Zecora's a Big Help

by manta999

First published

For Big Mac, being well hung isn't a blessing -- It's a burden. When it proves to be a problem in their marriage bed, Sugar Belle seeks assistance. Luckily, Zecora has just the remedy to accommodate the two newlyweds...but there's a catch.

For Big Mac, being hung isn't a blessing -- It's a burden. When it proves to be a huge problem in their marriage bed, Sugar Belle seeks assistance. Luckily, Zecora has just the remedy to accommodate the two newlyweds...but there's a catch.

Takes place soon after Sugar Belle and Big Mac get married.

Contains M/F, M/F/F, large insertion, impregnation, and rhyming.

The Perils of Fitting In

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"Sorry, I---"

"Sweetums, stop! Just...stop. It's not going to fit," Sugar Belle hissed in pain.

Frustrated, Big Mac withdrew from his wife. They had tried everything: Lotion, lubricants, stretches, different positions, ample foreplay, yoga...but there was no getting around the problem.

Big Mac's cock was just too big to fit in his wife's pussy.

"Maybe you'll be able to take it if you relax some more?" Mac desperately proposed. He laid down beside Sugar Belle, massaging her withers. Both of them knew the answer already.

"Oh, no, baby, I don't think it'll do any good. You already got me as loosened up as I'll ever get."

She slumped onto her chest as he continued to rub her shoulders. Big Mac was such an angel. A gentle giant, he always left her satisfied, even though he never got what he really wanted, what he really deserved. Getting her shoulders massaged and her pussy eaten out felt great for her, of course, but she wanted to have sex properly, to feel him inside of her, even one day to have him get her pregnant.

Big Mac hated his predicament just as much. It just wasn't fair -- stallions always joked about having big swinging dicks, but they didn't know the trouble it caused. He'd trade his prodigious penis in an instant if it meant he could fuck Sugar Belle without making her feel like she was being ripped in half.

If by some miracle she stretched to accommodate his girth, there's still be issues. His member was long enough that he'd barely be able to get halfway in before he bottomed out.

That had been why Cheerilee had broken up with him when they had dated years ago. The schoolteacher had proven to be quite the size-queen, but even her experienced entrance had trouble taking his girth. When he finally got inside her, however, his hooves had slipped on the blanket, and he buried himself inside of her past his medial ring.

Her agonized wail had woken up half of Ponyville. Thankfully, they all thought it was a banshee that had wandered in from the Everfree forest. Still, Cheerilee broke up with him practically on the spot. Not to mention, she had called in sick to work for a week after that.

Big Mac and Sugar Belle laid in their bed, Mac's stallionhood standing erect, unspent. Sugar Belle felt awful about getting Mac so worked up, only to be unable to take him. Still, just because she couldn't fuck him didn't mean she couldn't make him cum. She sat up and moved between Big Mac's legs, grabbing his stallionhood in her hooves.

Sugar Belle lavished his pole with oral affection. It was hard work, licking a cock as long as Big Mac's. The trip from his tip to his balls seemed like it took miles. Big Mac watched her in near-silence, only letting out a rare grunt or hiss when she reached his tip.

"Hngg...Aah...Yep, right there...Ohh..."

Big Mac wasn't much of a talker, but Sugar Belle had learned to recognize when he was close. After only a few minutes, she saw the telltale signs: his brow furrowed, he shifted his hips, and he took deep breaths through his nose. Sugar Belle smiled.

She wrapped her lips around as much of his cock as she could, licking his tip like a lollipop. Mac leaned his head back, whispering on the very edge of hearing, "Oh, fuck..."

You like this, don't you, big-boy? Sugar Belle thought, dancing her tongue all over his tip. As if to answer her silent question, his orgasm came.

He bucked his hips up, groaning as his cum flooded into her mouth. She didn't swallow, keeping spurt after spurt of his cum in her mouth.

Once he had finished, he sat up to face her. She knew how silly she looked, carrying his nut in her cheeks like some kind of jizz-chipmunk. She opened her mouth, proudly showing him all the cream he had poured into her maw, then swallowed.

Sugar Belle stuck out her tongue afterward, showing no trace of the messy mouthful that had been there only moments ago. Sugar Belle giggled, slumping onto the bed to snuggle against Mac's massive frame. Returning her affection, he wrapped a foreleg around Sugar Belle, stroking her neck.

Big Mac whispered in her ear, "I love you."

Sugar Belle sighed dreamily, snuggling closer. "I know."

Big Mac held her. She felt him press his muzzle into her mane, tussling her hair while he breathed in the scent of her shampoo. The moment of quiet intimacy was wonderful. She wished it could have lasted forever.

After a long moment, Big Mac added, "I wanna make love to you."

"I know," she replied. "I want that too. But it'd take a miracle for you to fit in me."

Mac stared at Sugar Belle's horn. "It ain't a miracle, but what if we used a spell?" he asked, an idea forming in his head. "You could cast a spell on yer cooch to make it stretchy or somethin'."

Sugar Belle shot the idea down, "My special talent for magic is with desserts, not with my pussy." She added a joke to soften the blow, "Though, from the way you like to eat both of them, I can understand why you'd be confused."

Mac smiled back at her, kissing her.

"Maybe we could ask Twilight Sparkle," Sugar Belle offered. "She's got all kinds of spells in that library of hers..."

Sugar Belle didn't think Big Mac could turn any more red than he already was, but that suggestion had done the trick, bringing a deep blush to his cheeks.

"Nope," he flatly said, "I ain't fond of the idea of askin' the Princess of Friendship to sling a spell at my special somepony's private parts." After a moment of mulling it over, he countered, "What if you asked Starlight Glimmer? She's good at spells."

