Spoiled Spike

by Silver Butcher

First published

Twilight was caught doing something scandalous, she doesn't know she was caught though, and as long as Spike holds up his end of the deal nopony else ever will either.

Twilight was caught doing something scandalous, she doesn't know she was caught though, and as long as Spike holds up his end of the deal nopony else ever will either.

Spoiled Spike

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The Moon had just begun its ascent into the sky as Spike carefully closed the front door to the castle. He was wearing a trench coat that had sleeves so long they hid his hands and a large collar that covered his ears and hide most of his face, a fedora to hide the top of his head, and a pair of boots to both hide his feet and prevent footprints. To complete his disguise his tail was wrapped around his waist beneath the trench coat, to any who saw him they probably wouldn't be able to pin him as being a dragon much less Spike.

He made his way away from the castle and into Ponyville. He ignored any and all creatures he passed and made his way to the Train station, clenched in his hand was a first-class train ticket. The station was empty when he arrived, Spike said nothing as he stood in wait, off in the distance he could see the train approaching as he thought back to how he had ended up in his current situation. He lightly patted his left pocket where a photo of Twilight doing something so scandals that Spike was convinced it had to be fake someway somehow, it had to have been edited or have been staged. But regardless of if it was authentic or not the image was so convincing that if it were leaked to the public, there would be no way Twilight could ever recover from it.

Spike was pulled from his thoughts of the photo when the train pulled into the station.

Spike put his hand over his hat to prevent it from flying off, once the train came to a stop the door's opened and he entered, upon providing his ticket he was taken to first-class. Unlike the rest of the train where the cart was full of seats with no privacy the first-class car had rooms in them for spending the night in. Spike made his way to the room indicated on his ticket and knocked.

"Come in," A Female voice replied, Spike, did just that and found Spoiled Rich sitting in a chair in the lavishly decorated room, she was wearing a robe with her initial on it, in her hands was a book that she snapped shut once he closed the door. "Please take that off," She added in a polite tone that Spike had never once heard come from the mare. He did so, removing the photo from the pocket of the trench coat as he dropped it and the hat to the floor before removing his shoes and stood before her in a black long-sleeved shirt and black pants. "So very nice to meet you," She said, soundly truly pleased to be with Spike, something that continued to confuse him to no end.

"forgive me for asking this," He said as he motioned at her "But you are Spoiled Rich right? I mean you look like her and have her voice...but your personality..."

"Yes I assure you I am Spoiled Rich," She replied as she got to her hooves, the two felt the train begin to move and looked at each other in a silence that lasted a fair amount of time. Spike watched as Spoiled eyes began scanning his body in silence. After a moment he decided to start things off and held up the picture, without even having to ask Spoiled answered his question "Yes, the Picture is real, not edited or staged, your dear sister really did that," Spike's ear twitched at the honesty in Spoiled's voice.

"Oh boy," He said while looking at the picture before crumbling it up and pocketing it to be disposed of properly "Well that makes this worse," He decided as he looked at Spoiled rich, "The letter you had with this picture said you'd leak it unless I met you here and did what you asked, so what is it you want from me?" Spoiled smiled at his question and sat back in her chair, her eyes began exploring his body again before she gave her demand.

"You," She said simply with a lick of her lips, Spike had been ready for a lot of things, and her wanting him had not been something he had expected.

"I'm...I'm sorry what?" He asked in confusion "I thought you...I mean...isn't that... you're married aren't you?" Spike was unsure what exactly to do in this situation as Spoiled laughed at him.

"Oh Filthy and I have been divorced for years, but divorce is...bad for our public image, and neither one of us wanted to deal with that so we agreed to appear to still be together in public. But Filthy and I haven't lived in the same mansion for at least 5 years, and it's been even longer since he and I have been intimate,"

"You don't want something else?" Spike asked as he took a step back "like...anything else?"

"Oh trust me," She replied as she picked her book back up and showed him that it was a Biology book about Dragons "I've done plenty of research, I've been trying to get something on Twilight for the last three years to score you, and luckily for me, It paid off," Spoiled began licking her lips again as she looked Spike up and down "Your tongue, your tail, and let's not forget the star of the show," Spoiled's eyes where staring at Spike's crotch at the last part "Even the smallest ones make a station look like a sad toy, and Filthy was never that impressive," Spoiled got to her hooves and offered Spike her hand.

"But let's not get ahead of ourselves, you give me your body whenever I ask of it, and I'll make sure that those pictures of your sister never reach the public eye, say no and that picture will be given to every magazine and newspaper in Equestria," Spike frowned and took Spoiled's hand.

