Carrot Top's After Death Diary

by Unarmed Pony

First published

Carrot Top is hated by many. But loved by few. Based on the song "Beyond Her Tomb."

Carrot Top lives in Ponyville. She has a garden and sells carrots to the ponies. So why is she hated?
She's Mother Nature. She gives the world love and she watches it grow. Why does nopony like her?
Read through Carrot Top's journey from somepony to somepony everypony wants to see burn.

This is intended to be a short, one chapter story with less than 2000 words.
Don't complain about it being too short.
I may however, do an after death diary series.
Let me know if that's a good idea.

The Story

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Carrot Top is my name. I'm just a normal earth pony living in Ponyville. But for the longest time, I've had this itching feeling. That I'm not normal. That I'm supernatural in some way. But I always discard it as just a vanity thought.

This is why I was silly to do so.

It was a nice, sunny day in Ponyville. Prefect for my carrots! I opened the door and the heat and light from the sun flooded my house. I stepped outside, watering can in mouth, and sprinkled the fresh, cold water atop the sprouting vegetables. Growing carrots was more of a hobby for me than a business. But one day when I was short on bits, I decided to start to sell a couple of them. Turns out, the ponies really like carrots! Who would have known? I still call it my hobby even though it is a business.

One day, I went outside and some random pony just came up to me and started yelling the most vulgar and obscure things I had ever heard! When he walked off, I continued to stare at where his eyes where. I was still.
Being the type of pony I am, I brushed it off and went about my day as usual. Go to the market and drop off my carrots, But again, something went wrong. The stall owner refused my carrots! I don't know why and he didn't tell me either. He just told me to get away from his stall.

Again, I brushed it off. However, it did linger in my mind. Thoughts of why kept creeping into my mind. As I approached the news stand, I caught a glimpse of a picture. Of me. I walked closer. Luckily, I knew the owner of the news stand personally from school and so she didn't send me away like a spoiled rag. As I took a closer look at the newspaper, I noticed by the style of the column that it was none other than Gabby Gums.

Before I could look at the title, Colgate pulled my head aside.

"Don't look at that!" she said. At first, I was confused. She saw this and started to explain. "Gabby Gums wrote a terrible article about you and now everypony in Ponyville hates you!" As she finished her sentance, I heard someone shout.

"There she is!" I turned my head and just as I did, some kind of rotten fruit went sailing past my face, missing me by mere centimeters. Several more came my way. Each one getting more and more accurate.

"This way!" I heard Colgate shout. I turned my head to the direction of the voice to see her holding open a door for me. I quickly rushed inside to find that it was bon-bon's sweet shop. Lyra and Bon-Bon were both there, tending the till. I saw Flitter and Cloudchaser at the counter. Luckily, they were all close friends as-well. They all looked at the door as I came crashing through it. Colgate shut the door after me.

"Carrot Top!" They all shouted at once. Before I could re-orientate myself, they were already crowding around me. I had already guessed that they read the article.

"What's going on out there?" Flitter and cloudchaser said in unison. They always did that so we ignored it.

"It's crazy out there. Everypony is after Carrot Top. They want her dead!" Colgate replied.

"How could Gabby Gums do this to her!" Lyra said.

They heard a loud thumping of hooves outside.

"They're coming." Bon-Bon said.

"Carrot Top, stay here." Colgate told me. I did as I was told and watched as they all paraded outside. After that, it was silence. Then the Colgate started to talk. I couldn't understand what she was saying, but I'm sure the crowd didn't like it, as they started yelling and advancing. My conscious came in to play. One side was telling me to stay here and let them settle it. The other side was telling me to go out there and stop my friends getting hurt. I went with my good conscious. I got up and started walking towards the door. I took a breath of courage and pushed the door open. All eyes went on me. I walked out. I opened

"Fillies and Gentlecolts. Whatever your dispute with me, it is not worth fighting over. Whatever I have done to wrong you all, I apologies and I except any legal punishment you have prepared for me."

The crowd stepped aside to reveal a pile of hay with a large wooden cross sticking out of it. I walked through the crowd and stood atop the pile of hay. Two of the crowd came forward and bounded my limbs to the cross.

By this time, I knew what was going to happen. the ringleader of the crowd stepped forward and lowered his torch to the hay. It set alight and flame quickly traveled across it all. I could feel the heat and the flames licking at every hair on my coat. My mane caught fire and it blazed out of control. My fur was burnt off and my skin was being scorched beyond repair. Several holes has already been burnt into it. All that. And I didn't scream for them to stop. I accepted my punishment.

"STOOOOOP!!!!!" A purple aura surrounded me and the flames. The flames extinguished and I was hoisted into the air and set to the ground in-front of a purple unicorn. One locally known as Twilight Sparkle. She set a force field around us to stop the crowd from intervening. Twilight surveyed the extent of the damage done to me. She lowered her horn down to my abdomen.

I pushed it back.

The whole crowd gasped and so did Twilight.

"I must accept my fate." Were my final words before it all faded into blackness. But before it did, I caught a glimpse of a discarded newspaper. The title of the article was: "Carrot Top Is A Witch!"