
by EroPony1000

First published

Ember embarks on a journey of self discovery.

Ember seeks a revelation from a magical mirror-stone, and struggles to learn how to love herself.


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Princess Ember emerged from the fog into a pool of cold, shallow water. In the center of the pool was a standing stone; rough except for on one side, which was as smooth and reflective as glass.

She could see herself in it’s surface as she approached; both her and her reflection trudging toward one another through the cloudy water. When she finally reached the stone her breathing was ragged, trails of steam rising from the edges of her mouth.

It took her a moment before she realized something was wrong. It seemed that, at some point, her reflection had simply... stopped. It remained completely still while she stood shivering, taking in gasping breaths of the biting air.

She leaned in close, examining herself in detail. Even now she could not help but dwell on the things she did not like about herself: her small horns, her diminutive stature, her modest bust. She saw them all with a sort of heightened perception, while the Mirror-Stone displayed it all without blemish— there was not a single imperfection to be found on its undeviating surface.

A fearful thought occurred to her, and she had to touch the stone-face to make sure it was really there, finding relief in the eerily smooth but undeniably tangible stone against her hand. The feeling was short lived, as the reflection seemed to come to life at her touch, putting it’s hands on it’s hips and adopting an off-putting grin, causing Ember to recoil in disgust.

Then the reflection began to change. It grew taller, it’s horns thicker and more curved. Even its bust expanded, becoming fuller and weightier. By the time Ember realized what was happening, the transformation was complete.

It was then that her disgust became horror as the Reflection reached out from the stone and laid an icy claw on Ember’s shoulder. A terrible sense of vertigo came upon her then, and it took everything she had not to fall. The Reflection had fully emerged by be time she got herself under control again, her senses still a bit foggy.

She had yet to fully recover when the Reflection seized her with both hands and dragged her around, pressing her against the stone. Panic flooded her mind, but faded quickly when she did not fall backward into wherever it was from whence this nightmare had come.

The Reflection looked her up and down, examining her soft underbelly and making her blush. Ember averted her eyes as it tried to meet her gaze, and as it leaned in close, she thought for certain it would devour her. Instead, it pressed its lips against her own, and her eyes went wide with surprise.

It was a shock, but not entirely unpleasant. In fact, as it slipped it’s tongue into her mouth and pressed its body against hers, she relaxed a little. The air was cold, and the embrace was warm.

When the doppelgänger finally pulled away, Ember’s heart was beating fast, and each breath of the icy air stung painfully as she dragged it down. The biting chill worked quickly to restore her to her senses, but the Reflection, it seemed, was not yet finished. It grabbed her under the arms and lifted her up, raising it’s knee and bracing it against the stone. It then set her astride it, her soft and unprotected sex brushing against the reflection’s rough scales.

As it began to move she slid slowly up and down, the sensation almost to intense to bare. It was more pain than pleasure, which seemed to encourage the thing. It leaned in for another kiss, but the pain had given Ember a sort of clarity, and with that clarity came fury.

She took one last, burning breath, then allowed the Reflection to place its lips to hers once more, only this time she reached up and grabbed it by the horns so that it could not pull away. Then she let loose her inner fire, breathing raging flame straight down its throat.

When at last she let it go, smoke was rising from its nostrils and it fell to its knees, hacking up cinder. Though she was nearly spent, Ember did not give the amalgamation time to recover, dragging it around and tossing it against the stone, as it had done to her but moments before. She coaxed it into standing by dragging it up by the horns and stared into its eyes. There was no trace of malice or anger; only fear, and Ember was reminded that this thing, whatever it was, came from her.

In a last ditch effort to reassert control it attempted to distract her with a flame of its own, but Ember was quicker, jamming her knee into its pussy. The flame caught in its throat, and at last, choking on ashes, the Reflection was now completely at Ember’s mercy.

With her knee she dug into the larger dragon’s crotch and placed her clawed hands on its enormous breasts. The Reflection began breathing heavily, it tongue lolling from its mouth. Ember pressed into its surprisingly squishy breasts, her own body heating up as she did. The Reflection let out a soft moan as Ember used her thumbs to press its nipples as though they were buttons.

Finally, with a sharp push, Ember managed to shove the thing back into the stone, seeing it stumble into position opposite her. Curiously, the image before her was not the one it had just been, nor however was it the reflection she was used to; rather it was something in between.

She touched herself, watching as the reflection followed suit. She felt her horns, and the feeling was aligned with what she saw before her, though they were longer than before. She weighed her bust and found it heavier and fuller than she was used too, though not so heavy as the Reflection’s had been. The reflection in the mirror-stone, though different, was now her own. She smiled, and her reflection smiled too.