No! Bad dog!!

by WhatDidIJustRead

First published

Pom's enormous sheepdog, known simply as Papa Dog, will protect his family using very unique methods.

Pom is small, young, and painfully innocent. She loves her puppies and their parents, Mama and Papa. When there's trouble, Pom may not want to fight, but the pups are only all to eager. And if they get in trouble, the only real problem will be for whoever messed with the puppies of an angry Papa Dog.

Well, in Foenum, there are plenty of those who will cause trouble for a seemingly harmless little sheep.

Contains: Bestiality, savage throat fucking, non-con, and lots of canine cum.

This was originally written for a couple of friends, and never posted since I assumed it'd be against the rules. But apparently TFH content is allowed without needing to be MLP-related, so here's what I wrote forever ago. I had initially planned on 6 stories, but stopped after finishing these two. I'll mark the story as incomplete for now, but no guarantees I'll finish it. Either way, enjoy!

Art is by Aer0 Zer0, cropped and used with permission (id:2600745 on derpi).


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Pom stepped gingerly over a gap in the cobblestone road, light pink wool pompadour bobbing with her movements, and the bell she wore on her neck made muffled jingling noises against her chest. Her four puppies were behind her, chasing each other and growling and yapping playfully. She turned her head back to address them.

"Now, careful that you don't trip here, pups," the little lamb said with a noticeable amount of concern. The dogs, either not hearing, not caring, or taking her advice as a challenge, charged past her. "Ah- hey!" She scowled at them, but they weren't even looking at her, and she sighed. Her features melted back into a warm smile as her beloved friends played in the grass ahead.

Pom continued walking, the soft clop-clop of her hooves lost among the sounds of energetic puppy play and wooden creaks of the town's windmills, their blades turning slowly on gentle breezes. The sheep of Baaaaah (her home town) were quite well off compared to the starving alpacas of the Huacaya mountains or the cows of the prairies that she'd heard had to constantly travel in wagons. She thought of how lucky she was to live in a town of plenty, and she silently thanked her dogs for helping to keep the fields free of rabbits, mice, and other pests that would eat their food supply.

"My dogs eat clover all the time! They've never even touched the alfalfa!" came a familiar voice from around the bend of the cobblestone path. It was Pom's neighbor, Bayle, and it sounded like he was having his usual argument with his brother, Cobb. She rounded the corner and smiled at the two who were facing away and unaware of her presence despite her puppies playing noisily.

"Yer as blind as our old mother then, because I saw 'em eatin' alfalfa just t'other day!" Cobb said grumpily. That Pom's friends and neighbors could afford to worry about silly things like what the dogs ate spoke volumes of how well the sheep lived. She had seen much of Fœnum in her travels, and every new place she visited only reinforced her belief that Baaaah was essentially paradise.

"Yer full o' manure as always," Bayle said, pausing to cough up a ball of wool and mucus. "But even alfalfa's better'n those golden oats that outsider mentioned."

Pom's easy smile disappeared. Golden oats...?

"Ha!" Cobb guffawed. "Never thought I'd see us agreein' on somethin', but here we are."

Pom rushed forward, hoofclacks alerting the two to her presence. As they turned toward her, however, her social anxiety kicked in hard enough to make her slide to a stop, where she cleared her throat. "Uh... hi, Bayle. Hi, Cobb," she said hurriedly, before they could speak. "I couldn't help but overhear you mention an... outsider?"

"Aye," Bayle said slowly, suspiciously, more an unasked question of why she wanted to know than an affirmation. The brothers didn't like their talks being interrupted, and Cobb was silent and grumpy, but Bayle knew Pom well enough to give her a chance to explain herself.

"Was it a reindeer?" Pom asked.

"Aye," Bayle said, quirking an eyebrow.

"Did ya happen to catch her name?" Pom said, feeling Cobb's impatient stare burning into her. Bayle, however, shifted from suspicious to curious.

"Aye, we did. Said her hame was Velvet. Ya know her?" Bayle asked.

Pom's heart sank, and she nodded. "Can ya tell me which way she went?" she asked.

Bayle pointed a hoof along the path. "She went that-a-way, 'bout half an hour ago."

Pom nodded her thanks and stepped past them, and Cobb immediately resumed their argument.

"Heel!" she said over her shoulder, lightly striking her bell with a hoof. Her pups immediately caught up, running past in their excitement. Rowdy and carefree as they were, they were still mostly very good at listening to her. Mostly.

The path wound between trees, gentle hills, and farmsteads, ultimately bringing Pom into the town proper, where everything seemed far too quiet. The streets, usually full of busy sheep trading and moving supplies, were empty. Only important events, like a town meeting or stampede, would make the town this calm, and neither of those things was scheduled for today.

