Espresso of Vanilla

by B_25

First published

Hearts and Hooves day is for all, big and small, and for those, big and small, to find something more between then. Rainbow Dash and Vanilla Beam learn this personally. [Micro]

Hearts and Hooves day is for all, big and small, and for those, big and small, to find something more between then. Rainbow Dash and Vanilla Beam learn this personally.


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An Espresso of Vanilla Beam
B_25 & Vanilla Beam

Hearts and Hooves day was shared by all and experienced differently from everyone. Life and work and duty continued regardless of the day, even those, however, couldn't remain unaffected from the scope of love. Minds and hearts immersed and invested in their special lovers.

To see their reflections in glimmering eyes fixated on them, knowing, in return, the other experienced the same. It called for a full twenty-four hours to find new ways to rekindle old loves. Deeply thrown into violet currents in the hopes of being washed to another.

It was a day to date, finding things to love and to be loved for, another to allow a separated two into becoming whole; anything to be embraced in love. Long manes and sweet perfumes. Lithe bodies and timed giggles. Whatever to implore everything within to blossom into something more.

To enter into something beyond oneself.

And, to others, a day to get laid or to make love, versions of the day, changing, to those captured within it. To make love or to get laid, the actions the same will be felt, seen, and mean differently in its various contexts.

Deep down it's a day to spend with those who love each other. Stallions, however, have issues in finding the other to complete them. Someone to wake up to in the morning, to share a sandwich together in the afternoon, enjoying a movie in the evening, going to sleep, not alone, during the night.

To become something more, to be viewed and valued from a caring outside, the same done in return, a wonderful cycle reaching the heights of life. In one stallion's case, he's had no luck in even striking a conversation with a girl.

Much less getting a date.

Vanilla Beam has been living in Ponyville for the last few years and, even though others were aware and used to seeing him now, most endured difficultly.. in getting used to his EXTRA small stature. Unable to put ants to shame with his height meant vulnerability to the giant ponies of the town.

Nearly drowning in spilled drinks or watering cans, avoiding cavernous beaks of birds and similar predators. The main culprit, of course, was hooves, thick pillars looming from the sky, striking craters into fields around him. Massive hooves breaking domes into his tiny, little world, so many times underneath their shadow as the distant plane, high above, strode across the sky, crashing, seconds later, in terrible tremors across the ground.

Mighty impacts, scaring and titillating, a cinematic world.

Every day.

Most hooves were unaware of his existence somewhere beneath them, the sides of titanic barrels spanning vistas in the sky. Curved landscapes of living beings so horribly ignorant of him. Legs covering great strides without paying mind to the forms below. Stepping forward, crushing underneath, their size.

Worst were the fillies coming out to play; white bugs and golden manes had yet to be discovered as a species, and yet, those kids pretended the tiny stallion was a mere insect. Stomping those pert hooves on the ground, shaking his world, impacts sending him into the air, thuds whipping the landscape. Running out from those dooming circles of shadows, crossing beneath their frames in hopes of escape.

Maybe he was a bug, after all, and lived a lonely because of it.

And his perceptions on the genuineness of Hearts and Hooves day wasn't of help.

This year would be different.

Upon seeing Rainbow Dash.

In the authentic blue canvas of the sky above, her monolithic form flew across it, the currents struck from beating wings, regardless of distance, swept idly over him. Vanilla had been perched on the smooth pebble, its surface warmed by sunlight, the blades of grass, like tress of him, short enough, here, to easily be seen over.

That changed in the closing seconds. The massiveness of blue zoomed from above, a frame, gigantic, having his shape grow as it flew toward him. Without warning, those hooves struck the earth with the gained momentum of the flight—powerful cannons striking land as tremors broke beneath the surface.

The pebble wobbling in place, and he, forced the stand, doing the same.

Once the world had quit in its shaking, the white bug forced the jitters out from his hooves, shivering them, one by one until the deed was done. Vast sunlight transitioned into imposing shadows. On top of the rock, his head turned to the side, forced up, like always, to intake the beast of a mare standing before him.

First to appear were those hooves, broad and round, inches dug into the ground, a brim of dirt, thickly so, erect around their curvature. Little elements of the earth splattered and stuck to the thinness of her furs, dots of dirt caught between strands, an adventurous painting of coolness skyrocketing.

Slender legs only thick due to the differences of their sizes, climbing ever upward as tended to be the case with giants, arching back, filling out, muscles that were firm in a feminine sense by consistent training. The thin legs, however, developed into delicious thighs easily able to be snuggled and slept into.

All of that changed in those legs reaching that distant frame. The underbelly of darker blue furs due to the absence of light. Spanning fields at a consistent slope of fluffiness asking to be cuddled with as well. Near the chest developed a dense tuft reminiscent of a fuzzy forest composed of blue cotton strands.

And between Rainbow's legs was a place not dared stared.

