Gilda's Toilet

by StillFunk

First published

Gilda has bought up a Changeling named Chrono, and she intends to torture him in the way she enjoys most.

Gilda has bought up a Changeling named Chrono, and she intends to torture him in the way she enjoys most... By humiliating him in the cruelest and nastiest ways she can think of...

Which she does...

Includes stink (and regular) torture at degrees varying from sweat play to '(coming eventually) forced scat consumption... Ballbusting to mutilation.

Please if you dont enjoy f:fluttershbad:cking garbage, unnecessary, and utterly disgusting content, please for the love of god run the everliving f:fluttershbad:ck away at full speed.... But if you do, come on inside :scootangel:

Commission by the lovely ChronoTheChangeling

The Changeling Market

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Chrono felt like collapsing in the stark, uncaring heat that had been frying his brain for the last hour or so whilst he had been standing perfectly still without as much as a drop of water in return for his efforts.

He was placed upon a wooden stand alongside three other unfortunate changelings that the Queen herself had deemed unworthy of her hive. He was looking out in boredom at the stream of passing ponies, wandering around the marketplace where he was being sold as an item.

Well... Unworthy was probably a bit of an exaggeration. His presence had been deemed unimportant enough that he could be sacrificed in order to try and piss off Celestia, something the changeling queen enjoyed doing quite a lot. And this time she had thought of the brilliant idea of trying to sell off her drones right in front of her royal snout as means of upsetting her sense of fairness.

It had become like a game to her. Find a way to make Celestia turn into Daybreaker, even just for a moment. At this point, this was probably the only reason she even held these stupid markets still.

It was a tradition originally proposed by Celestia at a diplomatic meeting amongst the warring leaders. She wished to have Chrysalis arrange a yearly market at her own hive, where ponies and changelings could freely talk to each other and conduct festive activities.

Chrysalis knew fully well she had probably just proposed this to be able to see how much her hive was growing, and adjust her own military accordingly, but she had agreed to it anyways.

She had agreed to this proposal of hers for two reasons. First of all, markets are fun, there's no denying that, not even for an evil queen. Secondly, since the market was held in her nation, she could conduct it according to her rules and she could do things to piss off Celestia immensely... Like selling pony skulls or hosting public torture sessions, or executions.

Last year, she tried to sell off some of the ponies from her love-farm as means of taunting the pony princess. Gut that, she realized in hindsight, hadn't been the best of ideas... Celestia had ordered her people to leave, depriving Chrysalis of the pleasure of a good market entirely.

So this year, she decided to dial her sadistic mockery back, just a nudge, and try to sell off some of her changelings instead.

She didn't really expect anypony to buy them. Slavery was illegal to pony-kind after all. But much to her surprise and anger, the first changeling sold had went to none other than Celestia herself, who seemed to gleefully accept a changeling as her personal toy, promptly ruining Chrysalis' mood in the process.

The princess seemed about as pleased as Chrysalis was angry when she picked up her newly acquired slave for just 500 bits. The pony ruler's smug smirk had caused Chrysalis to growl, and Chrono to shiver where he stood.

He promptly bent his neck a little in fear as he felt his queen's quiet rage behind him as the princess left.

At least he wasn't going to be sold now... Nopony else had the authority to buy a slave. He would need to catch the attention of one of a creature living outside of pony society for that to happen, and he hadn't seen any of those running around...

But he soon would...

Not too far from him, a large, female Griffon was strolling the market streets amongst changelings and ponies at her own leisure.

She carried herself with such a dominant presence that ponies were moving out of her way much quicker than they were the many changelings', (which they also feared quite a bit). Her confident gait would soon take her towards Chrysalis' slave booth.

Chrono noticed her approaching from a relatively great distance, her large physique making her a lot more eye-catching than the rest of the market attendees, and her demeanor oozing of ripe, dangerous confidence, even from all the way across the yard.

He let his eyes follow her frame as she was seemingly heading his way, not even looking where she walked as everypony gave her space.

As she got a little closer, their eyes met, causing Chrono to quickly look to the side, suddenly flustered.

