S.P.A.R.K.S. Explicit

by Cardinal Dan Productions

First published

After making up, Spike and his new fillyfriend Sparks discover that there’s more to physical intimacy than hugs and kisses.

After making up, Spike and his new fillyfriend Sparks discover that there’s more to physical intimacy than hugs and kisses.

S.P.A.R.K.S. Explicit: Sexy Subroutines

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***A Patriot Pony Production***

***Sexy Subroutines***

Spike shook his head and reached forward, placing his hands on the outer plates of her chest. “I do love Rarity, Sparks. She’s one of my closest friends, just like I love Twilight, and Applejack, and Rainbow Dash, and everypony else, but Rarity isn’t who I want to be with.”

Her ears perked up, and the visor covering her eyes flickered. When her eyes met his again, they looked into his intently. “What are you saying, Spike?”

He swallowed hard and let out a shaky breath. “You know exactly what I’m saying. I love you, Sparks. I mean I really, really love you.” In the dark room, all he could focus on was the glow of her eyes. “Something tells me you feel the same way...”

Sparks nodded her head quickly. “Yes, Spike... I love you as well, more than anything.” Her visor flickered. “Spike, my sensors tell me that you’re body temperature is rising. Are you experiencing distress?”

It was nothing of the sort. What Spike felt was butterflies in his stomach and his heart performing backflips in his chest. “No, I just... I just really wanted to do this.” Then, he stood on the tips of his toes, giving himself just enough height to plant his lips on hers before dropping back down again.

Sparks looked surprised by the sudden kiss. “Spike... I did not expect such lewd and romantic actions so soon after making up, considering the calculated probability of this ending was low.” He looked up at her, baffled by what she said, but she simply scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Is that all, or do you wish to kiss some more?”

Spike felt weightless as she pulled him in, wrapping a hoof around his back and drawing him closer. Their mouths connected again, and he threw his arms around her neck. In the dark study, they kissed tenderly, and their muffled moans echoed throughout the room.

Sparks’ lips parted before closing against his again and again until at last, she let out a sharp gasp and broke the kiss. Concerned, Spike took one of her hooves in his hands. Hiding her face from view, she appeared to be shaking. “What is it? Did I do something wrong?”

The synthetic mare lifted her head, revealing a wide smile, and she began to laugh out loud. “No, my dearest Spike. You have done everything right. Your kisses are bringing out feelings I have not yet encountered to this degree of intensity.” Then, she turned her gaze slightly, seemingly out of embarrassment. “I can only speculate that what I am feeling is arousal, Spike...”

The dragon froze in place. His heart leaped into his throat, and his cheeks burned bright red. “You... Wh-What? I mean... Whoa...” He fell over his words, unable to grasp onto a single coherent sentence as he narrowly avoided Sparks’ piercing gaze. “Sh-Should we... I don’t know... stop, maybe?”

Sparks beamed at him and shook her head. “No, my love. I suggest we follow through with these feelings and engage in sexual intercourse. The benefits would consist of reduced stress, physical activity, and not to mention, feelings of immense pleasure.”

Spike felt backed into a corner, literally, as Sparks backed him across the room with a lustful gaze in her eyes. Beads of sweat formed above his brows and trickled down his cheeks. “Sp-Sparks... That... That’s a big step above hugging and kissing... Are you sure about this?”

She nodded her head, her eyes pleading into his. “If you consent, I will gladly partake in sexual intercourse with you. Do you not wish to have sex with me, Spike?”

He shook his head quickly. “No, it’s not that. I’ve just never given it any thought. I mean, this is so sudden, and...” His voice faltered as she nuzzled his cheek affectionately. “Oh, Sparks...”

She chuckled softly at his reaction. “This is me, Spike. I am not bound by my programming to desire sex. I want this, because you have shown me that you are the only organic being I could possibly wish to mate with.” Sparks pushed her lips into his cheek and kissed him repeatedly. “You do things to me, Spike. You cause intimate feelings of arousal within my circuitry that make me desire to satisfy urges I did not know I had. I can sense you feel something similar...” She stared him in the eyes intently. “Let us do something about it, shall we?”

Spike felt powerless to stop her as she kissed him full on the lips again. Deep down, he knew he didn’t want her to stop anyway. She was telling the truth, after all. There was no way to fool her bio-scanners. They could read everything from his temperature to his heart rate, and with that kind of information, she could easily deduce how he was truly feeling. Sparks was right about him wanting what she clearly wanted as well, so he allowed her to forcefully kiss him repeatedly as she pinned him against the wall.

Spike began to feel a change in his groin area, and Sparks noticed it too. Usually concealed under his scales, his cock began to emerge under the constant barrage of hot kisses from his fillyfriend. The dragon had never felt more embarrassed, but the visibility of his shaft only excited Sparks even more.

“Mmmmm, Spike... You... have never... looked... so... good!” Using her artificial magic, she lifted the small dragon into the air and carried him over to the center of the room.

