The hunter of Equestira

by Silas5399

First published

an RWBY story where a man turns into his OC

Equestria is plagues with the terrors called Grimm and many lives have been lost fighting then until one day a hunter arrives in Equestria to show the people their is hope still left in the world as he fights the forces of darkness to keep his new home safe

chapter 1 the birth of the hunter

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The time has come for the anime convention and I was dressed as my own of RWBY character, I was wearing a white long open trench coat with a dark blue trim and three gold button on each side just over a pocket, and on my chest was a chest plate along with armor covering my hand and then all the way to my elbow, and more armor from my feet to my knees as for my pants I had pure white dress pants and shoes I had wore white oxford shoes.

As for my hair I got a silver haired wig that reached my waist, I would have went for a shorter one but this was the only silver one they had. Lastly for my face I had fairly pale skin I wasn't much of an outdoors person, and finally my eyes were a light blue.

I was walking around looking around each stall, seeing if there was anything interesting to buy.

Just when I was about to give up, I got an weird feeling from a certain stall, and at the counter their was a guy dressed like the merchant from Resident Evil 4.

I walked up and looked over his items there wasn't anything of interest then he asked. "How may I help you?" He asked but I rubbed my chin.

"No it doesn't look like there's anything that fits my character." I told him and just as I was about to walk away.

"And what is your character I might have something in my boxes you might like." He said so I turned back towards him.

"He is a character I made he is a RWBY character his semblance allows him to create, and control ice, he doesn't really relay on man made weapons, and preferences to make weapons made of ice, such as swords, daggers, spears, or he can just launch spikes of ice." I explained as I continued. "He is many times call the emperor of ice due to this ability but due to his power his body is always cold and he has never really felt the warmth of the sun, he always told how it's like, so he has a deep longing to feel the warmth of the sun even if it's just for a moment." I said telling him a bit of his back story I made for him.

"I think I might have something that might catch your interest." He said as he rummaged through bags and boxes looking for something then he pulled out three weapons the first was a blue revolver with a blade that looked like it extended next was a rather cool pistol blade, and finally was was another gun blade but the gun had a longer barrel and shorter blade.

"I said my character does not like man made weapons." I said.

"Well he can't always rely on his soly on his semblance." He simply said and he was right but if I was going to but one of these I was going to look over the details. I first picked up the blue one, while blue went with my character, Im looking for a practical weapon.

"The weight us nice but since the blade a retractable it means it'll be rather weak, not good for long fight how to fight grims with tougher skin." I said placing it back down to pick up the longer pistol sword. "Little off balance and the blade is rather thin giving it the same problem as the other." I muttered to myself.

"You have an eye for detail." The merchant told me as I went for the last weapon.

"Long barrel good for longer range, and with the shorter blade makes it easier to weild and it's rather strong, but there is also one problem these all share in common." I told him.

"And what is that?" He asked.

"Ammunition with my armor and clothes I don't have anywhere to store ammo, and for many grims it'll take more than six bullets to put them down." I explained as I flipped open the cylinder.

"True but maybe you could use your ice to make bullets." He suggested.

"Then what would serve as the propulsion for them?" I asked him as he was about to say something but stopped to rub his chin.

"I don't know I was just saying what popped in my head but maybe the hammer of the pistol could trigger something to launch them." He suggested.

"I guess that could work I'll take this do you have sheath for it?" I asked, so he handed me it then I played him the money as attaching it to my waist careful not to get my wig stuck, then I got another idea.

"Hey do you have any hats one that matches my clothes?" I asked as he brought out a white Trilby with a dark blue ribbon tied around it.

"I'll take this as well." I said and after I paid for it I put it on.

"Have a good day." I said tipping my hat at him before walking away.

"You too and have a safe trip." He told me and I turned around to see his entire stall was gone scaring me a bit as I looked around for any sign of him, but there was none.

I just decided to forget that happened and carry on with my day. "Our costume contests will begin shortly participants come to the stage." A voice said over the intercom, I had forgotten I signed up for that, i rushed to the stage to see five other people there as well.

I got in line and each of them told everyone about their oc's powers, and back stories then it was finally my turn.

"Contestant number six would you please explain your character's powers or abilities before going into the backstory." One of the judges said so I cleared my throat.

"My character is from the RWBY series his semblance allows him to control, and create ice at will, he usually doesn't like using man made weapons, and prefers to use swords, dagger, and spear made of his ice, but he has a weapon just in case his semblance fails him." I explained showed them the gun blade.

"Ok off to a good start now the backstory." A female judge said.

"My character was born in the atlas kingdom in the north he grew up on the outskirts of the city he was five when his aura unlocked and his life changed because of his power his body was always cold and he could never feel the warmth of the sun. By the time he turned six was the first time he showed his potential by accident freezing the entire house showing his growing power but also his lack of control at first." I said before one of the three judges said.

"And does your character have a name or is this not complete?" He asked.

"Oh sorry forgot to thank you for reminding me, his name is Winter I know not very original because of his powers, but once he joined the academy at 15 he was given the nickname frost by his friends, and later when he graduated at age 18 because of his intelligence and power he was called the ice emperor or emperor of ice however you want to say it." I said finishing the back story.

The judges looked at each other and nodded before the female judge said.

"Would all the participants please come to the stage." She said as the other five walked onto the stage, and the judges started talking before they turned back to us.

"Now we will proclaim the winner of this contest." The female said before a drum roll started playing.

"And the winner is contestant 6." She said then the audience started clapping.

Soon they brought out the award that seemed to be a medal but then my vision blurred and it turned into a necklace with a silver chain and at the bottom a pendant with several small diamonds surrounding a blue gem.

"Hey you ok." I heard while being shaken, it was the female judged but I looked back at the necklace to see it turned back into a medal.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine just a headache making me see things." I told him and she gave me a worried look but then took the medal, and put it around my neck.

"Here you go but maybe you should head home you look exhausted." She told me and I was starting to feel it.

"Yeah, thanks I think I'll do that." I told her as I rubbed my forehead.

After that, I headed to my car, I took off my new hat after sitting down, and starred driving luckily I didn't live far away only a three maybe five minutes drive.

I quickly got home almost falling asleep at the wheel multiple times but after I got home I collapsed in a chair, and my entire body started to feel like ice making me shiver, as I breathed out to see my breath was visible.

"Did I leave the AC on or something." I said as I got up to check the temp. It was currently 74 degrees inside the house right now, leading me bewildered as my legs nearly gave out, I got back to the check after grabbing a blanket.

I covered myself to try to get warm but it didn't help at all before I fell asleep.

'So cold.' I heard in my head and reloaded it was a child's voice.

I then realized I was standing up in a dark void but when I turned to my left it was my oc, but he was a child and around him I could see a wooden floor and a bed he was leaning up against.

'Am I dreaming about my character.' I thought as I approved but then I heard a door open, I turned to my right to see an open door, and a woman standing in it.

She stood up 5 foot 7, with silver hair, green eyes and she wore a long blue dress that went to her knees, her face was smooth and the moment I looked at her I was hit with memories but I knew they wanted mine they were my character's.

"Sweetie what's wrong?" She asked as she rushed over to comfort the child.

"My goodness your freezing." She said as she wrapped him up in a blanket but he still shivered as he breathed out a visible mist.

"Honey come up here please." She called out and soon a man walked through the open door. He stood at 5 foot 9 he had dark brown hair and a beard, his eyes were light blue while dirt was visible on his face he looked over to his wife and child.

"What's wrong is Winter alright?" He asked in a gruff voice.

"No he's freezing.' She told him as he looked around i didint know what but I guessed windows.

"But the windows are shut, keeping out the cold air, and it's warm in here." He said animating the situation.

"I know but look at his breath." The mother said worried as the man looked at his son as he struggled to get warm as he breathed out mist.

"I'll get a doctor, you do what you can to keep him warm." He said as he rushed out the door, and I could hear his hurried footsteps fading away.

"It's alright winter it's ok." The mother said as she hugged him tightly.

About maybe ten minutes later the father came back with a moment she wore a winter coat and glasses, her hair was raven black and her eyes Brown.

She carried a bag with her as she walked over to winter. She out a hand to his cheek, and said. "He's as cold as ice has he been outside?" She asked the mother.

"No he had not been outside all day you know It's always cold here, especially this time of the year." She said as winter hugged his legs, and cover himself tightly with the blanket.

'He's six right now so this must be when he freezes the house.' I thought as the father yelled.

"I knew something was wrong when he turned five, don't you remember he said he couldn't feel the sun's warmth." The father yelled hut his fist on what sounded like a table, then suddenly the whole room came into view, as the sound echoed through the void.

The room was rather large with three windows on the walls, and the fact did in fact hit a table near the bed.

"Yes I remember, and we took him to every doctor we knew but they found nothing." The mother said making him calm down.

Soon after that the blanket started to turn to ice making all three of the adults get away from the bed.

"Winter." She mother said as the ice slowly spread.

"So cold." Was all he could say as the ice started spreading faster.

"We have to get out of here.' The doctor said as the ice was not longer just freezing the bed but was now freezing the walls at an alarming rate.

"She's right." He said but the mother didn't want to leave.

"But what about Winter." She said but then he grabbed her just as the ice almost got her then they both dragged her out as she kicked and screamed. Soon I was no longer in the house but outside just as they got out, as the exterior of the house begaicing up.

Several of the people walking by gasped at the site as they make sure to keep back.

"What's going on here?" Asked a soldier as he walked by.

"We don't know but my son is in there." The mother said as she pointed at the now frozen house.

"Has your son awoken his aura?" He asked but they didn't know. After that I was moved to another memory but I had a sudden headache as I remeembered everything that happened from there to here.

They had gotten winter out of the house and found out this is his semblance, it turns out the doctor was also a teacher at the academy and said he would vouch for him when he was old enough.

But now he was sixteen, and arguing with the soldier, winter was quite a bit taller now he stood at 5 foot 7 his hair had grown out quite a bit it reached the middle of his back my character licked his hair and preferred to grow it instead of keeping it short.

"I don't want a weapon you know I don't like them." He told the soldier.

"You have to have a weapon if you want to join the academy you can't always survive on solely your semblance no matter how strong it is." He told Winter as he touched the bridge of his nose.

"Ok fine what are my choices?" Winter asked giving up, as the soldier brought out three weapons the same weapons the merchant offered me.

"I noticed how you use mostly your ice sword so I have a selection of gun blades." He said as Winter looked over them and said everything I said about them and choose the third one.

"Ok now what now?" Winter asked him.

"Now we get you enrolled I already told the headmaster a lot about you and he expects much from you." He told Winter as he led him onto the campus.

I was then assaulted by more memories of his battles and lessons that he learned in the academy, and because of his skill in battle and intelligence, he graduated in two short years.

"Today we congratulate Winter for not only his achievements in school but for his contribution for keeping the kingdom of atlas safe from the terrors of the grimms." The headmaster James Ironwood said.

"For many many years, they have brought terror to the citizens of every kingdom but now we are looking at an example that there is hope, with hunters like Winter our fight against the terrors known as grimms will be victorious." He said through the microphone as the audience cheered and he faced Winter his hair now reached his waist and though his battle he got a few scars on his chest and back but they were hidden under his clothes and armor he now stood at 5 foot 9.

"Today we welcome a new generation of hunters that will soon join the fight." He said handing Winter his diploma, then his parents soon walked up to him soon after he stepped off the stage.

"That's my boy." The father said as he patted Winter's back hard, then his mother walked up carrying the necklace I saw before.

"Me and your father saved up enough money to buy you a graduation gift." She told him as she put the necklace around his neck.

"Thank you I'll always keep it close." Winter said as he admired the blue gem, and smiled at them.

I suddenly felt lightheaded as I fell to one knee, and the surroundings faded away.

My eyes felt heavy, and as my eyes closed I could feel my body become weightless then nothing.

Hunter's first battle

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"WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed as I woke up suddenly to see I was sitting on a throne inside of what looked like a throne room. "What the fuck." I said quieter.

"Looks like your awake that took longer than I expected but I guess the transfer of memories varies from person to person." A voice said echoing through the room but it also sounded familiar.

"Wait I know that voice you're that merchant that sold me the weapon and hat." I said as I stood up.

"Oh, I didn't think you figure it out so quickly, well yes I am but unlike my colleagues I make time to explain the situation to those I displace." He said in a bored tone, but I still couldn't find the source of the voice.

"But I still have a busy schedule so I'll try to make this quick as possible and try not to leave anything out." He said.

"You're a displaced, displaced are people that are sent to different versions of the same universe, and this one just so happens to be infested with grimms, which was perfect since I found you I was looking for someone to send here, you can create an indestructible token to send to other displaced so they can call you for assistance or you can call them but that's the basic idea of it, but we have little time I have turned you into your 17 year old OC, and you should probably head east unless you want everyone in that town to die." He said before his voice started to fade away.

"No wait come back!" I shouted but their was no answer as I gritted my teeth.

"Fine guess i have to do this the hard way." I said as I exited the castle I could still the icy cold that encased my body but it didn't bother one bit in fact I felt comfortable.

"Ok this should be easy." I said as I remembered my OC's or rather my memories as I placed a hand on the ground as a pulled of ice formed under me, and left me into the sky.

"The guy said east so which way is east." I said looking around till I saw a village under attack by grimms.

"Damn I have to hurry." I said as I made a slide made of ice towards the village I jumped on it, and started sliding until I hit the ramp that launched me through the air.

I then launch on the top of a tee which I used to propel myself to the next one, and then to the one and so on until I finally got out of the forest.

The village was under attack by Beowolves some were my size while withers were twice my size.

Their were humans running and screaming and people in golden armor wielding weapons trying to fight the grims but we're being slaughtered.

I flipped open the gun cylinder and filled it with bullets made of ice before running into the town.

The civilians were running around terrified which only made things worse since grimms were drawn to negative emotions.

"Damit get out of the way." I said before I felt a hand grab my shoulder, I turned my head to see one of the golden armored soldiers.

"What are you doing everyone is supposed to head to town hall." He said as a Grimm charged towards us behind him.

I grabbed his shoulder and activated my aura surprising him as I pushed him to the side, as I lifted my gun to the beasts head, then I pulled the trigger sending the bullet though it's skull.

The grimm's body soon turned to smoke and vanished as the soldier stood back up only to look at me in amazement. "It's you guys that need to head to town hall, this is a job for a hunter not a soldier, get as many soldier as you can, and go to town hall, if you must engage a Grimm take each Grimm on in groups of ten at least." I told him, and he only nodded before running off.

Behind me I could hear gowling, so I turned around to see three more Beowolves the middle one being twice my size ready to attack. "Small fries like you don't scare me." I said as I snapped my fingers as three icicles appeared around me pointed at them.

They then launched themselves impailing the three grimms killing them instantly. "Look like it's hunting season." I said as I started walking through the town killing grimms.

These grims were the most common and we'll know ones they tracked in packs, and as long as you are careful there weren't much of a threat to experienced hunters.

After I had killed the last one I went to the town hall to see the guards were wounded and nearly all dead. "I took care of all the ones in town how many made it to the town hall?" I asked the guards I bumped into earlier.

"Everyone made it but I have to ask who are you, and where did you come from?" He asked me.

"My name is Winter but those that know me by reputation call me the ice emperor." I told him showing him my semblance my make a floating icicle that I then launched at a wall.

"Are their any there any that need help stopping bleeding, because I can partially freeze the wound so a professional can look at it?" I asked him and he gestured to the building they were protecting.

Just as I was about to head inside to see what I could do, I was hit by something hard and launched to my left, and as I crashed through I building I could feel the immense pain it caused.

I stood back up to see I was uninjured when I remembered. "Ah yes I forgot as long as my aura is up I can't be injured." I said to myself but the aura didn't stop the pain that it causes.

I looked out of the hole to see what remains of the guards grouping up but there was no need as I lifted my gun, and shoot it three times, two in the body and one in the head. It fell to the ground dead before disappearing.

The guards looked at me in shock but I ignored them and made my way toward the town hall before a few guards got in my way asking if I was alright.

"Yeah, I'm good." I told them

"But you took a direct hit from a Grimm no one has done that and come out unscathed." One of them said.

'These guys must have no idea what aura is.' I said in my head.

"Well, those hits aren't really much for me so I'll go inside and check on every one else." I told them and went inside to see many of the citizens trying to stay calm.

"Everyone relax the grimms have been dealt with there is no need to panic anymore." I told them all, and I could see many of them relax, but the doctors and nurses were to busy helping the wounded especially on that was bleeding really badly. He was a young boy with green hair and green eyes he was at least 12 and stood at maybe 4 foot 10. He was surrounded by not only doctors trying to stop the bleeding but also six girls, that seemed very worried for him they all looked around my age if not a year or 2 older

The one that seem the most worried stood at 5 foot 7 with dark purple hair with a streak of pink and a lighter shade of purple, he eyes were also pulled and she wore a schoolgirl outfit meaning she was maybe a college student. The next one was a tan girl with long blond hair that draped over her left shoulder, as the end of it was tied, she wore a cowboy hat which interested me and she stood at my height and wore an orange button-down shirt, brown pants, and boots.

The third was one also my height her hair was purple and was styled she looked to be about a year older than me, but she had quite the figure, and she wore a grey shirt, and on her waist was a belt that hung a shirt that reached her knees. She wore gold ankle bracelets on both legs and lastly purple high heels.

The next one looked like she worked at a shop that made candy, not only from her apron but the strong scent of sugary treats that radiated off her, her hair was dark pink and hang over one side of her face as it really touched the floor as she was on her knees, if I had to guess she stood at maybe 5 foot 7 she wore shorts that hang between her hips and ankle, and her shirt was pink as well. I could quite tell but I also think her eyes were blue like mine. The next one looked like an athlete as she wore workout clothes such as sweatpants and a light blue shirt.

Her hair was the color of the rainbow and her eyes were blue.

The last one was an innocent-looking girl with long pink hair, she wore a sweater and a green skirt that went to her knees her eyes were green as tears filled them.

I walked over to them and got on one knee.

"Hey, I think I can help." I told the girls making the school girl dressed one looks at me with hope in her eyes.

"Please help him." She pleaded so I walked over to him, before I got on one knee. His wounds were not deep but with so many, he wouldn't last long with how much he is bleeding.

I lifted my hand over his as icy mist radiated from my hand, the wounds were now slightly frozen not enough to cause any bad effects like frostbite but enough to stop the bleeding.

"I froze the wounds but it'll only stop the bleeding for maybe ten minutes." I told the doctors and they started treating him immediately but I noticed some of the doctor's arms glowed as the young boys body glowed as he slowly healed.

'What are they doing.' Thought but then I turned around to see the girls smiling knowing that their friend was going to be ok.

"Hey do any of you know where I could stay for a bit I have no idea where I am." I told them and the blonde girl stood up to ask.

"What do you mean you don't know where you are." She said with an accent.

"I fell asleep on a chair then woke up in a castle in that forest." I said gesturing with my thumb.

She looked at me as if analyzing me before She nodded and smiled.

"I believe you but I don't think their space at the farm at the moment, those pesky Grimm's made part of the house collapse." She told me.

"I think I have some space at the boutique but I might have to move some of my stuff but it might take some time, and I must say I love the look." The purple hairs woman said but I needed someplace to stay tonight.

"I don't think we have space at the library but I could take a look." The school girl told me, so she was a possible choice.

The other two didn't have space, and for some reason, the one that made candies hair was now poofy instead of straight.

"How I think I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Winter Storm." I said as I took my hat off, and put it on my chest as I did a small now before putting it back on, while storm is not my characters family name the reason he was called that is that he was born during a harsh blizzard.

"Oh, a gentleman, my name is Rarity and these are my friends Applejack, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinky, and the one you just helped is Spike, Twilight's adopted brother and assistant." He told me.

"It's a please to meet you all but can you tell me what they are doing?" I asked gesturing to the doctor's glowing arms.

"Their using magic to heal him now that the bleeding has stopped." Twilight told me with confusion in her voice.

"Magic you must be losing that's only a fairy tale." I said while chuckling only to realize she wasn't joking.

"How can you not know about magic it's like the most common thing here and you can use it as well remember that ice thing you did." Rainbow said with her arms crossed.

"No that was my semblance not magic, where I came from magic only exists in fairy tales." I told her.

"What's a Semblance?" Twilight asked.

'should have expected this.' I thought as I rubbed my forehead.

"A semblance is the result of an individual unlocking their aura each semblance is unique to each person, though there are cases where semblances are similar, and so you don't have to ask, auras are the manifestations of one's soul they can to an extent enhance your abilities, it also prevents you from getting injured, but you still feel pain, and when you run out you become metal and physically exhausted, there are a few more ways to use it but I don't think we have time." I told them and suddenly a guard walked up to me.

"Hey, can we get your name we need it for our report?" Hey asked me.

"Winter Storm." I told him and Rainbow but in.

"Hey, you know this guy?" She asked the guy.

"Yes, he's the one that killed all the grimm's in town, if not for him we'd all be dead." He said as I sheathed my weapon as the other looked at me in both shock and amazement.

"Ok then I think I'll stay at Rarity's." I told her acting like I didn't hear them then I felt a hand on my cheek I looked up, to see it was Rarity's hand.

"Are you alright your ice cold?" She asked me but I smiled and said.

"I'm fine, my body has been ice cold since I was six, it's a side effect of my semblance." I told her while I gently removed her hand, but she still had a look of concern on her face.

"It's ok it hasn't bothered me for a long time, in fact, I feel comfortable." I assured her making her smile but I could feel the looks of the people behind me after they heard how I felt with the grimms.

"So then shall we go to your boutique?" I asked as I placed my hands in pockets.

"Sure follow me let me just find my little sister first." She said as she looked around. "There she is." She said as she started walking towards the crowd of people.

She soon came back with her sister she stood at 4 foot 10 her hair consisted of light purple and pink streaks, and she wore a white and pink striped shirt with a jacket over it, and she wore a yellow shirt that reached her knees, and as for her shoes they were red boots that barely went over her ankles.

"Are they all gone?" Her sister asked.

"Yes they are and I would like you to meet our new friend here he will be staying with us for the time being." Rarity said as she then looked at me.

"Winter this is my little sister Sweetie Belle." She told me then she lead me towards her home

"But like it said it might be a bit before we can clear some space but the room already has a bed and dresser but there's a few of my sewing machines, and supplies in there." She told as as we walked in the door.

We were in an open room with a few couches and a counter with a register.

"Its just over here." She said as she lead me behind the counter, we soon came up to a green colored door.

She opened and, and we walked in, the room was painted an ocean blue but what really coat my attention were the different colored cloths and clothes-making supplies scattered across the room, and the bed was three sewing machines lined up side by side.

Underneath the cloth I could the floor was covered in a light brown carpet so I took my shoes off, and set them next to the door.

"I can sleep here tonight then we can clean tomorrow we've all had a stressful day so we better get some rest." I said as I then took off my hat.

"Wow, you have some pretty long hair mister." Sweetie said as she long at my hair as it went over my coat.

"Thank you it took me years to get it this long." I told her with a smile as I heard Rarity chuckle.

"I have never seen any men that like their hair long they mostly keep it short." She said.

"Well, I'm not any man you've seen before." I said jokingly.

"I guess you're right not many can take on so many grimm's and survive." She said with a smile.

"Well I'm gonna go to sleep I won't keep you two up." I told them, and they left the room so I took off my trench slack, and took off the belt that held my gun sword.

I sat them both on a nearby desk that I didn't notice until now, then I took off my pieces of armor, and set them beside the bed before I laid down.

"Well I should train tomorrow, so I should get some sleep." I told myself as I closed my eyes, not even bothering to cover myself with the blanket.

(Dream realm)I

"MISTER WINTER." A voice shouted making me lifted my head up to realize I wasn't in my room I was in a classroom with various students around me and staring at me was a teacher standing at 5 foot 9, his hair was gray and he had a large bald spot, his eyes were green, and he wore a brown suit and a brown tie.

"Up all night training again I see, you look exhausted." The teacher said as he closed a book, and I remembered what was going on it was a few months after Winter started training at the academy.

"Sorry teacher my semblance is not very easy to control it takes a lot of practice to keep it in check." I said, as I rubbed my eyes, then I suddenly felt a presence behind me so I looked to see their was nothing.

"Well I hope you get a handle on it soon, we can't have you falling asleep in class every day, even though you have shown great promise your grades will suffer if this continues." The teacher said, as I turned back around.

"Yes sir." I said as he opened his book again, before he cleared his throat.

"Ok now where was I, I believe is the day we go back over the basics." He said we went over them every few months to keep the basics in our heads.

"Come on really everyone knows this by now." A student in front of me said so I made a snowball before throwing it at the back of his head.

Everyone laughed even the teacher hardly managed to keep it in. "Hey what was that for Winter." He said.

"It's never a bad time to go back over the basics even in the middle of battle it can and will help you survive." I said.

"Well said Winter but please try to control yourself." The teacher told me and I smiled and shrugged, but I could also hear a laugh behind me, so I checked again to see no one was there.

I turned back around to see him drawing a Beowolf on the chalkboard.

"Man was born in an unforgiving world as soon as the human mind came into existence we were at war with the grim soulless creatures of darkness, but due to our passion, resourcefulness and ingenuity, showed us the power that evened the odds in our endless struggle, this power was named dust, with it, we created our civilization in all four continents, dust has been our primary source of power for thousands of years, it has powered our military our weapons even everyday appliances." He said as he pulled out crystals of various colors.

"Theirs are many kinds of dust but the only way to trigger them is to use our aura to enhance our weapons, the dust even in ways change our semblance to fit the situation, and as everyone here knows everything that has a soul has an aura which leads to the theory that grimm's have no souls, and how they are drawn to negative emotions." He said then he looked at his watch.

"Oh sorry miss but it's time for everyone to head to the training yard for sparing." He said as he put the book down so he could put away the crystals.

We all left the classroom and headed outside, and as usual, the students wore coats because it was so cold to them, but I walked around unaffected by it.

I could still feel that presence behind but I chose to ignore it so I walked and got to the training area. Our teacher today was female she had long brown hair, her eyes were green, and she wore a long brown coat that reached her shoes.

"About time we were about to start." She said as she pulled out a schedule.

"Today you are sparing so fight a partner and get started we don't have all day." She said before putting away schedule. I found my sparing partner a minute later she stood 5 foot even, her hair was red and her eyes were blue she wore a coat just like the teacher's. Her weapon seemed to be a sword that burst into flame once she hit a button.

I took out my weapon as we both activated our auras I guess I didn't look before but mine was white but they only appeared for a moment before disappearing.

She charged me it would have been easy for me to beat her since I could even control the snow under her feet, I even have a way to freeze the ground so I control the area but I wanted to test my skills. She swung her sword but I leaned back to dodge then jumped in the air as it passed, and as a result, my foot came in contact with her bottom jaw.

She fell to the ground but got back up quickly with fury in her eyes as her speed suddenly reached inhuman levels as she appeared in front of me before punching me in the chest.

'That must be her semblance." I thought as I was thrown back but I never left the ground.

'I guess I should end this quickly.' I thought as I put a hand on the ground.

"Giving up?" She asked with a smile look before all the snow around her, was suddenly drawn to her, and before she could try to esacpe I made her entire body except her head a snowman.

She struggled to free herself, as her head swung around. "I think I'll mark this as a win." I said as she gave up and I released her. The world began to become blurry so I guess it meant I was waking up and I knew I was going to have to get used to living in this new world.

Chapter 3 questions and from hunter to bounty hunter

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I woke up in the boutique and no one was around. "I guess now is at good as any to make that token thing he talked about." I said as I thought of what to send.

"So what should I send." I said as I got up to put on my trench coat and hat but as I bout on my coat to two glass cylinders fell out of my coat pocket.

They had some kind of white… Oh, I know what this is it's air dust. 'But how am I supposed to use it.' Thought as I looked in my pocket for more dust bit only found a note.

Bottom of the gun

My curiosity was peaked so I looked at the bottom of the handle to see that it could open and the vial of dust could be inserted." Well that answers that." I said as I picked them both up, and I remembered how he used them.

He only used them for dire situations because it can do more harm than good, his power combined with air dust created a blizzard that froze everything in the area he only used them in dangerous situations, because it can do more harm than good.

I took one of them and said. "My name is Winter Storm I fight against the grimm in this world, and if you need help with defending the innocent just call out my name, and I will come." I said simply before a small portal opened, and I tossed it through.

"Ok then so now I only have one vial of dust but since that guy gave me dust that either dust forms on this planet or this is now the only one in existence if it even works.

I then attacked my belt to my hip but before I left I realized I didn't have a shirt. It reviled my scars and muscles from years of training.

"I should put my chest plate back on." I said as I grabbed it then put it on, before walking out.

'Maybe I should try to find work I could be a bounty hunter since I can hunt grimms.' I thought as I saw Rarity putting three plates on a table.

"Good morning." I said as she looked at me.

"Darling why are you wearing your chest peice?" She asked.

"I kinda don't have any shirts wasn't really planning on traveling." I said as she nodded.

"Ok well I think I have a few shirts that I've made beforehand would fit you." She said as she walked into another room and came back with a black shirt.

"Here you go it should fit." She said so I took off my coat then my chest piece, and I could hear Rarity gasp.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Your scars did grimm's do this?" She asked me.

"Yes while my aura is strong it's not infinite after it runs out I'm extremely vulnerable." I told her as I put it on. "The life of a hunter or huntress is not an easy one, but it is a necessary one for humanity's survival." I said as I put my coat back on, and I looked at my hands.

"Hey do you have any gloves I don't want to shake someone's hand only to explain why my body is cold every time?" I asked her.

"I have plenty of them do you have a specific color in mind?" She asked me.

"White please." I said as she smiled sheets the room again as Sweetie belle entered.

"Hey." I said as I sat down at the table.

"Hey." She said with a tired tine as she sat down as Rarity came back with a pair of white formal gloves.

"Thank you I'll put these on after we eat then I'll go find some work." I said but Rarity told me.

"But before you go Twilight wants to ask you some questions, she's here right now." She told me.

"Ok I guess I can answer a few questions." I said as I started eating She had made bacon, eggs, and toast.

I used a spoon to put the eggs on toast, and then the strips of bacon on top of them before putting the other piece of toast on top, i did this when ever i had eggs, and toast but this is the first time with bacon.

I took a bit of it careful to keep it over the plate as I felt the warmth of the food but it quickly faded as it quickly cooled but any kind of warmth was better than nothing.

After eating it all, I went to the shop part of the home where Twilight was she was sitting on a couch with a pen and paper.

I put on my gloves before heading towards her, and then sit in a chair in front of her. "So then you want to ask me a few questions but I also have a few questions of my own, so let's do this you ask one question then I'll ask one then we'll just repeat, sound fair?" I asked her.

"Yeah that sounds good so where are you from?' She asked me.

"I was born in raised in the kingdom of atlas the entire continent is a frozen wasteland but it was home and very few grimms because of the cold." I told her, and now it was my turn.

"So my first question is what kingdom is this?" I asked her as she write down my answer to her question.

"This is Equestria the rulers are princess Celestia and princess Luna." She told me.

"Do you have any pictures of them or anything, sorry if I asked two questions I'm just trying to figure out how this place works." I said and she smiled as she pulled out a photo, with two people on it.

The one on the left looks like a young woman because her face looked so young but her eyes told a different story as they looked wise, and knowledgeable, her hair was like rainbows much much long as it reached the middle of her back. And she wore a white dress with a gold trim the hugged her body, and in my opinion showed a little to much of her bust, and on her waist looked to be a golden waistband that looked very expensive as it was decorated with jewels.

On the right looked to be a woman that looked a little younger than the other her hair was blue and looked and she also wore a blue dress that reached her feet, and at the end, it was black and had a crescent moon on both sides.

"Ok then now for my question where did you receive your training to fight grimm's?' She asked me.

