Equestria's Jumpman

by Sage the Ero Harem Kami

First published

After his father was killed two years ago by a business tycoon, RonI and his mother are transported to another world full of magic and mythical creatures but are separated and need to find one another and restart a new life on this strange world.

Shout out to Scourge21 and Shadicdro Brony for helping me put this thing together and for using some elements from both of their stories, Reign and Equestrians Human Spirit. Make sure you go and check their stories out if you haven't already. Also a big shout out to my boy, GrandNECROM1998, for also helping me create the important items that are key themes to this story so make sure you give him some love as well!

RonI Fauna Janpu lived a normal life for a typical sixteen-year-old from going to school, playing video games with his cool Mom EonI, and just having fun in New York City. However that all changes when his father Raffiel is murdered right in front of them by a young Bussiness Tycoon for trying to leak information about the company's shady dealings and RonI get's his ass handed to him by said Tycoon and they are threatened that if they even say anything about what truly happened that day well... let's just say it won't end well for them or anyone they know.

Two years later after moving to South Dakota, the mother-son duo learn that the company of the man who killed Raffiel has gone the drain after it's shady dealings have come to light and the man who was responsible for their pain was killed in the explosion. The pair celebrated the justice late into the night however a freak storm coming out of nowhere changes their fates forever when a massive tornado sucks up their house high into the sky and as for what happens to them? Well you'll just have to read and find out but I will say this...it's gonna be one hell of an adventure.

Other Important Characters: Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Philomena, Fancy Pants, Fleur de Lis, Zecora, Discord, Barbra (Female Spike), Main 6, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor

Extra Tags: Dark Themes, Randomness, Ecchi Themes, Harem, Drama

Chapter 1: Tragic Endings and Bizzare Beginnings

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Chapter 1: Tragic Endings and Bizzare Beginnings

New York City - Fauna-Janpu Residence

In the middle-class area of New York City, there lives a family of three that hasn’t always been the wealthiest but has always managed to make due and help people in need. The family consisted of Raffiel Janpu, his wife EonI Fauna-Janpu, and their only son RonI Fauna Janpu who had just turned sixteen last week. Today was supposed to be a late birthday party to celebrate RonI becoming sixteen because his father, unfortunately, had to work overtime at his job but promised when he got off today he would make it up to him.

While his father was at work, Eonl and Ronl were on the couch in their family living room. Playing Super Mario Bros on the Wii U with RonI playing as Mario and his mother playing as Toadette.

“Come on mom, get the Power-Up!” RonI laughed as he controls Fire Mario. He was an African American with milk chocolate brown skin, black eyes with silver irises, and his black hair was styled into a large fluffy afro. His current attire was a simple red t-shirt, black sweatpants, red sneakers, and a white headband around his head that kept his hair out of his face.

“Gimme a second… yes! I got it.” EonI cheers as she had Toadette grab the Penguin Suit. Like her son, EonI was also African American with the same skin tone, eye coloring, and hair color as her son but her hair was styled into long thick dreadlocks reaching her back. Her attire was an orange turtleneck sweater, white skinny jeans, brown sandals, and a yellow bandanna that ties her dreadlocks into a ponytail.

If there was one thing the mother-son duo had in common besides their looks it was their love for video games, especially the Super Mario Bros series or anything that had co-op in which they can play together. Thanks to their shared love of goofing off, they shared a special bond and were a lot closer to each other than RonI was with his father, who spent most of his time working even before moving away from South Dakota. RonI gets that he needs to work and provide for them, but he wished his old man could find a better way to balance spending more time with them and working.

“So RonI, what do you wanna do when your father gets home?” EonI asks her son while she froze Goombas in ice and then power slides into them.

“Besides going out for pizza and seeing a movie, I can’t really think of anything that we can do with Dad,” RonI answered while stomping on a Koopa and then a fireball as it blasts off the map.

While RonI does love his father, they don’t really have a relationship as he does with his Mom due to him always working at that strange company. From what he knows, the company is called Blade Industries and they basically do trading among different companies from around the world and helping smaller companies grow. But for some reason, his father hates working there especially after he got promoted a couple of months ago.

He remembers hearing his father talk about the three people who own and run the company. The CEO Damien Blade and his twin sons, Vector and Victor. But he knew something was scaring his father as each and every day that he comes home, it looked like someone had him on a string like a puppet. He sighs and tries not to think too much of it since he knew his father was strong and was probably just scared because of his promotion.

After a few more minutes of playing the game, the door bursts open and slams shut as Ronl pauses the game as he and his mother turn to see his father frantically trying to lock the door. Raffiel was an African American standing at 5ft 9in with a darker skin tone compared to his wife and son, hazel brown eyes, and was completely bald. His attire is a gray business suit, brown dress shoes, and wired glasses.

“Dad… you okay?” Ronl said as his father turned to look at him.

“Son, go pack your things right now!” Raffiel said, trembling in fear as Ronl notices that his father’s shirt had a bit of blood on it. Ronl was about to say something, till his mother got up and heads over to her husband and looked down at him with her 6ft 9in height.

“Honey, what’s going on?” She asked as she looked and also saw the blood on her husband’s shirt. “Raffiel why is there blood on you?! Are you hurt?! Did something happen at work?!” She was checking all over him, hoping to god that he didn’t get shot as he grabs her hand, still shaking in fear. She looked up and into his eyes and saw how terrified he was, “Raffiel… what happened at work?”

“EonI go pack our clothes… now!” He yells, making his son and wife jump. They were about to say something but decided not to as they listened and head upstairs to pack their belongings, leaving him downstairs to think what he saw.

Ronl had never seen his father so scared before as he packs up a few of his clothes, his 3DS and a couple of games. He looks up to see his mother carrying down a bag as he goes back to packing his clothes, wondering what’s going on before grabbing his baseball bat and slowly makes his way downstairs.

Raffiel was pacing as he sees his wife come down the stairs as she looked as if she was about to yell at him until the doorbell rang. He looks at the door and looks at his wife as before any of them could say anything, the door busts wide as four men stepped into the house as they glare at him and his wife. “Who the hell are you!? Why are you…” Before Eonl could finish her sentence, one of the men backhands her, knocking her down as he pins her to the floor.

“NO!!” Raffiel tries to fight the man get off of his wife but the other three push him into the wall, slamming their fists into his face and stomach as he grunts in pain and spits out a bit of blood as they kick him down to the ground. “Why are you doing this?”

“Oh, Raffiel… you know why.” A man walks in wearing an all-black business suit as he wore black and white Nike forces. He also looked a little Hispanic and in his early twenties as he lit a cigarette, taking a puff before blowing out the smoke as he gave Raffiel a devious grin. “You shouldn’t snoop around where you don’t belong!” As soon as the man said that, he kicked Raffiel in the face as Eonl’s screams were muffled as the man kept her quiet while making her watch.

The man sighs and sees a photo out the corner of his eye before picking it up and looks at it, “Search the house for the kid and bring him to me… alive.” As soon as he said that, RonI comes out from behind the stairs and slams his baseball bat into the thug’s head which makes him scream in pain before his mom headbutts with the back of her head to get him off her. While the thug was on the ground holding his head and face in pain EonI kicks him in the face knocking him out in the process and her son hands her his bat.

“Thank you, baby,” EonI says to her son.

“No prob ma,” RonI says with a while cracking his knuckles. The three remaining thugs pull out brass knuckles and switchblades while surrounding the duo.

“You’re gonna pay for that you midget.” One thug says menacingly before going to punch RonI in the face but he dodges easily before punching the thug in the balls as hard as possible, making him give a high pitched scream and fall to his knees while holding balls in pain.

“Yeah, I don’t think so.” RonI deadpans before roundhouse kicking the thug in the head and knocking him out.

“You little shit!” The second shouted before going to try and stab RonI in the face with his knife but was intercepted by EonI who kicks him in the stomach and then swinging the bat into his head hard making a loud crack echo throughout the house as he falls into a heap on the floor.

“Don’t call my son names...” EonI stated, giving the thug a glare kicking him in the balls and spitting on him as he whimpers on the ground, holding his crotch in pain.

The last thug tried to grab EonI from behind but RonI sweeps him onto his back before the teen shoulder slams him into his stomach, knocking the wind off him. EonI looks down and gives an evil smile before raising the bat over her head and then slamming it into his balls while making him scream so high the glass trembled and RonI swore he heard something pop.

“Sucks to be you dude,” RonI says to the thug who didn’t respond as he passed out from the pain with his eyes glazed over white and foaming at the mouth. “Huh, I thought that only happened in anime.”

Meanwhile, the man just watches this go on as he had Raffiel under his foot as he looks at Ronl, noting how skilled he was even at his young age as he puts out his cigarette. “Hmmm, not bad…” He then lifts up Raffiel by his neck and starts walking towards the back door, not worrying about Ronl and his mother at all. “Hey, kid!”