The expanse of her side was an immense wall of softness better than any fortress. Over its curve peeked the scenery of her back, a teasing of muscle that shifted beneath the surface, a plead for one, atop, to feel the all the little greatness in how this structure moved.

This leading to that neck covered by the dense foliage of mane. Waterfalls of cascading silks kissing the hues of a rainbow. Vibrant and smooth and shone in their vibrancy. Currents of hair reaching ever upward to the peak of two perky ears, fluffy wonderlands, twitching cutely in the wind.

Rainbow Dash's muzzle turned and whipped around, subtle confidence washing over her expression, eyelids narrowing in self-satisfaction. Those glimmering pools of violets search for another to have indulged in her greatness also. Little boosts to her perception—and external confirmation—of being as she presented herself to be.

That snout, the soft bridge it was, able to hold him, easily, with eyes looming before and above, always, that section becoming his whole world. For so much to fixate on so little would create beautiful feelings he couldn't explain. All that focus and comfort of being seen and being on that spot meant above the location itself.

Vanilla and Rainbow had known each other—meeting a few times—to the near crushing of his existence. Dashing around her dancing hooves as she searched for him on the ground. Joking was her specialty and toying with him, under the guise of being too easy, was a game between them.

One that's form, changed, in every encounter.

Rainbow Dash wasn't very gentle around him and, sometimes, too him. This helped when ponies babied him too much at times. It meant she saw him as an equal despite their size difference. Played around and teased, sure, but beneath it... they were ponies and, at a fundamental scale, that made them the same... in some way.

But where she isn't gentle around him physically, she's usually kind, in a rough and tough way, like jocks on a team. In summoning his courage and beginning in a dare for a fair of something different, the tiny stallion jumped on the rock, shouting and shouting, wishing the winds to carry his minuscule voice to those massive ears.

Hoping she would come down from heaven to be together.

“Relax! Relax! Take it easy! There's enough awesomeness to be spread around.” That wasn't a voice speaking to him despite reaching his ears only. Rather the mare pressed hoof to chest in false humility to the imaginary congratulations. “But since all of you are roaring for a show... so am I.”

Without warning, her forelegs collapsed forward, the mass of her back, shooting backward, hind legs bucking the air. Swift kicks and smooth turns to swaying hairs. Posing for a fight not meant to be for a crowd all but one.

Yet she was having fun.

And that was enough for her.

As much as it was for him.

Vanilla cried her name again, attempting a cheer like the ones inside her head, hoping that, in playing along, somehow, it'll improve the carry of his voice. But screams and shouts did naught as the giant girl continued to jump around.

So lost into herself in an inability to detect the micro pony yelling up to her.

Without warning that beast had ceased in place, sweat entrenched in that coat, collection of water big enough to swim within. Like a fighter showing her moves, a carpet had appeared, one sauntered onto. Exposing strength now expressing sex. Gait to her steps and sway to her hips to demonstrate all she contained.

And that stride across the imaginary red carpet set a course directly for the tiny.

Vanilla couldn't hold his panic as the monolithic mare had turned to him. Long legs of two vastly apart, striding together, one after the other, in long motions toward him. Between them peeked the valley of her belly. High above was her muzzle, so set in the beyond away from him, unable to see below the bridge of her muzzle to his minuscule form.

Not that she was looking.

As the mass approached, the ground then shook, quaking and breaking, tremendous thuds all around. Standing on the pebble became impossible due to the constant shivers. It twisted out from its socket in the earth, the distant steps, becoming close, truly strong as sounded.

Yells and shouts broke their course from the sore wasteland of his throat. Unable to keep still and jumping around, all of him responding to so little of her, an exchange unfair. Hooves crushed into the ground before him, too big and too round to be seen around. One of them lifted and his head did the same, seeing particle wash in waves from its raising ways.

The underside of that hoof, dirtied slightly, eclipsing sunlight, aimed over him. He was caught beneath its shadow, turning and leaping seconds later, back into the forest of spades. Air blasted behind him from the crash, the rock affecting her speech not, constant rambles above on how great she was.

“What guy doesn't like a mare who can kick his rump?” Her voice confidently sung the words as she carried on. “Much less a gal rockin' one like this?” Those hooves locked in place and allowed the boy to sprint, daring a gaze over his shoulder, seeing, high above and beyond, those titanic hips pushed into the air. “Hard to match this package! Got both personality and body? Any guy would be too lucky to have me.”

Lowering herself ever so much, that rump swung in the air, tremendous quivers breaking in ripples down the rolling surface. Softness kept firm in the taut muscles underneath. Delicious to the eyes as the furs there seemed brighter than most.

The break, however, didn't last for long.

Vanilla was still running and screaming on burning lugs pleading for brisk and refreshing air. Words but whispers to her ears—even that was generous. No matter what he said or did, fought or cried, Rainbow would never hear or see him. Too lost in her fake world to see the real and dangerous one her hooves put him into.