Now it was Sugar Belle's turn to say no. "Last time Starlight cast a spell on me, it was the one that got rid of my cutie mark. I'm not anxious to let her do any more magic anywhere near my flank. No, it has to be somepony else. But what other ponies around here are magic experts?"

A third voice shouted, "Oh, fer land's sakes, just ask Zecora!"

Both ponies bolted upright, looking around the room for the source of that last suggestion. Sugar Belle stammered, "What!? Who in Equestria--"

"The walls are paper-thin, sugar cube!" Applejack yelled. Demonstrating her point, she tapped on the wall between her room and Big Mac's. The sound traveled through the wall, crystal clear. "Everypony in the whole house can hear yer pillow talk."

Sugar Belle blushed as Granny Smith barked, "That's right, and yer canoodlin' is keepin' me from my beauty rest! And I need all the beauty I can get at this age!"

Just when Sugar Belle thought it couldn't get any worse, Apple Bloom chimed in, "I can hear y'all too! Oh, the things I've heard! Oh, the therapy I'll need!"

By then, Sugar Belle was blushing all the way up to the tips of her ears.

Applejack continued, ignoring the comments from the other Apples, "Anyhow, y'all should go to Twilight fer magic maps and time-travel whats-its and doodads, but Zecora's better than Twilight by a country mile with potions and remedies and such."

It wasn't a half-bad idea. Sugar Belle considered the benefits: Zecora was close enough with the Apples that they could go to her with their problem, but not so close that going to her would be awkward, she was an expert in treating maladies, magical or otherwise, and she lived in a spot so isolated that nopony was likely to infer some kind of scandal from their visit.

After an awkward pause, Sugar Belle asked her husband, "How about it? Should we pay Zecora a visit?"

"Eeyup," he quietly responded.

"Great, it's settled!" shouted Granny Smith. "Now everypony keep yer dang mouths shut so I can get some shut-eye!"

Zecora poured a cup of tea for each of her guests and one for herself before sitting down on a patterned cushion. Big Mac and Sugar Belle sipped timidly at the offered drinks as they glanced at the tribal masks that adorned the walls, staring back at them with empty eyes.

Sugar Belle had never visited the zebra's home before. She had no idea what to expect, and as she took in all the exotic paraphernalia she became more nervous about the question she had come to ask. So, she and Big Mac sat, silent, sipping their tea.

The long silence was broken as Zecora cleared her throat and asked, "You two ponies have come a long way. What can I help you with today?"

Big Mac shifted uncomfortably. Sugar Belle explained, "Well, you know Big Mac is, um...big."

Zecora raised an eyebrow. "That much is plain for all to see, my little pony."

Sugar Belle clarified, "No, I mean he's...too big." Bundling up her courage, she explained the problem as best she could. Pointing at Big Mac's sheath she added, "Big...down there."

It was awkward, but Zecora only nodded gravely as Sugar Belle continued, "He's big enough that it's been causing problems in the bedroom. He...can't fit."

As embarrassed as she felt about their predicament, Big Mac had her beat. Naturally shy, he stared at the ground sheepishly while Zecora's gaze moved to him. His cock was hidden in his sheath, but something about the zebra's eyes seemed to see right through him. Those eyes made him feel as exposed as if he had popped a boner in public.

A hint of a smile reached Zecora's lips. It was a sympathetic smile, though, not a mocking one.

Zecora rhymed, "That makes sense. I begin to see why you two lovers came to me." Turning to her potions, she added, "Fear no longer, Sugar Belle. That you came to me is well. It just so happens that I have a magical muscle-relaxing salve."

After a bit of rummaging around, Zecora produced a bowl filled with a creamy off-white paste and gave it to Sugar Belle.

Big Mac blinked in disbelief. He asked, "You had somethin' that specific ready to go?"

Zecora laughed, "Bedroom trouble is not its only use, by far. I used it once when Pinkie's hoof was stuck in a jar. Spread it where you'll be making a tight squeeze, and anything will slide through with ease!"

Sugar Belle took the bowl. "Oh, thank you, Zecora!" She wrapped her forelegs around Zecora in a hug. "You're a lifesaver!"

She picked up the salve and started to leave, but Zecora put a hoof on her shoulder and sat her back down. Sugar Belle looked from Zecora to Big Mac, confused. "Um...am I missing something important?"

"While this will make the entry less tight, taking Mac's girth is only half the fight," Zecora said. "He'll be able to safely enter your slit, but I very much doubt his whole length will fit."

Big Mac clarified the zebra's rhyming warning, "She means my length'll still be a problem. I don't wanna hurt you none once I start movin', honey-bunch."

Sugar Belle worried, "Oh..." She knew it was unreasonable, but she dreamed of taking Mac's whole member inside of her. Hoping for a solution, she looked back to Zecora.

"There may be hope in an ancient rite," Zecora explained, "and a chant I can recite."

Sugar Belle practically jumped for joy, but Zecora halted her with an upraised hoof. "There is one catch, though, I must concede." Her eyes darted to Big Mac's and Sugar Belle's groins for an instant. "I must cast the spell while you do the deed."

Sugar Belle froze. "You mean...while Big Mac and I make love, you'll be in the room with us?" The newlyweds shared a shocked look as Zecora nodded.

Big Mac asked, "Are you sure there ain't some other way?"

Zecora answered, "No, and once I start casting the spell over your tryst, it would be ill-advised if I were dismissed. However deep inside her you are, if the ritual is ended premature, you'll be able to fit in that far, and no more."