RonI looks at him and glares heatedly seeing the way this strange man was treating his father.
“Put my Dad down, NOW!” The short teen growls out.

“Put him down you say?” The man looks at the kid’s father and smirks. “You got it.” He then literally throws Raffiel out the screen door as the glass shatters and flies everywhere as he then looks back at Ronl. “Better now?” He continues to smirk as he looks at the glaring and now super livid teen.

“BASTARD!!” RonI roars and charged the man with his fist cocked back.

“RonI wait!” EonI cried but her plea fell unheeded.

Before his fist could connect with him, the man quickly dodges before elbowing Ronl in his chin and then roundhouse kicks him into the wall dazing the teen. “Don’t even think about trying kid. Stay down and out of the way if you know what’s good for you.” The man then looks at Eonl and mumbles a sorry as he thinks he won, ignoring the teenager as he heads over to Raffiel who was grunting in pain as he tried to stand up. “I’m such a hypocrite…”

The man then kicks Raffiel back down to the ground and pulls out his desert eagle and points it at him. “Why… why are you doing this? I promise I won’t tell anyone.” Raffiel pleaded as the man sighs, actually shaking a bit as if he was remembering something from his past as he shuts his eyes.

He breathes in and out calmly as he reopens them, “Sorry, but business is business.” Without even thinking or letting Raffiel speak one last time, he fires two shots into the man’s head, killing him instantly.

“NOOOOO!” EonI cried in despair as she fell to her knees with tears in her eyes.

“DAD!” RonI yells out while glaring at the man.

The man looks at them, putting his gun back in his holster. “Oh, you’re up, that’s good.” He starts walking over to them as he stretches out and yawns. “Man, I could go for a slice right now…” He acted so casually even though he just murdered someone as he looked at Ronl who was glaring at him as his face goes emotionless, “That face… it reminds me of myself. Guess you’re going to be like me huh kid?”

Ronl had enough as he roars in anger and tries to land a hit on the man, who dodges each of them. He then decides to roundhouse kick him, but the man caught him and slams him repeatedly into the ground as Ronl yells in pain, using his other foot to kick the man off of him. The man lets go as Ronl comes full force and starts landing hits to the face and sides as he thinks that he’s causing damage to the man. As he reels his fist back, the man grabs the boy by his neck and lifts him up, choking him out as Ronl tries to break free but couldn’t as the man brings his face close to his as he grins, “My turn.” When he said that, he slams his fist right into Ronl’s gut, making him cough up a bit of spit and blood as he continues his barrage of attacks. Slamming his fists into his ribs and face as Ronl tries to fight back but the man grabbed his fist and breaks his arm, making Ronl scream in pain as the man throws him back beside his mother.

Eonl tries to calm her son down as the man steps in, kneeling down to their level. “Please… don’t kill us, I’m begging you.”

“Look, what I did doesn’t matter anymore. But I only have a few minutes before the cops show up so I’ll make this quick… if you try to tell the cops what happened and who I am, I will kill you and everyone you know. We have eyes and ears everywhere in this city so if you leave, I’ll know.” The man then looks at Ronl who was weakly glaring at him. “And you… keep that anger in your eyes cause what’s happening to you, happened to me. Don’t be weak like a… certain person I keep tabs on.” He backs up and lights his cigarette again.

“Also don’t be a hero kid, it’ll get you killed way faster.” He blows the smoke at Ronl and Eonl making them cough, as he heads towards the door. “Remember what I said…”

“W-Who are you?!” Ronl managed to say, still glaring at the man as he turns and gives him a sinister-like grin.

“My name is Victor Blade... but for you, call me Zero.” Zero fixes his suit and puts on a pair of shades. “We shall see each other again. Either in this life or the next… later kid.” And with that, he leaves into the night as sirens could be heard getting closer and closer as he left the goons to head home.

EonI held her son closer to her body while trying to soothe him as she began to break down in tears as she looked at her dead husband's body. RonI could only hold her as he tried to soothe her as well while looking at his dad’s body with tears streaming down his face.

‘Zero I swear someday...somehow I’m gonna make you pay for what you did to us and any other innocent people you’ve hurt. I swear it!’ RonI thinks with angry determination and conviction in his eyes.

South Dakota: Two years later

Its been two years since Raffiel Janpu’s death and life has changed greatly for his widowed wife and only son. After the funeral, EonI moved herself and RonI out of New York to get as far away from Blade Industries as possible and make sure RonI doesn’t try to do something stupid from one of his video games and anime when one of the protagonist’s parents are killed. She decided to move them back to her little hometown in South Dakota called Custer.

It was hard for them to function after the first couple of months since the murdered but they managed to pull through it together and move on with their lives, but they’ll never forget. Once they were able to settle down in their new two-story log cabin in the woods by the town with the help of his mother’s friends, RonI started to train harder in his boxing and kickboxing lessons as he only took them for fun and to stay in shape in the first place but after what Zero did to him, he decided to take them more seriously. He even decided to take on two other fighting styles known as Krav Maga and Muay Tai, the former to handle armed opponents more effectively and the latter to break bones. That way something like what happened to his father wouldn’t happen again and to protect his mother and as many other innocent people with his mother. While against it at first, she decided to join her son in his training to get strong as well so she can protect herself and son better.

But the last two years weren’t all about training but also to get their lives back on track as well. EonI decided to take on a job as an indie game developer with RonI helping her from time to time with the story and characters. If she was gonna work, it would be in something she was gonna enjoy doing it and with her son helping her as well. RonI meanwhile decided to take classes online to stay closer to his mom despite her protest but was able to get coaxed into going out in town to make friends and be a normal teenager which he did. One thing that never changed was their love for video games as they still played as many games together and were much closer than before, after what had happened to them nothing would keep them apart.

Anyway, Ronl was seen in the basement kicking and punching his sandbag to keep in shape and practice his skills dressed in a white muscle shirt and red shorts. He hasn’t changed much in appearance-wise over the past two years but he’s a bit more muscular due to his training which he’s happy about but was still annoyed that he hasn’t grown from his height of 4ft 7in. As he continues with this, he starts having flashes of that day and what happened as he kicks harder and harder, growling in anger as his leg starts bruising up a bit as he sees Zero’s grin, telling him how weak he was as he roars in anger and kicks the punching bag so hard, it breaks off the chain and flies into the wall.

He pants heavily as he tries to calm himself as he sits down on a beanbag chair and drinks his water. He then turns on the tv while scrolling through the channels as he passes two news channels talking about some guy named Daniel Blaze who died a month ago by a trio of assholes. As he keeps flipping through, he heard one of them say something about Blade Industries and he immediately goes back to the channel and turns up the volume to listen.

“Today is a day of tragedies. Multi-Billion dollar company, Blade Industries has been found that they have been going around the world to kill mobsters, gang leaders, the mafia, you name it,” The woman said.

“Yeah tell me something I don’t know,” RonI mutters while drinking his water.

“That’s right… Damien Blade and his twin sons, Victor and Vector Blade and a few others have been doing this for however long as we now take you to the scene live in New York City, Elizabeth.”

The screen changes a woman appears as it was raining in New York City as lightning was flashing with a bit of thunder rumbling. “Thanks, John. And yes, it is a shame how such a beloved company, who has given jobs out to everyone as long as they applied fall from such grace.” The camera then pans over as a SWAT car as a SWAT team starts to head into the building. “As you all can see, this place is surrounded by highly-trained officers. We would love to go interview them but I don’t want to get in their way.”

“Holy shit...MOM! Get down here quick!!” RonI yells.

Rapid footsteps are heard before EonI comes down dressed in a yellow tank top, navy blue jean shorts, and black sandals. The only things that changed about EonI were her gaining more muscle, her dreadlocked styled hair growing down to her butt, and her height shooting up to 7ft 2in.

“What is it, honey?” EonI asks before noticing what was on TV and her eyes widen before she sits down on the couch behind her son and watches intensely with him and mutters. “They’re finally getting that son of a bitch.”

After some time, all was quiet until the ground shook as the cameramen and everyone who was there as the explosion reached up to the first floor as the glass from the doors and windows shatter from the sheer power of the explosion as it shook the building slightly. Everyone who was there didn’t know what was happening as the SWAT team quickly heads into the building to see what was going on.

All was quiet as everyone was waiting to see what the SWAT team will bring out. After a few minutes, the team that went in came out with Damien Blade, handcuffed as news reporters all swarm around the SWAT, trying to get Damien to talk as he had an emotionless look on his face as he turns away from them as they put him in a police cruiser as it drives off. “It seems like Damien Blade, CEO of Blade Industries was caught. But the question is, where’s Victor and Vector?”