Would this be his fate? To beat on sore legs and aching lungs and a cut throat in screaming pleas not to be crushed by hooves like dense towers to him? Mares lost in their worlds and mindless of his deadly plight. Their slightest fancy a priority over his very safety? One glance would save him. Little flicks of the eyes. His world and fate would be changed in that. Iota of attention placed on him.

A delivery that never came.

All he could do was run. Flee. Legs spamming for his life.

Hoofsteps broke behind, close, nearing in renewed steps. Giant mare walking forward in strutting her stuff. Long swings of the hips and twists of those flanks. Great legs, crossing, one step after the either to create alluring poise. Terrific to see if it wasn't so terrifying to endure.

This created an exciting way of running. Pillar of hoof following behind him, left one going right, causing him to doge, a leap away to the other side—bouncing on the following tremors of the step. The curve of the hoof loomed to his right and destroy his sight upward.

Seconds later, the other hoof, behind that one, moved to the left in keeping with the stride. It flew over at speeds not possible for his eyes or their size. Beating his legs further, he pressed harder, feeling massive hoof crush into a dome inches behind. Casting winds carried him further in increase speeds as the effect died out. He pushed right as the hoof, there, flew over left. Seconds later it covered precisely where he'd been.

And space between them, ironically enough, was running out.

Vanilla dared another scream as water burned in the corners of his eyes. Nothing was floating to the confident expression above. So lost in her boasting to hear his plight. Feeling the last of his fire burst into twinkling embers, the passing bases of thick greens, the starting of the spades of brass, grew in number.

And in the brown and healthy that coated the area, a stone protruded from the ground, one knocking into Vanilla's hoof pushing forward. It hit it back, and he flew over it. His momentum curved him into a ball rolling forward, spreading a lane paved from his pushing into the ground. On his side and carving through, it all stopped, the burning and the pain, relaxation provided in the seconds before doom.

Vanilla didn't rise on enduring the coldness of the shadow passing over him, slowly, a poor settling into place. Hoof looming afar had risen in slowness and poised over his form. It held there for seconds, still significant despite the difference, growing, of course, as it lowered toward him.

His fate to be crushed underneath that hoof. Smoothness of blue of the softest furs experienced in his eyes. Becoming nothing underneath the greatness of that mass as it would be the last sight enjoyed. How powerful that leg appeared to him, its immense strength beyond description, all coming to settle upon him.

Without noticing its effect on him.

Vanilla cried freely and swung around his hooves to the approaching hoof. Unable to see up its legs as it came close, a muzzle above pointed forward, unable to see him. So unaware of something close. Could nothing flick those eyes downward for but a second?

The hoof came down on him, and his hooves waved, and his eyes closed, and their darkness promised eternity. Immense pressure weighed in milliseconds promising the world in milliseconds more. His hooves stroked across the soft underside of the ceiling above, which jerked into stillness, a peculiar feeling coming from their center.

His eyes opened to the dimmed lands of vertical blue above. Its softness spouting millions of furs like silky grass but infinitely fluffier. Such an imposing and sexy sigh of absolute power and scale heist over his head. Being trapped beneath this titan with inches between, a joining into the leg spanning into vastness high above.

And thunderous giggles booming from afar; its force quaking through the limb over him.

Vanilla couldn't help but chuckle as the tears ceased from his eyes. This hot mare had stopped her step on feeling a tickle on her hoof. In keeping with this, his arms focused on a single spot, brushing the best he could in this condensed space—hoping for more of that good response.

Rainbow Dash, as it turned out, possessed sensitive hooves.

It built and built as the vast ceiling flicked, forward and back, tentative shifts in feeling his ticks. It craved more of his touch and spread it around by moving itself, up and down, wishing for more. Such a little action and creature, teasing an inch on so grand a beast, giggles building and breaking into full-blown laughter. Cute and adorable and evoked from him.

Thunderous laughter destroying clouds in their mirth.

Until the teasing came to an end.

That ceiling of hoof pulled ahead as it crashed into the ground before him. The front curve of the hoof was illuminated in sunlight once blocked. Little speck of white unable to raise beyond the brim of the hoof. Great wall towering upward in its roundness to the titan ever so high-above.

Rainbow's head consumed the sky and dominated every corner of his vision. Her mane reached beyond his view and its details too numerous to be contained. Face tilted in loose smugness with a signature smirk to compliment the look.

“Yo! Small V! That you?” Rainbow found a pet-name for everything and, for him, perhaps pet hadn't been so far off the mark. She treated him like everyone else. That also meant in not realizing the hell he'd endured from her regular movements and actions. “Haven't caught you in a wing-beat. Things doing good? Little time alone? Not often I catch you without a guide or somethin' like that.”

