A Quick Favor

by nobody495

First published

Derpy's gotten a bit of an itch. Luckily for her, a certain dragon can help. Unfortunately, she wants a little more.

Lately, Derpy's been enduring an unfortunate bit of an itchy spell. For a while, she's had to deal with it on her own, enduring the stuff until she could come home to a comb. However, the dangerous deliverer would get a bit of an idea upon meeting a certain dragon. And as a result, she gets a bit greedy herself.

Contains quite a few descriptions of a certain bubble-flanked butt.

Chapter 1

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It appeared to be an ordinary, early day in Ponyville. The kind of time in day where one’d expect to receive their deliveries. And sure enough, the ever familiar, gray-furred, blonde-maned pegasus known as Derpy Hooves, an unfortunate, yet somewhat accurate, name. She’s had an unfortunate streak of causing accidents, unintentionally smashing things, toppling things over, and so on. Though, she was great at her job despite this hurtle. It seemed like she was a bit more focused as she delivered various ponies’ packages from house to house. Though, that was a little different today.

She’d recently garnered a bit of an itchy spell, and it seemed to go from her muzzle, to her mane, down her neck, and even to her rump. She couldn’t exactly go off duty simply for being itchy, but it made deliveries a bit tricky. Hooves were better at rubbing and massages, but they lacked certain extremities, making scratching an almost impossibility. She’d frequently stop off at a house, drop a package off, and rub up against a corner of the building, regardless of whoever may watch. This unfortunately would sometimes lead to her ushering a web of cracks in the side of the building, especially whenever she got to itching her rear.

She’d mutter out a “My bad,” before flying off to the next house. Then the next. Then the next.

Eventually, she arrived at the front door of Twilight’s castle, where she’d knock on it while shuddering about, still itchy. She’d make sure the package was down, before she went to rub up against the edge of the door. However, she’d hear movement within, before the doors would slide open. A bit of the castle within was exposed, and a certain young dragon was seen in the mouth of the door, looking up at her with a confused expression.

“Uh, are you ok?” Spike asked the mail mare.

“Oh hi!” Derpy greeted, pulling away from the door’s edge. She brought a hoof up to rub between her ears. “Yeah, nothing too bad.” Spike kept up his gaze as he looked at the gray mare, clearly unsure. He could see her wriggle around, as though she had metaphorical pants in some metaphorical pants, neither of which she was wearing. This didn’t seem entirely ok, but Spike wasn’t sure what he could do about it.

“Uh… Ok…” Spike said, still unsure. “Well, thanks for the package. Do I need to sign anything, or-?”

“Nah. We’re pretty familiar with you and Twilight,” Derpy assured. Spike nodded, before reaching down and wrapping his claws around the package. And when he went down, Derpy watched, and her attention was drawn towards his claws. Hooves weren’t good at scratching, but those things… They had several pointy tips, akin to a comb. A comb would usually help scratch portions of her coat, but that was a long ways away. Plus, she couldn’t reach the very, very back of her rear with a comb, and it was kind of embarrassing asking a coworker to go back there. Those digits were kinda like teeth to a comb.

“A-actually…” Derpy said, carefully bringing a hoof up to hold one of his claws. Spike’s risen brow returned as he noticed the body part, before who looked up to see the mare looking down at him with slight expectation. “It’s, uh… it’s kinda embarrassing…”

“Uuuuh…” Spike muttered. He gave the package a few tugs, though Derpy kept holding. “H-how bad is it?”

“It’s just that, I’m pretty itchy right now,” Derpy admitted. “And I just can’t scratch it properly. I was wondering if, maybe, I could ask you to…?” Spike was still confused and looked over her. He understood the request, but was still weirded out by the situation.

“You seriously want me to… scratch you?” he asked.

“Kinda,” Derpy admitted a bit too unashamedly. “Nothing too in depth. Fast enough yet hard enough to fix me up.” Spike brought a forearm up to rub his eyes, and used one to clean one of his ears as if he was still trying to ascertain that this was actually happening. Was this some morning delusion? Was he not as well rested as he thought he was? “Spike?” she asked, trying to get an answer out of him.