Big Mac looked nervously at his wife. He was a very private, very reserved stallion around most other ponies. The idea of somepony watching him go balls deep into his wife was far outside of his comfort zone. Both ponies wanted to make this work, they wanted it more than anything, but it was shaping up to be a very awkward experience.

Sugar Belle was just as hesitant. She had rarely experimented with anything too spicy in the bedroom. She had certainly never had sex with a stallion while somepony else watched before, and she hadn't planned on changing that any time soon.

Still, she decided to be brave for Big Mac. "We'll do it." Turning to Mac, she added, "It's the only way. Besides, I'm sure Zecora will be discreet, right?"

Big Mac managed a weak smile. "Strictly confidential, huh? Sort of like a doctor?"

Sugar Belle Looked at all the masks and potions around the room.

"Well, more like a witch-doctor."

You Should Really Loosen Up

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"Ooh, that tickles!"

Sugar Belle tried to keep still as Zecora smeared the salve on her belly, painting a pattern in the shape of the zebra's cutie mark: A spiral with sunbeams radiating from it. The pair were sitting on Zecora's bed while Big Mac watched them, trying not to think about the bizarre situation he and his wife had gotten into.

To help them relax and build the mood, Zecora had lit some incense. That had been nice, but Big Mac and Sugar Belle had been taken aback when she pulled a collection of carved fertility idols from a chest to "help channel the spell."

The little antique wooden figures depicted a wide variety of sexual imagery: a zebra sporting an erection longer than he was tall, a pregnant zebra with a belly that dwarfed the rest of her body, a zebra with enormous testicles mating with a mare.

There was one statue, a zebra head carved out of hard wood so that he had a long, smooth, even phallic snout. It looked like it had been regularly polished, too, and Sugar Belle privately suspected the "fertility idol" pulled double-duty as a dildo.

As surprised as Big Mac had been at the blatant sexuality of the statuettes, Sugar Belle couldn't help but feel amused at how badly he hid his curiosity. He kept staring at them when he thought nopony was looking. Her husband was more of a pervert than he usually liked to let on, she knew.

Meanwhile, Zecora finished painting the pattern on Sugar Belle's belly. "This next part can be a little intense." Preparing another dollop of the salve on her hoof, Zecora explained, "I have to apply some of this directly to your entrance."


Sugar Belle yelped as the zebra moved behind her and laid her on her back. Her hind legs flopped apart, giving a clear view of her marehood to all parties present. Zecora's and Mac's eyes fell on her pussy, and Mac couldn't hold back an instinctive stamping of his hooves as his nostrils flared, catching her scent.

Holding the dollop of salve in one hoof, Zecora positioned herself so that her hind legs stood astride Sugar Belle's head. The position gave her as clear a view of Zecora's pussy as Zecora had of her own. The zebra's tail had shifted up and to the side, unveiling a beautiful, pitch black marehood nestled between a pair of striped flanks.

Sugar Belle had to admit that the zebra was a beauty, made even more attractive by her air of exotic mystery. She was clever, direct, and open-hearted. Sugar Belle had never seen Zecora with a special somepony, but she supposed that anypony would be lucky to have her.

Her train of thought was derailed when Zecora brought her hoof down to Sugar Belle's groin. The salve felt warm and tingly as Zecora massaged it into her mound. As the zebra's hoof gently explored her most precious parts, moving down her slit and parting her pussy-lips, Sugar belle tried to pretend at first as if she were just at the doctor for a checkup.

She's just applying the salve, she told herself. I don't have anything she hasn't seen before. She'll finish up soon, and then Big Mac and I can finally have sex like a normal couple.

That clinical outlook on the situation got harder to maintain as Zecora's massaging went on. There was only so much pussy-rubbing a mare could endure before she started getting aroused. Especially when the mare rubbing her was as talented with her hooves as Zecora was.

"You're getting quite wet between your thighs. And I think your mate's passions, too, have begun to rise."

Sugar Belle looked through the space between her body and Zecora's, and saw that Big Mac's penis had dropped from its sheath, slowly growing to its full size. He tried to play it off, but his eyes were locked onto her pussy with a hungry look, eager for the moment he could enter her at long last.

Sugar Bell teased back, "From down here, it looks like you're enjoying yourself too." True enough, from where she was situated Sugar Belle could see Zecora's marehood was wet with arousal. Her striped tail moved about, wafting the feminine scent of her dew at Sugar Belle.

"Oh!" Zecora exclaimed. The zebra forced her tail down, covering her privates from view. She withdrew her hoof from between Sugar Belle's legs.

"My apologies. I know this situation is already hard. I didn't mean to make it even more awkward. Truth be told, I've been going a bit overboard. It's just that...it's been a while since I've...you know..." -- a blush reached Zecora's black and white face -- "...scored."

Sugar Belle immediately regretted mentioning anything. She had been callous. She was so focused on how strange their predicament was for herself and Big Mac that she hadn't considered that Zecora was also way out of her depth. The zebra was just much better at hiding how flustered she was.

She practically tripped over her own words in her rush to apologize, "Sorry, forget I said anything, dear! I think it's safe to say that we're all on unfamiliar territory here."

When Zecora looked over her shoulder at her, she realized what she had said. "Oh, that rhymed!"

Zecora agreed, "Indeed, you were a poet, and you didn't even know it!" Everypony giggled at the bad joke, and Sugar Belle was grateful to see that Zecora was beginning to relax again.

Big Mac spoke up, "Really, there ain't any reason fer you to feel embarrassed, Zecora. Anypony would feel a bit randy from watchin' this. I mean," he cleared his throat, "I've got to admit, this girl-on-girl stuff is kind of doin' it fer me, too."

