
by DrakeyC

First published

The Mane-iac makes Humdrum an offer he can't refuse

Captured and at the Mane-iac's mercy, Humdrum is shocked to learn that the villainess has a very tempting offer for him.

Even a hero's will can only withstand so much before it breaks.

Art by Anonix123


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Humdrum groaned and blinked his eyes open to a darkened room. “Wha… what happened?” he mumbled and winced at a sudden pain in his forehead. He began to reach to rub it, but his arm didn’t move. “Huh?” He looked down and craned his neck. His eyes began to adjust to the darkness, and he saw he was seated in a chair. His arms had been pulled behind it and under his cape, and it felt like rope was binding his wrists. He jerked his legs and felt them move together, confirming his ankles were tied together too.

He raised his head and looked around the room, trying to make out features. “Where am I? What’s going on?”

A loud laugh echoed through the room, and it suddenly lit up. Humdrum squinted at the increased light, tilting his head up to look at the ceiling where the lights had now turned on. He could see now the room was a small office. It had the look of some abandoned building, with discolored walls and a bare bulb hanging from the ceiling, but it had been cleared out, as if someone were still using it.

“Well, well, well.” The voice came from behind him, and was coming closer as it spoke. “Good to see you’re awake, Humdrum.”

The speaker put a hand on his shoulder as she circled around him, looking down at him with a wicked grin.

Humdrum gasped. “M-Mane-iac!”

Standing above him, green hair spread in the air, green eyes wide, clad in her purple bodysuit with black gloves and boots, the arch-enemy of the Power Ponies giggled. “Oh good, I don’t need to worry about introducing myself. I never know what to say when meeting someone new.”

Humdrum leaned forward and glared up at her. “Did you kidnap me?”

“Me?” The Mane-iac lifted her hand from his shoulder to press it to her chest and looked shocked. “Why, Humdrum, I can’t believe you’d accuse me of such a thing! One of my henchponies just happened to clonk you on the head while you were on patrol, and I ordered him to bring you back to my lair so I could make sure you weren’t hurt.” She pouted. “Is this the thanks I get for being considerate?”

“Yeah, right,” Humdrum muttered. “I assume you’re gonna torture me to make me reveal the secrets of that new super-duper secure vault that the First Bank of Maretropolis is constructing with input from my teammates, right. Hate to break it to you but you’re wasting time, you’ll get nothing from me!” He gave her a smug look. “And you know why? Because my teammates said they didn’t trust me to keep the secret if I ever got kidnapped, so they’ve been keeping me out of the loop and haven’t told me a thing! Ha!

“Oh, Humdrum.” The Mane-iac shook her head, her lips curled into a smirk. “So loyal but so clueless. I really don’t care about the First Bank of Maretropolis.”

“Uh, you don’t?”

She cocked an eyebrow and thought. “Well, I mean I do, I’ll probably get around to robbing it sometime next week or so. But I don’t need to make you spill the beans. Where’s the fun in breaking into a bank if someone else tells me how to do it?” She smiled. “Torturing you is the last thing on my mind.”

Humdrum’s eyes darted around. “Then why did you kidnap me?”

The Mane-iac ignored him and walked away. She returned a second later with a camera on a tripod and set it down a few feet in front of him.

Humdrum eyed the device as she adjusted it. “What’s with the camera?”

“I like to record my job interviews.” She pressed a switch on top of the camera.

“Job interview?”

“Oh, did I not explain? Silly me.” The Mane-iac stepped out of the way so the camera had a clear view of Humdrum, the red light on the side glowing bright. She stepped up to him. “I want to offer you a job.”

“Are you kidding me?” Humdrum snapped. “I’d never betray my team—” He was cut off as the Mane-iac pressed a finger to his lips and shushed him.

“Don’t be so hasty to say no, Humdrum. You haven’t even heard my offer yet.” The Mane-iac withdrew her hand, her outstretched finger wagging at him, and she grinned again with a glint in her eyes. “Here’s the deal. You come work for me as my lieutenant.” She stopped and waited.

Humdrum, as best he could with his wrists bound, shrugged. “And?”

“And it’s really just about the best job in the world. Frankly, you should be paying me.”

“You must be crazy!” Humdrum yelled. He scrunched his face as he realized what he said. “Well, okay, I’ll give you that one, but the point is that I’d never work for you!”

“Why not?” The Mane-iac spread her hands. “You’d be allowed to set your own hours, you’d get to boss around my henchponies, you’ll get a twenty percent cut of anything we steal—”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Humdrum interrupted. “I don’t care, there’s no way I’d even think about it! The Power Ponies and I are more than a team, we’re friends, and I’m not the kind of person who—”

Humdrum was cut off when the Mane-iac grabbed his chin and kissed him on the lips.