“O-ok, gimme a moment,” Spike said while grasping his temples. He glanced out either side of the door, seeing a few ponies starting to get out and walk around town. “Come in, we can’t just let the ponies pay attention to this discussion.” Derpy nodded in understanding, and walked on in, each step still shaky as she got in and followed the dragon’s lead. Soon, the two were in the lobby, where Spike’d close the doors. “Ok, Twilight’s still sleeping after her long work last night, but she expects me to wake her up soon enough… Ok, I think that if I tend to you quickly enough, we can both finish our schedules. You’ll just need to lie down, tell me where you need scratched, and we can get through this quick enough.”

Derpy nodded excitedly. Then, she made a sitting motion, which got Spike wide-eyed. He lunged forwards and attempted to cup her rear to stop her.

“Woah woah, hey!” he declared. “I said lay! Put that tuckus away…” He started strong, but his voice began to trail off as he began to register the feeling upon his claws. That rump was always a weapon of… rump… destruction. And yet, it felt kinda funky. There was this firmness to it, yet he felt his hands sink gently into it. He’d also notice that either cheek was larger than his hands, which only made the position stranger. He couldn’t help but blush, especially with Derpy’s next move.

“Oops! My bad-!” she started. However, she’d suddenly be aware of the pointy tips jutting partway into her buttocks. There was that slight nip, finer than a comb. She shook her rear up and down a little, sort of using Spike’s hands as a butt scratcher. The dragon would soon realize what was happening, and he’d start blushing.

“H-hey!” he declared. Feeling too flustered, he quickly shoved her rump up, his hind hooves on the ground. “N-now, you’ll be laying down before you get any of that, right?”

“Ok,” Derpy said. “I’ll do that now.” With that, instead of going to sit, she scrunched her legs down until she laid upon her stomach, setting her chin on the ground. Spike sighed, and walked away from her hiney and instead towards her side.

“No, tell me where you want scratched?” Spike asked.

“I could really use some scratches behind my ears,” Derpy said. Spike nodded before walking over to the side of her head, which was now very easily in reach with his claws. He brought his hands up, and set his claws in place, gently biting into her scalp. Derpy’s body seemed to tense up upon touching down, before Spike began raking those pointy digits through her mane and down to her neck. She sighed happily, her tail shaking happily and her eyes shutting in bliss. If Spike weren’t behind her, he’d see a bright blush upon her face. “Oh I really need this~”

Spike blushed at the tone of her voice. But, he kind of agreed to do this for her, so he had to keep on. He’d reach the end of her mane, only to bring his claws back behind her ears, and drag down. Over and over he’d rake through her mane, making sure his pointy claws would strike a spot that wasn’t struck before. All the while, Derpy, still with her eyes closed, would wobble around and crane her head to enjoy all of the feelings of Spike’s scratching. Eventually, however, she decided that this’d be enough for the top and back of her head.

“Ok, give me somewhere else,” Spike said.

“My face’s been pretty itchy,” Derpy replied. Spike nodded, before walking around towards her front, where he’d reach up in her face’s direction, only to give pause. How could he do this without it being weird, touching a pony’s face he meant? Even just looking at her head-on like this, so close, his hands about to grasp while she looked down at him with her big eyes, it was already kinda weird.

“Uh, are you sure your face needs scratching?” Spike asked for clarification. Derpy nodded in affirmation. Spike sighed. “Ok…” he muttered afterwards, before bringing his hands up and carefully cupping her cheeks. Once he had a hold, he’d begin by gently digging his thumbs into them, which got the mare wide-eyed. Her expression would begin to melt into a half-lidded one as she enjoyed claws scratching her. She was smiling, especially as his other fingers would come up to scratch her sides, and then her muzzle.

His claws carefully wandered her face, from the outer edges to all around her muzzle, rubbing his hands all over her while scratching the sides, top, and bottom of it. She sighed happily and seemed to rub her head into his claws.

“Oh, that feels really good~” Derpy said. “Have you thought of being, like, a Pony Scratcher or something?”

“Uh, I’ve kind of got some other stuff to worry about…” Spike remarked. “I am Twilight’s assistant, after all…” He kept on scratching and scratching, until the gray mare eventually sighed.

