Equestrian Mustang

by Winter Eclipse

First published

I am the last of my kind, a throwback to a bygone era if you will, a mustang. Not easily tamed by anyone, but i found one who did.

My name is Winters Blaze. Wind rider of the Steppe Clan. We once roamed what was to become Equestria before the ponies arrived. When they started to settle is when I found the one to tame me somewhat, but her sister likes to say we tamed each other.

Chapter 1

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Junus 15 999 ANF

It was a normal day in Canterlot, well as normal as it could be a few days before the Summer Sun Celebration, but it was with everypony getting ready to head to Ponyville for the ceremony. That was until gasps and whispers could be heard coming from Mane Street. The cause of the commotion was a giant of a stallion that was trotting resolutely up the street, his eyes locked straight ahead.

At a glance, he was at least two hooves taller than Princess Celestia, wide at the shoulders and carried himself with a confidence that only a trained warrior could. Not much could be seen of his coat since he wore a cloak, but from what could be seen, he was a storm mottled grey with a white mane and tail. A peculiar mark was a blaze of white that run from his forehead down almost to the end of his muzzle. One other detail could be made out about him. The way his cloak laid on his back, one could assume that a massive pair of wings rested there.

Not once did the mysterious stallion stop or slow in his march and it soon became apparent to his destination, he was headed to the castle. Arriving at the main gate, four of Celestia's best tried to stop him, but he simply swept them away with a wing. None was injured, but it was sobering to see them overwhelmed so easily. The main castle doors was his next impediment and the guards proved to be just as insignificant, except the doors had been closed and locked. Looking a bit miffed, he simply turned on his front hooves and kicked the doors with such force the castle shook on its foundation. Shaking his head, he muttered something under his breath before slowly cantering into the castle depths.


The throne room was almost at capacity from the nobles trying to get one last favour, tax break or whatever their greedy hearts desire was from the Princess before the break that came with the Summer Sun celebration. No pony knew of the events that was happening until during a small break in the proceedings, a strong quake was felt throughout the castle. It was almost instantly that guards started to flood the throne room. As nobles and the princess watched, Captain of the Guard, Spear Breaker approached the throne.

"Highness, we have a intruder."

"Description" she asked immediately, concern crossing her features.

"Large pony, at a minimum two hooves taller than you. Confirmed stallion wearing a cloak. Possibly a pegasus with a mottled grey coat, white mane and tail with."

"A white blaze going down to the end of his muzzle" she finished, her voice taking on a pained tone.

"H..how did you know" a surprised Spear asked.

"Do not worry about that right now. Do not engage him and open the throne room doors. He is not a threat to anypony here" Celestia ordered.

"But, Highness!"

"Do not test me Spear" she interrupted him. "He will not harm anypony in Equestria, besides, if he went on a rampage there's only one pony who could stop him and she's not here." Spear could hear the pain in his princess's voice and sighing, turned to follow her orders.

A few tense minutes later, the sharp clop of hooves could be heard. Entering the throne room the nobles and guards finally could see the true size of the stallion and needless to say, they was all speechless. As he stood in the doorway looking around, his gaze stopped momentarily on Celestia before something caught his attention. Moving a hoof up, he undid the tie for his cloak revealing his massive stature to all, but what really caused a collective gasp was the intricate set of wing blades he wore.

Moving down the aisle, his gaze never left a particular set of stained glass windows. Reaching the end of the aisle, he turned and stopped, staring at it in obvious pain before looking at the princess. Closing her eyes, she lowered her head as if acknowledging a unasked question. Flaring his wings in shock he took a couple of staggering steps backwards before falling to his rump, his quiet sobs being the only noise heard until the wing blades started glowing. The gathered ponies watched as Princess Celestia, her horn aglow, gently and lovingly removed the stallions arms with no reaction from him.


Celestia knew this day would come and it was as painful as she imagined. Sitting in front of her was her long lost brother in law. She knew without looking what window he was fixated on. It depicted the moment she had to banish her little sister to her own moon to prevent the Nightmare from destroying her and Equestria. She knew why he was here and knew despite his strength, they would need each other in the coming days. Lighting her horn, she gently began removing his blades. Setting them aside, a gasp was heard. Looking back, she watched for only the second time in all the years she had knew him, as his strength failed.