Walking cautiously between eerily silent buildings, Pom's ear twitched as she picked up a sound; the distant murmur of an unsettled crowd, and the uneasy shuffling of several hundred hooves that coalesced into a low rumble. She immediately broke into a restrained trot.

As she approached, before the gathering's noise could resolve into distinct murmurs and coughs, there was a voice that turned her blood to ice. Like a deep-winter bell ringing high and loud and piercing, it came to Pom, a reminder of their first meeting.


Pom shivered, but continued.

She reached the edge of town, where hills and windmills began to dominate the landscape again. As the gathered sheep came into view, she could see Velvet standing alone, up above them all, on a block of ice no doubt conjured as a makeshift stage.

"I'm only going to ask zis von more time!" Velvet said, her voice as heavy with cold fury as it was accent. "Vhere is Pom?"

Pom gulped. With all attention on Velvet, none of the sheep had noticed her, and perhaps it wasn't too late to slip away back home, where she'd be–

"There she is!" one said. Never mind. The crowd bleated loudly, and Velvet's mouth turned up with a grin, smug and malevolent. Pom could almost see the thousand imagined punishments playing out behind the reindeer's large, cerulean eyes.

"Leave us!" Velvet shouted suddenly. At least one sheep must have been spooked by it, because panic spread through the group, and they all fled in the same direction. Pom sighed internally, knowing a stampede like that could go for hours. She was suddenly very alone with a very dangerous and angry reindeer whose pride she had hurt before.

"Velve-heh-heh-het!" Pom said in her friendliest tone. "Long time no see. I don't suppose yer still mad about the, uh... the thing. Where my pups... ah..." She stopped and gulped as Velvet slowly advanced, the grin now a sneer. "I tried to tell them no! I swear! I'm really, really sorry about that!"

"Do you know how long it took me to fix my floof and hide ze chips in my hooves? I couldn't be seen in public for veeks. VEEKS!" Velvet said. Pom could almost see steam rising above her icy blue antlers.

"I didn't wanna fight ya! I tried warnin' ya about the jobbie on the ground, but you just stepped right in it!" Pom said, and immediately regretted it.

"Silence! You and zose... mongrels vill pay for zat!" Velvet spat. "Now, enough talk! Die!"

Pom shrieked and cowered in place as Velvet reared up on her hind legs, summoning a floating icicle that came to a fang-sharp point. A small flick of her hoof sent it sailing straight at Pom's head. Just before it connected, however, one of her pups, Ruff, leapt from the side and caught the deadly icicle in his maw, wagging his tail as he landed. As he shook his new toy, he growled playfully.

Velvet growled angrily.

She brought her hooves down to the ground swiftly, creating another spike of ice, this time larger and directly above Pom. It fell toward her, where she still sat with hooves over her eyes, too afraid to even look. Two pups, Tuft and Puff, tackled her aside, eliciting a small shriek from her that was drowned out by the crashing of ice into cobblestone and hard-packed dirt.

"Stay still so I can kill you!" Velvet cried. "Zis vill only take– ah!" The fourth pup, Woof, was attached to her rear leg, gnawing away and snarling. Velvet's right forehoof came down and smacked Woof away, hard, and the puppy yipped as he was struck, flew a short distance, then slid to a stop, unmoving. "Filsy vermin."

Pom's face was one of shock, and her heart hurt for her poor Woof. She hoped dearly that he was okay. Then she looked at Velvet (so vain that she was fussing with her uninjured leg and straightening her fur) and stood up.

"Hey! That wasn't called for! Why don't ya just... go away, meanie!" Pom cried, then regretted it, as it had gotten Velvet's attention. "That is... um... these pups are under my protection, and– eep!"

Enormous spikes of ice erupted from the ground beneath Pom, but instead of impaling her, they seemed to curl around her, holding her in place. She struggled and wriggled, but the ice held fast, encasing everything but her head and neck. Ruff, Tuft, and Puff charged at Velvet, only to meet the same fate as more tendrils of magical ice sprouted up below them, entangling them in a frozen knot.

Velvet seemed winded, and she took a moment to compose herself before she spoke.

"Now zat I've got you right vhere I vant you, I'm going to," she said, pausing for a beat as her malicious smile returned, "enjoy zis." She approached. Pom shivered, as much from fear as from the icy cold.

"P-p-please, I d-didn't mean to–" Pom said, cut off by a sharp hoofstrike against the side of her face. The bell at her neck jingled softly.