The woman then sees a female member of the SWAT team by herself as she goes up to her. “Hi, Elizabeth with FOX News. Umm, what is your name by the way?”

“Sergeant Jackie ma’am. Also, sorry I can’t really give you guys any information about anything that happened before these events.” Jackie stated as she was a beautiful young woman in her early twenties.

“Well, we were actually wondering about what happened to the twins, Victor and Vector?”

The woman on the screen was silent for a bit as she sighs, “The explosion you all felt was the cause of a C4 going off when I… I tried to stop him… but he wouldn’t listen so I-I shot and missed and hit the C4…” After that was said, the screen changes back to the news station as the people were silent about this as after a moment of silence they decide to go on break.

RonI and EonI had mouths agape as they stared at one another for a moment before cheering loudly and hugging each other tightly.

"That son of a bitch is gone forever!" EonI cried tears of joy while hugging her son tightly and swinging him around.

"Dad can finally rest in peace! Take that you cancer stick smoking asshole! Karma always collects her dues!" RonI whooped, also crying tears of joy.

Soon the two flopped down on the couch and began to laugh and cry. The man that took away a member of their family was no more and his company is going down in ruins. They wouldn't have to worry about hiding from Zero or worrying about him and his goons knocking down the door and killing them on the spot. They were finally free from the fear and could now finally be at peace after two long years.

"Come on honey, let's go upstairs and celebrate properly," EonI says while walking upstairs with her son trailing behind her. "I'm gonna order a ton of pizza to celebrate and you can warm up the gaming systems. We're gonna party until next week!"

"Yes, ma'am!" RonI cheers, happy to comply before gaining a forlong smile. 'Dad...while it wasn't by my hands your death is avenged and you can finally rest in peace. Now life can go back to normal for us and we can live our lives without fear about the danger around every corner.'

Little did either of them know their lives were about to change big time in the most bizarre way possible.

A few hours later

The party of two was still going on strong with EonI and RonI lounging in the living room playing Smash Bros and laughing joyously. Empty pizza boxes and bottles of various sweet beverages scattered across the room and in front of the TV were a variety of game cases of the many games they've played. They’ve been playing all day ever since the news of Blade Industries' downfall as it was getting close to midnight.

"Damnit! I hate it when you do that!" EonI shouted as she watched her chosen fighter, Princess Peach, get yeeted off the stage by her son's final smash attack as he was playing as Donkey Kong.

"Get dunked!" RonI laughed as DK did his victory pose. "DK coming in with the JoJo flexes baby!"

"Cheeky brat." EonI grinned while playfully pinching her son's cheek before getting up and stretching. "I'm gonna go freshen up real quick. Think you can start cleaning up a bit and then we can play some more?"

"Sure thing mom." RonI gives a thumbs-up as his mother disappears upstairs before getting up and turning on the radio to listen to music as he started to clean up.

The sound of thunder going off made the teen jump as he looked outside to see that it had started to rain. He shrugged it off as he heard it was common to get rain here, especially at night as he placed the trash into a heavy-duty trash bag. The sound of static rang from the radio for a moment before coming back on with a news report.

"We interrupt this regularly scheduled program to bring you an emergency weather report! Heavy thunderstorms have been reported to be sweeping across the entire Northern area of the US." This caught RonI's attention as he stopped and turned up the volume. "More strange is that it seems to be gathering into a certain point an-wait what was that Earl?… This just in we have found out that the storm seems to be gathering towards the small town of Custer, South Dakota. If you live in this town or anywhere near it, get to shelter immediately and bunker down until further notice! I repeat, all residents of Custer and around need to seek shelter immediately!"

Ronl's eyes widen in fear as he looked back outside and saw how dark the clouds were getting as it started pouring down, lightning flashing as the thunder roared throughout the sky as an alarm started going off where the town was. He ran upstairs to tell his Mom what's going on to get them to the basement for safety.

When the thunder roared as loud as it did, Eonl jumped as she looked outside. Once she did, a lightning bolt struck down on their house as it shuts off their power, as another lightning strikes down in the town, short-circuiting the generator and shutting off the grid. She then turns her head and sees her son running up the stairs, “Ronl, are you alright?!”

“I’m fine Mom but we have to get back down into the basement before-,” Before he could finish his sentence, the thunder roared again as the wind picked up. In his view of sight, he saw a tornado beginning to form near the town as he grabs his mother’s hand and quickly runs towards the basement but at that moment a large tree crashed through the window and blocked the door.

"Shit!" RonI curses before feeling his mother pull him along.

"Come on! We'll get under the kitchen table!" EonI called.

Outside their house, a massive tornado began to form on top of their house and once it formed, it completely swallowed their house whole. Ronl and Eonl hide underneath a table as the house began to shake as he held his mother close to him, protecting her from anything as the house began shaking more violently as he shuts his eyes.

"Its okay baby, everything is gonna be just fine," EonI said sending a reassuring smile down to her son.

At that moment the entire house lurched violently sending the pair tumbling into the dishwasher disorientating them. The entire house then began to rock back and forth like they were on the ocean which confused them greatly.

"What's going on?!" RonI yelled while holding onto the dishwasher for dear life. "Why's the house shaking like this?"

EonI managed to get to the kitchen window to look outside before her eyes widened in horror as she saw their house was flying upwards in the center of the tornado.

"Mom! What's going on out there?" RonI called out to his mother.

Before she could say anything the wall of the kitchen ripped open showing their house was flying with the tornado along with random objects flying around it as well from trees to cars and even a random cow much to RonI's shock.

"What the hell?!?! Are seriously being Dorthyed right now?!?" RonI exclaims with wide eyes.

EonI's screams snap him out of his shock to see that his mother was being pulled outside and was holding on due to the curtains. RonI yells in shock before going to try and help his mother.

"I'm coming ma!" RonI yells while trying to make his way towards her.

"No, stay back!" EonI yells as she struggles to hang on. "If you get too close you'll get caught as well!"

RonI was about to say something when lighting began flashing all around them and to his shock he could see multicolored bolts of lighting beginning to form within and around the tornado. He then sees a cow floating around mooing in fear when a lightning bolt struck it, disintegrating it into nothingness to his shock and horror.

"Mom!" RonI screams in urgency as he tries to reach her. "Quick! Take my han-!"

Before he could finish a lightning bolt strikes his Mother making her scream in pain before disappearing into nothingness just like that cow. RonI could only stare in horror as tears streamed down his face. His mother, the only family he had left was gone, right when they were celebrating from being free of Zero's influence.

".....NOOOOOO!!!" RonI wails in despair as he cried openly and began to beat the floor in anger.

"Huh… Guess you really are a weakling huh kid?" A familiar voice mocked him in his head.

"Zero….ZEEEEROOOOOO!" RonI roars to the heavens in hate and fury, knowing that bastard would probably be laughing at his plight right now.

The lightning strikes became more abundant as a dark figure forms in front of Ronl. With his arms spread out, the lightning flashed one last time before revealing Zero in front of him, grinning. “I thought I told you to get stronger… but no! You’re still just a weak little man!” Before Ronl could get up, Zero kicks him back down to the ground, standing on his chest as he looks down at Ronl who tries to fight back but couldn’t.

“I may be gone… but I still win in the end.” Ronl was confused about what he was saying as he continued to try and fight back as Zero hand gets covered in an electrical aura as it forms a blade. “You’ll never be as strong as me… or him.” He then strikes the blade down into Ronl's chest.

Ronl yells in pain, coughing up blood and still growling as he glares up at Zero as he slowly begins to lose consciousness. “Tell your Dad I said… hello.” He grins and starts laughing. His laugh echoes throughout the house as Ronl finally loses consciousness but not before he notices a bright light enveloping the entire house.

If RonI was awake he'd see that the bright light was actually a massive lighting bolt enveloping the house, lighting up the entire tornado for anyone seeing it outside. When the light died the tornado vanished and the storming seemed to have dissipated almost instantly… but the house of EonI and RonI has disappeared completely.


Chapter 2: The path one chooses! Awakening in a New World with Power-Ups and...a Pony Woman?!

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Chapter 2: The path one chooses! Awakening in a New World with Power-Ups and...a Pony Woman?!

RonI’s POV

I grunt in pain as I slowly open my eyes, sitting up and rubbing my head which was pounding like crazy. Once my eyes were fully open, I noticed that I was floating in total darkness, pretty sure if I had a mirror I would have a WTF look on my face.

“What the hell?! Am I dead or in some sort of limbo?” I mutter to myself as I swiveled my head around. “Hello! Is anyone out there?”

“...Okay, I should have expected that.” I sweatdrop as silence was my only answer.

