My Sister and I are Porn Stars

by dirty little secret

First published

Now that Pixie Dust has agreed to join his sister Lightning Dust's line of work, it's time for his very first porno shoot. And the director wants an incest cream pie scene!

Now that Pixie Dust has agreed to join his sister Lightning Dust's line of work, it's time for his very first porno shoot. And the director wants an incest cream pie scene!

Contains: Incest, cream pie, filming sex, stop-and-go action, corny porno plot.
Cover image adapted from 2022773 by yakovlev-vad.
(Yes, there’s also a nude version: 2027633.)

Pixie's First Day on the Job

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Down by Ponyville Lake, there were already a couple tents set up with a few ponies bustling around. All of them had their hands full of something or other, and they looked terribly busy, even though I couldn’t really see what they were accomplishing, if anything. “Why are they filming at the lake?” I asked my sister. “Doesn't Moneyshot have his own studio out by the windmill?”

Lightning Dust shrugged. “I dunno. Maybe he wanted some variety? Come on, he hates it when the talent shows up late.”

We hurried along a little faster after that, but I still hung a little bit behind my sister. After all, she had a fantastic ass. And while the yoga pants she wore now didn't show it off to quite the effect as the running shorts she'd been wearing the first time we messed around, I could still see every detail of her curvaceous shape. The cloth was thin enough that I could be sure she was either wearing a thong so tiny that it completely disappeared between her cheeks or no panties at all. The top she was wearing didn't hurt, either. It was white, and it was so thin that it was practically translucent. I could see the pale green of her skin through it, as well as the straps of her no-nonsense black bra.

I got so carried up in staring at her, actually, that we ended up at the makeshift little film set before I even realized it. The first thing I actually noticed was a stallion lugging a big camera past us and grumbling about keeping out of the way. He nearly ran right into me!

“First things first,” Lightning said, “Let's find Moneyshot and make sure he knows we're here. Then we can—”

“Dusty!” A big brown stallion ran up and hugged Lightning Dust, triggering unexpected feelings of jealousy in me. But she just smiled through the big bear hug, so what could I say about it? When the big stallion finally let go of her, he looked over at me. “And this is, um...?”

“Pixie Dust,” I provided for him.

“Ah, right. Well, I can't call both of you 'Dusty', so I guess you're just Pixie.”

“Actually, I prefer my whole—”

“That's too long. You're just Pixie, got it? Good.” He slapped papers into both my and my sister's hands. “Here's the script. Just a basic lifeguard plot.”

“Um, Mister Moneyshot?” I hesitated before saying it, but figured in the end that it was better to be upfront about things. “I've never acted before, not even in a school play or anything. What if I—?”

“Kid, if you can remember a handful of lines and keep your dick hard at the same time, you're better off than most of the pathetic talent I end up with. Your sister says you're good, so I'm giving you a shot. Don't screw it up.”

“I... I...” Was that supposed to make me feel more confident about it? Because it sure didn't! What if I screwed it up, got fired, and had to go back on the weather patrol? The guys there would give me no end of teasing then. Being a porn star has a certain cachet ... but being a washed-up porn star does not.

“Now get those money-making asses of yours to wardrobe – we've only got this spot for three hours, and we need to make the most of it!”

It wasn't difficult to find the wardrobe tent. There were only two tents, and the other one was full of camera and sound gear. Lighting guided me there, even all the way into the tent.

It wasn't a very large space. Barely big enough for a bench, a mirror, and a couple racks with clothes on them. One had only a speedo swimsuit on the mostly-empty rack, and the other didn't have much more – only a blue one-piece. But it looked enormous in comparison to what I'd apparently be wearing.

“So,” I asked, staring at the tiny thing I'd have to wear, “since there's only one tent, I guess me and whoever I'm co-starring with will just have to take turns?”

Lightning casually grabbed the hem of her top and tugged it over her head, taking her bra along with it and freeing her incredible green tits. I stared, transfixed for a moment, just watching them jiggle as she tossed the clothing aside. “No taking turns, and no separate rooms,” she said. “If you're looking for privacy, you're in the wrong line of work.”