"Shut up, vorm!" Velvet said. "I'm going to do to you exactly vhat you did to me!" She smacked Pom again with a backhoof.

Pom, as much as she hated fighting, was no stranger to it. She had traveled far and had been forced to fight many terrifying creatures. Somehow, with the help of her pups, she always prevailed or otherwise survived the encounters. One strange animal, half dragon and half horse, had even trained her, and taught her how to better take hits.

So, stuck in the ice and terrified for her life, she recovered from the two attacks surprisingly quickly. "It'll never happen again! I swear it on me mum's–" Another smack stopped her, the recoil making her bell ring again.

"I said shut up!" Velvet said. She attacked Pom's defenseless face with a flurry of attacks, careful not to hit so hard as to chip her hoof again. Pom bleated aloud as her head was knocked about, her bell ringing constantly. Velvet stopped, huffing and glaring at her enemy. "I varned you not to touch my floof. I told you vhat vould happen if you did. You and your little fleabags vill pay now!" She hit Pom one last time, the bell sounding out, loud and clear.

Pom panted, the pain in her face rather bearable, as Velvet hadn't done any real damage. Bruises, at worst. She lifted her head to see the vengeful reindeer stepping daintily over to the three trapped pups.

With a wicked grin, Velvet looked back at Pom, savoring her concerned look. A small, razor-thin sheet of ice appeared next to Tuft's head.

"No! Hit me all ya want, but don't hurt the pups!" Pom cried desperately.

"Oh, I'm going to do vorse zan hurt zem. I'm going to shave off all zeir floof! Zen I'm going to cut off zat ridiculous pompadour of yours!" Velvet said.

As Velvet turned to begin, Pom detected movement in her peripheral vision. Her eyes snapped to it, and she saw an enormous black and white bulk of fluff, muscle, and teeth. It was Papa Dog, the pups' father. He sniffed at Woof's still form, licking the puppy once. Pom felt a massive wave of relief wash over her as Woof stirred and stood up. A small yelp came from Tuft, and Papa turned his head sharply toward Velvet, where she was busy holding the puppy's head still and lining up the razor. Pom's eyes widened. "Uh... Velvet. You'd really better stop now."

Velvet cackled cruelly, stopping to look at Pom again. "Hah, and how about you tell me exactly vhat you plan to do about it vhile I ruin zis furball's coat?" she said, neatly cutting off a patch of fur.

"No, really! Ya have to stop!" Pom warned.

Velvet's smile died along with the words in her throat as an unexpected growl came from behind her. She turned around, finding herself face-to-chest with the largest dog she had ever seen. Papa was as big as a bear, and presently just as intimidating. Strands of drool hung from his lower lip and sharp fangs, bared in a clear warning as a deep snarl rumbled from behind them.

"Uh. Good doggie," Velvet said, backing away slowly. "I von't hurt you."

"Velvet, if ya just let us go, I'll call him off," Pom offered.

"Right. Let you go. I can do zat..." Velvet said, pausing to channel her magic. " your dreams!" She leaped up suddenly, doing an incredibly graceful flip that seemed to simultaneously create and send downward an enormous spike of magical ice just above Papa Dog. It struck him directly, crashing heavily into his mass, and... shattered into a million fragments that dissipated into the air. He was unharmed, and extremely pissed off. Velvet only had a moment to regret her decision. "Vhoops..." Papa Dog heaved his mass toward her, easily bowling her over onto her back, and pinned her down.

Pom closed her eyes, facehoofing internally. She should have known that Velvet was not one to learn lessons easily.

"Get off me, you... mongrel!" Velvet said. Papa's weight only pressed down harder, and his deadly maw was inches away from her face. Something heavy and wet fell against her belly. Knowing full well what it was, she narrowed her eyes. "You vouldn't dare."

He dared.

Papa Dog pulled his hips back and up, and the tip of his slick, red member found her entrance. "I'm varning yoouuaaah!" Velvet cried as he pressed his length inside her. Physically, she immediately stopped struggling. Vocally, however, she hurled an endless string of insults at him. "You filsy, dirty, disgusting, flea-bitten–" She stopped to moan as he pulled out and rammed himself back in. "Ahh... mangy, lutefisk-eating, butt-sniffing..."

Pom opened her eyes. "Oh, my," she whispered to herself, blushing. She shook her head. "Papa, no! Bad dog! We don't do that to strangers!"

Papa Dog didn't seem to hear her, and again thrust himself into the helpless reindeer beneath him. Despite Velvet's foul words, she seemed to be handling his girth quite well, however. His rough motions pounded her sex repeatedly, his knot slapping against her labia wetly before retreating. Feminine deercum leaked from her convulsing tunnel as she orgasmed, betraying the part of her that was enjoying it. Her voiced complaints and insults gained a lilting tone, unable to fully hide her climaxes.