Suddenly it felt like I was slowly free-falling or something like that since I didn’t feel anything beneath me. As I moved through this black abyss for who knows how long I started to wonder if my mom was okay.

“Mom...are you in this black abyss like me? Are you with Dad and I’m just late getting there?” I wondered with sadness in my tone before I noticed a light beneath me, getting closer and brighter. “Aw maaaaaan, don’t tell me I’m going to hell?”

Luckily it wasn’t hell like I thought it was but it was a large painted glass platform with the center having a large orb that was multicolored. Surrounding it are seven different colored orbs of Pink, Brown, Gray, Black, White, Gold, and Silver.

“Okay, this is beyond strange. I’m starting to think I’m not dead,” I spoke as I landed on the platform and scratched my chest before looking down at myself. “When the hell did I change clothes?”

My new attire was a plain red tee-shirt with the word 1-UP in bolded white on the front written in an 8-bit style with an open blue jean vest over it. Camo-green cargo pants and a pair of red high-top sneakers on my feet. I also had a pair of goggles on my head that looked like Takuya's from Digimon Frontier but with the frames being blue and the strap a camo-green color and I had blue sports tape wrapped around my arms and legs, reaching my shoulders and thighs respectively.

“Well at least it’s comfy and something I don’t mind wearing every day,” I mutter while dusting myself off. “Now I just need to figure out where I am and how I can get out of here.”

“The time has come to choose your path in life young warrior.” The sound of a disembodied voice made me jump in freight while I looked around frantically, trying to find the source.

“Who said that?!” I said as I was answered when three marble pedestals appeared out of nowhere in front of me and floating above them were three different items.

“You have three options to choose from, which one shall you choose my child?”

The voice went silent again as I was left alone which made me relax for a moment before looking over at the pedestals and scratching my head in confusion.

“I guess the only way to get out of here is to pick one of these things,” I said before shrugging and heading over to the pedestal on the left and picking up the item hovering over it. It was a broadsword with the guard being shaped like a pair of wings and it also had a golden, fiery glow to it.

“The Path of the Swordsman. One with a heart of gold and the fiery power to vanquish evil. Is this the path you will choose my child?”

“Hmmm it sounds good,” I said while giving the sword a few practice swipes. “But I think I’ll check out my other options first.”

I placed the sword back down on its pedestal before walking towards the middle pedestal and picking up the item from it and almost immediately my face turns in a glare. It was a gun, not the kind that killed my father, but a military-grade sniper rifle with a scope and it had an eerie purple glow to it with blue lightning sparking around the barrel.

“The Path of the Marksman. One with a cold heart of ice and the thundering rage to destroy all who get in the way of their ambition. Is this the path you choose my child?”

I wanted to say yes so badly so that I could use this power to make sure no one would harm me or those I cared about ever again, but I paused and started to think. If I took this I would be no better than that bastard that ruined my family’s lives and there is no way in hell I was gonna become like that prick. EVER!

“Fuck that,” I say before placing the rifle back on its pedestal and quickly went over to the last pedestal on the right and grabbed the item from it and gained a surprised look on my face. “Huh… well, this is random.”

The last item was a pair of fingerless boxing gloves. The kind that Ryu from the Street Fighter games but these, however, were black in color with white straps around the wrists and there was nothing special about them at all. No glowing aura surrounding them, no type of element flickering off them, nothing… they were just a normal pair of gloves.

“The Path of the Fighter. One who starts at the very bottom in the world and will work hard to achieve their goals and earn their power and gifts. Is this the path you choose my child?”

This final item… for some reason these gloves really hit close to home as they remind me of how my dad would tell me that there are no shortcuts in life and you have to work hard to get what you want. These gloves remind me so much of him and it started to bring tears to my eyes, but they were not of sadness but of happiness.

“I finally understand what you kept telling me all those years ago dad... I’m sorry it took me so long to figure it out,” I mutter before wiping my tears from my face and speaking proudly. “I choose the Path of the Fighter.”

“Are you sure my child? Once you have picked your chosen path, you cannot change it and must see it through to the end.”

“I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life. The Path of the Fighter is my final choice!” I shout out with pure determination in my tone.

“Very well my child.”

After the voice said those words, the other two pedestals disappeared in a burst of sparkles and I put the gloves one and gave a few air jabs to see how they were and found them to be very comfortable.

“You have chosen The Path of the Fighter, your path is forever set and the gears of fate and destiny are in motion, my child.”

“Thank you disembodied voice,” I say while giving a mock bow and I swore I heard a faint giggle before shrugging it off and looking around again. “Sooooooo….now what?”

“Now we see what you can do combat wise my child.”

“Say what now?” I questioned before something kicked me in the back as I turned around in anger. “What the hell man?!?”

My face turned from anger to fear as in front of me were at least seven, shadow-like humanoid creatures. They were taller than me by about a foot as the hands of the creatures morphed into different weapons; two had spears, two had crossbows, two had shields, and one had swords. Then the one in front of me opened its one eye as it stared down at me, seemingly grinning as I suspected that this must’ve been the leader as it uses an unknown force to push me away from it and the rest of them, lifting up its sword and pointing it at me as the others obeyed and started heading towards me.

I gulp as try to stay calm, punching my fists together to get me pumped up as the two with the shields get in front of the two with the spears as the two with the crossbows stay far behind since they were ranged attackers as the leader with the two swords just stand there and watches. “So that’s how it is huh? Well then… let's see what you got!”

3rd POV

Ronl cracks his knuckles and runs headfirst towards the shield guys as the creatures braced themselves. The one with the spears gets ready as well, pointing their spears directly at the human as he lands a solid punch on the shield, hissing in pain as one of the spearmen thrusts its spear down as Ronl quickly dodges, only to cut his ear as he quickly backs up just in time as the other spearman thrusts its spear.

He touches his ear and grunts, looking at his fingers as a bit of blood covers the tips. He balled his fist back up, thinking about how he couldn’t lose as he goes back in for the attack, the spearmen ready to strike again.

Ronl thinks about how he can beat this first wave of enemies as he punches the shieldmen again and dodges the attacks from the ones wielding the spears as he noticed how when the punches the shield, they get pushed back just a bit. He smirks as he goes in for the attack again, this time as he punches the shield, he manages to grab one of the spears before it landed as he lifts up the surprisingly light-weighted creature, slamming it to the ground as it and its spear poofs away in purplish-black smoke.

He gets a bit excited that he managed to take down one of them that he forgot about the other one as instead of using the pointed end of the spear, it uses the base of it to whack Ronl on his arm, making him yelp in pain. “Shit!” He rubs his arm as it stings from the attack.

That’s when the two with the shields decided to disappear into the shadows and reappear on each of sides, sort of forming a barrier as the last one with the spear starts to do some fancy spear moves as Ronl whistles. “So these guys learn and adapt… great.”

The last Spearman then runs towards him as the Shieldmen make sure he couldn’t run away. Once it got close enough, it starts swinging the spear around while also trying to stab him with the pointed end as Ronl just dodges as fast as he can, getting hit and cut a few times as he tries to grab the spear, but the creature wouldn’t let him. He growls as even though he likes a bit of a challenge, this was ridiculous as he couldn’t grab the creature.

He then backs up a bit to catch his breath real quick as he looks at the shieldmen and decides to try and get these creatures to attack its comrades with its spear as he kept backing up, dodging and sometimes taking hits as his back gets closer and closer to one of the Shieldmen as the creature reeled its arm back and swings it to hit him. Ronl smirks and ducks down as quickly as he can as the creature hits its own comrade hard as the attack literally bent the shield and once it fell to the ground, it disappears just like the first one as RonI smirks and rolls away.

The last shield man uses its strength as it breaks its shield in half as it clangs the two pieces together as the one using the spear forms another one. “Oh shit…” Both of the creatures ran full speed at him as the Spearman thrusts the pointed end of the spear down as Ronl quickly opens his legs up as the spear goes into the ground instead of his important area. He quickly moves out of the way as the Spearman thrusts both of its spears into the ground as Ronl continues to dodge each attack as he starts to grow tired of this as once the creature thrusts both of the spears down, he dodges, making the spears go into the ground as he sidekicks it hard in its face, making it poof as well.

He pants heavily as the one wielding the shield gets in a boxing stance. RonI was a bit confused by this but shrugs and gets into his battle stance, cracking his neck as they both sprint at each other as they both swing at the same time. His fist connects with the metal as he tries not to show pain as he continues to block the creature’s attack which he then launches a counter-attack of his own against the shield with a barrage of punches. His hands slowly started to bleed each time his fist connected with the hard metal be he was slowly making dents and cracks into it before finally shattering the shield as he knocks the creature back a bit before RonI gives it a powerful uppercut sending it flying high into the air and disappearing into smoke.

