Just a Blowjob

by B_25

First published

Rainbow Dash. The name of greatness that strikes images into the minds of ponies. Seen as a hot mare that sleeps around—nothing could be further from the truth. Yet she acts the role, casting a surprise deal on a grown Spike to teach him the ropes.

Rainbow Dash. The name of greatness that strikes images into the minds of ponies. Seen as a hot mare that sleeps around—nothing could be further from the truth. Yet she acts the role, casting a surprise deal on a grown Spike to teach him the ropes.

[Cover by Hakkerman]

I'm so used to writing shit here that I must now write something here. Couldn't sleep and had writer's block.

This was the result.

Prologue | Thinking Before a Mirror

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Just a Blowjob

Rainbow Dash stared through the mirror to see through herself. It'd been the strangest finding of her life. Standing before a mirror one day, she was thinking, a feeling of uselessness whispering its insecurities... yet her muzzle exposed nothing.

How could that be? Her hoof laid on her cheek, a push to the side, the glass doubling the reflection of her grin. This thinking mare was the same reflected in the mirror. That was her. What other ponies saw and experienced. The girl on the other side of the glass was herself. That was her.

Rainbow Dash shook her head of these useless thoughts and settled her hooves in place. Smoothness caressed her soles as the dirtied floor always seemed to be polished over. Least the bar knew how to take care of its bathroom.

Her gaze flicked back to the screen above the sink and stared at herself again. Leaning in close to touch her face, working out its details, seeing perfection, feeling none of it. Sounds of flushing thundered behind. Click of stall doors followed. Mares trotted out to the sinks, washing and glancing at her—snickering.

"Gonna ask for your own autograph?"

Rainbow Dash laughed without tossing a glance. "I couldn't afford it."

The pitch of the resulting laugh stung the ears. It was the hollow sort, a reach too high, the forcing of air to reach a sound. The group walked by with a flick of their manes. All they saw was the cocky Rainbow Dash checking herself in the mirror. The usual perception was usual.

She glanced down at that. Nothing in her head could be seen on her face. So why the worry? Nervousness wouldn't peek through. All he'd see was the confident Rainbow Dash being a casual tease to appease her lease for a good time.

Just be Rainbow Dash.

The mare trotted out from the bathroom to the bustling state of the bar, a couple of shoulders brushing against her own, ushering her into the current leading into the lobby of the bar. Her face shot around—not quickly as to imply desperation—but slowly.

Though her eyes twinkled on finding him.

He was easy to find because he was the one that didn't belong here at all. Two stools consumed beneath the tightness of his derriere. The dragon sat before the sprawling counter of the bar, alone, back covered in a long-jacket. His elbow rested on the wood, leaning in, thin gloves clinging to his claws.

Rainbow Dash had been walking toward him, that was until she was doing so no longer. Sadness flushed throughout her nerves with an overwhelming sense to complete the trip. Her mouth opened, jaw slack, lungs used, vocal cords not.

Everything ready to produce words.

Yet her voice did not come through.

What was wrong with her? Another shake the head saved her from that state. Glancing around showed a space afforded around her, ponies clearing out of the way, a token of respect for her. The great hero and the beyond attractive mare. Stallions at the pool tables ceased in their strike, risking the glance at her.

Any of them could be hers.

And she liked them all. One stallion had been dressed in a vest with a spiky mane, richly black, sleek in a shine wiping an effect into her heart. It wasn't a matter of question. No stallion was above her. Rather she could pick and choose and there'd be no challenge.

Because she was Rainbow Dash.

"Huh? Rainbow? That you?" That voice was cool and calm, frozen over for it spoke it slowness but, at its center blazed a contained kindness. Her head swung over to the counter where Spike had turned. He leaned on his stools toward her, a balancing act, supported, with a claw on the counter. "I didn't know you frequented a dump like this. You still too cool to sit with an old friend."

A flick of her mane would make everything okay.

Because the effect stunned others.

And gave her seconds, precious moments, to catch her breath.

"You and I were friends before?"

Few gasps whispered throughout the lobby as some attention fell on the dragon. With a roll of his head, he clasped a claw over his heart, gripping it, exhaling a dying breath. "How she wounds me! Already rejected by the great Rainbow Dash."

Sickening. Disgusting. Cause to vomit and fall apart. It'd been said in joke and jest and not to invest in it. But she did. Her mind spawned a thousand thoughts spanning a million paths. Everyone laughed and she was doing the same. Since when had she become an image instead of a mare?

An image instead of a friend.

The course of the bar slowly returned to its usual ebb and flow as ponies resumed their previous activities. Quickly attention was placed on her; quickly attention was taken away. It'd been what her Self lived on before. Inconsistent highs spiked in-between consistent lows.

Would that be what she staked her life on?

"Now then." Spike coughed as he sat forward, coming to hold his claw to the side. "I'm tempted to pat this stool next to me. But I don't want to play the fool twice. If I make the offer... will you reject again?"

He was still so terrible at flirting.

"What? Sore about that already?" Rainbow Dash giggled as she ambled to the offered stool. Her forelegs wrapped around the provided wrist, holding it on hoisting herself up, her rump clambering onto the seat. "Nothing to take shame in! It's not even personal either. Y'know how many stallions I've rejected over the years?"

"Enough to hopefully start a fan club? It'd be nice to get an invite to something." Spike sighed with a shake of his head. His claw reached for his mug and flew it toward his lips. He downed it, persistently, eyes close from the coming euphoria. "Mmhmmm."

Rainbow Dash couldn't help but giggle. She turned forward and leaned back in surprise. A tall glass of golden foam stood on the counter before her. Behind that, the bartender winked, stepping away to another hollering guest.

Her order, known, around the world.

"Aaah! Now aren't you just special?” Spike knocked his glass into the counter, twisting in place, eyeing her drink. "Took me a solid few to even get served. Guess lovely mares run the world?"

Rainbow Dash chuckled out of the side of her muzzle. She compressed into herself, a weak foreleg around her mug. Pulling it close, she took a sip, the pleasant, chilling burn of alcohol releasing its relief across her tensed body. Few sips and she was pulling away purring.

"W-Whoa! Hold still for a sec." Rainbow Dash blinked as she turned, freezing, as his face consumed her vision. Sleek purple scales only inches away. His eyes hung inches above, causing her own to raise. Dimmed emerald but with a twinkle of brightness behind them. "You've got a mustachio."

Digit of his claw swiped across the furs above her lip. It flicked even that on its pass. Rainbow tensed on feeling held, being caught, the contact of something streaking across her coat and skin. Blushing cheeks threatened to expose her.

"There we go." Spike pulled back with a genuine smile. "Though now I think you looked cuter with it." He turned back in his seat and returned to his beer. "Ah well. Least you have an idea for a photo-shoot if you end up in one again."

Rainbow couldn't repress the beating of her heart, not even with a hoof pressed against it, stopping it from bursting out. How could he say those things so easily about her? Her greatness in most aspects was a well-known fact.

Maybe knowing he didn't stand a chance... allowed him to be open on such things.

“And how about you?” Rainbow fired back with a sidelong glance and pulled closer her drink. "Jacket and vest. Jeans and shoes. Gloves too." She risked a gulp of the drink and, on being filled by it, went for another two. Slamming it on the table came with an exhale followed. "Everything's tighter than tight on you. Where are you coming from?"

"Hey hey hey! Don't cramp the style!” Spike flicked his head back and tossed a digit to point at his chest. "So what if I like it if clothes hug me? Harder to find a mare willing the same nowadays." He slumped to the side and flicked a claw upward. "Report ought to cool no matter the scoop! Ah, Celestia, Twilight's voice is still in me—isn't it?"

Rainbow beamed and pressed her hooves an inch apart. "Just a little." She laughed herself silly and slapped those hooves on the counter to the shifting of their drinks. Clinks of glass. Her genuine happiness inflicted subtle sorrow on him. "I-It's nothing bad! Allows me to remember there's still a little twerp inside that body of yours." She blew the giddiness away in a breath; her words and actions mattered. "Not many factors letting me know you're the Spike I knew as a kid, y'know?"

Spike turned to face her. "What are ya talkin' about? Nothing changed since then!"

Her eyes flicked from his feet to his head and the incline of her neck was quite the climb. "You sure about that?"

Spike rolled his eyes as his head twitched about. Slice of a smile cut across the center of his lips. Firm and plush and composed of shifting scales. Behind them loomed his teeth. Fangs. Dim inside that maw but glinting at the first light. How so easily they captured her.

"I mean our roles haven't changed! Give it some thought, will ya?" Spike's gaze settled on his lap for a second as his expression was stolen away. "I'm still the dragon chasing after whatever is important in the world." He glanced back at her. "But you? You are important. Ponies come to you."

He grabbed his drink and held it to her. "In the grand scheme of things... nothing's changed."

Rainbow wanted to protested that. But nothing breaking the image was allowed to escape. Her friends, the important ones, were back at home—Ponyville—with their lovers. As she'd gotten bigger, they remained small. They enjoyed their life. Content from it. Doing as they were supposed to do until the end of their days.

Something crashed onto her shoulder. Rainbow's muzzle shook upward until gazing into emerald eyes inches away. She drowned in them. They reflected her face. Tired and worn and unable to go on. Somehow they saw what the mirror didn't.

"Hey... you okay? Have too much to drink?" Spike glanced around the bar and saw over the heads of ponies. Was he searching for help or something helpful? His worried gaze fell upon her. "It is a bit crowded here. Come with anyone here?"

"N-No... nothing like that." Rainbow blinked as she looked down her chest. Would this be it? Could she pose her question? She was a good looking mare. He was a good looking dragon. They didn't have to be anything more for intercourse; no personality needed. "Just, uh, h-hitting that time of the season."

"O-Oh." Spike stared without backing away, flicking to the claw on her shoulder, narrowing his brow. "Suppose I should stop touching you now, hey?" He blinked faster for even her to catch the amount. "I totally, one-hundred percent, did not say that."

Rainbow couldn't handle the proximity and turned her head. She coughed. Cutely. "N-Not that kind of the month... deal. It's, um, the other one." She swallowed and proceeded to choke on that. "The one needing, uh, to be touched."

Now it was her turn for the blurring blinks.

Spike seemed to have taken the hint as his claw ripped itself from her shoulder. He leaned over the counter again, rapping the wood with his knuckles to the arrival of the bartender. A single digit shooting upward netted him a refill. Quickly he chugged it before the foam could even settle. His long tongue wrapped around the rim to collect the excesses.

During this state, his eyes glanced to her, mouth open and tongue out, the two, blinking, before turning away from each other. His tongue slurped back inside and he blew out steam. Seconds passed in silence. Watching him was a show. His digits scratched his cheek, wrapped around to his neck, reaching upward, rubbing everywhere.

