Loving Yourself, Deeply, And For A Few Minutes At A Time

by SunnyDontLook

First published

Cutting is a nervous mare. But sometimes when a friend of a friend offers to open a portal between worlds, and let you hang with yourself for a few days... Nervousness can be overpowered. Especially when your clone is a horny virgin.

Cutting is a nervous mare. But sometimes when a friend of a friend offers to open a portal between worlds, and let you hang with yourself for a few days... Nervousness can be overpowered. Especially when your clone is a horny virgin.

Commission for Cutting Chipset!

Art by Fenixdust

First Time Squared

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She peered at the pony across the room from her. He had appeared from a gap between worlds, a swirling vortex that spilled multicoloured pulsing light through from goddesses know where. It had only been open for around ten seconds, but in those seconds, he had been pulled out from her own world. The scream he had startled Chip. But now, the portal had just closed with a thunderclap from the temporary vacuum created by the displacement of the air.

“Well, I told you it would work,” A female unicorn, a friend of a friend said before rubbing her forelegs together, dusting them after a job well done.

“Uh, you didn’t tell me that I’d be able to see into the void between worlds,” I said with a note of awe. There were shapes, outlines of shadows in the edges of the spherical vortex. They didn’t look like anything from our world, or hers. Ancient beings, eyeless things, yet they moved soundlessly. “Or see… those things.” Chipset’s wings twitched on her back, fur still standing on end.

“Well, usually most ponies don’t look into the void. Most have an aversion to seeing things that aren’t meant to be seen,” she explained before laughing. “In any case, he should wake up soon. Just tell him that if he wants, he can just as easily get sent back into his home. No time will have passed there, and he can just pretend this was a really weird dream. Don’t hesitate to call me when you’re ready for him to go back.”

“A-alright,” I said nervously as I watched her get off the bed, the burning incense dying down, and the blood sigil drawn on the parchment was rolled up in just a few moments. The scent of ozone, and of my blood heated to blackness on the paper filled the air. It was a little unpleasant. My foreleg still stung where the blade had opened the cut. The bandage was in place, and I knew from experience that a cut of that depth was more of a nuisance than anything else.

The flat windows were flicked open with a peel of the same dark coloured magic. Cutting hadn’t even had to ask for that, she was still in shock, the smell the least of her worries. It hadn’t been easy to get this mage over to her home, but it wasn’t that difficult either. She wondered how many knew of such magic, or how many ponies around her were transplants from other places. With a shake of her head, she got out of her chair, before glancing at the Mage, now finishing up her packing. An unlit cigarette poked out from her muzzle.

“He’ll be fine with it, you’re sure?” Cutting asked the mage. She just nodded, before pulling the cigarette from her muzzle with a tendril of ink black magic.

“If roles were reversed, you’d love to meet yourself, right?” She grinned as she ended her sentence, the rhetorical question hanging in the air for a moment.

“Y-yeah,” the nervous pegasus replied.

“So he will too, remember he’s not a brother or a twin, he’s you,” The mage said before walking out the door. Cutting hadn’t had more to ask, or nothing she felt assertive enough to ask. She locked the door, before turning around and looking back towards the sleeping form of herself.

He didn’t look uncomfortable, but she thought it’d be better if he was comfy when he woke up. The blonde pegasus strolled over to his form, before leaning down, and dipping her head beneath his barrel. With a practice motion, she managed to get his body over her back, and then lift up with her toned legs. He was still fucking heavy, she thought to herself. It was only a short walk to her bed, before she dumped him onto his back. He was sprawled out, when she looked at him. His hinds were spread- and his sheath was very much visible. She looked away with a blush, the sight of it enough to send a little flick through her tail.

“Don’t be weird Chip,” she nagged herself before grabbing the edge of the sheets and comforter in her mouth, and pulling them over the sleeping stallion. The sound of his breathing, and her own were the only noises in the quiet flat. She looked away and thought about picking up her book until he woke up.

Normally she just laid in her bed, the warmth of her old style lamp casting just enough light for that activity. Her head turned to her male self. Surely he wouldn’t mind? It was rather late, the sun having set hours ago. Yeah, she wouldn’t mind if someone climbed into the bed beside her and read while she snoozed… So neither would he? Probably.
And so the mare got into the bed, not quite touching her doppleganger, but not far away either. The book on her bed stand was quickly opened on her chest. It was a story with a romance plot. A saucey one at that. With a nervous smile she started reading. The quiet sounds of the pony beside her were pleasant, she knew it was not the most ethical thing ever to basically abduct herself…

But the yearning for contact, the same kind of feelings that these characters she was reading about- It was a powerful form of motivation. The warmth of the living pony, a bigger version of herself, and a male at that, was pleasant enough. Sleeping alone for years wasn’t fun. For most people it was a hole in their hearts. A mark of inadequacy that reinforced itself. She frowned at that thought. Just how similar was this pony beside her? Was he more successful than her? Did he have a marefriend? A stallion friend? How would she feel if he was better than her?

