I Meet Fluttershy

by HeManSheRa777

First published

Fluttershy has been swept out of her world of Equestia, and I'm the only one who can help.

Fluttershy, one of Twilight Sparkle's friends, ends up having a strange dream one night, and the next day, she turns to Twilight to see if she can help. She, unfortunately, is unable to figure the dream out, but knows three Princess' who might be able to help, including her new Sister, Cadence. The three arrive, and offer to help in any way that they can, but when Zecora demands to be involved, they allow it; she seems to know what's going on.

So when they arrive at the Canterlot Castle, Zecora hears from Fluttershy about her dream that she ended up in a different world, inhabited not by Ponies, but by other creatures instead. Using her magic, Zecora learns that these creatures are Humans, and that Fluttershy will, un-doubtingly, meet a human. Shortly after, a mysterious storm comes, and only takes Fluttershy away, and she ends up in our Human world. Her only way back now is to befriend a human who can help her.

And that human is....ME?!

Prologue: A Pony History Recap

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A Pony Recap/Fluttershy

Legend has it that every twinkling star in the sky is actually a Pony from the Land of Equestria, calling out to us, and telling us that no matter how far apart we are, we always find a way to be together, and stay together, even if others say otherwise. Each time a star twinkles, and does so in a pattern, a Pony behind those stars tell us all about their days, and how they live the same lives we often live through. And even though we cannot tell that from the stars, we feel that somehow, it can be felt right in our hearts. Usually, they tell us what we either don't know, or understand. Either way, what they tell us just seems like twinkles to us.

In the other dimension of Equestria, there resides a life residence of Ponies, Dragons, and other marvelous creatures, but if you visit these three places of Equestria, Canter-lot, Clouds-Dale, and Pony-Ville, chances are that you are most likely to run into a Pony or two. In fact, three different varieties of Ponies; Earth Ponies, Unicorn Ponies, and Pegasi Ponies. The rulers, and residers of Equestria are winged unicorns, which are probably pretty rare types of Ponies. And they are Princess'. Princess Celestia rules the day by helping to raise the sun into the sky in order to end the night until that night should come again. When the sun is high in the sky, the Princess tends to her daytime routine. Her sister, Luna, the Princess, and ruler of the night, helps to raise the moon, and bring out the stars that twinkle in the sky. She helps to make sure that all the Ponies sleep well at night time. When she once fell to some sort of darkness that made her succumb, and transform to the wicked Nightmare Moon, that was when her Sister sadly had no choice, but to seal her away, and imprison her within the moon, and Celestia had to take charge of both, day, and night in her place.

Now Princess Celestia had not just a sister whom she loved, even after she had been imprisoned, she also had a faithful student, a unicorn named Twilight Sparkle. And she had a faithful assistant, a baby dragon named Spike. Whenever Twilight had things she needed help with, including a message to the Princess, she would call on Spike to help out. Princess Celestia would take reading her students letters. One day, she was concerned for Twilight when she received a message from her, stating that she predicted the return of the Mare In The Moon, or so she was called, and advised her to head over to Pony-Ville, and make some friends over there as well as prepare for the Celebration of the Sun Festival which would be attended by Princess Celestia, as it was a Pony-type tradition. The friends Twilight met in Pony-Ville were Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity; not necessarily in that order.

On the day when they were just about ready to honor, and welcome the Princess, it turned out that she was missing. The shadow of the Mare In The Moon had disappeared from the moon itself, and Nightmare Moon was set free. The moment she came lose, she began her plot for eternal night, making sure that the sun would never rise, and their Princess would never return.

Realizing that there was a way to defeat Nightmare Moon, Twilight searched throughout the library, where she now lives, and tried to find a book about special items called, "The Elements of Harmony" which would help to defeat Nightmare Moon, and bring back the light of day. Her friends, concerned for Twilight, and wanting to do whatever they could to help her, tagged along to see if they could do whatever it took to help Twilight to find, and reach those elements. Each of the Ponies were able to find that they themselves represented the Elements of Harmony, because they were the Spirits of those Elements; Twilight represents Magic, Applejack represents Honesty, Rainbow Dash represents Loyalty, Pinkie Pie represents Laughter, Rarity represents Generosity, and Fluttershy represents Kindness. Together, using themselves, and their new Elements of Harmony tiara, and necklace', they defeated Nightmare Moon, freeing Princess Luna from that darkness, and reuniting both her and Celestia back together, and returning Luna to her nighttime job that she was meant for to begin with.

Ever since that adventure, Twilight learned that if she had ever left Pony-Ville, she would also be leaving her friends whom she had grown very attached to, and feel very lonesome, even with Spike. Celestia declared that Twilight would be allowed to reside in, and stay in Pony-Ville, especially when given a new assignment; to study the important lessons of Friendship. And she has resided in Pony-Ville with her friends ever since.

