The Raven King

by Angel of Anarchy

First published

A King is reawoken, the brave souls of those who dig to find his past and what or who he his...but never knew how far it went.

Long ago in Equestria there was A ruler who was feared by all nations, wise with magic, knowledge, and artifacts that he found or even created himself he united all races under his banner Changed into the same kindred no one was treated differently, those who knew him loved and worshiped him, those who knew OF him, Feared and hated him for his powers...but were too afraid to act alone.


Proluge: Transportation

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So today I was going to the new hearing of the release of the next game in one of my favorite series.

Legacy Of Kain.

I went to the place where you would expect to see a con of sorts, I’m ecstatic I couldn’t wait to play this game in such a long time.

On my way to the hearing I encounter a man selling stuff.

The man in question was wearing a Blue suit with a red tie and a white fedora.

‘This guy gives me the creeps.’

Most of the stuff was just junk or other wares, but what caught my eye was a ‘Very’ particular sword.

“Excuse me.”

I get the man’s attention and point to the sword

“May I see that?”

“Why yes.”

He went and grabbed the sword and handed it to me.

‘It’s actually quite heavy, thought it would be made of plastic.’

I give the sword a few good swings.

“Feels real.” I say with a hint of surprise.

“That’s because it is, down to the finest detail.”

I chuckled.

“You can get in Serious trouble for bringing a real weapon to a Con Center.”

The strange man only chuckled back.

“It’s not gonna be here for long.”

“You suggesting that I’m gonna buy it.”

The man smiled.

I take a look at the blade, then back to him.

“How much?” I asked.


“Eeshh, Sorry no can do.”

“Are you sure?”

I sigh.

“As much as I would like to, it’s not in my budget.”

The man hummed in thought.

“You know what, take it, it’s a bit more troublesome than I thought.”



I smiled.

“Thanks not common for generosity these days”

“No…it isn’t, that won’t be the only gift you’ll receive.”

Now that made me suspicious.

“How so?”

I only got a crooked smile.

I felt the blade shift in my hands, and an uneasy feeling.

My arm grew cold to the point it started to ache.

“Have fun.”

I felt an overwhelming surge of cold air as the world shifted around me, reality seemed to change as I was left in total darkness and emptiness.

My body collapsed as it grew cold, my heart suddenly ceased function as if I was dying yet still breathing.

‘The Reaver it’s…’

My hands holding the sword jerked out while I was fighting for control.

Then in one quick motion…the sword stabbed me in my stomach and feasting on my blood…and soul.

My mind swam in the sudden change in events…I couldn’t fathom the pain I am in.

‘The sword….It’s killing me.’

I felt myself weaken bit by Agonizing bit.

‘I’m…going to die on my knees…with a blade in my body…’

‘I-I can’t fight it…I…NO…I Have to…’

I started to pull on the Reaver blade the pain was too much.


“GHAAAAAA!” In one big push I felt the blade leave my body and hit the ground.

My world went black.


The sound of dripping water woke me from my unconsciousness.

“What happened?”

I felt nothing…no pain, no heartbeat, nothing…except a hunger…one I have never felt.

I rise to my feet and take a look at myself, somehow I can see in this darkness.

“I’m…pale…and this hunger…what is it?”


A voice in my head screamed at me.


It kept screaming.

‘Wh-what Have I Become.’

A roar escapes my throat…it a beastly cry.

My eyes dart to a creature in the darkness, I Pounced on the rodent and sink my teeth into its flesh.

I felt the blood leave its body and into my own, then as quickly as I grabbed the rat I dropped it, horrified at what just happened.

The voice started to subside.


The realization hit me like a truck.

“I’m a Vampire.”

My mind swam in questions.




And Who.

Then the recent chain of events started to catch up to me.

The Man in the suit…

I have heard of cases of people disappearing at cons…but I thought it was just a ruse or just a regular occurrence of a lot of people in one place so the likeliness was higher than most expect.

Fury Boiled inside me, an anger that made it hard to focus, taking a breath I relax…not much I can do about it right now.

I look around my eyes able to see in the pure darkness.

‘I’m not at the hearing…I’m in a cave.’

In the distance I see a familiar object.

‘The Reaver.’

Rising to my feet again I walk to the sword…and hesitantly pick it up.

I could feel the power of the Reaver…plus another.

‘This is the blood Reaver…but it also leached my soul…so…that means.’

I try to feel for the power inside but to no avail…at least not yet.

A few seconds later a flash of pain reaches my skull.

There was a presence of another power…but it wasn’t accessible to me at this time.

‘Well I can figure this out later.’

I somewhat instinctively put the sword on my back and it stayed in place, realizing what I just did gave me a short pause.

‘That’s Odd, but convenient.’

Taking another look at myself I notice I’m still in my normal clothes, reaching into my pocket was my phone…it worked…but had no battery life gauge.

‘What the Fuck is going on?’

I would have to figure all this out later, making my way around, I find the cave entrance…one problem though.

“Daylight.” I reach my hand out and quickly pull it back as the sun burned like hell.

‘I suppose water does the same…this is gonna be a long day.’

Sitting down I wait for nightfall.

Chapter 1: He from long slumber wakes.

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The day was young and warm as everyone woke up to do their daily routine.

Today everything will be a normal day like every day….or so they thought.

In a remote location an expedition was taking place in a reported ancient temple but the one leading the dig was getting frustrated.

“For the love of Celestia Hurry up I don’t want to spend more time here than needed!”

A humanoid pony with a grey coat, black mane and tail with grey streak, he is wearing a white collared shirt with a red tie with white pockadots, blue jeans and fine tunic boots.

His face had a bit of darker fur that went from is lower chin to just below the nose, bushy eyebrows under light green eyes.

You may know him as Dr.Caballeron.

“Come one put your backs into it.” He ordered.

The workers he ‘hired’ were griffons and ponies, they kept digging for ‘The Lost City of Ravens.’ The name isn’t well known in equestrian history.

“Doctor!” a womanly voice calls to him from a distance, coming over to speak.

That woman was a griffon, in fact the one who is suppling him the griffon workers…for a cut that is.

She wore some tattered clothes, a sleeveless t-shirt, leather pants and boots.

“How much longer?” She asked her tone was showing her annoyance.

“If the workers would hurry up we would’ve gone our separate ways.”

The griffon smiled sultry.

“Oh really…I’ve grown quite fond working with you~.”

The doc blushed a bit but then cleared his throat.

“Yes well, it’s still undergoing but if the workers find something they-”

As he was about to finish his sentence a loud noise came from the dig site as the sand caved in.

Quickly both jump back from the sand before it could swallow them, the workers doing the same.

After the sand fell a very large stone slab was visible.

The doctor slowly approached the slab, he gave an order for the workers to investigate the stone to see if there is anything.

“Sir its cracked open here.” One of the ponies called out.

The doctor ran over to the crack, and leaned his ear to the ground.

“Water.” A worker passed his canteen and he opened it and poured a bit in the crack.

“What is the-”

“SHHHH” he interrupted the griffon he was talking to and listened closely.


He smiled widely.

“I believe we found it.”

With that he grabbed a nearby pickaxe and started to chip at the stone.

“Help me you idiots.” He yelled at the workers who were quick to comply and started to dig at the stone, and after an hour they get a break.

“Rope.” Again one of the workers hands the doctor a rope and he ties it to a rock that was nearby and tosses it down the new hole.

“You.” He points to a random pony worker.

“Yes sir.” The green pony with blue mane and hazel eyes. He wore a white t-shirt and pants like the rest of the workers.

“Name?” the doctor asked.

“Apple berry.” The pony replied.

“Well ‘Apple berry’ todays your lucky day, you’re going down first.”


“Yes, you go down there and take a look for anything dangerous.”

The pony gulped but did what he was asked, he grabbed a hold of the rope and slowly descended down into the dark cavern below.

Once he reached the bottom he looked around, he couldn’t see much in the pure darkness, the opening being the only source of light.

As he was about to call out a loud noise startled him, a large group of bats flew around him and out through the hole forcing everyone back from the entrance.

After a few seconds apple calls out.

“All Clear.”

The Doc went to his tent and grabbed his essentials, torch, machete and a piece of parchment.

He ran to the rope and started his decent into the deep depths.

“Let’s Go!”

All the workers and now a few guards who were with the griffon woman climb down into the big room.

“So shall we go Sartha Shadow claw?” The Doc asked the woman.

The griffon smiled with glee.

“Can’t wait to get paid.”

The doctor struck flint and steel against the torch, once lit Dr. Caballeron used the limited light to look for a pathway.

“Over there.” One of the workers pointed to a series torches down a hall way.

“Grab a few and bring them to me.”

Few did as asked and brought the torches, using his lit torch he lights the ones brought to him.

“That’s better, lets continue.”

With that they continue down the hallway.

The doc was in the lead with his torch and the parchment in his own little world.

But the workers were uneasy, even the griffons.

The air was stale, and silent…a sense of dread that made everyone uneasy.

Apple Berry was looking around for any treasure or something, he looks ahead and saw a sliver line in front of them…and the doctor was about to walk into it.

He ran toward the Doctor and pulled him back…making him hit the ground.


Apple didn’t respond to him instead he kneeled and got a closer look at the sliver line.

The Doctor sat up and went to his side.

“What is this?”

The Doc pulled his machete and cut the line.


A large blade dropped in front of them, nicking both their noses, blood stained their coats.

“HOLY!-” Apple grabbed his nose after he felt the blood started dripping.

“WHOA.” The Doctor was doing the same for his.

The doc took a closer look at the blade.

“T-This is…Dracosharick…”

Sartha didn’t understand.

“Draco what?”

The Doctor looked to her in shock.

“Dracosharick translated means Dragon Steel in ancient Dragon…it’s known as the most strongest and flexible steel…but the most rarest and most difficult to forge.”

“Ok…How is this important?”

“Well…if I were take a guess…Someone didn’t want us to get in…by…killing us.”

That made every one unnerved.

Doc looked ahead.

“We have to be careful if any of the traps are like this one...they don’t want anyone here.”

With a new cautiousness they continued.


A pair of wings were flapping over the desert looking for the temple from rumors.

Two Pegasi, one wore a tan jacket, dark green shirt, brown adventure hat, khaki jeans, green boots, and a satchel. She was a tan pony with jet black mane and tail.

This is Daring Do, the enemy to Doctor Caballeron.

The other pony was wearing a Tan jacket as well but had a blue shirt, green pants, and blue boots. This pony was a cyan blue with a rainbow mane and tail.

Her name is Rainbow Dash the element of loyalty.

Both were flying at a fast speed to Dr. Caballeron’s excavation site.

“How much longer we’ve been flying for hours now.” Dash asked in a hurried tone.

“We have to hurry we don’t want to have Dr. Caballeron steal any powerful artifacts.”

“I Know Daring but I’m trying not the leave you behind.”

“Whatever we just need to get there now.”


Both make it to the dig site and find out that Dr. Caballeron had already found the ancient temple.

“Crap he must be inside already.”

They find a hole and fly down inside, the darkness was eerie.

“Look.” Dash points to a torch that was laid on the floor.

Daring grabbed her flint and steel and lit the torch.

“Let’s go.”

The duo started trotting down the path towards the doctor.

While heading down they notice that traps were sprung…the first one made them uneasy.

“Who or What ever didn’t want anypony to enter…that steel is prove of that.” Daring’s voice showed a tinge of shocked at the revaluation.

There were other traps such as poisonous darts to fire spraying out at the wrong step of a floor puzzle.

When they got past the traps something happened that sent chills down their spine.




They ran to the voices of terror.

(15 minutes earlier.)

Dr. Caballeron and his ‘team’ just past the deadly traps and were in a large monastery showing a story of a ruler named. The Raven King.

Most of the text was destroyed by time…and it was in ancient equestrian which has only been translated by 1/10th.

“This place is thousands of years old.” The doctor’s voice showed awe.

“Well where is the gold?” Sartha asked.

“Might not be any.”

“WHAT.” Shartas voice showed anger but Dr. Caballeron was quick to react.

“Some riches come with discovery…perhaps there might be gold here, we are in a monastery so makes sense that treasure isn’t here.”

“Darn better be.” With that they continued down the path.

After a while they enter a room with more than one pathway… with a puzzle.

“Oh boy.” Apple said with doubt.

“Relax I’ll see if I can find out the right path.”

Sartha was looking around the space trying to distract her mind from boredom.

She sighed and looked at the words on the wall…that’s when she knew.

“Hey Doc…”

Dr. Caballeron came over.


“Isn’t this equestrian.”

When Caballeron took a closer look he noticed it too.

“No…its griffon…but that makes no sense.”

Sartha turned to one of her workers.

“Do any of you know ancient griffon?” luckily one did know a bit.

Unlike equestrian, griffon language has nearly stayed the same for a very long time.

The griffon worker came up and started to read the lines.

“It sounds like a riddle…”

The doctor gestured for him to continue.

“As the sun shines bright I’m scarce only an obstacle makes me known, as the moon glows I’m everywhere my glory is shown…what am I?”

The worker looked to the two.

“I see, the right answer leads to the right path.” Dr. Caballeron concluded.

He looked above the door ways he saw more text.

“What are the answers?” he asked the griffon worker.

“The left says bats, the center says life, and the right is…The Darkness?”

“So…” The doctor thought about the riddle.

“It mentions the sun and moon…could be Celestia and Luna…but it also could mean something else.”

Everyone pondered for a minute until apple spoke up.

“It’s Darkness.”

Everyone stared at him.

“How So?” Sartha asked.

He rubbed his arm.

“Well the answer is in the riddle…the sun can make shadows if something blocks it, but the moon doesn’t cast as much light so it’s pretty much darker.”

