Making My Day Better

by Dashie1791

First published

Starlight Glimmer makes my day better

A year ago, an important person in my life passed away, and on the one year anniversary of said persons passing, I have been feeling down and very sad.

That is until my good friend Starlight Glimmer does whatever she can to make my day better. She fails at first, but then comes up with an idea that works.

Making My Day Better

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Making My Day Better.
By Dashie1791

Has it really been one year? One year that he passed away? I know some people should say that I should just remember the good times we had and move on, but in reality it's a lot harder than you think.

Last year was on this day when my father, my best friend, the one person who raised me to be the man I am today passed away. He was the kind of dad that did everything he could to make sure I had a roof over my head and food on the table. He did all he could and deep down I am very thankful for all that he did for me.

When you are a young man and you see others who have lost a beloved family member to either a car accident or sickness, you never ever think that that could ever happen to you. But unfortunately, the cruel and unfortunate fate came to my dad, he was diagnosed with liver cancer.....

I tell you, my entire well being and world came crashing down on the day my dad revealed the disturbing truth. In a way, my whole future just flashed before my eyes and the feelings of hate and confusion filled my mind.

'Why God? Why is this happening? Why are you doing this to him? Why are you doing this to me?'

I tried my best to be strong for him, and my dad promised to fight to the very end in hopes of beating this terrible sickness. The more and more I saw my dad say he was going to beat the cancer, the stronger I became with him. I stood by him shoulder to shoulder as I told him that I would do whatever I could do to help him get better and never leave his side.

And I did.

Right until he took his last breath.....

You never feel completely alone and sad until you have lost an very important person that has had a very big influence on you and your life. I had a few friends from where I came from, but my dad was my best friend. The trips we took together, the stories we told each other were enough to make me smile and be thankful that I knew someone as cool as him.

But now that person is gone. And the sadness came flooding in big time. I thought I'd never get over it, until by a strange occurrence I wound up here in this land called Equestria. A land full of talking ponies and other sentient creatures. At first I was scared but after warming up to them and getting to know them, I have since made many friends.

But one of closest friends is a unicorn mare named Starlight Glimmer. When Princess Twilight offered me a room in her wonderful castle, Starlight and I became very close. We have both discussed our back stories to each other, hers being a lot more intense but nothing like mine. But when I told her my back story and about my dad and his passing she was very supportive and even cried with me on days when I was feeling sad and very down.

Her other friends have also learned about me as well, and they too also felt very sad for me and gave me a big hug. But the nicest thing was when Pinkie Pie held a very touching and heartwarming party to pay respect to my dad. Someone that she had never even met, did something to respect his memory and to try and make me feel better. At first I was surprised, but after awhile I began to feel better and happy to know that all my new friends had my back. Even the royal sisters Celestia and Luna sent their regards and warmest of support to me, which also made me feel very happy inside. I am very grateful for everything that they did.

But now a year has passed since he died, and today I have been trying to get by the day with a smile on my face, but so far no avail. That is why Starlight is currently taking me around the city of Canterlot trying to find something for us to do to try and make me feel better.

She looked back over at me as we walked down the main drag. "How about we go check out this antique store and see what kind of amazing old stuff they have?" She asked me with a smile, reminiscing that I had a thing for collecting antiques back in my world.

"No thanks Glimmy, but I am just not feeling the need to go antiquing" I replied.

She frowned sightly as we then started to walk down the road again. "How about we go to the sweet shop and get some caramel apples?" She offered while pointing a hoof at the store next door.

I just shook my head. "Nah, I'm not the biggest fan of caramel and those apples are not like the ones that Applejack gives me once in awhile." I said as I kicked a small stone on the road away with my shoe.

I could hear Starlight groan a bit with frustration as I looked at my feet. I know that she was doing all that she could to make me feel better, but it was just not working.

"I'm sorry Starlight, I'm just not in a good way right now. There is nothing that I can think of that will make me feel better. I know you are trying very hard but it's just not working." I stated as I then put both hands in my pockets.

"Can't we just go back to Ponyville and forget about this day?" I asked. I then felt Starlight approach me and then she took her hoof and placed it under my chin to get me to look at her.

