Master of the World

by RedtheDestroyer

First published

Tirek had manage to conquer Equestria single handedly. Now he must face against the rest of the world, the strategically sexy way.

Coverart by Kexitt

Once Tirek ceased total control over Equestria, all other nations in the world recognized the threat Lord Tirek now imposes. So the nations retaliate first..... It doesn't work out too well.


Listed Kinks: Male domination, casual sex, Rough blowjob, suffocation (no death), impossible stretching, mind breaking, vanilla sex, implied slavery, anal, excessive amounts of male jizz, cock/balls worship, dirty talk, some BDSM, stimulation torture, corruption, degradation, rubber suit sex, pregnancy, and more, if I feel like naming the rest.

NOTE: Death will be implied and/or explicitly stated. Not shown.

Prologue: New Rulership

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Since that fateful day of becoming the true King of Equestria, Tirek partially enjoyed the ruler bullshit that surely followed close behind. Luckily he was an experienced prince back in his younger years. He was fully prepared to accept the dull paperwork of the job. Especially since their are benefits to having absolute power.

One perk of the job was greedily sucking fiercely on his favorite tool. Cocksleeve Celestia wrapped her vicelike lips around his cock tip before violently pushing herself in a comfortable rhythm. A red metal collar was fused around her neck. While writing about a new up-to-date water system for Ponyvile residents, he occasionally slammed her needy mouth cunt. For the past six months he has been adjusting the politics system of Equestria, and fine tuning his bitches into near perfect sluts for his cock.

If Tirek was being honest with himself. All the planning and blood he had to spill in order to finally cement his rule in Equestria was worth all the pain and suffering he endured in the past. The centaur sat in a chair crucially scrutinizing the plans. Celestia eagering awaiting her reward below the work table, kneeling and aceepting his length effortlessly. He felt his orgasm a approaching, so he started meeting Celestia's blowjob with his thrusts. She moaned lewdly her eyes rolled a bit. She gently caressed his monster testicles in an attmept to coaxed Tirek's cum out. Seeing his number one most hated enemy reduced to nothing but a moaning cock-hungry bitch was a dream come true. It wasn't long before he ejaculated straight into her gullet.

She gulped down most of the semen like a thristy merchant bathed in hot sands of the Radiant Dessert. Like usual, some spilled on the floor, but a magical red tint emitting from the metal collar, around her neck, picked up any left overs stuffing it into her mouth forcefully. Cocksleeve Celestia waited and catched a few breaths of air, swallowing any left over cum she missed. Even after all that, her belly never bulged an inch yet. At this point, she's like a living black hole always willing to try and suck the centaur dry. A giant dildo buzzing attached firmly to her snatch.

When he meant 'try', Tirek thinks that he can unconsciously create endless amounts of sperm in less than a minute. And depending on what he's doing, he can physically control his flow of sperm, but could never turn the damn ability off. Which is where Celestia comes incredibly useful. Only she is able to hold down thirty-one of his loads before passing out. All the rest of his bitches can at most withstand one, maybe two, loads before tapping out. Just using Cocksleeve Celestia has been so far effective and efficient, but he needed, at least, one more outlit just so that the bitch's stomach could empty quicker.

He also figured out many things he could do that he didn't know in the past. Like how he can change his sperm to have flavor and nutrients. Of course, in this mode, breeding is impossible, so using the skill was mostly for Cocksleeve Celestia and Luna. He still found them quite unworthy of his seed, but it all worked out in the end. He also had other abilities he discovered over the months, but they were too long to list. Apparently, he also has to at least save a little time in the day to raise and lower the sun and moon too. It's like the damn celestial bodies needed to be carefully caressed in order to even function properly. It was kind of annoying.

Over time, the Cocksleeves formed a preference to a fetish Tirek imprinted on them. Celestia loved to suck his cock. She's so devoted to serving his cock that she rarely speaks. Luna was obsessed with anal anything. She would shamelessly get off on vibrators in her ass for hours on end. Cadence would wait for hours just for him to pump her vagina with his seed. Twilight preferred all carnal activities like the standard vaginal, oral, and anal. But she loves it even more when she has a crowd of people intently watching her cum her brains out.

