The Mother and The Intruder

by LadyDevimon

First published

When Twilight Velvet writes an erotica and need a character to base the robber on she chooses Spike as an insert.

When Twilight Velvet isn't writing stories that are bestsellers she writes eroticas. In the story which she is currently writing about a mother who longs for the touch of a stallion before her fateful encounter with a robber a problem arises. She needs a character to base the robber on. Eventually she decides to go with Spike.

With an insert in mind she begins to write about the first steamy encounter between the wife being portrayed as herself, and the robber being portrayed as Spike.

All Characters are above the age of 18

The original artist, The Unicorn Lord.

On the day of May 3rd through May 4th, 2020 this story had been featured, I would like to thank you all for making this possible.

First encounters

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Throughout Twilight Velvet's writing career she always found that writing the opening paragraph of a story was her least like part of the writing process. It's just that she always had trouble thinking of a way to start her tale and engage the audience. The writing tricks and the good old advice of setting up the scene was extraordinarily helpful but for one reason or another the beginning never came easy for her.

At times the 'How We Got Here' trope was enticing as she could just start anywhere from the middle to the end with an action scene then flash back near the inciting incident. As helpful as that was she basically never does it as when ideas come to her the idea of going back to rewrite a vast portion of work seemed bothersome to say the least. It was nothing against the trope, it was use to great effect in numerous stores it's just for her she preferred to have a bare structure. A way to move to point A to B with the room needed to move in anyway she saw fit, possibly even to forgo B and move to C instead.

'Not that the opening matters anymore.' Thought Velvet as she punched in the last sentence onto her computer. Finally done she lean back into her chair breathing a sigh of relief. It took awhile but the opening chapter was finally complete, the editing can come later for now she decided to take a moment to relax. Her eyes grazed up at the wall in front of her, on the wall was multiple writing awards she had accrued over the years.

A smile adore her face as she remembered all of her previous bestsellers. She had always loved to write stories, mainly along the topic of adventure and mystery. Though no matter the story while it was a detective noir, spy thriller, or an action adventure through ancient temples she hold a massive interest in one type of character. The character archetype in question was the sedative mistress.

Her fascination with this type of character had become a trope in her stories. Just the idea of being able to converse the hero off their pass with nothing but her words and body pleased Velvet greatly. It was because of this love of that type of character she decided to make her first erotica, under a different name of course. After publishing it she found out it was marginally successful, not bad for her first attempt.

Over the she continued to write more and more stories with the occasional erotica story popping up between every three to four stories. They weren't bestsellers but she never intended them to be. This was just a fun side project that proved to be successful with small loyal fanbase mainly consisting of middle aged mothers, some young teenagers, and the occasional stallions.

The story that she was currently writing was geared more towards the mothers of her base. The premise was simple enough, it was about a mother who hadn't felt the touch of her husband in a long time due to work. One night when she's completely alone a robber comes in and she had to give her body to him so her family wouldn't be hurt. She finds herself nearly obsessing for his touch and the two do it in various positions and places. Velvet didn't have the ending fully hammered out yet but figured that can come later. The only piece of the ending she truly had was that they would record in so when he's gone the memories will always be there.

It wasn't anything too crazy, especially when compared to earlier work when it was basically just action adventure and mystery with detailed sex scenes. Thinking back on it those where really popular with the stallions. Anyway now it was the time to write the inciting incident or sex scene to be more precise. However before she can do that she needed to really fill in the details about the robber character.

Typically when she wrote stories she always had a system where first she would insert herself or others that she knew into the role of that characters before they would evolve into their own characters. It had always help her establish a baseline and it didn't really last long. Just a chapter or two then they were their own thing, maybe call back to who she based them on if she was stuck. For instance for this story she imagined herself to be the mother so now she just need to figure out who to base the robber on.

For the character of the robber she need someone the exuded danger, something intimidating but on closer inspection could be seen in a positive light. That second part will come in later in the story so danger was her biggest priority. As she racked her memories for candidates nothing really pops up and she was certainly not going to use the villains that her son and daughter had to fight for examples. However a new trainer thought went down when thinking of her son and daughter, specifically Twilight. The name that finally came to mind could definitely fit her criteria.