“Oh...” Still staring at her chest, I almost couldn't bring myself to ask. It ... it really looked like my sister would be the mare in this porno. Could I really do it with her on camera? “And who will I be—?”

“Me, of course. Moneyshot wants an incest cream pie scene.”

Cream pie?” My mouth hung open. “But we can't—!”

Lightning pulled her yoga pants down. She wasn't wearing anything underneath. “He's paying double for the legit incest. To both of us.”

Well, um... Okay then. I couldn't really be sure what suddenly decided it for me. Was it the thought of that big pile of bits I'd be earning – more than a month's work in the weather patrol – or was it something much baser? The sight of my sister's pussy so brazenly right out in front of me was certainly having an effect. To think that I'd not only be inside her again, but cumming inside her this time ... it was a—

“Hey, are you going to get ready or not?”

Lightning's words snapped me out of it ... or maybe it was just that she'd pulled the bottom of the one-piece swimsuit up over her pussy and blocked my view.

“Oh, um... Yeah.” Hastily, I yanked my shirt up over my head, then unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them off as well. There was only the slightest hesitation before I pulled my underwear off, too. If she saw...

“Well, looks like somepony's been enjoying the show.” Lightning chuckled as she came over to me. “Already hard, huh? Do you want a rematch with your sis that badly?”

“I, um... It's just a natural reaction.” I blushed hotly and made a blind grab for the speedo. “And besides, it's not all the way hard.” It sounded like a lame excuse even to me.

Lightning just watched in bemusement as I struggled to get the tiny swimsuit on. It was a bit easier than I expected because the thing was stretchy, but there was a bit of a problem once I got it up to the very top. No matter how hard I pulled and stretched, I couldn't quite get the waistband of it up and over my erection.

She laughed again. “Something wrong, Little Bro?”

“I... I'll get it in just a... Come on, stretch!” I pulled until the other side of it was wedged right up in my ass, and still it wasn't enough. “Just a minute, and—”

Lightning reached down and oh-so-casually flicked me right in the nuts. It wasn't even a very hard flick, but it was more than enough to go through the thin fabric and send me doubling over and crashing down onto the bench. “Ow! What the hay, Lightning?” I sat and squirmed for a moment, just trying to breathe my way through the deep and ever-growing pain.

“It worked, didn't it?” She pointed down at my cock.

The pain was slowly beginning to fade, and now that I looked there, my cock had wilted significantly. Hanging limp now, it was beginning to slide back up into my sheath.

“Old performer's trick for getting rid of unwanted boners.” She winked at me. “Works like a charm every time.”

I struggled to get up off the bench and didn't quite make it. My balls were still aching, and it felt vaguely like they were tied around my spleen.

“Don't sit back down! Come on – we've got to get these lines memorized, and there's not much time.”

* * *

Both of us were repeatedly scanning over the one-page script when Moneyshot found us again. “We're almost ready,” he said. “As soon as the backdrop's up, we're rolling on Scene One. You two good to go?”

“Um, yeah, I've been looking at this script and...” Despite the way Moneyshot's eyebrows furrowed at me, I couldn't stop with that. I felt like it needed to be said. “I don't really think my character would really be that aggressive toward his own sister unless he already knows that she wants—”

“We don't have time to go around rewriting the script, kid. Cameras rolling in five.”

I glanced over at the backdrop that the two stallions on the crew were propping in place along the lake shore. It showed a beach-side cabana at sunset ... and it wasn't terribly convincing. “Is that thing really going to fool anypony?”

“You ask too many questions. If you two do your job right, nopony's gonna be looking at the background anyway.”

* * *

“You ready, Pixie?” Moneyshot shouted out over the water.

I glanced down at myself. Standing in the cold, chest-deep water, I didn't really feel like I was ready to act like I was pretending that I was drowning. I could mostly remember the lines, but I felt like it was going to seem really fake. “Um... I guess.”

“Alright then. Scene One – action!”

