A Wolf in Milfs Clothing

by mrmidnight

First published

Spike finds himself delivering a pizza to a sexy milf

Spike would find himself delivering a pizza off to the middle of nowhere, where he finds himself meeting a milf by the name of Cadence, though only managing to find himself in an odd situatiuon when the Milf has a deep secret

Warning contains Werewolf, Interspecies sex, sex, large breast, and sexy blow job

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A wolf in Milfs clothing

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Spike Draco was close to heading home. It had been a long day with delivery in pizzas. But finally, finally, his shift was almost over and he could head home. Spike could practically see himself face deep in the pillow, sleeping without a problem. To him, that was all that mattered. He was walking over to the time clock for a chance to clock out.

That was when Papajohn came out an annoyed look on his face as he was holding a box calling out.

"Spike, Spike we've got a last-minute order." A long sigh, on Spikes, face as he looked over towards the pizza box. It was a large pizza. Steam slowly simmering from the box, while Spike just began rubbing the rim of his glasses, hoping he could think of something to get out of the situation,

“Come on can’t you just get chedder Jack or even Lyra to take the pizza to them it’s getting late,”

“I would but, that’s the think chedder Jack had to leave early, and Lisa’s on cleaning duty, so you’re the only one here come on I’ll give you fifty bucks,” Papa john seemed to reach over pulling a crisp fifty-dollar bill from his pocket like this was his final go to move, and Spike only looked towards it, an extra fifty bucks, definitely something to help out. Tip at times just weren’t doing it at least tonight.

“Fuck it, Fine, but hand me the fifty bucks now, and I’ll take the pizza,” Spike reached over practically snatching the cash off, and Papa john nodded,

“Sounds good to me, here’s the address and remember to get going. She sounds a little impatient,” Papa john chuckled while soon heading over to the back, Spike groaned as he was imagining that this was going to be a long night, but it was only one delivery what’s the worst that could happen?

Spike got into his car a small rusted up Nissan, as he started turning it on. The engine just chugging and groaning more as if it was doing all it could to stay off, but eventually, it finally turned on, and Spike groaned as he would soon begin driving off.

It seemed to take around twenty, maybe thirty minutes before he found the address, it was off in the middle of nowhere. Not a neighbor for miles, and really it was quite off, as normally they wouldn’t deliver out this far, so it was a slight surprise. In some ways Spike wished he checked out the address before he took off. He might’ve even said no..

“Oh well, it’s better than nothing,” He parked in the driveway where he looked over towards the house and was quite impressed, the house pretty large at least a two-story house, with a prestige house, as he imagined, it was probably owned by some rich person. A nice look to it, probably worth a good million or so. A house Spike wouldn’t mind staying in a place like this.

Spike grabbed the pizza walking off towards the front door, the front door’s light was on, and soon He walked straight to the door, in a light jog. When he moved in as he began knocking on the door, a long pause as he listened to the sounds of foot steps getting closer, a feminine voice calling out,

“I’m coming!” Spike nodded as he began bouncing his head listening to the door unlocking quick sounds of sliding and clicking till finally the door opened. Now the woman who was standing there was such a sight, sexy and over all beautiful, with long raven black hair, that rolled down his shoulders. Her face soft with big hazel eyes. That seemed to look towards him.

She was wearing what looked to be a fuzzy pink robe with nothing much under it. Her clevage being slightly exposed, Spike lost in thought almost imagining her stripping it off, as she looked like a woman barely out of her thirties, in some ways He imagined her as a total MILF.

Soon she looked at him a little weird which managed to snap him out of his fantasy, as he stumbled out,

“Oh sorry here, That’ll be twelve dollars, and fifty cents.” He smiled trying to keep a confident look sure he was younger than her. But he was a single man, and a bright smile that sparkled in the life,

“Oh yes, wait let me go get my purse I almost forgot,” She seemed to bounce up for a minute, her robe seeming to push apart a bit revealing more clevage as she ran off out of sight. Spike took a deep breath trying to keep himself relax, but he felt his pants tightening. A woman like her could rival most supermodels.

Keep it together with Spike, beside Not like you’ll ever see her again,

She came back as quick as she could as she handed the money over and Spike returned the box giving a smile as she took in the scent,

“Hmm definitely been needing this, I’m starving, moving into the place has been exhausting.” She laughed slightly,

“Yeah, I mean the house looks amazing, I mean you and your husband must’ve worked hard to get a place like this Ma’am,” Spike chuckled though kicked himself for the comment sounding like an idiot.

