Private Sex-Ed Lessons | Griffon Chapter

by B_25

First published

Spike's sex-ed report on dragons has become a best seller and respected, strangely enough, by the academic and the public—for varying reasons. In this success, Twilight gives Spike his next project: griffons... male griffons.

Spike's sex-ed report on dragons has become a best seller and respected, strangely enough, by the academic and the public—for varying reasons. In this success, Twilight gives Spike his next project: griffons... male griffons.

How will Spike take to swinging for the same team?

And will Twilight ever find out how these reports are written?

Commission for Loveless!

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I | Shame for Accuracy

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Private Sex-Ed Lessons | Griffon Chapter
B_25 & Loveless

It'd been a few weeks since the class had gathered for the anatomy of dragons, male and female, how they engaged with the other—to near vivid detail—that excited the course and became a report worthy of a book. This book, however, due to its contents and... writing.... was distributed both a study-aid and sex-aid.

It was a strange situation to say the least.

Spike wandered the halls of the school, shoulders slumped, head down, a heavyweight in his chest, mind cloudy due to the burden of memory. His claw held a letter better left in the envelope. Twilight. Writing to him again. Please come see me after class?

Some things never changed.

"Spike, oh, Spike! Come in! Come on!" The door burst open with the alicorn popping out from her sides, ecstatic to see him. Bad news. There's always a catch to her excitement, meaning he'd have to do something to appease it. "There's no time to be wasting a-way, mister! Inside!"

Her hooves wrapped around him like tentacles wrapping around him, plucking his body from the hall. The door shut to a loud thud. Few students stood in the lobby, blinking, coming to glance at each other. In a solemn nod, they stepped back, knowing it to be wise to not engage.

Spike had been set down by the hooves only to feel them pushing on his back, a foreleg around his shoulders, Twilight walking beside him—beaming with teeth glinting. "That last report you did was amazing! Do you know the anatomical, social, and physiologically and psychologically implications you've given hints of answers to? The report is a complete blowout by you and me!"

The little dragon coughed. "You and me? But that was like, all me?"

"The editing, Spike, the editing! Your vivid details certainly painted a picture—a moving one at that—but you have to consider the language! Students must understand the act and the parts and the names to all of the above." Her horn glowed and his body floated in the air, twirling backward from the enthusiasm channelling into her magic. "It's not mere students but teachers and professors, adventurers and dragons—oh, what's the point, everyone is reading it!"

The violet bubble burst, and the baby dragon fell—into the plush cushion of a chair. Coughing as he sat up, Spike felt the need to scratch at his jaw, turning his face away, pink overtaking the purple of his cheeks. "E-Everyone? Y'know it wasn't meant for a wide read."

Much less everyone knowing about the extent of my sex life.

"I understand you wrote it for the sake of the students, but think about it, everyone is reading the book! It's as important to the academic as it is to common ponies and dragons and griffins and more than I can list!" Twilight sauntered past the side of her desk, sitting in its chair; in a move unlike the princess, she swung her forelegs onto the wood—crossing them. "It's bridging the gaps between our kinds and answering the kind of question most are too scared to ask! Doing this will allow greater connection and understanding between all."

She sighed dreamily as her head tilted to the side. "Isn't this just wonderful, Spike?"

Should I tell her most are reading those books to get off? Nah. She's easier to deal with if her dreams aren't being crushed.

"I still don't get the co-author thing."

"Do you want me to rattle off all the mistakes within the draft you sent me? Wonky syntax and consistent misspellings and incorrect terminology of—"

"Here's to you and me!"

Twilight grinned upon her head rolling straight. "Though you might say that."

Silence occupied the room for a minute.

Had that been it? The report was now a book, read by everyone, either for knowledge or pleasure? It was good Twilight's project had been doing well, but if she was happy over success... then that meant no work for him.

Spike smiled. "So that's it, then?"

Twilight also smiled as she crossed her forelegs. "E'nnnnope!"

The mirth died from Spike's face. "You're going to stick me with some work, aren't you?"

"Yeeeeeuuuuus siiiiir!"

"Another report?"

"You psychic?"

"Just always anxious." He sadly nodded. "Great for always having an answer to something."

Twilight's wing unfurled from her side and swept over the desk, its tips curling over the wooden pole and lifting it. She directed it left, tapping its end on a broad chalkboard, a dragon drawn, crossed out, an image of a griffon beneath it.

Not good.

"Your research and writing skills on the topic of reproduction of species really is an unknown talent. It'd be a shame to not try pushing it further. Something beyond the scope of a dragon." Twilight tapped on the drawing of a griffon. "Your next assignment will be to learn about how griffons work. But there's... a catch to this one."

Spike blinked as he hopped out of his seat. In walking to the board—requiring to step up on his feet to be level with it—he noticed the masculine look of the drawing. "Er, Twi? Don't mean to knock your drafting skills, but... doesn't this look like a guy?"

"And that's the catch!" Twilight's ears puffed upward, and Spike's frills lowered. "In letters pouring from readers around the world, most were interested in learning the anatomy of a male griffon! Mating styles and psychological kinks and other slang used in your previous report."

Spike stumbled backward until his shoulders crashed into the side of the desk, allowing himself to slide down it, ass meeting floor, chin dipping to his chest. "I don't know about this one, Twi. It's... out there. Even for me."

There'd been a change about the mare as her wing set the pole next to the board. The squeak of weight leaving the chair was followed by the sounds of softness collapsing next to him. Side by side, the purple duo sat, soft furs caressing smooth scales, their body-heat warming the other.

And then Twilight laid her head on his shoulder, dwarfing it, but the feeling was... beyond nice. "I know this might be strange and out there. But this is the first project you and I have done in... in quite a while. Both our names on text set to inform the world—and please it."

"Still not sure about that co-authorship thing."

"Oh, shush, you." Twilight rubbed her head into the side of his next, strands of her mane tickling his chin, a blissful sigh born from their lips. The heavyweight in the dragon's chest lifted out within that breath. "We're working together, to the perfection of our roles, to make the world a more understandable place. Together. Not one over the other."