A shake of her head, with her mane whipping around at the end of each motion, was able to stop those worries. The yawn that followed and the nervousness of the day were good arguments for getting some shut eye. A twist of her hoof on the switch for the lamp, and a placement of her bookmark were the final activities she undertook. Her head met the pillow again, and she was out like a light.


He awoke slowly, groggily. It felt like he had pounded a liter of vodka the night before. It wasn’t all bad though, he was warm, and something near him smelled amazing. Almost like himself, but feminine. When he moved his foreleg towards himself, it was stopped by a fluffy chest. His eyes shot open and he gasped. His head was looking right at a blonde mane, sprawling out onto the pillow they shared. More than that, he was very much at attention downstairs. His cock was rock hard and pressed into the mare’s rump. The feeling of soft cheeks against him made his hips twitch against her.

“What the hell?” He said while freaking out. The mare seemed to move, pressing her rump against him tightly, and holding onto his foreleg with one of her own. That lasted for a few wonderful seconds, before she too jerked awake in shock. When she turned around to look at him he gasped.

“Hi, me,” she said with a nervous smile. He noticed her gaze drifting down his body, towards his cock. “Don’t worry, that’s a compliment.”

“Uhh, how? Why? Thanks,” the stallion asked, started beyond anything he had experienced in his short life.

“I had a friend open a portal to your world, sorry about that, I had no idea that it would actually work,” Mare Cutting replied with an expression of genuine remorse. He was still very much out of his sheath and she kept glancing at it. “And you’re welcome, it looks pretty nice. I mean, I expected you to have a nice dick, I always assumed I would have a nice one-” He pressed a hoof to her muzzle. Her words had started spilling out of her muzzle like a school filly with a gallon of sugary soda hitting her at once.

“Can I go back? I’m not trapped here, right?” The stallion asked, an edge of fear and anger coming into his voice. Between that, the throbbing horse meat between his legs, and the hoof being pressed against her muzzle, she was getting hornier than she wanted to be.

“N-no, my friend can send you back whenever, and no time will have passed for you,” she blurted out after he removed his hoof. The stallion let out a breath of relief before giving her a good look over. If she was going to ogle him, then fair is fair right? Besides, she had abducted him.

“Good,” he said with a grunt as his eyes wandered down her form. From her lithe grey coat and fluffy chest, to her broad beautiful wings, down through her slightly pudgy tummy- and then her petite breasts, pink nipples surrounded by dark hairless skin. His erection hadn’t withered yet. He hadn’t had much experience with mares, and waking up beside a pretty mare that was obviously into him was enough to keep him erect. “Did you do anything to me while I slept?”

“N-no, I’d never-” his female counterpart said with genuine revulsion. He met her gaze, eyes so similar to his own. She looked nervously at him, as he took in her face.

“So you just put me in your bed, that’s it?” The stallion said with less fire.

“Yes, you were slumped on the floor, I’m sure you’d do the same for me,” she started before adding. “That was my thought process anyway.”

“As opposed to your thoughts now, solely focused on my dick?” He asked with a laugh. She flushed bright pink, and looked away from him.

“N-not solely, just uh, ninety percent focused on it,” She admitted with a toss of her mane with a hoof. His wings stiffened at the admission. He wanted to sound confident with her. But the truth was, he was nervous as hell, and watching a cute version of himself turn different shades of tomato was making the horny virgin stallion throb.

“I mean, you’re nice to look at too,” he admitted, a tremble in his voice starting to trickle into his words. The mare smiled at him, before turning herself onto her back and slowly spreading her hind legs. She was wet, and in a move that surprised her more than him, she dipped a hoof into her honeypot, just enough to get it moise, before pressing it to his cheek. He grunted at the smell of horny mare. She chuckled nervously as she watched his eyes focus on hers intensely.

It was instinctual when he rolled his body over hers, and lifting his barrel above hers with a deftness he never normally felt. For a moment the two of them just looked at each other-

And then, he pushed his lips to hers, and felt her back arch up against his stomach. She mewled at the feeling of a stallion pressing her down, of his hard cock pinned between their bellies. She lifted a forehoof and brought it to his cheek, softly touching him with her hoof to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. His tongue bored into her mouth. Hunger and curiosity driving him forward, his inhibitions left forgotten.

“W-wow,” she said softly as they broke the kiss to breath.