"At Atlas academy every kingdom had an academy, for the sole purpose of training hunters like me to fight grimms but I was many times sent abroad for training as well since their were so few grimm's." I told her as I thought if my question.

"Have you ever seen anything like this?" I asked her as I took out the vial of air dust.

"Yes we have found many veins of crystal like this all over equestria but we have found no use for it other than jewelry what does this have to do with anything?" She asked.

"Those that have unlocked auras can use the hidden power that reside in these crystals though the raw crystals are harder to use we grind them up to remove impurities and use them in almost everything from military to everyday appliances even our melee weapons, even our semblances can be changed if it is used properly." I told her.

"It has been our main weapon against the grimm since the beginning of the endless war." I told her as she wrote it all down. "So in short dust is crystallized energy that has various uses for a hunter." I told her to simply it.

"Ok then now for my next question." I said before Twilight said.

"Hey isn't it my turn to ask one." She said.

"I told you what dust was because you ask me." I told her making her blush from embarrassment.

"Oh sorry." She said.

"It's ok but as for my question any kind of job that would allow me to kill grimms?" I asked her.

"Well yes in town halls you can become a bounty hunter but very few have become one because it's so dangerous even those of the magic blood." She told me.

'Magic blood I'll need to ask her about this?" I thought as she looked ready to ask another question.

"Ok for my last question how advanced is your civilization?" She asked me

"Vert thought it mostly because of dust we have created many technological marvels over the centuries such as air ships, robots and other marvelous inventions though i don't know how to make them myself." I told her but she looked disappointed that I couldn't make them.

"Ok me for my last question what is this magic blood you mention a bit ago?" I asked her.

"Oh yes I forgot to tell you a little bit of our history of all date back to the first beings that inhabited Equestria." She said then cleared her throat.

"We'll start with Equestria each kingdom follows their own gods we follow the great Faust the one who created us with her own blood, our blood can easily be set into three different categories, there is earth, sky, and mystic or as some people say magic blood. Each type of blood has their own abilities sky can create ethereal wings that allow them to fly, and they can control the weather, as well as stand on clouds. Earth blood allows those that have it easily accomplice feats of amazing strength if trained properly, and lastly is my blood, mystic blood we are all able to use magic for almost everything, and as for the other kingdoms there is dragon blood, and many others, and some races take more animal aspects" She explained, while I nodded.

"Ok then, I think I got it all thank you, but I think I'll head to town hall now to sign up now have a good day." I told Twilight as I grabbed the vial, and headed for the exit.

"You too." I heard her say as I left the building.

{Luna POV}

"Ah Luna have you look at this so called hunters dream?" My sister asked as I entered the throne room.

"Yes and the place he comes from worries me there are much much more advanced than we are, and they have entire academies dedicated to training teenagers, that haven't even reached or just reached adulthood yet to fight grimms, also when I looked into his memories I saw many of the battles he had gone through to get to where he is today, also the bitter hatred he feels for his own power." I told her as I hugged my arms as I remembered the cold he has felt his entire life he couldn't even remember the warmth of the sun on his face, not even the warmth his mother's embrace whenever that was all he ever wanted.

"Will he be a threat to our people?" My sister asked me as she stood up from her throne.

"No and even if he did we would have a hard time stopping him." I told her.

"What do you mean." She said confused, as she stood beside me as we started to head towards the castle garden.

"If we underestimated him even for a moment we could end up as ice sculptures, he has almost surgical precision with his power, not to mention he could turn the whole terrain into his weapon by covering the ground in ice." I told her as we left the throne room.

"I have already asked Twilight to ask him a few questions she should be sending me his answers soon, but maybe it would be best for us to visit him personally." My sister suggested.

"Yes but maybe we should let him settle in first, bring taken from his home must have been very stressful for him." I told her as suddenly a letter appeared out of nowhere.

My sister grabbed it, and as she opened it we reached the garden. "Hmmm, that's interesting." She said as she showed me the letter it explained where he came from, what dust was, and also he was going to become a bounty hunter.

"This could work in our favor we have many Grimm problems around Equestria is would be easy to arrange transport, so if we could hire him it would be equestria immensely." Celestia muttered to herself.

"Maybe but we can't rush let him rest for awhile before we start giving him bounties." I told her again before she sighed and nodded.

{Winter Storm POV}

I had made it back to town hall to become a bounty hunter, I walked inside and it looked much better in here then the last time I did.

I walked up to I guess was the mayor's female assistant, and asked. "Hey, what do I have to do to become a bounty hunter?" I asked her as she didn't even look up, as she placed a price of papers in front of me, also a badge with a star in the middle that said bounty hunter.

I quickly read over it just told me to write down who to tell if I meet an unfortunate demise and the rules for being a bounty hunter they were pretty simple to follow, not to interfere with other hunters, and steal their kills, and to protect the town they reside in.

I put down Rarity as who to tell then signed my name at the bottom before giving it back.

This was when the assistant finally looked up, and her eyes widened as she took it. "Aren't you Winter Storm the one that killed all the grimm's?" She asked.

"Yes it's what I was trained to do, and it would be invaluable here." I said as she suddenly reached under her desk, and pulled out an envelope.

She handed it to me, and said. "The mayor thought you might come so she told me to give you this I guess you could call this your first assignment." She told me so I took it then opened it.

It appeared there were manticores coming near town for the last few days, luckily they didn't take part in the attack but they still pose a problem.

"Ok then I'll head out their and deal with them." I said as I handed it back. "So do you have a number?" I asked.

"I think about 20 of what she told me." She said.

'This might be a challenge.' I thought as I left the building.

"Ok then it said they were in the forest so this way I guess." I said as I headed for the forest I came from.

'Ok manticores are maybe 2 or three times larger than humans they can shoot fire from their mouth they have sharp teeth for biting a scorpion stinger, and can fly.' I said in my head think of a way to deal with them.

"Ok I'll use my weapon to deal with the one on the ground and my semblance for those in the air." I said picturing the battle in my head.

I soon found a cave with bones scattered around the entrance. "Well looks like this is the place, I think I will just make this easy no need for a big struggle." I said as I tapped my foot on the ground as the ground was quickly covered in ice as ice quickly spread into the cave freezing all sides of it.

Soon roars could be heard from the inside along with the sound of heavy footsteps racing towards the entrance of the cave. As soon as the manticores came into view spikes of ice shoot from everyside impaling them all.

"Well that was easy." I said to myself but was caught off guard by the sound of flapping wings behind me.

I grabbed my gunblade while quickly turning around, only to guard from a stinger attack that sent me flying into a tree next to the cave.

'Damn it.' Thought as I was about to load my gun until I saw the blade was broken and the cylinder had a huge hole through it. "Are you kidding me I just bought this thing!" I yelled, as I looked at the manticore quickly putting my aura up, as I saw it preparing to shoot a fireball from its mouth.

I put up a wall of ice to block it then send shard of ice from said wall. All that was heard after was a thud, as I walked around the wall to see it implied with numbers large shards of ice.

I took another look at my weapon before sighing, and discarding it along with the belt that had its sheath. "Well this is not a good way to start the day, and I was just starting to like that thing too." I said around as I put my hands behind my back. "Well at least it saved my life in that situation." I told myself as I quickly started to head back to town hall.

Chapter 4

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I had returned to town hall to see the assistant seemed to be expected. "So how did it go?" She asked.

"The cave is now filled with spikes of ice but it seemed the leader of the pack wasn't inside, and attacked me from behind, though I managed to block with my weapon was destroying after." I told her as she said.

"Ok then would you please hand me your badge it is outfitted with a recording spell so I can prove your claims." She said so I handed it to her.

Her hands glowed but as quickly as it came it vanished before she handed it back. "Ok then the bounty on the manticore is complete let me just get your pay." She said, as she reached under her desk again, as I heard her rummaging through various items.

She she brought up a faulty large but of what looked liked coin judging from the exterior. I opened it to see golden coins inside. "Isn't this a bit much?" I asked her.

"Bounty hunters are paid very well for their work so yes." She said so I just nodded and took it before asking.

"Is there a black smith around here?" I asked her, and she nodded.

"Yes not far from here it should be easy to spot." She told me so I headed out.

I looked around for a bit until I found it, it was an old building made of stone bricks and there was a large chunky on top.

I walked inside to see a rather old looking fellow at the forge, his hair was gray but his body was very tan and looked buff as he hit the heated metal with his hammer, he didn't wear a shirt which showed his muscular chest, that is when he turned to face me, he wore some kind of tinted goggles but he lifted them to show his green eyes.

"How may I help you young man?" He asked as I set down the bag of coins.

"The name is Winter Storm perhaps you heard of me?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yes I heard a few things, what do you need?" He asked as he got up from the forge.

"I was hunting a large pack of manticores, I killed them all before they left the cave, but their leader seemed to have sneaked behind me but I guarded against its attack, and as a result was weapon was destroyed, I came here in hopes of finding a replacement." I told him.

"What do you want?" He asked me as he opened a few doors where I think he kept weapons.

"I am looking for a sword bit I am skilled with daggers and spears." I said, and I heard him groan.

"Sorry don't have any swords left I sent them up to the capital last week but I do have spears, and daggers you could buy." He said.

"I think I'll just take a spear I'm only going to be using it as a base anyway." I said as he brought out an ordinary spear. 'it might not be pretty when it's done since this kingdoms tech is lacking but I will have to make due with what I have.' I thought.

"So your gonna customize it?" He asked me as he handed it over.

"Not exactly in school we were taught to make out own weapons if needed, I went through many different classes of it, as well as piano and organ classes my mother made me go through, god it was awful, but I got through them." I said, as he told me the price I quickly paid him but it seems he wasn't done with me yet.

"If your making your own weapon I have a few spare tools I don't need, it's the least I can do for the man that saved the town." He said, as I smiled.

"Thanks, that'll really help." I told him as he gave me a bag of tools.

"Ok then I have a spear now I need parts likely the only place I'll find good parts for a weapon is a scrap yard, not the ideal place but I do the best with what I have." I told myself as I wandered town, and found a scrap yard.

"Finally." I said.

I walked up to it, but as I did I saw someone at a booth near the entrance.

I walked up to it the women at it she had dark hair as was her skin, and she wore sunglasses over her eyes.

"Are you here to throw metal away or to take metal?" She asked me.

"I'm here to take parts, do I have to pay a fee or something?" I asked her.

"Yes, blacksmiths and others come here to either drop off metal to be melted down into weapons to fight grimms or to take metal to make parts for machinery." She said. "But as for the fee, it'll be 20 bits." She said.

I guess that was what they called their currency, so I gave her what she asked for, and headed inside there were stacks of boxes I guess for people to use.

I covered some of them in ice so I could make them float in the air, as I walked through the scrape years looking for parts that seemed useful.

After I had filled the boxes I headed for the exit. 'Ok now all I need is a blow torch, hopefully there is a store with one.' I thought as I looking around.

Luckily they did have one and after buying it, it was time to head back to Rarity's.

"What were you thinking bringing all this junk here!" Rarity screamed as I entered the door.

"I need it to make a new weapon, unfortunately, mine was destroyed by a manticore stinger." I told her as I explained everything that happened.

After she had calmed down she said. "Ok I may have overreacted but after your done take what's left back to the scrap yard." She told me.

"I will but I'll likely be in my room for the rest of the day." I told her as I went to my room to get to work.

{2 days later Rarity's POV}

I paced outside Winter's room he had been in there for two days straight rarely coming out to eat his food, I was getting worried about him, and I was about to go get the girls so maybe we could take to him, but as I was about it decide what to do there was a knock on the door.

When I opened the door I saw it was solar guards that served Celeista. "How may I help you gentlemen?" I asked them.

"We're here to talk to Winter Storm the princess herself has a job for him transport has been arranged, and expenses are taken care of." They said, told me.

"Come inside so we can talk." I said to them before I let then in, and sat them down to explain what Winter is doing.

After explaining everything one of them said. "Well, I suppose that makes sense the princess did say the weapon he used was strange so he's trying to make another like it." He said aloud as Winter;s door opened.

"Well I'm finally done, it's not pretty but it's ready." He said as I looked over at him, he looked absolutely exhausted, he had bags under his eyes and he walked slowly, as he sat down only to notice the guards in front of me.

"Who are these two?" He asked me as he rubbed his eyes trying to stay awake.

"They are solar guards they serve Celestia, and they have told me they have a job for you." I told him.

"Ok just let me relax for a moment before you tell me, I've been working nonstop on that spear changing it spear head, and almost everything else to get it to suit my needs." He said breifly, as the other guard brought out a potion.

"Here take this it'll wake you up real fast." He told Winter as he uncorked the battle before sniffing it. It looked like WInter was about to throw up after smelling it.

"It smells like sewage." He said as he held it away from his nose.

"Trust us almost every potion smells like that but they work, and the taste is not as bad as the smells just hold your nose and you'll be fine." They said so he did as they said as he drank it.

After he drank he looked like he was about to throw up but kept it down. "That awful." He said as he gave it back to the guard.

"Yeah, but it works." He said.

"So tell me what grimm will I be dealing with?" Winter asked.

"Beowolves while the most common, they are still dangerous." He told him.

"So where are they?" He asked him as he got up, and headed towards his room.

"At the base of canterlot mountain." He said as Winter reached into his room and pulled out a strange spear.

"Ok then let's go." He said.

{Winter's POV}

The spear wasn't my best work but it will do its job, I based it off the gun spear in bloodborne but added a few tricks in the spearhead can spear head can soin very quickly and in the spearhead I can insert the dust in, but the one downside is the gun part is bassily one-shot sniper, I have one shot before I have to reload.

"We already have transport ready it'll only take an hour to get there." They told me so they lead me outside where there was a chariot being pulled by horses with wings.

I had so many questions but I kept quiet, as I got into the chariot with them could feel the chair being pulled into the air as we got seated.

"So do you mind if we ask you a few questions?" One of them asked.

"Sure, as long as it's nothing personal." I told them.

"So we heard what an aura and semblance is but how do you get your aura?" They asked.

"Well most get it at random, and there are some that getting it when they are going through great emotional stress, and for those with powerful auras we can bring out another's aura but it cost a lot of energy to do so, but there are many that never find their aura." I told them.

"Ok then how does a semblance work?" They asked.

"Well everyone's semblance is unique to them and it is much like a muscle, the more you train with it the more powerful it becomes." I explained, and we spent the rest of the trip is silence as we flew through the skies.

An hour hand passed and we had landed, when we got out of the carriage, we were in a large city on the side of a mountain.

"I thought you said it was at the base of the mountain?" I asked.

"Yes but first the princess wants to talk to you about your payment." They said as they lead me towards the castle , so I used my new spear as I walking stick as I followed them.

As we walked through the city I saw what I think we're nobles talking and walking through the streets.

So looked over at us, and I heard them talking quietly but I ignored them as we walked towards the castle.

After we got there the two of them talked to the guards at the gate, before we finally got inside, and they lead me or a room with a few different instruments.

"Stay here till the princess comes, she is currently dealing with other matters." They told me

After they left I thought. 'So she calls me here then she isn't here to meet me not a very good first impression.' I thought as I looked around to see a piano.

"Well it's better than just standing around doing nothing." I said as I sat down on the bench in front of it.

{Celestia POV}

"I believe we should get rid of the bounty hunters they have done nothing against the grimm's i believe my beloved my mercenary company might do more than they ever could." Gold Rush said he has bought, and created many companies over the years as the head of his household, and he only wanted the bounty hunters gone so people would hire his mercenaries.

"No Gold Rush the bounty hunters have done more against the grimm's then your mercenaries ever have, and a very new one showed he can stand against large groups of grimm's on his own." I said with a smile as I rested my head on my hand.

"That's impossible are you talking about that rumor?" He asked.

"It's true and he's here right now I have a proposition for him." I told Gold rush as Court was about to end.

"And it seems we're just about out of time." I said as I stood up from my throne.

"And what is this proposition?" Gold Rush asked as he crossed his arms.

"You'll see." I simply said as I walked out of the throne room.

I started heading towards the room I told the guards to lead him to, but as I approached I could hear music. (Just the first song)

I quietly entered the room, to see Winter playing the piano, he was just like Twilight letter described his long silver hair went all the way down his back, as it caught the sunlight from the window, making it appear it was sparkling as he played a relaxing song.

It was at the end of the song that I approached him. "Are you Winter Storm?" I asked, I already knew it was him, but I wanted to get his attention.

"Yes I heard you had a job for me." He said as he turned around.

"Well yes and no, first I want to make a deal with you." I said.

{Winter's POV}

'She wants to make a deal with me.' I thought as I looked at her. "And what does this deal intal?" I asked her.

"You would serve directly under me and my sister and answer to no one else, we would send you on missions all over the world to deal with grimm's, and we would pay you for your trouble." She explained.

"It sounds fair but can I add my own terms?" I asked.

"If they are reasonable." She told me so I took out the cylinder of dust.

"Yes my student Twilight told me what this was." She said surprised me that Twilight was her student.

"Well then that makes this easier you see this is currently the last of my dust, and with how common Twilight made it sound it would be simple for you to acquire them, all you would need to do to make them into dust is remove any impurities, and grind them up but they have to be in cylinders like this because in this state they can be highly explosive, but they are safe as you know in their raw state." I explained.

"Yes those are really common crystals, so is there anything else you want?" She asked me so I rubbed my chin.

"No not really but I'll let you know if I think of anything." I told her.

"So do you accept?" She asked me.

"Yes so now then I believe I have some Beowolves to deal with." I said as I stood up.

"Yes, and I would like to watch to see how you fight." She said, and I nodded.

"Ok and I'm going to be doing a test with my weapon." I said as we suddenly teleported at the bottom if the mountain, and I fell to my knees trying not to vomit.

"First time teleporting?" She asked, and I slowly nodded as I recovered.

I then stood back up on my feet, and asked. "So where are they?" I asked her.

"Just over there." She told me pointing to a few trees.

I walked past them to see a group of maybe 30 grimm's. 'Looks like I really going to have to do it." I said as I inserted the small cylinder of dust into the spear had as I started to make it soon as I combined the power of the dust with my semblance.

Soon a tornado of frost, and ice erupted from my spear, as it froze everything in its path, even the grimm were frozen would by the time it ended. I smiled as I looked over my handy work then looked behind me to see the surprised look on the princess's face.

"It's not as strong as my previous weapon but it gets the job done." I said as I recover the cylinder to see it empty.

"But as you see until I get more that is the last one I can do." I said as I put the bottom of the spear on the ground as I actually look how long it was the spear itself was as at total it was at least 7 feet long.

"So what do I get paid for getting rid of them?" I asked her.

"Your payment will be delivered to Rarity's." She said as I was suddenly back at the boutique, and it seemed that the third time was the charm, as i finally emptied the contents of my stomach

Chapter 5

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{Next day}

It had been a day since I meet the princess, I had told Rarity what happened between me and her. "Well it seems you made friends in high places." She said to me with a smile, but then there was a knock at the door.

I opened it to see the two guards from before carrying three bags two of them the same size, I got form the mayor's assistant, and the last one was much smaller. "Oh is that my payment I didn't expect so much." I said as they brought them in.

"Two of them are, the last one is full of small cylinders." One of them said as they set them on a small table.

They left after setting them down, and I looked in the one with the cylinders, they were filled with several different kinds of dust, and I lined them all up by color, their were 5 red, 3 yellow, 4 green, 2 black, 5 dark blue, 3 cyan blue, 4 white, and last 3 dark orange.

"Wow she works fast where did she get all this." I said to myself as Rarity walked up.

"Oh what are these?" She asked as she attempted to grab one of them but I stopped her.

"It's dust, and they are dangerous if not handled with care." I told her, as I pulled her hand away from them.

"So what does each color mean?" She asked but then I looked at her eyes to see them moving up, so I moved my head back towards the dust to see the black ones floating.

"These blacks ones are gravity dust they many times form floating islands, the red one are fire dust, dark blue is ice, yellow is lightning, green is earth, the cyan blue is a very rare one that can create hard light, it is used to create force fields, the whites ones are air, and the dark orange is I think used to fuel several different types of vehicles." I explained to her as I grabbed the black ones, before they got to high.

"So where are you going to put them?" She asked me.

"Well first I'm going to go buy a large case to hold them, and as for one's I will bring in mission, I wanted to ask you if you can make tiny pockets on the inside of my coat to hold them." I said, as I reached into one of the other bags, to pull out a few dozen bits.

"Oh there's no need to." She said.

"But I want too, you and your sister gave me a place to stay it's the least I can do." I told her, and she had a small smile as she took the bits.

I have her my coat before getting to work on it. I then returned to my room to put my hat on. I then moved all the dust in here, but kept the gravity dust in a draw to keep them from floating to the roof.

I left the boutique to go find maybe find a pawn shop or a store that sells cases, and I asked around, and found where they sold them, they sold them at a rather large store in town.

"Ok then let's see what they got." I said as I walked inside, they sold of variety items but I was only interested in the case section, I decided to get two, one for if I had to go somewhere, and the other to store the ones i'm not using.

I took them to the registers, and they asked. "Are you storing one particular thing in there?" They asked.

"Well yes, but what does that have to do with anything?" I asked them.

"We use magic foam for cases, magic foam cane change to hold different things, so we ask people this so we can make it into the shape of what their storing." They explained, so I took out the empty cylinder.

"I'm storing things like this in them." I told them so they brought out several layers of foam for the bits one but only two for the little one.

After they were all done the one I could take on travels could hold 15 or so, and the big one could hold over a hundred, couldn't get an accurate count.

I gave them the bits then headed back to the boutique, I placed them both in my room." Then Rarity walked in.

With my trench coat. "Its done." She said as she handed me my coat she had made five tiny pockets, that would fit in cylinder each on both sides, and over them were buttons that put a cover over it, to make sure they didn't fall out.'

"Thank you." I said as I gave her a quick hug.

"Your welcome." She said, as a faint blush appeared on her cheeks.

She left the room so I could getting things organized, she said she would come back a little later so we could move things out of the room.

I put one of the red ones in the small case followed by all the air, and ice ones, then all the yellow, and last 2 greens, after that was filled up I but the rest in the big one, I had an idea what I could use the gravity dust for, but no idea what to use the hard light dust for, I had no idea how to make a shield generator.

Soon after I left my room, carrying my spear in my right hand.

Rarity was talking to a customer but I decided not to interrupt her as I made my way outside so I could train.

I got a good ways from her home before doing something that was rather taxing on me. Not only I could not only control ice, I could make ice that moved on its own, but like I said it was taxing and I could only make maybe three depending on the size, that would be able to fight for me, I've only used it for either distraction, or for training like I am now.

I made Beowolves that were twice my size. "Attack." I ordered as they charged me the two on the sides on all fours while the middle on his hind legs.

I activated my aura as I readied my spear. The two on the sides reached me first, as both lifted one of their claws to attack me, but I jumped between them as I charged the middle one.

The ice beowolf tried to swipe at me with its sharp claws, but I slid under it as I tripped it with my spear, and as I went under it I flipped over the spearhead, to load in a large ice bullet into the gun part.

As it finally fell to the ground I was up on my feet again, but I saw the other two charging back toward me.

The one I knocked down was getting back up but as it rose to its feet I shot, the bullet went through it, and into one of the other ice beowolves.

The one In front of my shattered into pieces as did the other one I hit leaving only one remaining.

I let it get close before I jumped high in the air as I spun the spear above me before throwing it, and my aim was dead on as it went straight into its head making it shatter as well.

I grabbed my spear after I landed, and pulled it from the ground as I turned around to see Spike, Rarity, and the others.

"Hello." I said, as I put the bottom of the spear to the ground.

"How did you do that." Rainbow said rushing over to me with a huge smile on her face.

"Years of training and fighting grimms." I told her as the other approached.

"So this is where you were I was wondering where you went." Rarity said.

"I saw you with a customer, so I thought it best not to interrupt, so I slipped out to train." I told her and Spike walked up to me after that, and he held out his hand.

"Thanks for saving me." He said so I shook his hand.

"Not a problem so how have you been since then?" I asked.

"I still have some pain every now and then, but I'm fine." He told me, and soon Sweetie belle came out, and when she saw Spike she had a huge smile on her face.

"Spike." She yelled as she ran up before jumping, and taking Spike to the ground while hugging him.

"Sweetie Belle we just got you those clothes." Rarity as she pulled them up, my only guess is that they are together.

"So shall we go inside." I said and then Pinkie told me.

"Wait I have a surprise for you at Sugar cube corner." She said gleefully, and I smiled.

"Ok then, I guess we could make a quick trip to sugar cube corner, let's go." I said so she started pulling me through town, to what looked like it was made it look similar to a gingerbread house, i guess it made sense since it mostly sold sugary treats.

But once we got inside it was dark but then all the lights suddenly turned as as several people screamed. "SURPRISE."

"Sorry if it's last the grimm's did major damage to the store, so your party was postponed till today." Pinkie said as she jumped around excitedly.

I smiled at her, and said. "Thank you I really appreciate it." I told her as I walked up to join the party.

She had made cakes and cupcakes for everyone to enjoy, I grabbed one of them cupcakes but as I took a bit out of one i got the sense of familiarity as I chewed it. I then felt an overwhelming sadness wash over me, as I heard someone approche.

"Um Winter are you alright, your crying?" She asked, and I out a hand to my check then took it away to see a tear but it quickly froze, then I realized why I was crying, these cupcakes tasted just like Winter's, no my mother's, and thoughts about how she was doing filled my mind.

"Yeah it's just that I worry about my mother I had suddenly appeared here after I graduated from the academy, she must be worried sick." I told her as I started at the cupcake.

I felt Rarity put a hand on my check before she looked at me with worried eyes. "I'm sure she ok, and that she knows your safe." She told me and I put a hand over hers, as I relaxed.

"Thank you for that but I still need a little time to calm down." I told her as I forced a smile.

"You know you can talk to me if you need help." She told me.

"I know and I really appreciate it, but this is something I must do on my own." I told her, and while she wanted to argue with me but she accepted my decision, as she walked back to the party.

I went back to eating the cupcake chewing it slowly but after eating it, I saw some of the children were looking at me.

"Hey kids want to see a neat trick." I said and some of them looked at me with anticipated as I took in a deep breath before blowing out a cold mist, but after it left my mouth it turned into swarms of butterflies made of snow, and ice.

They flew around the kids, as they started chasing them while laughing, and even some of the adults were laughing as they looked at their kids chase them.

"Looks like your good with kids." A femanine voice as I turned around to see a black haired women.

"Oh I didn't see you there, and you are?" I asked.

"Octavia at your service." She told me with a small bow. "I've heard a lot about you, and how you are the princess's personal bounty hunter." She said standing up straight.

"Oh, you heard about that I thought it was a big secret." I said with a little confusion.

"Trust me nothing stay secret for long, I even heard reporters are on their way here." She told me.

"Great." I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes.

"Hey it's not all bad you'll be a celebrity." She said.

"Well I'm not really looking to be a celebrity, what I want is to find a way home but no one here even knows what aura is so that means I could be hundreds of thousands of miles away from home." I said, with hope quickly draining from my voice.

I closed my eyes as I rubbed them, and I heard her clear her throat.

"Well I hope you find your way home." Was all she said, before walking away, and it was getting dark outside, but the last continued for the next hour or two before it was finally done, and we all went home, and as soon as I got there I collapsed on my bed exhausted before going to sleep.

Chapter 6 preparing

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{Next day}

It was the next day already, and I was ready to hunt grimm. As for the Dust I brought with me to town hall I brought the 4 air, and ice dust then for the last two I grabbed the fire, and a lightning dust. I knew fire dust wouldn't mix well with my semblance, but I believe I can still use it without combining it with my semblance.

I was currently talking to the assistant, to see if there were any more grimm's around.

"Yes those it's only minor, you see a few miles from here we have spotted a Nevermore but we haven't confirmed it yet." She told me.

"Hmm Nevermore their very dangerous with their abilities." I said, as I remembered how they can shoot their feathers like spears, and their enormous size, and tough exterior.

"Ok I'll take a look, I've already prepared for a fight." I told her as I rubbed my chin.

"Thank you if that Grimm were to come to come In afraid it would be a disaster." She said as she gave me a soft smile.

"No problem so which direction is it?" I asked her as I placed a hand on her desk.

"It's west of here, there are some ruins near where it was spotted, so it should be easy to spot." She told me, so I left, but I thought of ways to get their faster.

'I could make a horse made of ice, but by the time I get there my aura would likely be used up, maybe I could make a small platform, made of ice under my feet to fly, it could work and spend much less energy.' I thought, as I decided to test it.

I made a three-inch thick platform underneath me, then it lifted it to the air, as it started flying west.

It looks like my theory was correct I was useing extremely little energy, and with this birds eye view it made it easy to survey the area.

I soon came into view of the ruins, and on top of the largest structure, was the largest Nevermore I had ever seen, just one of its feathers was at least five times my size.

I loaded my spear with a bullet before, flipping the spear head back over, then locked it in.

'Ok this is gonna be trouble.' I thought, and it seemed he finally noticed me as it took to the air.

'Crap it saw me.' I thought as it started flying towards me.

I flipped over the spear head again, and shoot the ice bullet at the Nevermore only for it to duck under it before it hit so I loaded in another one as it got closer then I jumped off, my ice, and onto his back, as I stabbed the spear into the beast.

I pulled the trigger, and the ice bullet went through the Nevermore, but it seemed it easy enough as it started doing barrel tools to get me off it.

I made a curved dagger from ice then stabbed into the Nevermore to get a better hold on him.

"Just die already!" I shouted then he finally leveled out as he spotted the town.

'Oh no you don't." I said as I got up, and pulled out my spear, and then put the lighting dust before flipping the spear head onto the spear, as it started spinning, and yellow lighting engulfed my spear.

"This ends now!" I shouted as I stabbed it, and the lighting tracked along its body shocking it, and just as it stopped it started nose diving towards the town.

"Oh fuck no." I said as I saw us getting really close to the ground really fast.

And just as we were about to make contact I made a huge pile of snow to cushion my landing as I jumped away from the nevermore just as it hit the ground.

By the time I dug myself out of the pile of snow I could hear the sounds of cameras, and when I could see, I saw reporters with cameras taking pictures of the scene.

I got out of the snow as one of them walked up to me.

"Hi I'm Photo shop, I'm with the Canterlot news is it true that Celestia has made you her personal bounty hunter?" She asked me then there was a rustling behind me.

"You've got to be kidding me." I said as I turned around. "First I shoot you, then stabbed you three times, while also electrocuted you on the third one, then you fell a thousand feet to the ground, and you're still alive." I said as I saw the Nevermore, but its left wing was broken which made me breathe a sigh of relief seeing it was injured.

I turned my head back to the reporter. "Give me a moment." I said, and she nodded with a nervous smile on her face, as she backed away.

I turned my head back to the grimm before preparing to throw my spear, then I threw it just as it cawed at me, allowing the spear to go in its mouth, and through the back of its skull.

It then collapsed on the ground, as its body started to turn to black mist. "Now then, you were saying." I said turning to the reporter.

"Is it true Celestia made you her bounty hunter?" She asked again while pulling out a pen, and paper.

"Yes I was but the only mission she has sent me on so far is dealing with a pack of 30 Beowolves at the base of the mountain, if I remember it correctly." I told her as she wrote it all down.

"So do you know what mission she will send you on next?" She asked me.

"No idea, your guess is as good as mine." I told her as I received my spear.I was asked a few more questions I didn't know the answer to before they got bored, and wandered off.

Went back to the town hall to get my pay, then went back to Rarity's house to work a little more on my spear, it was good as it is but I had to keep improving I didn't have a team like I did in the academy, so I had to make up for any weaknesses.

Right now I was in my room with ideas going through my head right now but now of them really worked out in my head, except for a few.

There were only three ideas that worked in my head, the first one involved the gravity dust, so I could control my spear without touching it, just like that old lady did in her youth. I had a good idea of how to get it to work. Next one isn't really for my spear, but I was thinking of using some of my dust to make grenades, and lastly, I thought of also didn't involve my spear what it did involve is lining my coat with dust I remember reading a few characters did that.