Twilight Velvet had always seen Spike as apart of her family. True the 19 year old dragon wasn't related to them but her daughter has raised him since he was born. She had never really used Spike for an insert for one of her characters before, especially in this contacts, but still he was the best option. Then again all she really needed was a baseline, he wouldn't be in there for very long.

With an insert choose she gave her a quick stress before getting back into position. She wanted to make sure her hands where on the keyboard before she started to type out the sex scene. She had a bit of a habit of getting a bit to into it when writing them out, not helped by the fact she typically only wear a button up dress shirt and panties whenever she wrote. That little practice started when she was living in an apartment in with a broken AC and even all these years later it still carried over.

Ignoring the trip down memory lane Twilight Velvet got into position and began to the story

It was dark out tonight as The storm clouds cover the moon and the stars leaving only occasional flashes of lightning. It hasn't started raining yet but that won't last for much longer. Looking out at the streets was all but deserted, make sense as a storm was coming but still she looked on hoping to see her husband making his way home.

It was a foolish hope as she did receive a message from him saying that he can't make it home due to another late night at work and for the upcoming storm but still she had hoped. This wasn't the way she had expected her night to turn out. She had let her daughter go to one of her friends house for the night so it would just be her and her husband. With no one in the house she had hoped that for the first time in a long, long time she would feel the embrace of a stallion.

The mare pulled away from the window and looked down at her body. She was wearing a two piece set of skimpy lingerie, the red contrasted against her light gray coat. Her top was lacy with only a small piece of fabric covering her nipples and not much else along with thin see through red curtain that hung from the bottom of her top reaching down towards her stomach. Her bottom piece was the same story covering up so little that you could basically call it a thong. They hung tightly around Twilight Velvet's voluptuous body helping to show off her ever curve.

She knew that she looked sexy, she hadn't wear something that reveals so much of her abundant cleavage in a long time. Yet it was for not. Her husband wasn't coming home tonight and she I knew it was going to be a long night but even before taking into account of the weather. With a disappointing sigh she began to make her way over to the closet to put on something else more appropriate. At the very least there was a few TV shows that could get her off of things.

However before she could even reach her closest she heard the sound of a door being opened downstairs. She paused at the sudden noise, frozen in mid motion her heart started to frantically beat faster and faster in excitement. He was home! Her plans hadn't been ruined at all! Trying to calm herself she made her way to her closed bedroom door. Taking a deep breath then slowly exhaling she grabbed the door handle exiting the bedroom.

"Oh Night Light are you home!" She called while walking through the upstairs hallway way. Turning the corner she grabbed the handrail as she made her descent down the steps of the home.

"I thought you said you weren't able to get home tonight due to the weather and that you'll be home tomorrow. Glad to see you beat the weather and came home instead of staying at a friends house!" Now down stairs she made her way through the living room intending to go towards the kitchen where he probably was. She couldn't wait to see the look on his face from her a little surprise.

However she was stopped in the middle of the living room when she fell and I am wraparound her stomach and another one around her neck. She can help him melt into the surprise hug as he felt him against her back, it has been a while since build his embrace on her like that. Taking one for free hands she moved it up towards the side of hers and lovers head intending to pull them in for a kiss.

When she moved her head to look at her dear Night Light her joy instantly evaporated when she saw that this wasn't her husband. The first major detail that she noticed was that he was a dragon, purple scales adorn his body and his eyes were a piercing green. She also realize what position she was in, being more or less restrained by his arms she couldn't run. Not to mention this was a dragon so fighting back was completely out of the option.

"Yeah about that," He began. From the sound of his voice she could tell he was maybe around the age of 20 year if not a bit younger. "I don't think your husband is making his way home tonight. I was also hoping that this house would be completely empty so this might be a problem."