The longer she stayed in Pony-Ville, the more better she got to know, and visit her friends. But of all the friends she had gotten to know so far, the one friend she was able to get to know the most was Fluttershy; she's one of the Pegasi pony who is close friends with Twilight. Although she is sweet, and calm around Twilight and other Ponies, she is capable of ending up very shy, especially by name, and nature. She has been pretty helpful for her friends though. She's likely to become forceful whenever anyone pushes her too far, and/or whenever her friends end up becoming mistreated, or even injured. Despite this, she is also a marvelous care-taker when it comes to her animals.

Princess Celestia had wanted to meet Fluttershy during a special "brunch" meal, because of that. She probably felt pretty shy meeting the Princess, but felt pretty popular to her just the same. Although Fluttershy finds a liking to Spike, what with him being a baby dragon, and all, it's bigger dragons that give her the Goosebumps, and scare her. A lot.

She lives in a little cottage, somewhere outside of Pony-Ville, where she tends to all the animals that come to live with her, or to visit her. Whenever an animal gets injured, be it a scrape, or a broken bone, Fluttershy does whatever she can to help heal that animal. She doesn't live there alone though. She has a pet Rabbit named Angel who helps her to overcome her fears, and go through with her problems, even if it means doing to her with force. Other times, though, Angel can strive to help cheer Fluttershy up, dry whatever tears may fall down her eyes, and put a smile back on her face, and courage back in her heart.

Sometimes her friends can try to get her to do the things that she ends up becoming too nervous to do, but Rainbow Dash tries, the most to talk her into whatever she wants her to be involved with, but she isn't always successful when it comes to Fluttershy. When she does succeed with getting Fluttershy involved, though, she tries to help her to overcome her fears, and even shows her soft side for the timid Pegasi.

Fluttershy isn't like the other Ponies, but her friends still like her, and love her for who she is. Sometimes they wonder what their Pony-Filled world would be like without her, and then realize that it would be pretty empty. Little did they know, they would find out that they would be right.

Chapter 1: Fluttershy's Strange Dream

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Okay. A little intro before you start reading this part. I am He-Man-She-Ra-777, the author of this FIMfiction story, I Meet Fluttershy. It's my own fictional story about how Fluttershy, one of Twilight Sparkle's friends, ends up getting from Equestria to the Human World, and tries to find a way back home.

This happens to be my very first FIMfiction story, so I must ask that you show me some love, kindness, and respect.

The first part of the story, for those of you who have seen it, was just the Prologue, a little intro to recap the series, AND to make up a possible connection between Ponies, and stars. If you have not seen it yet, please do so, and then come back here to read this 1st Chapter.

This is now the first Chapter, and one by one, I will be adding in more chapters, but only if you show me some Likes, and positives on this.


Fluttershy's Strange Dream

One night, Fluttershy was all dressed up in her new pajama night gowns that she had bought earlier that day when she and Rarity went shopping for some pony-pajamas. She had become very tired after working all day, taking care of her animals, helping her friends, buying the proper food, and medicine for the animals who were hungry, and/or feeling sick, or injured, and she was getting ready to get some sleep. After checking everything to make sure that things would be ready for the next day, to repeat her daily Animal Care-taker life, she and Angel went to bed, and fell asleep, hoping to look forward to another day of the usual.

"Good night, Angel," she said to her pet rabbit.

As she and Angel fell asleep, Fluttershy started to feel strange, like the idea of something, or someone trying to call out for her, like she was having a dream. Turns out that she was. In her dream, she was standing all alone, in a mysterious, empty place. It wasn't the land of Equestria, but it was like it, except that there were a lot of people who were living normal lives just like Ponies, even though they were not Ponies at all. They were, instead, Humans. She didn't know why there were Humans, and she didn't know what was going on. Then, before she could question to herself about this, all in a quick instant, she starts to see brief instants of herself, leaving Equestria, her friends, being sucked away by something, ending up in a Human World, looking around the Human World, meeting a Human, being frightened by Humans, and Animals, and it all ends in an instant FLASH.

Startled by that flash, and the dream that came before it, Fluttershy instantly woke up with a frightened gasp, and that woke up Angel as well. Angel took notice of Fluttershy's almost heavy breathing, and wondered what was wrong.

"Oh my," the timid, and Tired Pony exclaimed, "What was that all about? That must've been a strange dream. I don't even know what it was about."

Angel tries to comfort Fluttershy, and help calm her down.

"Angel, could you be a dear, and turn on the night light for me? Please?" she asked him.

Concerned for her, Angel nodded her head, and did just that. He plugged in her night light, and a little bit of light shined on.

"Thanks, Angel," she said, "I'll just wait, and see if this'll help me to fall back to sleep again. I don't know what that dream was about, but maybe I can ask Twilight about it in the morning. I'm guessing that my usual for the Animals will have to wait."