Just as I was about to get to work there was a knock at my door. I opened it to see Rarity with a smile on her face.

"Oh hey, Rarity what can I do for you?" I asked as I let her in.

"I was wondering if you wanted to join me, and my sister are going out to eat tonight." She asked me, and I looked at my spear before turning back to her.

"Sure my plans I can set my plans on hold for a bit." I said as I followed her out of my room.

After she, and her sister were ready we left the house they took me to a restaurant in town, luckily I brought a small bag of bits with me, so I can pay for my own food. We went inside and a waitress took us to our table, and gave us our menus. "So what will you two be having?" I asked them.

"I'm getting the salad, and Sweetie Belle is getting, ummm, didn't you get macaroni with fish sticks last time?" She asked her sister, and she nodded as she looked put down the menu. I looked over the menu myself, and I decided just to get spaghetti.

After we ordered they gave us appetizers they were bread sticks, and just as I took a bite out of one Sweets Belle asked.

"Hey Winter do you have a special someone?" She asked and I swallowed my food prematurity making me cough loudly, as I choked for a moment.

"Sweetie Belle that is very inappropriate asking someone that out of the blue." Rarity said then I cleared my throat.

"No it's alright just caught me off guard there, but to answer your question I used to have someone but it didn't really go well, we were on the same team so I thought our relationship would blossom but, as I said before, it didn't really go well." I told her.

"Team?" Rarity asked.

"After the entrance ceremony all hunters in training, are put in teams of 4 my team was called team WHIT, your team name is determined by the first letters of the team members names H came from a friend of mine his name is Henry the I was for Isaac, and lastly the T was for Tiffany.

"So what happened between you, and Tiffany?" Rarity asked.

"I don't like talking about it." I told her as our food arrived, and we mostly ate in since but once Sweetie belle was done she asked me.

"So how many Grimm have you fought?" She asked me.

"I have no idea, maybe a few hundred, maybe a thousand or more." I said, it's not like I counted.

But after that, we all just finished our food, and when I tried to pay for my food Rarity said. "Oh you don't have to I brought enough bits." She said.

"No, I want to pay for my own food you have already done so much for me." I said, as I put some bits on the table.

She gave up, and let me pay for my food, and we went home. "Well that was fun, I guess." I said as we walked in.

"Yeah it was." Sweetie Belle and, as she yawned then headed to bed.

"Well I suppose I should get to work on my spear, but before do you know a place in town that sells jewelry?" I asked her.

"Yes there a small shop that sells jewelry not far from here, but you should get some rest." Rarity told me, and I glanced out the window to see it was dark, we must have been gone longer than I thought.

"Ok I'll try to take it easy for now." I told her, as I raised my arms above my head, as I stretched.

"Thank you that's all I ask." She said as she walked uositres, and I just went to my room to get some sleep.


It was morning now, and I wanted to get a head start so I grabbed bits, and pulled one if my pockets with them before leaving. "Ok she said it wasn't far so I should be back soon." I said, as I looked around then saw a sign with a few rings on it.

"Well that's was quicker than I thought as I walked up to it, then walked in to see shelves lined with necklaces, rings, and all sorts of jewelry.

The man at the counter wore a fancy-looking suit and tie is skin was pale and his eyes were hazel, but when I looked to see his hair I noticed he had none.

"How may I help you this morning, mister Winter?" He asked, he must have heard of me so I walked up to his counter.

"Do you have any brackets my size?" I asked as I held out my wrist.

"Size won't be a problem sire, all our bracelets are enchanted to adjust to the wearer." He said with a smile.

"Our? I Don't see anyone else." I asked him as I looked around.

"I run this shop with my wife she's out right now getting a few things, but let's get back to business shall we." He said, as he looked around, and he pulled out pieces of jewelry.

He placed down the first one, and said. "Here were have a jewel-encrusted gold bracelet from the dragon lands, the people of that kingdom make the best jewelry of all the kingdoms." He said as I looked over it, it was a little too much for what I had planned.

"Do you have anything a little more plain?" I asked.

"Oh you like it simple, yes I have something for that." He said as he placed a plain silver bracelet with now added jewels or engravings on it.

"Here we have a bracelet made from pure silver it was made in Canterlot and was brought here by a acquaintance of mine." He said and once I grabbed it, it grew it size.

"I'll take it but I plan to make changes to it do you have anything for that?" I asked him.

"What are you planning?" He asked me.

"I'm planning to shave of some of the silver in the middle so I can line it with a ground up crystal, but I would need something to keep it in place, do you have anything for that?" I asked

"Well, I think I have something in stock let me check in the back." He said as he walked into a different room, then came with a nearly transparent marital.

"This is a kind of adhesive plastic when magic makes contact with it fuses with whatever it's touching almost like a second skin, it is designed to both heat and cold as well as waterproof, and with this quality, even if you touch it you won't be able to tell if you are touching plastic, or whatever it is fused with." He explained.

"That sounds perfect, I'll take this as well if your willing to part with it." I said as I brought out my bits.

"Very well sir is there anything else you want you to have more than enough bits for one more thing." He told me, and I thought of getting Rarity something.

"If you have any diamond earrings that would be good." I told him so he brought out some but as I was about to give him the bits he said.

"Well that's a very nice necklace where you get that?" He asked me as he pointed at my neck, and I held my necklace, I had completely forgotten that I even had it on.

"Its was a gift from my mother, and I guess I won't waste anymore of your time, I'll be on my way." I said as I grabbed the plastic, bracelet, and earnings.

I soon returned to the boutique to see Rarity, and she did not look happy. "Where were you when I checked your room you were gone, I was worried sick." She said, and I waited for her to finish before saying.

"I was at the jewelry store to get something I needed, I also got something for you." I said as I handed her the earrings.

She looked at them before gently taking them out of my hand, before saying. "Why thank you Winter but why would you get me these?" She asked a little shocked.

"Because you've been there for me, and I see you as my friend, and while I do like the other girls I don't really know them like I know you." I explained to her while giving her a quick hug.

She hugged me back and we separated. "Well thank you darling." She said making me raise an eyebrow

"Darling, are we dating now?" I joked before she giggled.

"No, I just say that to all my friends." She told me. "Well I'll leave you to your work, I have to get breakfast ready." She said, and I went to my room to start shaving off some of the silver, to make room for the started I made a thin wheel of ice, that floated in the air.

"Ok let's hope this works." I said as it started spiking as I put the silver against it to start grinding it, it was working but I couldn't tell if this was better than a stone wheel or not.

After a few minutes I think I got it to where I wanted, for for the last few parts I needed Rarity's help.

I left the roof with one of the cylinders of gravity dust, and the plastic. I saw Rarity cooking what looked like eggs, and it seemed Sweetie Belle had already eaten, because there was an empty plate but it was obvious there used to be food on it.

"Where's Sweetie Belle?" I asked her.

"She went to school with her friends nothing to worry about." She said pushing some eggs on two plates for the two of us.

"Hey I need your help with something, do you think you could put the dust along where I shaved off the silver then use this adhesive placed to keep it in place?" I asked as I set them in the table.

"Won't you just have to take off the plastic to put more dust, after you use it?" She asked me.

"How should I put this gravity dust is unique for some reason they don't use their energy, and don't necessarily need aura to activate it just like I mentioned the floating islands don't you remember." I said, and she shook her head. "No knows how it somehow has infinite energy, so I won't need to change it after use like I do with other dust that disappear after its energy is drained." I explained, and she just nodded as she did as I asked, and now everyone else but me the bracelet looked like it was just silver with good line of onyx or something along the center of it, but I knew it was dust.

"I'm likely going to need another Cylinder for my spear, do you know how I can contact Celestia?" I asked her.

"Well you could go to Twilight's and ask to send one to Celestia." She told me.

"Maybe we could head over their together." I said as I put the bracelet on, and it shrank into the perfect size.

I grabbed my spear, and the last of my gravity dust before we headed to Twilight's, but something really caught my eye when we got their, she lived inside giant tree.

After entering was when I realized it was also a library. "Well this is, umm interesting to say the least." I said nervously.

Not long after Twilight came down with Spike.

"Oh Rarity, Winter what are you two doing here?" Twilight asked us as we looked up at them as they walked down the stairs.

"I need a message sent to Celestia and she told me you two could send it for me." I explained to them.

"Well I suppose we could what do you want to ask her?" Twilight asked me.

"Well I need a no make it two more cylinders of the black dust, to finish modifications to my weapon." I said, as Spike started writing something down, before breathing out green fire leaving me utterly confused.

"Why did you burn that piece of paper, after writing on it?" I asked him before Twilight answered for him by saying.

"By burning it, he is able to send letters to Celestia, so she should have your request in a few moments." Twilight explained.

"Magic makes no sense to me." I said, as I rubbed my forehead.

"You're not alone in that, I met a few that don't understand it either." Twilight said with a smile as she finished walking down the stairs, and grabbed a few books.

'I really wish I had magic, oh well I still have my semblance, that'll be enough to handle the grimm.' I thought as she walked back upstairs.

But just as Spike was about to follow her he looked like he was going to vomit, but instead he burped, and the flames that came out of his mouth turned into two floating cylinders filled with gravity dust.

Spike was about to grab them but I said. "Ait this is a perfect chance for me to practice with this new dust." I said as my aura appeared then vanished, as I lifted my hand, and the dust glowed a light purple as I focused on the floating dust.

They only just floated, only turning purple for a few moments before fading but enough to tug them towards me.

"Is everything alright Winter?" Rarity asked me as they finally reached me.

"Yes that was much harder than I thought it would be, but I think it'll get easier with practice." I said, as I grabbed them.

"Well let's go home I think you have work to do." Rarity said as she pulled me towards the door, and we made our way back to the boutique.

Chapter 7 meeting another displaced

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Next day The Everfree Forest Castle Ruins

3rd POV

A Void portal opened up at the ruins of the Castle of the Two Sisters. Suddenly out tumbled a man in a long hooded red coat. He had long braided blonde hair and amber eyes. The man rubbed the back of his head and then looked around at his surroundings.

“Stupid Zoro, his void portal sent me to the wrong world,” the man stood up and stretched. He dusted off his pants and looked around. “The old castle aye. This means I’m not too far from Ponyville. Wonder what kind of world this one is?”

The man began to explore the ruins of the castle to find out the period in which he’d landed and to see what race the local ponies of this world were. He remembered the layout of the castle from his own world like the back of his hand and luckily most of the other ruins he came across matched it. He soon found the library and started to go through one book after another. He found out that there were Grimm in this world and that the inhabitants were all human but classed by a blood class system.

“Interesting! They have magic here and Grimm but no huntsmen. I was starting to think this was Adam’s world when I first came across the word Grimm,” the man closed the book and placed it back on the shelf that he pulled it from. He smirked evilly. “I’m going to have to thank that mossed haired swordsman the next time I see him.” The man started to walk towards the exit and into the forest but before he got too far in he stopped and pulled out a white and gold mask and placed it on his face. “There now no one will be able to sense me coming.”

{POV change Winter}

I had spent several hours last night integrating the gravity dust to my spear, not only does it give me the ability to control it, but it made it as light as a feather, but I could easily change that, by using the dust on my wrist.

And as a pleasant surprise when I woke up I noticed in the back of my coat, Rarity added a place where I could use to hold my spear.

"Ok let's try this again," I said to myself, I had been trying to master gravity dust, it has proven to be a rather difficult dust to control, or at least for me.

I raised my right hand once more, and the dust glowed, then the spear shook a little before lifting into the air. 'Ok good so far.' I thought then the spear flew towards me, and as it got closer I caught it effortlessly.

Finally, though it still needs work, before I could use it effectively, then I used the bracelet on my wrist to return the spear to its normal weight, before putting it on my back.

I then got out of my room and felt like hunting today so I left the boutique to go to the town hall, but as I walked through town I could feel
something was different in the air, it made me on edge.

But after a few minutes of walking, I reached townhall to see it mostly empty during my previous visits, it had a few people here and there but I didn't really look at them.

I walked up to the mayor's assistant desk like I usually did, and asked. So what Grimm will I be hunting today?"

Sometime later ??? POV

I was making my way through the forest while I looked around I noticed there was very little activity around me. “Quiet here. There must have been a large scale Grimm attack on Ponyville not too long ago,” I noticed a void signature coming from the direction of Ponyville. I tilted my head slightly, “Hmm… looks like the one keeping things under control is in town.” I smirked. “Let’s head that way.”

I restarted my journey and made my way to the local Ponyville. I felt a sense of heavy negativity heading toward the town. Looks like a large Grimm is looking for a meal of pony. I really don’t want to get involved in the local displaced’s problems it looks like there to far from the Forest to make it in time. Looks like I won’t be able to keep a low profile.” I huffed as I hung my head in disappointment. “Oh well, Seal of Sin: Sloth Release.” I sped off in the direction of the Grimm.

I was able to come upon the Grimm in no time at all. It resembled a large Gorilla but with bone armor.

“A Beringel aye. I’ve never faced one of you guys before,” I smirked.


I cleaned out my ear and then looked back at the beast. “Really scary. You have me shaking in my boots. Let’s dance monkey!” I charged forward and activated my aura and decided to have a little physical match with the brute for a while.

But just as we were about to make contact a giant spike of ice came outta nowhere impaling the grim right in his back, and pinned it to the ground as it went straight through.

“Hey man, what’s the big idea of ruining my fun?” I growled at the man behind the fading Grimm. “Not every day that ya can face a Grimm ya know.”

"Oh sorry didn't see you there!" I heard someone yell it was a young man's voice, and from behind the disappearing Grimm a man who I could only guess was 17 stood there, he stood at 5 foot 9 with silver hair that reached his waist, he wore a white trench coat, with a dark blue trim with three golden button on each side just over a pocket, and on his head he wore a white trilby hat with a blue ribbon around it, and he wore white dress pants, and white oxford shoes.

On his back was a black spear that looked like it was from Bloodborne, on his right wrist I noticed a silver bracelet with a black crystal along the middle, and as my eyes meet his they were light blue. "Good evening, how are you?" He asked while taking off his hat, and did a small bow.

“Hmmm…So this is your world.” I took my own bow and stood back up. “Sorry for my intrusion here and nice to meet. May I have your name, my good sir?”

He raised an eyebrow. "My name is Winter Storm, and what do you mean by my world?" He asked as he put his hat back on.

“I’m like you young man,” I remarked. He must be very new to displacement. “Only, I came here by mistake instead of returning to my home. You’re of RWBY much like my nephew. Oh, forgive me. My name is Edward Elric.” I slightly removed my mask to reveal my face before placing it back on. “Are you the only huntsman or are there more of you here?”

"It's just me, but I thought other displaced had to be summoned to go to another world?" He asked me with his arms crossed.

“You’re not completely wrong but there are those out there among us that have evolved to the state of Void Dwellers and travel the Void between worlds willingly like the merchants do,” I explained. “I’m an exception to this. I have the power to travel willingly but I can’t be a Void Dweller due to my connection with another Void Dweller. My lines were crossed somewhere and I ended up here instead of home.” I stretched. “Figured I could explore this new world while I wasn't under a contract, if you’ll let me.”

"That fine." He told me then he looked behind him, before looking back to me to say. "Let me lead you to town I know a place where we can talk and grab something to eat if you want." He told me, gesturing with his thumb.

“Sure, and judging by your reaction. You’re keeping your displacement a secret, for the time being, aren’t you,” I crossed my arms as I followed Winter into town.

"Yes, when I was brought here I also got my OC's memories if there's anything you want to know about me just ask." He said as he turned around, and started walking.

“I’m guessing that ice is your semblance. Is there anything I should know before I meet the locals?” I tilted my head.

"Well the only things I can think of is that the people here have no clue what aura is, and very few of them can stand up to Grimm, which is why I became a bounty hunter." He told me.

“Wow, so really you are the only one of your kind here. That really sucks dude,” I put my arms behind my head as we walked into town. “So, got a crush on a pony yet?” I smirked evilly.

"Pony?" He asked me.

“You do realize these worlds are based out of my little pony right?” I raised an eyebrow under my mask.

"Never watched it." He told me as he led me to a restaurant.

“Oh wow do you have a lot to learn kid,” I shook my head.“What is this place?”

"A place Rarity took me with Sweetie Belle, they serve good food." He told me as we walked inside.

"Table for two please, and is there somewhere we won't be interrupted?" He asked the waiter.

"Yes, there are seats in the back." He told him, then the waiter took us to our seats, and we both ordered drinks.

“So is there anything you want to know about me personally,” I asked as I took off my mask. I forgot about the pressure I can put on the weaker willed and several people in the restaurant passed out. “Oops,” I open a storage area and pulled out a suppression ring and slid it on my finger. “That’ll do.” I turned back to a stumped Winter.

"What just happened to them?" He asked me.

“Sorry, about that,” I laughed nervously. “That’s the power I generate when not wearing a suppressor to hide my presence when in other worlds. It’s annoying having to constantly fight the princesses or explain who you are to them so I wear these things the hide my power and presence.” I took a swig of my drink. “It happens when you for over fifteen thousand years though.”

He looked at me with wide eyes then rubbed his forehead before pushing it out of his mind. "Ok then is there anything you want to know about me or this world?" He asked me.

“Do you need help in training others to use aura?” I drank some more of my drink. “And do you use actual dust here or a substitute of some kind?”

He shows me the inside of his trench coat to reveal several small cylinders of dust, then he had a sad look on his face as he asked. "Do you know how to turn off semi-passive or passive semblances?" He asked me.

“Yes actually, but it’s really difficult to do,” I activated my aura on my hand. “Ever heard of Haki from the anime One Piece?” I held my hand out and intensified the aura on it while I condense till it blackened my whole arm. “It’s all about concentration. The concept of Haki is very similar to that of Aura. You can learn how to turn your semblance on and off through condensing your aura down to this state.” I held out my arm. “Anyone can do this but it’s best learned through hours of both physical and mental training.” I deactivate my aura and pull a flask out of my pocket and took a swig before returning it to my pocket. “But why? What reason do you have for wanting to know how to do this?”

He sighed before taking off his glove and held it out towards me. When I touched it his skin was ice cold.

“Hmm… you have so much power that you can’t turn your semblance off,” I said as I took a closer look at the kid's hand. “I don’t envy that kid but I know it’s a daily struggle.”

"Its started when my OC was five when his aura first manifested, he could no longer feel the warmth of the sun, then at age six his semblance revealed itself in a rather unfortunate way, his entire body became as cold as ice, as he felt the cold his semblance ran wild freezing his entire home, can you imagine what it's like not feeling anything but the cold, at times my OC’s life seems more real than my original, even the memories of when I was a normal person seems like a dream, he could feel nothing else not even the warmth of others." He said sadly.

I placed my elbows on the table and leaned forward while interlacing my fingers. “Kid you are the character you came up with. Whoever you were back on the earth you came from doesn’t exist anymore and you most likely will never be able to go back. As for not feeling anything, I get that too. I went insane for nearly two hundred plus years in cases in stone while my wife slowly but assuredly succumb to her darkness and then she was sealed away and I was forced to watch that and for fifteen hundred years, all I could do was watch on a pedestal in a garden.” I took off my lockets and open them to reveal the Princesses of my home standing next to me. “Not being able to hold or be held. Having memories that aren’t yours but feel as if they are. It’s hard. The only thing we can do is talk about it , try to make as much sense of a possible, and then try and move on. Find solace in the life you have been given the chance to live.”

I tapped the silver locket and showed Winter the picture of my twins. “My kids. Born only about a month or so ago. I nearly lost Luna after the were born.” I sighed. “I’m rambling now though,” I picked the lockets up and slipped them back around my neck. “Back to you.”

"So how do I learn this Haki I never watched one piece?" He asked me.

I shook my head. “I never learned true Haki just the knockoff version of that aura grants you. You have to learn how to stretch your Aura while also condensing it to near-impenetrable levels. Meditating first then apply it while fighting someone who won’t kill you.” I tapped my head. “It’s all about us and our strength of will.”

"Stretching and condense out aura was never a subject in Atlas academy, so I have no idea how to do that." He told me.

I let out a sigh. “You know how to apply aura to your body, Right?”

His body was quickly wrapped in a white aura but quickly disappeared like in the show. "Yes I do."

“Can you restrict it to the point to where it’ll only cover certain areas of your body?” I held up my arm again and covered only it in red light. “Once you learn this then you compress it down. Imagine what happens to shrink wrap when it’s hit with heat.” My aura condensed down until my arm looked like my arm was made of a reddish-black metal.

"We were taught to wrap our aura around our entire body, we were never taught to cover only certain spots." He told me.

“The thing about being a Dispaced is you need to develop abilities that go beyond what we know from when we’re we normal humans. Learning this way allows you to use aura in very unconventional means,” I picked up a fork. “Even on things that aren’t alive.” I concentrated and applied it to the fork. The utensil glowed red. “A neat trick to know when you’re running low on dust or are just facing the lone Grimm.”

"Aren't you just using it as a conduit for your aura?" He asked me.

“In this sense, yes, but the end goal is to eventually be able to armor up your whole body and weapon. My nephew went as far as to even be able to project aura through physical contact. Sending it through a foreign body bypass the targets aura and doing internal damage,” I set the fork down. “Back to why I’m explaining this. Haven’t you ever noticed that when you’re aura runs low that your semblance starts to be affected too?”

"Yes, but my character has tried draining his aura and failed his body still remained cold, even doctors have wondered why my blood hasn't turned to ice." He explained.

I shook my head. “Our semblances are also a reflection of some aspect of ourselves remember. My semblance is a reflection of how I wish for the many souls trapped inside my body to be able to experience the world but at the same time I still want to live so they must remain in me.” My shadow grew and next to me was a black copy of me. “These clones are completely independent but at the end of the day they must return to me.” The clone returns to my shadow. “Think kid. What about your OC’s story reflects his semblance? It’s not just about concentration, physical aspects, or mentality. You have to know yourself and who you are as your OC and not who you were before as just a story you came up with?” I pointed at the young hunter.

"My character was born during a blizzard and he was raised in the kingdom of Atlas, which is a frozen wasteland not much more than that, that relates to ice." He told me.

“Okay that’s your OC but what about yourself. OCs are usually reflections of how we want to be seen, you still retain your memories of when you were on earth. Think,” I pointed at Winter. “What influences did you have going on in your life that influenced you to create this guy.”

"Well for the semblance I really based it off the spring maiden’s powers, because I thought they were cool, but I don't know why the spring maiden has the power of ice doesn't make sense." He told me while shrugging.

“Winter into spring, my friend.” I threw a finger up into the air. “You have to remember there is still a short time where things are still freezing or cold as we transition into warmer weather. It’s also why the Fall maiden has fire powers. When Fall becomes winter. In a sense, all of the maidens have control over the basics of elements do to their magic in some manner. That’s the way I see it anyway. You might have magic yourself or be the very personification of Winter itself.”

"That almost makes me sound like some deity or something." He said jokingly as he chuckled.

“Your talking to a demon right now kid!” I said with a loud laugh. “As a prank on the sisters in the last world I was in I caused a solar eclipse and didn’t give them Their toys back until I got annoyed with Faust there.”

"Faust, I think Twilight mentioned that," Winter muttered to himself.

“That’s Celestia and Luna’s mother usually. She’s my mother-in-law back home. The air here is getting stale,” I stood up and crack my neck. I grabbed my mask and threw it into my bag. “Let’s go for a walk. I want to see more of this place and meet your friends.”

"Ok but if they ask just say your an old friend of mine that all so got transported here as well." He told me, as he stood up.

“Who me?” I pointed at myself. “Why I’m just a wandering Sage you met in the forest."

{Winter's POV outside the restaurant}

"I'll take you to meet Rarity first," I told him as I started leading him to the boutique.

“Fine with me. Hey, have you ever that of using gemstones in your clothing?” He asked inquiringly as we walked along.

"I have gravity dust in my bracelet and spear," I told him as I saw the boutique, and as I reached the door Rarity opened it.

"Oh Winter your back, and you’ve brought a friend with you." She said as she hugged me.

“Nice to meet you, madam,” Ed took a bow. “My name is Edward Elric and I’m just a passing Sage who had the good fortune to come across the Winter while in the Forest. Took a Grimm down that I had my eyes on.”

"And like I said before, I didn't see you there I was behind the Grimm," I said as Rarity let go, and lead us inside.

“You treated me to a drink so let’s call it even,” he smirked. “Nice shop. It reminds me of a few others I’ve visited before. You wouldn’t have to have a toolbox I could borrow would you Ms.Rarity? I need to do some maintenance on my limbs after little tussle I had not too long ago"

"I have some tools you could use, I used them to make my spear," I said as I took him to my room then gave him the tools I got from a blacksmith.

Edward looked at the tools. “These will do. Don’t freak out.” He turned me and I only looked with a raised brow. He sat down on a stool I had nearby and reached down and pulled up his pant leg to reveal a highly advanced prosthetic leg. He then proceeds to detach it to my shock. “Told you not to freak out kid,” he picked up a pair of pliers and a screwdriver and started to work on his own leg. Ed then reattaches his leg and stands on it for a bit. “Freaking Zoro and busting the damn thing. Thanks for the lone. Now what to do?”

"Well, you could look at my spear design see what could need improvement?" I asked him as ai pulled out a blueprint I had made while I was making the spear but I hadn't had time to add the gravity dust to it.

“Hmm…. I’m surprised this thing hasn’t fallen apart after one use. No offense,” he said with a bit of relief.

"It is also designed to shoot bullets made of ice," I told him, as I showed him the bullet chamber. "Also I don't have high-quality materials all the stuff I used came from a scrapyard," I told him

“Not a bad cobble, given what you have access to but why not ask Celestia or Twilight for some help in building it.” He asked seriously. “I can create quality materials for you to use and the machines you’d need to make the parts for whatever you need but at the end of the day it’s your weapon and you have to make it.”

"Well this spear has gotten me through some tough fights and it's held together, plus the rifle part is powerful plus I just integrated gravity dust to the design," I explained

“How about we start with uru or proto-adamantium for the spearhead and the bulk of the parts.” He said as he held up his hand and two metals appeared on my desk. One golden in color the other a bright silver.

A few ideas ran through my mind of possible designs that we could use." I have a few ideas." I told him

Edward’s arm popped open and outshot a pencil. The alchemist immediately went to work on altering the designs taking into account the other designs. “You like the spear concept but you need a way to fight at a distance. A spear is a mid-range weapon though. Have you thought about using the bayonet concept before or maybe a rifle with a bayonet on that changes into a spear?”

"Well no but now that you say that we could but can we give it the ability to spin like this spear, so it can still create a tornado of ice." I told him.

“You’ll need to be able to use two types of dust at once at least. Two ideas come to mind in this. A quick change action or a set of dual weapons that can combine together,” Ed placed his hand on his head on his mechanical hand. “Both features have their upside but the one with the most downsides is the quick changes. It requires constant maintenance and upkeep while it has a tendency to jam in the field. The more dust types the action changes between wears it out and breaks easily.”

"I only need one dust chamber but let me draw what I thinking real quick for you," I told him as I grabbed a price of paper, and started drawing.

“You weapon. You design it and build it. All I’m here for is to provide the raw materials and the machinery needed to forge it. Oh, idea,” he held his right arm up, and out of it came what looked like a cloud of liquid metal. The metal soon took the shape of a familiar alchemist but at nearly one-tenth the scale. “This is a chibi-Ed. Made from my nanomachines. I can leave them behind after I Leave a world. The can replicate by taking in raw material and change into anything you might need. Another upside is they’re nearly indestructible due to being made of proto-adamantium and uru.”

“Hello!” The chibi said as it floated over to my shoulder.

"Hello, little guy," I said as I looked over at him, and then Ed began explaining what these metals were, then I looked back at the uru if I remembered correctly Thor’s hammer was made of the stuff. "I think I'll just need the uru though it might be fun to have a goldlike weapon," I told him.

“Alright,” he stood up with a smirk. “But I’ll leave you with some proto-adamantium to/ You got your designs done and somewhere away from prying eyes? Just so ya know that Chibi is yours. It can change into whatever you need to make weapons and refine dust crystals. He’ll come in handy once I'm back home. He can even be a weapon in a pinch. Though don’t push him too hard as the nanites do have a limited intelligence once I leave the world they’re left in. Still, have a small mental link to them but not much of one. One more thing,” he pulled out a pocket watch and tossed it over to me. It had a dragon with a Star of David on the outer cover. “My token. It doubles as a video caller to others that have it and a minor delivery system across the void for minor items.”

"Ok, that's useful to know," I said as I took it.

“Come on and let’s go see more of this town. I don’t usually get to walk around pure humans that often. My world is humans with pony features and every other world is anthro ponies. I like not being stared at or bowed at when I’m in public,” Ed commented.

"Sure but I haven't really been around town myself so I guess this will be a good change of pace," I said as we left the boutique.

“Have you broken Twilight yet?” Ed smirked evilly.

"What?" I asked him.

“Ya know, when she just stops talking mid-sentence and smoke comes out her ears or she just freezes up altogether,” he chuckled.

"No," I said casually.

“Wait till you piss her off. Now that’s funny as long as it’s not directed at you,” Ed let out a hard laugh as we approached the library. “She does a pretty good imitation of the Human Torch.” He knocked on the door.

Soon Spike came to the door.

“Hey, there little fella is your big sister here. I’m a traveling sage and heard from this guy,” Ed pointed at me. “That the librarian here was very skilled at magic.”

"Oh let me get her." He told us as we went inside.

While Spike went to get Twilight he muttered to me. “Is there anything I should be aware of about this Twilight?”

"I don't know her really well so I don't know," I told him.

“I’ll just play it on the down-low then,” Ed said calmly as Twilight came into the room led by Spike.

"Oh Winter you brought along a friend." She said with a smile as she sat down in a chair.

“Edward Elric at your service Ms. Sparkle,” Ed took a bow. “A traveling Sage that your friend saved from a Grimm while in the forest. Nice to make your acquaintance. I hear your quiet the well-rounded scholar in the realm of magic.”

"Why thank you." She said embarrassed. "So why did you came to visit?" She asked.

“No reason really. Just… passing through really.” He smiled passively. “I was given the wrong directions on my way home is all. I thought I'd take the chance to explore this little town you all call him. It’s quiet and it’s rather ah… a nice change than what I'm used to since my children were born.”

"Oh well, I hope you find your way home," Twilight said sincerely.

“I will be there in no time at all. What’s waiting a few hours compared to years of separation. I do miss my twins though,” he said cryptically as he walked over to a nearby bookshelf. “Hmm… Do you have any books on magical seals and souls?”

"Well um, I believe we do, let me take a look." Twilight said while getting off her chair, and started looking through the bookshelves, then came back with a white book." Here you go."

“Thank you dear,” Ed opened the book began to read. In less than ten seconds he was done. “Here you go,” he handed the book back to a frozen Twilight. “The concept of aura and magic seems to work pretty much the same here after all. Instead of tapping into their souls here the people naturally tap into the magic of this world through there blood. I can work with this,” Ed snapped as he turned to the frozen in place Librarian. “Oops. Hey, Spike, is she gonna be okay?”

"Yeah, she'll be fine." He told us, as he took her to another room.

"So what are you planning?" I asked him.

“This!” He held up his hand, and it crackled with red electricity. Above his hand in mid-air appeared a ring with a strange deep purplish colored stone in it. The gem also showing various other colors as the light hits it. Ed then tossed it to me. “It’s a mystic fire Topaz the I enchanted with me Seith magic to act a sealing stone for your Semblance. At least as a temporary cap until you master Haki anyways.”

“Woah!” The Chibi Ed said on my shoulder. ‘I totally forgot he was there.’

I gently took the ring before looking at it, then put it in my pocket.

