Side Effects

by Jackelope

First published

Luster, in an attempt to alleviate the damnable heat, seeks help from the local zebra shaman. Unfortunately, she is away, and he is forced now to deal with her overly flirtatious apprentice. Hopefully the remedy he is prescribed doesn't have any...

There is a village which lies further to the south than any other in the Zebrica. A place where the seemingly endless desert, the sands deep orange and hazy with the land's scorching heat, meet with the dense, bountiful tropics. From the soft sands, countless numbers of large, gigantic trees erupt. The rotund bark columns cast such large shadows over the landscape, the passing sun gives the shadows wavy appearances, as though the very area was itself was a zebra - striped. Under the shadows of the trees and along a gushing freshwater river, the village was built. How the settlement came to end up there is a mystery. Not even the lengthy oral histories of the zebra shamans can elaborate on its being or who first laid the foundations. It had no purpose. It simply existed. So thusly, it was named: Jirachuu. Fitting. It translates to 'exist'.

- The Secrets of Zebrica

Luster is an avid travel writer, going from one corner of the globe to rediscover lost locations and shed light on the renowned. Now, in the village of Jirachu, a particular resident will shed light on an aspect of himself also undiscovered...

Kinks: Kinda Gay. Aphrodisiac. Penis and ball growth. Solo. Magical aided masturbation. Autofellatio. Pony-on-zebra action. Pony top and dom. Cock worship. Sixty-Nine.
This was a commission
New, fantastic cover art by Scheadar!


Featured 27/03/2020 :twilightsmile:
Proofread and edited with the help of LusterUnicorn (who also owns the OC) and Deergenerate (thanks for pressing all the buttons :rainbowlaugh: )

Chapter 1: Sweating

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It was mid-afternoon. The sun was beginning to dip in the east, but still shone brilliantly in an ocean of blue, not a single wisp of cloud in the sky. The striped residents went about their day, flashing communal smiles to one another; not at all fazed by the sun beating down on the backs of their necks. Young striped colts and fillies chased one another around, playing tag or some variant thereof, running between the gaps of buildings and fellow zebras, full of energy despite the heat. However, amongst the striped denizens, there was one who was noticeably stripe-less, horned and carrying a reserved expression upon his face. He had been there long enough to no longer catch their attention now, having lived amongst the villagers now for about a month. At most, he would earn a nod of familiarity and perhaps a warm, courteous smile. That was typically the extent of his relations with most of the residents of the places he visited. Conversation and curious interrogation. He would remember their names to write down, the approximate detail of their face in his memory but never more. The unicorn could not risk becoming friends with them, not when he could come to leave them so soon.

But speaking of, the unicorn's name was Luster, and he, at that present, had ventured further south than any pony before him. His purpose for being there was literary, unsurprising, considering the mark upon his flank – a red feathered quill scratching down words upon a page. He intended to cover the lesser-known sights of the world, and his travels had taken him from the badlands to the snowy mountain ranges of the yaks, from Vanhoover in the West all the way to Griffonstone in the East. However, it was now time for Equestria's most mysterious neighbour, the Zebras. His deep sapphire eyes offered deeply curious glances to the locale, and no matter how many times he scanned the same building twice, saw the same stallion or mare, or eat the same food, his fascination for the isolated tribe never wavered. They were completely alone from the rest of their kind, and most except the oldest of them had never seen a pony before, yet despite their social isolation, they welcomed him into their community with open arms. The same could not be said of the environment, however. Specks of sand clung with determination to his light grey fetlocks, and if his mane were not already snow-white he was sure it would have been bleached so by now by the harshness of the Zebrican sun.

The sun, in fact, was his reason for leaving his lodgings. Even though he appreciated warmth in modest amounts, he found that it was becoming more and more unbearable the longer he stayed here. Not even the ample shade and plentiful water could assuage him. So, with a measure of reluctance in his steps, he made his way towards the town's shaman. He was not too well acquainted with her, having only learned her name in passing - Gamna. Apparently, she spoke in rhyme. He was intently curious about that. How did it function? What if she was forced to say 'orange'? He was almost tempted to bring it up if not for the worry it might cause offence. However, his reservations were not for the healer herself, he was ecstatic about meeting the reclusive mare. Rather, it was her apprentice that slowed his steps somewhat. The zebra under her tutelage was a... curious example of his kind. Quite literally. He seemed almost as enthusiastic in his inquisitiveness about ponies as the unicorn was about the zebras. While his first couple of days in the village was met with constant questioning about the outside world by the locals, their interest faded after a while, content with what they now knew. All except one. Malaa.

The young zebra was keen on the outside world. Luster was all too happy to indulge his questioning, at first. The apprentice would accompany him from place to place, and eventually, the unicorn had something of a rapport with the striped stallion. He would ask about something local, get an answer, then he would answer one of the zebra's myriad questions. The zebra's enthusiasm was inspiring. It pleased Luster that he had found somepony as curious about the world as he was. Such an intense curiosity was a trait he thought unique to himself. However, after a while, even the questions became less and less about the world and just about him, Luster still was happy to answer each and every single one, even learning a little about Malaa in the process. He went on about himself to the striped stallion, telling him of everything. From his six years alone on the road to his exploits whilst on it. In fact, he was so enthralled in their conversations, that he didn't remember the sun being quite so intense during them. He had come to view the young zebra as a friend… until Malaa ruined everything.


He approached the shaman's dwelling at the edge of town wearing neither, however, skirting past a mare and stallion yapping at one another by the door. Luster thought he heard mention of an ‘aid’ but he didn't stand there to eavesdrop. The unicorn entered, the lights low but the air thankfully cool, stopping mid-step to take a breath in such refreshing conditions. The hut was aired out from strategic placements of the windows, however, the unicorn's nose pricked at the earthy smell. He scanned the room, noting a large number of roots and mundane ingredients hanging from various racks and hooks around the place. There didn't seem to be any discernible organisation to the way the ingredients were placed, although he made a mental note to ask about it eventually. In the room's middle there was a large round table piled high with books and bottles; most empty with the exception of one vial filled with a rich amber liquid. However, before Luster could absorb any more his eyes drifted to the only other occupant of the room. A striped stallion standing beside a large boiling pot, eyes deep in a thick book...


The lithe zebra stood with his back to the door, his hooves reaching up to occasionally flip through the pages. He appeared lost in the great tome, his eyes absorbing the words like one would a meal. Luster drank in the sight of the familiar zebra - his toned, firm body very telling of a healthy and ascetic lifestyle, one which the unicorn would feel envy or admiration if not for the sour thoughts the zebra blossomed in his mind. Although his staring lasted perhaps overly long without a word. Malaa suddenly took a bored glance towards him, then the book again before shooting them to the door once more; his cheek tugging into a grin, recognition glinting in his eye.

"Luster!" he greeted, beaming at the unicorn with a smile to rival the harshness of the sun; a joyful twinkle in his scarlet eyes.

"Hello, Malaa..." Luster replied formally, his voice strained as he tried to put on a facade of politeness. "Where's the shaman?"

“And here I thought you came to see me. Master Gamna has taken a small pilgrimage into the jungle,” he promptly. If Luster knew one thing about the zebra, it was that the striped stallion would not give up the opportunity to slip in a coy remark, no matter the context. And already, Malaa erased the space between himself and the unicorn. Luster remained rooted, even as the zebra left only half a foot of space between their muzzles. He knew no matter how many steps back he took the zebra would take another to stay close to him. “She just used up the last of the Maca root on a huge batch of remedies. The potion it’s used for requires only the most potent essence of the strongest aphrodisi-”

“Right, right,” Luster spoke, interrupting the zebra mid-speech, preemptively nodding. The irritation of both the heat and the zebra’s insistent proximity making him impatient. “I’m here because I wanted something from Gamna.”

“Oh, and I thought it was me that you desired,” Malaa quipped with a coy smile. “I was wondering when you would have a change of heart.”

“No,” Luster replied, bored. “I need something to help me with this damnable heat. I could barely walk here without collapsing.”

“Hmph,” Malaa turned his back on the unicorn, striding back over to his tome with a noticeable sway in his walk – one the unicorn suspected was intentional. “Our village is next to a river. Take a dip,” he suggested flippantly, plopping his rear upon the thatched floor. “I didn’t expect an author such as yourself to be so dim.”

“I was hoping for something a little longer lasting than a quick splash,” the unicorn replied, his tone flat. “A potion, remedy, or lotion perhaps?”

“Are you asking if I can make sun cream?” Malaa looked back at him, brow raised and mouth grinning in amusement.

“In a manner of speaking...” Luster answered. There was a pause, pregnant and quiet. Malaa sat unmoving, simply staring. Luster gave a slight roll of his eyes. “Please? I would appreciate it. Really.”

After yet another brief moment of quiet Malaa sighed through his nostrils, rising to his hooves before trotting over to the large boiling cauldron. He reached above it, yanking down a clove of something unknown to the unicorn, then a stringy purple root, and finally, a bright yellow blossom attached to a cut stalk. Luster stepped closer to bear witness to the novice alchemy of the zebra. He crushed the clover between his hooves, shredding the root with teeth before chewing up the flower and spitting it into the boiling water. Luster then observed with visible fascination as Malaa spoke in a tongue still foreign to the unicorn’s ears. The zebra gestured with several slow movements, summoning magic that only his eyes could see. After a few minutes, the process was over. He grabbed a vial and dunked it into the waters, his hoof not scalded when he pulled it out. Inside the vial was a thick, orange juice that was quickly contained with a cork top. Luster was drawn in, fascinated by the entire process of exoticism and new magic.

“A common remedy for elders or foals who cannot handle our strong summers,” Malaa informed idly, striding past Luster to place the closed vial on the table. “Perfect for an outlander such as yourself.”

“And what do I do with it?” Luster inquired, approaching the table.

“Treat it like sun cream. Rub it into your coat. Focus on covering as much area as possible. It could be quite difficult actually. I would be all too happy to lend a hoof,” the zebra purred, glancing over his shoulder with a sultry look, his tail flicking.

“No thank you,” Luster replied passively, barely meeting the zebra’s gaze.

“Suit yourself,” he replied, shrugging before sitting back down before the open book.

Luster’s horn sparked as he looked at the table, ready to take leave with the solution to the heat, although it quickly fizzled as a question interrupted the flow of magic. “Tch,” he tutted. He looked Malaa, whose back was still towards him. “How do you know what sun cream is?”

The zebra spoke without looking up from his book. “You told me, remember? You ran out of it in your first week,” he finished with a quiet smirk, flipping the page.

Luster blinked, struggling to remember the conversation but he eventually did. It was so long ago and so small a topic Luster was impressed by the zebra’s recollection. “How do you remember that?”

“I’ve never forgotten a moment of our time together...” he replied, devoid of the zebra’s usual spunk and playfulness. He still didn’t look away from the tome.

Luster said nothing, unsure on how to follow-up such a statement. He looked at the deep orange vial placed next to the mysterious amber concoction from before. Luster then stole a glance at the zebra, again, battling with whether or not to say anything else. His horn glowed a deep blue, enveloping his remedy, bringing it close to his chest and leaving without thinking; his eyes never leaving the zebra until he was well and truly out the door.

When Luster reached his room back at the lodge, he wasted no more of his time to the unrelenting heat. Uncorking the vial, he immediately smeared the amber liquid over his coat, using both hooves and magic to aid him in this process. He covered his muzzle, torso, each of his limbs; the thin gelatinous potion already doing wonders for the piercing temperature. He could feel the blood quicken in flow throughout his body, exfoliating and soothing. His form sagged to the floor with relief as the warm Zebrican heat no longer smouldered him quite as harshly. In such a state, he sought only one thing in his dwelling – his bed.

He threw himself onto the primitive mattress, nuzzling into his feather-stuffed pillow like a lover as he fell gradually to sleep. It had been weeks since he could find true comfort in the bed, the clammy warmth not the most comfortable of blankets. However, as his breathing softened and slowed, his body rising and falling, finding sweet solace in his newfound respite. A part of him did remain warm, a small dancing flame. The longer he dwelled in his dreamless sleep, the stronger that fire grew, eventually becoming a roaring blaze...

Chapter 2: Arousal

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When Luster reopened his eyes, it was the first ray of early dawn’s light hit him in the face. He was staring at the ceiling, in disbelief that he had slept through the night. However, something more pressing was on his mind. His nostrils were congested with a thick, musky scent, his breaths reduced to curt shallow inhales – almost a pant. He thought he had awoken gravely ill, but the intense warmth he felt in his loins certainly wasn’t an everyday occurrence. It took only the slightest raise of his head to spot what ailed him.

He was so taken aback by the sight of his own erection that he didn’t even act upon his first instinct to touch it. The grey mottled cock throbbed with a lust so strong that the unicorn was nearly overwhelmed by it. There was a thin layer of sweat covering his meat, just enough to have it glisten in the candlelight, his own potent musk clogging his nose with a perfunctory yet equally arousing odour. His meaty appendage nearly crossed its owner’s eyes at its sheerness. He didn’t remember it being this large, appearing both thicker and longer in size. The unicorn didn’t even need to feel it for himself to notice the difference, the weight too different to not. However, he could no longer neglect it. The more he hesitated, the more rigid his erection became, each shoelace-sized vein visible from broadhead to the hilt, coursing the virile shaft with piping hot blood.

When he finally reached down a tentative limb, he thought his own body was playing some kind of joke on him. Upon his hoof making contact against his pulsating, ten-inch long monster, his bottom lip clamped between his teeth on reflex; suppressing a moan in his throat as his body was blessed with a small explosion of pleasure just from mere contact. His cock ached for more stimulus, and since the unicorn couldn’t very well walk around with such a beast slapping against his belly, he concurred with his swollen fuckstick.