His claw clasped around her foreleg. "First time as equals, huh?"

"Seen by the world and history, maybe," she giggled into his scales as her warm breath flushed across it. "Not to me. You've always been my equal. Greatest and best friend. Seeing this new talented side of you, everyone was forced to take notice of it... I couldn't be happier or prouder."

" really want me to write this report, don't you?"

She shook her head to the wonderful brushing of her mane over his body. Her wing unfurled and extended over him, capturing the dragon in the middle of a violet, fluffy, warm and hugging cocoon. Her lips kissed his scalp. "Don't have to... but I'd be super appreciative if you did."

Spike knew there wasn't a choice in the matter, sighing, already nodding. "I'll do it."

He then swallowed.


The court had been kissed by summer and sunlight and breezes a warm caress across the skin. It'd been hours since the assignment had been given to the little dragon, now laying back in the branch of a tree, one that overlooked the students passing the park of grass.

The world is curious about how male griffons work? How much about them do I know myself? Spike actually lifted himself against the rising curve of the branch, it covered in shadows of the foliage above, scattered gaps allowing bright glowing sunlight. Besides the usual stuff that comes to the top of the head. Guess not too many ponies or dragons know exactly what a griffon's cock looks like.

He blinked repeatedly. Heck, I don't even know.

Spike gazed down his plump and little body, allowing a claw to rest on his belly, digits walking to the crux between his legs. The thickness of his tail covered his crotch, but, in shooting it away, revealed the nestled slit. Come to think of it, I've never seen what kind of sheathe they have. Probably because I haven't gone looking. Maybe it’s fluffy like a dog? Are there balls fluffy too? Fluffy balls. Heh.

The dragon shook his head. No good hypothesizing about it. Anyone else can drum up theories and assumptions. Twilight needs to me find out the exact truth on sex and anatomy. Going to need a griffon for this... duh!

But that left the question of who?

There's only one griffon among the student six, who is a guy, so... I guess that could work. Or. Or, or, or! I could ask Gabby the Griffon for help! Heck, griffon is her last name! His talons snapped, and he laid back in complete confidence. This will be a cinch! Just ask her a few questions, take some notes, and it's done just like that!

Then the truth of the matter slumped his shoulders. Wait. Gabby's a girl that doesn't look like she gets around too much. Twilight's readers wanted to know and experience sex with a male griffon. No good rattling off her information. It has to be accurate and true and some other third thing.

Spike collapsed against the branch, creaking underneath his weight, a claw shot up before draping over his closed eyes. The difference in sex of each creature is mostly specific to males. There's going to be a significant difference in the appearance of their penis too.

What did a griffon's cock look like?

Guess that's it. More creaks echoed from inside the branch underneath the dragon. Gallus the Griffon and Spike the Dragon need to have a chat... about why we make our last names the noun of our species... among other things.

Spike went to get up before hearing the fatal snap of wood, the branch cracking beneath him, it falling and hanging, broken, while he plummeted into the ground. Everything rocked for a second and a sea of leaves blew upward, drifting from each other, slowly descending.

The poor dragon could never catch a break.

"So, we have to be in my room for this."


"Alone and the door locked."


"...and you wanted to talk about what, exactly?"

"So there's a favour that I need to ask you... that someone else asked me... about that sex-ed report." Spike attempted to cough his blush away and, in failing that, scratching the back of his neck. "Have you, uh, r-read it?"

"Read it? You kiddin'? The pages are glued shut on that thing."

Spike cocked his head to the side, and his eyebrows met in the middle.

"It means I jerked off every time I read that thing." Gallus sauntered across the empty room—save for a desk, bed, carpet in the middle and beanbag in the corner. Turning, he fell into the bag as it rose up around his body. He blew upward to get the blue tuft out from his eyes. "What? What did you think was going to happen? The writing on that was top-notch."

"T-Thanks... I think?"

"Usually, I'm more of a picture kind of guy, but the immersion in that report... dunno, it does something to a griffon." Gallus's talon scratched at the slender frame of his belly, scrunching up tummy fluff. Soft and silky and running over a masculine physique. "Knowledge parts of it were kinda meh. Already know a lot about sex."

"Ever had any?"



"Pleasure myself to everything, my dragon." Gallus had spread his legs enough for his claw to dig lower, digging his contours into his groin. Was this okay with him? Open enough to touch himself to low with another in the room? "Every kink and species and whatnot. Heard my fair of stories. Just never a part of them is the problem."

Spike knew this was it. Either he went through and finished this... or gave up. In looking around the room, his claws twiddled together, another blush overtaking his cheeks. Confessing something like this to another guy? He felt more like the girl in the situation.

Sans a girl of course.

"Mind sharing those stories with me?"

Gallus arched his spine into the beanbag, pushing out his parted legs, displaying the taut muscles of his thighs. They were thick, of course, but a different kind of thickness of a girl. Those tended to be soft and plush and warm.

And the same seemed to be true here only in Gallus was more firm in the muscles. Every delectable wobble was precious for how faintly they came. With a talon poised over his crotch, he fell and leaned back, already grinning. "Knew you were here for that! Knocked out the dragons but now ya gotta deal with the griffon. It'll be nice to have a paper about me."

Spike arched an eyebrow.

"...anonymous, of course." Gallus chuckled as he wiggled to the side, showing his tucked wing, how his body could so easily curve into itself. Soft and pleasant to the eye, firm skin and broad muscles beneath it all, strength condensed into sexiness. "I'll help you in any way I can, but nothing is for free, y' know?"

Spike sighed. "What do you want?"

"What we're both here for." Gallus pointed his other talon at the dragon or, more importantly his crotch. "You show me yours, I show you mine, and we go from there. Seems fair to me. Gotta admit that last report left me more than curious."

It took a few seconds, but the dragon nodded upon walking over, exhaling again. "Alright. You got yourself a deal." He came to the side of the beanbag, barely coming up between the griffon's thighs. Gallus himself towered in the bag as he arched upward, his head nearly looming above, a great sense of lazy power awash. "S-So... what are we working with here?"