"Please don't hunt me." Velvet pleaded. She couldn't believe what turned her night had just taken. From the happiness of spending time with her husband to a robbery in a split second. Even though it was currently happening right in front of her she couldn't believe it.

"Don't worry as long as you do you as I say no harm will come to you. Wouldn't be the first thing something like this happened just need to find something to tie you up. Good thing I always come prepared. Now just stands though this would be but a moment."

"Wait! How about we make a deal." Yelled out Velvet. Maybe she convince him to leave or just Guide him to some other valuable things so nothing sentimental will be lost. The impression that she got from him was one unamused. She had heard of a few robberies recently and expected those were his doing. No one was hurt but do you say he was rather nice so maybe.

"You're not in much of a position to bargain her. I don't see anything that you could possibly offer me-"

"I'll give you my body!"

The silence in the house after that line was deafening, The only sound I could be heard was the pitter patter of the rain as the storm was finally coming in. The dragon intruder was shocked however it was Twilight Velvet who was the most shocked of all. She had just said that, why did she just say that? It was to protect herself and her family she thought. She wouldn't let him take anything like the camera her family uses to record special moments or the old family heirloom. Steeling herself she elaborated.

"If you don't take anything from us and don't hurt me I'll do anything you want. I mean I'm already in lingerie. And with that storm out you wouldn't be going anytime soon. So do you agree?"

He stared into for a few moments. Most likely he was weighing his options. Despite what she had just said she absolutely despises what she had just offered. However there was one small part of her that hoped he'll accepts, that he'll ravage her. That this dragon will give her the type of sex that she hadn't received in years. These those were quickly silence by the mare, no matter what she loyal to her husband.


Before the full gravity of the situation she had just gotten herself into could sink in she felt his rough claws rub against the side of her body. Each stoke starting at her shoulders before descending down ending at her behind where after a light squeeze moved back up repeating the process. An involuntary shiver ran through her body as Velvet was trying to process what was happening. Here was an intruder feeling up her body and while she was mentally freaking out she made no moves to stop this. She didn't know why she had made her offered, maybe because it was all happening so quickly or maybe it was some other reason.

Not that it mattered as her thought process was quickly shattered with a shuttered gasp as she felt his claws groping her breast. They where always her weak points since they were so sensitive and to feel another fondle them like so. She couldn't help but to slightly melt into his embrace as he caressed and squeezed her bosom leaving only the tips untouched as they laid underneath her lacy lingerie. The dragon seemed to be memorized by her large tits as she lost track for how long they stayed like that, with him massaging and grasping her expansive bosom and her loosing herself to this stranger's touch.

A loud moan escaped from her mouth as she felt his fingers go beneath her lingerie and give her nipples a tight pinch. Realizing that this was her biggest weak spots he descended onto them twisting and tugging upon them electing more and more pleasurable cries from the unicorn mare before him. Unbeknownst to Twilight Velvet her body started to act on it's own accord as her ass pressed up against the dragon's groin began to rub up against it. An action that didn't go unnoticed by the dragon.

Eventually his right claw retracted from her breast and began to move south tracing down from her slim stomach before slipping beneath her soaked panties. Shudders ran through Velvet's body as she felt his fingers trace along her lower entrance and yet she still did nothing to stop any of this. At this point she had no excuse, here was a stranger molesting her body and she didn't say a single word of protest. While yes it's been a long time since her husband had done anything like this to her she shouldn't just allow this to happen. But yet here she was letting her unattended body get the release she desperately crave in the worst possible way.

She near screamed when she felt one of his fingers plunge into her marehood. It started slow but quickly began to pick up in speed and power when another finger joined in. Whatever chance she had to resist and put a stop to what was happening was destroyed with this moment. With his fingers pulsing in and out of her and his other claw still kneading her breast like dough she was completely at his mercy. So lost in the pleasure she had no idea her ass was maddeningly grinding against.

Pressure was quickly being built up as she felt her impending orgasm get ever close. So many factors added on to this from the way her sensitive breast where toyed with, the rapid thrusts of his fingers back and forth in her nethers, the fact now his free thumb began to press and flick her throbbing clit, and the fact she can barely remember the last time engaged in such an activity. It was all too much for her to hand. At this point there was nothing that she could do so might as while enjoy the ride she reasoned.