Sugar Belle could see the evidence of that, clear as day. Mac's cock had grown to its full size, hanging between his legs like a big, under-mounted cum-cannon. Harder than ever, it bobbed up and down, as if it were pointing back and forth between Sugar Belle and Zecora.

For a moment, Sugar Belle wondered if she should feel at least a bit jealous of Zecora. Maybe she should, but she could hardly blame Big Mac for watching them so ardently while her own wetness was still on Zecora's hooves. Besides, she knew that Big Mac's heart belonged to her, and hers to him.

Giving Sugar Bell a wry smile, Zecora teased, "I suppose not many stallions could hold back their stares when presented with the sight of two beautiful mares." At that, she moved from her position atop Sugar Belle and lifted her up into a seated position, her legs still spread wide.

Zecora sat next to her, concluding, "As much as Big Mac enjoyed our little show, if we don't get him inside you soon, he's likely to blow!" The ladies looked at the stallion, beckoning him to begin the main event.

He didn't need much convincing. Big Mac approached his wife, his cock swaying with each step. Throughout all the times they had tried to do this before, all the failed attempts, the size of that penis had been an intimidating challenge. Knowing that in mere moments it was finally going to fit inside of her, that size only seemed awe-inspiring.

Mac came to a stop between his wife's legs, bringing his forehooves up onto the bed on either side of her waist. Face to face, they stared into each other's eyes and blushed. They were as eager, as enthusiastic, and as ridiculous as if they were a couple of teenagers.

"Hello, handsome," Sugar Belle said.

Big Mac responded, "Howdy, good-lookin'," a goofy smile forming on his face.

Sugar Belle loved that smile -- He smiled at her like that every single morning, as if he couldn't believe his good luck that he had married her. Nopony else in the world could make her feel as loved as Big Mac did when he gave her that smile. She couldn't help but smile back, grinning like a school-filly at her crush.

"I can't believe we're finally getting to do this." She gave a deep breath, calming her nerves, "I'm so ready. Are you ready?" she asked.


Both ponies looked down, not wanting to miss a moment of what was about to happen. Sugar Belle gave the go-ahead.

"Fuck me."

With all his strength, Big Mac pushed his hips forward. He might have thought to drag out and savor the moment, to enter slowly and deliberately, pushing through her folds one millimeter at a time. But Big Mac was used to not fitting in at all, let alone with no effort.

Pushing with strength that he really didn't need, he nearly bottomed out with a single thrust.

The pair stared at where they were joined, mouths agape, looking as if they had just seen somepony with two heads.

Big Mac commented with characteristic brevity, "It's in."

Sugar Belle agreed with his assessment, "It's in."

"It is, indeed, in," Zecora noted. "And now, the spell can begin."

Zecora started chanting under her breath, working her magic on Sugar Belle. The zebra closed her eyes, but a faint magical glow shone through her eyelids. One by one, the eyes of the figures in the fertility idols shone with the same green light, channeling Zecora's magic.

Everywhere Zecora had spread the salve on Sugar Belle started to tingle, like a million tiny feathers were tickling her belly and her mound. "Hoooh, baby," Sugar Belle moaned, squirming her hips in pleasure. As she moved, another inch of Big Mac's cock slipped effortlessly inside of her, clear evidence that the spell was working.

Her walls gripped Mac's shaft tightly, yet when he moved they offered no resistance as he pushed deeper and deeper inside of her. Just like magic, they were a perfect fit. Every new inch inside of her was met with a moan from either Sugar Belle or Big Mac, both of them still staring at the place where their two bodies became one.

Big Mac fed his length into his wife slowly, but every now and then the pleasure got the better of him and he bucked his hips forward. By then, the incense that Zecora had lit was completely overpowered by the smell of sweat and sex. Zecora's scent was in the air as well, her tail lifting again to let the smell of her moist sex pervade the room, even as she chanted her spell.

The magic made the hip-busting size of Big Mac's shaft no problem at all. Even now, his tip was within striking distance of Sugar Belle's womb, and he hadn't even gotten his medial ring in yet. She bit her lip, stifling a groan as Mac jammed more of his length into her, pushing his whole body deeper between her spread legs. When he finally halted, it was when his medial ring mashed against her entrance.

She gulped, bracing herself. They were at the next big hurdle. "Do you really think it's going to fit?" she asked, eying the fleshy ring, below which his cock only got even thicker.

Big Mac stared back at her hungrily, licking his lips as if he were sizing up a juicy apple pastry. "Eeyup," he answered.

He leaned forward, pushing her harder against the bed as he drove in. He put his whole weight into his next thrust, pressing harder, harder, spreading her wider, wider...


Big Mac knocked the wind out of her, driving the air out in a loud moan as their bodies slammed together. His medial ring was in. Big Mac rammed forward, pressing their sweat-covered bodies together as he fit the final, widest inches of himself into her until his entire member was snugly buried in the warm embrace of his wife's pussy.

Propping himself up just a little, he showed that even with Sugar Belle's generous love handles, the shape of his massive cock filling her was visible. The bulge was enough to distort the pattern painted on her belly.

"Oh, gh--guh--Goddess!!"

Sugar belle shrieked as she came, her splayed legs twitching around her well-hung hubby. Her spasming muscles pressed her cervix against Mac so hard that even his broad tip could penetrate it.

Her eyes squeezed shut as she rode her orgasm for all it was worth. Big Mac had entered her, completed her. She was like a lock that finally had its key, a puzzle that finally had the missing piece. She had dreamed of this moment for so long, and it was just as good as she had hoped.