Nopony had seen her move. Nopony had ever seen the princess move that fast, but there she was sitting in the middle of the throne room without her royal regalia, holding the mysterious stallion to her chest covering him with her wings as he wept. What surprised them the most was the fact that she was weeping with him as if both was reliving a tragedy that only the two of them knew.


"Yes, Princess."

"Clear the throne room please, I need some time to calm him down, also let it be known that he will be afforded the same respect I receive" she paused a moment to collect herself. "After all, he is my brother in law and thus a Prince of Equestria."

When she said that, everypony witnessing the scene started wondering who the stallion was and what this would mean for them all.

Personal file

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Name: Winters Blaze

Race: Mustang Pegasus (Wind Rider in his native language)

Sex: Stallion

Born: 498 BNF

Age: 1499 (At the time of this bio)

Height: 67.5 hooves

Wing span: 135 hooves

Weight: 200 gall

Eye color: Celeste Blue

Color: Mottled grey body with white mane and tail. Wings are white with blue tips.

Immediate family

Wife: Princess Luna

Foals: Moonlight Blaze. Son(deceased)
Unnamed foal due to a miscarriage

Sister in law: Princess Celestia

Occupation: Guardian of Everfree and protector of Equestria

Chapter 2

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Junus 16 999 ANF

Upon opening my eyes, I was confused for a moment until the events of yesterday came back to me. Laying there in a bed that was far more comfortable than it should be, I realized I had been a fool for staying away from Cel after Luna lost herself. She kept repeating that she understood how I felt when we spoke about it last night and I guess it's not a surprise then that I could feel Cel had pulled herself up to me as close as she could. Glancing over my withers, I can see a content smile on her muzzle simply because she had half of her family back.

I could feel a small smile crease my muzzle as I looked at her. 'The last thousand years has been hard on her, even if she doesn't show it' I thought to myself. It's a wonder she didn't lose herself, but I guess when you are immortal, everything will work out in the end.

My mind drifted while I laid next to my sister. I knew Luna would return in a few days, but I also knew that the Nightmare would still have sway over her. Do I have the heart to confront her I wondered. Would I even be able to if I could, to stand in front of my wife and try to talk some sense into her, possibly fight her? I still remember seeing pain in those slitted and yet, still beautiful eyes. I remember her saying she could never harm me, but her sister was a different story. Her conviction that Celestia had something to do with our foals death when she sent him to the Crystal Empire as ambassador before Sombra took over was one of the driving forces behind her transformation. Her miscarry was the other.

"What has you so deep in thought that your lost to the world this morning?"

I turned back to the voice that startled me out of my musings to see rose colored eyes looking at me in concern. Smiling, I shook my head and sighed.

"Just thinking about what's going to happen and remembering how Blazing's death has led to the grief that has befallen our family." Watching her ears flatten to her head was hard and I wasn't going to let whatever feelings she had continue to bother her.

"In someway you feel responsible don't you?"

"Whinny, I am responsible for Moonie's death. I'm the one that asked him to be the ambassador. How can I not be responsible" she asked as tears rolled down her muzzle.

"He was a grown stallion and knew what he was getting into. We couldn't have foreseen that Sombra was going to stage a coup. Luna was already unsettled at that point from the miscarriage and Blazing's death pushed her over the edge" I said to her. Seeing that my words hadn't had the effect I was hoping for, I rolled over and pulled my sister in to my larger frame and wrapped a wing over her back.

"Her sanity was already fragile at that point, you couldn't see it because she hid it so well, but I knew she was on a blades edge and when news came of his death it sent her over that edge." I had to stop for a moment as I reflected on the night Luna changed. I had been trying to console her about the loss of our foal, but when word had come of Moon's death, I had to watch as the one I loved broke down and turn into a Nightmare.

When I came back to myself, I made it known what was going to happen.

"When Luna returns, I will confront her sister. She will not harm me."

"How can you be sure of that Whinny? She had let the Nightmare take over and it cares not who you are." I smiled at her before giving her the one answer I knew in my heart.

"Despite becoming what she is, she still knows me as her husband. We had been married for two hundred years by that point and even though she had lost herself she still knew in her heart who I was and even said she could never bring any harm to me. I'll be okay Cel, harming me would be worse than harming herself" I said smiling. "Now, what's on the docket for this morning?"

"For starters, raising the sun in a few minutes, then breakfast. After that, I guess getting you introduced to the kingdom once again." I frowned hearing that.

"You let knowledge of us fade?"