With all of this it didn't take long for Velvet to hit the breaking point. The dragon for all of his effort was greeted with the sound of her scream as she came. The dam had shattered and with it a torrent of cum completely drenching her panties and soaking his hand. Her legs buckled casing her to fall onto him. He wasn't expecting the sudden extra wight hover luckily for him the couch was to the left of them. With a bit of maneuverability he was to place himself on it with Velvet, who was still trying to recover from her orgasm, facing him with her head on his shoulder while sitting on his lap.

The grey coat mare didn't really notice the change of position as she was in the middle of series of deep heavy breaths. She couldn't remember the last time she had that hard of a release. However as she recovered the realization of what happened being to dawn upon her, a stranger just molested her body making her climax and she didn't even try to fight it. A chuckle got her attention, she quickly moved back not getting off of him but now there was some distance between her and his head.

"I'm honestly surprised, just how pent up were you?" He asked. She responded in kind shooting him a glare.

"Go to Tartarus."

"That's a laugh." He said while rolling his eyes. "You say that right after I had you crying out begging for release?"

"You threatened me saying I have to do what you want, I complied. There's nothing more to it." She said with an icy expression. She couldn't let him turn this on her.

"Remind me or you were the one that offered yourself to me. You didn't say to stop or even attempt to fight back. I'm convinced that you're husband hasn't touched you in so long the moment any opportunities spring up you pounced on it. Admit it, of the two of us you wanted this to more than me." The sentiment hung in the air as she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of answering that. Seeing the writing on the the purple just chuckled before giving her his first command.

"Well then if you're just doing this since I say so how about you take off that top of your. I would love to see them in all their naked glory. That and I would love to play with them a bit longer. Not that you'll enjoy it or anything." He finished with an amused grand, clearly remembering her reaction when he first touched them.

With a blush she looked away as her hands went behind her back to untie the knot keeping her upper lingerie piece together. She knew his game so she had to brace herself for his onslaught of her chest. With it now being untied she simple just tore it off and tossed it at the cushion next to him with no fanfare or show. Her blush had never left her face as now this robber was staring at her fully exposed large grey breasts and very hard nipples.

After taking a moment to drink in the sight before him she felt his claws clamp down on the sides of her breasts before them moved around exploring every last inch of her bountiful chest. She was proud enough to say that she was hiding her reaction to his touch very well, especially when he stopped over nipples to give them some attention. He wasn't really doing anything too extreme just caressing them, a small part of her was sad that he was ravaging them but she silence that thought. As he continued to fondle them he began to speak.

"Out of all the pairs of tits I've seen and touched I have to say your's are the best of all. There so big and soft but yet very firm with a perfect shape. If you where mine there will never be a day I didn't play with your juicy melons. I could spend hours playing with them." Stopping for a moment he licked his lips. "Now then let's find out how they taste."

Without another he dove his head forward moving towards the nipple giving the slightly darker grey nub a nice, long, lascivious lick. Flicking his tongue up he dragged his tongue along the outer perimeter of her areola moving it clockwise before reaching of the the nipple and engulfing it in his mouth. Velvet had to bit back squeal as she felt him suckle on her teat with a passion. While this was happening her thoughts fell back to what he had said about her breast. For one reason or anything she could help but to feel a sense of happiness from his praise, it was nice to know that even at her age she still had it.

Another groan escaped from her lips as she felt him latch on to her other nipple. Subconsciously she started to lean forward press more and more of her breasts into him. With one last move he pressed both of her breasts together casing her nipples to rub up against another before taking them both into his mouth. She couldn't hid that pleasurable cry if she tried. Though this seemed to be the end of it as he pulled his head back releasing her nipples with a loud pop. What she didn't expect was to be picked up bridle style by him.

"What are you doing?" She asked as he carried her through the living room and began to walk up the stairs towards the second story.