“Oh No i’m not married, I’ve been divorced for about a year, from him,” there seemed to be a sound of disdain in her voice thinking about her ex-husband. Shaking her head at that as she smiled again,

“But yeah, I’m still not even done I’ve got a few things left to do before i can fully call this place home. Just doing it on my own is a good bit of work,” she chuckled. The pizza box still in hand though Spike thought more,

“Maybe I could help, I’ve got a weekend off, and it wouldn’t be too much of a problem,” he rubbed the back of his head, Somehow Spike just felt relaxed with her. She seemed chill as the older woman smiled back warmly,

“You really don’t need to beside you barely know me,”

“Eh, not like i got much to do, I’ve got the weekend off,” Spike laughed while his heart was beating faster. As the older woman smirked,

“Well I suppose i could use a strong, handsome man to give me a hand or two taking care of these boxes, Alright well come over whenever you can and we’ll get to work on these, but you’ll have to leave before dark ok,”

“Sounds like a plan, but I better get going it’s getting late,” He was about to turn away, ready for a rather long drive, as he had to clock out, but before he left, the woman called out,

“Hey, before you go. My name, Cadence, and you forgot your tip.” He was about to call out he didn’t really need a tip but when he turned around Cadence seemed to give him a smile. The Pizza box vanished without a trace as she grabbed the ends of her robe and pulled them apart.

Her breast exposed, they were a sight, sure they sagged a bit but in many ways they were a decent size. As she giggled and reached down lifting them up as she shocked them off. Spike didn’t know what to say or how to react. But before he could actually find the right words, Cadence closed the door.

“Well, this was definitely worth it,” a chuckle as Spike began running towards his car. He was definitely going to have an interesting day tomorrow.

Tomorrow didn’t seem to come fast enough. When he finally woke up it was somewhere around noon, and as soon as he got up. The first thing he did was jump into the shower got dressed, with a piece of toast in his mouth before he ran to his car, though that was after he ran back in because he forgot a shirt. So he put on a nice one and soon he was off, getting into his car. Spike was off, ready for a hard day’s work. He took the long drive. Over to that house, never expecting much, just picking up a few boxes but his mind wandered as he went down that long deserted road, as he though of what she did.

I can’t believe she flashed me, it felt like a scene from a porno, though without it continuing on. A good part of him wished he stayed maybe enjoyed more of that tip, as he thought of himself burrying himself in those large luscious tits. His mind was close to drifting off till he remembered he was in a car, and pushed his focus back on the road, pushing himself back into his lane,

“Focus, come on!” Spike muttered to himself as he drove on, almost halfway there. He drove on pushing the gas, with a simple smile, though eventually he would make it there, standing back infront of that house looking up towards it.

He parked around in the driveway, as he went on getting more comfortable as he reached over grabbing a drink as he pulled himself out and walked towards the front door, as he does the door practically slings open with a smile,

“Wow you actually made it, that's great. Well come in,” Cadence smiled, as she invited him in, Cadence was wearing a tight tank top, and Spike couldn’t help but imagine that she wasn’t wearing a bra, the white top moved as she turned around. Just something about it was even more relaxed as he walked inside.

Spike headed in as he saw a single room filled close to the ceiling with boxes, as He looked back to Cadence and simply smiled,

“I’m sorry, I did say I had a lot of stuff,” We’ll have to take it off to the attic some of it into the basement,” Cadence reached over grabbing one of the boxes and began walking off. She seemed to pick it up with great ease. Spike moved, grabbing a box, with a hard grunt as it was fairly heavy and realized it was going to be a rather long day.

Spike groaned and started walking off following the Milf, it took him a minute to catch up but he caught her by the stairs as they would go up to the attic. Moving over they soon would spend the rest of the day.

Spike would deal with this for the rest of the day, and it was clearly getting warmer. He never expected the day to get this warm as he found himself sweating hard. So soon he had pulled off his shirt.

“Hmm having fun there Tiger,” Cadence laughed as she looked over, while the young man smirked, Sure he wasn’t a super model or had a six pack, but he was a decent looking guy, even for a skinny fella.

“Hey Just giving you a nice view, return the tip you gave me,” Spike snickered as he made a pose, making Cadence giggle. As she licked her lips. Spike couldn’t help but think it was a little longer as she somehow managed to hit her nose but pushed that thought aside.