‘Four down and three to go,’ RonI thinks before he stared down the swordsman for a moment but yelps as the creatures with crossbows start to firing these energy-like purple arrows at him as he does his best to evade them. ‘These guys are gonna be a problem, guess I'll have to get up and personal to take care of them.'

RonI begins to sprint towards one of the Crossbowers while evading energy arrows left and right. As he was about to get within punching range of one of them the Swordsman gets in front of him and goes for a downward slash attack but RonI sees this and is able to backflip away to safety. Once on his feet, he looks on with a frown at his predicament.

'Crap I forgot about them, guess that's what I get for getting cocky and not paying attention to my surroundings,' RonI thought. 'I can't go after the Crossbowers with the Swordsman guarding them...so what do I do now?'

Before he could ponder more, the Crossbowers started to fire multiple energy arrows at a rapid pace and RonI was forced to run around like a chicken to keep from getting hit. However, once a few arrows hit him in the legs, he grunts in pain, followed by a scream and was soon being hit with arrows that were electrifying him and making him fall to his knees. He tries to recover but the Swordsman began to charge up this strange energy into his blade before slashing it downward, sending a dark, purple energy slash on a collision course for RonI.

"...shitballs," RonI said in defeat.


The attack collided with a loud explosion, picking up a large cloud of smoke before RonI was seen flying backward and rolling along the platform before coming still in a heap. The teen groaned in pain as smoke steamed off his body with his clothes ripped in various places and he had a variety of bruises decorated all over his body. The Shadow Creatures began to laugh mockingly before they suddenly froze in time.

"Ow that fucking hurt like hell," RonI groaned as he struggled to sit up. "Now I know how it feels to be on the end of a flying slash attack… wait a minute how am I not dead by that?"

"This exercise is meant to test your capability against multiple opponents with various weapons. It is not meant to seriously injure or kill you my child but you will feel pain." The voice spoke up as the teenager was able to sit up as he clutches his side in pain.

"Yeah well I'm definitely feeling the pain part and I just got my ass handed to me by some flying slash attack and my body hurts when I make the slightest movement… as much as I hate to say it but I don't think I can do anything anymore at the moment," RonI said softly.

"Do you wish to give up my child?"

"Hell no, I want to pound these jerks into oblivion but I can't on my own in my current state… I could really use some help right now," RonI said before hissing in pain.

"...Then allow me to help you, my child."

Before RonI could ask what the voice meant, something appeared on his lap in a flash of light which was a small white case that has a green medical cross on the front with the number twenty-four in the center. When RonI opened it he found about two dozen mint leaves that look about the size of a cutie orange.

"Eat one my child and all your pain that you feel now will be but a faint memory."

Not able to do much else, RonI grabs one of the leaves and pops one in his mouth. Not even a second later, he's covered a faint lime-green glow before it disappears and all of his wounds and sores have completely disappeared. Even his clothes have been fixed as well, which was weird but he isn't complaining.

"Holy crap I feel awesome!" RonI cheers while jumping to his feet and looking at the case holding the mint leaves. "What the heck are these things?"

"Those are called Revitalizing Mints, they have the power to heal anyone who consumes them back to the peak of condition and purge the body of any foreign effects. Now reach into your left pocket, my child. I left you something that can turn this fight in your favor."

RonI does as told and reaches into his pocket and pulls out what appears to be a metallic-gray colored gumball making him raise an eyebrow. "What am I supposed to do with this? Eat it as well?"

"Correct. This is the Iron Gumball and it grants the user powerful metal manipulation abilities. Chew it three times and then swallow it and watch as the power awakens from within you my child."

RonI looks at the gumball one more time before putting it in his mouth and chews it three times before swallowing it. Suddenly after a few seconds, he feels something within his gut before being covered in a gunmetal color.

"Whoa!! What the hell?! RonI shouts.

"Don't be afraid, my child, let the power flow and become one with you."

When the light disappeared, RonI was shown just fine but with a new look in his attire. His shirt changed from red to silver with the words changing to the periodic table symbol for iron which is Fe in bold black, his pants gained a dark gray color, and his high-tops changed into a pair of heavy-duty steel-toed boots the same colors as his shirt. His wrappings gain a chrome coloring to them with, his goggles upgraded into a pair of silver-framed welding goggles with black tints, and his vest looks like its several plates of sheet metal bolted together. Finally, his gloves stayed pretty much the same but have gained metal plates on the knuckles and the back.

"This is so awesome," RonI breathed in awe while looking himself over.

"Indeed now go forth and vanquish your enemies with your new power, my child."

"Wait how do I make my powers work?!" RonI exclaims.

"The only limit is your imagination, my child."

After the voice said that, time resumed and the Shadow Creatures continued laughing again while not knowing what happened a few minutes prior. One of the Crossbowers noticed RonI up and alerted its comrades making them look in shock especially the Swordsman as he looked at RonI. The creature was enraged as it began to surge up its first attack. It began to charge up the energy into its sword, intending to take down the human again. This time for good.

"Aww shit!" RonI shouts, seeing the familiar glow coming from the creature’s weapon.

The Swordsman gives a low snarl before launching the same flying slash attack at the now freaking out teen.

RonI crossed his arms in front of him ready for impact but right before the attack landed, his arms glowed in a gray color before morphing into a large tower shield that reached past his afro. Before he could question this, the attack connected with the shield and pushed him back at about two and a half feet before coming still. RonI could only look in awe as the shield glowed again and he had normal arms again.

"The only limit is my imagination," RonI repeated what the voice had said before, clenching his right fist and watched as it glowed and morph into a large hammer-like fist and gave an excited smile. "Alright… now we're talking! I think I’ll call this my Sledge Fist." RonI then looks back at the surprised Shadow Creatures before giving a smirk and pulling his goggles down over his eyes and got into a fighting stance.

"Time for the final round… COME AT ME, BRO!" RonI roared before charging the Shadow Creatures with a burst of speed.

The Crossbowers made angry noises before they started to fire their energy arrows again, but RonI was ready this time and raised his left arm in front of himself and formed a riot shield which made the arrows bounce off of it. Once he had gotten in range, RonI jumped in the air and with a shout slammed his Sledge Fist into the ground between the Crossbowers, creating a small shockwave and launching them into the air. As they began to fall back to the ground, RonI then quickly slams his Sledge Fist into one Crossbower who then collides into the other as they both were sent flying off the platform with shrieks before poofing away.

Before he could celebrate, RonI had to roll away to avoid an attack from the Swordsman who had a pissed off look on his face. The Swordsman then made it's free hand into a sword as well before clashing them together as it then started to attack him. Ronl cursed as he did his best to block the strikes with his shield but was getting forced back as he noticed he was almost to the edge of the platform.

'So that's his plan huh.' RonI thought while grunting as he tried to keep the blades from hitting him with his shield. 'There's gotta be a way for me to get a good hit on him but how? Wait a minute... that's it! I just hope I can pull this off. Springlock Leap!'

As he thought this, the wrappings on RonI's legs glowed before morphing his legs into steel springs which coiled tightly before launching RonI into the air. The Swordsman looks around, confused before looking up as its eyes widen at seeing RonI airborne with his legs morphing back to normal and cocking his Sledge Fist back.

"Eat this ya dick, Springlock Hammer Punch!" RonI roared before launching his punch with a loud boing, he rockets himself towards the lone Shadow Creature.

The Swordsman crossed it's blades in an X fashion to block the attack but the sheer power and force of the attack shattered its bladed arms and rammed into its chest as Ronl sent it flying into the dark abyss as the creature screeches in pain as it fell, poofing away. RonI's arm sprung back into place right as when he landed on his feet they also turned back to normal and after a moment of silence, he whooped in joy at his victory.

"Yes, I did it! Suck on it you Heartless wanna be knockoffs!" The short teen cheered while doing a little victory dance just as he heard the voice speak again.

"Well done my child, it seems you were able to fight well against your opponents."

"Thank you but let's be real, I couldn't have done it without your help so I should be thanking you," RonI said humbly before sighing. "It seems I've still got a lot to learn.

"Don't sell yourself short my child, you did acceptably well for just a beginner and you lasted much longer against the Shadow Creatures than any other that had chosen the Path of the Fighter without my interference."

"Really? Huh… guess I'm luckier than I thought," RonI said in surprise before catching that last bit. "Wait a minute, are you saying that there were others?!"

"I'm afraid that's a story for another time when you are more knowledgeable and stronger than you are now, my child. We shall meet each other again in due time but for now… it's time for you to wake up."

As the voice said that, the platform began to rumble, almost knocking RonI off balance before it started to crack and shift. The teen tried to stay on balance but soon the entire platform shattered into dust and RonI fell into the abyss, screaming his head off.

"I wish you luck my child for, in this new world… you're going to need a lot of it."