“Oh, I think you got all of my face,” she said. “Think you can get my back and sides?”

“Ok,” Spike replied as he brought his claws off. He’d then walk around Derpy’s side, where he’d stand over her back. Once there, he reached down and put his hands on either side, where he’d scratch. Towards her front, then towards her back, he repeated the scratching motion. Derpy sighed happily and began kicking a hindleg, excited at how those claws felt. He made several brushing motions, before going up and scratching her back, near the base of her wings, and over her spine. Derpy would lean into his claws more and more, her hindquarters shaking with excitement. Eventually, she was sure that he managed to stave off that bit of itchiness. Now, there was one spot, a spot that most others would think twice about asking somepony to get near. Before she had to ask somepony to get their face close to drag her comb, but a hand should alleviate the awkwardness there.

“O-one more spot, Spike~” Derpy muttered. Spike brought his claws up, before he could feel her lower half shaking. Spike rose a brow and turned around, where he could see her backside shaking. He was confused, until Derpy said “J-just one more~” At that, Spike’s expression dropped and he broke into a blush.

“Wh-Are you serious?!” he asked.

“It’s reeeeeally itchy,” Derpy whined, while she gave her rump a few more shakes. Spike would dart between her rear, and her head, as if he was trying to look her in the eyes. He glanced side to side, side to side. He wanted to usher her suggestion away, before groaning indignantly.

“O-ok! Just… just keep this between us,” Spike said. Derpy nodded in affirmation, and Spike got off her back and walked around towards her back. There, he looked upon her shapely rear, it about level with his head. He gulped nervously as he looked upon it, it seeming massive. Derpy’s rear has usually been, for lack of a better term, the butt of the joke, sometimes being the source of accidents that’d happened around town. For some reason, it had a history of wrecking things, and seeing those buttocks that seemed capable of eclipsing his face, he began to ascertain a fraction of a reason as to why that might be.

A quick bap to his nose from Derpy’s tail reminded him that she was shaking expectantly, and that he’d just spent a few seconds just standing there and staring. How creepy of him! He shook his head in response to that, and began to bring his claws up.

“I-I’m on it, I’m on it!” he declared. He took in a deep breath, before gently exhaling. He scrunched up his face and brought his claws up, before bringing them towards either flank. There, he gently extended his tips, before bringing them into the middle of either cheek. And immediately, her rump shook and she gasped. Spike shuddered as he felt her butt wobble upon his digits, him trying to move his hands to make sure they were only[\i] on her buttocks. And with those movements, he’d end up scratching more and more, which only got her more twitchy and excited.

Spike wobbled to and fro to try and make sure he kept scratching.

“C-calm down, Derpy!” he demanded as he kept on trying to move.

“Ah Spike! You’re getting all the good spots!” Derpy cheered as she shook and shook, herself blushing and reaching up to clasp her face. Spike kept on following, until eventually, the mail mare sighed and set her butt down. “Ah, Spike. You are such a good boy!” Spike blushed at her saying that, and would hold his chest.

“Please don’t call me that,” he muttered as he walked around to her front. “Ahem, anyways. It seems like you’re nice and happy now, am I right?” Derpy nodded excitedly in response.

“Oh yes, you’ve been super, duper helpful!” she affirmed. “I gotta visit here more often!”


“But anyways, I should get back to work!” With that, Derpy picked up what was left of her packages, before opening the door she was lead in. “Again, thank you!” With that, she extended her wings, and then took off, soaring through the air and towards the sky, Spike following her lead and looking up. He was tempted to shout towards her, but it was pretty early, still. He sighed, and then closed the door.

“Spike?” a certain voice deeper in the castle said. “I thought I heard some moaning, did I miss anything?”

“No, Twilight!” Spike said a little too quickly.

Following that was another normal day, followed by a normal night, followed by a normal morning. Including the normal mare flying around to deliver more packages. Though on her way to Ponyville, that itch returned, much to her chagrin. Fortunately, she knew a certain somepony that could help her out with this. She thus flew towards the castle, where she’d knock on the door. And then, the dragon from before opened up, where that purple and green dragon would appear. He did not look too impressed to see her though.

“Oh, hey Derpy,” he said.