In a display of dominance, Papa grabbed the thick mass of floof at the reindeer's neck as he had his way with her. She was none too happy with this particular development, and made it quite clear. "No! Not ze floof! Anysing but zat! Let go!" she said, flailing her forehooves at his face. The attacks did nothing to him, but he did let go of her floof. Then, when he slid his stiff, throbbing doghood from her, he kept it out. Velvet almost looked disappointed. Panting, she spoke. "Looks like you finally learned your lesson. Ze floof is..." As he shifted himself around, her voice faltered, and she found her muzzle directly in front of his pulsing tip. ", uh, off-limits..." Droplets of canine precum dripped onto her snout, its strong, cloying aroma overloading her senses.

Pom scrunched her muzzle in concern. The way he was sitting on Velvet with his crushing weight looked outright dangerous. His heavy balls kept her face from view, but it couldn't be looking too pleased. "Papa, no!" Pom cried. "Stop! Heel! Bad touch!"

"If you sink zat nasty sing is going in my mous," Velvet said, "zen you are sorely mistakullghh–" She was cut off by exactly what one would expect in that situation. Papa Dog's thick, warm cock filled her mouth and throat, and it was all she could do to complain through her nostrils, more a sigh than the growl she had intended. Her forehooves flailed helplessly against the dog's massive backside, and his enormous fuzzy balls hung before her eyes, taking up most of her field of vision.

Pom, knowing full well just how productive Papa could be, worried for her poor enemy. She tried every command, whistle, and bell jingle she could from her helpless position, but he was clearly on a mission to protect his pups and teach an unforgettable lesson. Still, she continued to struggle against the ice. It had melted a bit, and she was beginning to have some wiggle room.

Velvet, thick red knot pressed up against her snout, couldn't help but try to complain as was her usual habit. "Hhrg, gllk!" she said. Papa Dog, possibly taking it as a request to begin, began. He slid his member back, tip still in, then, just as her voice came out, he pushed it back in with a ruthless forward thrust. Panting, his knot smooshed up against her snout again, and he went for another rough thrust. His balls swung forward and smacked the deer's face, eliciting more annoyed, wet noises from deep in her stuffed throat.

Pom writhed, wanting to help poor Velvet, and found herself slowly loosening the icicles' grip on her. If she could get to Papa Dog before he finished, maybe she could save the poor reindeer from a worse fate than their last encounter. She was so close to being able to free her forehooves.

Papa Dog had begun to thrust rhythmically, the velvety-soft confines of his prey's throat massaging his length wonderfully. Each of Velvet's attempts at protesting only served to pleasure him further, and spurred him on to humping with more energy. He panted and whimpered as his knot pressed hungrily at her maw, seeking entrance that was so far denied. Thrust after hungry thrust, he fucked her with a deep need bubbling up inside him. Then, with a bestial grunt, he pressed forward, and he felt his sensitive knot enter, suddenly surrounded by warm wetness. There was no holding back anymore. His balls tightened up as he approached his climax. Velvet's eyes rolled back in her head.

Pom, forehooves free of the ice and too distracted by her own efforts to notice Papa Dog's present state, pulled herself forward and out of the ice. "Ah ha!" she said triumphantly. Then, she looked over at Velvet. Oh no. She was too late! "Oh, no no no! Bad boy! Bad boy! I'm so sorry!"

"Gulk hhp!" was all Velvet could say as Papa Dog's cock jumped and twitched inside her maw, and his balls released hot, sticky jets of dog cum directly into her belly. No longer in control of herself, Velvet swallowed hungrily, repeatedly, around the warm invader, inviting more of the canine's seed into her, and more she got. He continued to fill her, his orgasm further fueled by her eager swallowing. Additional ropes of semen came until, eventually, it spurted out of her mouth, leaving sticky trails across her face where it dripped down. Panting and wagging his tail, the enormous dog pulled his softening, still-dripping cock back and away from Velvet's face and stood up.

"Papa, that was very bad! Very, very bad dog! No! That's not okay!" Pom said as she approached. Velvet was coughing, and she spat a glob of white onto the ground. "Uh... are you okay?"

Velvet rolled onto her belly and sneered up at Pom. "You'll pay for zis," she managed in a raspy voice, then she coughed again.

Pom sighed. "Well, in the meantime, how about a nice cup o' tea?"

Velvet growled. The puppies, all free from the ice, ran over to Velvet, yapping playfully. They climbed over her as they played, and she had no energy to resist. Pom did little to stop them. Velvet gave up, her head collapsing back down to the ground. "Enh. Fine. Tea sounds good right now."