Vanilla couldn't summon the words to explain the past, nor could he express his feelings in the present, all he could do, in standing up and brushing down, was gallop to that slender wall of hoof. His affection and hope for the future spreading his arms wide as he stood on two legs. Hugging layer of blue furs as he sunk into them, body consumed into their shallow depth, feeling the smooth softness of skin beneath.

Happy to be alive and to be found by her.

Found by the Rainbow Dash.

“Whoa whoa! You become my number one fan overnight or something? L-Lay off with the hug!” In truth those hills of cheeks tinged in pink synonyms with the nature of the day. Her head turned as the colossal mass of the other leg, in the distance to the side, took, then to the sky. Muzzle covered and eyes astray. “Something bad happens or... you happy to see me? Get it. Joke. I'm a jokester.”

Rainbow was confused but wasn't concerned about the affection. Perhaps it'd been cute to see a tiny boy thrown into the front of her hoof, everything of him for an inch of her, tightly wrapped and hugging tighter to something of her.

Little things deeper appreciated due to their size.

Perhaps she'd like that. Her body rendered his world. Discovered across like uncharted land that left every step across her back leaving a special feeling in those spots. Deciding not to break the contact, his little face nuzzled the furs, not caring if there was dirty, relishing the sensation of sunlight kissed coat.

“I can't tell you how good it is for you to see me.” Vanilla rested his chin on the vertical surface and staring into the vastness of her face. Her narrowed eyes spoke of how she barely heard him do that very thing. Yet perked ears singled the attempt was made. “Was worried you weren't going to catch me down here. C-Considering our games... I'm kinda used to it. Just wasn't sure if this would be like one of those times.”

“Hey... little guy? Hope you don't mind, but, it's hard to catch a letter you're saying.” Rainbow's mass sprawled ever backward and filled ever outward in a span incomparable. It all dropped seconds later, a crashing and collecting of massiveness wrecking the ground in intense impacts. “Maybe this will help? Might need to shout into my ear like a cave of somethin' or not. Heh, I like the idea of that one. Good image to taste over.”

Talking didn't go as he liked for, no matter the words, they barely reached her ears. Vice versa wasn't the same. Her lips parted to gales of warm currents sweeping down the cyan furs and whipping back his mane in braving her contact. Pitch of her voice didn't pain his ears but expanded them with their sound. But her words seemed to peel him from that hoof, syllable by booming syllable, forcing him to be free.

Everything she did was a demonstration of her power over him. In the vast distance behind her body was the whacking of her tail in mighty strikes on the ground. He caught the ends of it like the ending curve of a rainbow. Lone strands whipped away at high speed, over and over, something normal to them, but to him, was a different sight containing a new view of her.

That, and her fidgeting. Lying forward meant shifting that quaked the ground from the slightest smidge of a twitch. Every time her tender belly dropped and collapsed more on the ground, or she rocked on her back legs to burn energy... everything movement, even unseen, was felt by him—without her knowledge in most.

She honestly did not know her effect on him.

Much less in taking away the differences in their sizes.

Rainbow Dash was attractive in body and personality and everything in general. Knock-out in terms able to rock his world in something beyond those too. Perfection was her already to a world of her size. But to him? Everything became magnified for a deeper appreciation for all the things composing her being.

That, and he'd always had a crush on her.

“So how's your world been keeping up? Ponyville's a wasteland for stuff happening as of late—but even the small is still pretty big for you.” Rainbow Dash was causal in her teasing but, in her lax, playful expression, it'd been in good fun. “Sometimes I wonder if I'm a bit envious of you. World's a greater adventure the more adverse it appears. The stuff of great stories. But... not many inch-small Wonderbolts on the team before, y'know?”

Vanilla chuckled at the words and nodded his head. “Certainly tuckered out by the end of the day. Going through the world at this size... makes you sleep more than you'd think someone my size would need. But I enjoy it. Allows me a different perspective that most ponies hold.”

“Opposites in that respect, ain't we?” Rainbow grinned as it spanned to the side and up into her cheek. “Both of us lead extraordinary lives. I go searching for it. Your condition makes the ordinary into the extraordinary. We both got that element about us. Just how it comes to us is different. I have to fight to get it... and it sounds like you're pretty tired of it.”
Vanilla laughed again. “Something like that. I don't mind... braving you ponies and this world. Everything is so different and I'm thankful for that.” He exhaled his dread which weighed down this tongue. “But maybe a break would be nice. Few days without being crushed by giant hooves or sat on by castle-like rumps.”

“You kiddin'? Know how many guys would give their lives for that last one?” Rainbow chuckled twice as he cheeks tinged with pink again. “More than a few share would give their lives to be crushed underneath my blue dough. I'd give ya a chance... but I wouldn't want to flatten you into a pancake.”

