings (or ex-queen), is an oddball. Not only is she hard to read. But when her walls crumble for a couple of seconds, you often see something that isn't what you would expect. Like her looking vulnerable. Or her being scared at someone defending her. The second was something that I witnessed after an incident involving one of my aunt's students, Sunset Shimmer.

Dragging me away from Crystal (who defended her in a very emphatic matter, rather unexpected considering how shy he is in most situations), Chrysalis took me to her room before closing the door and taking a seat on the bed. Sinking her fingers on her head, Chrysalis looked at the floor for quite some time while shaking her head ever so slightly to the sides.

"This is wrong," She muttered while looking down. "This is not what I've planned. I can't have a pony become attached to me. He is a minor. That could prevent me from getting my citizenship. And Celestia is already breathing down my neck," She continued while running her fingers through her mane. "All the careful planning, down the drain because of a single pony."

"Chrysalis, what is the problem?" I asked hesitantly as I assumed that I heard several things I wasn't supposed to listen to.

"The problem is how quickly I seem to be losing everything!" Chrysalis shot back while getting up. "I made careful plans to get here. I bet everything to get this far. I am tired of just SURVIVING. And now, because of a simple little pony getting attached to me, I could lose it all!" Chrysalis added while holding her head and walking around.

"What's the problem? You made a friend. Friends protect each other. Unless, did you see the love in Crystal when he spoke up for you?" I inquired while trying to hold in the squealing. I will admit that I hid in the library for a few minutes to see what they would do. And after that, I started imagining them as a pair.

"What I saw doesn't concern you," She said with venom, I took it as a confirmation. "The issue remains. I cannot allow that. I need to keep this deal professional. We have a FAKE relationship. I emulate what it feels like to have a companion. He helps me with studying ordeal and gives me some information," She explained while heading to the window. I simply chuckled at the entire story. I wasn't aware of that detail until that moment.

"Are you serious?" I asked with a smile on my face. "You're in the basic premise of a romantic comedy. How can you expect that to work the way you want?" I asked before chuckling at the face Chrysalis made.

"Life isn't a book, Princess. There isn't the slightest possibility of me ending up with a broken noble like him! I came here to find a companion with resources so I could live comfortably. He can't afford a decent meal. That couldn't be further than what I seek if a dragon kidnapped me and took me to the dragon lands!" Chrysalis said while stomping her hoof.

Frowning at the situation, I took a step back. Chrysalis was very reserved. But when flustered she spilled things out without even thinking about it. And somehow, the topic of her relationship with Crystal kept throwing her off. She could deny it all she wanted, but she was fond of him. I could tell, the string connecting them was thin. And it became visible when Crystal defended her. For now, I can only sense positive relationships that are strained. So, when I saw the line connecting those two, I knew something was up. I knew I couldn't just force her to be in love with him. However, I could help her make amends and save the only connection she had to ponies besides me and Celestia.

"Fine. I'm sorry for saying that. So, here is a suggestion. If you can't bring yourself to be in that deep of a relationship with him, can't you settle with being friends? He is your first and only contact with ponies outside of the castle. So it might be natural for you to have at least some degree of attachment to him. And maybe, you're just afraid that him getting the wrong idea could ruin that?" I said using Tia's negotiator tone.

Chrysalis looked at me before raising her hand to her chin. She started pacing with a frown on her face. Her eyes darted from one side to the other while her wings made a small buzz.

"Do not assume things from me, Princess," Chrysalis said while pacing around. "I don't get attached to tools. Once they served their purpose, they become dead weight. And as such, they must be discarded as to not hinder us," She explained with a strange look in her eyes.

"I'm sorry for assuming things," I answered while looking attentively at Chrysalis.

"You better be sorry," She said with her voice cracking before she took a deep breath. "You are not to mention this to anyone," She added with a more serious tone.

"I promise," I replied before leaving the room.

Definitely the best ship I found so far. Sadly, one that I don't think will set sail while Chrysalis remains like that. Let alone last while that is strained like that.

It would seem that I have assumed too much about Mr. Dawn. After my little talk to him, I grew curious about the colt and decided to ask about him from Twilight who takes advanced classes with him. Both of them are one year ahead. So they might have plenty in common, especially with how he is always at her heels in the leaderboard. However, as I am most unfortunate, I forgot that Twilight visits her parents every Wednesday. Therefore, I only found Spike organizing the books in Twilight's study.

What follows is my conversation and the information I gained. Things that I found rather interesting.

"Hello, Spike. How are you?" I inquired after seeing the little drake as he carried a few books to their shelves.