After a moment's hesitation, I let myself dip a little lower in the water and then started splashing my arms frantically in my best impression of a drowning pony. Should I really have been doing my best impression, though? My character was supposed to be pretending, so it shouldn't be too believable, right? Too late to change anything now, though. He'd probably call for a cut and correct me if it was too believable, right?

The other camera focused on my sister, who stood up and melodramatically looked out toward the water, grabbing a flotation ring.

That was my cue. “Sis, help me!” I cried out. “I'm drowning!”

Then it was time for me to let myself slip down below the surface of the water. Ponyfeathers! Why did the lake have to be so cold today? Somewhere up closer to the shore, Lightning would be running into the water and diving to my rescue. Dimly, under the water, I heard splashes growing louder.

With a suddenness that shocked me, I felt hands gripping my shoulders tight. Lightning yanked me up out of the water as if I really was drowning, and started dragging me toward shore.

I'd thought this would be the easiest part of the act. All the script said I had to do was to let myself go limp. That's not as easy as it sounds. Lightning was hardly a trained lifeguard, and she wasn't doing a really great job of keeping my head above water as she dragged me toward the beach. I had to constantly remind myself not to struggle or kick, and I just had to take a gasp of air whenever my mouth happened to be above water.

Once she dragged me up and dropped me – none too gently – on the sandy beach of the lake, I again had to lie still.

Lightning, though, was putting on the performance of a lifetime. “No!” she cried out loudly. “How could this happen to my brother! He's such a good swimmer!” Her hands ran over my body frantically for a moment, over my chest and down my belly, stopping just short of the bulge in my speedo. “I have to give him mouth to mouth!”

I'd actually gone through first aid training for my old job in the weather patrol, so I knew that Lightning wasn't even pretending to have proper technique. Spending no time on efforts to clear my airway, she went straight to planting her mouth right against mine in what was blatantly a passionate kiss. She even slipped me some tongue! And it definitely wasn't proper form to straddle the patient's waist while doing it.

Having my gorgeous sister on top of me and one-sidedly making out with me was having an effect, though. The speedo started to feel more and more unbearably tight as my cock grew and stretched it from inside.

My sister finally pulled away and gasped in a few deep breaths. “No! It's not working!” As she sat up on top of me, the crotch of her blue one-piece pressed against the growing bulge in my speedo. “Wait, what's this?” she said, as if she didn't know exactly what it was.

I mentally braced myself for the corniest line in the whole script. Were the scripts always going to be this bad?

“If mouth-to-mouth doesn't work, maybe he needs mouth-to-cock! I'll do anything to save my brother!”

Lightning slid down my body until she was face-to-face with my speedo, and then she pulled the waistband down. Finally freed of its restricting confines, my cock sprung out to meet her, nearly slapping her in the face. She wasted no time on subtlety, plunging her mouth straight down on my cock and taking me into her throat.

It was hard work, trying to lie still and not react to my sister bobbing her head farther and farther down on my cock. I'd almost forgotten how good her throat felt ... or maybe it was just that memory paled in comparison to the real thing. She was just so eager about it, gulping my cock down and massaging more than half of my length with the contours of her throat.

Just as both of us were really starting to get into it, though, Moneyshot shouted out, “Cut!”

Lightning slid her mouth up off of my cock just a moment later, not sparing any effort on giving me more pleasure now that the cameras were off. She wiped her lips and stood up. I sat up on the sand next to her, my cock raging hard and desperate to be inside something. Hopefully we'd get to Scene Two really soon.

“Prep for Scene Eight. Let's get rolling.”

While my sister immediately pulled off her swimsuit, I just sat there, dumbfounded, my cock poking out from under the speedo. “Wait, Scene Eight? Aren't we missing a few in between?”

“Get those clothes off, kid,” Moneyshot yelled. “We don't have all day.”

“But ... what about Scene Two?”

“We'll get to it, but I'm paying for a cream pie, and I don't want you popping off in her mouth before we get it. Now get moving – I swear I'm taking it out of your pay if we have to reserve this beach again tomorrow!”