“Oh don’t complain buddy, I’ve caught you peaking at my girls,” she smirked some as she rubbed her breast, her shirt was covered in sweat though she left hers on, like it did much as Spike would notice she was definetly not wearing a bra at this point when her nipples poked against the shirt.

“Yeah well who wouldn’t I swear your ex-Husband must’ve been an idiot to leave you,” he chuckled some but there was a slight sadness in her eyes as she shook her head,

“Yeah, he was... Now some on it’s getting late, I better let you get going,” she frowned for a second before walked towards the door, as Spike looked over towards the window. The moon was raising upwas a large full moon, larger than one he’d ever seen before as he looked at it mesmerizingly, but suddenly he heard a crashing sound.

Snapped back into reality as he ran down the stairs trying to check on her,

“Cadence are you alright!” He saw her there hunched over, He reached over to grab her shoulder,

“Are you all-” That was when she turned her head, shooting faster than he could even process as she snarled at him. Her face begining to contort, as she growled out,

“Go Now!” She seemed to be getting larger, her body expanding as her top was ripping away as she groaned hard, her ass getting wider as something seemed to be slipping out. It looked almost like a tail.

“Alright,” Spike said as he began running towards the door reaching over and slinging it opened and running right out, He tried going as fast as he could trying to get over towards his car.. He pulled himself inside as he tried pulling his keys out to start the damn thing, that was when he realized something,

“Shit, I left my key’s in her kitchen!” He cursed at himself for making such a stupid mistake as he looked back towards the house, as the door was ripped off it’s hinges. What walked out of that house now stood what looked to be nearly eight feet tall, well toned, with breast the size of watermelons on that body, a pure furry body, was a what seemed like a bipedal wolf. Her sharp teeth exposed as they glistened off the moonlight, as it turned over looking towards Spike with a growl,


“Oh, fuck!” He decided that it wasn’t going to be safe even being in this car, She could rip this car apart without even thinking. He pulled himself out of the car and started running in the opposite direction. The game was afoot.

He ran fast, as he felt his legs burning, Working all day him out. While pushing himself harder, The sounds of howling surrounded him, as he didn’t know where. He pushed himself faster, with a long grunt as his breathing was getting heavy. His lungs felt like they were on fire.

Can’t slow down, I can’t slow down! He mumbled to himself but it was becoming too much as he felt himself slowing, down. His heart racing like there was no tomorrow, he felt like it was about to explode.

Is this going to be the end? Am I going to die? He felt scared, since he didn’t know what he was going to do. He tried calming himself down as he started to try and walk move away, as he caught his breath. But before he could even do that. He felt himself being tackled to the ground.

He looked up seeing the massive figure looking down at him. It seemed to straddle onto him as Spike watched up as she raised her claws up, He watched them move past the moon. His eyes closed ready for it to be the end. It’s claws swiftly went down, but as Spike was about to wince in pain. He noticed something, He didn’t feel any pain. He didn’t even hear his flesh ripping. No, instead he heard his clothes were ripped apart. A long grunt, while he watched the beastly woman ripp his clothes off,

“The fuck!” Spike muttered more confused as he watched the milf werewolf had caused him to be basicly naked.

He watched as the werewolf growled at him as it leaned in a wide smile as she licked her lips slowly,

“Mine,” Her voice is nice and slow as she would soon go down nibbling his shoulder, soft bites as Spike grunted,

“Woah, I was never expecting something like that,” as the creature grabbed his thichs and without warning began licking his genitailia, Spike groaned hard as he called out,

“Holy shit!” he grunted while feeling the long tongue moving over his cock, sliding up as it got it nice and wet. He felt himself squirming, as he was out here in the middle of nowhere. As Cadence the wolf looked at him with a chuckle,

“Good boy,” as she was licking faster. Spike tried resisting it but with how she was taking care of his cock, was getting him harder. Much to the werewolf's gleefulness. Her hands grabbed his balls squeezing them gently causing ZSpike to groan,

“Shit, be careful. That isn’t a coin purse,” as he grunted more his hands reaching over grabbing the wolf-woman’s head trying to get ahold of something, as he felt his fingers rubbing through her furry ears. It seemed to give a life moan from her as she seemed to lic faster, Spike shuddered with how much attention she was giving him as he bucked his hips.