His eyes widened at the intimate contact. Her supervillainess’ lips were warm, wet, and sweet. Like some delicious, unidentifiable candy. She moved her lips on his for a moment and then pulled back. Her eyes were hooded and she stared at him as she licked her lips.

Humdrum gaped. “W-what was that?”

“I wanted to put that big mouth of yours to use on something more fun.” The Mane-iac stretched her arms over her head. “I don’t think you understand what I’m offering here, Humdrum.” She turned around and lowered her rear onto his lap. She wiggled it into place, the purple leather squeaking, and then turned to kick her legs up over the side of the chair. She propped herself up with an elbow on the arm of the chair.

“I’ve got a few openings I need filled, and you’re the perfect man for the positions I had in mind.” Her hand gripped the zipper on her neck and pulled it down. “And I assure you, working for me comes with some big perks.”

Humdrum’s jaw dropped. Inch by inch the Mane-iac’s bare skin was revealed, the zipper lowering past her collar bone to the swell of her breasts. Now each agonizingly slow pull of her hand revealed her cleavage – her cavernous, mouthwatering cleavage.

The Mane-iac stopped her hand with her zipper dangling just at the front of the curve of her chest, and reached her hand up to run a finger along his cheek. “This is a huge opportunity for you. I need someone I can rely on. Someone I can trust. Someone who can help me with anything I might need.” She planted her finger on his chin and looked into his eyes. “Am I getting through to you?”

He quickly nodded. “Y-yeah, yeah. I get it. B-but… the Power Ponies…”

The Mane-iac sighed and swung an arm around his neck and pulled him down. Humdrum gasped as his face was surrounded by the soft, pillowy flesh of her breasts, his nose wedged in her cleavage. Hands tied behind the chair, he had little ability to struggle or pull away. He tried to wiggle his head and only succeeded in nuzzling his face into her skin.

“Oh Humdrum, you are so loyal,” she cooed, holding him in place with one hand while the other leisurely stroked his hair. “But let’s be realistic here. I’m going to take over this city and get rid of the Power Ponies sooner or later. You’ve surely realized my schemes are getting better and better, and their victories nearer and nearer. There’s no shame in switching sides for the winning team.”

He couldn’t see anything but a sea of smooth skin, skin he could smell and taste. He felt his lip quivering, vibrating his mouth along the inside of her breasts.

“If you do side with me, what do you really lose? You can keep that costume if you want, can keep your sidekick name. Though if you ask me, you could use a bit of rebranding anyway. ‘Humdrum’ isn’t really a flattering identity, is it? Just my opinion, I think ‘Boytoy’ has a nice ring to it.”

He shuddered at the images the word conjured up, and not out of fear.

“Be honest with yourself. You know none of the Power Ponies will ever give you this sort of attention. They don’t respect you, they barely notice when you’re around. But me?” The Mane-iac leaned into his ear. “I’ll give you all the attention you can handle. And then some you can’t.” She gently took his earlobe in her teeth and pulled. “Every night. Every morning. And any time I feel like it in-between.” She wiggled her butt in his lap. “Don’t worry about the hair, I won’t use it… unless you want me to.”

His world consisted of nothing but the feel of her boobs on his face, her ass on his groin, her breath on his ear. Humdrum slowly poked his tongue out between his lips and touched it to the nearest bit of skin it could reach.

He had barely made contact when she gasped and gripped his hair and pulled him up. With her other hand the Mane-iac wagged her finger, her lips pursed in a pout. “Naughty, naughty, Humdrum. What would the Power Ponies say if you did that to me while you were still on their team?” She lowered her hand to her chest, running her fingers along the swell in the leather, and curved her pout into a smirk. “But, if you weren’t on their team, you wouldn’t have to worry about that anymore.”

Humdrum looked into her eyes. Piercing, vibrant, luscious green eyes. She cupped his cheek and leaned forward.

“Tell you what?” she whispered. “Final offer. Leave those silly heroes and join me… and I’ll let you try out your new positions today. Right here, right now.” As the Mane-iac smiled, she purposefully rolled her hips, grinding her leather-clad ass into the unmistakable bulge in his uniform.

“Okay!” he blurted. “I’ll do it! I’ll join you!”

The Mane-iac’s eyes lit up and she eagerly clapped her hands. “Wonderful! I knew I had a good feeling about you.” She giggled and rubbed her butt against him again, moaning between closed lips. “Mmm, a very good feeling, indeed.” She held up a finger. “Oh, but let’s not forget to make it official.”