Rainbow Dash knew a jest was supposed to come here. Joking flirt to get things going on. Spike was an old friend, now matured, a dragon promising a unique fuck. She was the kind of mare to walk into a bar, select a guy, nailing him in the bathroom. That's the perception this bar possessed of her.

It allowed her to be like that if she wanted to. Ponies already accepted the fact she was that kind of mare and come around to ensure her reality went accordingly. It didn't matter if she felt it or not. If she was really like that or not. What mattered was what happened. If she wanted a good fuck, she would get a good fuck.

"Y'know, Spike, you've turned into quite the dragon." Rainbow sat up on her seat and wiggle comfortably into place. She could feel the wiggles of her rump followed by the compression of her softness over the seat. That, and his glance at it. "Tall. Strong. Lean." Harmless giggle tossed in. "Finally learned how to dress well too."

Spike offered a forced smirk. "Hopelessly chase a fashionista for a decade or two..." He sighed heavily. "...and you're bound to learn a thing or two." He wasn't like her. Rainbow could see his faltering to keep appearances. "Just what is it you're getting to?"

Rainbow laughed lightly to herself, inching to the left, enough to brush the side of his arm. "Just how we're both adults now. None will give us trouble for blowing off a little steam. You with me?"

Spike clenched an eye and jerked away. "R-Rainbow? You’re saying... with me?"

"Not any other guy I'm talking with tonight." She leaned onto her hoof set on the counter and, with the other, traced swirls across the rim of her drink. "You're the one who caught my eye tonight. No shame in having some fun, right? Or are you too nervous to tackle the great Rainbow Dash?"

So that's where the image of confidence had come from.

Spike had glanced at her from over his shoulders, wanting to say or do something but, as he kept there, remained still in doing nothing. His head tilted downward and his eyes shone in blue light. He breathed a chuckle. "Guess it would just be a matter of time, huh?"

Rainbow blinked. "What do you mean?"

"I mean in getting every guy you want." Spike kept hidden from over his shoulder. "Just take who you want and enjoy them for a night. I've always been safe because I wasn't of age. But guess that's changed now."

Why was she like this? Everything in her body demanded to cut the joke and speak of the truth. What prevented her from asking for a hug? To be swept in those arms and held into that chest and to fall blissfully asleep with those talons coursing down her hair?

"It's not... quite like that." Rainbow turned her muzzle away. "I'm not some gal that goes sleeping around. Just know how to pick the good ones. The decent ones. Ponies I'm sure I'd have an alright night with."

Spike continued staring into his drink as if searching its surface. In finding nothing, he drank all of it, a mighty few gulps until the glass was cleaned. Laying it on the counter again, he turned on his stool, fully looking at her. "And... you don't have anyone else to spend the night with?"

"You kiddin'? Check this bar? I have this whole bar of ponies to spend the night with." Her eyes clenched on the words, and yet, her body didn't follow through on the action. She'd kept smug in her expression as always. No falter whatsoever. "Just none else I want to spend the night with." She shook her head not to clear her head, but rather, to keep within the act. "Hold a sec. Why are you so hesitant to get with me anyway? Scared you can't handle me? Or... not a lot of experience in that regard?"

Spike shrugged. "You can checkmark the latter on your report."

An explosion of joy opened her mouth in revilement. The giggles dropping through wounded him indeed—but that wasn't their intent. The poor mare hadn't expected to find another like herself. Maybe, if she played her cards right, this would be her ticket to learning the real thing.

To become like her image portrayed.

"Hey, c'mon, y' know I wouldn't play you like that." Rainbow rested a foreleg on his shoulder and thanked Celestia as it wasn't batted away. Warmth complimented the smoothness of his scales as her spine shuddered in the contact. It'd... been too long since she felt someone last. "I'm just lookin' for a casual fling to get me through the weekend. Hard to go back to work like this. We're friends, right?"

He nodded. "Of course we are. I'd do anything for you."

Rainbow smirked. "And I've got your back too. Nothing wrong with good friends having some fun." She glanced around the bar to the steps to the second floor. It entered a hallway of private bathrooms spawning the rumours about her. Ones, ironically enough, never visited. "I make you feel good. You make me feel good. Little touchy-feely until things go back to normal."

Spike did his best to smile through this. "And let me guess. You'll teach me a thing or two?"

"From the sounds of your love life?" Rainbow's head bounced sideways as she clicked her teeth. "More than a few. But like I said. I got your back! Weekend with me and you'll be slaying mares without even needing a sword."

Spike kept silent for a good few seconds, wanting to say something, but holding himself back. A few seconds more and he gave up in that regard. "My new weapon is my dick, isn't it?"

"It'll be slapping mares across the face in no time."

"Even yours?"

"Nah—my face is bigger."

"Did... did you just try to compare—"

"Don't think about it." Her hoof tugged on his shoulder. "Now c'mon. Let's go!"

And so the two rose from their stools, wobbling together until their sides were pressing, walking, one foot after one hoof, through the crowd of ponies. Some of them cheered and others jeered at seeing the superstar do her usual stuff.

All while the virgins headed toward those sacred washrooms.

I | Dragon Dick Tastes Like Cotton Candy

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~ I ~

Dragon Dick Tastes Like Candy

Spike had been thankful for the handrails of the stairs, not because he was drunk, but rather squeezing the wood exercised the tensions within. Another claw had laid over his chest to repress the beatings of his heart. He could swear he was sweating—and it wasn't from the heat.

Rainbow Dash loomed ever the few steps ahead, a subtle sway to her plot overhead, the delicious flanks shifting into the other. Her tail swung in strides long enough to allow peeks at the cleft behind it. Her head turned to glance at him, a grin blossoming, his gaze clocked.

"Naughty boy." Rainbow clicked her teeth afterward. "You'll get a feel of those another time." She returned to looking on ahead. "I need practice, and you need pleasure. That should be more than enough to hold off a big guy like you."

But that wasn't his problem. Spike opened his jaw to speak but found no words. It wasn't that he wasn't swept away by the idea of being blown—much less by a mare like her—but that he'd never done this before. That, and something didn't feel right.

This is how the world works beyond the head of yours, that voice spoke and always saw him bare. Mares and stallions casually hit on each other. It's something they enjoy doing. It's normal to go into a bathroom and get a quick fuck going on. This should be proof that you've changed.

Spike didn't feel that change at all. Not as his heart threatened to skip town in escaping his chest. He wasn't sure what the right thing to do now. Accept or reject? Letting her down changed nothing about his world. Only in taking on the activity could there be the hope of change.

Hopes of something different.

Rainbow Dash reached the top of the steps and turned to her side on reaching the hallway. Some neon sign flickered above, its glow awash over her form, a glint in her half-lidded eyes. With a loose string of giggles, she flicked her head to the side, a casual smile on those lips. "C'mon big guy. Let's have some fun."

Spike passed up the steps as a trio of stallions came down the left. In catching the exchange, each clapped his claw with growing smacks of approval. His heart raced at their acceptance as they went off into the crowd. This was what it meant to be a healthy, normal, male.

He reached the top of the steps and, knowing it was too late to back out now, cast his arm over the mare's neck. With a smile and a lean of his head over her own, he gazed down the hallway. "So, as you can see—we only have the finest selection of family bathrooms tonight!"

Rainbow couldn't help but smile on snuggling deeper into his hold. She peered up at him with a quizzical look.

"Your first thought, stallions and mares, is why are there family bathrooms in a bar of all things? That's because these wonderful rooms are where families are made! Now then." Spike coughed into his free claw before gesturing it to the many doors. "Today's selection is wonderful to pick from! We have room one! Not smelly... but everything is wet."

His shoulders slumped at those words. "Everything. The floor and the sink. Ceiling and stall door." He sighed. "Somehow even the toilet paper is wet." His gaze shot to the next door. "Number two! Smells a lot like that." He coughed. "Number three is clean and minimal wetness across the whole. But to make up for this fact... it's most likely haunted. You're taking your chances in there."

The giggles were slow and quiet at first. But each built and compounded on the other. Soon they were streaming from the girl while she pressed harder into him. More weight than needed. Was she looking for any excuse to lean onto him? "Oh... you poor wimp. This what you do? Talk and talk whenever you get nervous?"

"Something like that." Spike dropped the act. "Usually I can out-talk either my fears or whoever it is I'm dealing with. Just start and hope to land upon something." He looked directly down at her, seeing Rainbow's face pressed below his chest. Her cheeks squished into the spread of scales. "You know you're a beautiful mare, right? Just... anyone you want... you could have."

She chuckled against him. Her eyes were bigger from their proximity. He'd never known of their subtle glow. One cute stand of mane had draped over the left. "Trust me. I'm well aware. You can have pizza every night too."

"I mostly do too."

"But you don't have pizza every night." Rainbow pulled away from him and, at once, her soft, heated coat was gone. His scales froze in her absence. "Some nights you have tacos. Others pasta. You spice it up! Variety and that." Rainbow's coming sigh felt more like a whimper. "Dating is kinda like that. I know you don't have much experience with it. But you go... with whatever you're feeling that night."

Spike didn't know why his head had lowered or why his heart ceased trying to escape... only that all of the above occurred. "Guess the causal fling isn't all that personal?"

Rainbow had led the way forward but froze on his words. Her head lowered and a prismatic mane limped over her face. Seconds passed before her muzzle flicked to him, grinning, eyes closed. "Of course there's a little somethin' personal to it. Wouldn't just have a fling with anyone." She shook her head. "But it doesn't go much beyond that. Just a guy and a girl having fun to kill the night."

Spike nodded. "Right."

"C'mon now." Rainbow walked back and tugged on his claw. "Let's try our luck with room three. Don't think we have to worry about anything trying to haunt you."

Spike had followed after her with a smile. Maybe this won't be so bad. Guilt had arisen in receiving personal treatment and not earning it—or deserving it. But talking with Rainbow showed how she'd kept the same in most respects. Truly the mare was looking for a good fuck-buddy. Might as well learn a thing or two.

And hopefully feel a thing or two.

Rainbow Dash could feel the tingles in her hooves as the two were cramped within the stall. They'd locked the door but didn't want to risk a chance of being caught. Hard to explain to the press why a Wonderbolt had her mouth full of a friend's cock. At least the titles would have an alteration to go off.

Dashing Dash and Dragon Dick.

She blinked back into reality.

Muscular thighs consumed the sides of the stall, brushing across her shoulders, trailing away until his feet pressed onto the surface of the door. He sat back on the closed toilet as his frame arched nearly to the height of the walls. It wasn't until being shoved together that she realized how big he was.

Rainbow Dash gazed up to see his face overhead. He was smiling at her, sweat collecting on his cheeks. Intermittent chuckles were his fetish as his gaze couldn't settle on a wall to focus on. Sometimes they dared to stare at her. Seconds of bravery join by moments of cowardice.

She had this effect on him. Without saying or doing anything, simply in being with this stall as him, looking as she did... it was enough to affect his world. Was it because of what she was about to do? Perhaps the reaction would be within range no matter the mare. But it seemed more special because of her.