Her pussy milked him for all he was worth, her Kegels going berserk with orgasmic energy. Every part of her body pulled him closer to his own release, but Big Mac just furrowed his brow and clenched his jaw, making a desperate effort to hold on.

He was determined to not cum just yet. He had finally fit his entire length inside Sugar Belle, a seemingly impossible achievement that he had fantasized about since they had started dating. Now that it was a reality, he intended to enjoy it for as long as possible.

Zecora stopped chanting, staring amazedly at the pair of lovers. "I am awestruck, I must admit. Even with my spells, that is an impressive amount you've fit."

Strictly speaking, Zecora no longer needed to remain in the room. She had cast the spell and served her purpose, now that Belle had stretched enough to fit all that Big Mac had to offer. However, she lingered and watched. She would see this performance to its grand finale.

Neither Big Mac nor Sugar Belle complained about Zecora staying. They were occupied with more pressing matters. Big Mac started moving again, pulling his hips back before slapping them back into his wife's tight pussy. Her lips gripped onto him as he pulled out, giving him as much resistance on the way out as she had given him going in.

"Fuck, you're going to turn me inside out!" Sugar Belle moaned as her walls dragged against Mac's dick. Every time he pulled out of her it felt like she was being hollowed out, only to be filled again as he pushed back into her.

Mac's testicles swung into her rump, slapping against her cushy bottom every time he pounded into her. His thrusts grew more and more savage as she mewled under him. She loved getting fucked by him, finally bringing their long-awaited dream to reality.

Zecora quietly watched the two of them, rocking anxiously. She knew her role here was just to facilitate her friends' lovemaking, but she couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy, seeing how deep in pleasure both ponies were. Silently, she leaned back and parted her own legs, neither of the other ponies seeing her expose her hot, wet zebra-pussy.

Primal equine instinct seized hold of Big Mac. He dug his hind hooves into Zecora's floor as he quickened his pace. Every juicy "plap" of his crotch meeting his wife's dripping delta was accompanied by a wild grunt from the back of his throat. He wasn't just a pony anymore; He was a stud, and he was about to breed his wife.

His mate.

His broodmare.

"Cum...Cumming! Cum!" were the only thoughts that Mac could manage to articulate, the words coming through clenched teeth. It was his first time fucking his wife properly, but he was going to cum inside her. Any hesitation he might have normally had about cumming raw in his wife was pushed from his mind by the feral need to mark his territory. He would fill her, breed her, and make her his.

And she couldn't have been happier.

"Yes, baby! Give your Sugar-Pie a nice cream filling!" she shouted, wrapping her hooves around him. He would have been hard-pressed to escape that embrace, not that he cared to try. "We've got to make up for all those times you had to settle for finishing in my mouth. Do it inside!"

Sugar Belle was just as wild as her stud at that moment. Horny, hungry, she howled, "Fuck me full of Big Mac-batter and put a fucking bun in my oven!"

The need to breed lit up in Mac's mind like a supernova. That fire inside him burned away every thought but one: Cum. Cum hard, cum lots, and cum in his broodmare's pussy.

"Yes," Zecora said, reminding both ponies she was there. "Do it, Big Mac -- Fuck her good! Finish inside of her, just like a real stud should!"

The poor zebra couldn't hide her arousal -- Sugar Belle saw that Zecora was absolutely dripping between her legs, having so deeply enjoyed their sexy show. And who wouldn't, she thought. I'm getting fucked by the sweetest, manliest, sexiest stallion in Equestria!

"You heard her, Maccy-Waccy," Sugar Belle squealed, "Show Zecora just how much you love me!"

Big Mac's thrusts bucked wildly as she gave him a few final words of encouragement.

"Give me a nice..."





*Plap, plap, plap!*


"FF-UUUUUCKK!" Big Mac roared as he filled her womb. His seed sloshed into her, her pussy milking wave after wave from him. This was everything she ever wanted; Big Mac -- her Big Mac, was buried to the hilt inside of her, filling her with his cum. His hot, virile cum.

She cooed in delight as her belly was pushed to the limit, the cum locked in by the tight seal of Big Mac's big shaft. Not a drop escaped her box until Mac reflexively bucked his hips forward, pushing out a thick rope of jizz that splattered onto Zecora's sheets.

Mac would have happily stayed like that for hours, his body entwined with the love of his life, but the pressure of his firehose-like ejaculation slowly pushed him out. With an obscene *Plorp*, his cock dragged out of her vagina's grip. A messy flow of jizz trailed along with it out of her entrance, gaping now from the girthy cock it had taken. One final rope of cum sprayed from his flare, landing across the pattern painted on Sugar Belle like a ribbon of white ink.

Sugar Belle shuddered on the bed, her frame wracked with post-coital bliss. She supposed that this was what it felt like to be a cream-filled pastry. She'd never be able to fill an éclair at work again without remembering Big Mac piping her full of his sticky, white load.

They were both exhausted, but not too exhausted for Big Mac to crawl on top of her, kissing her deeply and passionately as their bodies pressed together. Zecora's salve was smeared around as they rubbed against each other, mixing with the white froth of cum and lather of sweat, Mac's cock sandwiched between them. As his weight bore down oh her, another creamy stream of seed oozed from her pussy, soaking into the bed.

Sugar Belle was so caught up in kissing her husband that she didn't realize Zecora had moved over to take a closer look at them. She was staring at Belle's pussy, appraising the volume of cum she had taken.

"I never knew so much cum could come out of one stallion's cock," she said. "If he doesn't get you pregnant, that would be a shock."