Masturbating with hooves was an awkward endeavour, but it worked well enough in his teens. As he fondled himself, using both hooves to stimulate as much area of the obese mottled rod as he could, his rock hard tool reacted positively to his efforts. Pre leaked from his indented pisshole down his meat, aiding the efforts of his awkward, gliding limbs whilst contributing even more to the dense, thick scent of masculinity that was already congesting the room. Luster did not need to imagine any aids to help him with his fast and tender strokes. There was enough going on already. His smell and situation by itself were enough. Powerfully horny, bathing in the lewd smell of his own powerful emissions and the mere sight of his enlarged phallus was understandably enough for anyone. Yet, despite this, no matter how long he stroked, gliding over his medial ring or fumbling with the ridge around the crown of his obscene sceptre, he seemed perpetually on the bring of climax; even after eight minutes of continuous pumping.

Frustrated, he decided to utilise a technique he learnt sometime into his middling years as a teenager. Pulling his hooves away, he allowed his horn to light and shroud his throbbing erection in the deep blue hue of his magic. He released a groan from this. The slight shimmer of the magical aura sent pleasurable tingles all down his meat, penetrating his rock solid member to create a sensation truly indescribable…

Yet it wasn’t enough.

His horn intensified with magic, his entire dick twitching and squeezing out beads of pre at a heightened rate. It felt good, the amount of magic he poured into the act prompting beads of sweat to fall down the side of his head in conjunction with his trickling rod. He smeared the leaking dollops into his turgid dick flesh until his entire meat stick glistened with his own liquid arousal. Yet no matter how long he bathed in the blissful the machinations of his magical aura, he was no closer to orgasm than he was with his hooves.

Now desperate for release, the magic from his horn dissipated and he clambered from his bed to the floor. He was barely able to stand, his weighty cock giving producing wet hollow slaps against his belly with every powerful throb. He wasn’t even flexing his tool to produce such a noise. When he stood, he noticed the difference in weight from a rather distinct area. Balancing on the primitive bed, he raised one of his hind legs to look under himself and when he saw the source of the new weight, he winced. They looked so full. No wonder he was so randy. His cock wasn’t the only thing experiencing an unusual growth spurt, it would seem. His formerly plum-sized nuts were now just shy of a very large pair of apples; heavy and full. With mobile vats of cum this sized, he doubled it was possible for him to squeeze his hind legs together quite the same way now. No doubt he’d have to forcibly part them just to accommodate his newly sized gonads…a small, quiet part of him didn’t find that thought entirely offputting. Their weight made them hang slightly lower than they had before, a visible sign of their fullness and heftiness. He clenched his taut colt hole to prove what he was looking at was real, his dick flexed in time with the rise of his weighty balls.

“This isn’t natural,” he remarked through his teeth, staggered by it all. His hind legs continuing to tremble as he manoeuvred the soft pillow to the right-centre of the bed. He was desperate now. His mind couldn’t focus on anything besides his own unsatisfied libido. The author’s horn glowed once more as he decided to try his final technique.

Effectively mounting the bed, he angled his prime breeding stick towards the placed pillow. His horn wrapped it around itself, rolling it into a soft, pillowy fleshlight. With it surrounded by his magical aura, the unicorn had created a buzzing, tight hole to fuck. Not warm or wet, as he imagined a real partner would feel, but it would do. He directed the tip of his aching stallionhood towards the rolled up pillow, his cock pushing through the slight entryway into the feathery embrace until his enlarged member pushed out through to the other side. He made a small mental note to replace it as he pulled back his hips until only the flare remained on the other side. Then, with desperate slams of his hips, he began…

The act itself added something. Being able to fuck, huff and exert himself in the act. Pursuing pleasure was more blissful than simply being given it by his own hoof or lewd magic. His thighs trembled and his balls smacked against the mattress, his hooves dug into bed as he grunted and moaned. His magic could tighten or loosen the hole on a whim, and right now the taut cushion clamped around his meat on all sides. His jizz canon also felt more… sensitive than it usually did. Each impaling thrust with his pre slicked knob made him quiver with every thrust. And yet...

It still barely eased the ache in his loins.

His hips gyrated with such speed and force that the bed was slowly inching its way towards the wall. He sweating, exhausted. Alongside his moans and groans, he released frustrated grunts. By now he was smearing his masculine essence across the sheets. He kept going faster and faster until he lost the energy to prop himself up. His chest fell to the bed and his hips still kept going. The final thrust he gave was his hardest. The bed itself rocked as he lanced himself through the pillow, clamping down tight around his medial ring, trying to overstimulate himself as best he could, but…

Futile. It was missing something. He had vague notions of what. The sound of hips slamming into buttocks, two sets of moans, the wet schlicks of a pole sliding in and out of a moist warm hole. Some he knew from guilty reads of erotica, others from a natural, primal need to breed that was within all ponies. He soon fell limp, only in body, unfortunately. He gave it his all, and he failed. It was no use. It was as though he came down with an incurable curse or ailment, as though a tight constricting ring blocked. He could feel his balls screaming to be emptied of cum, a pressure he had no idea how to release. A moment or two of having his head on the bed, he came to realise something.

He could feel his own tired exhales against the tip of his unspent meat.

There was a deranged thought that crossed his mind when he comprehended how close he was now to the tip of his prick. The crown of his throbbing, erect monster was only mere inches away from his own slightly parted lips. All it took was the slightest bend of his back and the right angle...

He climbed back onto the bed, choosing to sit with his back against the headboard. The position he took was incredibly sleazy, a far cry from his typically reserved self. His hind legs were spread wide, his balls creating slight depressions in the sheets whilst his still rigidly hard mast was resting against his stomach. His increased size offered him an ace in the hole. Like most stallions, he had tried this once or twice in his life, only to be met with failure. But now…

With closed eyes, he leaned down. He could feel it against his lips, the fat throbbing slab of fuckmeat kissing him back. After a moment of hesitation, he dragged his tongue up and across the blunt head of his virile log. Sweat and pre congealed onto one truly powerful and musky taste, the combination of his own tongue and the after taste of such a masculine flavour provoked a strong throb from his tool; producing yet even more precum for him to pretend to dislike as he lapped it up with his semi-eager licks.

The combination of taboo, disbelief, and pleasure truly made it an otherworldly experience. He traced his own cock tip with a moan, feeling his own bumps across the ridge only served to make him inexplicably harder. Jolts of pleasure surged up his spine as he suckled on the rigid yet tender dick flesh, tonguing his own urethra just to get to his precious cock sap even faster. The salty taste of his essence was surprisingly good, be it arrogance or simply his own peculiar palette. Ironically, on his numerous travels, his own cock wouldn’t come into the top ten of the strangest things his mouth had to share a space with.

Licking was only the start of his obscene endeavour. Naturally, his jaw started to part. He wanted it in his mouth. He winced at the sensation of his teeth scraping over the rim of his turgid meat, but when the first inch or so slipped into his mouth, his curled over form quivered with bliss. It felt like being at the receiving and giving end of fellatio simultaneously. Since he had no experience in either, it came as somewhat of a surprise that he took to it faster than he thought. He didn’t reel in disgust immediately, and it appeared to fit comfortably in his mouth. Maybe because it was his taste, and now, it was his dick?

He didn’t dwell on it. He had a fat, grey mottled cock in his mouth and he was intent on sucking it dry. He managed to squeeze a couple more inches into his gullet before hitting the back of his own throat. Already, his jaw ached at the tremendous girth it was burdened with. Yet it throbbed and twitched in his own maw, his tongue continued to circle and clean every bit of turgid flesh until no part was left uncovered with his own saliva. His hooves joined soon after with his oral machinations, pumping the thick veiny dick. He felt closer and closer to finally achieving his much-sought release. After Celestia knows how long, his cock finally thickened in his mouth and under his hooves. His thighs tensed as his dick swelled even further, his body freezing and his eyes bugging out of his cock’s crown flared in his gullet. His eyes wetted with tears, unable to pull it out of his mouth. What would have been used to plug a womb full of cum was now plugging his own throat…

And he loved every second of it.

He could feel the first volley of semen travel up his virile meat hose under the touch of his own hooves. The first shot to the back of his throat was a thick creamy mess of semen, one which dribbled from the corners of his lips. The first thing he registered in his flurry of thoughts was the denseness of the taste. The primary diet of fruits and green ground vegetables he partook in with the villagers gave the pearly white cum a noticeably sweet taste alongside the standard salty flavour. The hearty consumption was shamefully ambrosial, his dick twitching approvingly. Knowing full well that another was on its way, he had no choice but to swallow the gooey viscous load – or so he told himself. His oversized plumps clenched, sending another rope of cum up his urethral tunnel, directly down his throat with the first. He felt every single strand of jizz that ran down his throat, drinking every single one of his gloopy deposits.

By the time he was done, he pulled away from his cock with a pop and gasp, sucking down air with a contented simper as his dick delivered one final surprise in the form of a spurt of jizz across his face. From that, he let out a lust-drunken laugh, wiping it with his hoof, smearing it across his muzzle, licking it up without thinking. He failed to count the ropes of semen that had flowed into his belly, too enthralled in his orgasm to do so. He was certain of one thing: he was now too full for breakfast. He licked at the corners of his lips where excess semen had leaked from his mouth as he sucked himself, using magic to scoop the line of cum off his face. He swallowed down the remaining globs with shameless enjoyment, his turgid meat twitching with every savoury swallow as it fell limp…

Luster blinked suddenly, the taste of his own semen still strong on his tongue. “W-what?”

It was only when he finished riding the afterglow of his climax he experienced clarity, and that, confusion. Never before had he experienced such a roaring lust. It had burned like a furnace, and like one with its fire quelled, he still had the embers giving out heat, ready to roar again at a push of the bellows...

“I’m still… aroused… why?” Luster commented out loud, still regaining his breath as he climbed shakily off the bed. He suspected that the only thing preventing him from getting erect again was his own refractory period. Off the bed he raised his leg, inspecting himself again. His penis still had obscene measurements, even flaccid and retreating. His testicles had not reduced in size whatsoever. Still heavy and hanging; pendulous. Even after having their pressure relieved they continued to roil and churn full like cauldrons with cum.

His hoof dropped heavy, almost a stomp. He started experiencing panic, something he rarely, if ever, felt. He questioned everything in a microsecond. Was it something he ate? Was it the continued exposure to the Zebrican sun? Had he inadvertently been blessed – or cursed – by some tribal deity of fertile affiliation? He glanced to the nightstand with a frown, away, then back again. His eyes landed on the vial. A speck of amber remained inside, glistening despite the dim light. The supposed solution to the problem concerning his heat...

“Malaa,” he spoke with a firm jaw, marching his way over to the door and slamming it open.

He needed to pay the zebra a visit, and with the fire which began to grow hotter again within him once more, he couldn’t afford to waste another second.

Chapter 3: Swelling

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A driven march to confront Malaa was a lot easier in theory. The unicorn left his door ajar when he stomped from the lodge, too livid to shut it behind him. Politeness was secondary to his own bubbling anger for the lecherous zebra. Walking out under the dim cloudless sky, Luster discovered himself incapable of holding his scowl. Not from a sudden change of heart, or a sudden calm enshrouding him but rather, because he wasn’t alone out the village streets.

There was something of a morning commute that had slipped from his mind in his haze of lust and fury. Some stallions and mares arose at first light to work the proverbial cogs that kept the village alive and thriving. Venturing the jungle edge to forage, working in clay pits for pottery and construction materials and even some building projects near the edge of the village. They had an utterly fascinating social structure and way of doing things, and Luster had written pages on it. While he had always had a professional interest in their society and way of life, a new interest had suddenly opened up to him, one he was keenly conscious of as he started taking his wary steps into the village.

Powerful hips.

Delicious contours.

Plump lips.

Luster’s eyes involuntarily wandered. Some token glances went to the striped mares, who met his gaze with reddened cheeks, but it was clear where his interests actually lay. Each time his eyes fell on one of the stallions he had to tear his eyes away, silently scolding himself, especially when they met his absorbent gaze with an arched brow. With each one he passed, a flood of obscene images entered his head that he was powerless to stop. He pictured his hooves gliding down their stout bodies, feeling their hard muscle under his touch, dragging his tongue over their lithe contours, and finally, indiscriminately, slamming his hips down into taut colt holes; his enlarged phallus stretching their puffy rings to capacity. He had never thought of stallions in such a way before. Certainly, he could recognise strength, handsomeness, or the objective qualities of a pony, yet never had the sight of another masculine frame inspired such a strong burning arousal in his loins. His grey face was now more akin to that of a tomato than a pony in hue, unable to stop the tide of fantasies.

“Damn heat… Damn potion… Damn Malaa…” Luster cursed one after another beneath his breath, head too filled with lewd images to find internal respite for his angry musings.

If the unicorn found mercy on any front, it was the fact that his cock remained relatively unstirred in its overburdened sheath. Despite how many thoughts of the villagers entered his head, his dick didn’t dare snake free from its home, much to his relief. Although he was conscious of the second glances he was earning from passers-by, his tail neither dense nor large enough to sufficiently hide his enlargements, his balls slapping against one thigh and then the other as he walked. If he were more of an exhibitionist, he may have savoured the attention he was receiving. Some looks of disbelief, judgemental stares, and of course, some glances of envy and lust. Zebras were a naturally observant species. He wasn’t going to reach the shaman’s hut without such a glaring pair of new additions unnoticed… but Luster wasn’t quite that kinky.