Soon he could hear the steps of her heavy back paws, paired with the scraping noise of her sharp, deadly claws, and he looked back at her as she wandered straight up to him, not stopping before she was standing right in front of him.

Her presence at afar was frightening enough, but up close, her gaze was enough to make his knees shiver... Still, he couldn't help but feel captivated by this magnificent griffon. There was something very special about her, that much was obvious. She was tall, strong, beautiful. And her authoritarian superiority hung thick in the air, even more so than it did from the changeling queen right behind him.

She looked at him with intrigue, ignoring every other slave at the stand around them. Her large beak was almost touching his face as she looked at him with a calm, almost seductive gaze, causing the changeling to blush immensely.

"Cute," she uttered in a deep, tomboy-ish voice.

"Does he do any tricks?" she continued, clearly talking to the seller, though she didn't break eye-contact with her prey even for a moment.

The queen answered with a low growl, still angry at the Celestia inccident.

"He'll do what you want of him," she muttered.

The griffon gently lifted one of her powerful claws up to his chin and turned his muzzle around in her strong grasp, inspecting his face in amusement.

Chrono could feel her superior strength as she gently but firmly forced him to turn his neck for her.

"M-ma'am," he started, but he was immediately cut off by the avian feline.

"Hush, dweeb. I'll tell you when to talk."

She tilted her birdlike head slightly to the side, thinking over her potential buy.

Without warning, she suddenly issued an order.

"Stick your fucking tongue out," she commanded with a tone not even rivaled by his queen in ripe dominance.

Her smirk grew when he complied without hesitation, giving himself up to her marehandling, shutting up, and revealing his changeling tongue to her.

She chuckled in her deep, womanly voice, clearly finding this interaction quite enjoyable.

"Now, touch your snout," she continued, finally letting go of his head.

Once again, he quickly complied. He would have done so no matter who had told him, but for her, he was just that much faster... Whether out of fear or admiration.

Taking a good look at the creature, the griffon burst out laughing, causing Chrono to blush even more deeply than he already was.

"Fuck, you look dumb, Dweeb," she uttered in unbridled joy as her laughing fit slowly died out.

"How much?" she finally asked, turning her gaze up at the queen, and grabbing onto the changeling's muzzle once again, clearly just because she enjoyed forcing his muzzle in the position she wanted.

"800 bits," came her grumpy answer. (He was the most expensive one remaining)

Still smirking in a rather unsettling manner, the griffon replied with a confident bargain.

"I'll give you six."

Expecting his queen to start yelling at this offer, Chrono closed his eyes, his potential buyer's claws still gently touching his muzzle. But to his surprise, she just gave up with a low grumble, and accepted her terms.

"Fine... 600 bits and, he's yours. Just leave me alone then!"

He couldn't tell if she was just not in the mood to get upset, or if this quite dominant griffon actually had the queen herself subdued. Either way, after watching the griffon throw some bits on his stand, he was officially no longer a part of the hive.

He belonged to her now, and he felt a rush of both dread and excitement as her wide smirk grew even wider.

"You hear that? You're mine now, bitch."

"Y-yes, Ma'am," he muttered unsure of how to act, having never actually expected to be sold off in the first place.

... He gulped ... He was yet to know what future awaited him, but in the presence of his new mistress, he felt frightened to his core.

Slave for a Griffon

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Chrono obediently held his muzzle lifted as the griffon secured a dog collar around his slim neck.

He had no intentions of trying to escape. (She more than capable of catching up anyways,) but he had a feeling this collar was more symbolic than practical to her, so he just allowed it to happen.

He closed his eyes and gulped as she tightened the collar just a bit too tightly, (probably on purpose.)

Finally letting go of his face, she tugged at his leash signaling for him to get off his stand.

He complied without any objections, stepping down from his platform, suddenly feeling quite tiny in the frame of his new powerful-looking owner.

His gaze turned downwards as he caught himself starring at her, which she seemed to be bothered by as she sent him a disgusted look in return.

"Don't drool over me yet, dweeb. We'll have plenty of one on one once we get home," she said crudely as she turned around, giving the leash a good yank.