"To protect you and Luna, yes I did. I tried to protect both of you, but rumors still took root and after sometime it became known that Luna and the Nightmare were one and the same. After a few centuries went by, the knowledge about Luna turned into stories to scare foals into acting right."

"What was said about me?"

"One said that you had joined Luna on the moon by your own free will to try and help her overcome the Nightmare. Another said that you had been mortally wounded and left to die of your wounds and a broken heart." I thought about that last one and smirked. I they only knew that I was as hard to kill as an alicorn.

"Well then, get your cake flank up, raise the sun and let's get something to eat cause I'm hungry now." I waited for a breath or two before my little dig finally registered and when it did, the only thing I could think was that it was totally worth it after seeing the look on her muzzle.

Chapter 3

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Walking alongside Cel, I was holding a ice pack to my head with a wing, but I still had a smile on my muzzle. She had conked me on the back of my head with a hoof.

"Worth it" I said still smiling.

"I had forgotten about your abhorrent sense of humor, brother mine."

"Got to keep you on the tips of your hooves Cel or that flank will get bigger." Without missing a step, she wacked me with a wing.

"Ow, ow, ow. I'm going to end up with brain damage if you keep that up."

"You dont have anything in that empty skull to damage." She sighed dramatically before she finished her thought. "What does my sister see in you?" She was smiling, so I knew that I had gotten her to start relaxing, until I opened my muzzle.

"Well, I'm handsome, strong, brave and I know for a fact that I've got the biggest di.."



I was sitting to Cel's left as was customary for me nursing a bigger headache that before, but it was still worth it. To see her rolling her eyes, but still having a smile was enough to know she would be okay.

Even though I was technically a prince, I never cared for the part. I was and always will be a warrior and guardian to my sister and wife. In the old days I stood between their thrones to show the role I held in protecting them and the kingdom. As I watched noble after noble come before Cel trying to wheedle more bits or power out of her, I grew tired of their attempts and slammed a forehoof down.

"Unless you have a legitimate reason to be here, I suggest you leave or I'll show you out the old fashioned way" I announced having had enough of the pompous asses.

"And just who do you think you a..."

"I'm the one who will remove your tongue and pin it to the wall as a trophy" I interrupted. "And before you open your thrice damned mouth be warned I will do it. Most of you already know who I am from yesterday's events and if your not aware, I suggest you talk to your cohorts before I lose the remaining patience I have. Now as I said, if you have a legitimate reason to appear in court it will be heard, otherwise, GET OUT!!"

Watching a room full of pompousness scramble to get out was hilarious to me and I could tell from the small smirk that Celestia was trying to hide she thought the same. Five minutes later there was only fifteen to twenty ponies left and I nodded my head smiling.

"Now that those walking piles of minotaur shit are out of the way, we can get to what the the rest of you need. Now, who's first?"

Court didn't last long after my rant and remove. I was still mumbling about how the nobles had turned out when I was interrupted by a hoof and a pair of worried rose colored eyes.

"I could never read your moods like sister can, but something is troubling you dear brother, I can see that plainly."

Sighing, I chuckled and pulled Cel into a hug which she was more than happy to receive.

"Sorry, Cel. I've got a lot sitting on my shoulders thinking about Luna and wondering how we're going to fit in with your life now that we've returned" I looked at the floor before looking back up to her. "You've ruled by yourself for all this time and you have told me that having us back in your life means everything to you, but does it? You are the only ruler they know and now in the next few days, a lost Prince and Princess will return and throw everything into confusion for them. In your place, I'm not sure I would want that. Especially considering in the old days I was just a second rate citizen in the eyes of most everypony" I said that quietly, because I knew that even Celestia thought that of me a lot.

Even though I was considered royalty among the Mustang Nation, most Equestrian nobles thought of us as backwards and uncivilized. Luna never did because of a few members of her Night Guard legion was Mustangs and had always fought valiantly. Celestia fell into the nobles way of thinking sometimes and had to be reminded every now and again that we was just as important. I was brought back to reality by sobs and a hug that threatened to break bones.

"DONT YOU DARE SAY THAT! BOTH OF YOU HAVE A PLACE IN MY LIFE! Equestria be damned before I put it before my family. I'll not make that mistake again." Celestia's breathing was erratic for a second before she calmed down. "Why you would think that I will never know, but I have never thought of you as anything other than my brother in law, nay, my brother. You made Luna happy and in turn you made me happy. I should have shown more love towards both of you, but I felt the both of you needed space after Moonies death. I see now that the way I handled it was a mistake, but I will never put anything before my family ever again." She shifted a little before hugging me closer. "Never again."