By the time he reached the hut, he was all but certain that everyone who passed him covertly glanced at his rear to steal looks. No doubt he’d become the subject of gossip – no society was above gossip. He pushed his way inside the shaman’s residence, trembling with rage.

“Malaa!” Luster barked, his vocal cords unused to the volume he exercised. He stepped into the familiar room with the cauldron, the zebra already looking at him with a brow half raised.

“Luster?” Malaa’s voice was intrigued but not displeased, unfazed by the unicorn’s volume and half-smiling as he went back to organising the tomes and various herbs under his stewardship. “What are you doing here at such an hour? I only just finished brushing my teeth. Couldn’t sleep? Or maybe you just couldn’t keep yourself away from me any longer?”

“Very funny,” Luster’s voice intoned with the sarcasm he had honed around the striped pony, although instead of a dull stare Malaa was at the receiving end of a harsh glare. “I’ve been embarrassed and sufficiently...” he paused, trying to verbalise the morning he just experienced, “degraded, for one day.”

“But the day has barely begun,” the zebra replied without missing a beat, only half listening as he pushed a book into its slot on the case with a grin. “Are you sure you can’t stomach a little more? I think I can smell your degradation on the air. A little morning fun before you came here, yes?”

“I’ve been drugged!” the declaration stayed the zebra’s hoof and erased his smile. “And I know who did it,” Luster elaborated.

Malaa pushed the book into place, turning immediately to Luster, his expression one of concern. “What? Who?”

“Don’t play dumb. The potion you gave me. It did this to me.”

There was some offence on his face as he left his books, walking towards the unicorn. For the first time in a long while, the unicorn stepped back from him. Malaa’s look of offence was then coupled with hurt. “That’s a little vague. Did what to you?”

Luster clenched his jaw. “This is what your little prank was all for, wasn’t it? Fine. I’ll show you. But you better fix it,” his muzzle wrinkled as he tried to suppress his embarrassment. He then sat, spreading his forehooves apart, leaving himself bare to the zebra’s curious eyes.

Malaa’s eyes fell. For a moment his expression was plain, then he blinked. His eyes widened as it struck. “Have they always been that… big,” he asked, curious, yet unable to hide the allure in his voice. “I would find it hard to even be angry.”

“This was a perverted stunt, even for you!” he growled, staggering to stand up, cheeks red.

Malaa recoiled, eyes widening. He had never seen this side of the unicorn. “I d-didn’t do this.”

“I had a problem with ‘heat’ so you gave me heat instead. You twisted lecher!” Luster snarled through gritted teeth, deaf to the zebra’s plea. “You couldn’t get what you wanted, so you came up with this…” he trailed off, unable to put into words the zebra’s ploy. “A sick plan by an equally sick stallion!” he continued, stepping towards the zebra with an aggressive stomp.

“I-it wasn’t me!” was all Malaa could reply with, Luster approaching. The emotions being displayed by the unicorn’s face were as foreign to him as the pony was. Malaa could barely think, finding no sanctuary in his mind.

“You haven’t been subtle about your lust for me. You haven’t been subtle about anything! The smiles, the kindness, the curiosity. All a trick to get closer to me. I can’t believe I didn’t see it until that day.”

Malaa had continued to take steps back from the encroaching unicorn until his back was pushed against the shelves of books. “Day? What day? What are you talking about?”

“When you kissed me!” Luster exploded venomously, the resulting recoil from the zebra prompted some books to fall down from their place on the shelf. “You were never the same after that. The flirting, ogling, the swoons. It was just building and building until you were ready to pull a stunt like this. You just wanted to use me-”

“You’re wrong!” Malaa raised his voice, for the first time, angry. That caught the unicorn by surprise, even making him wince. That wasn’t the only thing that caught him off guard. The zebra’s trembling lower jaw, the welling of tears in his eyes. His words had hurt Malaa far worse than any physical altercation would. “You’re wrong...” Malaa repeated, that time more feebly.

Luster observed the zebra, his face softening. “How can I be sure?” he asked, his voice noticeably lower than just a moment ago.

“Don’t you know me, Luster? Don’t pretend you don’t,” he replied, voice fragile. “I would never do anything like that. Not to you.”

Luster looked at the zebra in his scarlet eyes. He had never seen them wetted with the emergence of tears before today. Although past the sadness, he could perceive something that was from there since the very beginning. Not just on this occasion but always - sincerity. He also felt very weak. His kind legs gave out and his rear fell to the floor, now under the zebra’s gaze. He rubbed a hoof down the side of his face. Fatigued by his outburst. “I’m so sorry. I was being angry and foolish and-”

“You’re occasionally arrogant, high-strung and much too serious most of the time for your own good. And yes, you are also foolish.” Malaa concurred with a sniffle and sad smile. To his credit, not a single tear fell down his striped cheek. “But I accept your apology. Now get up. Being below me doesn’t suit you.”

Luster couldn’t stifle the half-scoff, half-snort in his throat. “Was that an accident or a direct reference to you being a bottom.

“No, but the fact you picked up on it before I did means that something is definitely wrong with you,” Malaa teased, holding a hoof to his chin, following the unicorn keenly with his eyes as he stood. Now that the zebra had a moment to think, a pained look came onto his face.

“I don’t like that expression,” remarked Luster, grimacing.

“An accident. Blameless largely, but one that could have easily been avoided,” Malaa started, making his way over the large open tome laying on the stand, he flipped a few pages with purpose. “What colour was the remedy you applied to yourself?”

“Oh, um… it was orange. Like tree sap or honey,” Luster recalled.

When Malaa landed on the page he was looking for, he scanned the lines. “The one you rubbed yourself down with was amber,” he corrected suddenly, scrunching up his expression.

Luster scowled, annoyed. “Amber, Orange, what’s the difference?”

Tch. As I suspected,” Malaa tutted, trunched and ignored the unicorn’s point. “Instead of rubbing yourself down with the ointment I prepared for you, you covered yourself in, uh...” Malaa paused, looking to Luster with a sheepish smile, “a marital aid.

It took a few moments for it to click. “So it’s just an aphrodisiac?” Luster began, seeking further explanation. “What about the, um… growth?

Malaa let out a nervous bray. “W-well, if you just wanted to get aroused, any run-of-the-mill potion would do. You can even find foods in the market for that. But this potion isn’t a mere aphrodisiac. It’s supposed to aid sex. It needs sex,” he explained. “The effects culminate over time in powerful surges, and if they go unsatisfied for long enough, they can become more potent. If you went to sleep soon after we talked, then you slept through several. When you didn’t satisfy it, the potion made enhancements to fulfil its purpose. ”

“But why am I still… inflamed?” Luster inquired awkwardly. “I’ve already achieved its purpose.

A subtle shade of pink appeared on Malaa’s cheeks but it had already faded by the time he started to speak again. “A combination of things. Masturbation doesn’t count as sex, nor does oral or… anal,” he ended with a forced grin, barely able to hold it. “The potion is meant for those who are married - mare and stallion - to conceive a foal. So, if your seed hasn’t fertilized an egg, it knows its purpose isn’t being put to its intended use,” he elaborated before giving a shrug. “Doesn’t stop others from purchasing it just to buck one each other silly.”

Luster struggled to comprehend him but he was starting to understand. “Are you saying the potion I covered myself with has a mind of its own?”

Malaa let out a prideful smirk. “We may not have arcane magics like your kind, but we can imbue our potions with special properties with enough time and training. What you just rubbed into your coat was the strongest, most potent potion of its kind created by a shaman with close to a century of experience. And now, it’s going to remain in your system for days, maybe a week!”

Luster swallowed. He had enough composure now to freak out about the situation. “Having… satisfied myself already,” he began, trying his best to ignore the slightest of tugs at Malaa’s lips. “Which was really hard by the way.”

Malaa glanced from Luster’s serious expression to his crotch then back up. “Achieving climax or your cock?”

Luster rolled his eyes. He was going to give him a pass on that one. It took his mind away from his own panic. “Both. But, I meant the former. If I keep doing it, I shouldn’t have any repeats of this morning, correct?”

“Right,” Malaa confirmed. “You should have an easier time achieving release next time, even if the arousal keeps getting stronger. After a while, your refractory period will disappear entirely - so prepare accordingly. Physical changes won’t revert until the potion wears off completely, if they even do, I’m afraid.”

“And the surges? When do they happen?”

“There’s no predicting them accurately, but if you climaxed recently, it could be several minutes from now, or maybe an hour. Although it can be triggered prematurely,” Malaa explained in a straightforward manner, he then looked to the side, frowning. “Speaking of which, I don’t think his wife is going to be impressed with what suncream can do in the bedroom...” he mumbled.

Luster piqued a brow. “Who are you talking about?”

“No one,” Malaa replied immediately, his smile too innocent to be innocent. He gave a mournful thought to the zebra who came in straight after Luster before he turned to the cauldron, walking over to it as he began chewing the inside of his cheek. “If you came here straight away after applying it, a bath might have lessened the effects. It’s bound to have soaked into your skin by now. I could try making a counter remedy with some mint and juniper berries. It might cool your insides down...”

At this point Luster was unsure if Malaa was speaking to himself or directing his words at the unicorn, all he knew was that he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the mumbling stallion. The longer he looked, the more new things he saw in the zebra. Sure, some might have seen a deep intellect at work over the cauldron, or the quick determination in the young striped stallion trying to aid his friend, and all of those would have been good observations. But Luster’s mind was elsewhere...

He had a great ass. Malaa’s plump, jiggly derrière rose like two halves of a succulent peach from his hips. Luster had never been in the right state of mind to admire its shape before but now, his mind have never been so attuned. He couldn’t take his eyes away from it, entranced; even as Malaa began to move about the room, inspecting ingredients and hauling items around trying to concoct a solution. That exacerbated things, to see in motion. As the zebra moved, thinking hard, his tail flicked and swished involuntarily, giving the unicorn an unintended show of his pump perineum and orange-sized balls as he sauntered past with the natural hip sway that only he could pull off. Since Luster’s anger had fully dissipated it was as though something else, something as equally strong, had to fill the void – lust. His nostrils even noticed a scent above the various hanging ingredients and natural aromas, one he may have acknowledged in the past but never fully picked up on and appreciated. Malaa scent. A uniquely masculine aroma that seemed far more appetising than the other smells it was surrounded with. It filled his lungs with every inhale. He couldn’t get enough of it. It was intoxicating…


Malaa stopped in the midst of a step and verbal thought, giving Luster – now sitting - a good-humoured smile. “Okay, I get it, I’ll try to... hurry…”

Luster dropped to his rear suddenly. A weakness struck him, although the reason for such a weakness was clear. The longer he stared the more inches of his cock that came out of its tight sheath. Except now, two things were different. Firstly, his impatient breeding stick was twitching and throbbing under a different gaze beside his own. Secondly, the cock between his legs now wasn’t quite the same as it was before. It had swelled even longer, the increased thickness subtle but undeniably there. He was now sporting a foot long, vascular pillar of turgid meat, one which throbbed under the zebra’s open mouthed and awed gaze. It was a living, beating shrine to virility, the two grapefruit-sized cauldrons of cum certainly entrenched that… And it was all located between Luster’s thighs.

“Woah… Woah, I don’t think I’ve ever been speechless before,” Malaa spoke in a quiet register, his gaze unwavering from the twitchy, mottled grey column between the author’s legs. Malaa wore a blush, a sight one would be hard-pressed to find on his face. “That thing’s huge.

Saying nothing, Luster rose, his legs shaking. His balls were bigger now than before, their weight was hard to ignore, but even harder was the organ that distinctly swayed beneath him, so heavy it almost touched the floor. Furthermore, the zebra’s reaction to his tool had an effect on him he couldn’t ignore. It made him diamond, his bestial dick jumping up against his stomach with a hollow plap. He winced at the sound. “Sorry,” he offered pathetically, simply turning and stumbling from out the hut before Malaa could gather the faculties let out another word.

“Wait, Luster! I can help, I-” Malaa stopped mid-sentence and mid-step, glancing to a nearby chest. With haste, he made his way over to it to peruse its contents. He spotted the glistening vial alongside several others of the same colour. He took a heavy breath. “First time for everything,” he said, trying to assure himself whilst wearing a hesitant smile. Grabbing it between his teeth, he uncapped the cork and gulped down the entire contents of the vial. When it left his lips, he shivered, conscious of what he was soon going to be experiencing as he dropped the vial back into the chest, a speck of amber on the rim of the discarded bottle.

Chapter 4: Heightened Libido

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After a few moments, the zebra rushed out. “Luster! Where are- Oh,” the zebra stopped himself, realising his volume to the actual proximity of the unicorn. He approached the sulking pony with a tilted expression. “Why are you hiding there?”

‘Hiding’ was a rather generous term to use for what Luster was doing. He was simply skulking under the shade of the Shaman’s roof away from any potential eyes, off to the left of the door. He was also prone to the ground, hiding his leviathan package. “I’m throbbing,” he admitted with a wince. The situation did little to justify his normally prudish self. “It must have been another surge or w-whatever.”

Sure, the potion is purely to blame for why you’re sporting a fifth leg right now,” Malaa giggled, unconvinced.

Luster grumbled, not wanting to admit out loud that Malaa may have had something to do with it. He still couldn’t erase the image of the zebra’s plump bottom from his head. Thankfully he wasn’t assaulted by myriad fantasies and unwanted scenarios… yet. The potion didn’t discriminate thus far in who it made him imagine. “It was hard enough getting here soft. I don’t think I can make my way back unnoticed, not with my ‘thing’ smacking against my belly.”

“Oh, I don’t know. I think you’d be depriving many zebras by hiding such a wonderful sight from them. You’re certainly depriving me,” he cooed.