And with that, she fell back to sleep, and so did Angel, both of them wondering about Fluttershy's dream.

The next day, Fluttershy did as she said she did, and taking Angel with her, went to meet up with Twilight Sparkle and Spike, over at the Library. The timid Pony knocked on the door. Twilight opened, and invited both Fluttershy and Angel to come on in.

"Hey, you two," the Unicorn said, "Come right in, and make yourselves at home."

"Twilight, I need to talk to you about something," Fluttershy said, "And I think I may need some help."

"Some help? Why", asked Twilight.

"Yea," Spike butted in, "Did something happen to you last night?"

Angel nodded his head, also butting in, and letting them know that something did happen.

Fluttershy began to explain, "Last night, while Angel and I were sleeping, I started to have a strange dream."

"A dream?", asked Twilight, in surprise, "What kind of Dream?"

"In this dream, I ended up somewhere. Some place that's very different from Equestria. This place has strange creatures who, apparently are not Ponies, and yet they're something like us. They live normal lives. And yet..., they don't even walk on four feet, but on two feet, like Spike does."

"Like me?", asked the Baby Dragon in surprise.

"Yes. And before I could even ask what that was all about, I started seeing visions of me, doing some strange things that I don't even know about. Then a Flash blinded me, and I was startled into waking up. Twilight, what, exactly was that all about?"

Twilight and Spike became completely surprised, and confused, even after she had explained her dream to them.

"Well, I don't know if I can explain that dream, Fluttershy," Twilight said, "But I think I know three some-ponie’s who probably can try, and help." She turned to Spike. "Spike...,"

"Way ahead of ya'," said Spike.

He had already a scroll of paper, and a feather pen taken out, and ready to write.

He began to start writing down as Twilight started to exclaim what needed to be written down,
"Dear Princess Celestia, I, your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, am sending to you this letter, as a friend of mine and I are in need of some help. My friend, Fluttershy told me that she has had a strange dream that I, myself, cannot seem to describe. She said something about encountering a strange world in which there aren't any Ponies, but strange creatures who walk on two feet, instead of four hooves. I couldn't figure out what this dream is about, because..., well, I guess I don't know what those creatures are. If you have some time, and are not too busy, I was wondering if you, Luna and Cadence could come pay me and Fluttershy a visit, and see if you could help us figure out what her dream is. Please respond, and let me know when you've received this letter. Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle."

"You think the three Princess' CAN help us to figure this dream thing, Twilight?" asked Spike.

"I can't be too sure," she exclaimed, "But if they can't, I don't know who can."

Finishing up, Spike rolled up the letter, sealed it, and breathing his magic flame, sent the message to Canterlot. Fluttershy slowly kneeled down on all of her knees, and lay down on the floor, starting to feel worried. Angel started to comfort her, hoping to comfort her.

"Hey. You okay?" Spike asked.

"No," replied the tired, and timid Pony, "I'm not. My dream..., what was that? What creatures are they?"

"Perhaps we can answer that," said a familiar voice.

Twilight becomes surprised, "Princess Celestia?"

"Out here, Twilight," exclaimed the unseen Princess.

Twilight, Spike, Fluttershy and Angel rushed out of the Library, and looked up. Riding in her chariot was Princess Celestia, and riding with her were her sister, Luna, and her niece, Mi Amore Cadenza, or Cadence, as she would prefer.

"Well. That was quick," said Spike.

They all kneel, and curtsey, welcoming the Princess' who land, and park their chariot in front of the library. Then they all rise back up.

"Twilight, my student, I have received your letter, and after gathering my sister, and my niece, I came over as quickly as I could the moment I received it."

"Thank you, Princess," exclaimed Twilight.

"Fluttershy," she began to say to the timid Pony, "we need you, Twilight, Spike and your pet rabbit to please come with us to Canterlot Castle so that we may see if we can help you."

"Wait, your highness'," called out another voice, "great Majesty. You may need some extra help from me."

Luna became very curious.

"Who said that?" she asked.

"Over here, my dear," responded the voice.

They all turned to see a zebra, Zecora, friend of Twilight Sparkle and the others, standing before them all.

"Who are you?" asked Celestia.

"Your Majesties, Zecora is my name,"
exclaimed the rhyming Zebra, "potions, and assistance is my game.
If Fluttershy's dreams are what you wish to see,
that you may need the aid of me."

Cadence became rather curious, and asked, "Why you? What manner of help can you provide?"

To this, Zecora explained,
"From potions, to antidotes, and cures well-played,
any assistance needed from me can be made.
If figure out Fluttershy's dreams, you wish to try,
you must allow me to help. And trust in I."

Princess Celestia, feeling almost suspicious, and yet, wanting to waste no time, nodded her head in understanding.