Was it because she was special? Special in simply existing or because she was special to him? Was she special to him for reasons greater than her image, or what was viewed and talked about by others, now, a collective impression of her.

Rainbow shook her head. Useless thoughts hurting her head. All she needed was to become a horny mare again. Yes... yes... that was right. Be the slut craving the hot fuck. Feeling a heat drifting between her legs, the strands of her tail flicked, a subconscious effort, the cues of a mare entering a mood.

Something he felt too.

Rainbow lifted onto her hind legs and took a few steps forward, her forelegs resting on his thighs, a tickle of a smile on the edges of her lips. Strong and broad and warm through the pants. Without meaning to her cheek dropped to one, snuggling the spot, feeling it tense beneath her.

She gazed at him from her pillow, her view climbing, offering him a sweet smirk.

He chuckled. "So, uh, this normal?"

It wasn't. Rainbow lifted from his thigh and settled on the waistband of his pants. "'Course it is. Never heard of foreplay before? Sheesh." She leaned into his crotch and enjoyed the denim expanse. "Hope you're a quick study when it comes to getting dirty. It just isn't enough to get you off. We're not here only to get you off." Her face pressed into his curve, a feeling of something twitching underneath her cheek. "You can easily jerk off at home if that's all you wanted. Part of a casual fling is to indulge in the stuff that doesn't come solo."

She felt it. The mass growing across the planes of Spike's pants. It expanded across and against the fabric, a full bugle developing, supple in shape, a thickness worth remembering, something warm on the face. She nuzzled against the growing member to its occasional twitch. It was like teasing a toy she would soon get to play with.

Just as she was about to dive in, a series of claws washed over her face, streaking through her mane, a sweep to push it back. Her eyes glimmered up at him as his expression had softened. His smile squeaked. "Sorry. It's just... I wanted to see more of your face."

He blinked at the established implication. "N-Not because I want to see it while you're... y' know... doing the do. No wait. I do want to see it. I want to see it during that—b-but not because of that!" The back of his head leaned further down the wall. "I suck at this."

Rainbow Dash was feeling happy. It wasn't often it happened and it caused her to feel lighter. Being with Spike, even like this, was enough to remove her doubts from the world. She was able to immerse herself into this poor excuse for a dragon. "Hey now. I'm the one supposed to be doing the sucking here."

Spike's lips parted as he couldn't repress laughter at the joke. "You're the worst."

"My experience cares to differ."

Her non-existent experience.

"And you should want to see my face for how attractive it is." Rainbow Dash gazed down at the pants to feel the swell of his cock that pulsed against the fabric. Her eyes widened while following it across his inner-thigh. She whistled. "I know dragons are always packing the heat. But this?”

"Rainboooow! You're killin' me here.”

"What? You've got a nice, long, thick cock!" Rainbow chuckled to herself. It'd hadn't often been that she used that word—and this was the first time saying it to a guy. "That's, like, a good thing! Means I won't have to pretend or put any fake stuff on."

Spike coughed. "You were going to fake your time with me?"

"Hey! Don't blame me for that! It would have been on you regarding whatever I did." Rainbow glanced away. "Can't expect me to enjoy a one-inch wonder now. Take note of that, will ya? Sometimes a good mare has to put on a fake show for the sake of a guy she likes. That, or too scared to embarrass him."

Spike looked as though he wanted to ask three questions at once. "And what about me?"

Rainbow Dash answered that in planting her face into his bugle, coming to wiggle her snout across it, sometimes sliding down its sides. Its juicy slope twitched into the hardness of her nose. The first inch was easily sunk into—but rawness was teased from underneath.

Spike's head lurched back at feeling his cock played with by another. That a mare was dug in-between his legs and rolling his head over his dick like a cat that was pawing to play. She nuzzled its length down to his thigh, where, in ceasing her teasing, kissed its tip.

"It's a good thing you brushed my hair back," Rainbow joked as her hooves went for the button of his jeans, struggling for a second to push it through. His cock arched higher in his pants—craving to be with her. "Ever bat a mare's face with your penis before? It's something you'll want to write a textbook about."

Rainbow Dash hadn't been sure what she was expecting to come out. Keeping within the realm of a confident and slutty mare allowed her to act as though she was one. The lack of experience didn't matter if she could lie to herself and him in having done this a thousand times before.

Her muzzle dove into the zipper of the jeans, which her teeth nipped on, pulling the golden panel down, the sound delicious on her ears. Given enough of a preview inward, her snout wiggled into the presented slit. Ebony underwear, dense in its layer, clung to his hips.

His cock stretched the underwear to its limits as it struggled to contain it. Twitches and throbs all to get out. Rainbow leaned into the brim and tugged it down, ever slowly, until the pressure against the materiel was at its greatest.

Until the meaty slab flung out in its release.

Rainbow Dash took a second to pause as she stood before the towering pillar of masculinity. The beating heart in her chest knew of no rest in finally seeing a dick up close. It reached past her eyes, reaching further than the highest spike in her mane. His cock flicked in place, needing attention, few veins across it, expressing it as a quivering delight.

She leaned in first to inhale the smell. It'd been a scent not unknown, the scent of musk, something produced herself. Something was different about him. It was creamy and dark and clouded her lungs—tickling bursting reward along the back of her mind.

Rainbow pressed her snout into the underside of his cock, feeling its warmth rest across the bridge of her muzzle, its girth filling out between her eyes. Pumping fire pulsated throughout the shaft while she inhaled its perfume.

Her tail lifted of its own accord. Too much heat was caught and locked-in from her tail. Her pussy warmed to the feeling of his cock. How it rested and towered over her, twitching and smacking into her, each clap precise in its sound.

"Tell me this isn't something you've craved." Rainbow Dash spoke the words through the underside of his dick, exhaling on its scales, feeling it quiver. "An attractive mare trapped underneath the size of your cock, unable to keep still, shuffling in place. What? Did you think those flicks of the tail were for nothing?"

She peeked out the side of the mast to look up at his face again, so high and so above, a perch of power. Were it not for his scared but pleasured expression—she would have assumed him calling the shots. The tip of her tongue stuck out at him, eyes closing, before she licked at his scales.

And found herself moaning at the taste. It was hard to stifle her surprise for tasting him had been expected to be the worse part. But each lick at the surface was sweeter than sweet. Explosions of candy wilted on her tongue like cotton candy would. It was a taste, craved. "This is why stallions and mares do what they do. You get to feel better by having a mare work on your cock to sate all of her little urges."

She giggled cutely to herself. "And I get to play with a giant cock to keep myself fed for the evening."

Her forelegs rose to the base of the shaft to pose it. Sliding next to it, she cutely batted her face with the side of his member. It softly slapped her cheek and did so again. "Don't you like this? Beating my cute little face in with this giant cock of yours? You're harder than hard now—so it must feel good."

"I-It, um, f-feels good right now." Spike rolled his head back and his claws gripped the underside of the seat. "Never had, y' know, someone else work down there before. The feeling's completely different. Seeing your face next to it... does wonders for a guy's heart! Never thought I'd feel... dunno.. p-powerful?"

"Does the power dragon want to keep smacking his dick across my face?"

Spike squeezed his eyes shut. "This... is the type of stuff I'm supposed to get off to?"

"It's a two-way street, babe." Rainbow hadn't realized that name drop until it was already said. From there, she continued to play along, heart racing, desires dictating the direction. "Not smacking myself around with your cock only for your sake. I'm a dirty mare too. Want to feel that dick throwing me around."

The poor dragon whimpered at the request.

II | First Times are Never Right

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~ II ~

First Times are Never Right

Spike found trouble in keeping his heart inside his chest, needing a claw over his pec to prevent its explosion, a transition in the night frightening his mind. Rainbow Dash was so hot and so lithe, a peak of petite trapped between his legs.

She was almost like a cat beneath and below and before him, feeling her barrel across his thighs, warm fuzz that brushed across fresh scales, warming them with another life. Intimacy wasn't a decency afforded to him. Much less physical contact.

But he craved it. Throwing his head back to repress all the groans and moans slipping through his lips... how he craved to. To be held and hugged and brushed and touched and all those other wonderful kinds of stuff.

Yet he didn't betray himself. Despite the desire to lay a claw on her barrel, to brush digits through that mane again, to be close, to smell her scent, the freshness of dew by a riverside... that was an indulgence denied.

Rather he was set to enjoy the casual fling for what it was.

Spike was leaning back on the top of the lid to the seat, feeling it squeak as his bottom shifted, catching the flick of her glance to there. Did she find him attractive in the way he found her the same? His eyes settled over the length of her barrel to her bottom. Plushness toned into firmness from daily exercise.

He couldn't deny his interest but, the problem was, there was more than one. Just as much as he wanted to cop a feel for a feeling that was unknown for the majority of his life, he also wanted to hug the mare close, feeling her softness compressing onto his body, a joining of goodness hardly containable in its bliss.

Rainbow Dash, however, was still there, on his crotch, before his...

Spike sighed as the mare had taken to the qualities of a cat. Her muzzle laid flat before its base, at times shifting to the sides, the sensations of it brushing rendered a tickling amazement. Those cyan forelegs pawed at around his cock, pushing on it, left and right, seeing how it lean and swung.

Was she experimenting or was this foreplay? Her eyes were lost on his size but, be it low self-esteem or the truth, that didn't seem to be her fixation. She was amazed at the object itself. Like she had never seen one before, pawing and playing with it now, getting a feel, a sense, an idea for it all.

Spike's mouth opened to ask a question—but thought again. Would he expose his inexperience once more? It wouldn't do anything but earn another confident giggle from the mare. Better to be the fool and play along. "What's wrong? The sleeping girl hasn't been with a dragon before?"

Rainbow seized in place as if caught in a crime. Before she spoke, she swallowed—that act, of course... done early. "W-What can I say? You're a new case." Her muzzle dashed into his underside and pushed the bridge of her nose into it. "Always knew something would happen between us eventually. But, uh, not gonna lie to you squirt."

Her eyes glanced at his head, catching the sheen around it, the lathered pre thinning outward. Rainbow cursed silently with her lips. Subconscious word association? "I've had my fair of stallions and even griffons too. Zebras to see what all the jazz was about. But not many dragons around I'd trust myself with."

Spike gulped as he shifted backward, not budging an inch, however, as her muzzle weighed on him. "So... any differences?"

"Er." Rainbow chuckled as only the sides of her face could be seen behind his shaft. She was still pressed into it, talking, the warm breath and tickling vibrations evoking an unintentional result. "How do ya mean?"

"Just that you seem to be taking your time with this." Spike tossed a claw to the back of his neck, scratching, fighting the urge to throw a jerk of his hips. Having a mare pressed face-first into his dick, keeping there like it was some sort of new home... it made for a strange way of conversation. "But I'm not exactly t-talkin' from experience here either."