She leaned beside him and put her hand on his cheek to turn his head to face the camera, the other arm crossed under her breasts. “I think I forgot to mention, I’m going to be sending this tape to the Power Ponies. I want them to see what a good thing they’ve lost that they didn’t even know they had.” She gave the camera a small wave. “Hello there, Puny Ponies! Humdrum – oh, excuse me – Boytoy, just told me the most delicious thing. Tell the silly superheroes who you are and who you work for.”

Facing the camera, Humdrum hesitated. He glanced at the Mane-iac out of the corner of his eye; she caught his gaze, smiled, and used her arm to push her boobs up, drawing his attention to her still-unzipped uniform.

Taking a breath, Humdrum raised his eyes to the camera. “My name is Boytoy. And I work for the Mane-iac.”

“And what do you do for the Mane-iac?”

“Anything she wants.”

The Mane-iac gave the camera a toothy grin. “Good boy.”

She turned his head towards him and kissed him, sliding her tongue between his lips. There was no resistance or hesitance from him anymore; he opened his mouth wide and greeted her tongue with his own. Her hands grabbed his cheeks and held him to her as she deepened the kiss. Humdrum moaned into her mouth. Someone this vile should not have felt so good to kiss. Her tongue tasted like wine and honey as it stroked along his teeth and the roof of his mouth. Her lips gnawed on his, devouring him.

She pulled away. Eyes wild, face flushed, tongue hanging out, chest heaving.

How could anyone judge Humdrum for his treachery when this was the motivation behind it.

When she came back in to kiss him again, she had her eyes closed and her tongue extended, burning an image of lust into his mind as he closed his eyes and let her have her away with him. Her wet, warm tongue wrapped around his and smothered it in sweetness, then pulled it back into her mouth. The villainess’ kiss was more desperate and carnal now, her mouth messily moving against his as if trying to get even closer to him. The hands on his cheeks moved into his hair and fisted it.

If he could, Humdrum would have wrapped his arms around her and grabbed at every bit of leather and flesh he could reach. Instead, his arms futilely tugged forward, his wrists still tied behind his chair. He was helpless to do anything but use his mouth to let the Mane-iac know he was just as into this as she was. The bulge of his hardened cock in his tights was rubbing against her leather-clad ass, but she was so tightly pressed against him that she was barely even sitting on him, more hovering over him with her hands holding her up.

The Mane-iac withdrew slowly, pressing her lips down on his tongue and suckling it. Humdrum cracked his eyes open to watch her and found her already looking at him. She noisily slurped as his tongue slid out of her lips, and then reached up to wipe the corners of her mouth. She didn’t take her eyes off his as she popped a finger into her mouth and sucked on it. His dick throbbed in jealousy.

The Mane-iac swung her legs down and stood up in front of him. She removed his domino mask and tossed it aside, then grabbed the collar of his cape and pulled him up. Humdrum hopped on his tied ankles to stay standing as she kicked the chair to the side with a clatter. Letting go of him, she grasped the zipper of her outfit and put her other hand on her collar. Humdrum lowered his eyes to her breasts and waited.

The fingers clasping her zipper parted.

“You do it,” the Mane-iac whispered. “Slowly.”

Humdrum looked up at her. “Can you untie me, then?”

“Why?” The Mane-iac gave him a mischievous smile. “You have a talented mouth. Use it.”

She put her hands on her collar and waited. Careful not to fall over, Humdrum scooched closer and lowered his head to the Mane-iac’s swelling chest. Using his tongue to flip the metal up, he wrapped his teeth around it and pulled. He had no choice but to obey the Mane-iac’s command to do it slowly, as he had to figure out how to lower his body while keeping his balance steady and the zipper in his mouth.

He craned his neck to keep his mouth facing up as he eased the zipper down the underside of the Mane-iac’s chest. When he got to her midriff, bending over was no longer an option, so he lowered to his knees and leaned up to grab the zipper again and keep pulling. Her smooth, flat stomach and belly button came into view. When he got to her groin, he was suddenly aware of the scent of her sex, and he had little choice but to keep his nose pressed to the source. The zipper trail ended right at the apex of her thighs, and he had to almost slide his head under her to get it done. But, he at last finished.

Humdrum sat back on his heels, his neck sore from the awkward bending he had to do. As he took a moment to gently roll it to try and ease the pain, something black hit the ground beside him with a gentle thwack. He glanced down and saw one of the Mane-iac’s gloves on the floor. Its twin fell beside it as he looked. Motion caught his attention and he turned forward to watch the Mane-iac step out of her boots one at a time; to his amusement, she was wearing purple socks.