“Could you please stop with the flirting,” Luster snapped weakly, his organ’s response to the zebra’s words preventing him from spending precious seconds more to scold the zebra. Before he felt sand, now, after a fierce throb provoked by the zebra’s words, he felt something distinctly damp. “I need to get back to the lodge, hide for a week until the effects wear off, and be on my way. Celestia knows I’ve embarrassed myself enough as it is.”

“And how are you going to do that?”


“Make it back to your room? You said it yourself -- you don’t want anyone seeing, and the day is only going to get busier,” Malaa pointed out.

“I’ll w-wait until nightfall. Sneak back then.”

“You’re going to lie in the dirt, your log hard as stone, the effects building and building, doing nothing, for hours?

Luster sighed, expression bleak. “I see your point.”

Malaa gave a shrug. “Well, why do we have to go back to your room? I know of a quick, free, effective and most importantly: fun way to ease your... pain,” he ended with a sultry smile, waggling his brows.

“What is it?” Luster asked with a surprising lack of irritation despite Malaa’s innuendo.

Malaa almost recoiled with surprise. “You’re actually hearing me out?”

“The proposition is either sex or something actually worth hearing,” Luster replied with a straightforward tone of voice, hiding the fact his cock just squeezed out another dollop of pre beneath him. “So I’m going to take a chance.”

Malaa let out a chuckle. “Nothing flies over your head. You’re right. Upstream of the river, there’s the source. The waters are clean, cool, and refreshing but most importantly: private. No potion I make can match the effects that nature can bestow on you.”

“So you’re suggesting, what, that we should take a dip?” Luster probed, sceptical.

“It was a valid enough suggestion yesterday.”

“You weren’t serious yesterday,” Luster retorted.

“Wasn’t I?” Malaa countered, playfully sticking out his tongue.

“Will it help?” he sighed, standing.

“We’ll see,” Malaa answered vaguely.

“That doesn’t exactly inspire confidence,” Luster said, droll.

“I’m surprised you don’t have all the confidence in the world now,” Malaa quipped, glancing downwards; Luster’s fickle organ twitching beneath him, precum oozing from the tip, throbbing inconsistently with its owner’s heartbeat.

“Stop looking at it!” The unicorn scolded, cheeks ablaze, bringing his forelegs together.

“Why? He’s not exactly shy, is he?” Malaa asked playfully, skirting his head around the stallion’s side to keep looking at the vascular beast.

“Stop talking about ‘him’ like it’s a separate pony,” Luster complained, turning to hide the rigid pride between his legs.

“I can try, but he hasn’t spoken a word, and I already know who I would prefer for some company,” he teased, craning his neck to the adjacent side, trying to steal more glances at the unicorn’s musky grey python.

“Right, of course, you’d love the chance to befriend something that’s constantly horny yet hard to please. You’re practically kindred spirits!” Luster riposted, constantly turning and stepping backwards, the zebra advancing with his arsenal of coy looks.

“Oh, I don’t know about that. He might find me very fulfilling. I imagine you leave him quite unsatisfied.”

“That’s one of your flaws. You’re too eager to please,” Luster retorted, his hooves continuing to scuffle backwards, a small trail of pre being left behind with every step.

“And he is flawless,” he said, continuing to tease the unicorn, looking him directly in his blue, “we might make a great couple.”

“I- uh- you...” the unicorn’s voice was caught in his throat, the zebra’s comment provoking a wet smack against his belly, his cock giving a powerful throb to the zebra’s remark. Who was he referring to actually with that statement? Was it a deft change of target or was he still referring to the grey patterned cock beneath him?

After a pregnant pause, the zebra smiled, triumphant. “Hmph!” he scoffed, proudly raising his chin as he skirted past the stallion with a strut, flicking his tail in the pony’s face as he did. “Follow. If we’re quick enough, we might be able to reach the spring without being spotted.”

“You, um… ugh! Fine,” Luster exclaimed, pivoted on his hind legs and following the other stallion. “And you didn’t win!”

At the opposite end of the hut, there wasn’t that much between them both and the jungle’s edge, just the faint sign of a trodden down path. Malaa trotted eagerly as he followed the familiar route, likely taking joy in the fact Luster struggled to keep up with his dick slapping against his belly. When Luster accompanied the zebra past the border of the jungle, he experienced a momentary lapse in his horniness, for it was traded for the wonderment of stepping into another world, a natural and beautiful form of chaos far removed from his own experiences in Equestria. The shade from the canopy cooled him down somewhat – thank Celestia! - and the fauna was striking, with large bright colours and leaves longer and wider than his entire body. His ears pricked at the sound of insects and faraway beasties. He also came to notice quickly that under his hooves was a mixture of dirt and sand, and for a fleeting moment, he wondered which came first – verdant growth, or the spreading wastes. However, this train of thought quickly became a shrivelled up wisp when the unicorn became conscious of something...

He was behind the sultry zebra.

“I-I think we should walk side by side,” Luster proposed almost immediately after realising, barely able to tear his eyes from Malaa’s swaying tush. The movement of his stripes was almost hypnotic.

“Why? Who would lead the way then?” Malaa inquired with the most blatantly obtuse tone the unicorn had ever heard.

“Don’t be difficult. It would make this walk easier for me if I...” Luster trailed off.

“Exactly!” Malaa scoffed, looking right back to punctuate the fact he saw right through him. “You don’t want to admit anything.”

“What won’t I admit?”

“Oh, you know, that you’re attracted to me,” Malaa sang, hopping forwards on his next step. “You can barely tear your eyes away.”

“I am not attracted to you! I’m not attracted to anyone,” Luster’s snap became a fizzle, mumbling his last remark.

Malaa laughed, not believing him for a second. “Fine by me. Deny it all you want. It’s more fun this way,” he chirped, looking forward again.

Luster grumbled some more, unsure of how to respond to Malaa’s teasing, clenching his jaw as he tried to look away. Try as he might, his eyes eventually found their way back to the monochrome booty. After a few moments, he looked back to the stallion ahead of him, releasing an exhale. “Talk to me at the very least. Distract me.”

“About what?” Malaa asked, looking back with a raised brow, clearly interested.


“Okay,” he said, chipper, looking ahead again. “That night, when I kissed you, why didn’t you return it?”

“Nuh-uh,” Luster shook his head adamantly. “Not that.”

“Alright,” Malaa replied, voice now neutral.

After a moment of silence, Luster’s brows furrowed. “Is that it?”

“You had quite a bad reaction. I suspected you wouldn’t elaborate”

Bad? I… I thought I handled it the best I could.”

After a while, Malaa gave him an answer. “You did nothing,” he replied, looking back at the unicorn, revealing a sad smile. “I thought it was just a surprise at first, but it was something far worse.”

The subdued sadness on the zebra’s face hit him like a spear. “What?”

“Apathy,” the zebra replied, directing his eyes to the path ahead. “No smile, no frown, no leer, or disgust, or hatred. It was like I hadn’t kissed you at all. My feelings, declaration of my attraction, our time spent together culminating in… nothing. Nothing at all.”

“I…” Luster’s words became lost in his throat. What could he say, if he could say anything at all? “I didn't know how to feel. I still don't. It just made everything awkward. After that... I avoided you, intentionally, but you always seemed happy to see me. I thought you were just toying with me. The flirting, the coy smiles… you didn’t seem to be hurt.”

“And how are you supposed to act around someone after what I did? Behave as though nothing happened, or wear your emotions openly? We both did the latter, don’t even lie. I wore joy and lust, you wore annoyance and ignorance,” Malaa’s voice betrayed sadness and anger. “Yours was a veil of course, or so I hoped. I expected one day for you to remove the mask. Flash me a sincere smile, grab me by surprise to repay the debt to my lips tenfold,” he spoke with a hopeful tone, “but that never came.”

Luster frowned. “If you saw that I was mad at you for the kiss, why did you never apologise?”

“Because that would be as good as taking it back. It would mean I felt regret over kissing you. But I never wanted to leave that moment behind, my lips against yours.”

“But things could have gone back to the way they were!”

“I didn’t want them to!” Malaa snapped, breaking a twig under his step as he came to a halt. He didn’t look back at Luster, but the unicorn could read the zebra’s emotions. He trembled, even standing perfectly still.

“How can I make it right?”

“Then how about you give me an answer to my question?” Malaa’s inquired, voice loud and face hidden from Luster’s mournful eyes. “Was I wrong then, am I still wrong now? Did you feel nothing then, and do you feel nothing now? Or am I just hoping that the potion unearthed something that was never truly there…?”

“No...” Luster admitted. In the dense jungle, there was silence. Malaa still kept his eyes forward, although the trembling ceased. “You’ve never been wrong, not about anything,” he continued, too afraid to move even an inch. “The same reason I never kissed you back is the same reason I kept silent until now. I was terrified of you.”

“Terrified?” the zebra sounded almost disbelieving.

“I’m a travelling writer. The first day I set out on this road, I gave up the idea of a home, of ever being in a place long enough to know every face,” as he spoke, Malaa’s head began slowly to turn, giving the unicorn the faintest of looks. “I don’t have friends. Not any real ones anyway. I grow familiar with faces, remember names. I may show interest in someone, but it’s only because of what they do, not who they are. It’s a barrier I keep around myself. If I became too attached, I don’t think I could get myself to leave… you got past that barrier.”

“How?” Malaa asked, voice so quiet the unicorn barely heard it.

A smile pulled on his lips, answers to that question coming to his head immediately. “You’re clever, funny, curious and kind – and that isn’t just flattery. You never failed to help me learn, to understand this place, but after a while, the only thing I wanted to understand was you. I saw you as a friend but… a part of me desired something more, and I didn’t realise it,” he continued. “I was getting close to you, closer than I had been to anyone before. It wasn’t as though I didn’t see the signs, but I kept going anyway. It was only when you kissed me that I realised what I was doing. It was too late to stop it.”

“So, what? You’re afraid of commitment, going any further with me than what we had-”

“No!” he interrupted, taking a step towards the apprentice. “No. If that was true, I would have left after that night, but I stayed. I had to convince myself most days that there was more here to discover and write about, but it was a lie, it was a lie I told myself because there was only one thing keeping me here longer, and it was you!” he continued, his voice rising as he became impassioned. “Do you see my choices? I could stay, and give up who I am, or leave, and hurt you. And I couldn't bear to hurt you….”

“And that happened anyway...” the zebra said glumly.

“Yes...”Luster’s head fell, eyes slamming shut as he winced, a sharp pain pierced his chest. Nothing he could say would matter. “It happened anyway, you’re right. I’m sorry...”

After a short while, he finally parted his eyes, his head rising back up when he felt a hoof brush down the side of his cheek. He did not expect to see two scarlet hues looking back into his own. Malaa was so close to him so suddenly that he was frozen in surprise… he knew what came next. Much like that night, he felt a pair of lips press against his own, watching as Malaa’s eyes disappeared behind his eyelids; passion consuming him. Not one to repeat his mistakes, Luster leaned into Malaa, opening his mouth to welcome in the striped pony’s tongue. Luster intended to repay the debt he owed Malaa in more than full...

His own tongue met the zebra’s immediately for the first bout, locking them both in a playful wrestle wrought with pent up emotion. Luster felt his legs bear a greater burden as the zebra threw his hooves suddenly around his neck; losing himself in the moment and passion as he pushed himself closer to the eagerly respondent unicorn; trying to lodge his tongue even further down the pony’s throat. Malaa moaned into his gullet, trading spittle and tracing his teeth. Luster didn’t deny the zebra, only savouring Malaa’s oral affection and the… minty taste of his mouth? Luster didn’t keep track of how long it lasted for, only that it was Malaa who pulled away first. He saw tears in those scarlet eyes, he almost felt worried until he saw the junior alchemist’s large, trembling smile.

“I’m sorry,” the zebra tearfully apologised, smiling uncontrollably, arms wrapped around the unicorn’s neck.

“For what?” he asked, only partially concerned.

“Crying,” he started, sniffling, “and for the first kiss.”

“I thought you didn’t want to take back the first one?” Luster said softly, unable to stop the flowering of a grin on his face.

“This one was much better,” the zebra chuckled, wiping the tears away as he relied on himself to stand again.

“Much better...” Luster echoed, although he wasn’t referring to the quality of his kisser. The happiness he wore on his face right at that moment he hadn’t seen since his chats with the stallion so long ago, sincere and genuine. It was heartwarming… It was only a shame the pleasantry of the moment wasn’t without a smirch. Below him, twitching, not at all forgotten, his cock felt primed to burst. Each vein that ran down the mottled length swelled pronounced with hot fiery blood as pre drizzled from the tip to the jungle floor. “You were leading me to the spring?”

“Oh, right!” Malaa remembered, now dry-eyed and recuperated, already back to his normal cheery self – although the smile he wore was distinctly brighter than usual. He immediately turned from Luster, taking a few steps of progress on the path. “C’mon lover. Stay close now. It isn’t too far from here.”

Luster scoffed, although not in a derogatory sense, closely following. “’Lover’? Are we already at that stage?”

“You’re right,” he agreed, stopping in his tracks to look at the stallion over his shoulder, giving a sly grin. “We can make it official later.”

Luster blinked. Even though he didn’t understand completely, his cock did, pulsating eagerly. “What do you mean by that?!”

“You’re an intelligent stallion,” Malaa rolled his eyes, continuing to saunter ahead with a somehow cocky walk. “You’ll figure it out...”

“Okay, whilst I toll over that,” he started with a confused look to the forest floor, then once again, his eyes snapped to Malaa’s expansive ass. “How about we walk together now?” Luster proposed, wearing a hopeful smile.