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Velvet sat on a cushioned wooden patio chair in front of Pom's cozy little brown thatched-roof cob cottage. In front of her, there was a table made of magical ice, and her steaming cup of tea rested atop it. A small elf-like creature floated above her shoulder. It was wearing a winter coat and hat despite the mild weather in Baaaaah. With a small but commanding flick of her hoof, it immediately retrieved the cup with a deft swoop and brought it to her lips. After a dainty sip, she waved her hoof again, and the creature placed the cup back down, quickly returning to its post next to her.

"No, puppies, you... ugh... stay inside!" Pom said as she struggled to keep the energetic little dogs from plowing through the door. She shut it and locked it, then sighed before turning to her guest. "How's yer tea?"

"Enh. I've had better," Velvet said haughtily.

"Oh. Sorry. I can try making it again if–"

"No. It is fine. Not everyvon can make ze perfect tea like I can. Zis is good enough for... egh... clearing my sroat." Velvet faked a cough, an exaggerated show of how displeased she was with Papa Dog's treatment of her hours before. "By ze vay, did you punish zat scoundrel for vhat he did to me?"

Pom's eyes shifted left and right quickly as she sat in her own chair, resting her teacup on a small wooden table. "Oh, um, yep! He sure won't be doing, eh... that... anymore. I, uh... hit 'im! Really hard. Yep. Gave 'im a good, solid... smackeroo."

"Good. I may just forgive you after all, zen. As long as you don't get in my vay to becoming ze champion, zat is."

"Well, I mean... if I can save Foenum, I'm still gonna–"

"I said," Velvet growled, pausing for effect, "as long as you don't get in my vay."

"O-okay! Whatever you say. I don't really like fighting anyway."

"Zat's better."

Pom sipped her tea in silence. She knew she was treading on thin ice when it came to Velvet, and she certainly didn't want another fight on her hooves. Especially with Papa Dog tied up in the back yard, where he couldn't save her again. Of course she hadn't hit him as she'd told Velvet, but she did mildly scold him, earning her plenty of sad whimpers, and she was hoping that he was okay. All alone. Tied to a stake. Poor Papa Dog. Maybe just one more hug–

"There you are!" a familiar voice cried, interrupting Pom's thoughts. "You ain't gettin' away from me this time!"

She turned to look, and saw a calf standing next to the road. Oh no. The young bovine was a fierce combatant, Pom knew from experience, and her two short horns glinted in the early afternoon sunlight, polished and probably recently sharpened. Her brown and white coat was dusty from traveling the roads, and it showed evidence of numerous scars, an amount that was impressive for her age. One cloven hoof pawed at the ground as if she was preparing to charge at any second. It was...

"Arizona," Velvet said, her voice dripping with cold fury. "Did you follow me here?" Her eyes narrowed.

"'Course I did. Y'all're easier to track than a herd of sheep."

"Hey!" Pom said, offended.

"Stay outta this, lambchop. This is between me and her," Arizona said, staring Velvet down with a cocky smile.

"As much as I hate to agree vis her," Velvet said, "she is right. Ve have... business. So, don't get in ze vay." She gulped down her tea and stood up from her chair. "Vell, vell, vell. Just couldn't leave vell enough alone, could you?"

"Don't say I didn't warn ya, popsicle. Tell me where the key is, or I'll pound yer pretty little face in again."

"Ha! Again? You sink you von last time? How cute. I simply had more important matters to attend to zan dealing vis a stupid, ugly, smelly little heifer like you."

Arizona huffed, two small jets of steam shooting from her nostrils. "You take that back! I ain't playin' no more!"

"And vhat are you going to do? Moo at me? Hahah–"

Arizona charged at Velvet, covering the distance between them quick as lightning. Velvet, well-prepared for the reckless attack, turned her chin up, and vicious spikes of ice erupted from the ground beneath Arizona, tripping her. As she slid face-first on the hard-packed dirt path that was Pom's walkway, Arizona slammed her front hooves into the ground, using the momentum to flip forward and land, continuing her charge at full speed. This caught Velvet off guard, and she desperately threw up a wall of ice to stop her opponent, only for it to shatter into a thousand pieces as Arizona's impossibly hard head smashed through it, and struck Velvet directly in the chest, knocking her over backward.

"My floof!" Velvet cried as she stood up.

Pom, shaking in fear on her little patio, had a small voice inside her telling her to ask them to fight somewhere else, where they wouldn't ruin her neatly-kept flower garden or short picket fence.