"Please come with us, Zecora," requested the Princess, "We shall allow you to help us. Perhaps you can tell what her dreams are about."

Zecora nods her head, agreeing to Celestia's request.

"Twilight and friends," continued Celestia, "Climb aboard, and we'll be on our way to the castle."

Twilight and the others all hopped aboard the chariot, and flew off, heading towards the land of Canterlot, and it's castle. Fluttershy started to worry, but hoped that her friends could help her. Angel comforted her once again, letting her know that they would.


Okay. That's Chapter 1.

The second Chapter will reveal what happens next. For those of you want to see Fluttershy end up in the Human World, be patient. That won't be until the 3rd Chapter.

Likes, and comments, please. And like I said earlier, be nice.

Also, this Chapter, for now, is where I must stop, because I have an announcement to make;
starting on August 28th, and ending on the 10th of September, I will be on a two week vacation. so for those of you who will be wanting Chapter 2 of my FIMfiction story, you'll have to wait for the next two weeks.

Thank you.

Chapter 2: A Mystical Pony Storm

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Okay. I have returned from my 2 Week Vacation today; I think it ended early.

And as I had said, a couple of days before I left on my Vacation, I am now putting up the 2nd Chapter of my fictional story.

Also, I want to express to the people who have commented on my story so far; some of you have found my story confusing so far, and think it's pretty weird, some of you think it's not original, and that the way I am formatting my story probably doesn't look right. Some of you, however, are starting to favor this story, regardless of how weird, or wrong it turns out.

To those of you who find it that weird, and not too good, I don't blame you. It's just your opinion. Right? and everyone IS entitled to that. right? however, I just want to let you all know, as I try to get this off my chest; this story of mine is, without a doubt, original, weather or not you disagree with me on that.

I won't mind the comments stating how weird it is, or if it's not original, but I must ask all of you to not be too Bossy about it. that means you as well, Mr. StormRunner; and a warning for you, and you only; if you Boss me around about my story, or treat me, and it like whatever it is your treating it like one more time, I will block you, spam you, and whatever else it is that will keep you away from my story, and my page.

the rest of you, your comments I don't mind, but make sure you don't do what THIS person did, and push me too far. OK?

also, I probably should've mentioned this before starting work of this story, but I'm paying a little tribute to a special story that was done, and made by Mr. ROBCakeran53. Sir, I hope you will not be too mad about it, and I hope you like it. See if you can find that little tribute somewhere in this Chapter.

And now, without any further ado, here's...,

A Mystical Pony Storm

Upon arriving in Canterlot, Twilight, Spike, Fluttershy, Angel, Zecora and the three Princess' hop out of the chariot, and walk their way up to the door. Raising only one wing, Celestia ordered the Guards to stand down for a moment, and allow them access to the castle. The Guards did so, and opened the doors. One by one, all the Ponies entered the castle, and then the door shut behind them.

In the castle, Celestia summoned out for Shining Armor, Twilight's brother, "Shining Armor, please come forth at once."

Shining Armor entered the room, appearing before Celestia and the others, and kneeling down, welcoming them all.

"You called, your Highness?" asked the Armored Pony.

"I have brought some friends of ours, including my Student, Twilight," exclaimed the Princess, "They've come here, because her friend, Fluttershy is in need of some help."

"Twiley?" he noticed Twilight.

"Hey, Bro," she said.

"Twilight," requested the Princess, "you and Spike make yourselves at home, and see if you and your Brother can talk with each other. It's been a long time since you two have done so."

"Yes, Princess," responded the Unicorn.

She then turned to Fluttershy, and said, "Don't worry, Fluttershy. Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Zecora should definitely be able to help you. I just know it."

Fluttershy started to feel nervous, but Zecora placed a hoof on her, and nodded her head, letting her know that Twilight assured her all of that.

"Okay," said Fluttershy, "I'll see you later then."

And with that, Twilight and Spike went off with Shining Armor while Fluttershy and Angel went with Zecora and the three Princess', hoping that they could help her with her dream.

Heading into the Royal Medical Room, Fluttershy, Angel, Zecora and the three Princess' all enter, and clear an empty space. One of Celestia's Royal Pony Guards comes in, rolling in a bed-chair on wheels. He sets it to the side of the wall, bows his head to the Princess', and leaves without a word.

"Please lay yourself, dear Fluttershy," said Zecora,
"And help solve your problem, I will try."

"Okay," said the timid Pony.

And she lay on the bed as suggested.

"About this dream now, begin, then stop," the zebra spoke again,
"Tell us all about it, and start from the top."

Angel hopped onto the bed-chair, and placed his paws on her hoof.

"Okay," began Fluttershy, "It's like this; when I feel asleep, I started to dream that I was at some different place. It wasn't Pony-Ville, Canterlot, or Clouds-Dale. In fact, it wasn't anywhere I had ever been to, not on Equestria. I don't think it even WAS Equestria."