Chapter 4

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Junus 18 999 ANF

I was at Cel's side in court again and listening to one of the most pompous and whiny beings I've ever seen. He was a white coated unicorn with a blond mane and tail and with the way he preened, must have thought he was Faust's gift to mares.

His complaint?

A maid had got one single drop of water on his coat and he was asking that she should be fired and sentenced to 10 years in the dungeon. All sound stopped when my hoof connected my forehead.

"Are you sure this little shit is a descendant of High Born" I grumbled at Cel.


I looked at the turd for a moment. "I guess I can see it, but High wasn't a asshole like this moron is. Don't get me wrong, he had his moments, but he wasn't a self centered, egotistical shit pile like he is all the time." The room grew quite when I said that. Looking at the little whiner, I could see he was on the verge of a massive bitch fit.

"I will have you know that I am Prince Blueblood and you have overstayed your welcome here. GUARDS!!! Remove this thing."

I just smiled at him before laughing. I knew he would try this after Cel had told me about him and was prepared for it.

"Two things. First, you have no authority over the guards. NONE!! Second, you can't be a Prince for the simple fact that your not married to a alicorn. Just because your adopted into the royal line doesn't give you the right to call yourself a Prince. Marriage to one of the Princesses is the only way you can be called a Prince and the only alicorn I know that isn't married is right here." I knew of Cadenza, but hadn't talked to her yet.

"Well, in that case your not a prince either. There are only two alicorns."

"Wrong little horn head. Celestia is my sister in law. What do you think that means" I asked him with a sadistic grin. I figured I better answer for him before what little brains he has explodes.

"That's right. Celestia has a sister and I'm married to her and have been for a long time. Now, I suggest you get out of my sight before I get irritated and you won't like me when I get that way."

"I will ma..."

"If you finish that sentence and I take it as a threat, you'll find yourself banished to the wasteland."

"You don't have that kind of authority."

"Actually, he does have that authority Blueblood. If he wanted to strip you of your title and more, well, there's not much I could do to stop him and don't think the council will help you either. The binding magic of the foundation laws of the kingdom still would recognize him as the ruling Prince and since there would be two rulers available, the council has no power now."

Looking at his thunder struck face was especially entertaining for me. I knew Cel was enjoying this since she told me the council had been pushing their own agenda for awhile, but since I'm back, they can't do squat now.

"That is preposterous. The council..."

"Can't do buck all with two rulers on the throne. The founders of Equestria set it up that way so morons like you couldn't screw up what so many ponies died for. Even we have to follow the laws and it was determined that alicorns are the only ones with the magic to enforce those laws. Because I'm married to Luna, I have to abide by those as well. That is why I carry the title of Guardian, because I'm bound to enforce said laws. The council was created as advisory body for the Princesses. They hold no true power and I see it has become a bloated caricature of itself. Now leave before you see me pissed off."

I guess he got the idea and left in a huff. Pompous asshole I thought to myself. I need to keep an eye on that puffed up pile of shit, but then again, if he fucks up I can do as I said I would do.


One of the perks of being a mustang is we generally have access to more than just the magic we're born with. In the years I've spent with Luna, I learned how to dream walk and for some reason I decided to walk the dreams of others this night and found one who shouldn't be here or I should say I didn't expect.

I felt her presence before I could see her.

"Luna?" Looking behind me I could see my wife standing there in shock as she looked at me.

"Whinny? Tis it truly you?" She was still in her altered form, but looking into her eyes assured me she was still there.

"Yes my heart, it is me" I said to her before gathering her up into a embrace.

"Where are you" I heard her ask.

"Sharing a bed with our sister. She has hardly left my side since I returned and she is hoping that you would return as yourself in a few days." She scoffed at my words.

"That fat flanked whorse could care less about us, especially you. She regarded you as barely a second class citizen."

"Then watch this and hear her words" I said to her as the conversation we had the other night played out from my point of view. When it was over Luna didn't say anything for a few minutes, but she did shuffle into my embrace more.

"Sister meant every word. I could feel her pain. I could feel all of the pain she has carried for the last thousand years." Luna was crying and that was one thing I couldn't stand. She was too kind and gentle to cry.

