Diplomatic Debauchery

by Evergreen_The_Horse

First published

After an unresolved romantic past with King Sombra, Princess Celestia must talk with the Mad King himself to discuss how they can strengthen the bonds between their kingdom. But King Sombra has a more... Adulterated way in discussing politics.

As King Sombra tightens his hold over the Crystal Empire, Princess Celestia heads out for a last-ditch summit to keep things civil between their nations - and maybe even bring back some of the Sombra she once knew. Knowing the power the King now wields, she decides to bring a bodyguard. Unfortunately, that bodyguard is Discord.

Warning! Contains...
a Somblesticord threesome, Discord superteasing Tia, creampies, double teaming, oral, anal, and vaginal, clop with plot, sexual male competition and rivalry, a tragic love story, feels near the end, and impregnation.

Thanks once again to Moorsheadfalling for helping edit and proofread my fics. He also did the cover art! Thanks dude, you're the real one out here. :trollestia:

Diplomatic Debauchery

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A headache. That's what Celestia had.

She always hated peace summits, they were never of any use. A few important leaders sit in a room, argue for an hour, and leave with little to no threads that any 'peace' was made to begin with. Utterly pointless, and she always had to attend and oversee them. It's not like she had a choice, she was the Princess of this budding country. But for her beautiful Equestria, she would endure anything. Anything.

She was currently in a private carriage to the Crystal Empire. Rubbing her temples with her hooves to soothe the accursed headache she had. While yes, this could be labeled as her normal, every week summit, this one was covered up before it reached public eyes. There would be no other leaders other than her and the ruler of the Crystal Empire himself. This summit was for a more personal and face-to-face conference with one of the most formidable and dangerous rulers in Equestria. And just thinking of negotiating with… him made her head throb to no end.

King Sombra.

Back when Celestia was just a budding princess, Sombra was a very close individual to her. During boring peace meetings and discussions with leaders across the land, she and Sombra used to be close. The kind prince, soon to be king, would always agree with her and was quite the genius in serious debates over Equestan policies and procedures. The two rulers-to-be even talked outside the round table, whether it be over if they'd be a good Princess or King or if Equestria would truly benefit with them in power or if they were really worthy to be in control of such dangerous and powerful magic. The talks were sometimes personal, sometimes playful, but they had grown very close nevertheless. Needless to say, Celestia had taken a liking to him, some would even call it pure affection. But after a while… he stopped showing up to meetings. And Celestia never heard or saw hide nor tail of him again. She even sent numerous letters to him but not a single one was written back. Celestia was hurt, to say the least. And she couldn't help but feel bad blood for the sudden cut off after they had grown so close.

The only interaction she ever got from him, if you could even call it interaction, was from reports from the Crystal Empire after he became King. At first, things were fine. He was as novice leader and an example to everypony striving for an idealistic idol. But over time, things… changed.

Lately, Celestia has been getting reports saying that he's been partaking and participating in uncivil actions in his kingdom. He's been passing unjust laws, elevating taxes, there's even been rumors that he's been secretly enslaving his own citizens in his dungeon. So Celestia has been personally wanting to get to the bottom of this. He's been showing signs of, quote unquote, "madness" but she had hoped with all her heart that it would pass. Maybe it was foolish to wait and let the situation get worse, but she couldn't let it get more dire. She had to speak with him.

But she wasn't doing this alone, oh no. If things possibly go wrong or the rumors about Sombra were true, she wouldn't be in too good a position to defend herself if he potentially pulled something. She definitely wouldn't want to risk her own guard ponies lives, and it's not like they stood a chance against somepony as powerful as King Sombra to begin with. So, she brought someone much more powerful. Someone much more… devious. Celestia had brought…

"Me! Hahaha!" Discord laughed after delivering the punchline to a joke.

Celestia snapped out of her train of thought and looked over to Discord, who was sitting right next to her. Truth be told, she hadn't been paying much attention to him ever since they both had entered the dimly lit carriage.

"Oh, um… yes. Very… good one, Discord." She said, a not so convincing tone plaguing her voice.

Discord caught on very quickly. He gave a loud huff out his nostrils and leaned back into the carriage seat, crossing his arms.

"Hmph! Celestia, you wound me. I had spent all day coming up with that joke and I don't even get a chuckle out of you. Not even a giggle!"

Celestia just sighed in response. She knew he was only trying to cheer her up.

Celestia and Discord had been somewhat good friends ever since they had met. A God of Chaos such as Discord certainly needed to be kept a close eye on, especially to ensure the safety of Equestria's future. But he compromised quite easily and him and Celestia had tight amends. Whether he was truly being honest or not with keeping his power in check, only time would tell. Celestia did feel bad that she had the power to counter him need he become unexpectedly… unstable. But for now, she trusted him. And he was one of her closest friends, maybe even comparable to a little brother considering he loved to purposely get under her skin at times.

She had brought him along for a mix of moral support, comic relief, and most importantly, protection. Discord was powerful, maybe even more powerful than her and Sombra. If things went wrong, she knew he'd put Sombra in his place. He was more of an aide in this summit trip than anything, but Celestia wouldn't have brought anyone else.

"Really Tia, I don't know why you're so worked up over this whole thing. All we're going to do is have a nice, friendly discussion with him!"

Discord pointed his paw-like hand to the unoccupied space of the seat between the two of them. Three small mini, almost life like figurines of Celestia, Discord and King Sombra appeared. The mini Celestia and Sombra were inaudibly talking. Celestia observed them.

"You two will talk out your economy or politics or whatever it is you royals talk about…" The two minis shook hooves with smiles on their faces. "And that will be that. See? Nothing wrong in the slightest! Then we'll all sing and dance to jubilant themes of prosperity!" Discord shouted. All three figures started to cutely dance, and then suddenly popped into confetti one after the other. Celestia watched it all with a sceptical look, and then raised her eyes up to Discord. He had a big innocent and toothy grin plastered on his face.

She sighed and facehoofed, shaking her head to his oblivious optimistic naivety. "Oh Discord, how I wish it would be that simple. But diplomatic discussions with a ruler like King Sombra, somepony who barely deserves his position, don't come to a compromise so easily." She said with a knowing look in her eyes. She turned away. "I'm hoping this will be quick and thorough. The less time I have to spend with that cretin, the better." She gave a stubborn 'hmph' before going silent.

Discord huffed and crossed his arms yet again. He turned his head away and looked out his side's small window. All he saw was the darkness of the frozen tundra the Crystal Empire was surrounded in. Celestia being stubborn with him was nothing new. She's always been a bit of a stubborn foal at time. But… he knew why she really was being so uptight and unsure about this summit. It wasn't just because she had to talk one on one with Sombra. He knew the bigger reason.

After all, he could smell it the moment they entered the carriage. All he was doing was keeping silent about it.

A devilish smile came across his face. Being the joker he was, he loved making her blood boil in reaction to his comments or actions. He thought now would be the perfect opportunity to just let it rip. Not looking at her, he spoke up.