Well ... okay. Hurriedly, I pulled my speedo the rest of the way off and tried to remember what Scene Eight was supposed to be.

Thankfully, Lightning helped jog my memory. She was already lying on her side on the beach, completely naked, with one leg raised up so that her pussy was on full display for the camera. I stared at her for a moment, mouth gaping. Goddess, she was beautiful. The way her full, round tits pressed together, the curve of her waist up to her hip, her already wet pussy lips just right there for anyone to see... But I snapped myself out of it before somepony yelled at me again. I had a job to do, after all.

And it was a job that I was really going to enjoy doing, I was sure. Carefully, I got into place, lying behind my sister. My cock slid up between her outspread legs and over her belly for a moment before I pulled it back and poised it right over her pussy lips.

“Scene Eight... Action!”

As soon as he said the word, I couldn't hold myself back a moment longer. I gripped Lightning's waist with one hand and pushed my cock into her pussy. Her wet slit opened easily to the spit-slick tip of my cock, letting my shaft slide into her. Anypony watching would probably assume all that glistening wetness was from some previous scene where my cock was inside her. It was a bit weird, being the only one who knew any different.

My sister's pussy, though, was as warm and welcoming as ever ... and somehow felt tighter than the first time I'd been with her. I moaned a bit as I slid my cock all the way up into her.

“Yes,” Lightning cried out, according to her lines. “Yes! Fill me up, Brother, make me pregnant!”

I knew that line was coming, and I knew from our discussion before we even came that Lightning was on the best birth control potions bits could buy. But damned if hearing her say that didn't make my cock suddenly throb harder. I pushed into her more and more vigorously, jamming my cock as far inside her as I could go and holding it there until I couldn't bear to wait for the next thrust. My free hand slid up from her waist to her chest, then cupped around one tit. I squeezed the luxuriant softness in my hand, groaning again as I kept pounding my cock into my sister’s hot, wet pussy.

Or maybe it was the way she moaned... Every time I shoved my cock as far as I could into her, she let out desperate little breathy squeaks. And if I didn't know any better, that would have convinced me that she was desperate to feel me cum inside her, for me to make her pregnant.

She must have felt the tip of my cock flaring inside her, because as the camera moved in close on her pussy, she whispered just to me, “Pull out almost all the way when you cum, just the tip inside. That makes it more impressive for the camera.”

It was timely advice. Despite every instinct screaming at me to hold my cock as deeply as I could inside her and flood my sister's womb, I forced myself to slide my cock almost all the way out of her.

As my flare trembled in place, stretching her entrance wide, the sound of Lightning's voice changed. These moans were of real pleasure – she really was enjoying this!

Those sounds of genuine pleasure were what drove me over the edge I was already so close to. The cameraman came in for an extreme close-up as my cock visibly throbbed, pumping a fat burst of cum straight up into my sister's pussy.

Lightning cried out her own fake orgasm as the next spurt streamed in. Her body jerked back and forth, and she gripped my hand tight against her breast, even though I knew there was no way she was cumming this quickly.

Not that it mattered to my body, of course. My balls gleefully emptied themselves inside a mare's pussy for the very first time, not caring at all that it was my sister or that she was probably faking a lot of her pleasure. All that mattered was fill and breed. I had to struggle against the impulse to slam my cock back as deep as it would go inside her, but I managed to hold myself back. My body seemed determined to make up for being so far from my sister's inner depths, though, and to do it by pumping so much cum into her that it would be forced to flow all the way into her womb. I'd never in my life gotten off like this before – I almost wouldn't have been surprised if Lightning's belly was swelling with how much cum I shot into her.

Just as my spurts began to decline, Lightning nudged her hips away from me. My swollen tip popped free and pressed hard against her pussy lips just in time for the next one.

The next throb sprayed cum against my sister's pussy lips and sent it splattering all over the place – over her belly, her thighs, the sand. Some of it even got on the cameraman. Instead of freaking out as I'd expected him to, though, he calmly brushed it off and held his camera steady, capturing every moment the messy cream pie I was pumping all over my sister.

