Gallus Gets Potty Trained

by TheGamerBrony

First published

Sandbar teaches Gallus how to use the toilet.

Gallus has always used a litterbox to relieve himself in. However, Sandbar isn't too keen on the idea and suggests that Gallus start using the toilet like every other creature at the school. Hilarity ensues, but can Sandbar successfully teach Gallus how to properly use the toilet?

Gallus Gets Potty Trained

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One day, after school, Sandbar walked back to his dorm to do homework and hang out with Gallus.

“Hey, Gallus! Ready to do some-“ Sandbar started before he noticed a foul odor coming from somewhere inside the room.

The stench made Sandbar gag. “What is that stench?”

“Oh, guess my litterbox needs to be cleaned” Gallus replied.

“Your litterbox? Since when do you use a litterbox?” Sandbar retorted.

“I’ve always used a litterbox. Ever since I was born. But when I was living in Griffonstone, I pretty much went potty on the dirt roads, which is kinda like a litterbox if you think about it” Gallus replied.

Sandbar let out an annoyed grunt and said “Move alongside so I can clean out your litterbox”

As Sandbar was cleaning out Gallus’s litterbox, he was complaining and crying internally.

“Why does Gallus even use a litterbox here anyway? I know he’s half cat, but what’s wrong with using a toilet? All the other creatures at the school use the toilet” Sandbar thought to himself.

Twenty minutes later, Sandbar had finished cleaning out Gallus’s litterbox and went to do his homework. Soon, the stench came back.

“Oh, come on, Gallus! I just cleaned your litterbox!” Sandbar called.

“I know, but I just took a huge poo poo and I need you to take it out for me” Gallus replied.

“No no no! No more litterbox! Gallus, you need to use the toilet like everycreature else!” Sandbar retorted.

“But I don’t know how to use the toilet!” Gallus complained.

Sandbar sighed and said “Look, I can teach you how to use the toilet. I just don’t want to keep cleaning out your litterbox! It’s disgusting and I feel like throwing up!”

“Sounds good, but what will we do with the litterbox?” Gallus replied.

“Throw it away. We don’t need it”

“But what about my poop?”

“What about it?”

“We can’t throw that away! We should keep it as a keepsake to remember my litterbox by”

Gallus’s suggestion really blew Sandbar away by how stupid and disgusting it was. “Ugh! Gallus, what the hay! That is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard! What is wrong with you?”

“I don’t think you know this, Sandbar, but that poop is important! It’s the last dookie I’ve ever dropped in my litterbox. It’s gotta show some significance” Gallus replied.

“Gallus, you are disgusting! I do not want to keep your poop and stink up the room!”

“You got a good point there. Well, I think the best thing to do with it now is to eat it”

Sandbar’s pupils shrunk when he heard Gallus’s second suggestion. “You’re gonna eat poop?”

“Are you crazy? I’m not gotta eat my own keepsake! You are!” Gallus replied, pointing at Sandbar.

“What? I-I…EW! What is wrong with you, Gallus?” Sandbar retorted in disgust.

“I’m making you do this to show that you’re loyal” Gallus explained.

“Of course, I’m loyal, you feathered idiot! I just think that eating poop is disgusting and I’m not gonna do it!” Sandbar yelled.

“If you really were a loyal friend, you would do as you’re told!” Gallus retorted.

“Fine, but you’re gonna regret this!” Sandbar said as he took his first bite out of Gallus’s poop as Gallus giggled.

“Gallus, if I had fingers, the middle one would be my salute to you” Sandbar deadpanned as he kept eating.

When he was done, Sandbar felt sick to his stomach and rushed to the bathroom to vomit. When he emerged from the bathroom, Gallus laughed at him.

“I so want to punch you in the face right now! That was so not cool!” Sandbar retorted.

“Ok, now that you passed the loyalty test with flying colors, now it’s time for potty training!” Gallus replied.

“I’m teaching you how to use the potty, not the other way around! This way, sicko!” Sandbar retorted as he led Gallus into the bathroom.

“Ok, Gallus, this white bowl thing is called a toilet. This is where all your pee pee and poo poo go, and best of all, it cleans itself! Watch!” Sandbar presented as he flushed thee toilet, causing Gallus to run out, screaming.

