The Worst Possible Thing

by Marecum

First published

Rarity is in Manehattan taking a midnight stroll. Things go horribly wrong.

Manehattan never sleeps; ponies flood the streets of the big city endlessly and the hustle and bustle of cars, buses and ponies reside almost everywhere. Still, there are a few streets and alleyways that few roam- and for very good reason, too.

While on a midnight stroll, Rarity finds her usual route is under construction. Supposing she’ll have to alternate, she soon finds she may have taken a... Wrong turn.


This story includes: anal rape, vaginal rape, forced deepthroating, forced deflowering, gender-based violence, and forced pregnancy. If these topics make you uncomfortable, you’ve been warned now. Please don’t start an argument in the comments over this, though constructive criticism is welcomed and encouraged!

Pegasi Are Brutes

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The low hum of magic was void against the many louder happenings on the very busy sidewalk. From every angle, mares and stallions alike were having their own conversations, calling taxis, blasting music, or even partaking in street performances. Among the crowd was Rarity, hovering an umbrella at her side to shield her from the harsh rain that panned down on Manehatten tonight.

She gave a long sigh while pushing through the crowd, muttering many sorry’s and excuse me’s until she opted for crossing onto a less filled street instead. Honestly, she should have come more prepared for this weather; the fur around her hooves was now quite wet and that was never a comfortable feeling. The umbrella wasn't the most helpful either, seeing as she had only brought it with her as a sort of decor rather than utility. Still, as she gazed up into the dark sky surrounded by towering buildings and bright, flashing lights she couldn't help but feel content with where she was. This had been a vacation, after all. It was not often that she would be granted the freedom of visiting the city free of business but thankfully her hard work had paid off, now she had free time.

Rarity had been down this block nearly every night and knew it like the back of her hoof, so it was only second nature for her to turn towards the small stand that she would buy a latte from every time. Though it was not the grandest in size, their grande's were simply divine. It was a well-kept place, too, though she had only ever seen one pony working there all the time. Resting her hooves atop the counter, she gave it a knock.

The employee there could be heard from somewhere within the stand, "One sec!" In a few moments, a mare zipped into view and looked to Rarity, who'd smiled at the familiar girl. Likewise, she did the same and gave her a nod.

"Vanilla latte, right?" It was not much of a question, rather a formality as she had already turned her back to Rarity, preparing the hot drink for her new regular.

Rarity gave a quick mhm and leaned against the counter gently. She'd noticed the mare's earthy brown mane was a lot shorter than it had been the night before and couldn't help but point it out.

"Trying out something new with your mane?" The mare looked back with surprise written all over her face, "I think it's quite fetching."

"Ah... Thanks! I dunno, I guess I just got tired of the upkeep of a long mane..." She chuckled, looking back to her work, "Think I should keep it this way?"

"If it pleases you, then who am I to say no?" There was a pause before she leaned in more and whispered, "But if you'd really like my advice, perhaps a bun is more the way to go?"

The mare scoffed, feeling the back of her mane with a free hoof, "I'll try it out, you're the fashionista, after all~"

The unicorn couldn't help but giggle at the compliment; it was nice to be recognized for more than being an Element of Harmony. Soon, her latte was placed before her and, looking back for only a second, she raised her coin purse beside her and dropped ten bits on the counter.

"Thank you very much!"

"My pleasure, miss!"

"Oh, feel free to call me Rarity!" She finished, "And... May I ask your name?" She gave the tilt of her head and a friendly smile, watching the earth pony's hesitance as she shuffled oddly.

"Mocha Delight," She finally answered and tilted the cap she'd had on, "Pleased to make your acquaintance!"

She laughed, "The feeling is mutual, dear." Her light blue aura swirled around the cup as she brought it beside her and raised it up as if to say cheers, "Same time tomorrow night?"

By now, the worker had her hooves full with rags ready to wipe down her coffee machine, she gazed back to her for just a moment, "I'll be waiting, you have a good one now!"

And with that, Rarity turned and continued on her routine. Surprisingly, she could actually hear something much louder than the hundreds of ponies and cars around her- and that was... Roadwork? Turning her usual corner, her ears perked up and she looked over to about a dozen stallions and a few machines currently reconstructing the road and sidewalk. Curious as ever she stepped over to a rather bulky looking earth pony and waved.