That was when she stuck his cock in her mouth, her lips wrapping around them as her tongue long wrapped around his length, and one thing was for sure. He would never experience a blow job the same way again, as he felt her sucking his balls out a straw, and he was loving every second of it. Her maw seemed to push down and up as she sucked him off, Spike wasn’t sure how long he was able to hold it back, a he shuddered more.

“Jesus christ, I feel like im going to bust any damn second!” He groaned harder as without warning he did, barely a few minutes from such a hot blow job and he was feeling himself unleash his load into her mouth.

His balls felt drain as he laid there huffing hard, as he watched the werewolf growling as she pulled back,

“More! MORE!”

She growled more, like a bitch in heat. She moved on as she got on all four’s turning around, Her tail raised as Spike watched over. Somehow even after cumming he was still hard like a diamond.

“Well, If you insist,” he reached over getting behind her, practicly standing behind the amazoness, his hand grabbing her tail as he was pushing his cock against her pussy lips as he gave a slow push. A hard gasp as his eyes widened more, as he felt her hot pussy, and fuck was it hot. As he pushed down deeper, into that hot wet pussy. The werewolf moaned and squeaked in front of him, as it pant..

“Well ready of not here I cum!” he groaned and began thrusting into her, fucking her with all his might as he held down onto her tail. Pulling it as he pushed his cock in deep into her pussy with a light groan. He grunted fighting off every instinct as he felt good, very good taking the weremilf. A hard gasp as he began feeling confident almost cock as he reached over smacking her ass.

The sound of his hand colliding with that firm ass even with it a bit furry echoed off into the distant as Cadence howled louder,

“Oh yes!” he groaned more while thrusting harder as he leaned down Their body pushing against each other as he helped her up it was hard with her size. When he gave a grunt. Spike’s fingers slowly reached around grabbing her breast massaging her.

Cadence’s tongue sticking out as she was howling like there was no tomorrow, thrusting back as they fucked each other.

“So good, so fucking good!” Spike moaned louder as he began sweating harder. Cadence’s pussy seemed to be getting tighter, while Spike shuddered trying to fight off the urge to cum. She was a fuck that would drive him up the wall wild. As his balls tightened.

He wasn’t sure how long they were like this as he fucked like no tomorrow, but Spike knew he was going to cum pretty soon. Cadence’s eyes widened more as she realized what was about to happen when she turned him around pushing the yong man on his back.

“Mine, all mine!” Cadence’s voice growled more, and soon she would ride him. Riding him like there was no tomorrow. Her thighs squeezing as she pushed herself up and down just taking him, At that moment she was the dominant one getting every inch of him. While Cadence the werewolf was growling, almost howling.

“Shit you’re too fucking good!” Spike growled as he tried fighting off a second orgasm, but it was too late as he began releasing his load deep into her pussy. Cadence’s response was suddenly biting down onto his night tightly. The young man screamed feeling the pain before long as he soon passed out.

Spike groaned as he would eventually wake up his blurry vision as he began to see where he was barely remembering what happened last night, when he realized he was laying in a random bedroom, Cadence standing in the corner gulping,

“Oh god Spike, I’m so sorry, I’m sorry,”as she ran over holding him her body squeezing against him.

“W-What happened?” he asked more surprised as he looked back towards Cadence,

“I-I accidently changed, I-i-I bit you, oh god you’re going to be like me a monster, all cause i couldn’t control myself.” The older woman looked as if she was about to cry,

“There, there i- It’s fine, but what happened?”

“It was a full moon, and I turned into a werewolf, I must’ve been in heat and, Oh god I saw everything but I couldn’t control myself, My otherside was in complete control I’m so sorry.” Cadence watched him more trying to find forgiveness.

“It’s alright, really, I mean you couldn’t control yourself I mean whats the… You bit me, does that mean,”

“Yes, you’ll be a werewolf like me, fuck! I’ve ruined your like, What are we going to do,”

“I guess we’ll figure it out, but wow. This is too much,” Spike pulled himself up and sat on the bed while Cadence would lay next to him.

“You can stay here for as long as you want, I don’t mind it’s the least I can do, I’ll do anything.” Cadence would add, and Spike looked back,


“Yeah, She nodded while Spike would agree, and soon without warning would kiss her.

“I think i can deal with that, As long as your ok with it.” He would pull back with a light grunt, when Cadence looked back at him shocked, but soon she would kiss him back. And they would be like that for what seemed like an eternity.