"Princess Celestia! I'm doing ok! Thanks for asking. Do you need to speak with Twilight?" Spike asked while placing the books on the shelves. Dragon strength is a remarkable thing, even as a child Spike can lift a considerable amount of weight with just one hand. It makes me wonder how much will he be able to lift once he becomes an adult drake.

"Yes, is she here?" I inquired while watching him place the last book and pull up a scroll with a quill. He seemed to be filling a checklist.

"I'm afraid not. She went to her parent's house. Today is Wednesday. Why do you ask? I can relay the message," He replied while placing the scroll in his pocket.

Smiling at the helpful little drake, I decided to have him relay the message. "Well, I wanted to confirm a few things with her about one of her colleagues," I replied while taking a seat at the study's table. Spike promptly hopped on the one in front of me and slumped over the tabletop with both his arms stretched as he tried to keep his head above the tabletop. "Crystal Dawn, are you acquainted with him?"

"Oh! That bright pink unicorn Twilight is always talking about!" Spike said while standing up with his tail shaking. "They are good friends! Twilight always talks about him. And they are always chasing each other in school! That's what she said! She even told me she was really angry with him recently. Something about him talking to another mare, Chrysalis I think it was. I think she is jealous. But she seemed a bit frustrated," He blurted out with a smile. "But I think it's awesome! He is someone Twilight always talks about even more than her friends! And they are always competing too! And I like how he doesn't care that I am a dragon!"

I had to stop for a couple of seconds and process that amount of information. I had no idea that my precious student was so close to someone. Nor did I know that Mr. Dawn was that good of a friend. I can only assume that her frustration is related to what she overheard from Chrysalis and Dawn's conversation. She must know something I don't. I should confer with her after we have a conversation about Mr. Dawn. Can't have her making any brash decisions since they are so close.

Suddenly, someone started knocking on the front door. Spike promptly ran to it.

"Oh! Hello, Crystal!" Spike said from the entrance. My ears perked up while I decided to take the opportunity to listen to how they referred to each other. "Is there something you need?"

"Hello, Spike. As much as it pains me to admit it, I need to speak with Twilight. It is a matter of utmost importance that I believe only she will be able to help me," Crystal replied with a neutral tone.

"I'm sorry. But she isn't here. She is at her home," Spike retorted while I got closer to listen to it all better.

"Really? Well, then I'll go there. Thank you for the help, little guy," Crystal replied before I heard the sound of steps rushing away from the study.

After that, I spoke with Spike about how he was doing for a bit and left. Learning that my little Twilight was so close to Crystal Dawn was a surprise. I wonder how they got so close.

A mother always worries about the situation of their children. Shining Armor has some issues with his grades in regular tests. But he excels in the physical tests. My little Twilight does the opposite. Shining has friends and plays with them. Twilight has ponies labeled as friends, but she never plays with them. So, one could say that they are balanced out. However, I cannot say that I am happy about this.

So, you can imagine my joy when I received a visitor today. A pony coming to see my Twilight for advice on a private matter! I was so happy to see that she was a reliable friend, that it tore me apart when I heard what happened. I drank my tea while Twilight had just finished organizing her room. She always took exactly fifteen minutes to rearrange her things and get ready for teatime.

That was when I heard the knocking on the door. It was loud and somewhat rapid. It felt like someone needed to enter with urgency. So, I rushed to the door after placing it on the table. Opening the door, I found myself surprised at the sight of a young colt with a bright pink coat and a somewhat ruffled mane. Based on how he was breathing and the sweaty mane, he came running to our house.

"H-hello," He said in between breaths. "Is, Is Twilight Sparkle at home? My name is Crystal Dawn. I'm her classmate. And, and I need to ask her for advice. I am in a rush, so I apologize for the inconvenience of appearing unannounced and uninvited," He explained while breathing through his shoulders.

"Oh, sure. My daughter is upstairs. Please, follow me," I replied while taking a few steps back.

After leading Crystal to my daughter's room, I pretended to walk away and hid at the corner of the hallway. I waited for a while as he knocked on the door and waited patiently.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Sparkle. It's me, Crystal Dawn. I need to speak with you. I need your advice. Would you please consider letting me in?" He said in a clear voice while standing at attention before her door. I had heard from Crystal Dawn from my daughter several times. I knew he was a strange one, but their rivalry is exactly what pushed my daughter to be the best at school. And as far as I am concerned, he always put an effort into beating her fair and square. He was the only reason Twilight even bothered to make the minimal effort in P.E. So, even if my daughter didn't realize it, I knew they were friends, odd ones, sure, but friends nonetheless.

"What do YOU want here?" Twilight asked while opening the door. "I won't let you through the door. We can talk in the corridor," She said in an annoyed tone.