Luna, intrigued, asked, "Prey-tell then; Where, exactly, was it?"

"I, sadly, don't even know that," continued the shy Pegasi, "however, what I saw when I was there were some weird creatures, the likes of which we probably have never seen. They didn't look like us Ponies, or walk like us Ponies, because I don't think they were us Ponies. They were kinda' like Spike, because they walked only on two feet, but they weren't even Dragons. I don't know who, or what they were, but they were pretty strange."

"I see. That is strange," said Zecora, "And very perplexed.
So tell me, my dear. What happened next?"

"Well...," Fluttershy continued, "I was going to start to question as to what was going on, and where I was, when suddenly, I saw some images that flashed before my eyes, images of me, meeting one of those creatures, befriending them, and being defended by them. And then it all went..., FLASH in a bright light. And that was when I woke up."

Everyone around Fluttershy and Angel become very baffled, except for Zecora, who seems to be very intrigued, even more-so than usual.

"This is very odd, no doubt," she said,
"What this dream is, we shall now find out."

The Zebra opens her bag of potions, antidotes, and other magical items, and sets everything up, even a little bon-fire.

"Uh, you really think that's...," Luna began, feeling unsure.

Zecora interrupted, "Yes, your Highness, I am. Please don't be in surprise.
This flame won't burn through. Please be wise."

Celestia places her hoof on Luna, and nods her head to her, letting her know not to be too suspicious of Zecora.

"My apologies," said the Princess of Night.

"And now, come forth, dear," the Zebra said to Fluttershy,
"We will soon figure out, exactly what that dream of yours was about.
Please come forth, my dear, do not fear, or cry.
It's not going to hurt my dear. Please. Don't be shy."

Even though she became shy anyways, Fluttershy agreed, climbs off of the chair-bed, and stands into the middle of the room where Zecora wants her to stand.

The Zebra threw magical dust into the fire, and it exploded into a burst of rainbow-colored clouds. Everyone gasped, and gazed in amazement. Green smoke stream then spread, and circled all around everyone in the room, including Fluttershy, Angel and Zecora. They then take form of the dream that Fluttershy had, and explained. They see the smoke taking form of the Human-Creatures that Fluttershy saw in those dreams, including one that meets her, and befriends her.

"What could all of this mean?" asked Cadence.

"Patience, dear Princess," spoke the zebra, "I cannot explain why,
but I feel this will involve only..., Fluttershy.
The creatures she dreamed about, describe them I can.
From another dimension, they're called Humans."

"Humans?!," everyone exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, Humans, my friends. They have no type of curse.
They come from another dimension, and universe."

"Pardon the interruption, Zecora," Celestia interrupted, "But your mentioning of Human, just now reminded me of the time of another certain some-pony who accidentally ended up in the Human World herself once. It was Rainbow Dash, and she too befriended a Human, and we never would've gotten her back home with us without him."

"I remember that too," said Fluttershy, "Although I wish she had as well."

Princess Celestia nodded her head in agreement. Then she turned back towards Zecora, and said, "Proceed, dear Zebra. Explain why this has to do with Fluttershy."

Zecora nodded her head, and in fulfilling Celestia's request, replied,
"My magic says Fluttershy might meet one, and somewhere in the end,
one of those Humans will end up as her friend."

Fluttershy starts to shake in fear, and worry.

"Me? Friends with a human?" stammered the winged pony, "But it's hard enough to befriend animals, and dragons, and other Ponies here in Equestria. I don't even know if I can do that."

"Hard to believe, yes, Fluttershy," said Zecora,
"But remember, my magic hardly tells any a lie.
If what my magic says is true,
than this story takes, and revolves around you."

"Your Highness'! Your Highness'!" shouted a Pony Guard, who came running into the room.

"Calm down, Guard," said the calm Daytime Princess, "What's going on?"

"There's a storm outside, and heading for the castle!" exclaimed the Guard.

"What?" the Princess said in surprise. She then turns to the others, "Quickly. Follow me."

And they all do so as Celestia leads Cadence, Luna, Angel, Zecora and Fluttershy out of the medical room, and out of the castle.

Outside of Canterlot, and just over the castle, storm clouds started to swirl together, and take shape, and formed of a strange tornado-shape. Celestia and the others came running out of the castle, and looked up to see the storm, taking shape, and form, and became surprised.

"Behold, my friends! A storm, the clouds create," spoke out the zebra,
"As my magic has gone, and predicted this fate.
I know not of what it is, just that of this day,
I fear that it will now take dear Fluttershy away."

Fluttershy started to become very scared, she kneeled down to the floor of the stairs, covered her eyes with her hoofs, and shook in fear.

Cadence starts to worry, and asked, "You think this storm will take her to this Human World? Whatever it is?"