During the months he realized an ever present problem with his personal slaves and his rule. Power between the thousand year old hierarchy was in flux due to his efforts to destroy it from the bottom up. The only assured ultimate power was Tirek himself. He also didn't trust the pony Royal Guards, or previous nobles during Celestia and Luna's reign simply because they either wholly hated his guts or have way too much greed in their hearts. So he went for the next best option. He post the guards he left are the most loyal to his cause at Canterlot Castle while executing the most spiteful guards in privacy. That way, his hold on Canterlot still stands a decent chance.

He took Cocksleeve Celestia and Twilight roaming Equestria's borders for a suitable General and Steward. It took roughly a month finding actual devoted subjects to my cause. It turns out their was quite a few canidates that admired Centuria, and saw Tirek as a god of sorts. He supposed he was now technically.

The General was named Flash Burn. A earth pony, but with unbelievable strategical skills in commanding an army. Apparently, the stallion was popular rookie in the Royal Guard before being framed and discharged out of the military. He buried himself in research spilling over in self-hatred before accidentally learning about Centuria.

Tirek's Steward, Spin Dust is a unicorn mare. She originally was a honest country mare living alone on a farm way out of the middle of nowhere. The nearest city was Manehattan... Which was fifty miles away. Due to living alone and isolated for so long, she has learned how to do multiple different skills in her life to keep a home and land clean and plentiful. She joined due to needing a bigger budget, but also because she had a sort of respect for the single conqueror of Equestria.

Spin Dust asked once if Tirek planned on turning every mare into 'Cocksleeves'. His answer was 'no' due to the simple fact that the only reason Tirek dominated those four mares is to eliminate their threat to his throne. Of course, he didn't completely break Cadence and Twilight, but all four used-to-be princesses are definitely all dependant on his eternal sperm deposits.

When Tirek returned with his General, Steward and two Cocksleeves, their was a demand for some slave owning practices. Tirek's response was any slave owner in sight is to be executed on the spot. This brought a clear message to his decision. He didn't want to end up being a hypocrite, but he still wanted to keep the favor of both sexes having freedom. It was vital that the ponies felt a sense of security among his presence, similar to the previous rule, before he makes slight major changes in society. A city was built under Canterlot being dubbed Styheim for the more poorer residences which effectively had all the poor flock to the city in waves. Mostly Canterlot poor ponies. This made the aristocrats like and respect Tirek even more toward creating more space in the Canterlot for the used-to-be nobles.

To make things easier, he categorised his Cocksleeves into two main groups. Royal Cocksleeves: Twilight Sparkle and Cadence. Royal Cocksleeves are females that are viable to birth true Princes and Princesses for the throne. They also have a small amount of authority, if ordered by Tirek. The other group is called Slave Cocksleeves: Celestia and Luna Aurora. Slave Cocksleeves have no power in any affairs. They are also forbidden to birth any spawn. Their children are considered bastards to the throne. All Slave Cocksleeves have a birth control enchantment on them to prevent any babies of any kind. But no matter which category of Cocksleeve they're in, they all are always completely devoted to Lord Tirek alone.

Those six months of organization were crucial to Tirek for his next step in his plans. Dominating the entire world under his hooves.

Mold the Black Heart

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Tirek waited momentarily as a guard at post opens the door for him. He looked around at war room in the castle. This room was underground and well protected by the most loyal of the leftover Royal Guards. It wasn't too big probably only able to fit three queen size beds of surface area. A good size table was placed in the center with some chair scattered about. General Flash Burn waited patiently, a small glare leveled at Tirek.

He trot in with Cadence walking beside him, curiously looking at the new surroundings. She wore a red metal collar that was fused to her neck just like Celestia's. A single thick, burgundy colored cloth was tightly wrapped around her chest cupping her breasts with some noticeable cleavage. The cloth, however, didn't conceal the natural shape of her titflesh, and her perky nipples poking through the cloth. Her tits bounced slightly with each step she took.

A noticeable bulge around her bare stomach was also visible to any pony that could see. She also wore a matching burgundy short skirt with no panties to cover her needy pussy. Tirek would much rather have his Cocksleeves walk around naked, but, due to his interests in having the ponies' favor, he had all of his Cocksleeves wear sluty uniforms in public instead. He liked to call them CS Units, for short, to not raise suspicion.

The General obviously noticed Cadence's appearance, but showed zero interest in her body. "So, are you done fucking those whores?"