"I know my heart. All she has wanted was to have her family back at her side. I thought that leaving was the right thing to do. I see now that it was not the correct choice, but I do believe it forced her to realize what was the most important part of her life and waits eagerly for you to return since your the last part of the puzzle for her to be truly happy again."

"Three more nights my love, then all will be right again."

I couldn't wait.

Chapter 5

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Junus 19 999 ANF

"Why are we here again" I asked for the third time. Cel giggled at me before giving me the same answer she had before.

"So that the ponies of Equestria can learn of their lost Prince. Luna will have to do the same when she returns." I had to smile when she worded her response the way she did. I told her of my meeting with Luna in the dream realm and she was ecstatic that she seemed to be her old self, but had reservations about her still in her corrupted form. After I had thought on it I finally think I had an answer for her new image.

"Cel, I think I know why Luna still looks like her nightmare form. What if it's her true ascendancy?" She stopped and pondered on what I said.

"That could be true. She was of the right age and with the stress of the miscarriage and Moonie's death, it could have been forced upon her."

"And the emotions she was dealing with caused her to lose control" I said finishing her thought.

We had maybe figured out what had happened. Alicorns are extremely powerful and because of that reason they have to keep tight control of their emotions. Ponies think that Celestia is a calm and collected mare, but those that truly know her know that she is one of the most volatile beings on the planet. Because of her connection to the sun she has a tendency to blow up so to speak when she's angry. The Badlands are a prime example of when she gets pissed.

Luna is the complete opposite. She usually is one of the most calm ponies you'll ever meet, but she does have control issues sometimes. I've got scars from trying to calm them down when they lose it. I guess I was looking at one particular scar a little too long when I heard a sniffle come from my side.

"Don't even start that. I told you then and I'll tell you now that it was an accident" I said, with a little grin forming on my muzzle.

"Whinny, I almost took your leg off. How can you be so cavalier about it. I could have crippled you permanently" she asked with tears threatening to roll down her cheeks.

"Simple really." I tell her while pulling her to my side with a wing. "You are family, it's my job to keep the two mares in my life calm. I knew what I was getting into when I married Luna" I said smiling. "Now, what is this going to be? A meet and greet or something else?" She smiled when I tried to change the subject.

"A simple media appearance where they will get to ask questions, but nothing too invasive. I'm not turning my brother into a circus" she finished mumbling to herself. I quietly laughed to myself about it. She had matured so much in the last millennium.

Looking around the throne room, I was stupefied at the number of ponies that had crowded into it. There had to be a hundred or more, most of them with something Cel called a camera, which she had explained to me thankfully. As I stood there I couldn't help but get the feeling I was being watched closely by someone. Looking to my left I noticed a lavender colored unicorn filly staring at me wide eyed.

"Hello little one. What is your name?" I asked smiling.

"T-Twilight Sparkle" she answered nervously before running over and hiding on the other side of Celestia. Tia watched our interaction before answering my unspoken question.

"You'll have to forgive my student dear brother. She normally would be more curious, but I think she's a little intimidated by finding somepony that's taller than me." Nodding I decided to kneel down so I wouldn't frighten her anymore.

"Bit of a shock to meet a pony like me isn't it?" She nodded then cocked her head like a puppy that was interested in something. "If you have a question ask it of me."

"Who are you and what are you? I've never seen a pony as large as you." I had to smile at her.

"Well, my name is Winters Blaze and I am Celestia's brother in law. As to what I am, i am a Mustang Wind Rider." She looked at me in confusion.

"I thought that they had died out. There hasn't been a confirmed sighting of a Mustang in over six hundred years.?"

"They are gone unfortunately my student, but their mark is still felt in our society, you are a prime example of that legacy."

"Me? How is that possible" Twilight asked her teacher as I looked on.

"You carry the gene legacy of a Spell Weaver as they are was called. That is where your magical strength comes from. Spell Weavers were almost as powerful as alicorns because of the connection they had to the land. All of the Mustangs was powerful because of that. The Spell Weavers, Wind Riders and Earth Shapers."

"Unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies respectively right" she asked looking at me.


"If that is the case, then why did the Mustangs die out? What would cause a superior race of equines to die leaving you alone" Twilight asked tearing up.

"Because we integrated into pony culture. There was maybe three hundred Mustangs left when your ancestors settled here. That was what, around fifteen hundred years ago" I asked Tia.

"There about, its probably closer to sixteen hundred" she answered looking at me. "They was already in decline when we arrived and it was decided that they would integrate pony society so that they would live on in their descendants. Winter here is the last full blooded Mustang."