"Griffons and stallions aren't much different in some respects—but you've already guessed that far ahead, haven't ya?" Spike entered the valley between the creamy surface of the thighs to the bed of crotch exposed before him. The talon traced around the silken rim of his sheath. "Probably different from a stallion.”

Spike gulped as he drew forward; he’d need to be closer to be sure of it.

"What are you waiting for?" the voice came from above and, when the dragon gazed up the scale of the griffon's underside—Gallus was leaning a cheek into a fist, expression bored, left in wait. "Need to get all the details you can, right? Experiment. My enjoyment will be natural, so you can trust the results."

Now was the time to clear his mind, forget the strangeness of the situation, and dive in. Lifting a claw to the exposed region of the crotch, there was a delicate curve into the cheeks beneath. Their flanks were more tender and firm, a little squish on a digit pressing into them. With a bit of pressure, its tip sunk in.

"Hey, hey! What is this? Are you here to see my cock or play with my ass?" Gallus gave a thrust, his crotch and hips and thighs lifting, everything batting into the dragon. He tried stumbling back only for the legs around to close—trapping him against the exposed balls. "Can feel around me later. I was going to bust a nut before you pulled me aside. Help a brother out already, yeah?"

Fluffy balls beneath from beneath the sheath, their furs matted by sweat, dampening.

Spike dropped his face into the wonderful sack, the scent fresh like recent laundry, the tinge of blueberries burning into his nostrils. It stung with its intensity. Their fur brushed against his cheek, thicker and dense, minuscule sweat.

“Y-You like that, don’t you? Face pressed into another guy’s balls? Looks like you could pass out right there.” Spike didn’t pay attention to the voice as if those balls really were pillows. Rubbing his face around them, appearcing the smooth fur over soft skin, the mass of those orbs faintly jiggling around. “N-Not gonna lie. Seeing you down there… I think it’s enough to get me off.”

II | Dragon and Griffon

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~ II ~

Dragon and Griffon

Gallus twitched in surprise as the dragon’s face pressed firmly into his crotch, deeply inhaling his fluffed nuts as sweat appeared. Not only would it help lubricate his cock upon departure, but would ease the transition as well.

The dragon between his legs seemed fixed on the fuzzy pair, his cute maw opening over them, licking their shape, suckling on them softly. Those few, slow and long licks jolted the griffon’s spine into an arch—further pressing himself into Spike’s face.

“You are, like, way too good at this, little dude.” Gallus enjoyed seeing a dragon of all creatures pinned into his groin, rising and dropping to the jerks of his hips, a delicious view. “B-But I think we can cut it with the foreplay. You’ve already got the appearance lubed up. It’s what’s on the inside that’s the big deal.”

Gallus should have known what those words would have done.

Spike had dipped snout into the sheathe, sinking as much as he could, inhaling the richness of his musk again. The place it permeated most of all. His tongue had reached in, latching and wrapped around the tip of softness, upon being squeezed, teasing utter hardness.

“Ack! That’s it! That’s it!” Having someone else work on his body was a pleasure the griffon craved. His hips continued to flick against the face, riding the pleasure of fucking that snout, bringing a talon down over the back of Spike’s head. “L-Little more teasing and... and... and it’s bound to come out!”

Gallus was finding it harder not to scream! His lower-back spasmed as the tongue within the cavity wrapped across the head of his enlarging cock. Something wet and warm squeezing around the burning skin of his cock. It was enlarging by the second, flicking to life, growing despite the tongue wrapped against it.

Did the dragon think of this as some kind of fight? The tight hold of this tongue could stop Gallus’s cock from enlarging? His eyes closed to the pleasures, raising his hips and pushing on Spike’s head. The battle was soon won as the tongue, unable to contain the growing cock, slid out from the place.

Gallus smirked upon deciding to let go of the dragon, not letting him escape his thighs, still keeping him locked in. The dragon shook his head before something red caught the corner of his eyes. He became still but immersed in the thing that rose.

There was so much pleasure now in Gallus feeling his cock growing before another. It wasn’t much to him beyond the usual. It getting bigger and harder was no bigge, because he’d end up jerking off quickly afterward. But this was different from the other times.

Now there was a dragon trapped between his thighs, lodged before his crotch, watching with amazed eyes as his cock began to tower from his slit. Cute tinge of red throbbing in complete thickness. It reached its peak quickly, twitching in place, burning in the cool air of the room.

Spike didn't know what drove him to insanity, the scene or the scent or the sack, his face buried in the latter. They didn't sink at first, taking the weight of his head, the smooth casing surprising taut. They were different from stallions. Loose skin was pulled tight by their gems. Griffons had their balls expand to perfection within the sack.

Applying more pressure upon them, however, caused the dragon to sink.

He giggled. It wasn't like him to do something like that. But he happily nuzzled the balls with closed eyes as they were so soft and fluffy and smelling like clean laundry! The scent of blueberries teasing his snout, the orbs within softly moving around, set to cling against his cheeks.

His rump swung in the air, from side to side, his tail swaying in the air. Letting his cheek sink into the left nut, Spike took his claw to its right, feeling its shape, the vibrating warmth—how the hunk of a griffon rolled in place from the touch.

Did he like that? Having his balls capture the face of a dragon and then played with by talented claws? Gallus played with himself, sure, but his information on how to do so was limited—jerked off and nothing more. Pleasures missed instead.

"D-Don't know exactly what you're doing there... but it feels really good."

That was good. Pressing his face firmly between the two nuts, Spike wiggled his face, enjoying how they wobbled around, little jiggles throughout. Once he pulled away, his claws grasped them both, rolling his digits across their surface, fondling them.

"B-Buddy! Y-You're getting this from playing with those? Crazy!"

Spike chuckled to himself as the smell of cock had put him in another place. He seemed fascinated to keep between the griffon's legs, working at his balls, twirling them, rubbing over, delicate squeezes. He wouldn't mind sleeping between them. Side or back of his head against the snuggly twins, Gallus's thighs becoming his blankets, the silhouette of a cock towering over him, covering him in his shadow.

And he was only thinking about dick because the thing had finally come out.