Tirek would never get used to how Flash Burn addressed the used-to-be princesses so casually. Yes, it made sense for him to berate them, but Flash Burn was a citizen of Equestria like every other pony. Even with his past, he would have thought respect for the princesses would have been ingrained into his mind. Tirek shook these silly thoughts from his head, saving them for a later time.

"Their daily doses of meals and fun are quenched. Now, you summoned me about the status of the construction build, right? Tirek sits down in a discarded chair. Cadence immediately kneeled beside the centaur. She seem to enjoy being in his presence.

Flash Burn nods in approval. "Yes, that's partially the reason. The fortification has been running slow due to the magical uses being stripped from the builders. But it didn't take long, even with the constraints, to finish the builds in Petrify Valley. But I think you would be more interested in what we also discovered in the hills of Petrify Valley."

Tirek thought there was nothing worth anything of value in the valley. "Something of interest?"

"The builders say they found a makeshift camp of some sort near the furthest outpost we have. The reports said the scouts caught these creatures fleeing into the ravines at night. They were quick and appeared to be gathering in the mouth of a nearby cave."

Tirek hummed to himself. He didn't know much about this situation, but obviously its another civilization with some sort of order in place. A perfect opportunity to raid, conquer, and pillage much needed resources. "Alright. Have the Royal Guard send a squad over to seize control the cavern. I'll be watching over them on the battlefield."

The General seem to agree. "Sure, your highness. Just be careful. We don't know if the enemy has something that can change the battlefield."

The centaur trot out of the war room with Cadence on tow. Finally, some action for once.

Tirek easily fast traveled to Petrified Valley. He knew at least one legion of the Royal Guard will be coming to clean up this mess. He smiled crudely before detecting a massive spike of collective magical energy. A decent power booster if what his senses is telling him is correct.

He looked around seeing a well fortified outpost nearby. Things were starting to show some promising results even without their magic, ponies have a knack of building brilliant architects. He trot toward the surge ending up staring down a cave mouth entrance. He paused thinking a solid strategy over just in cas-

Tirek snort at himself. Since when has planning that far ahead ever bare any great results? He trots inside using a little of his magic to illuminate his way. The centaur transverse deeper into the caverns, but something felt off in this place. It was quiet, almost deafening, and he could feel a huge collection of magic all around him. Curious, he opened his mouth before inhaling. Countless amounts of magic streams flowed into his maw. He could feel the raw power flowing inside of him. A nearby 'rock' dissolved into an unconscious female changling. He knew it. Something was stalking him. Many more of the same changlings, of both genders, materialized in the same fashion from quite the distance back.

The centaur kept on absorbing the magic around him until he felt every creature in the chasm had been effectively drained which left only one magical aura untouched, but he ignored for now. Tirek crouched examining the nearest changling beside him. He personally has never seen such disgusting creatures, in his life. His sudden disgust for these new creatures, however, could not overlook the more subtle beauty in their features. The creatures looked sculptured in perfect symmetry, like walking holey limbed, dark green ponies. He also noticed that their eyes didn't really have pupils, or iris, giving off a more bug vibe than pony. These creatures also had a noticeable, slightly bent horn of sorts protruding out of their forehead. Similar to a normal unicorn's horn. His investigation ended when he felt something he didn't expect to feel in a cavern. Powerful magic.

Unlike the other wonderful snacks, this signature had almost boundless amounts of magical might. Similar to alicorn magic strength and size. Maybe even more so. Tirek smiled. He picked himself back up facing the seemingly endless way forward. Another powerful enemy has surfaced on his menu. He trot further down the halls hungrily licking his lips. He couldn't wait to feast on their magic.

Tirek didn't care to notice before, but the deeper he ventured down, the more the walls turned to a holey and sickly deep green color. He swore sometimes though that some of those holes would close, but then new ones open somewhere else in their place. It was honestly creepy to the centaur, but he still had a powerful magic signature to steal.

All the walking was starting to get ridiculous. He tried using his magic, but for some reason, the Damn thing wouldn't work. Tirek sighed knowing he entered some type if antimagic zone. The good news is that his muscles were still in tact. When he was stuck in Tartarus, he had to literally kill demons to survive, even demonic centaurs. The placed was covered in large antimagic zones for the more magic adept creatures. Of course, there were places with magic still in its grounds, but it was extremely rare to even find in all the chaos of Tartarus. Fortunately, he never saw his brother in those pits..... Tirek's father however.... he had to put him down himself. A day that traumatized him forever.