Luna, worried, said, "I have some sort of feeling that we're going to find out!"

Twilight, Spike and Armor come out of the castle, and look up to see what's going on. The tornado-shaped storm cloud, loomed down, towards the other Ponies, Angel, Zecora and Spike, touches the ground, and starts to pull Fluttershy in.

"OH NO!" the frightened winged-pony shouted, "NO! NO! NO!"

"Fluttershy!" shouted Twilight.

Zecora places her hoof up, stops her, and shakes her head, "no".

"This storm has plans for her, it seems," the zebra spoke,
"And it has something to do with her dreams."

They all watched as the storm carried Fluttershy off, into the sky, and out of sight. The storm then died out, and disappeared instantly.

"Dude," said Shining Armor, "What just happened?"

Cadence answered, and said, "That storm came out of nowhere, took Fluttershy away, and died out. Just like that."

Luna commented, "Last time I checked, unless there is some sort of magic, storms don't actually do that."

"Zecora," asked Spike, "Is that storm thing supposed to be the only one doorway to lead somewhere?"

"Although this portal goes to another world, I'd say," answered Zecora,
"That there actually is another way."

"In that case, Let us search for it," said Celestia, "We will search all day, and all night if we have to, until we find another way into the Human World."

Twilight became confused, "Human World?"

"That, my student," explained Celestia, "Is where that storm was taking her, and is the place Fluttershy ended up in her dreams."

Twilight just stood there, surprised, and then worried.

Angel, it seems, was more worried than Twilight was, as he stood all alone, just inches away from the others, and watched into the sky, hoping for Fluttershy to be safe, and to, somehow, return back home.

Okay. That's Chapter 2. Now, if you're still confused, and still find this story unoriginal, that's okay. It's just your opinion, but I'm still gonna' keep putting these Chapters up, one at a time, and hope that this will help to make it a bit more better.

And remember, I don't mind comments that say how unoriginal it might be, as well as the fact that the way I formatted this looks not-so-right, but remember; I will not accept comments that are Bossy.

Also, if you looked in this Chapter, you can see my little homage, and tribute to ROBCakeran53, and his My Little Dashie story that he made, the classic, and touching story that inspired me to make this.

Look out for Chapter 3, and you'll see Human involvement taking place soon.

Chapter 3: Fluttershy In The Human World/Nearly Discovered

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Okay. Seeing as how I probably have more free time on this day, being Thursday, than on any other days, including Saturday, and Sunday, I figured this day would be perfect enough for me to upload my Chapters to my story.

All of those previous Chapters where one was a recap of, and for Season 1, and the rest took place in Equestria, this is now the part where Fluttershy ends up in our world, and wonders how she's going to get back home, but in the process, she takes a tour of a Family house, and takes a liking to it, even though she does not yet meet a human.

Also, during this story, her friends are gonna' try to see if they can find a way to get from their world into ours.

Hinted in the description, and using my imagination, I came up with the idea that I would be the one to help her. So don't be surprised of how this turns out. Three of my Family members will be in this, but I can't be sure where they play a part in this.

Now then. On with the next Chapter of our Story...,

Fluttershy in the Human World/Nearly Discovered

As to who was going to help the poor little thing to return back to her home, that's where this story really begins. I live in this little house with a Family of mine; this Family is different, because I live with my Step-Father, Dave, my Mom, Karen, and my Step-Brother, Jordan. My other Step-Brother, Brandon, he moved out on the 12th, of August, along with a friend of mine, Jacquelyn. So after that, it has become the four of us. They intended on visiting us.

My name is Kevin. I have dreams of making lots of different forms of entertainment; movies; TV shows, video games, stage plays, you name it. Not all of them are original; some are Jukebox Musicals, and some are based on other forms of entertainment that has already been done, but although I have almost done some originals, I intend on making sure that every single one of my visions come into fruition.

One day, when I was working on my project, I was remembering the stars I saw outside the night before, that I had mentioned earlier. What I didn't know was that that little star, a Pony that was saying hello to me, would change my life. As for how long that would be, I can't be too sure. I can remember only what I feel I can remember, but this event would probably be one that I could remember.

Outside my house, in the backyard, near some of the sheds, a mysterious thing was happening. The storm funnel that sucked up Fluttershy, and carried her away had opened up a dimensional portal, and brought her into my world. I had not known about that until somewhere around after I had met her, but I would not yet meet her until that event would occur. She was knocked out cold for a moment during that transportation, but then came to, and looked around. She saw that she had ended up in a world very different from Equestria, and the areas of that world.

"Where am I?", she asked herself, "What is this place?"

She then remembered what Zecora had said, before she was taken from the land, that she would encounter Humans in the world she had ended up in.

