Gallus' Return to Griffonstone

by TheGamerBrony

First published

Twilight takes Gallus to Griffonstone to celebrate the Blue Moon Festival, but things escalate once they get there.

Gallus falls into a depression during the holiday season, as shown by his past actions. This year, Headmare Twilight takes matters into her own hooves and decides to take Gallus to his homeland to celebrate his native holiday for the first time. However, when they get there, he is confronted by his worst enemy.

Gallus' Return to Griffonstone

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The holiday season has arrived once again in Equestria, a time for everycreature to be jolly and spread Hearth’s Warming cheer...well, almost everycreature. Due to what has happened in his childhood, Gallus the Griffon has grown to hate the holiday season. He hated seeing his friends leaving his side to celebrate their holidays with their families while he is all alone, his tragic memories playing on loop in his head while he cries uncontrollably in his dorm room. Sandbar has taken note of this and went straight to Headmare Twilight to express his concern.

“Hello, Sandbar. What brings you here today? Shouldn’t you be getting ready to go back home?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, but I’m worried about Gallus. The past few days weren’t so nice for him. He’s been super depressed and he’s even crying himself to sleep at night. I think something’s going on in that poor guy’s head.” Sandbar reported.

“I think I know why he’s depressed. It’s almost Hearth’s Warming and you know how he gets around that time. Come on, let’s go talk to him.” Twilight replied as they went to the boys dorm room.

Twilight knocked on the dorm. “Gallus, are you in there?” she asked.

“No.” Gallus replied.

“Gallus, it’s me, Sandbar. Something’s wrong with you and we’re worried. Can we talk this over?” Sandbar added.

“Go away! I’m not in the mood!” Gallus replied.

Twilight went for another go. “Gallus, I know you want to be alone but we’re worried about you. We know how you get during the Hearth’s Warming season and-”.

She was interrupted by the door opening to reveal Gallus. His head feathers looked messy and his eyes were slightly reddened. Twilight and Sandbar let themselves in. Gallus and Twilight took a seat on Gallus’ bed as Sandbar continued to pack.

“Sweetie, I know it’s been hard to properly celebrate the holidays with memories of your past in your head, which is why I’ve decided to take you to Griffonstone so you can celebrate the Blue Moon Festival.” Twilight offered.

“Thanks, Twilight, but I’m just not up to it. Before I came here, I made a vow that I would never return to Griffonstone under any circumstances, and that includes the Blue Moon Festival.” Gallus replied.

“I know it’s hard for you to come back after what you’ve been through, so I have decided to accompany you on your trip to make going home more easier for you.” Twilight replied.

Gallus sniffled and said, “Well, now that you’ve put it that way, I guess I’ll go. But only if you promise that you’ll always be with me.”

Twilight chuckled and said, “I’ll always be with you. Now come on, we gotta catch the next train to Griffonstone before it leaves.”

At the train station, Gallus was still feeling uneasy about going back to Griffonstone.

“I’m still not sure about this, Twilight. Grampa Gruff gets super pissed at the sight of me. What if he beats me in front of everygriff...again?” he asked.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen.” Twilight reassured the nervous griffon.

“All aboard, next stop to Griffonstone!” the conductor called.

“That’s us. Let’s go.” Twilight told Gallus.

The two boarded the train and took their seats.

“Wow! I never realized how pretty Equestria is at night.” Gallus said.

“Yeah. It sure is. Especially during Hearth’s Warming.” Twilight replied.

Suddenly, Gallus’ stomach rumbled. He’s been so depressed throughout the day, he forgot to eat.

“You sound really hungry, Gallus. Have you had anything to eat today?” Twilight asked.

“No. Guess I forgot to eat today.” Gallus replied while rubbing his stomach.

“Well, we gotta get some food in your belly. What do you say we get some food in the dining car?” Twilight offered.

Gallus agreed and the two went into the dining car to have dinner.

A waiter approached their table and asked “Are you two ready to order?”

Twilight and Gallus both ordered hayburgers. Gallus was about to try a hayburger for the first time and he was rather excited. Once his food came, he slowly took his first bite out of the hayburger. He tasted it for a few seconds before gulping. He really liked it.

“Wow, this hayburger is delicious!” Gallus exclaimed.

“I’m glad you like it, Gallus. Hayburgers are my favorite! Although, you should probably eat them only in moderation. Otherwise, you’ll be packing on the pounds.” Twilight replied.

“Yeah, I’d imagine. I’ve been getting kinda heavy ever since I came to the school.” Gallus replied while patting his stomach. “Man, that really hit the spot. Thanks, Twilight.”

“Anytime, Gallus.” Twilight replied.

Once they got back to their seats, Gallus began to get sleepy. He let out a yawn and said, “Wow, guess that hayburger tuckered me out. I’m gonna take a nap. Can you wake me up when we get to Griffonstone?”

“Sure, Gallus. See you when you wake up.” Twilight replied before kissing Gallus on the cheek.

Three and a half hours later, the train arrived in Griffonstone. Twilight woke Gallus up and told him that they have arrived in Griffonstone. The two then got off the train and walked to town square where they met Gabby.

“Gallus! It’s so good to see you!” Gabby cheered as she hugged Gallus.

“Hi, Gabs. Nice to see you too. Probably the only nice griffon we’ll encounter on this trip.” Gallus replied.