"Yoo-hoo!" Quickly, she caught his attention quick, "Might I ask why exactly you're working on the road at this hour?" She stood before him and moved her umbrella closer to him. He did not seem bothered by the rain hitting him, and she supposed he must have been out here for hours because he was absolutely soaked. Still, though, it felt rude not to share it while they spoke.

As expected, his voice was deep, gruff. He looked down at her and groaned, "We ain't exactly happy to be on the job at this time either, but a pipe burst under the road this mornin' and we've gotta get the road fixed as soon as possible."

"Oh, my! Was anypony hurt?"

"No, just made a huge mess of the place." He sighed loudly, looking up at the umbrella she'd shielded him from the rain with. While he didn't comment on it, she could tell the small sentiment was appreciated. It was when he looked back down to her that he shot her a smile, one that was forced and tired looking, but a smile nonetheless.

"If you need to pass by, you can go through this street," He pointed his hoof in the direction of another block that was not only less well lit but less crowded, too. Though, there were still enough ponies wandering there that she felt safe passing by, "After walking for a bit you should be back on the main street..."

"Thank you, thank you!" Her smile returned and she furiously shook his hoof with hers. His surprise was as clear as the blush on his face, "I wish you good luck on your construction. Oh! And here, have this." She levitated her latte over to the stallion.

"No, no, that's for you, I wouldn't wanna-"

"Please take it! It's so chilly out here and you're soaked, you deserve it for all the trouble."

Seeing she wasn't going to take no for an answer, he took the cup from her and smiled genuinely this time, "Thank you, ma'am."

Once again, she was on her way; she stood still on the new street, staring at the buildings and shops as if to somehow familiarize herself with it all. When groups of ponies passed her by she decided it was best to just keep walking as to not obstruct their path. She would rather try to maintain her good mood, soon she would be back on her normal path and be at her room in an instant. Of course, she could have just gone back the way she came, but Mocha would likely see her pass by again and well, that would just be awkward, wouldn't it? Besides, this was Manehattan, there were ponies everywhere so it wasn't like she was alone.

And, well, what is life without a bit of mystery, right? This was just a small inconvenience in her nightly stroll, and things would be back to normal in a few days. It was good that she had another path to move forward on. She walked right behind a group of teenage fillies and colts, not necessarily caring for their conversation. Subconsciously, she just wanted to stick by other ponies.

"Hey, are you alright?"

"EEK! W-what?!" She was snapped out of her thoughts at the new, loud voice. Snapping her head left, she found herself looking back at a pegasus around the same age as her, his coat was light grey and his mane was a messy and electric blue. He'd been wearing a friendly smile and didn't look like trouble, so she smiled back, "Oh- Hello! My apologies, I was a bit... Distracted."

"Seemed like it, you've been sticking by that group for so long I thought you might'a been up to something!" Clearly a joke, but it was embarrassing to think that could very well have been his first impression of her. He seemed to notice her discomfort, scratching his head and giving a low chuckle, "No offense."

"None taken. Excuse me if I may seem off, it's just..." She glanced over to the unfamiliar street names on the signs, "I seem to be a bit-"

"Lost?" He finished for her, puffing out his chest with sudden confidence, "Where did you need to go? I'm actually a local, I know Manehatten like the back of my hoof." Though the two remained side to side, he was definitely walking a bit ahead of her as if to lead.

"Thank you for the help, I'm simply trying to get back onto South Defúme Street, I know my way from there." She had to admit, she was more appreciative of his company than his willingness to assist, especially seeing as he was a strong looking stallion. By now, the group of teens had long since sped ahead and gotten themselves into a taxi, and what remaining ponies on the street seemed to dwindle in numbers until just the two of them remained.

"Sure, I know where that is from here..."

Rarity shivered when she felt the sensation of the pegasi's wing laying atop her back now. She was no stranger to being the subject of flirting from other stallions, and she had seen this movement done many times, so she found herself even less surprised when he pulled her closer with his wing. She had tried to gently resist the pull, but clearly he had no intention of being subtle and overpowered her in that regard.

"By the way,Iam Rarity." Hopefully, if she didn't acknowledge it, they could hurry and get back to her destination with as little awkward reject as possible. "And you are?" She looked to him quick enough to catch his eyes go from staring at her to straight forward at the question.

"Me?" He paused and shrugged, "They call me Lightning."

This is usually the part where she would have asked if he had a last name, but then again, neither did she. "Well, it's nice to meet you Lightning. I suppose while we're walking together, we should get to know each other, right? So what do you do here in the big city?"