It had grown out from the roundness of the near cavity, its base curved in dense hills, knots relaxed and slightly puffed. Arching upward and higher, it was slender throughout, a healthy thickness serving its middle. It towered at the top with the head tapering into a flare.

Gallus spread his legs further upon feeling the erection come out, its very entrance a throbbing pleasure. It ached more because the dragon was here, that another was in the room with it, wanting it, finally to be pleased by another. It hurt in a good way to leave it flicking in the open—waiting for the first touch.

Spike clambered onto the beanbag, in space around the thighs and crotch, forced to climb onto the griffon. It brought him closer to the throbbing cock. It was long, really long, growing ever thicker at the base.

He wrapped his claws around it, tentatively, feeling the heated skin beneath its tips. Holding on would be difficult for others, those without scales or magic.

But having that heat burning within? It would be an added pleasure.

That wasn't all to it, however, as the dragon dived to its underside. Starting at the balls, he gave them both a kiss, the tuft pleasant on the lips, both shivering from the contact. There, his snout lifted right into the base of the cock, flicking his cheek on both of the knots. It rested on the bridge of his muzzle, settled between his eyes, burning across his scales.

And the smell was another thing he couldn't get over. Maybe it had to do with griffons as a whole, be it always encased in feather and fluff and that kind of stuff... but their stink was still so fresh, musk that was also minty like a fresh breeze carrying sex within its current.

Spike tilted his head to the side, allowing the throbbing meat to rest upon his lips, kissing it, the taste like sour licorice. The kind that was intoxicating to have. Inhaling the cock deeply, he exhaled the breath through open lips. The towering cock twitched in response.

Until the ridge of its underside slipped into his mouth.

The dragon suckled on it, the salty taste of mixed with the candy, warm breaths exhaling in bursts. Gallus's talons squeezed the seat to repress the feeling of his cock being worked on. While Spike worked his way up, his claws reached the sides, feeling its shape, the tracing of veins slowly bloating from use.

On the other side of the equation, the griffon was fighting to save himself, to not force the dragon against his cock and be done with it. His talons gripped the bag and squeezed and squeezed, a flick to his hips to encourage the discovery of those lips, a portion of his dick immersed in that maw, wet and warm, teases of that tongue wrapping around him.

Could that happen? For that tongue to wrap around his dick, over and over, every inch covered and licked, squeezed and slid over, bringing him closer to release. Spike seemed to count how many veins there were with his eyes. He kissed the bottom of his cock, one claw sweeping over his head—squeezing it—to feel its shape.

But he wasn’t done. Not even close. His long tongue spun around the cock, all the way down, pink vine over pink meat, squeezing and squeezing. Then it came to the head, licking across the flare, tickling in a skin like nothing else could

It reminded Spike of when he used to do the same around a popsicle.

Gallus threw his head forward and back, once then twice, fighting the pleasure quaking his system. Never had he been teased so slowly! That little claws struggling to encompass the head of his penis with his grip, feeling down its sides, smearing pre over the scene... it was too much for him to take.

And then the dragon returned to his usual efforts. His other claw returned to his fluffy balls, fondling them around, letting them lift before letting them drop, the tautness of the sack lost on neither. There seemed to be a fascination playing with them. Sometimes squeezing them. Enabling them to well faster with delicious milky cum soon be released.

Gallus noticed his long chest was now puffed in reflex, catching the dragon curled into him far below, his cock taller than those spines. Spike was a servant to it. The claw at the cock's head settled into a tempo, a building rhythm, jerking vertically, an occasional squeeze to sweeten the deal.

But then the dragon stood as much as he could on the beans of the bag, letting one claw still work at the balls, the other lowering to the base of the shaft. It kept pumping, leaving its head free for the mouth poised above it.

Was he going to do it? Gazing down his cock like that, eyes lost in drunkenness lost to its shape and wonder, craving it inside him. Its heat and scent and taste warm and delightful as it spread across his tongue, nestled within the tightness of the mouth, sucked and suckled and licked across.

And Spike did exactly that.

Gallus squeaked a groan at feeling the mouth fall over the head of his dick, its girth lodged within the tightness of the maw, not even a few inches vacant. It took everything for Spike to get the head of the cock into his mouth, the flared head resting across his tongue, the taste of licorice spreading across his buds.

Spike sucked him off slowly, carefully, mindful of their joint first time. His tongue didn't serve as a carpet for long, deciding to explore the curve and definition of the griffon's shaft. It wrapped around the quivering meat, tightly, sinking into every inch of its slope, tasting out the hidden packets of spices.

He bobbed on much on the cock as he could. The sounds in the air were sweet. Groans of a griffon and moans of a dragon. Noises of suckling and sucks, of furs, rubbing together and bodies moving, shifting in tandem with the other.

And then something snapped inside the blue griffon... the breathing that deepened for the pair.

An instinct to breed.

Spike didn't know why he was picked up so suddenly in the griffon's hold, taken away from that delicious cock as they walked across the room. His body was tossed onto the bed and, before he was on his back—Gallus was already standing on all fours, over him, his cock lightly smacking between his thighs before flicking into his stomach.

Something was different about his eyes, drunk as his own had been, not seeing another guy on his bed... but rather a mate. Both of his talons spun down into the dragon's wrist, spreading out to his sides before pinning them in place.

Gallus dipped from above, the whole of his frame covering the dragon, his beak at the scales neck. He sniffed deeply, nudging it gently. He was getting more and more feral. His tongue poked out, licking a circle. The cool spittle nearly sizzled on the heated scales.

Until the blue head pulled away. Spike gulped at feeling like he escaped something, that was, until the giant passed between his legs. The spade of his tail covered the area, but a talon, taking hold of it quickly—flicked it out of the way as easily.

The dragon's tight slit laid exposed to the griffon, who pulled his head back with a tilt, eyeing the mounds like an interested animal. He must have looked like a female to the feral beast. Spike was aroused, sure, but not enough for his cock to emerge from its slit—still tucked away deep within.

Spike wasn't sure how to feel as the griffon guided over him, lowering his cock onto his chest, occupying more of the space there. It was long enough to poke his chin, a smear coating the spot on his jaw before it backed away.