"You vill pay for zat!" Velvet continued. She reared up on her hind legs, and three deadly icicles formed around her, aimed at Arizona. With a flick of her hoof, they flew forward in a straight line. Arizona threw up her forelegs and knocked two of them aside. The third icicle, however, threatened to hit her soft, exposed belly. She twisted away from it, throwing herself onto her side in the process, and landed on the ground hard.

Meanwhile, Pom watched on in horror, part of her glad it wasn't her fighting. The other part noticed how close they were to her patch of roses, a gift from her brother the last time she had seen him. She had fought both of them in the past and survived, so she knew she would be okay entering the fray. And besides, it's not like she was going to fight them again. All she was going to do was ask them to fight in the field across the street. She took a small, shaky step forward.

"Looks like I vin again," Velvet said as a large spike of ice coalesced above her, prepared to launch at any moment.

"Think again, snowball!" Arizona cried as she produced a rope from who-knows-where and flung it with practiced precision at the reindeer, lassoing her neck. "C'mere!" With a sharp pull of the rope in her teeth, Arizona made Velvet fall flat on her face, dragging her through the dirt as she flailed her hooves in an attempt to stand back up. Cries of disbelief and rage, muffled by the ground, emanated from the roped deer. Arizona raised her front hooves above Velvet and shifted her weight forward, prepared to deliver a devastating stomp.

Velvet rolled out of the way, barely avoiding the cow's hooves, but the stomp was powerful enough to break apart segments of the ground itself, one crack dangerously close to Pom's garden... a garden that Velvet had just rolled closer to. And Arizona was ready to stomp again.

Gulping down her fear, Pom leapt at the two. "Stop!" she yelled just as Arizona's hooves fell. Velvet dodged this stomp as well stopping just shy of the beautiful red roses, and the shockwave threw clumps of soil about. Luckily, the flowers were presently safe, but Arizona was not stopping there. Closing her eyes, Pom threw herself between the two combatants with another desperate yell for them to stop. As Arizona was rearing up and readying another attack, Pom's light body slammed into her, with just enough force to tip the cow, knocking her onto her back.

As Arizona and Pom climbed to their feet, Velvet took the time to remove the rope from around her neck. "I told ya to stay outta this, little missy," Arizona said. "You messed with the cow, and now ya get the horns!" She threw herself at Pom, who simply covered her eyes and bleated in terror. Arizona's horned head struck Pom straight on, the points luckily not impaling her, and threw her back against an angry Velvet. The bell on her neck jingled aloud as she tumbled about. All three dazed ungulates landed in a confused pile.

Pom felt something prick her leg as she tried to move, buried under cow and deer. "Oh no... My roses..." she lamented. The two troublemakers atop her stirred, and Velvet rolled and hopped away, her tiny hooves digging painfully into Pom's side, and took a low, aggressive stance. Arizona stood up in place, picking the lamb up with her, and glared angrily.

"And don't get in our way again, y'hear me?" Arizona said, raising a hoof to strike Pom (whose eyes were closed yet again) once more. She stopped when she heard a musical giggle coming from her most hated enemy. "What're you laughin' at, ice cube?"

Velvet laughed harder, stopping just long enough to give a breathy answer. "I'm laughing, moocow, at how incredibly screwed you are."

Arizona growled, wiping away a thick, slimy bead of sweat that trailed down the side of her face. She paused and looked at her hoof that she had wiped with. A clear droplet hung from it, attached to a long, viscous string. At about the same time that she realized it wasn't sweat, a deep and threatening sound came from behind and above her. Guttural. Feral. Predatory.

"Take this!" she cried, shoving Pom away as she fell onto her forehooves, lifting her rear end to deliver a powerful backwards kick to the mysterious new threat. Before she could, however, a massive yet soft paw slapped her down and held her flat against the ground. She twisted and strained against the heavy weight pinning her down, trying to see what it was.

"Papa, no!" Pom cried.

"Papa...? Wait, is that–" Arizona said, a loud bark cutting her off, leaving her ears ringing. "Oh, no. Not you again!" Atop her was the familiar massive bulk of Papa Dog, a hulking beast of muscle and black-and-white fur.

Pom ran up to the helpless calf, fiercely slapping at her bell and yelling commands. "Papa! Heel! Off! Down! Back! To me!" she said, then felt soft but confident hooves curl around her from behind.

"Come now, Pom," Velvet said in her ear. "Ve shouldn't interfere vis zis. She vas trying to hurt you and he is simply protecting you, no? Let him do his duty."

"But... no, we don't do that with guests!" Pom argued, struggling half-heartedly against Velvet's surprisingly firm grip.