As my cock began to soften and the last of it drooled out over her inner thigh, Lightning reached down and slid her fingers through the cleft of her cum-drenched pussy. “What the hay, Bro? You came inside? You know I don't have any protection – I'm gonna get pregnant!”

That was my cue for the next line, which I ruined by wheezing out between deep breaths. “Shut up, Sis. You know you want it.”

“I... I do!” She plunged two fingers into her pussy, pulling them back out again dripping white, and then sticking them into her mouth and noisily slurping them clean. “Oh! I've wanted this so much, Big Brother! Your cum is so delicious!” She got up on her knees, squatting gratuitously in front of the camera as thick gobs of cum dripped from her pussy. “I can feel it inside of me, making me a mare, making me a mommy!”

Moneyshot waited just long enough for one more blob of cum to drop down to the sand before yelling out, “Cut!”

Lightning immediately stood up and took the rag proffered to her by one of the assistants. As she wiped herself down, Moneyshot came over to me.

“Like a pro!” he said. “Dusty and Firefly said you could squirt with the best of 'em, but I didn't believe it until now. You're gonna be a star, kid!”

“Oh, um...” I picked myself up off the sand and tried to dust myself off. I tried very hard to ignore how strange it was to speak to another stallion while I stood in front of him completely naked, my limp cock dribbling leftover cum. “Thanks.”

“Now you'd better get to stroking it or whatever else you need, 'cause Scene Two is next, and you need to be hard for that.”

I'd barely gotten myself back up to half-mast by the time Lightning had herself cleaned off and got her one-piece back on. Hastily, my cock swinging heavily in front of me as I tried to move around, I stepped back into my speedo. At least this time I wouldn't have to pull it all the way up again, just back to where Lightning had pulled it in Scene One.

Soon, everything was in place. Everything except for my cock.

Moneyshot came up to me, hands on his hips. “Come on, is that what you call hard? Time's a-wastin', kid!”

“I'm, uh... I'm not sure I can, so soon after I—”

Lightning pulled my shoulders back and turned me toward herself. “Here,” she said, dropping to her knees in front of me. “Let me handle it.”

Before I knew it, my cock was inside my sister's mouth again, being treated to a heavenly deep-throat blowjob. Since I wasn't at full hardness, she could easily let me slide down into her throat, and she could do it without all the gulping tightness and theatrics that it took when I was at my peak. She reached up with both hands and cradled my balls through the speedo, and the way her eyes looked up at me made it seem like she really was desperate to have me again, like she'd do anything to get my cock inside her.

It didn't take long after that. To Moneyshot's satisfaction, when Lightning finally slid her mouth off of my cock, it bobbed proudly in the air in front of me, as hard as ever. “Good, good,” he said, grinning down at my cock. “Now get into position. We've got to hustle if we're going to make this shooting schedule work.”

Once I got back down on the ground, Lightning got into position almost instantly, kneeling over my waist and holding my cock in her hand with her mouth poised above it. She didn't move, though, not until...

“Scene Two. Action!”

Lightning plunged her mouth back down on my cock, and it was all I could do to keep from groaning out loud, or even grabbing her mane and pushing her down farther.

Luckily for me, the part of the script where I was supposed to lie there doing nothing was quickly coming to a close. When I heard the cameraman moving close to my head, I peeked my eyes open and looked down at my sister.

She seemed completely absorbed in what she was doing, stroking my shaft with both hands as she bobbed her head up and down on my tip. The sheer energy she put into it was amazing. I almost could believe that she thought she was saving my life that way ... as ridiculous as that was.

Lightning pretended not to notice as I propped myself up slightly, getting a better view of her as she did her marvelous work. Soon ... soon it would be time to give in to what I always wanted to try anyway. What would it be like to hold my sister's mane in my hands and fuck her mouth as much as I wanted?

No time like the present to find out – it was in the script after all!

I reached out and grabbed Lightning by the mane. She squealed slightly around my cock, but I didn't let her up to say anything. Instead, I shoved her head down, down, until she was deep-throating me again, her lips planted firmly against my sheath.