“I have one more thing for you,” Ed said as he held up his left hand a strange magic circle appeared above it. Then a crystal ball came out of the circle. “If you’re familiar with Fairy Tail then I don’t really have to explain much. This is aDragon Lacrima that will grant you Dragon Slayer Magic when it’s infused into your body. What kind it’ll be I can’t really say as this is just Blank Dragon Slayer magic that’ll adapt to your body at the time you use it. Now,” he dropped the crystal into my hands but nothing happened. “I placed a very powerful seal on the Lacrima so it won’t fuse with you until specific conditions are met by you. One. You have to have a moderate mastery over Haki. And two. You have to be able to control your semblance without relying on that suppressor ring in your pocket. Know that these are the only conditions and how the magic will affect your body later on is beyond my control once in your body. Just know if you rely to heavily on the Dragon Slayer magic that’ll it’ll eventually consume you and change you into a dragon. Got it.” He pokes me in the chest with enough force to cause me to stumble back a bit.

"Ok I won't, thank you." I told him, as he handed me the orb.

“Let me give another piece of advice from a senior Displaced to a junior,” he said as we walked out of the Library. I placed the Lacrima in my pocket to keep it hidden. “Don’t hide the fact you’re a Displaced from those you care for. Mainly your closest friends and those you care for. When you disappear like we do there’s no telling how much time will pass in your world when you’re summoned away from it. They know that you were summoned and didn’t just disappear on them for no reason will give them some peace of mind. Okay.”

I looked at the ground in thought then said. "I'll think about it." I told him as we returned to the boutique, and I had some second thoughts about what my spear wok be made of.

“Spit it out or I’ll have read your mind,” Ed jabbed.

"Instead of it entirely out of uru, I was thinking of adding vibranium to it, and as for the magazine I am hoping that maybe the uru could enhance my ice bullets." I told him vibranium was basicly the combination of carbonium and carbonadium which can absorb most forms of energy then unleash it in one attack.

“That’s what I wanted to do in the first place but it's your weapon and your building it! Like I said before though, I’ll provide the raw materials and you machine it out. As far as the enhancement for your ice bullets goes, not much more can be done other than channeling the energy you build up from close combat into kinetic energy blasts. You can channel it into your ice pulls giving them more off a bang like metal bullets.” Ed explained as he showed me a few diagrams on how he can take the impacts with his arm and channel the force into and energy discharge from his fist. “Now, is there an open area that I can use to bring out the raw materials for you to use. Not to mention a place you can use Chibi Ed to his fullest abilities to transform. A place we won’t be seen seeing as how you want to keep displacement on the down low.”

"Well if you stay here for a bit, I can see if I've got enough money to buy a small building near the boutique, to use as my workshop." I said as I grabbed all my heavy bags of bits.

“I’m fine with that,” he threw a hand up. “Are the crusaders a thing in this world?”

"I have no idea what that is?" I told him confused.

“Rarity’s sister and her friends. Ya know Applejack’s little sister, Applebloom and then there’s their friend Scootaloo. There known for causing all kinds of trouble around town.” He explained. “Just be careful if you find yourself wrapped up with their shenanigans.”

"I have meet Sweetie Belle but no her friends well except her boyfriend Spike." I told him.

Ed just stared at me blankly. “Ah… um… okay. Yea… ah… just go pay for your building.” He nudges his hand in the air. “I hope Rarity won’t mind some company for a few minutes. Does she like tea here?”

"I don't know during most of my time I have been hunting grimm's, or working on my weapon, I spent two whole days working on my current spear with little rest." I told him as I walked out of the room but as I just got out of the doorway he said.

“Man kid, you really need to get to know those around you,” he muttered.

"I have been getting to know Rarity." I told him, as I finally left the boutique, when I got the town gall it was simple to purchase a small worksop next to the boutique which was perfect, then I returned, and I saw Ed, and Rarity drinking tea while chatting.

“Ed noticed me before Rarity and spoke up. “It has certainly been fun conversing with you Ms. Belle and feel free to keep those sketches for any further designs you might have in mind to finish them with. Our mtual friend has returned and Imust finish my business with the young lad and then get back to my journey home. Have a great day and good luck to you in all facets of your future endeavors be they financial or personal.” He bowed with a sly smirk and walked over to me. “Got your building?”

"Yes it's right next door." I told him as we walked out to see it, it was a two story building the paint on the wall had faded to the point to where it colorless, and there were four windows on the front side. "I know it's not much to look at but it'll do." I told him as I lead him inside, it appeared to have been used as a blacksmith shop once, because there was an old forge towards the back of the room, and there were armor, and weapon stands scattered around the place, as well as chests that might have old equipment or maybe ingots that I could give to the Chibi Ed, then finally there was a staircase which led to the next floor, which was maybe where the last owner slept.

“Old and dusty,” Ed wiped his finger across a nearby surface leaving a streak. “I like it. Reminds of my automail shop back home. Now, where do we start. Cleaning up first right?”

"Yes, and let's see what's in those chests might be something useful." I said as I walked over to one of them, there were a few invite of various metals in here, plus some old blacksmith equipment which could be useful.

“Looks like a good score,” Chibi-Ed chirped.

“Bulk up and start dusting,” Ed picked his mini-me up by the nape of his jacket. “This is your place to.” He tossed the Chibi up and let it float before throwing it a feather duster. We spent the next few hours getting the shop back into a mostly working order. Once we were finished Ed created some crates of various other materials for me. I can only assume they contain materials for weapons or items that I might make later on down the line. He then used his magic to make several bilots, ingots, and sheets of Uru and Proto-Adamantium. “This should be more than enough raw materials to do whatever your heart desires Winter. Just tell the Chibi what mahine you need and he’ll change into it. Fair warning though, don’t have him turn into more than three machines at a time. The nanites won’t be able to handle the strain of multiple task like that once I leave.”
"Ok so would you like to show examples of how he make metals, and turns into machines." I asked him.

“It’s hard to show you outside of just laying something in front of him and letting the nanites convert it into what you need. See the way the nanites work are the gather martial from what’s around them, basically the dust that’s in the air, then they condense it into a solid piece.” Ed explained as he took a nearby iron ingot and placed it in front of his chibi. “The more of the material you need the more it to give him to convert. It happens at the molecular level really. Very had to explain but the nanties basically manipulate atoms. Yea following me?”

"A little." I said as the Chibi grabbed the ingot.

The Chibi looked as if it had just eaten a very satisfying meal and was rather round and puggy. “Basically he eats and converts it in his stomach and then spits it back out.” Ed sais as the Chibi spit up to equal size ingots, one gold and one silver. “Just because you give him metal or large quantities doesn’t mean you’ll always get the same amount back of the new material. You’ll usually get it if not a little less.”

"Ok can you turn into a 3d printer for me with a powerful laser." I told the chibi.

“On it,” Chibi Ed gave a thumbs up and changed his form to that of a large industrial size 3D printer.

“I’ll let you do your thing,” Ed commented as portal opened behind him. “I wish you luck in this world of yours Winter. And be sure and knock Rarity off her feet.” He jumped back in the portal and disappeared into the void. The portal closed and I was left with my shop, Chibi alchemist and a lot of raw material for a new weapon.

Author's note

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Sorry to those who are waiting for another chapter is coming by slowly right now it is getting a little difficult writting sevial stories at once so Im thinking of taking a break form writing every now and then to think what I want to to do next

Chapter 9

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Chibi Ed was an immense help over the last few hours he mostly stayed as a 3d print because I didn't have any molds to make parts for my weapons so he made them while I put them in their place.

And now it was finished my masterpiece. It was a rifle that could turn into a spear, the clip it self I would keep in my pocket it could hold 5 ice bullets.

I surely had it in its rifle form, it was time for its final tests. I loaded in a bullet and aim at wood log then fired the rifle worked as intended and with extremely high accuracy it pierced through the log easily as it passed through it.

"Perfect." I said as I took out the magazine, then took the bullets out before putting it in my trench coat pocket, and put my weapon in my back.

I went back to Rarity's with Chibi Ed. It seemed Rarity was working with a customer and I didn't want to disturb her, so I sat down on a chair but as I sat down their was instantly someone knocking on the door.

I took a deep breath and got fight back up, and walked to the door to see guards, as I opened it. "So what's the job?" I asked them, but instead giving me a job one of them pulled out their sword and tried to stab me.

I jumped back as I grabbed my rifle spear, and switched to spear mode, as I pointed the blade as them.

They all rushed in all of them pulling out their weapons, but then I stomped my foot on the ground covering the floor with ice and as it began moving up their legs I knocked them all out with the bottom if my weapon as switching it into a gun.

"Rarity We have a problem!" I yelled making Rarity run into the room, and she looked at the scene before her, and asked.

"What happened?" She asked me as she looked at the guards that were held up by my ice.

"After opening the door these guys attacked me, so I knocked them out, and I don't think their guards." I told her as I got them out of the ice.

"I'll go tell Twilight about this you stay here and watch them." Rarity said as she ran it of the building, and I tied of the fake guards.

I took their weapons, and threw them in my room to keep them away from them, and Rarity returned soon after with Twilight.

"She sent a letter to the princess, and she told us she never went them, she also sent guards to arrest these fakesl" Rarity told me.

"Ok that's good to know but now we have one question to ask, who hired them." I said as I rubbed my chin.

Twilight, and Rarity looked at each other worded and I said. "I think I'll be moving into my new workshop it has a second story I can use, I can't risk bringing you into this." I said, before going to my room to grab my things.

"Winter can we talk for a moment?" I heard Rarity ask through the door.

"Sure come in." I told her, as she opened the door to walk in.

She sat on the bed before saying. "So are you really going to move?" She asked me.

"Yes but it bassily next door so we can still talk to each other if you want to." I told her as I got everything I want really have much but I could pay for clothes later.

"Ok that's good." She said with a smile, as she stood up.

"Here I'll show you where it is." I told her, as we walked out of the building to head to my new place, and Chibi climbed on my shoulder.

"So we're going to live in your shop?" He asked me in a tone where Rarity couldn't hear.

"Yeah." I told him, as we arrived at the building, and Rarity chuckled nervously.

"Looks umm comfy." She said as I walked to the door.

"You don't have to lie I know it's old and duty but I'll do some work later." I told her as we walked it me, and Ed did clean the inside up a bit, but it still looked old.

"I'll take a look upstairs to see if there is a bed." I told Rarity as I walked up the stairs to the second floor.

There was a bed frame but there was no mattress then I saw a warboard, and a few small tables, along with more chests.

"Looks comfy." Chibi said, and I put him on the floor.

"You stay here I'll be back after I get a mattress for that bed." I told him then put my weapon on a table before heading back down to see Rarity.

"So what do you think of the place so far, I have to go to the store to buy a mattress?" I asked Rarity as I walked towards the door out of the building.

"It seems convenient consider your job." She told me before we both left but we went our separate ways as I went to the store, and I thought it best to buy food,utensils, and cooking pots and pans as well.

Once I got there I got a decent sized bed, and sevial canes of food since I didn't have a refrigerator or way to keep food cold I needed something that would last until I got one.

"Some delivery man will bring the mattress over in a few hours." The cashier told me as I walked out of the store, then headed back to my new home with my supplies

After putting my food in a good place i thought it was a good time to sit down and relax, and then I pulled the ring that Ed gave me and fiddled with it with my thumb, and as I looked at it, I felt an intense fear through my body, the fear of the warmth that I would feel. I had felt the cold for so long that it was almost my only comfort. My hand started to shake a bit, and frost covered the ring, but then I put it on my ring finger in my left hand, and it felt as if a piece of my soul had been locked away, and I could feel the cold that used to cover my entire body start to weaken.

No longer did my breath turn into mist when I breathed out and I could finally feel the wrath against me skin, it felt so unnatural but familiar at the same time like a forgotten dream that you can't remember but you can still feel the sensations that you felt.

I felt so tired at this point, and it was then that I noticed I had been sitting for an entire hour just focusing on this one thing that others wouldn't give a second thought to, but to me this meant everything i can feel the warmth of others and finally feel the warmth of the sun, there were so many things I could feel now, no longer did I feel the need to hide myself out of fear of not being able to feel something that was out of my reach.

Then there was a knock on the door, and it was the delivery man holding my mattress in his magic.

After putting it one the bed frame I collapsed on my new mattress, and instantly fell asleep.

Chapter 10

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(Rarity POV)

"I'm off to school." Sweetie Belle said as she ran out the door but I quickly went to the door to say.

"Be careful." I said, then she turned around to wave before running to school at full speed.

'hopefully she won't get herself in trouble.' I thought then looked towards Winters new home. 'Maybe I should pay him a visit.' I thought then walked towards his home we haven't really talked about what happened yesterday, and I grew more worried for him by the minute.

I knocked on the door but there was no answers, so I opened the door to see Winter was on the first floor. "Winter are you here." I said loudly but there was no reply so I went up to the next floor to see him in bed, but something didn't seem right, his chest rose, and fell rather quickly.

"Winter are you feeling well?" I asked him but he did answer, so I walked up to the side of his bed. He was sweating, and breathed heavily.

I out a hand to his head to see he was burning up but that was impossible, he was supposed to be cold as ice. He started to cough as I took my hand away.

"Let's get you to a hospital, and let a doctor get a good look at you." I said as I got him up, and put his arm around the back of my neck, as I teleported the both of us to the hospital.

"Hey we need help." I said loudly then nurses up to me, and Winter.

"What happened?" They asked as she helped me carry him to a gurney.

"I came to his house, and I found in his bed breathing heavily so I checked him, and he was burning up, but I thought it was impossible." I explained, and they looked at me confused, so I then explained everything about his powers

"Umm i see, we'll try to find out what's wrong, and do what we can, you just relax in the lobby." The nurse told me as they rolled him away.

{3 hours later}

"Miss Rarity." I heard as I woke up suddenly I had fallen asleep while I waited.

"Yes what is it." I said while rubbing my eyes to see a doctor in front of me.

"Come with me, news has come in about your friend's condition." He told me, and I shoot up from my seat.

"Is he ok?" I asked, and he held up a hand to calm me.

"Yes he's ok but I thought you would want to know why he got sick, so would you please follow me." He said, then led me to Winter's room.

"So what did you find?" I asked then he reached for a metal plate, then showed me a ring.

"We found this on his finger, and when the nurse took it off his temperature begin to drop rapidly, and now we have a very good idea how cold he is while he is as cold on ice, in the outside on the inside he is much, much colder making it impossible for germs to get him sick so he had never built up a resistance to them." He explained, as he handed me the ring.

"So he's not sick anymore?" I asked him, and he nodded.

"Yes once his temperature dropped his breathing went back to normal, and he seemed to relax, he should be up within the hour, so you can rest easy now?" He told me then he held up a finger. "But if he decides to put on that ring again I suggest he came here first, so we can observe his condition." He told me then he gave me a bill.

"You can also give him this after he was up, it shouldnt be a problem for him to pay." He said before leaving the room.

{ 49 minutes later Winter POV}

I felt the coldness on my body once again as I opened me eyes to see I wasn't in my room but in a hospital bed.

"What happened while I was asleep?" I asked as I sat up, the expected myself to see if I was injured but I wasn't.

I got out of bed to see Rarity had fallen asleep on a chair, while holding my ring. I took it from her, and put it in my pocket then proceed to gently shack her, while saying.

"Hey wake up." I said, as she woke up.

"Oh you're awake that's good." Rarity said.

"Can you tell me why I'm in the hospital?" I asked her as she stood up.

"I came over to your house, and saw you had a fever so I brought you here." She told me then told me everything the doctors told her.

"I see I'll be sure to be more careful from now on." I told her then after paying the hospital bill, me and Rarity we used to grab something to eat, so we went to sugar cube corner.

I ordered a few cupcakes while she ordered ice cream, I was really enjoying her company and I enjoyed having her around.

I pulled my ring out of my pocket, and put it on. "Winter What are you doing?" Rarity asked.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to wear it long." I told her as I felt my body start to warm up.

I breathed out a long sigh as I leaned back against me chair. "Are you alright Winter?" Rarity asked me.

"Yes it's just I can finally feel something other than the cold now, and it just puts me at ease." I told her, and I felt her grab one of my hands, and I looked to see Rarity had a smile on her face.

I grabbed hand with my other and flipped it over, as I ran my thumb over her palm. I felt at peace as I did this, and I took deep breaths as I looked at her hand.

"Is something wrong?" She asked getting me to look up at her.

"No it's just been so long since I felt someone's warmth." I said quietly, before closing my eyes to just enjoy the moment before taking my hands away, and take off the ring.

Pinkie just arrived just asI put it in my pocket and she gave us our orders, me my cupcakes, and Rarity her ice cream. After eating we went to my place for a bit to talk about recent stuff.

"So can you tell me a little more about Atlas." Rarity asked me.

"Well, atlas was the most advanced of the kingdoms since we did have any other choice but to adapt or die in the freezing cold of the North." I explained.

"Im think you might have mentioned that before." Rarity told me then we both got up from our chairs but as we did we found ourselves right in front of each other, and a giant blush appeared on Rarity's cheeks, and my heart started pounding just like it did for Tiffany.

We stood there for what felt like an eternity before we kissed, and I fell back in my chair pulling Rarity with me she sat on my lap as we aggressively made out not caring for what was going on around us.

We don't know how long we kissed but when we did we could only stare into each other's eyes.

"Rarity I." I said but she put a finger to my lips as she said.

"Don't say anything let's just enjoy the moment." She said before giving me one final kiss before she laid her head on my chest, and my heart still pounded in my chest, but it seemed to only put her at ease as she closed her eyes to listen.

I put a hand on her head, and ran my fingers through her hair as I closed my eyes, and relaxed.

Chapter 11 hunting big game

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It had been an entire week since me and Rarity had our special moment in my house, and we decided to give it a try we had gone on one or two dates during the week, and many could say we were inseparable, and once we had to go our separate ways to go home we shared a long kiss.

But now to the present it had been awhile since I had gone in a Grimm hunt, so I went to town hall to see guards waiting for me.

Once they saw me they said. "We gonna have to ask you to come with us." They said, and I saw they carried no weapons but that didn't mean they were not hostile towards me.

"How do I know I can trust you the last guards weren't really friendly." I said grabbed my riffle but I didn't take it off my back yet.

"We have orders from the princess to bring you to canterlot." The guard said, then I took my rifle off my back.

"I'm not going anywhere unless she comes here herself, and asks me to come." I said as I put it in spear mode.

The guards looked at each other before nodding and left town hall. After making sure they left I went to the assistant, and she had pulled out a file as I walked up to her.

"I already picked one out for you nothing really special, Centinels have taken residence in a nearby cave, should be easy for you to deal with them." She said then I opened the file to see more information.

From what the file said there are about 30 of them, seemed easy enough so I left town hall then headed towards the cave.

The cave looked pretty normal but that is what centinels want you to think before they start to burst from the wall.

I walked inside, and after I got about a dozen or two feet inside it went just as I thought as the giant black, and white centipedes started to come from every side. "Dangerous but easy to predict." I said as The walls suddenly froze, along with the centinels, but I only counted 20, so there were at least 10 more, in here that I had to track down.

I broke the frozen Grimm as I walked through the cave then I came into a larger area where the others were waiting there half way in the ground or anything so this made it easy to kill them with my spear, it was hardly even a fight.

I returned to Ponyville to see Celestia herself waiting for me in town hall, as I walked in, she walked towards me with a smile as she said.

"It seems you have given my guards a little trouble." She said so I answered with.

"Given my experience with the last group, I wasn't really going to be trusting to another, unless you came here yourself." I told her, and she nodded in agreement.

"I know but I had other things to attend to until now, and it is an emergency a leviathan is heading towards the coast of the griffin empire, and they had requested our aid in this matter." Celestia told me then I rubbed my chin.

'leviathan live in the ocean, that makes things very easy for me.' I thought then told her.

"If I can't kill it the very least I can do is restrain it, then stop its fire breath, while the others finish it off." I informed her.

"That is enough, I have transport ready for the both of us, I was informed that you never got used to teleportation so I arranged for my fastest carried to take us." She told me leading me outside after I received my pay, then we got on the carriage, and quickly took off.

"So there is a griffin Empire what about griffin Grimm?" I asked.

"They are entirely different from the griffin people they are able to create claws, and can make ethereal wings like those of the pegasus blood." She explained.

"Ok that also after we deal with the Grimm, you will have to melt the ice because I can't melt it." I told her as I looked out the carriage window to see we were high in the sky.

"That's understandable." She said then she smiled again

"And I've heard you and Rarity have started dating." She said then I blushed.

"W-w-where did you hear that from?" I asked her.

"In one of Twilight's letters, she told me it was pretty over us to anyone that saw you two together." She explained, that I would need to remember to talk to her later but for now there as more pressing matters to deal with.

For the next few hours we sat mostly in silence, of course, we did talk about a few things she asked about some of the technology I knew about, and while I tried to explain the best I could, but I didn't really understand how they were made.

"Are we almost there?" I asked Celestia asked, as I looked out a window.

"Almost to the coast where we will meet up with the Griffin's soldiers." She told me, as she also looked out the window.

"I'd say 5 more minutes till we arrive then we can stretch when we get there." She said, trying to stretch her arms above her head but there wasn't enough room.

After the 5 minutes had passed, we finally landed, and we got out of the carriage to stretch before we were shortly joined by ethereal winged soldiers wearing leather armor.

"We're glad your here, the Grimm is about to reach the shore." One of them said.

"Ok then here's the plan of attack first I'll stop its movement, then you will start your attack make sure to stay out of its line of sight especially if it's preparing it use its fire breath, I'll do what I can to assist but most of my concentration will be restraining its movement." I said continuing to stretch.

"For someone so young you seem to know much about grimms." Said a feminine voice, as I stood up straight to see a woman in her mid 20's her hair was brown, and reached her shoulder, and she wore a purple dress that hugged her body. Her eyes were green, and her skin slightly tan she had no visible scars but she looked like she had been in a fight once or twice in her life.

"Where I come from its common knowledge." I said then Celestia saw fit to introduce us.

"Winter this is the griffin empress Jessica, Jessica this is the Hunter I told you about in my letter Winter Storm." She said stepping beside me.

"Pleasure to meet you." She said holding out a hand then I put my gloves on before shacking her hand.

"Sorry for not touching you my ability." I said before she interrupted me.

"Affects your body, Celestia informed me of your powers, and their drawbacks." She said before facing the sea. "It will be here soon my guards will take their positions." She said before her and her guards flew off.

I took off my shoes then walked into the beach to see Celestia looking at me with a raised brow.

"Sand is difficult to get out of those shoes so if I took them off so it won't impede my ability to fight." I told her before stepping into the water I could feel it but not its temperature.

"You have fought this before right?" Celestia asked.

"Yes, I had fought one in Argus before the colossus was built to defend the city." I told her, then the water started to rise as water as the leviathan rose to the surface, it was the largest one I had seen I couldn't really tell how tall it was though.

The water went up to its waist, because it was so far away but an ideal amount, as I started to run across the water making it ice as I ran before pulling my weapon off my back. the water was now to its knees when I got to a good distance to it, then so shoved my fist into the water, then the ice shoot towards the grimm, freezing the water around his knees, and down the rest of his leg then to reinforce it all the water around it froze trapping it.

I fell to one knee in exhaustion doing that much at once weakened me a bit, but I still had enough energy to fight.

Soon the soldiers were flying over me, and began circling the beast as arrows flew from their bow. After a moment I got back on my feet they put my hand on the ice making giant spikes of ice stab into its legs making it roar in pain.

It started to breathe fire as it flung its head around. Its fire took down several of the soldiers but the ones that were still in the air, were fighting hard to try to kill it, but now that with my ice was inside it I could kill it myself.

The ice started to move through its body, and caused spikes of ice to stick out of every part of its body, as it was torn apart from the inside out.

The last spike of ice popped out of the top of its head killing it install but then I fell to the ground as my aura was depleted.

Soon Celestia landed next to me, and picked me up. "You did well, but for now let's get you off the ice, so I can melt it." She said, as she flew us back to the beach.

After getting to the beach she carried me to the carriage, and sat me down on the ground so I could relax for a moment.

"You have done well Winter Storm." Jessica said landing in front of us.

"Not a problem." I said with a tired tone as I looked at the beast slowly disappear.

"Is I trust you will hold up your side of the agreement?" Celestia asked suddenly.

"Yes, your investigation team is free to enter the border of the griffin empire." Jessica said leaving me confused as Celestia helped me into the carriage.

"What deal?" I asked Celestia as the carriage started moving.

"A large magical disturbance has appeared at the border between the griffin empire, and Equestria though it was still in griffin territory, if I sent a team it would cause problems so I made a deal with Jessica, we help with the leviathan they let my team in with no trouble." She explained as she looked out a window.

"I guess that makes sense but after that, I don't think I'll be hunting for a few days." I said as I let my head hit the back of the carriage.

"I understand I'll have your payment, and your new dust delivered to your home." She told me but I remembered something.

"So have you found out who sent those guys to kill me?" I asked her, then I saw she had materialized a cup of tea.

"I believe it was gold rush but I haven't found anything solid yet, he owns a merchant company, and on the day I offered you to be my hunter, he asked me to get rid of bounty hunters, and pay for his mercenaries, so he might want you dead so you don't cause trouble for him, but like I said I have nothing solid yet." She told me, as she sipped her tea.

After returning to Ponyville it was dark, and I was so tired from exhausting my aura that I collapsed in my bed, then instantly fell asleep.

Chapter 12

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It was the next day, and I still felt tired but it was time to finally start to training Haki so I crossed my legs on my bed, and started meditating like Ed told me, then my Aura I had cover me.

'Ok, now I have to master only covering a part of my body.' I thought as I closed my eyes and concentrated.

To say it was hard was an understatement it was like trying to push down a spring that was 3 maybe 4 times larger than yourself without help or anything holding you down, the more I pushed the more it pushes back against me.

The most I could do was make it not cover one of my arms, but I guess that was good progress if I could uncover an entire limb.

I continued this for 1 or two hours before I decided to stop for the day as Chibi Ed jumped onto my bed.

"Any progress?" He asked me.

"I made a little but it will still take time to do it." I told him then there was a loud knocking on the door.

I got up, and grabbed my rifle before heading towards the door to see to guards, and Celestia looking out the window of a carriage.

I walked out of my house, then closed the door as I headed towards the carriage. After getting in the carriage I saw she looked a little worried.

"What's wrong is it Grimm again?" I asked her as the carriage took off.

"No, it involves the strange magic disturbance we found, it's something you need to see, I can't really explain it here but you'll understand when we get there." She told me as she looked back out the window.

'Looks like she won't tell me anything till we get there." I said, as I also looked out the window.

It took us several hours to get there and we were flying over a forest but a large chunk had been cleared recently, that is when we started to decided, and landed in the cleared space.

We got out of the carriage, then she started to lead me to an old building but it looked strangely familiar like saw it yesterday familiar

'Wait a minute it can't be.' I thought then jogged up to the front of it, and right above the door it said in large letters ATLAS.

"How?" I asked shocked as I stared at it then Celestia walked up to me.

"I would like to know that as well but it only opens to hunters." She told me then beside the door a hand scanner came out of the wall.

"We have tried everything but we haven't made a dent in it." She told me then I put my hand against the scanner then a line went across the screen.


A glitching robotic voice said then it dinged.

Welcome Winter SToRm.

I was so glad it knew I was a hunter then the door opened. "Shall we go inside?" Celestia asked as she was the first to step inside that atlas outpost.

I was right behind here as several guards followed behind me.

The place looked like an old lab that was long abandoned but the equipment was completely intact along with blueprints on a metal table. They were blueprints for artificial limbs like legs, arms, even eyes, it also looks like they were making great strides in making artificial organs.

I looked to my left to see a few models of the eyes along with some notes, they served the same purpose as a scroll which is a holographic tablet, but it but they also had so many other purposes pictures, recording, it even has a flashlight, heat vision, night vision, and can also zoom in on thing's miles away, and it didn't even look like they were completely finished, but it was ready for use.

I saw a switch not far so I flipped it, and the lights all around the room turned on, and the irises of the eyes switched color frequently that was when I also noticed a window that looked into another room.

"So this is the technology your people has access to?" Celestia asked as she looked at one of the blueprints.

"Yes though just from looking at these blueprints this outpost made mostly medical equipment." I told as as I looked around then one of the guards spoke up.

"I don't know about that." One of them said as he glanced at another metal table.

I walked over to it to see the blueprints of some kind of flying vehicle.

"Can you make since of any of this?" He asked.

"No clue the only thing I can figure out is its powered by gravity dust." I told him then moved to the window to see the lights were just coming on to show equipment, an assembly line, and carts filled with dust of every kind likely for experimentation.

"Well this is interesting." I said then I could Tell Celestia was behind me looking at what I was seeing.

"I believe you'll be wanting the dust?" She asked with amazement clear in her voice.

"I highly doubt I could fit all this in my house, but I will let you know when I need dust." I told her before walking away.

After about an hour of those of the magic blood had teleported almost everything back to Canterlot, then me and Celestia were on our way back to ponyville.

"So what will you do with the tech?" I asked her.

"Well we will try to replicate it, and with it save lives maybe even improve them, but it might take months maybe years to grasp this technology." She said and during the rest of our trip we talked about things but just as we were about ponyville she asked me.

"I've been wanting to ask if you can you bring out my aura." She asked.

I closed my eyes to take a deep breath, then breathed out. "An aura can be as much a curse as it is a blessing are you sure you want this?" I asked with a serious voice.

"Yes the Grimm have been terrorizing us for too long, and while my sister and I have the power to defeat them I believe I need more to protect my kingdom." She said while looking out the window then I took another deep breath.

"Ok give me your hand, and I will begin." I told her, and she her hand then I closed my eyes as my aura surrounded me.

"For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death. I release your soul and by my shoulder protect thee." I said then I felt severely weakened as I opened my eyes to see a golden aura like her magic surrounding her, before disappearing.

"Looks like I'll need to extend my vacation." I told her as I felt the exhaustion wash over me. "As for your semblance you'll be on your own I can't help you." I explained just as we landed.

"I'll see to it that you aren't bothered for the next few days." She told me as I got out of the carriage then walked into my house then immediately went upstairs to collapse in my bed.

{Next day}

I woke up still tired but Rarity was sitting in a chair next to me, with a smile on her face.

"Good morning darling sleep well." She said as she hugged me.

"How long have you been here?" I asked her.

"Just a few minutes, I also received a message from Celestia explaining how tired you might be so I also made you some breakfast." She said as she lifted up a tray with some toast and scrambled eggs.

"Thank you." I said as I sat up then she set the tray on my lap, then started eating slowly.

When I had eaten everything Rarity took the tray off my lap then sat on the side of the bed. "So I was thinking we could go on another date today." She said before kissing my cheek.

"That sounds like a great idea, I need to get my mind off things." I said before getting out of bed then I saw there were small cuts, and dust in my cloths.

'Must have gotten messed up in the outpost somehow.' I thought then Rarity said.

"These are dreadful come to my boutique I made some clothes for you in case something happened." She said then she almost literally dragged me to her place then showed me a nice white suite with a blue tie.

"I like it." I said as I examined it.

"I thought you would I took the color scheme of what you normally wear, and put it on most of your clothing." She told me then I hugged her.

"Thank you so where do you want to go?" I asked as I took the suite off the display.

I went to another room them put them on, it fit perfectly then after putting my hat on. "So where do you want to go?" I asked again as I stepped out, to see her wearing a red dress that went to her feet, and was cut along the left side till it reached between her knee and waist.

"I know a good place and I have something to tell you after we get there." She said then we walked to another restaurant.

"Is this new?" I asked her but she shook her head.

"No, but the food here is expensive mostly only nobles that pass through town eat here plus those with a lot of money." She told me as we walked in.

After getting seated we gave the waiter our orders, and Rarity couldn't stop smiling. "So what did you want to tell me?" I asked.