"Oh, I see… you're only acting like this cause you're worried the big, bad king is going to notice you're in heat." He said, knowingly emphasizing the words that would set her off the most.

Celestia's eyes widened and her pupils dilated. Her cheeks flushed red, her mouth clamped shut, her ears perked, and her nose twitched. Her turned to Discord with fire in her eyes, he was just staring back with a smile. Completely ready to watch the fireworks go off.

"What?!" She shouted in denial. "H-How do you know I'm in heat?!" She asked in a fluster. "I put a spell over it, it should be impossible for anypony to notice..." She slapped her mouth shut with her hoof. Looks like she had inadvertently confirmed Discord's suspicions, though that was probably his goal. Had her spell fizzled away without notice?

Discord was practically lounging in his seat, arms crossed and giggling like a schoolfilly. He reached one of his arms up and tapped his nose with one of his fingers. "Hehe, this snout has been around for centuries, dear Tia. You think I haven't chased an in-season tail before in my time? A mere heat masking spell can't trick a nose that knows." He gave a smug grin and glare at her.

Celestia's mouth went slightly agape and her blush darkened. She was ashamed he was able to see through her so easily. She gave a defeated sigh. "Ugh… fine. It's true. I'm in heat, so what? Every mare has her season, even princesses." She collectively said. "I'm going to hate this summit regardless. The aggressive emotions my estrus cycle gives me is only an additional obstacle to overcome. King Sombra is my real annoyance in this. That is all."

She didn't even realize, but she had started to press her rump farther into the seat's cushions, as if she was trying to trap her scent and the fact she was in heat.

"Hmm…" Discord took his beard into his hand and stroked it. Celestia was like an open book to him, and her body language was giving off a lot of signs. He just needed one last bit of confirmation. "This… aggravation. It's not just because you're in heat, is it?" Discord studied her carefully. She was still calm and collected, but her head was starting to drip in sweat, she was fidgety, and her rather fine royal tush was pressed firmly into the seat cushions. All from talking about… him. He squinted his eyes but then came to a conclusion and quietly gasped.

"Wait! You really are flustered over Sombra, aren't you?" He excitedly asked. She stayed silent but her face scrunched up in response, yet again only confirming Discord's theories. "Tiaaaaa… I was only teasing you. Are you actually… enamored by him?" He asked curiosity with a singsong voice.

Celestia started to stutter. "W-what? N-no, that's not… that's not it a-at all…" Her eyes darted away from him and blankly stared at the partition of the carriage only a few inches in front of her. She knew she was about to get it now. She mentally braced for impact. Celestia knew all too well that once Discord starts, he never stops.

"Ooooooo, gurrrrrrl!!" Discord snapped, disappeared, and reappeared right next to her wearing some lipstick, a wig, and a purple dress. "You have got the hots for him!" He threw an arm over her shoulders and pulled her close. Celestia gave a surprised gasp and fidgeted to this touch, slightly uncomfortable.

"Giiiiiirl… let me tell you, I can tell you need to get laid. I mean, look at you!" He snapped and a mirror appeared in front of them. He grabbed her by the chin and yanked her head to face it.

"These summits are taking such a toll on your complexion! Your eyes are baggy, your beautiful hair's ripples and waves are uneven, and have you smelled yourself lately?" He gave a big whiff of the air. The scent of her heat practically burned his nostrils. "Phew-wee, you have got it bad! No matter how much you deny it."

Celestia just scoffed and rolled her eyes, placing a hoof to his chest and pushing him off her and back to his side of the carriage. "Oh please, I'm getting by just fine. How I deal with my heat or the summits themselves is not your concern. Besides, what does this have to do with Sombra? This is nothing more than a meeting of peace."

Discord held up a hand and wagged his finger. "Ah-ah-ah, Tia. I know you. You're in denial. You say that, but I know what you really want." He snapped again, his accessories poofing away as he slid a tiny bit closer to her and held up a clenched fist. Celestia looked at him with raised eyebrows and plenty of scepticism. He then opened his hand.

The two figurines of Celestia and Sombra were sitting in the palm of his hand, only a few inches apart. They were looking at each other, more lustful than Celestia wanted them to. "See, all you need is a little push…" He took a finger from his other hand and gently nudged the two a little closer. The minis inched together until they were hip to hip, muzzles only inches from each other's. The lock they had in each other's eyes were unbreakable. "And then… you'll take care of that primal need." Discord said in a rather deep and whispery tone.

The two figurines suddenly clashed their lips together, wasting no time fighting for dominance with a battle of tongue lashings. Celestia watched, her red face scrunching up and her stomach turning in disgust. But… it was so sickly interesting that she couldn't take her eyes off the scene.

Sombra started to lean in more, the mini Celestia losing her balance and flopping onto her back. Sombra was dominantly looking over her, the lip lock unreleased and still going strong. That's when Celestia saw it. The throbbing erection the mini Sombra had. It was miniscule, considering that it was a small figurine. But it still looked thick, girthy. It made Celestia's mind drift.

What did the real King Sombra's cock look like?

She suddenly sharply gasped, a cold but pleasurable shiver coursed up her spine. She knew exactly where that feeling came from.

Her vulva had winked, her clit had briefly rubbed itself against the soft cushioning of the seat. Celestia could barely believe it. She was actually becoming aroused from the impure thought of actually fucking King Sombra.

She internally chastised herself. How could she let Discord take advantage of her heat like this? This… fantasy in front of her had worked her up. And now, it seemed like there was no going back.

Discord looked at her whimpering, red face. Her body ever so slightly shaking, her heavy and hot breaths, her red tinted cheeks and ears, she was a heat ridden mess. He smiled, it was honestly kind of cute. She kept watching the two figurines. The mini Sombra had slowly positioned and aimed himself to the mini Celestia's entrance. Discord took this perfect opportunity to taunt her.

"The big King must long for a nice, caring princess to court. Just think…"

He snaked his way closer, wrapping his arm around her shoulders once again and holding the lewd make believe illusion as close to her face as possible. Celestia never let her eyes off it, even as Discord leaned into her ear, his voice hushing to a husky whisper.

"Just think how good it'll feel when he…"

And with that line… the mini Sombra sunk his length into the mini Celestia's pussy.

"Ravages you."

Celestia's eyes dilated, she gave a loud and sharp gasp, her mind went blank, and she felt her pussy quiver beneath her. In the back of her mind, she couldn't believe it. She truly couldn't believe that Discord of all creatures was about to make her cum using only his cunning words and cheap illusions. While incorporating King Sombra of all ponies. She hated it. She absolutely despised this whole thing. Yet she was loving every second of it. All of it was too much for her. She closed her eyes, her mouth went agape, and the pressure in her loins built to their peak. All before she…


"AHH!" Celestia shouted. She was suddenly bombarded with a face full of confetti. She snapped out of her almost orgasmic high and her body flinched back. Her heavy breathing turning into frightened gasps for air as she recovered from the sudden spook. She slowly cracked her eyes open and her sense of reality finally returned to her. Confetti was flying throughout the carriage and Discord had returned to his side, laughing like a madman. She had realized what happened. The two figurines had popped into confetti like earlier. Quite loudly, as well.