After giving just a few good thrusts into her throat, though, I let her go. That was in the script, too, and I couldn't justify pushing her down according to the script if I didn't also let her back up according to the script ... even though what my body was screaming at me to do was to hold her down and jerk myself off with her head until I came down her throat.

The cameraman came up close on her face as she came up gasping, her lips dripping sloppily. “Why you little...” She wiped her mouth and jumped upward on top of me, straddling my belly and my cock above it. “You were faking it this whole time? I thought you were going to die!”

“No, I really wasn't faking. You really revived me with that blowjob.” I put as much life as I could into the lines, but they still felt kind of hollow.

“I should throw you right back in that water!”

“Aw, but Sis, if you throw me back, I won't be able to do this...” As scripted, I reached my hand down between Lightning's legs and rubbed the lovely little bulge in the very bottom of her one-piece swimsuit. The fabric was very thin and stretchable. I could feel everything, including the little bit of wetness growing there.

“Hey, quit it! You can't do that – you're my brother!”

Instead of stopping, I pulled the strip of fabric to the side and started rubbing my fingers across her pussy lips directly. “Come on. You know you like it.”

“I... I...” She suddenly tensed as one of my fingers slipped inside her. “Aaah!

Wow, now that little gasp actually sounded pretty realistic. Either my sister was a really good actress, or she really was enjoying this. My other hand wandered up her thigh, took a moment to squeeze her incredible ass, then worked its way up her swimsuit. Lightning moaned even more when I groped her perfect tits through the thin fabric, and she squirmed on my finger as if trying to get it to go even deeper.

Goddess, I wanted her so bad! My cock was throbbing hard and slapping against my belly. I squeezed her tits more and more, finger-fucking her until her juices poured down my hand, and I still wanted more. Even though I just came inside her only a few minutes ago, I just had to have her again, right now!

Struggling and fumbling, I managed to get one shoulder strap of her swimsuit down, then the other one. I yanked it away, exposing her pale green tits to the camera, where the cameraman came in for a closeup of me grabbing them directly. Not for long, though. I had to get it off of her then get her on top of me!

Just as I started pulling her swimsuit down over her hips, though, Moneyshot called out, “Cut!”

Immediately, Lightning stood up, lifting herself off of my finger and out of my reach. I just dropped down against the sand and squirmed a little in frustration.

Luckily, though, the pause wasn't for long. As soon as Lightning shuffled the swimsuit down over her hips and down to the ground, she took her position on her knees, straddling my hips. She wasn't even touching me yet, but still my cock bounced up in a vain effort to meet her halfway.

“Get that swimsuit off, kid!”

Oh yeah. I'd forgotten about that part. I was supposed to be naked for the next scene. It seemed that something had distracted me a little bit. That something smirked down at me, idly rubbing a finger over her clit. Her pussy dripped one milky drop down onto my belly, landing right next to my cock.

Awkwardly I squeezed my hands down between my hips and her thighs, scooching my speedo down just a little bit at a time. It wasn't easy, and the lower I got, the more difficult it was to reach.

“Need a little help there?” Lightning said with a little laugh. She leaned backwards and reached behind her, pulling the speedo the rest of the way off with what seemed awfully like practiced ease. Just how many times had she done that before?

“Finally,” Moneyshot said before I could go too far down the rabbit hole of wondering just how many stallions my sister had been with – raw dogging, of course – before me. “Scene Four, Action!”

Lightning went into character with shocking ease. “Mmm! You're right Bro. I can't take it anymore. I need your big, thick cock inside me right now!”

As cheesy as the scripted dialog sounded, Lightning made it seem real, and scripted or not, I was happy to give her what she was begging for. She positioned herself over my cock, and I lifted it up with my hand, rubbing the tip against her soaking wet pussy lips.

“You ready, Sis?”

That was her cue, and she hit it perfectly, pushing herself down over my cock as her only response. She plunged deep, pushing herself all the way down until her ass slapped onto my hips, my entire length nestled inside her.

