Celestia's Student Reform System: 50 Shades of Moonlight

by Marezinger Z

First published

Everglade's first day as Celestia's new boyfriend begins with a sitcky breakfast and ends with a lesson in Luna.

Still high off his passionate night with Celestia, Everglade's new and unorthodox relationship with his former Principals continues to grow. His second night with the pair yields an intimate lesson about the younger sister's appetites.

50 Shades of Moonlight

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Celestia lay sprawled on the kitchen table, her elegant body drizzled in maple syrup. The back of Everglade’s mind was still in a haze at the amazement of his current situation in life while its forefront focused on the task of licking up the sweet lines that ran across her stomach. Looking up her body, he saw only the round of Luna’s ass as she crudely ground herself against her sister’s mouth; her dulcet moans filling the dining room. Moving far lower, he ran his tongue up her shins and between her thighs; her need building, Celestia finally pushed Luna up to free her mouth.

“Everglade.” She gasped. “No more teasing.” Her slight pout faded as she felt his tongue enter her. “Oh… much better.”

“Finish your breakfast, sister.” Luna smiled, grabbing Celestia’s hair and pulling her mouth tight against her opening.

Far less nervous than the night prior and with a bit of experience in Celestia’s body, Everglade diligently worked to please his new lover. His own arousal steadily grew, the tip of his erection rebounding off the table’s edge as he endeavored to hold onto her rolling hips. The sounds of Luna’s enjoyment intensified as Celestia’s welling orgasm sent her into a frenzy between her sister’s thighs. Once again, Celestia’s legs came together securely around his head as he felt her body shudder; and even with those silken earmuffs he could hear Luna follow her sister over the edge. Everglade fell back into his chair upon release, panting and licking the leftover warmth from his lips. Celestia quickly sat upright as Luna dismounted her, smiling down at him with great satisfaction.

“Now that is how I like to start my day.” She brought her foot up and pressed her sole onto his tip. “Looks like you’re really worked up, we’ll have to take care of that.” She slid from the table and quickly straddled his lap, free falling onto his cock. Everglade lurched forward as he plunged inside her, wrapping his arms around her and burying his face in her cleavage. Without giving him a chance to breath, Celestia started to ride him with abandon; the chair squeaking as its feet scooted across the tile. Luna watched as his legs kicked out and toes curled, her sister's ass bouncing wildly in his lap.

“Celestia… I…” He mumbled into her breast. “I can’t hold it!”

“Don’t.” She bore down on him further. “Just cum!”

“Shit!” Everglade’s teeth grit as he came, unable to endure her rough pace any longer.

“That’s it.” Celestia hummed a laugh as she felt her insides flood. “All of it now, don’t you dare hold any back.” She maintained her rhythm, delighting as she felt him squirm from the excess of pleasure. With a muffled cry he held her tightly, pulling her down and holding her there as he throbbed within her walls.

“Ohhh.” His head fell backwards and hung off the chair, a loopy smile on his face. “Wow.”

Celestia giggled and gently kissed his lips. “Feel better?”

“Oh yeah.” He managed a dry laugh, smiling up into her eyes.

Luna’s face came into view as she stood over him. “Good, then you won’t mind helping to clean up while sister readies herself for work.”

Celestia quickly glanced over at the clock and let out a harried squeal. “Oh, she’s right.” Lifting herself from Everglade, she hurried down the hall and into her bedroom.

Everglade wiped himself off with a paper towel and started helping Luna with the kitchen clean up. She ran a sink of hot water and soap while he gathered the dishes. “Hey, can I ask you something?” He queried as he laid the plates and flatware beside the stainless steel basin.

“Certainly.” Luna nodded.

“How long have you and Celestia been… intimate?”

The younger sibling chuckled. “A natural first question.” She sighed in thought. “I suppose it started when I was seventeen, when she caught me pleasuring myself with a pair of her panties held over my mouth. I was terrified at first, I knew what I felt was… wrong, in many ways.” A smile crossed her lips. “But, ever the understanding one, she allowed me to express my feelings openly. Our intimacy was lighthearted at first, but as time passed it grew in intensity until we accepted it as our new normal.”

“That’s… weirdly romantic.” Everglade laughed.

“You are of only a small handfull who know about the true nature of our relationship.” She gave him a slightly stern look. “I hope you realize how special that makes you.”

“I do.” He assured with raised palm.

Luna laughed and reached up to his cheek, giving it a light slap. “Give the table a good wiping.”

“On it.” He saluted.

Celestia emerged from the hall not much later, dressed and ready to head out. “Sorry to rush off so quickly.”

“No problem.” Everglade smiled. “I should be getting home, I didn’t exactly tell my parents I’d be gone all night.”