"Skate with my crew, make some graffiti art on the walls-"

"With permission?"

"... Yeah, of course, but most importantly, I hang around the plaza and talk to the many pretty mares. Kinda like you." As if it couldn't get any worse, he gave her a wink right after that. She exhaled through her nose heavily, hoping he wouldn't notice. It would be for the best if she'd pretend she didn't hear that last bit, but her brows remained furrowed. Seconds passed them by with no words, she had been waiting for him to ask what she did for a living but no question of the sort came.

Finally, he spoke, "So if you're not a local... Where are you from?"

"Ponyville." Her answer was flat, disinterested. Honestly, his words, as well as that grab from early, had put her off.

"Visiting with friends, boyfriend?"

"No," She sighed, "I am here alone, taking in the sights, meeting new ponies, perhaps hoping to find some creative inspiration... And I have no boyfriend."

She could practically hear his smirk, "That's surprising, you're single? Can't imagine why." His face got closer to hers and she instinctively moved her head away.

"I just haven't found the right stallion yet." These questions were starting to get less irritating and more uncomfortable. She couldn't help but walk faster.

"Are you trying to find one?"

She didn't respond to that, she kept walking and stared straight ahead. The smile she gave now faded into a frown that he could clearly see under the dim street lights.

He sighed, "Guess it doesn't matter, anyway." Then he laughed, and everything in Rarity wanted to slap him silly, she opened her mouth to speak but felt him stop walking.

"Why did we stop?" She turned to him, now out from under his wing. He didn't turn to face her and instead walked over to a street light that was next to them. She saw him just stare towards the opposing sidewalk in silence. That was when she really noticed how vacant the streets were, how it really was just him and her. Behind them was the entrance to an alley, dark and wet. Her heart thumped hard in her chest- this really wasn't a good position she had put herself in.

Then he waved to the darkness, and she knew this had been a terrible mistake. Her mind told her to run, but he was a pegasus and could catch her quick, she also couldn't teleport because her magic wasn't that advanced. Worst of all, her body was just frozen and all she could do was stare at the sidewalk on the other side.

"... Lightning?" She whispered, the fear apparent in her voice betraying any sternness she tried to muster up.

As if straight out of a horror movie, a bright orange figure flew like a bullet straight across the street and crashed into her, the force sending her spiraling back right into the alleyway behind her with a hard thump, as well as knocking the wind out of her. Rarity's horn sizzled and the magic holding up her umbrella died out, it fell to the floor judging by the sound, but she couldn't see where. Her coat had quickly stained with dirt and muddy water, some of which she had to spit out. The pain was everywhere, but most prominently in her chest which had taken most of the blow. The mare sat up, the hoofsteps of the two pegasi neared her instantly while she was still dazed.

She would regret turning her head upwards to look at them when she felt another hard blow, this time to her face and cheek. Unlike the first time, she screamed from the pain and fell onto her side right into a puddle. The two were speaking, but the ringing in her head canceled them out. Her eyes remained closed and her muzzle touched the murky water until she was pulled up by her mane and dragged across the floor.

Rarity opened her eyes and once again was reminded of her surroundings. She was being assaulted and needed to escape.

Her adrenaline kicked in, “Stop it! You barbarians! I’m connected to the princesses!” Her throat felt dry and her voice came out hoarsely but it didn’t stop her from running her mouth. She began screaming and flailing her legs, hitting Lightning several times to no avail. The two were much stronger than her and clearly she wasn’t hurting anyone, they continued to ignore her.

The magic in her horn returned as she levitated a nearby garbage bag and prepared to throw it at her attackers.

Lightning quickly pulled her up by the hair and slammed her head down hard onto the concrete floor, canceling out her magic as her concentration dispersed. It didn't end there; just as quick as she'd been slammed, another hoof stepped on her horn, keeping her pinned there. She stared into the orange pegasi's magenta eyes, tears piling up in hers as she lost her words.

Whereas Lightning’s voice was light with a flair that screamed hotshot, this pony sounded angry and brooding, it struck fear into her like never before.

“Try that again, skank. I dare you.” It was his hoof that held down her horn, “Give me a reason to break it off.” There was no hesitation in his voice and she knew right then it wasn’t a bluff. She cowered up into a ball and felt so much smaller.

“Please don’t!” By now, she was hyperventilating, “I-I-I’ll give you whatever you want! I have money, gems, I-“

She was cut off by a hoof to her muzzle, “Shh, we don’t want that.” Lightning laughed, “I thought that was obvious by now, huh, Blaze?” His tone was so eager and excited, and she would have found it sickening had she not caught on to what he meant.