“Oh Sis, you're so tight!” Ugh, that line sounded like garbage, so cliché. It was true, though. She did feel amazing, so tight and warm against my shaft as she started to rock her hips forward and back.

That rocking motion felt amazing, and I was thoroughly enjoying an unscripted grope or two of her tits as she moved on top of me ... but that wasn't theatric enough for a porno. After just a few moments of that, Lightning started energetically bouncing on top of me, picking herself up almost as high as she could on her knees and slamming all the way back down on me again and again. The whole glistening-wet length of my cock showed for the camera again and again before she'd slide her pussy lips all the way down it again.

That felt amazing as well, of course. The feeling of my sister's inner walls rippling all the way up and down my cock was just perfect. Less than perfect, though, were the heavy impacts of her ass against my hips, with the unforgiving sand beneath. I had to stop from wincing every time she came down – that wouldn't look good for the camera.

So I wasn't too disappointed when Moneyshot called out, “Cut!” and we positioned ourselves for the next scene.

I barely had time to wipe the sand from my ass before we rushed into position: doggy style, with Lightning's face nearly pressed against the sand. We didn't hurry because of Moneyshot's shooting schedule, though, at least not for me. I just wanted to get back inside my sister's pussy as soon as possible, and it sure seemed like she wanted me back as soon as possible as well.

“Scene Six, Action!”

I took only the briefest moment to admire the way Lightning's beautifully smooth pussy lips bulged out at me between her bent-over ass cheeks. Looking was nice, but feeling was better. I nudged my hips forward and placed the tip of my cock right up against her slit on the first try. And we were both so slippery that when I gave another little push, my cock slid back into her with perfect ease.

As I hilted my cock all the way inside her, Lightning's wings opened in front of me, quivering outstretched. I wondered if that was a natural reaction or just a show for the camera.

It didn't matter, though. The important thing was my sister's hot, wet pussy and my new-found freedom to pound into her as much as I wanted. I grabbed her tail in one hand and rubbed my other hand up and down the smooth curves of her back as I gave in, slamming my cock into her again and again, driving her face down into the sand. It felt so good to use my sister's body like this, to hear her slight little moans as I bottomed out inside her, as my balls bounced off of her clit.

It felt so good, in fact, that I felt myself flaring up again. I wondered if I cream-pied her again in this position, which version they'd end up using in the film...

But before that could happen, Moneyshot shouted “Cut!” again.

Reluctantly, I pulled out of my sister. My flare came out with an audible plop. This time, when I stood up, I caught Lightning staring at it with undisguised desire. And since the cameras weren't rolling at that moment, I knew that her desire was real. Of course, that only made my cock throb all the harder.

The next scene was the buildup to Scene Eight, so we both got down on the beach just like before, with me behind Lightning and one of her legs held up.

“Scene Seven. Action!”

“Yes,” Lightning said, groping her own tits. “Give it to me, Brother! Give me everything – fill me up!”

I was more than happy to oblige. The broad tip of my flare didn't fit into her pussy easily, but with enough slick moisture and enough pressure, it finally popped in, making both of us gasp.

“I'll give it to you,” I said, already cringing at the lines I knew would follow, “but only on one condition.”

Lightning rolled her head back theatrically, almost hitting mine. “Anything, Brother, just please cum inside me!”

I gave her a particularly hard thrust. “If you have a boy, you have to name him after me.”

“Yes! Yes!” she shouted, though it was unclear whether that was an answer or an encouragement to my thrusts. “I'll do it! I just want your cum inside me so bad!”

Who the heck wrote this script? Was it Moneyshot himself, or did he have screenwriters working for him? Thankfully, that was the very last line of dialog for the day, so I just just focus on pounding my sister without thinking about how Moneyshot should fire his writer.

Just as I was finally able to forget about the dialog and really focus on giving it to her, though, everything came to a crashing halt. Moneyshot called out, “Cut!” again, but this time it was followed by something much worse: “Alright, folks. Good work. That's a wrap. We've got everything we need for today, and we need to be out of here in twenty. Let's get everything packed up and go.”