Was that a clue of mutual like, and thus, a cue to throw one back? Joking so easily about crushing him underneath the plushness of her wonderful ass, heavenly flanks collapsing in spilling tons over his form, a smothering worthy of being crushed thereafter.

Flirts thrown forward didn't mind being tossed back.

Vanilla like being her little buddy... but loved the idea of being more.

Would this be it? Heart beating in his chest before the utter giant before him. That muzzle itches from the ground yet composing his sky. Could he brave his cowardice, discover his courage, and express his desire? To be the new glint in those ponds of violet, in which, he could swim across.

His mouth opened to utter the words. Speaking from his heart and neglecting his head for but a single day. Throwing aside how he'd been seen so he could express who and what he was. His hope for a better today and a different tomorrow.

Could his expression be understood by her... much less heard?

“Oh shoot... I'm forgetting somethin' today, aren't I?” Without warning came the rising of her body as the structure of cyan arched into the sky. It spanned across with its coat, pillars of legs turning, stomping, away in mere steps. “Sorry to cut it short, lil guy, but there's something I forgot to catch earlier. Look out for giant hooves and all that.”

Vanilla stood tall as he was small in the center between all the four of those skyrocketing hooves. The underside of her chest spanned beyond the width of his vision and the length of the belly did much of the same.

In the opening valley between hooves and legs ahead, the underside of her muzzle set upward, strands of mane dropping above in tremendous bounces. Off to the sides joined even greater shadows as the mast of her wings unfurled to take off.

And it scared him. Underneath so much greatness and fearing for what came next. Not just the structure taking off in a great flight that, at the first flap of those mighty wings, would blast him also into the air feet backward—but this mare, this friend, would leave him so easily.

Vanilla wasn't sure what did the trick. Be it the near-death, seconds of comfort before days of despair, saved only to be left, once more, to a cruel and uncaring world. His worth fluctuated quickly as others treated him horribly—acting on casual whims to his existence—able to threaten and leave him so easily despite all the troubles it took to get their attention in the first place.

Even as her shadow passed away from him and sunlight warmed his coat, he felt alone and left as so. He'd much rather be under her, inside the presence of another, then enjoy the beautiful weather. But she stomped away and even the tremors of her steps were missed.

He cried. Fearing. None would be his special somepony.

The tremors ceased. Their force resumed but changed in course. Quivering the ground slightly as it charged forces switched in the discharge of their currents. Feeling something heavy fixate and hover above him, the stallion wiped his eyes, seeing up, the muzzle of the mare beaming from above.

“You alright? Usually you seem like the cheerful little buddy... but I can't knock the sense you're worn down or something.” Her body collapsed in a great shaking of the world, a dull thud, sweeping currents of air like invisible tidal waves. “Know we ain't exactly the closest but... if something or someone's got ya down. Tell me about it. Maybe I can knock 'em out on your behalf.”

Vanilla chuckled through his sobs and rubbed his forelegs underneath his eyes. Words hard to find but the chuckles from her care easier to express. Rainbow even rested on her wrists, knocking her hooves together. The boom and beating of air were strangely assuring in its threat, not to him, but whatever dared to sadden him. This allowed him to have the once scary effect, their power, now, used to help than harm him.

“Few mares breaking your heart? Kids stomping like you're a kind of game? What's the scoop?” Claps and slams and crashes of those hooves, seconds from each other, high booms in each in demonstration of their raw force. “Trust your pal, Rainbow Dash. Tell her what's wrong. She's got your back like you've got hers.”

Her hoof swept toward him, then, dabbing beneath his eyes. The curved edge of her hoof gentle in its precision to remove his tears. Those gone saw it then stroking his cheek to reaffirm their bond. That, and a rubbing of his cute mane to the feminine side of her wasn't exposed for too long.

“So... you gonna trust me or what?” Her head nudged to the expanse of her back. “Maybe afterward you can hitch a ride back there? Got a few places needing exact hooves on. Find what muscles are sore or not like the rest. That, or sleep. Coat's pretty soft and warm for it. Image is kinda cute too—so long as you don't tell anyone else.”

Vanilla chuckled as he attempted to lower his head, that was, until her hoof lifted his chin. Seconds of assurance before pulling back, allowing him, hopefully, to hold his own. And he did so with a body depleted of fears. Pleasant sense of hollowness found after anxiety had tension had been drained.

“Guess it's been all of the above with a little extra thrown in.” Vanilla eyes were set into her own, easily lost within the hope, the life they possessed. To be captured within them, always, wasn't a tragic fate in the slightest. “Ponies barely see me better than a bug. Don't step on it... if you can help it. Tease and do as you want. Not like there will be much of a change to the world from one misstep. Or anyone will fight or give trouble to anyone playing around with me.”

Rainbow nodded her head and her pink gems gazed away for a second. “Seems like a dense package to offload. Sometimes you try really hard as if to prove your worth to the world. Failing that, you've gotta prove it to yourself. And the well and will for that... isn't infinite.”