"Wait. That's it," she said, remembering, "Zecora said that in my dreams, I was in a world of Humans, and that I would be-friend one of them. I wonder what Human I can be friends with here? And...could this actually be the place?"

She decided to take a look around, and see what she could find, but decided that the best thing she could do was to make sure that no Human would see her. She feared that something bad would happen if she did.
Now it was on that day that my Family and I were getting ready to go out, to eat some dinner. When we went out the door, and into the durango, we didn't know that poor Fluttershy was around. We drove out of the driveway, and went off to a pizza restaurant, Hollywood Pizza Buffet while Fluttershy watched us drive away.

"I wonder who they are?" she asked, "Well, I'd better wait until it's safe for me to meet them."

And once we were out of sight, she decided that it would be safe for her to take a look around within our house, and see what she could find.

"Ooh. This house looks lovely," she said, entering the house from the Kitchen, and taking a look around, "I wonder how they survive in here? Better see what else this place has."

And that is exactly what she did. Now what it was that Fluttershy was hoping to find, somewhere in our house, I'll never know..., but as far as I was concerned, that's what led her to finding a new friend, which, unbeknownst to both, me and her, was somehow going to be me.

She went down the stairs, into the basement, and discovered how big it was, two bedrooms, a computer area, entertainment room, even an extra kitchen.

"Wow!" she exclaimed, in excitement, "This is a big room. I wonder what this room is all for?"

She took a little tour of the room, and decided to find out, but she didn't know how to work everything in the house. She then yawned, realizing that she was tired anyway.

"Oh. My," the tired Pegasi said, "I guess that mysterious travel wore me out. Maybe I should get some sleep first. Then Learn how to work things around here."

So Fluttershy walked over, into the extra bedroom, right next to my room, climbed up onto the bed, layed down, and fell right to sleep, peacefully. After taking a nine (9) hour nap, and feeling very energized, Fluttershy woke up, and felt pretty much better, even though she was still worried about how she was going to get back home.

"Oh. That was nice," she said to herself, "I feel much better after that sleep. I kinda' wish I could still find my way home though."

She was going to have to worry more about that later, because just as she hopped out of bed, and was about to leave both the room, and the house, she heard the sound of a vehicle from outside, stopping, doors opening, and closing, and people talking; my Family and I had come home, and Fluttershy started to worry, and become frightened.

"OH NO!" she squealed to herself, "The people who live in this house! They're home. I gotta' hide."

She looked over, and saw my toy chest.

"There," she thought, "Maybe I can hide in there. At least until it is safe again."

She quickly walked over to my toy chest, opened it, jumped into it, and shut the lid on it. She creaked it open, a little bit, and peeked out to see what was happening. My step-brother, Jordan, my step-father, Dave and I came walking down the stairs. I went over to my bed to change my clothes. Fluttershy shut her eyes, and sighed; she didn't see me change my pants, and my shirt. After I had changed my clothes, and my my other clothes away, I regrouped with Jordan and Dave over at the computers, and we went surfing on the internet.

"Are these...," she asked herself, frightened, "...are these the Humans like I saw in my dreams? Could one of them actually be the one I meet, that is friendly?"

Fluttershy wasn't sure which one of is it was that would be friendly to her, but she didn't want to stick around at our house any longer to find out. She tried to climb out of the box, and make her way to the stairs, but no matter how many times she tried, it was either me, or Jordan, or Dave. Either way, one of us walked away from our computer, and either towards the stairs, or to the other section of the basement. This prevented her from trying to get out, and away. She was worried; it would happen everytime she would seek the opportunity, and she would become very worried.

"Oh, come on," she said to herself, in a sotto tone, "Let me get out of here. Stop moving around."

She had to wait for quite a long time until I and everyone else had stopped moving around.

Later that night, everyone, including myself, had gone to bed, and fell asleep. Sometimes I would sleep with my music, sometimes I played a little game, or two on PlayStation Portable, and/or my Nintendo 3DS. While I was sleeping with my radio, Fluttershy finally seeked the opportunity to make her escape.

"Finally," she said, softly, so as not to wake me up, "Now's my chance. I can finally get out of here."

And seeking the right moment, she slowly, and quietly climbed out of the toy chest, shut the lid, and tip-toed away from my bed, and out of the room. She then made her way up the stairs, and towards the door from the kitchen. However, when she turned the door-knob, she discovered that it was locked. She started to worry, and wondered how she was going to get out.

"Oh my," she said, quietly, so as not to wake us up, "I'm locked inside. Guess I'd better wait until morning to get out of this house."

And that's exactly what she did. She saw a bedroom that was close to, and right next to the bedroom. She decided to go into that room, and then, seeing a closet, she walked in there, and shut the door. It was a little crowded in there, but she made herself comfy, and fell asleep.

"How?" she said to herself, feeling sad, "How will I ever get back home?"

Poor Fluttershy. She hoped she find her way back, and that her day would get much better than this one.