"She's not a guest, she is an intruder on his territory. Really, he has every right to do zis," Velvet said, her voice like icy honey.

"But I... it's not... I mean... ugh. Okay, fine. But then he's gettin' tied back to the stake," Pom said, looking uncertain as she glanced at the leash and attached dirt-covered wooden spike Papa was presently dragging behind him.

"Zere zere, it's okay. I'm sure she'll be fine."

"Okay. I guess so. I mean, you're okay after what he did to y–"

"Ah-shh!" Velvet said, pressing a hoof to Pom's lips. "No. Ve don't talk about zat." She stole a glance over at Arizona, relieved to see that she was far too occupied to notice what Pom had said.

Papa Dog, above captive prey yet again, growled dangerously as he bared his teeth down at the small cow who had managed to flip herself over onto her back. As before, his long, red canine member flopped down with a wet slap. Arizona grunted. "Ah! No! Keep that thing offa me, dangit! Ahhh... ha!" She managed to twist herself free, and she rolled aside. Right into a block of ice that disintegrated the very next moment. Then, Papa was on her again, holding her in place.

"Feisty von, aren't you?" Velvet said, standing next to Papa. She smiled at him. "Hold her still, vould you?" Her smile became devious as she turned back to Arizona, hefting the rope in her hoof.

"You wouldn't dare!" Arizona said, struggling once more.

Velvet dared.

She deftly wound the rope several times around Arizona's four flailing legs, then pulled it tight, bunching all of them together. With incredible swiftness, she tied a knot, pulling it tight with her teeth. "Voilà! Now you are... mmm, how vould you say it? Hog-tied?" Velvet said, then cackled cruelly.

"Lemme go, slushie!" Arizona cried, straining against the expertly-tied rope. As Velvet walked away, Arizona was reminded that there was still an enormous dog on top of her when a drop of slobber splashed against her cheek. And his knotted phallus was once again on her belly, leaving a sticky trail everywhere it touched. "Dangit... stupid mutt! Keep that thing away from me! I'm warnin' ya! It ain't gonna be pretty if you– hnnng!"

Penetration was sudden and ruthless, and Arizona's face contorted into an expression of discomfort as her virgin folds were parted for the first time. She stopped squirming the moment she realized that it was only making it feel weirder, but continued to move her legs against the rope, trying to free them.

"Oh... I can't watch," Pom said, looking away.

"I know, I know," Velvet said in an obviously insincere attempt to be comforting, "but zis is for ze best. I'm sure she vill learn an important lesson from zis."

"Dag nabbit, ya stupid mutt, get offa me!" Arizona shouted angrily. Rebellious to the very end.

Papa buried his bone inside her repeatedly, his thick knot stopping him from full penetration as it slapped wetly against her fuzzy lips. He panted above her, his massive forepaws digging into the dirt on either side of her as he thrust his hips forward repeatedly, his bestial urge to mate driving him to repeat the motion over and over.

Arizona suddenly began emitting small squeaks that came in time with Papa's thrusts, as she seemed to be approaching a climax. As the relentless pounding pushed her to the edge and over it, her quick, short breaths stopped. She looked like she was desperately trying to hold something in. Then, just as streaks of silvery cowcum spurted from between her constricting folds, her first orgasm took her by surprise, and she couldn't keep it in. Her mouth opened, and from deep within her came a long, loud "Mmmooooooooooo~"

Velvet burst out laughing. "She... she really mooed! I can't believe zat she..." she said, laughing too hard to continue.

Pom just looked worried. "You don't think this is kinda mean?" she asked.

Velvet took several moments to collect herself before replying. "Mean? Don't be ridiculous. She probably likes it." Just then, Arizona came again, unable to stop herself from mooing once more, sending Velvet into a new bout of hysterics.

"Papa, go easy on her!" Pom shouted, but he showed no sign of slowing.

The slick cock slammed into Arizona repeatedly, filling the air with lewd squelching sounds and the smell of sex, and the bulging knot pressed desperately against her tunnel, stubbornly seeking entrance where simple tightness denied it. She panted heavily, closing her eyes, and her muscular walls contracted repeatedly around the slippery intruder, sometimes spouting forth gouts of feminine cum. Her coat became matted with sweat as the lewd act wore her out in a way that no fight ever could. Out of breath and embarrassed by her feral moos, she had stopped shouting spiteful insults at the beast atop her, who likely couldn't understand them anyway.