Rainbow Dash actually pulled to the side of his cock, her face, bashful, but he knew better than to speak of it. Something still didn't feel right despite all the tingly nerves blissful in their accumulating pleasure. It wasn't from either of them not wanting this. Of that he was sure. "I guess... I'm not used to one quite like this. It's different, y'know?"

Spike choked while inhaling. "Bad difference?"

Confidence flushed back into her expression at the exposure of his insecurity. It granted power, control, an ability to falter—if only a little—but still be on top in the dynamic. A girl like her was probably used to being on top—regardless of the guy or size. "Don't let your doubts get a head-start just yet. You're still my friend through this, Spike. I'm not about to jerk you around like that."

Her pink gems slid over to the tip of his dick, which twitched from the attention, the play on words driving him on. "Well. Still jerk you around. But in the other way. The good way."


"I mean I'm going to jerk around your cock."

"I-I got that."

"B-But not actually jerk around, y'know, 'cuz that would be painful." Her prismatic mane covered her eyes as fields of pink flushed across her cheeks. She twisted her head in shame. "I'd jerk it like you would. The normal way. Up and down. That kind of stuff."

"D-Don't sweat it." Spike coughed as he turned his head as well, the two, too shameful, to gaze at the other. Still they were close, touching in places never done so before, that very causing the situation to grow harder. "I got what you mean."

Rainbow regained the courage to look back at him, him doing the same, hearing the sway of her hair allowing him to gaze back as well. In the silence of their stare, a chuckle broke out, first from one, then from two, the duo bursting into laughter.

They started to laugh and laugh as their mirth floated out from the stall. Both of them were unaware of what tickled the interior of their bodies to laugh as hard as they had. Looking at each other as the giggles ran their course.

Spike laid fully back on the wall as the last of the laughter was exhausted from his stomach, leaving him a chuckling mess, one, finally, glad to be here. He gazed down and over at Rainbow, who pushed her muzzle to the side with a hoof, an appearance of utter adorableness.

"Y'know," Spike began with a loose strand of chuckles, "it... feels like we've got the strangeness out of the air." He leaned his head to the side and was able to smile. Not smirk or grin as was expected in the flirting of a casual fling. "Sorry again I suck with all of this. Not going to lie and say this isn't a bit scary."

He covered his face with a limp claw and laughed at himself once more. "I must be the first guy in life to ever be scared of getting his dick sucked." Spike shook the claw free from his face as it fell to his side. "Even talking dirty feels kinda wrong. But... just a matter of experience and getting used to it, right?"

Rainbow giggled to a nodding head. "Something like that, sport."

The mare seemed more relaxed around him now as her muzzle rose over the side of his shaft. She peered at it, looking around—flinching at its occasional throb. Rainbow's snout inched close to the skin for a sniff. "I can say it smells better than I was expecting. It's strong on the nose. Really strong.”

Her eyes closed and she inhaled in a continuous stream, a dreamy quiver across her lips, that followed by a happy sigh. Was she becoming drunk on his aroma? Spike never dared to think too positively of himself. Much less to assume someone else was having a positive influence because of him.

Was it arrogance or truth to assume the mare was drunk on the smell of his cock? That it was something appealing and a sudden desire of her body. He felt guilty for the tickles of her breath around his slope. It felt good. Knowing she was breathing his deepest, darkest, most personal scent. Knowing that he filled her lungs with his pleasant stench and that all she craved was ever more of it.

Rainbow Dash was a mare that slept around, so it made sense that cock, its smell and shape, would be a love of hers. Wouldn't sleep around if she didn't like it, right? Why else would she stuff her face into his cock so easily? It was the heated hardness weighing and burning into her skin, that sensation, she desired.

It was that, and not him, she wanted.

Rainbow Dash had been fighting the blush throughout the encounter. Maybe it was because a part of her never thought it'd turn out this way—that she could actually convince the guy to stuff himself into a bathroom stall—with her hooves actually finding out what scared her slightly.

But the lie of never seeing a dragon's before brought her time and an excuse to do a little bit of research. Everything that happened, though, was because of how 'different' he was from all the 'other' guys she'd been with. Rainbow didn't want to lay that shame on him.

But she didn't want to lay it on herself either.

At least Rainbow could make up for it.

With her lungs composed with the darkness of his musk, she hovered to the side of his dick, forced to tilt back to see its tip. Gently she risked a hoof against it, a feeling of smoothness beneath her fur.

He twitched at her touch.

She had done that? Such an intense and immediate reaction from him? Perhaps there would be a way to turn this around after all. Slowly her hoof brushed up the side of his dick, reaching its middle, all to the whimpering repressing of his moans.

"I-It feels really good when you do that." Spike leaned his head back but kept his gaze down, it always set on her face. "I don't know if it's because someone else is doing it, but... it feels waaaaay better than, y' know, usual."

Rainbow enjoyed the laughter coming from deeper within. She'd entered a trance with her current fascination. Without removing her eyes from it, her hoof brushed down again, feeling how her coat tickled across it. "So my hoof is better than your claw, huh? That's good to know. Always thought having digits would make it better or something."

"M-Maybe." Spike gasped another groan, this one allowed to sing out, a hum following through. "It's like your hoof is all-encompassing. It may not grab and reach around, but the way it blankets over the surface... the fur makes a huge difference."

"Does it now?"

Spike was without words as another soft whimper slipped through his lips. His bottom lip was bitten down as her hoof searched around. It lacked his grip, but her hoof covered a greater space, spilling over, pressing harder, an aspect letting her be unique to him.

She could be and do something he was unable.

It allowed her to actually be special.

At least to him.

"Gotta admit that these are different." Rainbow leaned her muzzle into a tilt next to the middle of his dick. On its sides were little frills, closer to a mane in texture, thin and long, silky and soft, her hoof lifting to brush over it. "Don't know of any stallions or griffons or anything else having these."

Spike chuckled as he looked down, proper, away from her; her shoulders slumped at losing his gaze. Despite the rising of his pleasure, he always looked at her, turned on by seeing how she went. Or maybe he just liked looking at her.

But now he was looking down at himself... and away from her. "I don't know if any dragons have it either."

Rainbow blinked and broke out from her trance. "You mean... you haven't..."

"Never really been in the market for seeing another dragon down there." He chuckled in a way that dripped smaller from the other. "And not many magazines or textbooks about the matter. For all I know, I could be a freak down there." Then a genuine chuckle sounded. "Already been a freak for most of my life anyway."

"Oooor you could be a one of a kind!" Rainbow injected in wanting to lift his spirits. Part of her wanted to climb and use that hoof to lift his chin instead... but she was terrified of climbing over a certain something. "Have you ever considered something like that before?"

"Not fondly?"

Rainbow Dash shook her head as she hid halfway behind his dick. "You've seriously gotta stop being so negative on yourself. Just because you haven't been with a mare doesn't mean you're a bad looking guy!"

Spike found it hard but, as the seconds passed, he started to smile. "Hard to know what a good-looking dragon looks like."

"You kidding? Ya doofus! That kind of stuff doesn't matter." Rainbow smiled at him from behind her hiding place. "All that counts is that you're good looking to the girl that likes you. Only reason to look good is to get with someone, right?"

Spike chuckled. "You think?"

"Well... you were good looking enough for me to even consider you." Rainbow felt good that, even though all of this was in a lie... that she could make him feel better. That she could inflict some confidence into the boy that deserved it most of all. "Out of all the guys I've been with recently, you're the one I've had the most interest in. Besides, these frills look sick! An extra brush and tickle once we start doing the business."

Spike smiled down at her. "I guess.... thank you, Rainbow. Never had mare talk about me like that before."

"Like I said, big guy." Rainbow leaned back and brought her forehooves to the sides of his dick, starting at the base and working up, surprising him with the pleasure. "All that matters is that you've got a hot and horny mare wanting to play with your dick. You're seriously hurting the female population by keeping this thing away from us."

"Okay." Spike shook his head as he weakly chuckled. "Now I know you're just trying to inflate my ego."

"Not even close! What did I tell you? Nothing but the truth tonight." Her hooves found a tempo on his sides, going up and down, enduring the jerks of the burning pillar between them. It was becoming less scary to touch as she went over it. "We're friends, after all. Right?"

III | Perceptions of Others

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~ III ~

Perceptions of Others

Spike had never been blown by a mare and, while it had been scary—with a touch of strange—it all felt too good to seriously think about. The pair had stumbled out from the stall, the mare in a gait, a swishing to her tail.

The dragon limped out after her before collapsing onto the skin for support. Rainbow peered over at her shoulder at him, brought into a laugh and a grin. She covered her muzzle and looked away. The expression of the incredibly embarrassed. "Easy there. I didn't rock you that hard."

"Right! Right." Spike stood up from the sink with a deep stare at himself in the mirror. Tall, lean, and a touch of handsome. No longer a fat kid now. Rather an adult able to get his dick sucked—and for both parties to enjoy it. "Nothing special. It was nothing special, all right."

He then fell back and crashed into the ground. The sizable thud tittered the ground beneath Rainbow's hooves. She didn't come back to help him. Not even as his eyes swam over and his head raised to see her.

"You are seriously hopeless if just a blowjob is enough to knock you onto the ground." Rainbow's chest puffed and her muzzle dipped into the feathers of her wings. She took out blad shades and placed them on. "Think you and I will have to do this again. Just enough to fuck some stamina into ya."

"I... I could probably go again... " His claw wobbled in lifting into the air. "... if you... did... all the work..."

Rainbow inched the shades onto her snout in looking back. Her tail kept flicking. Heat and the scent of something. Both floated in the air. "Afraid you won't even catch a casual girl for long with that. You always seemed like the rromance type—but that don't mean that you don't need to fuck her right."

"The great Rainbow Dash and her sage wisdom!"

Rainbow pushed the shades back on. "Could always ask Twilight for advice."

"I'll take your whipping instead."

"Good." Rainbow smirked. “Cuz next time.” Her tail flicked away to reveal the plumpness of her flanks and what was squeezed between them. The curve of her little vulva, tight and blue, dressed over in fuzz. "You'll be getting used to handling this. Don't worry, though."

She laughed in walking on; her tail flicked back to conceal herself.

"I'm sure your dick will be able to handle it."

Spike laid collapsed on the floor.

Rainbow Dash walked through the door in a choked breath and a density that bloated from inside her skin. Every dull beat of her heart, breaking ice across her frame, chest, clenched, lungs collapsed. The door was scarcely closed before her back collapsed onto it.

And she slid down.

Rainbow hyperventilated and looked right and down the halls to find them clear and dark and littered in posters and muck. Dim neon rolled out on the corners of the hall. Left, and down a few steps, music blared, hooves hopped, and it all was an echo to her ears.

