No Turning Back

by MKIIPro121996

First published

A Normal night for a Stallion turns brutal, and nopony rushes to his assistance.

...A normal night at sugarcube corner, a huge smash-hit party following the wedding of Shining Armour and Cadance turns bad for a stallion. A killer on the loose in Equestria shoots and kills two. This follows around one of two stallions shot and killed from a third person perspective (narrative), as if he were still alive.

It's... All over.

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I was on my way home from Sugarcube corner. The wedding had just ended and Pinkie Pie was hosting one of her signature parties to celebrate. Not only was the party amazing, it was downright awesome. Vinyl was dropping her heaviest tracks, like Bass Cannon and Magical World. And out of all ponies, who knew Princess Celestia would be the one wandering aimlessly around with a lampshade over her head. She must have been hyped up on all the caffeine and whatever was in the energy drinks I had brought. I was tempted to question her, but being the shy pony that I am, I just couldn't muster up the courage to do so. Outside, the Wonderbolts were performing their latest tricks, along with Rainbow Dash. I couldn't handle hurtling towards the ground at more than 700 mph just to show off. Though, it would be a different experience. All of this just for the newlywed, Shining Armour and Princess Cadence. They were just so happy compared to me.

I hadn't ever talked to a mare before, not even Rainbow Dash. I had a huge crush on in the years before when we attended Flight school together. Let's just say... that she was something different compared to everypony else. Her soft, colourful, flowing mane, deep rose eyes, and beautiful wings. She wasn’t another regular pegasus to me. She defined the word “Sharp.” And did it very well.

I had only about four glasses of soda in me, and I decided to call it a night. I was feeling kind of weary, and my eyes were only getting heavier with every passing second. I wanted to catch the train back to Canterlot, so that I wouldn't have to fly so far. it would be a long walk to the station, it was about a mile and a half away. It was two in the morning, and the next train left at three. I could take my time getting there. I could have stayed overnight at Sugarcube Corner. It was a dumb decision not to. They even offered me a room when I arrived at the party.

I then began my trip to the station. I remember seeing somepony hopping from rooftop to rooftop hurriedly. I remember that he was heavily armoured and only appeared as a silhouette against the moonlit sky. Not a minute later, I heard 6 loud bangs, and gasping ponies. ‘Somepony must’ve been shot,’ I thought to myself. ‘This can not be good...’ The eerie, cloudy night sky and dense fog only made everything seem worse. I picked up my pace towards the station, fearing that I would be a victim myself. By the time I got to last corner I had to make before I got to the train station, I was at a full sprint. I was desperate to make it to the station alive. Though, something was in my way.

That thing was a bulky, muscular stallion who was holding an aggressive stance in front of me. He had a pistol attached to his hoof, a Glock, just as I had thought. A .45 ACP, just not any old 9mm. A string was tied around the trigger leading to his mouth. There were four loud, delayed bangs, and it felt like I had been shocked by a high voltage current. I jolted only three times, he must’ve missed me once. It took me a second to recompose myself.

I heard the sound of his hooves quickly galloping off after I hit the ground. I lied there in the middle of the road in pain. Very, Very deep pain. I was helpless. Nopony would ever be outside after that many gunshots. I had no choice but to lie on the cold cement waiting for death to come and take me away. I could hear Vinyl's music from where I lie. It was impossible for anypony at the party to hear the gunshots. I wanted to call out, but I couldn't speak. I was in shock and everything was soon growing dark. I was losing blood fast. The pain was excruciating. It was like no other feeling of pain I had ever experienced before. I had tried to get up countless times but it was all to no avail. I painfully lifted my head to try and look over myself for where the stallion had hit me. I only counted three, he did miss one. Both my front legs and left flank were hit. I dropped my head heavily to the ground and tried calling for help. I was able to get something out, but it was subtle and raspy.

"Somepony..? Please... help me...? I've been shot.. Somepony... Please... call an ambulance for me..? Please..?"