“And deprive your eyes of such a magnificent view?” he teased, running a hoof down his plump rump mid-step, smacking it on the adjacent side with the next. Luster swallowed, the slight jiggle enough to make his grey meaty column flex. “You can’t deny a thing now. You’re hard because of me. I was right!”

Luster tightened his jaw. His patterned ass certainly was a thing of beauty, although he wasn’t about to admit such a thing so readily. “Don’t make me regret that kiss, Malaa!”

The zebra cackled at the unicorn’s peevishness, picking up his pace somewhat. “Okay then, we can cut your torture in half, just try to keep up!”

With barely a warning, Malaa’s pace quickened to a gallop. Luster was a little slow to react – likely due to a particular organ diverting most of his blood – but he gave chase as soon as he was able to. He trod up crushed foliage, only catching glimpses of the zebra before he disappeared behind another tree. He briefly worried about getting lost, yet he was enjoying the chase, his heart racing.

“Malaa!” he called, rushing into a glade, stopping just short of running into the large pool that took up most of it. The crystal clear waters glistened with the rays of sunlight from above, surrounded by myriad flowers and fauna unknown to him. The beautiful blossoms combined with the water’s glittering surface made the glade a treasure to the eyes, something he already desired to keep secret. Although, if he had one critique, it was missing a certain something. Something around his height and... stripy. “Malaa?” he probed again, more quietly as he approached the waters.

He couldn’t gauge how deep it was from a glance. At the edge, he leaned towards the water, looking at his reflection. His eyes were almost indistinguishable from the water around them. His mane looked surprisingly ragged, his coat wet with sweat. He had just chased a zebra through a jungle in the sizzling heat. It was a miracle he still found the strength to stand.

The pristine image was broken by ripples on the water’s surface. Luster scanned the rest of the source, but it was already too late. A striped predator broke the surface just beneath him, his hooves hooking around Luster’s neck and shoulders, their lips connecting as he pulled the unicorn down into the pool with him...

Chapter 5: Increased Sex Drive

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Luster’s mane was matted down to his cheeks, which were puffed out from being filled with spring water, which he promptly spurted back into the clean pool in which he was half-submerged. It was deceptively shallow, even at its deepest point close to the centre. Unfortunately, this meant he had to sit hunched forwards to stop his foot long appendage from breaking the surface, not that he would be so brazen to recline with parted legs even if he were completely hidden from the stallion bathing only a short ways from him. The cooling waters did very little to curtail his roaring lust. Still, he tried to see the silver lining. For instance, he couldn’t imagine being far off now from holding the world record for the longest sustained erection. His rigidity was aided by alchemy, true, but he thought it deserving enough for something. Perhaps there were awards out there commending incredible willpower?

He shivered suddenly with bliss, the sound of splashing water in his ears and the pleasant sensation against his member wasn’t a coincidence. He forced himself to smile. He didn’t seem to even qualify for the hypothetical ‘willpower award’ it would seem. Curled over, the spongy flare of his cock was pressed against his own chest. Even if two inches were effectively removed thanks to his posture, ten inches of almost leg thick dick meat was within enveloping distance of his mouth and he knew he could reach it. A short distance from him, Malaa was putting on a show, whether he intended to or not, with his back to the grey unicorn. His hooves glided over his toned body, stray droplets of water running down his back and over the bumps of his spine; Malaa’s hooves unintentionally highlighting every subtle curve in his possession. Luster envied the water that could freely cling to every inch of the zebra’s body, desiring to replace it with his tongue. He continued to follow every movement to the best of his abilities, unable to truly resist looking at Malaa’s perfect form. But on top of the alluring display, he could feel every ripple of the water’s surface directly against the mottled flesh of his fat organ, the faint smell of his essence fluttering his nostrils.

“C-could you stop moving so much?” Luster requested.

Malaa ceased his gliding hooves, stopping his bathing to look back at the unicorn. His black and white mane framed his face, the reddish hue of his eyes standing out amongst the blue waters around him. Wet and sexy. “You can drop the act now, you know,” Malaa informed him flatly.

Luster gained an incredulous edge to his gaze. “What ‘act’?”

“Your chasteness. You know I’ve seen it already, you admitted I am the root cause of it, we even kissed, and yet still you keep it hidden from me,” Malaa spoke only truth, his voice uncharacteristically quiet and calm. It might have been the environment.

“So ‘he’ is an ‘it’, now? And you sounded like fond friends,” Luster replied, trying his hoof at snark. Malaa’s deadpan expression – not even a verbal retort – managed to fluster him. “I never ‘said’ you were the root cause!”

“You’re dodging the truth,” he spoke in melody, rocking his head back and forth with each word, producing slight ripples in the water as his waterlogged mane dipped beneath the surface.

“Tch, fine!” he yelled, partially wincing against the ripples; frustrated from both his own arousal and the zebra’s knack for getting beneath his skin. He straightened his posture. No longer hidden away in its sheathe, the top four inches of his fuckstick proudly jabbed up from the water; just shy of poking him in the barrel. Luster’s face was now comically glum, his cheeks red as his dick twitched just a short distance from his jaw. “Happy now?”

Malaa’s eyes flickered from the ridged flare to its owner’s shy eyes before looking away from both, tending back to his unwashed body. “Want to talk?”

Luster would have been vexed for just exposing himself if suspicion didn’t immediately take the place of it. The change in topic was too abrupt. He squinted his eyes. There was definitely trickery afoot. “About what?”

“I’m feeling nostalgic. Remember how we used to do things? Ask me some questions. I’ll answer. Then it’s my turn,” he said innocently, continuing to bathe.

Luster’s brows met, rubbing the back of his head. Things were so different now than they were he first arrived in the village. “Um… okay. Uh...” he looked around, realising he already sat in a topic worth conversing about. “So this is the source of the river? It doesn’t look terribly large. Does it get fed into from some far away place? A mountain or-”


Luster was silenced by some water in his face. Before he could express any sort of irritation Malaa spoke again, his back to the unicorn.

“Ask me another.”

“Okay, uh…” Luster trailed off, now more confused than vexed. He glanced at the flowers, some half the width of his outstretched foreleg. “The fauna, they’re larger than ordinary flowers. Does this source possess some latent nutritional properties and will-”


“Ask another-”

“Hey!” Luster barked, rubbing his eyes of the liquid projectile “What do you want me to ask!?”

“You can ask anything,” Malaa replied with an annoying level of calmness, shrugging.

“Can I get a hint, please?”

“Hmm...” Malaa paused to think. “Ask me something you never would have asked before today.”

“Oh, I see...” Luster mumbled, quickly understanding. Personal questions. Private questions. Intimate questions. He gulped. The zebra seemed prepared to answer anything at the moment. Luster knew he would have to extend the same courtesy. He decided to start small. “This is awkward, but, besides me, how many, uh… L-”

“Lovers have I taken?”

He wouldn’t have phrased it like that, but… it was a lot more interesting than how many stallions he had kissed on the lips. “Y-yes?”

“Two,” Malaa replied promptly. The sigh he then released was almost pleasantly reminiscent. Already, Luster was deathly afraid he was going to experience jealousy. “My first lover’s name was Ivory. He was a good listener, and pleasant to touch,” he opened with, giving the other stallion a coy look. “He was long and thick,” he stressed each word with piercing amounts of affection. Luster winced. “He still lives under my bed.”

Luster opened his eyes, just to close them again, blinking. He was talking about a dildo? An ivory-crafted dildo... He was jealous of a fake phallus. If masturbation aids counted then Luster had at least two to add to his tally chart – three, if he counted both of his hooves - as well as every pillow he ever owned between the ages of twelve and sixteen. “The other?” he asked, almost afraid.

“Your name is Luster, correct?” Malaa looked over his shoulder, his gaze was seductive. The look alone was enough to make his tool throb to a greater state of hardness, small ripples coming out from the excited organ.

“S-so y-you’re-”

“Unclaimed, unconquered? A virgin. I suppose so, yes,” he answered with a casual cadence. “But Ivory was a great teacher...”

After that, there was a pause from both. Luster needed a moment to recuperate, his mind a salacious haze, no longer able to tell up from down. His eyes slammed shut, trying to rebalance himself, light-headed from Malaa’s speech. It seemed as though all the spare blood in his body rushed immediately to his thick meaty hose, its hardness comparable to diamond; weeping translucent and musky tears of joy from his cumslit. And, without explanation, Luster found it even more difficult to wrench his eyes away from Malaa's slim body, the wet matted fur of the stallion helping exponentially to highlight his curves and the definition of his toned muscle. The masculine fascination of claiming a virgin’s cherry was always a foreign concept to the unicorn, who thought it nothing more than a petty justification to brag. However, if Malaa truly had no one before him, then that would mean he was a virgin on two fronts. His ass hadn’t been sowed, his cock never before enveloped. He would be the first...

After a few deep, calming breaths, Luster realised how long he had waited for a question from the zebra. He knew it wasn’t because he was being considerate. It was enough to make him furrow his brows, somewhat offended. “Hey, aren’t you going to-”

“Ask you how many lovers you have taken?” he finished preemptively.

“Y-yes?” Luster stammered. He almost wanted to blurt it out. He wanted Malaa to feel the same as he did at that moment, a carnal excitement to be somepony's first.

He smirked. “It doesn’t matter to me how many, if any at all, you’ve had before me. All that does matter to me is that I have you right now, all to myself,” he promptly answered, tone sincere and kind. Although this was undercut immediately by the look he shot Luster over his shoulder, his smile clever. “And I believe that you’ve asked me three questions by this point, is that correct?”

Luster scoffed. Only Malaa could manage to be touching as well as teasing, but Luster saw his game. “That counts as one.”

His smile grew, shrugging. “I felt pity for you.”

“Just ask me a question already,” he coerced with a scoff and splash of water in the striped stallion’s direction.

“Very well,” the zebra chuckled behind closed lips, looking upwards in pondering before directing his eyes back to the stallion. “What is it about me you find attractive?”

Luster sighed. He knew this was coming. “Didn’t I already tell you?” he asked, deflecting and avoiding.

“Not my physical features. True, traits and personality might keep you glued, but it is the appearance that brings you towards another like a magnet.”

“But you came to me,” Luster pointed out.

“Correct. But you were both intelligent and handsome. Who could resist?” he asked rhetorically, earning a blush from Luster. “And besides, if I’m not correct, then explain why I seldom went a day without seeing you? There must have been something pulling you back to me.”

Luster’s brows raised. “Was it that obvious?” he asked, wearing a sheepish grin.

“When you’ve earned a question, I will answer that,” he smiled at him, “so answer mine first.”

“Fine...” Luster replied, taking a breath. When forced to think on the zebra and his body, he felt an uncontrollable direction of warmth to his crotch. Not quite on the level of a ‘surge’, as Malaa had described, but a general heightening of lust. He started thinking of something safe, easy, like the zebra’s eyes and face, but his mind almost immediately wandered to his lithe, toned body; his plump butt and snug black coin purse of orange-sized balls. He couldn't help but snap his eyes to every droplet of water that ran down his crest and back, his lips and tongue feeling envy for such a little drop. He clenched his thighs together beneath the water, joining his hooves in clamping down on his cock, trying to avoid any blatant twitching. “Y-your eyes,” he answered after a while, his smile weak.

Malaa’s face was blank. “I’m not impressed. You’re a writer, are you not? A wordsmith? Craft me something worth hearing,” he tone was that of playful disappointment.

Luster swallowed. He found it hard to restrain his tongue. He had so much to say, but he was starting to realise the true extent behind the zebra’s game. He wanted to provoke a particular reaction from the unicorn. Not a twitching cock or blushing face. Malaa wanted him to plead for release. The unicorn then clenched his jaw. He thought of Malaa’s ass, the plush derrière he wanted to nuzzle his face into and nip at. He thought of the zebra’s body, carved and flawlessly chiselled, athletic and skinny. He wanted to trace the muscles and contours with his tongue, savouring the salty flavour of sweat; the dense odour of their combined scents in such intense heat. He had yet to see the zebra’s fabulous cock, yet, after having washed his own dick with a tongue that morning, he desired to have his oesophagus painted white with zebra seed; savouring the salty flavour as it filled his stomach, much like he did his own…

He was truly starting to lose control of his thoughts.

Struggling to breathe through his nose, to keep his breathing measured, he was able to think of something thanks to its recent occurrence. “Your lips…” he began, straining to speak under such a lewd assault of fantasies, “they’re soft.”

“Is that so?” Malaa’s lip curled, practically predatory. He started to rise from the water. “One question left, and I already know what it is.”

“W-what?” Luster asked, near nervous after his eyes began consuming the sight of an exposed, wet Malaa. Now that he stood, the water just up to his knees, Luster was afforded another marvellous sight of Malaa’s ass. With his tail strewed apart, he could see everything on offer. His view was unrivalled in its eroticism. Be it the result of the potion or some unexplained phenomena, everything about Malaa looked better whilst wet. The zebra’s full balls were squeezed between his thighs in such a way to accentuate their size, the twin orbs in their smooth black sack dripped with droplets of water, absorbing Luster’s attention like a flower absorbs sunlight.

He saw the zebra’s lips move from the corner of his eye, but he was too consumed to hear. “Sorry, could you repeat that?” he asked, his voice flat, paying the barest of attention.

“Would you like to feel them around your cock?” Malaa asked with the straightforward courtesy one would use with regards to sugar in tea.

“W-what!?” Luster sputtered, blindsided. His flat fuck slab throbbed in the water upon hearing, creating a few ripples in the pool.