Then his eyes widened in realization.

Gallus brought his cock to the entrance of the dragon's slit, allowing his mounds to sandwich the phallus, a tight, smooth, scaly hug never felt before. Without much warning, he slid his cock inside, slowly and slowly, his tongue dolling out from his beak.

Spike wiggled on the bed, feeling the thickness of the cock part his mounds away, squeezing its flare into his slit and it’s not the backdoor one. It’s his penis’s slit, the place where his pleasure rod was hidden!

The griffon’s cock opened the cavity. His inner walls were tight, hugging the shaft on its entrance, forced to expand to accompany the girth.

Gallus hadn't seen a male dragon upon tossing Spike onto the bed. Once he climbed over the teddy bear of purple scales, he pinned it, loving the power over the smaller one, flicking the tail away with relative ease.

To reveal the slit tightly nestled there. It reminded of a female and, in his drunken state, it might as well have been one. The griffon took pleasure in pinning his cock onto the expanse of that chest, those scales shifting beneath its shape, touching against that delicate chin.

Until pulling back.

Gallus had felt the mounds rising on the sides of his dick, hugging him, inviting him inside. His flare was the first to squeeze itself inside, expanding the cavity from its sheer girth—and what was to come. Slowly and slowly, he entered, filling the place out, the tight walls pressing into his cock.

There was something different about this one, at least, something smaller was tucked away inside. It was a cock different from Gallus's, soft on the surface and hard beneath, thoroughly weighed down by the mass of his own.

The dragon was lying on his back, wiggling it side to side, seeming to take the entrance well. Both of their cocks were together, Gallus’s cock all the way inside where the Spike’s lay dormant, stretching the cavern to suit his shape. Once entered, however, the job was half done.

Gallus brought his hips back and shoved them forward again, sliding a portion of his cock out and in-between those narrow mounds, forcing his cock over the other, beating slightly into it. It twitched in every touch. The contact beyond stimulating. It could never leave, though, when a much bigger dick blocked the path.

And then the speed increased. Being able to fuck the dragon freely meant a pass of enjoying himself to the fullest, of having tight walls squeeze around his cock, undulating to his movements, the penis inside twitching in their mutual contact.

Spike was taking the change surprisingly well as the griffon fucked harder into his slit. His crotch stretched pleasantly to accept the size of the cock, feel its heat throb from inside, the faint bugle appearing from his belly.

His legs had to be spread due to the size of Gallus's groin. There was joy in having his legs so spread apart, leaving his bottom fully open, the healthy hips smashing into his little ones. Thrust after thrust, the cock went in, deeper and deeper, tickling distant places inside of him.

And then there was the feeling of the cock beating against his own. Beating and smacking and pushing upon it. Sometimes it would slide over his own, pinning it downward, causing him to still get hard. The intoxication of having his penis kept down inside its own hiding place by a much larger one was a kink the dragon didn't know he had.

The bed groaned, its springs squeaked, the two lovers panting, starting to sweat. Spike's little body rocked in place while the big bad griffon fucked him hard. Using his slit to easy access, fitting the full mass of his cock inside, not caring for how hard he smacked into his own.

The size difference put the dragon to shame. Gallus seemed to hit the right tempo as his hips humped into the dragon with a rhythm that couldn't be broken, shoving himself inside the dragon and backing out inches to force himself again just the same.

Spike rolled about and moaned at feeling his penis hit and hit by the rolling train of meat, that fat head smashing and pushing and beating into his tinier soft cock, letting it be pinned and moved around, dominated without the other really knowing. Gallus leaned over the body of the dragon, hugging him into his chest, shortening the distance between them.

But even as the dragon was lifted into the air, and Gallus could easily thrust upward into the dragon, it didn't seem to suit his frenzy well. He hugged the dragon and kept him still, pushing into him again and again, not reaching the apex he so desperately craved.

In the seconds to spare was when things changed. Gallus turned the dragon around within his hold, cock still tightly inside, setting him on his claws and knees. Spike hiked his tail up in reflex, seeing the two talons rest on the bedding to his sides, his back covered in a shadow.

Gallus hovered over him like the sky, the tuft of his chest and the underside of his frame all that could be seen, his head hovering up ahead. He barely gave the dragon a glance before looking forward again, backing his crotch into the dragon's bottom, securing himself inside again.

Spike found his cock aching from inside the slit as the griffon above fucked him like a dog, finding the feeling he enjoyed the most—before deciding to make a quick end of things. Gallus leaned back and sat on his legs, crotch to the dragon's bottom, shoving himself inside.

The dragon did best to take it, feeling the cock enter and leave, his insides squeezing around it, involuntarily. Gallus towered above him, and his beak whipped around, eyes tightly closed, fucking and fucking into the slit, fuzzy ball rising and dropping, nearly on the verge of orgasm.

And Spike felt like that too. He'd been forced to take in the might of griffon cock at full force, nothing baring entrance as the other male enjoyed himself as he pleased, thrusting into him. The knots at the base of cock grew more prominent as the outline of veins could be faintly felt.

Just as two were about to finish, the end to the aching of the shafts, the bigger one began to knot. Both of them swelled and became swollen as they expanded, stretching the walls to the extreme, burying Gallus's cock deep within.

Spike had never felt himself so widened as he threw back his head, groaning as loudly as he could, stroking their cocks tightly pressed together within. With the griffon's cock nestled within him, neither able to escape—both finally came.

Both of their flares exploded with the currents of their essence, a creamy white pooling together, unable to escape. Both came and came, spurt after spurt, the pond rising from within. It was a pleasant burn that spread throughout, the different textures merging into one.

Gallus didn't seem content to just enjoy the orgasm, however, as his talon wrapped around the dragon's sides, able to cover them easily, holding him like a doll. He gave a final set of flicks to his hips, pumping the dragon into the thrusts and using him as a toy. Every spurt of cream saw less frenzy in the humps, and the dragon pumped slower and slower... until the two were milked dry of their high.

