Would You Care? Why?

by Mensonge Singer

First published

Would you care if I commited suicide? Why? Do you even know me? Why don't we play a game about it?

"Let's play a game... I like games..."

You are sitting with Script Singer alone in a dim lit room, playing a mind sharing game with her. The game you play almost seems as if she means the things she says. How do you react? Would you help her or leave her?

...first time writing a second person story... not my preference for writing, but...something I wanted to try out... I wrote this in a short time span, so forgive me if it sounds sloppy

Let's Play A Game

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How about let's play a game? I like games... games can be fun... Let's play a mind image sharing game. Here, let me tie a blindfold around your eyes and put on the choker, then we'll begin.

Wait, you don't know how to play? Oh, it's easy. We both wear a magical choker that shares my thoughts with yours so you can see what I want you to see. But you have to wear a blindfold to make sure you're not peeking.

You watch as she puts a cloth over your eyes, tying it in a knot making sure you can't peek. She waves a hoof in front of your face to make sure you can't see anything. You feel her putting the choker on your neck.

There we go, now we can start.

Now, I want you to imagine somepony. An earth pony mare with an orange coat and a blue and pink mane with green eyes. She's covered with scrapes and bruises from her life. You see her grasping a knife to her hoof. What do you do?

Do you just walk away and leave her there sad, cold and alone? Vulnerable to the darkness that's eating her away? Let it overcome her for eternity? Let her suffer and do nothing but watch her?

Or do you walk over to her and carefully take the knife and give her a hug? Do you comfort her? Tell her she's not alone, and she has so much to live for? That she should do more with her life, and live to the fullest?

You walk up to her, gently patting her on the shoulder. She is startled slightly because she has never seen you before. She does not know or recognize you. You see she has been crying. Her eyes are puffy and face stained with tears. You smile warmly at her.

...W...why? She says. Why do you care? Do you take pity on me? Do you just want to look good? Or do you actually care?

Unable to find your words, you just simply pull her into a hug.

Why do you care about me, you hardly know me... I could be somepony who can't be relied on... why do you think I deserve to live...? I don't deserve anything...not even life... I deserve to be stuck down here forever...

Do you leave her alone in her darkness, or continue to comfort her? Would she let you help, or push you away?

You reach out your hand, asking her to hand over the knife but she holds it close to her chest, not wanting to let it go. You try to take it from her forcefully, but she fights you back.

Do you let her win the fight, and let her finish her task, or do you try to stop her from taking her life?

You struggle as you try to take the knife from her without hurting her in the process. She tries to get you away by pushing, kicking you, and even trying to cut you. But you finally manage to take the knife from her and you put it out of her reach as you comfort her in your arms.

She notices the cuts and bruises on you as she feels her eyes well up with tears again and she looks down at the floor, whimpering.

...I'm...a monster... why...would...you still care...after I hurt you...? You don't know me, but you won't let me die...you don't deserve someone like me...nopony does...

You just gently stroke her mane, trying to calm her down as her body aches of pain.


Now, I'm going to take off the choker and blindfold. I want you to tell me what you see in front of you.

You feel her remove the choker from your neck and then the cloth from your face. You open your eyes staring at...

So...? What do you do now? She asks you as a tear rolls down her face.


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You didn't know...you couldn't have known, I had blindfolded you first... but I did put on the choker. But you didn't know that I was doing it for real, did you... I was secretly cutting myself as we played our little game... those cries of pain you heard, were real cries of pain... The blood you saw on me was real. It was all real.

Would you let it happen?

Would you really let me die? Fall into my darkness and poisonous thoughts forever to the point of no return? Or would you really comfort me? Would you stop me from really doing it?

You watch as she pulls out a knife and brings it to her throat. She stares at you as tears mixed with blood run down her face and just holds it there.

Do I really need help? Or am I a waist...? I'm worth nothing, but I still can't decide if I want to live or die... Which should I choose? I feel like I should choose death.

You grab the blade from her before she could cause any further damage. She just stares at you with dull eyes as she falls to the floor sobbing. You hold her in your lap as you find some bandages and gently wrap her up and stroke her mane.

...Would you really truly care if I was gone...? Even though you don't know me...? I know you understand pain, but you can't understand my pain, nopony can... they don't know what it was like to go through that torture I did...

I feel so selfish right now, sounding like I'm the only pony in Equestria who suffers...there are others who have it worse than me... I shouldn't complain... I should just leave you alone...

As she tries to get up and walk toward the door, you grab her hoof, insisting her to stay. She looks at you as her tears fill her eyes once more and she sits back down next to you.

Th....thank you, friend... She says with a smile.