“Nice to see you again!” she greeted. “But I got all itchy again! I need your claws!” Spike sighed and glanced around. He’d like to avoid this, to avoid all the awkwardness that came with her last visit. However, Twilight raised him too nice. He couldn’t just leave her to dry, especially if her behavior yesterday was any indication. This itchiness was really making her uncomfortable, and if he left her with this, that’d just be torturous. Also, she might just end up rubbing up against somepony else’s house, which might just end up causing a net gain of problems than if he were to just deal with this now.

“Ok, we’ll have to do this fast, again,” he said. He spread the door open, and waved Derpy in. She grinned and cheered, before charging in. This was how normal mornings would usually go. Derpy would be there, be itchy, and enjoy herself on Spike. After a while, she began to notice that it wasn’t just him chasing off the itch that she enjoyed. No, the way his claws raked through her fur just felt good in general. Not to mention the slight excitement to it. Derpy had in her grasp an almost private groomer. The only problem was that she was essentially getting his services for free. She may lie about still having her itchy spell, just so she could feel him tend to her mussed up fur.

Spike, meanwhile, was in a sort of funky situation. He wasn’t sure why, but he felt the urge to keep on doing what he was doing, despite how weird it was. He may’ve done something similar with Applejack, but there were different circumstances there, in very important ways. For one, she was a close friend, one of the closest to Twilight and, by extension, closest to Spike, among the other five Elements of Harmony. Plus, he kind of owed her his life at that time. Derpy, while not unfamiliar, wasn’t quite that[\i] intimate with the group, and yet she was seducing him into running his claws over the most sensitive parts of her body. Despite this, he’d find himself waking up earlier than normal to make sure he could greet Derpy and bring her in, making sure she wasn’t left to endure an itch that she couldn’t get rid of on her own.

Though, was that all it was? Spike wasn’t sure, though he’d beg to insist that was it. It totally wasn’t… that… or the noises she made. He’d have to admit, she was kind of cute when she enjoyed his claws, what with her moans and slight blush. Not that he’d be willing to call anypony besides Rarity cute, he still had his eyes on one, after all. Only her beauty… and yet, why did he find himself thinking back to that rear he’d be forced to scratch? He’d be forced to get dangerously close to that large thing, it shaking and jiggling, while making sure his hands would feel practically every inch of the darn thing. He’d feel all funny when he looked at it, about as funny as he’d feel when he’d catch an unfortunate view of Rarity…

He tried to shake those thoughts out of his head. This was just a friendly favor, he was only doing this to make sure she felt ok. Ok? Ok. Eventually, he’d hear another knock on the door, just as expected. He turned and approached the door, before taking it and pulling it open, showing off the cute mail mare looking at him expectantly.

“Same as usual?” Spike asked. Derpy responded with an enthusiastic nod. “All itchy? Need me to scratch?” Again, she nodded. Spike sighed, before walking away. “Ok, come on in, we’ll make it fast.” Derpy again nodded, before practically skipping after the scaly assistant. He went to the appropriate corner, and patted the ground for where Derpy should lay. She stood there, before muttering something to herself. Spike was already walking to her front, when he realized she was standing a little longer than usual. “Um, why aren’t you laying?”

Derpy clearly had some strange thought in mind. A plan? A desire? Or was it simply that she appreciated his claws at a certain spot more than the others. Whatever the case, she wasn’t quite ready to start the normal routine.

“Well, actually,” Derpy started. “Do you, uh, think we can start with the tail end today? Maybe get my hind legs?”

“Wha-?” Spike started, before shaking his head. “Ok, fine. I’m already usually scratching most of you, so this shouldn’t change much,” Spike reasoned as he walked towards the back end. Once there, he was greeted with the familiar, eye-filling sight of her rump, it quivering slightly in anticipation. Spike caught himself staring, before shaking his head. He then took a few deep breaths while shutting his eyes, inhale and exhale. He’d deal with that later. For now, he just decided he needed to worry about the hind legs as opposed to the rump. If he dealt with the rump first, he might have to look at it longer, but if he simply focused on her legs for now, he could simply have that be the last thing he has to worry about.