Celestia's mood instantly made a one eighty. She had gone from extremely aroused…

To extremely pissed off.

"DISCORD!" Celestia practically shrieked. She stared at him with daggers in her eyes, and said daggers were lit aflame and aimed straight toward his neck. Of course this whole thing was one of his pranks, she should have seen it coming.

Once Discord came down from his laughing high, he wiped a tear from his eye. "Phew… ohhhh Tia, Tia, Tia. You really need to work on not letting your guard down. Do you know how easily brutish ponies and creatures, like moi, can take advantage of that? For the Princess of Equestria, you manipulate too easily, my dear."

Celestia felt insulted. But guilty all at the same time. It was true, she really was an open book sometimes, but that fact only fueled her rage. Her horn glowed it's powerful golden aura and grabbed him by the collar of his neck. He was completely calm in this situation though, a smile still plastered across his face. She yanked him over and pressed her face into his, staring straight into his relaxed and half-lidded eyes.

"You listen to me, Discord. I do not care what you say or how many times you say it. I am not attracted to King Sombra and this summit will not become anything more than what it is. You will stay by my side at all times during this and you will not tease or take advantage of my heat cycle for the rest of this trip. Do I make myself clear?"

Discord closed is eyes and gave a small chuckle. He crossed his arms and a halo appeared over his head. "Crystal."

Celestia's stare lessened in intensity, and after a few deep breaths, the glow on her horn dispersed and the grip on his collar vanished. She silently looked back over to her window, a look of annoyance still present on her face. Discord brushed himself off did the same, returning to his side of the carriage. With a cheeky smile still on his face, he crossed his legs and blankly looked out his window. Into the cold, dark blizzard.

They both were silent for the rest of the ride.

"... you're just mad I didn't let you finish."

"What was that?!"


Mostly silent.


It wouldn't be long until the carriage passed through the protective barrier of the kingdom. The cold darkness of the eternal blizzard surrounding the empire vanished in an instant and was replaced with the warm and sunny Crystal Empire. Well, as warm and sunny as it can look.

Celestia and Discord looked out their respective windows as the carriage rode through the streets and toward the castle. It was a disheartening sight. Ponies either looked like they were in rags or barely making it by. Most had bags around their eyes and their stomachs looked distended and slim. Not only that, but Celestia couldn't find a single pony with a smile on their face. She grimaced at the sight.

Even the kingdom itself looked unhappy. The Empire was a bright and beautiful kingdom yet the air to the towns of it felt… hostile. Intimidating. There was this unnatural gloomy feel to it that set Celestia off. And that wasn't even taking in the fact that there were these odd, black crystals jutting out from the corners and roofs of houses, walls, even the very pavement itself. Celestia didn't know what they were, but they gave a certain unease to her that she didn't like in the slightest. Are the rumors really true?

She went into a short train of thought.

"Sombra… no wonder my disdain for you is so strong. Look at the state of your kingdom. How could you let it shape into this? Your citizens are miserable, your towns are unwelcoming and uninviting. This isn't the Crystal Empire I remember."

Celestia sighed deeply.

"…You used to be such a respectable leader. You were a prince… no, a true King of high caliber that everypony looked up to. But now you've turned into… this? Poverty ridden towns? Hostile looking environments? ...Even the chance that you're enslaving your own citizens in secret...?"

Celestia shook her head. "What happened to you?"

Discord looked over to her, she was blankly staring down. She seemed to look… sorrowful? Angry? Nostalgic? Remorseful? It was hard to tell. He wondered if he should say something, ask why seeing Sombra was getting her in such an emotional funk.

But he didn't. He just shrugged and looked back over to his window, uncharacteristically keeping silent. But it was for good reason. He felt that these questions would answer themselves on this trip.

Soon enough, the carriage finally came to a complete stop. Halting in front of the entrance to Crystal Castle, the tallest building in the Empire. And the place where King Sombra gave his orders and rule.

Celestia looked upwards out her window. She knew he was up there. Sitting on his throne, waiting for her entrance. Probably with a smug and narcissistic smile across his face. A shiver ran down her back. She was not going to enjoy this…

She inhaled deeply and exhaled even deeper, mentally composing herself before her horn lit up and the door to her side opened. Discord did the same, reaching a hand to the handle of his side and opening it. Both of them slipped out without a word, Discord sneaking a glance to the wet spot Celestia had left on her seat. He silently chuckled. If she kept up like this, he felt he knew exactly how this summit would end.

As Celestia stepped out, she made sure to quickly use her heat masking spell once more, just in case. Before Discord could notice, she closed her eyes, lit her horn, and enveloped her sensitive pussy in a yellowish glow. She bit her lip as it winked in response, trying to keep herself quiet and not make it obvious what she was doing. Her hind leg lifted a tiny bit in response, she knew she had to be quick.

After a quick second, the glow vanished, and she lowered her celestial tail to cover her royal privates. She gave a quiet sigh but quickly shook the feeling off. After a small mental and physical composure, she puffed out her chest, raised her head high, and defaulted to a princess-y stance. Discord flew over the carriage and landed on the ground by her side. She looked over to him and nodded, he gestured his hand forward in a gentlemanly manner.

She was ready. At least, she hoped and prayed she was.

Without another thought, she started walking. Discord followed suit, his hands behind his back. They entered into the castle, their hooves starting to omit a glassy *clop* as they strode through the main hall's polished crystal floors.

Celestia, without looking towards him, started to speak to Discord. "Now, I should not need to repeat myself. But knowing you, I will lay out my rules one last time. You are my protection in this. This summit will include no more than the three of us. You, King Sombra, and I." They both arrived at the stairs of the castle. Celestia started to climb them, continuing her speech. "If, and I will repeat, if he does decide to pull something or endanger the safety of this meeting, you will be the one to put a stop to it. Other than that, you will not say a word throughout this entire summit. Do my words reach you, Discord?"

Discord nodded. "Of course, Celestia. You won't hear a peep out of me." Celestia hummed in agreement. The reached the top of the stairs and continued on their way to the throne room. But there was something… odd about the castle, something off-putting. Celestia didn't notice it, but Discord definitely did. He looked around. The castle was eerily empty.

He reached up to stroke his beard. "Although, I don't think you'll be hearing a peep out of the castle either. I mean, just look around. I haven't seen a guard pony since we stepped hoof in here."

Celestia was so focused on getting the whole thing over with that she hadn't even realized. The castle had been oddly empty. You could practically hear a pin drop from across the far ends of the castle, it was so silent. It was just another question to add to the pile.

"Mother above, Sombra! Not only is your kingdom in shambles, but your castle too?! Where are your guard ponies? Why aren't they stationed at entrances to rooms?" Celestia thought.

She wished she could stop these thoughts, she wished that all of them just weren't true. But… there was no denying it all was possible.