Dr. Caballeron hummed.

“That sounds like a good answer…alright lets go.” With that they take the path with darkness at the top.

A few hours later they meet a big room with some light from an unknown source.

Roots lined the place with a white glow and mist flowing off them.

Everyone entered and all stood in awe at the place.

Dr. Caballeron smiled ear to ear.

Apple looked ahead and saw a statue of a figure in the middle of the light, he walked forward; he noticed a large sword was in front of it with the figures hands resting on top of the handle and its head bowed down as if it was resting.

The tree behind the statue was unlike anything anypony has seen a large oak that was white and the leaves were a beautiful crimson.

Sartha was next to him with curiosity.

“Who’s he?” she asked to herself.

“That, would be The Raven King.” Dr. Caballeron came up and looked at the statue. “And our treasure.” He looked at the sword in its hands.

“That’s it?” Sartha started to get angry.

“A Stupid statue and a sword.”

She pick up a rock and threw it at the statues face causing a crack.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” Dr. Caballeron shouted at her in anger of damaging a thing of history.

As the two argued Apple stared at the crack…it started to crack even more…then the upper right of the face was broken.

Darkness was inside…nothing like a normal statue.

Then in a split second a yellow orb…an eye staring at him from inside…He froze in terror.

The cracks started to run through the statue as the creature started to break free from its stone prison.

With one jerk most of the stone broke off of it, it leapt into the air and landed with a loud thud. Getting everyone’s attention.

Dr. Caballeron and Sartha both stared at the dark figure.

Its eyes were fixed on every living thing in the room.

One of Sarthas guards jumped in front of the three while the other two were on the sides.

“Well…Hi?” Sartha said a bit nervously, despite her being taller…the air around the figure was heavy.

Just then the front guard charged at the figure hoping to get a blow to the head.

The figure out stretched its right hand slightly behind its back the sword came flying to it…and he ran it straight through the guard.


The guard was slumped as he felt his life being drained from him, then the figure put its right hand on the griffons head and a blueish white form of magic came from it, as it pulled its hand away from the guard’s head a mist came from the griffon into its hand and up its arm.

After that it grabbed its sword and pulled it from the griffon who is now a lifeless corpse.

The other two guards got in front of the three.

It charged at them with impossible speed, both the guards raised their weapons and started to swing at the threat…to no effect as it dodged them like a dancer, one guard flies back and throws an axe.

With its sword it swung to intercept the axe being thrown at him, with both hands on the blade it sliced the guard to its left cutting into his flesh and spilling blood.

Dr. Caballeron noticed that the sword was absorbing the blood it spilled.

The imposing creature continued its assault and cut up the griffon in front of him each time his sword absorbing some of the blood, with a thrust it impaled the griffon and like the first one he too was being drained like a water tap.

Everyone was in shock and terror at this thing…it was slaughtering them.

The last guard took flight and in a roar cry charged at the being…only to be beheaded by it as he flew by.

All 3 guards are dead…panic sets in.




All of the workers and the two leaders run in a panic to the exit…but it was sealed off by a magic door that wasn’t there before.

All the workers stared in terror.

Dr. Caballeron was at the front Sartha was behind him.

The doctor pulled out his machete and waited as the figure approached towards them.

He took a swing at the monster but it caught the blade in its hand, and with one quick jerk broke the machete in half, it grabbed Caballeron by the throat and lifted him up.

Dr. Caballeron was fearful of his own life.

‘This monster…it…this dig…it was a mistake.’

The creature tilted Caballeron head to the side…and bit down on his neck.

Dr. Caballeron could feel his blood being drawn from his neck…his life being drained.

‘I’m…Gonna die…here…’

‘Not if you change your ways.’

A voice rang in his head…he knew who it was.

‘Greed will lead to loss, loss to pain, pain to suffering, suffering to sadness, sadness to death.’

The words replayed in his mind over and over again.

‘Be thankful I have mercy.’

After that sentence the creature stopped biting Caballeron neck and tossed him aside.

It noticed two more figures that weren’t there before…but paid no mind as it turned around and leaped to its once stone prison and to the other side.

Daring Do and Rainbow dash quickly followed him.

Placing the sword on its back and with a jerk of a hand to the side, a powerful magic formed from the lower arm to near the floor.

Some of the workers curiosity got the better of them, a blade similar to the one on its back was on its arm, only it was blueish white…

The other side had a large door sealed by a powerful magic, a hole in the door was leaking a foreign magic as it was leaking a green mist. But in a sudden change the magic in the creature’s possession turned green, as it raised the long magical blade parallel to the hole, the being proceeded to push the blade into said hole.

When that happened the door lit up the same green mist traveled throughout the entire door and the sound of a singing opera echoed in the entire room. The door slowly opened and the sound of the wind came through. It turned to the two behind it staring at them with a hawkeyed gaze, then to the workers…then to one being. It lifted its hand and a purple aura with green tendrils formed in its hand.

One of the workers started to levitate…that worker was Apple.

“Wh-Whoa!” In a split second Apple was in front of the creature…then he went unconscious.

In a burst of smoke the creature was on the move with the worker in its grasp.

“Hey!” Dash said taking off after the being, with Daring hot on her tail.

The rest of the workers looked at each other then went for the door…Sartha was carrying Dr. Caballeron on her shoulder.


The creature moving at super-fast speeds making Dash actually having to try her best just to keep up…plus it was moving around obstacles with surgical precision.

“Who is this guy?” Dash said while panting.

Then in a quick motion a pair of double doors open to the light of dusk.

Dash makes it out of the doors and the…thing was gone, taking the pony with it.


She stomped in frustration.

Daring came from behind panting heavy.

“Did…it get away?” she asked as she was catching her breath.

“Yes.” Dash said defeated.

“Well we got Dr. Caballeron maybe he can help us track him…maybe.”

Dash didn’t like this…this thing…reminds her of Sombra…however unlike Sombra it kills and…bites on the living.

“I’ve got to warn the girls.”

<___________________In a remote location_____________________>

I ‘hide’ in one of my old sanctuaries where no mortal can enter, not without the Soul Reaver that is.

Anyhow I was inside with the pony I…kidnaped but for a good reason, speaking of which the one who is waking up.

“Ugh…what happened?”

His voice was groggy and rasp.

“You’re in my sanctuary.”

My voice made him froze his fear was ever so present.

“Please don’t-” he was looking everywhere for me.

“Kill you?” I asked.

All I got was a gulp and a moment of silence.

“Calm your fear, I do not intend to harm you.”

That didn’t seem to help too much so I summoned a fireball and light the once pitch black room.

He instantly stared at me.

“Let’s shed some light.” I split the fire in half and shot out in both directions lighting torches surrounding the room.

Once the room was lit you could see the inside was filled with pictures and writings.

I see that the pony was staring in awe of the place.

“Come.” I said as I passed him

“We have much to discuss.”

I also noticed that he stared at my face but didn’t question it.

“So…You’re not going to kill me…or bite me?” he asked hesitantly.

“Kill…not unless you try to against me…bite…well maybe.”

He still had a bit of fear but I could see that he was starting to relax bit by bit.

“Why…did you bite Dr. Caballeron?”

I look to him which made him regret asking.

“I Fed on his blood.”

That made him pale.


“In order to sustain myself I must feed upon a mortal’s blood.”

He stepped back away from me.

“No need to fear…I have fed on this Caballeron so I’ll be fine…for now.”

Still didn’t help.

“And I made it painless.”

Helped a little bit.

“Let’s continue.” I walk down the hallway.

“What is your name?” he seemed quite down for a moment

“Apple Berry.” He said quietly.

“Hmmm that sounds familiar…” that made him curious.

“What do you mean?”

“Are you…related to Blackberry Barron Berry?”

Apple Froze again but of shock not fear.

“He…he was my 13th Grandfather…my family’s legacy…my mother told me of him a long time ago…”

“And where is your mother?”

I noticed Apple wince.


The feeling of sadness clouded his mind.

“Then show me.” I raised my hand to his head.



In a town all the buildings were old in looks and falling apart a town filled with the ill, elderly and the poor, a young boy went to a house from playing outside a beautiful blue mare with mango hair met him with a hug.

“Did you have fun today my little stallion?” Her voice was soothing.

“Yes mama!” the young boy cried in joy.

“Well it’s time for bed.”

The young boy yawned and started to fall asleep.

The woman picked up the boy and laid him on the bed and then lying beside him.


“Yes Apple?”

“Will we be poor forever?”

The question made the mare beside him pause.

“No sweetie…not forever.”

Both drifted off to sleep.

After a few hours the sounds of screams made both wake up in a scare and panic.

The mare instantly grabbed the young boy and ran to a side of the house.

She opened a floor hatch and stuck him in the open space.

“Stay here!” she closed the hatch.


Soon after the boy could hear his mother shouting and then a crash.

The boy wanted to jump out and stay with his mom…but he was too scared to move, tears flowed down his face.


I lowered my hands and looked at Apple; he was crying.

“I see.” An idea came to mind.

“You’re in luck Apple.”

I walked to a certain room with a pool of white misty water.

Apple followed and saw the pool and looked at the center.

“What is this? I can feel the magic from where we were.”

“A foresight pool.”


“Give me your hand.” Reluctantly he did, I grab a nearby knife and slice his palm, and expectantly he jerked at the sudden cut.

“Now place your hand above the water and let the blood drip.”

He stared at me with doubt but did as I told him. When his blood dripped into the pool it started to bubble and changed color to a blue.

“What is happening?”

“The pool is using your blood as a catalyst for your vison.”


I gesture to the pool.

Apple looked in and saw shapes and a flow of blue.

“The pool shows your desire, the color of the pool indicates the type of emotion behind that desire.”

“It’s blue…”

“So it’s loss, pain, and sadness.”

Apple looked further into the pool…but didn’t see much.

“I Don’t-”

“Works better if you submerge your head.” I cut him off.

Apple stared at me for a moment then back to the pool.

In one big breath he stuck his head inside no water overflowed from it.

“Relax your mind and let the water show you that you seek.”

Apples’ body slumped a little and the water was still.

I didn’t need to know what the water showed him…I knew already.

Apple’s head rose form the pool in a gasp.

“That’s! My Mother!”

I nod.

“B-But how…where-”

“Relax and let the pool show you.”

Apple stared back at the pool and with another breath he dumped his head back into the water.

About half a minute passes and he comes back up gasping.

“She’s…in a mine…surrounded by diamond dogs.”

“Did you see the path?”

“Yes it’s not that far from Whooversvile.”

“Wait here a moment.” I walk out the room for and into another down a few doors. An armory for my old soldiers.

I found a decent piece of armor and two weapons.

“Thank the dragons and zebras.”

With the items in hand I walk back to the room.

Apple sees the items and stared.

I toss him the items and started to adjust my armor.

“Get ready were heading to…’Whooversvile.’”

“Why are you helping me?” Apple asked.

“You want the truth?” I replied with a question.

Apple nodded.

“Black berry was an old time friend of mine.”

Apples eyes widen.

“And you remind me of him quite a bit…both of you are honest stallions despite your upbringings.”

“That and I need to earn your trust…for I need your assistance later.”

I refasten my chest plate and greaves.

Then I did my gauntlets.

Apple started to put on the armor.

A dark blue with sliver trim, a red head of a unicorn with the symbol of my raven head on the other side was on the shoulder plates.

“How is this so light?”

“The Mystics Elite unicorn armor has a special enchantment that makes it easier for them to move.”

“Mystics Elite?”

“The Elite are the personal troops of my lieutenants, the Mystics are the unicorn faction.”

Apple looked at the weapons, a sword, and a bow with no quiver.

“No quiver or arrows?”

I smile.

“I’ll tell you on the way.”

With that we both leave the sanctuary.


Dash was on a blimp to Ponyvile, Sarthas to be exact.

“How much longer?” Dash grew impatient.

“About 2 hours.” The griffon worker said.

“UGH THAT’S TOO LONG.” Her raspy voice had long since annoyed everyone one the blimp.

“We’re going as fast as we can this ain’t a race.” The pilot was…well doing his job.

“Dash I know it’s urgent but we can’t just fly as fast as you.” Daring gave Dash an idea…a daring idea at that.

Dash started to run to the back of the blimp.

“Dash?...DASH?” Daring took after her.

When daring found her she was already out the door to the top and was flying to Ponyvile.

Daring just shut the door and shook her head.


Dash flew fast towards Ponyvile.

She noticed Twilights castle and the friendship school, she flew to the castle door and opened it.

“TWILIGHT!” Dash shouted as soon as she opened the door.


“TWILIGHT!!!” Dash was looking around the castle for her friend.

“Dash!” A familiar voice called her from a distance down the hall.

Hearing the voice Dash flew towards the voice to find a purple dragon with green wearing a gray t-shirt, sport shorts, and sneakers.

“Where is Twilight; Spike?” Dash asked quickly.

“She’s at the crystal empire speaking with Chrysalis and Candace.”

Dash huffed.

“I need to speak to her and the girls.”


“It’s urgent.”

“How urgent?” Spike asked slightly worried.

“Like super-villain conquering the world urgent.”

Spike nodded.

“Let’s tell her.”

Dash followed Spike to the Friendship table.

Spike grabbed the ‘Emergency letter’ and started to write.

“Tell me what happened so I can inform her of the situation.”

Dash stared on for a while…then sighed.

“It was in a crypt or tomb of some ruler…The Raven king…the rumors that me and Daring heard of from some older stallion…From what he told us the ruler was a powerful figure…and had many of powerful artifacts that he created…as for the ruler himself…he was feared by all of the other rulers…enough that they all tried to overthrow him.”

Spike paused for a moment.

“Sounds like Sombra…only more…threatening.”