"I'm fine with that. I just need a few pointers. And since you're the only one I know about that has the information I need and speaks with me on a somewhat regular way, I had no choice but to turn to you," He answered in a neutral tone. That was his way of saying he trusted her enough to come to her with this. Having dealt with an introverted son before, it is somewhat easy to understand when someone like him speaks.

"YOU asking ME for pointers? What exactly are you searching for that only I can help with? I thought you didn't need any help," Twilight replied in a snarky tone I never got hear before. I had heard she used to speak more freely like this when she was dealing with a certain odd colt. It didn't take long for me to connect the dots. But I have to say, it is adorable to see her act tough.

"I don't require pointers in the academic field. That much is true. On a social field, however, I lack its abilities in every aspect. So, I have no choice but to turn to you," He replied readily and without hesitation. Twilight's tales of him not backing down or admitting he was behind her were true, so for him to admit he needed her help, I knew it was something of great importance to him.

"Social? Oh, is this about that Chrysalis mare? The one you've been acting all chummy with?" Twilight asked with a level of poison that made me uncomfortable. That's when I knew for certain that Twilight didn't just see him as a rival. Even if she didn't realize it, she was jealous of him having his attention set on someone else.

"Yes. It is about her. I value my contracts up to a fault. And I defend those that are in a contract with me. That is a given. However, as of late I realized that I used somewhat extra care when dealing with her. And this seems to have upset her. I don't understand why. But this bothers me. I don't understand why this is. And I can't afford to break a contract. So, I need to understand what is this that I am feeling. Why do I regret making her mad? Why is it that I have much interest in her that seems to push beyond the fact that she is from a species unknown to me? I need to understand what exactly is this that I am feeling. I need to know if this is what it feels like to consider someone a friend. So, please, can you confirm if that is what I feel?" He said in a disturbingly neutral tone that was slowly cracking as he seemed to let his distress and anxiety show. I felt bad for the poor colt.

And this is when I heard my daughter's response. Peeking from the corner, I saw her face. The greater the distress Crystal displayed to her, the greater seemed to be her animosity. Her face contorted into a spiteful scowl right before she took a deep breath. "If you can't tell how you feel," She said while gritting her teeth and clenching her fist. "Then you don't deserve whatever it is you two have! You already broke your contract, you idiot!!!" She shouted before slamming the door on his face.

How can she just say something like that? This is cruel. For both of them. She needs help with these feelings of hers. Otherwise, she might end up hurting him and herself. And the poor lad doesn't seem to understand how social interactions seem to work. So, he turned to the one pony he could turn to. And she just tells him he isn't worth what he has. I mused while looking at the colt standing there in front of the door with a dumbfounded expression.

Suddenly, he turned toward me and started walking. His jaw hung open as he moved it up and down several times. Then, as he walked past me, I saw a tear in his eye. "A feeling I can't understand. Something that causes distress and forces the afflicted to do things they wouldn't normally do. Those feelings align up with the stories. Does this mean that, in the end, I actually understood how it feels to be in a relationship?" he muttered to himself as he walked past me. "She is right. I broke the contract. I need to remedy this."

Well, it would seem that he is at least catching up on some things. I concluded with a confused expression as he left the house in his weird trance. I knew the colt needed help. But I had to first lead my daughter on the right path. Maybe I will contact him later on and try to lend a hand. These two need some serious help before any of them make a mistake they might regret.

It is ridiculous. My stupidity knows no bounds. I overlooked a crucial detail on the deal we discussed. Chrysalis specifically stated that she would teach me how a relationship works. Meaning, that the emotions something like that could bring forth would be part of understanding how a relationship works. However, it was to be a makeshift relation that should only be focused on when on official dates. Meaning, that I should not have pushed it when she walked up to me and asked for help. I could probably have avoided that incident altogether if I had warned her about my tendencies to defend my contractors.

Therefore, I needed to correct this situation pronto. Otherwise, both parties' plans would be severely jeopardized thanks to my mistake. And I knew exactly how to remedy it. With quill in hand, I prepared the parchment to received the contract before writing away.

I, Crystal Dawn, in complete control of my mental faculties, hereby agree to keep my relationship with the one known as Chrysalis strictly professional, save for instances in which both parties have agreed on a temporary meeting known as "date." In which Chrysalis will simulate a romantic relationship scenario in which I, Crystal Dawn, shall act accordingly.

In exchange for the experience of learning how to behave in such situations, I, Crystal Dawn, agree to aid in Chrysalis endeavors to acquire citizenship.

That was probably the simplest thing I could come up with. The deal we made wouldn't last long after she got her citizenship. I do believe she has other plans once she manages to attain her rights. Plus, this will give her some room to add her terms.