Under the Covers

by Nailah

First published

Twilight wants to play with her brother, but it's past her bedtime. What will Shining Armor do now?

Twilight wants to play with her brother, but it's past her bedtime. What will Shining Armor do now?

Prereaders: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/246282/QueenChrysalisForever
Edited by: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/344085/RubyDubious

Inspired by: https://derpibooru.org/2296477

I don't want to sleep!

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Twilight Sparkle giggled cheerfully as she bounced the light blue ball on top of her chin. Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle were playing together in the park, while their parents were off on a date.

“Brother! Play with me,” she called out to her big brother. Shining Armor always brought a smile to her face. He stood taller than she did that when she went up to him, she could only reach his chest, but she’d always nuzzle him just the same. He was a white unicorn with a blue mane and tail, with a shining shield cutie mark. He was training to be a royal guard when he got big, but he always made time for her. Twilight’s smile grew as he turned his attention towards her.

“I’m going to get you.” He growled playfully as he made a scary face and pretended like he was the big bad monster and chased after his little sister.

“Nuh uh! Not a chance.” She snorted, sticking out her tongue, and using her magic to levitate the ball safely out of the way as she ran around in circles avoiding her brother. She couldn’t help laughing merrily as he pursued her. She wasn’t scared though, she knew it was just a game.

Suddenly, her brother caught her off guard and tackled her to the ground. She let out a surprised eep as he tackled her, and bearing down over her, she covered her face with her hooves when suddenly she felt a magic tickling feather on her belly. She giggled, unable to keep from laughing.
“Brother...Ack. Stop. Tehehehehe.” she gasped for breath, fits of laughter, a few teardrops running down her face. Shining Armor didn’t stop.

“Admit I’m the winner and that I’m the best big brother ever.” he teased her more.
“Ack. Tehehehe. Brother..ack. Best. ever.” she managed to say through her giggling fits of laughter.

“Twily, you’re just too adorable for your own good.” Shining Armor smiled as he gently leaned down to nuzzle his sister.

Twilight gave him a pouting look and crossed her arms as she sat on her haunches. “Humph.” she gave him the dirty scowl.

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry for tickling you. Do you want to play with your ball? Or maybe hide and seek?” Shining Armor questioned.

“Hide and Seek!” Twilight stated as she hopped up to all fours and wagged her tail, excited.

“Alright, I’ll count and you hide.” Shining Armor beamed, and shook his head at just how cute his little sister was. Truly he had the best little sister ever.

“No peeking! And no magic either!” Twily shouted as she dashed off to find a good hiding spot. She hurried to hop into a bush surrounded with purple berries. She did her best to stifle her laughter as her brother started counting.

“Ten...nine...eight...seven...sixth, five, four, three, two and one here I come!” Shining Armor shouted aloud, as he reared up on his hind legs, excited.

Twilight hunkered down in the bush, making it rustle ever so slightly. She was certain that Shining Armor would never find her here!

“Got you!” Shining Armor shouted as he grabbed a hold of Twilight with the strength of his forearms and lifted her up onto his back. Twilight couldn’t help but eep in surprise but then giggle with a slight pout.

“Ah no fair. You cheated.” she pouted.

“No you revealed yourself when you made the bush rustle, I’ve got keen ears Twily. I wouldn’t make a very good royal guard if I couldn’t hear rustling.” Shining Armor explained, noting the sun was starting to set in the distance.

“I think that’s enough games for today though, we need to get you home, cleaned up and into bed young filly.” Shining Armor stated flatly, almost knowing his little sister would fight about this.

“Aww come on Shining, just one more game?” Twilight pouted, eyes widening, lips curling downwards, head sulking downwards, ears drooping, pouting.

"Twily, it's your bedtime, we can play more tomorrow." Shining Armor reminded her gently, petting the top of her violet locks. Twilight huffed aloud.

"No. I'm not tired. I wanna play!" She stomped her hoof into the ground beneath her.

Shining Armor shook his head, and sighed lightly, using his magic to levitate Twilight off of her hooves.

"Now you've left me no choice. I'll have to make you go to bed." Shining Armor scolded her. His parents weren't home right now, but if they found out that big brother hadn’t done his duties, he'd be in for a reprimand of his own.

Twilight huffed, and whined the entire way back to their house, but as much as she hated it, her brother was right. That didn’t mean she was going to give up without a fuss!

Shining Armor gently put her down onto her bed once they were in her room, and covered her with the blankets. The second Twilight was free of his grasp, she tried grabbing a hold of Shining by his chest, but Shining Armor quickly blocked her with his left forehoof.

“Now Twily, you know as well as I do that it’s time for bed.” Shining Armor spoke, giving her a look of disapproval, shaking his head at her.

“But…” pouted Twilight batting her eyelashes at him, attempting to charm him with her cuteness.