"You don't… you don't actually believe you have no need for guard ponies, do you? Are you that obsessed and confident with your… power? Or are they stationed somewhere else entirely? For your own selfish desires?"

Celestia was so lost in thought that she hadn't even realized she finally arrived at the door to the King's throne. She was snapped out of it from a shout.

"H-halt!" A guard pony said. Rather meekly, at that.

She shook her head and realized they had finally found a guard pony. The only one they had come across. He looked pretty pathetic and shaky on his legs.

"Y-you… you're Princess Celestia, r-right?" The pony asked.

"Indeed I am. And this is my… 'special guest', Discord." Discord simply waved. "We are here to have an important discussion with your King." Celestia stated.

The pony gulped and shakily bowed down to the two of them. "Of- of course! I shall inform h-h-him right a-away!" The guard pony turned around and placed his hoof on the door. It seemed like he hesitated before opening it up and closing the door behind him.

Discord leaned down to whisper to Celestia. "Top notch security they got here." Celestia elbowed him in the side. "Oww!"

The door opened again and the guard pony stepped out, his tail practically between his legs. He looked on the verge of tears. "Y-you m-m-m-may enter, Your H-Highness." He squeaked out.

Celestia nodded her head to him. He stepped to the side and she and Discord approached the door. She placed her hoof on it and closed her eyes. For the last time, she gave a deep breath and composed her mind.

"Please Sombra. For the love of the Mother above, don't let these rumors be true. There still has to be some good in you, right? As much as I hate you for disappearing on me with no warning… I refuse to believe this is what you've chosen to become since our last meeting."

She opened her eyes, and with hope in her heart that the rumors still couldn't be true, she opened the door, stepped inside with Discord, and the door closed behind them. A loud 'ca-chunk' echoed through the room as it shut.

And there he was, sitting powerfully on his throne with a smile on his face.

King Sombra.

Celestia stared at him, he stared back. He was sitting on his throne. Tall. Proud. Menacing. There was complete silence.

Until finally he spoke.

"Ahh, Princess Celestia! And Sir Discord. I have been patiently awaiting your arrival." He said with a smirk.

His deep, regal voice practically boomed throughout the silence, even though he spoke with an inside voice. It sent small chills of fear down Celestia's spine. His voice was always a bit baritone from what Celestia remembered but… it was always filled with compassion and kindness. But this… it felt hostile. Like it was coming out of a completely different pony all together. She cringed on the inside, things weren't looking good.

Sombra lifted himself off his throne and to his hooves. A loud *thud* echoed throughout the room as his weight and structure collided with the floor. He started a slow, methodical walk towards the two. "I had ever so hoped that we wouldn't the need for Discord's overwatch of this meeting. But, you must have your reasons. What's a princess without her knight in shining armor?" He commented.

Celestia rolled her eyes and said nothing, starting to walk towards him as well. She scanned and examined Sombra carefully as she did.

What once was a light gray coat was now an ashy dark gray, bordering on jet black like his mane. His horn, once pointed and straight, was now starting to look sharp and bent, almost as if it was a blade or knife. Not only that but it transitioned from black at the base to pure red near the tip. His eyes had a menacing glare to them, hostile and untrusting. What's worse, they were not the same color she remembered. His irises were ruby red, with a dark green tint behind them. Completely different from when he had beautiful and normal emerald eyes.

Even worse was this disturbing… aura about him as he strode toward her, almost like a lion stalking its prey. And there was this ominous, greenish light that seeped out of the corners of his eyes. His whole presence made Celestia's legs slightly shake.

Celestia's heart started to sink the closer she got to him, doing her best to keep a straight face and act nonchalant. It looked like… everything was true. Maybe Sombra really wasn't the same kind pony he was back then. It made Celestia's heart ache. She had hoped with all her might that maybe, just maybe, it was all just a misunderstanding. But it looks like her expectations were too high.

She sighed, but kept her focus and finally arrived at a respectable distance between the two of them to talk. He was a bit towering, Celestia only reached up to his neck in height. Celestia internally cringed that she was literally being looked down upon by him. She hesitantly raised her head enough to make eye contact.

There he had it. That smug, half-lidded stare with that stupid smug grin. Celestia's stomach churned. How badly she wanted to wipe that smirk on his face, thinking he's better than her, thinking he was stronger than her.

"Stop acting all high and mighty. I could send you into the sun if I wanted, you jerk."
She wanted so desperately to let her mind speak for her. But she held back.

Sombra scanned her form. Out of all the mares he's seen, Celestia was one of the finest, if not the finest, mare he's ever laid eyes upon. Her cute, pouty face, her slim frame, her beautiful mane and tail, and those ever so fine hips.

He mentally smiled. He would pick up on that train of thought later. For now, their royal talk must begin.

Cooly and collectively, Sombra spoke. "Now, just what was it you wanted to speak to me about? It is about my current rule, correct?"

"Yes, quite." Celestia answered. "Given that we are on… unstable terms already, I've given the last of my trust and ties to you in hopes that you would stop this unjust rule that you've been laying out. On your own. But it seems that was an unwise decision on my part." Celestia said, quite sternly.

Sombra chuckled. "Oh? And just how has my rule been 'unjust'?" He inquired.

"Do I really need to spell it out for you?" Celestia asked, deadpanned. "Just look out your window. Do you not see the problem? Your ponies are suffering out there and you are only making the situation worse. Just what do you hope to gain out of this?"

Sombra did exactly that. He turned to the overlook his throne room gave of his kingdom. He did indeed see it. Black crystals, sulking citizens, gloomy atmosphere, perfection. He gave a blissful sigh. "Ahhh yes, seems quite normal to me, wouldn't you agree?" He asked.

Celestia's headache had returned. He was doing this on purpose, wasn't he? She placed a hoof to her head and shook it. She gave a heavy sigh. "Sombra, please! You are not listening to me! What will it take for you to listen to me?!" She shouted in frustration.

Sombra just smuggly smiled. "Oh, but I am listening, dear Celestia! Those ponies out there are living the life I've given them. And what a wonderful life it is, soon to become something much more… controlled."

Celestia audibly gasped, awestruck. She was becoming more flabbergasted by his words each passing second. But she probably had her heat to thank for her hasty and irrational temper. But one thing was for sure, she was surely bordering on pissed off at this point. "W-Well, I never! Never in my life have I heard such… disregard from a King! Sombra, I can't believe you!" She walked towards him and got in his face.

"What happened to you?! How could you become so… detached? What happened to the Sombra I knew? Who knew what it meant to be a gentlecolt?! Who would treat everypony as if he was not even a King?! Who I would sit with through every debate on how we, we the rulers, would lead Equestria? Where did the stallion I lo-... Respected with all of my heart go? Where did he go?!"

Celestia was straight up yelling at him at this point. Her face was slightly red in the cheeks, small beads of tears forming at the edges of her eyes. It was needless to say that her emotions were getting the better of her at this point, yet again.