"I'm going up stairs towards the master bedroom so we could really start having some fun. It's not the first time I've robbed a house with this type of floor plan so I already know where it is." The dragon said as he made his way through the hallway until he reached the opened door of the master bedroom. Walking inside he gently lower her down on the bed with her back against the mattress before starting to quickly undress. I knew what was about to happen yet I didn't move. Was it fear that prevented me from moving or was it something else? Shaking my head I told myself it was fear, that if I didn't do this he'll hurt me, that I had no choice.

A tug broke her thoughts, looking down she saw her panties where off and her glistening pussy was exposed. He climbed over her like a predator world to his prey, a lustful hungry in his eyes. She could feel his erect draconic member grind against her entrance. She was about to have sex with someone other than her husband, someone who was going to rob them and could hurt her. And whether she denied it or not there was a tangle of excitement from this series of events. As much as she hated herself for admitting this there was a part of that wanted, no needed this.

Her shameful wish was granted as she felt his tip push pass her entrance and go into her. She gasped as she felt his girth spread the walls of her pussy. Inch by inch his member dug into her, at this point his dick went deeper than her husband's could ever hope for but yet there was still more. By the time it he had bottomed out she followed herself stretched to new depths as a long and very loud high pitch moan echoed around the room.

They stayed like this for a moment before he started to pull out, upon reaching over half way out he slammed his hips into her making her moan out again. He repeated the process again, pulling out before slamming in. He did this again and again getting slightly faster every time, earning him more moans from the mare below him. Every slam cased a shock to go through her body casing her tits to juggle like mad as he picked up more speed. He was content to watch at first but eventually he couldn't help himself and once again she felt his claws squeezing her large bosom once again.

"So you enjoy yourself Mrs.Velvet? I'm guessing you are considering you locked your legs around my hips." He bragged as he continued to pump his member in and out of her. Looking down she could see this was true, adding to her anger. An anger that the dragon had noticed, unbeknownst to Velvet he was forming a plan.

Of course she wasn't enjoying herself, her she was on her and her's husband bed having sex with another. She was about to say something but a hard twist of her nipple broke her thought making her cry out. Every moment that passed she loose more and more of herself to her lust. She hated to admit it but she hadn't felt like this years and it seemed her body was more than fine with this predicament.

She felt another climax coming on with the way he was thrusting his hips and how his hands toyed with her tits it wouldn't be long. However to her surprise she felt his hands let go of her breast. She didn't need to wait long to see what he was planning as suddenly she was now face to face with the dragon. Her boobs where squished against his chest and their face where nearly touching. Before I could react I felt his lips press against my own. Just for a moment, with her release being so close, she gave in and kissed him back letting their tongues battle for dominance.

Right in the middle of their make out session I felt a quick rush of movement indicating a change of position. It took but a moment to realize that he rolled us so now I was the one on top. Pulling my lips away from his along with raising my upper body I was now a proper cowgirl position though even with the position change I could feel his member still buried deep inside me. It felt so good but I won't let that distract me, he did this position change for a reason and I know it wasn't because he was done.

"Why the position changed? Can't handle even one mature mare?" Twilight Velvet said with as much smug confidence as she could muster up. What she got in response from the dragon was his at this point signature cocky smile along with a chuckle. He simple laid back with his hands behind his head drinking in the sight of her naked body in the pale moon light before finally speaking.

"You keep denying that you feel so good despite your body and actions continuously scream out in pleasure. So if you truly want to stop you can just go ahead and get off. Or you can admit that you're loving this and ride me to your heart's content. Whatever decision you choose both squarely upon you Twilight Velvet."

This surprised the grey coated mare, this dragon was really throwing cation to the wind just to prove a point? Does he honestly think that she was a street whore that would do anything for some sweet relief. Just when Velvet thought that she couldn't be more infuriated with this dragon he brings out this audacity. She wasn't going to play his little game, what she's going to do is get off, leave the room, and get the authorities.