“Y-yeah,” he replied in a husky voice. Her legs spread further, hinds lifting to grasp his hips tightly. His wings splayed further, locked into place by ancient mating practices buried deep in his brain. His warm breath tickled her face and a small part of her felt embarrassed that she could smell herself on his face. Not that she was the only one leaking at this point. Her nose pulled in the smell of stallion, a little more bitter than her own smell. It was potent. Her incessant winking was a good indication of that. “I want to rut you, it's like we’re made for each other.”

“Am I your first too?” She asked him earnestly. He nodded at her, before pulling himself down her form, his hips sliding past hers and dragging that throbbing cock down her teats and stomach. “Aaah,” she half moaned, half exhaled as the tip of his cock touched her dripping marehood. She winked a half second later, right into the leaking tip of his cock. Her body clenched around him, hinds and forelegs pulling him tightly against her. He grunted before forcing himself the last inch backwards.

“Gentle at first, right?” He asked her with the last bit of higher brain function he had in him. She bit her lip as his blunt head pressed into her pussy.

“Sounds good,” she said a moment later. Her brain wasn’t exactly firing on all cylinders either. He pushed into her, the tightness of her pussy being counterbalanced by her overwhelming wetness. The two of them moaned simultaneously as his tip was swallowed up by her. She bucked her hips against him, eyes shut as the new sensations flooded her mind. He groaned at the velvetine caress of her marehood. He bucked forward sharply, burying himself up to his medial ring in her.

“Fuck!” She squeezed him as she felt the thickness of his ring pressed against her entrance. The wink that followed made her shriek in pleasure. The stallion grunted before nipping her supple neck, her gasping inhale music to his ears. He couldn’t help himself at this point. With a rock of his hips he barreled into her, forcing the thicker half of his cock into the virgin mare. He whinnied beastially, as she tightened around him.

“Goddesses,” Mare cutting said in a husky voice, her eyes unfocused.

“You got what you wanted right? Someone to fuck your pussy, someone you weren’t too nervous to talk to?” The male said with a growl in his voice, length twitching inside her. The moment that she nodded he pulled back forcefully, before driving his cock into her like a jackhammer. She squeezed his body tightly as he drove into her roughly. He wasn’t an experienced lover, but he knew enough that if he lost all rhythm, if he completely lost himself to instinct, he wasn’t going to last long inside the burning wetness.

“Yes!” She managed to say in between the waves of sensation burning their way up her spine. He grunted at that, before biting down harder in the same spot. His blunt teeth didn’t break the skin, but they would leave a mark. He had marked her, she had been marked-
The stallion was breathing hard as he pistoned in and out of her. The rough rhythm he had established was breaking down as a familiar pressure built in his gut. She could feel the extra tightness at the end of his cock, the flaring member stretching her to her limits, with his length just shy of her cervix. The feeling of being bred, of that little evolutionary adaptation to keep his cum deep inside her, it was enough to push her over the edge. She mewled as her body winked against his sheath just as he buried his length in her. The contact was like a piece of the sun had been delivered to her already burning slit.

“Aaaah,” she moaned as her whole body began to convulse from the explosion of sensation spreading out through her core. Her pussy tightened around him trying to milk his hard rod of its seed.

Her doppelganger had fell into pure instinct, driving himself to the hilt inside her, and biting her hard. She writhed underneath him, the smell of a mare cumming over his cock finally pushing him over the edge. His flare expanded the last bit it was capable of, the rest of his cock a rock hard as the first rope of thick white seed travelled down it. Female Cutting’s tongue lolled out of her muzzle as she felt that hot seed spurt against her back wall. The electric feeling of her orgasm was dying down and her weary muscles had lost their death grip around the larger stallion. As his own shorter orgasm wound down, cum starting to drip from her well fucked nethers, he leaned forward, and met her lips in a kiss.

For the moment, the hunger was gone, it was a mutual caress, an after dinner mint. Their brains squeezing out dopamine in an ancient mechanism for pair bonding. What was once a burning lust, had become a pleasant sensation for the two of them.

“I needed that,” she said to him after they broke their kiss. He grinned at her before nodding in agreement. It was quite a surprise for the two former virgins when he pulled out of her, a deluge of ivory white cum flowed onto her pink sheets. He looked nervously at her, to which she just laughed.

“What were you expecting?” Cutting said as her big doofy doppelganger fretted over her sheets. “If you feel bad about the mess, pull them off and chuck them in the washer.”

“G-good idea,” he said in a quiet voice. His arousal fueled confidence having left him. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek gently.

“Now, my neck, that one you should feel sorry about,” she said in a tone that verged on anger. “But you can make it up by helping me wash myself.”

“O-oh,” the stallion said while not quite meeting her eyes. She rolled hers, before jumping off the bed with a flap of her wings.

“We have so much to talk about, and do…” Her smile scared him and aroused him in equal measure. A twitch in his sheath and a warmth in his chest. All in all, being sucked through a portal between worlds had been good. He might need to return the favour sometime-