Tirek shook his head out of his darker thoughts. He still had to get rid of the opposer immediately. The magic intensified, approaching in front of the very room of whoever the magic user is. His manners said to wait for a hole to appear, but her was not a patient man. He punched straight through the wall making a huge hole in the foundation. Tirek walked in looking to pinpoint the actual source of the magic. A manical laugh hung in the air.

The centaur figured he should at least make this more entertaining. "So your the boss of those bug ponies, I presume?"

The air suddenly stiffened in a drawn out silence before a.... different bug pony came out of the shadows. It was obviously a she if her G-cup breasts, slightly bigger than Cocksleeve Celestia's tits, were any indication. She was clothed in a peculiar carcass dress the clung to her body. It showed off her chest, hip, and butt shape all too well. A small amount of titflesh was visible, but not enough to show off the finer details right off the bat. She wore three inch heels that made her seem as tall as the centaur.

The bug pony was also slightly different than the other bug creatures biologically. She had dark bluish green holey, long hair, pupils, and deep emerald green iris, which the other ones lacked. She wore a tiny black five pointed crown, and had a jagged longish horn protruding out of her head. Everything else, on her was very similar to what the other creatures looked to appear. He scanned for the magic aura finally being able to pick up the type of magic she was using... It was love magic......

Tirek's face fell flat. Well that was anticlimactic to him. He expected some kind of different magic. A little more probing and he could detect some new shifting magic bits mixed in.

The tall bug pony glared at the centaur enraged at having her race being insulted so openly. "We are not 'bug ponies', horse-thing. We are changlings! And I am the Queen of all the changlings that live in these walls: Queen Chrysalis!" She said, almost theatrically.

It was almost cute to Tirek that she thought she has the upper hand here. Tirek had to admit one thing though, she was much more desirable than those others of her kind.

"Oh, my apologise. I'm afraid I haven't been amongst the living in quite a long time. New species poping up is inevitable, I suppose."

The pronounced, Chrysalis, ignored the indirect rudeness of the reply approaching closer to the centaur. "And it seems you are a powerful threat. If you are willing, we can make a few arrangements to meet each other's needs, as allies, of course." She proposed.

Tirek smiled chuckling out a response. "If that's the best you can offer then I'm afraid you're not very good at negotiations."

The Queen Changling's anger rose. "You just love pushing ones buttons, huh?" Her horn lit up in a green aura flowing with power. Tirek leveled a stare at her. So she can use magic in an antimagic zone, huh? The aura formed into a beam blasting at the centaur.

Tirek causally caught the beam in his hands before stuffing the magic into his maw, chewing it thoughtfully. Chrysalis' eyes literally bugged out of her head. The centaur licked any of Chrysalis' magic remaining on his finger tips before staring back at her. "So that really was legit magic energy."

Chrysalis steeled herself before firing another spell which was disabled the same way. She was fed up with his resistance and threw a violent right hook at his jaw. Before it could land properly, he grabbed the appendage pulling her in closer. Chrysalis was about to give the centaur another piece of her mind, but was halt in her tracks when the centaur roughly kissed her.

Her eyes widen surprised by Tirek's sudden mouth invasion. And strangely enough, she felt her body growing weaker the longer she was locked around his lips, and her struggle to breath proper air in her lungs. Chrysalis pound her fist against his anything she could hit within reach, but that did nothing to curve Tirek's advantage. Not to mention his thick well defined muscles softened her blows to the point it was like hitting a brick wall. She tried to keep the attack going, but her lack of energy made her body sleepier by the second. It didn't take long after to fall asleep with the last of her strength sucked out of her body.

Tirek broke the kiss seeing Chrysalis had finally passed oit from the magical strain on her body. He scuffed at how easy it was to subdue this 'changling queen'. "Well, I guess I should take my reward back to Equestria." The centaur threw Chrysalis over his right shoulder casually turning to exit the way he came from. That was until he noticed something odd about the throne room itself.