“No buts. You need your sleep. After all, how will you ever focus on your studying if you’re exhausted from playing.”

“I mean I guess that’s true.” Twilight’s ears drooped slightly as she tilted her head to the side. Shining Armor took her by the chin so her eyes were facing his.

“Hey now, big brother will always have time to play with his little sister, but right now he wants her to rest.” Shining Armor whispered gently, kissing the top of her head before starting to back away.

“Goodnight Twily.” whispered Shining Armor slowly backing his way out of the room.

“Night Night best big brother forever!” Twilight yawned, aloud as her eyelids started feeling heavy as her brother started humming her favorite lullaby. Once he was certain she was softly asleep, he snuck in to kiss her on the forehead, petting her mane. Then he left the room and gently closed the door. Just then he heard the doorbell ring.

“Hmm...I wasn’t expecting company. He went to answer it. Shining reached up and pushed slowly against the mahogany door. Dazzling sunlight fell across a spectrum of pearlescent pink, prancing purple and marvelous yellow; the fushia alicorn turned towards Shining, the sacred crystal heart upon her flank sparkling amidst the orchestral light. Her eyelashes flicked once, twice, and he stepped back, his mouth open to the floor.

"Ca-cadence!? What are you doing here?" he asked hesitantly. “What are you doing here?” fidgeting in place, he hurried to gesture her inside, there were storm clouds overhead, trying to keep his voice to a whisper. He urged her inside, closing the door behind them, just as the rain began.

She lifted her forehoof against her lips, and giggled at how adorably naive her coltfriend was. “Oh Shining. I thought I’d drop in on you for a date night. I mean it has been awhile since we got to be alone…” she whispered, batting her long eyelashes at him, she got close enough, that Shining could feel her breath on his muzzle.Shining Armor gulped, and felt the sweatdrop running down his cheeks. He flinched as he backed up, and closed the door behind them. “Um...yes that would be lovely. It’s just, I wasn’t really prepared for the company.” He lifted his foreleg and rubbed his hoof against his blue and white mane, trying not to ogle her.

“I wanted to surprise you silly.” Cadence teased, nuzzling her snout against his fondly, closing her eyes, and tilting her head to give him the faintest kiss upon his soft lips.

Shining Armor felt his whole body trembling when he felt her snout nuzzling him, he returned the gesture, he wrapped an arm around her, and pulled her closer as she tilted her head, and surprised him with a lovely soft kiss. He closed his eyes, and leaned into her, embracing for a few moments, before letting go.

“It’s always good to see you. You have to tell me about your trip here. I hope it wasn’t boring.” He said, with a slight chuckle. He knew with how often he traveled, train rides were just sort of dull after you’ve been on them so much. It was all duty and no play.

“Oh nothing unusual. Just the typical stares from the passengers, and the trains attendant sorta reminded me of Twily, if she was older and more mature. She had this list prepared of the selections of delight treats the train had to offer. It was quite...nice.”

“Speaking of Twily.” Shining Armor began, as he took her by her foreleg, and held her hoof, whispering as he led the way back the hallway to her room. “She’s sound asleep. So it’s just us. No mom, no dad, you and me.” he grinned, with the slightest raise of his eyebrows.

“Oh my. Shining! I never knew you were so forward.” Cadence teased as she led the way back to the living room, and sat down on the couch beside him. “I do hope she hasn’t been a hoofful for you. That little filly has plenty of energy.”

“Oh yeah...she’s quite the energetic little filly, but I was like that when I was her age, so I know how to handle it.” Shining Armor stated proudly, puffing out his chest as he sat down beside his mare friend.

“Oh you sure do know how to handle mares that’s for sure.” Cadence winked as she laid her head back onto his chest. She felt him stiffen as she curled up into his embrace.

Shining Armor tensed as he felt her scooting her way so casually, yet seductively into his front forelegs. He wrapped his hooves around her, kissing the top of her mane.

“That I do. But um...we should not get too wild. Twilight is in the other room.” He reminded her.

“Speaking of Twily, how is my favorite filly? Has she been doing well in school?” she asked, though she already chuckled knowing the answer.

“Of course. She’s been doing so well that she has received an invitation to go to Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns. Of course, I was waiting for the right time to tell her. I figure maybe tomorrow, I’d be right there with mom and dad as they show her the scroll.”

“Oh that would be so sweet. You really are such a good big brother.” She nuzzled her muzzle against his.

“Oh don’t you know it. Now as for you…” he smirked a devious grin, and began to tickle at her exposed belly.

“Ha ha ha...Shining!” She pouted, bursting out fits and giggles of startled laughter. “I thought we were being quiet.

Suddenly there was a loud boom, and he could hear the rain fall pouring down onto the roof.