"I know that you're sad, I really do." She said very calmly and in a warm tone. "But I said that I was going to do something to make you feel better and I am going to make sure that I do. That's what good friends do!"

I smiled a bit to what she said. She is determined I'll give her that, so I just nodded my head and gave her a gentle pet and scratch behind her ear.

"Thanks Starlight, I really appreciate everything that you are doing for me." She smiled brightly as she then began to once again lead me to something that would hopefully make me feel better.

The time seemed to go by very slowly as we then came to the end of the main section of the beautiful city. Starlight had done everything she could to make me feel better but other than getting an ice cream and going to a couple of book stores I still felt sad. We both grunted loudly as we sat on the bench to take a break from walking. My feet were killing me and Glimmy's hooves had to of been aching. We sat there for a few minutes until she then got up and off the bench.

"Where are you going?" I asked her.

"I'm just going to this one spot around the corner." She replied, "I'll be back in a few minutes. Don't go anywhere, just wait for me."

I nodded as she then moved off around the corner to the left. I watched her disappear over my shoulder as I then started to think about my dad once again. The feelings were just sticking around and making me feel terrible, so much so that I began to tear up a bit in the process. I then wiped the tear away with my hand, just then I became completely enveloped in darkness.

"What the hell?" I asked as I then felt a reassuring pat on my shoulder. "Starlight, what are you doing?"

"Just relax, I found something that I know will make you feel much better. But for now it's a surprise so you can't take your blindfold off!" She said in a soothing voice.

I nodded in approval and she then began to lead me somewhere while guiding me while I held onto her hoof. It seemed like we were walking for several minutes as we finally came to a stop. She then started to guide me to what felt like a bench.

"Just wait here until I get everything finalized. I won't be gone long." She whispered as she then walked away. I didn't say anything as I just nodded and sat straight up and very still. I was curious as to what Starlight had in mind, but whatever it was was sure to make me feel better.

I sat and waited for a few more minutes until I heard her walk towards me and from her touch my arm. "Are you ready?" She asked me.

I shrugged a bit and then replied. "I guess. I just hope whatever you got planned is amazing and hopefully makes me feel better!"

Starlight grabbed hold of my hand and began to lead me away. "Oh I believe that this will make you feel better very much!"

"Okay if you say so." I sighed as I let my dearest friend take me to this some kind of surprise. As we walked I could hear the sounds of voices echoing all around me, which in my mind told me that we were passing through some kind of corridor or hallway of some kind. I could even hear curious onlookers whispering among themselves but I couldn't make out what they were saying very well, so I just shrugged it off and kept walking with Starlight guiding me along.

Eventually I felt her press her hoof against my hip very gently to get me to stop walking. I then heard the sounds of a slight squeaking sound of a door being opened very slowly. "Starlight what the hell is going on here?" I asked with a hint of nervousness in my voice.

I didn't hear her at first right away, but then I felt her hoof grab hold of my hand and drag me along. "Don't worry, cause we are here. I promise nothing bad will happen." She said in a calming tone, which as her friend I just had to go along. As Starlight walked me into what probably could of been a room of some kind, she then guided me to what felt like a chair and got me to sit down.

"Just sit here for a few more minutes." Starlight called out. "You're surprise is almost ready!"

I fidgeted nervously and also a bit excitedly. I have always liked a good surprise as I haven't gotten one in a while. As I slapped my legs in a random beat, I was becoming frustrated and wanted to remove the blindfold badly.

"Can I remove this stupid blindfold yet?" I called out. At first there was no reply but then I heard another door open most likely from the other side of the room.

"No, not yet! Just a couple more minutes I promise." Starlight replied as the door closed again. I groaned loudly as I began to drum along to a beat that I began to play in my head even harder and louder.

Then I heard the door open again from over on the right. I then heard sounds of the clip clopping of hooves on a hard floor approach me. "Okay, you can remove your blindfold now. But do it slowly." Starlight ordered in a warm soft voice. I did as I was told and slowly started to remove the blindfold that covered my eyes until I had finally removed it all together. At first everything was bright from my eyes being covered, but then as my sight adjusted I saw what my surprise had to be.

