Cyclone: Radiance

by Dusk Melody

First published

The Mane-iac has won. The Power Ponies have been captured. Only Radiance has escaped, now she's being hunted by her enemy's goons. Will she get away? Will they catch her?

The Mane-iac has won. The Power Ponies have been captured. Only Radiance has escaped, now she's being hunted by her enemy's goons. Will she get away? Will they catch her? Will they turn her over to the maniacal villain, or will they take out their pent up sexual frustrations on the fleeing mare?

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Pain burned in Radiance's lungs as she ran. She had lost track of how long she had been running, and she was starting to tire. Still, she dared not slow down. Her pursuers were out there, somewhere, behind her, chasing her through the dark dirty back alleys of Maretropolis. She dared not look back, she forced herself to keep running at her gallop, even though her breaths were coming short and fast.

"Get back here bitch!” hollered one of the three males chasing the Power Pony. “There's no use running!” the crimson coloured unicorn gestured silently to the griffon that hovered overhead and to the dark green zebra that galloped at his side. Quietly, he directed the chase. Assuredly, he knew they’d catch their prey.

"Fuck!" the unicorn gasped and on instinct, she lit her horn in an attempt to use her potent magic to create an escape. However, the glowing green collar around her neck linked to her horn stopped her spell instantly. As she ran, skidding into an abandoned warehouse, she cursed her luck that they had managed to get it on her in the first place. ‘How could I have been so careless?’ she thought to herself as she struggled to draw breath into her aching lungs. ‘It’s not all my fault,’ she mused, ‘the stallion had been very charming in the back of the zebra’s taxicab.

The unmistakable sound of thunderously trotting hooves somewhere behind her drew Radiance from her reverie, and panic set in as they seemed to quicken after she had ducked into the warehouse. It was simply no use. She had to stop. Panting heavily, Radiance hid behind an old piece of machinery covered in rust and oil. She was exhausted, sweaty and her dark blue bejewelled costume was ripped in several 'revealing' places. 'Damn!' she cursed, for taking stock of her situation had not improved it in any way.

Hiding gave her the chance to think. She couldn’t ever remember a battle against the Mane-iac ever going this badly before! Just as they had always done, they had confronted their arch nemesis in her factory, but this time, they had walked straight into a trap! Filli-Second and Zap had been neutralised by the Hairspray Ray of Doom in an instant. Radiance had fled along with the others in order to regroup and counterattack.

On hindsight, perhaps running into a purple taxicab with a green hairspray logo on the doors had perhaps not been her greatest moment.

"Hold up,” the unicorn ordered, pausing at the entrance their quarray had just ran into, “Spread out. She couldn't have gone far." The trio dispersed and like hound dogs on the scent, they immediately noticed the faint smell of fear laced with sweat. The griffon, flying above, smelled it the strongest and pointed his clawed hand to where he thought their target was hiding.

Radiance looked around in fear like the cornered dog she was, taking stock of her situation. She had no magic, no friends, no options left, and she was hiding in a filthy disgusting warehouse being hunted by three of the Mane-iac’s most determined trackers. 'Damn!' She knew she couldn’t stay there forever, but where could she run to? There was only one way out, the way she had come in, and that was too far away now.

"Wait. Over here!” exclaimed the unicorn after a few minutes of searching, “I can sense the collar!"

'Shit!' Radiance gathered what reserves she had left, which at that point wasn't much, and, with no other choice, she turned and ran across the warehouse towards the open exit, only to gallop right into the swooping griffon. "AAAAH!" she skidded to a halt, ears back and her hackles up. The sandy brown griffon wasted no time on the terrified mare and he swiped at her with his claws and knocked her out. Radiance fell to the ground, a quip for the moment dying on her lips and the world went dark as she hit the floor of the dirty warehouse with a dull thud.

Smirking, the griffon posed in celebration of his victory. "Set her up on that table over there,” Feathers pointed to the nearby metal table, “We ain't going to just take her back. She's paying for the little stunt she just pulled."

The dark green zebra gave the griffon a sideways glance as the unicorn levitated the unconscious Radiance from the filthy warehouse floor over to the equally dirty table. "What do you have in mind, Feathers?"

"What do you think?” Feathers shot back, licking his yellow beak in anticipation of the treat to come, “Ain't every day you get the chance to fuck a Power Pony. Do you want to go first?"