RonI was able to catch the voice's last words as he continued to fall before he was surrounded by a bright multicolored light as he blacked out.

Land of Equestria - Downtown Canterlot City

Meanwhile, while RonI was going through his mental trials. A certain stage mare was not having a good night.

"Damn those stupid little brats and damn those even stupider country bumpkins! If I hadn't gone to that blasted town, The Great and Powerful Trixie would not be in this situation!" Trixie Lulamoon ranted to herself as she stomped down the empty streets.

Trixie was a young up and coming stage performer that loved to wow the crowd with her magic and bask in the praise the audience gave her. As a stage performer, she's meant to make sure the crowd is perfectly entertained and enjoy the experience they had in watching one of her shows. She had been doing this type of work for about a decade and was waiting for her next big break to truly shine so she decided to go to a small town called Ponyville to brush up her skills and give the country folk a show they'll remember.

It was going good for the most part and while she had a few naysayers it was nothing she wasn't used to when she first started. However that's when things started to go downhill as two of her two younger fans, Snips and Snails she believed, decided they wanted to take one of her exaggerated stories seriously and brought an Ursa Major into town so she could defeat it. Granted it was a baby one known as an Ursa Minor but that didn't mean she had the means to actually stop one as she didn't have that type of magic to fight a creature of that magnitude and her caravan that she worked so hard to get over the years.

Luckily the Ursa was stopped by a local Unicorn named Twilight Sparkle but the damage had already been done and they blamed her for this. Not those brats who were the ones that pissed off the beast in the first place but her as she couldn't stop the Ursa like she said she could. The townsfolk wouldn't hear of it and ran her out of town as she was barely able to collect most of her valued items from her former caravan as they started throwing things at her. Ashamed and humiliated, she swore her revenge against the backwater town while trying to get as much distance from that place as possible.

Despite wanting to get back at that town, Trixie needed to keep her priorities straight and find a way to replace her caravan and decided to take on some shows at different towns. She started to get her groove back and thought maybe she could have a new home back in no time and maybe it would be even better than the last one.

Unfortunately for her, the universe decided to curb stomp her hopes when word of what happens in Ponyville reached the general populace and ponies didn't want her to perform or just didn't show up at all. Some towns even went so far as to chase her out of town by either throwing things at her, threats for bodily harm and even calling the Royal Guard. Her new reputation was so bad that she couldn't even buy supplies as far as prices as they would rise to ridiculous or they would refuse to serve her and she couldn't even get a room at an inn for the same reason. So this was what she was reduced too, a homeless mare being treated like dirt for something that wasn't even her fault.

“Since those three whorses are actually Elements of Harmony, ponies wouldn't question their word over Trixie's," Trixie grumbled bitterly while she kicked a can down the sidewalk. "I swear by Faust's holy mane and tail I will get my revenge on those three and that entire town someday!"

At the moment the former showmare's belly started to rumble loudly, reminding her of her current situation as she began to cry a waterfall.

"But first Trixie needs a decent meal before she can do anything else..." Trixie said, trying to stop crying before sniffing herself and recoiling in disgust with her nose wrinkled. "Along with a much needed hot shower and a very long soak in a bubble bath… yuck!"

She sighed heavily before a strong gust of wind came out of nowhere and blew her hat off her head making her yelp. Trixie gave chase after it into an empty lot before it suddenly landed on… a porch of a log cabin?

"Wait this wasn't here the last time Trixie was in Canterlot... was it?" Trixie asked herself as she looked over the cozy-looking two-story log cabin. "No it couldn't be, Trixie would've been sure of noticing something like this in a place like Canterlot. I wonder who owns it?”

She steps onto the porch and picks up her hat before placing it back on her head before knocking on the door but was shocked to see it open slightly due to her action. Trixie then cautiously opens the door wider to see that its pitch dark inside making her gulp before lighting her horn with magic to see better.

She looks around, shining her light around and saw many weird things such as pictures of creatures she had never seen before in her lifetime. “Hmm? What is this…” She picks up a book she has never heard of as she starts to look through it, unknown to her that a certain human in the kitchen was starting to wake up.

With said Human

Ronl groans softly as he rubs his head, hissing slightly as he gets up from the tile floor and cracks his back as he stretches out. “Man… how long was I out for?” He rubs his eyes and checks to make sure everything was on. “At least I still have power.”

He then looks out the window from the kitchen and sees his house somehow ended up in a magnificent medieval yet modern city and in the distance, he saw a large mountain with a castle attached to it as his eyes widened. “The hell… that wasn’t there before, where on Earth am I?”

He then makes his way to the living room to go outside and get a better look but it was dark and he wasn’t looking where he was going before bumping into something.

“Ow… who dares bump into the Mighty Tri..!” Trixie stops herself as she looks at the creature right in front of her, rubbing its head as her eyes slowly widen in shock

“Where the hell did I run into?” Ronl says before switching on a light and his eyes opened wide again as he looked up to see...a horse lady?!

She was taller than him being about 5ft 9in, has pale blue skin with matching fluffy pony ears instead of human ears, dark violet eyes with a hint of grey in them, and her hair a pale cornflower blue colored with even paler stripes running down it. She also had a horn the same color as her skin pointing out from her head and has an actual horse tail coming from above her butt the same color as her hair. Her attire was a white tee-shirt, navy blue jeans, and brown knee-high boots along with a purple magician hat on her head along with matching cape that both have multiple stars all around them. RonI noticed that her clothes were very dirty and torn up and he noticed that she seems very thin, probably from not getting enough to eat, he could guess.

They both just look at each other thinking about what they should do in this situation as Ronl moves back from the female slowly as he puts his hand up and waves at her. “Umm… Hi?”

Trixie was completely afraid of the creature in front of her as she just screams in fear and shock as Ronl does the same as they both just scream at each other. She used the book that she held and knocked him right in the head knocking Ronl out…again.

“...oh Faust please tell Trixie she didn’t kill it?” Trixie said after realizing what she did. The magician then quickly checks RonI’s pulse and sighs in relief that he’s breathing fine. “Thank heavens, Trixie only knocked you unconscious.”

Trixie then sits on her knees and ponders what she should do with this short strange creature now. Turn it over to the guards was an option but as far as Trixie knew it hasn’t done anything to anypony, not to mention she did break into it’s home uninvited and assaulted it accidentally so that was a no go. It also seemed intelligent as it spoke to her so selling it for quick cash was out of the question.

“What should Trixie do now?” Trixie sighed loudly before her stomach grumbled loudly as she remembered her earlier predicament. “Perhaps I should see if there is any food here and a shower first, Trixie should at least present herself more proper to apologize once this creature wakes up.”

With her mind made up, the magician uses her magic to left RonI off the floor and place him gently on the couch while covering him up with a blanket. She then closes the door and locks it before going to see if she could find a bathroom to get freshened up after not being able to bathe for a month. She’s sure this strange creature will understand her situation when it wakes up and won’t be upset with her.

….at least she hopes it won’t.


Chapter 3: The Smallest Changes can make the Biggest Impact in History

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Chapter 3: The Smallest Changes can make the Biggest Impact in History

Fauna/Janpu Household - Thirty Minutes after RonI got KO'd

With a groan of annoyance, RonI had started to wake up from being knocked out for the second time. He noticed he was laying on the couch with a blanket covering him. He sits up holding his head from the headache he is having.

“Ow man that hurts,” He mutters rubbing the side of his head where he was hit which was forming a bruise. From the corner of his eye, he sees a familiar white and green case. Ronl turned his head to look and there was the first aid kit from his Protagonist shenanigans before waking up as the Iron Gumball was next to it. He noticed the number on the case as it read twenty-three instead of twenty-four.

“Huh guess it goes down with every mint used,” Ronl said to himself with minor interest as he throws his legs over the edge of the couch to lean over. He opens the case up taking out a Revitalizing Mint and popping one in his mouth and chews. In an instant, his headache was gone. “Wow these things can give Aleve a run for their money,” Ronl says with a light chuckle as he closes the case once it clicks shut, the number changes again to Twenty-two confirming his guess.

Ronl then remembers the unicorn woman that knocked his lights out. He looked around but didn’t see the azure mare. ’Did she bolt while I was down?’ Ronl thinks scratching his head as he stands up grabbing the first aid kit and puts it in his afro. “Can’t lose this,” he says out loud as he puts the Iron Gumball into his pocket.

He looks outside and sees barely any time has passed. 'I have to find her,’ Ronl thinks though she could be long gone something in his gut tells him that she is still in the house. 'She might tell me where the hell I am,’ He plans to look from room to room searching for his little intruder.

Even if she bashed him in the head, Ronl couldn’t really blame her. He looked completely different than her, hell he’s basically an alien for crying out loud. He might do the same thing if he was in her shoes… or hooves if she has any.