"B-but, how? Why? Why did your race die out? That shouldn't be possible" she asked as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"We was an old race. Stewards of the lands that were no longer needed. I am the last because of the bond I have with Luna" i explained to her solemnly. "Our time passed and we was ready. Unfortunately Twilight, that's the way of the world sometimes." I smiled at her before noticing that it had gotten quite. When I looked to the media that been gathered, I could see that they had gotten comfortable and we had their undivided attention. A particular bright red pegasus mare stood before addressing me.

"Your Highness, your story was better than an interview you could have given us. It has given some insight into our prince and for the time being any other questions can wait till Princess Luna returns." We watched as all of the gathered ponies stood, bowed to us and calmly walked out of the throne room.

"Well, that was an interesting press conference" I said to my companions before getting up and stretching. "Things are going to get very interesting pretty soon."

Chapter 6

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Junus 20 999 ANF

As I watched Twilight head to the carriage with her assistant, I looked at Tia.

"Are you sure about this" I asked her with more than a little apprehension.

"I am. Twilight's destiny is to replace the three of us." When Cel said that, I simply looked at her with a raised brow.

"She is destined to ascend and become the next ruler of Equestria after the three of us decide to retire"

"Are you sure of this? It was always my impression that either one of your foals or ours was to take over?"

"No" she said shaking her head. "Just as Luna and myself ascended the throne from Platinum's family, it is our turn to pass it on to another not of our blood. Twilight and Cadence will make responsible rulers when their time comes."

I knew something was up when she said that. Celestia has a gift that allowed her to see the flow of time and what could effect it for good or ill.

"What did you see?" She stopped and looked me dead in the eyes.

"The return of the Crystal Empire" she hesitated before I finished her sentence.

"And Sombra too." She nodded.

"How long?"

"3 years. Just long enough for some key points to happen."

"Such as?"

"I can not tell you brother. If I did, it would change the future and for the outcome I have foreseen, everything must come to pass, both the good and bad" she said trailing off. I immediately felt a shiver go down my spine.


"If you are asking who dies" I was staring at her with such intensity I knew she could feel it "nopony does thankfully, but" I just knew a but was in there. "You will face the biggest decision you have ever known."


As I wandered around this quaint little village waiting for nightfall, I thought back to what Cel had said.

"There is nothing I wouldn't sacrifice for my family" I muttered to myself. Death, dismemberment, I've faced it all protecting this kingdom and my family and my resolve hasn't changed, never has, never will. Looking up I noticed the sun starting to set, it's almost time I thought to myself, my love returns to me this night.


It was almost daybreak and I followed everypony to the town hall for the beginning of the celebration, but I knew what was to happen. Standing in the back, I waited as the town mayor began her speech before she drew the curtains aside to present Celestia only for her to not be there. Panic started to spread through the hall before sinister laughter was heard. A swirling black mass appeared where she was to show and I knew who it was.

"Still have a flair for theatrics don't you my love" I asked Luna over the mind link we shared.

"I have a part to play in this. Celestia has told me what must happen."

"And are things okay between the two of you?"

"Yes husband, we have spent most of the night talking things through. You have a part to play too you know."

"I realize that my wind." When she appeared through the haze, a felt a tear run down my muzzle. She had a taller, more mature figure, almost as tall as her sister. Her musculature was more defined showing that she lived up to her title of the warrior princess.

"How I've longed for this day to come and to see you again my beautiful wife, this has brought back my will to truly live again."

"And I have longed to see you again my husband, but we must play our parts now."

I watched as she began her ' villainous speech' about what she was going to do. I was doing my best to not laugh out loud about the other commentary she was making.

"I feel so bucking silly saying this manure."

"I know Luna, but it must be done. It'll only last a few minutes. Ah, there goes Twilight." I just had to wait for her to say Luna's false name and then step in. When she called my wife Nightmare Moon, I winced.

"I know it hurts, but it's almost over Winter. Just a little longer." Sighing, I stepped forward to play my part.

"You may know her by that name, but I know her by another name, her true name. That of my wife, Luna." When I said that, everypony in the place went nuts especially a blue pegasus. She was in my face immediately demanding to know who I was and I let her know.

"Winters Blaze. Guardian of Everfree, protector of Equestria, First Prince of Equestria and Celestia's brother in law." When I finished ticking off my titles, you could hear a pin drop.

