Tracking her to the Palace

by AtomicClop

First published

Twilight and Star Tracker have a secret Hearth's Warming tradition.

Twilight and Star Tracker have a secret Hearth's Warming tradition.

A JingleClop 2019 present for Kalash93, with the prompt "Star Tracker and S9 Finale Alicorn Twilight, tender lovemaking." Part of the Vanilla JingleClop pool.

Kinks: A mare and a stallion make love.

Thanks to the folks in the Discord for discussions and advice!

A Night in the Palace

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A JingleClop 2019 present for Kalash93.

Luna trotted up the long marble floor to Twilight's throne. Boughs of evergreen wrapped in silver tinsel decorated the throne room for Hearth's Warming Eve. Late afternoon sun flooded in through the stained glass, and snow piled up around the sills of the windows.

"Princess," Luna said with a bow and a flare of her wings.

"Luna!" Twilight trotted down the red-carpeted steps and nuzzled Luna, cheek-to-cheek. Twilight—Princess of All Equestria—nowadays needed to lean down to reach the old friend who was still one of the tallest ponies in the world. "Thanks again."

Luna broke the nuzzle and smiled at Twilight. "I so loathe retirement. A chance to return to my old duties, and also allow you a vacation? This has been our tradition for years now. I should never miss it."

"Thank you. I have... my own tradition for Hearth's Warming Eve."

Luna raised an eyebrow.

"What're your plans for the night, Luna?"

"Off to your rest and relaxation, I forbid you to worry about me or my plans!"

Twilight gave Luna a hug. "I leave the Palace in your hooves. I'll see you in the morning!"

"Have a... restful... evening."

Twilight grinned, and trotted toward the back door of the throne room.

She stopped when Luna's levitation grabbed her tail and lifted it high, exposing Twilight's wet and swollen labia and her engorged clit.

"You've been thinking about your holiday tradition all afternoon, haven't you?" Luna asked.

"Been thinking about him all month," Twilight confessed.

Star Tracker stood in the back of a tour group. An elderly docent in palace livery waved a hoof at the decorations, reciting the same tour-guide spiel Star Tracker heard from her every Hearth's Warming Eve.

Shuffling hooves and crinkling tour brochures echoed from the high ceilings, and the stink of ponies sweating under their winter parkas mixed with the perfume of the fresh-cut evergreen boughs. Deep maroon light poured through the stained glass as the sun set.

A tap on his flank startled Star Tracker. He looked behind him, and two pegasi guards in heavy armor, a mare and a stallion, glared at him.

"Come with us, sir," said the mare.

He smiled. "Oh... heh heh... is something wrong?"

"Come with us, sir," said the stallion.

"Lead, uh, lead on," Star Tracker said.

The stallion trotted off, and the mare followed Star Tracker.

After twisting and turning through the corridors and stairwells for about five minutes, they reached a private floor in one of the guest towers. The stallion hoofed open the door to one of the suites. "I honestly don't know what the boss sees in you," he said.

"Heh heh heh... I have hidden qualities..." Star Tracker replied, and trotted into the room.

The guards closed the door behind him.

"What does that mean?" asked the guard stallion.

"You'll know in the morning," said the mare, "when the cleaning crew shows up."

Star Tracker looked around the suite. A Hearth's Warming tree, elaborately decorated in purple and raspberry—the colors of Twilight's mane—stood in one corner. A fire raged in the fireplace, leaving the room warm, almost hot, despite the cold snow outside the windows.

His saddlebags were sitting in the corner, moved from the locker at the train station he had left them in.

The palace staff was as efficient as ever. Heh.

A kitchenette stood just to the side of the door. He found a hot plate warming a saucepan of cider, its lid a half-inch ajar. Lowering his nose, he sniffed at the citrus and mulling spices, his eyes closing as the wonderful memories of Hearth's Warming past came back to him.

He ladled the cider into a mug and took a sip. The cider warmed him up from the chill of the palace's stone corridors.

There was just a tiny hint of her scent wafting on the air currents. He lowered the mug and raised his nose.

Her scent came from the suite's bedroom. Balancing his mug on one hoof, he trotted to the bedroom door on his other three.

Sniffing again, his nose close to the inch-wide gap where the door was slightly open, he smelled her perfume wafted through the opening.

Her musk, too. His cock slowly began to stir deep under his belly.

With a sip of his cider, Star Tracker pushed the door open.

"Were my guards late picking you up?" Twilight asked.

"Heh heh... yeah."

The bed was three times the size of a normal pony's to accommodate the new Royal frame. Mulberry-purple sheets, pure silk, covered the deep and soft mattress. A mirrored ceiling reflected the bed, filling the room with the deep colors.