As Arizona's breathing came in short gasps once more, she adopted a concerned face as she let slip one more loud "Mmmooooooo!" Her pussy contracted as she came, then relaxed, contracted, and relaxed... and with a precisely timed thrust from Papa Dog, his cock pushed into her depths deeper than it had yet. His knot suddenly found itself buried between her warm, clutching walls. Her moaning moo became more intense, and his feral growls became lustful grunts as she tightened almost painfully around his sensitive knot. His balls tightened, and when his hips were forward from the last thrust, they stayed there, keeping him inside her.

Papa Dog came hard. His cock thickened with the pulse of hot cum traveling through it, and he delivered his payload up against Arizona's cervix, splashing it with his thick seed. Jets of heated canine semen painted her inner walls, filling her with his essence, then overfilling her. Some filled the small immediate space, some was forced into her womb, and as the pressure built, some spurted out around his knot, leaving sticky lines across her fur and the dirt below them, with her own fluids mixed in.

As his orgasm tapered off to a slow drool, Papa Dog leaned down and licked Arizona's face. "Ack! Pleh! No! Stop it, ya varmint!" Arizona said breathily, unable to sound very threatening when she was so exhausted. She tried to squirm free, but he was well and truly stuck inside her.

"Oh, no..." Pom said. "He's gonna be stuck like that for a while."

Velvet, already grinning, couldn't hold herself back, and she lost herself to another giggle fit.

Arizona, apparently having heard this, glared at Pom. "How long's a while?" she asked. "'Cause I ain't got all day."

"Oh, maybe half an hour or so?" Pom said with a lilt and small smile, attempting to sound innocent.

"Half..." Arizona said, then struggled against her binds once more. "Half an hour?! Y'all can't expect me to lie here fer half an hour! Dangit! No! That... no!"

"Maybe," Velvet said, fighting back tears of mirth, "maybe zis vill give you time to sink about ze lesson you've learned!" Then, she continued laughing, much to Arizona's chagrin.

Pom sighed and walked over to the unhappy cow. "So, uh... while you wait," she said, "you want a cup of tea?"

A half hour passed slowly for the unfortunate Arizona, and after delivering her tea and removing the ropes from her legs, Pom used the tranquil period of time to try to save her roses. They were damaged but not destroyed, and it looked like they'd survive. After replanting them, she sat with Velvet again on her patio.

"So... what is that thing?" Pom asked, indicating the elf-like thing floating above Velvet's shoulder. "It seems to do everything for you except fight."

"Oh, zis?" Velvet said with a cocky smirk. "Zis is a vinter sprite. Zey just like serving reindeer, but ve don't really know vhy. Most reindeer only have von or two sprites, but I have fifteen. Fifteen! Only von can travel vis me zough, so I can't show you ze ozzer fourteen. Zey also hate violence, and zey hide vhenever zere is a fight."

"So, in a way, they're kinda like the pups!"

"Vhat?" Velvet asked, looking like she was just slapped. "If you sink zey are anysing like zose... fleabags, zen–"

"Ah-ahh, finally!" Arizona shouted. "Now, let me up, ya big dummy."

Papa Dog obliged, his shaft and knot retreating back into his sheath, and he removed his bulk from the stocky little cow beneath him. She immediately leapt to her hooves and took on a fighting stance, wobbling visibly.

"Alright, snowcone, let's finish this," she said.

"Seriously?" Velvet asked. "You vant to fight me like zat? You can barely even stand up. You couldn't even beat Pom in your current state. And anyvay, zat mutt behind you isn't going to let us fight here in peace." Pom looked offended, but said nothing.

Arizona held her position, but was visibly uncertain. She looked at Papa Dog, then, after a moment, she sighed. "I guess yer right. Ain't no point in doin' all that again."

"Vhy don't ve just valk home togezzer? Zen, vhen you recover, I can show you how truly hopeless it is trying to conquer perfection!"

Arizona growled. "Yer on! I ain't gonna go easy on ya next time!"

Velvet laughed. "Ve shall see. Pom? Ve should go before ze sun sets. I vant you to know zat I accept your apology and admission zat I beat you, and zat you von't ever get in my vay again."

Pom shook her head as if knocking the words around that she had just heard would make them make sense. "But I never–"

"Ta-ta, darling," Velvet said, already halfway over to Arizona, who looked like she was still struggling to resist pouncing on her foe right there.

As the two ungulates trotted along the road and disappeared behind a hill, hurling immature insults at each other, Pom wondered how long they would actually be able to put off another fight. She looked over at her roses. At least by the time they did fight, it would be someplace far away from her peaceful little home.

As she took a sip of her cold tea, she saw several magical balls of ice fling up above the hill, then fall back out of view. She sighed and looked over at Papa Dog, asleep and unaware of the nearby ruckus. Oh, well. Good enough.