“Damn it, it's not worth it. Nopony cares, never has, or ever will.." "What difference does it make..? I can't get up, there's nopony around, they all ran off when this jerk shot somepony else around the corner, and they were probably even more frightened when he shot me. I might as well just stay here and let myself go."

There was absolutely nothing I could do but lie there and just die. I felt absolutely useless. I was going to die now and with what? Nothing. I had nothing in my life.

It wasn't much longer until I decided to look at my wounds again. The blood I had lost created a pool around me and I was starting to lose my breath. I couldn't keep my eyes open and I dropped my head to the ground again.

"Well.. this looks like... it's going to end.. right here.. in the middle of the road lying in my own blood. What a damn way to go. Thanks for everything, you thoughtless pile of shit."

I tried calling one last time, but nothing came out of my mouth. Not even a wisp of air. I felt my eyes roll back into my head, and then there was nothing but darkness. I couldn't see or feel anything after.

That's when I died that night.. nopony helped me, or even heard my cries for help at that. So much for everything.

The Preparation

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"Okay... here we go..."

I thought to myself. It was about 6 in the morning, the sun slowly rising above the clouds scattered in the skies above Equestria. The sun was shining right into the mirror that I had mounted on my wall, and it gave off a bright reflection right onto the carpeted floor of my home in northern Cloudsdale, not too far from the town square.

"Just one hell of a party, some drinks, and Rainbow Dash to get by. Everything'll be fine."

My mind was focused on one mare, and that was Rainbow Dash. We had attended flight school together, and I had a huge crush on her.

"Oh, shut up, you fool. She'll never say yes." I kept thinking...

There was no point in even asking her to this party, I sort of invited her without letting Pinkie know. Besides, Rainbow doesn't really like dubstep.

Well, she could change her mind like I did. I didn't like Dubstep until I heard a little bit of Vinyl’s collection.

I had let her listen to a little bit of Bassnectar's "Magical World", and she said it was "alright."

I had an end with Vinyl down in Ponyville, she lived right across the street from Twilight's library with Octavia. I asked her if she could be a DJ for the party that Pinkie was having today sometime around 6 or so, since I haven't had the time to talk to Pinkie about who was going to the party with me down at sugarcube corner and who wasn't.

"I'm sure she won't mind, it's her party and anypony is invited, I suppose."

It was quarter 'til 7 in the morning, and I had just finished dressing to go down into Ponyville. Vinyl needed help getting her equipment over to Sugarcube corner, she didn't want to do all of the moving on her own like she usually does when she has a gig that's just down the street from her home. A single pony couldn't haul 225 Kilograms of equipment all by herself as far as she lived from Sugarcube corner.
I stepped out of the front door, and slammed it shut thinking about what all could happen on the negative side of things. I wasn't in that good of a mood since I barely slept the night before.

I trotted to the edge of the cloud from where my home sat, not too far from Rainbow’s home. You could see everything, including Ponyville a little off in the distance. Everypony looked like ants, skittering around on the ground in desparate search of a source of food.

I thought for a minute about what all could happen tonight.. "Is..she going to say yes..? Or is she just going to turn her back on me?" I never had a problem with this until today. She was generous and willing to stick up for anypony; including me.

I stood there with the most dumbfounded look on my face for a good 15 minutes. I can only imagine what I looked like, saliva trailing out of my mouth, my eyes defocused on the sky full of nothing but a light blue and an orange hue reflecting brightly off of the top of the clouds scattered about in the sky.
I finally snapped out of my deep train of thoughts.

"C'mon.. pull yourself together. The party doesn't start until about 9 tonight or so. Besides, the wedding rece-"


I totally forgot about Shining Armour and Cadence's wedding. I meant to get them something a little nice, but I didn't have anything in the means of cash on me or in the bank.

"Shit, what can I do..? The reception starts in about 6 hours... I can dress in something nice, at the least.."

...and I continued to let my mind race. Thoughts kept spilling out of my mouth as fast as they came.

I never thought about getting them anything, so what else could I do...? Just try to appear at the wedding as snazzy as possible?