"Sure, but why don't we make it fun..." the unicorn grinned a very sadistic grin and from his saddle bag, he produced a bright red latex isolation suit with a flourish like he was Santa Hooves on Hearths Warming morning.

"Oh hell yeah." The griffon smirked, liking the idea very much – if his hardening cock was anything to judge by – and using his sharp talons, he callously ripped the bejewelled costume off of the unconscious pony. He wasn’t careful either. By the time he was finished stripping the mare, her dark blue costume lay in shreds and lots of thin red scratches covered her body.

"I thought you'd like that, Feathers," the unicorn then tossed the suit on the table next to the still knocked out Radiance. "You two get our guest dressed, I'm gonna prepare another surprise for when she wakes up."

Just like when he had stripped her, Feathers was not careful at all with his claws as he and the zebra forced the mare into the constricting restrictive latex suit. Nicking the poor pony in several places, he added to the tally of scratches. Once she was in the suit, however, he laid her down on her belly on the table and spread her legs. "All yours. Don’t make a mess."

By the time the griffon and zebra had the pony properly dressed in the latex suit, the unicorn had prepared a wall with holes. Strategically placed holes designed to keep whoever was trapped in the wall exposed, immobile and vulnerable. "I wanna mount our trophy before we mount her," he laughed at his own joke.

A smirk became a childish smile that plastered itself all over the griffon’s face. "That's great, Horns. How long did it take you to come up with that?"

Casually, the unicorn flipped the griffon off with his hooves as he levitated the mare over to the wall of holes he had just built from the wooden planks that just happened to be laying around the warehouse. "Just shut it and get her hooves secured in the cuffs before she wakes up, huh? Do you wanna chase her around the city again?"

Feathers jogged in place, the griffon stretching his sandy brown wings and his arms until the muscles popped. While he had wings he enjoyed the ground better, particularly when chasing earthbound prey. "I can go for another run, can't you?” he asked with snark in his voice before he lifted Radiance up and shoved her rear first into the large middle hole.

“I can,” the unicorn shot back as he pulled and straightened the tight red latex suit over the sleeping mare’s rear end. He took a moment to fully appreciate the way the hole in back framed her exposed marehood and anus just so, “But the boss is on her way here. You want to explain to her why her toy got away?” the griffon’s silence spoke volumes. “Thought not.”

The zebra and the griffon both worked quickly and quietly to restrain Radiance in the holes and the cuffs, only stopping when she was fully immobilised. When they were done, she was bent over at the waist, her ass end sticking through the middle hole, her forelegs pulled up and back where a set of cuffs held them tight. Her hind hooves were held in a set of cuffs at the base of the wall. "Uuuuugh..." almost on cue, the mare groaned as she started to come around from the blow the griffon had struck her.

Horns, seeing that the bound mare was starting to wake, bought out another thing to taunt her with. The crimson unicorn held up a round metal ring gag, waving it in front of the mare's face in his green magical aura, thoroughly enjoying the look of fear on her face.

"Pl-Please..." Radiance begged and squirmed in her bondage, "Please don't do...whatever it is you're gonna do, please!"

Walking around behind her, Feathers bought his clawed hand down hard on her latex clad flank, hard enough he was sure, to leave a mark. "Shut up. Relax, and you just might enjoy it,” said the griffon.

"AAaaAAH pl-please!" Radiance squealed, definitely not shutting up, even though she knew it was pointless to scream. A scream in the Maretropolis dockyards was nothing out of the ordinary, even if there was anypony else around to hear it, which she doubted. "Wh-What...what are you gonna do?"

"Shut her up already, Horns!"

Smirking at the impatient griffon, the unicorn magically slid the ring gag in the struggling mare's mouth until the wide metal circle was wedged behind her teeth and he buckled it tightly around the back of her head. "Who's going first?"

The griffon, who had been working behind the wall to secure the mare’s tail so that it was up and out of the way, answered his colleague’s question by immediately rearing up behind her and pressing his slick cock against her offered asshole. "AAaaAAAAAHN!" Radiance squirmed and thrashed in her restraints as she felt the tip of the griffon's cock forcefully press against her puckered anus.

"Stripes," the unicorn shoved the zebra, "Why don't you try her mouth." While the dark green zebra sauntered over to the mare slowly, giving her chance to set her eyes on his long swaying erection that bobbed between his hind legs, the griffon behind her entered her gradually, inch by inch, the pointed tip immediately becoming a short but very fat cock at the base.