"Oh right I wanted to tell you that I got a letter saying I was invited to a dress competition, and they gave me two tickets, and a room for two, I was thinking we could go together I already arranged for a friend to keep an eye on Sweetie Belle." She told me.

"I'd love to go with you." I told her then she reached over the table to kiss my forehead.

For the next hour we talked, and ate our food before leaving the restaurant, and immediately bumped into a girl, and when I looked at her I could tell she was gonna cause trouble.

"Hey watch where you're going!" She shouted at us.

"Hey, we're sorry." I said.

"Yeah, you better be bitch." She said with a smug then I punched her in the face sending her to the ground.

"Who's the bitch now." I said popping my knuckles as she stood up then she tried to throw a punch but I caught it then tripped her. "Come on let's go Rarity." I said then we begin walking home.

Then suddenly a rock hit me in the back of the head, so I looked behind me to see the girl's hands were now wrapped in an ethereal glow as pointed ends were now visible on her hands. I turned back around then popped my neck this time as ethereal wings sprouted from her back, then she flew towards me.

I simply made ice form around her till she was so heavy she fell to the ground. I walked towards her and then got on one knee as I reached her.

"Try that again and you might not be able to walk for the rest of your life." I told her before taking Rarity's hand and left.

Not long after Pinkie appeared this disappeared leaving two invitations to a party for Rainbow's old friend Gilda.

After getting Rarity got into her normal Clothes we went to Sugar cube corner to see the same girl that called me a bitch.

She whispered something in Rainbow's ear then walked over then yelled. "So your the one that attacked her for no reason."

Rarity looked at the girl with disgust before she said? "That is not what happened, after leaving a restaurant, we bumped into her"

"Then attacked her." Rainbow interrupted, and I had just had enough.

"No after saying sorry she called me a bitch that's when I hit her." I told her then Rainbow crossed her arms.

"Gilda would never do that, your lying." She accused.

"Fine then after the party bring Twilight to Rarity's, then she can use a spell to find out the truth about your friend?" I said before me and Rarity walked home.

Chapter 13

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It's been two days since Gilda showed up and after Pinkie's party Rainbow rushed over and apologized, then told us everything else she did. But now I was training with Haki, and there was a major problem, as my strength recovered the less I could cover, but the experience of uncovering my arm really helped with my training.

I took deep breaths then exhaled, as I continued trying to condense my aura but made little progress, I could only uncover my hand.

'Well that's enough for today.' I thought before getting off my bed, and I looked at my dust I had received more over the last few days, and now it was full. But now I was bored I had enough bits to last me a few months without worry, plus there are no grimm around town so that's not an option, so I had utterly nothing to do.

"Well what do I do now." I said to myself as I watch Chibi collect dust, and partials in the air, which he explained he could, then make it into ingots of random metals to entertain himself.

I got up, then walked out of the house to maybe find something fun to do in this town. I walked all around two with nothing to do till I heard something fall on the ground. I turned to see a piece of wood then some dust fell to the ground, my eyes immediately went upward to see nothing on the roof but some dust still fell to the ground, and I groaned in frustration before walking into the alley next to the building.

I popped my neck then my knuckles before a saber formed in each of my hands, after they formed there were sounds on both ends of the alley. There were two large dark figures blocking both sides of the alley.

"Come on, let's get this over with." I said with a bored tone, then they started walking towards me balling their fists, so I pointed a sword at each of them.

The one on my left started running while raising his right fist. As he tied to punch me I ducked then swung my sword cutting off his fingers.

He grabbed his wrist, then screamed before falling to the ground, then I turned around to see the first of the other one already inches from my face, sending me flying almost out of the alley but I stabbed my swords in the ground to stop myself.

I put a hand to my sore jaw, then thought. 'This guy hits like a truck, this might be a little difficult.' I thought as he threw another punch but I dodged to the left the dashed behind him, before I kicked the backside of his knee forcing him to one knee then as he turned his head to look at me I hit him with the bottom of both swords knocking him out.

'Maybe not.' I thought then heard yelling coming from one of the sides of the alley, then guards soon appeared.

"What happened?" One of them asked as he looked at the scene before him.

"These two attacked me one of them I just knocked out I kind of cut the fingers off the other one." I told him.

He looked a little sick when he looked at the severed fingers, but he and the guards dragged them away.

But now the only thing I could do now, and that was to go home, but I saw something as I did I saw something of amber stone with a q symbol in the air it looked similar to a dragon but in a position where it almost looked like a lowercase e.

I made an ice platform under my feet, so I could fly up to it but after grabbing it, it turned into a glowing single slitted eye that stared at me.

“Good catch.” A voice radiant from out of the orange amber.

"Who is this?" I confused.

“Elwood, dragon rider of Queen Sunfire.” Elwood’s voice said, each word causing the amber’s glow to fade in and out.

I rubbed my chin again in thought, then came to the conclusion he was a displaced like me. "So you received my token?" I asked.

“Yea, the weird glass like cylinder that looks like air dust.” Elwood’s voice explained.

"Its air dust from Rwby, I'm my original character Winter Storm at your service. So what do you need?" I asked.

“It’s less what I need and more what I’d like to give you. Sunfire has been wanting to give her eggs to potential Displaced that could become future dragon riders.” The voice explained as its eye gazed around the area.

I was very interested in having my own dragon but I felt like this deal was really one sided. "Ok and in return maybe I can unlock your aura for you." I suggested.

“My aura?” Elwood’s voice asked in confusion.

"An aura is a manifestation of your soul, it can prevent you from being injured, but you still feel pain, and with time you will gain your own unique semblance, which is an ability powered by your aura, but you must be careful if your aura runs out you'll be mentally, and physically exhausted but your semblance could be incredibly powerful, if you train it." I explained.

“....Sounds like torture.” Elwood’s voice said as he felt unsure about such a power. “What sort of semblance do you mean?” Elwood asked curiously.

"Everyone's semblance is unique to them, my semblance allows me to create, and control ice, but yours could be completely different, or maybe similar in some ways." I told him.

“I don’t think it’d be much use considering what the ancient language could do, this aura thing would need to be something on a larger scale that can do something that I can’t do when I don’t have the energy for a spell.” Elwood’s voice explained.

"Aura is a different source of energy, so when you run out of magic you could rely on your semblance, while your magic recovers." I said humans except for a few didn't have magic in RWBY, so it could be useful to him.

“I think you understood what I mean by magic. See, the Ancient Language doesn’t draw on magic, it uses the body’s energy in order to fuel the magic. It’s kind of complicated to explain, but it's kind of like doing the same thing physically, but alot faster. Like say, you want to plant some flowers, you would say ‘May my flower garden be beautiful’ in the ancient language while keeping a clear mental visual of your garden, suddenly it will appear while your garden glows in whatever color your magic is. Afterwards you would feel drained as if you planted everything in your garden all by hand.” Elwood explained to me.

"I see well unfortunate. So are you going to summon me so I can get an egg?" I asked him.

“Yea, all I gotta do is say your name, right?” Elwood’s voice asked.

"Yes just do that, and I think I'll appear, this is my first time being summoned." I told him.

“Alright, Winter Storm, I summon you to my world.” Elwood said, then a swirling portal appeared beside me, so I walked through, and found myself standing in front of someone. A humanoid with short cut hair dressed up in what appeared to be clothing that’d fit in medieval times such as a leather vest and orange clothes made out of wool. He was sitting on his bed with my token in his hands.

“So, is this the man that spoke from the cylinder?” A voice suddenly echoed in my mind, causing me to cringe from his loud it was.

“Kaiserin.” Elwood said disapprovingly as he looked to his right. Following his gaze, I noticed a rather beautiful amber colored dragon whose scales gleamed gently when the light from the nearby window shone upon her. “I told you people outside this world aren’t used to telepathy.” Elwood said to Kaiserin, causing her to shake her head.

"Wow she's looks amazing." I said stunned.

“As I mentioned her name, that’s Kaiserin, my dragon.” Elwood introduced her. Kaiserin softly bowed her head. “It’s a pleasure to meet another human.” she said through the same mental voice, but more gentle this time.

I bowed as well then stood up straight before turning to Elwood. "So what should I expect from a baby dragon, and how long will it take to hatch?" I asked him.

“They can hatch anytime, but they must feel safe and comfortable with whichever environment you have them around. Much like Kaiserin here, their scales will look like jewelry. If I remember from other versions of Equestria, you should avoid having any of your world’s dragons from mistaking it for food.” Elwood warned as he got up from his bed.

"I understand but I don't know much about dragons in my world, very few can turn into really dragon and all the races are human, and choose blood to identify their race such as Twilight she says she has mystic blood." I explained.

“The people who can turn into a dragon, don’t they eat gems or do they eat normal food?” Elwood asked as he approached me.

"I don't know, I'll have to ask Spike when I return?" I told him.

“You do that.” Elwood said with a nod as he turned around. “Let’s see, how’d that spell go..” Elwood said as he extended his hand. “Sé iet gatharí ládrin.” He spoke, causing a shimmering doorway of orange light to appear. Elwood walked right through. Kaiserin purred gently with pride.

"So do I follow or?" I asked a little confused.

“Yes, what he just spoke allows one to reach a goal or a path they need to get too.” Kaiserin explained in my mind. “Walk through and you’ll arrive at the egg chamber.” she said with a nod.

I quickly followed Elwood, inside was a huge room filled with shelved rows of what looked like egg shaped gems that all varied in size. I saw Elwood inside holding his hand toward the row of eggs.

“Now, the way it works, it's not about you choosing the egg, but rather the egg choosing you. You need to clear your mind, then listen carefully for any voices or alienated emotions that are not your own. You can also hold out your hand toward each egg, then see if any of them starts to shake.” Elwood explained with a smile.

I walked up beside him before closing my eyes, and clearing my mind to see if anything would happen. I could feel something but it was faint, and weak, but it was there. "I can feel something but it's very weak." I told Elwood.

“Start searching, I’m not going to guide you to it. A rider must find it themselves as a way to strengthen the bond between dragon and rider.” Elwood explained as he lowered his arm. “I had to do the same when I found Kaiserin among the eggs.”

I walked in my direction but as I did the presence grew fainter so I changed direction until it startled growing stronger. I walked for a while till I felt like I was right next to it, then I opened my eyes to see a white diamond colored egg. "This is the one." I told him, as I picked it up. The moment I picked it up, I began to feel a rush of emotions; happiness, excitement, and energy.

“Alright. Once you take it home and it hatches, there’s just one thing you should be prepared for. The moment you touch your new dragon, you’re going to feel a powerful surge of freezing ice or blazing warmth that may knock you out momentary, so have something nearby to lay on when it happens. When you wake up, you’ll notice a diamond shaped s on whatever you used to touch your dragon with, sometimes it’s a swirling dragon scar known as the Gedwëy ignasia, which translate to shining palm in the ancient language.” Elwood explained to me.

"I'm more than used to the cold so you don't have to worry and even if it's heat my semblance will likely cancel it out." I explained.

“Alright, fair enough. Another thing I’ll warn you about is that you will hear your dragon’s mental voice when they get to a year old..” Elwood explained as he placed his hand on the egg. “It’s size will also vary, especially as it’s growing fast. If I remember correctly, Queen Sunfire placed a special spell on each one so that they’ll grow to a size depending on how urgent they need to protect you, hopefully you’re not in constant danger or that said danger is very powerful, otherwise you might find your dragon to grow never ending.” Elwood said with a nervous laugh.

"Well I hunt grimm's for a living, but I can take care of them rather easily on my own, so you don't need to worry." I explained while hugging the egg.

Elwood went silent as he thought for a moment. “What else am I forgetting… Oh, right; through the bond you’ll feel each others emotions, so if you’re scared, your dragon will feel it too. I’ll explain more later once your egg hatches and she’s mature enough to speak.” Elwood said before turning to the side and speaking the same weird language as before in order to open up the gateway back to his home.

Once he went through the swirling portal also reappeared. "Well I hope to see you again soon." I said.

“I might take you up on that aura offer again next time if I feel I'll need it.” Elwood said as he picked up my token. “Do you have any questions before I send you home?” Elwood asked.

"So what kind of dragon is mine?" I asked.

“I can’t really tell at the moment since it’s mind isn’t smart enough to speak words. It can be one of three though; Earth, Sky, or horned dragon. I can explain their strengths later once your egg hatches.” Elwood said.

"Ok, see you soon." I said before walking through the portal to find myself in my home.

I brought the egg upstairs, then after making the blankets into almost a nest like structure I placed the egg inside it.

"Well I guess that's enough adventure for one day I guess I better get some rest." I said while yawning, then looked outside the sun hadn't even set yet but I was two tired for some reason to really care so I laid beside the egg, and went to sleep.

Chapter 14

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(Next day)

I have now fully recovered, but I still could only uncover one hand, but I felt like I was making progress. I got out of bed and stretched before grabbing my gun, and putting it on my back, hopefully there are Grimms around town I can deal with.

But first I made sure I had everything I needed, I had out the orb Ed gave me with my dust, and I kept his watch in my pocket then I stuffed a few cylinders of dust into my trench coat mostly air, and ice but I had a few others.

I said goodbye to Chibi ed then proceeded to town hall with a smile on my face only to see a battalion of guards waiting for me, along with the princess who was pacing, and now the pacing when your bored, she was very worried about something. I walked up to her with an equally worried face, to say. "What's wrong?"

She turned to face me before grabbing my shoulders. "We need your help?" She said panicking.

"Hey calm down, and explain to me what's going on?" I asked her while putting my hands in her cheeks to help calm her down. She took a few deep breaths before saying.

"A horde of beowolves is heading towards Canterlot we don't know where they came from, or how they go so close without noticing but we only have one day to prepare for the worst." She told me, while pulling me to a carriage.

I got in with her before it took off quickly towards Canterlot. I did a quick check of my weapons taking it apart to make sure all of the parts were in good condition, I know it was made of extremely powerful material, but this world is different than Ed's so it doesn't hurt to check.

Celestia seemed to pay close attention, as I did this maybe so she can make weapons for her guards. "So are all your weapons a hybrid of melee, and ranged weaponry?" Celestia asked me.

"Mostly only hunters wield these weapons, but some are purely ranged or melee weapons, but the majority have a hybrid." I explained to her.

"I see." Celestia said, as she rubbed her chin then she took a closer look at the material. "And what is it made of I’ve never seen any metal like this?" Celestia asked me.

"It was a gift, I'll explain later." I told her while putting it back together. I then took out the magazine, to check if it was good as well, I haven't used it in combat yet so I had to do more checks with it.

"Looks like we're about to land." Celestia said while looking out a window, surprising me.

'Did she upgrade the carriage since the last time we met?' I thought, then it seemed Celestia knew what I was thinking.

"We managed to take a few designs from the outpost, and made our own version, but we still haven't learned the more complex designs," Celestia explained, as we landed.

We got out of the carriage, then walked into the castle. "What have you planned so far?" I asked her.

"Have a look for yourself." She told me before opening a door to show me a war room with a large map of Equestria in the middle of the room with small strategies of Grimm, and blue flags representing Equestrian forces each flap had a symbol on it form what I could guess the sky blood where the flags with the wings in the design, the mystic blood were the ones with stars, and the earth blood were the ones with mountains.

From the placement of the grimm statutes I could only guess they were coming from the north, then I looked at the flags to see the grimm outnumbered them greatly.

'How could they appear so suddenly?' I thought as I walked over to the map to see what could be a good strategy.

"Princess who is this." A voice called out so I turned my head to see a 6 foot tall man dawned in Golden armor but on the chest piece was an engraving of the sun, along with an engraving of the same thing in his shield. He took off his helmet to show his face, his eyes were cerulean, and his hair is moderate sapphire blue with moderate cerulean, and dark phthalo blue streaks his skin was lightly tan and finally he had a small scar under his chin very hard to notice unless you really look.

"Shining Armor, this is Winter Storm the bounty hunter I told you about before. I asked him to come here because of his experience with grimm." Celestia explained, as I looked at the detailed map.

"I have a few ideas but none of them are certain to work." I said, the odds weren't in our favor.

"The same could be said for every plan, you can plan as much as you want but when it's time to put it into action anything can happen to derail it." Celestia said to give me confidence as Shining armor walked up.

"So what do you suggest?" He asked.

"First we have to lower their numbers as much as we can, I suggest sky blood flying high in the air, then they'll shoot arrow drop boulders, whatever they can to take as many of them down as they can, that's the easy part." I told them.

"And what's the hard part?" Shining asked.

I pointed to a spot on the map not far off their current course, it was surrounded by tall mountains, and had only two ways in or out. "We will draw them here mystic blood will blow up the way they came in, and leave only one way out the Equestrians’ forces will be stationed there, along with archers, and magic along the cliff to pelt the grimm with spells, and whatever else they have available. The first few lines protecting the way out will be spearmen, but should they get past them, behind the will be swordsmen, the grimm large size will put them at a disadvantage in the narrow passageway, from there all we have to do is keep them contained till they’re all dead." I explained but I knew what he was going to ask next.

"And how do we lure them here?" He asked like I suspected.

"For that we’ll need a volunteer. Grimm are attracted to negative emotions, so after drawing the front of the packs attention naturally the rest will follow." I said to the two of them, and you could hear a pin drop in the room. "I know it's not ideal but it's the best I've got." I said putting both hands on the table as I closed my eyes.

"But who would volunteer for something so dangerous?" I heard Celestia asked.

"I don't know." I told her before opening my eyes, then Shining said.

"I'll do it, I might not like the plan, but it's better than everything else we've thought of." And before Celestia could object he said. "I know how important this is, and I'm likely one of the only ones that can do this, and survive."

Celestia tried to see something after that but decided not to as she looked at the map again. "We'll have to go now to get there in time to prepare, Shining armor, send word to every guard we can muster we'll need all the help we can get, and I'll also send a letter to Jessica, see if she can lend aid." Celestia said before teleporting away.

Shining armor teleported, as well leaving me alone, and now that I'm alone I checked on the cylinders I brought with me. I had brought mostly Air but I had 2 lightning, and a single ice dust.

'Ok I have a good selection against a large number of enemies.' I thought to myself. I grabbed my spear rifle then placed it on the table.

After awhile they came back, and brought me to the carriage, after all three of us got in the carriage it took off.

After a few hours we arrived at our destination along with hundreds of guards. The mountains made this a perfect place for the plan, Shining armor, and Celestia were already talking to the guards who had sky blood.

As for me I prepared for the fight from the time it took us to get here we now only have a few more hours till they are close enough for the plan to be put into action. I walked over to the guards with earth blood, and asked.

"So do you think you guys can set up some kind of artillery or maybe rig up an avalanche, we need to reduce their numbers as quickly as possible once their here." I said, making several of them look around before getting to work.

As for me I set up a few giant ice spikes across the soon to be battlefield, if my aim is good I can make them collapse on the grimm. After an hour all the preparations were finished I looked at what I had to work with. The guards had set up an avalanche, and the sky blood were already taking off to complete their task.

I made a chair made of ice to sit on as I pulled out the magazine, and started making bullets to put in it. My weapon was in rifle mode by the time I could see the golden armor guards flowing above the mountains along with a yelling Shining armor.

"THEIR COMING!" He yelled his voice echoing off the mountains. All of the guards or in their positions, and I got on a tall cliff so I could look down the scope of my gun.

From the gap between the mountains Beowolves funneled through to try to catch Shining armor, but the archers above him kept them a good distance away from him. I fired my first shoot, the bullet pierced through the beowulf's head, and into the one behind him. I was happy the rifle was effective as it was but now wasn't the time to be glad.

I took out an air dust then loaded into my gun before firing an ice bullet, the energy of the air dust funneling into the bullet, as it left the barrel.

As it made contact with the ground inside a large group of Beowolves, the bullets exploded making an isolated blizzard appear freezing them to death. The cylinder popped out of the gun as I loaded another inside, and fired again making another blizzard appear not only freezing the one already inside, but the ones that entered as well.

They were getting too close to the other end for comfort, the guards have already formed ranks but many of them would definitely not survive this battle if they got too close. I fired normal ice bullets, to take out the ones I could, but just as I ran out if ammo they reached the guards.

I loaded my gun then fired at all of the spikes I created crushing many of the beowolves, but more of them funneled into the area through the gap. "How many of the fuckers are there?" I said to myself before jumping down to deal with them myself.

As I charged towards the horde I covered the ground in ice expanding my territory so I could attack from anywhere I choose. This of course took a bit of my energy but the results are worth it as spikes of ice impaled all of the grimm that walked over my territory.

I switched to spear mode then began cutting down every grimm I saw, but my aura was being drained quickly from not only my territory but from me blocking attacks, the kinetic energy was absorbed by the spear which I used to kill a good number of them but my body was still being protected by my aura so whatever I couldn't block, or dodge took a chunk of my aura to keep me from getting hurt.

It was like an endless wave of grim whenever I killed one a few dozen took it place, the guards in the sky did what they could to cover me but it didn't help much as more funneled into the area, and we couldn't collapse it yet, because if we did what remained would go to canterlot.

I was suddenly punched by a Beowulf sending me into the rocky wall of the cliff I had jumped off of. 'God damn it there's no end to them.' I thought while gritting my teeth. I loaded a vial of air dust into my spear, which caused the blades to started spinning around the barrel. Soon a blizzard shoot from my spear as I turned left and right freezing everything that stood before me, turning them into ice sculptures, which the other Beowulf had to climb over to get to me.

That little break was short lived as the Grimm smashed their frozen brethren, just as the dust was depleted. When I reached for another I noticed I had none left that were useful.

My vision suddenly blurred and my aura shattered meaning I was now unprotected against the hundreds maybe thousands of Grimm that stand against me, and with my back literally against a wall I had nowhere to go. One of them lunged at me, but I could badly lift my weapon to defend myself as it's jaws clamped down on my right arm.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!" I screamed as it lifted me up, and flung me across the field. My body bounced off the ground a few times till it slammed into one of the giant pieces of ice form my spikes sending waves of pain through my body.

My head slowly lifted up my vision becomes even more blurred as I saw many black figures charged towards me, my gaze then looked to me right arm, or what used to be it, everything under my shoulder was gone, devoured by that grimm.

I screamed in pain once again as I tried to get up only to have a Beowulf plant it's foot on my chest, and I could swear I could hear my ribs break. It lowered its head and looked at me before roaring, just before it slashed my face with its claws right where my right eye was.

I couldn't scream anymore so I just glared at the Beowulf with hatred, as it looked like it was going to rip my head off. So many things rushed through my head as everything moved in slow motion, as it jaws inched towards me.

'So this is how I go.' I thought, and in my mind I chuckled I never expected to be killed by a Beowulf, i thought I would have a more epic ending maybe fighting a god like grimm I'd never seen before.

But then suddenly I saw something in the corner of my vision, then it found itself in the Beowolves eye. It was an arrow it killed the grimm making it disapper, and I coughed up blood before trying to get up again, but Immediately I could feel my bones breaking, but it also made something fall out of my pocket, Ed's watch. I grabbed it with my left hand, and it opened but I could barely see what was on the inside of it.

"Ed I don't know how much longer *cough cough*I have but if you can hear this I need your help." I muttered quietly as my vision grew darker and darker, but not before I saw a figure kneel down beside me.

(Moments ago 3rd person)

A void portal opened in the middle of the battlefield and out stepped a tall blonde man with a braid. He was wearing all black clothes with a silver trim. He looked around to see where he was.

“Back here again, but on purpose this time,” he turned his head to see the massive packs of Grimm. “Winter must be in a heap of trouble to bring me here in the middle of this,” he remarked as a Beowulf came up from behind him only to be met with a metal hand grabbing it by its face. He scowled at the beast, “I don’t have time to play with you small fries,” he said applying pressure to the Grimm’s face. The Beowulf clawed at the man’s arm trying to break free tearing apart his sleeve to reveal a metal arm. In the next second the only thing that could be heard was a sickening crack as the Grimm fell to the ground and faded to ash.

“Now, let’s find the kid.” The man known as Edward remarked as he walked across the battlefield killing the Grimm that either approached him and or got in his way. He then came across a small gathering of them racing towards a familiar man. “Found you,”he remarked as he clapped his hands together sending red sparks of electricity out toward the Grimm. Before any could realize it the Grimm were all impaled on spikes of earth killing them instantly.

Ed walked over to the man laying on the ground dying of blood lose.”Don’t worry Winter, I got ya,” Ed kneeled down to the man’s side and in another flash of red closed his wounds but his arm, and eye were still missing. “That’ll do for now,” he carefully picked up with man in his arms and began to move off the battlefield. In the meantime his shadow grew and from it sprang many black copies of Edward and they began to make short work of the remaining Grimm as Ed scanned the horizon for the camp of the locals only to find nothing. He did find an old settlement of sorts just past the mountain . He then mentally communicated to his clones, ‘bring anyone alive to settlement on the other side of the mountains and tell anyone who’s in charge to meet me there with medical supplies.’ Edward moved as swiftly and cautiously as he could doing his best to not cause any more damage to Winter’s body.

Ed carefully made his way off of the battlefield and took a moment to look around. He looked at the unconscious hunter in his arms and then to the direction of the settlement. “I don’t have the luxury of time. The kid has already lost a lot of blood not to mention an arm and eye but I can’t just run or teleport either. Why do you have to get sick when magic is involved,” Edward grumbled as he shifted Winter onto his back. “There, now I move easier at least,” he held out a hand, “ Solid Air.” Underneath Ed’s hand appeared a round sheet of what looked like glass. Ed stepped on to the disc and began to float off in the direction of the abandoned settlement gradually gaining speed as they ascended, but on the ground Celestia saw them raising into the air but she couldn't risk leaving her guards to deal with this alone, while the shadows were taking out a great number of them more grimm simply took their place so she took note of which direction they went, so she could quickly take care of this so she could follow.

Abandoned Settlement

Edward made it to the settlement in under an hour. He stepped down of his Solid Air disc causing it to disappear. The man looked around taking note of the various buildings that surrounded him until he saw a small building with a faded red cross on it.

“Clinic,” He smiled. “Its old and decrepit but its what Ive got to work with,”

Ed made his way into the clinic and gently placed Winter’s unconscious body on the first gerny he came across. Edward wheeled Winter into the nearest cleanest medical room he could find in the building. After using his alchemy and magic to fix up the place for a passable operating room he went to work on the dying hunter. He injecting nanomachines to clean up and repair the microscopics and internal injuries that his earlier alchestry hadn’t fixed. Next Ed hooked the young hunter up to I.V. of antibiotics, fluids, and blood transfusions to help fight any lingering infections and the blood lost from the Grimm attack. Ed stepped back and sat down on a chair in the room letting out a relieved sigh.

“You’re not going anywhere today,” Ed sighed as he leaned back and looked to the ceiling. “Not this time.”

Meanwhile Back on the Battlefield

Celestia, Shining Armor, and the guards had finally started to drive the Grimm back to the point that they’d started to retreat. They had won the battle but not without heavy losses to their own forces. After the grimm had finally stopped funneling through they collapsed the ways they came in allowing them to easily slaughter the remaining grimm. Celestia lt out a strained sigh and looked to the guards and tried to locate the Captain. She finally found him amongst her soldier and called him to her side.

“Captain,” Celestia looked onto Shining Armor with an unwavering face. “I see you managed to survive the Grimm.”

“Very narrowly so Princess,”Shining Armor let out a relieved sigh. “Some of my men weren’t so lucky though.”

“Yes, some of mine perished as will,” Celestia looked off in the direction she saw Edward floating off towards. “But I’m afraid that we don’t have time to mourn our dead.” She looked back to Shining. “Is Winter Storm amongst your battalion?”

“No Princess,” He said with a bit of underlying worry. “I thought he was with yours when I didn’t see him among my men.” Shining said while looking around for the missing hunter.

"I saw a figure carry him off over the mountains I believe there is an old settlement there." Celestia said pointing to where she saw Edward carrying Winter.

"Shall I send my men to go look for him?" Shining asked while drawing his sword, there have already been attempts on Winters life' now they could have kidnapped him for ransom.

"I think it best if we went ourselves." Celestia suggested while putting a hand in Shinings blade telling him to sheath his weapon. "I will teleport up there, after arriving well search for the clinic, we might not be dealing with kidnappers, or assassins." Celestia said before her hands glowed with an golden aura before they both vanished.

Back at the Clinic

Edward was sitting down next to Winter working on something on a holo-display to pass the time when he noticed that Winter was starting to stir. The hunter’s eye shot open as he jolted up only to find a metal hand on his chest.

“Easy kid,” Edward said slowly forcing him back down in the bed. “Take it easy. You’re very lucky that you called me when you did. I’m sorry I could get here sooner though, I couldn’t save your arm. The grimm had already devoured it by the time I got to you.”

He looked over at his stump with his good eye, then simply stared at the ceiling. "What do I do now I can't fight the grim like this?" He said to himself.

“You still have options available to you,” Ed held up his metal arm. “Doesn’t have to be autmail either. I have a few things that could replace your eye and arm. Not all are viable to us at the moment but once we got you to a town I could rig something up.”

He looked like he was thinking about something then suggested. "Me and Celestia searched an old Atlas outpost, we found some blueprints, the scientists here couldn’t make sense of them, but maybe you can." He told Edward.

“I can most definitely try,” Ed looked at Winter. “I’ll do what I can for you lad but for now you need to lay back and rest while your body recovers enough for me to move you.”

Ed let out a breath as Winter closed his eyes and went back to sleep. Edward in the meantime started to take a walk partially to move and partially to see if there were any Grimm near them. He set a powerful barrier around Winter to make sure the young man stayed safe during Edward’s absence.

After his initial sweep of the clinic and the closer buildings were finished Ed stood outside the clinic’s main entrance and looked up to the sky. “He mentioned blueprints of some kind. Guess we’ll have to wait till we get to Canterlot.” He leaned against a column and pulled a flask from his pocket and took a swig from it before placing it back. Ed looked up again noticing a golden flash of light not far from me. “Guess someone saw me after all. Oh well, best go say hi and the other bull.” he shrugged and then walked out placing his hands in his pockets.

He saw this Equestria's Shining armor and Celestia, and went to greet them.

“Hello your highness,” Ed said with a bow. “Sorry about my appearance but I didn’t think to repair my clothing after sweeping the area for any Grimm.”

She looked over Edward for a moment before saying. "Are you the traveling sage Twilight mentioned in her letter?" She asked.

“Quite so Princess,” Edward nodded. “Young Winter saved me from a Grimm not long ago as I was passing through the Everfree on way home. I was in the area and thought to return the favor and I do enjoy the young man's company. The young don’t deserve to pass from this world at his age. He is in the clinic behind me,” He motioned to the building where Winter was being kept. “Though he didn’t make it out unscathed. The poor boy lost his right arm and eye during the ensuing attack. He mentioned to me that you and he found some sort of blueprint that might help him."

Celestia looked at him confused before her left hand, was enveloped in magic making the two blueprints appear. "I don't know why he would tell you, but we can't figure them out." She said tossing them over to Edward.

“You haven’t given my own right arm a good look yet then,” Edward remarked as he caught the blueprints in his grasp. “He thought I could use them to help him as I’m familiar with this technology.” he said as the light glinted of the exposed metal right arm. “Come.” Ed said with authority as he turned and walked into the clinic.

They all walked into the Clinic, then after Celestia saw Winter unconscious she ran over to him worried about him. She did a few checks with her magic before she finally calmed down and sighed. "So can you help him." She asked.

“Oh, undoubtedly,” Edward said looking over the designs. “But I’d rather not do it here. It’s unsanity as is and I don’t have access to the materials, tools, and technology I need either. I do see some areas in this blueprint that can be improved upon as well. Do you have the means to move him?”