"I hope so," Sugar Belle giggled. Bringing a hoof up to nudge Big Mac's balls, she added "The Apple family has strong seed, don't they, honey-bunch?"

"Eeyup," Big Mac chuckled, nuzzling into his wife's mane.

Sugar Belle laughed with him before turning back to Zecora. "I think we might have ruined your linens," she apologized. The sheets were drenched in sweat and cum, but Zecora didn't mind.

"There's no need for either of you to apologize. Seeing two beautiful ponies show their love for one another was a treat for my eyes," she rhymed.

"There has to be something we can do to repay you," Sugar Belle protested. "This was so wonderful, and we'd never have been able to do it without your help."

Big Mac agreed, "You've been a true friend. It ain't right not to do somethin' to show our gratitude."

Sugar Belle looked at him warmly. She loved that earnest streak he had, a trademark of the Apple family. Zecora shook her head at both of their offers.

"Do my statements go unheeded? Please, no payment is needed. Being here to witness your lovemaking is enough. I don't need you to give me any more stuff."

However, Sugar Belle noticed that as Zecora spoke, the zebra swatted her tail down, trying to cover her engorged marehood. The baker was embarrassed -- not because Zecora had seen the most intimate moment she'd ever had with her husband, but because they had gotten Zecora so aroused only to then leave her in the lurch.

It didn't seem right, she thought, to give such a good friend such an inadequate reward.

Wheels were turning in Sugar Belle's head. Wheels that had never turned before. Zecora didn't deserve to be blue-balled, she thought. She's so lovely, and so riled up. She deserves a roll in the hay with a good stallion.

Nay, the best stallion.

"There must be something you want," Sugar Belle asked, "a favor, maybe?"

Zecora met her gaze, and the zebra's cyan eyes widened with the realization of what Sugar Belle was offering. Maybe it was just because she was caught up in the horny atmosphere, maybe letting another pony watch her have sex had stripped away her inhibitions, maybe it was hormones, maybe she had just gone mad, but Sugar Belle's implications were clear.

She was offering to let Zecora have a turn with Big Mac.

After a silent, pregnant pause, she answered. "If you really must inquire, there is something that I much desire..."

What's Black and White, and BRED All-Over? (a.k.a. Sugar Belle's cuckquean awakening)

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Big Mac stared at Zecora, mouth agape. "I must have heard y'all wrong," he said. "What in the blazes did you just say you wanted?"

It was hard enough to say it once, let alone repeat it. Still, Zecora took a deep breath before repeating, "Watching you two has stirred my loins. If you have the stamina to go again, I'd like to join."

"That's what I thought you said," he groaned. "Listen, it ain't like you're not pretty. You are! But I couldn't. No matter how much I'd like to," Big Mac babbled.

For once, the usually silent stallion was tripping over his own words as they streamed out of his mouth. "Not that I would like to. I mean, I would, but I shouldn't. It's a terrible idea--"

"I think it's a wonderful idea!" Sugar Belle contradicted Big Mac. If he had been shocked by Zecora's proposition, Sugar Belle's agreement had knocked him absolutely senseless. "Zecora helped us so much. A friend that good deserves only the best, and you --" Sugar Belle rubbed against Big Mac, "-- are the best!"

"But--" Big Mac searched for the right words to say as his wife squirmed out from under him, languidly moving over to Zecora's bowl of magical salve. "But, Sugar Belle -- I can't! We're married!"

Sugar Belle looked at him tenderly. "We are. And we still will be after." She pecked him on the cheek before adding, "And we will be the whole time you're making Zecora feel as amazing as you just did with me."

How could she make him properly understand? "You wouldn't be betraying me. I'm telling you, I want you to give Zecora what she's asking for. And I think you want to too." Big Mac couldn't hide his erection from her, rising between his legs so soon after his last bout.

Big Mac felt like Sugar Belle had just flipped his whole world upside-down. He was a virile, manly stallion with a luscious zebra mare before him, all but begging him to rut her. Of course, if he hadn't been held back by social convention, he'd already be on top of Zecora, trying to split her open like a piece of firewood. Even then, he couldn't help but ogle her flanks. But the whole situation was so bizarre...

With all his typical Apple-family honesty, he said, "Sugar, I ain't gonna stand here and pretend I ain't tempted, but this is mighty unusual, I tell ya'."

"Your fidelity to Sugar Belle is admirable, Big Mac, but you needn't be scared. I know you liked watching earlier as I got Sugar Belle prepared," Zecora argued.

Sugar Belle nodded, bringing the salve over to Zecora. "I bet it was really hot watching Zecora get me off," she said as she dipped a hoof in the bowl. Big Mac gulped as the mares eyed him while Sugar Belle scooped a dollop of salve with her hoof-tip. As she brought it to Zecora's pussy, she continued, "It's only fair I get to watch my super-hot hubby get the same treatment, isn't it?"

That did it. Shy as he might be, Big Mac couldn't turn down a chance to bang two babes at the same time and still keep his self-respect as a stallion. Big Mac caved in to the temptation.


Both mares grinned at his response. Zecora laid down, tracing the same pattern as before on her belly with the salve. Sugar Belle worked on the other area that needed preparation, rubbing a generous dollop of salve into Zecora's wet pussy.

Last time, she and Zecora had been timid about acknowledging just how enjoyable this part of the ritual was, but now they reveled in it. Zecora did nothing to hold back her shameless moans as Sugar Belle kneaded her mound. They were each in the same position the other had been in before, with a few key differences. Now that she was on top, Sugar Belle had a perfect position to view Big Mac's arousal grow again as he watched the two mares pleasure each other. Zecora, likewise, had a clear view of Sugar Belle's creampied pussy...an all-too-tempting target.