“Fighting for my life and fighting for my worth.” Vanilla swayed his head in the sadness demanding expression through movement. “None will do it for me if I falter. Conversations are non-existent. None really want to put in the effort to talk to me... for a myriad of reasons. Can't blame 'em.” He sighed. “Just not sure who to blame.”

Rainbow shrugged. “You could be like the rest and blame fate.” Another smile. “That's a popular answer I keep hearing about.”

“Maybe you're right.” Vanilla sighed. “But I'm sure you don't want to hear those kinds of ponies complain further, huh?”

Rainbow grinned with a non-nonchalant swing of her hoof. “Maybe. But you're not exactly like most kinds of ponies, are ya?”

“No... I guess you got me there.” Vanilla chuckled instead of sighing, all to the beaming of the mare, one who felt good on seeing him feel better. There was a moral in that, somewhere. “But I guess in always fighting for my life, auguring with children seeing me beneath a toy, and the lack of being with a pony... much less a mare... it makes a little guy feel even littler.”

“World's always out to get you, gives you a glimpse of care, then dashes you back again?”

“Something like that.”

“Guess mare problems are another source of problems for you as well.” Rainbow laid a foreleg up on the ground, that dome of a hoof set, in the air, to cup her cheek as it pressed into it. Leaning into it, she bore a smug expression. One bringing comfort than asserting her superiority. “Hard to find a friend. Much less a gal to show you some love back. Surely you still lose yourself to fancy a mare or two anyway, right?”

“Could say that.”

“Anypony at the top of the mind?”

“Doesn't matter if I'm a guy still like this.” Vanilla gazed at his collection of hooves beneath him. “Hardly date material if I can barely be seen. Much less what a male is supposed to do and be like. Never going to sweep anyone off their hooves or make grand gestures.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes and still bore that loving smirk. “Not all stallions and mares are like that. Norms are for the normal and you're anything but. Ever consider a girl could get off to a pocket boyfriend? You're a one of a kind in that regard. It'd be different, but different is new, and that's something that's true.”

“Could you say differently?” Vanilla dared to ask in his weakest voice. “If a miniature guy saw everything about you unlike any other. That he came to love even how dirt infuses with the furs of your hoof. That you'd have to carry him all around, barely feeling him except in tickles... could you love him back as much as he loves you?”

Rainbow was speechless as her face lost its expression. She was lost in his words and whatever meaning they imposed on her. Seconds passed and the breeze was the light whips of the breeze. He was worried in unleashing himself bear. Weaker and smaller he was soon to become.

Then she laughed.

Vast lips blowing open and billowing bursts of laughter, a force and sound of a terrible storm, one composed at mirth in his horrible plight. Her other hoof arched in the distance, raising and smacking the ground, repeatedly, to the rocking of his world.

The laughter was enough to for little hooves to cover his ears, the sound blowing through anyway, not even being muffled could hold back their horrible pitch. It was such a lovely laugh born of such a terrible intent. So sweet on his ears and so venomous on his heart.

He was nothing but a joke to her.

Laughter died down in the seconds later as his shoulders dropped again, hope dashed and feelings hurt, the chance of a change nothing but falseness to lure him to greater hurt all over again. In getting up and turning around, it was his choice to leave, to not engage in this again, to give up and give in to this twisted fate born of a cruel world.

But a hoof changed fate as he attempted to leave her.

Its shadow cast over him and the ceiling of cyan returned. Inches above in immense spread unable to be escaped even after moments of trotting. He'd been worried about it slamming down, a quick crush to end his fate, the final torment until being free.

But that wasn't meant to be.

Rather the tilted backward and pushed forward with the force of a truck, scooping him on the edge of the hoof which he rolled back across, the soft and squishy sole composing his world as its tilt started to change. It became levelled and rose in elevation. That arch of foreleg resting its wrist into the earth, sinking into it, until the hoof was held before the gigantic muzzle of the girl.

All he could see now was her face, which dominated his vision, nothing of the world seen beyond it. She was his world. He stood in her grasp, her hoof, her everything. No matter what she said or did, he'd be along for the ride, willing or not, her whims were his fate.

His head gazed around to the distant and curved brim of the edge of the hoof, the span of a baseball court contained in the sole. It was soft and rough and squishy in places. Sinking into flaps of softness was comfortable and the preheated warmth of sunlight was fantastic.

He could do laps across the hoof, sprinting, under the supervision of her eyes. Closer suns watching his actions. Now that he was closer, he could see the topside of her bridge, a lane of fur rising upward. Thick strands of mane were strewn over her face like cables holding bridges. She was simply gigantic in every sense of the word.

And just his whole world.

Her world was better than the real one.

Or maybe she was a real one.