Malaa turned. With his stance now profile, Luster’s eyes fell downwards on reflex. Under the zebra’s stomach, wet with water and hanging somewhat low under its own weight, was the striped stallion’s own impressive cock. Hard, thick, and long, the rigid member was almost enough to make Luster’s mouth water. It wasn’t as long, or even as thick as Luster’s own, even prior to the potion, but there was just something attention-grabbing about its deep black colour. Luster wanted to touch it, to see its contrast against his own, to taste it. The matte obsidian pillar was clearly as needy as the rock hardwood between the unicorn’s thighs, the strong throbs prompting it to smack against Malaa’s wet belly. Luster didn’t think such a thing was possible, unless...

“I’ll ask again,” Malaa began with a lustful purr, turning towards Luster, his own cock aiming at the seated stallion. Luster didn’t know where to look. The zebra’s sultry face, or the thick black mast swaying under his belly as the zebra started walking towards him. “Would you like. To feel. My lips. Around your long. Fat. Cock?” he posed, each stressed word was punctuated with another step wards Luster. It wasn’t until the zebra was standing over him, his scarlet irises piqued with lust, that Luster’s body reacted.

His thighs clenched, his face twitching in a pleasured grimace as his dick twitched. His balls flexed as his ass clenched. It was another surge. By this point, his balls were so full with seed that instead of pre dribbling from the blunt tip, a small trickle of thick white fluid was squeezed from his indented pisshole, trailing down the thick veined and mottled flesh of his dick before reaching the water, polluting the pond with his spunk, the thick dollop of semen floating away as more pre squeezed its way out the tip. The subtle sensation of it trailing down his meat alone was enough to coax a whimper from the stallion.

“Yes,” he strained to say through his clenched jaw, his mind giving his body no time to acclimate. “Please… suck it.”

Upon that softly delivered request, Malaa’s cheeks heated to a soft red blush, smirking. “Then move back, just out of the water. I want to see it all.

One trade for another, Luster shimmed backwards until his rear was perched on the soft earth at the water’s edge, his large, heavy balls still partially dipping beneath the surface. The full length of his awesome pound hammer stood straight up, painfully hard and pulsating; eager for the zebra whose advance towards it was deliberately slow, enough to make his balls ache something fierce.

Malaa’s lowered himself back down once he was close to Luster’s wet and twitchy breeding stick, the blood-pumping mast reflected off his dimly hued irises, the full focus of his attention. The zebra moved his face towards the tantalising organ, until his cheek was pressed up against it, feeling its beating majesty against his striped coat.

“You’re fucking massive,” Malaa remarked, cursing for the first time, out of breath and struck with awe.

Luster winced as his dick twitched. Two surges of the potion had accumulated now, the pressure building to a painful high. Malaa’s lips brushed his mottled flesh. “C-change your mind?”

“Don’t you dare take it away from me,” Malaa threatened with a lust-drunk smile, pulling away. He then reached out to feel Luster's thick girth under his hoof. The cool water it was just submerged in had apparently done nothing to help quell the strong warmth of the unicorn’s aching tool. Compared to the heat that emanated from the mast, his breaths were almost like a chill gust of wind. A few experimental strokes elicited a moan from Luster, a strong throb followed by a thick bead of pre that only added to the musk that already permeated the air. “Huge. Virile. Beautiful. This belongs to me now.”

Before Luster could say another word, the zebra’s tongue reached out to catch the pea-sized drop of pre that leaked down Luster’s cock, the tip of the moist muscle pushing into the fatty ring of tissue a quarter of the way up his throbbing organ. Luster threw his head back, his lungs emptying as he released a long drawn out moan. The unicorn thought his own tongue was good, but Malaa’s was so much better. His sensitive meat throbbed with bliss just from the mere contact. Any other day, such ecstasy would be enough to set him off, but under the effect of the potion, his cock needed much more. Malaa’s tongue ran up the shaft at a tortuously slow speed, following the trail of the fallen droplet. He hummed, delighted by either the flavour or the act itself, but clearly with more restraint than Luster. He stopped just shy of the ridged flare, slithering back down.

“W-what are y-you doing?” Luster asked, breathless.

“Enjoying myself,” Malaa replied, idly licking around the sides, sometimes marking places with tender kisses. “You don’t just service an organ such as this without giving it the attention it deserves,” he added, sucking and lashing the medial ring with his tongue. Luster was too enthralled with pleasure to speak any further. Soon hisdick was covered in a criss-cross of saliva trails and sloppy kiss marks. It was wet again, no longer with the waters of the pool, but with pre and copious amounts of zebra saliva. Malaa would do just about everything he could with his mouth to please the organ. He’d suckle at the mottled grey skin, soft yet rigid, pulling away with a pop. He’d follow the veins with his tongue until he had mentally mapped the route in his mind. He’d stop to do only two things: to inhale another draught of musky air, or to stop and nuzzle at the flat-tipped cock, showing it a measure of affection most would consider obscene.

“How long are you going to enjoy yourself?” Luster asked in the middle of another nuzzle, the zebra’s muzzle rubbing against his mottled grey meat.

“Ha, I’ve only just begun,” Malaa scoffed in reply. Luster then felt a pair of hooves cup his sack, too small to truly hold the positively giant pair of cum vats. It might have been a trick of his mind, but he was almost certain he could feel the melon-sized pair slosh. “I haven’t even got started on these.

Again, before Luster could say anything further, the zebra’s lips and tongue silenced him with the pleasure they brought. Malaa kissed the right testicle, then the left. That apparently served as some kind of introduction to the pair of churners, for the stallion immediately starting to clean them with many wet sloppy licks across the smooth flesh. Although not as pleasurable as direct contact with his shaft, the oral reverence was enough to make his thighs clench and his stallionhood weep with pre. As pent up as Luster was, he almost wept for real. The large balls made the sack taut, every vein traceable with Malaa’s tongue.

“You taste wonderful,” Malaa whispered, suckling on the firm, smooth skin. He pressed his muzzle to the point where Luster’s balls attached to his sheath, the shadow of the towering member covering him as he inhaled deeply. “Even after being washed, you can smell the fertility. It’s almost hypnotising. There’s no sweat here, just musk. Strong,” he breathed in deeply, filling his lungs with more musk from the precious grey ovoids, “hypnotic... addicting.”

Luster felt his diamond-hard cock throb with a pleasurable yet painful twitch at the zebra’s words. His ears were used to flirts, not filth, which provoked painful, needy twitches from his desperate dick. If he wanted him to beg…

“I want… you. Your mouth. Please. I need it,” Luster pleaded through a clenched jaw, the words leaving his throat with a tremble.

“Did the idea of me getting addicted to your fat cock tip you over the edge?” Malaa gave a toothy smile before planting a kiss at the base of Luster’s meat. “To be truthful, I was getting impatient myself,” he admitted, his tongue dragging up Luster’s cum tunnel, licking all the way up the underside of Luster’s cum hose, stopping just at the peak. “I’ve wanted to swab my throat with your cock for so long.”

A moment later, his lips finally made contact with Luster’s flare, his tongue running over the slight bumps before moving upwards to the peak, tonguing Luster’s urethra to impatiently lap down even more of his trunk’s sticky clear ‘sap’. The pleasure hurt so much, Luster could do nothing else but revel in it. The zebra finally began to part his jaw, his lips feeling and pressing around the virile sceptre, until finally, he was able to coronate it with the inside of his mouth. The cock was thick enough to strain his jaw, but not large enough to have the skin scrape uncomfortably against his teeth. The perfect fit. Any remarks of Malaa’s ‘big mouth’ wouldn’t pertain only to wit, it would seem.

“It feels so good,” Luster groaned, his cock throbbing against the zebra’s tongue.

“Oif ownwy jusht sstarwted,” Malaa spoke, his mouth full of dick.

The attempt at speech felt good; the vibrations up his vocal cords and the movement of his tongue made Luster shiver. “Whatever that is you’re doing, keep doing it.”

Malaa rolled his eyes. He had only just started and already Luster thought he was experiencing the absolute zenith of ecstasy. He would have to prove him wrong.

The first thing he did was stuff his gob, not pretending that he did so purely for Luster’s benefit. He fed himself inch after inch of the kingly grey cock, driving it slowly to the back of his mouth, relishing the taste of pre and his own minty spittle from the oral assault a mere moment ago. After what felt like an eternity, it finally hit the back of his throat, much to his chagrin. He had only a fifth of what Luster had to offer. It would do for now. At a steady pace, his mouth raised before falling again, his tongue licking and slurping as he started to fellate the inflated organ. He made sure to noisily gulp down as many dollops of the rich, clear, sticky fluid Luster’s fuckstick could offer. That said, he did fail to catch some, trickling down the sides of the mottled shaft like melting ice cream down a cone. Right then, his vascular beating titan must have been in a state comparable to that of a two week long edging session, so the torrent of pre was to be expected. Looking up granted him the sight of Luster with his back on the ground. The only thing louder than his own erotic slurps and sucking was the unicorn’s shameless moaning.

To have someone mouthfuck him with as much gusto as Malaa did was a truly rapturous experience. The cock he now sported he could stretch any passage wide, yet Malaa crammed his gullet full of dick with ease. He didn’t choke or gag as he pumped up and down on it, even when he managed to the difficult task of force a few more inches down his laboured gullet. The zebra had gotten as much practice with the facsimile of a cock – Ivory – as he could, but the toy certainly was nowhere near the unicorn’s monstrous size. Malaa’s efforts now were the result of his pure and undiluted desire for the unicorn. Whenever Malaa was able to force the bumped crown down his gullet, making his throat bulge salaciously with the outline of the Luster’s flare, the unicorn in squirmed and his meat gave a couple of rhythmic pulses at the incomparable tightness of the striped stallion’s windpipe.

“M-Malaa, I-I’m about to...” Luster struggled to speak, just as he struggled to stop his hips from jerking upwards into the zebra’s already packed maw. He almost couldn’t believe the way his pendulous orbs clenched, his seed encouraged by Malaa’s gentle kneading hooves, his fat meaty pipe well-prepared to unleash a white and sticky cascade down Malaa’s gullet.

Malaa understood completely. He started to knead the pair of cum bags with his hooves, while his tongue went into overdrive to lap and lash at the pony’s urethra. By now, pre-cum was a constant from the flared, mottled length. If that was telling of what was to come, he was definitely going to have a full stomach by the time they were done.

The large flare lodged the cock between his teeth and his windpipe, thickening so much that Malaa’s teeth couldn’t help but pres down into the turgid skin of the organ. Malaa had held his breath just moments ago in anticipation, but it was a futile measure. The air gushed from his nostrils as the first, viscous shot of jizz fired from the pony’s pulsating cock, the sheer impact and volume of the messy load catching him by surprise. Luster could feel every single rope that coursed up his obese girth, each thick, gooey load at least double the volume of that at the lodge, his urethral tunnel swelling to accommodate each surge of his violent, cataclysmic eruption of pent up cum.

During Luster’s orgasm, Malaa’s eyes had begun to glisten as he struggled to even take in a breath. Each shot of the fertile load did not seem to lessen in quantity, clogging his mouth and throat with thick, musky cum underlined with a tincture of something sweet. He had no complaints to voice about his lover’s taste, but at that moment he was in no position to voice anything at all. A bit desperately, he hummed to clear his epiglottis so he wasn’t outright choking.

Thinking quickly, Malaa’s hooves took hold of Luster’s hips, pressing down firmly to prevent any instinctual bucking from the randy stallion. His original plan was to stroke the hose as it unleashed its load, but from how thick the river was flowing down his throat, it went without saying that it needed no help in ejecting from Luster’s engorged flare.

During it all, Malaa wondered if, perhaps, he had teased the poor stallion for just a tad too long...

After what felt like an eternity, Malaa found the opportunity to pull away from Luster’s prick with a pop and gasp, his lips smeared with semen that had dribbled down the corners of his lips. He could finally breathe again. But it wasn’t over. Despite the sheer quantity of cum that now sat heavy in his stomach, Luster’s balls were still not done. Malaa flinched as the member throbbed and shot several more ropes at his face. They crossed his muzzle, marking his coat with a few more stripes, the jizz then slowing to a drool from the blunt crown.

Malaa wasn’t sure how many shots had been unleashed from the stallion’s obscene cannon, but counting the three that criss-crossed his face, his rough estimate was eighteen…

Malaa breathed heavily, looking up in disbelief. The only difference from a few minutes ago was now that Luster’s tool was now glazed white with semen. It continued to beat and twitch with its owner’s heartbeat, still needy, still wanting, some remnants of cum still squeezing from the tip down to the hilt. “You’re still hard,” he remarked with shallow breaths, the words falling on deaf ears.

Luster’s mind was almost blank during the entire experience. The futile warning he offered Malaa was the last coherent thing in his head before riding the crashing wave of ecstasy that arrived with such a long pent-up orgasm. It was hard to describe the state of his mind after that. Much like that morning, bliss gave way to a moment of clarity after it subsided, although lust continued to fan hotter inside of him. The afterglow was a mere succour to the pressure which was continually building up inside him. His dick remained as hard as granite.

Luster rolled onto his side, almost as fatigued asMalaa. He shared a look with the zebra, who had crawled out of the water to lie beside him. His face was desecrated with cum, panting with ahorny look in his eyes like a harlot, a similar lust in his eyes. Luster grinned. They were in the same boat. “You had some of the potion, didn’t you?”

Malaa smiled coyly, rolling onto his side. Although the effects weren’t quite as drastic, and there wasn’t any discernible difference to the size of his painfully hard erection, his balls had ballooned a little larger,something the zebra accentuated by clenching his thighs together, pushing them towards the unicorn. “At least I didn’t rub it into my coat like an idiot-”


“But yes,” he confirmed, smiling. “I’ve been waiting to empty these ever since I reached the glade. And evidently...” he trailed off, glancing at Luster’s crotch. “You need to empty some more.”