It took a few moments of them keeping like that until the knots lost their expansion, shrinking and shirking, releasing from the slit with an audible pop. No longer speared by dick, the little guy collapsed forward, in relief, feeling the warm currents gushing out, slowly, down his mounds.

There was another squeak to the bed. Gallus had fallen onto his stomach to the right of him, easily doubling his size. Laying like that in silence, the two caught their breaths, relaxing, letting the events sink in.

"So... uh... I feel completely bad doing that to you."

Spike held up a limp claw. "Don't worry about it."

Both of their jaws were set on the sheet, never lifting to speak so, when they talk, their heads lifted from the movement as a result. Gallus wrapped a wing around the smaller dude, drawing him close, the softness of his coat brushing against scales. "So, you enjoyed it, then?"

"Definitely a new experience to write to the world about," Spike said upon giving a heavy sigh. "Seems like male griffons go feral if having missed sex for a while. There have been reports of dragons having sex with other male dragons if there aren't enough females around. Guess that theme runs true with you."

"Guess so? Don't really know what came over me." Gallus blinked and his eyes turned up, trying to recall the memory. "Having someone else work on me like that was something else. You seemed to really have a thing with my balls. Someone so small caught underneath me... makes a dude feel big. Like, I was able to pump your whole body around my cock. Kinda a turn on."

Spike nodded his chin into the sheets. "Guess I have a better idea for how a female griffon would feel. Or how most girls feel during sex. The feeling isn't bad. Getting used like that, my cock being pounded by yours. It was so big and consuming and could demand whatever it wanted on its own."

"Getting pounded isn't the only way to have sex, though, right?" Gallus coughed as his head turned away on the sea of sheets, a robust red washing over the hues of blue. "Nice to use you almost like a toy and stuff. But... isn't the full experience doing what you want to me?”

"Like... riding you? Think our size-difference would allow that?"

"Climbing me would be a bit hard to do, yeah." Gallus turned his face back, and Spike did the same, both looking eye to eye. "But think about it. Hardest part is the hardest part of me fitting inside of you. We've already nailed that. So what if you've gotta climb the giant. Least this time you'll be in charge... or more in charge."

Spike coughed. "You suggesting a round two?"

Gallus shrugged. "Sure! Why not? Still got an afternoon to kill anyway."

III | Fucking the Griffon

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~ III ~

Fucking the Griffon

Few moments had passed before the pair were ready, but getting ready was hardly an issue, the air reeking of their sex, the sheets damp with their lust, a sweat to fur and a sheen covering scales. Gallus was laid back now, head on his pillow, opening his body to the dragon standing in-between his legs.

There was a difference now in the way things were going to be done. Spike gazed across the expanse of the laid-back griffon, the puff of tuft around his chest, flared feathers of blue all around, the scent of their lust strong in the air.

Spike stood with his cock at full-mast, it quivering in the air, an occasional throb. It had been teased and beaten into. Shot over and covered with creamy griffon cum and only dribbled pre into that mix. It ached, begging, needing something to bring his release.

"So... I'm guessin' the usual way isn't going to work out."

Spike shook his head. "I don't think that either."

Both of them were left at an impasse. Gallus had his head propped up on the pillow, the sight of the other cock letting his own enter the mix. After a few seconds, he snapped his talons. "This is your time to ride me, right? And you're doing all this to find out about male griffons."

"Plus, how it all might feel to a female."

"Exactly! Girls don't always use the front, y'know." Gallus grinned as he leaned back all the way, giving a thrust to his hips, a delicious sway to his cock. It was staggering and pulsating. Every flick seemed like a cry in wanting to be shoved inside something again. "Why not try up the tail? Don't guys have a pleasure thingy back there too?"

Spike coughed into his claw and looked down, ashamed to see his dick having flared from the idea, clearly excited with the prospect. That would be a different way of getting off. Fucked in the ass where it would be even tighter than before?

"Guess I'd be willing to give it a shot—first-time experiences and all that." Spike pressed a tentative foot to fuzzy land of crotch, off to the side, the weight pleasant to the griffon. He could comfortably stand on the belly in little to no problems. "But no going crazy like last time. N-Not going to lie... this is really something new to me."

Gallus saluted from the wooden headboard. "Griffon's honour with a little something special lathered on top of it!"

Probably best to not question that last part.

Spike decided to take things slow and steady as the cock throbbed behind him. Rigid and straight and hints of a twitch. Pre already lubricated it but, to be safe, he hovered over it. Swirling spittle in his mouth, he let it drop from his lips and fall onto the pink flare.

From there, his claws worked it up and down, squeezing every here and there, the warmth flooding through his claws again. Pulling them away afterward left a slimy bridge still connecting them—snapping from the pull of gravity lazily.

Then the dragon hovered his tail over the flare, hiking it as vertically as he could, exposing the horizontal slit beneath it. He lowered his ass onto it, feeling the heat discharged around it with ease—aiming for the source of it all.

Spike pulled away at the first touch, the faint burning on his sensitive entrance, daring himself to lower onto it again. The flare was warm and thick and pushing already the lips of the opening. The descent was slow, feeling the alien object enter, how it throbbed within the tightening passage.

"How is it?"

"C-Certainly a new experience—give me your talons, will you?"

Gallus watched the dragon impaled his ass on his cock, not hesitating to offer his talons, which the dragon took, using them to lower his body on the cock. It stretched and spread the tightness of his passage, loosening the walls in every inch crossed, throbbing around.

Spike tilted his head back as a steamy breath escaped his lips, the cock fully embedded in his back door, taking a second to appreciate the feeling. The expanse of the griffon loomed around him, the chiselled abdomen comprising the ground. Males gave off a specific heat that allowed one to feel secure.

Every now and again, the cock would twitch from inside of him, causing his hips to sway in the opposite direction to milk the sensation. Feeling his pleasure was up, his feet pressed onto the stomach, lifting his body on the pillar of the coat—before diving once more.

"T-This must be what it feels to have sex with a girl proper, right?"

"Something l-like that."

Spike didn't bother with words or thoughts as he continued to rise and dive on the cock, coming to crave its absence within the crevice, for it meant it was soon to barrel back in. Every rise meant he could drop on cock again. Feel it shoot inside, spread around, throbbing against the walls.