“So, what’s got you coming back? I thought you said you wouldn’t return.” Gabby asked.

“Gallus and I decided to celebrate Blue Moon Festival this year.” Twilight responded.

Upon hearing this, Gabby’s smile faded. “Are you sure, Gallus? Grampa Gruff has never let you near his house, let alone his annual Blue Moon Festival. What if he beats you again?”

“He probably will, but I’m older and tougher now. I can fight back easily.” Gallus replied.

“Okay, but be careful. If you change your mind, I’ll be at my house.” Gabby replied.

Twilight and Gallus made their way to Grampa Gruff’s house. Gallus peeked out the window to see Grama Gruff and a few other griffons sitting around a table, eating stone soup.

“This soup tastes terrible! Who was the son of a bitch responsible?” Grampa Gruff complained.

“You.” Gilda replied.

“Oh.” Grampa Gruff replied. “Well, what can you do with no electricity?”

“Well, maybe if you thought of a way to bring electricity to Griffonstone, dinner would be better.” Gilda responded.

“You’re so ungrateful! Maybe it IS a good thing that we don’t have electricity! That way, we’re not putting up expensive lights like we’re pony scum!” Gruff retorted as he spotted Gallus outside his house.

“Well, speak of the devil!” Gruff said as he walked outside to confront Gallus.

“What are you doing back here, you cunt? Didn’t I tell you you weren’t welcome here no more?” Gruff asked the blue griffon.

“Please, Grampa Gruff. All I want is to celebrate the Blue Moon Festival with the other griffons. I just want you to show that you care. Just for one night.” Gallus pleaded.

“Never! I never cared for you! You’ve damaged Griffonstone with your stupid pony friendship beliefs!” Gruff retorted.

Gruff’s comment made Gallus cry. “Please, Gramps. One night! Just one!”

“Stop calling me that!” Grampa Gruff said as he pushed Gallus to the ground. “I’m not your grandpa, and I’m sure as hell not your guardian! Why the fuck would I adopt someone who has almost completely corrupted Griffonstone?”

“I’m sorry, Grampa Gruff! Please don’t hurt me!” Gallus pleaded.

“Fuck you, Grampa Gruff!” Twilight said furiously, about to stand up for her poor student. “Gallus was not trying to corrupt Griffonstone! He was trying to rid the world of bullies like you! He has more likability, charisma, and intelligence in the yellow tips of his head feathers than you do in your entire body! If more griffons were like Gallus, Griffonstone wouldn’t be the shithole it is now! Gallus and the other griffons don’t deserve somecreature like you! How fucking dare you treat the one griffon that actually TRIES to be likable like shit! And I think I know why you treat him this way! It’s because you have ZERO likability! Everygriff I’ve talked to said that they all hate you and would rather have Gallus as a leader! At least Gallus isn’t some smelly, old douchebag who cares about himself which is more than what I can say for YOU! Now, I suggest you fuck off or you’ll feel the same pain that you’ve inflicted onto Gallus!”

Believe it or not, Twilight’s vulgar rant actually scared Grampa Gruff and he flew off. Twilight helped Gallus off the ground.

“I’m sorry this had to happen, sweetie. Do you want to go to Gabby’s house for the night?” Twilight asked.

Gallus nodded in agreement and the two went over to Gabby’s house. Twilight knocked on her door.

The door opened, revealing Gabby. “Hello?”

“Hi, Gabby. Gallus seems to be a little upset. Mind if we stay here for the night?” Twilight asked.

“Of course you can! Come on in! I made cookies and cocoa.” Gabby said.

The three took their seats and each took a mug of cocoa.

“So, I assume things didn’t go so well between you and Grampa Gruff, right Gallus?” Gabby asked.

“Yeah. He almost gave me another beating, but thankfully, Twilight stopped him from doing so.” Gallus laughed. “You should’ve seen the look on his face when she was yelling at him. I even learned a few new vocabulary words!”

“Ok, Gallus! I think you’ve said enough.” Twilight added, embarrassed by his ‘learned a few new vocabulary words’ remark.

“Oh, so it was one of THOSE talks.” Gabby laughed.

“Yeah. I don’t think Grampa Gruff will go near Gallus again after that.” Twilight added. “Anyways, it’s getting late so we should go to bed.”

“I have a guest room to your left.” Gabby chimed in.

Gallus and Twilight got situated inside the guest room.

“Twilight?” Gallus called for his teacher.

“Yes, Gallus?” Twilight replied.

“Thank you for standing up for me. No one has ever stood up for me the way you did.” Gallus added.

“Aw, it was nothing! That’s what teachers are for! You know, I never told anybody this, not even your other professors or Starlight, but you’re my favorite student in the whole school. I don’t think any other student has been so fascinated by the magic of friendship. And to think that you came from a place where friendship was banned! I know with all my heart that you will do great in your future endeavours. I’m very proud of you!” Twilight said.

“Thanks, Twilight! It means a lot coming from you.” Gallus replied as he hugged Twilight tightly. Twilight hugged back.

“Another thing I want to ask you.” Gallus said.

“Anything, sweetheart.” Twilight replied.

“Can you sleep with me tonight? So I don’t get nightmares?” Gallus asked.

Twilight giggled. “Sure.”

Twilight hopped into bed next to Gallus. “Good night, Gallus, my faithful student.”

“Good night, Twilight, my awesome headmare.” Gallus replied before the two of them fell asleep.