Chrono's comparatively small body followed her lead like a yoyo getting pulled, stumbling after her with a choked wheeze until his face rammed into her bouncy yet firm ass cheek. Between his strained heaving and violent blushing, he managed to give off a meek "yes Ma'am," in return of which he just received a stern "shut the fuck up," from his griffon owner as she started to wander back from where she came with her new "prize" right behind.

Chrono consciously made an effort to look to the side as he was being pulled right behind a voluptuous lioness' ass, which he didn't feel he had any business looking at... Even though he noted her swaying hips from the very corner of his shivering eyes.

His train of embarrassing thoughts was broken by another hard pull at his leash, followed by a stern order.

"Walk faster, Dweeb!" she spat, slapping him across the muzzle with her powerful tail in addition to the leash yanking.

With nothing more but a small whimper escaping him, he once again complied with her order and hurried after her like an eager dog, hoping to avoid being yanked around more by his tight leash.

And after arriving at the train station with an only relatively sore neck from the mishandling, he got to sit down on the sidewalk and revel in the fact that he had accomplished as much. The same could not, however, be said about avoiding staring at her voluptuous, firm, yet round and bouncy rump...

By the end of their little stroll, she had pulled him in so closely to her backside, that had she not held her tail down between her thick, furry ass cheeks, he would have practically been sniffing her asshole... And at that point, what is a stallion to do?

The train finally arrived and he got up once more, stretching his tired legs a little before his mistress gave him a slap across the back of his neck and yelled at him to follow once again, something he had very much intended to do, slap or not.

He rubbed his neck with a whimper as the two strolled onboard the awaiting train, ponies looking on in horror, until they got the death stare from the griffon and promptly looked away in embarrassment.

The large bird sat down at the nearest seat, (shooing away it's current occupant with ease). Upon sitting her big ass down, she forcefully slammed her big backpaws onto the table with a loud bang and leaned back into her seat, claws behind her head, thick, dominant smirk painting her beautiful, strong beak.

Chrono silently walked to the opposite side of the table and sat down right in front of the two, dangerous-looking, grimy paws filling out the table.

He couldn't help but put a hoof to his muzzle as he sat, due to the sour, sweaty stench emitting from those dirty things.

But almost as soon as he had taken his seat, one of those very same stink-bombs suddenly shot forwards with great speed, hitting him in the chest and pressing him into his seat. He let out a loud whelp in response, onlooking ponies plastering their snouts to their windows to avoid conflict.

Chrono looked up at his mistress with pleading eyes, and he was met by a harsh, disgusted stare.

"The fuck do you think you're doing, Dweeb!" she spat at him loudly, causing him to whimper again.

Not knowing what he had done wrong, he tried to foolishly, (though respectfully,) defend his innocence. This turned out to be a stupid move because the moment he started blabbering about what he had done wrong was the same moment the remaining back paw was planted forcefully and quickly, right in his face, shutting him up, making him blush, and causing him to cough and gag at the intense, sweaty, sour stench she was rubbing around on his muzzle.

"Shut the fuck up, loser!" she practically shouted, while forcing his head to the side and shoving it tightly into the backrest of his seat.

He whimpered, pained, and trapped in a daze of paw stench.

"You think someone as pathetic as you is allowed to sit on a seat like your owner?! Don't try that shit with me!"

She gave him a final hard press to the head and chest with her paws before removing them from him, leaving a light print of grime against his cheek.

"Now get under the table where you fucking belong," she snarled, looking ready to beat up just about anyone.

Without as much as a second of mental recovery, Chrono scurried to get under the table where he apparently belonged, and clamored himself to the pole in the middle as a means of fake security.

He could hear his owner laughing at him in her deep, dominant voice as she slammed her paws back on the table above him and relaxed her tail, letting it dangle down between the seats.

Having been pissed beyond any reasonable measure just a second ago, it seemed that Chrono's submissive nature had cheered her up greatly... She was a cruel bully to the core, that much was clear to the young changeling, and he feared for his future with

He felt her tail slap him as it moved around happily and it caused him to turn his gaze from the floor to the direction of the touch.

He was in many ways overwhelmed by what he saw...