Sombra just looked down at her, the verbal attack she had on him soon becoming white noise. He just took it, smiling down on her as she gave very unprincess-like lecture on him. He had her right in the center of his hoof.

"You know she's totally into you, right?"

Sombra had heard a voice. His left ear twitched in reaction. Sombra didn't move, but he shifted his eyes around.

"Ah-ah-ah, no need to look around, you'll give me away! You know exactly who this is."

If it wasn't obvious from the beginning, Sombra had realized who it was now. He looked over to Discord, standing nice and tall with his hands behind his back. He gave a smile and a small wave.

"Yes, 'tis I! Sir Discord of Chaos! I have cloned, shrunken myself down, and hid in your mane to have a small chat with you, Kingy. I must say, you have fan-tasitic fur! What conditioner do you use?" Sombra could feel a tiny hand grip the side of his ear and pull it back a bit. "Actually, that doesn't matter. What matters is that Celestia doesn't know this conversation is happening. I believe she's a bit too busy… calling you out."

Sombra kept silent.

"Now Sombra, Celestia may seemed pissed with you right now but really, she's just looking out for you. If you ask me, I'd say she straight up cares for you or regrets cutting ties with you for so long. In reality… I think she just wants to be at peace with you. Or something along those lines, I'm no psychologist." Discord furrowed his way through Sombra's mane and spoke into the other ear.

"See, I don't know the particular reason why, but Celestia truly cares deeply for you, Sombra. Now whether it's for peacemaking or the good of the country or whatever you royals discuss, I think I know exactly how to fix things..."

The real Discord threw a sly grin Sombra's way. Sombra still stayed silent as Mini Discord slowly eased closer to his ear.

"This will fix everything between you and Celestia. Especially her… attachment for you. All you have to do is… whisper whisperbecause what you don't know is… whisper whisper..."

Sombra's ear perked and twitched throughout the hearing of Discord's plan, still making sure to act like he was still listening to Celestia's rant. And somehow… Sombra's smile grew wider. Wider for this plan. This scheme. This devilish idea.

After a brief rundown of the plan, Discord pulled away from his ear. "You got all that? Good! Ta-ta for now, Kingy!" Sombra heard a soft 'poof' and didn't hear another word.

He heard Celestia's tantrum slowly return to his ears. "-mbra? King Sombra! Are you even listening to me, you… you…!"

Sombra shook out if it, clearing his throat. "Ahem, ah… yes. Indeed I was, Princess."

Celestia closed her eyes and gave a deep exhale through her nostrils. The fire in her eyes slowly died down and all she could do was slowly set her rump to the ground, looking almost defeated. She turned her head away from him.

It was no use, there was no getting through to him and she knew it. She already knew it the moment she walked in. So why did she feel so sad? She squeezed her eyes tightly, fighting some unprincess-like tears that were starting to well up in her eyes.

"Why? How did you become such a... tyrant!? Why…?"

There was a long silence between all three of them. Celestia did her best to stifle and vanquish any sniffles or sobs, her body trembling in her retaliation. Sombra just watched her, thinking about how to enact this new plan forming in his mind with the newly acquired information he received from Discord.

"...Princess, if I may get a word in, I believe I have a... shall we say, compromise in mind that we could achieve." Sombra asked, finally breaking the silence.

Celestia cleared her throat, swallowed her tears, and finally turned back to face him.

"Oh yes? Please, go ahead. I'm all ears." She said, monotone. Her glare aimed downwards with no particular target.

Sombra held back from grinning wildly. It was such a wicked idea. Such a lewdly wicked idea.

"Well, you talk of mending the disconnect between our kingdom yet have no solution on how you can achieve such a goal. But I have just thought of the perfect bond our two kingdoms need."

"Go ahead, what brilliant idea has the Good King concocted?" Celestia said, her tone sarcastic.

"In my highest opinion, there is no better way to create a bond between kingdoms... than to have a living link created by the two rulers."

Celestia raised an eyebrow.

"You will have to clarify, Sombra. W-What do you mean, 'living link'?" She asked, though she was afraid she already knew the answer.

Sombra chuckled.

"Oh, Dear Princess Celestia, can you not understand?"

Sombra slowly inched his head to her ear. Celestia scooted back uncomfortably but was ultimately caught ear to mouth with him. She sat there, unmoving. Statue like.

There was silence. Absolute silence. Only for a moment, yet it felt like an eternity. Sombra quickly shot Discord a knowing look, Discord shooting a similar look back and giddily nodding his head. Sombra grinned wickedly and softly whispered into her ear.

"I am saying that we copulate a child. A foal. A small prince or princess…"

"An heir."

Celestia's eyes dilated, staring into nothing. Her mouth was agape. An heir? With him? She quickly scoffed and slightly laughed, placing a hoof on his chest and pushing him away, standing back up.

"An heir? With somepony like you? Oh please, I would rather sleep with Discord before I sleep with you!" She spat at Sombra, insulted.

Discord peared his head in a bit. "Y-you would?"

"Shut up. Point is, why would I want to… copulate with you? I see no benefit." She said, turning her head and stomping with her hoof.

Sombra just chuckled. "Oh, naïve Celestia. Can you not see?" He slowly started to circle around her, scanning her form as her walked around her. "Can you not feel the sexual tension between us? Because I surely can, my dear. Just think… a child between two kingdoms. One that will continue my rule once I am gone. Does that not sound wonderful?" He softly growled at her and gave a low chuckle.

While he turned around her backside, he shot a glance at her undercarriage. She was quite firm, such a round and voluptuous butt. It was probably the most amazing pair of foal bearing hips Sombra had ever seen. He stole a glance under her celestial tail. Discord had told him about her spell to cover her… situation. He just wanted to confirm Discord's testimony.

Her tail was flagged quite high so he didn't think twice to briefly glance under. He saw her marehood; pearly white, glistening and pure. He even got a small glance at her tight, off-white and puckered star nestled just above it. But that alone wasn't enough to confirm suspicions. That was until….

Her pussy winked. A cherry sized clit popped out from her pink depths and spat out a tiny bit of womanly juices before disappearing back inside, as quick as it had appeared.

He smiled and continued his circle around her to not look suspicious. It was time to hit her where it hurt.

"Besides… I would only be helping you with your… estrus."

Celestia's eyes widened and her blush intensified. Sombra chuckled under his breath and stood front and center again.

“How? How did he… Discord!”

She turned and shot daggers at her ‘partner’. He held a toothy grin and waved, knowing full well of what he had done. Celestia could swear she felt steam blow out her ears.

Of course he told him! Celestia internally chastised herself for even thinking for a second he would keep her secret under wraps. But she would have to deal with him later. For now, she had to hastily and verbally deny this ridiculous joke of a proposition. More angry than ever, she opened her mouth to rebut. That was until he got one last word in.

"And, to give you some insight, my dear… I have not asked another female for this heavy task. Ever. It is not like anypony else is worthy to bear my foal."