Why couldn't she become his new world? Her back and belly were vistas of land waiting to be explored as she watched from high above. The back of her neck and head was like a mountain of softness to be climbed. Pulling himself up ropes of mane as he began a slow ascent to reach the peaks of her perked ears.

Contained, rather so easily, in the forest atop her head. There he'd be so easily able to see the world from her vantage and security. Close and lost in a portion of her world. Tightly held by tangles of prismatic vines. The vast horizon a little hopeful close from atop her.

He was so small.

And she was so big.

“You're kinda cute for a little guy, ya know? Should try to rock that aspect more.” Rainbow's smiled beamed above and curved into the beyond of her cheeks. “Should rock that element more often. Present yourself as cute guy needing to be protected and the maternal instincts in a mare are bound to kick in.”

Vanilla sat back in the hoof before the theatre of her face, unsure of what to say or do, allowing the mare to run out her course. She was invested in words and building toward something. Be it hope or damnation... at least the starting intent was born from a mocking kindness.

“Hearts and Hooves days isn't really my kind of thing. Never been a girl to shop around. That, and the whole love thing is expressed every day.” Rainbow bounced her head around as if finding a rhythm to proceed into her words. “It's a matter of being there and fulfilling the acts that compose that stuff. It's not a gesture. That kind of jazz is a way of life. But I get the deal about celebrating it, though.”

Vanilla went to say something. Not knowing his words before they come out, the intent of letting her know that, while thankful, she doesn't have to let him off softly. Before he could stand and speak, her eyes narrowed, so did her lips, bunching together in a plush tunnel, blowing, teasingly, a warm stream of air over his frame.

He stumbled back a few steps and landed on his rump. Shaking his head to speak again, the hoof shook, softly, to assert silence into him again. In their silence and mutual eye-contact, he got the idea and, in seeing that, her eyelids released from their narrowed ways.

“Most stallions risk it with me anyway.” A gigantic roll of the eyes that was adorable cute in their tiredness of males and their 'masculine' ways. “Every attempt is a little different from the last, so I'll give them credit for that. But none that I can dig for none of them really stick.”

Vanilla looked down at the span of the hoof as spread forward, tapering, letting him indulge in all the details of the field.

“All kinds of charms and attitudes.” Another sigh blowing heavy winds into him, blue grass, pushing back, his blond mane done the same. “All of them fall flat in the end. Most of them are posers trying their luck. Respect... but not my kind of catch.”

Vanilla chuckled. “If every kind of cool stallion has failed you... I'm getting worried about what your ideal is. Or does nopony reach close to your kind of perfection?”

“Nice flirt.” A click of the lips and a wink of the eye. “You're getting better, squirt.”

“I... always try, right?”

“That you do.” Rainbow blew another gust of warm air, amused with the power it held, able to quell him in place. “But quiet now or I'll blow you into place. The fact I can do that is pretty awesome. But let's get back to this.”

Vanilla nodded if only to avoid pursed lips.

“But you? My little buddy... you've been different from the rest so far. None have been quite like you. Y'know, height and all that aside.” Rainbow chuckled to herself as those spanning cheeks tinged in pink. “You're able to see every inch of me, the stuff I don't prime, and yet, you love it all. I don't have to be anything special or more. Just myself to the most natural degree. That's... pretty comforting.”

Vanilla's heart tensed.

Where was this going?

“And you've got guts too,” Rainbow continued. “The fact that someone as puny and tiny and insignificant as you—said with love, of course—would dare to ask someone as great as me, as the one and only, Rainbow Dash, to be your special somepony... take guts bigger than your size.”

Exhales out his snout took away the weights of his doubts. Her exhales from those nostrils were the same, cute and short and timed, washing over him with warm winds.

“Gal's gotta respect the hustle no regardless of its size.” She nodded in a bow as if to add on to that. “You're a cute one. Little body and adorable figure. Keeping you as a personal doll is a bit of a turn on. Something about keeping you close and protecting you from the dangerous world... while being a bit cheeky on top of it. I dunno. You'd be so dependant on me. Me becoming your world ensures I don't need imaginary crowds.”

Just where was all of this leading to?

“So confessing like that... despite all the trouble you've been through... how scary the world and I must seem... can't help but be touched from all that.” Her muzzle grew more extensive as it drew closer, so large as to consume his view only with her snout. Barely her eyes peeked from over its edge. “Knowing how I am, if you'd like to go for it, then I guess... giving a squirt a chance won't hurt my reputation.”

Vanilla went to speak only to endure another blow of wind, sudden and quick, from her sprawling lips.

“But there's one thing you have to let me do.” Those lips pulled away into a smile, a cocky one, before him again. Their mass was so fast in their moving. All he could see was their thickness and arch as they became his everything. “

Something changed about the mare that he couldn't place a hoof on. The sweet girl turned faces as the beast within came out to play. She was like a predator, a cheeky one, unable to keep this side of her at bay. Half-lidded eyes striking confidence at seeing her newest treat.