Dash nodded.

“We also found out that Dr.Caballeron was digging for ‘The lost city of Ravens…’ and he did find it…and the ruler’s tomb…once we got past the Lethal traps we heard screams of terror and we followed them to the place where they…woke him…w-when-” Dash shuddered the gruesome sight still fresh in her mind.

“When we got there…the monster…was biting Caballeron on his neck…and behind him, Sartha…the one who was working with Caballeron…her personal guards…were all killed…with hardly any blood.”

Spike also shuddered, he got up and patted Dash in the back.

She continued.

“He threw Caballeron to the side like nothing…and leapt over his…prison, much like discords…and to the other side.”

Dash continued to speak about her encounter and that the figure captured a pony and ran off with him.

Spike wrote everything and blew his emerald fire and sent it to Twilight.

“That should be good enough.”

There was a knock at the door.

Spike and Dash run to the door and open it, and to their surprise they found Daring and the two rulers behind her.

“Dash.” The royal figure in a sun dress and white heels. Next to her was her sister in a moon dress and dark purple sandals.

“Celestia, Luna! I’m glad you’re here.” Dash said with excitement and relief.

“Good to see you to Dash, Daring told us the dire problem.”

“Wait how…we were 2 hours away.” Dash asked Daring.

“The princesses saw the blimp long before we got close to the city.”

“But that isn’t the important thing…from what we heard from Daring here…we have a dangerous being that Dr. Caballeron had awoken from slumber.”

Dash nodded.

“Spike has already sent a detailed letter to Twi and the other girls.”

Both Celestia and Luna nodded and went inside the castle.

“Let’s wait for their arrival…should be only a couple of minutes.”

“Wait, what…” Dash didn’t have time to question the thought when a flash of light formed behind them.

Next thing Dash and Spike know all of the rest of the main 6 had shown up…plus the other two royal representatives, Candace and her husband Shining Armor; whom is also Twilights brother, and Chrysalis who seemed annoyed.

“Mind you tell me what is going on?” The changeling queen asked her voice chitty and frustrated She wore a green dress and high heels, her dress seemed ripped at the bottom with holes in it, it fitting her features black with holes in her arms and legs and her eyes were an emerald green while her mane was a dull green.

“Dash.” Twilight ran to her.

Twilight was a princess herself, she was wearing the crown of friendship, and was dressed in formal ware, a blue dress with some purple highlights, and black high heels, she was purple with the nearly the same color only a little brighter, her mane was a dark blue with a purple and pink highlight.

“What is the issue?” Twilight asked in worry.

“We have a problem…A BIG PROBLEM.”

Dash flew up and got everyone’s attention.

“Let’s head to the Friendship room.” Dash said as she darted to said room.

Once everyone entered Dash started to tell everyone what had happened along with Daring…and one unexpected guest.

Sartha was also present…and slightly unnerved.

She explain the riddle they did with the pony that got foalnapped figured out the riddle.

Chrysalis was finger tapping and bored out of her mind until I got to the part where they found the tomb.

Sarthas guards tried to capture the creature…but it didn’t end well.

All three were killed and all life drained from them…blood and spirit.

“The eyes of the one that the blue magic came from…were pale no color left in them…no life.”

The princesses shivered when they looked at the bodies, gruesome and scaring. In fact celestia almost lost her lunch at the site.

“Oh my.” A timid yellow Pegasus in a teal blue dress that matched her eyes and her pink hair tied up backwards showing her face in full.

Dash did her best to spare the shy pony but it was hard to not describe the encounter.

“It sounds evil.” The yellow mare said quietly.

“It is Fluttershy, no pony can do what it did and be a good guy.”

“That doesn’t mean we can’t change him!” A pink energetic pony bounced up and down, wearing a red t-shirt that really doesn’t cover her body well, and blue jeans with pink tennis shoes.

“I Mean Come ON we changed discord and later Chryssi here.” Chrysalis stared at the bouncy mare.

“Don’t, Call, Me, That.” The queen hissed in frustration.

“Pinkie Pie dear…please refrain from annoying Chrysalis until we’re done here.” A refined mare spoke, she in a white dress and purple heels, her mane purple with curls.

“Come on Rarity we can try!” Pinkies’ enthusiasm didn’t change.

“She has Ah point Pinkie.” A mare with a country accent, t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up showing her fit arms, jeans and ankle boots, a sexton hat lied on her head covering a small bit of her blonde mane done in a ponytail.

“If we have ta we will fight em.”

“AJ it’s not like we can fight him either.”

Everyone looked at Dash and stared in shock and worry.

“Dash?” Twi asked she felt worried and confused, Dash is usually the one ready for a fight but for her to say that they couldn’t made everyone nervous.

“It….It’s too fast…and strong for a normal fight…plus it had a magical sword so who knows what it’s capable of.”

“Too fast?” Pinkie asked with concern.

“Strong?” AJ doing the same.

Dash gulped as if swallowing her pride.

“It moved at speeds so fast and efficient, I had to give my all too barely keep up to it…as soon it reached the exit I lost it.”

“Not to mention it snapped Caballeron’s machete like a twig.” Sartha said with some dread.

“Hard griffon steel if I recall.” Daring pointed out.


Twilights eyes widen at notion of it breaking one of the harder materials like nothing.

“So what else do we know of this Raven King.” Celestia asked grimly.

To most of the beings present this wasn’t as imposing, to 3 other individuals they knew all too well.

“Uh-oh.” Spike said in slight fear; knowing that Celestia was angry.

Sartha rose to her feet.

“Other than some rumors we don’t know much.”

Sartha started to walk out.

“Hey Where you going?” Daring asked.

“To bed.”

With that Sartha left the room and out the castle.

“Well what do we do?” Dash asked.

“Well considering the situation we have to take action and soon, we have no idea what this villain could be planning” Shining sighed.

“This thing from what I heard…it’s probably worse than Tirek hearing about the murders of the three guards makes even me shiver.”

“I don’t like this idea, it seems too dangerous for us to face.” Twilight felt uneasy, very uneasy.

“As much as I don’t like confrontations it may be our only option.” Celestia’s voice shook in fear for a brief moment.

“There has to be something to this Raven King in the Canterlot library.” Dash blurted out loud.

Everypony in the room stared at her, making the cyan mare slightly embarrassed.

“That’s a valid point Dash…” Twilight rose to her feet.

“Princess Celestia is it alright with you if I can do research in the library?”

The mare in question nodded, but her sister leaned into her ear and whispered something to which Celestia nodded.

“We’ll look into the forbidden parts as well.” That made the atmosphere even denser than it already was.

“We have to stop this creature before it can reach its goal.” Everypony at the table agreed.

All rose to their feet and bid their farewells for the night.

‘Tomorrow is gonna be a long day.’ Dash thought to herself as she undressed herself for a bath.

Once in the bath she relaxed her body tired from the long trip with Daring.

Thinking of what she saw made it hard to think clearly since the violence would scar anypony…even the princesses.

Her coat glimmered from the water sticking to her.

She had no idea that this was only the beginning of a long series of events.


We walked down the forest path on the way to the newer city of Whooversvile which was founded only 2 years ago, and in the area there has been victim to captures from diamond dog rebels who have taken the mines.

Apparently Apples’ mother has been working there for years…so I believe it’s about time I did something.

“So…” Apple trailed trying to start a conversation.

“Yes?” I asked questionably.

“You’re gonna help me save my mom…what about the others?”

“What about them?”

Apple stared at me before speaking.

“Y-You know…if there is others what are we going to do?”

I remain silent as to pretend like I don’t care.

“We can’t just-”

I cover his muzzle with my hand to silence him and lifting him off the ground.

“You dare talk back to your master!”

He was frightened but to ease him I spoke telepathically

‘Silence….were not alone.’

“Be thankful I have mercy and that I don’t kill you right here and now.”

‘There’s someone here watching us.’

‘Who?’ he asked hurriedly.

‘As of right now I have no clue.’

‘Then why are you-’

‘Relax and act along with it…’

I toss him to the ground and stand on his chest.

“Give me any reason to kill you…”

I take my blade from my back and point it right at his face.

“I won’t hesitate to drain you; like a puddle in the desert.” I say with a bit of iciness to solidify the ‘point’ I was making.

Apple was scared but that made it more believable to our stalker.

I remove my foot and holster my blade and walk forward.

Apple stared at me and laid there for a few moments.

“Well? Come on or I’ll leave you here for whatever is hungry.”

That got Apple to move fast and catch up to me.

We both keep a steady pace.

And now the culprit moves away from us making me grin.

Chapter 2: Slaves no longer bound by Chain.

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Chapter 2: Slaves no longer bound by chain.

We continued to head to the mines where Apples’ mother was being held captive and forced to work.

I had found a piece of fabric that covered most of my features, save my face and a bit of my lower body.

“How much farther is this town?” I asked getting tired from lack of blood.

“About 3 hours…I’m surprised your sanctuary was so close.”

“Well being a ruler you have to have places to hide or move to in case of emergency…that place is the center of the great nations.”

Apple seem lost by words, so I clarified.

“When I was in rule, I had many enemies along with allies, the largest nations at the time had control over territory, vastly in that region my sanctuary is or was in the center of all of them.”

“But why put it there?”

“Keep your friends close but keep your enemies even closer.”

Apple stared at me before asking.

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“If your enemy doesn’t know where you are, they least expect you to so close.”

Apple raised a brow at my notion.

“So…are…you doing ok?” he asked cautiously.

“Parched…but ok none the less.”

“So you need blood…to stay ‘ok’”

I get what he’s talking about.

“Relax…I won’t attack you at random.”

Apple huffed. “Didn’t stop you earlier.”

“That was to throw off our stalker they don’t know what we’re after so throwing them off is the safest bet we can afford.”

Apple froze up at me responding…probably thought I couldn’t her his mumble.

“Anyway, it’s time to speed up we don’t need to spend more time than needed.”

Sighing Apple started to speed up with me close behind.

3 Hours later we reach the new town of Whooversvile, and the life of it seemed…worn.

The recent kidnappings seem to have effect the economy of the town, since the rebels were taking the strongest for work.

Apple notice with a tinge of familiarity of the place.

We saw colts staying by the doors with older looking mares or stallions, markets seemed to be empty and closed off despite it only being dusk, a few passers noticed us and walked faster or in another direction.

Fear was the main emotion here…they see us and try to avoid us the best they can.

Apple bows is head…Anger was boiling inside him.

I place a hand on his shoulder giving him pause.

“Relax…Anger is useful…only if you can control it.”

His fist clenched hard, but he slumped a bit.

A sudden ball hits my right ankle and gains my attention.

A little girl was running after the ball only to freeze in fear at seeing me.

I stare at the girl with no emotion, crouching down I grab the ball and decided to do something.

Using my power, I levitate the ball and spin it in the air then all around me like an orbit, then slowly move the ball to her and make it do the same…then dropped it in front of her.

She then smiled at me and picked the ball up and went back to wherever she came from and did what she was doing.

I gave a light smile but returned to the stoic expression to keep myself from inviting anyone in.

To put it simply, trying to get close with anyone and they find out you’re a vampire really doesn’t bode well for you, doesn’t mean I haven’t…just means I don’t actively do it.

Noticing the expression of the other town members, they seemingly relax a little but still weary of us.

“Let’s continue.” I motion for Apple to move and we start walking again.


The cool brisk of night came quick as we walked the path to the mines long leaving the town.

Apple was nervous the idea of attacking the mine filled with diamond dogs made him fear for his and his mother’s safety…but it was still not as bad if he was alone…

The figure beside him made him nervous, the air around him was heavy and demanding of respect and worship…the power he holds makes any Unicorn quiver in terror, his speed makes Pegasi envious, and Earth ponies tremble with his strength.

As much as he fears him…He feels safer with him.

“Hey…I forgot to ask…What is your name?” he cautiously asked him.


He was silent for a moment before responding.



“Tallon…its odd I know.”

“So, I should call you?”

“Lord Raven…when in public, but in private I don’t mind.”

“Oh…So…I’m wondering…How did you know my grandfather?”

He gave a warm smile despite his cold complexion.

“I met him at a bar…drinking his sorrows of a recent brake up because of cheating.”

“He was in a bad state of mind, knowing his problem I spoke to him and tried my best to assist his ache, after that we helped each other for a long time, he was my main trading merchant, he knew a lot of places and knew how to deal with money and wares…so I entrusted him with selling the things coming from my kingdom, along with buying things from others.”

“In fact, his full entitlement is “Blackberry “THE Barron” Berry.””

“So, Barron is something else, not his full name?”

“No, Barron was given to him because of his flight skills, he was very agile when it came to flight, and he even help develop a guide for new and advanced flyers.”

Apple knew of a few guides for Pegasi but never knew his grandfather was an idol for one.

“Do you know which one?”

Tallon seemed to think for a moment…

“I think he ended up calling it…The aviation guide of flight, and maneuverability.”

Apple was stunned…THAT was THE GUIDE that the wonderbolts use and train in.

Tallon seemed to chuckle at his shock.

“Yes, quite a big one from what I seen and heard from him.”

Apple smiled in giddiness he never thought that his grandfather would ever be a part of something that is so known.

“We’re here.” Apple looks ahead from speaking to the entrance to the cave.

Apple took a deep breath he was sooooo Not ready.

“Calm your nerves…You can fight them…and in any way you choose.”

That only half reassured him, but he has to do this.

They enter the cave ready for a fight.


The smell of dew and sulfur was strong making the both of them cover their noses due to the smell.

“So…what’s the plan?”

“We enter the main dig site and take care of the few that guard them…and free the workers.”

That Gave Apple pause.

“I thought you didn’t-”

“I was testing where your heart was at…and so far, it sets in the right place.”