And Gallus looked to be getting a kick from this too. Even though they had agreed to who would lead the charge, the griffon freed his talons to hold the sides of the dragon, pumping him, up and down, the pleasure intense.

Spike got off to it too. How the warm cock would stretch him further and further and would cause his own to twitch. Because of the arms lifting him on the sides, his own claws were free to tend to his own cock—long since neglected.

It ached. Pleasure intensifying within. It swirled and swirled, asking to come out, craving the means to do so. The cock shoving itself in and out of the dragon's ass tickled a sense unfelt before. Every stroke against the spot evoked a twitch in the dick itself.

There was the other feeling of being used as a toy. Gallus was still lying on his back, fully now, not bothering to gaze at the dragon. His head was turned to the side, and his eyes were squeezed tight. He was pumping his hips upon forcing the dragon down, allowing him to reach deeper inside, causing Spike to clench back there—doubling the feeling for them both.

Lifted up and forced down on the cock, over and over, tickling the sweet spot, causing the twitching to his cock. Held like a toy and used like one. Spike couldn't help in grabbing his cock, set to jerk all these feelings off. He craved to get his revenge on the griffon.

To stain his pretty coat in hot dragon jizz.

Spike gripped his erection, its burning length sizzling with pre, his own and Gallus, allowing for slickness in the next strokes. His eyes closed, and his mouth moaned, gripping and pumping, thrusting with his cute little hips.

It went on and on, becoming looser in the back, wetter in the front, feeling the aching streaming through his length. It billowed inside his cock, compounding, expanding onto the skin. His knots were already swelling. Their bits faintly flared. He could feel the end coming for them both.

Spike continued jerking his cock while bouncing on the one belonging to the griffon, feeling the giant legs draped away, starting to spasm, the cock inside his ass twitching more and more. That hot rod of meat was nearing its end and feeling its need to be complete.

After a few more primal thrusts from the griffon, met with intense strokes from the dragon, the aching in them both reached its apex and made way for their creamy cum to escape. Gallus shoved and pushed the dragon onto his cock as the knots flared from within, swelling, expanding the walls to their fullest as his cock was lodged inside.

Spike, on the other claw, overblown from the stimulus coming from behind, and meeting the end of the stroke to his front, aimed his dick at the fallen head of the griffon. Stroking and stroking until he could take it no more. Just as he felt the gushing of warm cum shooting and spilling into his tightest passage, his own cock came, shooting rope after rope of thick white over the body of the griffon.

Vine after vine of snowy honey crossed over the griffon's panting chest, creating vines across the tufts of blue, a rope reaching Gallus's head as he turned it, a delicate strand settling over the beak and between the eye. Spike continued to cum over the griffon, stroking his cock still, getting what he could from the lowering high of release.

It took a few seconds of heavy breathing before the two could chuckle, nearly coming to laugh, enjoying themselves and the state they were in. Moments passed in silent breath before their cocks dwindled, knots diminishing, freeing the two from each other.

By the time the cock had slipped out from his ass with yet another pop, currents of thick milk leaking from the abused slit, the poor dragon had fallen forward in a mixture of victory and defeat. Too many revelations within the course of a few hours. He crashed into fluffiness, covering skin that was soft and, in snuggling against it, revealed the hardness, security, beneath that he craved.

"Must be nice being a little guy... when anyone or anything... can be made into a bed, right?"

Spike gave a groan and a moan and a resemblance of a yawn. Letting himself curl into a ball, the tattered field of tuft warmed him like a bed and, in the seconds to come, the thicker wings of a griffon draped over him—allowing slumber.

The two, worn from the afternoon, allowing themselves a nap.

IV | The Next Report

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~ IV ~

The Next Report

Spike walked down the hallway different from how he'd done prior, a little ashamed of his shameful stride. He wobbled more than he walked, the inside beneath his tail feeling a bit more vacant than like. It burned faintly, a pleasant feeling, the dimming reminder of what occurred.

Though sitting to write out impeccable notes became harder.

Recovery loomed a few days. Writing the report another more. The dragon settled on a week for the affairs of it all too clear. Pain and pleasures should have faded by then, but as was always the case, a mark was left on body and soul to the change of his being.

But holding the typed up papers in his claw, he wobbled toward the door where he was set to meet Twilight. Many of the students were looking at him, a raised eyebrow as if they knew something was up. He flashed them a smile and nothing more. Not daring to give anything away.

Until reaching Twilight.

Spike wasn't sure what to say or do, stuck with the constant need to keep shifting on that chair, taking an interest in anything in the office. It was times like these, where nothing was to be said or done, yet one had to keep in place... that they became meditative.

The shelves were merely for display, and the awards were countless with faint words embedded in steel. Twilight was a beloved genius, wasn't she? Scholarships and grants and stuff like that were expected. Smart mares usually got things like that. But one never considered what the achievement reflected.

Spike didn't get too many awards for, instead of saving the world, he was trying every aspect of sex. Maybe it was adventurous in a way, but nothing compared to the mare. She was more legit... while he was getting more sweaty in the sheets.

And yet she believed a gift about him.

Was that the genius or his best friend talking?

He couldn't be sure.

Never could.

"This is... is... i-incredible research!" Twilight's face appeared from behind the papers as they were pushed onto the desk, the hooves, pressing there, allowing her to lean over. Lazy mane draped across her eyes. Hues around her cheeks were redder than usual. "From the anatomical detail to vivid experience followed by the explanation of the psychological connotations... muuuhaw!"

Twilight lifted the papers only to kiss them, the answer to the questions being a mixture of the two... with an added element.

Twilight being a mare.

"It'll take me a few days to fact check what I can, red and blue marker the text, and contact publishers for a new release." Her eyes sparkled as she settled back into her seat, it leaning back on its legs, a lazy show of power not often done. "Do you think they'll allow multiple editions? Maybe the two could be bundled together."

Spike rubbed at his neck. "Think they'll do whatever you ask to, honestly."