“Looks like the pegasi are on my side tonight my love.” He teased further, by lifting her up onto his back. Knowing how easily she could try to escape, he hurried into his room. He cringed at all the many comics that were still laying around on the floor. Most of them unopened and in protective cases, but he really didn need to clean it up.

Cadence giggled as she felt him lifting her up onto his back, and dashing into his room. “Oh no, I’m being marenapped. Someone help!” she decided to play along, loving his more teasing side. Though, she loved everything about him. And the bond they both had with little Twilly.

The rain continued to pour down onto the rooftops, Shining hoped it wouldn’t be so loud that it would startle Twilight awake. He had worked so hard to get her to sleep in the first place! Shining grinned mischievously as he put his “captive” onto his bed, jumping up on top of her, and pinning her down beneath him. He could feel her breathing increasing, hear her pants, and the slightest whispers of a moan.

“I’m going to get you now.” Shining said, as he licked his lips, and began kissing her stomach with butterfly kisses, making her cackle and squirm underneath him.

“Ack! No. Stop. You evil monster!” She let out a slight shriek before giggling, laughing, and gasping for air as he assaulted her with a barrage of tickles. She wondered if he used this technique to tire out Twilight, because after awhile she stopped squirming.

“There we go, that’s my good girl.” he teased as he licked up her chest fluff, and ended with a deep and passionate kiss to her lips, he felt her opening her lips gasping for air, as he took the plunge, and began frenching her.

Cadence wrapped her wings around him, and pulled him closer, as she held her forehooves around his neck as she kissed him back. “mmph” She whimpered into his mouth.

The rain continued to pour down against the roof of the house. Drip, drop, drip drop. BOOM. Another loud bang of thunder hit, and streaks of lightning could see from the window. They were much too distracted and wrapped up in one another to even hear the little filly approaching them.


Twilight Sparkle had been having the most pleasant dream. Her brother was Celestia’s Captain of the guard, and she had finally gotten into magic school. She snoozed happily as she turned from one side to the other, tucking her tail against the rest of her body. She startled awake when she heard the loud BOOM as it cascaded towards the ground.

“YIKES!” She let out a terrified shriek. She tried to hide under her covers, and ignore the rain as it pelted heavily down against the house. She trotted over to the window, noting the heavy suds as they drenched down the sides of the window. It was pouring. She huddled into her blanket. Whimpering, she went to go find her brother. After the second BOOM, she dashed like her life depended on it. Seeing her big brother kissing her foal sister.

“YUCK. Shiny…I’m scared.” she admitted, ashamed of herself, as she knocked against the floor with her front forehoof, staring down at the floorboards.

Shining Armor let go of the kiss, trying to look innocent. As he got up off of Cadence, and walked over to Twily. He grunted slightly, as he pulled her close, and hugged her gently, lowering his head to her height.

“Hey now, and here I thought Twilly wasn’t afraid of anything.” He smiled, giving her a slight jab in the side.

“I’m not. But it’s loud...and scary.” She admitted, ears drooped to the sides of her face.

Without hesitation, he picked her up in his hoof and carried her to the bed, sitting her down beside her favorite foalsitter. He scooted back into the bed, and gave Cadence a look. It seemed like their little fun would have to wait. Making sure Twily was okay, and loved was far more important. He wrapped his front foreleg around Twilly, as Cadence wrapped her front foreleg and her wing around her, as the two snuggled Twilly between their bodies.

“Hey now, don’t be scared. It’s just a little rain. It’ll be over before you know it.” Cadence smiled, leaning to kiss the top of her mane.

“Okay…” she whimpered, still not sure, but she felt safe between the forelegs of two of her favorite ponies in the whole world. She just hoped that wherever mom and dad had gone off to, that they were safe from the scary thunder and lightning. She clung to Cadence, burying her little head against her chest floof.

“Do you think mommy and daddy are okay?” she asked worriedly.

“Of course they’re okay, Twilly. After all, they’re every bit as tough as your brother here. You just get some sleep okay? Ladybug, ladybug.” she giggled out her favorite little rhyme. Twilly wasn’t in the mood to play, but she felt the slightest turn of her frown up into a soft giggle.

“Now girls, I love you both, but can we please get some sleep?” asked Shining, as he let out a long yawn.

“I love you more.” Twilly stated, and nuzzled him, before burying herself more against Cadence.

“I love you both.” smiled Cadence.

The three of them were huddled on the bed together, with Twilight in the middle. The rain that refused to let up., and Cadence had a feeling she wasn’t going anywhere tonight, but she didn’t mind. It just meant she got to spend more time with her favorite filly, and her most beloved stallion.

Twilight found she wasn’t so scared anymore, she felt safe and loved within the forelegs of her big brother and foal sitter, she felt her eyelids closing as she yawned, drifting off to sleep.