Apple was confused…he was testing him? Why?

He didn’t have time to ask since voices were heard up ahead.

Both slow their advance to a snail pace and enter a larger room of the cave.

“Put your backs into you weaklings.” A gruff voice ordered.

The sounds of pickaxes hitting rock vibrated the air.

“You ready?” The vampire asked.

Giving a sigh Apple nodded.

Both ready their swords and walk into the room.


I raise my hand and use the power of hypnosis to get one of the guards to the left and Apple knocks out the one on the right.

‘You take the ones closest to the workers.’

He nodded.

‘And don’t be afraid to at least wound them.’


I rush to the top of the ridge where the one Diamond Dog who shouted orders, he noticed me quickly.

“Who are you?” he asked annoyed.


“Another Pony or whatever you are trying to be a hero?”

“Oh…I’m no Hero…”

I form into a mist and grab him by the throat.

“I’m a bad guy who does good things…at the expense of the other bad guys; that is.”

I bare my fangs, but he wasn’t going to let me do anything…not without a fight.

Punching me in the face and breaking my nose caused some blood to seep down my face.

Instead of getting angry at my broken nose I smiled which unsettled the DD.

“I Enjoy a good fight…and when my food struggles.” Ok last part was a bit exaggerated, but it makes this more fun.

Snapping my nose back into place I stare at him with a devilish grin.

“Let’s have some fun…Shall We?” I asked him…and he replied with a growl.

Raising my claws, I motioned for him to attack me.

“RAAAH!” I move out of the way of the DD’s attack; he tries again and throws a punch at my face with me only moving my head slightly.

If it Ain’t obvious I have better reflexes than any mortal.

Not wanting to drag this out I grab his fist and with strength that surprised him I toss him to the ground.

“Give up you won’t win.”

He stayed still for a moment before he attacked again this time, I just clawed him in the chest; blood seeped from the new wound.

“AHCK!” he fell flat on his ass while gripping his chest.

Using my magic, I levitate him up and bring him into my grasp.

With a quick jerk I lean his neck and bite into it draining the blood from him.

His breathes were fast and sharp at first…then slowed as his life drained away…then stopped altogether going limp.

With my hunger satisfied I stop biting his neck and see his lifeless eyes.

Using a power that had been long since been fed I take his soul and rejuvenate the ‘Other’ hunger of my weapon.

Dropping the corpse, I watch it fall and gain everyone’s attention including Apples.


Apple ran to the DD’s with his sword in hand.

“Were saved!” Shouted one of the ponies.

The two DD’s noticed him and raised their fists to punch him as he got close.

Apple raised the sword just in time to block one punch, the impact sent him sliding back…

“Crap…I REALLY don’t want to hurt them.”

But knowing the situation Apple had to do what he had to do.

One very skinny DD ran at him with anger in its eyes.

Apple jumped to the side as the DD nearly tackled him.

The other DD which was larger in comparison nearly grabbed Apple.

Apple took a deep breath.

‘I Have to…I Have to…I Must save her…at any cost.’

Apple remembered what Tallon told him…

‘Anger is useful…only if you can control it.’

‘But how…’


Apple didn’t know what to think…

‘How am I supposed to use it?’

Thinking back on what happened in his life to this moment…from getting foalnapped by this guy…to him being hired to help dig him up…to the life he lived on his own…to the foalnapping of his friends mother-’

He paused.

‘My mother…’

He found himself remembering what happened to his mother and to his friends.

‘They took her…they took her from me…THEY TOOK EVERYONE FROM ME!’

He found himself with boiling rage.


A loud thump came from over where Tallon was…which made him look.

Seeing a lifeless corpse of the lead DD of this area he knew what happened.

But he even surprised himself as he shook off the fear and focused on the fight he was in.

“H-He-K-Killed him…” one of the ponies shook with fear.

“Is-Is he gonna-” A mare stuttered

“Hey.” Apple got their attention.

“He Won’t hurt you…not without a good reason.”

They didn’t seem to trust him but nodded anyway.

Apple charged the unexpected DD’s and managed to land a good blow on the large one; slashing his back...not enough to cause a fatal wound.

The other DD reacted quickly and landed a punch to Apples face causing him to grab his nose and stop whatever blood that started to flow.


Somehow…this only made him angrier.

Charging back at the DD he readied his sword and went for a downward slash.

The large DD somehow got back up and tackled him to the ground and pinned him.

Apple was in a compromised position he was stuck under the weight of the hulking DD.

Tallon was nowhere to be seen as the DD held him.

‘Got to think fast…How do I get myself out of this?’

Thinking hard he got an idea…one he might regret after.

He suddenly lurched his head forward into the DD’s face and forced him to get off grabbing his head in pain.

‘Ugh that’s going to leave a headache.’

The other DD wasn’t going to give him a break; he nearly hits his face again, only for his fist to be caught by another figure.

Tallon squeezed his hand and started to crush the DD’s arm making him drop to his knees and cry in anguish.

With the other hand Tallon punched the DD in the head knocking him out.

The other DD charged at him…Apple did a kick to his face KO’ing him.

“Good one.” The vampire commented.

The said Vampire waved his hand as the chains that bind the ponies were released.

“Exit is right over there.” He points to the entrance.

“Careful though, its night and some creatures will be around.”

The ponies stared for a moment before running for their lives.

“Let’s Go.” Tallon walked further into the cave.

Apple nodded and grabbed his sword and followed him.


We reach a split in direction two paths.

“What do we do?” Apple asked in concern.

Closing my eyes, I sense the remaining ponies…and one special one.

We must take each path other wise they may run with the remaining ponies.

An idea came to mind to help with Apple’s lack of experience.

Thinking back to when I first obtained this power and reach my hand to Apple.


“Let’s hope this works…” I say with worry as I practice this new spell.

“Just do It.” An amber mare with grey mane and yellow eyes said with annoyance and a hint of tease.

“You Do realize if I mess this up you may die?”

“I’ll be fine just try it.”

Sighing I raise my hand and focused hard on it.

A sudden gasp caused me to flinch but continue.

The mare starts to giggle slightly.

“It tickles.” She started to laugh more.

“See told you it be fine.”

Smiling I lower my hand and the spell stayed on her.

“So…what does it do?”

“In theory it’s like a charm…yet a shield…it stops Most magic and magical items from effecting you and helps with normal weapons as well.”

“Ohh~ that’s quite a useful spell.”

“Yea but its still a work in progress.”

“Well you’ll learn to make it better.”

I smile at the praise.


“Hmph…” I had a wide smile as the spell finished.

Apple stared at me with confusion.

“What did you Do?”

“Gave you protection, we’re splitting up…you take right, and I’ll take left.”

I mistify and head left leaving Apple.


“Hey!” Tallon went off to the left and Apple stayed there.

Sighing Apple took off right…hating that he is to fight alone.

“This is gonna suck.”


Apple reached a large room with a few dozen ponies working to the bone mining whatever the DD’s thought were valuable.

‘Woah…they got this many.’

Hearing the DD’s shout orders at the ponies he decided to hide behind a cart and assess the entire thing.

Ponies of all shapes and sizes were hard a labor and were forced to keep quiet as they did.

A sudden eep as a Pegasus mare hit the rock to hard and fell on her butt and injure her hand.

“HEY WHO SAID YOU COULD SLACK OFF!” a DD shouted at the jade colored mare.

She quickly jumped and stared in fear of the DD who towered over her.


“NO EXCUESES GET BACK TO WORK!” The DD shouted; spit flying out of his mouth.

“Hey, can’t you see she’s hurt!” an all too familiar voice shouted back at the DD.

Apple stared at the mare that was trotting to the hurt mare and block her from the DD.

“And what are you gonna do shorty?” he said with evil glee.

“Leave her alone.” The mare just stared at him.

The DD reached for her mane.

Just as he was about to grab her and pull her to his level an arrow zoomed by his face nicking his nose and causing blood.

“What the?!” he looked for the one who dared to draw blood form him.

Spying the green stallion in some armor and a bow with no quiver.

“Who are you?” he asked really annoyed.

“Stay Away From Her.” Apple said with some venom.

The DD was slightly confused at this pony’s bravado.

“Your gonna fight me?” he asked like it was an impossible feat.

The mare stared at the newcomer…only to realize who it was.

“Apple?” she noticed him stare at her…tears formed in her eyes.

Putting the bow away he readied his sword.

“Ha! That little stick won’t hurt me.”

Apple didn’t listen.

The DD smiled then charged at Apple who was still like a statue.

“Apple Move!” his mother shouted.

But he didn’t

“Apple Sweetie WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”

Apple stared at the charging DD.


The DD was only a few steps away.


Remembering what Tallon did with Sarthas guard he lept to the side and slashed downward on the DD’s side causing him to roar in pain and slide on the ground.

Apples mother stared in awe and shock that her son just drew blood.

“WHY YOU LITTLE!” The DD charged again, Apple ducked under his legs and slashed them causing him to fall to a knee.

The DD this time punched him in the gut sending him flying to the ground.

Getting back up in slight pain he grabbed a rock and threw it at the DD’s face giving him enough time to charge at him and strike.

A nice clean cut was on the DD’s back, the DD roared in pain as he grabbed Apple by the foot and slammed him on the ground.

Apple knew that this guy would wise up and definitely kill him if he didn’t end this quick.

Apple kicked the DD in the ‘No-No spot’ causing him to whimper in and clutch his groin in pain.

‘I remembered that a mare did that once to me…when I-Never mind that now I have to end this!’

Rising to a knee he was panting and in a sweat…then he noticed something…a puddle and in that puddle a reflection, not just his…something above him.

Looking up he saw a pile of gems held up by rope and a pully…another idea came to mind…and this one won’t hurt as much.

Rising to his hoofs he decided to do something that most would think stupid.

“Hey, You Big Dumb Ugly Dog, Come get me!” he taunted the DD which angered him and he charged again, this time Apple tried something daring.

He gathers what strength he had left and jumped over the hulk of the DD, sprinting after he landed, he turns on the back of his hoofs and grabs his bow.

‘Only got one shot.’

He pulls the string as an ethereal blue arrow formed in his hand.

Letting the arrow lose it nicks the rope but didn’t cut it…he missed.

“You…Your gonna regret hurting…and insulting me…” The DD slowly stomped over.

Apple stared at the DD fear started to set in.

“I’m gonna break every bone in your body you little runt.”

Apple gulped his body was exhausted he couldn’t run without collapsing.


Apple closed his eyes.


*Snap*, *THWOSH* *CRASH! *

There was a silence after the loud noise.

Apple slowly opens his eyes and sees the blessing of a lifetime.

The rope snapped and the gems pinned the now unconscious DD from the waist down.

All the other DD’s who were watching just stared in awe and fear…they didn’t stick around and dug their escape.

Giving a sigh of relief he dropped to his knees in a pant.

“Apple!” His mother’s voice called.

He looked up to see his mother staring at him with worry.

He gave a half-lidded smile and a thumbs up.

She gave a sigh of relief as he got back up and trotted to her.

Both had tears in their eyes as they hugged each other.

“Its good to see you again.” She started to sob.

“You too.” He said with a soft tone.

“I…I’m Sorry.” She choked out in her sobs.

“For what?” Apple stared at her with happiness.

“For not being there for the most of your life.”

“It wasn’t your fault mom…”

“I know…its just…if I had-”

“Hey.” Apple stopped her.

“I’m here to save you and everypony here…that’s what matters now.”

Apple broke the hug and looked for the keys to the chains that bound everypony.

“Where is…”

Then it struck him…the keys were…


Looking to the DD he saw the keys were right under the large gem that held his stomach.

Reaching carefully, he grabbed the keys and walked to his mom and undid her chain, then did with the rest.

Once every pony was free, he started to speak.

“Alright I want all of you to stick with me and don’t fall behind OK?.”

Everypony nodded.

“Good Now-”

A sudden burst of gems shattering cut him off.

‘What is going on?’ he covered his face as they flew past him.

Once they stopped, he stared at what caused the mess…and it made his blood run cold.

The DD who was pinned wasn’t pinned no more…and he looked different.

His fur wasn’t its vibrant red color anymore…it had dulled so close to a grey, his body was bigger than normal his muscles pulsed with some new found strength…and his eyes weren’t yellow…or even had pupils or irises…instead it was one solid Deep red glow.

And to top it all off…he was radiating some black aura.

Apple stared in shock…this isn’t the DD he just fought…he could tell by the atmosphere it had around it.

“What in the name of Celestia is happening?” he questioned no one.

The large DD then charged at Apple with breakneck speeds.

“MOVE!” he shoves his mother out of the way as he his shoulder rushed into the cave wall.

“APPLE!” his mother shouted in fear that he may…

“JUST GO!” he yelled.





Apples mom didn’t want to leave but she was grabbed by stallions and dragged out of the cave room with the others.

Apple stabbed the DD in the arm, and it reeled back in pain before stepping back.

He slid down the wall and was in some real pain…but not as much as he would expect.

“I’ll have to question Tallon about this…if I’m still alive by then.”

He rose to his feet and faced the DD…it just stared at him with no emotion.

‘He looks different…and acts different…like he’s not himself…like he’s being controlled.’

He sighed as he stared at the large DD, it charged again.

Apple ran right for it he raised his sword and yelled a war cry he has never used before.

<_________________During Apple’s first battle__________________>

I managed to reach the holding cells that held the remaining ponies.

There was a lot of DD’s that guarded the cells…no problem.

Walking causally into the holding area I am confronted by four of the DD’s

“What are you Doing here Big guy?” one asked with a serious tone.

“Trying to save the ponies?” another guessed why I was here…so far, he’s correct.

“Why yes...Yes I am.” I gave a cheeky smile.