Even though he had been dragged inches behind her on his way here, he was yet to actually see those parts of her, but with the way she sat all her assets were presented openly to his viewing.

Both her pussy and asshole looked bigger than that of a changeling or a pony, which made sense given her size. And they both did look a bit different than he was used to seeing, even ignoring their thick fur-coat. There was more taint on her than on a pony, and her cunt seemed tighter and more streamlined... Her anus wasn't as puffy as some pony plots tended to be, instead being like a reverse, pink, many-armed starfish, opening up into her bowels... What struck him the most about them, other than their inherent beauty, was the grime...

Her pink anus was visible painted with musk and residue of fecal matter and her cunt was practically painted with feminine smegma, the fur around it looking deeply miscolored... If he thought her hooves where smelly, he would never wish to be anywhere near those parts of her... Even though he couldn't stop thinking about being just that.

The train suddenly stopped causing him to tumble.

The griffon rose, once again pulling his leash, not even waiting for the fallen slave to get on his hooves, causing him to stagger after her like a deer on ice.

... Outside the train had stopped at Griffonstone...

Chrono looked around in awe at the rough, mountainy terrain... A question still on his mind, he had a feeling that would soon be answered.

What had she bought him for? Just to have somepony to shove around and be rude to? ... Perhaps... But he was afraid.

Pain and Humiliation

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The first thought that crossed Chrono's mind when he arrived at his new owner's house, was that it didn't look like the home of somepony who had the dough to buy a slave...

Sure, it was decently sized, and also had quite the view, (though everything did up here to be fair.)

But it looked rugged and out of shape to an extend he quite frankly found to be extraordinary.

It wasn't before he was dragged inside he got to, rather quickly, piece together the puzzle of her wealth.

The place looked at least decently kept from the inside, though soda bottles and pizza trays were littering the place everywhere.

Against the wooden wall stood a tall and wide shelf, filled to the brim with medals, golden belts, trophies, and other awards... All of them for athletic achievements, and by far the majority of them for things related to fighting...

And if her collected of golden trinkets, with the occasional silver version spread across wasn't enough to alert you to her profession, the large framed poster of her smug-looking self, sporting a pair of big red boxing gloves and the ominous title, "Gilda, the Stormclaw" would surely be.

"Her name is Gilda..." whispered Chrono quietly to himself while he gazed around the room some more, wide-eyed and curious.

"Hey shits for brains!"

His attention was suddenly grabbed away as Gilda called out to him, crashing down in her sofa with a loud bump.

"Y-yes, Ma'am!" he quickly answered, certainly not looking to upset his mistress... Especially not while knowing of her inherent cruelty.

Without as much as looking at him, she wafted her claw towards a small fridge at the opposite end of the room

"Fetch me som'n to drink, already" she ordered bluntly.

Chrono hurried to it, his still-attached leash dragging across the floor as he clunkily ran.

It was filled with soft drinks and beer. He grabbed a bottle of the soda he had seen empty versions of spread across the floor, thinking it was her preferred drink. Levitating it with meek magic he scurried back to his mistress and bowed for her, presenting it to her.

"H-here you go ma'am," he said, voice shivering.

He felt it getting grabbed out of his magical aura by a powerful claw.

"Stop lying there you dork... Go light the fireplace, and fetch some rope from upstairs," she continued, naturally not seeming the least bit thankful.

In some sense, Chrono was kinda relieved that this was what he was doing... Simple tasks, fitting for slave labor. Serving his mistress... It wasn't before he was standing with a long piece of rope in his mouth some alarm clocks started to ring out in his head.

What exactly was that for anyway?

The fire had started to crackle gently as he returned to Gilda with her item of request, and after throwing her now empty bottle of soda away over her shoulder, she took it from him with one claw, ripping it out from between his teeth, whilst grabbing onto his horn with her other, holding him in place.

He gave off a small, nervous whine and a gentle jerk backwards, but her strong hold kept him right where she wanted him.

He was shivering at this point, eyes firmly planted at the floor.

With a fast movement, she dragged his head back and made him look upwards, scooching a little closer, getting her feminine yet savage-looking beak all up in his frightened face, smirking like she just won the longest argument in the world.