“Coming back tonight?” She asked as she took up her keys.

“Can I?” He asked in return.

“Of course.” Celestia held his chin. “I want you here as much as possible.” Her lips pressed against his.

“Alright.” He nodded dreamily.

“Okay Luna, I’ll see you soon.” She waved.

“I’ll be right behind you.” Luna promised as Celestia headed out the door. “And I shall see you this evening then.” Luna gave him a kiss of her own before heading back to her room to get ready for the day.

The sisters returned home in the afternoon, Luna particularly worn after a day filled with unexpected dilemma.

“Really, sister.” Luna huffed with an eye roll. “I wish you would exert more control over that construction crew.”

“I don’t have much say, Luna.” Celestia explained as she followed her into the house. “I may run the school but the contractors are working for the board.”

“This expansion had best be worth the trouble.” Luna grumbled.

“It will be.” Celestia said in her most assuring voice. “The second auditorium will really ease the event scheduling and keep the club arguing to a minimum.”

Luna sat on the couch, noticing her sister’s bubbly step with a light laugh. “Does this extra cheery mood today have anything to do with Everglade?”

“Maybe.” Celestia admitted with a restrained smile.

“He’s really charmed you.” Luna noted as she pulled her shoes off. “I’m not used to you being so… giddy.” Sliding her socks off, she rested her tired feet on the coffee table. “Anyway, tonight is certainly a take-out night. Will it be pizza or Chinese?”

“Definitely Chinese.” Celestia crossed the room and headed for the kitchen. “I’ll see what Everglade wants.”

“I’m going to change then.” Luna lifted herself from her seat and returned to her room, trading her typical workwear for jeans and a black turtleneck. Celestia met her halfway down the hall, holding a post it note.

“Here’s his order, I’ll get my usual.” She stuck the note to her sister’s breast. “He’ll be by around seven.”

“Very well.” Luna smirked as Celestia hurried past her to ready herself for the evening. Taking up her phone, she called in the order before returning to the couch. Soon after, Celestia came to join her before the flat screen.

“Scoot.” Celestia used her butt to send Luna over a cushion.

As Luna laid back onto her, her nose detected something fragrant. “Is that… perfume?”

“Just a little.” Celestia mildly blushed.

“If only that boy realized how equally smitten you two actually are.” She laughed.

“I’m sure you think it’s silly.” Celestia toned with embarrassment.

“Absolutely.” Luna reached behind her and cupped her sister's cheek. “But it is also adorable. I’m glad having him here makes you so happy, sister.”

“Thank you.” Celestia wrapped her arms around Luna’s waist and held her close, gently kissing her neck. Luna let out a soft moan, closing her eyes and enjoying the feeling of her lips. She took Celestia’s hand and slowly brought it up to her neck, wrapping her fingers around her throat. Gasping as they lovingly squeezed, she felt her sister’s opposite hand slither between her legs. Celestia gingerly dug her nails in, bringing her lips to Luna’s ear. “Today must have been stressful if your submissive itch is acting up. Do you want me to scratch it?”

“Yes.” Luna mewled.

“Dirty little sister of mine.” Celestia mused as she pulled her hand from Luna’s lap and ran it around her ass, firmly smacking it as she tightened her hold around her neck. “Maybe I should wait for Everglade to show up. I’m sure he’d love to see this side of you.” She reached down the front of Luna’s jeans and took hold of her panty line, yanking them up into her slit; Luna hissed in pained pleasure, taking in what air she could through her restricted trachea. Celestia’s head whipped back at the sound of the doorbell, she smiled and released her sister from the intimate bind. “Oops, looks like you’ll have to wait either way.” Sliding from underneath Luna, she straightened her clothes and went to answer the door.

“I swear they get faster each time.” Luna growled in frustration. “Is the food even cooked?”

Celestia soon returned with three plastic bags, all leaking a delicious aroma. “I’ll set this out. Everglade should be here shortly.

Nearly fifteen minutes later, the doorbell rang once more with Everglade on the opposite side this time. Celestia’s heart fluttered as she saw that as before he had brought her flowers. “Hi, Celestia.” He smiled as he presented his gift.

“Thank you, Everglade.” Celestia dotted his lips with a kiss as she took the flowers.

As they moved into the living room he produced a second bouquet of a darker shade. “And of course one for you, Luna.”

With surprised eyes, Luna quickly stood from the couch and accepted her own gift. “My, how sweet of you. Thank you.”

“Dinner arrived not too long ago.” Celestia headed for the dining room. “Let’s eat while it’s still hot.” She divvied out their meal while Everglade and Luna took their spots at the table. Taking up her chop sticks, she sat as well and helped herself to her sweet and sour pork. “So, how was your day? Do anything in particular?”