Her realization must have been apparent because Blaze smiled down at her right before rolling her onto her back. By now, Lightning had moved his hoof off of her and he was completely out of her view. She watched him back away momentarily as if he were looking for something. She tried to shift back onto her side to stand, but she was quickly pinned onto her back again by the familiar blue pegasus, who's playful smile she could see even in the dark. His forelegs held hers down so hard it hurt, she let out a low whine in response and gave him a pleading look.

"W-Why are you doing this?!" The question came out in such a low whisper, it was a surprise that even he could hear it.

"Because," He brought his face close to hers, "We're tired of stuck up mares like you parading yourselves around our city, looking the way you do- knowing you're not gonna share it with any stallions." He said matter-of-factly, giving her a small tap on the nose before he looked back to his friend.

"What's taking you so long?"

"Nothin', I got it."

She could hear something being pushed closer to her, but her view was obstructed by Lightning standing above her. Her rump was lifted upwards and then set down atop it. Whatever it was, it was hard and wet, uncomfortable, to say the least. She kept her hind legs closed together and her head turned away from the blue pegasus, tears rolling down her cheeks and into the dirty floor beneath her.

"Don't look so sad, Rarity, you're finally going to learn what you were made for!" His taunts made her feel all the more helpless and she wondered how could anypony be so wicked?

Much to her dismay, her hindlegs were spread apart as much as she tried to keep them closed. Would she try for her magic again? No... it was clear by now that resistance would only put her in more harm than she’d already been in.

The unicorn gave a sharp gasp as she felt the cold air brush against her nethers, the slick wetness of the rain only amplified the effect. She shivered due to the coldness of the rain and her treatment, her wide eyes stared up at the charmless smile of the blue Pegasus who had betrayed her. He moved up closer to her, seemingly to give his friend more room as he mounted her.

Rarity’s body twitched in response to every movement of Blaze, from the feeling of his hooves at the sides of her hips to the sensation of his member up against her marehood. He wasted no time in pushing the tip of himself against her entrance, prodding at her teasingly as if to call her attention to what he was going to do.

Her chest heaved up and down, the fear and helplessness of her situation finally coming down on her full force. They were going to rape her, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Just when she felt Lightning’s hoof against her chest to feel her movement, it all came to a burst and she screamed.

“Please!” Her voice seemed to echo throughout the alleyway, “You don’t have to do this!”

“We know.” Came a quick quip in response from the blue pegasus, “That’s what makes it exciting.”

Not listening, she shook her head rapidly as Blaze pushed against her again. She clenched her teeth and cried, thrashing and screaming under Lightning’s force to no avail.

“You don’t quit, do you?”

“Stop, stop!” She closed her eyes tightly, and in the hopes that it would change something, anything, she cried, “I-I’m a virgin! Please, don’t do this to me!”

It certainly caught Lightnings attention, she heard him draw his face nearer and could hear his amusement grow, “That sucks!”

“...Even better.” The low grumbling voice rung in her ears, it truly dawned upon her, the cruelness of these stallions.

It felt all too fast as Blaze tightened his grip on her hips and pushed inside her agonizingly slow. She did not cease in her pleading until the ramming force of him thrusting into her cut her off into screams.

He was slow; pulling out of her just enough so that the tip remained inside, only to slam into her rough and hard, each time eliciting a loud cry as pained as the last. She wasn’t aroused at all, and thus the dryness of her canal only ensured her pain would last longer. He pushed so hard she would jolt back from each thrust, though Lightening atop her didn’t seem to mind at all.

The mare could not recall a time as agonizing as this, and certainly not a time as humiliating. She closed her eyes and sniffled, hiccuping frequently while she tried to drift somewhere else. Somewhere far, far away from here and out of her body.

“Hey, Rarity, your makeup is running...”

She turned her head aside as if to somehow block out Lightning’s voice. He moved a hoof to turn her face back facing him, and even though her eyes remained shut, she could picture his face as he spoke.

“So, how does it feel? Having your virginity raped away, I mean.”

The unicorn only hiccuped in response, her head falling out of his grasp when Blaze rammed his cock into her again. She slowly opened her eyes and looked to the sky.

“Is this how you pictured your first time?” A laugh followed the question, and it stung a pain into Rarity’s chest because he was wrong and knew it, and he liked that. What could she have possibly done to deserve this?