She laid a hoof on her chest to feel her heart beating faster than she'd ever felt it before. Breathing through the mouth was poisonous and the urge to vomit was present. That cock. It scared her so much. Large, throbbing, attached to a dragon.

And if her friend hadn't been more scared of her.


Rainbow had taken it all. Down her throat, choking, not caring for air, not from pleasure, but not wanting to break cover. Spike lifted a claw to her head. Her eyes looked at him through the veil of her mane. Even though she said she could take it, her eyes, they pleaded with him, giving up herself.

She soon took control once everything was over.

But it could have been made at that moment had the dragon mentioned it but once.

The taste was still on her lips. Not as bad as a stallion's as she'd come to hear about. This was warm, tasty, although it stung at the taste buds. Rainbow shook her head. Wrestling back her heartbreak, she rose, clattering onto all fours, that was, until her shades fell off.

Her heart sank and, in putting them on again, went to get a drink to clear her mouth.

'So... Rainbow Dash? Nice."

"Yeah... very nice." It'd been a day, and the bar was not the same, with his entry, even by the bouncer, met with a high-five. Ponies whispered as he walked by, coming to notice and call him out. They also high-five and asked if he wanted to hang later. "Seems like everyone knows I had a good time with Rainbow."

"Rainbow getting with anyone is bound to break the news." The bartender polished a glass before setting it beneath the counter. "Surely a reporter like yourself would know that. So how was it? Everyone seems to think she'd be a little smaller than you would expect."

Spike blinked in holding a shot by the ends of his talons. He glanced up. "How do you mean?"

"Well... just that Rainbow's more so somepony that you're fucking for the personality is all."

The dragon's eyes narrowed painfully. "Come again?"

"Just that she's attractive in all regards, y'know! An addictive personality that both sides of the fence want to swing toward. Body's lithe and a knockout. Confident face and rainbow mane and she just oozes cool! Never seen a mare be hotter when eating a pizza before."

"Guess... you got me there."

"But doesn't have much of an ass."

Spike closed his left eye and downed his drink to the burning of fire down his throat. None at the bar talked to him about him. Rather the subject would be about the pony themselves or something else in general. This was the first time he was the focus.

What was he supposed to do here? He glanced over his shoulder to see ponies leaning and listening in. Had none else in the bar had their way yet? Rainbow wasn't the type to sleep around, sure. But at least one other bloke had to have rattled off the experience.

"I mean... I like it?" He offered in turning back and nudging the empty glass with a talon. It was refilled instead of being put away. That, and without charge either. "Maybe not like Rarity in being all in your face. Smaller than Applejack's, sure, but instead of being all muscle—its tone. You could cup it easily, maybe, but that makes what's there more delicate, y'know? You treasure it more—instead of being overloaded."

Spike glanced over his shoulder to see everyone looking at him like an idiot.

He turned back to down the glass and saw that another was already waiting.

“But how did it feel?”

"I, uh, didn't feel it."

Universal groans rang out from the bar.

Just as a bell rang out from the door.

Everyone turned to their usual spots as, across the checkered floor, on the side of a pool table, there, stalked in the mare with a bomber-jacket. Shades once more. A crust of a pizza hung from her lips as she slowly chowed on it.

Rainbow stopped in place and pushed up on the shades in noticing the dragon. "Spike?"

He saluted. "Spike's evil twin brother! Reporting for duty!"

Rainbow huffed a breath and then finished her pizza. She didn't bother in hiding, making their affair private in pointing a foreleg to the afar steps. Bit after bit of crush was nibbled before disappearing into her mouth. "Wanna ewat mwe owht iwn there?"

Spike's arm jerked to his chest and he tried once more to repress his beating heart. His cold blood went colder in the possibility of freezing all over. That weight in his belly, horrible and expanding, flushed throughout his system.

"Could you... say that again?" he asked with a hopeful smile. "You had pizza in your mouth and I wasn't sure what you said."

Rainbow's head threw back in swallowing the final bite. She then looked forward with a sigh. "Oh Celestia that was good! Ah right." She cleared her throat for sticky remains before trying again. "I was wondering if you wanted to eat me out in the—"

Spike dashed at her and, in taking her forelegs, brought them into a sprint to the steps. Most took this as excitement, and so cheered after the couple. Rainbow struggled to run and, in glancing back to the crowd, lifted the shades to offer them a wink.

And the bartender, unpaid, was given the right to shout.

"And don't forget, this time, to grab her rump!"

Spike met resistance in opening the door to the bathroom as the mare's foreleg slipped out from his claw. He turned to bark, that was, until catching her on the opposing walls. Standing on two legs with the door on her side pushed open. There was a symbol of a filly on it this time.

"Oh right."

The dragon walked to the door before stopping at the frame. "Wait a sec! This isn't why I—"

Rainbow hip-checked him as her rump swung into his back, and he was forced to stumble into the ladies' room. There were two pegasuses, each immersed before a mirror, turning to pat makeup. Spike stood tall before this, scared, mouth open, and only breath coming out.

They finally noticed the male and, as their faces took to anger, from his side, Rainbow appeared. They glanced from him to her and her to him to laugh at once. Snickering, they collected their bags on a wing and, in walking out, they bumped each of the couple with their rears.

The door shut behind them, and Rainbow flicked it closed with the density of her tail.

"What the heck, Rainbow!? How the hay can you walk into a bar and—"

Rainbow's head wiggled back from the echoing of his voice and, in lowering a hoof in the air, the dragon started to shout in whispers about his anger.

"—and ask me a question like that!"

Rainbow's wing unfurled to take away her glasses, folding it within her feathers, as the whole snuggled into her side. She looked up at him with a cocked head and a squinted eye. "That a problem? I thought you got used to this whole male and female social thing." Her eyes fluttered. "You're not embarrassed by sleeping with me, are you?"

"What? Of course not! Would be a national honour and all that."


"Sorry! Really couldn't think of anything better to describe what it would mean to be with you."

"Think I'm worth a lot of honours?

"You're too good for Princess Celestia herself."

"Better than a goddess?"

"You've got a charm that makes you too good for anypony."

'So I'm doomed to be great and alone?"

"Kinda... ya."

Rainbow's wings blasted into and pushed him back. "Buzz off."

"Tch!" Spike stumbled back in a twirl and brushed himself off. "I-It's true though! Feels like no matter who you choose won't be good enough to complete the picture."

Rainbow shook her head as though a lot of work needed to be done and was already taking the first step in so doing. "Listen now. You got it good at the start. Gave me a bunch of compliments that, while dorky, were genuine and praising."

Spike slumped on coming still. "And where did I mess up?"

"When you started to put yourself down?"

"Me? But I said others—"

"Every guy means himself when they say others." Rainbow shook her head. "You let me know that you think I'm too good for you and that all of this is my choice."

"Isn't it, though? I mean you get to decide the lucky bastard that gets to be with you."

Rainbow's face squeezed shut and proceeded to nod. "Okay. Alright. That was a pretty good one." She returned to normal after that. "Good recovery on that one. Can never expect to stay gold for long. Have to be able to pull back those awkward moments."

"Is this a test? I wasn't told there would be one."

Rainbow was feeling a mixture of things that she couldn't work out what they meant. Everything the dragon said, she liked, although felt fearful in accepting it. It was the image of Rainbow Dash those words were directed to. The mare underneath that was a klutz.

Yet her cheeks coloured regardless of that.

"None of this is an actual test," Rainbow went on in feeling secure in her standing, taking a pose that showed her form. Doing things like that flooded a feeling through her, which gave her a touch of confidence. "Just an 'in the head' one for me to keep track of you. You're a good guy, Spike. The world doesn't come by a lot like you."

She had to look up to see his face, which was downcast, scared and saddened, although with a smile. It caused her to do the same as boy and girl stood in a bathroom where nothing clean ever occurred.

And then he had to speak.

"I have a feeling that an insult comes next."

Rainbow twitched out from the trance in being ejected out from that buttery feeling. "Just that you easily ruin moments and are doomed if a mare ever takes you to a bathroom stall. Much less a bedroom." Her lips pushed out as she nodded. "Even worse if you find a girl wanting to do that with you all the time."

Spike crossed his claws and covered it over his chest. "I'm so sorry to have put you through this, Rainbow."

Rainbow's head turned as she winked. "Thankfully, I'm willing to make the sacrifice to save all marekind. You ever eaten pussy before?"

If saying that was enough to jolt her heart into breaking down, then she could only fear for the dragon who, in his hyperventilation, was too immersed in seeing her own. Rainbow's chest puffed as the furs on her forelegs rose as well. The dragon stumbled back into a wall, a smack echoing off the walls, his claws reaching for safety.

Inhale through the snout and out through the mouth. Rainbow was graceful in her recovery as nothing broke on her surface. She carried on, in the flow from before. She hadn't even known she'd asked the dragon to eat her out. Just keeping in whatever felt right to be.

Rainbow had been standing before the door as they talked and, in feeling the need to act like the kind of girl they spoke of her as being, had blurted out that line like it was nothing. However, deep inside, nerves exploded, a spreading radius that only now had found its whole detonation.

Spike seemed to have the same reaction as his claws covered over his heart in the attempt to repress it. Even though her heart was racing, knowing his was doing the same... it quelled her like ice on fire. Nothing of the act changed. What they would go through—or even what would happen.

But because he was more scared than she was, the perception itself, allowed her to regain her confidence. Was there a reason for that? If some confident stallion had taken her here, knowing what to do... and what to take.

Would she be able to maintain the act even then?

"I, uh-huh... n-n-no."

Rainbow was able to grin and flush an exasperated breath through it. “Ever seen one before? I know." She polished a hoof against her chest. "Maybe in a magazine that Twilight wouldn't let you read? Ever sneak a peek while she was changing?"

His horror became confusion before backing to horror. "I haven't lived with Twilight in over two years."

Rainbow's head cock. "It doesn't tend to look different unless you get way older."

His eyes scrunched as being imploded beneath his scales. He was so easy to tease. So touchy about the littlest things. Always swearing to be nothing like Twilight—yet traces of her bubbled in him. “Rainbow please. You're killing me."

Roll of the eyes and a groan to let him know it was over. "Alright. Guess we can take this slow C'mon." How could he not see the cracks rolling up her foreleg? Or hear those hushed breaths barely straddled between her lips. Everything breaking. Heartbeat increasing. "This stall looks clean enough. Should be able to do a quickie here."

Quick. That was the word they used, right? Heard in passing from friends and read in the books none were allowed to know she had. The door squeaked as her hoof pushed it open. Clean tiles and a marble toilet. Guess someone was looking out for her after all.

Rainbow couldn't bear to look at the boy in her side-long nod at him. She rose onto her hind legs and went to pull the zipper to her bomber. Wings shooting out and washing over it, straining to pull, the few yanks having the pair slide off.


The voice floated from behind. She looked over her shoulder to see him standing at the door frame. His claw waved with a flexing of its digits. He chuckled. "Mind if I try?"