“Gallus, get back here!” Sandbar called, chasing after Gallus.

“Okay, Gallus, if you’re going to use the toilet, you have to get used to flushing” Sandbar said.

“B-but it’s gonna make a scary sound!” Gallus replied, shaking like a leaf.

“Come on, the flushing sound is not scary! Go flush the toilet, you big baby!” Sandbar retorted.

“Okay” Gallus said as he hesitantly flushed the toilet, preparing for the “scary sound”.

When the toilet flushed, Gallus wasn’t scared. He started to get used to the flushing sound.

“See, not so bad” Sandbar said.

“No, not really” Gallus replied.

“Alright, Gallus, now that you’re used to flushing the toilet, it’s time for the real test. Now, I’m gonna have you use the toilet all by yourself. Do you think you can do that?” Sandbar asked.

“Of course, I can! I’m a big griffon!” Gallus replied.

“Good to hear! I’ll be right outside the bathroom if you need me” Sandbar replied as he stepped out of the bathroom.

Several minutes later, Sandbar knocked on the bathroom door to check on Gallus.

“Everything okay in there, buddy?”

“Uh, I think so”

“Can I come in?”

“Uh, I wouldn’t”

Sandbar came into the bathroom to find Gallus wrapped up in toilet paper.

“What a mess! What happened?”

“I was gonna go potty, but I got distracted by the toilet paper and I decided to play with it. I’m sorry”

Sandbar sighed. “Gallus, that was all the toilet paper we had! I’m gonna see if Brony has extra toilet paper he can lend us. I’ll be right back”

A few minutes later, Sandbar came back with another roll.

“Okay, Gallus, now let me show you how to wipe properly. You take two squares length and wipe up and down until you think your bottom is clean. Then, you put the toilet paper in the toilet and flush. Got that?” Sandbar explained.

“Got it!” Gallus replied.

“Okay, good! And I don’t want to see you make another mess with the toilet paper. That’s the only roll Brony’s giving us” Sandbar said as he walked out of the bathroom.

A few minutes later, Sandbar walked into the bathroom after Gallus called.

“Everything alright, Gallus?” Sandbar asked.

“Sandbar, look! I used the potty all by myself and I even flushed!” Gallus cheered.

“You did? Great job, buddy! I’m so proud of you!” Sandbar cheered as he high-fived Gallus.

“How do you feel knowing that you can use thee toilet by yourself?” Sandbar asked.

“I feel like a big griffon!” Gallus replied.

“You sure are a big griffon! Why don’t we go to Sugarcube Corner with our friends to celebrate?” Sandbar offered.

“Let’s go!” Gallus replied as the two went to Sugarcube Corner.

Once Gallus and Sandbar went to Sugarcube Corner, they found their friends and sat down with them. Brony followed suit not too long after.

“Hey, guys!” Ocellus greeted.

“Hey, everyone! Guess what?” Sandbar replied.

“Oooooh, what is it? What is it?” Silverstream asked excitedly.

“Today, Gallus used the toilet all by himself for the first time!” Sandbar announced, prompting cheers from the others.

“That’s terrific, Gallus! How do you feel now that you did that?” Peg asked.

“Like a big griffon! And it’s all thanks to Sandbar” Gallus replied, pointing at Sandbar.

“Aaaaaaaaaand, my toilet paper!” Brony added.

“Yes, Brony, and your toilet paper!” Sandbar replied.

“Excuse me, but I need to use the restroom” Gallus added.

“Oh, sure buddy” Sandbar said as he moved to let Gallus use the restroom.

“Uh, Sandbar, did you remember to teach Gallus about the bathrooms he’s allowed and not allowed to use?” Brony asked.

“No, why?” Sandbar replied.

Brony pointed at Gallus who was about to use the mares’ restroom.

“Uh oh! Gallus, stop! That’s the mares’ restroom! Use the stallions’ restroom!” Sandbar called out.

“Oops, silly me! Off to the boys’ room!” Gallus said as he walked into the stallions’ room.

“Phew! Nice catch, Brony!” Sandbar praised Brony.

“Don’t mention it. Maybe, you should give him an extra potty lesson: don’t go into the girls’ room!” Brony remarked.

“Yeah, maybe I should!” Sandbar replied as he and his friends burst in laughter.