Her eyes and mouth snapped shut hearing that, her blush a dark red across her face and ears. She could feel her pussy wink, almost uncontrollably, just from that one line. Once the winks calmed down she gingerly opened her eyes to see Sombra devilishly smiling. When did he start to look so handsome?

That statement. She was the only one worthy to carry his foals? Said with an admittedly irresistible smile like that? H-how could she resis-

"No! No, I'm NOT falling for this! I can't let his persuasive ways cloud the main point of this summit. We're supposed to be discussing how to tighten the kingdoms's bonds, not… sex! This is…"

"Th-This is…"

Celestia's thoughts stopped. What other solution was there? Simply talking wasn't getting a thing through to Sombra, he was too far gone and all too eager to 1-up her with his power and authority. She couldn't straight up fight him, this was a peace meeting, that would destroy her image and reputation. But this idea Sombra and Discord concocted… it wasn't the worst idea, admittedly.

It was nonviolent, that was for sure. And a child? One that would replace him when he wasn't around anymore? One that would both be a part Canterlot and the Crystal Empire? What greater bond was there?

"And know this…" Sombra added. "If you do not want to do this, please be my guest and deny. We can just go back to arguing, getting nowhere. And then you can sulk back to your kingdom. Unfulfilled. Unsuccessful. Unsatisfied. And unresolved."

Celestia heavily sighed. He was too good. Maybe this was the only way to proceed. Sombra was willing, this was the only moment of this entire meeting that there was potential compromise. But it was such a big choice. Was Celestia really sure she was ready to be a mother, to both a kingdom and a foal? That was such a big responsibility.

But, in Celestia's mind, if this was the only choice to make things right between kingdoms, and the only way to gain closure on her past relationship with him…

So be it.

"Fine." Celestia said, her tone almost defeated, her head down in shame. "Let's just get this over and done with…"

Sombra's smile never faded. "Excellent! Finally, we agree on something." He placed a hoof to her chin and raised her head up for her to look at him. She instantly snapped her head away.

"Just… get on with it." She sternly said.

She hesitated for a second. She went into a quick train of thought.

"...Do I really want this? Is this really how things have turned out? To be… impregnated by this poor excuse of a King? No… no, I can't let this happen, not with him!"

She shot Sombra a look, that stupid devilish smile was as plain as day. She felt her heart burn and her stomach start to twist and turn as she stared at him. Into his eyes. His... deep, dark, ruby eyes.

"But… you can finally get what you've always wanted. The good in him is gone but… you can finally have him all to yourself, just for a brief moment. Just like you've... fantasized."

She gulped, she realized her legs were starting to shake and wobble. This was really happening. She was about to actually sleep with the former stallion she loved.

He just stood there, waiting to be admired and drunken in. She couldn't help but give in to her desires and started to scan his tall and proud form. Despite her hate of what he's become, she couldn't deny that he was very... hunky. That lean and broad chest. That black and regal coat. Those big, muscular legs. That soft looking yet fierce mane. And that stare. That stare with those eyes and that toothy smile he gave. He was so… hypnotic.

Celestia then found herself moving closer, her legs almost moving on their own. She kept staring into those beautiful eyes until she was only a few inches away from his muzzle. Her mouth was slightly open and her breathing was hot and heavy. Sombra gladly whiffed her aroused breath, it helped him get into the mood.

He glanced behind her and saw a trail of clear fluids on the clear, crystal floor. Trailing from where she was formally standing all the way to her position now. The liquid was now a small puddle just above her quivering rump and was growing from each drip that came from her obviously extremely aroused pussy.

"I see you are clearly ready for the rutting, my princess." Sombra purred at a low tone, looking into her now desperate eyes. Her body shivered in response. "But perhaps you could use a tiny bit more… motivation?"

With that, Sombra sensually turned the lower half of his torso to the side to give Celestia a view of what he would be using to sire a foal within her. Her pupils dilated and she gave an audible gasp.

Sombra lightly shook his hips and waved his giant, erect, dark maleness back and forth, two heavy tennis ball sized testicles hanging and swaying to and fro behind it. Teasing the pony princess as she stared at it with a mix of horror, disgust and powerful arousal.

"Ah, I see you like what you see, heheheh." He chuckled, purposely flexing and slapping his massive erection against his belly and giving a pleasured low growl. "Mmm~"

"T-thats insane... He's got to be at least 14 inches!"

Yet, as quickly as she could, Celestia nervously leant down to her knees and began to snake her tongue around Sombra’s shaft while her hooves gently stroked its base, coaxing a fair few pleasured sighs out of him.

“Aaahn~” Sombra groaned, reaching a hoof out and running it through her rainbow mane.

Meanwhile on the sidelines, Discord snorted, rolling his eyes at the scene before him. He was starting to get jealous that he basically hooked up Sombra while leaving himself with nothing. He floated in place, crossing his arms and legs to obscure and hide his huge horsecock-like draconequus boner that was growing to the scene before him.

Celestia looked up at Sombra, her gorgeous pink eyes imploring the noble colt she once knew to come forward, to sweep away the beast he’d become. She kissed the tip, a small squirt of precum shooting from him in response.

“Ungh, Celestia…”

Right, that’s quite enough!” Discord shouted, suddenly sliding in his big brown beast into the fray, poking it against Celestia’s cheek.

She shot him a piercing glare, but obliged, stretching her mouth wide and taking a good half-foot of Discord’s veiny horsecock into her maw.

“You dare interrupt us, draconequus!?”

“AaaAaAhh, OooOoooh yeeEeeeEEss…” Discord made sure to sound as incredibly pleasured as possible to spite his horny rival.

Sombra flashed his fangs at the chaos god, his dick twitching as his body tensed.


Discord raised a finger, shushing the mad king and pressing it to his lips.

“Ah-ah-ah! We’re forging a friendship agreement here, don’t forget! We must share the bounties we can provide each other~” Discord threw an arm around the king's shoulders and pulled him in, Sombra's cock slightly slapping Celestia on the cheek and coming dangerously close to coming in contact with Discord's.

Sombra grumbled, resigning himself to watching his sex-nemesis get some head while Celestia stroked his dick a little faster. He took at look at Discord’s dick, unable to resist the classic male urge to compare. Clearly he had some strange, godlike influence over its size - there was no way he grew that thing naturally. He glanced upwards to find the draconequus grinning at him. His eyes widened, then turned back to Celestia and moaned a little louder than normal.

“Aaah!!” He quickly switched his focus to the beautiful mare before him, eyes locked on the hoof that pleasured him-

“It’s okay, you can watch, you know, I don’t mind-”

“I was not watching, creature!”

“Yes, I’m sure. Now then, shall we move to the next phase of our agreement?”

Celestia gasped, pulling Discord’s cockhead from her mouth, unable to stifle a small cough or two.

“Yes. Let’s.” Sombra growled. “Allow me~!”

He swooped down between Celestia’s legs, effortlessly lining his cock up with her dripping horse pussy. Celestia barely had time to realise what was happening before she felt a huge, stiff force push into her nethers, effortlessly breaching her defences and getting very, very close to making her cum.