He looked around before his eyes locked onto the odd chair in the center of the room. Nothing on the outside of this chair would seem out of place to most viewers, but then again, most creatures don't have enough magical level in order to detect the more 'invisible' magics in items. This chair was soaked in a form of antimagic. The kind that had similar qualities to his own abilities. A plan of action began to formulate in his mind before grabbing the throne with his left hand effectively ripping the rockish metal chair right out of the ground. The centaur then proudly trot his way out of the tunnel labyrinth.

Tirek noticed the Royal Guard manage to secure the tunnel and capture all existing drone changlings that he effectively drained. Some Royal Guards found stragglers which were handled the same way. The centaur decide to have all existing drones to be killed, and any other 'bug pony' found would be put down immediately. Surprisingly to Tirek they were a little bit too happy that they get to kill the these creatures. He, however, made it clear that the 'queen changling' wasn't to be killed.

The Guard complied, if a little bit frustrated. Once they head back Canterlot Castle, Tirek told Flash Burn about his encounter with the changlings. Suffice to say, he was taken aback at how easily Tirek defeated them. Considering they had the advantage. Tirek also explained why he brough the chair and Chrysalis with him.

Flash Burn sighed seeming to know something that Tirek hadn't considered. "These changlings, especially the queen, have shapeshifting capabilities and feed off of emotion. Specifically love. You should have just killed her. She might be able to gather magic within her body even if she is magicless. We still know so little about changlings."

"What do you know about changlings, General?"

"Well, we know that they have incredible regeneration for their species. They can change their shape and vocalized voiced to fit whatever target they are at the time. On top of all that, they can steal any creature's love. Even though they can do this from any species of their choosing, changlings enjoy pony love the most. The only other viable information we have on their is their birthing rates. Queen changlings can give birth five times faster than a normal mare. A regular female drone changling is three times the speed. This ratio difference makes a Queen Changling type ideal for resupplying lost changling population."

Tirek chewed on this new information carefully. "Hmm. Having her regain her power is an issue. She also has an astounding birthing rate?" He especially wanted her to be docile..... "Do you happen to have a bonesaw?"

The General blinked dumbfounded. "Well, not on my personnel, but Spin Dust might be able to get what you need. May I ask why a bonesaw is important?"

The centaur shrugged. "You know, I'm just going to try out my operating techniques. Oh, I might also need a nail filer too! If my hunch is correct, then this will take care of that annoying problem, and future relating ones, for good." Flash Burn felt a shiver go up his spine hearing those words. Clearly, he had something upsetting planned for Chrysalis.

"R-Right. I can man the military staff in Canterlot. Just stay in touch. You never know if your enemies could be around the corner, sire."

Tirek grinned. "Oh, I'm well aware of the potential enemies. I'm just starting in the nation conquering buisness. I'm expecting at least a few challenging annoyances along the way." He trots off leaving the General in the war room.

Chrysalis' finally woke up from her unconscious state. Except she felt very uncomfortable from where she was at that moment. She tried twisting herself and her body, but they refused to move.

She was kneeling on all fours a leather restricting her arms like sleeves. All four were firmly buckled to the floor. Her tail was tied, out of the way, to the ceiling. A black guard was secured to her face with a locked built-in plug in of the Queen's mouth. Black guards were also secured into her ass and vagina exposing the pink flesh inside to the cold air. Although, her body was placed in a doggystyle position exposing her private parts to the elements of the cold room. Her legs were eagle spreader between her forelegs and a stool was placed underneath her belly to support her body for the more intense sessions.

A normal leather collar was sceured around her neck with a tight leather leash. This, somewhat, kept her head from slumping over. Her clear, holey wings were looped together with paracord rope it imitate a makeshift shark fin. Another noticeable difference to her new position was the missing horn on top of her head. It seemed to have been cut and polished down to the temple of he skull. It almost looked she never had the jagged horn. Three small round devices were firmly taped onto her exposed, perky nipples and clitoris. She struggled not entirely sure where she was in the dark. All she knew was it was horribly cold, and speaking up seem to be impossible without whatever was blocking her speech patterns.

She observed in the darkness for a while longer before light entered the room. Tirek came out of a metal doorway nearby before shutting it firmly closed. In the room was two giant tanks that practically took a qiarter of the room space. It had three clear tubes, with black ends, were attached to this tank, but to what was inside remained unknown to Chrysalis. A smaller clear tube ran into her nostrils that seem to be connected to a much smaller tank beside the bigger one. All the changling knew is she is at the complete misery of this centaur in the middle of a plain metal room.