"Yes we do but it'll take hours to get to Canterlot." She told him.“

“You highness,” Edward looked at Celestia. “One of the best things for the lad at this time is well, time. It’s imperative that he get back the blood he lost and the only way to do that is to let his body produce it. I don’t have a steady supply of Magically Adaptable Blood. Frankly, the boy is lucky to even be alive from what I had on hand to make it. But the quicker we get him to an actual hospital the better. The fastest means is preferred but I know he has a bad rep with magic so that rules out teleporting. So please get a chariot with you fastest peg- Sky Bloods or whatever you use to pull them.” Ed threw a hand up.

Celestia summoned her fastest carriage which had been recently upgraded with what the scientists had managed to figure out form the many blueprints. "This is the fastest one we have." She told Ed.

Edward walked and placed a hand on the carriage, “Enchant Swift,” He said as a magic circle appeared above the circle. The carriage glowed slightly and then Ed turned back to Celestia and Shining Armor. “Let’s get the kid and go.” They nodded and went back and got the injured hunter carefully loading him into the carriage. Once everyone was on board the carriage took off.

As the group waited Ed noticed Shining Armor was staring at him hard. “Can I help you with something lad?”

"What were those shadows on the battlefield, and why do they look like you?" He asked.

“Ah so you saw my clones,” Ed chuckled. “The long of it is that they’re my copies that spawn from my shadow as part of my semblance. They can last for sometime as long as I’m somewhere close but after about an hour they start to lose their corporeal form and then return to nothing. I needed some quick assistance to get Winter out so I used them to buy me some time.”

"I see." Shining armor said before looking out the window.

“If there is anything you wish to know about me then you may ask and I will explain to you in the best of my ability,” Edward softly smiled at the duo.

"So how is it you can understand these blueprints even my best can't figure out, are you from Atlas like Winter." Celestia asked.

“Oh no,” Ed waved his hand in front of his face. “I’m from Vale another continent entirely. I just wandered around as a hunter sales word until I lost my right arm and left leg. I signed up for a prototype prosthetics program and got these,” he tapped his arm and pulled his pants leg revealing a metal left leg. “One day I was wandering in the wilds looking for wild herds and the next moment I found myself in this world. I've been here,” he tapped his chin feigning thoughts. “The better part of a decade.”

"We can help you if you'd like?" Celestia asked.

“How?” He tilted his head.

"Well for the past five years we have been aware of the presence of other worlds, we have only been able to observe a few but if your from another world, then we could use your natural energy to send you home." Celestia expla

“HAHAHA!” Edward belted out a harsh laugh. “I’m sorry my dear princess but I have no desire to go back to the world I once called home. If you remember your student’s letter, I’m a wandering mage. I’ve been in this world long enough to gain access to magic but more importantly, I have my family to think of first. My wife and children depend on me, not to mention my town.”

Celestia looked out the window then said. "It looks like we've already arrived let's hurry, and get Winter to a hospital."

“Canterlot General if I’m still remembering your city correctly,” Edward said as they landed. “I never cared for this city. To many people with sticks up their butts and mightier than thou attitudes.”

"Yes a rather unfortunate aspect of the city but I try to change them." Celestia said as she helped carry winter

“You can’t change what is raised from birth princess,” Ed said as they carried the hunter into the hospital into the Critical Care area. “Let’s get the lad hooked up to the right stuff and when he comes to we can give him the good news.” Ed held his arm up and a compartment opened up on it let what looked like silver dust come out. The dust soon formed in a miniature Edward. “It’s called a chibi Ed. somewhat of an artificial intelligence made of tiny machines that will make the materials I need for the construction of the prosthetic from the blueprints. Chibi.”

“Yessir,” the Mini soluted to its larger counterpart.

“Go down out and find as much scrap material as you can and convert it in proto-adamantium. I need as much of it as you can possibly make if I’m to make this arm and eye correctly,” Ed ordered.

“Yessir,” the mini flew off.

“In the meantime I have to work on a power source and modify the arm and come up with an eye,” Ed rubbed his chin as a holo-display appeared in front of him. “Hmmm…”

"What?" Celestia asked.

“I’m planning to use Prometheus as a power supply but I’ll need highly condensed vibranium to make a protective power unit strong enough to with stand the radiation of the metal without it affecting the boy's body,” Ed explained. “In order to do that I’ll either need my forge or an extremely powerful gravity spell to compact the metal down.”

"My sister, and I can perform the gravity spell." Celestia told Ed.

“One the can condenses buildings down to the size of peas,” Ed said as he looked at his screen his vision never wavering from it.

"Yes." She responded.

“Then I suggest you get her and we get somewhere that has a lot of open space,” Ed commented as he typed. “I’ll be fine tuning these blueprints so the eye and arm are fine tuned to Winter’s nervous system.”

Celestia sent a telepathic message to her sister just as Ed left, then Luna teleported next to her sister.

"Are you sure we can trust him?" Luna asked her, as she walked up next to her to watch Ed leave.

"I don't know him, and Winter seems to be acquainted, so I hope he means well." Celestia said turning her head to look at Luna.

"But what if" Luna said but Celestia interrupted her.

"Ed doesn't have much of a choice Winter needs those machines, this is far from over." She said with a raised voice, making Luna raise a brow.

"Are you suggesting?" Luna asked but was interrupted again.

"Yes I am." Celestia said ending their argument.

Outside the Hospital

Edward was outside the hospital typing on his hollow display while his Chibi hovered over his shoulder.

“You think this will be enough,” asked the Chibi as he brought a finger to his mouth as he looked upward with a two story tall stack of dark grey metal in front of the duo.

“It’ll have to be. I don’t have the means to make more at this time. Too many people are watching and I ‘m on thin ice as is with the sisters both being here,” Ed remarked. “The Prometheus is high dangerous and can cause mutation if not shielded correctly. Normally I ‘d just make it myself but again, too many eyes are on me as is.”

“You know he’s made some progress,” The Chibi chimed.

“Who? Winter? What’s he made progress in?” Ed raised an eyebrow still typing away.

“In Haki, i was there the other day and he’s able to cover his whole hand,” th eChibi floated with a justified smirk while crossing his arms.

“Good, see to it that he keeps it up,” Ed slowed down slightly. “Cause he’s going to need it now that he lost an arm. Done,” Ed hit the last key on his display’s keyboard. “Now all we need it the Sisters to use their spell to compact this stuff down and then I can weave and anti-gravi spell into the case so it won’t way fifteen megatons.”

“It won’t really be that heavy will it?” The chibi retorted.

“Of course not but it will be heavy enough to the point that normal humans can’t lift it without some form of outside help,” Ed said crossing his arms.

Just as the man finished up his conversation with his mini me the sisters walked out of the hospital behind him.

“Nice to meet you Princess Luna,” Ed said with a quick turn and bow. He then stood back up. “My name is Edward Elric.”

"I know my sister has told me." Luna said while looking at him then the Chibi. "And may I ask is that." She asked calmly.

“This is Chibi Ed, an artificial construct machinery from my homeworld,” Ed explained his smaller doppelganger to the newcomer. “I left him with Winter on me pass through of the town in which Winter set up his base as a means to keep in touch with me and to provide the young lad with material for his weapons and other things he may need.”

“Hello, the Chibi waved at the royals.

“Now if you would be so kind as to use your spell on this stack of metal in front of us,” Ed said moving as side revealing the metal to the sisters.

They lifted their hands, just as the stack metal metal was wrapped in their magic, just as it started to compact very quickly at first, but as it became smaller it slowed down until it became the size of a soft ball.

“Yes that will do quite nicely,” Ed said as he walked over to the sphere.

He held his hands up and and silvery strings of light began to fall from his fingertips to the metal ball in front of his feet. He slowly moved his hands in a circular motion getting the strings around the metal ball. As soon as the ball was covered in the string Ed pulled up with his hands and the ball began to float effortlessly up to the man. When it reached his chest he clenched his fingers tightening the strings. The sisters looked on as they hand never seen the like of this practice done before.

Suddenly Ed turned to the duo, “Now that the power source is completed all that's left is to make the arm and eye,” Ed looked to his Chibi. “Are they finished?”

“Yes, the prosthetics were completed just as the sister cast their spell,” Chib nodded.”

“Good, then we have all we need. Now all that needs to happen is graft them on to the lad and then place the power sphere in the arm,” Ed looked at the sisters. “I need access to your most advanced operating room in this facility.”

"Of course I'll show you the way, Winter was already being moved there." Celestia said as she led the way.

“Look Princess I know you have your doubts about me but trust me when I say I’m trying to help the kid as much as I can,” Ed said as they moved through the halls. “If you wish to know something simply ask. If it’s something I can answer I will, but if not then I won’t. oaky.”

"Luna is the one suspicious of you." Celestia told Ed.

"Yes I know you want to help Winter, but in my experience many people that help others always have other motives to further their own gain." Luna explained.

“Yes this is true,” Ed nodded. “Most humans don’t do something out of the kindness of their hearts and those that do are either taken advantage of one to many times or are killed simply for doing what they find is the right thing. The way you speak though,” Ed looked at the lunar Diarch. “You have personal experience with it don’t you?”

Luna sighed. "Yes before my banishment I was engaged but after awhile my sister and I learned he only wanted my hand, so his associates could sneak into the treasury." She said but it was clear in her voice she had feelings for him.

“You truly loved him and he hurt you deeply,” Ed looked at the princess. “I do have some experience with betrayal myself. I had a good friend who stole a precious item that I work hard to create, I had intended for it and us to change the world but in the end I was robbed and went partially insane causing a rift to form in between my family. Trust me when I say I understand your pain all to well”

The trio soon arrived at the operating room. Edward walked in and looked around.”This will do just fine.” He looked back to the princesses. “I’ll need Scalpels, clean towels forceps just about any type of surgical tool you can think of really. Chibi take this,” he handed the power sphere to the mini. “Most of all I’ll need Winter and the most powerful painkillers you have that won’t make him loopy or high as a kite.”

"I'll inform the nurses, and we'll leave you to your work." Celestia said before her and Luna left the room to tell the nurses what he needed.

As soon as the sisters had left Edward went to work and started crafting the prosthetic arm and eye from the blueprints he’d received from Celestia. In a matter of a few minutes Ed had the arm completely assembled except for the power sphere which could only be installed after the prosthetics had been grafted onto Winter’s body. Next Ed went to work on the eye using his nanomachine to build the eye from the ground up.

“Done,” Ed said wiping his forehead of sweat. “Now all I need is the patient to attach them to. But first I need to scrub up and change into a gown and gloves for the surgery.”

The nurses brought the younger hunter into the operating room where Edward was waiting in a doctor’s cap, gown, and rubber gloves. Next to him on a stand was Winter’s new arm and eye. The hunter was still unconscious and under heavy sedition as Edward had instructed. Edward director the nurses and doctor as he needed them and then picking up a scalpel, started to operate and began laying the groundwork for Winter’s nervous system would attach to the links for his arm. All the while the Chibi watched recording the entirety of the process for the princess for later use and example.

Hour went by and Edward finally finished with the grafting for the arm and now he could move up to Winter’s eye.

“For those who might freakout at things you don’t understand, you might want to leave for this next part of the operation,” Ed looked at the nurses and the doctors who merely stayed in place as they watched this unknown man use his skill to save the young hunter. “Very well then,” Ed remarked as he pulled off the rubber glove on his right hand.

The fingers on Ed’s hand opened to reveal several delicate instruments that the medical staff could only marvel at. He then soaked the instrument in medical alcohol and after letting them dry, began to operate on Winter’s eye socket with the utmost precision.

Another few hours went by as Ed continued his work on the young hunter before him. After he finished cleaning up the nerve and ocular connections Ed bagan to work on the grafting components for Winter’s new eye. Now that they were in the final stages of the operation Ed started to install Winter’s eye, which would no doubt help the hunter with his shooting. A couple of hours passed and then Ed walked out of the operating room to meet up with none other than the two princesses.

“Follow me, please,” Ed said calmly as he walked out of the hospital. He pulled a cigar from his coat lighting it and took a puff blowing it into the window so as not to hit the royals. “The kid is going to make it, if not a little worse for wear, but with full mobility. He’ll need some to help look after himself for a few days once he leaves here. He won’t need any rehab as is the prosthetics are fully integrated into his body,” He brought up a holo-display. “These are the plans you gave me. I made the necessary changes for universal application in all of them so that the doctors can start using them.” He gave the plans back to Celestia. “I’m going to stick around for a while to make sure the kid wakes up and is fully aware of what's happened to him. Anything I can help you two with in the meantime?”

"No you've already done more than enough already" Celestia said.

Edward pulled a pocket watch from his pocket and gave it to Celestia. “This is a magical communication device I developed years ago. Simply say “Call Edward Elric” and a display will pop up from the watch’s face and you’ll be able to speak with me no matter where in Equestria I am. Winter has the same one, that is how I knew he needed me. Should you ever have need of me services simply call and if I am able I will come in an instant with a one of a kind teleport spell.”

"Thank you." She said.

“Think nothing of it,” Ed took another puff of his cigar. “Winter reminds me of myself, in more ways than one. The fact that we share a similar origin to this world plays a lot into this one.” Edward looked at the sky. It had gone will into the night by the time he’d finished Winter’s operations. “I can’t but think of him as somewhat of a nephew after this whole ordeal. And I always look after my family.” he put his cigar out in his metal hand then looked at the princesses “I mean it, need anything and I’ll be there, now let’s go check on the kid.”

"I think that's a good idea." Luna said to her sister, and she nodded in reply.

The trio walked into Winter’s room after finding out from the front desk where he’d been moved to. Edward had not a worry in the world that Winter would pull through this affair with very little damage to his psyche but there is always that feeling of uncertainty. He still needed the hunter to end his contract with him so he could return home. The three walked in to see a very awake Winter Storm.

“Here there kid,” Ed waved. “How ya feelin?”

"I've been better, and this new limb we'll need some getting used to." Winter said, as he struggled to lift the metal limb.

“Basic motor function is a check,” Ed gave a thumbs up. “And the heaviness will take time. I suggest lift simply objects and gradually moving up to large ones. The big issue right now is going to be your helper. You can’t live on your own for at least a week. Got anyone down in that little town who can stay with you?”

“Other than me,” the Chibi said with a pout from Winter’s table.

“Yea, other than him,” Ed pointed at his mini-me.

"Well there’s Rarity." He suggested.a

“Excellent,” Ed gave another thumbs up. “Also, you’re gonna have to lay off the hunting for at least a month. I’m including the week of down time with Rarity in that. You’ll have to go through therapy for your arm and eye, plus a training regimen. I’ve given the Princesses here the plans for mass production on the prosthetics. Yours are a little more on the advanced side and Chibi can help with maintenance. I included a few extras just for you. One more thing,” he held his finger up to Winter’s right eye. “Close your left eye and only using your right follow my finger.”

Winter did as his friend instructed and followed the man’s metal finger flawlessly.

“Good, no complications there,” Ed smiled. “Overall, what do you think of the upgrades?”

"Well I don't know what they are." Winter told him

“The arm has a plasma cannon and hard light dust shield built directly into it, “Ed ward explained pointing to Winter’s new arm. “With some extra space for future add ons that you might like to put in. The hand can be charged with all types of dust as well, giving you a wide range of attacks you can use. Your eye has several features that allow you to see in varying light waves, auras, and so on. You can snipe at much great distances by linking it with your scope also. Plus x-ray vision and night vision just because I thought they might come in handy. Both prosthetics are made of vibranium and power by Prometheus. I also wove an Uru fiber mesh under the vibranium to promote magical flow.”

"Thank you, um Celestia Luna can you give us a moment?' Winter asked, and they respected his wishes, and left.

“You need to start training others kid,” Ed crossed his arms. “You are extremely lucky you called me when you did.”

"I've already unlocked Celestia aura, plus I don't think I would be a good teacher, it might take years for them to get their semblance." Winter explained.

“One man does not an army make.” Edward scowled. “Neither does two. You need help.”

"Maybe but sometimes all that is needed is for one person to step up, aura can be used for great good, that much is certain but the opposite is true as well, when I unlocked Celestia's aura it was because I trusted her to do the right thing." Winter told Ed.

“Don’t talk to me about trust kid, that’s a bridge you don’t want to come to,” Ed sat down in a nearby chair. “I get with power there comes those who will miss use it/ You have the right idea in starting with Celestia, next you should do Luna, Twilight and her friends, Shining Armor is another I recommend. He was worried about you and fought hard in the Grimm Battle. Maybe even the guards that fought with amongst his troops and few of Celestia’s recommendations. The thing is you can’t do this alone anymore.”

“Ed,” Chibi interrupted. “What about Adam and his friends?”

“Maybe,” Ed rubbed his chin.

"Who's Adam?" Winter asked.

Ed reached into his bag at his hip and pulled out a mask that resembled a Grimm’s mask.

“Another Displaced, and my nephew,” Ed explained. “Like you he's a RWBY Displaced but he was Displaced as Adam Taurus. He has other members of the actual RWBY universe in his world but He goes by Adam Winger not Taurus. He formed the Equestrian White Fang but his is a branch of the Royal Guard dedicated to helping. Perhaps he can help you setup an organization of your own here. I’ve kept your secret as a Displaced passing myself as a wanderer from Remnant that’s been here longer than you so the Princesses are still in the dark about our origins but if more of us keep showing up like this around you they’ll start to piece things together.”

"Maybe, but that's a bridge I'll cross, when the time comes." Winter said then looked up at Ed. "And now that you've helped me is there anything else you want to say before I send you back?" He asked.

Ed let out a heavy sigh. “As I told the princesses. Don’t frit to call on me, for anything. I gave a watch to them but it’s just a communicator. You can use it to speak with them from yours.”

"That's good to know but now our contract has ended." Winter said with a smile.

A portal opened in the room and Ed got up and moved to it but looked back to Winter. “Take care kid. “He looked at the Chibi. “Chibi, watch out for him.” The chibi saluted and Ed smiled back then left to return home, leaving the Grimm mask in front of Winter.

chapter 15 finally

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Several months had passed and many things had happened a dragon made a cave on the mountain its home which threatened to darken the skies of Equestria, everyone causing a fuss because of a woman who lived in the everfree called Zecora, and a swarm of small flying creatures nearly devouring the entire town. As for the present, Rarity, and I are currently packing, turns out the dressing competition she was invited to was moved up because of all the crazy stuff. I guess they want to get it done before something cancels the event altogether. {AN Look to chapter 12 if you forgot she got the invite} She has also invited the rest of the girls because they could help her with modeling.

As for my new right arm and right eye, with Chibi Ed’s help, I heavily modified both of them. My eye remained the same at least visually but my arm had changed drastically. Its plasma cannon which was in the palm of my hand can also function as a welding torch. On the back of my hand were two drones that were connected to my eye. They could fly around allowing me to see what they did. My hand can also be taken off so I can attach a multitude of different tools to my wrist. Then there were the three changes I liked the best, first one my fingertips were sensors that could actually let me feel, but also scan whatever they touch.

The second was a capsule on my arms in which I could put hard light dust to power my shield, and for the most important part, a small generator housed in my shoulder which created a second-skin-like layer over my body that produced heat. While I could not feel it, it at least means that Rarity won't have to deal with the cold my body gives off, but my breath was still visibly cold.

“So Rarity, where are going we going to stay once we get to Manehattan?” I asked as I picked up a sewing machine, but then nearly dropped it. Even after all this time, I was still getting used to this new arm, but I was getting better every day.

“Yes, an old friend of mine owns a hotel there, and she’s given us a good deal on a couple of rooms.” Rarity told me as she walked up, before gently taking the sewing machine out of my hands. “Since we’re almost done packing my things why don't you go over to your place and start packing yours.” Rarity told me. “Just don't over-exert yourself.” She told me.

With a loving smile, I nodded before I walked out of her boutique. I walked to the next building over which was also my home. I opened the door and closed it behind me after I walked in.

“Winter I got your things packed.” Chibi Ed said as he came out of hiding.

“Thank you.” I said as I walked over to a chair before I sat down. I looked at my cybernetic arm before clenching my metal fist. “Still adjusting?” Chibi asked, and I nodded.

“Yeah, I'm also worried because that aura no longer protects this arm, but I am confident in its durability,” I told Chibi as I relaxed in the chair.

“I can see how you'd be a little worried but with its modifications, it can be far more useful than your previous arm, your new eye is also far superior to your old one.” Chibi said as He sat on the ground in front of me.

“Yes, that’s true but I think I prefer flesh and blood, and now it seems that with the absence of my right arm, the aura around the rest of my body seems to have grown a little thicker, for now I think I will focus on honing that aura abilities I've been neglecting and put haki on the back burner for a bit.” I told Chibi who nodded in understanding. I looked down at my metal hand once more before I stood up from the chair.

“That reminds me, how is our little side project coming along.” I said with a cheerful grin. Chibi grinned as well before he stood up.

“It’s ready.” He said before he started running towards a white tarp that was covering something. Chibi grabbed the end of the tarp before he started to pull it. The tarp started to fall to the ground reviling a red and black motorcycle, and like my spear rifle I made it out of uru, and vibranium. “Here it is.” He said.

With a childish laugh, I ran over to it before I got on. “I am so glad I managed to talk Celestia into giving me the blueprints for the bike, all it needed was a few changes,” I said with a smile, well more than a few actually the entire wiring had to be altered for it to actually work, then there were the wheels which were not in the original design now they are vital in how it worked.

I pressed a button and the bike roared to life. “How do I get the wheels to come out?” I asked, then Chibi pointed to a button on the end of the right handle. Right after I pressed it with my thumb the wheels started to come out.

{1:50 for example}

The wheels finally unfolded becoming jet engines. How this bike is the gravity dust when activated drastically reduced the weight of the bike, and the jet engines which are powered by fire dust provide propulsion. The jets started up, then slowly but surely the bike started to rise.

“It looks stable, want to take it on a test flight?” Asked Chibi.

“Of course!” I yelled with glee before I descended putting it back into bike mode I then quickly grabbed my spear rifle and put it on my back. Chibi opened the door allowing me to slowly rode it outside so I can test fly this. I put it back into flying mode, then took off toward the sky. I had a grin on my face the whole time before I looked back down to the ground to see how small ponyville was up here.

“Wow, this is amazing.” I said as I looked around at the wide open sky. I pulled my spear rifle off of my back before looking through the scope to get a better look at things from up here. I looked down through the scope with my robotic eye which greatly amplified the zoom of the scope allowing me to pick out the smallest details from miles away. Then as I looked down the scope I saw a single Beowulf.

“Target practice.” I said with a grin before I reached into my pocket and pulled out the mag filled with ice bullets. I put the make into the gun before looking back down at the scope. After gauging the distance between me and the Beowulf I realized that I wouldn't be able to hit it from here. “Damn.” I said

I lowered my gun taking a looked at my weapon. “Im gonna have to make some changes so it can shoot at longer ranges.” I said as I fiddled with some of the parts before it was evaluated white shimmering aura.

“What?!” I said, then suddenly it fired without me pulling the trigger. I pulled my head back in surprise before I literally saw the bullet turn and flew down toward the surface. “No fucking way,” I said quickly lifting the rifle back up to look through the scope to see the Beowolf dead with a bullet hole through its skull.

I slowly lowered my spear rifle before I looked at it to see the aura disappear. ‘Am I going through a thor love and thunder right now.’ I thought as I tried to think this through rationally. ‘Alright, I made this out of uru just like Mjolnir and Stormbreaker both of which have shown some sort of personality in thor love and thunder. Perhaps mine has done the same, but how does it have an aura? Did it absorb some of mine to create its own?’ That is what ran through my head as I started flying back to town with a question-filled mind.

I quickly landed in front of my home before rolling the bike into the building. Chibi ed ran up and asked. “So how was she?” He asked.

“Perfect, the bike is great but there is something I want to ask.” I said showing him my weapon. “Do you think it's possible that my weapon has developed a mind of its own?” I asked him with a nervous smile.

Chibi looked at the weapon then back to me and laughed. “No, it's impossible, it's just a lump of metal.” Chibi laughed before the spear rifle flew out of my hands and pointed its barrel right at Chibi’s face. Chibi froze as he lifted his hands. “Well then, umm Winter mind grabbing your gun before it blows my face off?” He asked. I quickly grabbed it, then pulled it away.

“What should I do?” I asked him.

“Umm, name it.” He said with a shrug.

“Is that all you can think of?” I asked, and he shrugged again which only made me stare at him before I groaned. I looked down at the spear rifle before I said. “Well umm, don't know if you can tell me or anything but what gender do you see yourself.” I asked but it did nothing. “Alright, how about this flip one of your blades up if you are a boy middle if your are a girl and down if you're neither.” The blade moved to a 90-degree angle and stayed there.

“Ok girl then, let's see, oh how about I name you after the Glacian of final fantasy 15. What was her name oh yeah Shiva, flip your blade up and down if that is a yes.” Shiva’s blade started flipping up and down rapidly. “Good, now let's get you put up so we can get going.” I said before I went upstairs. I pulled out a case, and when I opened it, it was filled with a black foam that had Shiva’s imprint on it.

I placed her in the case before I closed and locked it. I then pulled out a few more cases, one was a large briefcase filled with vials of varying dust, and the other was a large trolly-style toolbox. It mostly had the tools to perform maintenance of my mechanical parts and Shiva, but I also have a few surprises stored in there should I ever need them.

“Alright, now I need clothes.” I said as I pulled out a duffle bag, then I started grabbing the usual. Socks, underwear, pants, shirts, and everything I would need while I was in manehattan. After grabbing just a few more necessities like my toothbrush and some books to read on the train.

“Alright that should be.”

*KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* Surprised by the sudden knocking I went downstairs to see who was at the door. When I opened the door I saw it was a guard. I was immediately cautious but it looked like he carried no weapons. “I carry a package from Princess Celestia.” He said before pulling out a card and then held it out to me.

I cautiously took the card and looked at it. ‘Wait is this a credit card, they have credit cards here.’ I thought before I looked up at him. “Its a new policy that Princess Celestia has implemented after her scientist went over those blueprints. During the last few months, we have been setting it up and have given most medium, to larger businesses a payment terminal. She already put you payment on the card, and all future payments will be put on it.” He explained.

“Well, this will certainly bet having to carry heavy bags of bits.” I said, to which he nodded in agreement. “But how do I put the bits I already on in it?” I asked him.

“The princesses have commissioned several temporary banks for this purpose till a more permanent solution is found, you’ll find the bank at the town hall, just give them your name, card, and the number of bits you would like to put on it, however, there is a tax if you were to put a large amount all at once.” He explained to me. I nodded in response before I asked.

“Is there anything else?” I asked him.

“Yes, both of the princesses wish you a good time in manehattan while your recover.” He told me.

“Well tell them I'll be getting back to work after the fashion show, I need to shake the rust off,” I told him with a smile before I closed the door. I looked back at the plain card with a smile. “Thank you Celestia.” I said then put it in my pocket. I don't really know how they devised a wireless banking system off of those blueprints but I'm happy to see that it also benefits me greatly. I gathered all of the bits I had before I covered them all in frost so I could levitate them behind me.

After making sure that I had them all, I left my home and headed towards the town hall with the bags of bits floating slowly behind me. I walked for what fell like a good ten minutes before I arrived and walked into the building. I looked around to see where the temporary bank was.

Then I laid my eyes on who I think was the mayor's assistant sitting at a desk. “Hello sir, can I help you?” She asked.

“Yeah, can you tell me where the temporary bank is? I want to put bits on my card.” I said as I looked around a little more.

“Oh, I’m in charge of that for the moment until officials arrive from Canterlot.” She told me. I walked up to her, then levitated the bags onto her desk before pulling out my card.

“Winter Storm.” I told her. She took the card and looked at it before she pulled out a laptop. “Wait is that a laptop?” I asked.

“Umm, I think that's what they called it, I'm not sure, they just told me to insert the card into this to make sure it’s real, then type in the number of bits.” She said with a shrug as she put the card into the computer.

‘What the fuck did they find in that lab?’ I thought as she pulled it out and gave it back to me. I put it in my pocket before she reached for and grabbed one of the bags before she looked inside.

“Um, this might take a while, do you want this all done immediately or are you ok with waiting possibly a few days for it to be transferred?” She asked with a nervous smile

“Im alright with waiting with what I'm told there are already bits on my card so I'll be fine for a while, take your time.” I told her before I turned around and left. I immediately went back to my house to see Chibi Ed was packing the dragon egg I received from Elwood.

“What are you doing?” I asked him as I closed the door.

“You got to keep it with you in case it hatches.” He said as he placed the egg in a similar case I put Shiva in. “Don't want it wandering off if it hatches while you are away.” He told me.

“Fair point, so what about you, you want to come?” I asked him, but he shook his head.

“No, I'm good, in fact, I thinking of making a few changes to the place if you’ll let me?” He asked.

“I don't really mind as long as you don't go overboard. But if you're redecorating while I'm gone, do you think you can possibly make a basement and start stockpiling Uru and other metals?” I asked which seemed to make him curious.

“Why do you need all that uru?” He asked me crossing his arms.

I sighed before I spoke. “I’ve been thinking about what Ed said, he might be right, but if I'm doing this I'm doing this right. After I come back I'm going to have a little sit down with Celestia to discuss my plan to make a group of hunters. First I want to invite either experienced mercenaries or retired guards to join so I have some experienced fighters. I don’t want a bunch of upstarts charging toward their deaths. Then I’ll see about training younger people.” I explained before I sat down in a chair.

“That sounds like a good idea.” Chibi said. “So you want Uru but are there any other materials you wish me to stockpile?” He asked.

“Mithril is the only thing I can think of. I do not want to make a stockpile of Virbranium, that might cause some problems, so those two and whatever else you might think of will have to do.” I said as I gathered all my things. “Then once I get back, and after I talk to Celestia we can get this started.”

“But where would you train them?” He asked me which got me thinking.

“Im not sure, perhaps Celestia and give me a few ideas, and if not maybe I can purchase some land out of town, and build a facility there.” I said, but then looked at my card. “But then again, I got no idea how much that would cost, or even if I have the money to do it.”

“You don't know how much money you have?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I was kinda in a hurry, I just put all my bits into the account and came here to finish packing. I'm sure I can figure out how much I have at the bank in Manehattan, I just hope it's enough.” I said, and if we are left with no choice which I really hope doesn't happen, I might have to get Chibi to make gold which could cause massive problems with Equestria’s economy. Then again gold in this world isn't really valuable seeing it is used as their most common currency along with the less valuable silver bits.

‘I wonder, what kind of metal or ore would sell very well.’ I thought. ‘Uru would sell well if I revival its secrets but that’s risky. I guess I’ll just have to figure something out later. I left my home and went to Rarity’s boutique with my luggage to see if she was ready. When I arrived I saw she was working on an outfit. “Hey, what are you working on?” I asked

“Something for you to wear to the contest,” She told me with a smile. “I just finished and the girls should be getting us at the train station." Rarity told me. I nodded before I helped her grab her bags, then left the boutique. “From what Twilight has told me I heard that when told Celestia we were going to Manehatten she arranged something for us at the train station,” Rarity told me.

“What, I thought you arranged all the tickets?” I asked a little confused, and she shrugged.

“I did, but the princesses are giving us special treatment,” She told me with a smile, then hugged my arm.

“Well I guess well just have to enjoy ourselves while we can, I plan to continue hunting Grimm after return,” I told Rarity which seemed to make her smile. We soon arrived at the train station, to see the girls were already waiting for us there. “So how long will it take to get there?” I asked Rarity.

“Hmm depends on how many stops the train makes, but I’d say a week a most,” She explained. I nodded, before the five girls walked up to greet us.

“Hey, yall ready to go?” Asked Applejack as she fixed her hat.

“Yeah, I want to party,” Said excitedly as she jumped up and down making the other girls just shake their heads.

“Of course girls. Now lets figure out where train car we’re staying in.” Rarity told them before I spotted a booth with a worker standing in it.

“Do we talk to him?” I asked pointing my thumb at the booth. Rarity looked to where I was pointing and nodded so the 7 of us walked over to ask which car we were going to be staying in.