Without another word, the zebra reared up in front of Radiance and, as he supported himself with his forehooves pressed against the wall, he entered her gagged open mouth as the unicorn levitated two patches over the mare's eyes, effectively blinding her to the events to come. Radiance moaned, drool leaking from her mouth as she felt the cock enter and stretch out her asshole.

The griffon supported himself on the wall and now he was fully inserted, he got to work wrecking the unicorn's ass. Lewd moans and screams came from the mare and the griffon alike, the sounds of sex echoing around the abandoned warehouse as the two males pounded Radiance's mouth and ass. The zebra using her mouth like a fleshlight did not last long. With a snort and a savage thrust, he hilted into the helpless mare's mouth and he blasted a load of cum into her throat.

A few moments later, and Feathers followed after the zebra. He gave her a particularly hard thrust of his hips and he forced his knot inside her anal cavity and he squirted his hot sticky cum deep inside the mare's asshole. Radiance screamed as the zebra pulled out and the griffon knotted in her ass, a load of semen that she hadn’t been able to swallow spewing from her gagged open mouth and spattering on the floor. "Your turn, Horns, where are you doing her?" the panting zebra asked as he wiped his dick clean on the latex covering the mare’s head.

"I guess I'll use that pretty little mouth of hers,” the unicorn snickered, “You’ve already warmed it up for me,” He just didn’t fancy getting up close and personal with the griffon, who didn’t seem like he was going anywhere anytime soon. When he was in front of her, he slapped her face with his rock-hard cock. In response, and in an act of defiance, she spat a glob of cum on his hard dick. Behind her, the griffon remained hilted, trapped by his knot, pumping rope after rope of seed in the mare's bowels "Come on,” he grinned, poking her eye with his cock.

Radiance was powerless to resist, and she winced as the large flat head of the stallion's dick rubbed hard against the latex patch that covered her eyes. It stung and made her eyes water. She was sorely tempted to stomp her hoof, but she held back, just. "Stick your tongue out for me, slut." She whimpered in defeat and she stuck out her tongue through the gag, and she squealed as the griffon tried to pull out before his knot had fully receded.

She hated to admit it, and she knew her body was betraying her, but this was the hottest thing that had ever happened to her. She was glad the latex was covering her head. It meant they couldn’t see her blush. Radiance was ashamed to admit it, but she hadn’t thought of her fellow Power Ponies since the scene had begun.

The unicorn laid the head of his member on her tongue, bringing the mare out of her thoughts about Marevellous, Matter Horn and Saddle Rager. "Now work it,” he ordered, a smug smile spreading over his face as he looked down on her. Finally the griffon managed to pull out, but only after he had painted her insides and distended her belly with the amount of ejaculate pumped into her bowels, only to be replaced in her gaping asshole by the zebra, who enthusiastically thrust into the captive's hole. Radiance, whimpering, hurriedly ran her tongue all over the unicorn's erect cock.

"You lick it good and I might ask Mane-iac to go easy on you,” Horns teased her, knowing full well she could hear him, “I could use a personal dick polisher…” Radiance whined at the thought that this was to be her life and desperately she bobbed her head forward, trying to slather her tongue over as much of the shaft as she could while behind her the zebra hilted, roughly slapping his heavy balls against her ass.

That was when, without any warning, Horns shoved his cock down her throat. "Make it worth my while, fleshlight," he sneered as Radiance choked on the unicorn's big cock. It was thinner than the zebra's, but a lot longer. Some four inches longer, and the flared tip reached the back of her mouth before the medial ring had passed the O gag. "Come on. I want to see you take all of it,” he groaned as he pushed in further, invading her throat.

"UUuuUUUURK!" Radiance gasped and gagged as the shaft plunged into her hot wet throat, a generous amount of spit and slobber leaking from her stuffed maw. Rational thought left the prim and proper mare. She wasn’t a superhero; she wasn’t even a pony. She had been reduced to a set of holes to be fucked.

And, shameful as it was to admit, she was loving every single second.

The crimson unicorn sighed as he retreated, pulling his cock out just enough to allow his toy to take one gasp of breath before he plunged back inside. Now he was getting up a steady but firm rhythm, he was more than content with just ramming the back of her throat. "UuuUUK guuuUUUUK aaaAAAK!" Radiance made the lewd gagging noises as her throat was fucked raw, the unicorn's thrusting dick making an obscene bulge that showed through the latex suit she had been dressed in, her face used like it was a pussy.