“What do you intend to do about it?” Luster asked, smiling sensually. He didn’t need to restrain his libido any more. Malaa’s semen-encrusted face was proof of that.

Malaa was taken aback by his brazenness, but still found the energy to release a tired laugh. “Haven’t I done enough?”

“I don’t think so. This is your responsibility after all,” he teased.

“Oh ho, Luster. There’s one thing you need to correct,” Malaa grinned, licking his lips.

“And what would that be?”

“The actual question is: What do you intend to do about it?” the zebra posed, smiling with provocation.

Luster huffed, wearing a self-assured smile as he started to rise to his hooves. “I’m going to fuck you like a wild animal.”

“Oh, is that a threat?” Malaa replied with a low tone, turning onto his back; his obsidian length slapping against his wet belly.

“A simple statement of fact,” he quipped, planting his hooves into the ground on either side of Malaa’s head.

The zebra looked up at him with lidded eyes, biting his lower lip. Luster was taking the reins. “Then what are you waiting for? Split me open with your fat pony cock.”

Luster had to suppress his smirk. “Roll over,” Luster commanded with a firm voice, his leviathan cock twitching beneath him, some globs of the remaining jizz dropping onto zebra beneath him.

“Oh? Not missionary?”

“I want to mount you,” Luster lowered his head, grazing his lips against his lover’s, then bringing his ear close to his ear, letting out a sensual sigh that provoked shivers to course down the zebra’s body. “Then I’m going to breed you like the slut you are.”

A hitched breath, a solitary twitch from the zebra’s shaft. Malaa didn’t need to say anything to confirm that was precisely what he wanted. He flipped himself onto his belly, his hind legs shaking as he raised his plump butt impatiently into the air. He let loose another breath as he felt the goliath cock pushing down on his back, pulsating between his shoulders as Luster started to drag his length back and forth, smearing his own juices down the zebra’s back. Malaa flagged his tail, a submissive gesture but also one that cleared the way for the fertile dick destined for his ass.

Luster was both happy to be in control for once in the past day and that he had such a ripe peach longing for his cock. His own cum would suffice for lube - Celestia knows he had enough to spare. He barely spent any time appraising the stallion’s perfect ass, huffing out of his nostrils as he clumsily angled himself to penetrate the waiting zebra. He guided his prick towards the zebra’s ebony pucker, Malaa’s sizeable cock jolting at the contact between his tight hole and the unicorn’s trembling ass stuffer. Luster prodded at the zebra's hole, trying to battle his anxiety. Each failed penetration was Luster delaying the inevitable, smearing his dribbled pre over the zebra's plush and plump asscheeks, sometimes he angled too low; bumping into Malaa's taint and snug coinpurse. After a few more of these 'failures', Luster found himself steadied and ready to consummate. With a noticeable shift, he pushed his hips downwards against the zebra's wrinkled and puffy plucker, knowing his mark...

Malaa’s body stiffened even if his hole relaxed. Gently, Luster eased his hips forward, pushing until a pair of moans – one pleasured, one a mixture of pain and contentment – sounded out in the air. With his dick having now speared the zebra’s tush, penetrating and claiming the hole as his own, Luster wasted no more time in sliding himself inside. He fed his cock Malaa’s puffy ring, the walls inside soft like velvet embracing his pride, the tight entrance squeezing around him as if to both make him leave yet keep him embedded. His flare spread the way for the rest of his shaft, and the further in he went the more soft tunnel was able to squeeze around the newly buried inches of his meat.

“Wait, wait!” Malaa called out, his hind legs shaking as his hole swallowed Luster’s medial ring, almost entirely enveloping the foot long monster.

Luster’s dominating demeanour crumbled almost immediately, his eyes flashed with concern, staying his hips despite the volume of his libido’s screaming. “What? I’m not hurting you am I?” he asked, sincerely worried.

Malaa let out a short chuckle after a moment. “I knew it. You’re still a softie.”

“Don’t joke about that!”

“But I’m not,” Malaa assured, clenching his hugging walls around the rigid intruder. “Let me get used to your size. Ivory didn’t even come close, you know?”

“Yeah, I’m sure he’d be jealous,” Luster remarked, flexing his cock within the zebra’s makeshift cunt.

Umph. And he should. After you’re done with me, I doubt he’ll even be able to touch the sides anymore,” he gasped, swaying his plot from side to side, awed by how much the flare filled him, pushing against all walls and assuring a nice stretch.

“Am I going to have to abandon my career to live under your bed?” Luster chortled. “Just to satisfy you on those... lonely nights.”

“After this, I’m pretty sure I’ll be the one assuming that role.”

“Hmph. Does the role of sex toy suit you?”

“So long as you’re the only one who plays with me,” Malaa answered, angling his head upwards to plant a small kiss on Luster’s lowered neck. “You can keep going now.”

“Gladly,” Luster said, before slamming in the final few inches of his mottled member with one swift move, grunting while he bottomed out in the zebra’s tight ass, his hips colliding with the zebra’s soft haunches, forcing the breath out of Malaa’s lungs in a pleasured cry.

Luster took a moment to savor the snug fit before he started to withdraw a few inches of his oversized endowment. He exposed less than a quarter of his cock before bucking back inside with a firm thrust, drilling to depths the zebra had never before reached himself. He thrust again, his hips working like a piston as he built up to a faster speed and rhythm, lancing himself steadily harder inside the zebra, aided by the slickness of his own seed.

Like the thrusts themselves, pleasure crashed into the zebra with each ram against his g-spot. He vocalised each time Luster lodged himself inside, panting like a whore with falsetto gasps and moans, his pleasured song joining the sounds of slapping hips and heavy balls smacking against his cheeks. It was no surprise that his body seemed to welcome the cock in reaction. His bowels parted and hugged around the intruder, reshaping themselves to make a perfect fit in spite of his lover’s immense size. Malaa had never reached such a height of ecstasy, but Luster seemed intent on making him go even higher.

In the midst of his grunts and pounding, Luster’s curved horn sparked with blue light. Malaa was too consumed by his own euphoria to notice, and was startled when his own dripping black cock was enveloped beneath him...

“Ahh, fuck!” Malaa cried as he was stimulated from both ends. As Luster continued his rhythmic, ceaseless pounding of the zebra’s taut hole, the striped buttocks rippling with every collision of his hips, Malaa’s cock hummed with a magical aura that exponentially increased his pleasure. His forelegs gave out, and soon he was being fucked into the dirt. Luster felt the velveteen canal spasm and twitch around him, just as the cock held in his magic pulsated and throbbed with the clenching of Malaa’s engorged black nuts.

Beneath him, Malaa tensed, his hole clenching around his still jackhammering organ, the blunt force of his enlarged shaft still battering his prostate. Malaa’s black member swelled and flared before firing generous ropes of cum from his tip, sowing his seed into the moist ground beside the spring as it smacked against his belly in time with Luster’s unrelenting thrusts. The zebra’s whimpers went heard by the unicorn’s ears. Luster himself felt close but not close enough, continuing to plow intoMalaa with his firm gyrations.

“L-Luster,” Malaa whimpered, his half erect cock oozing once more with pre as it throbbed quickly back to a state of hardness, the potion working its exotic magic.

A silent gasp escaped the zebra’s throat as he climaxed again, a few more thick droplets dribbling from the indented urethra of his recently spent cock, the stress against his prostate too much. The spasms provoked by the zebra’s second climax were enough to encourage the unicorn’s stallionhood to swell and his thrusts to quicken to a desperate, pleasure-chasing high. The hole pushed around him in strange patterns, trying to milk his rod of every impending drop. Throwing his head back, the unicorn plunged balls deep into the zebra’s wiggling hips, which rose to meet him; grinding against his hips and dick with eager abandon.

The hole gripped him like a vice, managing to hold tight as each cannon-like shot of spunk was unloaded into the deepest part of the zebra’s bowels. His melon-sized gonads flexed in time with his cock’s ripples, flooding the zebra’s thoroughly abused ass. If the unicorn’s mind wasn’t white with bliss, he would have been surprised by the alchemist’s twitching hole, as a third and final orgasm pierced the striped stallion to his very core.

With a lusty growl, Luster wrenched himself free, a final few spurts of cum staining Malaa’s back before he rolled off the zebra to fall to his back, his cock finally going soft. Malaa remained frozen, gradually defrosting and falling at a glacial pace to his belly. His ass gaped, squeezing, trying to regain its original shape as the immense pressure of a gut full of cum left the excess to flood out of his used hole to trickle down his taint and emptied sack.

Luster, panting, finally felt a measure of relief. Some of the aching pressure in his balls was alleviated, and the constant burning in his loins had seemed to recedesomewhat. He could rest. For now. After a short while, Malaa crawled over to the unicorn, pressing his cheek to his barrel; a contented sigh leaving his lips.

“This isn’t how I pictured our first time,” Malaa remarked, nuzzling into his lover’s chest.

“What did you picture?” Luster said, his breaths shallow, as he instinctively wrapped his hooves around the zebra.

“Something in a warm bed. Candles. Incense and kisses. Maybe a little more tenderness on your part,” he ended sheepishly, with a tired, wry smile.

“I thought you were expecting me to be… rough,

“Perhaps… with time,” he chuckled. “If my system wasn’t full of the potion right now, I think I would be choking you for the morning I’m going to have instead of cuddling with you as I am now.”

Luster let out a nervous titter, reminding himself to be on guard just in case. “Sorry. But hey, at least you were somewhat prepared on that front.”

“True… true...” Malaa sighed, rubbing his dirtied cheek into the pony. “Remind me not to get you so horny next time.”

“And lessen the fun?” Luster quipped, hugging him tighter...

They spent a moment sharing the afterglow with one another. The hug, left Luster and his companion sweating in the sweltering midday heat, but they didn’t abandon it. It was a closeness and intimacy that was long overdue, neither desiring to unhook from each other. Eventually, however, the reality of the situation crept up on Luster, a familiar ache building in his loins. “So… I’m going to be horny all week?”

“Insatiably so. For five days, give or take,” Malaa answered, looking up at him. “Your libido will plateau, but the surges will keep coming at a constant until it’s entirely out of your system.”

Luster grimaced. “I don’t like the sound of that,” he replied. His balls but a moment ago were depleted but they already felt worryingly full again.

Malaa brows met. “Why not? Don’t like the idea of waking up with my lips wrapped around you? Or your hips meeting my ass in the afternoon? Or is the thought of me riding you to sleep in the evening so off-putting?”

Luster’s grimace turned into a wry smile. “Don’t get me hard again.”

“Very well. Let’s get cleaned up then,” he gave a toothy grin, rolling his shoulders as he unwrapped from Luster’s hooves. He ached, but not cripplingly so.

Luster arose with him, acutely away of how slimy and full of grime he was now. His coat was patched in places with dirt from fucking on water bank, his thighs and soft, hanging cock glazed still with semen. He could feel clumps of dirt entangled in his ivory mane. A cursory glance to Malaa revealed a stallion who was much worse off, covered in most places with new, off-white stripes of cum, in others, dirt, primarily on his face and chest. Luster offered the waters a pensive look. “Are you sure we should clean up here? Our… mess, might make its way downstream...” he asked cautiously.

Malaa had already stepped into the clear pool. “I suspect we’ll have a great harvest this season if your seed is as fertile as I believe,” he said with a simper, letting out a giggle at Luster’s blushing face. “It will be fine, really. Besides, we need to get clean before we show our faces back in the village. While I’m liable to flirt, I don’t much savour the idea of parading myself like this to everyone there.”

“Right,” Luster concurred, wading into the waters beside him. He glanced at the zebra. “Do you need me to wash your back?”

Malaa smirked, biting his lip. “Did you change your mind about getting yourself hard again?”

Luster kept a straight face, glancing to the mess of white slime on the zebra’s back before looking at his half-lidded irises, smiling awkwardly. “Maybe...”

Chapter 6 (9): Salivation

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As the sun was just beginning to dip in the late afternoon, two figures emerged from the treeline of the jungle, enthralled in a chase, or was it a race? It wouldn't have been terribly clear to onlookers. If it was a race, the striped participant was barely ahead, huffing with cheeks red from either exertion or the effects of a particular potion travelling through his veins. If a chase, then the zebra was close to losing. Just behind, wearing a playful yet predatory smile, a unicorn was in hot pursuit. Although this would bring further confusion. There was no attempts to leap forwards and grab the zebra, or perhaps more obviously, simply grapple the cantering zebra with his magic. Instead, sometimes the pony would lurch his neck forward, nipping playfully at the zebra's plush booty, other times his tongue would shoot past his lips to catch the smooth black flesh of the zebra’s taint or sack, or test a more risqué target by sloppily whipping his wrinkled ponut. Beneath them both, their cocks hung, half-hard and smacking against their bellies; dribbling precum and serving as the final piece to the obscene game the two stallions were playing.

Although in that moment they didn't care about their exhibition of arousal, foresight would have let them feel relief that they were unseen during all of this. Their loud laughter only roused a few disgruntled murmurs from those inside their homes, totally unawares to the feast of provocativeness just outside their doors.

The beads of the doorway rattled upon their entry, the sounds of foalish chortling and guffawing destroying the silence. Inside the shaman's hut, the game was quickly forgotten as the two descended on one another with lustful kisses and affectionate nuzzles. Uncoordinated and messy, their muzzles were soon matted down with spittle from the sloppiness of the kisses. When their lips would miss their intended target, both stallions were instead treated to the taste of their partner's sweat, worked up from their chase through the jungle. Both found that they enjoyed it. So much in fact, that it alone was enough to provoke a pleasured moan, groan, or involuntary throb of their respective cocks.