"I agree," He said as she used her free hand to undo her robe and show Spike that it was all she had been wearing, much as he hated to admit it, her body did get him excited, just not in the way he wanted. It quickly got worse when she got close and whispered in his ear.

"Good, now give mommy some love," Spike felt a shiver up his spine at that as she pressed her muzzle against his and stuck her tongue in his mouth, knowing that not playing along with her would end poorly Spike kissed her back as she began pulling up his shirt.
Spoiled's tongue explored Spike's mouth eagerly, she pulled away only to pull his shirt off, the second it was over his head she instantly jumped back to kissing, her hands began pushing the back of his head as she began sloppily kissing him along with the occasional lick on the face, she pulled back for a second and whispered in his ear again, "Take your pants off and carry mommy to the bed," there was passion in her words, but it was also unmistakenly an order, not a request. Spike easily stripped himself down and picked Spoiled up, as soon as she was in his arms she began licking his face again, at this point Spike could smell how horny the mare in his arms was.

"our of curiosity," he said as he made his way to the bed "When was the last time you got laid?"

"When Diamond Tiara, was conceived," She replied, pausing in her sentence to lick his face again. Spike, unsure what she wanted to do sat on the bed and set her on the bed, instantly she climbed on him and returned to sucking on his face, her breast pressed into his chest, her hard nippled rubbing again his chest, both of her hands took a hold of his shaft and began rubbing it, without warning she thrust forward and stuffed marehood with him, making Spike jump at the sudden pleasure, she continued liking his face and he began licking her back, this had the desired effect and she stopped licking him and instead began moving her hips in a rythum to try and get the dragon off.

"Don't worry, mommy won't mind if you fill her up, in fact, mommy wants you to fill her up, can you do that for mommy," She eyes him and he mentally sighed before responding.

"I'll happily fill you up Mommy," Spike shivered at his own words before putting his hands on her rear end and pumping into her, he did his best to get off as fast as he could, Spoiled had gone cross-eyed as he began picking up speed, it didn't take long before he exploded and she hugged him tightly, babbly in pleasure as he filled her up, Spike fell on his back and she instantly began licking his face again, after a moment she pulled up and stuffed his face with her breasts.

"You just lost a lot of liquids, don't worry you can have some of mommy's," Spike did as he was told and began suckling, Spoiled audibly loving every second of it as she started pumping her hips again, having never pulled away from Spike's rod, much to Spike's surprise after a moment of suckling he felt sweet milk begin to fill his mouth as the walls of her marehood tightened around him, after a few more sounds of pleasure from her she pulled out and let their combined liquids spill over the bed, Spoiled rubbed her messy lower body against Spikes as she snuggled against him.

"Hold mommy tightly," She whispered to him, Spike complied and she snuggled in his chest, After a few minutes, Spike could feel that she had fallen asleep in his arms and he stared blankly at the ceiling of the room as she began licking his neck in her sleep.

"Twilight owes me so much," he said before letting himself fade out of consciousness in the hopes he would wake up and find this had all been some weird wet dream.

Chapter 1 - Arm Candy

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It was mid-day when Spoiled Rich and Spike got off the train, Spike was still wearing his black Long-sleeved shirt and black pants, while Spoiled was now wearing a lavish-looking light blue dress with a yellow frill around the bottom along with a light blue purse with a yellow strap, She had both of her hands on Spike's arm and, as per their arrangement, the two where to spend the rest of the day together, Spike had an odd feeling she only wanted to do this so she could flaunt her new arm candy to her high society friends.

"So what exactly do you want to do?" Spike asked Spoiled as they left the train station.

"Last week Filthy and I decided to tell our friends and relations we got divorced, he's been wanting to do it for a while so none of his maids could use the fact that he's married to decline his offer of courtship, but I only agreed once I had everything for last night set up, so you're going to help me prove to my gal pal's that I still got it," Spike took the story in and after processing it looked at her in shock.

"You have friends?" this earned him a laugh from Spoiled as she released one of her hands and patted him on the back.

"of course, I have friends in high places, and thanks to a few generous donations I have some great friends in high society, they're coming over to Filthy's home to celebrate our divorce," Spike frowned at the thought but chose not to ask why a divorce was cause for celebration and instead went along with it.

"Alright, so we're going to Filthy's?"