Twilight giggled. "Seeing the writing in this... I think they'll be asking me first."

The two enjoyed a moment of laughter, followed by a period of silence.

"H-Hey... Twilight?"

"Yes, Spike?"

"Are you... I dunno... proud of me?"

"H-How... what do you mean?"

"Well. I know I've always been your assistant and friend and all that other stuff... and you've become busy with duties and the school and... and... and I'm thrilled to be doing something together again... but is... but is this... this what you expected of me?"

Twilight smirked from the other side of the table. "Let me guess. You're playing the comparison game between us? Afraid that's something you can't beat me in." She covered a hoof to her giggling lips. "And before you take that the wrong way—I mean in terms of Princess Celestia and me. Ruling for all those years, actually fighting, once upon a time, with weapons and such. She loved me and my accomplishments, and yet, I always felt inferior to her inferior."

"I always feel like your inferior."

"And you shouldn't. "

Twilight beamed at him. "We all can't be princesses, and we all can't be dragons. Different lives to different extents to different absurdities! Princess Celestia never looked down on me, so those feelings came from myself." She nodded. "I focused on the world around me instead. What did I need to do? A strange confidence came from that. Just keep doing what needs to be done, and you'll find yourself eventfully."

"Like this project?"

"I was always proud of you, Spike, for more reasons you could know." She held up a hoof before he could dare to speak. "All you've done is given me more reasons to be proud. Keep doing what you're doing. See what it spreads into. You'll meet others and find yourself in unique situations only you could do as you do."

Spike nodded with the faint impression of a smile. "Thanks, Twilight. I needed to hear that." Turning in his chair, he hopped to the floor and moved for the door. "But it sounds like you've got a few long nights of work ahead. I'll leave you with the editing and... see what happens from there?"

"You've got it... and Spike?"

He opened the door, a foot already through it. "Yeah?"

"I love you."

Spike finally smiled. "I love you too, Twilight."

He closed the door.

Twilight Sparkle leaned back in her seat, huffing for a majority of reasons, one being the slickness between her legs. She didn't mean to, but, in reading about a possible encounter in the text... her hoof rubbed over her mounds ever so lightly. Not enough to do anything... just a little titillation to add a small something-something to the sensation.

She hadn't expected to give that speech to Spike, but glad she had only, however, wishing to have given it in better contexts. She peered over the work, not knowing how her little dragon could list the anatomy to perfection.

The diagram that followed was proportional enough to be found in a medical textbook.

What had caught her wasn't so much the male side of the griffon, but rather, the experience of a female during it all. The sensations and what it would feel like. Aggression followed. Light and primal and done for the sake of reaching the apex of pleasure of the two.

But it became more personal than that.

The kind of thoughts and feelings going through the female's mind during it all, how every change would make her react... it was the genius strokes of imagination to make the details feel so evocative. How did he know a girl's side so well?

Twilight dipped her head in thought. Should she ask him for his methods? He always cited relevant information and its source. Could she ask to join him during a session to get a feel for his process? The topic and the means felt too personal and an invasion of his space.

In the end, knowing there wasn't enough to go off—and her suspicions would only take her in circles—Twilight decided to let the matter rest for a while. In choosing the papers, she began to read again, not to correct nor to add, but rather to immerse and enjoy.

And see if griffon dildos were on sale.

The young six had gathered for lunch in the park of the school, warmed by sunlight and welcomed by grass, a picnic great for the afternoon. They sat together with a copy of the latest book around them, a material they could get away with having for the sake of learning purposes.

Only a few looked at them funny.

"I don't know how he does it," Sandbar said as he flicked through the pages with the edge of his hoof, tapping on a passage that spoke to his mind. "Usually classes on sex-ed are awkward, and the teacher is over sixty. This had got to be the first time I come in with the pages already marked."

Gallus leaned back on the fabric as the sunlight warmed his coat. "Tell me about it."

"Especially that section about how matting might go between a dragon and a griffon—certainty crossing boundaries." Sandbar also leaned back. "But it also shows that romance and mating can be diverse. Griffons and dragons used to kill each other back in the day. But now... maybe because of the book... they'll give it a shot because they have useful knowledge about it?"

Gallus blew air out of his beak and gave a mighty shrug. "Meh? Who cares! Why slay a dragon when a dragon is a good lay!"

Sandbar cocked his head. "You’re saying that like you got it on with a dragon before."

Gallus blinked and blinked until his eyes started to shrink. "N-Nah! It was the dragon sex-ed class that made me think about that!”

Sandbar seemed to buy it. But the girls seated around didn't bear confident expressions. They looked to each other, their focus settling on Smolder. She was picking up a sandwich from a plate. "Wasn't me, so quit lookin'."

Ocellus coughed. "I-If that's the case... then there's... only... one other dragon."

The girls slowly look back to their blue lion-bird friend with disbelief.

It was night, and the dragon was alone, in the great castle and down the long hall, not minding the loneliness at all. He'd woken up before midnight, a strange occurrence but, in a sleep cycle ruined by strangeness... he rolled with it.

Besides, it'd correct itself in a bit.

He reached the kitchen of the castle and flicked on the lights. Everyone else was asleep and it would only be him for the night. His thoughts and feelings and that which summons in isolation. Before his mind could wander into darker territory, usually based on himself... the light of the kitchen shone on a package.

Spike hopped onto the stool before the counter, flipping the box onto its side, its corner stamp bearing his name. Extending a claw, he sliced through the tape. The flaps opened to a letter on a plaque.

He picked it and read.

Dear Spike,

The Canterlot Publishing Press thanks you for your contribution in explaining the differences in species and the qualities we universally share. Dragons and ponies and griffons understand each other at intimate levels allowing for deeper connections.

In honour of your celebrated discovery writings—and the sales numbers of your books thus far—you have received an award for Canterlot Letters in recognization of your conurbation to the anatomical and physiological study of sex-education between species.

Spike didn't bother with the rest of the writing as he pulled out the award from the box, one like many Twilight had... and didn't seem to care much for. He saw his reflection in the shine of its gold. All that worrying over trophies and medals.

They didn't matter all that much.