Twilight lay on the bed, rolled on her left side, head propped on one hoof. Black stockings covered her rear legs, and her right wing was unfurled, covering her bottom and the dock of her tail. Her mane and tail disappeared against the sheets, exactly the same color, except for the raspberry highlights.

She levitated up a mug and took a sip. "We've both found our drinks, I see."

Star Tracker tilted his mug slightly towards her. "Thanks, princess. You remembered what I liked. Cinnamon and citrus."

"I make a point of remembering what you like. Besides, I have a surprise along those lines..."

He swallowed and his ears perked up. "Oh? What's that?"

"A surprise."

"Hmmm." He placed his mug on the dresser, and slipped onto the bed, behind her. Lying on his left side, he presses his belly and chest against her spine.

"Mmmmmhmmmmm," she said.

His eyes closed, and he buried his nose into her mane. It was still ever-so-slightly damp from a recent shower, and smelled of her shampoo... a citrusy smell.

The coat of her back tickled his belly, and he wrapped his right foreleg over her shoulder, running his hoof up and down her chest, tickling up to the hollow of her neck.

Twilight let out a deep breath. "So nice... I've missed this..."

"I've missed you," he replied. He lifted up his rear leg and draped it over her thigh, just next to the wing extended to cover her cutie mark. "You're big... heh... bigger than last time."

Twilight curled up, away from him slightly, and shook once. "I'm so... I'm turning into a freak. I don't know how Celestia stands this. Had I known what she was asking..."

"What? What? No!" He scooted up, close to her again, and nibbled the back of her neck. "You're beautiful."

She unfolded, a little, her back tickling against his belly again.

"Thank you," Twilight said. "Was your train ride okay?"

"A few delays due to the snow, but yeah."

"You must have been cold."

"Freezing, heh heh."

"I hope I'm warm enough for you."

Star Tracker inched his hips forward, and pressed his now-hard cock against her spine, trapped between their two bodies. "I'm, uh, I'm losing a lot of body heat from that. We need to find something warm for it. Preferably warm and wet."

She rolled over, going from spooning to nose-to-nose with him. Her wings spread out, and with the very tips of her pinions, she played the feathers up and down his cock from ballsack to tip and back, one feather moving up while the other moved down, then reversing, her strokes luxuriously long on his massive stallionhood.

Closing his eyes, he moaned deep in his throat and arched his spine.

"None of your fillyfriends back home are pegasi, I take it?"

He moaned, low in his throat.

She kept her touch light, just brushing his sensitivity, and leaned down so that the heat of her breath played against his tip, but without quite touching her lips to it. She changed her strokes, short and long, fast and slow, and let her secondary feathers brush against his balls while her pinions tickled his shaft. Every third or forth stroke, she circled the feather around the tip of his shaft, making his body stiffen and jerk.

He panted, eyes clenched, squirming his hips to try to find her mouth, but she backed up, always dodging him.

When his balls started clenching tight to his body, dangerously close to coming, she gave a single lick against the tip, stopped the feather play, and rolled over on her back.

He needed several seconds to get his eyes open, and he panted slightly.

"Find your surprise," Twilight said. "It's a gastronomic surprise, and it's in the bed, somewhere."

"Gast— gastronomic?"

"Means 'taste.'"

Star Tracker smiled. "Oh, eh, I know what it means. I was just trying not to shoot my load everywhere while I think about what 'gastronomic' means."

"Well, here's your chance to cool yourself down and warm me up."

He lifted up one leg and climbed onto her, straddling her belly, and leaned down.

She lifted her head, and their lips met. He kissed her. Kissed her lip, the tip of her nose, down the line of her chin, and nibbled at the skin where the neck met the shoulder, then up, along the jaw, and took her ear gently between his front teeth and gave a tiny pull.

"You remember my weakness!" Twilight giggled.

"Heh heh... your two weaknesses. The ears, and old-timey Appaloosan hats."

"Maybe later on that second one."

He gave a quick peck to the base of her horn (remembering vividly how dangerous actual horn-play was with an alicorn), then nibbled and tugged on her other ear.

Her belly squirmed underneath him as he straddled her, Twilight's hard alicorn muscles massaging his balls, his cock standing upward and throbbing with his heartbeat.

Star Tracker kissed her neck, her chest, then scooted down, leaned over, and gently nibbled just below her left wing. As his playful nipping trailed across her chest and towards the base of her right wing he could smell her citrusy shampoo.

"That tickles!" she squealed. "Don't stop!"

He scooted his bottom down some more, until his balls touched the wetness between her legs. She was so tall now, so long in the barrel, that leaning down allowed him access to her belly.

"Pbbbbbbtttttttt!" He blew a raspberry against her stomach.

"He heee! Oh, you're getting close to your surprise." She reached up and rubbed his mane with her forehooves.