"Uhhh... sure!" Rainbow coughed and turned to the wall and, on his step, found herself taking one back—backing into the stall's wall. She pressed against it as he came before her. The space was tight. The smoothness of his belly brushed into her own. "Gotta figure out where you dragons buy your claws from."

"Our parents give it to us for free while we're still in the egg." He lowered to his knees with his concentration on her zipper. He was blushing. Still nervous. Though zipping down her jacket seemed to help with the edge. "If I ever track the old pair down—I'll see about finding you a discount."

Rainbow giggle. "Careful. Or else I might hold you to it."

Spike smiled in pulling the outfit free. His claws passed over her forelegs and helped the material across. He drew close in pulling them off. Once she was free, he lifted the jacket off her, turning and handing it on the door's hook.

He then shut the stall and turned back only to be faced with a chest full of fluff. Rainbow watched him look at it—scared that this would lead to her getting caught. How it rose and fell, quickly, to the racing of a heartbeat.

His claw suddenly opened and he went to lay it on her. Raising her voice couldn't even produce a squeak. Rather she surrendered to fate. The closing of her eyes and accepting the end was nigh.

And yet it never came.

Spike's claw fell away.

And Rainbow didn't know why she felt disappointed.

"Sorry about that." His sharp muzzle rose from her chest, and he looked up at her. This was her first time looking down at him. Close enough to see his face. Cuter than it was handsome. But his eyes. Glossy and green. Dim on the surface with a brightness that was behind it. "Just never realized how fluffy you were."

"You dork." Her forehooves pushed him away as she laughed. "All pegasi are supposed to be fluffy. I'm not anything special."

His head cutely cocked in genuine confusion. "But you are, aren't you?"

"Spike! You... ya... tch-ahhh!" Her head shook violently as her heartbeat was much the same. "Rule one! Never phrase a compliment in a question! Or else the whole thing loses its meaning at that point."

He slumped like he fucked up. "Sorry."

Rainbow winced. "D-Don't be! Still learning the ropes and all that! Ahahaha... hahaha... ha...." Celestia she wasn't sounding good now. She was losing this. Time to get to the heart of it. "A-Anyway. It's about time we got to this."

Turning to the toilet revealed the lid was over it. Good. She stepped over and took a seat on it. Being as tall as she could manage in looking at the dragon. He sunk beneath her view, as if needing to be beneath it. Power wrecked through her at once. The genuine feeling of... being above him.

That was until she remembered that she was supposed to spread her legs.

Rainbow laid back with her forehooves propped behind her but, try as she might, she couldn't force her legs to part. Spike's face loomed above her knees, terribly confused, as though this was a cue for him to do something. But he was as clueless as her.

And the guilt showed on his face.

All of which she caused with this facade.

"N-Now! Usually you'd worked each other up at this point." Rainbow coughed into her shoulder—hardly an alluring act. "Kissing and rubbing hooves over each other. You can't get enough of whoever you're with. And you're just trying to take as much as you can get."

His face recoiled. "Take?'

"Yeah! Take! Cause it feels so good?" Don't slap yourself. Don't slap yourself. Don't slap yourself. "Dragon like you should be used to that. Well. No. A dragon should be used to that. Hey! Maybe this might even kick off some baser instinct or something."

"Like the greed that almost made me destroy my town and hurt those that I cared about."

Rainbow blinked. "Er." Her head twisted away. "Good point. Don't think a gal will be able to take you at that size." One of her eyes scrunched. "Which is totally not the angle that you were going for." Try again, Rainbow, and do better this time. Live up to the greatest fuck anyone could ever know. Where's your confidence? "Alright listen. I've done a proper job of mucking everything up until now. But let me explain this to you real quick so you can get a thing about causal relations."

Spike still seemed confused but, in being like that often with Twilight, nodded in the hope of figuring it during the speech.

"When a guy and a girl get together and they want nothing more than a get-together—they're in it to feel good." Rainbow nodded and continued to rattle on about what she thought was the case. "So they devour each other. Kissing and grabbing at whatever makes 'em happy. Stallions like to grab rump, and mares can't help but feel at a chiselled chest."

The dragon still seemed confused—but now, only less so. "So they're just in it to get whatever makes them feel good?"

"Pretty much! Nothing wrong with that either! Gotta shop around to see what the market is like before you wanna buy." There you go. Finding you swagger with a couple of stacked lies. Fake it till you make it. Maybe after Spike, you'll have the confidence to do it for real. "Or maybe you wanna swing it loose for a bit. Have a good time and a hook-up for different occasions. You'd be surprised at the number of doors that can open because of one mare."

Spike pulled a palm underneath his eye and turned away for a moment. "Tell me about it. Gone to this bar for a while now. First time ever I've held the attention of a full room. Some stallions high-fived me on the way to the bathroom last night. Really felt like... I was in it... that I was living that life?"

Rainbow winked with a click of her teeth. "Can thank your teacher for that."

"Thought you were my friend?"

"Why can't I be both?"

"Fair enough."

"And there's nothing wrong with us keeping casual—we can't do it all the time." Rainbow shrugged and went further with the possible bogus. "Maybe we'll meet in another city. You're there for a story and I'm there for a show. Run into each other in a city full of strangers. Both of us need some tension relief from that. You feel me?"

His muzzle dipped. "Friends with benefits?"

Click of the teeth again. "Right again! But now we gotta get you ready before you can take care of yourself." Then her legs parted and her tail hung limply over the edge of the seat. She exposed herself to another for the first time in her life. "So take a good long look at it before we start. Don't worry about it being weird. Just take your time and get comfortable."

Congratulations on revealing yourself to someone else. It might have been because you con them into thinking you were some sort of expert—but it got you across. Why can't you say you're a class-act virgin again? Some law against it?

Rainbow's eyes shrunk, and tears welled in the corners of her eyes at realizing what had been done. Spike did his best to sit on his knees, looking between her legs, eyes drawn to her love. He wasn't going crazy over it. Not drawing in for a lick or a kiss. His claws didn't even come together for prayer.

Rather he looked at her. Her down there. Was there something wrong with it? Probably not. She'd seen photos of others, and hers looked about the same. Maybe hers was smaller—but she was also a smaller girl. That's how that worked.

It wasn't even like Spike could know if someone was up even if there was something up. She could forgive his every fault on this—but everything that happened would be his fault. Because he was new. Didn't know what to do. But she would guide him through.

"I, uh, hmm..." Rainbow fought the urge to flick her tail over herself. She was naked down. No jacket to be hidden inside of. Just a nude pony with her legs spread. Something... didn't feel right. "Maybe try not to stare at it too much? This isn't anatomy class."

Spike nodded as his claws rose. Those sharp things coming to reach for her thighs. Her eyes scrunched for a second on impact. Feeling absolute sharpness slice across the squish of her legs. Holding them with a threat to pierce the skin with ease.

Then his face ducked in. Closer and closer before his breath washed across where she was most sensitive. Her forehooves pressed harder into the seat. Waiting. The horrible feeling that she was going to be broken into any second now.

Why are you afraid of an act of pleasure? Something meant to make you feel good? Spike would never harm you... so why are you scared? What is it that you fear?

Rainbow couldn't answer those questions as she braced for the next sensation.

"I... I can't do it!"

The voice did not come from her, but rather, from the dragon between her legs. He backed away until his back slammed into the door. He stood tall and looked down at her. So high and so much more powerful.

It scared her. That he, at any second, could do anything. That her words and assurance would falter the second he actually tried anything. Even simply looking down at her was enough to crumble the mare into herself.

Yet it was his expression that allowed her to feel confusion instead of fear. Spike was hyperventilating and scared. He didn't see the shy and naked pony on the seat. Rather he saw the annoyed huff of the mare that already done this a thousand times before—and not encountering a problem until now.

It was that perception. What appeared in the mirror. That's what he saw. When Rainbow stood before the glass as her mind raced and her body tingled in horribleness—none of it came through on reflection. That's what they saw.

And that perception was what saved her here.

"I just can't do this, Rainbow."

Rainbow coughed and remembered that reflection needed to speak now. "W-What? The eating out part or the benefits thing?"

"Just... any of it! I've got no clue what I'm doing—what I'm supposed to do!"

"Well," she began, "it's a take and take. Both sides get off to taking. So just—"

"I'm not in it to take or anything like that! To get my dick sucked or say I grabbed your flanks or whatever the hell." His breathing picked up, and his sweat was getting worse. "That's not really the reason I said 'yes' to you. Either time."

Was it peer pressure? Inability to turn down a friend? Did you force him into something he didn't want—that he would be fine without? Preaching like this is all for his benefit. Yet, it's because you know him. That's he's nice and sweet and weak—that you can use him to break into that other world.

To become as you appear in ridding yourself of your jitters in the practices with him.

That voice had been gone for a while.

And now it had returned.

"S-So..." Suppressing the urge to curl into a ball and stroke her own tail was hard. She could barely look at him from the corner of her eyes. "Why did you?"

"Because I like you! As a friend and as a mare and as a... someone! This seemed like something you needed and... I wanted to help." His eyes narrowed without closing as he spoke the contents of his heart. "You're talking about all this taking and casual dating and... and I'm just not in it for that. I'm hopeless when it comes to that. Surely my years going after Rarity reflect that."

Rainbow's mouth was open as her eyes were down. "Guess you did spend a whole lot of time getting nothing for just one girl. But... my advice still applies there, y'know?" She shrugged without looking up. "Find a girl that you really like and you'll want to treat her right. Get through the rough patches here and—"

The dragon slumped from the door and collapsed onto his knees. “I don't care for that.”

"What about p-ponies, though? What if the next pretty little thing you get with starts gossiping or whatever about you?"

"So what? Everyone already thinks I'm a wimpy dragon already—so what if they learn that I had a rough go of it the first time? I'm not doing it to make myself feel good... maybe after the fact."

"After the fact?"

Spike looked as though he thought long and hard about what he wanted to say. He was able to look down without looking at the part of her that the two were mutually afraid of. Instead, he shook his head. Eyes burning brighter on finding the needed words.

Not what he thought he needed to say to keep a certain image about him.

Rather the working out of what he truly felt—regardless of what it would cause others to see him as.

"I want to make you feel good, Rainbow," Spike said after a long breath and a struggle to get the words out. He looked at her from between her legs. His claw scratched at his neck. "That's all I care about. I don't mind getting over myself for that. In doing things that I might be scared of."

He exhaled after that. "But enjoying myself like that... it never really came to mind. Not that you're not pretty or anything! Certainly caught me glancing at you a few times." He sighed. It felt like the words weren't coming right to him. "But I would like to feel all those things afterward. Once I was sure you were taken care of. Except... pretend that I used better words?"

Rainbow glanced at her chest and laughed. Little chuckles dropping a bomb of tension. She felt lighter now. Freer despite her lack of a coat. Her legs spread a little more, her heart still racing, but the threat of a heart attack long since passed.