I raise my clawed hand and motion for them to put the keys in.

“Let them out…And I’ll let you live.”

My threat made them nervous, but they stand their ground and ready to fight.

“Well then…Let’s Play.”

They all charge me; I jumped and landed a few feet away from them.

“Too Slow.” I taunt which seems to annoy them.

They try again and again I move too quickly for them.

I then let loose a little and start attacking, clawing punching and kicking them all around.

Using the fabric, I blind one of the DD’s and then jump over him making his friend hit him instead of me.

The more I did this, the more they got pissed…and the ponies started to cheer me on despite the violence.

“Get em Big fella!”

“Show them who’s boss!”

I start using my powers; Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis, and Cryokinesis.

I froze one DD and slightly burned another, while tossing one to the wall.

Most of the DD’s were dealt with; with only three left.

“Give up.”

They seemed to want too but stayed true to their assignment.

I gave a sigh.

“Don’t make me do this.”

One just snicker.

“Sorry we got our orders.”

“Yea and we stick to them.”

Loyalty to death huh…admirable but unfortunate.

“Let’s-” The DD was suddenly cut off as he tensed up then started to convulse.

I got a bad feeling just now.

The other DD’s stared in confusion and fear as the DD started to look different.

I get goosebumps as the air started to change.

Then the DD reeled back his head and a growl escaped his throat…a primal growl that sound like a demon.

Leaning forward again he slowly looked up to me his fur was just shy of being grey and his eyes were replaced with nothing but red.

A black aura leaked from him.

I pull my sword from my back and ready for a Real fight…he isn’t a DD anymore…he’s different.

‘This doesn’t look good.’

The DD charged at me with speed that I wasn’t expecting and nearly got me.

Jumping back, I ready my blade in both hands.

The DD charged again and this time I was ready, I slash his chest and drew blood from him the Reaver consuming it.

‘It’ roared in pain but didn’t stop its advance and tried to attack me.

I kept slashing at it and did more damage…but it kept pushing.

“This is bad.”

I push the DD away and it just lands and stares.

I stay silent.

Then I hear two pairs of feet or paws charge me from behind.

Turning on my heel I do a horizontal slash and hit two new targets.

The other remaining DD’s had turned into these things.

That’s when I notice a black mist seeping from cracks and running to the DD’s…even the unconscious one’s.

‘Their changing…something is taking their bodies and making them stronger…like they are being…’


Knowing that this just got tougher I had to be careful.

They all charge me with roars that didn’t fit them I start hacking and slashing.

I was being overrun by the corrupted DD’s and a few manage to hit me.


A DD slammed me into the wall and broke my arm causing me to curse.

Using pyrokinesis I fry the DD to ashes.

Popping my arm, it instantly healed but it was sore after the recent break.

‘There’s too many to face head on without harming the ponies.’

I remembered that I had a guard under my control.

Signaling for him to bolt here I decided to buy time for him to reach us.

My lack of blood made it hard to stay focused, but I can manage for now.

“Fuck me man…” I say panting as I think of a plan.

“I got it.” I know what I must do I must feed the Reaver blood and then dispose all of them in one attack.

And right on cue the controlled DD rushes in and waits for me.

I rush the DD with the keys and toss them to him as I stab the Reaver into the DD’s body draining the blood.

Giving the mental command the DD rushes with the keys to the cells and opens them the ponies were confused that a DD was letting them out.

“He’s under my control so go with him to the exit ok.”

“What about you?” a mare asks.

“I got a plan, but you have to leave…I’ll catch up once I’m done.”

“Ok.” One pony responds and they follow the DD.

I yank the Reaver out of the now dead Corrupted I attack another while blocking some attacks.

“One more should do it.”

I stab one in the back and the Reaver suddenly starts to glow blue.

“Ok…” Yanking the blade I dash away from the major group and take count.


Taking a breath, I change the power from time to dimension and the glow turns green.

Then I suddenly vanish in front of their eyes…then in front of them and slashing them.

I aim for their heads and kill them quickly.

Once all the Corrupted are dead I sigh in relief.

Then a sudden worry came to me.

“Apple.” I take off in a sprint.


Apple was panting, he was banged up badly…blood dripped from his head and he was on the verge of passing out…he might even die.

The DD was in no better condition…stabs wounds, cuts, slashed flesh it was still fighting and barely showing fatigue.

Apple didn’t like this at all.

‘Am I going to die here?’ he asked himself…

“I-I can’t win…” He doubted himself.

‘YES, YOU CAN!’ a voice rang through his head.



It was the DD it was speaking into his head somehow.

“How, do what?”


Apple just stayed still.


“But I-”



‘Please…I can’t take it anymore.’

The DD charged at Apple.

Apple gulped and swallowed his fear…his doubt…

‘He wants this…’

Apple waited for thee DD to get close…then ran the blade right through it.

It grabbed him by the throat and started to lift him up, growling in anger.

Apple with the blade in hand he did what he thought no one could do.

(possible fan art.)

A slash to the neck.

The large DD let Apple go as he gasped for breath, the DD grabbed its throat and dropped to its knees then fell to the ground lifeless.

Apple stared in horror at what he had done…he took a life…he…killed somepony…

A pair of hooves (feet actually) came close to him.

“Apple?” a voice called to him…but he was lost in his act.

“APPLE!” it tried again.


I ran to the direction that Apple was in, I passed the other ponies on the way and told them to keep going and reassured that I would get Apple.

The moment I ran into the room Apple was being held by the throat and I rushed to help…but he did something that made me pause…he slit the Corrupted DD’s throat…killing him.

After he got back up to his knees, he stared at the corpse.

Running to him I call his name.


No response.



I walk in front of him and grab him by the soulders.

“APPLE LOOK AT ME!” not getting a reaction I did something to get one.


That snapped him back.

“Hey…you ok?”

Apple stared at me with horror.


“I know…I saw…”

“I-He…ask me to…why?”




Apple lowered his head in sadness.

“He was suffering.”

Apple didn’t move.

“Who or Whatever that took control of them was torturing them while using their bodies.”

Apple looked into my eyes and he knew.

“You fought them too?”

“Yes…they were corrupted by some magic or power that I have never seen before…and it made them harder to kill.”

Apple just stayed silent.

“Hey now I know its hard…but you did the right thing…you’re not a murderer, you helped him…You HAD no other choice…if you had left him…he would’ve suffered…and hurt more innocents.”

Apple lowered his head…he was shocked…but I was right he didn’t have a choice…he did what; what he had to do.

“Come…let’s leave…I plan to destroy the entrance…if this magic leaks to the outside we have no idea what could happen.”

I stand and offer my hand for him.

He takes it and I pull him to his feet.


We exit the cave and the night was turning to day…thank god I managed to get the immunity to the sun.

Apple slowly walked behind me, and I turn to the cave entrance.

Using my power, I blast the top of the cave and cause it to collapse.

Looking back, I notice the three DD’s that weren’t killed were alive but were chained up.

The ponies we saved all smiled when we showed up.

“APPLE!” a voice came from the crowd and a blue pony came from them.

“Mom!” Apple shouted as he ran to her.

“Thank the stars your alright.” She hugged him despite him being covered in blood.

I smiled at the reunion…but a pang of sorrow for my own…before and after my Displacement.

Apple breaks the hug and notices that his mothers blue coat was now stained with red.

“Uhh mom?”

“Yes Sweetie?”

“Your coat.” He points to the blood.

She looks down and notices it then looks to him and she realizes that he was covered in it.

“OH MY GOODNESS WHAT HAPPENED?!” She was concerned.

“Well I-I…”

Sighing I speak for him.

“He killed the Diamond Dog.”

Everypony was shocked and stared at Apple.

Apple lowered his head in shame for what he had done.

“BUT before you start judging him tell me this…What would’ve you done if you in his position, how would you react to such a powerful foe…especially if it wanted to kill you.”

All the ponies shifted in their spots and/or whispered amongst themselves.

“Apple, tell him what he asked.”

Apple looked at everyone before sighing.

“He Asked me to kill him…to set him free…”

All the ponies gasped in shock…even the DD’s were flabbergasted.

“You See…They were corrupted by some dark power and made them not just more violent but more powerful and fast.”

“Yea, ah Saw that first hoof, The Diamond Dog started to change, and it sounded like it was ready to hurt this fella.” The yellow stallion with the southern accent points to me.

“It charged at em madder than a bull seeing red.”

All the ponies just stayed silent.

“Its best we keep this a secret no one outside of this group is allowed to speak of this are we clear.”

All members nodded.


We head back into town.


Once we arrive the reaction was instant all the ponies that were missing were welcomed back with smiles and open arms from family and friends.

Apple couldn’t help but smile at the sudden change of mood of the town.

The town celebrated the event and we were welcome to attend…and not wanting to push Apple I opted to stay for him to rest.

We were at the pub and Apple was drinking a bit.

“Tal-I mean Lord Raven.”


“I’ve a question…”

“And I may have an answer.”

“Was that a…spell you casted on me back in the cave?”

“Yes…a protective nullify spell of sorts.”

“So…I’m alive because of you?”

“More or less…still took a beating though so you’ll be feeling sore for a bit.”

Apple just chuckled at that.

“Yea…I think I will after that ordeal.”

“Despite that you did well Apple.”

Apple stared in confusion.

“Not many can do what you did…and still be sane.”

“I don’t know about sane…”

I pat him on the shoulder.

“You did your best…now you need only to get better.”




“Yes…it will help with our future conflicts.”

“And who will train me?”

I smile.

“Who do you think?”

Apple stared for a moment before it hit him.

“You mean you…”

“Yes…if you’re going to be with me…I need you at your best.”

Apple took a chug of his alcohol.

“Don’t know whether I should be delighted or worried.”

“Why not both?” I tease.

Apple sighed.

“Hey.” A voice calls to me.

“You helped my son?”

“Yes, I found him in my tomb.”

Apples’ mom stared at him, gaining a neck rub and a nervous chuckle.

“Well…I’m Berry Blast.” She sticks her hand out.

“Tallon…but Lord Raven in public.”

She smiled at my name.

“Quite a unique name.”

“Thank you.”


She started to rub her arm…she wants to ask something.


“I was wondering…What do you plan to do…with Apple?”

“Add him to my ranks.”

Both stared at me.

“I plan to rebuild my nation and I need to find good candidates…your son being one of them.”

Berry seemed upset that her son was going to be in an army.

“Besides he can learn a thing or two from me…I know your family after all.”

That confused her.

Apple knew what I meant and explained.

“Mom…he knew our grandfather, Black Berry.”

Her jaw dropped comically so I continued.

“Yes, he was a good friend of mine and was my personal trade merchant…and I met him in a place like this.” I gesture to the pub.



Berry just stared at me in disbelief.

“E-Excuse me sir?” A timid voice broke the silence and we all looked.

A jade colored mare with sapphire eyes and red mane.

Apple knew who it was.

“Yes?” I respond.

“U-Um I was talking to him.” She gestures to Apple.

Grinning at him devilishly which turned him pale I get up.

“Oh, my apologies we’ll leave you two be.”

Berry saw my grin and gained one of her own.

“Yes, we shall.”

She leaned to the mare and whispered into her ear.

“Be considerate he’s quite shy around girls.”

That caused her to blush like crazy.

We left the pub and looked to the morning light.

“Everypony can’t thank you two enough.”

“Well Apple was coming because of you.”

“I know Apple told me everything.”


“Yes…and it makes me nervous.”

“Relax it won’t hurt unless I make it that and I can take small amounts so you would only feel slightly fatigued.”

“Ok…but only a little you hear?”

I smile and give a fake surrender.

“Yes ma’am”

I grab her head and gently tilt it, sinking my teeth into her neck slowly drinking her life force.

After a few seconds I release her and she sighs.

“You know call me crazy…but that actually felt relaxing.”

“Hehe yea that’s pretty crazy.”

She stared at me with an annoyed look.

I just grin at her.

She shakes her head.

“Well we’re leaving soon, so its best for everyone to get some rest.”


“Yes; You, me, and your son…and his fillyfriend if she wants to.”

Berry smiled.

Well I’m off to rest.

I head to the room that I was given and take off my armor and ready to sleep.

Resting my head, I fall into a deep sleep…





Voices called to me…voices that I know from long since my imprisonment.

WhErE ArE YoU?’

‘wHeRe aRe yOu?’



‘I Am coming…my children…I will find all and bring you home.’

Chapter 3: New Encouters Lust driven and Spastic

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We rode towards the town known as ‘Ponyville.’

We had left Whooversville hours ago, but we have still a few days of travel until we get close.

Thanks to the village I got 2 water sacks filled with you know what to sustain me for a long time, I was grateful since I have only three sources of the crimson substance…which surprised me that Berry managed to get everyone to donate.

Apple the one who is speaking with Berry about his life up to this point and the new addition was a jade pony named Searing Hearth.

She was timid and very shy around everyone…but was fearful of me when she heard of my ‘need’ but she was willing to assist since I had a hand in freeing her from the caves.

On the plus side we have two other ‘companions’ that joined us…and were pulling the cart we had received.

Two of the DD’s that were in the cave were assigned to us as punishment for capturing and enslaving ponies, so in return we do the same…to extent.

I firmly believe that returned slavery isn’t the best punishment…but a little gives them a taste of their own medicine, I already spoke to the other three about this and they agreed that treating them the same isn’t making us any better than them…in fact it would prove us to be worse.

Knowing that I kept them on ‘leash’ making them do work but giving them a little bit of freedom.

They were panting slightly from the weight of the cart but seemed fine for the most part…and it was a hot day to, so I understood.

About six hours pass and I decide its time to stop for a break and search for edibles for the three ponies to preserve our (More like theirs.) limited food.