And let me tell you, it was something I was not expecting! Starlight was dressed in a very exotic looking lingerie which started at her front hooves and traveled along her body to her back legs and around her flank.

"STARLIGHT!!!" I yelped as I took in the sight in front of me."What the fuck are you doing?"

Starlight then began to trot towards me very slowly with a slight sway of her hips as she gave me a very lustful and caring smile. "I felt that this was the only thing that I could do to make you feel better." She explained as she then stopped right in front of me with her muzzle mere inches away from my face.

"I want to do this so I can make you smile, cause your my good friend and I want to help you." She continued with a small blush on her face. "I tried everything to make your day better and I've failed. I thought this would work."

I felt my heart throb really hard as she mentioned her idea to me. All day I felt so bad about myself that I didn't even stop to think about Starlight and all she tried to do for me. If being sad wasn't enough, now I began to feel even worse. She was doing all that she could to help me and I was wallowing in my own self pity. Now I felt like a real jerk!

And on top of that, the closest of all my pony friends was wearing one of the sexiest lingeries that I have seen anypony wear. To say that I'm not the slightest bit turned on and have a slight chub would be a lie. But this was Starlight Glimmer! My BFF! The one pony who I never thought of trying to get with or have thoughts of her. But deep down I did think she was a very beautiful mare with a colorful mane and an amazing personality.

"Starlight..." I managed to say with a slight whisper and with a bit of nervousness. "I...I don't know what to say. This is k- kinda unexpected."

Starlight's eyes widened as she blushed a deep shade of red, even darker than before. "I...I know this is, but I just thought that ummmmm, that this would be the best way to make you feel happy again." She stated as she then looked deeply into my eyes and then leaned forward and very gently and carefully planted her lips on mine.

My eyes opened wide as I felt her lips intertwine with mine, at first I was going to retract my head back, but the longer she kissed me the more comforting it felt. In a way it felt kinda right. My friend was doing something to make me smile and that was all that mattered.

Then after what felt like an eternity then released herself from me and then looked deeply into my eyes again. The beautiful color of persian blue was enough to make anyone lose themselves looking at them long enough. She was panting lightly as a small string of saliva was strung between our open mouths to which she then quickly wiped away with her hoof.

"Ohh, my goodness I'm sorry about that!" She panicked as her whole face was beet red. "I hope you're not mad at me for doing that. And, a-and I wanted to t-tell you that I have been thinking about d-doing that to you for awhile. Cause, c-cause......" She stuttered slightly as she rubbed her hoof against her front leg.

"I really l-like you....." She admitted as a small tear formed in the corner of her eye.

I stared at her as she revealed her true feelings to me. I then began to see and realize how cute she looks when she's flustered and also in general. But deep down I also felt when we kissed she did make me feel better and also made me feel less alone. Which is what I have been feeling like ever since I arrived in Equestria, even with all the friends I made I felt hollow and alone. But as the butterflies flew around in my stomach at about a hundred miles a hour, I felt something that I did not feel since my dad died. I felt complete! And I also felt that I needed to have her lips pressed against mine. There was a void there and it needed to be filled.

And also I really liked her too. A lot! I then moved forward and gently placed my hands on Starlight's cheeks and I began to wipe the tear in her eye away with my thumb. As I did this, she gave me a heart warming look and a little smile also formed on her face. As I looked into her eyes I then began to tear up, not from sadness but of happiness and love. They were tears of joy.....

Starlight then using her magic brought a tissue up towards me and she began to wipe the tears away using her magic. When she finished I gave her a warm smile in return and then I made my move and planted my lips against hers once again. She slightly gasped as I moved in, but as our lips moved against each other she began to slightly moan into my mouth and then placed both of her front hooves on my shoulders.