"The Princess doesn't have a sister or a brother in law" the mare snarled in my face.

"He's telling the truth Rainbow. As a matter of fact, you could be arrested for assault on Equestrian royalty for what you just did" Twilight said to her. She then took notice of how much larger I was to her.

"Your him aren't you" she asked in awe. "The last Mustang Wind Rider. It was believed you was dead"

"Yes, I am the last of a dead race, but as you can see, I'm not dead." She bowed to me and before I knew it, everypony was bowing.

"Our parts here are done husband. I shall see you at the castle."

"I barely can hold myself from reaching for you. I will be so glad when this is over so I can hold you close to me again."

"Just a little longer, Whinny, just a little longer" my wife said to me before she disappeared back into her mass.

Chapter 7

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Junus 21 1000 ANF

"Get up" I tell them. "I couldn't stand that a thousand years ago and I can't stand it now. I don't want anypony bowing to me." After watching the ponies get to their hooves, I turned to leave. Before I took three steps I watched Twilight run out followed by five other mares. 'That makes all six' I thought to myself with a smile. After clearing the building, I took wing to head over to Celestia's position, upon landing I could see her eyes was red from crying.

"You okay?"

"Never better" she says smiling. "My little sister is back and so is my brother" she says while giving me a nuzzle and kiss on the cheek.

"What's next" I asked the mare next to me.

"We wait until they reach the old castle and then the final act of this little play can be finished."

"And I'll be glad for it to be done too. All I want is to wrap Luna in my wings and not let her go."


It was almost over. The pain and loneliness that has plagued me for the last thousand years was almost over. Cel had us in a bubble spell that made it impossible to see or hear us, unless you happened to be a black coated alicorn keeping an eye on us while six other ponies came to the realization that they are the new element bearers.

"What are you playing at husband of mine?" Luna's question broke me out of my daydreaming.

"Just thinking of what I'm going to do to you after you have recovered enough my wife." I heard a scoff beside me and I knew Tia was rolling her eyes.

"She hasn't been back for more than four hours and already your thinking with that prick between your rear legs."

"Don't give me that" I started before looking at Cel. "From what Cadence has told me, you haven't exactly been celibate in the last few years." I watched a blush start at her muzzle and work its way down her neck before I heard Luna choking on her laughter. When I looked back at Luna, she was trying her hardest to not laugh, but it was a lost cause as she fell over holding her stomach while laughing the hardest I had seen in the time we've been together.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but Winter has you there dear sister. The look on your muzzle speaks volumes." She finally got out while huffing for breath. While our private conservative had been going on, Cel's student had been on a little rant about what her little friends had done to show they was lived up to their namesake elements and now they was standing there in confusion.

"What the hay is going on" the rainbow mane pegasus asked.

"That" they all turned to me when Cel dispelled the bubble "is easy to explain."

"You six girls are now the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. The events of this past night was a test of sorts" Cel explained to them while I made my way to Luna. Those captivating blue eyes watched me for my little trek and then closed in joy when I kissed my wife for the first time in a thousand years.

"I don't understand. Wasn't we supposed to find the elements and then use them to defeat Nightmare Moon?"

"No my student" Cel began "there was never any threat of Nightmare Moon. That was a name that ponies started using to demonize Luna for no reason other than most feared her and her night at the time."

"Luna was always the kindest pony you would ever find" I tell them while nuzzling my wife. "She has to be to put up with the bullshit I've pulled during our marriage."

"But, but if she's not evil or corrupted,then why does she look like that?" That question came from a surprising pony. She was still hiding behind the orange earth pony, but I could tell she was honestly curious.

"Because, I am now a fully ascended alicorn" Luna explained to the mare. Still, more confusion crossed Twilight's muzzle.

"Alicorns ascend in two stages. Because of the magical power a pony gains when they ascend, it's done in stages so their body has a chance to adapt to the magic. Unfortunately, Luna's final stage was accelerated because of the stress she had from her miscarriage and the death of their oldest son" Cel explained to her student. "It caused her emotions to become unstable and lose herself."

"But why is she stable now? Shouldn't the last thousand years have reinforced her instability" Twilight asked.

"I slept during my banishment and while I was sleeping, my emotions and magic normalized. Winter realized what happened when he found me in the dream realm." Luna said to her while standing next to me with my left wing wrapped over her back protectively. She was as tall as Cel now.