As Ronl enters the downstairs hallway he sees the door to the guest bathroom open and has a light cloud of steam rolling out. It didn't take long for his strange guest to step out as a slight blush dusted his cheeks as the mare had only a towel tied securely around her body so it covered her modesty but still showed off her curves. She also had a second towel wrapped around her head drying her silver locks.

“Ahhhh~ Trixie feels much better now that she’s cleaned up and smells better~," The horse lady said with a happy sigh.

Hearing the now named Trixie talk in the third person made Ronl think ’Ok I now know her name apparently and she likes to talk like that,’ with a sweatdrop forgetting that she was standing there half-naked.

Ronl clears his throat getting her attention making Trixie turn to him and says “Oh thank Celestia your awake Trixie thought she may have given you a concussion,” with a look of relief.

Ronl responds with “Well it takes more than that to put me down for long” with a grin making the Trixie smile back.

“Trixie is very sorry for knocking you out; she didn’t know how to react,” Trixie said with her ears pressed against her head in guilt.

“It's ok, I can't be mad at you for that,” Ronl comforts the unicorn.”My name is Ronl Fauna Janpu but you can call me Ronl everyone does,” He says holding out his hand which the mare takes and shakes

“I am the Great and Powerful Trixie Lulamoon, Stagemare Extraordinaire!” She says with flair making our hero chuckle a bit.

He then remembers his guest’s current attire and the blush returns. “U-um Trixie how about you go get yourself some clothes,” Ronl says, not looking at her body.

The realization hits Trixie making her blush as well “T-that would be most appropriate.” She says with a slight stutter as she grabs her dirty clothes from the bathroom.

Ronl gives a nod and has her follow him upstairs to his mom's room. But he pauses for a moment as the memory of what happened to her comes back but he puts it aside for now. He opens the door as he and Trixie enter, Ronl goes over to his mom’s drawers and opens them up. He proceeds to pull a simple shirt and sweatpants handing them to her.

“Here. Sorry if they’re a bit big,” he says while scratching the back of his head.

“No no it's fine Trixie can make it work,” Trixie assures him, taking the clean clothes.

“Ok you get dressed and I’ll put your clothes in the wash. Once you’re dressed, meet me downstairs in the living room. I’m pretty sure we both have questions for one another,” Ronl says, picking up the dirty pile getting a nod from the mare.

After a quick trip to the basement to toss the very dirty clothes in the washer, RonI returns upstairs to the kitchen and grabs two sodas from the fridge before plopping down on the couch to wait for Trixie. It didn’t take long before he heard footsteps and turned to see the woman in question walking over to him and taking a seat next to him.

“Hey, I got you a drink, I hope you like grape flavor,” RonI greets while passing Trixie a can.

“Trixie loves that flavor, thank you RonI,” Trixie thanks while popping it open and taking a big gulp before sighing in content. “That hit the spot… although not to sound rude, Trixie could really use something filling to eat.”

“Don’t worry I promised to make us something with what I got in the fridge but right now I have some questions I want to be answered first and I’m sure you do too,” RonI says while sipping his soda.

“Touche and if Trixie may be so bold to ask, what exactly are you supposed to be?” The pony woman asked.

“I’m what's known as a human or Homo-Sapien if you wanna get scientific about it,” RonI answers while smirking at Trixie’s confused face. “Judging by your expression you haven’t seen many of my kind have you?”

“Trixie doesn't think that she or anypony has even heard of your kind before let alone seen one of you. Of course, there was this mint unicorn Trixie may have heard say something about it but she couldn’t under her insane rambling,” Trixie says scratching her head.

“Well my turn I guess and it’s the same question you asked me, what the hell are you exactly Trixie?” RonI asks.

“Trixie is a pony, more specifically a Unicorn,” Trixie answers, making RonI raise an eyebrow.

“A Unicorn huh… so can you use magic or something?”

Trixie smirked before the horn on her head glowed with a pale pink aura and the couch they were sitting on began to float high in the air almost towards the ceiling before being set back down gently as RonI looked in awe.

“That is only a sample of what magic can so my dear Hooman,” Trixie giggled.

“...first of all it's pronounced Human, secondly I now know that magic is pretty much the norm in this world so I should start getting used to this type of crap,” RonI sighs while sipping his soda. “Okay, Trixie it’s your turn.”

“Ok, where did you come from exactly? Trixie knows you not from this world,” She asks curiously.

“Well my world is called Earth, but to be specific I lived on the continent of North America, in the country of the United States of America or U.S.A. for short, in the state of South Dakota, somewhere in the woods,” Ronl answers in detail. ”That doesn’t really matter at the moment but where am I anyhow?”

“Oh you’re on Equis, the country Equestria, and currently in the capital Canterlot,” Trixie replies and Ronl gives her an odd look.

“Weird names but I shouldn’t complain Earth has plenty of those,” Ronl says halfheartedly.

“So if Trixie may ask… how exactly did you get here in the first place?” Trixie asked the million-dollar question. Ronl sits there, arms crossed and head down deep in thought trying to figure that out.

“I don’t really know Trixie, one moment I was at home with my mom then…” Ronl suddenly paused as his face darkens.

“What is wrong Ronl?” Trixie asks concern, placing a hand on his shoulder.

“Trixie I'm going to tell you a bit of my past so you can get an understanding of what happened but please don’t interrupt me until I’m done explaining, alright?” Ronl tells her in a serious tone surprising her as she didn’t want to upset him so she simply nods.

“Very well, Trixie can wait until you’ve finished.” RonI sighs loudly to ready himself before he begins speaking.

“Two years ago, my family was planning a late sixteenth birthday party for me because my dad missed it due to his strict job. While upset, I still loved him as much as any son does his father. When he came home he looked like a nervous wreck with some blood on his suit and we didn’t know it was his or someone else's but he frantically told us to pack our things quickly like he just witnessed a murder. It wouldn’t be long afterward until a man named Victor Blade, one of the sons of the CEO of Blade Industries, Damian Blade. But he goes by Zero… he came and had his lackeys beat my dad while holding my mom back,” Trixie gasps in shock but stays quite letting him continue.

“I saw what was happening and decided to fight, so I took my bat, hitting one of the thugs, freeing my mom. I fought them off with a bit of nut-busting,” He lets out a weak chuckle and Trixie giggles a bit but he turns somber again.

“When there was only Zero left, he threw my dad out the door and outside as his thugs recovered enough to hold us back. My dad was begging and pleading that he wasn't going to tell anyone. Apparently, my dad learned something he shouldn’t have and Zero didn’t take his word. The bastard used his foot to keep him down and he pulled out a gun and proceeded to shoot my dad in the head three times killing him,” Tears well up in Ronl’s eyes as well as Trixie who had her hands over her mouth in shock.

“My mom was devastated and so was I but I was angry. Furious, I broke away from my captors and charged right at him full speed. I was able to beat on him but it didn’t do anything. I got my ass handed to me on a silver platter. My mom begged him not to kill us, he didn’t but he told me to get stronger like it was some kind of sick game to him. Skip forward two years later, we moved as far away from Blade Industries as we can which was my mom’s home state. She became a Video Game programmer and I helped with the stories and characters. I did what Zero told me to and trained to get stronger if I ever faced him again with my Mom joining me as well,” Ronl said as he smiled at those fond memories of him and his mother enjoyed together.

“One day on the news, police were arresting Damian and that Zero and his twin brother died in an explosion. The two of us cheered that the nightmare was over but the sad thing was it wasn’t. After we celebrated there was a weather warning of an unnatural storm in the area more specifically near our home. We tried to get out of there but it was too late the storm picked up the cabin and was tearing it apart and I even saw a cow get picked up by it before a bolt of multicolored lightning struck the poor thing and was gone, scaring the daylights out of us. My Mom was pulled out of the house by the winds and I tried to reach out to bring her back in but she got struck by a stray bolt and was gone just like the cow,” Trixie lets out an even bigger gasp than before as Ronl’s tears began to get even bigger.

“I was at a loss… the pain was ten times worse than when my Dad died and that was the worst feeling of my life. I screamed out Zero’s name in anger as if he was the cause as I needed someone to blame. Almost as if on command, he appeared right there in front of me in a flash of light. I was shocked and scared out of my wits as the bastard was supposed to be dead yet here he was. He mocked me saying I was still not strong enough which got me mad as hell but my body was racked with so much pain, angst, and lost I wasn’t exactly in fighting shape. I got beaten again by him. He wasn’t done though he stood over me and something inhumanly impossible happened… lightning gathered in his hands forming a blade before he stabs me in the gut telling me to say hi to my Dad for him and as fast he appeared he was gone. As I lay there bleeding out and just when I was about to pass out from the pain, there was a flash of light and it all went black before I found myself here… but my Mom was still nowhere in sight,” As Ronl finished, he couldn’t hold back the tears anymore and covered his face as he began to cry in despair.