"She's ugh better than oof than your ahh sister, Stripes. Damn!" the unicorn groaned as he felt his orgasm start to build. He knew he wouldn’t last very much longer buried in a throat like that.

"Fuck you, Horns," the zebra smirked, and he would have flipped him off, but he was too busy reared up behind the trapped mare and shooting his torrent of cum deep inside her ass, his seed mixing with the griffon’s that had already filled the Power Pony’s abused rectum, her belly swelling like a beach ball inside the ever tightening latex suit.

"When's the boss getting here?" asked the griffon, who had moved around to the front and who was reared up at the side of the mare, jerking his cock off in his clawed hand over her head.

Unable to stop himself, and he had tried, the unicorn hilted inside Radiance’s throat with a hard thrust that made the poor mare gag and almost throw up. A second later though and she had something else to worry about. His cock flared deep inside Radiance's throat. "Shit!” he hollered as he came, “S-she better hurry. Or I'm not gonna give this bitch up."”

"Did somepony call?" came a very extravagant and over the top voice from the entrance of the abandoned warehouse. Without waiting for a reply, the Mane-iac strutted into the large space, all covered in her tight purple latex suit, her tentacled mane writhing about her head of its own accord. "Having fun with my latest prisoner, I see, are we boys?" not that she minded. She already had two of her friends captive back at her factory.

At that, the unicorn pulled away from the Power Pony and cum shot up from her throat out of her mouth like a bottle with the cork popped. "Catcher's fee, you know how it goes, boss."

"Hmmm...I suppose I can allow that," the insane mare snickered as she strutted up to the bound pony. "Did you save any of the delicious little Radiance for me?"

"Her pussy's untouched. If you want that. "

"Of course!" Radiance heard the Mane-iac and she whimpered, coughing up more of the unicorn's seed that she had failed to swallow. "It’ll give me a chance to test my latest invention!" the twisted unicorn reared up and proudly showed off the double strap on she was wearing, which was two distinctly larger than average equine phalluses positioned one above the other.

Fortunately, the deranged mare didn't notice the snickers of her lackeys as she removed the patches that covered her prisoner's eyes. She wanted her to see her doom. "Pretty little Radiance, you see this?" she displayed the two huge cocks that hung from her crotch, "I'm going to destroy you." With that, she sauntered behind the captured pony, ignoring her repeated mewling pleas for mercy and to be set free. "Oh, boys, if you have anything left, feel free to ruin her throat."

The unicorn, who was still recovering from blowing his load just a few moments before, chose to sit this one out, as did the griffon, who was content to watch. "Go on Stripes,” they both encouraged their partner. Before Radiance could even think of begging again, the zebra reared up in front of the mare and he roughly shoved his cock through the O gag.

On the other side of the wall, the Mane-iac lined up her toys and after two misses where she jabbed at the captive's thighs, she managed to insert them both in her pussy and ass, getting a muffled scream for her trouble. "I do believe I shall enjoy this!" she crowed gleefully, pulling out halfway and thrusting harshly back inside. "For all the time the Puny Ponies thwarted my schemes, I shall take it from you now!"

Hot wet tears leaked from Radiance's eyes, the mare incapable of anything else as the zebra's cock filled her mouth and throat once more. The Mane-iac cackled insanely as she gripped the wall in her hooves and, braced, she really pounded the poor Power Pony's rear. Every hard thrust made the trapped pony's head lunge forwards, further impaling her on the zebra's cock. Spit roasted from both ends, with all her holes filled at once, Radiance shamefully came, squirting her essence all over her captor's thrusting crotch.

Still, the demented mare did not stop. She only fucked her harder and harder, plunging the toys deeper and deeper until the one in her pussy tapped against her cervical wall. A loud piercing scream mixed with a grunt signified that the two using her were nearing their respective climaxes as well. With that, after several deep penetrating thrusts, Radiance pissed herself, the stream of pee mixing with the fluids already released by the multiple rutting she had endured. As the Mane-iac and Stripes both came, Radiance, utterly exhausted and spent, tapped out, and she pressed the safety button hidden under her front hooves.

Several things all happened at once the moment that Cyclone pressed the safety button.

An alarm blared, sounding a siren that echoed around the film set.

The lights came up, illuminating the formerly darkened set in bright light.

"Cut!" yelled Frame Rate, the director of the Manehatten Playcolt film shoot.