“Sir, can you please tell us which car we’re supposed to be in?” Asked rarity as she handed the man the tickets. The man looked at each of the tickets before he nodded his head.

“Five of you will be staying in car 7, the other two will be in car 8,” He informed us before he handed back all but two the tickets.

“Car 8?” Asked Twilight. “Isnt that supposed to be the luxury car reserved for nobles and foreign royalty?”

“Umm Yes, I received specific instructions to give two of you high-class tickets,” He explained before he too put the two away and pulled out two golden tickets. He handed them to me and Rarity with a smile on his face.

“Wow, I didn’t think Princess Celestia would reserve us golden tickets,” Rarity said happily.

“I’m surprised as well,” I said with a smile. “We should get on before the train leaves,” I suggested.

“Yes, lets,” Said Rarity before we started making our way to the train. Each section of the train had a number, and there were a total of 15 attached to the steam locomotive. Twilight, Rainbow, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Applejack went over to car seven while Rarity and I went to car eight. A conductor was waiting at the door of the car.

“Tickets please?” He asked, so we showed him our golden train tickets. He took them both before he started to examine them both and nodded when he was done. “Thank you,” He said before he handed the two tickets back, then opened the door for us. When we stepped inside the car was much larger than it appeared. It had a fully stocked bar and what looked like a kitchen behind it. Scattered around were lounges, chairs, and tables, and on the opposite side of the car were a row of doors.

“Wow, I guess those with statues really get the full treatment,” I said as I looked around and saw there were only a few workers here. “But I guess it's rarely packed,’

“Most nobles have their own means of getting around so very few nobles actually use the train,” Rarity said which I guess made sense. We brought in all of our luggage and went to the first door we saw. When we walked in we were surprised again by the size of the room, it was basically a master bedroom with its own bathroom, wardrobe, and a king-sized bed.

“They really went all out on this car didnt they?” I said as I started to put out luggage away for now. “Alright so I guess we should get settled in and then go visit the girls?” I asked Rarity.

“Great idea.” She said with a smile as we started getting comfortable.

chapter 16

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A day had passed since we boarded the train. Rarity and I were enjoying ourselves but I felt a little bad for the other girls. Thankfully the conductors let us invite them over but they aren't allowed to sleep in this car. The girls and I were all gathered in car 8 enjoying a delicious breakfast, and enjoying ourselves.

“So where are we staying when we get to Manehatten?” Asked Rainbow

“The Ebony Star Hotel.” Rarity said with a smile making Rainbow almost choke on her food.

“How did you get reservations there!?” Rainbow asked as she coughed.

“I'm friends with the owner.” Rarity chuckled leaving everyone speechless and me confused.

“Umm, am I missing something?” I asked looking around.

“Yeah, the Ebony Star Hotel is the more luxurious hotel slash resort in all of Equestria. It has its own indoor pool, spa, everything.” Twilight told me before she looked at Rarity. “How do you know Blair Gambril?”

“Well when I was first starting out my boutique, she was kind enough to help me get started, and since then we’ve been contacting each other.” Rarity explained. “Now enough about that, we need to talk about what we should do before the contest.”

We all nodded before we started discussing several things we could do such as exploring the city, and trying out the many facilities that the hotel had to offer. “So how long will we be there?” I asked Rarity.

“Well, there will be a rehearsal a few days before but it will begin about a week after we arrive in Manehatten.” Rarity explained.

“Then we will have plenty of time to enjoy ourselves,” I said with a smile and sighed as I leaned back into my chair. I honestly can't remember the last time I had a chance to relax like this. Chances like this don't come too often in the life of a hunter, so I’m going to enjoy it.

“Hey Winter, can I ask something about Aura?” Twilight asked.

“Sure,” I said with a shrug.

“Well, I've been talking to Celestia, and based on what she’s said your aura capacity doesn't seem to grow despite how much you use it, so is your capacity fixed, and is your semblance?” She asked and I nodded.

“Yes, one’s aura can not naturally grow in size, however, a semblance is much like a muscle and can grow stronger and can evolve in different ways allowing us to become more versatile.” I explained briefly.

“So there are ways to grow your aura?” Twilight asked curious, and I nodded.

“Well yes, though I don't know the methods myself. However they have all been deemed impractical, thus we learn how to use aura more effectively rather than simply increasing our capacity.” I told her. “And I need to work more on using my aura more cost-effectively, my missing eye and arm are proof of that.” holding out my robotic arm.

“Does it still hurt?” Asked Applejack.

“No, and while there is some phantom pain, it's manageable.” I said with a small pause at the end. “But don’t worry about it, I just got to be more careful from now on.” I looked around to see the six of them looking at me worriedly especially Rarity.

“Look it's awesome that you're fighting the Grim, and you do a good job but.” Rainbow said stopping unable to find the right words to say so Twilight picked up where she left off.

“When you first came to Ponyville you brought light back to our lives. The way you took down the Grimm left and right as if they were nothing, you worked alongside Princess Celestia in dealing with them, and people around town started calling you a hero, but even heroes can fall.” Twilight said tears welling up in her eyes. It was FLuttershy’s turn to speak and she looked even sadder than Twilight.

“When the people in town, saw the price you paid to take down the horde of Beowolves they were terrified. I was terrified.” Fluttershy was almost crying at this point.

Finally, Pinkie spoke. “It's like we’re back to before you got here, when we lived in fear.” Pinkie’s poofy hair lost its shape falling down becoming straight.

I could understand why they felt this way. I had noticed around town that people were being far more skittish then usual. “So what would you have me do, you know I can't stop fighting the Grimm, and I do have plains for the future?” I asked the six of them.

“We know that, but.” Rarity said quietly.

“We just don’t you to get hurt like that again.” Applejack explained. “This war has already cost you an arm and an eye, and next time you could lose even more.” I took a deep breath before I looked at Applejack.

“I’m glad you six are concerned for me, but this is what I’ve trained for. To fight the battle others cannot so they can live to see tomorrow, sometimes it can be a thankless job, but it must be done.” I said before I stood up. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go check on some of my equipment.” I started walking away, and no one said a word as I walked into my room and closed the door behind me.

I sighed before I walked over to the bed and sat down. ‘Their right, I only survived because I managed to call Ed, next time however.’ I thought as I laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. ‘I just hope that following Ed’s suggestions to make a group of hunters is the right call.’

A few moments later I heard the door to the room open, but I didn't turn my head to see who it was. “Winter, can we talk for a moment?” I heard. It was definitely Rarity’s voice

“Sure.” I told her, not like I could tell her no. I felt Rarity set on the bed beside me before she leaned over me.

“Look I'm not going to try to convince you to stop, but you have to understand you and I are in this together.” She said putting a hand on my cheek and smiled. “The day you and I first kissed was the best day of my life, and I don’t want to lose you.”

I smiled back at her before I placed my hand over hers. “And you won’t, and I promise I won’t keep anything from you.”

“Then tell me what happened between you and Tiffany?” She asked with a serious look which frightened me.

“The past is the past there is no.”

“Winter.” Rarity said interrupting me, so I sighed.

“Alright. We had been going out not long after I entered the academy. She was two years older than me, but we didnt care, and I quickly caught up to her when it came to the academy. I thought things between us were going very well, until.” I said and looked to the side but Rarity gently nudged my head till I was looking at her.

“A week before I graduated I had purchased her a few gifts, and when I went back to our room I… I found her sleeping with Isaac.” I said as rage started to well up within me. “She was moaning and groaning like a goddamn whore, I couldn't bear to watch. I burst in and threw them both out, after that I avoided them till I graduated, and finally found myself here.” I balled my hands into fists as I felt a tear form under my one good eye.

“Winter, I’m…I’m sorry, I didn't mean to bring up such bad memories.” Rarity said with a sad look on her face.

“No, it's alright I would have had to tell you sooner or later.” I told her, then closed my eyes feeling a weight being lifted off my chest. But then I felt a new weight, I opened my eyes to see Rarity on top of me with a smile on her face.

“Well, you can forget all about Tiffany because now you have me.” She stated which made me chuckle.

“Yeah, I guess I do.” I said. Rarity lowered her head, and we started to kiss. I decided to have a little fun of my own, so I playfully grabbed her ass with both hands making her pull back surprised, before she looked back.

“Naughty boy.” She chuckled before she laid down on me pressing her breasts against my chest before we started making out again. I started kneading her ass, making her moan in my mouth. After what felt like a long time we finally broke the kiss. She sat up and looked down at my with a smile.

“Your gorgeous.” I told her as I placed my hands on her hips making her laugh.

“Compliments will get you everywhere.” Rarity placed her hands on mine, and started guiding up her body, but before getting past her waist there was a knock on the door ruining the moment.

Rarity cleared her throat before she got off of me allowing me to sit up as she walked towards the door. She opened the door slightly to see who was on the other side. “Applejack, do you need anything?” She asked, then I heard some whispers. “Oh, ok.” She said before looking back at me.

“Well have to continue this another time, the girls need me for something.” She told me before opening the door so she could walk through and then close it behind her. After a few moments, I fell back onto the bed and thought.

‘So this is what it's like to get cockblocked.’

{Rarity POV}

“So you and the girls were talking about doing something for Winter?” I asked Applejack as she led me toward car 7. When we walked in I saw how different our cars were. It was not bigger on the inside, so it was just a corridor or doors that lead into rooms. Applejack lead me into one of the rooms where the others were waiting for us.

“So what's your idea?” I asked as I found a place to sit.

“Well, I want to throw him a party.” Said Pinkie with an upbeat attitude. I didn't really see how a party could fix things but it was useless to argue with Pinkie about parties.

“Do the rest of you agree?” I asked looking around to see everyone nodding.

“He has been receiving payments from Celestia, but I don’t think that's enough to reward him for his efforts, and his sacrifices.” Said Twilight sadly. The other four seemed to agree with her, and I did as well.

“Alright, so what do we do?” I asked Pinkie who gave me a big smile.

{A hour later Winter POV}

“Rarity has been gone for a while, maybe I should go look for her and make sure she’s ok.” I said, so I got up. I did a few stretches before I walked over to the door and opened it.

“SUPRISE!” I heard multiple voices scream. It took me a moment to recover from the sudden shock. When I finally got my thoughts together I saw the girls had put together some kind of party.

“Uh, what's going on?” I asked the six of them.

“We know things have been a little hard for you lately, so the girls and I decided to throw you a little party.” Rarity told me with a smile before I stepped out of the bedroom and closed the door.

I smiled softly before I spoke. “I really appreciate that you girls went through all of this for me, but.” I said before Pinkie interrupted me by handing me a glass of pink liquid.

“Less talking more partying,” Pinkie said before she started jumping around like her energetic self. I looked down at the pink liquid in the glass wondering what it was. “That's my own special drink, I call it Pinkie’s surprise, I've been saving this bottle forever.”

“Ok.” I said a little worried before I walked over to the other girls. “So how did you convince the workers to let you throw this little party?” I asked, then Twilight smiled.

“It wasn’t hard, turns out the princesses seemed to have arranged this.” She told me.

‘Wow, they really planned things out. I wonder if they have anything else in store.’ I thought before looking down at the drink again, then took a sip. It was very good, it had a fruity aroma and a nice flavor, but, I could also taste a bit of whisky, and something else mixed it. I couldn't palace it I ignored it for me as Pinkie started to pour everyone drinks with a smile on her face.

“We’re going to have so much fun.” Pinkie said as she hummed, and I took another sip of the drink. The girls started to drink from their glasses, while Pinkie to my surprise started to drink from the bottle itself. She chug it down as if she was a heavy drinker.

“Is she gonna be alright?” I whispered to the other five girls as they looked over at her.

“Don't worry, I've seen her drink gallons of this stuff,” Rainbow said with a chuckle.

“Yes, but doesn't this taste off?” Applejack asked looking towards the others.

“Darling don't worry, Pinkie would never give us something that would harm us,” Rarity said reassuring all of us. After settling our worries we started to enjoy ourselves.

{Next morning}

I woke up feeling like my head by being assaulted by a jackhammer. “Ooooh.” I groaned putting my hands on my head as I sat up. ‘Wait, what.’ I thought as I opened my eyes to see I was back in my room.

“I definitely drank too much,” I mumbled as I rubbed my forehead. I shook my head before I looked down towards my bed to see Rarity naked and laying against me. ‘Fuck.’ I thought, and not in a good way. ‘We might have done if it Applejack didn't knock, but I don't think she’ll be happy with us having out first time like this.’ I thought in my head before I heard groaning to my side which made me freeze.

I didn't want to look but I knew I had to so I slowly turned my head to see Pinkie Pie laying naked next to me. I then looked around the room to see the other girls were there too. Fluttershy was laying on my other side, while the others lay on the floor naked except for Rainbow who was dressed in a skimpy maid outfit.

“Hmm.” Rarity groaned as she started to stir.

‘Fuck, this is not going to end well.’ I thought as Rarity opened her eyes, and looked up at me. She smiled and wrapped her arms around me which surprised me before she spoke.

“Seems we both drank too much.” She chuckled. “Too bad I can't remember anything.”

“Umm, Rarity?” I said nervous.

“What is it, my love?” She asked.

“We weren't the only ones that drank to much.” I told her then it clicked for her. She started looking around at her passed-out friends.

“W-what happened!?” She asked but I had no answers to give.

“I honestly don't know. The last thing I remember is the party, then waking up in our room.” I told her. “What are we gonna do?” I asked.

“I-I don't know.” Rarity said as she looked at her friends.

“Wow, last night was fun,” Pinkie said suddenly sitting up, not bothering to cover herself.

"Wait, Pinkie, do you remember what happened last night?" Asked Rarity, to which Pinkie smiled and nodded.

"Yup every bit, but we should wait for everyone to wake up first," Pinkie said then she looked at me.

"What, is there something wrong?" I asked before she leaned forward and kissed me. I froze and Rarity gasped.

"Pinkie stop that, this!" Rarity tried to say but Pinkie broke our kiss and started making out with Rarity. I was too surprised to properly respond and it seemed it was the same with Rarity as she froze.

'Why am I turned on by this.' I thought before Pinkie broke the kiss and latched onto Rarity breasts. Rarity let out soft moans as she looked down at her friend sucking in her breasts before she let out a louder moan before she looked down

It was then I realized that I was buried inside of Rarity and I could feel myself getting harder inside her. Pinkie finally stopped sucking on Rarity's breast and sat beside me with a smile.

"Ooh my head." I heard at my side. I turned to see Fluttershy was waking up. Her eyes slowly opened to see what was transpiring before her.

W-wha-wha-what!" She stuttered sitting up and after releasing she was not wearing anything she quickly pulled up the blanket to cover herself, but in doing so pulled the blanket of Rarity and I showing that I was fully inside Rarity.

"What's going on!?" Fluttershy asked in a panic and her face turned as red as a tomato from embarrassment. Fluttershy's panic attack made the rest of the girls start to wake as well. They all had similar reactions except for Rainbow who said.

"Someone please tell me why I'm dressed like this?" Asked Rainbow looking at the costume she was in as the other scrambled to find their clothing.

"Pinkie, can you please explain what happened now?" I asked getting everyone attention. All eyes were on pinkie now who happily sat beside me pressing her breasts up against my arm.

"Well, after everyone had a few glasses of my special drink we all went to you room to play a few games," Pinkie explained.

"And how does a game get everyone naked and me in a kinky maid costume?!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"Well at first it was pretty innocent till you dared Fluttershy to give Winter here a lap dance."

"I what?" Asked Fluttershy, getting even more embarrassed and I started feeling even more flustered.

"Yeah and after a awhile things kept getting even more erotic after Rarity gave him a blowjob." Pinkie said. "Then we all started taking turns with Winter."

"Wait, so we all had sex with Winter?" Asked Twilight who was only wearing panties and a bra now.

"Yes," Pinkie siad as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Big Mac is gonna kill me." Muttered Applejack tipping her hat to hide her face.

"And what do you think he'll do to me?" I asked.

"Pinkie, what do you put in that drink? It tasted different than normal so what else was in it?" Twilight asked.

"Oh just something to help everyone relax and let lose." Pinkie said with a shrug.

"Did you fucking roofie us?" I asked, to which she just shrugged again.

"Winter I got to move." Rarity said as she fidgeted in my lap which stimulated my lower region making her moan softly. "Or I'm gonna go crazy."

I looked at the girls who were also blushing as their gazes were fixed on us. 'Well this can't get any worse.' I thought before wrapping my arms around Rarity.

I started helping lift her up. When she was free she collapsed on me letting my nine inch long member rest between her ass cheeks.

Rarity looked back as all the girls except Pinkie blushed even harder. "That was inside me." She moaned and panted before turning to look at me.

"I didn't think out first time would be like this." I chuckled nervously. Rarity just smiled before she leaned in and kissed me.

"Umm" do you think you can put that thing away?" Asked Applejack averting her gaze.

"Sorry, but I've got no idea where my clothes are, and Fluttershy is using the only blanket." I told her.

"I can make it disappear if you want." Said Pinkie with a sultry smile.

"No, you've been bad," Said Rarity choping Pinkie head playfully.

"Are we not gonna talk about how she drugged us?" I aksed looking around, but no one said a word. "Really am I the only one that is mad about this?" I asked and they all shrugged.

"Just let it go for now, we can decide what to do later," Rarity told me. "Right now we got to figure out how to get them back to their rooms before we get in trouble."

"Alright, fine, but I'm not letting her off the hook." I told her.

"Well if we're done can someone hand me my clothes?" Asked Fluttershy shyly as she fidgeted beside me. "I would really appreciate it,"

Everyone started putting their clothes on, except for me and Rarity, for some reason we couldn't find our clothes.

"Hey I've got a question?" Rainbow asked Rarity. "Why did you have this maid outfit?"

Rarity blushed as she looked over at me. "Well I, I was going to put it on after me and Winter got out room at the hotel," She said making me blush as I imaged her in a kinky maid outfit.

"Oh, then why does it seem like it was made for me? I don't exactly have your body type so why does it fit me so perfectly?" She asked, and she was right, Rarity had an hourglass figure with large breasts and butt, but Rainbow was quite slim and her breasts didn't quite match up to Rarity's even though they look a little bigger than average.

"Umm well, I." Rarity stuttered. "I'm bisexual." She admitted.

"So what were you planning on doing with this then?" Rainbow asked again, holding up the maid outfit. Rarity sighed before she spoke.

"After reaching the hotel, I was going let tell you and the others I wasn't against you making moves on Winter." She said, rubbing the back of her head.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you deserve the attention." Rarity said she hung her head. "And after what you told me, I thought you needed it."

"What is she talking about?" Asked Applejack which made me shake my head and sigh.

"When I was in the academy I had a girlfriend named Tiffany who cheated on me with one of my teammates," I said turning to face her. She and the others look shocked to hear this. “But I’m over it, so just forget about it.” I told them.

After then things got a little awkward and everyone managed to find their clothes including us. We found them kicked under the bed, and after everyone was dressed PInkie, and the others left our room leaving us to clean up.

chapter 17 *Clop*

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It had been a day since the party incident, and except for Rarity and Pinkie, the girls had been keeping their distance from me. I can't really blame them though, I just hope things don't stay thing awkward during the whole trip. Currently, Rarity and I are eating breakfast, nothing special just some cereal.

“So have you talked with the girls yet?” I asked Rarity.

She paused for a moment before she spoke. “Yes, they are still unsure what to do about what happened yesterday, but they don't hold anything against you if that's what you're worried about.” Rarity told me which made me nod my head.

“Thanks, its just things have been a little tense, between the 7 of us.” I told her.

“I understand darling. But the two of us should decide what we should do.” Rarity suggested.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well, we did it didn't we, so I was thinking, that we could maybe try again.” Rarity said hesitantly. “We already almost did it but Applejack interrupted us.”

“Well, I wouldn’t mind but.” I said, but before I could continue Rarity kissed me. It almost as suddenly as it began then she said.

“Great, give me a few minutes.” She said before she headed off to our room. When she closed the door I sighed before I put a hand on my forehead.

“What's gotten into her?” I muttered before I got out of the chair. “Well, it was gonna happen sooner or later anyways.” I said wondering what to do for the next few minutes. I looked around and just stretched for a few seconds before I heard the car door open. I looked over to see Pinkie had entered the car.

“What's up?” She asked.

“Nothing, but what are you doing here?” I asked crossing my arms. Pinkie just smiled and said.

“Don't be upset, we all had fun.” Pinkie said happily.

“Correction you had fun after you drugged us,” I told her as she walked up to me. “Actually why am I the only one that seems to be mad at you?” I asked which seemed to make Pinkie a little sad before she seemed to get an idea.

“I've got an idea to make up for what I did, you can have me.” She said with a smile as she put her arms behind her back and leaned in a little giving me a look at her cleavage.

“What?!” I yelled.

“Well Rarity gave the ok, so I don't see the problem.” She told me. While Rarity gave the ok, I was still a little ticked at Pinkie so why would I give her what she wants? I looked over Pinkie from top to bottom when it came to sizes, I guess she was only second to Fluttershy but her personality didn't really sit right with me after the incident.

I took a deep breath as I put my left hand over my face and then pulled it away. "Alright, fine." I told her which caused her to jump with joy. "Now could you please keep the others girls away for a bit."

"Why?" Pinkie asked.

"Rarity wants to try again since we don't remember anything from the other day. So we can try later after her and I talk ok" I asked her. She smiled before she hugged me pressing her breasts against my chest.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou." She said, and after she broke the hug she ran off.

“I may come to regret that.” I said to myself before looking at the door to mine and Rarity’s room. I stood at the door wondering whether I should enter or not, but I pushed my worries to the side and opened the door. When I looked inside my breath was almost taken away. Rarity sat there on the bed wearing nothing looking at me with a smile on her face.

“Well, are you just going to stand there or are you going to join me?” Rarity asked crossing her legs. That snapped me out of it so I entered the room and closed the door behind me. I then walked over to the bed before I started to strip. Rarity watched with anticipation as I removed my shirt and pants, all those years of training and fighting Grimm gave me a rather muscular physique which isn't that notable when I am clothed. When I looked over at Rarity I saw her blushing as she looked me up and down.

“You regret wanting to share me with the others?” I asked playfully which made her blush even more. Then after I removed my underwear I sat next to Rarity who fidgeted in place. “You wanna know something?”

“Yes, darling?” She asked a little short of breath.

“Pinkie as an apology offered herself to me, and I accepted, but for today, I just want this to be between us.” I told her before I wrapped an arm around her pulling her in close for a kiss. It didn't take long for her to start leaning into the kiss and surprisingly became quite aggressive. Our tongues wrapped around each other as if fighting for dominance as Rarity climbed into my lap. Almost instinctively my hands grabbed her ass making Rarity moan softly in my mouth.

We finally broke out kiss the two of us panting for breath, before I chuckled and said. “Wow, I didn't think you were the aggressive type.” I said before kissing Rarity’s neck softly as she started to grind her hips against me.

“Honestly I didn't know either.” She moaned But then gently grabbed my head and made me look at her. “But I think you should stop talking and give me what I want.” She said with a commanding look in her eye.

“Oh.” I said getting an idea that made me grin. “Ok.” I flipped us onto the bed with Rarity beneath me. “Any rules you want to tell me, or can I do whatever I want?” I asked looking down at her.

“I’m on the pill.” That was all she said, and all I needed to hear before I plunged into her hilting with the first thrust. “OOOooh.” She moaned and wrapped her arms around me as I rammed into her at a quick and steady pace. She was unbelievably tight but too bad I couldn't feel her warmth, but this was more than enough for me. I reached down and started to grope one of Rarity’s breasts. Before she could moan leaned down and started making out with her.

I felt Rarity’s leg start to wrap around me before I broke the kiss. We looked into each other's eyes with both lust and passion until I finally hilted inside. "Fuck." I moaned as I came deep inside her. Rarity moaned loudly then said.

"Wow, that was amazing." She said before kissing me.

"Was, were not done yet." I told her with a smile. "Do you think I managed to please all six of you by being one and done." I said looking down at her before I wrapped my arms around her and lifted her up. I keep a tight grip on her ass making her blush and smile before I pulled back my hips and started thirsting into her once more.

(2 hours later)

After 2 hours of going all out the two of us laid on the bed exhausted. “Wow, now I really wish I could remember what happened that night.” Rarity moaned as she grabbed my hand gently.

“Well, who knows what tomorrow could bring.” I chuckled as I turned my head to look at her and she looked at me. The two of us started to lean closer for another kiss but before we could there was a knock on the door. I sighed before I looked at the ceiling.

“Don't worry I’ll get it.” Rarity said as she got out of bed and then grabbed an extra blanket to wrap around herself. After she was wrapped up she went to the door before she opened it a little. “Fluttershy, is something wrong?” I heard her ask which made me get to use the sheets to cover my lower half.

“What?” I heard Rarity whisper before she looked back over me and then back through the door. “Yes come in, come in.” She said before she opened the door to let Fluttershy in. Fluttershy blushed when she looked at me but she simply cleared her throat before she started walking toward the bed She stood at the foot of the bed before she put her hands behind her back and looked at the floor complementing.

“Is something wrong?” I asked worried about what she might say.

“I-I’m pregnant.” She said. Neither Rarity nor I said a word at this sudden revelation then she continued to speak. “P-Pinkie told us how you decided to let her be your umm friend with benefits, then let slip how great you were in bed and how... Never pulled out of any of us.” Fluttershy continued to explain her face getting even more red from her blushing. “So each of us took a test, and I tested positive, and I, and I.” She stuttered as tears started to well in her eyes I got out of bed and quickly embraced her.

“It’s ok, It's ok.” I told her, as I rubbed the back of her head. “We’ll get through this together.” I told her as she pressed herself against me as she hugged me back.

“I want to keep it.” I heard her mutter under her breath, and when I heard this it was like something went off inside me, and before I could even think I gently pulled back Fluttershy’s head before kissing her. Fluttershy did not resist but instead embraced it. I took a chance to look at Rarity to see her smiling happily at us before I swept Fluttershy off her feet and sat down on the bed with her in my lap. Our make-out session continued for a while before Rarity sat down beside us causing us to break our kiss.

“Welcome to the family.” Rarity said happily as she hugged Fluttershy. I chuckled before I heard Fluttershy let out a small eep of surprise before she looked down to see my hard member between her legs. Her face lit up before I kissed her again, this time only lasting for a moment.

“We don't have to if you don't want to.” I told her

“I-I don’t think I'm ready for that yet.” Futtershy said before Rarity kissed her neck.

“Well, how about a passionate cuddle? Just kissing and maybe some light fondling.” Rarity said, and before I could say anything to her Fluttershy responded.

“I’m ok with that.” She said. Rarity look at me and nodded before I sighed. Rarity moved to the other side of the bed as I placed Fluttershy between the two of us.

chapter 18 arrival at Manehatten part 1

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Another day has passed and Manehatten was finally in sight. The girls and I sat near a window to see the city on the horizon. “We finally made it.” Twilight sighed as she stood up to get a better view of the city.

“Yeah, things have been getting stuffy on this train,” Applejack commented as she sat back in her chair and tilted her hat.

“Can't really argue with you there,” I said. Things had grown a little less awkward but it was still a little tense for my liking, and Fluttershy's pregnancy has not really made things better. “So what do you all want to do once we get to the hotel?” I asked.

“I think I’ll visit the spa.” Rarity said as she stretched. "Wanna join me, Winter?" She asked.

“I guess I could,” I said. This would be an excellent chance to really relax after getting my prosthetic. “But first we should check out our rooms and get comfortable,” I suggested and the others seemed to agree.

“Oh and by the way do you think I can room with you and Rarity?” asked Pinkie, I was about to say something but Fluttershy spoke up

“Could you make that four?” She asked, I thought before I sighed and relented seeing how Fluttershy is pregnant with my child it would be wrong to deny her.

“Ok, we’ll see if any rooms can fit four.” I told them which made them happy and smile, while the others looked shy and embarrassed. “Well, we still have some time till we reach the city so anything y'all want to ask?”

“I can't think of anything at the moment,” Twilight said and the other nodded in agreement and just like that we sat in silence till we reached the city. Once the train had finally reached the station we gathered our things and got off the train.

“So which way is the hotel?” I asked Rarity and she led the way to a building I almost thought was a skyscraper.

“Uh, wow.” Was all I could say as everyone looked at the building in awe at the sheer scale. We turned our attention back to Rarity who was still walking towards the hotel. The six of us quickly caught up and followed her inside the building. The lobby looked very luxurious but we didn't really have time to admire the decor as we wanted to get to our rooms quickly so we could unpack.

We walked over to the main desk where an attendant was looking through a large book. “Excuse me, sir.” Said Rarity getting the man's attention. “I booked several rooms, it should be under Rarity,” She told him. The man looked back to the book and turned the pages a few times before he placed a finger on a page.

“Umm, it says here that your booking was canceled just yesterday.” He told me which shocked Rarity and I could just feel that something wasn't right and that this wasn't going to end well.

“That can't be right, I never called, I was on a train for the last few days.” Rarity told the attendant who shook his head.

“I’m sorry, but that's what it says.” The attendant told Rarity who now looked discouraged.

“Then is it possible to make a new booking, we were looking to get different rooms anyways?” I asked, but the man shook his head, and I thought of what we could do. ‘Could we find another hotel,’ I thought as I looked back at the girls to see them looking at me with worry. ‘No, they really wanted to stay here,’

Before we could say anything else a pair of armored men walked into the hotel, and stopped when they saw me. "Sir Winter, I'm glad we found you. There has been an unusual anomaly found in the sewers under the city."

“Isn't this a job for the town guard or something, and how did you know I was even here?” I asked the guards.

"We sent a report to the Princesses about the anomaly and they told us where we might be able to find you. They said based on the description in our report it seemed similar to something that was found in the Griffon Empire several months ago." The other guard said.

I looked at the girls to see they were talking amongst themselves about what to do now that they had to find somewhere else to stay. “Hey, Rarity,” I said getting her attention, but she just smiled and said.

“You go do what you need to do we’ll try to settle things here,” She told me so then I turned my attention back to the guards.

“Lead the way I guess,” I told the two.

They led me to an overflow channel just down the street from the Guard station where there were more guards standing watch at a sewer gate. The guards walk up to them and salute one of them. "Commander Sure Shot, we brought Sir Winter Storm with us as requested."

"Very good Lieutenant Form Fit thank you." The commander said then turned to me. "Sir Winter I'm not sure how much these two I sent to get you told you but we have reason to believe that the anomaly in the sewers is either related to or similar to the one found in the Griffin Empire several months ago. Since we have been unable to enter the anomaly we sent a report to the Princess' and they recommended we call on you for help."

“I see,” I said. “Well take me to it, I don't want to leave my friends alone for too long,” I told him to which he led me past the guards and into the sewers.

We walk for about 15 minutes before we come to a large intersection of 8 tunnels and they take the third from the left and continue down for a bit where we reach a door that is too advanced for this world. "This is the anomaly we encountered."

“There doesn't seem to be a scanner like with the last one.” I said walking up to the door and tried to push it open but it didn't budge. “I might have to use some brute force on this one.” As soon as I said that my aura flared and the door hissed open. “Guess not then,” I said before I entered to see what was inside. Inside was a long room filled with mostly empty cages with a large open area in the center and another door at the far end. The few that were occupied had a few small fry grimm in them.

"W-WH-WHAT THE HAY!" Commander Sure Shot screamed. "How did so many Grimm get down here without someone noticing?"

“If it's anything like the facility we found on the border, then this was likely transported here.” I told them as I looked around to see if there was anything useful. Several rather large pieces of grimm bone were strewn around the clear area in the center. “How did they keep it from disappearing?” I wondered.

"Sir Winter, the door over here is open, you might want to come see this." A guard yells from the door opposite the one we entered through.