"I'm gonna have to get used to you being as tall as Cel, but it should make things easier for me now in certain areas" I finished in a whispering voice to convey my meaning. Luna started giggling while I watched Cel roll her eyes.

"Sister, do something with that abomination you call a husband. I'll ask again, how do you put up with him?"

"Simple" Luna started before kissing me again. "He loves me for who I am and you know well enough that he is harmless, otherwise you would not have let him sleep with you." The look of shock on the others muzzles was entertaining to me, but I needed to cut that line of thought off.

"Not like that. Cel has never wanted that from me nor has she asked. It was mainly to comfort me, but I think really it ended up both of us needed it." When I looked at Cel, I could see the love she had for me as a brother and nothing more.

"I wouldn't have minded if the two of you had done something. I did make the offer of sharing our bed when she wanted too." I simply looked at Cel.

"And you say what about me again?"

"She learned it from you."

Chapter 8

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Junus 25 0000 ALR

For the last three days nothing much has happened at the castle. Cel had canceled court and any meetings that was scheduled to spend as much time as she could with us while Luna recovered. Today was Luna's press conference and she had the same bewildered look as I did when Cel told her what was going on.

"Whinny had to do it and now you must have one sister."

"Why? You always took care of public announcements and such before. I never cared for that, simply because they always ignored me back then" Luna finished mumbling.

"Today's ponies aren't afraid of the night like they was in those days my love. After the sun goes down, you wouldn't believe what goes on after dark. Concerts, plays, ponies out til the early morning hours dancing and drinking the night away. They even call Manehattan the city that never sleeps because of what goes on they around the clock" I tell her as a look of wonder crossed her muzzle.


"Its true little sister. Ponies of this day and age revel in your night, not just your thestrals." Luna's flank hit the floor when she heard those words.

"They...they have remained since my banishment?"

"And thrived little sister. One of my first acts was to ensure their safety after the fact" Cel told her while nuzzling her dumbstruck sister while I started laughing.

"Yeah, the first thing the current commander did was challenge me to a duel. I still don't know if she was more excited about my return or yours."

"Well, you are the nominal commander of the Night Guard" Luna said to me.

"But, you are their Night Mother. While I might be your guard commander, you have ultimate say in their lives. Even though I'm your husband, your word is law to them." When she started to retort, I kissed her before her words could form.

"Its always been like that and I've never complained have I" I asked her with a smirk.

"No, but I've always told them that you was just as important to them as I was." I smiled at my wife while I helped her up.

"I know that, they know that, but its a mare dominated society and that makes you the supreme leader in their eyes and I've never questioned it. They respect me because I'm your mate and a accomplished warrior to them."

"You didn't accept the duel did you?" I looked at her cross-eyed.

"When have I ever backed down from a fight" I asked her. Luna narrowed her eyes giving me that long look I know so well.

"You didn't hurt her did you?" I could tell my answer had better be good.

"Of course not! If anything, she actually could almost match me, but then again I'm rusty from not sparring or training for the last five hundred years."

"I've meant to ask what you had done for the time you've been gone Whinny." Cel asked me.

"I wandered the world. Mercenary, personal guard, farmer, I've done it all. I never settled in one place for longer than ten years. I would eventually get restless and move on for fifty or so years then settle again for a bit before doing it again. I never had reason to settle down without you."

"Why did I never receive word of your travels? Surely somepony would have noticed and sent word to me?" I smiled at my sister and looked out over Canterlot.

"Because, I wasn't in Equestria. I've only been back for a month or so. I wondered the wider world. From the Great Eastern Sea to the Southern Grand Belt." I paused to wonder how they would take the news of where else I had visited. "I even went to the Hidden Kingdom." Both mares sucked in a breath. I knew that particular piece of information would make them ask many questions.

"Is it..."

"A barren frozen hellscape? Yes, yes it is still. I searched to see if I could find any life, but I never found any, nor did I find any indication of life. Everything that was left behind from the stories you both told me is gone, either destroyed or lost to the elements." I could tell that the news of there being no trace of their true homeland hurt. The only way it would live on was in the memories of the two mares standing next to me.

"I had hoped that one day, we could go and reclaim what we had lost and that Equestria would learn of it's true heritage, but that dream I held is lost." Seeing Cel like this hurt, of the two she was old enough at the time to know and remember what the old kingdom was like while Luna had been only a few years old and remembered little.

"It's better to know now then at a later date and from somepony who's word you know can be trusted, Tia."

"I know, Lulu, I know."