“This gigantic mare wants to smell out her newest prey.” Something peeked out from those lips, full and massive only at its tip. Her tongue, slicing across, wetting the firm lips and their fuzz. Teasing him to another fate possible by her. “Need to determine if you're worthy of becoming my new boyfriend. Sniffing them out is usually what I do best. To be my lover that lives on the softness of my back... or left, alone, to fend off the wilderness beneath my hooves as I leave you again.”

Vanilla understood these kind of games were the ones she wanted to play, turned on and scared by them. He tried to fight with words but they went ignored by those ears. It's not like he could do anything. Rainbow controlled everything, his world, and he was forced to go along.

The hoof was pulled underneath the cliff of blue, the firm wall of her snout, those nostrils flaring at his arrival. He was lying on his back as he was brought between them, feeling his mane pulled in the suction of their inhale—feeling his body inch from off the ground.

Why wouldn't she give him a clear answer? Rather the hoof moved forward and back, the muzzle doing the same, nostrils flaring at his scent. He must have had a strong one for they inhaled stronger each time. Air stolen and furs of his own coat raising to her collection of breath.

That also meant the same in her exhales. Sharp bursts breaking outward and spreading the plane of blue backward. Inhale and exhale, in and out, her snout, twitching, each time. Knowing her breathing held so much power teased them both greatly. This snout becoming a hungry beast teasing its prey. It was a thing not of her, but a part of her, its own thing, hungry with its own life.

Growls came from inside the cavern of her maw. Booming in that closed area like a hungry tiger playing with its prey. He'd been found by an animal looking to paw him around, teasing to kill time and express some superior urge. Letting him quiver in the mass of her growing world and power and something else.

Sometimes her lips would huff. Parting only to let a different kind of breath out. Warm and sweetly scented in a smell possible only from her. Strong walls thick in the air. Everything tasted of her sweetness. Bite from an iota of her power.

The quick sniffs came. Power demonstrated and immersion achieved. The predator went curious at what exactly its captured prey was. Quick sniffs of curiosity to tease the scent, nostrils flaring and closing, quickly and quicker, an effect maintain for a few moments. Such a cute and clueless predator totally entertained in figuring this mystery out.

Each one sounding like a roar of breath.

“Come on! Come on! Knock off the foreplay, eh?” Vanilla did his best to not chuckle at the ticklish force of those sniffs. Each brushed over him smoothly and touched his skin unlike anything ever had in his short life. “Take it easy at least! You're bigger than you think, y'know!”

But Rainbow Dash took that as a dig and dug into her meal. The cliff of her snout pushed into his frame, a pin between those nostrils, ensuring he couldn't move from underneath their monumental softness.

“Couldn't be the tiniest bit easy on me, could ya, blue nose?” Vanilla's upper-body was free above the snout, lightly beating his hooves against it, a hopeless gesture, but one done nonetheless. It allowed him to feel like he had an iota of control. “Sniffing me out to see if I'm worthy of being your boyfriend. Your nostrils are cute flaring like that. Everything about you is a living thing—isn't it?”

The sniffing ceased suddenly as if the nose itself was satisfied with his gesture. Seconds later it took to affection. It pressed into him, softly, rubbing him forward and back, across and around the track of her hoof. Feeling roughness transition into smoothness and a sink, sometimes, into the squishiness of the sole.

Rainbow changed to panting and breathing shakily like a beast enraptured in a hunt. Monster capturing and having its fun torment with his cute and little adorable form. She was turned on by the power she held over him. Able to enter that different side of her and express it, feeling like so much more, so much like an animal.

It was something they both enjoyed.

After the dense nose rubbing across that plane, the snout pulled away, inches, blowing a final burst of steam over him. With a tilt of the head and a beaming smile, her eyes closed, the sun naught but a halo behind her gigantic head. “Okay! That settles it. Enduring that nets you as my miniature boyfriend!”

Vanilla's head wobbled around from the encore. “I am... very glad to hear that, my giant girlfriend.”

“You can stay with me and I'll take care of you and love ya to the ends of the world—and beyond that too.” Her eyes opened to a glare. “But break my heart.” Her hoof struck the earth in a power that quaked into the hoof he was on, forcing him to jumble around. “And your fate will be flat. Got it?”

He gave a weak salute. “Aye aye, ma'am.”

With a smirk, her lips came in, consuming him in a kiss. He wiggled and pressed and kissed against them. After a few seconds they pulled away, and the mass of the mare rose, deciding to walk toward the town with a hoof raised. He sat on the shifting platform, gazing afar, seeing the world, finally from above the ground.

He wiggled into the squishy sole and sat back, enjoying the sunlight, that, and the giant face of Rainbow Dash always his backdrop. Sometimes she blew on him gently for effect. And the two strolled away, together on the day.

Encouraging exactly that.