I walked over and looked through the door and it looked like some kind of lab. There was a table covered in Grimm bone pieces and what looked like a helmet of some kind made to look like a mishmash of Grimm. Next to the table was an active stasis pod. I walked over and looked in and inside it was a woman about 5 foot 8 with raven black hair, and her body was covered in obsidian black fur except for on her right shoulder which was a symbol and she wore a black choker with a silvery paw on the front of it. Coming down from the choker was a piece of cloth that connected to a black corset with a sapphire just where they connected that covered her large c-cup breasts and along the rim of the corset was indecipherable writing. Covering most of the corset was a red trench coat with the same writing on the sleeves, and she wore black pants with black ninja shoes with metal soles. On her face was a panther mask. Behind the pod on the wall was a Huntress's weapon that looked like a double blade spear.

A beeping noise came from my left, I looked over and saw one of the soldiers was messing with a control panel about ten feet from the pod. A few seconds later the pod hisses and starts to open. A groan emanates from inside the pod followed by the occupant sitting up. "Ugh, why does my head hurt, hell why does everything hurt."

“Hmm, hello there.” I said approaching the woman.

She starts when she sees me. "By chance is your name Winter Storm and do the places Remnant and Atlas Academy ring any bells?"

“How do you know me?” I asked getting down on one knee to get a better look at her. She looked familiar, but I couldn't quite place her, but I know I've seen her before.

I saw tears falling from behind her mask. "My name is Jellica Quinn. I was a year behind you at Atlas Academy and you helped me find my way around on my first day at Atlas after transferring from Haven during your third year along with giving me occasional advice on how to wield my weapon better."

“I vaguely remember you, but how did you end up here?” I asked.

"I was in Vale for the Vytal Festival and got grabbed by those crazy faunus fanatics and experimented on to see if they could weaponize my semblance. The real question is how did you get here? Last time anyone saw you was at the graduation ceremony."

“Hmmm, well the short version is, we’re not in our own world anymore,” I told her as I got back up and held my prosthetic arm out to her.

A look of shock crosses what I can see of her face when she notices both my artificial arm and eye. "What the hell happened to you? Did you get attacked by a Reaver or something?"

“A horde of Beowolves got the best of me, thankfully I wasn't alone or I would've been dead,” I explained, still holding my hand out to help her up.

"It must have been a horde at almost stampede levels to do that to the legendary Winter Storm." She says with a smirk.

“Yeah, and I kind of overreached. I was trying to lower their numbers as fast as possible, but I ended up exhausting myself too quickly.” I said, pulling her up to her feet.

"You haven't seen my semblance mask and Pan-Claw by any chance have you?" She asks hopefully "My back up mask itches like crazy and I need the comfort of my semblance mask right about now."

“It's over there.” Pointing towards the helmet.

She shakily walks over to the table and picks up the helmet looking object now identified as her semblance mask. She looks around and sees the guard in the lab with us. "Would you mind either turning around and not peeking or stepping out of the room real quick so I can switch my mask?" She asked the guard who looked at me questioningly. I just gestured to the door as I turned around and the guard stepped out. "Thanks senpai, it means alot to me that you would respect my feelings and privacy." A couple minutes go by then she taps me on the shoulder. "All done now just to find Jag-Claw and I'll be good to go."

“Jag-Claw you mean that double-bladed spear?” I asked, pointing towards it. She nods, goes over, takes it down off the wall then checks it over real quick. After apparently finding it in good condition she nods to me and motions for me to lead on after she grabs some of the more dense pieces of Grimm bone from the table.

“So you said that they were doing something with your semblance, is that what's keeping these bones from disintegrating?” I asked, looking at the Grimm bone.

"You most likely don't remember but my semblance lets me take what I've come to call trophies from the Grimm I kill while I have even a piece of my aura left. What the White Fang were doing is that they were trying to figure out how to keep the whole Grimm intact after they died but I was never able to keep anything more than an alpha Death Stalker's stinger and a few Nevermore feathers intact if it wasn't made of Grimm bone. Eventually, they gave up and stuck me in that stasis pod, after that I don't know what happened but the next thing I know I'm waking up to you."

“I see, well then let's get you out of here,” I said walking towards the door of the laboratory.

"Hey senpai, could you do me a huge favor and permafrost this whole lab? While I go and do some mercy killing of any remaining Grimm in the cages by the arena." Jellica asked as she loaded Jag-Claw with some lightning dust.

I looked around the lab and took a deep breath before saying. “The world we are now in is not nearly as advanced as the one we came from, they could learn a lot from all this,” I said.

"Senpai, what they would learn isn't worth it, and even Ole Ironwood would turn down the knowledge of what's on those scrolls and computers. The research they did here was beyond evil and should never be seen again." She said with a sharpness to her voice.

“Fine,” I told her as she left the room. I turned towards the lab and looked around once more before I used my semblance to erupt from the floor and utterly tore apart everything in their path as ice and frost spread through the room, flash-freezing everything else.

After making sure everything was destroyed or frozen I walked out. “It's done,” I said. I see her just about to stab the last one of the small fry Grimm in the cages which was a kitten shaped one missing one of its legs when she dropped her spear and collapsed crying. I ran over and put a hand on her back. “You ok?” I asked.

She shakes her head. "Not really I guess everything that happened finally caught up with me." I nodded before I helped her back to her feet, and picked up her spear for her. "Thanks senpai, so what can you tell me about where we are and the local power structure?" She asked and I filled her in as we half walked half limped back to the entrance to the sewers. "Wow, that is so different from any place on Remnant.”

“Yeah, and believe it or not they got magic here,” I said and she gave me a confused look. “Yes, magic,” I confirmed as we stepped out of the sewer gate.

I see the commander talking to someone in high ranking Royal guard armor when he spots us and seems to inform the guard he is talking to as such since they turned around and it turns out it is none other than Shining Armor.

“I assume you came here about the facility?” I asked him.

“Yes, I only just arrived though, so what did you find inside?” Shining asked me, which made me sigh.

“Well her,” I said, gesturing to Jellica. “However, I had to destroy the lab,” I told the captain of the guard.

“What, why!?” He yelled.

Jellica walks over to Shining and gets right in his face. "Because, what the White Fang did to me was not something that should ever be made known to anyone, not even my senpai knows the details." Jellica says with quite a bit of venom in her voice.

He looked at me before I said. “The white fang used to be the best that the fanus had to offer, but as time passed, corrupt leadership turned it into a terrorist group.” I explained to him. He thought for a moment not saying anything and after a while nodded, making Jellica back off.

"Thank you for being understanding." Jellica turned to me. "So what now?"

“I’ll take you to my friends and maybe if we can get our booking sorted, give you a place to stay for a bit while you figure stuff out.” I told her and she nodded. After we gave a few more details to Shining we went on our way. It did not take long to make it back to the hotel and when we did the girls were waiting for me.

“Winter, is everything ok?” Rarity asked as she and the others walked up to us.

“Yes everything is fine, and everyone I would like you to meet Jellica,,” I said, stepping to the side to let them get acquainted.

Jellica stepped up next to me sans semblance mask but a jaguar one instead. "Greetings and well met to my senpai's friends. My name is Jellica Quinn." She said bowing at the waist.

“Well um, My name is Rarity, I’m Winter’s girlfriend.” She told Jellica.

"Wait, the Emperor of Ice has a girlfriend, no way in hell." Jellica exclaims.

“I’m his girlfriend too, my name is Pinkie.” Pinkie said happily.

“Me too, I-I’m Fluttershy.” She said shyly hiding behind her hair.

Jellica spun on me. "So let me get this straight you have not one but three girlfriends senpai. How?" She asked and I chuckled nervously.

“Well that's a little complicated, with Rarity it was natural we got to know each other and one thing led to another, but with Pinkie and Fluttershy. Well, Pinkie kinda drugged us and we did things, then Fluttershy got pregnant, and Pinkie, well.” I said with a nervous smile.

"Dang that's messed up. So how did the Pink one get girlfriend status after having done that?"

“She offered herself as an apology, and I just accepted because I didn't want to hold on to the anger.” I explained.

"That is just like you senpai. Good to see the translocation hasn't changed too much about the way you act." Jellica then turns to the girls and bows again. "Thank you all so much for looking out for my senpai."

“Ok now that, that's out of the way, these are the rest of my friends Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Twilight.” I gestured to the three remaining who looked a little uncomfortable.

“Winter I think we got our rooms.” Rarity said which made me smile.

“Great, how did you do it?” I asked giving her a hug.

“I ran into Blair and she’s settling things right now.” She said happily before Twilight spoke up.

“Excuse me for a moment Jellica but did you say translocation? Does that mean you came from where Winter came from?” Twilight asked to which Jellica nodded.

“Well, Rarity care to introduce me to Blair?” I asked Rarity who looked a little nervous. “What's wrong?” I asked.

“Nothing, it's just, she’s a bit of a cougar.” She told me. “So I just wanted to let you know before she did anything.”

"Sounds like a fun woman." Jellica said.

“Thanks for telling me,” I told her as I looked at Jellica nervously. “Well, I just hope things go well.” I said before Rarity started to lead me and Jellica to the front desk where a well-stacked 6-foot-1 woman with tiger fur along with tiger ears. Wearing a rather revealing top and a skirt that barely hides anything. I started blushing heavily as I looked at her.

Jellica gawks at her. "If I didn't know better I would say that's Sienna Khan or at least her mother.".”

“Well, that’s one way to look at it,” I said, before she looked over at us and started to walk over.

“Rarity, everything is ok now, I’ve got you new rooms, and I fired the receptionist,” She said with a smile before she looked at me with a smile. “Hello there, I suppose you're the boyfriend I've been hearing about.” She said getting a little close for comfort making me blush even more.

“Blair, before you do anything we would like to add another person to your booking she’s a… old friend of Winter, and doesn't have a place to stay right now.” She told Blair. Blair looked at Jellica before nodding.

"Not a problem, so two rooms for four." She said before she went over to the desk and grabbed a pair of keys one of which had a gem encrusted in it . "Here are your keys." She said, handing them to me. I reached out and grabbed them and as soon as I grabbed them she pulled me in for a kiss. It lasted no more than a few seconds but that was long enough to figurately fry my brain.

"I'll consider that payment for getting you the new rooms. Feel free to give me a call." She said before she started to walk away leaving me frozen like an ear in headlights.

"Why is this happening to me all of a sudden?" I groaned.

Jellica started cracking up and smacked me on my back. "Wow senpai you have really become a ladies-Tom haven't you."

“I just hope that I don't run into any more women like her anytime soon.” I groaned.

"So shall we go check out the rooms now?" Jellica asked.

“Ok, and I guess you’ll be rooming with Applejack, Rainbow, and Twilight,” I told her as I gave her the key that didn't have a gem-encrusted in it. “OK let's go,” I said before we started heading towards an elevator and piled in.

As the elevator was going up Jellica struck up a conversation with Twilight. "Your name was Twilight, correct." Twilight nodded. "I was wondering if I could borrow some clothes since these are the only ones I have with me?"

“Sure, and once we get back to Ponyville I'm sure Rarity could get you some more.” Twilight said with a smile as Pinkie got in front of me.

"Thank you Twilight you don't know how much that means to me." Jellica said, clutching Jag-Claw to her chest but as they continued to talk i could feel something down below, and when I look I could see Pinkie pressing her ass up against my crotch as she looked back and smirked.

‘Damn it Pinkie.” I thought as I tried my best to act natural as Pinkie continued to tease me.

Jellica gave me a subtle thumbs up while still talking to Twilight. "So Twilight, how old are you girls anyway?"

“18.” She said as Pinkie started to rub up harder against me as Rarity hugged my arm. The elevator dinged as we reached our floor. I breathed a sigh of relief as we started to exit the elevator, but I was still on edge because of Pinkie.

‘I just hope no one else noticed.’ I thought.

Jellica walked up to me and whispered in my ear. "So…you're definitely getting super lucky tonight with all three of them. I would say good luck but I'm not going to instead I'm gonna pray for your little man's survival." Jellica then walked back over to Twilight giggling the whole way.

“You're more than welcome to join us.” Pinkie said happily with a smile which caused Jellica to freeze halfway back.

‘Oh god.’ I groaned in my mind. Jellica turned and even though she was wearing her mask and had black fur you could see her blush down to the base of her neck. “Pinkie, it might be for the best if you stay quiet for now.” I said putting a hand on her shoulder.

“Ok.” She said with a happy tone.

“Well, I guess you four should find your room and We’ll find ours,” I said with a nervous chuckle. Jellica turned back around and ran toward the room she would be staying in with the others, opened the door then closed it behind her. The other three blushing almost as hard as Jellica soon followed suit.

After they were gone Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and I found our room and were amazed by what we saw when we walked in. The apartment was massive and with two floors, a large kitchen, a dining room a living room everything you could ever want. Fluttershy and Pinkie were awestruck as they started to explore but Rairty stayed at my side, interlocking our fingers as she leaned against me.

“I think were going to love our stay here.” She said as she put her head on my shoulder.

“Yeah I think we will."

Chapter 19 arrival at Manhattan part 2

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It was the next day and the area around my prosthetic had started to grow sore, so I decided to invite Jellica to go along with me to the spa. I was standing outside her door but waited a moment before I knocked.

When she answered the door she was in only a bathrobe in her casual mask with a towel around her hair. "Hey Senpai, I just got out of the shower. What's up?"

I blushed when I saw her, but I cleared my throat and asked. “Hey, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to visit the Hotel’s spa with me?”

"Is it just gonna be the two of us or is your prime girlfriend going to join us?" She asked.

“No, just you and me,” I told her with a smile.

"Ok, one sec let me just get changed." She said as she closed the door. A few minutes later she came back with a pair of shorts and a tank top on. "Ok I'm ready, let's go." I nodded and the two of us went to the elevator door and waited for it to open.

“Sorry about yesterday with Pinkie,” I said.

"It's ok. From what Applejack told me last night that's just par for the course with her. So it's no big deal. So did my prediction come true?"

“Do you really want to know?” I asked a little embarrassed. She gives a so-so gesture with her hand “Well yes it did, but they were the ones who tapped out.” I said quietly.

"Wow senpai, aura is good for that kind of thing too I guess." She said with mirth in her voice as the elevator opened and we stepped inside alone.

“Can we please not go too deep into that?” I asked pleadingly and she held her hands up in a gesture of surrender. We just stood there in silence for a few minutes before we finally reached the spa floor. When the elevator doors opened there were two beautiful women waiting for us.

“Welcome,” They said in unison as we stepped out of the elevator. “What will the two of you be having?” One of them asked.

"By chance do you have anything to help with bad scars?" Jellica asked.

“Of course, we have a variety of different creams and ointments if you want to look them over.” The other said.

“And as for me, I think I would like a massage.” I told them, making the two s

"Can I speak with one of you privately real quick?" Jellica asked, and one of them nodded before she led her to the side so they could talk while the other took my hand and led me to a door.

“Please remove your clothes except for underwear in there please.” She told me. I nodded before I entered the room and saw it was full of lockers. I picked a locker at random before I started to strip and carefully placed the clothes Rarity made for me in there. Once I was down to my underwear I exited the room to see she was waiting for me.

“Ok, now I’ll take you to the parlor, and the owner told us to give you special treatment, so would you like a normal message or something more personal?” She asked with half-lidded eyes.

“Something normal, thank you.” I said quickly, much to her disappointment. ‘That woman is crazy to ask their employees to do this, this is a hotel, not a brothel.’ was all I thought before the woman took me to the parlor here there were a few massage tables.

“Lay face down and tell me where you feel tense.” She told me.

“It's mostly around my prosthetic,” I told her as I got onto the table and lay face down. “And where did the other one take Jellica?” I asked the employee.

“To the back room, don’t worry,” She told me as she started to rub around my shoulder.

After about twenty minutes Jellica came out of a side room in just her mask and a bikini with a bottle in her hand and a smile on her lips. "Hey senpai, how's the massage going?" She asked.

I blushed once more as I was staring straight at her. ‘Why does this keep happening?’ I thought before I answered. “Fine."

She puffs out her modest chest. "See something you like, senpai? I always pegged you for a guy who liked a bigger chest than mine."

“Why do you tease me?” I asked.

"Well it is kind of a kunoichi's job to tease their senpai from time to time about these kinds of things especially when their senpai is the opposite sex from them." She said and before she and I knew it we talked for several minutes.

“Would you like to soak now?” The employee asked and I just shrugged before I got up. Jellica then turns bright red then spins away from me and sinks to her knees covering her face.

“What,” I said before I looked down to see I had a huge boner. “Oh shit,” I said, covering myself. “Can you take me to the bath please?” I asked the employee who had a small blush but nodded before she led me out of the room.

After she led me to a room that had several different kinds of baths I picked the hot tub and got in and sunk to my shoulders in embarrassment.

A few minutes later someone walked up behind me and cleared their throat. When I turned around it was Jellica and she was nervously shuffling her feet in place. "S-senpai, are you mad at me or something?" She asked.

“No, no,” I said in a hurry. “I’m not mad or anything,” I told her. “It's just.” I said then sighed. “It's just been one thing after another on this trip.”

"May I get in with you?" She asked.

“O-Of course.” I said making room for her.

When she got in she gave me a tight hug and put my prosthetic arm between her boobs. "Thank you sen- no Winter for not being mad at me it means more than you could ever know to me to have met you."

“J-Jellica.” Was all I could say as I looked at her, and accidentally got a peek at her cleavage making me look away.

She grabbed my head and turned it back to her. "I don't mind if you look as long as you don't mind a Panther Faunus with scars on her face." She said, reaching for her mask to remove it.

“Scars,” I said as she removed it revealing burn scars all over the upper half of her face in the shape of claw marks and paw prints.

"Yeah, when I was little they were given to me by some rather mean-spirited Faunus children my own age." She told me then tried to hide her face. I grabbed her wrist and gently had her put it down.

“I don't care if you have scars, but we barely know each other,” I told her.

“Maybe, but I've had a crush on you since the first time we met, and I've only loved you more as you helped and gave me advice, you've always been there when I needed you.” She said getting in my lap. “So will you make me one of your girlfriends?”

I didn't think and instead just pulled her in for a kiss. We made out for a bit before I broke the kiss and looked her in the eyes. “At this point, fuck it.” I said before I moved and sat her on the rim of the hot tub as I started taking off her bathing suit.

“You are a lot more aggressive than I thought you’d be Winter.” She said after I stripped her naked.

“I've been teased since I woke up. I think I'm ready for a little action,” I told her as I grabbed my underwear and dropped them. When Jellica saw my member she blushed, but she didn't resist as I grabbed her hips and pulled her a little closer. My tip rubbed against her pussy making her moan softly.

Jellica and I kissed once more as I slowly inserted my cock. ‘Fuck, she’s tight.’ I thought as I kept pushing till I was all the way inside her tight confines. We finally broke our kiss, and Jellica moaned and groaned as she felt my length inside her. “You ready?” I asked, and all she did was nod.

With a grunt, I started to pull back and thrust back into her slowly but deliberately but started to pick up pace.

(1 hour later)

Me and Jellica had been going at it for a straight hour non stop, but we did stop briefly to go somewhere a little more private, but we were caught midway by the two employees who were more than eager to join in on the fun. So they took us to a back room with a bed where I sat on the edge of the bed and Jellica was lying down as the two serviced us.

“Oh fuck.” I moaned as I watched the woman take my cock to the base.

"Ofuhegdjb." Was all Jellica was able to incoherently utter due to the skills of the woman eating her out. I gently put one hand on the woman’s head to make her go faster as I groped Jellica with the other. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" Jellica yelled as she flooded the woman's face between her legs then promptly passed out.

The woman who ate her out lifted up her head, and licked her lips before looking at me. “Looks like you've got us to yourself now.” She moaned as she scooted over to me before the two of us started making out. After a few more seconds I hilted inside the other woman’s throat before I came down her throat all while making out with her friend. We stayed like this for a bit before the woman pulled herself off of my cock and sat on the bed with us.

“That was fun.” One of them said as they each took one of my arms and put it between their breasts.

“Yeah, it was.” I commented as I heard Jellica start to stir, then loudly growl.

"What are you two doing to my mate?" Jellica asked sharply.

“Showing our appreciation for his patronage.” Moaned one of them.

"Well I think you have shown enough appreciation by now don't you?" She asked them.

“OK, you don't have to be such a Burmese.” They said before they scooted away from me after that Jellica moved over before sitting in my lap and started purring.

"I'm not a Burmese Faunus, I'm a Panther Faunus and I take that as a grave insult to my species." She growled at the employees but I hugged her in order to calm her down.

“Hey, no need for that. One of them just ate you out till you passed out. I think that earns them a bit of forgiveness,” I said before kissing her cheek and slipping a hand between her thighs. “What do you think?”

She starts to mewl. "I guess so senpai. I'm sorry ladies for my behavior."

“It's ok, we didn't know.” Said one of them before the other spoke.

“Yeah, and while you're staying here don’t be a stranger.” said the other with a smile which Jellica returned before she got off my lap and got dressed in her bikini, shorts, jacket and tank top. I quickly joined her putting on my underwear and clothes.

“So where should we explore next, we still got the whole day ahead of us?” I asked her before stretching and watched as she got ready.

"I was thinking we could go to the Manehatten Zoo to see all the animals and bring Fluttershy with us. What do you think?" She asked.

“Hmm, sounds like a good idea, I just hope that we don’t have too much fun like we did here,” I said with a grin. ‘I think I'm finally starting to relax.’ I thought before Jellica and I found our way back to the elevator and went back to our floor. After reaching our floor we walked into my apartment hand in hand.

“Will Rarity be okay with this?” Jellica asked and I just replied with a smile and a nod as we walked into the living room where Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity were. They were reading a newspaper. We stood there for a few moments before Rartiy looked up at us and at our hands. It seemed she realized what was going on instantly as she got to her feet and hugged us both.

“I’m so happy to see you two getting along.” She said happily. “But I have a feeling that isn't all you came to for.” Rarity said breaking the hug and taking a step back.

“We wanted to ask Fluttershy if she wanted to go to the zoo with us,” Jellica said which made Fluttershy smile as she stood up.

“I’d love to go.” She said before she walked over and hugged my arm while Jellica hugged the other.

“You've got a flower on each arm. I’m almost jealous.” Said Rarity as she looked at the two of them. “Well, you three have fun, me and Pinkie will just hang out with the others at the spa.” Rarity said, and I did not best to keep a straight face when she mentioned the spa. Thankfully she did not seem to notice and we walked out of the room without having to say a word about the spa.

“Isn't Rarity okay with you fooling around with other girls?” Jellica whispered in my ear.

“She is, but I don't really want to make a big deal out of it, one and done.” I told her as we entered the elevator and started to descend to the first floor.

“So what happened at the spa?” Fluttershy asked, I had actually forgotten she was there.

“Well, Jellica wasn't the only one that I got together with, that's all I’ll say.” I groaned which made Fluttershy blush. “But now I think it's time we just spend some time at the zoo and enjoy our time in the big city,” I said which seemed to make things less embarrassing for her as the elevator door opened.

“But how are we going to get there, it's on the other side of the city?” Fluttershy asked.

“I might be of some assistance.” A voice spoke up making the three of us look ahead to see Blair standing in the open elevator door however she had changed from her revealing attire to a very form-fitting business suit with a short skirt that hugged her body emphasizing her bust, and ass.

‘Perfect, just perfect.’ I groaned in my mind but kept a smile on my face. “Thank you, but I think we can figure something out.

“Oh no, I insist.” She said with a smile.

“It’s fine Winter, it's not like she’ll hurt us,” Jellica said, hugging my arm tighter as she looked at Blair with a feral look. "Right, Ms.Blair?"

“I wouldn't dream of it, unless he wants me to.” She said with a grin as she turned around.

“This can't end well.” I said before the three of us followed close behind, and when we stepped out of the hotel a large carriage was waiting for us, and a man was holding the door to it open for us. I helped Jellica and Fluttershy get in then got in myself followed by Blair. After Blair sat down she tapped on the wall of the carriage before it started to move.

“So how are you three enjoying the hotel?” She asked with a smile as she crossed her legs.

“It's been nice.” Fluttershy replied with a smile.

“Yeah, though I can’t say I like how you asked your employees to offer themselves like prostitutes,” I said plainly, yes it was fun but it was also wrong.

Her smile never fell as she replied. “It's not like I forced them, I merely told them that they could offer you some special services if they wanted a little fun on the job. I know how Rarity is, so I know she would have actually loved to join. To bad you didn't bring her with you,” Blair said.

“Yeah he brought me,” Jellica said hugging my arm, as she glared at Blair which made her chuckle.

“Yes, they mentioned that.” Said Blair before she looked out the windows of the carriages, then lowered the curtains before she looked at me with lust. “And they also mentioned how amazing you were,” she said as she opened her top a bit to give me a peek down her cleavage making both Fluttershy and I blush while Jellica quietly growled almost like a rumble. Blair seemed to ignore Jellica and moved from her seat in front of me onto my lap my head almost between her breasts. I looked over to Jellica to see her reaching for something in a jacket, but I put a hand on her legs signaling her to stop.

“Winter?” Asked Fluttershy, but then I put a hand on her leg to tell her I was okay. After that, I turned my head to Blair, but immediately when I turned she kissed me. I was shocked at first but after a moment I started to kiss her back, removing my hands from Jellica and Fluttershy and placing them on Blair’s ass.

Blair moaned softly before she broke the kiss a trail of saliva connecting our mouths. “Seems you not against having a little fun.” She moaned pressing her breasts softly against my face.

“After Jellica and those employees, I’m feeling a bit more… comfortable with all this,” I said bringing my hands up to her breasts and gave them a squeeze, then let my hands roam her body. I looked at Jellica and Fluttershy to see they blushed as my hands had their way with Blair.

“For one so young you’re quite skilled with your hands,” Blair moaned as she looked at me, after a few more seconds of my having my way with her she removed her top revealing that she did not wear a bra underneath.

“Won't people hear you two?” Asked Fluttershy blushing as she watched the two of us making Blair look at her with a smile.

“Dont worry, I had the carriage made with a few improvements, we can be a loud as we like.” Blair said then leaned over and kissed Fluttershy much to everyone’s surprise. Fluttershy’s surprise eventually dissipated and they started making out as Blair grinded her hips against my groin.

“Winter,” Jellica whispered. I turned my head only for Jellica to kiss me. I melted into the kiss as I pulled up Blair’s skirt, and undid my pants. We finally broke the kiss as Jellica reached down and grasped my member. I grinned before I moved Blair’s panties to the side exposing her soaking pussy.

“Seems someone was excited,” Jellica commented before she brushed my tip against her pussy. Blair broke her kiss with Fluttershy before turning her attention back to me. She licked her lips before she started lowering herself, moaning as she took my cock inside of her.

“Tell me, how does it feel inside me? Blair asked as my entire length entered her.

“Amazing.” I moaned as my entire length was being massaged by her warm velvety walls. After giving me a few moments to get settled Blair started moving her hips back and forth. As Blair rode me, Jellica and Fluttershy moved to the other side of the carriage to start making out and stripping each other of their clothing.

Now with the extra room I Blair’s waist and pushed her down onto the seat of the carriage. “Getting aggressive aren't me.” Chuckled Blair before I silenced her with a kiss and started to thrust my hips. Mine and Blair’s tongues wrestled for dominance as she surrendered the rest of her body to me. I roughly groped one of her breasts and held one of her legs up with the other.

‘Fuck she feels amazing.’ Was all I could think about as I thrust into her confines and broke our kiss before latching onto her free breast.

“Hmmm, you're like a beast.” Blair moaned putting a hand on the back of my head, as her pussy got tighter. Her amazing boy was already pushing me to the edge. I wanted to pull out but at the same time, I wanted to claim her. But the decision was made for me as Blair freed her legs and wrapped both of them around my waist keeping me buried inside her as I came.

“Fuuuuuck,” I moaned as I felt her pussy milk my cock.

“Oh, I can feel you stuffing my womb.” She moaned as I finished emptying my load into her, and her legs loosened. “That was fun.” She said looking at me, but I wanted more.

“Who said we’re done,” I said looking at her hungry before I started to pound her pussy once more much to her surprise. I was far from done, and I lost track of time as I had my way with Blair, Jellica, and Fluttershy, and how many times I came inside each of them, making sure each had their fill, before I was finally spent. I sat on one side of the carriage Fluttershy collapsed on top of me with my cock buried inside her as she drained the last of my seed, and Jellica on the other as her pussy was eaten out by Blair who hungrily drank both mine and Jellica’s cum directly from her leaking pussy.

“Didn’t we come *Pant* to visit the Zoo.” Moaned Flutteshy exhausted.

“Yeah, I guess we got a bit sidetracked.” I groaned as Fluttershy gripped my cock like a vice.

Jellica looked like she was nearly passed out from sheer overstimulation but was still a little cognizant. "Yeah, we definitely did. Also shouldn't we have gotten there by now, it has been probably an hour or so."

Blair got up and sat next to Jellica planting a kiss on her cheek before she spoke. "Two actually, and we've been here for a while. I just didn't want to stop the party." She moaned. "Plus you to need a deep cleaning if you don't want to get caught." She said as she moved over and pulled Fluttershy off my cock which was still hard as a rock.

Blair then sat Fluttershy down before getting to work on eating out her pussy, so I joined Jellica on the other side of the carriage.

"Fuck how am I still hard." I moaned as Jellica and I watched Blair make Fluttershy moan and squirm. at Blair's touch. As Blair ate out she looked back at me with a sultry look before raising her ass and giving me a little show. I bit my bottom lip before giving into my desire and scooted forward, grabbing her hips with one hand while angeling my cock with the other. I immediately started thrusting into her as soon as it was in. Her pussy was just as amazing as the first time, and it was even hotter as I watched her eat out Fluttershy.

“Fuuuck.” I moaned grabbing her hips with both hands as I wildly thrusted into the mature woman. It did take long for me to reach my limit and hilt inside her as I collapsed onto the carriage seat. I wasn't sure if I was shooting anything but I knew Blair's greedy hole was taking whatever I could give. When she finally finished with Fluttershy, Blair sat in my lap my cock still inside her.

“You are by far the most energetic young man I’ve ever met.” She moaned turned around and placed my head in between her large breasts. “You best be careful or I might fall for you, but I bet you’d love that wouldn't you, to be able to use my body whenever you wished.” She chuckled, pressing her body against mine.

“Hey!” Shouted Jellica who was silenced by Blair putting a finger on her lips.

“No need for that, didn't we just have a great time together.” She moaned as she moved her hand down to one of Jellica’s breasts which Jellica smacks away.

"Hey just because I gave into my desires for Winter and deigned to join you doesn't mean I want you being all up in his life on the daily." Jellica yelled..

“Oh fine, I guess I’m fine with being an occasional fling.” Blair moaned before lifting herself off of me and sat down on the seat as I groaned.

“Well, today has been very eventful wouldn't you agree?” I asked, looking at Jellica as I put an arm around her. “But I guess it’ll get more interesting once you move into my place.” I said which made her gasp.

“Wait, you're asking me to live with you?” She asked and I nodded. She tackled me too before she started to kiss me. I and Jellica made out for a few seconds before I looked over to Blair to see her fingering Fluttershy as she sucked on her breasts.

‘Fuck, I got to stop this before we go on another marathon.’ I thought before I sat Jellica and I up, before breaking the kiss. “As much as I’d like to continue I think it's time we actually do what we came here to do.” I suggested much to Blair’s disappointment as she and the other started to get dressed, but each made a show of it for me, before I put on my clothes though you could clearly see my boner so I hid it under my shirt. We finally stepped out of the carriage without attracting any attention, and instantly Jellica ran off somewhere in the zoo leaving me with Fluttershy and Blair.

“Well, let's get going,” I said as I grabbed Fluttershy’s hand and led her into the zoo.

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Sorry for the delay several things have been keeping me busy and I'm in the red financial but it's not a problem though but I have some goods new I should have the next chapter done soon and for the readers of my huntik story I have gotten a commissioned art of Noah in the works but wont be able to get it tell i get my next pay check next week so look forward to that