"I'll pretend like you got the perfect array, Spike." She smiled. And it was a genuine one. Soft and slow and bask in the warmth. Her muzzle nudged up, confidently, as to assure him to do the same. "Just try to relax now. We can explore this together."

Spike looked silly in shuffling across the ground on his knees slowly; something else that evoked a laugh. "Explore together?"

Rainbow chuckled. "Well. It's not exactly like I've taught anyone how to munch carpet before. Usually. Stallions already know what to do." She shrugged. "Most I do is tell 'em where to focus. Higher or lower or more and that kind of stuff." She smiled at him as his claws closed around her thighs again. Their sharpness no longer scared her. Rather, the firmness of his digits clamping down... caused something warm to flourish within her belly. "So this can be our first time if you like! Plus, doing it with a dragon is bound to be different."

Spike started to smile with a snap of his talons. "Oh right! It's your first time with a dragon."

"Hehehe... yeah... first time with a dragon, all right."

He then looked at the place none else had really seen. "So, uh, what am I doing here again?"


"You're going to lick it!" She'd sounded more enthusiastic about that than she should have. But it kept with the whole 'powerful motivation' on a sensitive subject. Just how well was she pulling that off? "Well. Uh. Not all of it, of course. You see the thing at the top there?"

"You mean your clit?"

"You know what that is?"

"Just because I haven't been with a mare doesn't mean I don't know body parts."

"True! True." Rainbow coughed in feeling heat roll-off from down there. It must have been doing something to the dragon as he was drinking it in. His snout twitched. He blushed harder. His lips opened over the little ball. "Whuh—WAIT! Hold on now... d-don't forget you have a little something in your mouth."

Spike blinked as she could see his eyes over her crotch. "Worried about my fangs?"

"Duh! You're going to have to ease a girl about them as well." Few moments to calm the heart before continuing. "I know you might hold insecurities about being a dragon—but I promise you don't have to sweat that. But mares will be scared of your fangs and claws. At least... until you show them their benefits."

Spike seemed to take this into account with a nod. "Try not to worry. I promised Twilight when I was younger that I would use neither to hurt anyone."

Rainbow exhaled a deep breath. "That'll have to do."

She waited and waited for him to make contact—squeezing her eyes when he did. It'd been alien to feel lips on her sensitive nub. They rested on it, gently, inexperienced and suckling gently. His teeth were always there. Gracing it. Never touching it beyond a brush—but the tease, the strokes of such, drawing a whinny.

It took a few uncontrolled breaths before Rainbow could become in tune with the feeling. The pleasure started between her legs. It would either be that or pain, and the latter had been the expectation. But as the new source of bliss started to come, the girl could finally let down her shoulders.

There was no voice. No fear or worry or anxiety of being called out. Rather her body melted to the internal heat and became a smooth blue thing of furs. Her clip slipped into the dragon's mouth, that warm, damp place, as his tongue had wrapped around her love.

Wrapping and tightening and licking during its route. Little flourishes of love crinkling beneath the sphere. His tongue tightened, on and off, to squeeze that drove a kick from her leg. Rainbow rocked on her rump, forward and back, not meaning to, but needing to, unintentionally pushing her pussy into the dragon's face.

Her face was mellow, and she was panting and rolling her eyes in glee. Finally, she looked down to see him looking up. He seemed happy to have pleasured her so—but was looking for the next clue. Her heart raced, from fear and exhilaration, the breaking into another world.

"K-Keep... me in your mouth. D-Don't stop what you're doing." Rainbow's face scrunched as her legs, against his claws, pushed in, clamping on the sides of his face. How smooth it was as her softness bunched against it. "Y-You've got something... woooohooo... with that tongue of yours. U... use it... use it you your advantage."

Her face imploded into itself in the attempts to ward off the goodness. The hanging of a tongue and the kicking of a leg and the thumping on her rump. Everything beneath her coat, that burning skin, needed to be touched and caressed.

She burned hotter inside as she blushed in shame. Freshly honey leaked from her folds and doused the dragon into a waft of musk. She's never done that to a pony. Figured she'd have to cry or apologize or act like it was normal. But the dragon did not raise a fuss.

And neither did she.

"T-Try flicking it around... in there... and t-t-test the reactions you'll get out from me." Her eyes clenched again, and her lips tucked inward as she kept thrusting into his face. She couldn't help it. Not wanting to ride him as so. It wasn't the desire to do so to get off more—rather something she could not help. "Promise... I won't fake you on this one... everyone I do... is because... of you..."

His eyes serenely closed. As his lips waxed her clit like butter onto bread, his tongue lowered to her vulva, teasing her all over. Even though he had no clue what to do, something led him, as his tongue drew circles into her mounds. Tasting and testing every inch of the area. Learning what it all was like.

Until it lowered to her base. Her thighs clamped harder into his face in feeling him go in. She was tighter. Tighter than tight. Feeling herself clench inside at the smallest of sensations. Her rocking ushered him to go inside. To find whatever she wanted him to find.

To lick that itch in that burning place.

Rainbow was a collection of shaking and moans and hushed whimpers from the overload of joy. It should have been scary to have something so long, so deep inside of her, licking and flicking about. It was an invasion. Something in a place that had never been there before.

But because she knew it was the dragon, despite all the knots in her chest, she was able to take it with ease. Finally there came a lick there. That burning spot. A place where she, herself, could not scratch. She rode into him harder at his feeling of a bump.

Rainbow couldn't even say anything. Not without biting her wrist, turning away, and moaning as loud as she could. It wasn't to appease him. Not even for those in earshot to hear about how of a good time she was having. It was as simple as feeling something good, and expressing that, which, somehow, had become a forgotten practice.

There wasn't time to warn him. The swelling of her walls and the seeping of honey from them. Rather her legs broke his hold, and she was not sliced by his talons, as her thighs locked around his head. Then she buried him as deep, squeezing, as she wobbled to milk all the good that came.

And the dragon was so kind as to hold his breath and serve.

Then she came. Moaning into her hoof as her chest was puffed with fluff. Little trickles of honey that burned on their way out. Dousing onto his snout and washing down her folds, leaking from there, as they dribbled onto the swell of her flanks.

After the climax's tightness, her body relaxed, everything feeling free, the haze around her, settling into the stall's metallic walls. On the corners of the ceiling, red neon stripes rolled across, some buds out, with only a few bright.

She was panting by the time she looked down the expanse of her body. Over the edge of her crotch where she, at once, spread her legs to free the poor dragon. Spike continued to lick her vulva, working with care, even dropping to collect the stains of honey on her flanks.

"That... oh CELESTIA... that was something..." Rainbow continued to breathe in, enjoying the lingering buzz. "And that... that was hardly without training! How... how did you do that so well?"

Spike pulled back from her legs, finally breathing, coming to rest his back on the door. His erection popped in the bottom of her vision—but it no longer scared her to see. Rather it was something there. It didn't mean anything more... or something scary.

"Dunno," he said equally out of breath. "Just went with whatever felt right. Did I—"

"Rocked my world, dragon boy."

"Oh." He nodded. "That's good."

"Yeah... good alright." Rainbow finally caught her breath. "Lemme tell ya. You'll make a mare happy someday. Got both parts of a relationship down to pat. You'll be living the good life, the open life, soon enough."

He didn't seem to regard any of that—not even his stiffness.

"But I was able to make you happy, right?"

Rainbow laughed. Didn't even need to think about it. "Without a doubt, Spike. You can even press your claw to my chest if you don't believe me." The dragon wasn't supposed to come over on his knees, and yet he did, coming to lie his claw on her chest, lightly. "Oh. C'mon now. If you're just looking for an excuse to touch me now."

Her limp hoof fell on his claw, pushing down on it, letting him feel the beat of her heart. She was blushing from his trance with it. "That's... from what I did?"

"Maybe beating a little bit faster because it knows you're feeling it."

Spike blinked. "I had that effect?"

Her eyes rolled with a groan. "Really need to get that confidence as tall as your stature. You're not some nobody kid. Twilight's little helper. Stop disregarding yourself so much." She breathed and watched as his claw raised with it. “What you do matters. You can have an impact. Mares... we... we aren't some unobtainable thing set to always tease you."

Her tail flicked him. "Although we certainly enjoy it."

Spike playfully rolled his eyes. He was so close, now, next to her barrel. His snout close enough to brush into her own. His eyes above. Green and shining with a little glow. Enough to be dashing—even if just a little. Those cute frills and spikish spines.

But it was more so that genuine, secure feeling, that made him compelling.

"We like being treated right... that claw of yours... notice how it's brushing me?" Spike glanced at the claw that brushed the tuft at her chest, sometimes winding a digit in it, enjoying the swirl. "Now, don't stop because I made you see it. But you enjoy feeling me, right? Soft and fluffy?"

He nodded.

"Well... I enjoy it too." She went on. Not from the stance of someone who did this a lot—but rather, from her, and her personal feelings on this. "How sometimes you scratch me in little spots and how your palm is able to cover so much of me. I almost feel like a kitten being with you—and no wise remarks!"

His mouth opened but, after that, chuckled and closed again.

"But say what you will about the take and take... because sometimes... it's give and give." Rainbow smiled in nuzzling their snouts together, no idea what she was doing but, like the dragon, trusting where this sense led her to. "I'm giving you a fluffy body to explore. And you're giving me the feeling of having it being searched, scratched, brushed and loved. It feels nice to be touched. Caressed. Y'know... all that stuff."

Spike smiled.

And Rainbow giggled.

Then she went forward for the kiss.

Epilogue | The Truth

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~ Epilogue ~

The Truth

The kiss had been a mistake. It was a step too far, another realm she was too scared to touch, and yet, she'd gone for it. She acted like it didn't mean much. Something that even lovers did if they were not a couple. He seemed to have bought it.

And then, as they were sitting side by side at the bar, long after close, alone, with a bottle between them.

"Would you go out with me?"

Rainbow coughed with a shake of her head. She glanced over at the dragon who, despite asking such a question, was coolly taking a drink. Either he learned to become an actor—or already prepared himself for this.

"Hypothetical? Or..."


Cuts straight to the point. So how about it? You wanted Spike for a reason. What was it that made you start all of this? Just to get off? Unlikely? Because he was the only target your subconscious would accept? Maybe. But you two have been at it for a month.

Mere sex doesn't scare you.

So what will you do now?

"Why this out of the blue?" Rainbow blushed in cradling a glass between her hooves. "Some hot thing already asking you out?"


Rainbow's heart stopped as her muzzle whipped to him. She looked up as mane covered her eyes. Mouth opened but words unheard. He kept drinking like nothing happened. Seeing as he wasn't going to get a response, though, his tall, tired frame, glanced down at her. "Wanted the whole package. Both the love and the lust aspect of it. Told her I'd think about it."