The two actors that were hilted in Cyclone's holes immediately pulled out of her mouth, marehood and anus respectively and they backed away a safe distance. Two support crew came in and draped them in dressing gowns, as two more support crew ponies came in to help the panting mare out of the wall and the cuffs that bound her.

"Cy, hey, are you okay?" asked the mare who had played the cackling Mane-Iac as she removed her tentacled wig, revealing herself at last to be a rather shy unicorn.

"Uuuuuuuh…." Cyclone, who was still in the latex isolation suit, barely managed to give an 'okay' hooves up gesture to her fellow worker. She shot her a tired but very happy smile. She liked Passionfruit a lot, and Cyclone hated the thought of the usually shy mare feeling bad that she might have hurt her.

"Great job, kid," the unicorn, affectionately known as ‘Clamhammer’ in the porn circles, gently patted Cyclone’s head before leaving to give the crew space to safely remove her from the bondage rig.

“Alright, alright!” Frame Rate cried out through his megaphone, “Let’s give our new star some breathing space! Great work guys, that’s a wrap for this shoot! Respite, Welfare, get Cy to the showers, get her a massage and a bath, let Good Health have a look at her, make sure she’s okay.”

Cyclone couldn't say anything, particularly because the gag was still in her mouth. Quickly, the support crew removed her from the wall and removed the gag. "Come on, sweetie, let's get you out of that stuff, shall we?" The support pony, Respite, gave the pegasus a well done pat on the back while her sister, Welfare, used her magic to strip the tired mare of the latex suit.

“Blue…where’s Blue…I need Blue!” Cyclone muttered while the two identical sisters removed the suit she had been wearing, as well as the fake unicorn horn she had worn to complete the look as ‘Radiance’. One gave her a much-needed drink of water at the same time, the other freed her wings from the body sleeve she had worn for the shoot and fluffed up her feathers.

“Bluefeather’s in your dressing room, honey,” Welfare said as she gently nuzzled Cyclone’s cheek, “We’re gonna get you cleaned up and checked over, then you can relax with her as much as you want, okay?”

The aftercare took almost an hour, in which Cyclone was first showered and bathed by the two sisters, each of the ponies taking great care to wash the sweat and semen from her fur and her feathers, as well as expelling the couple of loads that were inside her. Once she was cleaned to Respite’s satisfaction, and Good Health and given her the all clear, she was escorted to her private room where her marefriend waited.

As she gingerly walked into her dressing room, Cyclone looked over weakly at the grey pegasus with the blue tips on her wings. Her beloved Bluefeather. The older pegasus was reclining on a large chaise enjoying a hot coffee, and the two lovers shared a longing smile. "H-Hey Blue..." she sighed softly, "En...Enjoy t-the show?"

"I got off three times,” Bluefeather grinned and made way on the chaise for her exhausted young lover. Then, she pointed the forehoof she had used to get off three times at the HD monitor set up on the dressing table, “You were so good!"

Cyclone whimpered, holding out her forehooves for a much-needed cuddle the moment she rested her tired body, "I can hardly feel my hind legs..."

Lovingly, Bluefeather held her mare tight to her grey furred body, "Isn't that how you like it?" she said with a giggle and a gentle boop of the black nose with her still slightly sticky hoof.

Cyclone giggled, "I had no complaints the last time you rutted me senseless," she nestled her head deep into her lover's embrace, savouring the scent of her perfume, "What was your favourite bit of the show?"

A sly look crossed Bluefeather’s face, "When the evil unicorn deepthroated Radiance's throat."

Giggling, Cyclone kissed her lover’s lips, "You wanna do that later, right?"

"Maybe,” Bluefeather gave her a knowing wink and nuzzled her nose.

"You ah, you might want to give it a day or two before we do it proper, y'know?” Cyclone said with a very deep blush that spread across her cheeks as she wiggled her very, very used rear end, “My butt is a bit sore from all"

"Hehehehe...” Bluefeather affectionately caressed her mare’s tender flanks, “A shame."

"A shame, is that I nearly passed out just from that chase scene!" she giggled, her lack of fitness quite legendary between the two of them and their friends, "Can you imagine it, blacking out before Feathers had a chance to knock me out?"

"I could tell,” Bluefeather snickered and laughed, her hoof making gentle circles in her mare’s jet-black flanks, “Even when we do it, you have to be the one laying down."

"Oh shut up," Cyclone smiled and passionately she kissed her lover's lips, "You love being on top and you know it."