Sugar Belle purred as Zecora's tongue met her pussy, licking the dripping slit with a hungry lick. Always eager to give her friends a delicious treat, Sugar Belle sank her hips down, letting Zecora eat her out. "Do you see that, Maccy?" she cooed, "She's sucking your cum right out of my pussy!"

Big Mac stared as his sweet wife wantonly rubbed her snatch into Zecora's mouth. "Does it taste good?" Sugar Belle asked, raising her hips to let the zebra answer.

Zecora gasped, her face smeared with cum and pussy-juice. She answered, "Whether it's your marehood or Big Mac's cum on which you wish me to opine, my answer is the same: It tastes divine!"

Sugar Belle giggled. "I'm happy you enjoyed that little appetizer because Mac looks like he's ready to give you the main course!"

Indeed, Mac's member was throbbing under his barrel, brought back to its full size by the hot display. Sugar Belle rolled over on her back beside Zecora, her head coming to rest right beside the zebra's wet, black pussy, a slit of pink visible as it eagerly winked.

"I never reckoned I'd be doin' anythin' as wild as this, let alone after I was married." Big Mac looked for all the world like a colt in a candy store. The mares appreciated his eagerness, proud at how much they had aroused him.

Mac brought his hips forward, bringing his broad cockhead not to Zecora's entrance, but to Sugar Belle's mouth. She didn't even open her mouth wide enough to accept his jaw-breaking girth, but merely used her tongue and lips to get him ready, spit-shining his tip before he brought it over to Zecora.

Inches away from her face, Sugar Belle watched as Zecora's folds gave way to Big Mac's cock. Zecora breathed in through her nose, hissing in agonized ecstasy as her hole stretched around him. When he stopped pushing in, she let out her breath, groaning in relief. "I can't believe his dick is this monstrously thick," she groaned at Sugar Belle.

Sugar Belle grinned. "That's why they call him Big Mac," she teased as he plowed forward.

Zecora started her chant anew, working the magic that would let her pussy painlessly take Big Mac's every last inch. Her eyes glowed green, and moments later the masks and statues did the same. Pinpricks of green fire lit in the eyes of every carving, looking like they were all watching Big Mac fuck Zecora.

She knew the will-o-wisps couldn't really see anything, but a Sugar Belle nonetheless felt a swell of lewd pride, happy that her imagined audience was watching her husband give Zecora the dicking of the century.

Zecora struggled to keep the chant straight in her head as Mac fed more and more of his length into her. Her walls gripped at the sides of his cock as he pushed inexorably into her. All the while, Sugar Belle watched, bringing a hoof between her legs to masturbate.

There wasn't a trace of jealousy in her eyes as she watched her husband fuck another beautiful mare. The very idea of envy seemed absurd; It wasn't like Zecora had stolen him away from her. They were just sharing their love with their friend. That didn't make their love any weaker; In fact, it made it stronger. How could it not? This was proof that their love was so wonderful, so special that other mares wanted to be a part of it.

At that moment, Big Mac was showing that love by fucking Zecora like he was trying to drive a post into her. Every time Zecora moaned, nearly losing her place in her chant, Sugar Belle couldn't help but feel pride in her husband's ability to pleasure Zecora. There was a feeling of sexual conquest by proxy, that she was laying claim to Zecora's pussy just as much as Big Mac was.

"Give it to her, Maccy!" she hollered as Big Mac rammed his medial ring against Zecora's pussy lips. Zecora was screaming her chant by then, her head thrown back in wanton delight. Even with the spell, Mac was struggling to fit that last, most amazing part of his stallionhood into Zecora's tight embrace.

Sugar Belle's horn glowed. A magical shimmer appeared around Big Mac's hindquarters, and Sugar Belle shoved her husband forward, giving him the push he needed to pop his medal ring, as well as the following inches of cockmeat into Zecora.


The chanting stopped. Her belly filled with Big Mac's entire length, the only sounds Zecora made were tiny gasps of air as her mouth opened like a fish. The green light in her eyes dimmed, and as her mind returned entirely to the material plane her gaze met Big Mac's.

The stallion had no warning as Zecora's shocked face raced up towards him, kissing him deeply on the mouth. His eyes widened in surprise as Zecora made out with him right in front of his wife, her tongue slithering into his mouth like a snake.

He pulled back, worried that even amidst the debauchery they had already committed, that might be a step too far. When he looked at Sugar Belle, however, she looked like she had no problem at all with what Zecora had done.

Far from being scandalized by Zecora's attempted kiss, a moment later she leaned over and planted her own lips on Zecora's, leaving no doubt that she wanted them both to give Zecora just as much pleasure as they gave one another. The sight made some kind of ancient herding instinct click in Big Mac's brain.

"So...fucking...hot!" Big Mac grunted as he thrust into Zecora, making her groan into his wife's mouth. There was no need to hide how amazing Zecora felt from his wife. She knew he was enjoying this. She wanted him to enjoy this. It was the least he could do to oblige her, drilling himself into Zecora's pussy.

The bed shook with every thrust, knocking Sugar Belle away from her kiss with Zecora. The zebra moaned, "Keep going. It feels so good! Fuck my pussy with your big stallionhood!"

Just like with Sugar Belle, the shape of Big Mac's cock pushed up through Zecora's belly, distorting the pattern of her stripes. Sugar Belle crawled over and squeezed her head between Big Mac's and Zecora's bodies. Planting a kiss on Zecora's navel, she effectively kissed her husband's dick through the other mare.