Tirek crudely smiles down at the bound Chrysalis. The Queen Changling tried spouting her feelings through the gag, but all that came out were assorted muffling. "Yes, I can clearly see that you are bare ass naked. You are probably wondeirng why you are even alive. After all, the best conquerors crush opposition swiftly. My General thought the same of you, bug." Chrysalis glared at him to show some form of resentment. "But I decided against that. Simply for the fact, you would be perfect for my recent predicament."

Tirek could practically see her anger turned into a form of confusion. "Oh yes. Your time here is strictly not just for the sake of torture. I heard your kind feeds off of love." The centaur grabbed the clear tubing nearby before firmly securing them into her ass, vagina, and mouth, after uncorking the plug. "So if my suspicions are correct then this would be quite the feeding for you."

Tirek pulled up a metal chair before revealing a pair of magazines and a remote for some device. He trot over to the larger tank before flipping a switch on the machine. The centaur sat down and casually read the magazine then pressed a red button on the controller. The small vibrators came to life earning a surprise mumble from the queen. A white substance of some sort climbed up to tubes approaching their targets.

It didn't take long for the liquid to invade every hole she had at once. Her eyes widen in shock at the taste luke-warm cum. The guards made it impossible to reject the liquid. It only had one way to go: down her gullet. Her throat reflexively gulped the contents trying its best to control the continuous flow. She also realized pretty quickly that the longer the cum flowed, the bigger her stomach bulged. A deep moan resound from within the guard. Her magic starting to rise with power. The bug queen knew her power would return, so she tried using her hor- Nothing happened. Chrysalis was a bit surprised by this briefly ignoring the inflow of cum. She immediately regret it as the semen forced its way down her throat to keep on flowing properly.

Once her stomach expand to about a foot, the machine cut off the cum flow. The changling queen had gather enough magic to usually shapeshift, but something was clearly wrong. Her magic wasn't working at all.

Tirek chuckled sitting up from his chair before pulling out a jagged horn into view "Looking for this? Yeah, I figured you changlings worked the same way as ponies do. Powerful, but harmless flies once your horn is severed. Though, don't count on your sharp teeth either. I filed them down to flat herbal teeth while you were knocked out." She shared toward him eyes wide in shock. This wasn't looking too good for her by every minute that passes.

He trot up closer to Chrysalis leaning in toward her before inhaling. A green mist escapes from her body into his mouth gathering into quite the large ball of magic. He quickly chopped down on the magic he just drained from her. So she obtained her magic through lustful interactions.... He could work with that. He felt himself get a little bit more stronger from the power boost. Tirek pulled out the controller device again, smirking. "Let's see how long you last before pissing yourself, yes?" He turned the vibrators all the way up a hundred percent.

A loud sharp moan cut the air as Chrysalis violently shook within her binds. Of course, the struggling was utterly useless in itself, but it partially kept her mind off the incredible vibration speeds.

Tirek smiled at her reaction before pressing a blue button on the remote control device. The air going through her nose cut itself off adruptly giving her no air the breathe in. Only the remains of sperm filled tubes glides down her needy throat. Chrysalis coughed, her eyes rolling into her skull from this new strange sensation of pleasure.

This treatment was becoming too much all at once between being magically saped of energy, the simulation, and no air. Her hips wiggled and bucked desperately to bring itself over the edge. It came in a roar of pleasure. She couldn't think straight due to the lack of air, allowing her pussy to spasm out of control. The orgasm hit her like a tidal wave of disaster painting the floor below her in her own sex juices. This display last for a moment longer before Chrysalis finally passed out from receiving no air for a long period of time.

Tirek turned the much needed air back on grinning to himself. While this method took a lot of preparation, it was worth every bit of time he lost. He can't wait for the baby soldiers that she would produce with his semen deep within her womb.

Tirek chuckled again turning away from the used Changling. He lowered the vibrations to a dull buzz. World domination was going to be very entertaining for him. "Get used to this treatment Chryssie. You'll be here until you properly give birth to healthy soldier spawn. I need all the magic and military numbers I can get." Tirek comments.

He trots out of the room leaving Chrysalis to hang limp where she was positioned. Tirek mentally checked off a done solution. One giant problem solved. Now he just needed to feed those hungry Cocksleeves soon....