“S-Stop it...”

“I can’t wait till it’s me inside you next.”

“This hurts...!”

A loud grunt came from behind Lightning. Blaze had picked up his speed, but the violent thrusting remained the same as he neared climax. Lightning shifted his position atop her, moving behind her head but still holding her hooves. She could see the anger on Blaze’s face now.

She winced in terror, the scornful look seemed so personal, and yet she did not know him at all. He moved close to her face and grit his teeth, fucking her like a wild animal.

“You stupid. Fucking. Whore!” The pegasus rammed her hard with each emphasis of his words. Rarity didn’t dare look away as he stared daggers into her, and his voice commanded her to listen.

His muzzle scrunched when he spoke, never taking his eyes off of her, “This is what you deserve for being a prissy bitch. You don’t deserve a choice, none of you sluts do!”

His words brought about a new wave of tears, her brow furrowed and she cried aloud. When he got faster, a new worry arose, and he picked up on it quick.

He forced a laugh, “I should cum inside you, you’d like that, wouldn't you? Give you more shit to cry about.”

Dread rose in her chest and her flailing renewed, “Please, please, don’t! I don’t want to get pregnant- I’ll do whatever you want!” She begged in between her uncontrollable sobs.

“I already have everything I want, and you’re going to do whatever I want regardless.”

Her body was too worn out to put up any meaningful fight against Lightning restraining her, she could only stare down at her own rape in a terrified anticipation of what was coming, what she couldn’t stop.

He leaned down to her ear so she could better hear his grunts and heavy breathes along the slapping wet sounds of him fucking her. In response to the pain, she instinctively clenched her walls around him, which only furthered his pleasure.

“I’m gonna knock you up, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it...!” He chuckled with hard sighs. He pulsed inside of her canal, her hind legs feebly kicked into the air to buck him off.

The rapid shaking of her head began again, “Nonono! Please, please take it out, please! I beg of you!”

Her shrill cries only served to drive him to the edge. With one last, hard slam inside of her cunt, his cock let off a thick load of cum- painting her insides white as some slid out from her and down her flanks. Blaze gave slow in and out movements as he continued cumming inside of her, letting his stallionhood load as much inside her pussy as he could to ensure he would get her pregnant.

He remained unmoving for a short few seconds, looking down at his work when he slid out of her and moved back. He breathed hard and uttered some slurs she could not hear. By now, she was far too dazed by the realization she would be pregnant with this monsters foal. She could no longer pretend this all away, her stomach would swell up with his child. She could never forget this.

Rarity had not noticed the two pegasi switching positions until her eyes flicked up to meet Lightning’s once again.

“Turn her around, I’ve always liked that position more.”

She gave no resistance when she felt hooves roll her around, her rump raised in the air and her head flat against the ground sideways. Her soft sniffs and hiccups, coupled with the heaving of her chest had captured her attention. She knew Blaze was sitting before her, she could feel his hard stare burrowing into her skull, watching her and enjoying as she was once again mounted.

“So, Rarity... I hope you don’t mind, I didn’t bring flowers or anything,” The sky blue pegasus lined himself up against her used up snatch with a laugh, “Maybe, as a gift, I’ll cum inside you, too!”

The mare shivered in response, too drained to cry, she gave a whispered, “No...” Though no response came, and she assumed nopony heard her.

When Lightning slid his cock inside of Rarity, it was more painful than she had expected it to be. Her cunt still ached from the abuse she had suffered minutes ago, yet she had believed the worst was over. Lightning did not hesitate, and did not start off slow. Just as quickly as he’d entered her, he was out and thrusting back in.

She grit her teeth and her pussy clenched around his cock from the pain, trying to expel his length from her but only pleasing him more. She hoped to move herself forward, but he grabbed her flanks and pulled her close to keep fucking her.

What he lacked in girth, he made up for in length. Where Blaze was big enough to forcefully stretch her and hurt, Lightning hurt differently. The tip of his member would slam against her cervix with every thrust, poking at her painfully. Despite feeling the pushback of her cervix, he didn’t relent and seemed to push harder as if to break through it.

More warm tears streamed down her cheeks and into the dirty, wet floor beneath her. It was as if the pain would never end.

“Please, Lightning... you’re hurting me.” She choked out, moving a hoof back to push uselessly against his hind leg.