Both of Sugar Belle's forehooves were at work between her thighs, frantically getting herself off as her studly hubby rutted their friend. She breathed in deep, savoring the smell of their love-making. The air seemed saturated with the scent of Zecora's incense and the musk of sex and sweat.

Zecora shouted, "If you keep on pounding my cunt, I'm going to squirt like a fire hydrant!" Already, Zecora's box was gushing with wetness, a prelude to what was soon to come.

Big Mac, too, was getting close to his peak. Fighting his instincts, Big Mac tried to pull out of Zecora's fertile pussy, the prudent thing to do when fucking somepony he wasn't even married to. Instead, he found Sugar Belle's magic pushing against his hindquarters once again.

"Don't even think of pulling out of her, babe."

Looking at his wife, Big Mac saw a half-crazed, feverish look in her eyes. Big Mac's good sense warred with the animalistic drive to cum inside Zecora's warm, tight hole. All he could manage was one word of half-hearted protest. "But..."

Sugar Belle cut him off. "Don't be cruel, sweetie. Zecora's done such a good job taking your stallionhood. Almost as good as me!" She winked at Zecora conspiratorially before continuing, "It would be cruel not to give her a creampie too. And besides..."

Sugar Belle's next words were as shocking as they were arousing, sending Big Mac careening over the line between propriety and debauchery.

"Doesn't our baby deserve a half-brother or half-sister to play with?"

Big Mac might have been a gentle giant most of the time, but once Sugar Belle whispered those words into his ear, all bets were off. Mac threw caution to the wind as he pumped his hips into Zecora with new purpose.

Breed. Breed. Breed.

Zecora showed her assent by wrapping her hind legs around Mac's waist, pulling him into her even harder.

"Yes, yes! Pour it all in my hole! Then Sugar Belle and I can each give you a foal!"

Both of their hips shuddered, Mac tensing his glutes while Zecora's ass shook and jiggled. Deep inside, Big Mac's cock flared, practically rearranging Zecora's organs around it. The zebra screamed, squirting a deluge of fluid that splashed against Big Mac's groin as she orgasmed, mere moments before he did the same.

His balls raced up and a loud "*Neigh*" tore from his throat as he erupted inside of her. If either of them had expected Mac's stores to be depleted by the load he had only recently pumped into Sugar Belle, they were sorely mistaken. A salvo of cum blasted from his urethra, painting white stripes inside Zecora to match the ones on her coat.

As the pair froze, locked together by the flare of Mac's still-twitching member as if filled Zecora's womb with baby-batter, Sugar Belle fell on her back, determined to cum alongside the other two. Her hind legs spread akimbo, Sugar Belle's hooves moved like a blur as she diddled her clit.


She shrieked orgasmically as her climax took her. Her wetness sprayed against her hooves, droplets of her cum raining on the other two like a shower.

All three ponies slumped onto the bed in a heap, exhausted. Sugar Belle barely had the strength to crawl over and lie atop her husband, his cock still snug in Zecora's pussy. No different than if they were at home in their own bed, Sugar Belle kissed her husband, and he returned the kiss, wrapping her in a warm embrace.

Sharing the love, Sugar Belle leaned over and kissed Zecora just as sweetly, knowing that Big Mac would be watching and loving it almost as much as his new broodmare did. Soon, everypony was wrapped in a three-way kiss, open mouths and dancing tongues mashing against one another.

Big Mac wasn't sure if either of the creampies he had given the mares would knock them up. It was the right time for it, he knew, so the chances were as good as they would ever be. And, he thought as Sugar Belle sucked on Zecora's bottom lip, if one of them ain't knocked up, it'll sure be fun to try again.

Epilogue: Two's Company, Three's Cum-pany

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Big Mac faced the rest of his family, flanked on either side by Sugar Belle and Zecora. His ears tucked themselves down as he sheepishly explained, "So, things kind of got out of control..."

Applejack was so riled up she nearly threw her hat on the ground. Her face had gotten so red that it looked as if steam was going to come out of her ears at any moment. Loud enough that birds flew scared from the trees in the orchard, Applejack vented her fury.

"You knocked up both of 'em? Dang it, Big Mac! Now everypony's gonna think the Apple clan's a buncha' bigamist hillbillies!"

Sugar Belle and Zecora tried not to meet Applejack's gaze as she chewed out her brother. Granny Smith had a few choice words of her own for her grandson.

"You just HAD to double dip, didn't ya? You dang apple stallions, always thinkin' with yer peckers and not yer heads. First yer pa marries a Pear, and now this."

The elderly mare shook her head, the universal sign for "I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed." Apple Bloom, however, seemed to only see the bright side of her brother's soon-to-be bastard.

"I'm gonna get to be an aunt!" She pranced in a circle around Big Mac and the two mares that were carrying his foals. Bubbling with excitement, she asked, "What are y'all gonna name 'em! Ooh, I know! Sugar Belle's should be named Sugar Apple, and Zecora's should be named Striped Apple!"

Applejack directed a measure of her scolding at Apple Bloom. "Sis, don't encourage 'em while I'm yellin' at 'em!"

But the little filly was undeterred. "Does this mean Zecora is gonna come live with us from now on?" she asked, bouncing on her hoof-tips.

Zecora shook her head. "No, Apple Bloom, I'm not moving here. But I might --" She gave Big Mac and Sugar Belle a meaningful look, "-- drop by for a visit now and then...and stay overnight?"

As Big Mac and Sugar Belle looked at each other and blushed, Applejack and Granny Smith exchanged a look of their own. Granny Smith turned to her eldest granddaughter and groaned.

"We're gonna need to give their room thicker walls."