“I actually slept a lot.” He admitted with an embarrassed laugh. “Between last night and this morning I was pretty worn out.”

Celestia chuckled as she swallowed. “Well, sex is great exercise.” She informed with a wink.

“It was a nice change.” He added. “Being graduated means you don’t have something to worry about every day.”

“Enjoy that brief interlude while you can.” Luna advised. “Online or no, college will be a whole new set of challenges for you.”

“I intend to.” He nodded.

The trio detailed their days to each other as they ate, Luna setting herself to the cleanup after they finished their meal. Celestia stood from the table and walked around to Everglade’s chair, she sat across his lap and looped her arms around his neck.

“Now that you’re rested and fed, how should we spend the rest of our evening?” She asked with fabricated speculation.

Ahem.” Luna coughed as she joined them. “Perhaps by finishing what you started earlier?” Her judging eyes cast themselves on her sister.

“Oh, I suppose you’re right.” Celestia left Everglade’s lap and strolled back to her sister, she pressed her body against Luna’s and pulled her head back by the hair. “I did leave you high and dry before… well, maybe not dry.”

Luna smiled up at her sister hungrily. “Yes, you did.”

“Everglade?” Celestia looked back to her slightly confused guest. “Before we have our fun, would you mind helping me take care of my dear little sister? You see, today was pretty rough on her and when that happens she tends to need some… special attention to work it out.”

Everglade saw a very inviting look in Luna’s eyes and immediately nodded. “Yeah.”

Celestia motioned for him to follow as she led her sister to her room. Unsurprisingly dark, Everglade silently stood to the side as she watched Celestia make Luna strip. As Luna slowly peeled her clothes off, Celestia opened the lowest drawer of her dresser and pulled out a series of colored scarves, a ball gag and a four foot manacle. Everglade watched keenly as Celestia proceeded to weave three of the scarves around Luna’s wrists like cloth handcuffs. He could see the pure anticipation in Luna’s eyes, at least until they were covered by the final two scarves that blindfolded her. The gag was roughly secured in her mouth, at which point Celestia kicked over a stool and made Luna step up to its apex. Using a mounted hook in the ceiling that he hadn’t yet noticed, Celestia raised her sister’s arms and looped the length of cloth between her wrists within its confines. Kicking the stool away, Luna was left hanging freely at which point her ankles were spread apart to conform to the steel bar of the manacles and subsequently secured. Legs forcefully spread and breathing coursely through her nose, Luna swayed at the mercy of her sister.

“I have to admit.” Celestia began as she descended to the drawer once more, removing a three foot riding crop from its interior. “When Luna first asked me to do this for her, I wasn’t really sure about it. But I’ve come to enjoy it as much as she does.” She smacked the hardwood floor with the crop, the sound ringing throughout the room and sending a chill through Luna. “Isn’t that right, little sister?” She laid the crop against her calf and dragged it up to her inner thigh. Luna squirmed as much as she could, a thin trail of wetness running down her leg as her loins literally salivated in need.

“That’s… pretty hot.” Everglade began massaging himself through his pants as he watched the show. Celestia circled her sister, alternating between teasing taps and solid spanks to her legs and ass. Luna’s head rocked as impassioned breaths came from her nose, her moans forcing their way through the gag and into their ears.

She licked her palm and ran it across Luna's reddening cheeks, sending her hot breath across the back of her sister's neck. "Enjoying your tough love, little sister?" She asked in a theatrically mocking tone. Rounding her body, Celestia brought the crop to Luna’s left nipple and smacked it. “Ready to step it up?” She further asked, smacking her right with equal force. “Let me hear you.” Her smile widened as Luna moaned desperately into her gag, hips jutting forward as her arousal continued to build. Glancing back at Everglade, she noticed that he had undone his pants and was freely masturbating to their display which gave her an idea. “Everglade.” She lightly called.

He snapped back to reality and turned his gaze to her. “Y... yeah?”

“I normally have a toy for her, but now we’ve got something even better.” Celestia braced the crop against his back and began to push him towards Luna. “Would you do me a favor and fuck my sister’s greedy little ass?”

“Her… o...okay.” He nervously went behind Luna and pulled the stool back over.

“That’s right.” Celestia nodded, going to the nightstand and taking out a small bottle of lubricant. Luna’s head rolled around, only her ears to help her make out what was happening. As Everglade removed his clothes, Celestia pulled him into a kiss as she began coating his cock with a generous helping of the cool gel. “Don’t be gentle.” She whispered as her lips left his.