That was Chapter 3, in which Fluttershy ends up in the Human World. I know it's not exciting, and all, but I'm just getting started with this opportunity. The next Chapter is, unfortunately, kinda short, and I can't make it any longer than it probably should be, or needs to be. I'll just do the best I can, and wait to see what happens.

And BTW, to the two people who are writing FIMfictions that are combos between MLP FIM, and Kingdom Hearts, Alextrazsa and Shire Folk, an HD 5.1 Remix has been announced for release in Japan of 2013.

INFORM: Sorry. I forgot to publish this two days ago. I thought I did, but I didn't.

Chapter 4: The Search For Fluttershy From Equestria

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Sorry this Chapter is so short, being only half of 1,000 words, the number of how many words to fit within one chapter, but this is, unfortunately the best I could come up with for this Chapter.

Any-who, what happens here is that every single Equestrian Civilian are performing a search to find a portal that will lead them to the Human World, and the location of where they will be able to find Fluttershy. And it's not just the Ponies that are searching, but others that are involved with Fluttershy as well, including one of Rainbow Dash's old friend who ROARED at her, just because she was helping some Ducks

Anyways, here is the next chapter to my story..

The Search For Fluttershy From Equestria

Meanwhile, back in Equestria, all of the Ponies, including Twilight and her friends, Spike, Angel, Zecora and even the three Princess' were searching all around, high, and low, far, and wide, trying to find a portal that would help them, and lead to the Human World, and help them to find Fluttershy.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard they looked, and where they looked, they couldn't find the portal.

Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Twilight stood, and waited on the balcony for any reports, and updates of the search.

Gilda, one of Rainbow Dash's old friends, a griffon, flew in, and greeted them.

Normally, Gilda would want to cause trouble, but because everyone, including herself, was worried about Fluttershy, this would be an exception, especially for her; She remembered that she had roared at her, and made her cry, and felt very bad about that, so she decided to help.

Celestia stepped forward, and wanted to speak, but Twilight, more worried than she was, lifted her hoof in front of her, and stopped her. Celestia allowed Twilight to do the honors, and just stood, and watched.

She stepped forward, and asked Gilda herself, "Gilda, any luck?"

Gilda lowered her head, feeling ashamed, "Negative, my friend. We've checked almost all of Equestria, and have found no trace of whatever portal could help us to find your friend."

Luna could tell that Gilda was worried.

She stepped forward, towards her, and said, "You seem troubled, Gilda. Have you had any incidents with Fluttershy?"

Feeling guilt, Gilda sighed, and explained, "When I first came to Pony-Ville, I came across Dashie's friends, including Fluttershy. I saw that she was trying to help a Family of Ducks, and didn't notice. I became rather rude to her, and roared, out loud, right in her face..., and made her cry."

Celestia felt sorry for her, and knew that she felt pretty bad about it.

"You can worry all about it after we find our way to Fluttershy, my dear," she said, trying to cheer Gilda up, "In the meantime, we must keep looking."

"She's right, Gilda," Twilight said, "We must leave no rocks unturned, and no section unchecked. I, myself, will also search, until I find my best friend. Forever if I have to."

Celestia placed her hoof upon Twilight's back, showing her support.

"Please resume the search, Gilda," the Princess said, "You are dismissed, for now."

Gilda bowed her head, and said, "Yes, your Highness." And then she flew away.

Back over at Zecora's place, somewhere in the Ever-Free Forest, where she lived, Zecora was also searching for the portal, only she was using her magic potions to help with the search. She always trusted her magic to help her whenever something important needed to be done, and in this case, the hunt for the portal that would lead her and the others to Fluttershy, and the world she ended up in were no exception.

"To find the portal will not be hard," she said to herself,
"But it would be like hunting in one's own backyard.
And the Fluttershy search should be easy too.
Be brave, my dear. We will soon find you."

Zecora looked out the window, and into the stars, feeling that their search will be done in good time. She suddenly heard a bubbling sound, coming from her magic cauldron, and turned. It was starting to bounce, shake, and rattle. Slowly, and carefully, Zecora approached the cauldron, and looked into it to see what was happening. Then she gave a surprised look, and, without hesitation, dashed out of her house, and headed for Celestia’s castle.
I admit that this Chapter maybe too short, but I'm not the first one to have a Chapter like that.

Anyways, by the time you've read this, I want all of you to know that I am uploading this Chapter today, because as of now, I have become 28 years old. That means today is my Birthday.

I'll probably be spending it the way I've always spent it; spending time with my Family, eating cake, and ice cream, you get the idea.

This Chapter, for now, is my last one to upload, but don't worry.

I will make plans to work on the next Chapters, revealing what happens next with, and to Fluttershy, including her meeting me, and us doing some interesting things together. Until then, enjoy.