The DD’s slowly drop the cart and sigh in relief, as for the other DD he was back in town to help with fixing the damage they had caused with not as much difference in treatment.

Knowing that the DD’s were omnivores I head out to hunt for ‘live game’ as I told them, which unsettled the ponies at the idea of eating meat.

Heading into the forest I find a decent food source…but it wasn’t easy.

Well…it was…I killed the manticore with little to no issue…just an odd feeling came to me again…I was being watched.

Turning behind me, I noticed a quick movement that moved from my view…they were trying to stay hidden.

I turn again and it move again…so I had an idea; a plan…but it would require some assistance for it work.

Taking the big game back to the cart I pretend to act like it was a curious animal and keep a level head in the situation.

Once back at camp I prepare the meat for the DD’s and myself…yes I can eat ‘regularly’ but it doesn’t sustain me… it’s just something to taste other than iron.

I finished with the meat and we all eat around a campfire the sun has started to set…

As we all ate I told Apple about the stalker in the forest (Mentally of course)…he knew that I had a plan and told everyone in secret since I was the target.

As soon as we were done eating, we would all ‘Sleep’ in a set of tents and wait for the stalker to try something…as I would get them off guard.

With that we set the plan in motion I head to my tent and lay in the bag…


The one in charge went to the tent to sleep…and the others did the same…

It was time…she needed to get the meek one first then the green stallion would be hers…but the said stallion was right next to her…so she would have to be careful…

‘I need to do this’

She slowly flew down from her spot and ever so slowly closed in on her prey…she needed to feed…badly…

She was right on top of the Jade mare and was ready to bite her neck to induce a coma like state.

Barring her fangs she was nearly to her neck…only for her to freeze as a sudden change in atmosphere…grew cold…she slowly turns to see a pair of golden eyes staring at her…she was caught.

Then suddenly she was tackled to the ground and pinned down by her target…they knew…HE knew.


Apple sprang into action and tackled the culprit to the ground…only to blush profoundly as he realized that she wasn’t wearing anything…at all.

Jerking his head away eyes shut as he held her there with me closing my eyes as well but was more calm about it…since I have seen women or mares naked often.

Perks to being a vampire…some girls like it…SOME…though I never slept with any of them they just showed off most of the time, but mostly I was doing something that require them to be nude such as medical and curse removal…so yea seen my fair share but didn’t stare.

This one was black in nature with holes in her body…rough chitin instead of fur, her body wasn’t in good condition from seen earlier…malnourished and sickly in appeal…but somehow still had a decent look to herself.

Coughing to gain her attention I use my magic and lift her from under Apple as he quickly moved and turned his face beat red and a trickle of blood down his nose.

I would have one to too if I were staring but I kept my eyes closed and kept my cool, I am a man and I would be lying if I didn’t say I was tempted though...still I am a decent person and respect others…mostly.

I raise her to her feet but kept a grip on her so she couldn’t move.

The mares of the group quickly found something to cover her nudity and have a ‘ok’ for me to open my eyes.

“Speak.” I gave a chilly order to her…


Her pink eyes darted around fear shined brightly on her face.

“What are you doing trying to not just stalk us…but attempt to kidnap her…” I gained the knowledge from her subconscious about her plan to put Hearth into a coma like state and take her place…the motive wasn’t there in her head, so I have to interrogate.

“I-I have…to-to…”

“Spit it out…”

“I…I have to…feed…”



I have a feeling that she is like me…needs to feed on others to live.

“On what?”




That…caught me off guard…Lust…of all things…Lust is her food source.

Then again that would be easier to get rather than blood.

“So, you planned to put Hearth here into a coma…for Lust?”

She stayed silent; fear came to her head…she was afraid of dying here.

But I sighed in slight relaxation this is not as hard to do as drinking blood in retrospect.

An idea came to mind…one that makes me uncomfortable, but it may help her…and in return she can help us.

Looking to Berry I could tell that she knew what I was planning…and she smiled and gave a slight giggle.

“How much do you need?” I asked her…which caught everyone off guard other than Berry.

“…Just a little…”

I rose a brow.

“…A-A lot actually…”

Knowing of her kin…or at least an ancestry of it that they feed on the soul energy of others…emotions being the catalyst.

The ones I knew fed on Pride, and Love…Lust is a new one for me.

Releasing her from my telekinetic grasp I slowly walk to her she shivered in fear…Apple was nervous as he saw me reach for her face and slowly grab her head; her hair was thin and dry.

Wanting to get it over with I quickly pull her face to mine into…well a…kiss…Haven’t had one in a while since my imprisonment…so it made me feel awkward.

Berry snorted, she knew that I didn’t like this…as much.

Hearth’s face turned red like a tomato and Apple stood there; gob smacked at what just happened…

But…in honesty…it wasn’t all that bad her lips where soft and she tasted of strawberry…which just made me confused on how…but as we stayed there for a moment she slowly melted her fear left as she started to drain a bit of my Lust…then suddenly passed out leaning against me.

‘THANK GOD I’M A VAMPIRE.’ Why? I would have been blushing like crazy myself if was human…god that sounds bad…have I really fallen that far?

Giving a sigh of relief I grab her bridal style and place her into my tent; placing her into the bag for her to sleep soundly on.

Once back outside I notice all of the ponies staring at me.

Berry had the biggest shit eating grin on her face…

While Apple and Hearth were shocked.

As for the DD’s well…they slept through the whole thing.

“Not A Word.” I ‘warn’ them.

Berry just giggled while the other two nodded.

“Kissing a mare before asking her name? My aren’t you bold.” Berry teased.

“I only did that to assist her…”

“Why is that?” Berry pressed, a curious tone behind some teasing.



“It’s because I know what’s it like to hunger…”

That killed her mood…she went from teasing to sympathetic…

Apple noticed my reaction when I sighed…so he had an idea of why.

“She must’ve been desperate.” He spoke in her point of view.

“It should be obvious on why…” I point out that she looked…bad in terms of condition.

“So…what shall we do with her?” Apple asked as he investigated my tent and saw her sound asleep.

I gave a small smile.

“She will be joining us.”

Everyone just stared in worry.

“She seems to be adept in stealth so she can be useful for scouting or such things.”

Apple smiled as the other two were uncertain.

“Finding a use for everypony huh…”

My smile widened as I faced Apple.

“Much like your Grandfather your starting to understand my motives and ideals.”

The other two just sighed and went to their own tents and went back to sleep.

I stay awake for the entire night.


Dawn approaches as I watched the sun rise over the nearby mountain from my perch in a tree and the moon slowly descending…though when I watch both…I noticed something…different.

I am Ancient being and have seen the sunrise and set for a long time before I was set to stone, I know how they move…or at least I did.

Now when I watched them…they seemed…forced…or unnatural as if they were being moved by an unseen force.

“What happened for both to move…so different?”

“That would be my doing.”

A Voice came from nowhere…but I knew something was here…

“About time you announced yourself.”

The unknown being went quiet…he probably didn’t expect me to say something like that.

“Y-You knew I was here?” ‘he’ asked.

“You’re not the only one who can travel through space and time.”

Again the being went quiet.

“So quit hiding in it would you?”

Silence greeted me for a moment before a pink cloud came from my left and a creature of mismatched body and limbs (Two horns one goat and other deer, One arm an lions paw the other an eagle talon, one feathered wing and one bat, a dragon tail with white hair at the end and leg while his other was hooved, topping it off he was serpentine in stature a single tooth stood out of his mussel and a white tuff of hair beneath his chin.) wearing a brown fancy suit, jeans and black fine tone boots, he adjusted his pink tie, looked to me with his red eyes and cleared his throat.



“Umm…” he seemed to be in thought before snapping his fingers in some realization.

“Raven King Correct?”

I stayed silent; I have a really bad suspicion of him.

He seemed to be unaffected by my silence as he continued.

“I…Am Discord, the spirit of chaos and disharmony.”

Finally, I decide to speak.

“And what form of creature are you?”

“Oh, I am A draconequus.”

That I have not heard of.

“Hmm…don’t remember ever seeing any of your kind…”

Discord showed hurt in my statement…which annoyed me since I know it’s an act.

“Well I’ll have you know that I am one of a kind good sir.”


“…O…K” he wasn’t likely used to someone like me.

“You said you were responsible for the sun and moons’ odd movement.”

“Oh no…I don’t move them I stopped them moving LONG ago.”

I was slightly surprised that he managed to do a feat…but from what I feel from him it’s not impossible.

“Hmm…” I take a moment to look at the figure which seemingly unsettled him.

<_____________________Discord’s POV______________________>

The Raven King stared at me, Nothing, and I mean NOTHING has ever made me feel so terrified…not even dear flutters ‘Stare’.

Not just his looks that make him imposing…but his OVERWHELMING Aura…a very Dark power consumed the very air that surrounded him…

I Fought Tia And Lulu…and won (More or Less.) but…this…This I know I can’t win.

From Dashie’s encounter and explanation it sounded exaggerated.

But Now…I don’t think She was lying one bit.

“By what I am feeling off of you…it doesn’t seem that farfetched.” He said with a unimpressed tone.

‘W-What H-HE feels off of me?!’

“But…if you stopped the two…how are they moving?”

I gulped the sitting saliva in my mouth and responded the best I could.

“Well the princesses take care of that.” I did my best to respond in my normal matter…but his presence made it hard…Just his power showed that he demanded respect of the upmost priority.

The Raven king looked at the rising sun.

“Must be tedious…When did this happen?”

Again, I struggle to speak as he asks the question.

“About 1003 Years ago.”

“Not that long ago.”

“N-Not that long?”

“No; not for me…I Am over 9000 years old you know.”

‘O-OVER 9000?!’

‘Not only is he powerful but he is ancient…so he has experience…there is no way that I could face him head on…

To mentally chalk everything up, First he knew I was here looking at him, two he isn’t acting like any other pony when I mess with them…like at all most would sigh or seemingly seemed annoyed with me…but he was acting calm and no interest in my antics…and lastly his power along with his age spells trouble for those who dare.

“Why seek me out Discord?” he asked in a neutral tone…but it somehow showed some form of demanding.

“W-Well I heard a bit about you and was curious…”

He gave a chuckle which made me sweat…it felt dark yet joyous.

“Curiosity killed that cat.”

The term was foreign to me, but I did get it slightly…hopefully.

Then a miracle happened and one of my many watches started to beep.

The Raven King just raised a brow.

“Late for something?” he asked.

“YES! I AM.”

“Well before you leave…”

I stared at him, his golden eyes pierced my soul…

A grin crossed his face it made me feel uneasy.

“Tell Niebo Słońce {Sun heaven in Ponish} I said Hi.”

“Uh…Will Do!” I snap my fingers and teleport back to the castle in Celestia’s room she was doing her business in the shower Singing.

‘Thank Her I managed to leave…’

I snap my fingers again and a chair appeared behind me as I sat down and processed what just happened.

I place my face into my paw and talon sighing in relief that I got away scot-free.

‘Just WHO is he…How is he so powerful…What is his motive…’

I didn’t know how long I spent thinking before a slight gasp snapped me out.

“DISCORD!” Tia’s voice yelled at me…probably annoyed that I was in her room when she just got out of the shower.

I didn’t budge…I stared at the floor in thought…I was expecting an earful from the sun goddess…but her tone changed.


I didn’t respond

“Discord!” Still silent.

“Discord…what’s wrong…YOU are NOT this quiet…”


“Discord…” I felt a hand grasp my shoulder.

Looking to the one who placed it I saw something I didn’t expect to see from her…at least to someone like me; worry.

“Discord you have to tell me what’s wron-”

“I met him”

“…What…Met who?”

“HIM…The Raven King…”

Celestia’s face changed to concern.

“H-He’s…Powerful…REALLY…Powerful…just being around him made me nervous…His tone…posture…and words demand anyone to show him respect…I nearly broke when he asked about then sun…”

“Did you tell him?”


“Did he…Do anything?”

“…No…he just said by feeling my power that it wasn’t impossible…like it wasn’t a big deal…that’s not just it though.”

“What else is there?”

“He also asked when I did it…”

“That was about 1000 years ago.”

“1003 to be exact…but his response to that made it more terrifying.”


“H-He said that it wasn't that long.”

“Not that long?” she sounded skeptical.

“He stated that he was over 9000 years old…”

“OVER 9000 T-THAT CAN’T BE RIGHT!” She shouted in shock and disbelieve.

“I have no idea if he was bluffing…nor do feel brave enough to ask…”

<__________________Celestia 3rd Person_____________________>

Celestia stayed silent…this was a first for her…seeing Discord so afraid…Fluttershy had scared him before with the ‘Stare’…but this Raven King…he didn't do anything to Discord from what he just told her…yet just being around this thing made him so scared…

A knock at the door brought her attention.

“Princess is everything ok?” a maid had asked through the door.

“Yes…but could you get some tea…and get Twilight and her friends.”

“Yes your highness."

A few minutes later the maid and the requested ponies entered.

“What’s wrong Princess?” Twilight asked.

The first to notice Discord was Fluttershy.

“Discord what’s-” she was cut off by Discord hugging her tight…which caught everypony off guard.

Applejack was the second to notice Discords odd behavior.

“Wha is wrong with him?” She asked Celestia.

“Discord…” Fluttershy hugged Discord back trying to comfort him.

“He met the Raven King…and got a good idea of how powerful he truly is.”

That sent chills down everyone spines.

“Discord…mind telling them about it…I must get my sister.”

All Discord did was nod solidifying that this was not a joke.

Chapter 4: Long Travels, New Evil.

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After the recent encounters with the new addition who I promptly named Rosemary since she told us that she was only called drone 364, and the…spirit of disharmony, which who ran quickly when he felt my power…which was planned since I did not really care for long talk with the nuisance.