"M-ma'am?" he started, still shivering.

"Hush, dweeb... I'm going to tie you up now, so I can properly brand you as my property," the griffon uttered in sadistic dominance.

Chrono's eyes widened... In some sense, this shouldn't really have surprised him... But it did, and the thought, (naturally,) scared him to the very core of his being, sending chills down his spine.

"N-no! P-please! Don't do that! I know my place, Ma'am! I-I'll never even think of runn - Urrrgh!"

He was shut up... words replaced with disgusted gagging and overwhelmed moaning, as his owner opened her large beak and shoved his whole blabbering muzzle inside of it, instantly unleashing the build-up of gas from her soda consumption in the form of a loud, stinky belch, blasting her slave's entire face with a rank, rotten meaty scent and taste.

Chrono fought to retract his head from inside the griffon's maw, but against her superior strength, he could barely move.

She unleashed a second, hellish, bubbling burp, allowing him to stew in her personal stench for a moment, before letting go of her victim with a cruel laugh. Disoriented and disgusted, he fell over while he struggled to catch his breath, tears forming at the corner of his eyes.

"That's what you get for being an annoying nerd," she smirked, while she rose in over him, tightening the rope in her claws in a threatening manner.

Chrono let out a meek whelp as the forcefully slammed a paw down to pin him.

"You better fucking lie still now if you know what's best for you!" she said, squinting her eyes a little.

Giving in to his developing tears, the changeling started to weep, but he didn't fight back in the least as he was forcefully bound on the floor by the chuckling dominatrix he had come to serve.

"There we fucking go," she said finishing up her knot before placing one of her smelly, dirty paws against his head and pressing it sideways down into the floorboards, causing him to gaze into the fireplace where he now came to notice the line up of iron rods being heated in it.

With the stench of both lingering stomach gas and musky cat paws, paired with the sight of the horrible torture he was about to undergo, the changeling managed to utter nothing more than a sad defeated "No..." amongst his many melancholy sobs.

It took another long, excruciating minute before Gilda lifted her lion foot from her slave's head and walked over to collect her now red-hot collection of brands.

Chrono moaned and whimpered while turning back and forth on the spot, wishing more than anything that he would just be back home where he belonged... In his hive, serving his cruel queen instead of this even crueler bird.

His attention was right back at Gilda as she loomed in over him, evil smirk painted thickly across her beak.

"Scream nicely for me now, dweeb, here comes the heat."

She tauntingly moved the burning rod ever closer to the poor changeling, and he squirmed in place as best he could, loudly squealing even before it touched him, but as it did, and the skin across the side of his belly started to sear, he screamed in agonizing pain... And Gilda? She laughed at his misery, pressing it even harder into his flesh, making sure she got a good print.

Chrono cried and moaned as the Griffon removed the first brand only to shove down a second against his chest.


"Shut up, nerd!"

She moved he now slightly colder brand in over his muzzle, his eyes quickly fixating on it with much fear.

Voice dripping with ripe sadism, she issued a practically impossible ultimatum.

"Lick it... Or I'll shove it up your fucking ass."

Chrono gazed onto the heated metal tip, too dazed in his current pain to read what it said. Still, out of sheer and absolute fear, he slowly opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out like the obedient dweeb he was.

He cried and moaned in pain as he dragged his poor tongue back and forh across the metal, his saliva instantly vaporising with a searing noise.

Gilda's cruel amusement climaxed as she forced the third and final brand down onto his forehead... And just for the heck of it... Just to add that little extra pain... Stepped on his ballsack as well.

Chrono's pain climaxed alongside her pleasure and he struggled to even stay conscious.

She threw the brands down on the floor, admiring her good work, the changeling still shivering and moaning in pain.

If it was even possible, she sent him an even more sadistic glare, giving him what could almost be described as an evil version of bedroom eyes.

"Need some liquid on those burns?" she asked, smirking widely.

Chrono whimpered and nodded gently, wanting nothing more but an ice bath at this point.

He momentarily closed his eyes in fear as she laughed loudly at his pathetic response.

"Okay, dweeb. You fucking asked for it."