Whilst stumbling inside the doorway, Malaa tripped and fell; Luster falling over him as he refused to detach his lips, so lost in the moment.

"Here?" Luster asked, continuing to pepper the zebra's face with kisses, not even inspecting where they had fallen.

"I don't think I have it in me to go any further," Malaa cooed, his forehooves magnetised to the unicorn's chest and sides.

Luster lowered his neck to lock lips with the zebra after he finished speaking. They fought with tongues, ravenous for one another. Luster only pulled away when he realised he was forgetting to breathe, looking down into the half lidded eyes of Malaa with a clever glint in his eye. "I guess it's a good thing we landed like this. You did say I didn't suit being beneath you," Luster quipped, out of breath.

"Because the sight of you over me is so much better," Malaa replied affectionately, stroking a hoof down Luster's cheek, his own barrel rising and falling with his fatigued breaths.

At that, Luster couldn't resist kissing the zebra again even if he tried. The kiss they shared was more measured but no less ample in passion, tongue fucking each other's throats slowly as their virile cocks became as hard as steel, leaking like burst pipes sandwiched between their bodies. They ground their hips into each other on instinct, their fat, swollen columns smearing their partner’s coats with fresh, sticky pre. Their organs collided, the medial rings gliding over one another, provoking a moan as their ridged crowns brushed against one another mixing their lusty juices together into a messy cocktail. Soon, the hut stank of their shared arousal, congesting their sinuses with stallion sweat and musk.

Luster had to yank himself away from Malaa's lips, his own lust working against him. He could feel the zebra's thick cock throbbing against his own. "Can I try?"

"Oh? Try 'what' exactly?" the zebra asked knowingly between kisses on Luster's neck.

"I want to feel you in my mouth," Luster answered, his dick twitching pleasurably against Malaa at the thought.

Malaa smirked, ceasing his pecks and kisses for a moment, resting his head back on the floor. "Are you sure?"

Rather than reply verbally, Luster simply leaned down to plant a wet kiss on Malaa's unready lips; his hips pressing down to squeeze their cocks together before moving his lips down to the zebra's neck.

Malaa moaned at the tender touch, biting his lip. "Then let me have some fun, too," he cooed.

Smirking, Luster stood slightly, a small string of pre connecting their bellies. He pivoted in place, until his cock and balls were aligned with the zebra's face; Malaa's sceptre and jewels lining up with his own. Before he could even get started, he felt the zebra's lips beginning to suckle on his heavy pendulous balls. Even if the zebra was devoid of any other merits, Luster could find no fault in the zebra's tongue, which lashed and bathed his cum engorged sack with spit and vigour. The pleasure was almost enough to freeze the unicorn, especially with the potion heightening his euphoria. However, he managed to power through the ecstasy, orally fixated on filling his gob with the twitchy black sceptre beneath him.

Normally, his limited experience handling cocks would have left him a nervous wreck... except he wasn't. His horn lit with a strong blue light, his aura enshrouding Malaa's full balls as well as the zebra's glistening black cock. His magic kneaded the pair of churners as he angled the zebra's pride towards his maw. The fat ebony flare seemed daunting at first, but the instant his lips made contact with the warm flesh, that shimmer of unease rapidly evaporated. There was something inexplicably addictive just in the mere contact. The pulsating cockflesh seemed like its own living being, reacting independently of its owner's desires, twitching and leaking against his soft lips. Although Luster was inexperienced, it wasn't like the black shaft beneath him could tell the difference. A tongue was a tongue, and regardless how experienced it was, you couldn't feign eagerness. Luster dragged his tongue over the crown, driving over the large indented urethra before tracing the hard yet spongy rim of the tip; his tongue moving over the subtle black bumps. Although he had sampled his own cum that morning, he was eager to taste the difference between himself and Malaa, sloppily licking up the translucent pearls of pre that were squeezed from the zebra's tip.

Not to be outdone, Malaa discovered his competitive side with the foot long dong dangling above him. The heavy balls, while tantalising in their fullness, were but a side attraction to the challenge posed by the unicorn's hefty grey spear. The thick grey log of cock dangled towards his mouth, throbbing and dribbling precum with every twitch. The sight was simply irresistible. His lips lurched upwards downs the mottled head, his lips forming a seal around the urethra. Luster moaned aloud as Malaa drained him, the zebra allowing some of the excess to cover his tongue before he smeared it across the girthy crown. Luster's unique flavour wasn't a requirement to make the cock more palatable, rather, it was a necessity of the zebra if he intended to take in more than he had last time.

Luster tried to keep up in his own way. For the first time his mouth parted for a cock beside his own as his lips enveloped the flare of the zebra's glistening black cock. The flesh was soft, yet any push of the tongue would make clear the granite hardness of the mast. Unlike his own shaft, the zebra's tool sat more comfortably in his mouth, resting on his tongue like a cushion. Having never given head before, the extent of Luster's 'technique' was to suck at the tip, mimicking his oral ministrations from the morning, including plenty of tongue licks against the tip. He wasn’t as good with his tongue as the zebra, but he made up for it with a wild ravenous tongue.

Malaa's hooves reached up to press down on either side of Luster's flanks, his hooves resting on each cutie mark as he reached with his mouth to wrap his lips around the unicorn's impressive cock. Thankfully, Luster hadn't experienced any more growth since the last time he did this, the strain of his jaw familiar to him now as he tried to lodge even more of the tool in his maw. As Luster's sucked on his cock like a pacifier, Malaa tried to stave off his pleasure to concentrate on the task at hoof. Slowly, carefully, his pulled on the unicorn's ass to ease more and more of the mottled gray leviathan down his throat. His tongue remained still, and as the daunting tip bumped the back of his mouth once again, he took a breath through his nostrils - his lungs filling with both air and the unfiltered strong musk of the unicorn's fertile nuts - and relaxed, sliding an extra inch into his mouth, the wide crown sliding down his throat.

"Mmm," Luster moaned around the zebra's meat, the tip of his dick constricted with a tightness that rivalled even Malaa's heavenly ass. It hugged him on all sides, wrapping his cock like a moist, wet vise. He felt Malaa push down on his haunches, forcing more of his cock to slide inside that constricting maw, pushing out the zebra's throat as he strained himself to conquer the colossal organ. Even as the teeth scraped against his mottled skin, the unicorn couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the pleasure, his hind legs quivering...

"Glurk!" the zebra gagged around Luster's cock, his vision suddenly obscured by the huge sacks of creamy cum landing on his eyes and covering his nostrils. The unicorn had fallen, bottoming out in his poor strained throat. The zebra's hooves flew to his gullet, overwhelmed by sensation. He could feel the unicorn's meaty spear through his coat, every horny, pleasured throb...

And it turned him on like nothing else.

Luster could feel the zebra's cock ripple between his lips, some seminal fluid gracing his taste buds as the zebra shivered beneath him. This has the unusual effect of bringing Luster to his senses. Malaa's cockleft his mouth with a pop, the tip covered in a thin sheen of spit and precum. Luster immediately raised his hindquarters, standing back up to allow his dick to slide out of the zebra's throat; the action akin to a sword being unsheathed from its scabbard. Luster winced at a combination of the sensation - having to tug his cock free of the zebra's throat was particularly pleasant - but also at the sight of Malaa heaving for breath, his eyes wet with fresh tears.

"Oh no. Malaa, I'm-"

"I... win," Malaa declared between pants, the corners of his lips tugging into a smile that surprised Luster.

Luster blinked. "What?"

"Nothing... nothing," Malaa answered between breaths, his hoof waving, as if swatting the question away. After a few more moments, Malaa spoke again. "What are you doing? Don't stop."

The sight of the zebra retaining his libido was enough to make Luster's dick twitch. He smiled, meeting the cocky zebra grin with his own. "Didn't plan on it."

Luster pressed his cock against the zebra's lips, just as he pushed his own against the jet coloured meat beneath him. He opened his mouth once again, taking the zebra as deeply as he could, knowing now that Malaa was capable of taking so much more. While Luster's tongue washed his tip, Malaa swallowed his member past the flare with expert ease. Now that the unicorn had a moment to overcome his newness to a cock in his mouth, he was able to service the zebra more deftly with his tongue, even if he failed to match the zebra's particular brand of oral ferocity. The zebra was unaffected by his recent brush with breathlessness, a second wind working his tongue, hooves, and throat to pleasure the fat pony cock above him...

A full half hour later, the two stallions laid on their backs, cocks exposed and soft against their bellies. Malaa now had a double spunk load in his belly, and Luster was still savouring the taste of his first. The zebra's exotic load was salty-sweet, hearty with its taste and thickness. Luster was almost able to roll it around in his mouth like bubblegum, although the temptation to swallow it all had been too great

"Still horny?" Malaa asked after a minuteof shared panting, his voice entirely expectant.

"Why would that have changed?" Luster asked, grinning.

Malaa chuckled, standing with a shaky gait before he spoke again, "Then I think I'm going to need another dose."

Luster only moved his head, too fatigued to stand himself. His eyes glued themselves to Malaa's juicy rump sway as he walked away. "If you intend to be with me every minute of the potion’s duration, why don't you rub it on yourself too?" he asked, not looking away from the striped butt.

"Because I called you a moron for it. I still stand by that," he answered coyly, flicking his tail as he disappeared into the hut, depriving Luster of the wonderful view. "But in truth, your case could be a one-off," he called back eventually, appearing back in view shortly after, wiping his mouth. "What if I was even worse?"

"Worse? How?" Luster inquired, the questing begging to be asked.

"What if, instead of enhancing me as a stallion, it enhanced me as a mare? I'm certainly inclined to take rather than receive. The potion might be aware of this. I would rather not take the risk," Malaa answered, trailing over to the unicorn; casually draping himself across the unicorn's stomach, resting his cheek on the stallion's barrel.

Luster smiled down at Malaa. His hoof came up to stroke circles atop the zebra's head, playing with his surprisingly soft mane. "Speaking of, are my effects-"

"Permanent? I expect something residual to remain," Malaa answered pre-emptively, unmoving. He must have enjoyed the sensation of the unicorn's hoof.


Malaa smirked knowingly.

"What is it?" Luster asked.

"I can't tell if you're disappointed at being irreversibly altered or if you're pleased at the prospect of remaining a little larger than you once were?"

"W-well, what can I say except-"

Malaa smiled. "I thought so."

"What? I didn't say anything."

"You didn't have to," Malaa replied, chuckling. "Your friend, he does all the talking."

Luster grinned, his own growing erection starting to uncomfortably press against the zebra's stomach. "Want to do something about it?"

Malaa grinned, chewing his lower lip. "I've been waiting to go again."

“And again.”

“And again,” Malaa growled playfully, meeting Luster’s lips with a kiss as he straddled his belly, his own black mast grinding against the unicorn’s grey sceptre.

“All week,” Luster muttered when the zebra pulled away for a breath.

“And after?”

Luster chuckled, grazing his face against the stallion. “And after.”

Chapter 7: Euphoria

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One Week Later

Luster, at the height of the dune, looked back at the village. He could barely see the residents from here, just vague silhouettes in the distance. He had despised his journey to the village. The way the sand irritably lodged itself in the frog of his hoof, or how the goggles and cloak chafed as he trekked through the sands with his escort – not to mention the sandstorms. However, as he looked upon the village from a distance one last time, he was already certain that he was going to hate leaving even more than he hated arriving. He wore a sad, wistful frown, unsure of when he would look upon the exotic township again. “Goodbye Jirachuu.”

“For now,” a voice sounded beside him, before said voice attacked him from the side, muzzle against his neck. “What’s got into you?”

Luster chuckled, reciprocating the nuzzle. “Nothing. I always get this way when I leave somewhere.”

Malaa smirked. “You get attached easily? You’ll always have the memories, at least.”

“True,” Luster concurred with the zebra, each past town, village, and city occupying a room in the house that was his heart. “But this time, I got the best memento a stallion could ask for.”

Malaa chuckled, nuzzling against the unicorn’s chin before speaking again, “You’re a charmer.”

“And you’re charming. How can I help myself?” he smiled, reciprocating the nuzzle with a quick peck on the striped stallion's forehead.

Luster wore a smile that was similarly worn by the zebra, who broke contact with the unicorn so that the two could look each other deeply in the eyes. The pause barely lasted before they met lips. Among the sands overlooking the village, the pair shared a deep and passionate kiss. Their tongues affectionately wrestled, swapping spittle, this moment of genuine care absent of the lust forced upon them by the potion. The moment seemed to last forever, which Luster was all too happy to bask in until a gruff voice tore them both out of it.

“You two, c’mon, got to get ahead of the sands,” the cloaked feline gestured the two to follow, his face obscured by his hood.

Luster reluctantly broke their kiss, his hoof grazing the zebra’s cheek. He and Malaa spared one last look for Jirachu. “Are you sure you want to leave? It could be a long time before we’re in this part of the world again.”

"I don't think my master appreciated how we used a month's worth of aphrodisiac in a week but..." Malaa moved against the unicorn’s hoof, enjoying his tender touch. “This place is always waiting for me. It expects me. I can’t say the same for other places in the world.”

Luster piqued a brow. “And you want to take them by surprise?”

Malaa met the unicorn’s smirk with a glint in his eyes. “Yes, I imagine we could... together.

Luster chuckled, his chest full of warmth. “Then together it is...”

With that final remark, the two strode together across the sands, following their guide, pursuing opportunity and adventure as one.