Trixie does the only thing she thinks is right and pulls the crying Ronl into a firm and strong hug which he kindly accepts, burying his head into her shoulder. She whispers gentle soothing words to him to try and calm him down.

“Shh shh, it's ok the Great and Powerful Trixie is here,” Trixie whispers as she strokes his back slowly.

After a few moments, Ronl calmed down enough to collect himself. “Thanks, Trixie I needed that,” Ronl says with a smile as he wipes his tears away.

“Think nothing of it, Trixie was not going to leave you a crying mess,” Trixie says, giving him a pat on the back. “What you said about that lightning was odd, it doesn’t simply destroy anything completely,” She thinks long and hard then snaps her fingers in realization. “You got hit with it too right?” She asks getting a nod from Ronl. “What if your mother didn’t die but ended up here?” Trixie says with a thoughtful tone.

“You really think so?” Ronl says with hope filling his voice.

“It’s the only thing Trixie can think of cause even lightning here doesn’t do that unless it is special,” Trixie tells him assuringly.

Ronl places his hand over his heart whispering “Mom...” Something tells him Trixie is telling the truth. “If that's the case then I find her and bring her home,” He says we renewed vigor making Trixie giggle at his declaration.

After a bit of talking and getting to know each other, Ronl gets up and heads into the kitchen to whip them both something to eat. He opens up the fridge and pulls out a case of chicken legs and sets it in the sink and goes into the cabinet and grabs a box of mac and cheese. He then remembers he needs a veggie and grabs the frozen broccoli out of the freezer and puts it in the microwave.

"You're gonna love what I cook up for us Trixie, and I apologize in advance if it won't be to your liking," RonI says from the kitchen.

"Trixie doesn't care what it is as long as it's edible and tastes good," The Unicorn says from her spot on the couch.

"Oh don't worry it will," RonI assures. "Once I'm done making the food why don’t you tell me about yourself since I told you about yourself, okay?"

"....sure it's only fair that The Great and Powerful Trixie tells you her take as well!" Trixie boasts after some hesitation, something that RonI noticed.

"Ummm, if you don't wanna tell me now that fi-" RonI began but was cut off as the blue woman stepped into the kitchen.

"No...Trixie has listened to your story now you must listen to her's," Trixie said firmly, crossing her arms.

'I was just trying to be considerate is all,' RonI though with a sweatdrop. "Okay then, why don't we wait to talk after I'm done making us some food, kay?"

"That is acceptable to Trixie," She said with a nod as she took a seat at the table and Ronl went back to cooking.

He poured the dry macaroni into the boiling pot and started up the microwave. Then he took the chicken legs out of their packaging and put them onto the pants with a resounding sizzle. He pushes them as he sprinkles spices on them.

“That smells divine,” Trixie praises as she sniffs the cooking chicken.

“Wait till you get a taste,” Ronl chuckled, flipping the chicken legs. Once the macaroni is done cooking he puts a strainer into the sink and dumps the pot's contents into it. He gives the strainer a good shake before putting the pasta back into the pot. He adds the cheese sauce and stirs it well. The microwave went off meaning the broccoli was done. Ronl took the bag out before pouring them into a bowl. He turned off the stove when the chicken was done. Taking out two plates he puts portions of each onto the plates before bringing them to the table.

“Bon appetit,” Ronl said with a cheesy french accent putting a plate in front of Trixie and taking a seat with his food.

“Why thank you Monsieur chief,” Trixie giggled. She looks at her food.”This looks appealing to Trixie,” She said before taking a bite out of one of her chicken legs. Trixie goes wide-eyed, taking a few more quick bites.

“Whoa Whoa slow down Trixie you might choke,” Ronl told her as he dug into his own chicken albeit slower.

“Trixie’s sorry it's just that she hasn’t had anything this good in a while,” Trixie says sheepishly.

“It's ok, if you think this is good you should try my mom’s cooking. It's to die for,” He chuckles then asks “Now what is your story you didn’t look too good on our first encounter?” with some concern.

Trixie sighed before starting. “Trixie was an up and coming stage magician going from town to town showing folks her tricks and listening to her tales.” She had a smirk on her face. “She was going places her name was well known, She had big plans to go to one of the large cities to make her mark on the world!” She threw her arms out like addressing an audience making Ronl chuckle.

“She decided to stop by a small town called Ponyville to brush up onto her skills. She got a large crowd of fans and she was loving.” She smiled fondly at the memory. “Sadly she did have some neigh sayers,” She frowned in annoyance which made Ronl chuckle again at the unintentional pun.

“She showed them up proving her skill in her magic.” She grinned in pride but it soon turned into a frown. “But turns out later that night two of Trixie’s big fans took one of her tales seriously and decided to bring an Ursa Major to the town for me to defeat! Idiots!” She yelled slamming her fists onto the table spooking Ronl before grabbing her hands to calm her down a bit.

“Trixie hates to admit it but she had no powerful spells to fight it.” She says with defeat. “It was until a resident unicorn came and put the beast to sleep, Twilight Sparkle.” Trixie grits “ Apparently what those two little fools brought was actually an Ursa Minor, a baby version of the Ursa Major,” She sighed again. “One of its fingers was as big as a pony for crying out loud!” Trixie shouted in disbelief. “Trixie thought the two colts would be in trouble but noooo, they blamed Trixie!” She clenches her fist hard. “They ran Trixie out of town for it, not Trixie’s fault they couldn’t take her stories with a grain of salt!” She shouted “She figured it was just a sent back and she could bounce back,” She gained a mock hopeful look until it fell quickly. “Turns out Six of the residents were the Elements of Harmony, Heroes of Equestria, word got around fast and now Trixie is seen as a pariah!” She grinds her teeth until tears start to well up.

“I was homeless after my caravan was stepped on by the Usra.” She says in depression, no longer speaking in the third person surprising Ronl. “Hotels kicked me out, restaurants banned me just as I was about to enter, and stories overcharged me.” She blanches as her tears fell. “My name was mud, I was ruined!” She wept and covered her face with her hands.

“Trixie...I'm so sorry for what happened to you,” Ronl comforted. Trixie sniffled looking at him with appreciation.

“It’s ok you didn’t cause Trixie’s plight.” She assured returning to speaking in the first person wiping her tears. “The fault is that damn narrow-minded town.” She growled in rage. “They will rue the day they messed with THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!!!” She shouts at the top of her lungs.

“Oh dear, she’s got revenge on the mind.” Ronl thinks to himself with worry. “Trixie… don’t do that.” he simply said.

“Why not?! They deserve what they have done to me!” Trixie shouted.

“CAUSE IT’S NOT WORTH IT!” Ronl roared out, standing up slamming his hands onto the table scaring Trixie. “I know another thing or two about wanting revenge! I spent two whole years wanting to kill Zero!” He breathes heavily before sitting back down. “But my mom was there for me so i didn’t get myself killed.” He continues seriously. “I learned in that time that if I continued down that path I would be just as bad as the very monster I hated.” This makes Trixie blink before she was deep in thought.

“So what you are saying is that if Trixie takes revenge on Ponyville she….” Trixie drifted off.

“....you’ll go down a path you’ll probably never come back from, trust me when I say it probably won’t be worth it in the end,” RonI finishes somberly.

“I would become the very thing they hate…a menace.” She says just as somber.

RonI walks over to the mare and pulls her into a tender hug. “Hey it’s okay Trixie, I’ll admit that those people in Ponyville deserve some payback but if you do it the way you are now it’ll only make your life worse than it already is….but maybe there is a way to get back at them without even having to touch them.”


“Well, being The Great and Powerful Trixie has always been your stage name right?” This earns him a nod. “Then why don’t you get even more great and powerful than you were before? Show them that they made a mistake with not only your words but your actions and become the greatest and most powerful mare to ever walk these lands.”

“The Greatest and Most Powerful Trixie,” She mutters before grinning. “I like it, but it won't be easy.”

“It never is but the rewards are well worth it in the end,” Ronl chuckled, patting Trixie’s back “Now come on, let’s finish eating this food I worked hard to make and afterward we’ll figure out what to do next together, alright?”

“Very well, we don’t need this delicious food you made for Trixie to go cold any longer,” Trixie agreed with a smile.

As two unlikely friends from completely different worlds continue to eat their meal in peace and talk about random things, RonI has no idea that his small yet kind actions in helping Trixie have greatly changed the course of history onto a new but unknown path. What new adventures and opportunities will be open for our heroes? And what of new dangers and enemies lurk beyond the horizon? Only time will tell, find out next time on the next chapter of Equestria’s Jumpman!