Star tracker closed his eyes, his nose less than an inch from her belly, and sniffed.

Citrus. And cinnamon. Getting stronger.

Opening his eyes, he inched down, until his hips were on the bed, and held his nose close to her wet pussy. He used his forelegs to spread her hips wide, and the smell intensified as her wet pussylips separated from each other, letting him see up inside her.

"You... heh... your snatch smells like cider."

Her tail moved up and stroked him once under the chin, and she levered herself up on an elbow and looked down her torso at him, one eyebrow raised, a grin on her face. "Before the semester broke, I had the students in my senior-year potions class whip up a cauldron of warming lubricant."

His eyes widened. "But... they're foals?"

She chuckled. "No, senior year. They all took bottles back to the dorms for their own personal use, and I kept a flask for me. This is going to be a very festive night, all across Canterlot."

He nibbled her inner thigh, his forelegs pressing down to keep her hips splayed. She leaned back down to the bed, and her purring in her massive chest vibrated the entire bed.

Licking and nibbling, he traced his mouth close to her most royal palace, closing his eyes to enjoy the smell, and then moved away, trailing a line of bites and nibbles down the back of her left leg.

"Oh, no fair! After that feather job, you're going to tease me?"

"I haven't teased you in a year."

"I'll throw you in a dungeon until next Hearth's Warming!"

He nibbled on the back of her knee, and she squirmed, shaking the bed. "If you put me in a dungeon in Canterlot, you'll be down there three times a day. You couldn't resist."

She bit onto her own fetlock. "Errrrrmmphhh... suck my clit!"

Tracing his tongue back up her inner thigh, he brought it close to her clit, brushed it across her pussy lips for a split-second (the bed jumped as she spasmed), and nibbled down her other thigh to suck the back of her opposite knee.

Her body bucked, and she inched her soaking twat toward him, trying to capture his lips with her sensitivity. Star Tracker dodged, his tongue tracing between her outer and inner lips, just past her clit, and then he clamped his mouth down around her right nipple.

The smell of cinnamon and citrus doubled and redoubled as her pussy overflowed with her juices, the lubricant warmed by her throbbing desire.

Her bucking intensified as he moved to her other nipple, sucking hard, nibbling ever so slightly, and then—

"Yes!" she screamed as his tongue moved to her clit, his lips wrapped around it, and he sucked.

The taste of the lubricating potion filled his mouth, tart and sharp, mixed with the sweetness and savory of alicorn spunk, so much richer and sharper than any other mare he had eaten in his life. He closed his eyes and buried his face into her, his cock throbbing against the silk sheets as his own body squirmed.

Her head tilted up, making eye contact as he buried his snout into her, sucking her clit and gently shaking his head right-left-right-left. Moving his tongue down, he brushed it against her pussy lips, and her muscles pulled on it. The bed shook as she tried to stay propped up, making eye contact, but her elbows slipping and sliding on the silk sheets.

"Fuck me! I royally command you!"

He looked at her and raised his eyebrows, then slid his hooves down the insides of her thighs as he tongued her depths. Without his forelegs holding her hips open, her legs spasmed, drumming on the bed.

His hooves slid past her pussy, past her ass, and down to her tail. He clasped his hooves together on either side of her tail and pulled, gently but firmly, and she screamed. An accidental burst of magic from her horn added a whiff of ozone to the citrus and cinnamon, her savory marespunk dripped faster, his entire muzzle soaked up to his cheeks, and he tugged on her tail and pushed his face deeper into her depths, his tongue probing while his lips massaged.

With another gush, her pussy soaked his face and her spunk dripped down, coating her dock and tail, slicking her asshole in glistening jiuices, soaking his hooves as he tugged. Now slippery, his hooves lost their grip on her tail.

"Okay, now you're ready," Star Tracker said.

He shimmied up the bed, up her torso, until the tip of his cock brushed her pussylips, his forelegs planted just above her hips and below her wings.

Just as he pushed in, his tip separating her lips a fraction of an inch—

—her levitation grabbed him and lifted him up, his enormous cock forlornly throbbing, and she lowered him onto her barrel.

"Heh, heh... what? I thought you wanted me to fu—"

She kissed him, her tongue playing around his lips, brushing his tongue as his eyes widened and lips parted. She sucked, sucking her own juices off of his tongue and lips, then down to his jaw, chin, cheeks, across his neck to the other side, as she left not a single drop of her spunk on his face.

Her levitation cut off. She said, "Wow, I like the taste of me. Now fuck."

He scooted down, his balls rubbing against the satiny coat on her belly, then across her wet snatch.

Looking into her eyes, he lowered his weight, and allowed his balls to press against her wetness. His shaft, trapped between their bellies, throbbed.