Everglade positioned the stool just right and stood on it as securely as possible, he took hold of Luna’s hips and pulled her back into him, teasing her ass with his tip. Luna immediately responded, a lustful growl coming from her gag as she pushed back against him. Slickening her up, he gently pressed forward until he felt himself pop inside. “Ah!” He laid his forehead against her back, the feeling quite overwhelming. “She’s so tight.”

“I know.” Celestia chortled as she returned to Luna’s front. “Does he feel good?” She asked, receiving a frantic nod in response. “It’s been a long time since you’ve have a real one inside you; I’ll bet it feels so much better.” She brought the crop up between Luna’s legs and smacked her labia. “Doesn’t it?” Luna whined in bliss as Everglade began to take her; his moans mixing with hers. Celestia undid her pants and shoved her hand down her panties, rubbing herself to the sight. "Yes! Fuck her, Everglade!” She commanded, whipping Luna’s breast with the crop. “Harder!” The stool shook as Everglade sped up, his eyes rolled back in pleasure as Luna’s spasming sphincter gripped him like a vice. Celestia began diligently rapping the crop against Luna’s breasts, roughly massaging herself to the myriad of sounds she produced.

“Fuck… I’m so close!” Everglade’s voice came from behind Luna.

Celestia lowered the crop again and spanked Luna’s clit directly, her sister screamed in pleasure as her body shook. She hit her again and again until a massive spray came from between her legs, the sound not unlike someone dumping a glass of water on the hardwood flooring. Luna’s jerking body brought Everglade off, grunting wildly while he pounded her ass with powerful thrusts as he came. He soon fell from the stool as his legs gave way, Luna panting hard through her nose while her hanging body quivered from orgasmic aftershocks. Celestia dipped the crop in the puddle beneath her sister and brought it to her mouth, sucking the tip clean before laying it aside. “Wow, I haven’t seen her squirt like that in a long time.” She reached up and undid the gag, allowing Luna to take in full breaths. Removing the blindfold, she found her eyes glazed over and not focused on anything in particular. Celestia then freed her feet and hugged her body, lifting her up enough to free her arms; Luna slumped over her shoulder and she quickly laid her in bed. “I think she’s actually out.” She said with a laugh, undoing the scarves from her wrists. Luna immediately curled up with a satisfied smile and closed her eyes. “Seems you enjoyed that too.” Celestia looked over to see Everglade laying aginst the wall.

“That was intense.” He huffed. “I didn’t think I’d be into stuff like that.”

“It seems I can still teach you some things after all.” Celestia pulled him from the wall and tightly against her. “Next time, you can use the crop while I fuck her ass.” She offered with a devious smile.

The duo eventually found themselves back on the couch; nude and spooned, Celestia danced her hand up and down Everglade’s chest as they watched television. As his body calmed, Everglade spun around on the cushions to face her; he ran his hands up her hips with a smile and kissed the base of her neck.

“I told my parents I was spending the night at a friend’s house.” He relayed. “If you don’t mind me staying over again.”

“Of course not.” She ran her fingers across his cheek and through his hair. “I was hoping you would.”

“Thanks.” He shied. “You know, I… was thinking about you all day today.” He quietly confessed.

“Oh?” Celestia asked, playing off her joy at hearing that.

“Yeah.” His fingers wandered her body. “Your feel, your voice… all of it." He laughed shortly. "Part of me still doesn’t believe this is real.”

“I’ll keep convincing you as many times as I have to.” She whispered, kissing him deeply. Their legs intertwined and arms encircled each other fully. “To be honest… I was thinking about you all day too.” She admitted.

“Really?” He asked in surprise.

“Yes.” She laughed at his shock. “Is that so hard to believe?”

“Well… yeah.” He smiled sheepishly.

Celestia giggled softly and lowered her hand to his reviving erection. “This… this moment right here, is what’s most special to me.” She explained. “I’ve seen and heard it all when it comes to men, Everglade. But, you’re different; when you say those sweet things that touch my heart I know you mean them.” She let out a thoughtful sigh. “I know you’re not experienced enough in relationships to fully realize how much that can mean to a woman, but know that it means a lot to me.”

Everglade smiled but averted his eyes from her. “Is it… too soon for me to say that… that I’m in love with you?”

Celestia’s heart melted and she raised his chin to look into his eyes. “Do you mean that?”

He gazed back at her with utmost certainty. “I do.”

“Then no, it’s not.” Celestia kissed him again, a tear rolling down her cheek and onto his. As she pulled away, she gently took his wrist and gave it a squeeze. “How about we go to the bedroom?”

“Okay.” He nodded, his vigor more than returned.

Celestia turned the T.V. off as they rose from the couch and she eagerly pulled him along back towards her bedroom; her desire to feel him inside her again brought to its peak by his timidly amorous confession.