“OOH! OhhaAAaaAh!!” She wailed.

Sombra grinned at his former love.

“Goodness, I think you have been wanting this more than you realise, dear Celestia…”

Gush after gush of marecum had started to waterfall from Celestia, loud splashes hitting the clear floor and her moans echoing through the throne room. Wailing in pleasure that her cunt had finally been filled with her long lost crush's cock.

“S-Silence!! AaAAaH!” Celestia did her absolute best to resist, but it was no use. She bit her lip as best she could as she orgasmed, her wings flaring outward, her celestial pussy juice streaming down Sombra’s cock and balls while she rode out the storm in her loins.

"Hey now, don't leave me out of the fun! I do hope you don't mind me taking the back entrance, Tia." Discord had walked up from behind and started to tap his dick against Celestia's ass. Her cheeks giving a jiggle each time his cock came in contact with her

"B-back entrance? Wait, you do mean…?!"

Celestia didn't even have time to ask. Discord had already gripped her flank as tightly as he could before railing the gorgeous celestial horse in the ponut. Her butt was very snug, but the Draconequus’ sizable dong found only the most agreeable resistance as he pushed in and out.

"AHHHH!" Celestia steeled herself against the storm of pleasure and pain surging through her nethers, the different size, stiffness and texture of her partners’ penises stimulating her entire lower half as the two males went to town on her.

Sombra growled, his balls falling back against his own rump as he gave Celestia a few particularly powerful thrusts, making her cry out as she came dangerously close to yet another orgasm. Discord smirked.

“Mmf… Mm… Oh dear, going to spread a few Sombralings?”

“RRG! N-Not at all. Would you like to watch me seed her, Draconequus?”

“Hmm, not really, I believe my seeding would be far more fun to watch~”

“Hmph… Very well, creature, let us find out-

Celestia’s eyes went wide, realising what the dreadful mix of testosterone and male competition was about to do to her.

“U-Um! Gentlecolts, come now, there’s no need foOOOOOOR-!!

Both Sombra and Discord began to pick up their pace, Discord’s big, swinging nuts slapping against what little pony flesh separated his chosen passage from Sombra’s while the tyrant king thrusted even harder into his Equestrian equivalent, groaning loudly as he did so.

Celestia wailed, her orgasm crashing into her at the shock of both her partners’ spike in vigor. Her carnal juices sprayed out of her, lubing up Sombra’s cock even further and coating Discord’s legs, only serving to arouse him even more. Her entire body shook, her eyes starting to roll to the back of her head as the fury of her feminine waves rocked her. Sombra clenched his teeth.

“GRAAH!! Curse your incredible colt-trap, Celestia! I am going to seed you-!!

“Oh no, I feel so defeated~” Discord slowed his pace and tilted his head to watch whatever display Sombra had in store.

Sombra shot him a glare before clamping his eyes shut and throwing his head back, letting his orgasm take him.


“AAH! Ha-Aaah!” Celestia closed her eyes and grimaced as she felt her walls and womb steadily filling with burst after burst of Sombra’s thick king-cream, doing everything she could to suppress the already great urge to cum again welling within her - she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. Before long, a few squirts of white shot from what little space the two royals’ connection afforded, falling and tainting the throne room floor. Finally, Sombra shot his last, let out a long sigh, and let his rapidly softening penis slide out of the Princess, lubricated by all manner of fluids at this point.

“By Luna’s Teats…” Celestia sighed. She didn’t dare look back at the mess streaming out of her marehood, choosing only to shoot a quick, knowing glance at Discord - "Please show him up". Discord slowly began to pull his throbbing maleness of chaos out from her slightly gaping behind and began to quickly yank himself off.

“Mmm, not bad at all. But please, allow me to retort.”

His calm demeanor suddenly became very flustered, and he unleashed one of the strangest cum-cries Celestia and Sombra had ever heard.


Cum began spraying from Discord’s length the second he pulled it from Celestia’s slightly gaping rear, blasting nearly two feet all over the place. Huge, gooey splashes of Draconequus splooge crashed against Celestia’s rump, back, wings and neck, the floor got a dousing, even Sombra had a very close encounter with a blob of the stuff, shifting his head just in time to dodge it. After nearly fifteen seconds of constant ejaculation, Discord let out a sing-songy whine, dabbed his dick against Celestia’s rump a couple times, and fell back.

“OoOoOOooh, that was wonderful…”


The meeting had hastily been wrapped up after the deed had been done. Celestia, now slightly drained of her pride, was escorted to the nearest washroom in secrecy. Surprisingly, after giving her such a rough rutting, the two males were quite gentlemanly escorting her. Whether it was more of their sudden rivalry, she couldn't tell. But she appreciated the gestures. Though... Discord, she could believe being nice, she knew he had some ounce of good in him. But from Sombra? After he was such a jerk to her? After the tormenting rudeness he's shown to her after all these years? Why the sudden change? Was it the high of just having most likely knocked up a princess?

"Ugh… my headache is back…"

The shower just gave her time to think as she washed Discord's spunk off her back and drained Sombra's out her snatch. This shower gave her time to think of what she just indulged in. It was too late to take it all back anyway. Sombra had cummed inside her and his sperm was no doubt swimming straight to her egg to make the inevitable truly inevitable. But at least the burning in her loins was finally gone.

Other questions came to her mind as the warm water splashed against her, questions that will most likely never be answered.

Why, out of all possible compromises, would Sombra think impregnating her was the easiest solution? Why was he so kind her today, all things considered? Did he truly not remember their time together from back then? Why was she the only mare who could bear his foal.

Perhaps it was a wishful thinking on Celestia's part but… she wanted to believe that, after everything that's happened today, she finally had a reasonable explanation...

His power, his magic, it obviously took hold of the kind stallion he once was. Maybe this all wasn't in his will. Maybe he just wasn't ready to control it. But today, after seeing her in who knows how long, something inside him sparked back to life. Maybe, after being corrupt for so long, that tiny bit of good Celestia believed was still inside him awakened. The bit of good that recognized her, that loved her. Maybe this was the Sombra within's final chance to change things for the better. So this foal, this new piece of life that they created together would grow up and someday take his place. To rebuild the Crystal Empire to greater glory than it's ever known.

But again… those were just 'maybe's. Celestia would truly never know. But as she stepped out of that shower, now clean and washed, she knew that she could go home content. Satisfied. Because all and all, she had completed what she came here to do and more.

She looked down at her abdomen and gently placed a hoof on it. She smiled, a single tear streamed down her cheek in realization that she was truly going to be a mother. Not only that, mother to the pony she loved since she became a princess.

"Our bonds will be strong. And those bonds will never break. Just wait, little one. I will carry you in your father's noble name. And I'll raise you like your real father would have wanted me to. I swear it."