She began to push herself up while making an extraordinarily effort to keep her face neutral to deny him the satisfaction. Inch by inch she felt his member exiting her hole as she pulled up farther away from him. Trying to keep her express neutral was becoming more impossible by the second as with every bit of his cock left her she a more and mores twitches of pleasure with occasional small gasp leave her body. Eventually only the tip of his dick remind inside of her, she was so close to proving him wrong and ending this once and for all.

With all the force she could conjure up Twilight Velvet lift her hips up for one last push, before slamming down impaling her needing snatch with his might rod. She quickly lifted her hips and before just as suddenly slamming back down onto him. Any resistance that she had left was completely extinguished as her lust had finally took over her. Her husband hadn't touched her in so long and with the option available she could no longer ignore her body's needs.

As her bouncing continued the dragon found her rhythm and joined in thrusting up when she came down. All of this movement was casing her breast to jiggle wildly, a fact that didn't go unnoticed as she felt a pair of hands grope them roughly. They squeezed her bosom with a vengeance before quickly moving towards her oh so sensitive nipple where they were pinched and twisted to her delight. After a particularly hard tug that forced her to lean her body forward she was meet with the dragon's face who after smiling a triumphant grin smashed his lips against her.

With her tongue battling for domination, her breast being essentially milked for all their worth, and her pussy being ravaged by this intruders cock she found herself climaxing. However she never slowed down, even after her third climax of the night she wasn't going to stop until she ran herself rigid. After her third climax ended the dragon pulled away from her lips and dived for her nipple which he viciously devoured added to Velvet's insatiable desire.

Twilight Velvet's perception of time was destroyed as she was lost in this cycle of pleasure. With her nonstop riding and his seemingly random shifts between him playing with her tits or making out with her she came again and again. He did as well but it seemed by the time he climax she already had two or three times. Velvet had no idea how much time had pass since all this started or how many times she came but she felt one big climax coming on, and it was rapidly approaching.

"I -I think this is... Oh sweet Celestia! My finaaaahh climax!" She screamed out between her pleasurable moans and cries. Not quite sure he head all of it but it looked like the message had came across. He yelled something too but all she heard was 'also', guess he was on the same boat. She felt his hand leave her bosom and move to her hips as he rapidly thrusted his hips to meet my own. At this point Twilight Velvet could deny the truth no longer, this is what she dreamt of. This intruder had came in her home looking to steal only to end up violating her very body and she loved every moment of it.

It was at this point she finally hit her true breaking point. After all
that had been endorsed, from the domination of my mouth, to his seemingly unending fondling of my bountiful chest, the utter ruthlessness he showed when fucking me, and my many other climaxes all lead up to this. Arching my back and throwing my head behind me while crazily slamming my hips against his pelvis I was rewarded with one last explosion climax. I couldn't help but to scream out in pure unadulterated bliss as I felt have the biggest mind shattering orgasm of my life. This was only exaggerated further as she also felt Spike pumping full with his seed deep inside her.

She didn't know how long they held that position for but after what felt like a small eternity she felt her go limp. With a small thud she feel on Spike's muscular chest with her tits being squished against it. Taking deep breath she tried to move to only find that her body was unresponsive, she trapped on top of a young stud of a dragon and for the time being she didn't mind. For a time the only sound in the room was their deep breathing until he broke the silence.

"Out of all the homes I've robbed this has to be my best score. You are one needy bitch you know that?" Velvet didn't dignify that with a response. As much as she felt ashamed to say it that was the best sex she ever had, not that she was going to give him the satisfaction of admit it to though. He continued, "I mean having sex with a sexy milf was fantastic! That video is going to be worth it's weight in gold."

Twilight Velvet's eyes went wide upon hearing that last snippet of information. She frankly lifted her head up to look for what he was talking and on her nightstand she found the family camera pointed directly at the bed. Her first thought was to grab it and quickly delete the recording but her body was still unresponsive, there was nothing she could do and he knew that. He simply reached over to grab it as she whispers a simple question, terror clearly in her voice.

"How long?"