No one knew of what happened with me and him and I want to keep it that way since he could spell trouble…and that is the least we need.

We continue to Ponyville; a few miles from a place known as the Badlands, a desolate location much like the desert that in which I was discovered.

Soon we would reach the outskirts of it with the road becoming rough near the terrain, sand instead of dirt started to hinder the wheels but just barely.

The two DD’s were getting used to pulling the cart with us in it.

When the sands started to blow everyone had a hard time seeing.

Heading to the back I grab some cloths that we got from the town.

“Put these on.”

Everyone did, I even gave the DD’s ones to cover their faces, as for myself I used the cape that draped over my right shoulder and covered my face…making me feel like Raziel somewhat.

‘Still here.’

‘R…ight forgot you were sealed in the Reaver.’

‘Yes…still damned to this life.’

‘You know I’m close.’

‘…yes…you are…which worries me.’

‘How so?’

‘I feel as if I shouldn’t be reborn.’

‘I get it…you’ll feel as if you cheated your so called ‘fate.’’

How do you plan to bring me back?’

‘Well I need a LARGE amount of power and to separate your soul from the blade…which requires the blade’s to be at max.’

‘Wouldn’t that make it harder?’

‘it can if one didn’t use it for so long.’


‘So we’ll have to gain enough blood in a rapid pace for the Reaver…and the soul Reaver can be fed by magic from the ‘elements’ from what I felt when I was imprisoned.’

‘So, the plan is to give both an immense power and use that to separate my soul…how will I come back?’

‘That will be easy…a vessel.’

‘As in…a sacrifice?’

‘Close…but no…remember that ‘Experiment’ I did in making an artificial body?’

‘Yes-wait…you…you have a solution?’

‘Yes, at first it was a fail…but if I get a powerful enough vessel using DNA from a strong being it could work.’

‘…You’re insane…’

I chuckled internally.

‘There is no such thing as ‘Sane’ only finer points of Insanity.’

‘…*Sigh*…I’ll never understand your logic.’

“So Tallon.” Apple got my attention.


“How long did you rule…you know before you were set to stone.”

“Hmm…good question…”

Took me a few minutes to count the years of rule.

“About…8…8981 years.” Everyone was shocked.

“H-How old are you?” Rosemary asked.


Rosemary just stared at me…

“So…do you…have a lover?”

I was caught off guard.

“Uh…not really…I did have a few admires but I never really ‘Had’ a lover.”

“I got a question.” Berry went next.

“Have you had sex?”

“M-MOM!” Apple shouted.

“What…were on the subject.”

“No.” I reply simply.

“WHAT!?” both Berry and Rosemary shouted in shock.

“Huh?” Apple said as the two DD’s just listened in silence.

Hearth just gave a quite ‘oh my’ as she too was curious.

“I want to give my first to someone I care for…that and I didn’t have time being a single ruler is hard…Really hard; to keep your home safe while keeping your people happy…and one thing that I had to plan which is still in motion to this day.”

Silence came over everyone, no one had any idea how but did not ask either knowing that I may not answer fully.

“So…who do you plan to do it with?” Berry asked…she’s awful pushy lately…oh…OH…


“You’re in heat, aren’t you?” cutting Apple off and surprising him and everyone else it slowly dawned on her…

“N-No…I-I…I’m just curious…that’s all!”

Everyone stared at her waiting for response…she gave.

“Ok OK I am…Just…leave me be…”

I smiled which unsettled her.

“I can help…not in the way you think though.”

That worried her yet piqued her curiosity.

“A simple spell it alleviates the symptoms of the cycle to a ‘bearable’ level.”


And with a snap the spell was casted on her…she instantly changed and relaxed better.



“Not a problem.”

We continue down the path, soon we reach it…the badlands

The path was getting rough and bumpy, making us rock in place for a while.

Soon nightfall will rise, and we would reach a town called Canter Creek.

We remained silent for most of the trip.

But one of the DD’s kept looking at me, he wants to ask something.

“Ask it.”

He jumped as he knew he was caught.


“Trust me just ask and I’ll answer.”

The DD took a deep breath and let out a sigh.

“W-What did you do with our…ancestors?”

‘Ah so he knows of his past…’

“Why let them live free and serve if they chose.”

He was taken back by my response.

“Tallon?” Apple was questioning my response.

“Have you ever wondered why Diamond Dogs Hate ponies?”


“Well when I ruled…they were enslaved by them.”

Everyone went cold at the notion.

“The DD’s were a ‘Primitive’ race at the time…and for the longest were used to do grunt work like constructing, mining, and foraging. When I began to rise in power more and more of dragons and unicorns started to join me…and soon the DD’s started to run from their nations to join me as they were told…” I drew a blank I couldn’t remember the rumor.

“They were told in the land of the Flock; freedom was certain as long as you pledge your loyalty to the King and his people.” The DD spoke in response of me blanking.

“Right…now I remember, one day I was working with my current Lieutenants; the unicorns and dragons to build the homes for the growing Unity when a Large group of enslaved DD’s had ran and found me…”


Me and my two recently risen children from the Mystics Elite and Inferno born were working on the housing for the for the current and future residents as we continued to expand and more of other races may join us.

Just as we started to finish the roof of a new building, one of the patrols came to us.

“My lord we have some…canine looking beings asking for you.”

Wondering what they could be I jump off the roof and follow the guard who came to inform me.

Upon reaching the location a large amount of dog looking creatures were all standing at the front of our line of dragons and ponies.

I looked at the crowd of the gruff looking canines all in rags and or nothing at all which made me a bit angry…not at them…but at those they ran from…from slavery and torment.

“Greetings…” I gave a warm smile.


“May I ask who your lead is?”


“Any of you know how to speak?”

It was awkward but soon one of the newcomers came forward.

“W-We c-come f-for-freedom…”

‘Ah I see.’

“And you shall have it…but may I ask your name?”

The one in front took a second.


“Well Kuma, Will you and your kind help us build… ‘Our’ home.”

“F-For W-What price?”

“None…if you choose…we’re ALL in this, not just you.”

Kuma was defensive but as I gave a smile…a warm smile I slowly walk up to him and offered my hand to show that I wasn’t there to hurt them…nor force them to join us…merely letting them chose if they want to join.

“Here, everyone pulls their weight.”

Kuma stared at me then to the others behind me…he noticed my children standing next to each other supervising the whole thing…with smiles of their own.


He gave me his large paw and we shook agreeing to form a new bond.


Kuma flinched slightly at my ‘mind talking’.

‘You…shall lead them…Kuma…your kind and you serve me…as my new Lieutenant…as my child.’ He was nervous and confused but listened to me.

“Come, let us begin.”

<______________________End Of Flashback___________________>

“So, you accepted them?” the DD questioned.

“Yes and with their help we managed to build the first homes even faster than with just the two races…we helped each other…the dragons with their flight and fire breathing helped with clay and roof placement, the unicorns with magic in laying of the clay and the passing of tools among other things, and the DD’s with raising foundations and construction with their superior strength.”

“Wow…” Apple was flabbergasted.

“We went from making six houses in 2 hours, to 13 every 40 minutes.”

“Holy Moley” Berry was just as surprised as everyone.

“We all learned from each other too…some of the DD’s taught the dragons about using fire and sand to make glass since they used to make them and taught the unicorns how to color them since they did both…in return the unicorns helped with language and grammar, reading and writing, and the dragons taught them about fire in use for smelting and cooking since they mostly ate meat raw.”

“Eww.” Berry shivered at the thought of eating meat at all.

“Did…they become…like you?” The DD asked.

“A lot of them did later when they found out what I was…along with the unicorns and dragons…each race was turned by their leader…My Lieutenants and were to serve them and they me.”

“So, you only turned one member of each race and they turned the others?” Apple was right on the dot.

“Yes, they turned them in to their army; into my army each respected each other, only changed by them; led by a member of the same race and me.”

Everyone was shocked to hear my story of the past…they were curious too about the other races.

“By the way…I forgot to ask your names…” I look to the DD’s

“I-I’m Biscuit…” the leaner one spoke nervously

“I’m Skag.” The DD who asked the questions replied who was slightly bigger.

“Well then, Biscuit; Skag…we can stop here for a…” I notice something in the distance.

By the time I finished the story it was night the cool brisk air whisked past…that wasn’t what caught my attention.

There was a large smoke streak coming from a head of us.

“Apple…how far would you say we are from Canter Creek.”

Apple grabbed the parchment from his bag and looked at the contents, a map.

“About…45 minutes-ish…Wh-”

When he looked out from inside, he noticed it too.

“Smoke?” Berry noticed it soon after.

Soon Hearth and the two DD’s saw it too.

“A fire…bon fire maybe.” Hearth commented.

“That’s no bonfire.” I hope out of the cart.


“Right!” he got off the cart too.

“H-HEY!” Berry knew what we were about to do.

“Look mom…I know this is dangerous…but we have to do something…”


“Who says you aren’t gonna do anything?”

“Wait” Apple was nervous about what I was implying.

“Biscuit, Skag double time it to the town and stay at the front; guard them with the weapons I gave you, Berry, Hearth, And Rosemary you three help injured civilians.”

They were shocked to hear me give orders but nodded.

“Apple…we take out the attackers.”

He nodded.

“Hold on.” I grab Apple by the arm and move super-fast which made him dizzy, but he quickly recovered once we reach town and I set him down.



“Everyone I’ve done that too has thrown up…”


“Never mind.”

We hear screams of fear and anguish as the town seems to be under attack; the whole place was ablaze.

I notice a few ponies were running from something.

When I looked…it…oh no…

An all TOO familiar looking form was chasing after the ponies…as a pony…The Corrupted.

Apple saw them too and he gulped…killing a DD is one thing but a member of the same race?

“Relax Apple…they are not themselves…only a vessel.”

“Right I know…just…Hard you know.”

“I get it.”

Not wanting to lose any more lives, I charge into the fray.

A Corrupted was about to bite at the neck of a little filly…until I severed its neck.

The filly saw me and was frightened.


She stayed put in fear.

“B-But mommy and-”


She got up and ran.

Hearing more ponies scream I head towards the noise.


A few Corrupted filed around some ponies poised to strike.

I whisked in between the two scaring the ponies and angering the Corrupted.

Using my magic, I blast them all away into walls, barrels, and an outhouse.


They did what I said and took off.

“Alright motherfuckers…” The Corrupted stared in blind furry at me.

“Let’s Dance.” Roaring I charge at them.

<________________________Apple’s POV_____________________>

Apple gave a shacky breath as Tallon ran into the fray…he knew what he had to do.

“AH!!!” hearing a scream Apple charged into the burning building and kept his racing heart in check.

“SOMEPO-” The cry for help was cut off by a sickening crunch forcing Apple to slow his advance.

A sudden thud came from behind him making him look…and wishing he hadn’t.

The corpse of a pony laid on the ground…his head…was…gone, torn off by something with great force.

Apple had to force himself not to vomit at the sight.

Now he knew though that this thing would do the same if he didn’t kill it.

Turning from the sight he looked up to see the silhouette of a pony in the burning rafters eating something…Dear Celestia…

It was the Stallions head…it was…

Whatever doubt he had about killing members of his race were washed away in his sickness…these weren’t ponies anymore…they were monsters…heartless monsters.

A sudden rage boiled inside him…

“HEY!” he shouted to the evil above him getting its attention and regretting doing so.

Looking at Apple it dropped the remains of the head, (It being half eaten) onto the floor and jumped down.

Apple saw the bulk of the Pony…an earth stallion like him.

His fear was griping at him…but he stood his ground.

It growled at him.

Giving a deep breath Apple readied for a fight.

Just about when he pulled his sword he was knocked to a wall and hit the ground.

“w-What the?”

He rose to his hooves and saw another Corrupted…a Female Pegasus.


He rose to his feet and quickly readied his sword.

<_______________________Tallon’s POV______________________>

I kept slashing at the Corrupted one by one the Reaver now fully charged for an attack.

“Sheesh these guys are tough…”

As I was about to go help Apple, I felt a powerful magic; I blocked the initial attack but was hit by a force that sent me flying into a building…smashing into the wall.

“Ow…That hurt.” I got back up and the moment I did I saw a VERY troublesome opponent…A Corrupted unicorn…with full use of magic.


I ready for a fight…only for another magic blot trying to attack me too.

Ducking this one I glance to see another Corrupted with magic as well.

“Double Shit.”

This just got harder.

<_____________________Apple’s POV________________________>

Apple sat still as the two Corrupted came closer bit by bit…bearing fangs that didn’t seem natural.

The Stallion charged first in a roar charging at him with breakneck speed.

Apple having dealt with this type before he moved to the side quickly and dodges its rush…only to be tackled by the Pegasus and nearly bit his face off.

‘Why are ponies acting like zombies?’

When he fought the Corrupted DD, it was rage filled and just wanted to kill…Corrupted ponies wanted to eat flesh…apparently…

It made him sick to his stomach…this could be a one-time thing that he couldn’t be certain.

The Stallion was recovering from the crash trough the wall standing back up on its hooves.

Apple noticed him and put his hooves onto the mare’s stomach before kicking her off.

Seeing the Stallion charge again he rolled out of it just in time and gets himself back up

The Stallion however changed its direction.

Noticing the change Apple readied his sword and slashes its side nearly being tackled by the pure muscle.

It roared in pain and tripped on its own feet falling down and causing a big thud and knocking Apple off balance.

The mare flew to grab him again, thinking quick he pointed his sword forward, he expected her to keep going straight to him…only for her to change direction ‘Unnaturally’ and continued her advance.