With that, Celestia stepped out of the washroom. Both Sombra and Discord were chatting when she came out. They turned to stare at her beauty, Celestia stared back at them. At Sombra specifically. And, for the briefest of moments…

She could have sworn she saw Sombra's irises quickly switch from ruby red, to emerald green, back to red.

Celestia smiled, the tear she had shed in the washroom welling back up in both eyes. But she said nothing, she simply held her head high and walked off to the exit. Leaving Sombra to give a satisfied "Hmph." before turning the other direction and closing himself back into his throne room.

Discord followed Celestia. Both of them going back to the carriage. They exited the castle, Celestia said her 'thank you's and 'goodbye's to Discord, him cheekily complimenting her back on how tight an ass she had before snapping his fingers and disappearing to who knows where. Celestia just rolled her eyes before trotting into the carriage, closing the door, and heading back to Canterlot. There was a lot of things still unresolved and unanswered. But Celestia knew one thing...

She finally had closure to a love she thought was long gone.


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"Mommy, what was Daddy like?"

A small and pink female unicorn was sitting between Celestia's legs on the balcony of her bedroom. Looking out into the sunset she was currently creating.

"Oh? And why do you ask that, my little pony?" Celestia asked, looking down to her little foal.

The young unicorn sighed and slumped down. "I don't know. It's just… whenever I look off this balcony and look down into Canterlot, I see foals my age. Running and playing and talking with their mommies. But I also see them with their daddies. They look so… full of love for their foals." The little unicorn look up and into her mother's eyes. "What was my daddy like? Why have I never met him? Did you and him… not get along? Did he… not love me?"

Celestia internally cringed. She feared this question would come up sooner or later. She thought over her words very carefully.

"Well, it's... a complicated story, little one."

There was a small silence between them as Celestia completely lowered the sun past the hills, darkness of the night consuming the land.

"...Tell you what, how about I tell you the story of your father and I as a bedtime story?" Celestia gleefully asked.

The little princess gasped in excitement and looked up with sparkling eyes. "Can you?!"

Celestia giggled. "Then come along now, into bed with you!"

The princess gave a small whoop of excitement as she and her mom made their way to her small bed beside Celestia's. The filly hopped in and snuggled herself between the cozy sheets.

Celestia sat down beside the small bed, a motherly smile on her face. "Alright, my little pony. Are you ready?"

The filly nodded. With that, Celestia cleared her throat, and began her tale.

"Once upon a time, back when Equestria was only just beginning, there was a prince and a princess."

"The princess was the to-be ruler of the entire nation. Everypony was depending on her to he a high example and a natural born genius. But the truth was, she was just a young, naïve girl who felt alone with this huge responsibility on her shoulders, who felt like she could only be comforted by her little sister."

"That was until a prince, regal and kind as could be, entered the scene. His name was Prince Sombra, the soon-to-be king of the Crystal Empire. A warm and sunny empire shrouded by snow and ice. He had made and impression on her, and soon enough, the two royals became great friends."

"Was the princess and prince you and Daddy?"

"Indeed. Indeed they were."

"The prince was a genius in military tactics and leadership. He helped the young princess out in her time of need by giving her advice and information on how to be a good ruler. This had lead to them talking outside the round table, and becoming even greater friends than before."

"Upon new guidance and respect, the princess looked up to the prince. He was smart, handsome, kind, and was always there to guide her through the countless debates insuring Equestria's future. Needless to say, the princess soon developed feelings for him. Feelings of love."

"Wow… Daddy sounds like an amazing guy!"

"He was." Celestia sighed. "He was…"

"But not long after the princess had fallen for him, the prince disappeared back to the Crystal Empire. And the princess never heard from him again…"

"The princess was furious. Outraged. Hurt how somepony she had respected and loved so much would just vanish before her and never speak to her again. No matter how much she tried to forgive him, she just couldn't. But… try as she might, the one thing she couldn't let go of were her feelings. She knew she still loved him, no matter how angry she got over his disappearance."

"A-are you still mad at Daddy, Mommy?"

"A little, I must admit. But believe, my sweet child, your mother still feels love for him to this very day."

"No matter what?"

"Mm-hmm, no matter what."

"The princess soon succeeded the throne, same went for the prince. Now High Princess of Equestria, she took everything she had learned from the prince and used her knowledge and newly acquired magic wisely, stretching a peaceful rule all the way to this very day."

"The new King of the Crystal Empire though… he was an unfortunate victim of circumstance. The magic he inherited was dark and powerful. And while he kept control of it at first, unfortunately… he subcame to it. And became mad…"

"Daddy… Became 'mad'? What do you mean, Mommy? Who was he mad at?"

"Oh, sweet child, he wasn't mad at anypony. To make it more clear… he lost his sanity." Celestia frowned.

"O-Oh. Poor Daddy..."

"The Crystal Empire went into shambles with it's 'new' King. Taxes went up, citizens were detained, and some even say that they were secretly enslaved. It was a dark time indeed for the Empire."

"Having enough, the Princess decided to hold a private council with the King. ...With some help."

"Help? You mean Uncle Discord, right Mommy?"

"Ugh, unfortunately so…"

"Was he a good guy too? Before you had to turn him into stone with Auntie Luna?"

"Yes, before his magic got out off hoof too. But, as annoying as he was… I must admit that he was a great help. If not for his influence, I don't believe I would have received the best thing to have happened in my life."


"You." Celestia sweetly said, reaching out and booping the child on the muzzle.


"At the meeting, the Princess and the King argued and argued and argued. The Princess was still upset over the King's disappearance. The King, brushing off the arguments like they were flecks of dust on his throne."

"After the Princess had given up, her assistant had made a secret agreement to the King. A plan to bind the Crystal Empire and Equestria eternally. To have a child between the two kingdoms."

"The Princess reluctantly agreed. And so, the Princess and King were once again joined after so many years. Even with all the hate she felt for him, she couldn't deny her true feelings for the pony he still was deep down."

"And since that fateful day, you came to be. A beautiful little foal between good and unfortunate evil had developed inside the Princess since that very day. A reincarnation of the true love the King and Princess never had the chance to express together. A living symbol of love, who will eventually take over the throne of the Crystal Empire and lead it back to true glory. And the rest of the story has yet to be told…"

Celestia finished up her story, giving a big sigh. She found herself staring aimlessly out her balcony window, nostalgic. It was a story she wished had a happier ending, but… she now had a daughter. A daughter she would give her life for. A daughter to love and cherish and raise as her own. In retrospect, the whole thing was a sad and tragic romance that had no hope for a true happy ending. But… Celestia wouldn't have wanted it to end any other way.

"So, what did you think, Cadence?"

There was no response.

"Cadence?" Celestia looked over to her daughter. She was sound asleep, not a peep nor a squeak coming from the small princess. Celestia raised a hoof to her mouth and softly giggled. She leaned down and kissed her foal on the forehead and very gently nuzzled her cheek.

"Goodnight, my beautiful Princess of Love. Mommy loves you. And I know, deep down, somewhere in his black heart…"

"Daddy loves you too."