When he opened his eyes again, he was met with the sight of the griffon standing over him. Back paws planted firmly on each side of him, she held her musky, grimy cunt spread widely with her claws, poking her long bird-tongue at him tauntingly.

Before he could say a thing, she hosed him down.

A forceful river of sour, steaming griffon urine spilled out against his body, his searing wounds sounding like a hot pan under a water tap as she pissed all over him.

He screamed while blushing uncontrollably. His wounds cooling were as soothing as the acidity against his burned skin was painful.

His mouth, open in pained whining, gave the laughing griffon a great opportunity and she took aim from where she stood, her nasty urine showering her victim's entire face, much of it filling out his screaming maw, making him gargle in her dark, rancid piss.

He was made to taste her rank, bitter, salty and sour piss while he suffered, and he coughed and spluttered on it, some getting in his nostrils as well...

Firmly humiliated, tortured, and mutilated... He finally passed out, his owner still peeing in his poor face.

An Introduction to His Stinky Life

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In his dreams, Chrono recalled his childhood.

For a while, he was taken away from the world of his cruel mistress, and back to his time being a hatchling. Back to when his only cares in his small world were playing around with his fellow drones and making mommy proud... It was such an easy time... His hardships were few, and those there were... Simple.

His exhausted eyes finally opened and his thoughts of the past drifted away to while his muzzle caught onto the stench of dried up, musky piss, that felt sticky on his leathery face.

He stared into the wooden ceiling of his new owner's home. His prison

He could hear her. She was panting under strained breath in the nearby area.

Slowly, he turned his sore neck in the direction of the sound of deep, strained, womanly grunts, and there she sat... In all her beautiful, menacing glory.

The giant, cruel griffon, her fur and feathers drenched in cloying sweat as she was rapidly lifting weights looking heavy enough to break the changeling's legs if he were to try a go at them himself.

Chrono couldn't shake the thought of how she somehow managed to look both curvy, soft, and womanly, yet strong, muscly, and menacing at the same time.

In a way, he felt awestruck by her the same way he did his queen when he was a hatchling. He was frighted as well as intrigued by her. There was no mommy here, but there was a sadistic griffon to please... He could only hope the worst was over by now, but the evil smirk he received once she noticed he was awake eluted to the opposite.

He gulped when the sweaty bird laid eyes on him, and he whimpered as she put down her weights with two heavy bumps and got up from her seat. He held his head low in submissive fear as she approached him, listening to the horrible noise of patting paws and sharp claws against wooded floorboards.

He could hear her pick something up from the table as she walked by it, and he couldn't help but imagine the worst array of hand-held torture devices in his feeble mind.

"Get the fuck up, Dweeb. You've snored for long enough," she cruelly spat, giving her slave a light but powerful nudge with the backside of her claw.

Still looking down, Chrono replied with a hoarse "yes, ma'am," his voice used up by his screaming fit earlier.

Slowly, he staggered to his hooves, the feeling of his burned skin stretching making him wince.

He felt a forceful griffon-claw beneath his chin, and in a moment, his head had been lifted and he was looking into those cruel eyes of hers.

She looked relaxed, pleased, and happy as a cruel, sadistic kitten with a scared mouse to hurt and torment.

She was standing on her large, sweaty lion paws, making her look like a titan to him. In her one claw, she had a good grasp of her little changeling toy's cheeks, and in the other, she was holding the leash to his collar (A relief compared to the things he had in mind.)

"How about a little house tour?" she asked the currently very small looking drone.

Chrono nodded softly as she attached the leash to him.

"Hold this," she commanded, and Chrono naturally complied, taking the handle of the leash into his maw, it tasting vaguely bitter of sweat from his owner's workout.

Her claw traveled down his face and the changeling shivered as she grabbed the leash back from him with her opposite claw. She then turned around and dropped her bipedal stand, her large rump suddenly quite close to Chrono.

"Come along, dweeb," she said, giving him a gentle but stern tug, forcing Chrono to stumble a little step closer to the thick lioness ass that was once again right there in front of him.

The changeling followed her lead without much hesitation, only slowing a little bit due to his burned chest skin being pulled if he took too large steps.