So, down his claws went, him making sure he was looking at the floor while his claws were positioned for the back of her legs. They went in, and began to scratch, which got a brief squeal from the pegasus, and got a kick from her, it narrowly avoiding his head.

“Woah hey!” Spike shouted, bringing up his arms to try and guard himself.

“Sorry,” Derpy said. “I just didn’t expect to feel that tickly. Let’s not aim there.”

“You know, I guess I agree with that,” Spike said. He brought his hands down, and would scratch between that joint and her hoof, which got a soft moan from the pony.

“Oh yeah, just like that,” she moaned, gently lifting a leg and kicking it, though not as erratically as before. Spike nodded at that, and kept on scratching, before eventually going above that joint line to instead scratch the bit of flesh beneath those buttocks. He decided it’d be better if he not watch where he was scratching, for fear of looking up at that thing. So, he scratched and scratched, and he could swear he could hear Derpy’s tongue lull past her lips.

So, it seemed like he was on the right track. He’d scratch up, and up, and up, until his fingers brushed against the bit of fat that his hands got familiar. He shuddered and retreated from that, instead simply focusing on the bit of leg beneath her rump. Derpy sighed and shuddered as he kept scratching. Eventually, though, a silly idea crossed her mind. She decided she wanted to be a little self indulgent. So, Spike continued scratching, when he noticed her legs bending forwards. He rose a brow, before looking upwards, spying Derpy’s rump coming closer and closer.

“W-wait! Derpy-!” he gasped out, crawling back fearful. However, faster than Derpy seemed to hear, or faster than she really cared to respond to, her butt came down. Good news: most of Spike’s body was spared from the pony posterior. Bad news: his legs weren’t. Spike’s lower half was pinned down, his groin almost completely lined up with her rear. He blushed heavily as he felt her squishy tushy squeeze down on him, the dragon wriggling beneath her. He almost didn’t realize that the ground beneath him formed a crater as a result, not because she was that heavy, no, her butt just had a habit of breaking things. Just not him, in this case.

“Derpy!” he grunted, wriggling beneath her. He brought his hands down, not caring about pleasantries but more worried about this embarrassing predicament (and hiding the mess Derpy made), brought his hands down to cup either cheek. He tried to heave her up, only for her to stay down and keep him pinned. “Get up already! Y-your rump-!”

“Still a little itchy,” Derpy said. “Back, joints, rump, still itchy. So, if you could please…”

“I-I can get to the rest of you when you get off!” Spike declared, trying to lift her up. However, Derpy simply grinned and scooted side to side, get Spike to blush harder. “Derpy! A-are you trying to grind my legs into a pulp?!” Despite his pleas, he wasn’t getting particularly hurt by the rear. Now, she just happened to be rubbing his… special spot. He groaned and wriggled about, still trying to push her off of him.

“I just want a scratch,” Derpy said. “And, I have to admit, this grooming feels much better, you being beneath me, I mean…” Spike rose a brow in both curiosity and concern. “It’s like having an additional toy for a massage. Plus, you’re kinda comfy~” She rubbed and rubbed, Spike continuing to groan. He could feel an unfortunate stirring between his legs, him clenching his teeth in exertion. He groaned, before going limp in the crater. He glowered at the rear holding him prisoner, before bringing his hands up, and carefully grasping either flank. Derpy was very excited, and shook a little, which got Spike more flustered.

He figured he’d have to do this fast enough, and hopefully satisfy her fast enough to get her to get off of him. Before anything worrying may happen. So, instead of simply trying to hoist her rear, Spike sighed, and then began scratching her flanks. With that, Derpy sighed happily and seemed to lean back, much to Spike’s chagrin. He groaned and started to kick around in worry, especially as she bore her weight upon Spike’s poor weakspot.

He’d quickly dart his hands past her hips and onto her mid-back, scratching at it to try and satiate her. She smiled and would lean forwards to make sure he could scratch as much of her back as possible. Thankfully this began to alleviate the pressure Spike felt, which Spike sighed happily at that. Maybe if he kept this up, he could get her off of him a little earlier than even she might’ve wished for. Just had to wait for her to give his legs juuuuust enough space… However, she’d suddenly lean back and against his claws, getting him to wince and wriggle a little. She smiled and rubbed her back into thos digits, more enjoying herself than allowing Spike to aid her. And, unfortunately, with those movements she’d rub into him in such an embarrassing manner.