I then leaned into her even more as our kiss became even more passionate. Our tongues became connected and soon began to wrestle with each other. I discovered that her tongue was actually very slightly smoother than my own, was more broader and wider as well but that made it ever more fun. As we continued our make out session, I then began to feel a slight tugging on the fly of my jeans. I then opened my eyes and saw that Starlight was using her magic to try and open my pants to reveal my hard aching length. This didn't surprise me as I was so turned on by this point. I then began to rub her back very smoothly as in a way to tell her to keep going without breaking the kiss.

Starlight then proceeded to go even farther as she now had successfully undone my fly and was now attempting to work the button at the top. I give her credit for what she was doing, but the poor thing was having a really hard time undoing it. I then released from our kiss with a loud smack and proceeded to give her a helping hand.

"Here let me help you with that."

Starlight giggled as I undid the button and then began to remove my pants, but then Starlight's hoof stopped my actions as she gave me a lustful smile.

"No, let me do that for you!"

It was my turn to blush as she then began to pull my pants down my legs to reveal my black boxers with my cock showing it's full length from underneath. The looks that Starlight gave me were absolutely mind blowing, I just never saw her give a look like that in all the time I've known her. It was extremely attractive! I shifted slightly in my seat as the unicorn mare once again using her magic began to work on removing my boxers, and after several quick tugs had finally accomplished to what she was trying to do and now had my rock hard man meat out in the open.

Starlight gasped a bit at the sight in front of her. Her cheeks went even an even deeper shade of red as she examined my length. I was about to ask her what she thought of it, but she must be a mind reader as she then placed her hoof on it and began to stroke it softly. I breathed out a sigh as I melted into the chair I was sitting in. This feeling was something that I have never felt before, but the more she stroked the better it felt. She looked deeply into my eyes as she began to stroke me even harder and faster. She even moved her other hoof over and began to use them at the same time. This action got me even more aroused as she pressed her front legs together and started her up and down motions with my dick stuck between them. The feeling of the soft hairs of her front legs felt very soothing on my bare skin, I then began to moan lightly as Starlight began to pant from her rapid stroking. A few minutes went by as she then stopped her stroking and began to spark up her horn and used her magic to gently grab hold of my cock. I then watched as she now moved her head forwards and using her magic inserted it into her mouth.

I hissed through my teeth as I felt my length enter her warm, wet and almost velvet like mouth. I tried to remember the last time I had had sexual times with a girl and if she gave me this good of a blowjob. But sadly those thoughts weren't coming to me and Starlight Glimmer, my closest and dear friend who had half of my length in her mouth began to bob her head up and down. She had a very gentle but firm grasp of my cock with her lips as her head went up and down at a medium pace, her tongue would lap at the bottom of my shaft with every motion and with every bob she seemed to take more of me towards her throat.

"Ahhhhh, uhhhhhhnnnn Star- Starlight! Fuck that feels so good! Please don't stop!" I stuttered out. Starlight gave me a small smirk and a wink as she then in one quick motion took my whole length into her throat until her snout was buried deep into my crotch. This made me go wide eyed as she then began to do it once more, than another and then another with absolutely no resistance and hardly to no gagging. She is a true pro at this! This was by far the best blowjob I have ever had in my whole life!

As she continued to service me, I then noticed that behind her and running down to the floor was a small pool of her fluids dripping down from her marehood to the carpet. Now this was more than enough to tell me that she was just as turned on to this as I was. She then released my length with a loud pop and was panting hard to get her breath. She had been at it for over five minutes as she gasped for air. I smiled deeply as I wiped the moisture from her eyes after her long session of fellatio and then quickly moved forward and wrapped my arms around her barrel and brought her up to my lap until she was now face to face with me and her wet and aroused marehood positioned above my cock.

She chuckled slightly as she then gave me a peck on my nose. "Heh heh, I turned you on that much huh?"

I smirked as I grabbed my cock and then slowly and gently brought her hips down and inserted my cock into her wet and damp folds. "What do you think?" I jokingly replied to her. She gasped slightly as she felt my length penetrate her until it was to the hilt. I moaned slightly as I felt her wet and smooth insides wrap around my cock with a nice snug fit. The feeling of her marehood was definitely different, but in some ways it is almost the exact same as a female humans. Starlight moaned as she began to buck her hips and slowly grinded herself on my lap which made my length push deep in and out of her pussy, and soon our motions began to match each others.