Before Spike had a moment to realize what was happening, he was placed on his back on the floor. Looking up, his eyes met Sparks’ as she stared down at him with a frightening grin on her face. Her visor flickered noticeably as she began to descend upon his erect member. “H-H-Hold still, Spike...”

It dawned on him what was happening, what she was about to do. “Wh-What?! Wait, what are you doing?!”

She paused over his cock, her legs trembling. “Spike, please don’t stop this...”

He shook his head. “No... I’m not... I just meant to ask how this is even possible? You’re... You know... mare made.”

Sparks rolled her eyes impatiently. “Though my form appears solid, you forget that I am made of hard light components, and I can manipulate those components to suit my needs, Spike.”

From his back, he eyed the lower regions between her rear legs. “Does that mean... you...”

She nodded her head and let out a frustrated sigh. “Affirmative, Spike. I can take any shape I please and even imitate the female pony’s genitalia. Now, know that I love you and I say this with endearment...” Then, Sparks planted a firm hoof on his chest, knocking the wind out of him. “Shut your mouth and penetrate me.”

She dropped to her hooves, and in an instant, Spike’s shaft was completely enveloped in her marehood.

Both dragon and synthetic mare groaned simultaneously. Spike hadn’t any clue what must have been going through Sparks’ mind, but for him, fireworks exploded violently. It was wet, tight, and unimaginably warm. It was everything he imagined sex would feel like, though never in his wildest dreams did he think it would actually happen.

“Spike...” Sparks snarled through her gritted teeth as she began to move her body up and down. “My love...”

Her inner walls squeezed the shaft of his cock with every little movement. Spike lifted his head slightly to watch what was happening on top of him, and what he saw was simply incredible. Sparks’ head was reared back as she gasped with every thrust, rising and falling on his member rhythmically. Artificial lubricant dripped from her marehood and down the length of his shaft, causing a cooling sensation every time she rose up and exposed his sex organ to the air.

“Affirmative! Affirmative! Oh, Spike, my sensors are firing sporadically! I cannot keep up with these sensations... I feel as if I’m going to... to-“ Sparks’ eyes widened, and her orange visor began flickering on and off as though she were on the verge of a crash. “Ah, Spike!”

The inner walls of her marehood slammed together, catching Spike’s cock as it was fully imbedded inside of her. Synthetic cream poured from her pulsating orifice. At the same time, as he gripped onto the nearby leg of Twilight’s desk, Spike achieved the greatest orgasm he’d ever experienced, depositing his load inside of Sparks.

The two of them remained motionless, aside from their uncontrollable shaking, with his semi-erect member still throbbing inside her marehood. Sparks was the first to break the silence, swallowing hard as she exhausted a heavy breath. “Spike... That was... wonderful.”

Spike looked up at her and managed a sheepish grin. “Uh... Thanks, Sparks. You were great too. I never thought...” His gaze drifted back to their conjoined areas which were now soaked in a mixture of semen and synthetic lubricant, and his heart thundered against his chest. “I never thought we’d go that far.”

Sparks leaned forward until her snout bumped against his. “So modest, little dragon. I must admit that my sudden desire to have sex with you was unexpected. Had I still been restricted by my original programming, such wants and actions would never have been possible.” Then, her tone shifted, and her ears folded back. “Will... we be able to have sex again?”

Spike raised an eyebrow at her. “You want to do this again? Are you sure?” She nodded her head eagerly. The dragon gave it a little thought before coming to the conclusion that his answer was an obvious ‘yes’. “Of course, Sparks. We can do this whenever you want.”

That must have been exactly what she wanted to hear, because her eyes lit up, and a huge smile came across her face. “How about now?”

She moved in for a kiss, but Spike stopped her with a finger to her lips. “Sparks, wait... Don’t you think we should tell Twilight and the others that everything is alright between us?”

Sparks looked disappointed, like a filly who didn’t receive what she wanted for her birthday. “Affirmative, Spike... Your logic is sound.” She rose up from the floor, finally disconnecting her marehood from his shaft, which fell clumsily against his stomach now that it was free. Using her magic, she helped Spike to his feet and looked him over. “Hmm... It would be unwise to see Mistress Twilight in this state, Spike. We should clean ourselves to avoid an unpleasant scene.”

Spike looked down and saw what she was talking about. “Yeah... You can turn invisible, right?” Sparks nodded, eager to see where his plan was going. “Run to the bathroom down the hall and get us some towels. I’ll wash them later, but we need them to clean up this mess.”

Sparks smiled and nodded her head. “Affirmative, Spike. Wait here until I return.”


Much later, Spike and Sparks emerged from Twilight’s office and made their way to the map room where the princess was waiting for them.

Twilight sat on her throne, and Starlight stood by the map in the center of the room alongside Rarity. The three mares looked up from whatever it was they were doing at their arrival. Twilight was the first to speak, boasting a cautious but hopeful smile. “I hope everything went well?”

Spike shared a glance with Sparks along with wide grins, and the synthetic mare nodded enthusiastically. “Affirmative, Miss Twilight.

***The End***