“Up here, Humdrum.”

Humdrum obediently turned his eyes upward.

The Mane-iac’s outfit may have been unzipped, but it still held together over her, a narrow band of skin running from her neck to her legs. She put her hands on the collar of her outfit and pulled. The leather parted, and with a gentle bounce, her breasts popped out of the leather and sat on her chest.

Had he not already been on his knees, Humdrum would have collapsed. Her breasts were a work of art, perfectly round and firm and just big enough to fill his hands. With the sides of her outfit pushed down enough, the Mane-iac pulled her arms out of the sleeves and let the leather fall loose around her hips. She bent over and shimmied her outfit down her legs, her breasts jiggling with the swinging of her hips. When she stood up, it was to toe the leather off and then push it aside with her socked foot.

Nude but for her socks, the Mane-iac was a vision of vile beauty. Even as Humdrum shamelessly raked his eyes over her, the smug, knowing grin on her face tainted her beauty with a reminder that he belonged to her now. He had betrayed his teammates for a plump pair of tits. Turned his back on the city for a long pair of legs. Joined with a wanted criminal in exchange for a toned stomach and wide pair of hips. Every kiss he had given her was a favor she would inevitably call in, in the form of information and secrets on his former allies. And when she finally deigned to untie him and let him touch her, it would cost him his conscience.

He also knew it would be worth it.

He began to rise, but a hand on the top of his head pushed him back down. “No, no, Humdrum,” the Mane-iac purred. “You stay right like that.” She patted his head. “Show me some other ways you can use that mouth of yours.”

As if he needed clarification on what she meant, she shifted to open her legs more. Humdrum gulped as the Mane-iac stepped closer and kept her hand on his head to slide him between her thighs. He had the amusing, distant realization that he was at the perfect height for the task; his nose pressed against her skin and his mouth was in perfect position to lap at her pussy.

Which is exactly what he began to do.

He probed gently at first, tonguing along her slit. She tasted just as sweet as in her mouth. His tongue pressed against her more firmly, lapping at her and drinking in the juices leaking from her. The hand in his hair tightened and he took that as a sign that he was doing a good job. He sped up, alternating between his furious lapping and slow, smooth strokes. He wrapped his lips around what flesh he could reach and kissed it like her upper lips.

“Good boy, Humdrum.” The Mane-iac wiggled closer to him, her hand on his head patting. “You are talented indeed.”

Humdrum thanked her for her approval by devouring her more fiercely. Had they been in a better position like laying down, he could have spread her legs wider and really dug into his treat. Even just having his hands free would let him caress her sublime body and hold her against him. But if this was what his new boss wanted, he would give it to her. Not that he didn’t want it just as much – her scent, her taste, the heat of her body on his face, were intoxicating.

His inability to properly service the Mane-iac must have occurred to her, because she suddenly backed away and released his hair. She knelt and grabbed Humdrum by the collar of his cape and top, and hauled him to his feet. He almost felt frightened by the look in her eyes, an intensity and ferocity he was typically used to seeing when the villainess was trying to kill him.

“Oh, Humdrum…” The Mane-iac licked her lips. “I am going to enjoy having you around.” She walked toward him as she spoke, pushing him back. Humdrum shuffled his feet along the ground to avoid falling. When he felt something press against the back of his legs, he began to look down, when the Mane-iac hefted him up by his collar and threw him back.

Humdrum cried out. She hadn’t lifted him high or thrown him far, and he had landed on what was definitely a bed. He turned his head to examine it – purple sheets with green stripes and matching pillowcases. Why was he not surprised? He craned his head to where his feet were just poking over the edge of the bed. The Mane-iac pulled them off and reached up to grab the edges of his tights. She pulled them off with his underwear at once, letting his hardened cock spring up into the air.

“There we go.” The Mane-iac grinned like a wolf at its prey. She bent over and slunk across the bed, hands and then knees padding on the mattress, until she hung over him eye to eye. She reached down to the shirt of his uniform, and with a strength that made him gasp, ripped it apart. She tore it and let it fall to the sides, leaving him bare but for the cape crumpled on the bed under him. She put a hand on Humdrum’s cheek, her thumb teasing his lip. “I did promise you all the attention you could handle, didn’t I?” she whispered.

Humdrum swallowed and nodded. “Untie me and I’ll do the same.”

The Mane-iac giggled. “Oh, you will, in time. But I’m having fun with you just the way you are, now.” She gently patted his cheek and sat up. She wiggled into place and reached behind her. Humdrum inhaled sharply when he felt her hand wrap around his dick. His head fell back, his eyes closed. He felt his dick press against warm, moist flesh, and braced himself. However, it didn’t yet come.