(By unnaturally she basically snapped into a different direction…think of it like Wesker’s Lv.1 in MVSC3 where he just snaps around the screen.)

She was now coming at him diagonally and even faster.

“CRAP.” He was in trouble.

The mare was closing in fast.


Thinking…he remembered something.


(8 hours ago; midday.)

“Now then first is your reaction training.”

“Reaction?” Apple questioned.

“Yes, in order to be a good fighter you have to know how to react in time to your opponent.”

“Ok how will I get better?”

Tallon grinned and grabbed a ball with his magic.

“Have you ever played dodge ball or baseball?”


He mumbled something that he couldn’t hear.

“Well to put it simply I want you to catch the ball.”

“That’s it?” Apple asked.


Apple grinned.

“Too easy.”

The vampire gave a sinister grin.

“Well then…CATCH!”

He threw the ball hard and fast…which hit Apple right in the Solar plexus (Not that he knew what that was.) and knocked the wind out of him.

“O-OW…” he was panting hard.

“First tip…Arrogance NEVER goes well.”


“You acted as if that catching a ball would be easy…but I ain’t going to make it that way…you have to expect the unexpected…therefore I will change the speed and power of EACH throw.”

“B-But how does-That?” Apple questioned.

“Your opponent in a fight will do ANYTHING to get an advantage over you; THE most common thing they do is make themselves unpredictable.”

“So in order to counter that you have to learn how to predict it…and react in time.”

“Predict the...unpredictable?”

“Yes, it’s a pattern, if they focus on making themselves unpredictable then they BECOME predictable…”

“H-How so?” Apple started to recover from the blow.

“Well if an opponent tries too hard, then you expect them to do out of the ordinary things or they may try to ‘fake’ you out in an attack.”

“For example.”

Tallon raised the ball again with his magic.

He moved it straight towards him at great speed, only for it to change in direction quickly and nearly hit him in the side of the face, only stopping mere inches.

“Your opponent may try force you to react in the way they want you to.”

Apple’s face showed realization.

“I get it…I have to get used to my opponents quickly and react accordingly.”

Tallon grinned.

“Correct, you must learn your surroundings and know what’s in them, and know your opponent, but I’ll teach you about ‘reading’ later.”

Apple got back on his feet and readied for the next throw.

<____________________End Of Flashback_____________________>

“Right…I must predict her movements…and react quickly.”

With the mare in close range, he waited for her to grab him…and he did the same with his arms and legs.

Using her own momentum, he leaned back; preforming a back roll, which put him on top of the mare.

Raising his blade he was about to stab the pony…

Until a huge hulk of muscle threw him off her and into a wall.

He coughed up some blood and was left winded.

Fighting through the pain, pulled himself from the wall.

The Mare and Stallion stared at him with hungry eyes, mouths salivating.

“O-Ouch…” he panted hard.

Nevertheless, despite this he raised his sword in prep for a charge from either foe.

The Stallion broke in full sprint, Tartarus bent to crush him.

Apple gave a deep breath as he steadied his nerves.

With Stallion getting close he had to move fast.

Acting quickly he side-rolled last second making the pure muscle Corrupted go straight through the wall and to the outside.

With one out of the way for a few moments, he looked to the Mare.

‘How to get rid of you…’

He kept thinking of ways to stop her…but couldn’t find a permanent solution.

He heard a squeak of the rafters starting to give under the fire…

‘They are about collapse…Wait…THAT’S IT!’

Remembering that he pinned the DD under gems it could work.

‘She isn’t as bulky as the DD or the Stallion for that matter, so she will have trouble getting free for at least a while.’

With his idea in set, he waited for the Mare to charge again.

She growled for a few seconds…then charged.

Apple ducked under the charge and sprinted forward; his body aching from the beating he had received.

He stopped right under the beams and waited for the Mare to charge again.

“Come on…” he said to the Corrupted…but felt more like to himself.

Changing her trajectory at unnatural angles, she charged him again.

“Crap…” Apple wasn’t ready for her to move so fast in his direction but he has no other options.

He spread his legs and waited for her to get close…


Looking up he saw the rafters about to give…and a bit to early.


He felt a force hit him in the stomach making him fall on his back.

Looking up from his position, he saw the Mare MERE INCHES from his face with sharp teeth ready to kill and consume.

She pinned him with her weight so he couldn’t move at the moment.


The rafters gave…they both were under it.

Apple’s eyes shrink to pinpricks.

He was done for…dying my either being eaten alive or crushed by burning wood…it was over.

Apple closed his eyes waiting for the pain…

Only for it not to feel anything.

Opening an eye, he noticed that the Mare was off him and was floating and struggling in some grey magic and the rafters were being held up by the same aura as the Corrupted.

Looking around he saw a small black and white filly with eyes clenched and a bloody nose, focusing HARD on saving him.

He didn’t stare; instinct came over him and he ignored his body’s scream for rest and ran to the filly quickly.

Scooping her up in his arms she let go the magical lock on the Pegasus and the rafters.

The Mare fell to the floor first growling as it got up.


…and is crushed immediately after.

Giving a sigh of relief Apple walks towards the front of the door…only to hear a roar come closer.

Setting the scared filly down close to the door he stares into her eyes.

“Get out of here.” He instructed to her.

“B-But what about you?”

“I’ll take care the big baddies…head to the front of town everypony should be waiting there.”



She stared at him with fear and tears…causing Apple to sigh.

“Look thank you for saving me but it’s my turn to save you…leave and I’ll deal with them…my mom and…friend are at the front helping everyone so go there where it’s safe.”

She looked to the ground.

Something in Apple stirred…something he never felt before…

He knelt down to the filly and lifted her head to his eyes…staring into her deep green eyes.

The more he stared the more he felt it…the feeling…of.

The feeling of…ease…that even if he died…he would be happy that he saved a young filly’s life.

“I know your scared…but leave this to me…you want to help but it’s too dangerous for you.”

Just as he finished those words a loud crashes came from behind him the large Stallion was back and more peeved than ever as its eyes glowed red and its fur going full black.

“Go.” He whispered and she complied.

Apple turned back to his opponent…still afraid…but ready of what has to come.

He readied his blade and waited for the thing to attack.

Apple had a lump in his throat…causing him to swallow repeatedly.

The Corrupted charged in a blind rage not caring of what got in its way.

Apple not wanting to get hit again by the thing he rolled out of the way causing him to curse in pain and ache from his exertion.

Biting back the pain, he focused on the large hulk and kept his guard up.

The said ‘thing’ was turning to face Apple and charged again but even faster.

Apple tried to roll again but in mid action, his hoof was caught in its overalls and started to drag him.

The Corrupted noticed and started to thrash about trying to get him off.

The movement making Apple sick and woozy.

Apple shaking off the building sickness he decided to use his blade and slowly cut the fabric…taking painfully long by his notion.

(Even though it was like 5 seconds.)

The fabric that kept him there gave and he dropped to the ground his body on fire from the tired state he was in.

Knowing that it wasn’t over he slowly got back up…and with his blade shakily in his hands he stared at the beast…

Once it realized that Apple was off of it; it charged again.

Apple could feel his life flash before his eyes…his past flooded his mind.


“Faster Mommy, faster!” he yelled out.

“I’m going as fast as I can sweetie.”

Apple was riding on his mother’s back as she played with him.

He was holding on by her shirt and she bucked and pranced as she was on all fours.

Apple could feel his grip slipping as his mother did one big buck…he was sent flying into the air.



He landed on his butt with an audible thud.

“Ow…” he rubbed the sore spot.

“OH MY GOSH SWEETIE ARE YOU OK?!” His mother was in panic.

“Yea I’m fine mom.”

His mother gave a sigh of relief.

“I don’t know why you ask me to do this.”

“Well…I want to enter the Rider tournament so I can get us some bits.”

Berry was taken aback by his proclaim…

She hugged Apple.

“Apple Sweetie there are other ways to get bits.”

“But mom we can’t go into the mines.”

“I know, I know but I’ll find something out…”


“No more butts I know you want to help but you’re too young and it’s too dangerous for you to do something like that.”

“I want to help Mommy.”

“I know sweetie, I know”

<____________________End Of Flashback_____________________>

Apple snapped back to reality.

‘I-I Can do this.’

Gathering whatever strength left he waited for the Stallion to get close…


It got closer each thunderous step shaking the building.


It’s roar rattling Apples body.


However, despite the incoming creature Apple stayed firm.

Time seemed to slow for the Corrupted drew closer.


“NOW!” he side-jumped and avoided the Corrupted narrowly.

He grabbed the side of the overalls and flung himself onto the back of the Stallion; it noticed his sudden weight and started bucking and flinging around.

Apple held on tight his body aching from the entire thing, he is getting thrown around by this monstrous thing and it is taking a massive toll.

But he held on and waited for the right time…

As the Stallion reared for one big buck Apple positioned himself close to its head and lessened his grip.

‘Pray Celestia that this works.’

He took a deep breath and steadied himself.

The Stallion bucked hard and it sent Apple into the air, but this was the plan.

Raising his sword over his head, he aimed for his target…the neck of the beast.

Again, time seemed to slow for them.

Every second felt like hours, the roaring flames of the burning building trickled, the creaking of the wood that would soon snap echoed in their ears, and smoke suffocated them making each breathe a painful burn.

Nevertheless, one was determined to win, and he was going to do it.



Apple landed on the ground with the sword imbedded in the wood, blood started to stream from the blade.

The Corrupted stallion was still, it stayed motionless.


The head fell and blood started to leak from its severed vein.

Apple stayed there for what felt like hours…trying to process what had transpired.

He closed his eyes and started to walk out the door the smoke in the building getting worse and starting to make him sick.

As he walked out he started coughing hard, his lungs demanding fresh air, he didn’t care if he was covered in blood, all he wanted to is get out and take a breath.

Once outside he doubled over and hacked his lungs out.

Pain started to creep in all around him he was exhausted and beaten up.

He slowly rises to his feet with the help of his sword.

But something isn’t right…he can’t quite put his finger on it…

‘Did I forget something?’ He started to ponder his mind.

“I killed the stallion…and trapped the mare…the mare…OH…BUC-” he’s cut off and he his tackled to the ground by the same mare.

His sword was knocked away from his grasp and he couldn’t seem to be able to reach it.

The Corrupted was biting at his face trying to kill him.

He held her off but…he was getting weaker by the second…he didn’t know how long he could hold for…

‘I don’t…think I can last…’ his arms are burning with strain as he struggled to keep them ridged.

‘I have to…’

Giving a deep breath he move to action.

He pulled her in to his shoulder where she bit into the side of his neck drawing blood, but despite that he proceeded to flip her over and pin her down, grabbing her chin and the back of her head.

“Please forgive me.”

With one quick and solid motion.


He killed her, her body going limp.

Apple sighed in relief before he passed out.

<_______________________Tallon’s POV______________________>

I dodged a magic bolt and proceeded to launch my own.

“Tsk…These guys are annoying…”

I jumped over a blast from behind and tried to slash its neck…but there is a barrier covering both of them.

Jumping back from the attack, I ponder the situation.

‘This is getting nowhere.’

Thinking I do have a spell that can get rid of those barriers…however it takes a bit of time to pull off.

‘I need an opening.’

I decided to lure them into attacking me at the same time.

Leaping forward I slam the Reaver into the shield causing it to flair and push the mare back next to the other one.

Using my own magic I throw a fire ball at the other to obscure it’s vision.

I run into an alley of the town.

Between the two buildings are a set of tools and boxes, I decided to piss them off a bit more.

Hurling the items at them seemed to do the trick, they were getting angry.

I kept sprinting to a road of the town where I can fight more freely.

Once there I turn left and stop waiting for them to catch up.

Both come from the alley ready to kill me.

I see their horns glow and ready to launch whatever they are charging.

“There it is.”

I charge my own spell, one that will end it.

The area around us started to glow, my magic a deep ocean blue…theirs and blackish crimson.

One would worry if I have enough power to take one two unicorns, yes I could with no issue IF they were your normal unicorn.

However, these two aren’t not anymore.

My spell is unique…I made it myself a while ago.

“I hate to ruin your parade but you lose.”

The two seemed to growl in defiance.

“This spell of mine is not your average spell…”

Their horns are glowing more they are about to blast me.

“You see it doesn’t matter how much power you charge into yours”

They shoot a large magic bolt at me…

“Because this spell.”

I place my hand forward.

“Isn’t one.”

The blue aura of the ‘Spell’ lurched forward into a ball and went right for their attack.

The two made contact…and theirs was slowly being dispersed.

My Spell isn’t technically a spell…it’s a nullification it uses no magic…yet it does, it’s a paradox effect so in short.

“No matter how big or strong the magic, it will eat right through it.”

The blue energy completely dispersed their spell and kept its path.

Once it made contact it broke their barriers and caused MAJOR magic whiplash, causing them to scream and drop in pain.

Quickly I close the distance and kill them quickly.

“Whew…that was an ordeal.”

I run around town to look for more survivors.

As I do so I noticed a familiar figure on the road.

“Is that…APPLE!”

I rush to him in fear that he fell.

He was on the ground unconcious and a large wound by his neck, slowly bleeding but he was still breathing.

Sighing in relief, I place my hand on the wound a green aura enveloping it.

“Your mother would kill me if she saw that.”

“G-Good thing she isn’t here.”

I notice his one eye open.

“Heh your awake?”

“Just woke up actually.”

Smiling I stand up and offer a hand.

Smiling back Apple takes it, and I carry his arm over my shoulder.

“That…Sucked.” Apple complained.

“Yes it did…Corrupted unicorns are a pain.”

Apple chuckled lightly.

“Good thing I didn’t face any…I would’ve been toast.”

We slowly walked back to the front of town.