"Yes, we'll drop in, I'll show you off a little, and then we can spend the rest of the day at my mansion, maybe get to know one another better," Spike shivered as Spoiled began licking her lips again but he said nothing to her as she led him down the street, the residents walking the streets paid them little mind for most of the walk, but suddenly Spoiled gave Spike's arm a tug and they stopped. Spike was confused for a moment before noticing where they had stopped, Applejack was selling apples in the market and Spoiled was smiling at them. "Oh, one of your friends, what say we give you a little test?"

"I do not like the sound of that," Spike decided as she reached into her purse and handed him a few bits.

"Go buy me an apple, and feed it to me," Spike squinted at her before slowly walking away from her to go do as he was asked. He made his way to the stand as Applejack wished a good day to her last customer and turned to Spike.

"Well howdy Spike," She greeted as Spike offered her the bits.

"Morning AJ," He replied as he took his pick of the apples and claimed a bright red one "Or is it afternoon?"

"had a busy day?" She asked as Spike looked up at the sky to try and guess the time.

"Something like that," he replied as he looked at Spoiled who waved at him with a smile, Applejack noticed the wave and nodded in the mare's direction.

"What's she want?" she asked.

"Oh, we're on a date," Applejack stared blankly at Spike for a moment before leaning forward slightly, mouth agape in confusion.

"Come again?" She asked.

"We're on a date," Spike repeated louder, he could audibly hear Spoiled chuckle at the look Applejack was giving him. The look on Aj's face informed Spike of his friend's disbelief.

"I thought she was...married...and against interspecies everything,"

"Apparently a Biology book changed her mind," Spike replied as he waved goodbye to his friend and left her with more questions.

"Biology book?" Aj questioned as she scratched her head, Spike walked back to Spoiled and offered her the apple, instead of taking it she simply opened her mouth, Spike groaned as he put the fruit in her mouth and she began eating it while he held the fruit. She grabbed his hand as she chewed and held the apple in front of her mouth, Spike noticed a few creatures around them taking notice of it and heard mumbling as she took another bite.

"Must you do this in public?" he asked.

"Just making sure everypony knows your taken," Spoiled replied before taking another bite of the apple, Spike stood there awkwardly with the passerby's and Applejack watching the exchange. After a few more bites Spoiled released Spike's hand and put them on the back of his head, getting the point Spike leaned forward and kissed her, there were a fair number of gasps and off remarks as Spoiled moved her hands and Spike pulled away. Once apart Spoiled said loud and proud.

"Filthy and I got a Divorce, so quit your yapping," She said to the onlookers before taking Spike's arm and leading him away. "Now come on Sweety, you and I have a party to attend," Once they were away from their onlookers Spoiled patted Spike's arm. "I must say you did very good,"
"You've ruined Apples for me," Was Spike's only reply to the event he had been forced to partake in.
"Well if you ever make me mad I'll be sure to do that again then," Spike looked over to her with a deep frown. "Just remember to keep mommy happy and you'll be fine dear,"
"Somehow I doubt anything will be fine with you around"
"Oh, you're so mean," Spoiled laughed into her hand "Now come honey pie, Mommy wants to show off her new arm candy,"
"I'm coming," Spike replied begrudgingly as he followed her down the road "Celestia as my Witness I will suffer this the rest of my life so long as Twilight's dirty secret stays a secret,"

Applejack stood in abject horror at what she had just witnessed, using every iota of strength not to vomit as the image of Spike kissing Spoiled buried in her brain.

"Something fucking wrong," Applejack decided "Something is all kinds of fucking wrong," Applejack walked away from her stand and made her way to the only pony she trusted to figure out what was happening with Spike, Applejack walked down the streets silently, going over every scenario she could think of and coming back to only one thing that could possibly explain why Spike was dating Spoiled Rich, especially since his expression gave away he was just as disturbed as she was about the entire ordeal. After a few minutes, she made it to her destination, walked in, and waited.

"Applejack Darling," Rarity greeted "What a lovely surprise,"

"Rarity," Applejack said simply "I need you to sit down, I have just born witness to the most horrifying thing in my life,"

"Oh my goodness," Rarity saw the horror in Applejack's eyes and shivered at them, "What happened," Applejack leaned forward and whispered into Rarity's ear, Rarity stood her ground for a moment and then covered her mouth.

"Oh Sweet Celestia," She gagged, "I think I'm gonna be sick,"

"And that's just from me explaining it, trust me your lucky as fuck you didn't have to stand there and watch it, and Spike had the same dam look on his face, of I can't even begin to imagine the trauma,"

"Oh you came to the right fucking mare," Rarity declared, losing all pretense of prim and proper politeness, "Applejack call the girls, we have a friend to save,"