“Up here, Humdrum.” At her command he opened his eyes again and leaned forward. “There we go.” The Mane-iac looked into his eyes. “I want you to watch.”

With that, she began to sink down, engulfing his cock. Her mouth opened in a long, low moan of pleasure. Her eyelids fluttered, her tongue swiped at her lips, her face stretched tight. He was fairly sure she was exaggerating for his enjoyment, but he didn’t question it, it was working. Inch by inch she took him inside, until she was fully seated. Her knees came to rest astride his hips and she sat back, her rear on his thighs.

Her moan turned into a giggle as she rocked her head forward to look down at him. “How do I feel, Humdrum?”

“Amazing,” he croaked. She did. Her pussy was everything wonderful he had ever known about women – tight, wet, and indescribably hot. Someone so evil shouldn’t have been able to feel so good.

She began to move against him, rolling her hips with smooth, fluid motions. It wasn’t a grind or a bounce like Humdrum may have expected, it was almost like a dance. She moved back and forth, side to side, up and down. Her arms and hands ran up her body and cupped her breasts, before moving to her hair and shaking it out behind her. She was giving him a show, wasn’t she?

No. She was putting on a show, alright, but not for his sake.

She shuddered and tilted her head over her shoulder. “And just think – you could have had him any time, and you treated him like garbage.” Humdrum looked past her to the video camera, still pointed at them, still recording. Though in their current position its view would consist of the Mane-iac’s butt and back as she rode him. The thought of what the tape must look like made him twitch inside her.

“But don’t worry,” she continued, turning her head back to him. “I’ll take better care of him than you ever did.” She leaned down, hands on either side of his head. Her eyes were almost glowing as they bored into his. The movement of her hips grew faster and deeper. Humdrum had been hard as a rock ever since she had first kissed him, and even with no direct stimulation to his dick until now, he was at his limit.

“M-mane-iac,” he groaned.

“I know, Humdrum,” she cooed. Her face shone with sweat above him, strands of hair matted to her forehead. “You’re about to blow, aren’t you?”

“Yeah.” He looked up at her. “Have you—”

“No.” She pressed her lips to his forehead. Her hips were thrusting against him almost like he would with her if their positions were reversed. He could feel himself pulsing and throbbing, eager to let go. “But don’t you worry. You’ll be spending plenty of time from now on making it up to me. Go ahead.” She smiled down at him. “Scream for me, Humdrum. Let those pathetic little Power Ponies know how it feels when you cum inside me.”

A few more rolls of her hips, and Humdrum did as he was told. He screamed into the air and arched up off the bed as thick jets of cum shot up into the Mane-iac. She squealed and stilled, watching his face. Eyes widen and mouth hanging open, bound hands clutching at nothing, everything he had flowed into her in spurts. When he was done he went limp on the bed. He panted for breath, his chest heaving.

“Good boy…” the low, sultry purr of the woman on top of him made Humdrum turn his head up. The Mane-iac gave him a quick kiss on the lips and a wicked smile. “Did you enjoy fucking your first supervillain?” She suddenly gasped and pouted. “Oh, I am your first, aren’t I? That might be awkward.”

“You are,” Humdrum replied. “And yeah, that was amazing.”

“That was nothing.” She giggled and looked over his head. “How about we undo those bindings, and I teach you what ‘amazing’ really means?”

Before Humdrum could reply, the sound of muffled footsteps came from beyond the door to the room. The Mane-iac’s head snapped to the side to stare.

A distant voice came from the other side of the door.


Humdrum’s eyes widened. “Oh, shit!”

Twilight reached the top of the stairs and approached the first door on the right. She raised her hand and knocked twice. “Spike? Are you okay? I just got in the door and heard a scream.” She heard muffled voices and movement. “What’s going on?” She grabbed the door handle and pushed the door open.

The occupants of the room froze. Twilight did the same, her hand still on the door handle as she stared at the bed, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open.

“H-hey, Twilight!” Lying on his stomach on his bed, seemingly naked except for a cape around his neck, Spike tilted his head back and smiled. “You’re home early!”

Twilight’s eyes moved from her younger brother to the center of the room where her best friend Sunset was awkwardly covering herself with what looked like a purple jumpsuit, a messy green wig hanging over her face. Twilight’s eyes were then drawn to the camera and tripod set up facing the bed.

Sunset reached up and brushed the strands of fake green hair out of her eyes. “Twilight, I know what this looks like, and we can explain—”

LOCK YOUR DOOR NEXT TIME!” Twilight screeched and stepped into the hall, slamming the door behind her.