I then started to moan a bit louder as I grabbed onto Starlight's luscious flanks and now began to thrust into her even deeper than before. The feeling was now astronomical and I was floating on top of cloud nine, and with Starlight's increasing moaning and heavy panting I'm sure she is experiencing the exact same thing.

"Uhhhhh uhhhhh that's it! Just like that! You buck me so bucking good! Make my pussy yours!" She moaned even louder as she wrapped her hooves around my head and rode me even harder and faster. I grunted loudly as I then began to thrust into her wet pussy even harder as the sounds of my ball sack slapping against her folds and the wet squelching noises of her moist insides could be heard throughout the room. As our lovemaking session continued I began to fell a pressure building deep inside me as I was ready to blow my long awaited tension away, but before that I then grabbed onto Starlight's hips once more and picked her up as I then placed her onto the chair I was sitting on and was now on top of her with my face directly in front of hers. Starlight squeaked slightly with this movement but as I put her down she then planted her lips onto mine once again with a small growl as we began to make out as I continued to enter her in the missionary position.

"Ahhhh Starlight, I'm getting real close! I'm going to cum real soon...." I managed to say as I broke contact from our kiss. Starlight moaned out some more as she grabbed hold onto the back of my head.

"Me uhhhh too! Don't cum until yet, cum w-with m-me... Do it inside me!" She replied as she bucked her hips against mine once again. I smiled deeply as I bottomed out once more and thrusted into her once more very quickly and was now ready to coat her insides with my essence.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" I shouted loudly as I blew my pent up load into Starlight's marehood. She too shouted slightly as she came around my cock with her orgasm as I was pumping her full of my seed. She grabbed hold onto my head even harder as I then began to go limp against her and gently lay on top of her with my cock no longer inside her but my thick cum beginning to leak out onto the chair.

"Huh huh oh my god!" I panted loudly as I rubbed my right hand against Starlight's cheek as I tried to gather myself from what had just happened. Starlight just smiled and then gave me a small peck on my left cheek as she gave me a warm smile.

"Do you at least feel better now?" She asked with a hint of worry in her voice. "And I'm really sorry if I came onto you so quick and intense like that! It was really the one thing I truly felt that would help you. And I was telling the truth earlier that I do like you and have feelings for you. I was just worried that-" I placed a finger against her lips as I smiled from ear to ear and began to tear up slightly again.

"I know you mean't everything." I said calmly and kissed her again. "And I really appreciate everything that you did for me to make me feel better. You truly did succeed! I feel much better and I am even more happy that I got to do this with you."

"And I wanted to mention to you that whenever we hang out, I truly feel whole and not alone. You make me the happiest guy in the whole world of Equestria and that is the truth!" I admitted."

Starlight gave me a happy look and began to tear up and then wrapped her hooves around my neck and gave me a warm and comforting hug to which I returned.

"I know this is strange to ask but, but would you like to be my coltfriend?" She asked as she looked deeply into my eyes.

This mare! This one mare that was my closest friend did everything she could to make my day better and make me feel like I was not alone. I never thought I would be this lucky to have a friend like this, but now in this situation she was now more than a friend.

"I would love nothing more than to be close to you." I replied as I gave her a kiss on the nose.

Starlight teared up slightly as she then wiped them away with her hoof and then rested her forehead against mine. "Shall we go to the bathroom and get ourselves cleaned up?" She asked me.

"Absolutely. And don't you move, I will carry you to there and make sure you get your whole body washed." I mentioned as I picked her up in my arms and held her closer to my chest.

Starlight hummed as I carried her into the bathroom to begin our first bath time as not friends but as lovers and as my marefriend.

"I love you." She whispered.

I looked down and gave her a smooch on the forehead. "I love you too. To the moon and back!"

My life has really changed, but deep down my love and respect for my father will always be there right up until the very end. He might not be around in my life anymore, but I know in my heart and soul I will never forget him and that he is watching out for me wherever I go.

I love you dad!

Forever and always.....