His muzzle got tickled by a swaying lion tail as the griffon took him further into the wooden house.

She pointed up a solid-looking staircase as they walked by it.

"See up there? That's my room. It's a no-loser zone, so you stay down here where you belong, unless I take you there, got it?" she explained, giving him an extra tug to make her point.

Chrono would have understood completely regardless of added violence, but her pull made him stumble so close to her that he caught an unwilling whiff of her fat, sweaty backside...

His muzzle just barely got to caress the inside of one of her sweaty ass cheeks right as her swaying tail allowed him access, his touch pulling it a little to the side.

He blushed immensely as he got another accidental glimpse of her stained, stinky starfish, but his cheeks went from red to green within the very same moment.

He was taken back to his gutwrenching train ride, recalling how her ripe anus was glistening with moist musk in the bypassing light, and he pulled back from her rank ass with a choked gagged, completely overwhelmed by the single breath her just took of her vile exit.

Never In his short life, had he smelled anything so strong and repulsive as that sweaty, unwashed, and for that matter unwiped griffon asshole.

A single whiff and he was in tears, his head soon lowered to the ground as he let out a second disgusted gag as far away from that reeking hole as he could possibly be while held at by a leash.

Not even her rancid piss had smelled that bad.

Taking notice, and having felt the muzzle gracing her chubby rump, the griffon lifted the leash up high in with her strong claw, forcing the changeling to stand upright and making him walk closer again.

Seeing the distance between her furry butt and his poor, branded face once again get shorter, Chrono turned his muzzle to the side and closed his eyes.

He felt the side of his face press into her soft cheeks, and like a big firm, stinky pillow, the fatty surface of her strong ass forming around his face, letting him rest gently against her round behind.

His ear twitched as it was tickled by ass fur, and he shivered with fear as he was made to stand like this.

He could feel the moistness of her ass sweat against his skin and ear.

"I think it's time you read your brands, bitch," said the griffon, lowering the leash, giving her slave some much-needed breathing room away from her stinky end.

He slowly moved his face back from his ass-pillow, its shape bouncing back against him as he left its soft surface.

One side of his muzzle was wet with cloying bird-sweat, and he could smell it in the air.

He sat down on his butt, still shivering from the experience, while he processed the command.

His brands...

"Y-yes ma'am," he stammered as he looked down himself, laying eyes on the humiliating words for the first time.

The intrigued griffon let go of the leash and turned her less vile-smelling end towards him with a smirk, eager for his reaction.

Even though it was upside down from his perspective, Chrono could easily read the blistering, red letters, seared into his skin.

His eyes widened as they traveled across the harsh words. He had expected an insult... Like "bitch" or "dweeb" ... but it wasn't an insult. It was a statement. Spoken on his behalf. And that statement... That short chain of words sent shivers down his spine.

Across the side of his belly was the humiliating and to Chrono frightening words:

- I'm a filthy little
ass worshipper.

The griffon held back a choked laugh as she saw her slave slump together in humiliated sadness.

And when he let out a soft whimper she collapsed onto her side with a loud thud, lost in a laughing fit.

Chrono wiped a tear from his eye as he sniffled quietly.

It shouldn't really surprise him. In less than one day, he had already been burped on, urinated on, and forced to have his head pressed into her ass. Yet somehow, he was still very much surprised at laying eyes on these belittling words.

Somehow he had boiled those nasty experiences down to being a bit of unusual cruelty on his mistress's part, but it was all but clear now that that wasn't the case.

This griffon enjoyed causing her poor, unfortunate victims acts of humiliating disgust. And there was no better torture device in the whole wide world to accomplish such goals than her own, beautiful and unusually stinky, cat-bird body.

It suddenly made perfect sense why she seemingly spent so little effort practicing hygiene along her rank, musky ass crack... She didn't want it to be clean back there... She wanted it to be ripe and filthy for her slaves to endure. So she could abuse them with it. Degrade, humiliate and nauseate them.

Just like with her piss and her burps...

He gritted his teeth while his torturer was finishing up her laughing fit.

Suddenly he felt a pain across his damaged chest skin and he looked up.