To my dismay, Lightning picked herself up and slid herself off of my cock, getting back up in a very businesslike way.

I was much slower to get off the ground, and I barely managed to do it before Moneyshot came over to us. My sister seemed perfectly at ease standing in front of him and dripping from between her legs, but I felt distinctly uncomfortable facing a fully clothed stallion with my wet and flared cock bobbing around in front of me.

“Good work, you two. I've put in a little extra bonus – you earned it.” He handed each of us hefty pouches that clinked with the sound of bits inside. “Next shot's a lesbian thing at the bowling alley. You think you can fit a bowling pin in there, Dusty?”

Lightning smirked at him. “Just one?”

He laughed and then glanced over at me. “And how do you feel about doing a solo scene for some of our male audience? They'd love to see one of those big cumshots of yours!”

My eyes went wide, staring at him. “I, uh...”

“Just think it over.” He slapped me on the back, making my cock bounce in front of me. “It's not like you actually have to mess around with another stallion or anything. Either way, we're doing a gangbang scene at the end of the month, and we'll need every cock we can get. That young changeling from the School of Friendship is going to turn herself into Princess Celestia, and you're all getting Royal Guard outfits. See you then!”

I watched him go in a daze of confusion and stymied lust. So many feelings and emotions ran through my head that I just couldn't do anything.

Lighting wasn't under any such disability, though. She bent down and grabbed both of our swimsuits from the sand, then headed for the wardrobe tent, her hips swinging as she walked. “Come on, Pixie. We've got to hurry if you want another pornstar finish before they have to tear the tent down.”

I rushed after her, my cock bouncing crazily.

Still, Lightning got to the tent before I did. That turned out just fine though, because the moment I stepped inside, I found my sister on her knees in front of me, her mouth wide open and her tongue out expectantly.

With my cock already bobbing freely in front of me, it was obvious what I was supposed to do. I planted my thickly flared tip against her mouth and tried to shove it in.

It wouldn't quite fit, not when it was already flared up like that. But Lightning was an experienced mare, and she knew how to handle a flared cock. She slid her tongue and lips all over it, slathering my sensitive tip and then moving up and down my whole length. Mostly, though, she used her hands, gripping both hands around the girth of my cock and pumping hard. She wasn't wasting any time!

And neither was my cock. After all I'd been through today, it was about to blow already, and the sight of my sister worshiping every inch of my cock down there, her tits bouncing as she moved and her tail up high behind her ... that was more than enough to finish me off.

“Aah! I'm cuuu—”

Before I could even finish saying it, a thick stream of cum shot out of my cock. Luckily, though, my sister was even faster. Before it could cause any difficult-to-explain stains on the wardrobe tent's floor, Lightning planted my cock against her mouth, letting it pump right down into her throat.

Despite having already popped once today, I still had so much to give her that she couldn't keep up with it, no matter how quickly she tried to swallow. And yet, even as her mouth filled with cum, she kept stroking my shaft with one hand and fondling my balls with the other, milking me for all I was worth.

Being the talented professional that she was, Lightning didn’t miss a single drop. When my cock finally dribbled out its last, her mouth was full to the brim with cum, but she hadn't spilled even the slightest bit.

She let me see her open mouth for a moment and the pool of white sloshing around inside, then she closed her mouth and gulped hard. When she opened again and stuck her tongue out, it was completely clean.

“Wow...” That was all I could say, staring down at her, my knees feeling weak.

She got up and handed me a damp rag. “Now get cleaned up and dressed. We need to be out of here before they're ready to take the tent down.”

Numbly, I grabbed the rag and began wiping my cock clean. Thankfully, the water in it was kind of warm, so it actually felt nice. I'd have to remember to thank some of those other crew members I'd seen running around.

“So,” Lightning said, already pulling her yoga pants back up. “You going to do that solo scene?”

“Um...” I regretted, then, not having asked Moneyshot how much a solo scene paid. Or did that even matter? This was all so confusing...