Well, that's what I ended up doing. Dragging out my old tux from the closet, and not even bothering taking it to the dry cleaners. I set it on my bed; I decided that I would come back and change after I had helped out Vinyl for a bit.

I flew down to Ponyville, to help Vinyl before the wedding started. She was anxiously waiting for me to get down there, apparently. The first thing she hoofed over to me was a box full of binders. They all had a different music genre written on them, and they were filled with CDs. The picks she had for tonight fitted my liking, really. I set the box down on the ground, struggling to read the small print on the front covers of all four binders that were packed full of CDs. She noticed how hard of a look I was giving the small print, I must have been looking at it with a face that told her that I was struggling with something.

"Just wait... It’ll be better if we don’t add any spoilers into this deal" She said with a positive tone. Nothing ever seemed to stop her, she was always so pumped before she had a gig in or around town. I had a feeling that tonight everything would be alright.


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So, we were at Sugarcube corner. I began to move things around a bit to make room for everything Vinyl had to cram in such a small room.
All of the tables went upstairs where Pumpkin and Pound would have slept; the Cakes took them over to Twilight's library so Spike could keep a close eye on them. Since they were young and difficult to control, Twilight felt that Spike was up to the challenge of keeping them stable.
Once I got the last table upstairs, Vinyl and I set up some chairs on the back wall and part of the East and West wall. This gig wasn't going to be like a "bring down the house" thing like Vinyl usually likes her big shows to be.

When we had everything done in the means of moving furniture about, it was time to start moving things in from outside. We managed to get everything down here in one shot; One cart had all of her CDs, Monitors, and Amps on it. The other had some assorted decor, her two computers for running the show, mixers, and decks.

"Are you sure we'll fit everything in here? This place is awful tiny to put a set of 22" woofers in." She said.

I had not the slightest interest in what she was talking about; I was still more focused towards seeing Rainbow Dash tonight than anything.

She said again..."Are-.. you sure all of this can fit into this place? It's absolutely tiny to put woofers of this size in here."

"Huh- wh..- Oh, sorry..." I studdered. "I think it's going to be okay, just don't drive them too hard."

She sort of nodded her head, and trotted outside. She came back in with her shades off. I was swept away at how her eyes appeared; a deep, tantalizing red. I kept on trying to bring it out of me to compliment her on how beautiful she was. A stunning, bright white mare with a light blue, messy mane. It couldn't be any better to fit me, but I wouldn't really want to spoil the things I've got planned for Dash tonight.

"H-... Hey, Vinyl.." I started.

"Yeah?" She turned to look at me.


I lost myself.

"I really like your mane."

"Damn you! What the fuck are you thinking?! Just say it!"

She was snickering. I think she was enjoying my struggle to tell her that I liked her.

"Come on, kid. Just tell me that you like me. I know you do, just tell me. I don't bite, it's just everypony else that wants me so desperately. Somepony I don't know starts hitting on me, I snub them and walk off."

I was amazed that she recognized what I was trying to do. Rainbow's intimidating attitude has done the exact opposite many times.

"O-... Oh..." I began to shake.

"W-... Well, Vinyl... What about this afternoon or so, we go out and get something to drink..?"

"What are you doing?! You're supposed to be falling for another mare! Why are you doing this, and how do you think Dash is going to feel? You really want to hurt her?"
She began to slowly walk towards me, her deep red eyes staring me down and thuroughly examining me.
She kept walking closer, and stopped when our snouts were pressed up against one-another.

"Sure," she started.

"I-..I'd love to."

"Well, you've done it, totally fucked over your chances with Rainbow Dash, congratulations. You're now the biggest fuck-up in the world. Is that what you want?"

"You know.." Her eyes began to lower.

"I've.. always sort-of liked you, too..."

She passionately kissed me.

"Yeah, Now I really feel like a fuck up. A big one, but damn. This mare knows me."

"I'll be waiting for you down the street just past Twi's library." She said.