Rainbow swallowed and looked away. She was still blushing. Giving herself away. "D-Do I know her? Few classy acts in this joint. Or maybe—"

"Someone from work."


"You were right." His glass clattered onto the wood after his shot. "Your first time opens a different world. Ponies look at me a little differently. Or maybe it's because I act differently now. You gave me something, Rainbow."

"Heh." She shrugged. "It's nothing. So... are ya gonna go for it?"

"Depends on you."



He poured another shot for them both. Holding his between his talons, she did the same between her hooves, the two looking at each other. Rainbow tried looking around for help. Ponies that perceived her as being so great. With them around, she could be like that about.

When ponies accepted that she was greatness, she found it easier, then, to act that way.

But being great, on her own, was an impossible act.

To think.

The start of this had him being the one scared to talk to her. Being so undeserving of being with her. Now... now she could hardly speak to the dragon.

He held out his glass, and she clicked hers into his, then he spoke before they drank. "I wanted to know if I had a chance with you. But I know the kind of girl that you are. So I wouldn't want to lock you to a life that's too slow for you."

"Right." Rainbow looked into her drink. "Craving pizza one night. Pasta the next. Eating one is no good at all."

"Shall I take that as a no?"

"I'm... uh..."

"Don't worry about it."

Spike took his shot, clenched his eye and turned his head, and endured the pain for a second. Once it was done, it was done, and he was able to stand up. He was able to take those hits. Brunt them and move on. He didn't need all the little shields that Rainbow put up.

And she wasn't even going to reject him. It wouldn't have been acceptance either.

What was it, then, that she was going to say?

"I won't be here for our usual session tomorrow—told her I'd give my answer in the park just outside of here." Spike stood from his stool and turned to her, and she was still looking away, earning a polite laugh. "You're an excellent friend, Rainbow. Thanks for helping me with everything."

Rainbow's eyes closed as she couldn't face him. She tried to speak—but could feel the cracks in her voice. Rather she waved him off with a foreleg, the cool, nonchalant thing to do. He gave another chuckle and was out the door like that.

It chimed and he was gone.

Rainbow sat there for a while. Unable to down the shot and instead placed it back onto the table. Her mane hung over her face with the need to cry, slicing at the corners of her eyes. She'd never allow such a thing. But the need for it was there.

Finally, she let a few tears loose.

"You too, Spike, for everything."

It'd been cold. Freezing. White winds and frozen wood. Rainbow pranced in place behind a couple of trees in the fight to keep herself warm. There was a stone path over the grassy hill, one with a bench and a streetlamp at its center.

The dragon sat there, in the cold, waiting in the dim light.

"Heard you're done with your dragon partner... need a new toy for the bathroom?"

What are you waiting for? This is the life other ponies think you live. Being with Spike has you used to what a guy may do. How about it? Is this what you crave? The hollow pleasure, the fast life of a star? Wish to ride his face and only that?

"I-I... sorry pal."

Why are you running? You're forgetting your jacket. Don't let ponies see you acting like this! You'll break the mould that you set for yourself for so long. What will you do if ponies start looking at you differently? Just what was it, deep down, you were fearing?

"You can come out from behind there now."

Rainbow blinked and shook her head from her thoughts. Between the trees, in that narrow space, the dragon was looking at her. All the way from the bench, the glow of his eyes, keeping despite the distance.

At once, the act was one, and she stumbled out.

"Hey hey! Sorry dragon boy! Was just taking care of business—the fillies room was packed back at the bar." She strode onto the stone with a squint to how it licked frost to the underside of her hooves. She blunted the pain without a show of it on her face. "You meet your date yet? Or are you learning the heartbreak of getting stood up?"

Spike chuckled and shook his head. "Actually... she just showed up."

Rainbow glanced around in fear of seeing her. The awkwardness of another mare, striding by, and taking her dragon. Of having to explain what they were before or pretending that nothing happened between them at all.

But no one was there.

Except her.

Rainbow turned back in confusion without a word to say. Mouth opened and a foreleg lifted without either moving. It was always on someone else to carry it. To set the terms of what came next. Never could she set the charge—except in those brave moments.

"Why are you here?"

It was a simple question. One that jolted her back. Stronger than the gust of frost as it smacked into her. "I-I... from the bar... it..."

"I told you that I would be here—and that another mare would be waiting for me." Spike clapped his claws and settled them between his legs. "What reason would you have to come see that? To see the student passing on? What reason?"

Rainbow's foreleg dropped as it was becoming harder to see in the storm. Snow blasting around with the winds that became a haze. She looked at the ground. Ashamed. "I... don't know. Something brought me here. Just... don't know what."

"Am I someone special to you?"

The winds howled.

"What? Of course you are!"

"More special than the guys you've seen before? Did you see them go off with their new dates?"

"You're different from them! You... were my friend before all of this began! I wanted to make how you would make—"

"Is that a lie?"

Lies... have you been lying this whole time? Indeed you have. Your whole image is a lie based on what you put out there and what others' perceptions allowed you to be. View you as a scared little pony—and you couldn't break that. See you as Rainbow Dash and, well, you're enabled to start acting like her.

Whoever she is.

But you've been lying.

Is your lying less harmful than regular lies?

"Yes... and no... some parts are... and others aren't." Rainbow looked at her coat to see its blue catching with white. Not caring to brush it off, she took it, allowing her fuzz to become snow. "I care for you. And I like you. I do want the best for you."

"How many guys have you been with before me then?"

He has no way of knowing. This is another insecurity of his, flared. Give him one of your usual loose answers. How about 'enough'? For in a little character guilt for him to lie off it? You're not really lying to him—you're lying to yourself. That shouldn't amount to all that much worse.


Spike sat straight on the bench and looked over at her. His face caught in surprise as his blinking eyes pondered a way to process this. He looked between his legs. Still staring at the pavement buried beneath the snow. He then looked back at her.

"But... n-no..." He exhaled. "But you asked to get with me! Even blew me down there! Got me to..." His head dropped. "Those were my first times! They were—"

"They were our first times," Rainbow added in walking toward him and entering the light of the lamp. "Everyone takes me for a certain kind of girl. I had to live up to the image. Do... whatever felt right in that regard."

“Oh Rainbow.” His arms lurched out for her at once, taking Rainbow into his hold, as she settled onto his lap. She didn't fight the hug. Instead she pressed into him. His scales were warm and smooth, and his arms blocked the cold. "I'm so sorry! If I knew those were your first times I... I would have..."

"Have what? You did the best you could on them both—in all regards." Rainbow nuzzled into the side of his neck, burying herself there, needing the contact. It wasn't like her to be seen as weak. So she never did anything fragile. Yet being close to another... she wanted to become one. "Seeing you so scared... it comforted me. Although I led you astray because of it. Made you feel bad because—"

"Don't you worry about that now." His claw cupped the back of her head, as it brushed her mane, stroking out the bits of ice. "I could have done more to have comforted you then. But... why the lies?"

Rainbow allowed herself to melt as she retreated into her being. The cold slashed all around. Scaring her into being a filly. Were it not for the dragon, she would be lost, frozen in the cold—dead in this white nightmare. "It's... who I am. Ponies just... started treating as more one day. Be it one reason or another. And I went along with it. But I could never actually feel it."

His eyes narrowed.

"I'd look in the mirror as I was thinking and, no matter what I was thinking about, you couldn't see it on my face." Rainbow shook into his shoulder. "Passing mares had no clues and hitting stallions couldn't see it. I'd never really been in that kind of world. Yet those in it... put me in the top. At any point, somepony could have called me out, pointed their foreleg and say the whole thing was an act. I was so afraid of that."

Spike continued to stroke her mane.

"Then I saw you sitting there one day." Rainbow sighed. "Needed to prep myself before it, but... I finally managed to ask you out. Even if I screwed up with you, I figured that it would all end up okay after all. Out of everyone to break me into that other world."

Spike chuckled. "It had to be me?"

Rainbow looked down and continued to shake. "I'm a horrible pony, Spike. It's because you were so safe that I went for it. That you were secure. That you were seen so low that—"

"That even if you fucked up with me—it wouldn't blow into anything major? Don't sweat it." His claw rubbed her back—and no lower than that. "Other dragons would be offended, but for me, there's no greater compliment in being called harmless."

"D-Didn't even grab my flanks when you could."

"Because there are other places that seem like they need attention first." Spike kept hushing into her ear, warming fire inside of him. He even rocked a little to settle the mare in the storm. "Let me guess. You're scared of being touched there too?"

Rainbow nodded into him.

"Don't worry. I was so scared of anyone touching my dick that I almost bolted out of the stall that one time."

"Pfft." Something stung at Rainbow's eyes. She couldn't see anything of the blizzard anymore. Only the two arms that wrapped around her, with a chest and belly that was preheated, and the loving aroma of a dragon around her. "Why didn't you?"

"Because I trusted you."

"Wrong to do that."

"Was I?"

Rainbow laughed and couldn't do anything about it.

"I liked being close to you. Getting to hold you and stuff like that. You seemed most comfortable during those times." Now it was his time to sigh. "Always knew something was up or wrong with you. Just... couldn't get over myself to figure out what. Even beneath the games we used to play, I would notice things about you."


"And I wanted to help you through it." Spike chuckled. "Mind you. We were so always focused on the lessons or what not to do anything about it." He leaned his head over hers and nuzzled into it. "But I've craved to do something like this for a while. Just holding someone. It's enough... to make me feel good."

Rainbow giggled. "Me too."

Silence for a moment.



"Deep down... I... I really don't know who I am—or what I'm supposed to be."

"Hmmm... used to be the same way." Spike nuzzled into her. "Ponies would look at me like I was a creep. Or that I would grow up to be dangerous. Or that I must be something for some reason. I got to a point, though, that I didn't like other ponies deciding who I would be. That I would let whatever came inside dictate my path. Good dragon. Bad dragon. I took the risk that more good would come out from deep inside of me instead of bad."

He exhaled. "Thankfully, I naturally wanted good. I don't let others assert what it is that I feel—they have no real way of knowing, after all."

Rainbow wiggled in his grasp to pop out from the top of it. Enough to settle forehooves on his chest and lean back. She looked at him, her mane blown up in the cold, taking the numbness for a second more. "Would you... would you take me, Spike? Not Rainbow Dash... but me? Whatever it is I am whenever Rainbow's not here?"

Spike smiled. "I've been dying to discover you for a while now—I'm a reporter, y'know."

There was no need to kiss him a certain way as Rainbow fell onto his lips. Not caring if it was lazy or sloppy or even disgusting. Rather she went with what rose inside. The feelings and urges. What felt right and then keeping to that.

She kissed the dragon and snuggled into him. It didn't matter if she deserved it or what the results would be—the changes that would come into the view of the world around them. But so long as she had the dragon. That one source of security. Maybe. She could hold being an image to them.

So long as she could be herself around him.