However, he didn’t respond. Too caught up in the pleasure of what he was doing, only the wet slapping of his balls against her cunt followed her begging. It went on... until it didn’t.

With a pop, the pegasus pulled out of her, though he had not cum. He rubbed his cock against her aching slit a few times before, to her surprise and newfound fear, he pressed against her tail hole.

This time, Rarity pulled herself forward, an attempt to drag herself away from him, as useless as it was. Instead, Lightning pounced on her back, she now lay flat against the ground on her stomach.

“Come on, you can’t get away that easily...!” He hoisted his hips up and realigned his tip to where it once was, pushing it harder and harder against her asshole until it slipped through.

In response, her body tensed up fast, though it was too late to tighten up as his length continued to slither deeper into her ass. The pain was increasing and burning, but his weight on top of her refused to allow her any movement. She screamed for only a few seconds before her head was pulled up by her hair by Blaze, who took the opportunity of her open mouth to force his cock in.

The vibration of her screams began to pleasure the orange pegasus, and she knew better than to bite down on him. The burn in her ass coupled with the pain in her neck from the angle had her mind reeling. Her head was pushed down on his long stallionhood, and then pulled back up by her hair. It was slow and rhythmic, and she gave murmured cries all the way.

Meanwhile, Lightning’s cock had burrowed all the way into her ass, his balls resting against her cunt until he pulled back out. Her muscles tightened with every movement of his. He pulled out roughly and pushed back in harsh, trying to force the same fast rhythm as before, despite the dryness and tightness of her asshole.

The stinging pain was torture, and her discomfort grew with the cock in her mouth moving back deep into her throat and mercilessly sliding down it. She gagged, having never deepthroated before, but Blaze only continued to push her head down.

“You need to learn to shut the fuck up.”

Finally, her muzzle was right against his pelvis. Her throat bulged with the outline of his thick cock, and he did not move her head back to move out. Rarity tried to keep calm, but the lack of oxygen slowly got to her and she needed to breathe. She couldn’t move her head off of him, and her muffled sounds did nothing but please him more.

“Yeah, fucking choke on it, whore.”

She shook her head, but he didn’t give. The change in pigment of her skin could be seen slightly in her fur while she struggled to breathe, her lungs were on fire. Her eyes rolled back and her hind legs twitched, for a moment she truly believed she would pass out. The only movement in her body was the back and forth motion it made when Lighting shoved himself back inside her ass.

Finally, a breath of air was allowed when he popped his cock out of her mouth and stood back up.

“You almost done?”

“Yeah- Just.. nngh- a second!” Lightning replied, pounding Rarity’s plot vigorously. The mare could do nothing but lay limp as she breathed hard, her hind legs and flank still clenched from the pain.

He pulled out and she squealed in agony, before he shoved himself back into the same hole. Reaffirming his hooves to her sides, she felt the familiar sensation of warm fluid flowing within her. The pegasus had blew his load right inside her tail hole, and it stung.

The small cuts he had left in her anal canal from the forceful penetration were now being glazed over with sticky cum, and it only reignited the burning pain in her ass. Crying was all she could do while she waited for him to finish pumping her with his cum. He pulled out with a small plop before giving her a hard smack across the flank.

“Thought you were gonna knock her up, too?”

“Yeah, but I was... caught up in the moment, y’know?”

Lightning’s hoofsteps sounded farther away with each minute, yet Blaze’s voice remained close. She didn’t want to look up at her attacker anymore, everything hurt. Her holes leaked cum and her throat felt so dry, not to mention the ache in her neck. Most importantly though, her pride; these stallions had taken her innocence and in the same instance forced her to carry a foal.

Her career would definitely be shot now, how could she hide what had been done to her? Would she ever seek justice against them? Right now, she hadn’t even the strength to open her eyes, and so she groaned into the floor nearby the foul smelling garbage and mud puddles. The rain was loud in her ears.

“It wouldn’t be smart for you to tell,” Blaze’s voice sounded so close from above her where he stood, “Nobody would want a used up skank, especially not a pregnant one.”

His hooves clopped among the rain, walking away. It took what felt like forever for Rarity to find the strength to stand. Each step burned and hurt, especially when she moved her hind legs. Looking around, she didn’t even recognize the way home anymore, her vision blurred. Her joints felt like jelly and she was scared of this city.

Her body gave and she fell sideways into a pile of garbage bags, the smell filled her nostrils but she couldn’t care anymore. Her sight darkened, before her consciousness started to fade...

Into blackness.