The griffon was laying on her side, her head resting on a claw which elbow was pressed to the floor. An almost seductive looking smirk overcame her sharp beak and her calm, turned on eyes dug into his very soul. Her long, powerful back legs were extruding towards the crying changeling and she was gently poking his chest with one of her strong, sweaty paws.

"Don't you have more to read, my little ass sniffer?"

Teeth gritted and blushing redder than a heartswarming eve ornament, he gazed at the words on his chest.

He read through them. And then he read them again. the tears starting flowing freely

"Nooohooohoo," he uttered in a whimpering cry, his mistress once again succumbing to chuckling like an evil older sister at his pitiful reaction.

My lungs are storage
for my ownser's stinky farts

Chrono collapsed on the floor, weeping to the tune of the griffon's progressively crueler laughter.

He felt drained of hope. Yesterday he was a changeling drone... Today? A fart slave.... A literal fart slave.

"Please! I beg you!" he tried between tears, desperate not to spend the rest of his life as exactly that for her.

"H-have mercy on this poor slave!" he wailed.

His desperation growing, he saw no better options than to try and bargain.

"I-if you promise not to make me breathe in your farts, I promise to worship your ass as much as you want."

He didn't know what he had expected to get out of that. It was nothing but a desperate attempt at receiving the tiniest bit of mercy from his new, life-long torturer. But what he got was anything but that.

The paw that had been lightly tapping at his suddenly stomped against his chest with a forceful thrust. How she could generate that much force with an almost completely extended leg was beyond him. But it was not something he had time to consider.

He fell over on his back with a loud whine as his seared chest had become a target for a kick, powerful enough to put him on the ground.

The griffon was laughing no more...

As he laid, crying, her large intimidating figure loomed in over him.

She stared into his wide, scared eyes with anger and disgust.

What he had done wrong he didn't have the faintest idea, but he knew he regretted doing it more than anything he had ever done before in his life.

His owner gritted her beak and lifted a claw up.

Softly he covered his face with his front hooves and braced himself for a beating, mumbling incoherently that he was sorry.

She didn't hit him, however... She instead grabbed him by his neck and lifted him up effortlessly, holding the now choking changeling tightly in her grasp, staring daggers at him.

Choking by claw was at least less unpleasant than choking by ass stench, but he was fearing for his life.

"Are you telling me, that you... YOU... A tiny, pathetic, fucking fart huffer! . . .Intends to deny me?"

Her words were spoked with a bully's rage.

"N- Mnnng~ Ah- N-no." the squirming changeling managed to utter under his limited breath.

"Oh? So you mean to tell me you're making me a non-offer then? Because it sounded like you intend to refuse to kiss ass after I give your lungs a good gassing?" she continued, tightening her now almost deadly grasp.

Chrono was crying and squirming while he was getting cut short, even on his limited air. He was unable to answer with his desperate apologies, all he could do was wheeze.

"If your little bargain was supposed to mean anything at all, you were telling me that you would refuse to worship my ass if I farted on you? And how, oh, how do you imagine you would do that? Would you just tell me "sorry ma'am, but since you made me inhale your stink bombs this morning I'm not going to lick your asshole now" ?"

She let go of him, and he fell to the ground, hungry for air.

"What? Would you call the fucking slave union?" she asked sarcastically, before spitting on him.

"Huff* Puff*... P-please... Huff* Puff*... S-sorry..." the changeling managed to get out as he laid, filling his lungs with the air it had been denied while saliva ran down his face.

She rolled her eyes, gathering a snottier spit collection in the back of her throat.

She dropped her green-ish humiliator right in his left eye, making him squirm.

"Don't say you're sorry, fart-fuck..."

Slowly, she turned around, her voluptuous rear casting a tall shadow on her poor slave.

"...Show me you're sorry." she finished her sentence sounding cruelly seductive rather than just angry.

She placed a claw on one of her cheeks, spreading it away from the other, airing her musky pucker out in the open as a display piece for her soon to be ass kisser.

Chrono gulped, starring into her hellhole with his one open eye.

It was painted with brown stains and white musk, and even from where he was laying, a faintly sour scent filled the air.