"The camera was the first thing I grabbed upon breaking into your home, a very expensive model that can record high definition video." He pressed a few buttons before turning the screen over to her, on it was a very clear video of their love making sessions mid way through accompanied by every moan and cry she screamed out. "I started the recording a moment before our position swap where I gave you the choice to either get off or ride away. I wonder what would your husband feel about the choice you made?"

"Don't worry I'm not going to show him or upload it online, Tartarus I'm not even going to take anything from you besides the camera, for the moment at least. That is to say for how long you do as I say. Sounds like a fair deal right? You do what I want and in return I won't tell anyone about it along with you get some very satisfying sex from it. If anything you're taking advantage of me. So what do you say?"

It didn't take a genius to figure out that this a was terrible scenario she got herself into. If she went against it all he had to do was hit send on that video and her marriage was done. Even if he was immediately arrested at the end of the day she was the one who chose to rid him through the video. It might of been a heat of the moment thing but still that was a blow that could end her marriage. Over course the other option is just as bad, willing cheating on your significant other was horrible.

Then again I won't be doing it because I hate my husband or anything like that. I would be doing it to keep my family together, this was still a horrible choice but at least with this I prevent the fall out all together. She braced herself before answering to his proposition, she was making this choice to protect her family first, foremost, and for no other reason she told to herself.

"You have a deal dragon," Velvet said no louder than a whisper. With that she accepted the deal with this devilish dragon, her body was now his property to do as he pleases. A fact that she felt some arousal in much to her dismay, and for his first act he caressed the side of her face before coming in for a kiss. To Velvet's unending shame the moment his lips met hers she melted into the kiss. As for however much she had denied the fact a part of her loved the fact that now she had a young lover who will do things to her body that not her dear husband hadn't done or could ever do.

The kiss seemed to have gone on for hours, he was dominating her mouth without mercy while stroking her hair. Eventually they separated leaving a trail of saliva between the two. She was a mess, her hair was completely messed up, sweat covered her body, and she was still recovering from previous actions as every breath was deep with her tongue sticking outside of her mouth. The dragon on the other hand look like he nearly fully recovered, with his trademark smile he said two words that forevermore sealed the fate of Twilight Velvet.

"Good girl~ And please, call me Spike."

At this point the actual Twilight Velvet was panting as she looked over what she typed out. It was for this reason she never wrote erotica anywhere else but at home, she would get way to into it. Like how there was an advantage in writing characters while self inserting herself and others the main disadvantage was getting way to into it to the point hours passed like seconds and depending on what she was writing there could be other problems.

Like now she realize that she was tightly rubbing her legs together and the dampness she felt from her panties. There was worse times of course like how she hand to force herself to type with both hands, she remembers when she first started to type out these stories with only one hand on the keyboard and the other teasing her nipple or rubbing her marehood. She realize the problem when she climaxed with a dildo three quarters of the through a sex scene on her fourth book. She gotta much better but there was still times she found herself with her blouse unbuttoned along with bra discarded or her hand in her underwear a the verge of a climax.

Checking over herself she found the first few buttons of her dress shirt to be undone and her panties being more or less soaked. A bit worse than normal but nothing too unusual, thankfully during these times she had a loving husband who could satisfy her. And said husband was downstairs watching some tv. Making sure to save she closed out of the program and shut her computer down, she could deal with the proofreading and editing later. For now she got up from her chair to make her way over to her husband.

As she made her way across her work area thoughts of Spike crossed her mind. This wasn't the first time she thought about him like that but it was the first she used him as self insert like that, and doing her no less. She decided that she really needed to iron out the character of the robber soon. She sometimes felt this way after she wrote about male doing the deed but something about this felt a bit different.

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts she reorganized herself as she clutched the door knob. Looks like she did get a bit too it this time around but no matter her dear Night Light will help clear her head, among other things~ Open the door she made a bee line towards the stairs, she could hear the tv and how it just went to commercial. She couldn't help but smile at the timing, she hope he was prepared because his program was about to be interrupted by The Twilight Hour~