He felt himself stir more and more, and would try desperately to rear his hips away from her, for fear of, ahem, poking her bottom. But, she was fervent, intent on grinding down on him. Much to his chagrin, he’d be forced to rub his growing bits into her booty.

“A-ah~!” he gasped out in shock, kicking more and more while beneath her. “D-Derpy-! Y-you need to get off, seriously…” Derpy, however, smirked and shifted her rump around, running it in circles until her crack would align with his shaft, properly hotdogging it into her booty embrace. Spike sputtered and throbbed in her grip, and wriggled around harder and harder. “A-angh~! D-Derpy, seriously! I have to… g-go see Twilight!”

“Aw, you don’t have to be so shy,” Derpy said. Spike rose a brow, though felt his heart stop as she slowly came to understand his predicament. “I’m a grown mare, I had a filly, I know when somepony’s excited. Really excited, apparently~” To punctuate, she shook her rear side to side on top of the dragon, he grit his teeth and felt his hips pump involuntarily. “To be honest, I kinda want this to happen. You’ve been so helpful, for me, part of me wanted to ‘scratch your itch’, or however the saying goes.” Derpy rubbed up and down now, which got Spike gritting his teeth and grasping her hips.

“D-Derpy! A-ah!” he squealed, his hips positively quaking right now. “Please, Derpy, I-I’m saving myself for somepony else!”

“Aw, you don’t have to give up your heart,” Derpy assured, rubbing up and down and squeezing her buttocks tightly. “I just wanted to make you feel good for everything you’ve done. You’ve had to go out of your way an awful lot for me, right?”

“I-It’s nothing, really,” Spike assured while trying to push her rear off of his lap.

“Oh but it is!” Derpy declared, wobbling more and more upon him. “My itch’s been killing me! And without fail, you’ve helped me outta that funk! I owe you this!” Spike gagged as she rubbed more and more, stroking up and down his shaft and seemingly expertly squeezing her buttocks just right around him.

“Derpy! A-agh!” he squealed, still trying to push her off. He was in sheer denial about the fruitlessness of this endeavor. He couldn’t get away. He was practically putty in her hooves, left to be played with and toyed with under her butt. He shuddered and moaned, pre dripping forth as her cheeks went to work. She, of course, would recognize this display of excitement, and bit her lip as she prepared to squeeze that outta him. She leaned forwards, with the intent of shoving as much of her booty into his lap as possible.

With her boring into him as hard as possible, she quickly rubbed up and down, up and down while licking her lips. She had to admit, she was a little excited herself. Maybe she was biting off a little more than she could ask for, she just really liked the thought of the small guy completely at her mercy, though this wasn’t to brutalize him, no. No, she genuinely thought he’d enjoy this. And his body is positively singing its praises right now. Bump, bump, bump she went, Spike’s fingers digging into her hips as she kept on rubbing. And then, it was too much for him!

“Ngh… G-gaaaaah!” Spike squealed, letting loose a powerful gush of cum, blowing all over her cheeks and her back. With that, the dragon went lip, and Derpy sighed happily. She finally took her rump off of him, before climbing out of the hole her rump made.

“Ah, that was pretty fun!” Derpy cheered. She shook her body a little to get the gunk out of her fur. She then turned around to lean down towards the panting, weakened dragon. “Thanks, friend! We should do this again sometime!”

“Ah… D-Derpy…” Spike muttered out. “M-my first time… oogh…” Derpy giggled a little and nuzzled his forehead.

“I should probably get back to my job,” Derpy admitted. She then walked away to get her satchel up. “I’ll see you again!” With that, she left the castle, and flew away. Spike, meanwhile, was still lying there, panting and panting, feeling absolutely spent, his own juices covering his belly and thighs. He’d have to spend time recovering, time he didn’t quite have, for a certain purple alicorn would come down, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Once down, she spied the dragon’s form, left in a crater that’d somehow appeared in her castle without her knowledge.

“Wh-what…? What the hay…?” Twilight pondered.