"Nice," she said.

"So wet. So warm."

"I'll suck your balls later," she said.


Star Tracker nibbled her bottom rib and wiggled his hips back and forth, getting a little more of her wetness onto his balls, and then scooched down until his member slid down, across her clit and its tip rested again between her lips.

More of her juices, hot and slick, rolled out, wetting his tip.

"So nice," he said. "I missed you."

"Fill me up, I miss that."

He slid in a few inches, and Twilight's back arched as his hugeness spread her lips apart, and then opened her canal. Heat, inexplicable heat, surrounded his tip and he moaned, low in his throat. The tingle of her magic, the magic that infused every inch of her wonderful body, flowed into his shaft.

He pushed in more, more, tilting his hips forward. His balls, still wet, slid along her tail, her satiny hairs tickling his sensitive skin. Her tail pressed up, massaging his balls against his body, the pressure stimulating him in a way that just fucking alone wouldn't.

She writhed underneath him as he filled her, opening her.

"I haven't fucked in two months," she said. "And nopony in Canterlot is as good as you. I usually need three stallions and a mare or two to be as satisfied as with one of you."

He leaned down, his barrel on her belly, and hugged her, forelegs wrapping underneath, slippery silk beneath and her fine coat above, and he kissed her sternum.

"Goodness, I hate my body now," she said. "You used to be able to kiss my lips while we f— OH!"

He had pulled his hips back, almost pulling out, and slammed them forward again, and his thrust made her lose her words.

"I missed that," he said, and nibbled at her ribs again, running his tongue along her flank, leaning down, and nibbling the edge of her wing. "I love you and your body, even if you're taller than me."

"I was always taller than you."

"Heh heh. Yeah."

As he pulled back, her pussy fought to keep him in, pulling on his hardness, and she moaned as he retreated.

Holding his tip just at her opening, her body's desperate spasms fought to pull him back in. He inched up a tiny bit, rubbing his now-soaking tip against her clit, when her levitation grabbed his hips and smashed him forward, hilting him again.

"Much better!" Twilight said. "Don't tease your princess, that's a command."

"You enjoy it."

She released her spell, and his began to thrust, slowly, long strokes, her warm wetness surrounding him, his hugeness spreading her wide and filling her when he went in, leaving her bereft and forlorn as he pulled out, until he thrusted again.

Arching her back, she wrapped her legs around him, the black stockings smooth on his back, pulling him tight, forcing him to stay deep as she watched him fuck in the ceiling mirror, his thrusts now short and sharp, almost against the end of her channel. She leaned up, now, and rubbed his back with her forelegs, scratching with the sharp edges of the hooves, and her wings wrapped around him like a feathery blanket.

"Don't... don't stop..." she growled, and leaned herself forward enough to kiss him.

Their eyes met, lips and tongues intertwined as her wings and hooves massaged him, their tails rubbing together, twining and intertwining. Her hot juices flowed, soaking his cock, dripping down his balls and soaking their asses and tails. They stared at each other, the loneliness of a full year without each other in their eyes, and then both closed their eyes, touch and smell and taste and sound alone defining their world. His thrusts lost their rhythm and he pounded, pounded, pounded deeper, her juices making splat splat splat sounds as he hilted into her. Thrusting harder, hammering her clit and the end of her canal with every thrust, his huge cock massaging her, her tremendous heat filling his entire body from where she scalded his cock, their tails now flopping erratically against each other. Her pussy clenched around him, her body hungrily pulling him forward as her torso shook, feathers rustling loudly as she shivered in delight.

With a last thrust, deeper than any previously, he ground his hips against her and felt his balls tighten up against his body, shouting loudly, his body clenching and balls flaming in pleasant agony as spurt after spurt of his essence filled her channel.

"Ohhhhh." She moaned, releasing him, and flopping back, wings splaying wide.

He lowered himself down to rest on her, his cheek to her sternum, and closed his eyes, forehooves rubbing up and down her flanks, then dropping to rest gently on the bases of her wings.

"Wow," Star Tracker said.

"Hnnnnngg," Twilight said. She levitated a blanket up, covering herself up to the midriff and him to the withers.

Her heart pounded, and he listened, his ear pressed against her sternum, as her heart slowed over the next few minutes to its usual rhythm.

He nuzzled her chest, and her wings wrapped up around him under the blankets. His cock slowly retreated from her, and the tremendous gift of his seed trickled out, soaking their entwined nether regions and the luxurious silk sheets.

"I always miss you so much," she said.

"Me too."

"I wish we could be together..."

"Politics," he said.

"Politics. Thanks for loving me, even with this ridiculous body."

"It's, heh, it's a wonderful body."

She sighed in contentment, hugged him tighter, and they both fell asleep.